#Best Psychiatrist in New Delhi
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Dial +91 9289086193 | Good Psychiatrist in Gurgaon
Good Psychiatrist in Gurgaon: You need to consult a good psychiatrist when you have extreme mental issues. Getting help from a reliable psychiatrist is essential for the treatment of any Mental Disorder. A good psychiatrist will give you effective treatment and also get your problems sorted out quickly . If you need a good psychiatrist who can help you with a critical condition, then visit our website 
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Understanding schizoid personality disorder
A personality disorder is a mental health disorder that has long-lasting effects on the behavioural and thought patterns of a person making them think and act in a way unacceptable to the society. It can influence the ability of a person to take decisions, hinder relationships, and impair mental strength, adversely affecting coping skills.
Personality disorders can manifest in teenage or in early adulthood. These can be of many types. In this article, we will understand the symptoms and treatment interventions relevant for schizoid personality disorder, a not very common disorder.
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The primary characteristic of schizoid personality disorder is social withdrawal. A person suffering from this personality disorder tends to disengage from relationships and any forms of social activities and prefers isolation. Such people are also unable to experience or express love or other emotions and usually appear to be unfriendly and cold.
Those with this disorder will often lead a simple life without many friendships or relationships. Because of this, the person will rarely be married. In a work environment, the employee may thrive in situations where they work independently. Working may come easily if it is related to more abstract or mechanical concepts. However, interactions with others in a work environment may often be strained. The sufferer may not seem to have many set goals in their life and will respond improperly in certain circumstances. Feelings of anger may be especially difficult to express.
The individual may have few activities they find enjoyable. People with this disorder often do not feel a need to connect with immediate or extended family. Positive or negative feedback from others does not seem to have an effect on them in terms of response. Their demeanour may be non-emotive much of the time. With time, the patient may also develop co-occurring mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.
Though schizoid personality disorder is classified as a schizophrenic disorder, it differs from schizophrenia in certain ways. For instance, hallucinations or paranoia are not likely to occur. Those with such symptoms usually express logical verbal responses, though they may have a monotonous voice. Such people are often less likely to use facial expressions, such as a smile, when responding to someone. Some may appear to others as being self-absorbed due to their introverted nature.
Those with this condition may often daydream or fantasize about their lives in ways that do not match reality. Those with schizoid personality disorder are more likely to develop friendships with animals rather than people.
Individuals are often diagnosed by early adulthood, though there are no laboratory tests or blood tests that may be used to draw such conclusions. Rather than making friends and socializing, he or she may stick to rigid routines that they insist on following on a daily basis. When stress arises, the sufferer may be prone to a brief psychotic episode.
Though the cause is unknown, risk factors that may increase the likelihood of developing this disorder may include a disruptive and/or traumatic childhood experience and genetic inheritance. The disorder occurs more frequently in males than females.
Oftentimes, it may take specific urging from family members to seek treatment, due to the nature of such isolation. However, if a patient has been diagnosed and is willing to receive help, there will be different options for assistance. Frequent psychotherapy treatments may be necessary for the best results. At first, it may be difficult to distinguish schizoid personality disorder from Asperger syndrome, but a trained and experienced psychiatrist will be able to tell the difference.
Experts feel that treatment should start with a specific type of psychotherapy, that is, talk therapy. A therapist trained in studying the disorder will be able to identify the boundaries the patient has created. Therapists understand how challenging it may be for the schizoid personality disorder patient to open up to others. Such a professional will know how to move forward without the patient feeling excessively pressured.
Eventually, the patient would be nudged towards group therapy, allowing them the opportunity to communicate with others seeking treatment for a similar disorder. With time, this form of therapy can help reduce agitation about social situations. The therapist may prescribe a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) if the patient also suffers from depression or anxiety. Antipsychotics may also be helpful when it comes to symptoms such as lack of sociability or empathy.
There is also the option of self-help if the patient feels up to it. This may come later in therapy after he or she feels more comfortable in social settings. Examples of self-help include joining a club or seeking employment where greater interaction is required. This may follow short-term treatment, as it may be difficult for the person to make long-term commitments. The primary goal of treatment is to ensure that patients learn to find means of making their life more manageable by gaining greater control over their symptoms.
If you or anyone you know is displaying the symptoms of schizoid personality disorder or any other mental health disorder , get in touch with Athena Behavioural Health. We are a modern and luxurious inpatient mental health treatment centre located in the heart of Gurgaon. Our highly skilled and experienced medical team customizes the mental health treatment program for each patient according to their needs and requirements. For more information about our mental health treatment packages, WhatsApp us at 9289086193.
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tulasihealth · 2 months
Finding the Best Psychiatrist in Delhi: Tulasi Healthcare's Comprehensive Approach
In state-of-the-art speedy-paced global, intellectual health has ended up an important element of average well-being. With the increasing attention surrounding mental fitness problems, the call for excellent psychiatric care is at the upward thrust. For the ones dwelling in Delhi, the quest for the best psychiatrist in Delhi may be daunting amidst a sea of options. However, amidst this maze, Tulasi Healthcare stands proud as a beacon of desire and recuperation.
