#Best Burger Restaurant
thepizzahotspot · 6 months
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Best Burger Restaurant
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bestburgerriyadh · 11 months
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Looking for the best burgers near me in Riyadh? Your search for the most lip-smacking burgers stops here. Visit  https://www.grill-it.com/the-real-deal
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irhabiya · 4 months
i want burgerrrrr
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kiwisoap · 8 months
God okay I fucking Never crave cheese, I don't really like eating cheese on its own, it's just not really my thing. But for the past several days I have been DYING for some brie so when I went to the store I splurged on a little $3 wedge of it. And I came home and I put it on some bread and broiled it in the oven for 2 minutes with honey and butter and then added some spiced cranberry jam and god dude. I felt like I Roman emperor. Never have I enjoyed a combination of cheese and bread and fruit so much
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rabbitcruiser · 14 days
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National Walnut Day 
Go nuts for walnuts! These crunchy delights pack a punch of flavor and nutrition in every bite. Sprinkle them on salads, bake them into treats, or snack on them straight from the bag. It's a nutty good time!
Go nuts about walnuts in honor of National Walnut Day! This ancient, healthful nut makes a great addition to sweet treats, salads, trail mixes and so many other interesting dishes. While other nuts often take center stage, the walnut is absolutely worth celebrating and appreciating on National Walnut Day.
History of National Walnut Day
As the oldest known tree that has provided food to humans, walnuts have a history that can be traced back for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for humans to discover that the walnut is an easy to store and simple to eat nut. Plus, it travels well and offers great nutritional benefits.
In Persia, the walnut was referred to as the Royal Nut and it was only allowed to be eaten by people of royal heritage. During the reign of Alexander the Great, the walnut was brought to Greece from Persia and it was referred to as the Persian Nut for more than 1000 years. However, over time, the Greek version became smaller and inferior to the Persian walnut. In fact, the Greeks were envious of the Persian walnut, so they brought some Persian cultivars back to Greece to improve their breeds.
The Greek name for the walnut is karyon, which means head. This is actually fairly spot on, because the outside shell resembles a human head and the interior nut looks a bit like a brain!
Walnuts likely made their way further into Europe somewhere between 500–700 BC and then moved west after that. The nut probably traveled to the British Isles with the Roman Empire. It was somewhere around this point that it picked up its name “English walnut”, which is used to distinguish it from the black walnut.
Eventually, the walnut crossed the ocean and found a path to the New World. It was a group of Franciscan Fathers who found that the climate of Southern California was an important one for growing these deciduous trees. And this is likely the reason they picked up the name “mission walnuts”. California walnuts have become so popular that they account for 99% of the commercial walnut industry in the United States, a large portion of walnut trade in the world.
National Walnut Day dates back more than 70 years! It was in 1949 that the Walnut Marketing Board in the United States established the day with the purpose of celebrating and promoting this delicious and nutritious nut. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower made the day a public holiday in 1958 and National Walnut Day has continued to be celebrated every year since that time.
National Walnut Day Timeline
7000 BC Humans cultivate walnuts
The oldest tree food known to man, walnuts are cultivated starting in Persia. 
1754 BC First documented account of the walnut
The cultivation of the walnut is mentioned in The Code of Hammurabi, the oldest code of laws in the world. 
600 BC Walnut plants arrive in Europe
Around this time, the walnut plant makes its way from Persia into Europe. 
17th Century AD Walnuts land in America
English settlers are responsible for bringing walnut plants to the New World.
Late 1900s Walnuts are cultivated in Chile
The climate in Chile does well for growing walnuts and the country eventually becomes the world’s third largest walnut exporter. 
