#Best Hospital Marketing Company in New York
mariacallous · 1 year
(New York Jewish Week) — My hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is world-famous for precisely two things: It’s where the University of Michigan is located — Go Blue! — and it is home to Zingerman’s, a 41-year-old Jewish deli that’s both a local icon and a national treasure that regularly makes “best of” lists.
And now, one of these storied institutions will make an appearance in New York City for one day, and one day only — and it’s not the well-regarded public university.
On Saturday, Zingerman’s Deli will host a pop-up at Chelsea’s Olly Olly Market, where the Midwestern deli masters will be slinging sandwiches from noon to 8 p.m., or until sold out. There, at 601 West 26th St. near 11th Avenue, New Yorkers can expect top-notch variations on the classic Reuben sandwich, the company’s signature enthusiastic customer service and a host of Zingerman’s-branded sides and merch.
“We had this thought about taking the Reubens on the road, just having some fun with it,” Rodger Bowser, head chef and a managing partner of Zingerman’s Deli, told the New York Jewish Week.
Saturday’s event will be the popular deli’s second-ever popup; their first was in Chicago in 2019 at a location run by 16” on Center, a Windy City-based “hospitality collective.” The experience, said Bowser, was an overwhelmingly positive one — and when 160C expanded to Manhattan last year with Olly Olly Market, the Zingermen decided to give it another go.
Zingerman’s Deli was founded in 1982 by Paul Saginaw and Ari Weinzweig, “two friends who dreamt of creating a traditional Jewish deli that would bring very special foods to Ann Arbor,” according to their web site.
The pair, who are both Jewish, came up with the name Zingerman’s because they wanted something “that would convey the sense of a good local deli, something that would ‘sound Jewish,’ would somehow telegraph that this was a real delicatessen,” Weinzweig once wrote. (Weinzweig declined to use his own surname, calling it “unpronounceable,” while the name Saginaw evokes the mid-Michigan town from which it took Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel four days to hitchhike.)
Their concept was a hit, and over the decades, Zingerman’s resisted the siren call of expansion or franchising and instead evolved into a progressive-minded “community of businesses” across the Ann Arbor area. These include the consulting business Zingtrain, which shares “the ‘Zingerman’s experience’ with forward-thinking organizations”; Zingerman’s Bakehouse, making classic breads and pastries; a candy manufactory, a creamery, event spaces and more.
These days, “the Zingerman’s Experience is now made and delivered by nearly six hundred people — partners, managers and staff in ten different businesses in addition to the Deli — to the tune of roughly $60,000,000 in annual sales,” Weinzweig writes. (A prolific writer, the Chicago native and Russian history major pens regular newsletters and has authored several books, including “Zingerman’s Guide to Better Bacon: Stories of Pork Bellies, Hush Puppies, Rock ‘n’ Roll Music and Bacon Fat Mayonnaise” and the four-part “Zingerman’s Guide to Good Leading: A Lapsed Anarchist’s Approach to Building a Great Business.”)
Despite all that growth, popups remain a relatively new venture for Zingerman’s — and for Olly Olly Market, too. “We thought, what better time than our one-year anniversary to start introducing a little bit more of the Midwest to New York?” Tim Wickes, director of food hall operations at 160C, told the New York Jewish Week. Zingerman’s “jumped on it. So we’re fortunate and we’re super excited for the weekend.”
“We also know that there is a large population of Michiganders here in New York, University of Michigan alumni,” said Wickes, who lives in Brooklyn and is, tragically, an alumnus of rival Michigan State. “And we felt like the city would resonate well with that as our first of hopefully [pop-ups] from Chicago and the Midwest in general.”
Initially the idea was “to bring the Zingerman’s gameday experience to as many people as we can in New York,” Bowser said of Saturday’s event. (The Wolverines play the Minnesota Golden Gophers on Saturday night.)  “Clearly we have a pretty good fan base there that always can’t get to Ann Arbor for a game. And we just want to share that experience and have some fun.”
As anyone who ever worked at Zingerman’s attest — and that includes me: Working at Zingerman’s is practically a rite of passage for “townies” — and football game days are especially busy day at an already busy place; lines are long and the wait for sandwiches can exceed an hour.
Since the game and the open-to-the-public popup won’t overlap, the Zingerpeople are also selling tickets “to an exclusive tailgate experience with guaranteed seats and sandwiches.”
As for the six sandwich types on sale, all are Reubens or riffs on them, “what we like to call the Russian dressing group,” Bowser said. Among them is the deli’s most popular sandwich, the #2 Zingerman’s Reuben — made with corned beef, Swiss Emmental cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing on grilled Jewish rye bread, a combination that former President Barack Obama described as “killer”  — as well as the #18 Georgia Reuben, with turkey breast, Swiss Emmental cheese, coleslaw and Russian dressing.
Bowser, who was a vegetarian when he started working at the deli 28 years ago, will also be making “a personal favorite”: #36 Lila & Izzie’s Skokie Skidoo, a vegetarian Reuben consisting of Swiss Emmental cheese, coleslaw and Russian dressing on grilled farm bread.
As it happens, the Reuben’s origins lie neither in New York nor Ann Arbor: Legend has it the legendary sandwich was invented in an Omaha hotel in the 1920s “to satisfy a group of hungry Jewish poker players,” according to The Nosher.
To bring Zingerman’s Reubens to NYC, Bowser and his team will be driving two trucks packed with food and supplies from Ann Arbor to Manhattan — a distance of 621 miles, or 9 hours and 24 minutes in traffic at the time of this writing. “Obviously you can’t make a Zingerman’s sandwich without Zingerman’s Bakehouse bread,” said Bowser. “And it’s gonna take quite a few loaves of that.”
Bowser estimated the road crew of three will likely leave on Thursday, which would give them a day to set up the space on Friday. (Three other Zingerman’s employees will travel by plane.)
When asked if he had any qualms about bringing deli sandwiches to the birthplace of American deli culture — a place whose denizens are known to be “kind” but not exactly “nice” — Bowser demurred. “I’m not throwing shade at anybody,” he said, emphasizing the main impetus was to have a fun time.
Wickes concurs. Acknowledging that New York “is the mecca of Reuben sandwiches,” he said the pop-up will have a “humble approach.” “We’re certainly in tune with the fact that there’s plenty of fantastic Reubens in the city,” he said. “We just wanted to showcase Zingerman’s.”
As for Bowser, he conceded to one possible challenge: “Navigating two big trucks though traffic sounds daunting,” he said. “But I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
“But if the architects of the Prison Labor Authority (PLA) expected huzzahs, they were quickly and bitterly disappointed. From the beginning, it was clear that the ultimate success of the code hinged on its ability to separate the free economy from the prison economy and to prevent prison-made goods from undercutting free-market goods. Prevailing thinking held that this would best be accomplished in a state-use system. But, as with Hawes-Cooper, the code had no power to actively promote a state-use system. Nor did it have the authority to ban convict leasing. In fact, by allowing states that continued to rely on contracting to participate in the compact, the code effectively shielded those states and, arguably, perpetuated a despised system that had little momentum outside the world of the code. Moreover, the code allowed signatories to continue the practice of interstate trade in prison-made goods. To critics, the code was effectively an end-run around Hawes-Cooper.
Given these two serious flaws, charges of the code’s failure were certain and emerged almost immediately. In Louisiana, tomato canners complained that the Angola prison farm artificially depressed the market; where free-market canned tomatoes sold at $0.60 per pound, prison tomatoes sold at only $0.40. Worse, the quality of prison-made cans was so “sorry” that the state Charity Hospital would not even buy the prison-packed tomatoes; the produce was dumped on the open market, where it undercut the fruits of free labor. In Virginia, the operator of a rock company that ground gravel for state roads saw his orders drop by almost 80 percent after the state required that all contracts go to the lowest bidder; his company was undercut by the state penitentiary. “We do not believe you fully understand the situation,” the president of the Belmont Trap Rock Company wrote to the PLA: competing with prison labor meant the end of his business and unemployment for his twenty-two workers. Likewise, in Illinois, strong evidence suggested that the state prison had put the Columbia Quarry Company out of business by selling lime dust at $0.60 per pound, when the minimum cost to even produce that amount was $0.80. Throughout the state, a local field agent found, small quarries “complained to me bitterly” about competition from prison labor.
