#Best Cream For Dark Skin Tone 30 Year Old Woman
dylinski · 5 years
do 1-100, coward
anyone who actually reads through all this, god bless you. you can blame leigh @thessaia, i give you full authority.
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
of those three, pandora. although, i prefer apple music.
2. is your room messy or clean?
3. what color are your eyes?
brown, but they’re lighter than that in the right light. almost a caramel with a dark chocolate ring on the outside.
4. do you like your name? why?
yeah, i don’t mind it. its always been there. lol i mean i used to have different nicknames or pretend to be other people. idk i told my parents when i was like five i was going to change my name to Felicia Franchesca Sarahmichelle Lynn. don’t ask. in fifth grade (before dylan o’brien was even famous) i begged my parents to call me dylan and refused to respond to any other name for like a year. also, don’t ask.
5. what is your relationship status?
single as dingle
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
7. what color hair do you have?
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?
kia forte, although my dad calls it an orte since the “f” is missing. funny story, i  got pulled over and gave the dude my license and registration and shit but apparently, he didn’t look at it cause he put on the warning “orte” which i promptly laughed my ass off to. if he had given me a ticket i could have absolutely fought that bitch in court in won. SIR I DO NOT DRIVE AN ORTE. IS THAT ITALIAN? DO I LOOK LIKE I CAN AFFORD AN ITALIAN CAR? I DRIVE A FORTE SIR.
9. where do you shop?
10. how would you describe your style?
very idgaf
11. favorite social media account
12. what size bed do you have?
full, it takes up my entire room so i couldn’t go bigger if i wanted to
13. any siblings?
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
uk, always wanted to live there idk
15. favorite snapchat filter?
idk what its called but it has this higher temperature tone to it and gives me cute little freckles
16. favorite makeup brand(s)
i don’t wear make up, i used to use stilla (i think that’s how its spelled)
17. how many times a week do you shower?
i usually shower like every other day unless its hotter than a pair of saggy tits
18. favorite tv show?
that changes with the weather tbh. i can’t say i really have one. for a really long time it was supernatural though.
19. shoe size?
womans 11.5 (us) i think its a men’s 9?
20. how tall are you?
5′ 3″ or 160cm
21. sandals or sneakers?
sneakers. god i hate sandals.
22. do you go to the gym?
uh, no.
23. describe your dream date
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
thats funny cause normally i don’t carry cash but i actually have $20 atm
25. what color socks are you wearing?
im not wearing any atm
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?
answered x2
27. do you have a job? what do you do?
not technically? i’m an hourly temp but i hardly get any hours since i cover for the full-time employee.
28. how many friends do you have?
irl: 0    online: too many to count
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?
oh god, i honest to god have no fucking clue. i don’t think about this stuff. i’ve done some stupid ass shit but my short term and long term memory are both shot to tits.
30. whats your favorite candle scent?
i think i answered this one for a different ask game. i hate most fragrances and artificial smells, even non-artifical ones. i got a sensitive sniffer. im chill with like vanilla though if its not too intense.
31. 3 favorite boy names
Dylan (not even cause dylan i’ve just always liked the name idk why), Jeremy, Jacob (the other two are random)
32. 3 favorite girl names
i know these are random as fuck, but i’ve always liked them so shoot me.
Andromeda, Persephone, Franchesca
33. favorite actor?
i like a lot of actors, way too many to fucking name and remember off the top of my noggin. for sanity’s sake, we’ll say dylan.
34. favorite actress?
god, again way too many to count. i can’t even think of any right now even though i know i have some. lets say Emily Hampshire
35. who is your celebrity crush?
answered36. favorite movie?
answered37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i would love to read but my adhd makes it really hard to concentrate. i’ll have periods of time where i’ll read a bunch its insane and then i’ll just kind of stop for a while idk. i always loved because of win-dixie or a wrinkle in time, bridge to terabithia, and american assassin.
38. money or brains?
brains, then you can work for the money and you know shit
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?
sawahbwear, sassafras, whiskey, sar
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
good lord, i don’t even know. way too many. definitely more than ten.
41. top 10 favorite songs
answered42. do you take any medications daily?
not anymore, i kept forgetting to take them so it fucked me up not being on a regular dosage so i just stopped taking all of them.
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
see, im weird af. cause like my skin is oily af, but also fucking dry and i have shitty eczema 44. what is your biggest fear?
answered45. how many kids do you want?
idfk. i mean for as long as i can remember i always wanted them, but tbh idk if im the type of person to have any…
46. whats your go to hair style?
messy bun
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
small, row house
48. who is your role model?
dont have one.
49. what was the last compliment you received?
probably from michelle i think, or alaina. idk i don’t keep track. unless you consider kiana calling me insane a compliment. 🤷‍♀️
50. what was the last text you sent?
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
tbh, i don’t think i ever thought he was real…pretty sure i could put in time out in preschool for making a kid cry cause i told them leprechauns weren’t real either.
52. what is your dream car?
mustang or challenger
53. opinion on smoking?
54. do you go to college?
55. what is your dream job?
no clue
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
rural, but still close enough to shit it doesn’t take me an hour to go places.
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
haven't been to a hotel in a long ass time. i do but i never use them.. FREE SHIT
58. do you have freckles?
yeah, but you can’t see them unless i’ve been outside in the sun all day for hours.
59. do you smile for pictures?
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?
61. have you ever peed in the woods?
yup, and in a parking lot, and in public.🤙
62. do you still watch cartoons?
i hardly watch tv anymore, but if i did, fuCK YEAH
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
64. Favorite dipping sauce?
ew, no.
65. what do you wear to bed?
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?
67. what are your hobbies?
writing, coding, listening to music??, reading
68. can you draw?
69. do you play an instrument?
also no
70. what was the last concert you saw?
like two years ago, circa survive with thrice and a third band idr
71. tea or coffee?
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
73. do you want to get married?
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?
idk, part of me wants to but most of me doesnt want to
76. what color looks best on you?
i look good in all colors except white.
77. do you miss anyone right now?
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed cause i still live at home 😖 but if i didnt probably open so my cat could come and go as he pleased
79. do you believe in ghosts?
ghosts, no. spirits, yes.
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?
81. last person you called
my dad
82. favorite ice cream flavor?
mint choco chip
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?
damn, regular.
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
85. what shirt are you wearing?
supernatural. dean and sam with baby
86. what is your phone background?
mitch rapp
87. are you outgoing or shy?
im an ambivert
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?
89. do you like your neighbors?
the ones on the right are bearable and the ones on the left can fuck off with their insane semen demons
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
neither, but i should.
91. have you ever been high?
92. have you ever been drunk?
93. last thing you ate?
hot dog
94. favorite lyrics right now
95. summer or winter?
96. day or night?
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?
98. favorite month?
umm, august? idk
99. what is your zodiac sign
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?
i don’t remember, it’s been a really long time since i cried in front of someone.
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x-remus · 4 years
At War With The Sun 
Dated: 30 July, 1966 Location: Outside of Llanelli, Wales
The metal chain on the playground swing set was hot against Remus’ fingers as he sat alone, his legs pumping back and forth, raising him higher and higher as he relished in the breeze that the speed offered. While the park was filled with other children, the majority of the kids had taken to the lakeside with their parents, shedding t-shirts and shorts for swimsuits and eagerly escaping the abnormally hot Welsh day.
A quiet thin woman sat away from the rest of the parents on a little bench nearby with a book, flushed red from a new sunburn as she watched her son with a sad smile. She wore that smile more and more often now as she sat alone, only allowing her head and smile to fall when she thought that her son wasn’t looking. Noticing the six-year-old boy glancing in her direction, Hope grinned back.
“You’re so high up, sweetie.” She called, pursing her lips together. “Hold on tight, dear.”
“I’m trying to fly.” The little boy explained, although his hands tightened on the handles. He had never been this far up before.
“Where will you go?” His mother asked with a tilt of her head, raising her hands to shield her eyes from the sunlight.
“Nowhere.” Remus replied after a little while, the fair-haired boy slowing down his pace now. “I just wanted to see what it would be like.”
Coming to a stop on the swing he sat still for a few minutes, breathing heavily as he turned his head towards the beach. Trying to push aside the hair that stuck to his forehead in the heat, the six-year old watched on curiously as the other kids laughed and pushed each other over in the water, splashing and screeching with joy. Frustrated with his long pants and shirt, Remus pushed his sleeves up to his elbows when his mother wasn’t looking and stood up, walking over to the seesaw that lay across the playground.
Climbing onto the seat, he pushed the teeter-board up and down with his legs by himself for a few minutes before an older boy approached him with a grin, jumping on the other end eagerly and without much thought. Looking up with a shy expression, Remus smiled at the strange boy and he smiled back, and though they didn’t speak much, that didn’t seem to make a difference as they giggled and bounced back and forth.
After a few minutes a tall woman with dark hair approached the two and called out to her son, the boy that was playing with Remus. Smiling at the pair, the woman turned towards the strange pale boy inquisitively with a tilted head. “Are you two having fun?” She called as she continued forwards, her sandals making a clicking sound against the heated blacktop.
The boy jumped up and eagerly bounced over to his mother with a request for ice cream, the woman reaching into her brightly colored purse to pull out a couple of coins. She sent him on her way with a laugh on her painted lips, shaking her head with a sigh. Turning towards the quiet boy who still remained, she reached out a coin-filled hand and asked him if he would like some ice cream as well, though Remus quickly shook his head with a polite and rehearsed “No, thank you”. His own mother’s words of caution about talking with strangers and playing with the other children came back to him and he lifted his legs around the end of the seat to stand.
“Are you sure? You must be dreadfully hot wearing that.” She spoke, bending down to her knees as she watched him with careful eyes. However, as the fair-haired boy shook his head once more she caught his hand, looking down at the layers of fading bruises and the bright, fresh scars that marred his pale skin. With a worried frown, she lifted her head towards the boy.
“Who did this to you?” She asked, her tone cool and direct, full of authority.
With a quivering lip, Remus stared back at the lady, barely distinguishable words clumsily falling out of his mouth. “No one.”
“It’s alright, dear, you can tell me.” The woman replied persistently, holding onto his arm tightly.
Shaking his head with wide eyes, Remus tried to pull away from her, not wanting her to see the ugly marks anymore.
“Remus?” Hope’s voice called from behind, interrupting the two and causing the woman to release his arm at last, coming to her feet to glance back at whoever was approaching. Recognizing his mother’s voice, Remus quickly ran towards her as she approached.
“Is this your son?” The lady asked, facing the two of them with a frown.
“Yes, he is.” Hope replied, her mild voice wavering slightly.
“Lovely.” She nodded, though Remus found that funny, since everything seemed to be the opposite of lovely. Just then, the other woman’s son ran back towards them now with a tall, dripping ice cream cone, running up to Remus and inviting him to go swimming with his friends.
“No, sweetie.” His mother quickly dismissed, shaking her head and tugging her son away quickly. “Come on, let’s go find daddy.”
“But mum, we were just about to—” The boy argued, but his mother had taken his hand now and was pulling him away from Remus and Hope, shaking her head with a pinched expression as she returned to the group of parents and children by the water.
Bending down to her knees with a worried frown, Remus’ mother turned to ask him what had happened and he told her that she had seen the marks that he had made the month before. Frowning and hugging her child tightly, Hope wished not for the first time that she had something better to tell him. She couldn’t say that everything would be fine. He was young, yes, but clever enough to see through such an obvious lie. He couldn’t just run down to the lake with the other children and go swimming in the summer, or play games and share secrets with a best friend, because people were afraid of secrets like his. There was nothing left to say. Instead, she lifted his thin arm in her hand, reluctantly rolling down the sleeves once more to cover the battered skin underneath.
“Mummy, it’s hot.” Remus whispered.
“I know. I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m so sorry.” Hope answered, trying to ignore the looks that the two had already started to get from the other parents speaking in hushed tones with one another nearby. “How about we go home and I’ll make you some nice cool lemonade? We can play games together inside, where it’s not so hot.” She proposed, the calm tone in her voice carefully concealing the fear and dread that lay in the conversation that she would have to have with her husband later on that night. She had only just unpacked the last of the moving boxes that morning, though it would be foolish to try and stay here any longer.
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lunarity2013 · 5 years
MC — Lucy Stone
(This template was brought to you by @hogwartsmysterystory​ )
(Updated for Y4)
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Name: Lucille Maria Stone
Gender: Cisgender Female
Age: 14
Birthdate: 16 October 1972 (Libra)
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Demisexual, hetero-leaning
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Dublin, Ireland
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
1st Wand: Acacia, 12-in, Unicorn hair, pliable
2nd Wand: N/A
Animagus: Sparrow (Post-Hogwarts, unregistered)
Misc Magical Abilities: Occulmens (partial), wandless magic
Boggart Form: Giant spider
Riddikulus Form: Cartoonish bug-out eyes as a giant swatter squishes it
Amortentia (her scent): peaches, black tea, ozone (right before a storm)
Amortentia: fresh laundry, sandalwood, hint of lemon
Patronus: Red Squirrel
Patronus Memory: Barnaby asking her to the Celestial Ball (differs from canon, as he asked her himself without prompting)
Mirror of Erised: All her loved ones, happy and safe, and not being the center of attention
Specialized/Favorite Spells: Episkey, Protego, Lumos, Expecto Patronum
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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In-Game Appearance:
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Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Physique: Slim, Hourglass figure
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Color: Medium-Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Pale, freckles
Body Modifications: ear piercing (basic)
Scarring: eventual slash on side (fighting Red Cap)
Inventory: peach lipgloss, dogeared copy of Emma, spiral notebook, colorful gel pens, and a locket with an old family photo in it
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: N/A
Affiliations/Organizations: OotP (eventually), Hogwarts
Professions: Author
Hogwarts Information
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Flying: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O
Ancient Runes: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Divination: A
Quidditch: Spectator
Extra-Curricular: Frog Choir (Y3- Y?)
Favorite Professor(s): Flitwick, McGonagall, Sinestra
Least Favourite Professor(s): Snape, Binns, Trelawney
Brother: Nathan Samson Stone
Faceclaim: Young Eddie Redmayne
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BD: 26 May 1963 (Gemini)
Looked up to him for years
Aspired as a kid to be more like him
Thinks he's dead
Mildly resentful of how his actions have pushed her into the spotlight
Ravenclaw (Hat Stall — Slytherin)
Always more invested in his projects than spending time with friends/family
Misc Siblings: Casey Andrew Stone
Faceclaim: Young Alex Lawther (by age 11)
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BD: 11 August 1978 (Leo)
Loves and spoils him
Mildly relieved when he doesn't go to Hogwarts
Would 100% kill for him
Would have been in Gryffindor if he had went to Hogwarts
Very energetic
Loves to explore and get into trouble
Father: Sean Casey Stone
Faceclaim: Paul Rudd
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BD: 14 September 1943 (Virgo)
Primary School teacher
Energetic, friendly man
Can't discipline for the life of him
Only seen him angry once
After Rita Skeeter showed up on their doorstep multiple days in a row to try and interview Lucy after Y3
Got very calm and quiet, scared everyone within earshot
Lucy inherited this, but only happens when she feels extremely betrayed
Spend time together going to the movies and eating ice cream
Makes excellent food
Mother: Candace Lucille Samson-neé Stone
Faceclaim: Natalya Rudakova
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BD: 30 December 1942 (Capricorn)
Government Official
Calm, quiet woman
Spend time together reading in silence under fuzzy blankets by the fire
Gets louder when angry
Gets equally loud when simply frustrated
Sean says to this that she's "cute when she's angry"
Lucy inherited this
Can't cook or bake
Love Interest: Barnaby Lee
Best Friends: Rowan, Ben, Bill, Penny, Charlie, Tonks, Tulip, André, Chiara
Neutral: Skye, Merula, Murphy, Talbott, Liz
Rival: Charlie (friendly, up until Y4), Merula
Enemy: Rakepick, Snape (his decision), Ismelda
Dormmates: Rowan, Penny, Tonks, Skye, Chiara
Closest Canon Friends: Rowan, Ben, Bill, Penny, Barnaby
Closest MC Friends: TBD
Background History:
Grew up in Dublin, Ireland in a muggle household
Was so excited for Nathan when Professor Sprout came in to give him his Hogwarts letter
Wrote to him every day for years until just after he disappeared
He stopped writing back regularly about a year or so before his disappearance
By the end of his last year there, he stopped writing back completely
She believes that searching for the vaults ended up killing her brother
Was still very excited when she got her own letter
Her parents were more worried for her than excited
Felt uneasy every time someone pointed her out for her relation to Nathan in Diagon Alley
Every year, she tries not to tell her parents too much about what goes on at school
She doesn't want to worry them about the events with the vaults
She tells them that she's actively avoiding them so that she doesn't end up like Nathan
She only tells them when someone (like Rakepick) is trying to push her towards investigating
She only begins looking into the vaults when people begin getting hurt
She begins mildly investigating the vault in Y4 after Tulip ends up in the hospital wing, and then more vigorously after she gets attacked in the courtyard
She is actually a little relieved when Casey doesn't get a Hogwarts letter
She loves him dearly, and feels bad that it upsets him, but she knows he's safer in the muggle world
Appears to be: sweet and naïve, very trusting, pretty face, easy to take advantage of
Actually: very studious, extremely trusting of her friends, uneasy around and untrusting of many adults, blames herself whenever anything goes wrong or someone gets hurt, hates being the center of attention, bit of a worrywart, and works best as part of a group
Loves to read and write, and her favorite authors are Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott
Aesthetic: autumn tones (yellows, oranges, browns, and greens), ivy-covered cottages, old books, warm tea in (slightly chipped) teacups, scented candles (lemon, coffee, or sometimes honeysuckle), reading curled up by the fireplace, and stargazing
Style: oversized sweaters (usually not hers), skirts (just above the knees or sometimes mid-thigh after Y4), comfortable boots, knee high or thigh-high socks, overall skirts/shorts, striped shirts, floral dresses, ballet flats, long hair down with curls or a few small braids
She begins crushing on Barnaby almost immediately after meeting him
Thinks he's cute when she first meets him
The smile he had when he said " I like you, we should fight" caused the immediate "oh no, he's cute" thought that got the ball rolling
She and Barnaby are awful with mutual pining, both thinking that the other could do better
She thinks Barnaby needs someone who isn't constantly messing up and getting her friends in danger
Barnaby thinks she needs someone as smart as her, who can actually help her solve the problems of the vaults and be there to support her fully
The Celestial Ball only made it worse, as they both knew for certain how badly they like each other
Their friends started making bets on 1) who would ask who out first, 2) when it would happen, and 3) how long it would take them to realize they were perfect for each other
Charlie won 1 and 2 (Lucy and two months after the ball), but Penny won 3 (end of their first date).