How to Celebrate National Walnut Day
Enjoy tons of fun on National Walnut Day by celebrating in style with some of these tasty ideas:
Learn Some Health Benefits of Walnuts
National Walnut Day is a perfect time to get a bit more familiar with some of the health benefits that are offered by this little nut. Take a look at these ways that the walnut is a healthy choice for snacking and baking:
Filled with Antioxidants
High in Healthy Fat
Promotes Gut Health
May Decrease Inflammation
Walnuts contain the most antioxidants of any of the commonly eaten nuts. The high Vitamin E content, melatonin and polyphenols can help to prevent oxidative damage and promote the lowering of “bad” cholesterol.
Omega-3 fat is an essential ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) that is a vital part of the human diet, especially for the prevention of heart disease. A single one ounce serving of walnuts provides a full daily supply of this important nutrient.
Walnuts offer essential bacteria and microbes that help with the functioning of overall gut health.
One of the common triggers for health problems in inflammation and walnuts offer nutrients, such as polyphenols, that can reduce oxidative stress that tends to cause inflammation. This could be beneficial in reducing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.
Make Some Candied Walnuts
While candied pecans and toasted almonds are often thought of as some favorite snacks made from nuts, candied walnuts are absolutely worth trying out. Candied walnuts are delicious for snacking, adding as a topping to salads or used as a garnish on cakes and other sweet treats. And, they’re super easy to make!
Really, it’s as simple as just three ingredients: walnuts, butter and sugar. Add all of the ingredients to a skillet and heat for five minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Separate nuts on parchment paper and allow to cool.
Share Fun Facts About Walnuts
One super clever way to raise awareness about the goodness and health of walnuts might be to learn a few bits of trivia about this nut that can be shared. Tell friends and coworkers about some fun facts while encouraging them to celebrate National Walnut Day in their chosen fashion.
Get started with some of these:
Even since ancient times, walnuts have been used for various health benefits and have even been considered to be medicinal for treating issues such as bad breath, wound healing and reduction of inflammation.
Walnut trees can grow to be very large, up to 60 feet tall. They can produce walnuts for more than 100 years!
Walnuts are best when kept cool, so it’s ideal to store them in the refrigerator or freezer for the best flavor and the longest life.
The state of California produces approximately one billion pounds of walnuts every single year. Now that’s a whole lot of nuts!
Make Baked Goods with Walnuts
Enjoy the delicious National Walnut Day by getting some walnuts for the kitchen and adding them to a variety of baked goods. This might mean adding chopped walnuts to a loaf of banana bread, a selection of oatmeal muffins, a pan of freshly baked brownies or a variety of other tasty baked treats. Be sure to bake up extra treats with walnuts and pass them out at work, share them with neighbors and offer them to family members in observance of National Walnut Day!
National Walnut Day FAQs
Are walnuts good for you?
Some studies have shown that walnuts are a source of vitamins and minerals, as well as lowering “bad” cholesterol. 
How to toast walnuts?
Walnuts can be toasted in a single layer for 8-10 minutes at 350 F. 
Can dogs eat walnuts?
Though it may not hurt them to have a stray walnut, dog owners should avoid feeding them to dogs as they can be a choking hazard.
Do walnuts go bad?
When exposed to heat for a period of time, walnuts can begin to smell rancid and taste bad. 
Do walnuts have protein?
Yes, walnuts have 4.5 grams of protein per ¼ cup.
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eataku · 1 year
My Favorite Burger in NYC
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The news of In-N-Out Burger’s possible eastern expansion kicked off numerous heated discussions about “who’s better...?” and “who has the best burger...?” etc. I got dragged into a few of these conversations but am unwavering in my answer... for me, the best burger in NYC for the last two years running has been the Dry Aged Red Hook Tavern Burger at, of course, Red Hook Tavern in Brooklyn.
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Fluffy seeded bun. American cheese. Perfectly cooked beef patty. White onion.
That’s it. No frills. Just simple ingredients and cooking.
Does not get any better.
There are so many great burgers in New York City, but this is the one that I can’t get out of my head.
Please go and taste for yourself.
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329 Van Brunt St.