Problems emerged not only within states, but between them, as well. A Chicago saddle maker realized that sales of his whips were being undercut by the Bardall Company from West Virginia, which utilized convict labor. When the Chicagoan (named Schmidt) traveled to West Virginia to induce his competitor to raise prices to reasonable levels, Bardall did not repent his strategy but instead suggested collusion in producing illegal convict-produced goods — a prospect that would mean the end of Schmidt’s shop and unemployment for his workers. In this case, the PLA was able to sanction the Bardall Company, but it also discovered frustrating loopholes that surely struck some businesses as Kafkaesque. The Trojan Wire Specialty Company, for instance, had operated for years in Troy, New York, but suddenly discovered that it could not match the prices of the Gatch Brush and Wire Goods Company, which operated out of the Baltimore city jail. This seemed to be a clear violation of the terms of the PLC, to which both New York and Maryland were signatories. But, as Linton Collins of the PLA responded, the code only policed labor at state institutions. The seventeen workers at the Trojan Wire Company who faced unemployment apparently had no recourse when confronted by convict labor at a municipal house of correction.
More was at stake than just individual businesses, important though they might have been to the individuals involved. The efforts of reformers to develop a more nationalized approach to prison labor also touched on fundamental philosophical approaches to political economy. And, if the NRA seemed hopeful to progressives and liberals, it struck others as a dangerous, even tyrannical, example of the centralization of power and enlargement of the executive branch. Henry Hanson, a representative of the marking devices industry, acidly made this point to PLA officials. His industry, Hanson observed, had pioneered the production of license plates, “only to see the sentimentalities of pseudo-criminologists combine with the distorted economics of self-serving individuals” who shifted license-plate production to prisons, thus forcing states to duplicate an industry that already existed. This inefficiency hurt both industry and taxpayers, Hanson claimed, and also led to substandard quality. Over 200,000 Illinois motorists were forced to return their prison-produced 1935 license plates after the plates rusted out in a matter of months. The disaster of Illinois’s license plate production was more than an isolated instance of prematurely rusty metal. To Hanson, it also portrayed “one more example of the inevitable economic waste inherent in the attempt of government to exercise the proper function of private industry.” The struggle over the fate of the PLA was therefore also a conflict over the proper function of government and the relationship between the state and the economy.
No dispute illustrated this political conict in starker terms than the virulent opposition the PLA attracted from the cotton garment industry. Federal officials responsible for the PLA felt that the hostility of garment makers to prison labor was vastly overblown and hypocritical; in 1931, only 604 prisoners were counted at work on 15,000 spindles, as compared to the nearly 29 million spindles employing about 330,000 free workers. Still, the textile industry had a potent political voice, and it carried deep historical reverberations. The emergence of the textile industry in the 1810s marked the dawn of America’s industrial age; for nearly one hundred years, the spread of mills from bucolic New England to the resplendent New South propelled the nation’s economic growth and spurred a wave of factory building that quickly outstripped most of Europe. Textile factories had served as the cradle of the American working class, revolutionizing both the experience of labor and the social identity of laborers.
But by the early 1930s, America’s textile industry faced a pivotal moment. The cotton garment trade had been mired in its own depression for nearly a decade before the stock market crash of 1929. Tariffs prevented American manufacturers from selling surplus goods overseas. Shifts in fashion and taste increasingly favored newer products like rayon and nylon. Decentralization led to cutthroat competition and ruinous overproduction, which in turn forced wages ever downward. Technological and market changes were not the only challenges facing textile companies. In the spring of 1934, just as the PLA was being signed into law, over 300,000 textile workers across the country staged a massive general strike — the largest labor conflict ever to rock the industry.
Faced with these challenges, the garment industry responded furiously to the PLA. The opposition from the Cotton Garment Code Authority (or CGCA, the trade group organized under the NRA to regulate textile production) and private manufacturers flamed up just weeks after Roosevelt authorized the PLA. Ideological and material interests quickly coalesced on both sides of the matter. In May, the CGCA filed a formal complaint with Hugh Johnson, Roosevelt’s choice to head the NRA, protesting the fact that prison-made goods would be entitled to their own NRA “blue eagle” badge. The “blue eagle” logo signified compliance with the NRA and was meant to unify business, labor, and the public around the early New Deal; for many, it symbolized the entirety of the first New Deal program. The blue eagle’s “We Do Our Part” motto inspired a patriotic sense of togetherness and collective commitment in the face of the Depression, and signaled to the public that whatever item bore a blue eagle had pledged itself to the wage and price guarantees of the New Deal. 
Granting prison-made goods a blue eagle, in fact, represented a total reversal of nineteenth-century reformers’ efforts to have a “prison made” label stamped like a scarlet letter on all prison-made products. The opposition of the CGCA, then, was both practical and ideological: practical because, without the badge, prison-made goods would be effectively barred from a code-governed marketplace; and ideological because removing the blue eagle would symbolically strip prison labor from the sociopolitical legitimacy that a code would otherwise confer.
Assessing this situation, Sanford Bates noted, “We have infinitely more opposition from the manufacturers, who are interested in profits, than from the unions, who are interested in humanity.” But the controversy over the blue eagle threatened a revolt from labor, too. When the PLA met in April of 1934, both Thomas Rickerts of the United Garment Workers and Sidney Hillman of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers agreed that prisons could not possibly meet the standards of the cotton garment code, and therefore prison products could never be given a blue eagle that reflected this code. When the PLA started affixing blue eagles under the Prison Labor Compact code in 1935, the United Garment Workers local in St. Louis erupted in protest. Petitions to remove the blue eagle from prison-made goods flooded in, accompanied by cartoons featuring unemployed workers staring wistfully into a prison; the caption read, “They Have Our Jobs!” Seeking organized labor’s help in resolving this controversy, Linton Collins reached out to Joseph Briegel of the Chicago Federation of Labor. Briegel responded that, in learning of the conflict, he was more committed than ever to end prison competition with free labor. However, recognizing that taxpayers seem to want something for supporting the prisons, he puckishly suggested a solution: “That every article manufactured in prison that would in any manner compete with Free Labor . . . be piled up in a safe spot in the prison yards and burned as a funeral pyre. (The date set for these fires to be on Labor Day, as a reminder to the world that Prison Competition with Free Labor is a sacrilege to humanity).”  
- Matthew Pehl, “Between the Market and the State: The Problem of Prison Labor in the New Deal.” Labor: Studies in Working-Class History, Volume 16, Issue 2 (2019): p. 86-89, 90.
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visitingangelstampa · 2 years
Alterations in Home Health Care and Residential Care Facilities
The assisted living industry and home health care are rapidly adopting digital and high-tech solutions. This article delves into some current developments in the market. We will discuss the future of community design, the cost of care, and how health bots are gradually replacing human caregivers in non-contact care settings.
A company based in Minnesota is introducing robotic caregivers into nursing homes to increase the availability of non-contact home care for the elderly. Monarch Healthcare Management, which operates 40 nursing homes in Minnesota, aims to introduce two robots into each facility. These robots, which can be purchased for between $12,500 and $32,000, are designed to aid with ADLs and memory care.
When nursing facilities start to lose patients and staff, the transition to robot caretakers will begin. This has led several businesses to investigate using robot caretakers instead of humans. There are several benefits to this new technology. Robots can help with things like dressing, bathing, and companionship. In addition to lessening the chance of infection, the robots also cut down on the amount of time spent interacting with other people.
Assisted living institutions must use electronic medication management systems since residents take an average of 12–14 prescriptions daily. The most effective software for this purpose establishes an electronic connection with a patient's pharmacy and streamlines the distribution of medications. Essential data, such as residents' vital signs, fall detection, and sleep quality, are also tracked by the program.