Understanding the Need for Quality Mental Health Care
Mental fitness troubles affect people from all walks of lifestyles, regardless of age, gender, or social status. From tension and despair to more excessive conditions such as bipolar sickness and schizophrenia, the spectrum of intellectual fitness disorders is tremendous and complex. Acknowledging the significance of addressing these issues with sensitivity and know-how, Tulasi Healthcare has emerged as a depended on name inside the realm of psychiatry.
Why Choose Tulasi Healthcare?
1. Holistic Approach: Tulasi Healthcare adopts a holistic approach to intellectual health remedy, recognizing that each person is unique and calls for personalized care. Their group of skilled psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and therapists paint together to deal with the multifaceted components of intellectual fitness issues.
2. Comprehensive Services: Whether you're searching for a remedy for anxiety, melancholy, or want help dealing with extra intense psychiatric situations, Tulasi Healthcare offers a huge variety of offerings to cater to numerous wishes. From medicinal drug control and psychotherapy to behavioral interventions and rehabilitation programs, they offer comprehensive care underneath one roof.
3 Expertise and Experience: With a team of renowned psychiatrists who're leaders of their respective fields, Tulasi Healthcare boasts a wealth of know-how and experience. Their psychiatrists aren't the simplest professional in diagnosing and treating intellectual fitness problems but also in fostering a compassionate and supportive environment for sufferers.
4. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Tulasi Healthcare is geared up with today's facilities and makes use of the brand new improvements in psychiatric remedy modalities. From advanced diagnostic tools to proof-based totally healing techniques, they make certain that sufferers obtain the highest wellknown of care.
5. Patient-Centric Approach: At Tulasi Healthcare, the proper well-being of sufferers is paramount. They prioritize open communication, admire affected person autonomy, and contain patients in decision-making methods regarding their remedy plans. This affected person-centric technique fosters acceptance as true with collaboration, empowering people on their journey in the direction of mental health.
In a bustling town like Delhi, in which the pace of existence can be overwhelming, finding the proper psychiatrist is crucial for mental well-being. Tulasi Healthcare shines as a beacon of excellence within the area of psychiatry, presenting compassionate care, comprehensive offerings, and a commitment to patient-centricity. If you or a cherished one are looking for the best psychiatrist in Delhi, look no further than Tulasi Healthcare for expert guidance and assist on your path to intellectual well-being.
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drashitabhtiwari · 3 months
Who is the Best Psychiatrist in Rajinder Nagar Delhi?
In the bustling city of Delhi, where stress and mental health issues are prevalent, finding the right psychiatrist can be crucial for one's well-being. Among the plethora of options available, there is a name that stands out - Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari. Renowned for his expertise and compassionate care, Dr. Tiwari has earned a reputation as one of the best psychiatrists not only in Rajinder Nagar but also in the entirety of Delhi.
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Understanding the Importance of Mental Health:
In today's fast-paced world, mental health concerns have become increasingly prevalent. Stress, anxiety, depression, and various other disorders affect individuals from all walks of life. Recognizing the significance of addressing these issues, the demand for qualified psychiatrists has surged. Residents of Rajinder Nagar, Delhi, are fortunate to have access to some of the finest mental health professionals, with Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari leading the pack.
Best Psychiatrist in Rajinder Nagar Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari: A Beacon of Hope
With years of experience and a genuine passion for helping others, Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari has emerged as a beacon of hope for those struggling with mental health challenges. Specializing in a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and substance abuse, Dr. Tiwari provides comprehensive and personalized care to his patients.
Expertise and Qualifications:
Dr. Tiwari's qualifications speak volumes about his expertise in the field of psychiatry. He holds prestigious degrees from renowned institutions and has undergone extensive training to hone his skills. His deep understanding of human behavior, coupled with his proficiency in evidence-based treatments, makes him a trusted authority in the realm of mental health care.
Compassionate Approach:
What truly sets Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari apart is his compassionate approach towards his patients. He understands the sensitivity of mental health issues and strives to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their concerns. Dr. Tiwari listens attentively to his patients, taking the time to understand their unique experiences and perspectives.
Holistic Treatment Philosophy:
Dr. Tiwari believes in addressing mental health concerns holistically, considering not just the symptoms but also the underlying factors contributing to the issue. He emphasizes the importance of collaboration between patient and doctor, empowering individuals to actively participate in their treatment journey. From medication management to therapy and lifestyle modifications, Dr. Tiwari offers a comprehensive approach tailored to each patient's needs.
Recognition and Awards:
Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari's dedication and commitment to excellence have earned him numerous accolades and recognition in the field of psychiatry. His peers and patients alike commend him for his professionalism, integrity, and unwavering dedication to improving the lives of others. As one of the best psychiatrists in Rajinder Nagar, Delhi, Dr. Tiwari continues to set new benchmarks for quality mental health care.