Brooklyn, NY 11231
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pinazee · 2 months
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simmyfrobby · 10 months
Hi ghostgeno I hope you have a great day
thanks little buddy my back hurts & im eating about it
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yongeburger · 4 months
Yonge Burger - Best Burgers Restaurant In Toronto.
Yonge Burger was established by a team of like-minded foody; friends who have always liked to eat, drink, and create excellent food together. Our hobby quickly led us to open Yonge Burger Restaurant, a place where people from all over GTA can meet to enjoy our dishes and a comfortable atmosphere.
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garfieldbabe · 5 months
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I need me a brisket burger from Smokey T's RIGHT NOW or I'll go Travis the chimp mode.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
living in the city fucking rocks dude. im 3 minutes away from a venezuelan restaurant and 8 minutes away from the best vietnamese restaurant ive ever eaten at
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citrlet · 11 months
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other Simblrs to do the same🕊️🤍
i've been to hawaii 3 times! the first time for my aunts wedding, the second time for her 10th anniversary and the last time was in 2019 in Kona with my (then) boyfriend~
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bestburgerriyadh · 1 year
If you are asking yourself, where is the best burgers near me in Riyadh?
To your surprise, you have landed in the right place? Choose from a wide array of delicious options.
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jakeowen · 1 year
arguably some of my experiences with my ex should have been the most embarrassing experiences of my life but she sucked so much that embarrassment in front of her didn’t even count
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Top Rated Restaurant in Johns Island | Cabana Burgers & Shakes
What makes us your best option? We believe you will see things our way at Cabana Burgers & Shakes. At either our Johns Island or Mount Pleasant sites, visit Johns Island Restaurants. Contact us at 843-737-5501.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Walnut Day 
Go nuts for walnuts! These crunchy delights pack a punch of flavor and nutrition in every bite. Sprinkle them on salads, bake them into treats, or snack on them straight from the bag. It's a nutty good time!
Go nuts about walnuts in honor of National Walnut Day! This ancient, healthful nut makes a great addition to sweet treats, salads, trail mixes and so many other interesting dishes. While other nuts often take center stage, the walnut is absolutely worth celebrating and appreciating on National Walnut Day.
History of National Walnut Day
As the oldest known tree that has provided food to humans, walnuts have a history that can be traced back for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for humans to discover that the walnut is an easy to store and simple to eat nut. Plus, it travels well and offers great nutritional benefits.
In Persia, the walnut was referred to as the Royal Nut and it was only allowed to be eaten by people of royal heritage. During the reign of Alexander the Great, the walnut was brought to Greece from Persia and it was referred to as the Persian Nut for more than 1000 years. However, over time, the Greek version became smaller and inferior to the Persian walnut. In fact, the Greeks were envious of the Persian walnut, so they brought some Persian cultivars back to Greece to improve their breeds.
The Greek name for the walnut is karyon, which means head. This is actually fairly spot on, because the outside shell resembles a human head and the interior nut looks a bit like a brain!
Walnuts likely made their way further into Europe somewhere between 500–700 BC and then moved west after that. The nut probably traveled to the British Isles with the Roman Empire. It was somewhere around this point that it picked up its name “English walnut”, which is used to distinguish it from the black walnut.
Eventually, the walnut crossed the ocean and found a path to the New World. It was a group of Franciscan Fathers who found that the climate of Southern California was an important one for growing these deciduous trees. And this is likely the reason they picked up the name “mission walnuts”. California walnuts have become so popular that they account for 99% of the commercial walnut industry in the United States, a large portion of walnut trade in the world.
National Walnut Day dates back more than 70 years! It was in 1949 that the Walnut Marketing Board in the United States established the day with the purpose of celebrating and promoting this delicious and nutritious nut. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower made the day a public holiday in 1958 and National Walnut Day has continued to be celebrated every year since that time.
National Walnut Day Timeline
7000 BC Humans cultivate walnuts
The oldest tree food known to man, walnuts are cultivated starting in Persia. 