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youkaiangel · 6 years
That awkward moment when... - WH Fic
Pairing: Klaus/???
Genre: smut/humour - NSFW
Words: 1700
Summary: even single men have needs.
A/N: there is currently Elias’ Sequel Super Early Bird period, a brand new collection event series with double boosting, and I have eighty-something story tickets to burn, but someone got in my head and made me want this smut trash fic instead god dammit. Do not ask where the idea for this came from.
Creds to @stephdaninja for brainstorming this with me. Enjoy!
His eyes passed over the words, the sentences, the paragraphs on the pages before him, but his mind was not there. His mind was still stuck in that classroom doorway, stuck on... that woman.
They’d been short one professor that afternoon, Professor Schuyler having fallen victim to a fledgling student’s errant spell and requiring urgent medical assistance, so Headmaster Randolph had “called in a favour” and somehow managed to get a replacement teacher within the hour. Since the replacement was teaching Elias’ class for the afternoon, Klaus dismissed his own students five minutes early and made his way to Fortitudo’s classroom. Randolph would no doubt appreciate a first hand report on the performance of the substitute.
What he expected was a surly old man, long since retired and lost his edge for teaching, let alone holding the students’ attention. What he found though as he peered through the window in the classroom door was every student, or the male ones filling the first three rows at least, attentively focused on the front of the room, on that woman.
She couldn’t have been more than 30, although she carried herself with an air of maturity that made her seem much older. That figure though, and her beautiful pale skin, was definitely a twenty-something-year-old, straight out of a teenage boy’s wet dream. Her long legs, perched precariously in black heels high enough to emasculate every boy in the room, were wrapped in sheer black nylon to her mid thigh topped with a band of black lace. Between the top of the lace and the hem of her dangerously short tight skirt was a strip of skin so beautiful and elegant, revealing the muscles in her legs that flexed with every step she took. The high-waisted skirt gave the appearance it was of an appropriate length and simply sitting too high, but if the woman bent at the hip at all she’d be revealing much more than the back of her toned thighs. A white blouse was tucked in to the pencil skirt, exposing almost as much as it was concealing. The fabric pulled taut over the front of her exaggerated chest, the low neckline baring the lacy tops of her white bra and cleavage every boy in the room was dreaming of landing his face in.
If that weren’t enough, the line of her long neck, decorated by the flowing curls of her silken black hair, led his gaze up to her stunning sweetheart face, luscious red lips and crystalline blue eyes decorated with long dark lashes. “Beautiful” was an insult to this goddess of a woman.
Klaus watched from outside the door as the woman crossed back to the podium at the front of the room, turning her side to the students and her back to the door. He stared in disbelief as the woman bent forward to reach into her small black bag on the floor. Her skirt pulled up and while no one in the room would’ve had a view of anything more than the side of her thigh, from his vantage point Klaus saw everything. The sweet round cheeks of her arse formed little shadows at the tops of her thighs, while the prize between her legs was barely covered by a silken black thong, the tiny strip of fabric disappearing between the roundness of her cheeks.
That moment had been playing on his mind all afternoon. He’d managed to have a somewhat coherent conversation with the well-educated, professional woman regarding her teaching of the class, and to spare her the humiliation he decidedly did not tell her he had seen her performance, but he suspected she already knew what he’d seen just from the red in his cheeks. She was smart, captivating, mysterious, eloquent, all things he desired in a woman. And she was definitely attractive.
Those red lips were possibly one of her most beautiful features, though it was hard to pick any one that was the best. Those red lips were so luscious and soft, he couldn’t help but imagine how they would feel if he ran his thumb across them. Would her lipstick smudge?
Klaus shook himself, trying to rattle away the fantasy. He was supposed to be revising the reading material for his class tomorrow, but he just couldn’t focus. That woman had stirred something inside him that needed to be sated.
He cast a glance at his bed, then to the dorm room door. Randy was still in the office, and when Klaus had left earlier that evening Randy had at least five more hours worth of work to get done. Could he trust that Randy would still be in the office for at least seven more minutes?
It was worth the risk.
Klaus closed the book, placed it on the desk, cast his spell to dim the lights and cross over to his bed, unbuttoning his shirt as he walked. Thinking of that woman had already gotten him aroused, his pants now putting painful pressure on his crotch. He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants before laying down on his back, one hand reaching down to free himself of the restrictive fabric.
One stroke sent shivers through his body, every muscle jittering with pleasure. His mind instantly went back to the beautiful woman as he continue to run his hand up and down, wondering if her touch would be gentle or firm, delicate or vigorous. He thought of those rich red lips leaning down, forming a perfect O as she inched towards his head.
Seven minutes would not be required, and he felt comfortable that Randy would not be back before he had finished. Resigned to his desires, he leant over to the side of his bed, opening the top drawer of his side table to retrieve the jar of hand cream. He quickly opened the jar and scooped out two fingers of the faintly scented cream, before carefully replacing the lid, the jar, the drawer, and returning to his supine position.
He smeared the cold cream across the head of his cock and carefully spread it, slicking up his palm in the process to run up and down the length of him. That particular cream was not ideal for this use, but it would suffice, and it wasn’t going to be a long exercise anyway.
Where was I?
His mind flicked back to thoughts of the woman, her beautiful and soft lips wrapping around him, taking him into her mouth, her warm tongue swirling around his sensitive head. Just the thought of her mouth on him sent a warmth pulsing through his body, inching him closer to orgasm. The woman looked experienced, and Klaus imagined she would have no difficulty swallowing the full length of him. Okay, maybe a little difficulty.
His hand worked faster, harder, focussing on the sensitive tip of his cock. As much as the idea of those beautiful lips was tantalising him, the sight of her bent over, long and slender legs pushing back towards him seemed to bring a more fiery passion to his grip. He imagined himself crossing over to her bent forward like that, reaching up her short skirt to take hold of her silky black thong and drawing it down, revealing her small, plump lips and hot, wet opening. In front of his brother’s entire class, he would undo his pants and sink his cock deep inside her excited body, drawing a smooth, honeyed sigh from her supple lips. Over and over he would push his hard cock into her tiny, delicate hole, sending waves of pleasure through her, causing her body to clench tightly around him and pulling continual moans from her throat in increasingly higher tones. Every stroke brought him closer to sweet release, only seconds away.
‘I’m finished Klaus!’
Randy’s cheerful voice struck Klaus with a jolt of absolute terror and stopped him dead in his tracks as the door burst open, tearing him away from his fantasy and filling the room with light from the hall. Even with the light behind him, Klaus could see Randy’s eyes wide, and mouth hanging open as he took in the situation. Like the deer in headlights, Klaus was completely unable to move.
Randy bent forward to sweep up Taffy and turned from the room quicker than he had entered, crying over his shoulder as he slammed the door, ‘sorry Klaus!!’
The moment had been completely lost, having locked eyes with the cotton candy haired nuisance. He gritted his teeth and raised a dry hand to his forehand, trying desperately to resist the urge to punch something and failing miserably, sinking his fist in the bed beside his hip. There was no possible way Randy could’ve finished all that work so quickly and he was furious at both the fact that his work was either half-assed or incomplete, and that he had been caught red-handed in a humiliating moment of desperation and desire. He had never before hated having Randy as his roommate as much as he did in that moment.
Somewhere at the other side of the boys’ dorm was a breathless Randy, desperate to catch air, having run as far as he could as quick as he could, but unable to, being doubled over and clutching his stomach, cackling madly with laughter.
Elias took his breakfast from the boy serving in the kitchen and scanned the room for a seat. Klaus had placed himself in the corner of the room and was currently alone, not reading or doing anything but eating, so Elias decided to take the opportunity to sit with his brother.
Klaus didn’t look up as he approached, his eyes fixed on his meal. Elias announced his presence as he approached, clearing his throat and saying, ‘good morning, brothe—‘
‘What the hell do you want?’ Klaus snapped, shooting cold twitching eyes up at the younger blond. The look in his stare was enough to kill.
Elias spun on his heel and quickly retreated, wondering what on earth he’d done to infuriate his brother so much. As he scarpered he noticed Randy a few seats away, eyes on the fearful boy, hand covering his mouth and smothering his giggles.
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theaveragekenyan · 5 years
Blinded by your Grace...
In terms of Europe’s best looking Women (Fittest Birds), this is how I would rate them within a top 5.
1 = Sweden (standard stereotype, but essentially any of those Nordic Scandinavian hotties)
2 = Republic of Ireland (the jet black or fiery red hair and the feckin accent)
3 = Italy (oodles of class and they can knock up an amazing salad in seconds)
4 = Great Britain (not the ones faggin it outside school waiting for their kids)
5 = Australia (Eurovision Song Contest Rules)
Of course, the above list is shamefully discriminatory and sexist, it’s not even a bit of fun anymore #metoo, I just I enjoy the stereotypical nature of it all, #bantz I believe is the excuse these days.
I just did a Google search of the above topic, except I widened it to ‘worldwide best looking women’ and the top hits include the above 5 countries within their lists, except new countries like Brazil, Philippines, Venezuela, Thailand and USA are added, well done to those countries, excellent DNA’ing.
So, something I’d like to point out, NO African countries feature in the lists.
Ok, there was one list that included Angola, but that was the only African country featured in just one list from many.
In the featured countries, NO black faces represent their beauty, Brazil is about as dark as you’re going to get, but essentially there was no recognition of diversity from their respective country. Each country’s ‘most beautiful face’ is depicted by a “typical” comfortably indigenous (whatever that represents) white looking woman from their country, sorry Archie, Naomi and Nathalie, but you’re not the considered look of Britain and that also is same for any other country with diverse genetics.
The world has proliferated so much these days, so for example, what does a British woman look like? That’s of course my liberalism shining through, but unfortunately for the majority of people in the UK, they still consider Victoria Beckham or Fiona Bruce as their default British Women, sorry no blacks, browns or yellow’s please, we’re British.
When I’m back home in the UK, I especially like to study the Black women I see, I like to see how they compose themselves, how they talk and especially how they look. I know this sounds super creepy, but this is of course as I live in Kenya, so I like to see how the women compare to what I have here.
The main reason for this is that Kenyan women are truly beautiful.
Now I come from a very small village in the UK and from the three schools I attended, they all represented very typical demographics for rural England.
Primary School = 40 children - 0 BAME.
I was the brownest in the school, although we did have three children of Indian origin move into the village, but not in my school year, they took over the village shop, obviously.
Secondary School = 500 children – 3 BAME
Upper School – 1000 Children – 10 BAME
In each case, roughly about 1% were, you know “one of them”
Now I know times have changed and that area has become more diversified, but back in the late 80’s, I grew up with pretty much no other interesting faces other than pale zitty white ones.
It wasn’t until I moved to London in 1997 that opened my eyes to such a variety of faces and furthermore when I moved to Johannesburg in 2011 when I saw the full concentration of South African Women, and it was an eye opener to say the least.
I remember walking around Sandton City Mall and thinking to myself, in such high concentration, this must be where the best looking African Women on the continent are. Then I moved to Kenya and realized there are beautiful looking women everywhere you go.
I’m think it’s fairly safe to say, without any research or any factual evidence sought that my next assumption is correct. Kenyan Women’s beauty stems from a gene pool that, on the whole, has had little genetic dilution.
For many years, most of the reproduction has remained inter-tribal and only in recent years has outer-tribal reproduction become more acceptable. So, identifying features and characteristics have remained particular.
You see a lot of defining tribal looks and characteristics, that with a keen eye, can determine where the person originates, whether it be Western, Coastal, Central, Northern or Southern. This is a game my wife loves to play. 
Yes, this happens in certain cities in England like Brighton, Liverpool, Bristol etc, but it’s largely down to make-up, clothes and style defining a look, rather than a type of nose or eye shape, I mean perhaps a “big gob” in Newcastle, but that’s about it.
It was only until I came to Africa that I noticed how many different skin shades there are. From Albino right through to dark blue-black, there’s a colour for everyone.
Sadly though, many Kenyans believe a lighter skin is more beautiful, so skin lightening creams and treatments have become a thing and have generated an overall negative effect on skin tone empowerment.
Most of the billboards here, featuring ladies, are almost white. They are presented with a polished skin, highlighted and dodged, removing just about all of their darker tones.
Therefore, darker girls grow up thinking they’re not as attractive, they’ll have less career opportunities, they won’t get the best men and so on. This then creates a troubling discriminatory outlook, which occurrs on a daily basis, not just in Kenya, but throughout Africa.
However, when it comes to Kenyan Women being attracted to men, there’s one particular skin tone many find appealing, the white one.
There are plenty of white men in Kenya, myself included who’ve seen the Kenyan beauty and thought, Well Jambo!
I’m not being modest when I say that my partner and I have an equal amount of attractiveness, (she’s way hotter than me) we’re of a similar age and have all the classic similarities to have fallen in love, but when looking around in Kenya you start to see many other couples where their...well...their similarities must be very unique to them.
I’m talking about “Sugar Daddies”, of course I am. 
I love to see these couples as they are clearly so happy together.
He has a smoking hot-assed chick pushing his shopping trolley, whilst she can add into that trolley whatever the freak she wants, because she ain’t paying, PARTY!!!
It's so blatant and obvious what the arrangement is, yet many people find it embarrassing or jocular. People definitely like to judge and be jealous, I prefer to just give a little condescending nod and wink showing nothing but pure respect.
We’re talking 70-80 year old men with 25-30 year old women. The men are wearing their cardigans and orthopedic sunglasses, whilst the women are dressed like an extra from a Jay-Z promo, when in fact, of course, she should be wearing a nurse’s uniform. You’ll see them in restaurants staring into space as he sips on his Tusker, whilst she’s avoiding eye contact from all the younger playboys drooling over her.
Of course, it’s not just the white blokes that get to play Sugar Daddy. Many young Kenyan women find attraction in older men with a closer skin tone to theirs.
Again, for the women, this is purely down to the money and for men the sex, the perfect arrangement, everybody wins.
The older men are called “Sponsors” and they provide anything from Cars and Houses to Ugali and Cheap Booze and there exists a variety of financial classes within. It’s the polygamous society of Kenya that flexes its muscle, and I find it fascinating how it completely goes against everything the average Kenyan preaches in church, but then again the average Kenyan is just as big as the biggest hypocrite in the world.
Kenyan’s love stereotypes, that’s because for the majority of the time the stereotypes are completely correct.
The stereotypically looking Kenyan woman for a white guy is slim, petite, peachy butt-ocks, anti-gravity boobs, not too short and bearing mildly western facial features.
This type of woman is known as “Muzungu Bait”.
It’s not clear how the Kenyan women discover they are “Muzungu Bait”, perhaps there’s a “Finishing School” for this type of lady, but make no mistake there is a look and any lady possessing such features knows they have a permit to flirt with white men.
In the opposite stereotype, It can be said that, Kenyan men generally prefer a heavier lady. 
I feel sorry for the chubbier, larger girls, I can only assume they have no right to flirt with white guys and they are the ones who can only be taken by the Kenyan men.
One comment I regularly hear, is that white men come to Kenya and steal the best looking women.
Steal, STEAL???, like the women have been kidnapped and are being held hostage. It’s such a ridiculous and humungous insult to women, it’s shocking.
I mean the fact we can cook, clean, and tell stories about mid-nineties heavy metal should never be overlooked.
I think what is it though, to the average Kenyan, Women are considered property, something that’s purchased. I know this has a lot to the doury marital system of buying women with animal livestock, but mostly women are treated as property, or 6 cows and 4 goats in most instances. So perhaps when a white man talks to a lady on her own level and doesn’t feel the urge to treat her in such a proprietary way, then I’m sure it has to have an appeal.
There is a downside though and a fascinating murder case is currently in the news and it’s not the first time such a murder has taken place. Now though, Kenyan media outlets can see views, likes and share values in real time therefore they can quantify a news story and suck it until it’s dry, so that explains why the current ‘Praying Mantis’ story is so accessible, because everybody wants a piece of it.
Unlike the Kenyan News agencies, I won’t go down the illegal route of naming and shaming and spilling out every detail rendering any Jury Court irrelevant, but this is how the story went.
Rich White Man murdered by his younger Kenyan Wife with possible involvement from her associates.
This is not the first time this has happened and not the last time.
It happens enough for it to be almost like another air strike in the middle east, erm yes, how many properties? which tribe was the woman? how much money is involved? where do they live? Sadly, the taken life of the man is overlooked and the story just fades away until the next replica story comes along. It’s not just Rich White Men though, Rich Black Men disappear as well, you see the connection? Let’s just say their are many wealthy Kenyan widows getting away with murder. 