The reporting and financial elements of an eMAR system are comprehensive. This facilitates survey readiness and increases the safety of pharmaceutical stockpiles. Transcription mistakes and unreadable handwriting are also avoided by technology. Errors in prescribing medicine are reduced in assisted living institutions that use cutting-edge technologies.
An online software platform is ideal for home care institutions. The program should interface with a long-term care pharmacy and contain compliance and business functions. The software vendor should consider the assisted living industry's unique business requirements.
Community planning is one of the newest developments in the field of assisted living. This layout makes it possible to have smaller dwellings and shared spaces. This makes for a safer and friendlier work atmosphere. In addition, efforts are concentrated on streamlining interactions between the same members of staff and the same population of residents.
Communities need to accommodate the changing requirements of their senior residents as their population ages. It is becoming increasingly common for retirement communities to welcome dogs. This way, people may keep their pets and continue with their lives without having to find new homes for them or wait until their dogs pass away. Because of this, care facilities need to have flooring suitable for pets.
Moreover, there has been an awakening to the value of nature-based design in urban planning and development. The biophilic structure has been shown to have beneficial effects on both physical and mental health. This design aesthetic values natural light and comprises abundant windows, courtyards, water elements, and vegetation. When designing new buildings, many architects think about how their tenants will feel, and some are even coming up with novel ways to lessen the spread of disease.
Care at home and in assisted living facilities can range widely in price. A good illustration of this is that the cost of living in the New York City region is around 20% higher than the national average. The city also includes over 1,300 home care agencies and some of the best hospitals in the country. Monthly costs for nonmedical home care in New York City range from $5,339 to $5,529.
The cost of in-home assistance relies on the number of hours of service required each month. Hiring a home health aide or a homemaker for eight hours a day, seven days a week, will earn you roughly $800 weekly. The average monthly salary for a home health caregiver is $4,195, with part-time aides averaging $2,660.
Although home care costs vary from state to state, the national average is as follows. Overnight, weekend and holiday home health aides' rates tend to be higher than regular rates. One-hour work may also incur a surcharge.
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leadlogic789 · 18 days
Digital Marketing Agency in USA
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re in New York City or Tampa, the right digital marketing strategy and web design services can help you stand out from the competition. At LeadLogic, we specialize in providing top-tier digital marketing and web design services across various cities in the U.S., ensuring that your business gets the visibility and engagement it deserves.
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olokosomolo · 23 days
Look, I talked about Ricky, now I'll talk about Bitter, ( my ex). If claimed disability insurance, then she did so under the emance pressure of a poison hammer press named Yossi Kahlon. After all, you know that I never raised a hand against her. So how can it be that I am the one who paid the heavy price of humiliating arrest and a record? (two weeks before the start of the divorce trial), meaning that for the insurance company to even look at her, she had to complain about physical abuse on my part. So tell me, how it happen that I am in New Jersey because at that time there was a restraining order against me? So is it possible that she complained of violence and even showed blue marks on her body and I wasn't around at all? It's just that Yossi Kahlon volunteered to create a bluish background in her white skin and she rushed to complain to the New York police. That was the only way she had a chance to get the claim. show physical violence. Dad, now how can this be, after all, I have never raised a hand on Bitter. Of course, I cursed her, threatened her, and shouted, but I did not raise a hand. So the one who profited again on my ass was Yossi because I also didn't get my right half of Bitter working license in the divorce which was supposed to be 5 times what she got from me. And the one who received it was Yossi Kahlon.
Dad, you must understand that what you are doing against me is a plot a bloody plot. I'm sorry, I will fight this to the end. This time I will not let my mother lie to the doctors in the mental hospital: it's not Yossi, it's not Yossi, not Yosef, it's not him. Once again Dad. Mother disrespects my intelligence by saying that without any problem, morals. She will lie and distort the truth. And let's say that mom was right, it's not Yossi. A person who says such a sentence is surely aware that it is not Yossi because he knows who the one who did it is, otherwise she would not dare to be so sure saying the sentence: It is not Yossi.
So again, just so you know My ex reluctantly became Yossi's private lawyer slave. And that being the case, you see that for all the sentences he was tried, he didn't get a single day in prison. Compared to the one who was the first to come up with the sting on the stock market, he got three years in prison and a heavy fine. Yossi got away with it. Another thing is that Yossi got away with the rape and violence case. Why did Yossi get away with it? Behind the scenes was NY City #1 litigation lawyer and perhaps the world's best. At the end of the day, she loses her raising star 🌟 carrier, and he is the one who collects 20,000 dollars from his slave (my ex). Each month from the insurance disability check of $32150.00
Litigation and in Hebrew Litigation is a common name for the profession of argument, representation, and appearance in court. The litigator must convince the court that the factual and legal treatise presented by his clients is the correct and just one and he must deal in a sophisticated, intelligent, sharp, and even agile way with problems that arise during the exchange of pleadings and even during the court hearing itself.
Litigation has been called the "Queen of Law" and nothing is surprising about it. There are many thrillers revolving around the talent of the litigator and litigators star in many television series and Hollywood movies. As it is probably not necessary to tell you, justice is not an insurance certificate, and in many trials, there are cases where the balance is decided by the lawyer's litigation skills and not necessarily by the hard facts
Hope you understand Dad. A lost talent she should have been she was NY's #1 litigate in the whole world. A maniac cunt named Yossi Kahlon shattered her entire career. To get the major in her insurance disability check. In doing this he also kills me to have my right to the matrimonial so instead I was punished by arrest and denying any benefit from her work license certificate I worked so hard by investing time and lots of money. And you kind of give it a hand as you let it be.
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tempwork247 · 26 days
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In conclusion, Tempwork247 stands as a beacon of efficiency and opportunity for businesses in Queens, Brooklyn, and New York City. By leveraging our expertise, extensive network, and commitment to excellence, we empower organizations to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Whether you're looking for temporary support, direct hires, or specialized talent, Tempwork247 is your trusted staffing partner dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to discover how we can streamline your staffing process and unlock new possibilities for growth and success.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Ready for some robo-relaxation at the gym or your next hotel stay?
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/ready-for-some-robo-relaxation-at-the-gym-or-your-next-hotel-stay/
Ready for some robo-relaxation at the gym or your next hotel stay?