1754 BC First documented account of the walnut
The cultivation of the walnut is mentioned in The Code of Hammurabi, the oldest code of laws in the world. 
600 BC Walnut plants arrive in Europe
Around this time, the walnut plant makes its way from Persia into Europe. 
17th Century AD Walnuts land in America
English settlers are responsible for bringing walnut plants to the New World.
Late 1900s Walnuts are cultivated in Chile
The climate in Chile does well for growing walnuts and the country eventually becomes the world’s third largest walnut exporter. 
How to Celebrate National Walnut Day
Enjoy tons of fun on National Walnut Day by celebrating in style with some of these tasty ideas:
Learn Some Health Benefits of Walnuts
National Walnut Day is a perfect time to get a bit more familiar with some of the health benefits that are offered by this little nut. Take a look at these ways that the walnut is a healthy choice for snacking and baking:
Filled with Antioxidants
High in Healthy Fat
Promotes Gut Health
May Decrease Inflammation
Walnuts contain the most antioxidants of any of the commonly eaten nuts. The high Vitamin E content, melatonin and polyphenols can help to prevent oxidative damage and promote the lowering of “bad” cholesterol.
Omega-3 fat is an essential ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) that is a vital part of the human diet, especially for the prevention of heart disease. A single one ounce serving of walnuts provides a full daily supply of this important nutrient.
Walnuts offer essential bacteria and microbes that help with the functioning of overall gut health.
One of the common triggers for health problems in inflammation and walnuts offer nutrients, such as polyphenols, that can reduce oxidative stress that tends to cause inflammation. This could be beneficial in reducing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.
Make Some Candied Walnuts
While candied pecans and toasted almonds are often thought of as some favorite snacks made from nuts, candied walnuts are absolutely worth trying out. Candied walnuts are delicious for snacking, adding as a topping to salads or used as a garnish on cakes and other sweet treats. And, they’re super easy to make!
Really, it’s as simple as just three ingredients: walnuts, butter and sugar. Add all of the ingredients to a skillet and heat for five minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Separate nuts on parchment paper and allow to cool.
Share Fun Facts About Walnuts
One super clever way to raise awareness about the goodness and health of walnuts might be to learn a few bits of trivia about this nut that can be shared. Tell friends and coworkers about some fun facts while encouraging them to celebrate National Walnut Day in their chosen fashion.
Get started with some of these:
Even since ancient times, walnuts have been used for various health benefits and have even been considered to be medicinal for treating issues such as bad breath, wound healing and reduction of inflammation.
Walnut trees can grow to be very large, up to 60 feet tall. They can produce walnuts for more than 100 years!
Walnuts are best when kept cool, so it’s ideal to store them in the refrigerator or freezer for the best flavor and the longest life.
The state of California produces approximately one billion pounds of walnuts every single year. Now that’s a whole lot of nuts!
Make Baked Goods with Walnuts
Enjoy the delicious National Walnut Day by getting some walnuts for the kitchen and adding them to a variety of baked goods. This might mean adding chopped walnuts to a loaf of banana bread, a selection of oatmeal muffins, a pan of freshly baked brownies or a variety of other tasty baked treats. Be sure to bake up extra treats with walnuts and pass them out at work, share them with neighbors and offer them to family members in observance of National Walnut Day!
National Walnut Day FAQs
Are walnuts good for you?
Some studies have shown that walnuts are a source of vitamins and minerals, as well as lowering “bad” cholesterol. 
How to toast walnuts?
Walnuts can be toasted in a single layer for 8-10 minutes at 350 F. 
Can dogs eat walnuts?
Though it may not hurt them to have a stray walnut, dog owners should avoid feeding them to dogs as they can be a choking hazard.
Do walnuts go bad?
When exposed to heat for a period of time, walnuts can begin to smell rancid and taste bad. 
Do walnuts have protein?
Yes, walnuts have 4.5 grams of protein per ¼ cup.
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