Patient Testimonials:
The true measure of a psychiatrist's success lies in the experiences of their patients. Countless individuals have benefited from Dr. Tiwari's expertise and compassionate care, expressing gratitude for the positive impact he has had on their lives. From helping them overcome debilitating anxiety to providing support through challenging times, Dr. Tiwari's patients attest to his exceptional skills and genuine concern for their well-being.
In the quest to find the best psychiatrist in Rajinder Nagar, Delhi, Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari undoubtedly shines as a beacon of hope and healing. With his unparalleled expertise, compassionate approach, and unwavering commitment to his patients' mental health, Dr. Tiwari has earned the trust and admiration of countless individuals seeking assistance. Whether you're facing anxiety, depression, or any other mental health concern, Dr. Tiwari offers the expertise and support you need to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.
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chandandubey123 · 7 months
Why should you consult Dr. Rahul Murada – Best Psychiatrist in Malviya Nagar?
Your mental health and behaviour are very important because they impact your life. It impacts your psychological, emotional, and social behavior. It affects your actions, thinking, and feelings. If you arehaving any kind of mental health problem then a Psychiatrist like Dr. Rahul Murada can do your treatment by medication, therapy, and other treatments.
The psychiatrist is a doctor who is an expert in the prevention and treatment of emotional mental and behavioral disorders.
Anxiety is a very common mental health problem. There are many effective treatments but the Dr.Rahul Murada in Malviya Nagar will assess the mental and physical condition of a person. They assess and treat these conditions. Treatment for mental health is very different and unique to every person.Treatment involves medication and therapy. 
Dr Rahul is the best psychiatrist in their area. He has 30 years of experience and is highly qualified. He is MBBS, MD, and treated many patients in his 30 years of journey. He is the best doctor in Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi. He is treating his patient in a caring and professional way. He had treated many complicated mental health cases in a simplifying manner with his skills and experience.
When you are searching for a psychiatrist you can go to a medical platform like Spirals health and check ratings given by the patients.
Dr Rahul's treatment fields are Anger Management Therapy, Treatment of Behavior and Thought Problems, Hypnotherapy Treatment ,Memory Improvement Techniques, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment, Epilepsy Treatment, Treatment of Abnormal  Behaviour, and many more.
Anger Management
Getting angry is normal human nature and everyone experiences anger now and then. Sometimes a person gets mad in anger and targets strangers, themselves, and their loved ones. This impacts on your life and relations.
Anger Management Therapy
 Anger management therapy by Dr. Rahul Murada can understand and identify your triggers, reason, and response to anger and give you techniques to manage yourself at that time.
There are some different types of Anger Management Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This therapy helps to reduce your stress, improve self-control,avoid anger-evoking conditions, and express feelings according to Engle. Behave and respond in different ways in anger.
Psychodynamic Therapy: This therapy helps you to find the physiological root of your anger, and then you can identify the problem of anger and unhealthy behavior, so you can improve your behavior.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): DBT is the form of CBT. It helps you to control anger, reduce stress, control emotions and thoughts, and communication that improves your relationship.
Treatment of Behavior & Thought Problems
It is a behavior and thought disorder and is also known as a disruptive behavioral disorder, this problem is commonly found in both kids and adults. Kids who have behaviour disorders want to live alone, not share their things with anybody, and not talk to anyone. It may be very harmful for kids in the future. If left untreated in the early years these disorders impact someone's life in a negative manner like in relationships, ability, and doing job many other things.
If someone has this disorder then that person faces problems like poor judgment, drug use,
carelessness, anger, defiant behaviors, emotional flatness, obsessive thoughts, harming oneself or others, criminal behavior, cruelty to animals, low interest in school or work so many. In that case a psychiatrist can help.
First Dr. Rahul Murada will find out the causes of Behavior and thought problems and according to that,they suggest medication, counseling, parenting skill classes, group therapy, etc.
Hypnotherapy Treatment
Hypnosis is also known as hypnotherapy. It is a deep, relaxing, concentrated, and focused state of mind.A trained hypnotist can guide a person to this state of mind. When you are taking this therapy you have to ignore distractions and follow the instructions and guided suggestions to improve your mental health.
In this therapy, your conscious mind is quieted and you go into your brain where your memory,emotions, thoughts, behavior, and beliefs arise. That time you need to open to guidance from your hypnotist
Hypnotherapy helps to treat many medical and mental conditions like stress, panic attacks, behavior control issues, post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), anxiety, phobias, etc.
Nowadays life is full of stress and it affects our mental and physical condition. If you have a mental condition you need to consult with a good Psychiatrist like Dr. Rahul Murada.
They help you to cure your problem in any way.
Relaxation Treatment: Meditation, deep breathing, and muscle relaxation are the few techniques that can be helpful for you in your mental health
Mindfulness- Meditation interventions: It improves and enhances attention capacity, and memory, reduces stress and anxiety, and contributes to emotion regulation strategies.
