#Best Recipes of Black Soybeans
ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Can i eat Black Soybeans After An Abortion For Fast Recovery
Can i eat Black Soybeans After An Abortion For Fast Recovery #Can #i #eat, #eat, #eat #Black #Soybeans, #Black #Soybeans, #Abortion, #After #An #Abortion, #eat #after #an #abortion, #Fast #Recovery
Including black soybeans after an Abortion in your diet can be beneficial for fast recovery. They are rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients that support healing and replenish the body. Incorporate black soybeans into your meals, such as salads, stews, or side dishes, to promote a nutritious and balanced post-abortion diet. 1. What are Black Soybeans? Kuromame, or black soybeans, is…
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abramsbooks · 1 year
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RECIPE: Mochi Doughnuts (From Win Son Presents A Taiwanese American Cookbook by Josh Ku, Trigg Brown, and Cathy Erway)
Taiwan is famous for Q or QQ textures, which may be best translated as “Bouncy” or “Springy.” Think boba, gummy bears, and mochi, a sticky rice treat popular throughout East Asia. These doughnuts are made with sticky rice flour for a chewy bite that stretches in a very Q way. Mochi doughnuts are definitely a thing in Taiwan, and Danielle really gravitated to the ones she sampled throughout Taiwan, having made many fried doughnuts fresh to order in her time at Craft, working under doughnut and overall pastry legend Karen DeMasco.
In Tainan, we also sampled mochi doughnuts made with millet flour in addition to sticky rice flour, and Danielle was eager to start recipe-testing as soon as she returned. She landed on this formula that’s satisfyingly QQ, delicious, and also completely gluten-free. Once they’re out of the fryer, they can be coated with sugar and your choice of additional seasonings—at Win Son Bakery, we love a classic sugar and cinnamon topping, but you can add to yours some toasted and ground black sesame seeds, ground black cardamom, ground ginger, and any other spices you love. Or just toss them with sugar—sometimes that’s all you need.
Makes about 12
5 cups (800 g) glutinous rice flour
1½ cups (165 g) millet flour
12⁄3 cups (335 g) sugar
1⁄3 cup (65 g) baking powder
3 tablespoons salt
3 cups (720 ml) whole milk
1 cup (225 g) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
6 eggs
2 quarts (2 L) neutral oil for frying, such as soybean
1/4 cup (40 g) glutinous rice flour, plus more for cutting out the donuts
1 cup (200 g) sugar
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon (optional)
MAKE THE BATTER: In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine all of the ingredients for the batter and mix with the paddle attachment until a smooth dough forms. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight.
SHAPE AND FRY THE DOUGH: In a fryer or Dutch oven, preheat the oil to 325°F (165°C), when measured with a candy thermometer.
Sprinkle 1/4 cup (40 g) rice flour on a flat surface and on top of the dough and roll it out until it’s about ½ inch (12 mm) thick. Cut doughnuts about 3 inches (7.5 cm) in diameter using a doughnut cutter, concentric cookie cutters, or a drinking glass and a shot glass, flouring the cutters to avoid sticking. Combine the leftover pieces and roll out the dough again into a ½-inch-thick (12 mm) layer as many times as possible, to create as many doughnuts as you can.
Work in batches so as not to overcrowd the fryer. Once the oil is up to temperature, gently place as many doughnuts as will comfortably fit into the oil and allow to fry for 3 minutes before carefully turning them over. Fry the other side for 3 minutes and drain on a cooling rack with something underneath to catch any excess oil.
To finish, on a plate, mix the sugar and cinnamon, if using. Toss the doughnuts with the mixture and serve immediately.
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A modern, brashly flavorful guide to cooking Taiwanese-American food, from Brooklyn’s lauded Win Son, Win Son Bakery, and Cathy Erway, celebrated writer and expert on the cuisine.