Sadly, the average Kenyan has a different outlook to women, it is changing, but still, women are viewed here as second class, need to obey, generally a subordinate creature. Yet, they are the baby makers, the food providers, the water carriers, the planners and the total backbone of Kenyan society.
I think the average Kenyan needs to be far more respectful and understand just how beautiful the women are in this country. I can 100% vouch for that, all I got to do is hope I don’t end up hidden in a septic tank one day.  
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jakey-beefed-it · 7 years
Here are the character descriptions of the major ‘good guys’ in my novel for anyone who might be interested. Not everything is gonna make 100% sense without the rest of the worldbuilding but it was already too much of a long post. Loooong post. Long long post. Under a cut out of courtesy to anyone not wanting to encounter a long fucking wall of text, and courtesy to everyone else who has no reason to give a crap about any of this. :p
Verity Black, Protagonist
Verity is a short, slight (5'3”, 112 lbs) 23 year old woman of east Asian descent. The best faceclaim for her is model Kiko Mizuhara. Verity has narrow shoulders and very subtle curves. Her eyes are very dark, nearly black, and somewhat narrow- particularly when she's annoyed. When she wears her glasses her eyes appear sharp and clever, but without them she has a vaguely baffled myopic look. She has a light golden skin tone that has gone very pale, with faded childhood freckles across her nose and cheeks. She has poor muscle definition thanks to a desk job and no physical hobbies. Despite this, she is considered quite pretty, with waist-length, slightly wavy black hair that she usually keeps in a loose ponytail gathered in a wide barrette at the nape of her neck. She has a heart-shaped face with flattish features, arched eyebrows, high cheekbones, a narrow jaw tapering to a pointed chin, a slightly broad nose and wide, protruding lips. Her ears are a bit large and poke through her hair, earning her childhood nickname of 'little mouse.' Her smile is rare but winning, notably crinkling the bridge of her nose and both sides of her eyes, and dimpling her cheeks at its widest. Her speaking voice is usually a mezzo-soprano, wry and somewhat acerbic, though it climbs in pitch and intensity when she is upset, even sometimes breaking with a squeak (which didn't help with the nickname). She privately sings along with her favorite recorded operas, her voice trying to hover around a soprano but cracking up or down and unable to sustain notes for long. She does not sing publicly.
Most of the time, Verity wears dark-colored 'bureaucratic' robes (hanfu-style robes/dresses) layered under a vest and a warm coat. In all but the warmest weather she wears black tights and a cotton undershirt. She favors white, grey, and cream-colored scarves and carries a black umbrella in even slightly inclement weather, and turns up her coat's collar to warm her ears in the winter. She usually wears soft shin-high boots or loafer-style shoes when outside, and goes around home in her socks. She applies eyeliner and lip color nearly every day, unless she's not going out, or unless she's too sick to care. Her spectacles are round pince-nez style with brass frames and a brass chain connecting to her vest pocket. She has a selection of barrettes, but most of them are finely-carved 'whalebone' (actually baleen, which is flexible and strong) or brass.
Amyrinth Lafuerza, Verity’s Best Friend
Amy is a 23 year old woman of Latina descent. She is of average height and trim build (5'6”, 126 lbs). The best faceclaim for her is actress Seychelle Gabriel. She has a slender build with average shoulder, hip, and bust proportions. Amy's eyes are a distinctive light amber-brown verging on orange, and like the rest of her face are highly expressive. Her skin is brown with a ruddy undertone. Her habit of riding a bicycle and her interest in social dancing keep her in better shape with more muscle definition than her best friend despite having the same sedentary job. Amy is always considered pretty, but when she puts extra effort into her appearance people call her 'beautiful.' Her hair is auburn, wavy, and extends to her mid-back. She sometimes braids it at the back when she wants to keep it out of the way. She has an oval face with wide-set features, peaked eyebrows, sharp cheekbones, a curved jawline, a rounded nose, and a large mouth with slightly narrow lips. There is a mischievous, sardonic cast to her smiles. Her speaking voice is a smooth middle soprano, getting louder but not notably higher when angered. Her singing voice is even worse than Verity's, but she likes to sing along with others regardless.
Amy wears the same style of robes and dresses as Verity to work, though Amy wears a much wider range of colors, favoring reds particularly. Her overcoats are well-fitted so that they narrow at the waist and accent her figure even in cold weather. She wears soft boots in cold weather, and sandals in warm. When she goes out socially she tends to dress in looser-fitting calf-length skirts and ruffled blouses, wearing tights underneath if she's riding her bicycle. She tends to wear eyeliner and eyeshadow, though her lips are naturally dark enough that she usually only applies gloss rather than color. She likes to wear slender bracelets in silver and gold, plain or with semi-precious stones (particularly opal and topaz) set into them.
David Black, Verity’s Uncle and Mentor
David is a tall, rangy (6'1” 168 lbs) 65 year old man of east Asian descent. The best faceclaim for him is actor Ken Watanabe. His narrow-shouldered build is much like his niece's, though a lifetime of fighting and travel have left him all lean muscle. His eyes are very dark brown, sharp and even cold behind his glasses but mostly just tired-looking without them. He has a golden-tan skin tone, darker on his face and hands. In his youth he was considered very handsome, and while age and a hard life has weathered him he remains good-looking in a somewhat rugged way. He has thinning salt-and-pepper hair kept very short, and has a slightly bushy mustache that's better described as pepper-and-salt. His eyebrows are dark and bushy, with a few stray white hairs. His face is 'diamond' shaped, much like Verity's but with a broader chin and narrower brow, and he shares her arched brows and broad nose. His lips are narrower, particularly the upper, but his mustache obscures it most of the time anyway. Unlike Verity, his ears lay flat against his head and aren't especially large. He only ever smiles narrowly, and even then with a slightly wistful, pained look to his eyes. His speaking voice is a rough, low baritone that verges on bass, especially early in the morning or when he's tired. He only sings a few hymns, low and quietly.
As an Evangelist, David wears all black clothing- button-up shirt, suspenders, vest, 'string' bow tie, and slacks over leather riding boots, with a leather gunbelt for two revolvers. Over this he wears a heavyweight black long-sleeved duster, and and a broad-brimmed fedora-style hat. His clothes are well-tailored and accent his narrow hips (the better for quick-draws) and trim waist. When not on duty, he dresses similarly though in a wider array of colors, favoring pinstriped vests, light-colored shirts, and no necktie. Even when he goes without the distinctive coat and hat, it is hard to mistake him for anything but dangerous- his bearing is that of a supremely confident man capable of bursting into action even when he is relatively at ease. He wears steel-rimmed oval shaped glasses that attach behind his ears with swiveling arms, a style that is considered old-fashioned and even quaint.
Varian Ironcrow, (eventual) Love Interest
Varian is a tall and athletic man (6'2” and looks around 210 lbs) of Latino descent who looks somewhere between 30 and 35. The best faceclaim for him is actor Esai Morales in his late thirties (Varian's had a much rougher life than he), circa the late 1990s. His skin is a weathered dark brown with a ruddy undertone. His eyes are somewhat deep-set and a startling blue, and his gaze tends to be somewhat intense as a result. His hair is black and slightly wavy, longer on top than the sides, and he only shaves every few days so dark stubble is the rule to a clean-shaved exception. He is broad-shouldered with a narrow waist, all-over muscular in the manner of a Greco-Roman wrestler, lean and defined but not to the point of a bodybuilder. His features are appealing, but the large prominent scars on his face make him more striking than handsome. The largest scar begins at the bridge of his nose and carries over toward his left cheekbone. It intersects a smaller scar that branches down from below his left eye. He has another notable scar on the right side of his jawline, where his stubble won't grow. He has a number of other scars, mostly on his chest, back, upper arms and thighs, but usually only those on his face show. His left shoulder bears a tattoo that resembles a crow or a raven in flight, in silhouette. He has a 'square' face, with a strong jaw, broad forehead, and strong cheekbones. His brow is somewhat heavy, with thick, arched eyebrows. His nose is aquiline with wide nostrils ('Aztec nose'), the hook coming right where the scar cuts across it. He has a wide mouth with lips of moderate thickness. His teeth are notably white, drawing attention whether he's flashing a roguish lopsided grin, or a more unsettling wolfish look. His speaking voice is a middle to high baritone, rising with amusement, sinking with anger. His singing voice is a somewhat rough-edged tenor on the verge of sliding back into baritone, like Bob Seger or Bruce Springsteen.
Varian tends to dress in rugged clothing suited to a rancher- denim pants, heavy button-up shirts in earth tones, open at the neck to show the white undershirt, and riding boots in scuffed brown leather. He affects a disheveled look that takes far more effort than he's willing to admit. He has a favorite coat that he wears unless it's just too damn hot- a blue canvas soldier's coat with the rank insignia removed, a bit frayed at the cuffs and slightly faded from long use and numerous washings. Unless it would be suicidally stupid (and maybe even then) he proudly wears a scarlet scarf to mark him as a member of the Red Scarves. He wears a brown wide-brimmed hat with the front turned down to shade his eyes and keep the rain off, removing it when he goes indoors. He sometimes wears eyeliner to draw even more attention to his eyes, especially when performing. He carries his battered leather guitar case nearly everywhere, with its dark-stained maple-wood guitar often surprising people with how well-maintained he keeps it, especially in contrast to the rest of his appearance. While he's better at seeming relaxed than David Black, there is still something of the lounging tiger in his bearing even when Varian is at ease, for those who know what to look for.
Atriya Ironcrow, Varian’s Adoptive Daughter
Atriya is a short and slightly stocky (4'10”, 98 lbs) kydoni girl of 13. Her features are best described as south Asian with some east African mixed in. Model Neelam Johal as the best faceclaim for (an older version of) her. Her skin is dark brown with an olive undertone. Her eyes are large, and a striking golden color common to kydoni but impossible in humans. She often avoids looking people in the eye unless she deliberately wants to unsettle them- at which point she's likely to blink only her nictating membrane at them. Her hair is a pale ash brown with silver strands running through it, wavy to curly and cut into a neck-length bob. She is more broad-shouldered and barrel-chested than most human girls of her age, and reasonably athletic, with most of her 'baby fat' turning into rangy muscle. She has a round face (and will grow into an oval face shape as she gets older) with large features generally- eyes, nose, arched dark eyebrows wide to suit her eyes, broad forehead and cheekbones, a narrow mouth with large lips, and a slightly large chin. Her ears come to points, stick directly out from the sides of her head (making her head twice as wide if you count the ears), and are prone to extremely expressive movement in keeping with her emotions. She has a long hairless tail that extends behind her and swishes when she's restless or annoyed. When subdued or sad, the tail droops and is about as long as her legs, the tip brushing the floor. Her smile can be unsettling to humans, given the more pronounced canine teeth and the jagged pseudo-carnassial look of her premolars. Her speaking voice is a bright soprano, but her singing ranges from soprano down to a rich contralto. Like many kydoni, she is capable of a distinct type of overtone singing that produces, essentially, a backing vocal. She is capable of operatic volume and vibrato, though she usually doesn't go all out just for singing in the cantina. Her voice sounds a bit like an even more powerful Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil, without the Italian accent.
Atriya tends to wear a short coat over a ruffled shirt and fitted slacks (with a tail cutout) similar to the charro outfit of Mariachi players, in a range of dark colors but favoring dark blue, charcoal, scarlet, and cream. Sometimes she wears skirts instead of the slacks (particularly when she wants to hide her tail). She wears custom-made boots with extra sole at the pads of the feet and inserts that allow her to stand more naturally for a kydoni, with her heels elevated. She wears a red scarf when Varian lets her get away with it- she wants to be more involved in the Red Scarves, but he wants her to keep a lower profile for as long as she can. In bad weather, or when she's trying to hide her more obvious kydoni features (particularly her ears) she wears hooded oilskin rain cloaks. On very bright days, Varian often loans her his hat to keep her eyes shaded. She wraps her hands for knuckle protection while training with Masano, and also when she anticipates she might need to punch someone in the face. She never wears eyeliner, even when performing, not wanting to accent the 'strangeness' of her eyes by drawing attention to them.
Masano, Leader of the Revolution Verity ends up sort of joining
Masano is a 51 year old man of average height and build (5'10”, 171 lbs.) of African-American descent. The best faceclaim for him is actor Jamie Foxx. His skin is very dark with golden undertones and a few faded freckle-like marks on his cheeks and brow. His eyes are darker even than Verity's, appearing black in all but the strongest direct light. His hair is black shot through with some grey, and bound into shoulder-length tight dreadlocks that he usually ties back in a sort of ponytail. He has a full, kinky/curly beard that he keeps to a length between two and three inches. While athletic, he is built like a career martial artist- most of his power coming not from bulging muscle but from stance and movement. His features are handsome, particularly for a man of middle age, and convey a sense of quiet authority. His face is 'diamond' shaped, with a strong chin but narrower jaw compared to Varian's. He has a high forehead, slightly bushy eyebrows, a broad nose, and a wide mouth, with pronounced creases to the sides of his mouth. He tries to maintain a fairly neutral expression most of the time, but as such a charismatic man, his smile is infectious and his glare is blood-curdling. His speaking voice is a powerful tenor, which he can push to a ringing, fiery tone. His singing voice is a high tenor verging onto falsetto for the highest notes. (Think Carl Anderson).
Most of the time, Masano dresses like a laborer, in a Henley-style long-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting trousers, and soft boots or sandals depending on the weather. He prefers light colors, particularly shades of white and tan. In inclement weather he wears a simple brown hooded poncho-style cloak. If he is practicing his martial arts, training Atriya, or anticipates violence he wraps his hands and feet to protect them. He only ever dons ceremonial robes when making a point- such as when giving a speech to any of the labor unions or collectives who make up the Red Scarves, or when standing outside the more well-off temples to rail against their greed. His robes (like most Pardoners' robes) are similar to the hanfu-like robes of the bureaucracy. They are older, the white faded to cream, a bit frayed with age, and utterly unadorned with gold accents unlike other those of most other Pardoners. He no longer wears the saffron single-shoulder over-robes of a practicing Pardoner, as he has walked away from the order. He also never wears the holy symbol of that order, believing that faith is better demonstrated through compassionate action than eye-catching trinkets. Instead of a scarf, most of the time, he wears a scarlet hair-tie holding his ponytail back from his face. While he does have a few of the red scarves that gave his organization its informal name, he has no plans to wear them unless called upon to physically defend his comrades.
Raqui Alkurah, the Slightly-Mad Inventor
Alkurah is a very tall, somewhat gangling (6'5”, 231 lbs.- including his prosthetic, 215 without) half-kydoni, half-human 43 year old man of west Asian descent. The best faceclaim for him is actor Oded Fehr. His skin is a medium brown-tan color without strong undertones. His eyes are a yellowy hazel, not as orange as Amy's amber eyes, not as yellow as Atriya's. His hair is predominantly black, with pronounced silver-grey streaks at the temples. He wears it shoulder-length, wavy and loose unless he's working on something where that would be hazardous, at which point he holds it back with whatever's handy in something between a bun and a pony tail. He has a close-trimmed goatee, unusual for someone with kydoni heritage. Not unusual given his ancestry are the short horns emerging from high on his forehead and curving slightly back. His tail is shorter than a full kydoni's would be, reaching only to his calves, and ends in a hairy tuft. His left leg ends just above the knee, a birth defect he has developed his own prosthetic for. Although he is for the most part wirily built, his shoulders and chest are unusually broad, and his forearms are much more muscular than the rest of him due to how often he works with his hands. He has a heart-shaped face, with a bit of a widow's peak, high forehead, high cheekbones and a pointed chin, and bold features including a strongly aquiline nose and a wide mouth. He has a high degree of control over his facial expressions, but when he is genuinely delighted (usually by his own experiments and inventions) he is prone to a slightly manic grin that shows off his pointed canines. His speaking voice is a low, melodic baritone, and his singing voice trends toward a resonant bass. He sings to himself sometimes while working, making up tunes and painful slant rhymes as he goes.
Alkurah dresses much like other Transmuters and labor foremen, in a cotton Henley-style shirt under durable black wool coveralls (wool for fire resistance, black to hide grease and soot) with many pockets, tool belts, and protective gear including a heavy boot for his right leg, and goggles and gloves as they're required. Over this he tends to wear a light grey, long-sleeved, tailed woolen coat with even more pockets stuffed with precision instruments, half-finished projects, crumpled blueprints, and the occasional snack. His left leg is one of two prosthetics he himself designed. One resembles an oversized metal boot with interlocking armor panels, made of personally-reinforced aluminum. It has a built-in locking mechanism he can activate by hand, so he uses it when he needs to hold something in place while he works on it. The other, more commonly worn, is better suited to walking or standing, with a functional knee joint involving compression springs, and a tapered steel peg from where the calf would be to the ground, with a rubber 'foot' on the end like that of a cane. This leg also contains a number of concealed compartments, which unlike his many pockets, he actually takes pains to ensure are not discovered by anyone not in the Talons of Razhan.