Exercise (Workout): A daily workout is a good way to manage mental health. Exercise helps to improve your mood and reduce stress which is good for your mental health
Medication: Different types of medication used for mental health treatment are useful in reducing mood swings, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and worry.
It is very important to consult with a well-qualified and experienced psychiatrist in your area for your mental health related issues. Connect with them, ask about your health problems and take the right treatment and medication. Dr. Rahul Murada will assess your conditions and behaviour to regulate and control your mental condition by the treatment medication and therapy you need.
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medserg · 9 months
Benefits For Travelling to India For Medical Treatment
India is the most affordable country for medical treatment for people from all over the world. It has seen patients with ample diseases and getting healed. Find out the benefits for patients traveling to India.
Affordable Medical Treatment
The rise in medical tourism to India has been attributed to the start of globalization and India’s opening of its doors to the foreign market, especially in the last two decades. 
The remote regions and towns, who merely had access to water supplies, now get top-notch medical facilities by just crossing international borders.
The dependence on advanced medical tools and procedures, which were previously only available in the US and UK, has greatly decreased as a result of the expansion of the global market and exchange of trade and technologies.
Additionally, by reducing inequality and implementing socialist programes and good governance, India has attracted tourists from a large number of developing nations.
Today, it is evident that India has emerged as the top destination for affordable healthcare, despite geographical and cultural constraints. Here there have Benefits for Patients Traveling to India.
Challenges of Medical Treatments
The principal causes of non-communicable and lifestyle-related diseases, which are leading causes of death worldwide, include cardiovascular, cancer, kidney, respiratory, and diabetes. These conditions necessitate sophisticated operations and high-level care.
Population that is aging swiftly, with 15% of individuals in less developed countries (where there are few high-quality services) and 30% of people in wealthier places (where there are medical facilities) predicted to be over 60 by 2030, respectively.
Despite the best facilities being available in the US and the UK, under insured and uninsured people seek medical care abroad due to the prohibitive costs of healthcare in some locations. Additionally, insurance may not always cover medical procedures.
Only 52% of Africans, or 615 million people, have access to the healthcare they require, the quality of the continent’s health services is often subpar, and only 50% of the continent’s women and girls have access to the family planning services they require.
In Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), there are 0.74 Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCC) for per 10,000 people.  In PHCCs, offering 24-hour care is uncommon, and reliance on paper-based medical records is still widespread. While emergency care like burn management are less likely to be offered in more urban areas, general services are more likely to be available there.
General medicine, family medicine, and obstetrics and gynecology physicians make up the majority of the personnel at PHCCs; their numbers are more concentrated in urban regions, while their densities are higher in rural ones. Finally, it is uncommon to locate dietitians and psychiatrists in PHCCs.
How Medical Treatment in India Benefits Patients?
The country’s main Medical Treatment hubs include Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Kolkata. That benefits for patients traveling to India for medical treatment.
The medical care available in these major Indian cities is far better and reasonable than major developed economies like London, New York, Washington etc. 
A significant market sector that is anticipated to develop at the quickest rate during the forecast period globally is cancer treatment. From 2018 to 2025, value growth is projected to occur at a CAGR of 15.7%.
India gives multi-dynamic reasons for patients to travel to India for treatment. How can a patient benefit from India, can be read through here.
Hospital Tie Ups
Many super-specialty hospitals in Africa and the Middle East have agreements with Indian institutions that allow for the referral of patients for more expensive treatments. This improves communication between patients and doctors and fosters trust between them.
Cultural Similarities 
Among the many other major medical tourism centers in the nation are Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Kolkata. 
Kerala is quickly becoming a preferred location for Middle East-based organizations undertaking healthcare expansions. Mostly from the Middle East, Africa, and SAARC nations, patients travel to Kerala. Kerala is quickly gaining popularity as a wellness travel destination thanks to its cool climate and stunning landscape.
Ease of Communication
Patients favor interactions with doctors who are more forthcoming and personable. Digital technology can increase interaction, offer convenient access to care, and foster a long-term two-way relationship.
There are emerging medical tourism companies in India that are bridging the gap between patients and healthcare experts. These companies are offering video/audio conferences, distance OPD and even cyber- surgeries wherever required. 
Value-Based Care
With the implementation of Ayushman Bharat, we are gradually transitioning to a value-based healthcare system in which payers (the government and TPAs) will reward hospitals based on a variety of clinical and operational factors, hospital readmission rates, patient falls, bed sores, one-year survival rates for organ transplants, and hospital acquired infections, to name a few.
Best Company for Medical Treatment in India
India houses more than 10,000 adroit healthcare professionals, who are on their toes to serve you a disease-free, healthy lifestyle. 
Now you must be having thoughts on how to visit, whom to consult, where to get treatment.
You are already scrolling through the right site. Medserg Health is a well-established medical tourism company in India, which acts as an interlocutor between you and the medical team. 
The company offers multiple and flexible treatment packages, covering major minor surgeries, from your head to toe. 
It also offers pre-visit consultations to the patients, and second opinions when required. 