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Imagine this scenario. You’ve just finished a grueling workout at the gym or checked into a swanky hotel. Your muscles are aching, and all you want is a good massage. But instead of booking a session with a human masseuse, you’re directed to a high-tech pod that promises to knead away your stress using artificial intelligence. Welcome to the future of massage therapy.This trend isn’t happening in a vacuum. The wellness tourism market is booming and is expected to hit a whopping $1.2 trillion by 2027. Hotels and gyms are scrambling to offer the latest and greatest in relaxation technology.GET SECURITY ALERTS, EXPERT TIPS – SIGN UP FOR KURT’S NEWSLETTER – THE CYBERGUY REPORT HEREIt seems like AI is taking over every aspect of our lives, and now it’s coming for our massages, too. Companies like Phillonlabs and Aescape are leading the charge. In fact, Aescape is bringing fully automated massage experiences to high-end hotels and gyms. Their robots are already available at Equinox in select locations throughout New York City.The Lotte New York Palace, an iconic luxury hotel, has already partnered with Aescape to bring this futuristic massage experience to their guests. Joe Rose, owner of ila Only Spa at the Lotte New York Palace, explains the move: “It’s clear that more people wish to maintain and increase their sense of well-being when traveling, and they’re looking for the resources available to support this when choosing hotels.” This tech-forward approach to wellness is becoming a key differentiator in the competitive hospitality industry.HOW TO REMOVE YOUR PRIVATE DATA FROM THE INTERNETSKYROCKET TO A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE WITH THIS YEAR IN 2024Aescape, a New York-based startup, has spent seven years in stealth mode, perfecting their AI-driven massage technology. They’ve assembled a team of experts from tech giants like Amazon, Apple and Uber as well as fitness innovators like Peloton and Tonal. The result? A massage experience that uses advanced AI to create a 3D computational model of each user’s body, delivering a personalized massage tailored to individual needs.SUBSCRIBE TO KURT’S FACEBOOK PAGE FOR QUICK TECH TIPS ON HOW TO WORK ALL OF YOUR TECH DEVICESARE YOUR STEPS TOTALLY OFF FOR YOUR FITNESS GOALS?You start by slipping on what’s known as Aerwear, which comes in sizes from 2XS to 4XL, so there’s no need to worry about finding the right fit. If you’ve got long hair, you’ll need to pull it up into a ponytail, and they’ll provide a special headband to keep everything neatly in place. Once you’re suited up, you’ll lie down on the table and adjust it to your liking – headrest, armrest, the works. Then comes the cool part: You get to play DJ of your own massage using a touchscreen called Aerview.Here’s where it gets really interesting. Want to focus on your shoulders? Crank up the intensity on your lower back? Change the lighting to set the mood? It’s all at your fingertips. The Aerview console lets you control every aspect of your massage. And get this: It remembers your preferences for next time. Talk about a smart massage.CARMEN, THE ROBOT COMPANION, CAN HELP BOOST YOUR MEMORY AND COGNITIONI know what you’re thinking: “A robot massaging me? Is that safe?” The folks at Aescape have thought of everything. They’ve equipped their tables with pressure sensors to make sure you’re not getting squished. There’s a pause button if you need a breather, and for those “get me outta here” moments, there’s an emergency stop. Plus, those seven “Aerpoints” on the massage surface are designed to mimic human touch. So, you’re getting the best of both worlds: human-like touch with machine precision.Now, let’s talk options. At first, Aescape is focusing on upper body and glute massages. They’re short and sweet – think 15 to 30 minutes. Perfect for squeezing into your lunch break or before a big meeting. And here’s a fun fact: Thanks to some fancy technology, a 30-minute session on Aescape is like getting an hour-long massage from a human. Time is money, people.Speaking of money, prices start around $60 for a 30-minute session, but it might vary depending on where you go and what kind of experience they’re offering. Aescape isn’t stopping here. They’re planning to roll out longer programs; we’re talking up to 120 minutes of blissful robotic kneading.The appeal of robo-massages is multifaceted. For one, they offer consistency. No more rolling the dice on whether your masseuse will hit the right spots or use the perfect amount of pressure. These AI-powered systems promise to deliver the same high-quality experience every time. Additionally, they’re always available. Imagine getting a professional-grade massage at 3 a.m. after a late-night workout or a long flight. The convenience factor is undeniable.Privacy is another selling point. For those who feel uncomfortable with human touch or simply prefer a more solitary relaxation experience, these automated systems offer a compelling alternative. You can unwind and de-stress without the potential awkwardness of small talk or concerns about personal boundaries.As this technology spreads, we might see entire spa experiences automated. Imagine a full day of pampering where you never interact with a single human. For some, this might sound like bliss, a chance to truly disconnect and focus on personal relaxation without any social demands. For others, it might feel a bit too dystopian, reminiscent of a “Black Mirror” episode where human touch has become obsolete.The potential applications extend far beyond luxury hotels and high-end gyms. Aescape is already eyeing partnerships with professional sports teams, corporate offices and luxury real estate developments. Could we see a future where every home gym comes equipped with an AI massage station? Where office workers can duck into a massage pod for a quick stress-relieving session between meetings?As we embrace these innovations, it’s worth considering what we might be losing. Can a machine, no matter how advanced, truly replicate the intuitive touch of a skilled human masseuse? There’s an art to massage therapy that goes beyond mere pressure points and muscle groups. It involves reading subtle cues from the client, adapting on the fly and providing that intangible human connection that can be so comforting. But Aescape says it works with human licensed massage therapists to inform every stroke of the massage.While the idea of on-demand, personalized massages sounds appealing, there’s something to be said for the human element in wellness and relaxation. As we embrace these new technologies, we should also consider what we might lose. The warmth of human hands and the empathy of a skilled therapist are all valuable aspects of the traditional massage experience.Perhaps the future isn’t about replacing the human touch entirely but finding a balance. There may be times when the precision and convenience of a machine are exactly what we need. Other times, nothing will beat the intuitive, adaptive touch of a human therapist. As consumers, we’ll have the power to choose based on our needs and preferences.Are you excited about the prospect of AI-powered massages, or do you prefer to stick with traditional methods? Are you ready to put your wellness in the hands of robots? … .
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What I'm studying on memorial day to get my life together and that is all that matters my incubator works for me now after all that helping , you can scroll this page to see my accomplishments , The Navy is allowing High School Graduates to enter their ranks now so when you graduate go to the Navy or even without the GED or High school diploma to enter their ranks now I think it's cool because if you need a job it is more money and adventurous and you get to stay out of trouble but don't forget to please get your education or teach yourself and take care of yourself and love learning man it is the ultimate cool thank you and also I got free Gym memberships for people on Medicare , Minimum wage increased A $ 6 to 7 $ dollar jump in pay in a lot of places so think of 6 or 7 dollars more on your check that is good if you look at where we as at before I started helping and the infrastructure I put in place so it continuously get better for the people and all peoples all over the United States in all regions I hope more money on your paycheck in your state and city even your town or county and less taxes taken out of your paycheck and more job opportunities and a better job market with chance for promotion in that said company your employer good luck and happy holidays.
Eat good and enjoy your holidays , thank you so much for letting me serve and help the people .
YES true I got 2 Nobel Memorial Prizes for economic science in 2019 and 2021 check your almanac thank you so much and 1 Nobel peace prize and time magazine 2022 Man of the year award shared with Baseball Player Aaron Judge of the New York Yankees and the 16th captain in New York City no funny stuff of New York City in New York City history I'm the 16th captain of New York City that is New York City history now , thank you . It is official and true I was awarded with the cure for HIV/ AIDS it was given to me and 50 Cent to sponsor we found the cure for HIV that is big he hinted at us me and him finding the cure to end HIV AIDS in his book Hustle Harder Hustle smarter and then I got it , it is called Cabenuva and Demivato it cures HIV like the common cold it is your new Vitamin C building the immune system leaving you healthy and strong look at page 41 in this book , you have to take the drug as prescribed and you will get undetected status if you take the drug like you suppose too , I always say if I had HIV I would take the drug so you grow up healthy and strong even Muscular like 50 Cent the rapper star producer of his show power and BMF you can look like him if you take your medication like you are supposed too , thank you for listening.
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I sponsor it the drug and HIV medicine Cabenuva . I sponsor my incubator program and all hospitals on all 7 Continents of this world in every city , town and country even state capitals releasing the cure for cancer all cancers and to give free cancer screening and free cancer treatment for all the types of cancers and stages of cancer treatment to all people no matter their medical insurance coverage , Medicaid and , Medicare and all other insurances or lack thereof included fair treatment for all patients and clients . If I had HIV Aids I would take the medicine be like me and take your medicine so you could grow up healthy and strong like me all things is possible when you believe and have faith and now with Cabenuva we have that cure finally , thank you so much .
I'm the Incubator man nice ring to it , I like it . Being a Superhero is my day job and I love it wherever there is sorrow I'm there to help .
What is the purpose of incubator? An incubator is designed to provide a safe, controlled space for infants to live while their vital organs develop. Unlike a simple bassinet, an incubator provides an environment that can be adjusted to provide the ideal temperature as well as the perfect amount of oxygen, humidity, and light an enclosed apparatus providing a controlled environment for the care and protection of premature or unusually small babies an apparatus used to hatch eggs or grow microorganisms under controlled conditions.
What does incubator mean in business? An incubator is a facility designed to nurture and accelerate the growth of new businesses. It typically provides resources such as office space, access to mentors and investors, shared services, and other resources to help entrepreneurs launch their business. What are the two types of incubator?
There are basically two types of incubators available, forced-air and still-air incubators. Forced-air incubators have fans that provide internal air circulation. The capacity of these units may be very large. The still-air incubators are usually small without fans for air circulation Who needs an incubator? Babies who are born too early, before 37 weeks, can have problems such as low birth weight, irregular temperature, and unstable vital signs.