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healthbodyorg-blog · 5 years
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Toe Nail Fungus Review: These days, good looks are no longer a fad! With lots of tips and tricks to follow, the first thing that scares many people is the idea of ​​aging. In an attempt to rejuvenate the skin and make it more attractive, many people (like me) are constantly looking for ways to effectively fight dull and healthy skin. Fortunately, I'm lucky to find Toe Nail Fungus, an excellent skin care solution! Is it safe to say that you are ten years old? Have you unpacked and hung your skin? Is it safe to say that you are afraid to correct all the wrinkles in your eyes just for the ridiculous? If you see more of these problems, the Toe Nail Fungus is the perfect solution to all your problems that are about to end. This anti-aging cream is the only active solution that corrects wrinkles, lines of maturity, skin defects, dark circles, inflamed eyes and other problems in general. Introduction of Toe Nail Fungus: Toe Nail Fungus is one of the best products in the history of cosmetics. Every woman has rights so it may seem extraordinary and very natural without much effort. The best of this serum makes the skin lighter and smaller. After all, every woman wants to be as wonderful as ever. It also protects against the effects of aging. This can help reduce the appearance of peeling skin, fine lines and many other effects of aging. This skin care product is a non-greasy product, very useful for eliminating brown spots on the face and reducing them. This also gives you a shiny complexion that can look as beautiful as possible. How Does Toe Nail Fungus Work? A combination of water and water also helps the skin to assemble the ability to fight any external damage due to pollution, anxiety and similar factors. As you age, your skin usually loses its ability to fight these infections. The wrinkle cream for the skin provides all the necessary parts after 30 years. Anti-wrinkle treatment, mature lines of maturity, dull spots, dark circles, uneven skin, swelling and jaw of the jaws. This cream protects the skin and gives it a distinctive shine. Re-fill and repair the skin in general, without artificial compounds. Benefits of Toe Nail Fungus: These are some of the benefits that you will like when you use this cream. Hydrates the skin: provides adequate hydration on the surface. It opens the follicles and completes the deeper layers of the past, increasing the retention of the cream on the skin. Protects from tension oxidation: this cream reduces skin irritation. Damage caused by pressure is maintained. Protects from surface oxidation. Therefore, it keeps the shells and the DNA structure of the surface. Reducing the bags under the eyes: this anti-aging cream reduces eye color. Fight dead cells and give your skin a unified appearance. Aging blocks wrinkles and wrinkles: collagen and elastin proteins heal the skin. The skin is, therefore, tighter and the wrinkles gradually disappear. Reduces dark circles: the collagen in this cream works to repair the skin tone. Reduces dark circles and skin color. Ingredients Present In Toe Nail Fungus: Vitamins: This will improve your skin. It will also give high-quality food to cells and cells. Face Firming Peptide: This series is more massive than this amino acid. It is useful for restoring skin elasticity and restoring it. Antioxidants: Removes residues from the skin. Antioxidants are useful for stimulating the growth of new cells. Aloe Vera: Dramatically, it will reduce the number of fine lines and remove wrinkles to make the skin look younger. Research & Study Behind: The drafting has been developed, researched and tested by senior experts in this field. Many studies and surveys on asset safety and efficiency have been positive, and this is worth it. Side Effects of Toe Nail Fungus: No, as such, serious side effects or problems related to the use of products in the group. I used it and waited. I found all of your products safe, natural and worthy of use. Precautions: Should not be used by children under the age of 18. Try not to use it if the seal is broken. Accept the manual before using it. Place it in a cool, boring place. Keep a strategic distance from the direct light of the day. Is Toe Nail Fungus Okay For Utilize? On 100% alive, healthy and safe skin fixations. Fill in a better conditioner than normal to combat dehydration and many other skin problems. This excludes manufactured materials, additional materials and continuous loads, so you do not have to worry about annoying symptoms. When To Expect Results? We can quickly get the expected results after a few weeks of using it right. This helped me see clear changes in my skin within a few days. Be sure to use it every day according to the ideal instructions to get the desired results. Moreover, for improved results, follow the listed points: Use high-quality makeup products. Drink plenty of water every day. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Customer’s Reviews: Another user who uses Toe Nail Fungus has his own point of view on this product. Carla: I did not care about the skin and I suddenly saw dark circles in my eyes. I was looking for anti-aging products. I'm very happy and I'm glad I used Toe Nail Fungus. Chiara: I've been looking for this kind of skin care products for a long time. He said he was happy to receive $ Toe Nail Fungus. As he retired, he said it worked. Where To Purchase Toe Nail Fungus? Do you have your Toe Nail Fungus? No? Why sit tight? Download it before you close the arrows. Visit the official website and book your item while you are preparing. After your order confirmation, your item will be delivered within 4-5 business days. Final Verdict: Toe Nail Fungus Anti-aging cream combines high-caliber fixations clinically proven. Dark spots and stains. Gives better skin. Protects against ultraviolet radiation, and in addition against harmful roots. Toe Nail Fungus improves the production of collagen and elastin. Cleans both blemishes such as wrinkles and hard-to-recognize variations. Toe Nail Fungus Protects skin from pollution. Reduces swelling under the eyes. Toe Nail Fungus kept her skin moist and nutritious for the day. Read the full article
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eriyoox · 7 years
Survey Tag
Tagged by @jeno-jeyes (thank you🙈💗) Rules: Complete the survey and tag 5 people when you are finished 1: Are you named after someone? I am, my first name came from a novel my mother read a day before I was born, she named me that because the character with my name experienced a very beautiful love story(she's said but never has she let me read the story myself rip I'll never know) and my second came from my grandma, shout out to you, granny🙏🏻💗 
2: When is the last time you cried? A week ago?? When I watched "a silent voice". Yeahh, that movie was great but if you're not in the mood of bawling your eyes out don't watch it 
3: Do you like your handwriting? Rarely, my handwriting really depends on the thing I'm writing with so since it's very very small the pen or anything can't be thick cause it'll be a MESS 
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? uHmm I don't really know?? any kind of beef?? 
5: Do you have kids? Nopidynopenope(this is by far the cringiest thing I have ever said) 
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Probably yes, I don't really get in other people's business and am pretty down to Earth & I think I'm pretty easy to talk to, why not? 
7: Do you use sarcasm? I do, a lot. Don't use it as much on the net as my sarcasm is usually transmitted using different voice tones and I can't really do that on here now can I 
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yess 
9: Would you bungee jump? It's on my bucket list, yes~ 
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? Not a big fan of cereal, but I guess mostly honey flavored cereal? E.g. Cheerios 
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Usually, no;/)) 
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Physically, no. Not at ALL but psychologically, yes 
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Almond & pistachio 
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Their nails, I don't know why? I guess to see if they're a neat person? 
15: Red or pink? Redd 
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Legs x) 
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Grey pants, no shoes 
18: What was the last thing you ate? I don't really think English people have a word for them? Do they even know they exist? It's these little flat thingies made out of curd, flower, eggs & salt. I mean they're so simple to make but I love themm 
19: What are you listening to right now? Day6 - Blood it's my favorite song ever go listen to it & stan day6 if you don't ok❤️ 
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Glossy green? Does that make sense? 
21: Favorite smell? The smell of the woods after it's rained 
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My brotherrrrr, the person who takes 3rd place of the "most often talked to on the phone" ranking after mom & dad. 
23: Favorite sport to watch? I like watching swimming races & basketball x) 
24: Hair color? Dark brown, dirty blond in places but I died the tips sorta grayish-blueish 
25: Eye color? Light blue 
26: Do you wear contacts? No no NO, never I am so squeamish about that idk why-- I'm squeamish about anything having to do with eyeballs, the front of the neck, wrists and ankles 
27: Favorite food to eat? graPes 
28: Scary movies or comedy? Comedies because scary movies are plain stupid if anyone knows an actually good horror movie hit me up I will be pleased if there's at least one that exists 
29: Last movie you watched? One flew over the cuckoo's nest, it's quite an old movie but it's amazing, recommended 
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Grey x) 
31: Summer or winter? Winter, I don't like it when it's hot. Even tho where I'm from the summer's aren't hot at all I still enjoy winter a lot more. (Also; mosquitos.) 
32: Hugs or kisses? Hugs, I don't really like any kind of skin-ship but hugs 
33: What book are you currently reading? I try, but I can't really find pleasure in reading books, so I'm reading mandatory literature for next year, "Žemaitė - Marti". Yeah I'm pretty damn sure it's not translated, but "Marti" means "daughter in law" & "Žemaitija" is one of our ethnocultural regions so "Žemaitė" is a woman that's from it. some useless information for you~ I'm sorry 
34: Who do you miss right now? 24K's Sungoh & Daeil. I couldn't really think of anything else 
35: What is on your mouse pad? I don't have one 
36: What is the last TV program you watched? NCT Life in Osaka:@) 
37: What is the best sound? The sound of tree leaves touching when the wind is blowing 
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I don't really listen to any of them, but the Beatles I guess 
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Thailand 
40: Do you have a special talent? Not that I can't think of one now, no 
41: Where were you born? Lithuania. (It's not in Africa lalbeiwheuavdiwbeiqgwisbqiwbeiqbdj, search it up))) I tag: @moonlitkpop @spidermalfoy11 @kpoploserbtstrash @nctaezen @sapphirehyuk
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trashfics · 8 years
Foxgloves ://: Chapter 2
Summary: Y/N was content living a normal life. Well, as normal as her life could be with the power to stun and cause death (in extreme conditions) with just a touch of her hand. Let’s just say gloves are a girl’s best friend, not diamonds. When the Winter Soldier surfaced, she was called in by Director Nick Fury to assist Captain America in fighting against a corrupt SHIELD. To the world, she is known as Foxgloves, the girl with poisons touch. To her team, she’s a mystery, coming out of nowhere, with her amazing combat skills and poisonous touch, to be recruited into their little group of super humans. Nobody knew of her origin, until Helmut Zemo’s plans consist of more than exposing the Winter Soldier as Howard and Martha Stark’s killer. Warnings: Mild cursing, CA: Civil War Spoilers, Mentions of Human Experimentation, A Little Bit of Fluff. A/N: Second chapter, woo! Feedback is always welcome! (F/I/C = Favourite ice cream) Word Count: 2,500k+ Last Chapter: [X] {I lean against him, giving some comfort, and pull his phone out. Unlocking it, I pull up the latest text that reads “She’s gone. In her sleep.”}
After consoling Steve about the passing of his first love, I go back to my room and take a nice, warm shower to calm my mind. All the ‘what if’s’ were flowing in and out at 100 mph, causing the bubbling of a headache. Sighing, I put on some calming music and allow my brain to whisk me away from reality.
I awake to the sound of someone entering my cell. I hear a man’s rough voice speaking in a foreign language, Russian maybe.  The feeling of a heavily calloused hand startles me, causing my body to jerk away. The man grunts something out, pulling me to my feet and leading me out of isolation. I hear the crying and screaming of various people, kids to adults, as I walk through a slim hallway. Glancing into the cell closest to me, I see a boy around my age with eyes and patches of skin like a snake. In another, I see a woman, maybe in her 30’s, with pitch black wing protruding from her back, caked in dry blood.
A shiver runs down my spine as we stop at a heavily guarded door. Nausea floods my body and my senses are in overdrive. The man who brought me here types in a code, causing the metal doors to open. He shoves me in, his grip on my arm bruising. Bringing me up to a medical bed, he stops and commands me to lay down. I follow his orders, not wanting to be beaten, and climb onto the stiff mattress. An IV is stuck into my arm and I fall unconscious.
Flashback Ends.
A single tear falls down my cheek. I breath in a ragged breath as I turn the water off. I absolutely hated re-living those memories. The ones that remind me about how I gained my ‘powers’. Wrapping a towel around myself, I walk into my room and change into the classic ‘I’m not a superhero’ outfit, which consists of a baseball cap, sunglasses, a random t-shirt, jeans, a jacket, sneakers, and a pair of faux leather gloves. Taking the lift down to the lobby, I inform F.R.I.D.A.Y that I was going out. “If anyone ask where I am, please tell them at the park a few blocks away.”
Walking out of the lavish building, I start on my trek to the small park that grants me peace of mind. I first stumbled upon when I first started living in the tower. Being knew to New York and all, I was lost and walking aimlessly around. I was looking for a café or some quiet place to eat, but I ended up at a small park. This park had a calming aura about it, with its little pretzel stand and playground, crawling with children and parents alike. I sit down on a bench and look up at the sky. The sun was starting to set so the clouds were full of pinks, oranges, and lavenders.
A soft smile graces my lips as I hear the familiar ringing of the ice cream cart that comes around during the afternoons, allowing children to get a treat before returning home. I get up and walk towards the old man wearing a light blue button up and white apron. Looking up, he smiles noticing my presence. “Y/N, it’s nice to see you again.” he says making his way over to hug me.
Charles was the lovely ice cream peddler who help me find my way back to the tower after getting lost. After I started to frequent the park, we started talking and getting to know each other. I learned that his wife had passed a few years ago, leaving him with their aging basset hound, Duke. Sometimes Duke accompanies his owner, enjoying the attention he gets from the small children. In all honesty, Charles is like the grandfather I never had. I love hearing his stories about his childhood, the ups and downs.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, was startin’ to think you forgot about lil’ old me.” I chuckle lightly, rubbing the back of my neck. “Sorry about that, work has been hectic lately.” He looks up at me, giving me a knowing smile. “I know, saw what had happened in Lagos on the news.”
Charles found out I was an Avenger shortly after I was injured after a mission and walked with a limp for a few weeks. He gave me advice on how to heal properly and took care of me, making sure I didn’t strain myself. He hands me a cone of F/I/C, turning to serve the next customer. After talking for a little, I leave with a promise to visit Duke and him soon and start on my way back to the tower.
Once I get back, I change into one of Sam’s shirt that I stole during laundry day and a pair of cotton shorts. Entering the living room, I find Sam and Steve sitting on one of the couches. “Hey boys, what’s got you two up so late?” I ask, propping myself up on the arm of the couch.
“We were just talking about what has happened in the past few days.” Steve said, sadness clear in his voice. “We were also talking about Peggy’s funeral, it’s the same day as the signing of the Accord.” Sam informs me, causing Steve to sigh. “Please don’t bring the Accords up, I just don’t like the idea of being monitored and told what we can and can’t do.”
I nod in agreement, getting up to get water from the kitchen. “Hey, is that my shirt?” I hear Sam call after me, causing me to giggle as I grab one of the water bottles from the fridge. “It was your shirt, but now it’s mine.” I say as I walk back in, a smirk playing on my lips. “Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Stark requests your presence in the lab.” I groan, rolling my eyes and telling F.R.I.D.A.Y that I’ll be down in a few minutes. After what happened earlier I don’t know if I should be relived or worried that Tony wants to talk.
Walking towards the lift, I am stopped by a hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I am met with Steve looking down at me. “I know you didn’t know Peggy for that long, but would you be willing to accompany Sam and I to London? If you’re not going to Vienna of course.” I sigh, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’ll get back to you on that Stevie, okay?” I reach out to pat his arm, pausing once I realize my mistake. “Sorry.” I mumble turning around and darting towards the lift, going down to the lab.
The bell chimes, signaling I have reached my destiantion. Sighing, I run my hand down my face, re-living the events of what happened that last time I was down here. Let’s just say it ended with a small explosion of one of Tony’s creations, due to me kicking it around as I spoke to him about a new tactical glove design.  ‘It’s not my fault that it looked like a soccer ball…’ I think as I walk up to the glass doors, knocking lightly. Tony perks up and signals for the doors to open.
Walking in, I am greeted with the sight of various contraptions and experiment. It seemed a little lonely too, seeing as Bruce is still MIA. “Hey Stark, what’s up?” I say, leaning against one of the silver tables. He turns to me, a screwdriver in hand. “I wanted to talk about what happened earlier.” I raise an eyebrow, gesturing for him to go on. ‘This is rare, he usually never apologizes.’
“Y/N, let me just start off by saying, you know I wouldn’t have went to such extreme measures if I didn’t think we needed to be put back in our place. The body count is way too high, the blood we’ve shed is limitless. Hell, we’ve destroyed a whole country!” he pauses, noticing his harsh tone and taking in a shallow breath before beginning again. “The Avengers are supposed to protect the world, not kill it. New York, Sokovia, anywhere we’ve had a major fight, was left with devastation and destruction and I don’t know if I can keep going on with that anymore.” His brown eyes look distraught, the dark circles underneath a deep purple.
When Tony is stressed out, he locks himself in the lab for days at a time. He does anything he can to take his mind off whatever is troubling him using methods varying from liquor to sleep deprivation. Honestly, it hurts me to see him like this. Sure, he can be quite the jerk, but he does what he thinks will be best for everyone, even if it comes with consequences. 
Finding a pair of gloves lying on the table, I put them on and pull him into a hug. I can see where he’s coming from, hell, I was there when Sokovia went down. I saw all the people lying dead and injured in the streets, they’re faces still haunt me to this day. “Tony, when was the last time you got more than 30 minutes of sleep?” I murmur into his ear.
He chuckles, pulling away and asks “Would you be mad if I said I don’t remember?” Smiling softly, I walk over to one of the cabinets and pull out a pillow and blanket. Sitting on top of one of the empty table, I pat the space next to me, signaling for him to lay down. He shakes his head, as he lounges on his side, placing his head on my lap. I lay the blanket on him and run my fingers through his hair, causing him to relax.
“I’m not going to the signing in Vienna,” I start, sighing and glancing down at him, seeing him mumble that he knows. “I’ll be in London with Steve and Sam; Peggy’s funeral is the same day.” I pause, noticing his eyes start to droop. “You know I’m always a phone call away and always up to talk. Let me know how it goes, okay? And if there’s anything you need me to pick up, an ‘I love London’ shirt maybe.” I smile as he begins nodding off. He pulls the blanket tighter around him and I get up, maneuvering his head onto the pillow. Before I leave, I place a chaste kiss on his forehead. Somehow, I always end up looking after Starks.
A few days later, it’s absolute chaos. Apparently, a bomb went off during the signing in Vienna, injuring and killing many. After getting a call from Natasha, I bombarded her with questions about her well-being first and then she briefs me on what went down, Sam and I race to the hotel that Sharon, Peggy’s niece was staying at. Once explaining what we know so far in the elevator, we head to Sharon’s room, watching the news feed.