Josh Ku, born in Queens to parents from southern Taiwan, and Trigg Brown, a native Virginian whose mentor was a Taiwanese-American chef, forged a friendship over food—specifically, excellent tsang ying tou, or "flies’ head," a dish of chopped budding chives kissed with pork fat. Their obsession with Taiwanese food and culture propelled them to open Win Son together in 2016. The East Williamsburg restaurant quickly established itself as a destination and often incurs long waits for their vibrant and flavorful Taiwanese-American cuisine.
Ku and Brown have teamed up with Cathy Erway, Taiwanese food expert and celebrated writer, to create this book which explores and celebrates the cuisine of Taiwan and its ever-simmering pot of creative influences. Told through the eyes, taste buds, travels, and busy lives of Ku, Brown, and Erway, this book brings the cuisine of this misunderstood island nation into the spotlight. With 100 creative, yet accessible recipes, this book will unravel the history of this diaspora cuisine. While featuring classic dishes and well-known favorites, this cookbook also stretches this cuisine's definition, introducing new dishes with brazen twists that are fun, flavorful, and decidedly American-born in style.
For more information, click here.
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shubhragoyal · 1 year
Best Foods to Eat When You're Pregnant - Dr. Shubhra Goyal
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When you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, it is very important to treat your health seriously and plan your diet properly. A nourishing diet is necessary to preserve the health of your unborn child from conception on.
As soon as you find out you're pregnant, it's normal to start reviewing your eating habits. But like many other people, you might be tempted to consult your mother or friends, the internet, or your past pregnancy practices for guidance. You might be surprised to learn that every pregnancy is unique. The body may react differently to physical or hormonal changes that may impact pregnancy depending on your age or surroundings.
You should place a specific emphasis on whole foods that give you more of the nutrients you'd need if you weren't pregnant while developing a healthy eating plan, such as:
Vitamins, minerals, and lean protein
Wholesome fats and complex carbohydrates
Fluids and fibre
To help you meet your nutrient goals while you are pregnant, here are some foods that are incredibly nutritious.
1. Dairy items
To meet the demands of your growing foetus throughout pregnancy, you must consume extra protein and calcium. Milk, cheese, and yoghurt should be included in the menu. Dairy products contain two sorts of top-notch proteins: casein and whey. The best source of calcium is dairy, which is also a good source of phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. Due to its higher calcium content than the bulk of other dairy products, Greek yoghurt is particularly helpful. There are some types of bacteria called probiotics that help with digestive health. You might be able to handle yoghurt, especially probiotic yoghurt, if you have a lactose intolerance. There may be an entire variant of yoghurt parfaits, smoothies, and lassis waiting.
2. Legumes
Lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts are counted in this category of foods (a.k.a. a tonne of awesome recipe ingredients!). Legumes are excellent plant-based providers of calcium, iron, folate, fibre, protein, and other nutrients that your body needs more of while pregnant. The most important vitamin is folate (B9). In the first trimester and even earlier, it is essential for both you and the unborn kid. It might be challenging to meet the recommended daily intake of 600 micrograms (mcg) of folate by cuisine alone. However, including legumes can help you get there if your doctor recommends supplementation.
Legumes typically include a lot of fibre. Some varieties also include high quantities of iron, magnesium, and potassium. Consider including legumes in your diet with recipes like hummus on whole grain toast, black beans in a taco salad, or lentil curry.
3. Eggs
The perfect health meal, those wonderful, edible eggs have a tiny amount of practically every vitamin you require. Roughly 80 calories, excellent protein, fat, and a wealth of vitamins and minerals may be found in one large egg. This essential vitamin choline, which is needed during pregnancy, is abundant in eggs. It is vital for a baby's brain development and helps to prevent improper spine and brain growth. Approximately 147 milligrams (mg) of choline can be found in one entire egg, which brings you closer to the current daily choline intake recommendation of 450 mg.
4. Broccoli and leafy vegetables
It should come as no surprise that broccoli and other dark, green veggies like kale and spinach are incredibly nutrient-dense. They can frequently be sneaked into a range of cuisines, despite the fact that you might not appreciate eating them. Fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium are a few benefits. They are a veritable treasure trove. Because of all the fibre they contain, green vegetable servings are a good way to enhance vitamin intake and prevent constipation. Additionally, vegetables have been associated with better weight of the infant post birth.