Additionally, Medserg offers all the facilities, assuring you phenomenal and safe stay. 
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tulasiclinic · 10 months
Best OCD Treatment in Delhi for Lasting Recovery
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? If so, you're not alone. OCD is a severe mental health illness that affects millions of people throughout the world. The good news is that there is still hope and assistance accessible. In Delhi, a city known for its world-class healthcare facilities, you can find some of the best treatment options for overcoming OCD and achieving lasting recovery. From therapy to medication, there are a variety of approaches that have been proven effective in managing OCD symptoms and improving overall quality of life. In this article, we will explore the top treatment options available in Delhi, and how they can help you or your loved one on the path to recovery. Whether you're looking for a renowned psychiatrist or a specialized therapy center, Delhi has it all. So, let's dive in and discover the best treatment options for overcoming OCD in the vibrant city of Delhi.
Understanding OCD: What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, commonly known as OCD, is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions can significantly impact a person's daily life, making simple tasks and activities feel overwhelming. OCD often leads to feelings of anxiety, distress, and a sense of losing control. It is important to understand that OCD is not a reflection of an individual's character or strength, but rather a medical condition that requires proper treatment and support.
OCD can manifest in various ways, with common obsessions including fear of contamination, excessive focus on order and symmetry, and intrusive thoughts related to harm or violence. Compulsions, on the other hand, are the repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed in response to these obsessions. These can range from excessive hand washing, checking and rechecking locks or appliances, to counting or repeating certain phrases silently. The cycle of obsessions and compulsions can be exhausting and time-consuming, often interfering with work, relationships, and overall quality of life.
The impact of OCD on daily life
Living with OCD can be incredibly challenging. The constant presence of intrusive thoughts and the need to perform compulsions can consume a significant amount of time and energy. This can lead to difficulties in maintaining relationships, pursuing education or career goals, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. OCD can also cause significant distress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation, as individuals may struggle to explain or understand their own thoughts and behaviors. It is crucial to seek professional help to manage OCD symptoms and regain control over daily life.
Seeking professional help: Why treatment is essential
When it comes to OCD, seeking professional help is essential for effective management and recovery. OCD is a complex disorder that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. While the symptoms of OCD can be distressing, it is important to remember that there are evidence-based treatment options available that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with OCD. Professional help not only provides support and guidance but also offers a safe space for individuals to explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without judgment.
Common treatment options for OCD
When it comes to treating OCD, there are several options available, ranging from therapy to medication. The most effective approach is often a combination of both, tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. It is important to consult with a qualified mental health professional to determine the best course of treatment based on the severity of symptoms, personal history, and individual preferences. Let's explore some of the common treatment options for OCD in more detail.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): How it can help overcome OCD
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, commonly known as CBT, is a widely recognized and highly effective form of therapy for OCD. CBT aims to help individuals identify and challenge their obsessive thoughts and the accompanying compulsive behaviors. Through a collaborative and structured approach, CBT helps individuals develop healthier thought patterns and coping mechanisms. The therapist works with the individual to identify triggers, develop strategies to resist engaging in compulsions, and gradually expose themselves to situations that provoke anxiety. CBT equips individuals with the tools and skills necessary to manage OCD symptoms long-term.
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP): A key component of OCD treatment
Exposure and Response Prevention, also known as ERP, is a specific type of CBT that is particularly effective in treating OCD. ERP involves deliberately exposing individuals to situations, thoughts, or objects that trigger their obsessions, while simultaneously preventing them from engaging in the corresponding compulsive behaviors. This process helps individuals break the cycle of obsessions and compulsions and learn that their anxiety decreases naturally over time. ERP is often challenging but highly effective in helping individuals regain control over their lives and reduce the impact of OCD.
Medication options for OCD: When and how they are used
In some cases, medication may be prescribed alongside therapy to help manage OCD symptoms. The most widely given drugs for OCD are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs work by increasing the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps regulate mood and emotions. It is important to note that medication alone is not a cure for OCD, but rather a tool to help manage symptoms. Medication should always be prescribed and monitored by a qualified psychiatrist, who can monitor its effectiveness and adjust the dosage if necessary.
Seeking treatment in Delhi: The best OCD centers and specialists
Delhi, the capital city of India, is known for its world-class healthcare facilities and renowned specialists. When it comes to finding the best treatment options for OCD, Delhi offers a wide range of centers and specialists who are experienced in managing and treating OCD effectively. These professionals understand the complexities of OCD and provide personalized treatment plans based on individual needs. Here are some of the top centers and specialists in Delhi that specialize in OCD treatment:
1. Tulasi Healthcare Located in the heart of Delhi, Tulasi healthcare is known for its expertise in OCD treatment. With a team of experienced therapists and psychiatrists, they offer evidence-based therapies like CBT and ERP to help individuals overcome OCD treatment in Delhi and regain control over their lives.
The road to recovery
Recovering from OCD is a journey that requires time, effort, and support. Many individuals have successfully managed their OCD symptoms and regained control over their lives. Hearing success stories and testimonials can provide hope and inspiration to those struggling with OCD.