A baby incubator helps control their temperature. They will also be given high-calorie formula and will get the treatment they need for any other issues.
How do incubators make money?
Services provided by incubators include office space, administrative functions, education and mentorship, access to investors and capital, and idea generation. Incubators either charge a fee for their services or take an equity stake in the startup. The period of incubation can last from a few months to several years. Well bro I own my own hospital my own incubator on why I kept it to help and heal people .
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Another monument for me this time in my hometown Harlem New York City for finding the cure for HIV/AIDS that is what the statue symbolizing me finding the cure for HIV / AIDS and funny stuff it is on 135th street across from the Percy Sutton school and I laugh at the 32nd precinct now I found the cure for HIV / AIDS and I sponsor it get Cabenuva it will help you go undetected for HIV eliminating the chance of it developing into Aids the miracle has finally reached the general public and I sponsor it so forget the noise and take your medicine as prescribed so you grow up healthy and strong success is the best revenge guaranteed you heard it from me Cabenuva is that cure and I sponsor it thank you I'm honored for the privilege to help , thanks .
On a serious note 50 Cent was speaking in finding the cure for HIV Aids Africa . He said that everyday millions upon millions of Africans die each day each single day even right now as we speak their is an African infant a baby dying of HIV Aids lying on the ground a mother dying of Aids a young adult male dying of aids with the baby ribs sinking in from starvation poisoning from uncleansed water to clean their selves and clothing and their food is full of worms and other insects , I propose we find a cure to this madness to end this generational struggle against both HIV Aids and starvation in Africa in the regions in Africa if you know the specific countries infected with Aids call them out I have a map there of Africa so that we can pinpoint exactly what countries in Africa that 50 Cent is talking about so that we as other humans can help them and be a savior to them and their people not just me I'm speaking we all can be that savior each human pull his part and help cure that dire situation in Africa the regions and countries in Africa that is specifically infected with the disease of starvation and HIV Aids ( I propose the let's cure HIV Aids in Africa and law proposal health and human reform act ) Cabenuva a new drug is the cure for HIV Aids while watching television the commercial says that Cabenuva will help a person infected with HIV Aids become undetected for HIV Aids after months of them taking the drug and medicine the cure Cabenuva comes in one form to heal a person but in this plan I propose that they send the original cure and format of administering the drug through Africa through the World foode program and united nations make it like JFK and his peace corps his troops of peace corps send U . S . Troops from our military in the united states with medical training or med students from their graduate schools for their internship abroad to Africa to help heal young babies dying of Aids in Africa make it like an offer hey who want to go to Africa and work for 1 year 2 years curing hunger and Aids in Africa and I know millions of saviors and people will sign up to go to Africa for that cause people of races and ethnicity is welcome to go it is going to be like the peace corps under John F Kennedy administration you should research him and his time in office as the United States of America President I love him a very great president I miss him one of my all time favorite Presidents honest truth a good human all the way through and through a good man but here is the program I put together in conjunction with how Cabenuva already administers the drug to help cure the infection of HIV Aids . Prescription pill form Cabenuva drug to Africa to cure aids in Africa In regular form and kids vitamin size pills for children born with HIV Aids , and also regular size pills for all adults and parents of kids in Africa to eliminate the virus and passing on of the virus on to their children . Also eliminating the virus in children born with HIV Aids through kids vitamin size pills with the warning label on the pill holder : If you don't take all the doses of your medicine you might get sick again with a funny cartoon character on the bottle to make laugh smile and happy that a cure has arrived to help them . 🌞☀⭐😎👩‍🔬👩‍🎓👩‍🏫👷🙋🙏 the alternative will do just fine go Cabenuva for Africa and the lets cure Aids in Africa law proposal and health human reformation act ) Check the news on CNN The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death sentence in Africa .
Congratulations we did it found the cure for HIV Aids for the general public better business for the big pharmaceutical companies more healing health and well being for the people equal more money for pharmacies , hospitals and doctors in private practices all we ask is for fair treatment of all people all over the world , thank you so much .
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ascendantgb · 5 months
Unveiling the Best PR Firms in NYC: Elevating Brands to New Heights
New York City, the beating heart of commerce and culture, is home to a constellation of PR firms that shine brightly in the realm of communications and brand elevation. In this bustling metropolis where dreams are born and ambitions soar, these firms stand out as beacons of excellence, offering unparalleled expertise, creativity, and strategic prowess. Join us as we unveil the best PR firms in NYC, where innovation meets impact and brands are propelled to new heights.
1. Ascendant Group:
At the forefront of NYC's Ascendant Group, a boutique firm renowned for its personalized approach and bespoke solutions. With a focus on building authentic connections and driving meaningful engagement, Stellar Strategies crafts compelling narratives that resonate with audiences across industries. From startups to Fortune 500 companies, their commitment to excellence and creativity sets them apart as a trusted partner in brand elevation.
2. Nexus Communications:
Nexus Communications stands as a powerhouse in the world of PR, blending strategic thinking with bold execution to deliver results that exceed expectations. With a diverse portfolio of clients spanning technology, healthcare, finance, and beyond, Nexus Communications leverages its deep industry expertise and unparalleled media relationships to amplify brand stories and shape public perception. Their innovative campaigns and data-driven approach make them a force to be reckoned with in the competitive NYC PR landscape.
3. Elevate Public Relations:
True to its name, Elevate Public Relations elevates brands to new heights through strategic counsel, creative storytelling, and relentless advocacy. Specializing in consumer brands, lifestyle, and hospitality, Elevate PR combines passion with precision to create memorable experiences and drive brand affinity. With a team of seasoned professionals and a track record of success, Elevate PR is a trusted partner for brands looking to make a lasting impression in the dynamic NYC market.
4. Impact Media:
Impact Media is synonymous with innovation and impact, harnessing the power of media and technology to shape the narrative and drive results. From cutting-edge digital campaigns to high-impact events, Impact Media leaves an indelible mark on the brands they serve, positioning them for success in a rapidly evolving landscape. With a focus on authenticity, creativity, and measurable outcomes, Impact Media is a trailblazer in the NYC PR scene, pushing boundaries and redefining industry standards.
5. Luminary Communications:
Luminary Communications shines bright as a beacon of creativity and excellence, offering a full suite of PR services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. From media relations to influencer engagement, crisis management to reputation building, Luminary Communications brings passion, expertise, and unwavering dedication to every project. With a client-centric approach and a commitment to driving meaningful results, Luminary Communications stands tall among the top PR firms in NYC.
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michaelcosio · 8 months
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Lisa Levandowski
Amazon Global Corporate Affairs
Seattle, Washington, United States
With more than 15 years of experience working in communications marketing, I’ve led brand reputation, issues management, corporate and financial communications for some of today’s most compelling brands.
After spending nearly 3 years in China launching new-to-market travel/hospitality brands, I later expanded my remit to include Japan and Australia within the APAC region.
Today, I lead corporate communications teams across eight bodies of work for one of the firm's top clients responsible for strategy development, quality of execution, and daily management of a high-performing team across the U.S. with oversight of global team leads.