“A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda’s King T’Chaka.” I grimace, watching the aftermath as Sharon tries to find out more about what happened. “Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier.” I sucked in a harsh breath at the mention of that name. Glancing over at Steve, his features are like stone. “The infamous HYDRA agent linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations.” Sharon, who’s finally off the phone, walks up next to Steve. “I have to go to work.”
We make our way to Bucharest, with the help of a certain blonde agent. This is where James has most likely been hiding out, somewhere lowkey, a country that nobody would bother thinking of housing the infamous ex-sniper. Steve and I walk into his flat, dressed in our combat suits with Sam watching from the sky. It’s small, with a mattress lying on the floor and worn couch resting against the kitchen island. It feels homey, to say the least.
Steve finds a notebook on top of the fridge and starts snooping, while I look around. Sam comes in of the radio, “Heads up, guys. German Special Forces, approaching from the south.” Making my way back into the living area from the bathroom, I pause. Standing there in a black baseball cap and red Henley is no other than Bucky Barnes, trust me, those baby blue eyes are permanently etched into my memory. “Steve,” I start, my voice soft as James looks at me. A flash of recognition crosses his features, it fading away as quickly as it came. “We have company.”
Steve turns around, the floor boards under him creaking. Looking over his estranged best friend, he sighs. “Do you know me?” There’s a moment of silence before James replies. “You’re Steve.” His hair is longer, well kept, I note mentally. I like it. “I read about you in a museum.”
I walk towards the door, getting ready for an attack and Sam warns that the GSF are here. “And you,” I turn my head, looking towards the face of a haunted man, “’You’re Y/N,” my eyes widen, ‘Does he remember?’ I think, “I saw you in the newspaper.” I nod, kind of sad but relieved at the same time. Nobody needs to know how I know the Winter Soldier.
“I know you’re nervous, and you have plenty of reason to be.” Steve pauses, placing the notebook down. “But you’re lying.” Sensing the people coming up the stairs, I inch closer towards the door leading to the stairwell.
“I wasn’t in Vienna. I don’t do that anymore.” Sounds his gravelly voice, the voice that I’ve come to miss. Him and Steve talk some more, Steve warning him of the upcoming fight. Sam chimes in briefly, “They’re entering the building.” I get ready, tucking myself into the little corridor that leads to the bathroom. “They’re on the roof, I’m compromised.” ‘Well, fuck.’ I think, checking to make sure everything is loaded and in their proper places.
“It always ends in a fight.” Sighs James, pulling the glove off his left hand, the silver plates shining. “You pulled me from the river. Why?” Questions Steve, James looking up at him and saying “I don’t know.” “Three seconds.” Warns Sam as I get ready by the door. “Yes, you do.” “Steve, this really isn’t the time for an interrogation.” I mumble, causing James to look over at my crouching figure.
“Breach! Breach! Breach!” announces Sam as a smoke bomb is thrown inside. Steve reacts immediately, covering it with his shield. I hear shouting in German, as a bullet breaks through the wall, which James stops with the mattress, while the door is pounded on. A table is thrown as two of the windows are kicked in, James coming face to face with one of the soldiers. Steve pulls the carpet out from under the other one, causing him to shoot wildly at the ceiling. The door to the balcony is opened, Steve grabbing the soldier’s gun and turning it away, while James kicks him in the chest.
“Buck! Stop! You’re gonna kill someone.” I hear Steve shout as he’s knocked down. James breaks the flooring next to the blonde’s head, pulling out a military style backpack. “I’m not gonna kill anyone.”
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ashafriesen · 5 years
200 Plus Blog Post Topics For Times When You Hit A Writer’s Block
As a blogger you have to come up with niche ideas to write blogs every few days. It’s well known that Google likes posts above 1500 words but to keep coming up with ideas every now and then is a task. I suggest creating a three-monthly blog plan and sticking to it. That way even if you don’t feel like writing one off day, you will never be short of content. The other issue a lot of bloggers face is ideas to write a post, so just to ease that out to you, here I am listing 200 blog post ideas. So go ahead, make your planner and get to work Amigos!!!
1. Parenting and Motherhood Blog Post Topics;
Healthy Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers
Breastfeeding guide for fathers
21 Activities to do with your toddler
35 Indoor activities to do with your kids during monsoons
50 Ideas for activities for summer vacations
25 most googled baby questions
5 DIY Christmas decoration to make with your kids
Funny Things That Kids Say
How to raise a gifted child?
How to inculcate joy of reading in kids?
Life hacks for moms
How to manage hair loss after having a baby?
How to get back to pre pregnancy weight?
8 things my mother told me that are not true
How to build a mom’s emergency kit?
How to raise happy kids?
What to do if your child gets in trouble in school?
Figuring out a preteens mind
Back to school organisation tips.
10 Chores To Teach Your Kids This Summer
2. Food Blog Post Topics
Quick and easy lunch box hacks
Is organic food good for your baby?
15 Top Recipes for an occasion like – Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Holi, Thanksgiving etc
A-Z of spices in the Indian Kitchen
Guilt free healthy snack ideas
How to practice mindful eating?
5 mocktail recipes for summer
Dining etiquettes to follow on a dinner table
10 vegan recipes for the yogi in you
Nutrition tips for fitness geeks
5 minute chocolate brownie
Quick 5 minute recipes, explained step by step
10 easy salad recipes
5 healthy smoothie recipes to kickstart your day
5 no bake recipes for kids
Explain a Cooking Recipe Step-by-Step
Share the history of a popular grandma recipe
Share about failed cooking experiment
Recipes to Make Your Family’s Snack Time Healthy
Foods That Stop Sugar Cravings
3. Spirituality Blog Post Topics
Why is it important to be kind?
Why to indulge in early morning meditation?
Pointers to Practice to keep yourself free from negative emotions
How to Find Spiritual Freedom
Unwriting Family Beliefs and Behavior Patterns
Healing Silent Wounds
10 Simple Truths to Live by
What Is a Spiritual Awakening?
5 Types of Spiritual Awakening Sleep Problems and Insomnia
10 Most Popular Spirituality Blogs of 2016
20 reasons why to meditate
Letting Go of Resistance
Benefits of morning meditation
50 Best Meditation Room Ideas that Will Improve Your Life
How meditation works on your insides
Best meditation music
Best inspirational/motivational post with famous quotes
Happiness Myths That Make Us Miserable
How to find refuge in stillness
Meditation – The ancient science to inner peace
4. Yoga And Fitness Blog Post Topics
Start a 30 day challenge for your audience and ask them to participate in it. Share 30 poses with one pose to be done everyday
At the end of 30-day yoga challenge share your learnings.
40 health and wellness gift ideas
15 top yoga retreats to head to for peace and calm
5 winter workouts to keep you fit
5 yoga poses to combat belly fat
My running/ exercise playlist
How to introduce principles of yoga to kids?
Yoga for runners– 5 asanas to help them
Top 10 marathons in the world that you need to experience
Top 21 most scenic half marathons in the world
Understanding Pros and Cons of famous fad diets
Let’s understand the 7 major chakras in our body
Why is sleep an important pillar of fitness?
Common fitness mistakes that you make
Early warning signs of breast cancer
Running tips for beginners
Simple home workouts
Yoga poses to tone and detox
How to lose fat to tone up
5. Personal And Relationships Blog Post Topics
10 things that you don’t know about me.
Creative date night ideas to spice up your marriage
20 of my must-watch list of movies
My favorite childhood memory.
The day that was not meant to be- my most embarrassing moment/story
Are marriages made in heaven or are they incidental?
How to deal with the loss of a close one?
Things I want to tell my twenty-year-old version of myself?
A day in my life.
10 things that make me happy.
If You Could Change One Thing About Your Life, What Would It Be?
What is self-love?
Most important lessons you’ve learned in your life.
A habit that improved my relationship with money
How I motivate myself when I’m feeling lazy
5 goals I have for this year
Why growing old is exciting for me
How to deal with personal loss
How to survive a break-up
How writing changed me as a person
6. Travel Blog Post Topics
What inside my travel bag?
What to pack when travelling with kids on a road trip?
What to pack when flying with kids?
10 active family holidays
Top 100 destinations to visit for Indians
Travel hacks and packing essentials for a back packer
Create a travel bucket list and share it with the world
How to keep your fitness regime even while travelling
First time guide to a city
Fun road trip games for kids
What and how to pack for a trekking trip
10 unique experiences in Las Vegas
Top Offbeat Getaways To Take With Your Girlfriends/Boyfriend(s)
Travelling locally in a city
Why are the kids who travel, smarter?
Be a traveller and not a tourist
Top 6 must-do Himalayan treks for every trekker
My favorite place to travel as a child
Why Travel is the best way to teach kids about the world and it’s culture
10 hacks that you should know about staying in a hotel room
7. Beauty Blog Post Topics
Benefits of Green tea for your hair
How to keep your skin looking fresh even in summers
How to do monsoon proof make up
Winter skin care
Quick and easy hairstyles for a party
Eye care routine to avoid dark circles
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All you need to know about magnetic eyelashes
Night skin care routine for Top 5 female celebrities
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What are the ten commandments of beauty?
8. Fashion Posts
Trendy and friendly monsoon fashion tips
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Top ten styling tips for a working woman
Ten must-haves for the season
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How to care for your jewellery
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Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
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kloojjtrends · 6 years
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 Peruse the point by point Cosmedique survey to mind whether it works.What's Cosmedique Facial Cream?The cosmedique cream is an enemy of maturing facial cream which expels wrinkles by infiltrating somewhere inside your skin when contrasted and other enemy of maturing creams. It gives better appearance and skin stays solid. This enemy of maturing cream uses an equation that was found all through research of distribute careful treatment after the facial redesign of patients. It's re-worked to be utilized as an epidermis supplement for people getting wrinkles.Ultra Concentrated Skin Rejuvenation Cosmedique against wrinkle cream incorporates a framework that guarantees to turn back obvious consequences of the developing and quit harming components known as "Free-Radicals" from harming cells of your skin as protracted when you are using it.n light of Cosmedique audits, The cream incorporates a few things that were acquainted together with deliver the best skin treatment people in general at any point persevered utilization of with no specialist's solution. Numerous plastic specialists have given their decision that Cosmedique facial cream is valuable for limiting lines and wrinkles, wrinkles and listing skin than each other facial cream that at any point existed.
Cosmedique Cream Manufacturer
The Cosmedique facial cream is delivered with a Fort Lauderdale, an American-based organization of the indistinguishable name Cosmedique LLC. The Cosmedique official site states they have a R&D focus situated in Europe where they built up the easy method to sedate the substantially thicker layers of your skin.They additionally express that they inquired about the procedure for people the individuals who are scanning for a decision to careful treatment notwithstanding didn't experience any facial redesign or correctivesystems.They were given an overall achievement, this depiction of how they are giving their products now in extra than 57 nations. Through their official site, they're making the across the board equation promptly accessible for everyone. They're while utilizing ultra concentrated Cosmedique fixings and furthermore the technique to make the Cosmedique facial cream.So how accurately does Cosmedique work?hould you haven't perused any Cosmedique hostile to maturing cream audits, at that point to you. Cosmedique is an interesting detailing of various skin treatment parts. They are ceramide, DMAE, Vit An, Ascorbic Acid, Vit A, hyaluronic corrosiveness, normal proteins, retinol, and so forth. Likely the most basic component is a notable propelled recipe which will help the augmentation of undeveloped cells. They will utilize Hyaluronic Acidity to make sodium hyaluronate through combination. It builds up a salt sort of Hyaluronic Acidity.
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Each segment from the Cosmedique facial cream keeps
on being re-built molecularly to create the littlest size with the goal that it will go insidewithin the majority of the skin layers. The retinol, ceramides, and nutrients infiltrate profound into the skin specifically into the skin, making the skin sound and seem more youthful.he triple-layered skin has turned out to be recuperated and renewed, the obligation of dermis and epidermis are fixed, and furthermore the surface will get to its normal tally of cells. This Cosmedique prompts giving the skin an evener tone, surface, and less liver spots, and so on. Considering retinol, the pivotal foundational microorganism development recipe, Hyaluronic Acidity, and so forth., the most persevering wrinkles need to go.The stores of Hyaluronic Acidity, which thusly causes the profound parallel forehead lines, as we age, are substituted with this cream. Retinol contained in the Cosmedique cream kills an assortment of spots out of your skin, for example, the sun oriented lentigines, liver spots, alongside the imperfections. Above all else, they blur, at that point inside 4-10 days, they vanish entirely.When I officially called attention to in my Cosmedique survey, DMAE helps make the skin around your vision firm, supple and lifts it. In this way decreasing the thick lines, and gives a more loosened up face. Nutrients, A, C, and E, together deliver enchantment helping in cutting the staining, oxidation, aggravation, and bothering. In this way the dim eye circles are decreased.
The caviar separate contains characteristic proteins
 that is retained quickly and mends the aggravated excessively broken circulatory system vessels inside the skin. The aggravating lines around the lips caused because of less Ceramide and less hindrance work. Purchase Cosmedique facial cream and reestablish them and dispose of them in 6-12 days. The thick lines react quickly towards the moment lifting activity of DMEA, alongside the continuous revival from the Cosmedique protected Stem Cells (Cosmedique Shark Tank).Using Cosmedique Anti-Aging Cream?
The exact method for application is easy:
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In Only 27 Seconds: Based on Cosmedique perusing client audits, The cream utilizes delicate light dissemination innovation to decrease the wrinkles all over in just 27 seconds. It requires an interminably longer time period to mend on the significantly more top to bottom level, yet you'll look better in a flash.Day 10: During the day 10, your skin starts to enhance and revamp its broken, inside structure. Since the skin begins to look firm and tight, your skin layers start to recuperate and show up lively.By Week 4: The intersection from the skin-epidermis is about fixed totally. Your skin appears to be impeccable, and wrinkles start to seem "filled in." Folks could even begin to presume you to experience plastic surgery.By Week 8: Right now my skin nearly had were worked with an appearance of a 30-year-old. The lines and wrinkles, wrinkles, and stamps are extensively diminished. There has been a great deal of ladies, whose spots were vanished completely their skin looks apparent and lively.
Who can utilize Cosmedique Facial Cream?
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Has no effect what appearance you've, it doesn't segregate, and you may utilize Cosmedique cream. Notwithstanding in case you're a man or maybe a woman Cosmedique US against wrinkle cream will be your partner in battling people wrinkles.Could it be tried and true Cosmedique Cream?Cosmedique official site states it gives the accompanying fixings, for instance, DMAE, Algae, Retinol, Caviar Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Tocopherol Acetate, Phytosphingosine notwithstanding Swiss Apple Extract.Apple undifferentiated organisms that are used in Cosmedique facial cream is among the one of a kind and perfect substances that unavoidably functions admirably to recover the harmed skin tissues.
Peruse the Cosmedique hostile to maturing
to comprehend that it's completely tried and true. You don't require a solution since it is a cosmeceutical and never a prescription. An unopened cylinder can keep going for only two-years in the buy date dependent on the Cosmedique official site. When you open it up to endeavor to have it through before 6 half a month. In the event that you are utilizing it day by day, it will probably be in around two months.It's additionally insightful to remember that should you smoke the ox-like col
0 notes
nancypullen · 6 years
Wake Up and Make Up
A couple of days ago my sister and I were talking about makeup.  We’ve been talking about makeup since I was in kindergarten. No lie.  Those tiny Avon sample lipsticks were our gateway drug and we’ve had a monkey on our backs ever since.  Here’s the thing though,  I’m not one bit sorry.  Trust me, I’ve heard all of those passive-aggressive remarks like, “Oh, I never wear makeup, who has the time?”  Me, I do.  It’s not for everyone and I’d never dream of telling another woman what she should or shouldn’t do with her face.  That said, I get asked A LOT what I use/wear/recommend.  Not because anyone wants to look like me (I’ll be 55 next month, I’m no one’s goal) but because people know that I am a Sephora junkie who absolutely loves to play with cosmetics and find out what’s new, what works, what’s wonderful, and all that.  They’d probably be surprised to learn that this is my daily face.  Super quick and super easy.
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Disclaimer:  I am not a photographer and this was not a glamour photo shoot.  I pulled these items out of my makeup bag and snapped them on the bathroom counter. Deal with it.  First things first.  I love this IT Cosmetics CC cream.  It’s nourishing and it’s got 50 SPF, so that’s kind of fabulous. The tube has a pump which is really nice and a little goes a long way. I’ve had this tube since May and it’s easily got another two or three months worth in it. There’s not a huge shade range, but because it’s a CC cream it tends to blend well and I think most people could find a match.  I wear medium in the winter and medium tan in the summer.  This tube is $38, but if you check the Sephora website you can purchase a little travel tube for $15.  I’m sure it’s sold elsewhere, but I’m a loyal Sephora customer.
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Next up is this fabulous little multi-tasker.  It’s Bobbi Brown’s Pot Rouge and it’s for cheeks AND lips.  Score!  I use the color Blushed Rose and I love it.
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As  *ahem*  a woman of a certain age, I find that creams are kinder to my skin than layers of powders.  I tap my middle finger on this rich color and just sort of dab it on the apples of my cheeks.  Then I repeat for my lips.  It provides lasting color and it feels good on my lips.  This compact will run you $32, but remember that’s cheeks and lips. Let’s talk eyes.  I’ve never been one to wear a lot of cosmetics on my eyes.  Maybe it’s because my brother always called me “bug eyes” when we were kids and I’m still a little self-conscious about them, or maybe it’s because I find one color on my lids to be plenty.  If we’re going out for a fancy-schmancy evening I might add a little navy blue smear to the crease on top of my standard brown shadow.  I think nearly every eye color looks fabulous with a little dark blue accent.  But my go-to is a little pot of cream shadow from MAC.