Conclusion: Taking the first step towards overcoming OCD
Overcoming OCD is possible with the right treatment and support. In Delhi, you can find some of the best treatment options and specialists who are dedicated to helping individuals with OCD achieve lasting recovery. Whether you choose therapy, medication, or alternative approaches, the key is to take the first step and seek professional help. Remember, you don't have to face OCD alone – there is hope, help, and a vibrant community waiting to support you on your journey to recovery. Take that first step today and reclaim your life from OCD's grip.
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hcrinstitute · 11 months
Discovering a New Path at the Best De-Addiction Centre in Delhi
Empowering Recovery
Addiction can be something that can be pretty disturbing and can destroy relationships. If you are trying for the best de-addiction centre in Delhi, you can rely upon the correct picks that help you best potential in beating the shadows of addiction. How can you transform from addiction to de-addiction? Let us try finding out.
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Compassion is the important factor, says the doctor for mental illness in Delhi
The right de-addiction center should be the one that provides the best of compassion and support. The dedicated team that cares for the well-being of the patient is what would help you be on the right track. It is always essential to be non judge-mental about the patient. The nature of the addiction is quite complex, and you need to be extra careful in handling it.
Choose a holistic approach
Using a holistic approach when it comes to treating the addiction is quite important. The addiction can affect the mind, body, and spirit, and that is what makes it most essential to plan a wide range of therapies and treatments. Some of the options would include evidence based counselling and cognitive behavior. It can include yoga, meditation, and art therapy. That way, you can be assured of growing on a multiple levels.
Individual treatment plans also mean a lot, says the best psychiatrist in West Delhi
The journey to recovery is not the same for two different patients. You need to check out the best options based on the individual customized requirements. The experts at the best rehab center in Delhi claim that a proper assessment and personalized evaluation is the key to achieving better results in de-addiction. The key is to look for the underlying causes of addiction. The individualized treatment plan helps in the patient receiving the necessary tools and support for embarking on a unique journey on the road to recovery.
It is essential to build a supportive community
The recovery from addiction is based primarily on the understanding and support. The creation of the community can be helpful in improving the possibility of recovery. The options such as group therapy sessions, support groups, and alumni programs have been rated as the better options in terms of belongingness. The creation of a network of engagement helps achieve more positive results, as stated by one of the famous therapists at the best de-addiction center in NCR. The sharing of the journey between the members of the community can help you in beating the challenges in the de-addiction.
Prevention of relapse plays a major role
One of the huge challenges that the de-addiction centersplay in achieving a better performance is the chances of relapse. As a doctor for mental illness in Delhi informed us, it is necessary to take up a few primary considerations in avoiding the relapse. The options for the valuable skills and resources for moving through the challenges that the life offers you without going back to the addictive behaviors.
Some options in this connection would include
Continuous support by the support staff
Relapse prevention strategies
Follow-up sessions
Support from family
These measures can be helpful in providing you with an option to build a fulfilling life beyond addiction. The journey to de-addiction is undoubtedly extremely challenging. The right approach is what would assist you in moving through the right path.
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Well, if you are in Delhi and checking out the best options in the direction of de-addiction, HCR Institute should be the right pick that you can go with. It is a mental health institute located on the outskirts of Delhi. It is known for helping you improve the psychiatry and de-addiction t at affordable pricing. Irrespective of any level of mental illness or addiction-related issues that you may be facing, you can seek an admission and rehabilitation at its best. The legacy of the institute goes back to 1968 when Dr. HC Raheja set up the de-addiction center. HCR is definitely the best means to help you move on your path to recovery with hope and a new way of embracing a life filled with joy and happiness.
If you know someone suffering from addiction, make sure that we help you achieve the best possible means of achieving de-addiction.
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Tips to prevent post-partum depression relapse
Post-partum depression (PPD) is a constant battle. Even after you have overcome the battle once and you are careful as far as medications are concerned, it can reappear. The easiest way to explain this is to imagine that everyone has a depression gene. This lies dormant in some people their entire lives; while for others, it surfaces because of a traumatic incident, adolescence, puberty, pregnancy, or childbirth. The thing to remember is that once PPD triggers, it can relapse. A mother should know how to ensure that it does not return. Here are some things you can do to avoid its relapse.
Discover your triggers: The best way to discover your triggers is by maintaining a journal. Note down the things that you have recently done, how you were feeling, any discussions you had, any medicines or recreational substances that you have been taking, the weather, and so on, on days when you are feeling particularly depressed or worried. This can be very helpful in discovering your triggers.
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Learn to manage your triggers: Easier said than done. Managing the triggers is an important step in managing PPD. If you learn to manage your triggers, it would be easier to manage PPD and prevent its relapse. If you are unable to manage the triggers on your own, a therapist can help you manage these. In fact, a professional can also help you identify your triggers.