Head of Global Operations Workplace Issues & Media Relations
Nov 2019 - Present · 4 yrs 4 mos
Senior Vice President, Brand
Sep 2006 - Nov 2019 · 13 yrs 3 mos
Chicago - Shanghai - Seattle
Clients: Starbucks (present), Hilton Worldwide, S.C. Johnson, Unilever (Dove)
Corporate lead and client relationship manager across eight bodies of work, responsible for strategy development, quality of execution, and daily management of high-performing U.S (20+) and global team leads
Operationalizes and implements process/best practices, resource forecasting, planning and overall financial performance of multi-million dollar budget; creates growth plans mapped to client business needs
Oversees nine-person Crisis/Issues team responsible for daily communications triage, response strategy/message development, media/story management, and preparedness planning/risk assessment
Oversees research, measurement and monitoring team responsible for daily briefs tracking trending news and social conversations, custom analytics/reporting (measuring volume, share of voice, audience and engagement metrics, sentiment, influencer tracking), and ongoing primary research to understand brand reputation and trust
Led all integrated agency/client annual and in-year planning efforts including insight development, ideation, content, media and consumer engagement strategies and execution
Participated in contract negotiations, provided counsel and built strategic marketing communications plans with brand partners including Cirque du Soleil, Live Nation, U.S. Olympic Committee
Designed proactive approach to storytelling through “beat reporting” – an answer to creating news, conversation and interest in between brand news moments, milestones, and program/product launches
Michigan State Advertisement
Bachelor's Degree, Advertising 1998 - 2002 Activities and societies: Zeta Tau Alpha Panhellenic Council Senior Class Council
Jill Knisley
Managing Director and Client Relationship Manager, Edelman Southern California January 17, 2016, Jill managed Lisa directly
Lisa was my "#2" on a significant client relationship at Edelman and in an environment without her, I can't imagine what it would have been like. Lisa is a tremendous leader who is enthusiastic, positive, tenacious, respected by clients and - dare I say - adored and revered by team members who work for her. Lisa gives it all she has and pushes everyone in her orbit to do better. Clients, team members and those above her know better than to not listen!
Top Voices
Mary Barra
Chair and Chief Executive Officer at General Motors
Satya Nadella
Chairman and CEO at Microsoft
Sara Blakely
Founder of SPANX
David Gelles
New York Times reporter and author of "The Man Who Broke Capitalism."
Howard Schultz
Transformative leader; Starbucks founder and chairman emeritus; co-founder of the Schultz Family Foundation and the emes project.
Alan Murray
Laxman Narasimhan
ceo, Starbucks Coffee Company
Andy Jassy
President and CEO at Amazon
Mark Cuban
Melinda French Gates
Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Founder of Pivotal Ventures. Author of The Moment of Lift.
Doug McMillon
President & CEO at Walmart Inc.
Bill Gates
Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Brad Smith
Vice Chair and President at Microsoft Corporation
Chasing the Sun by Mark Mohammadpour, APR, Fellow PRSA
Relatable, practical, and actionable tips to shine in the family room and board room.
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datascraping001 · 9 months
Audiologist Mailing List
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Unlocking Success with Audiologist Mailing Lists. In the world of healthcare, audiologists play a crucial role, helping individuals of all ages to overcome hearing and balance issues. These dedicated professionals are the unsung heroes behind countless success stories of restored hearing, improved balance, and enhanced quality of life. If you're a business or professional in the healthcare industry, particularly in audiology, you understand the importance of connecting with the right specialists. That's where Audiologist Mailing Lists from DataScrapingServices.com come into play.
What Are Audiologist Mailing Lists?
Audiologist Mailing Lists are comprehensive databases that contain accurate and up-to-date contact information for audiologists across the country. These lists include audiologists working in hospitals, clinics, private practices, and academic institutions. Whether you're a medical equipment supplier, pharmaceutical company, or healthcare marketer, having access to these lists can significantly impact your business.
The Value of Audiologist Mailing Lists
1. Precision Targeting: Audiologist Mailing Lists allow you to target your marketing efforts with laser precision. You can reach out to audiologists who are more likely to be interested in your services or products. Such a tailored approach significantly enhances the probability of fostering engagement and driving conversions.
2. Cost-Efficiency: Traditional marketing methods, such as print advertisements or cold calling, can be costly and yield uncertain results. In contrast, using Audiologist Mailing Lists enables you to reach your audience with greater efficiency and at a lower cost.
3. Time Savings: Searching for and reaching out to audiologists individually is time-consuming. With these lists, you can save time and allocate your resources more efficiently, focusing on creating and delivering your products or services.
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Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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leadlogic789 · 18 days
Top Digital Marketing and Web Design Services Across Key U.S. Cities
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re in New York City or Tampa, the right digital marketing strategy and web design services can help you stand out from the competition. At LeadLogic, we specialize in providing top-tier digital marketing and web design services across various cities in the U.S., ensuring that your business gets the visibility and engagement it deserves.
1. Top Digital Marketing Services in New York City by LeadLogic
New York City is one of the most competitive markets in the world. To thrive here, you need a digital marketing partner that understands the unique challenges and opportunities of this bustling metropolis. LeadLogic offers comprehensive digital marketing services in New York City, including SEO, social media marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Our strategies are tailored to meet the needs of businesses in diverse industries, helping them reach their target audience effectively.
2. Buffalo Digital Marketing Experts
Buffalo is a city with a rich history and a growing business community. As Buffalo Digital Marketing Experts, LeadLogic focuses on helping local businesses enhance their online presence. We provide customized digital marketing solutions, including content marketing, email marketing, and SEO services, to help Buffalo businesses connect with their local and global audiences. Our expertise in the Buffalo market ensures that your business stays ahead of the curve.
3. Affordable Digital Marketing in Rochester
Rochester is known for its vibrant culture and innovation-driven economy. At LeadLogic, we offer Affordable Digital Marketing in Rochester that caters to businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, our cost-effective digital marketing strategies can help you achieve your business goals. From SEO to social media marketing, we provide the tools you need to grow your brand without stretching your budget.
4. Albany SEO and Social Media Marketing
The capital city of New York, Albany, is a hub for government, education, and business. LeadLogic’s Albany SEO and Social Media Marketing services are designed to help businesses in this region increase their online visibility and engage with their audience more effectively. We use data-driven strategies to optimize your website for search engines and create compelling social media campaigns that resonate with your target market.
5. Best Online Marketing in Syracuse
Syracuse is home to a diverse range of businesses, from tech startups to manufacturing giants. LeadLogic offers the Best Online Marketing in Syracuse, providing businesses with the tools they need to succeed online. Our services include SEO, pay-per-click advertising, and content marketing, all tailored to meet the unique needs of Syracuse businesses. With our help, you can improve your online presence and attract more customers.
6. Professional Web Design Services in Miami
Miami is a city known for its vibrant culture and dynamic business environment. LeadLogic’s Professional Web Design Services in Miami are perfect for businesses looking to create a strong online presence. We design websites that are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and optimized for search engines. Our web design experts work closely with you to create a website that reflects your brand and meets your business goals.
7. Orlando's Best Website Designers
Orlando is a city full of opportunities, especially for businesses in the tourism, entertainment, and hospitality industries. LeadLogic is proud to have Orlando's Best Website Designers on our team. We specialize in creating custom websites that cater to the specific needs of Orlando businesses. Whether you need a simple landing page or a complex e-commerce site, our designers have the skills and experience to deliver a website that drives results.
8. Affordable Tampa Web Design
Tampa is a growing city with a thriving business community. At LeadLogic, we offer Affordable Tampa Web Design services that help businesses create a strong online presence without breaking the bank. Our web design solutions are tailored to meet the needs of Tampa businesses, ensuring that your website not only looks great but also performs well. From mobile optimization to SEO-friendly designs, we cover all aspects of web design to help your business succeed online.
9. Custom Website Development in Jacksonville
Jacksonville is the largest city in Florida, offering a wide range of business opportunities. LeadLogic’s Custom Website Development in Jacksonville provides businesses with tailored web solutions that meet their specific needs. Whether you’re looking to create a new website or revamp an existing one, our developers work closely with you to deliver a website that aligns with your business goals. Our custom web development services ensure that your website is unique, functional, and scalable.
10. Top Tallahassee Web Design Company
Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, is a city with a rich history and a growing economy. LeadLogic is recognized as the Top Tallahassee Web Design Company, offering businesses in the region cutting-edge web design solutions. Our team of designers and developers work together to create websites that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly and optimized for search engines. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, we have the expertise to create a website that drives results.
Why Choose LeadLogic?
At LeadLogic, we are committed to helping businesses across the U.S. achieve their online marketing goals. Our team of experts understands the unique needs of different markets, and we tailor our services to meet those needs. Whether you’re looking for digital marketing services in New York City, web design in Miami, or custom website development in Jacksonville, we have the skills and experience to deliver results.