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Here’s the thing about eye shadow (in my humble opinion).  Most women already have pretty eyes, and you really don’t want to hide them, you just want to frame them.  Again, just my opinion, if you feel best with seven colors of glitter on your lids, then you go rock that.  I’ve almost always just worn a subtle shade of brown, sometimes a plum brown, because I once read in Seventeen magazine that’s what you should wear if you have green eyes.  The shade you see above is Constructivist from MAC Cosmetics.  I also have a lighter brown that I wear in the winter, Groundwork.  As we age, that space between the eyebrow and the lid starts to look heavy.  What do we do when we want something to recede? Color it dark!  My loyalty to brown eye shadow has paid off because a swipe of color that’s a couple shades darker than your skin tone can make that droopy upper lid recede.  Or at least give the illusion that it does. These Mac Paint Pot beauties run about $19 and they last for-ev-er.  Seriously, you’ll get your money’s worth out of every product I’m listing.  Besides, people think nothing of dropping $30 for a pizza dinner that literally turns to poop, or twice that much on garden mulch that they’ll rake up at the end of the season.  I have a friend who will only use scented garbage bags and special orders them (newsflash, your garbage still smells like garbage) but wont splurge on a good foundation.    I used to justify my cosmetics because I cut and color my own hair, I rarely spend on clothes, I don’t have expensive hobbies, and blah,blah,blah.  Now I just admit that I like makeup and I think it’s okay to use good quality products on your FACE.  No apologies.   And that brings us to my favorite product of all... The cheese stands alone.
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 This, my friends, is Giorgio Armani’s Black Ecstasy mascara.  It is made with the tears of angels and unicorn fluff.  I don’t know what sorcery is involved in the making of this stuff, and I don’t care.  It’s $32 and worth every penny.  I’d give up every other product but this one.  Over the years I’ve tried drugstore mascaras and they always irritated my eyes.  I graduated to Clinique and Estee Lauder and they were fine.  In fact, for years I used whatever was on sale or in the “gift with purchase” at my local department store cosmetics counter...and they were all fine. Just fine.  Then Sephora sent me a sample of Armani’s and that was all over.  One swipe, honestly just one swipe is all it takes to coat and separate my lashes.  You don’t have to go all Tammy Faye to get lush lashes. I dip and swipe on my right eye, then dip and swipe on my left eye, and finish by running the brush horizontally across the bottom lashes of each eye with what’s left.  It doesn’t flake and get in my eyes, and there’s nothing in it that irritates.  It’s my true love. My soul mate. So that’s my makeup routine, 4 products.  My look rarely changes.  I’m pretty boring.  These photos are all spaced about a month apart.  *YAWN*
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 Don’t judge me.  I’ve never taken a great photo in my life.  Or maybe I really do just look goofy all the time. The last picture is my norm.  I somehow always manage to look like a cocker spaniel who needs to go out. I’m not wrong.
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I’d be remiss if I didn’t add my other favorite lipstick to this list.  I’ve been buying it for several years, since it made its debut, and I’m still in love with it.  
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Bare Minerals Liquid Lipstick in the color XYZ.  That’s the color I’m wearing in the first two pics and the Bobbi Brown Blushed Rose is in the third picture.  There’s not a huge difference, but the XYZ is a warmer color and the Blushed Rose is obviously pinker and cooler.  This Bare Minerals lipstick is fantastic.  It goes on super creamy with a little doe foot applicator and dries down to a matte finish that will last alllll day. When I wear it I always pop a spot of gloss on my bottom lip, or at least a little Carmex - I think I’m too old for a super matte lip, but maybe I’m too old for gloss.  Maybe no one cares. Either way, this tube is always in my makeup bag. Don’t think for a minute that just because I’ve listed only a few products here that I don’t have drawers upon drawers full of palettes, winter colors, summer colors, fancy night out colors, that one red lipstick that I really want to wear but I look like Cruella de Vil when I do....and more.  This list is my automatic, never-fails-me, done-in-5-minutes face.  None of these things will hide all of the crinkles I’m getting around my eyes.  I’ll let you know right away if I find that miracle product.  I use a cleanser and moisturizer from Paula’s Choice.  They run $10 or $11 dollars and the bottles are large and will last months and months.  I love and trust Paula’s Choice - Paula Begoun is the woman who wrote my bible, Don’t Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me.  You can read about that here: https://www.paulaschoice.com/who-we-are/about-paula.html I hope that these ramblings answer a few questions.  What works for me might not work for you. Hopefully the products I’ve shared here are universal enough that they’d be a nice addition to anyone’s war paint.  If you want to expand your inventory, stop at any Sephora and ask for samples.  I’ve had them pump two or three foundations at a time into little sample pots. They’re happy to do it.  They have an exceptional return policy where they’ll take back a product (with the receipt), no questions asked - so they’d much rather you take home a sample than return a full-sized item.  Another bonus, Sephora employees do not receive commission. You won’t get a hard sell or a pushy employee trying to fill your bag for their benefit.  I like that.  Now, if you go to your local Sephora and encounter a snotty girl who acts like assisting you or providing samples is a bother, ask for a manager - that’s not okay.  I’ve never had that issue, but I’ve also not been to every Sephora.  I take that back, the super models in the Sephora  on Champs d'Elysées in Paris were kind of rude - but that may have been a combination of a language barrier and the fact that I looked like a Hobbit who’d been caught in the rain.  Still, not okay. Wear it, don’t wear it, be as natural or as glamorous as you like. But whatever you choose, do it for yourself.   I paint my face for me.  I like it.  I don’t do this for other women, and I sure as heck don’t do it for men.  I’m not spending money on a lipstick for someone that I wouldn’t trust to pick a paint color.   Mine is the only opinion that matters when it comes to my face, my body, my hair, my clothes, etc.  Get that set in your mind and you’ll enjoy your days. P.S.  Even though I mentioned Sephora a million times and shared specific brands, this is not a sponsored post and I’m not promoting or advertising for anyone.  But hey, if Sephora is listening I wouldn’t get mad at a gift card.  My husband would probably appreciate it. 
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0 notes
rthompson32-blog · 7 years
The best skin of your life starts here and now.
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No matter your age, gender, skin tone or ethnicity, Rodan + Fields® products can help you to achieve healthier, younger-looking skin. As an R+F Independent Consultant, I love that I am able to help people feel more comfortable and self confident in their own skin.  How can you achieve clearer, more radiant, younger looking skin?  The R+F secret to great-looking skin is Multi-Med Therapy®, using the right ingredients in the right formulations and applying them in the right order. From our cleansers to our sunscreens, all R+F products are specially formulated to complement each other. I have seen with my own eyes, in just a short period of time, the powerful effects of these products.   And at the end of the day, being part of your journey and celebrating your amazing results is the driving force behind my “why”.  Are you ready to start your transformation today??  
About me 
I am 46 years old and have struggled with cystic acne since my early 20′s.  I went on Accutane at the age of 23 and my skin was pretty much acne free after that, but I was left with acne scarring because I always picked to try and get rid of them.  On top of that, I was a “sun worshiper” and the damage from years of being in the sun unprotected started to show as I approached my 30′s, so on top of acne scarring I also had a lot of dark spots.  When I was 33 I decided to try IPL treatments.  The cost was $350 per treatment and it pretty much felt as if someone was snapping an elastic band on my face continually.  A few days later, it looks as if you smeared coffee grounds all over your face until that skin finally shed off and I was left with the same dark spots, maybe lighter, I wasn’t sure.  They told me it may take 5-6 visits.  I went for 3 treatments and after spending over $1000 and seeing very little difference, I decided not to continue.  Over the years I have probably spent thousands of dollars on creams, glycolic peels or anything that promised to remove dark spots -  all rated 4 stars or above on Amazon and still, no results.   When I was about 40 the cystic acne made a come back as well (lucky me, NOT),  so I went on Accutane for a 2nd time last year and just completed that in August of 2017.  I am once again acne free, but the brown patches (not spots now) were worse than ever.   I NEVER leave my house without make up on.  I never go in the water at the beach or swim with my kids, because that would wash the make up off.   I was always searching for something that would help.   At the beginning of February this year, I saw a post asking something like, who wants good skin??  Of course, I replied “Me!!” and that is when my Rodan and Fields journey started after seeing all the promising before and after photos.   
Initially, my intention was to TRY these products first for 60 days before I decided whether or not I wanted share these products.   I don’t think of myself as selling these products, because I truly believe that the products sell themselves.  I use these products and decided to share them with other people to help get the word about Rodan and Fields out - after all, I had never heard of Rodan and Fields before I saw that post.  I was thinking about the opportunity to have this business and decided that I wanted to make my business personal and take people on my journey with me, so I decided to go way out of my comfort zone and do a Facebook Live Video showing the use of the 4 step regimen that I am currently using called Reverse Lightening, because I wanted to show just how simple it was, but most importantly to show the world, Robin with no make-up.  I needed to be comfortable with being real.   I want my clients to trust me, I do not want to sell you a product, I truly want you to have the best skin of your life and my hope is that every man and woman can be comfortable and confident in their own skin.   With our 60 day money back guarantee, I decided that I would to start sharing the products at the same time I started using them and take everyone on my journey with me.  Watch for more Facebook Live Videos as I continue to update my progress every couple of weeks.   
Here is the link to my very first FB LIVE: 
The AMAZING Before and Afters
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Amazing and inspiring right??  Could this be us too???  
I can’t possibly show you or give you all the information I have here.   My intention is to put as much information as I can together for you to be able to review and decide for yourself.   I had a lot of questions that went through my head when I first heard of Rodan and Fields too, so here are a few more pictures to help explain and give you some more details.  
The Regimens and what they do
Rodan and Fields is the #1 skincare company in North America because we have proven results, like no other.  The secret is the Multi Med Therapy - every step of each regimen works along with the others to give you the results you are looking for.   
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Our Popular Combination Add-Ons: 
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  Cost Comparisons
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Preferred Customers - One time fee $19.95
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Are you as excited about R&F as I  am??  I bet you know  a few people that would love these products too!!  
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Yes, I know, gulp!!!   But, there are incentive programs in place that you can earn your investment back in as little as 3 months and still use the products yourself for free!!  The 60 day money back guarantee covers the business kits too!!  Yes, they are the confident that you will be successful and that their products do what they claim they do.  
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If you are interested in placing in order, it would be my pleasure to help you every step of the way! 
Please take a moment to take our Solutions Tool located on my website at:
If you’d like to browse the site for more information on the products, go here:
If you’d like to join me on this amazing journey and become a business partner, it would be my honor to have you on my team.   Please contact me for additional details.  The team support that we have if absolutely amazing!!  Are you ready to start earning some residual income??  What could you use extra money for??  Spending money, a new car, pay your mortgage or vacation maybe??   The possibilities are endless.     
Thank you so much for taking the time to explore and learn more about me.  If you know someone that would be interested, please share my information or let me know so I can reach out to them.   I promise to give them the very best customer experience. 
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All my best, Robin 
phone:  508-612-5035
website:  rthompson32.myrandf.com
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the-coconut-asado · 7 years
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I am going to tell a story about good and bad service and it’s going to take me a few paragraphs before you get to the recipes. Buckle up and pour yourself a cocktail.
Back in eighties New York no smart restaurant or bar staff line-up was complete without a generous dollop of sass. I liked the honesty of the ‘take it or fuck you’ service culture, often accompanied by a smile and a shrug. Now, on a bad day, (and most days in New York are good), you get a thin veil of courtesy, dipped in the nail polish of smug contempt.
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Now, I have been to some great bars in Manhattan with sizzlingly good service. Dan the mixologist at Attaboy for example, a speakeasy in Chinatown, left me schoolgirl-dizzy with delight from what in retrospect were a few vaudeville tricks delivered with precision-charm. First there is the theatre of the entrance: a bashed-up door to an old tenement building on the edge of Chinatown, leading to a tiny corridor of a bar. Dan glided over and asked me what kind of things I liked to drink, what I wanted from life and if I watched The Crown on Netflix (I may have imagined at least two thirds of that). He then decided that a Kingsman Negroni would set my world alight. Damn! he was right, and I was almost teary when we had to leave to make our dinner booking.
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Some other bar experiences have not been so serendipidous. Take the rooftop bar at a new budget-yet-hipster-with-no-coffee-in-your-room boutique on the Lower East Side. Staying there last summer, I tried to book myself and a friend in for a drink on my first evening. I got sizzlingly good booking service (see above) by way of reply: “Absolutely no need for you to book Mrs Bentley! As a guest you get automatic access with a plus one!”
If you thought this was sorted, then you would be wrong.
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My mate Mel and I rocked up to the rooftop pretty early on that stiflingly hot summer evening. The bouncer at the door had that combination of faultless good manners and computer-says-no attitude that sets your teeth on auto-grind. Yes, he said, we were free to go to the back indoor bar, but the outside bar (let’s face it the ONLY bar anyone wanted to go to) was full.
We squinted through the doorway. It really didn’t look that full.
“We want our guests to experience the pleasant ambience in the bar, so we like to keep numbers down” he whispered. I forgot to mention he was a soft talker, straight out of the Seinfeld playbook.
While he held us at bay with his lullaby tones, the fedora-topped host was pretending to ignore us, using the same body language as the Beverly Hills sourface in Pretty Woman.
I fixed a smile on my face and continued: “If we go into the back bar, will you tell us when space comes free?’
“I’m afraid I can’t do that” the bouncer whispered in downsized Matt Damon-like tones: ‘We let people in on a first come first served basis. Unless you booked’.
‘I tried to book, I was told that I didn’t need to as I am a guest.’
‘If you haven’t booked you need to wait in the back bar.’
‘In that case we’ll wait here”, Mel chipped in.
‘I’m afraid you can’t wait here ladies, you’re blocking the walkway’ – ah! the host had finally decided to notice us.
“I think we will wait though’ I replied, still smiling winningly, with an only faintly discernible tick in my cheek.
This was a dance and we decided to settle into the rhythm. The host went back to studying her fingernails and the bouncer intensified the low voice so that we could only hear every third word. He seemed to be saying " You do have entry to the bar, but not if it is full.”
“But it’s not full!!”
“It’s our policy and there’s nothing I can do. I am triste for you.”
I could have sworn he said triste, or he may have said ‘piste’ which is what Mel and I should have been by now. And the French flavour of superiority he had adopted made me angry. Don't worry mate, I thought, I can play this game till les vaches come home.
The stand-off continued. The two of us refusing to move, the gatekeepers refusing to meet our gaze. And all the while we could glimpse the seductive but disappearing sunset on the terrace. Then, quite suddenly, balance of power shifted in our favour. Three socialites – a good two decades younger and well hipper than us, I’ll leave it there  -  swanned past us. They had clearly booked. And they were clearly the right demographic. I sashayed over to the host.
“I’m confused. I see those ladies booked and you let them in. And yet no one has left the outside bar. Should I have gone medieval with the booking service when they said I could bowl up as a hotel guest,and insist they should make a reservation for me? Or maybe I should just be younger?’
Busted. For a split second her insouciant mask slipped and she grimaced. And then she let us in. And the sunset, the view, and the heady aroma of NYC jeunesse d'ore was worth it - for a couple of hours at least. I haven’t been back. 
But before you get ‘triste’ that the world really is only for the young, the hip and the restless, then leave the bars and head for the food and drink festivals – where even my 92 year old auntie pictured here (who by the way is hip enough to use Whatsapp to great sarcastic advantage) gets great service.  
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The artisanal food markets around the City such as the weekend Smorgasburg – which I have followed from Brooklyn Bridge to a Williamsburg car park to its most recent leafily affluent home in Prospect Park – give you great views (mostly), superiority-free service and delicious food and drink. It also gave me the inspiration for my Gingerbread Ice cream Sandwich, which I am sharing for you here. 
The best bars also serve amazing bar food. And while, Kingsman Negroni aside, I have rarely remembered a good cocktail,  I can snap-recall great food I have eaten with it. Here are a couple of food combinations I love in a bar-snackable format. Chin-chin.
Freaky Beets
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If Kale is the food currency of New York, then beetroot is the bitcoin, i.e it’s both alternative and hyped. If you want clean food that is also unctuous and delicious then whip this up the next time you need a superfood boost to carbon-neutralise your alcohol intake. Small plates are also the perfect bar food. This one is a mash up of some Ottolenghi inspiration and a great little recipe I spied in Olive Magazine. Serves 4 as an appetizer.
Four red raw beetroot and 2 raw golden beets, topped, peeled and cut into chunks (use non latex gloves to stop you getting your hands stained);
2 tsp. chilli flakes
2 large carrots, cut into chunks
Tblspn cumin
2 tbpn. Olive oil
Kosher salt and black pepper
2 tbsp. sherry vinegar
1 tsp honey.
3 tsp hazelnuts
3 tbsp. greek yoghurt.
Juice of ½ a lemon.
1 250g pouch ready to eat freekah.
A few basil leaves.
How to make
Heat the oven to 200C (or 190C Fan).
Pop the hazelnuts onto a baking sheet and roast for 5-10 mins until they are slightly browned and the skins peel off easily by rubbing a little. Chop and set aside.
Toss the chunks of beetroot and carrot with the chilli flakes, cumin, oil and seasoning, spread out in a shallow baking pan and roast for 40 mins.
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Take the beets out and toss in the sherry and honey, then return to the oven for a further 5 minutes.
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Mix the Greek yoghurt with the lemon juice, then season to taste.Warm the freekah through with a little water in a small saucepan.
Toss the warm beets and carrots with the freekeh in a serving bowl. Drizzle over the yoghurt dressing, then scatter with the hazelnuts and torn basil. Season again and drizzle with a little more oil, then serve.