Make self-care a routine: Mothers are notorious for neglecting their own needs. Self-care is not merely advised; it is crucial to preventing PPD relapse. Taking the time to relax, sleep well, eat healthy, exercise, and practice meditation will keep you on top of things. You can even designate an area in your home specifically for self-care, where you can go whenever you are feeling down.
Maintain your treatment schedule, otherwise, PPD will relapse: Once the symptoms start abating, you will fell re-energized and in control of your life. This does not mean that you stop going for the therapy or counselling sessions. If you think that the symptoms have stopped appearing then discuss with your therapist and ask them to step down the treatment. They will gradually wean you off from the treatment and prepare a relapse prevention plan accordingly.
Identify a confidant, someone you can trust: Find a confidant with whom you can share or discuss your thoughts and emotions. This person can be anybody ranging from a close friend, a total stranger or a support group. You can also prepare a plan and share with your confidant so that they know whom to contact and what do to in case you start experiencing PPD symptoms again.
Find other interests: Take out time for yourself and indulge in something that you enjoy at least once a week. This will give you time for yourself to relax and to calm your mind. It will also act as the much-needed respite from the overwhelming thoughts about motherhood and the journey ahead.  
Make yourself aware: Read up as much as you can on PPD. Remember, the purpose of this reading is not to spook you but to gather information and make yourself more knowledgeable. The more information you have the better equipped you are to deal with PPD and its relapse.  
Take initiative, do not rely only on medications: Apart from ensuring that you take your medications regularly, you also need to play an active role in your health. If you feel that any of the upcoming events stress you out and may trigger a relapse, then plan ahead to control them. Plan a getaway if being cooped up inside during the winter makes you feel depressed. Hire a helper if you are dreading the strain of managing all the kids over the summer. If you are relocating, unpack the necessary boxes first and take your time to unpack the other boxes later.
Do not lose hope, or yourself: PPD is an overwhelming battle. However, remember that the further you progress, the easier it would be to overcome. You can live without symptoms for days, but it can reappear. But, don’t lose hope or yourself in the treatment process.
It is about your healing: Recovery from any mental health disorder is not only about cure, but about healing. You do not need to worry about what others would think about you or how they would react once they come to know that you are struggling with PPD. Give yourself the required time and effort and keep yourself and your healing needs above others.
The road ahead
If none of the above tips work for you, get in touch with Athena Behavioral Health. We are a well-known mental health treatment center located in the heart of Gurgaon. Our experienced staff can help diagnose the disorder and customize the treatment plan to ensure recovery and true healing. Our team comprises the best depression doctors in NCR and our facility is safe, secure and completely confidential. For more information about depression treatment packages, WhatsApp us at 9289086193. You can even chat with our representative for further assistance.
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vinshealth1 · 11 months
mental health
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When facing challenges that feel overwhelming or persistent, seeking the guidance of a psychologist can provide valuable support. A psychologist can help explore underlying issues, offer coping strategies, and provide a safe space for personal growth and healing.
Best psychologist in Delhi: https://www.vinshealth.com/new-delhi/psychologist-and-psychiatrist
Contact us: +91 995 885 3716
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athenaokas · 1 year
Writing As A Tool Of Mental Health Care for Women
It is crucial to prioritize mental health care for women today owing to the unique challenges and pressures faced by women that lead to increased stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. While seeking professional help from women's mental health therapists and psychiatrists like the best female psychiatrist in Delhi or women psychiatrists in India is important, there is another powerful tool that can significantly contribute to a woman's well-being – writing.
Mentioned below are some of the simple ways in which writing benefits women’s mental health:
1. Writing as a Therapeutic Outlet
Writing can serve as a therapeutic outlet for women to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It provides a safe space for introspection, allowing women to delve into their feelings, gain clarity, and make sense of their inner world. By externalizing their thoughts onto paper, women can develop a greater sense of self-awareness, foster emotional resilience, and promote healing.
2. Empowering Self-Expression
Women often face societal expectations and gender stereotypes that can suppress their voices and emotions. Writing offers an empowering platform for women to reclaim their narratives and assert their identities. Women can freely express their thoughts, challenges, and triumphs through writing without fear of judgment or censure.
3. Enhancing Emotional Intelligence
Writing encourages women to explore and understand their emotions more deeply. By engaging in regular writing practices, women can enhance their emotional intelligence – the ability to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions effectively. Through self-reflection and self-expression, women can better understand their emotional triggers, patterns, and coping mechanisms. This heightened emotional intelligence can lead to improved self-regulation, better interpersonal relationships, and overall mental well-being.
4. Fostering Self-Discovery and Empathy
Writing offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery. As women engage in the process of writing, they often uncover hidden aspects of themselves, rediscover forgotten dreams and passions, and gain insights into their values and beliefs. This self-exploration can be empowering and enlightening, leading to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. Additionally, writing can cultivate empathy as women explore different perspectives, create fictional characters, or write about real-life experiences. This empathy can extend to both oneself and others, fostering compassion and understanding.