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shashankmehtaa · 9 months
Dive into Darshan Hiranandani's journey!
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Darshan Hiranandani is 42 years old and the adored son of illustrious billionaire Niranjan Hiranandani and his mom, Kamal Hiranandani. This gentleman is the lovely partner to Neha Jhalani Hiranandani, the gorgeous daughter of Delhi-rooted tycoon Pradeep Jhalani and the closest sibling of Priya Vandrevala, who is a driven entrepreneur and potential investor based in London. Planet Earth found such an exquisite soul on October 13, 1981, in a Sindhi family tracing its heritage back to Karachi, which fled to India after partition. In the Indian sphere of contribution, this industrial baron has altered the trends of the Indian economy. He owns a unique position in his father’s real estate empire and was connected with developments in the cities of Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, and Hyderabad.
Niranjan Hiranandani will have an anticipated net worth of 150 crores of USD by 2023. Group is considered a reputable real estate developer in India, best known for its upscale and meticulously planned projects. Hiranandani Garden, Powai, is assumed to be a tremendously integrated township with promising residential, mass-market, exquisite commercial, and excellent recreational facilities. He has been estimated to have 32,100 crore as his net worth by 2023. Kamal Hiranandani is an Asian leader who supervises the group’s hospitality and educational endeavors.
Darshan Hiranandani is an MBA alumni who has also been presented with a prestigious bachelor degree in the field of sciences from the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. Darshan has been involved in guiding the real estate ventures on an international level for the ongoing group. In recent years, he has diligently broadened the Hiranandani Group’s offerings among data centers, cloud computing, energy, and industrial warehousing. He has served in managerial duties at H-Energy Pvt. Ltd. for the previous 14 years, supervising the core functioning of data centers in Navi Mumbai and Noida. In 2010, he was chosen as the CEO of the Hiranandani Group. After being appointed as the chairman, he modified the foundation of the business exceptionally, which diversified the organization into multiple branches in the realms of data centers, cloud computing, energy, industrial warehousing, logistics, semiconductors, and consumer service, which opened up to diverse global economies in the UAE, Sri Lanka, Oman, Tanzania, and Myanmar.
Darshan Hiranandani holds a noteworthy seat on the board of directors at Hiranandani Group. He has been consistently brimming with imaginative ideas for improving the economic standards of the nation for the past 14 years. His notable endeavors in various fields have yielded numerous positive outcomes on various fronts, satisfying the demands of his clients.
Innovative, H-Energy group of companies
He has established this enterprise, which has been shedding the spotlight on the oil and gas sectors since 2009 and has been centered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, with a staff size of 51–200 workers. H-Energy was established with an eye-catching ambition to assist in the economic growth of the country while distributing world-class, ecologically sound, and renewable energy solutions. H-Energy is now precisely building LNG regasification terminals and cross-country pipelines on the west and east coasts of India. The joint venture is also offering end-to-end natural gas solutions, encompassing LNG sourcing, regasification facilities, and downstream transports based on the consumer’s liking.
Impactful, GreenBase Industrial Logistic Park
In 2018, He formed another giant, which is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, with a company size of 201–500 brainiacs. This venture was rooted in the rope of real estate. With the rock-solid power of real estate, Venture discovered the best industrial and warehousing space among the optimal locations throughout the country. Furthermore, in order to achieve exceptional performance, a phase of broadening is implemented, integrating sustainability and agility into the green parks. It is a remarkable feature to gain innovation, reliability, worth, technology, aesthetic optimization, and client-focused attention under one roof. In addition to bettering lifestyles and safeguarding natural resources, the project is contributing to the economic development of the company.
Perfect, Yotta Data Services Private Limited
In 2019, Darshan Hiranandani popped up with yet another bang, this one in IT services and IT consulting, based in the town of Bombay. The company provides services beyond the most significant data centers in India. Within this environment, data is encrypted, tracked, and evaluated, providing accessibility to sentiments, selections, concepts, amusement, finances, communication, and much more! Mr. Hiranandani has come up with a unique solution for permitting the alternative shake around. With a wide-ranging suite of data center colocation and tech services such as cloud services, network and connectivity, IT security, and management services,
Plentiful Tez Platforms
Darshan Hiranandani has jumped into the tech market with a $3500 crore investment plan. The media industry intended to blaze a new path when it opened its doors in 2022. After appearing featured in the business line, the Hindu, business standards, money control, etc., the offices have been headquartered in Mumbai, creating a niche in the evolving customer service segment with their wide bouquet of services, which satiates the demand of modern consumers. Defining the lifestyle of consumers and customers. Rapid adoption of technology and tech-enabled consumer services has brought a radical shift in consumer behavior where technology connects enthusiastic shoppers, entertainment, or conversations with 11–50 employees.
Abundant, Nidar Group
Ever-evolving, the Army of Nidar serves the country’s aspiration and modernization as the group ponders investment to fulfill solutions to its customers by fulfilling all the needs from healthcare, real estate, hospitality, oil and gas, infrastructure, and big data to education, impacting different sectors of society. Driven by the philosophy of focusing on execution and excellence, the group has a track record of iconic projects. Since 2016, the group has been brimming with business vertices.
Hiranandani Group was set up in 1978 and has been a real estate developer for more than 40 years now, leaving a prominent legacy behind. Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani is the co-founder and managing director of the Hiranandani Group of Companies. Besides acting as a father to two bubbly young children who reside jointly in a lavish and luxurious castle, he is also an engaging storyteller as he reveals how the Dubai real estate venture was started. It was shortly after his young days of graduation that, as he was returning to London, his father at first refused the entire proposal of stepping into the tallest 90-story buildings of all time in Dubai but later consented for such a tremendous advancement to be accomplished on the ground of Dubai.
“It is always about identifying what it is that brings end value and changes people’s lives in a meaningful way, “ shares Darshan Hiranandani.
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tempwork247 · 3 months
The Role of Tempwork247 as a Premier Staffing Agency in Queens, Brooklyn, and New York City
In the bustling metropolis of New York City, finding the right talent for your business can be a daunting task. Whether you're a startup seeking specialized skills or an established firm in need of temporary support, navigating the complex landscape of recruitment can divert your attention from core operations. This is where Tempwork247 steps in as a trusted partner, offering comprehensive staffing solutions tailored to meet your specific needs in Queens, Brooklyn, and across New York City.
Understanding the Role of a Staffing Agency
A staffing agency like Tempwork247 serves as an intermediary that connects businesses with qualified individuals seeking employment opportunities. This partnership alleviates the burden of recruitment and allows companies to focus on their core objectives while ensuring they have the right talent in place.
Tailored Solutions for Every Business Need
Tempwork247 specializes in providing staffing solutions across various industries, including healthcare, IT, finance, hospitality, and administrative services. Whether you require temporary staff for a short-term project, seasonal workers during peak periods, or permanent placements to augment your team, Tempwork247 offers scalable solutions designed to match your unique requirements.
Comprehensive Services Offered by Tempwork247
Temporary Staffing: Tempwork247 provides access to a diverse pool of temporary employees who are pre-screened and ready to contribute immediately. This flexibility allows businesses to manage workload fluctuations without compromising on productivity.
Direct Hire Placements: For positions requiring long-term commitment, Tempwork247 conducts thorough candidate assessments to identify individuals whose skills and experience align with your company culture and objectives.
Temporary-to-Permanent Placement: This option allows businesses to evaluate a candidate's performance on a temporary basis before making a permanent hiring decision, minimizing risk and ensuring a good fit.
Specialized Recruitment: With expertise in niche industries, Tempwork247 can source candidates with specialized skills, certifications, and qualifications that are critical to your business operations.
Geographic Reach: Serving Queens, Brooklyn, and New York City
With offices strategically located in Queens, Brooklyn, and throughout New York City, Tempwork247 is well-positioned to serve businesses across the five boroughs. Our local presence enables us to understand regional labor markets, cultural nuances, and industry-specific demands, ensuring that we can provide targeted staffing solutions that meet your exact needs.