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Chilli fried squid with smashed borlotti beans
This takes literally 20 minutes from start to finish. To be eaten lingering over a glass of wine with a special someone that you don’t want to be seen stuffing your face in front of. Serves 2
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1 400g can borlotti beans
A few leaves of sage, chopped finely
1 sprig rosemary. Needles chopped finely
1 long red chilli
1 tsp red wine vinegar
Generous glug of olive oil.
½ tsp chilli flakes
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 anchovy fillets, chopped
Extra virgin olive oil
6 small squid, cleaned, trimmed, flattened and scored,  and suckers separated
Parsely to serve.
How to make:
Prepare the squid, rub some oil over it, season, and leave to one side on a plate.
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Put the olive oil into a sturdy pot on a low heat, add the garlic and cook very slowly for five minutes. Add the sage, rosemary, chopped chilli, vinegar and anchovy fillets. Stir for a minute or two to combine, then add the borlotti beans and the chopped tomatoes. Continue to cook on a low heat for about 15-20 mins until the flavor combine and you have a thick consistency. Mash the beans a bit with a fork (but not too much, you stil want discernible beans on display in the finished dish).
Heat a frying pan, and when searing hot throw in the squid and chilli flakes and fry for 30 seconds to a minute until you have browned charred bits of squid but not yet overcooked or rubbery.
Fill a couple of pasta bowls with the beans, add the quid on top and garnish with chopped parsley. Drizzle a little olive oil over the squid and season again before serving.
Gingerbread ice cream sandwich
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I had one of these on a scorchio day at the Smorgasboard in Prospect Park. Been wanting to recreate it ever since. My recipe leans heavily on The Violet Bakery for their chewy, treacly ginger nut, coupled with a non-churn ridiculously easy and foolproof ice cream inspired by the legend that is Mary Berry. Makes 6-8 sandwiches.
For the ginger nuts:
210g plain flour
11/2 tsp ground cinnamon
11/2 tsp. ground ginger
¼ tsp ground cardamom
¼ tso. Ground coriander
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
125g unsalted butter
100g dark muscovado sugar
100g treacle11/2 tsp boiling water
Caster sugar for dusting
 For the ice cream:
4 large eggs, separated
100g caster sugar
300ml double cream
100g stem ginger, chopped into small pieces
2 tbsp syrup from the jar
30g chopped crystallized ginger
 How to make
First, make the ice cream.
Whisk the egg whites in a large bowl until stiff peaks form.Slowly whisk in the caster sugar, and continue to whisk until the mixture is stiff ang glossy.
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Whisk the cream in a separate bowl until you have soft peaks. Fold the cream,egg yolks, and the stem ginger, syrup and crystallised ginger into the meringue mixture until well combined (don’t be heavy handed with this stage). Pour into a plastic container and freeze for two hours.
While the ice cream is freezing, make the ginger snaps.
Preheat the oven to 180C (170C fan). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment.
Measure all the dry ingredients (except for the muscovado sugar) into a bowl and mix well.
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Beat the butter, brown sugar and treacle with an nelectric whisk until light and fluffy. Add the boiling water, then the dry ingredients and mix until combined.
Put some caster sugar in a small bowl. Scoop small spoons of mix, roll into a ball and then roll in the caster sugar, then place on the baking sheet and press slightly in the middle (these biscuits will spread a lot so don’t press down too hard). Repeat with the rest of the mix.
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Pop into the oven and bake for 15 mins. The biscuits will still be softish when you take them out of the oven but they will harden as they cool down.
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When the ginger nuts are completely cold and the ice cream firm but scoopable, Sandwich a scoop of ice cream between two ginger nuts and wrap in baking parchment before putting upright into a loaf tin. Repeat with you other biscuits, so they all fit snigly into the tin, then return to the freezer until you are ready to eat them. You can also serve this up as scoops of ice cream, on its own with ginger snaps on the side. 
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healthylifepage · 7 years
12 Must-Have Anti-Aging products before hitting 40s – Full Guide
Do you have a skincare routine? Do you just fall asleep without thinking about cleaning up the dirt on your skin? You may not think much about establishing skincare routines, especially when you are younger, but the truth is you should. This is why you need the best anti-aging products in the market for your skin to keep looking at its best.
Five reasons you should take care of your skin:
Skin is like a bodyguard
The primary job of your skin is to offer protection against environmental hazards, like germs and UV radiations. The acid mantle of the skin plays an important role in preventing bacteria from attacking the skin and causing infections.
Skin is like a sponge
The design of the outer layer of skin repels water. However, it can also absorb oily substances that easily penetrate in between the cells. You must ensure that the skin products you use have ingredients that are safe for your skin to absorb. Pick from natural and organic products that have plant-based antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Skin is like a raincoat
The cells of our skin need water but if the surface of the skin does not have a waterproof effect, all the water in the skin would evaporate and the cells would die. To prevent drying, apply body oil after a shower when your skin is still damp and seal the moisture into the skin.
Skin is like manufacturing plant
Your skin synthesizes chemicals. There are chemical reactions taking place in the cells, which keeps the cells regenerating, repairing damage and converting sunlight into vitamin D.
Skin is like thermostat
Your skin can regulate body temperature. When the body temperature rises, the skin can cool down the entire bodies by sweating and increasing blood flow. In addition, when the body feels cold, the diameter of the blood vessels decreases and reduces blood flow, retaining heat in the body.
Build a daily skin care routine
No matter what your skin type is, a daily skin care routine can help you maintain overall skin health and improve specific concerns like acne, scarring, and dark spots. A daily skin care routine has four basic steps you can do once in the morning and once before you sleep.
Cleansing – Choose a cleanser that does not leave your skin tight after washing. Clean your face no more than twice a day, or just once, if you have dry skin and you do not wear makeup. Avoid washing for that squeaky-clean feeling because that means your skin’s natural oils are gone. Cleansers known to work well for all skin types include Cetaphil.
Serums: A serum with vitamin C or growth factors or peptides would be better in the morning, under sunscreen. At night, retinol or prescription retinoids work best.
Moisturizer: Even oily skin needs moisturizer, but use one that is lightweight, gel-based, and non-comedogenic, or does not block your pores. Dry skin may benefit from more cream-based moisturizers. Most brands will label their products as gel or cream on their packaging.
Sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with at least 30 SPF 15 minutes before heading outdoors, as it takes a while for sunscreen to activate. Darker skin tones actually need more sun protection because hyperpigmentation is harder to correct.
Choose the best anti-ageing products that fit your skin type and sensitivity, and remember to read the labels. Apply some products such as retinol or prescription retinoids, at night.
Start with a basic and simple routine to see how your skin reacts. Once you are comfortable, you can then add extra products such as exfoliates, masks, and spot treatments to boost your skin’s health.
Anti Aging CARE DON’TS
Avoid DIY hacks
People report wonders from using DIY hacks like lemon juice for common skin problems like acne bumps and dark spots. However, the truth is, these hacks can cause more long-term harm than benefit because they can damage your skin barrier.
Lemon juice: It may have citric acid, but it is far too acidic and can cause dark spots to appear after sun exposure. It can also dry and irritate your skin.
Baking soda: At a pH level of 8.0, baking soda will stress your skin, significantly decrease your skin water content, and cause it to dry.
Garlic: In raw form, garlic can cause skin allergies, eczema, skin inflammation, and watery blisters.
Toothpaste: The ingredients in toothpaste may kill germs and absorb oil, but they can also dry out or irritate your skin.
Sugar: When used as exfoliate; sugar is too harsh for the skin on your face.
Vitamin E: Proof of topical application of vitamin E to improve scar appearance is not certain.
Some of these ingredients may be all natural and cost-effective, but not formulated for your skin. Even if you do not feel immediate side effects, these ingredients can cause long-term damage. It is best to use products formulated for your face. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist before trying DIY applications on your skin.
What to look for in Anti-Aging products
Formulas rich in active anti-aging ingredients.
Keep an eye on your active ingredients, because these are more important than the brand, the scent, or anything else about a skin-care formula. In fact, look for those with peptides—proteins that enhance skin’s natural function—and niacinamide, a vitamin that boosts firmness and noticeably minimizes the look of wrinkles and fine lines.
Antioxidants that complement one other.
After sunscreen, your number-one defense against signs of aging is antioxidants, which fight the free radicals that cause acne, wrinkles, and even dark spots. Antioxidants have another benefit: Certain ones work by boosting the efficacy of others, like vitamins C and E, ferulic acid, and even green tea extract.
Age is just a number, but its consequences are not—like losing oil glands and integrity of the moisture barrier that keep skin moisturized. When your skin is dry, wrinkles and fine lines can actually look more obvious (think of how a sponge seizes up when it dries out). So constant hydration is key. Make sure your moisturizer – which you should be using both morning and night – contains hyaluronic acid, a potent molecule that acts like a moisture magnet.
A regimen for your neck and décolletage
You could have the facial skin of a newborn, but there is no point in that if your neck and chest are wrinkled and freckled. That is usually the case, since that area is as exposed to sun damage as the face, but rarely (if ever) gets the same amount of regular sunscreen applications. The skin there is notoriously thin, too, so it deserves its own best anti-aging products. Start using a neck cream, stat, or at least extend your go-to moisturizers all the way down. Of course, start slathering your SPF there if you are not doing so already.
Finally Here Are The Best Seller Anti Aging Products For 2018
1-YouTonics Collagen Drink
 After the age of 25, most people start losing around 1% of their body’s collagen level every year. The lower the collagen levels in the skin, the more lines and wrinkles start to appear.
Well-known UK health supplement superstore Bauer Nutrition has recently created a collagen drink called YouTonics. They believe their product can replace the collagen lost naturally through the aging process.
Get Youtonics @ Bauer Nutrition 
Are Their Claims True?
Rebuild collagen levels, Reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
Until recently, this has been the most controversial claim any company who manufactures oral collagen supplements could make. It has been widely thought that if you drink collagen, it will break down before it reaches your skin. People believed that collagen drinks are useless. Only up to now!
A placebo-controlled clinical study recently published by the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology to prove that the anti-aging effects of collagen peptide supplements on the skin are genuine.
According to this study, orally taken collagen does rebuild the collagen levels in the skin; therefore, it can reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
The improvement in collagen levels in one of the subjects, a 24-year-old woman, after this trial period was evident. Not only did the skin appear thicker, but also the collagen structure looked denser than before the trial.
Reduce skin dryness and make it softer to the touch.
The subject confirmed that her skin did feel more hydrated, and tests results confirmed that the hydration levels had increased by 30%!
Improve gum, hair, nail and eye health.
These are also all valid claims as collagen supplements help with these problems.
How Does YouTonics Work?
YouTonics is made of hydrolyzed collagen proteins, containing 10mg per serving. To benefit from oral collagen, you should consume between 7 and 10 milligrams of collagen a day, so YouTonics has just the right amount in it.
Additionally, YouTonics also contains vitamins A and E, known to protect your skin cells from damage, and vitamin C, which boosts your natural collagen production.
To make sure that as much extra collagen as possible reaches your skin, YouTonics also boasts a “Fast acting liquid delivery system”. This system guarantees to speed up the rate your body absorbs collagen, and your skin repairs itself quicker too.
Here is what we really like about YouTonics. Due to its concentrated formula, you only need to take 30ml a day, and one bottle should last you 9 days (270ml per bottle).
Most other collagen drinks manufacturers have opted for bigger servings per day, or packaging each serving to its own bottle. Imagine the amount of bottles you have to carry with you if you went away for a week or two!
With other best anti-aging products, you have one bottle for each day, but we salute the people of Bauer Nutrition to pack 9 days of goods into one bottle. Not only is it easier to carry around, but it also reduces waste, which is very well thought-out these days where common sense should be considered as a super-power.
What YouTonics can improve on though, is instructions how to measure that 30ml serving. However, do not worry – it is actually quite easy. We have used the plastic cap of the bottle itself. You can see the plus sign on it. When tipped upside down, use the top line of that plus sign as a marker for 30ml, but make sure to shake the bottle well before pouring it to the cap.
YouTonics Taste
Like all other collagen drinks out there, YouTonics Collagen Renewal is no different really – it does not taste nice. It said on the website that it has a refreshing mango and passion fruit flavor, but it is not that refreshing. To be fair though, it smells worse than it tastes, so skip smelling it, and just drink it.
However, some of us didn’t really like that taste at all, so if that’s you, you can make YouTonics easier to drink by combining it with smoothies or your favorite juice, that will mask the taste and help you reap the benefits of collagen drinks without feeling horrible every time you drink it.
Side Effects
You should know a few things regarding side effects:
– If you have food allergies, read the full ingredient list in order to ensure this product will not cause dangerous side effects in your body.
-If you are on medication or pregnant, consult with your doctor before placing an order.
Where Can You Buy YouTonics Collagen Renewal?
At the time of writing, YouTonics is available online only: Bauer’s multi-store website. We strongly recommend getting it from Bauer’s site though because of these two reasons:
60 day money back guarantee
Massive multi-buy offers
The Verdict
As we all know, most women would do whatever it takes to look better, and too often, we resort to going under the knife, or Botox. We really like YouTonics, not only because it is one of the more affordable supplements, but also produced by a reputable company, and comes with 60-day money back guarantee. No OTHER company offers that.
Although YouTonics can deliver first results in as early as 5 days, most consumers do not notice real results until around week 6-7. It is therefore best to opt for a 60-day supply.
 2- Bioxin Regenerative anti-aging Day Cream
Bioxin Regenerative Anti-ageing Day Cream is a major collagen booster helping skin cells to regenerate with regular use, to keep your skin looking younger. The main ingredient is Syn-ake®, which is a synthetic tri-peptide, acting in a similar way to Botox injections but without interfering with facial movement. The other important ingredient is coenzyme Q10 that reduces free radical damage and helps skin regeneration.
A clinical study has shown that Syn-ake® can reduce fine lines and wrinkles by up to 52%. Syn-ake® and Coenzyme Q10 prove to help in the war against visible signs of ageing.
How does it work?
While you sleep, your skin goes through a natural repair process, so deep moisturization is important to make this happen efficiently. The benefits do not stop in the morning when you apply the Bioxin Regenerative Anti-ageing Day Cream. This rich cream penetrates deeply into your skin and gets to work helping to renew skin cells and boost natural collagen production. Syn-ake®, which is a synthetic substance derived from snake venom, gives a similar result to Botox injections. However, you do away with the needle and your face is still able to produce movement and natural expressions.
Check Bioxin Price @ Bauer Nutrition Shop
3- Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10
Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10 is an eye care product that promises to reduce the appearance of lines around your eyes by 90%.
What Are Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Eye Gel Patches & Expected Results?
You can find some of the most noticeable signs of aging around your eyes. Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Eye Gel Patches – known simply as Eye Secrets – are small adhesive strips that claim to reduce the appearance of fine lines around your eyes.
Not only do these patches lift your skin (physically), but they also infuse it with ingredients that repair your skin long-term. You stick them on the skin around your eyes, and wait for the ingredients to soak into your skin to provide their benefits.
Get Eye Secrets Patch @Bauer Nutrition Shop
How do they Work?
Using the eye patches is straightforward. You just wash and dry your face, remove the gel patches from their packaging, then apply the adhesive strips to your eyelids, then relax for 15 to 20 minutes.
Some people remove the strips after that, while others leave them on their eyelids throughout the day. The strips are noticeable – so you are encouraged to cover them up with foundation or eye shadow or other makeup if you take this approach. Typically, with Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10, remove the strips soon after application. As the adhesive strips stick to your skin, they will infuse your skin with collagen and Q10 – two vital compounds responsible for firming up your skin.
Apply the skin patches 3 times during the first week of treatment or twice a week thereafter. You should notice the results after one treatment, although longer-lasting wrinkle reduction will require multiple treatments.
Some of the benefits of Eye Secrets patches include:
Smoother, tighter skin
Easy application
Reduced puffiness
Hydrate your skin
Reduce the appearance of under-eye wrinkles
The eye patches and best anti-aging products also claim to be very effective at reducing the effects of skin damage that have built up over the years. Bauer, the makers of the eye patch, specifically mention the patches are effective for fighting against the damaging effects of UV light, smoke, pollution, and emotional stress.
Eye Secrets Ingredients
The two active ingredients in the formula, collagen and Q10, are reparative formulas. They help your skin repair itself, healing existing tissue and generating new tissue. Ultimately, this makes your skin look and feel younger. These are not the only two active ingredients in these skin patches. Other key ingredients include all of the following:
–Glycerine: Pulls water from the lower layers of the skin (the dermis) while increasing the amount of water in the surface layers of the skin.
–Hyaluronic Acid: This popular moisturization compound can purportedly holds up to 1000 times its weight in water, helping increase your skin’s ability to hold water and stay hydrated.
–Nicotinamide: Bauer claims addition of this ingredient to the formula “as it contains some brilliant anti-aging properties”. It improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture, for example, while also smoothing the skin and reducing the appearance of fine lines.
-Others include collagen, propylene glycol, and water.
Ultimately, these ingredients purportedly combat dry skin and puffiness and leave you with smoother, tighter, younger-looking skin.
Like all Bauer products, Eye Secrets comes with free worldwide delivery and a 60-day money back guarantee. They also offer a price match guarantee: they guarantee their website has the lowest possible prices.
Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Eye Gel Patches are unique skin patches that target the sensitive skin around your eyes. Like the original Eye Secrets, use them to hold back your skin and widen your eyes, tightening the skin around your eyes. Alternatively, you can take them off after 15 or 20 minutes – in which case the ingredients like collagen and Q10 will have penetrated your skin.
The main problem with Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10 is that there is not a lot of evidence that shows they are more effective than applying a skin cream with similar ingredients. There are no clinical trials reinforcing the benefits of the eye patches, for example.