5. Building Resilience and Coping Skills
Through writing, women can develop resilience and coping skills to navigate the challenges of life. By expressing their thoughts and emotions on paper, they can gain a new perspective on their struggles, reframe negative experiences, and find meaning in adversity. Writing also provides an opportunity for problem-solving, brainstorming solutions, and setting goals. By practicing resilience and coping strategies through writing, women can develop a stronger sense of agency and be better equipped to face life's hurdles.
Seeking Help For Mental Health
Writing can be a powerful and transformative practice in the realm of mental health care for women. While professional help from women's mental health therapists and psychiatrists remains crucial, incorporating writing into one's mental health routine can provide an additional avenue for growth and healing. So, grab a pen and paper and embark on a journey of self-exploration and empowerment through the written word.
In case you still think that seeking help from a specialized treatment center that offers customized treatment plans as per an individual’s case, then Athena OKAS is the place to be.
Athena OKAS is one of the most trusted and reliable residential mental health treatment facilities that designs specialized Women's Mental Health Programsbased on their condition. We focus on the mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of women dealing with any form of mental illness. With a team of experienced professionals, round-the-clock care providers, clean & comfortable accommodations, and fully resourced therapy rooms, our gender-specific setting allows women to communicate more openly and freely. Sounds interesting? To know the complete details about our treatment plans and facilities, contact us at 9289730444 or drop us an email at [email protected] and our representative will contact you shortly. 
Read More Women and mental health, women’s Mental health                              
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Professional and trusted team of psychiatrist and psychologists providing holistic management of mental health issues. Dr. Sasha Raikhy is consultant psychiatrist at “Possitive Vibes” Psychotherapist Counselling Centre in Delhi. After completing her MBBS from GMC Amritsar, she pursued her specialization in psychiatry at Diplomate National board New Delhi. She then worked as psychiatrist at IPHB Bambolim Goa and also at RLM, PGIMER, New Delhi and Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi.  
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drashitabhtiwari · 1 year
How to Take the Headache out of Best Psychiatrist in Dwarka
Finding the best psychiatrist can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the area or have never search mental health care before. However, taking the time to research and carefully consider your options can help you find a psychiatrist who meets your needs and can provide the care and support you require. In this article, we will discuss how to take the headache out of finding the best psychiatrist in Dwarka, specifically Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari.
Research and ask for referrals
One of the first steps in finding the best psychiatrist is to conduct thorough research. You can begin by searching online for psychiatrists in Dwarka or asking for referrals from your primary care physician, friends, or family members. It is also recommended that you check with your insurance provider to see which psychiatrists are in your network.
Once you have compiled a list of potential psychiatrists, it is important to research each one individually. This can involve reading online reviews, checking their credentials and experience, and reviewing their treatment philosophy and approach.
Consider their specialization
When searching for a psychiatrist, it is important to consider their specialization. Not all psychiatrists have experience in treating all mental health conditions, so it is important to find a psychiatrist who specializes in treating your specific condition. Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari is a well-known and experienced best psychiatrist in Delhi who specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety, OCD, addiction, and other mental health conditions.
Check Their Availability
It is important to find a psychiatrist who has availability that works for you. Some psychiatrists may have long wait times for appointments or may not have availability during times that work for you. Make sure to check their availability and schedule to ensure that you can attend regular appointments.
Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari offers online and in-person appointments for the convenience of his patients. He is available for appointments on weekdays and weekends, making it easier for his patients to access care when they need it.
Consider Their Communication Style
It is important to find a psychiatrist who communicates in a way that works for you. Some people prefer a more direct and straightforward approach, while others prefer a more compassionate and empathetic approach. Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari is known for his compassionate and empathetic approach to care, taking the time to understand his patients’ needs and concerns.
Check Their Qualifications and Experience
When searching for a psychiatrist, it is important to consider their qualifications and experience. Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari is a qualified psychiatrist with over 14 years of experience in the field. He completed his MBBS.
Consider Their Treatment Approach
Different psychiatrists may have different treatment approaches, so it is important to find a psychiatrist who aligns with your treatment preferences. Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari is known for his holistic and patient-centered approach to care. He works with his patients to develop individualized treatment plans that address their unique needs and concerns.
Check Their Reviews and Patient Satisfaction
Finally, it is important to check a psychiatrist’s reviews and patient satisfaction rates. This can provide insight into their quality of care and the experiences of other patients. Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari has received positive reviews from his patients, who praise his compassionate approach and the effectiveness of his treatment.
In conclusion, finding the best psychiatrist in Dwarka, such as Dr. Ashitabh Tiwari, involves conducting thorough research, considering their specialization and availability, checking their communication style, qualifications, and experience.
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drsoumiyamudgal · 1 year
psychiatrist doctor in hauz khas
Dr. Soumiya Mudgal is a highly experienced psychiatrist doctor in Hauz Khas, New Delhi offering advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services for mental health disorders. She has years of experience in the field of mental health and provides the best care for her patients. Get quality care and treatment from one of the best doctors in the country.
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