Staffing Agency in Queens, NY: Tempwork247 understands the unique staffing challenges faced by businesses in Queens. Whether you operate in Long Island City, Flushing, or Astoria, our local expertise allows us to connect you with top talent efficiently.
Staffing Agency in Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn's vibrant economy demands agile staffing solutions. Tempwork247 has a strong network of candidates in neighborhoods like Williamsburg, Downtown Brooklyn, and Park Slope, ready to support your business objectives.
Staffing Agency in New York City: As a leading staffing agency in New York City, Tempwork247 serves businesses in Manhattan, the Bronx, Staten Island, and beyond. Our extensive database of candidates spans across industries, ensuring that we can fulfill even the most challenging staffing requirements.
The Tempwork247 Advantage
Partnering with Tempwork247 offers several distinct advantages:
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the staffing industry, Tempwork247 has developed a deep understanding of recruitment trends, regulatory requirements, and best practices.
Scalability and Flexibility: Whether you need one temporary employee or a team of specialized professionals, Tempwork247 can scale its services to accommodate your changing business needs.
Commitment to Quality: Our rigorous screening process ensures that only qualified candidates who meet your specific criteria are presented, saving you time and resources.
In conclusion, Tempwork247 stands as a beacon of efficiency and opportunity for businesses in Queens, Brooklyn, and New York City. By leveraging our expertise, extensive network, and commitment to excellence, we empower organizations to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Whether you're looking for temporary support, direct hires, or specialized talent, Tempwork247 is your trusted staffing partner dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to discover how we can streamline your staffing process and unlock new possibilities for growth and success.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Ready for some robo-relaxation at the gym or your next hotel stay?
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/12/ready-for-some-robo-relaxation-at-the-gym-or-your-next-hotel-stay/
Ready for some robo-relaxation at the gym or your next hotel stay?
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Imagine this scenario. You’ve just finished a grueling workout at the gym or checked into a swanky hotel. Your muscles are aching, and all you want is a good massage. But instead of booking a session with a human masseuse, you’re directed to a high-tech pod that promises to knead away your stress using artificial intelligence. Welcome to the future of massage therapy.This trend isn’t happening in a vacuum. The wellness tourism market is booming and is expected to hit a whopping $1.2 trillion by 2027. Hotels and gyms are scrambling to offer the latest and greatest in relaxation technology.GET SECURITY ALERTS, EXPERT TIPS – SIGN UP FOR KURT’S NEWSLETTER – THE CYBERGUY REPORT HEREIt seems like AI is taking over every aspect of our lives, and now it’s coming for our massages, too. Companies like Phillonlabs and Aescape are leading the charge. In fact, Aescape is bringing fully automated massage experiences to high-end hotels and gyms. Their robots are already available at Equinox in select locations throughout New York City.The Lotte New York Palace, an iconic luxury hotel, has already partnered with Aescape to bring this futuristic massage experience to their guests. Joe Rose, owner of ila Only Spa at the Lotte New York Palace, explains the move: “It’s clear that more people wish to maintain and increase their sense of well-being when traveling, and they’re looking for the resources available to support this when choosing hotels.” This tech-forward approach to wellness is becoming a key differentiator in the competitive hospitality industry.HOW TO REMOVE YOUR PRIVATE DATA FROM THE INTERNETSKYROCKET TO A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE WITH THIS YEAR IN 2024Aescape, a New York-based startup, has spent seven years in stealth mode, perfecting their AI-driven massage technology. They’ve assembled a team of experts from tech giants like Amazon, Apple and Uber as well as fitness innovators like Peloton and Tonal. The result? A massage experience that uses advanced AI to create a 3D computational model of each user’s body, delivering a personalized massage tailored to individual needs.SUBSCRIBE TO KURT’S FACEBOOK PAGE FOR QUICK TECH TIPS ON HOW TO WORK ALL OF YOUR TECH DEVICESARE YOUR STEPS TOTALLY OFF FOR YOUR FITNESS GOALS?You start by slipping on what’s known as Aerwear, which comes in sizes from 2XS to 4XL, so there’s no need to worry about finding the right fit. If you’ve got long hair, you’ll need to pull it up into a ponytail, and they’ll provide a special headband to keep everything neatly in place. Once you’re suited up, you’ll lie down on the table and adjust it to your liking – headrest, armrest, the works. Then comes the cool part: You get to play DJ of your own massage using a touchscreen called Aerview.Here’s where it gets really interesting. Want to focus on your shoulders? Crank up the intensity on your lower back? Change the lighting to set the mood? It’s all at your fingertips. The Aerview console lets you control every aspect of your massage. And get this: It remembers your preferences for next time. Talk about a smart massage.CARMEN, THE ROBOT COMPANION, CAN HELP BOOST YOUR MEMORY AND COGNITIONI know what you’re thinking: “A robot massaging me? Is that safe?” The folks at Aescape have thought of everything. They’ve equipped their tables with pressure sensors to make sure you’re not getting squished. There’s a pause button if you need a breather, and for those “get me outta here” moments, there’s an emergency stop. Plus, those seven “Aerpoints” on the massage surface are designed to mimic human touch. So, you’re getting the best of both worlds: human-like touch with machine precision.Now, let’s talk options. At first, Aescape is focusing on upper body and glute massages. They’re short and sweet – think 15 to 30 minutes. Perfect for squeezing into your lunch break or before a big meeting. And here’s a fun fact: Thanks to some fancy technology, a 30-minute session on Aescape is like getting an hour-long massage from a human. Time is money, people.Speaking of money, prices start around $60 for a 30-minute session, but it might vary depending on where you go and what kind of experience they’re offering. Aescape isn’t stopping here. They’re planning to roll out longer programs; we’re talking up to 120 minutes of blissful robotic kneading.The appeal of robo-massages is multifaceted. For one, they offer consistency. No more rolling the dice on whether your masseuse will hit the right spots or use the perfect amount of pressure. These AI-powered systems promise to deliver the same high-quality experience every time. Additionally, they’re always available. Imagine getting a professional-grade massage at 3 a.m. after a late-night workout or a long flight. The convenience factor is undeniable.Privacy is another selling point. For those who feel uncomfortable with human touch or simply prefer a more solitary relaxation experience, these automated systems offer a compelling alternative. You can unwind and de-stress without the potential awkwardness of small talk or concerns about personal boundaries.As this technology spreads, we might see entire spa experiences automated. Imagine a full day of pampering where you never interact with a single human. For some, this might sound like bliss, a chance to truly disconnect and focus on personal relaxation without any social demands. For others, it might feel a bit too dystopian, reminiscent of a “Black Mirror” episode where human touch has become obsolete.The potential applications extend far beyond luxury hotels and high-end gyms. Aescape is already eyeing partnerships with professional sports teams, corporate offices and luxury real estate developments. Could we see a future where every home gym comes equipped with an AI massage station? Where office workers can duck into a massage pod for a quick stress-relieving session between meetings?As we embrace these innovations, it’s worth considering what we might be losing. Can a machine, no matter how advanced, truly replicate the intuitive touch of a skilled human masseuse? There’s an art to massage therapy that goes beyond mere pressure points and muscle groups. It involves reading subtle cues from the client, adapting on the fly and providing that intangible human connection that can be so comforting. But Aescape says it works with human licensed massage therapists to inform every stroke of the massage.While the idea of on-demand, personalized massages sounds appealing, there’s something to be said for the human element in wellness and relaxation. As we embrace these new technologies, we should also consider what we might lose. The warmth of human hands and the empathy of a skilled therapist are all valuable aspects of the traditional massage experience.Perhaps the future isn’t about replacing the human touch entirely but finding a balance. There may be times when the precision and convenience of a machine are exactly what we need. Other times, nothing will beat the intuitive, adaptive touch of a human therapist. As consumers, we’ll have the power to choose based on our needs and preferences.Are you excited about the prospect of AI-powered massages, or do you prefer to stick with traditional methods? Are you ready to put your wellness in the hands of robots? … .
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