Nevertheless, if you are looking for a unique way to lift your eyes and treat the skin around your eyes, then Eye Secrets Collagen & Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Eye Gel Patches may be the right product for you.
4- Eye Secrets 1 minute Lift
This incredible 1-Minute Face-Lift gives you instant gratification, and instant results, actually lifting, firming, minimizing pores, tightening, and erasing wrinkles, fine lines, and puffiness from your skin in seconds. It’s for a last minute thing that you need to attend and you do not want anyone to notice your wrinkles.
In a recent test with 100 women, 76% showed wrinkles disappeared or the appearance of wrinkles disappearing in 60 seconds or less.
14% showed the same results in 1min 45 seconds. The remainder 10% took longer than 2 minutes or did not show much improvement because of heavy skin damage throughout their years.
The best anti-aging products can hide the signs of aging quickly. You do not have to build up the effect over weeks or months of use. This cream keep lift on for almost 12 hrs.
Safe and natural
Feel and look younger
Hide wrinkles almost instantly
Increased confidence
Knock years off your appearance
You can purchase Eye Secrets 1 Minute Lift with confidence because it has a no-risk, no-hassle 60-day money back guarantee!
Check Price of 1 Minute Lift @Bauer Nutrition Shop
5- Zeta White Skin Whitening Cream
Zeta White is a powerful skin-lightening product formulated from a mixture of natural, vegan ingredients, yet highly effective, to replace your harsh creams that damage your skin. Apply individual products or the complete skin lightening system for better results.
With no side effects, and instead of harsh and potentially dangerous chemicals such as hydroquinone, Zeta White uses natural and safer ingredients for a better, lighter, smoother, and of course brighter skin.
How it works
It is natural for skin to change over time, and some people develop brown or dark skin discoloration due to aging, friction or poor hygiene because of the increase in the pigment melanin, which lives in your skin. The Zeta White 3-point system is the right choice to stop melanin from production and restore the whitening natural color of your skin.
It contains the trilogy pack of skin lightening solutions – the face wash, moisturizer and night cream – Zeta White 3-point lightening system works all together to satisfy the needs of your skin all day and night.
the special formulated Zeta White skin whitening products are the right combined products that will help you get the brighter skin you always wish. For best and fast results, we recommend using the complete trilogy so that you benefit from the vegan friendly and natural ingredients they each contain.
Face lightening wash
Zeta White Face Wash contains enzyme-rich papaya extract for a natural lighter skin, and lemon for the reduction of the amount of melanin your skin produces. By using day and night (washing the face in the morning and before sleeping at night), it is the first step towards a better lighter and whiter skin.
Lightening moisturizer
With Ingredients such as liquorice, Zeta White moisturizer not only brighten your skin, but acts as a natural protection against skin darkening rays. Used daily, it simultaneously whitens while protecting the skin against further damage and darkening.
Lightening night cream
Zeta White night cream does the job for you while sleeping thanks to the work of Allantoin. It helps remove dead cells from the skin’s surface, and you wake up looking brighter and vivid.
Check Zeta White Price @Official Website
6- Brestrogen
Brestrogen cream is an all-natural breast enhancement serum to help women safely increase the size of their breasts without side effects.
What is Brestrogen?
Brestrogen is an all-natural breast cream made with concentrated amounts of Pueraria Mirifica. What it does is mimic the effect of estrogen. More estrogen has a positive effect on increasing breast volume and fullness. Brestrogen helps increase your breast to their full size.
How it works
A woman’s body needs estrogen to function properly. Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that mimic estrogen production and regulate hormones. In fact, there are many foods high in phytoestrogens including:
Fennel seed
Fenugreek Seed
Unfortunately, you would have to eat a lot of the above herbs and seeds to get enough plant estrogens to increase your breast size. Brestrogen stimulates natural tissue growth by increasing the size of the underlying milk ducts in the breasts, making them bigger.
Give you fuller, firmer and bigger breasts
Increase your breast size up to two cup sizes larger
Give you more self-confidence
Sexier curves
Lift and firm sagging breasts
Is Brestrogen safe?
Brestrogen is one of the safest breast creams sold; it contains no chemicals and is one of the few best anti-aging products that are paraben-free, making it safe for everyday use.
Does Brestrogen work?
Brestrogen has been in the market for over five years. At its introduction, many women were very skeptical, but over time, it has proved true.
When compared to other products, it offers more value and better results for your money. Most breast enhancement creams contain just traces of the herbs that your breasts need to grow.
Who should use Brestrogen cream?
If you are a woman 21 years or older and would like to increase the size of your breasts, you will want to try Brestrogen, older women or women who suffer from sagging breasts can take advantage of Brestrogen’s lifting and firming properties. You have nothing to lose because Brestrogen comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.
You do not have to be worried about someone finding out what you ordered, this product ships in discreet packaging so no one will know what you purchased.
Pregnant or lactating women should not use Brestrogen, but otherwise, it is very safe for everyday use.
Where to buy Brestrogen?
We recommend purchasing Brestrogen from the official online web store. This will ensure you receive a genuine product along with special offers and discounts at the time of purchase.
Check Brestrogen Price @ Official Website
7- XYZ Smart Collagen
By the age of 35, collagen production is the body has already halved. This product however, is a pioneering ‘smart collagen’ program that counteracts the visible signs of aging by shifting the delicate balance between collagen production and breakdown.
By boosting the skin’s natural collagen, it helps restore the skin’s elasticity, firmness and texture. Enriched with nourishing plant extracts, its anti-aging formula visibly lifts, tightens and firms the skin while reducing wrinkles.
A breakthrough in professional skincare
In young skin, there is a balance between collagen production and breakdown, leading to a firm, defined skin. As it ages, however, this balance shifts and both the quality and rate of collagen production declines. Eventually, collagen breakdown is faster than its production. The result is an increasingly disorganized connective tissue structure, which shows as loose, wrinkled skin.
How it works
The key ingredient used in most cosmetic collagen boosters increases the amount of collagen your skin produces, but it can send it out of control. When this happens, the quality of collagen lowers, and this is why so many collagen boosters do not give you desired, long-term results.
Unlike other collagen boosters, XYZ Smart Collagen carefully controls the rate of new collagen production. The plant-based formula in the serum stimulates more collagen production without interfering with quality. This guarantees long-term results!
The active ingredient comes from the leaf sap of a South African plant Bulbine frutescens. This sap contains two powerful compounds proven to slow down collagen breakdown in the body.
The product is vegan-friendly, contains no artificial ingredients, and no mineral, palm or kernel oils.
Cold pressed for purity and quality: unlike blade-based extraction methods that can damage the active ingredients by exposing them to heat and oxygen, we gently cold-press plant leaves to extract the extract maximum amount of pure sap while preserving its active compounds to make this one of the best anti-aging products in the market.
Clinically proven to reduce signs of aging and provide outstanding, visible results.
Visibly lifts sagging skin, sculpts and defines the look of facial contours
Significantly improves skin elasticity for a more toned look
Reduces stretch marks
Directions for use
Apply twice a day, morning and evening, to freshly cleansed skin. Smooth over your face and neck areas using gentle upward strokes to allow the cream to absorb fully.
Apply, delicately to the eye area, avoiding the lower lids and tear ducts. Follow with sunscreen every morning to maximize results.
Check XYZ Collagen Price @ Official Website
8- Hydrolyzed Collagen High strength 1000mg For Hair, Skin and Nails
This supplement offers maximum strength in anti-aging and takes care of joints. This is considering that aging can also affect the joints’ functionality. Its formula also supports hair health making it possible for you to have healthy, strong hair even when the aging process that results in hair loss is taking place. It has the benefits of supporting nail and skin health offering overall results for your health.
How It Works
Collagen is an essential natural protein that is present in the body’s skin, connective tissues and muscle. Aging however, leads to the depletion of collagen in skin and leads to the development of wrinkles and fine lines. When collagen production reduces, the elasticity of the skin is lost, leaving it saggy forming the wrinkles and the fine lines. This product boosts the production of collagen even when aging takes place.
Aging can lead to 30% loss of collagen by the age of 45 when the aging changes start to be noticeable. The product works by reducing this loss making sure that collagen production continues, hence fighting the signs through improved skin texture and elasticity. It provides a balance in the body, therefore keeping it looking and feeling younger. You will manage to maintain the good looks of your skin using this strong supplement.
Hydrolyzed collagen: The collagen is plant based and contains a huge variety of amino acids which work together to boost the production of collagen improving greatly on the appearance and texture of the skin. This ingredient will restore the skin elasticity getting rid of the wrinkles and fine lines, which form because of aging.
Vitamin C prep: It has nutrients and minerals, which work in improving the health of the skin, hair, nails and the joints. Coupled with the hydrolyzed collagen, they make the most important ingredients in the product to fetch you the kind of results that you are looking for in fighting aging signs.
L-Ornithine: It has properties, which help in fighting osteoarthritis. Arthritis is one of the issues that arise with aging. This ingredient strengthens the joints and cares for them to keep such issues at bay. You will be surprised by the changes the supplement can fetch you even when you have been suffering from the condition.
Other ingredients which make the supplement tablets as effective as they are in reducing aging signs include microcrystalline cellulose and dicalcium phosphate, which are bulking agents, sodium CMC which is a disintegrant and magnesium stearate and Silicon dioxide which are anticaking agents. They improve on the effectiveness of the tablets in reducing the aging process.
When using the tablets you will fight aging by reducing wrinkles and fine lines thanks to the carefully chosen ingredients. Apart from enjoying better-looking skin, you will also enjoy stronger hair, nails and joints when using the tablets. They help in reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is a common aging condition.
This product, like other best anti-aging products, is suitable for both men and women as a skin and joint care supplement. It offers the correct collagen balance within the body to keep the facial look and structure looking better and maintaining it at that.
Directions of Use
The recommended dosage for the high strength tablets is two capsules every night, best taken one hour after eating before bedtime. Take the capsules with plenty of water, at least 1.5 liters of water every daily. This is especially important since collagen has glucosamine chondroitin and a variety of amino acids, including arginine, alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine and hydroxyproline.
Supplement Advice and Cautions
The anti-aging tablets are not suitable for vegetarians. It is advisable to stick to the recommended dose of two tablets every day. Kids who are under the age of 18, nursing mothers and pregnant women should seek medical advice before using the supplement or getting into any other dietary supplement. Keep the tablets out of children’s reach.
The hydrolyzed collagen tablets are effective in dealing with the signs of aging through the support of collagen production. They come with other greater health benefits, which makes them ideal in keeping up with the effects of aging. It is however important to keep up with the right dosage and to weigh all other options as part of aging gracefully. Dietary changes can help you get over the different issues that come with the natural process of aging.
Check Hydrolyzed Collagen High strength Price @ Official Website
9- EvoCrème Pro-Collagen Anti-Wrinkle Crème (29ml)
EvoCrème is a pro-collagen anti-wrinkle cream as part of the Evolution Slimming skincare products.
Combating the visible signs of aging
Improve the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles
Control the loss of the skin’s firmness & tone
Smooth the eye, forehead, neck and mouth area
No colors or perfumes
Suitable for sensitive skin
Aqua, Cetearyl Alcohol, Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides, Glycerin, Ceteareth-20, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Butylene Glycol, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 PEG-16 Macadamia Glycerides, Octyldodecanol, Ethyhexyl Palmitate, Zea Mays Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cholecalciferol, Retinyl Palmitate, Ascorbic Acid, Pyridoxine HCl, Silica, Sodium Propoxyhydroxypropyl Thiosulfate Silica, Carbomer, Polysorbate 20, Dimethicone, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Potassium Sorbate, Hexylene Glycol (Cream).
Directions for use
Use daily after cleansing. Apply the cream by gently massaging into the skin using small upward circular strokes, avoiding the eye area.
Check EvoCream Price @ Official Website
10 – EvoSerum Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum (15ml)
EvoSerum is a light yet intensive anti-aging eye serum for the improvement of crow’s feet and laughter lines.
Eye aging
Crow’s feet
Puffiness & eye wrinkles
Recommended for use after cleansing and before moisturizing, EvoSerum is step 2 of the Evolution Slimming skincare range.
Fragrance and color free, suitable for sensitive skin and all skin types.
Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Protein, Hydrolyzed Rice Protein, Superoxide Dismutase, Sodium Benzoate, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, PEG-16 Macadamia Glycerides, Octyldodecanol, Ethyhexyl Palmitate, Zea Mays (Corn) Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cholecalciferol, Retinyl Palmitate, Ascorbic Acid, Pyridoxine HCl, Silica, Sodium Propoxyhydroxypropyl Thiosulfate Silica, Hydroxymethocellulose, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Potassium Sorbate, Hexylene Glycol (Serum).
Directions for use
Use daily after cleansing. Apply the serum by gently massaging into the skin around the eyes using small upward circular strokes. Similar to the best anti-aging products, it allows usage under makeup.
Check EvoSerum Price @ Official Website
11- EvoCleanse Antioxidant Facial Cleanser With Green Tea Leaf Extract (15ml)
Wipe away makeup and impurities with our antioxidant facial cleanser with green tea leaf extract, EvoCleanse.
Perfect as part of our 3-step anti-aging skincare range, EvoCleanse is a color and perfume-free sensitive cleanser for women and men.
Improving skin dullness
Vitalizing appearance of the skin
Removing makeup and dirt
Gentle cleansing effect
Suitable for sensitive skin
Non-pore clogging
No colors or perfumes
Refreshing and non-pore clogging, this light cleanser is applied to a cloth or cotton pad to remove oil and dirt. Recommended for use daily, ideally before bed as part of the Evolution Slimming skincare range. It is suitable for all skin types.
Deionized Water, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamide DEA, Cocamidapropyl Betaine, Camelia Sinesis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract, Citric Acid, Glycerin, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Polyquaternium-10, Tocopheryl Acetate, Caramel, Fragrance, Propylene Glycol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate (Cleanser).
Directions for use
Apply the cleanser to a cotton pad or cloth and gently massage into the skin to remove makeup and dirt. Avoid direct contact with eyes. This product should not foam or lather. Use daily.
Check EvoCleanse Price @ Official Website
12- VCH 20% Vitamin C serum with Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol & Vitamin A
VCH™ Vitamin C Serum contains 20% Vitamin C, Retinol, Vitamin A and Hyaluronic Acid for the ultimate skin brightening, anti-aging professional serum.
Vitamin C Serums have become one of the most popular anti-aging skincare products in recent years for their power to help combat a wide range of skin ailments, from aging skin to brightening and balancing skin tone and complexion.
Vitamin C Serum has a wide spectrum of healthy skin benefits when applied directly to the skin. Research shows that even very low vitamin C concentrations provide antioxidant and anti-aging benefits to skin. This professional strength anti-aging Vitamin C serum contains 20% in the form of Ascorbic Acid, the preferred form of Vitamin C for topical use.
Why choose this Vitamin C Serum?
This clinical grade Vitamin C Serum contains the ingredients your skin needs to become brighter and younger looking. Perfect for perking up tired looking skin, it can also assist in the reduction of sun damage and age spots.
There really is no better solution for all-round skincare than a Vitamin C serum, which is why it is highly recommended by skincare professionals.
The skin-loving ingredients come together to help boost collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Recommendations put 20% clinical strength for optimum results. It is safe enough for everyday use even on sensitive skin.
Clinical grade serum with no harsh colors or perfumes, gentle on skin
Contains the antioxidant Retinol, which is highly regarded for helping prevent free radicals and increase collagen production
Hyaluronic Acid helps boost moisture in the skin and is often recommended by dermatologists for its ability to improve skin texture and appearance
Packed in an opaque amber glass bottle to prevent oxidation of the Vitamin C serum for longer lasting effectiveness
It may also reduce existing wrinkles, acne, clogged pores and help repair sun damaged skin
Easy to apply with the soft pipette, just apply a small amount directly to the face or fingers and massage until absorbed
Ideal for use after cleansing, before moisturizer and makeup
Helps to balance uneven skin tone, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and repair sun damage
No colors or perfumes, and suitable for sensitive skin and all age groups
Recommended for everyday use, morning and night after cleansing
Long lasting, clinical grade serum
Simply apply a few drops directly to your skin or fingers using the glass pipette and massage gently into the skin until absorbed. Perfect for use before applying moisturizer or makeup. Similar to the best anti-aging products in the market, use twice daily for best results.
If exposed to sunlight, Vitamin C serums can become unstable and ineffective over and become oxidized, so the amber glass bottle helps to keep your serum active for longer. Store away from bright light.
Water, Vitamin C Complex (Water, Glycerin, Rosa Canina Extract, Punica Grantum Extract, Tetrahexyl Ascorbate, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Ascorbic Acid), Hyaluronic Acid, Propylene Glycol, PEG-16 Macadamia Glycerides, Octyldodecanol, Ethyhexyl Palmitate, Zea Mays Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Retinyl Palmitate, Pyridoxine HCI, Silica, Sodium Propoxyhydroxy-propyl Thiosulfate Silica, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamine, Caprylyl Glycol, Potassium Sorbate, Hexylene Glycol.
Directions for use
After cleansing your skin, smooth onto the skin in circular motions. Allow to dry before applying makeup or moisturizer. Use twice daily for best results.
 Check VCH Price @ Official Website
It is important to begin taking care of your skin while in your younger years, but the range of products available in the market can be overwhelming. You should know the best anti-aging products you are looking for so that you know what products you can use, for better looking, firmer skin.
 The post 12 Must-Have Anti-Aging products before hitting 40s – Full Guide appeared first on YummyLooks.
12 Must-Have Anti-Aging products before hitting 40s – Full Guide posted first on yummylooksbest.blogspot.com
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