For More Information, Do Visit: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/best-foods-to-eat-when-you-are-pregnant
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vezlayfood1 · 23 days
Best Vegan Food Products for Beginners: Start Your Vegan Journey
Embarking on a vegan journey can feel overwhelming, especially with the plethora of Vegan Products available in the market. But fear not! This guide will introduce you to the best Vegan Food Products for beginners, making your transition smoother and more enjoyable. From plant-based milk to savory snacks, these essentials will set you up for success.
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Plant-Based Milk
Almond Milk
Almond milk is a fantastic dairy-free alternative that's both versatile and delicious. Use it in your morning coffee, cereals, smoothies, or baking. It's low in calories and often fortified with essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.
Soy Milk
Soy milk is another excellent choice, known for its creamy texture and high protein content. It works well in both sweet and savory dishes, and its nutritional profile closely matches that of cow's milk, making it a great staple for new vegans.
Oat Milk
Oat milk has become a favorite due to its rich, creamy texture and slightly sweet flavor. It's perfect for lattes, baking, and even drinking straight. Plus, it's often enriched with vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious choice.
Meat Substitutes
Tofu is a versatile and protein-packed option that's easy to cook with. It absorbs flavors well, making it ideal for stir-fries, scrambles, soups, and even desserts. Start with firm or extra-firm tofu for the best results.
Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans and has a firmer texture and nutty flavor compared to tofu. It's excellent for grilling, sautéing, or adding to salads and sandwiches. Its high protein and probiotic content make it a nutritional powerhouse.
Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods
These brands offer plant-based meat substitutes that mimic the taste and texture of real meat. They are perfect for burgers, tacos, and meatballs, providing a familiar taste for those transitioning to a vegan diet.
Vegan Cheese
Nutritional Yeast
Nutritional yeast is a must-have for new vegans. This cheesy-flavored seasoning can be sprinkled on popcorn, pasta, or used in sauces to add a savory, umami kick. It's also packed with B vitamins, including B12, which is essential for vegans.
Cashew Cheese
Cashew cheese is a creamy, dairy-free alternative that's perfect for spreads, dips, and sauces. It's made from blended cashews and can be flavored with herbs, spices, or nutritional yeast to suit your taste.
Store-Bought Vegan Cheese
Brands like Daiya, Violife, and Miyoko's offer a wide range of vegan cheeses, from shredded mozzarella to creamy brie. These products melt well and can be used just like traditional cheese in your favorite recipes.
Vegan Snacks
Hummus and Veggies
Hummus is a delicious and nutritious dip made from chickpeas. Pair it with fresh veggies like carrots, celery, and bell peppers for a satisfying and healthy snack.
Fruit and Nut Bars
Look for vegan-friendly fruit and nut bars for a quick and convenient snack. Brands like Larabar and KIND offer a variety of flavors that are free from animal products.
Kale Chips
Kale chips are a crunchy and nutritious alternative to traditional potato chips. They are often flavored with spices and nutritional yeast, making them a tasty and healthy option.
Pantry Staples
Stock up on legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans. They are excellent sources of protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. Use them in soups, stews, salads, and more.
Whole Grains
Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats are essential for a balanced vegan diet. They provide complex carbohydrates, fiber, and essential nutrients, making them a great base for many meals.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds, are great for snacking and adding to recipes. They offer healthy fats, protein, and important micronutrients.
Frozen Vegan Meals
Pre-Packaged Vegan Entrees
For those days when you need a quick meal, having a few frozen vegan entrees on hand can be a lifesaver. Brands like Amy's Kitchen and Gardein offer a variety of delicious and convenient options.
Vegan Pizza
Frozen vegan pizzas are perfect for a quick and satisfying meal. Look for options with dairy-free cheese and plenty of veggies for a balanced and tasty dinner.
Vegan Baking Essentials
Flaxseeds and Chia Seeds
Flaxseeds and chia seeds can be used as egg replacements in baking. Mix one tablespoon of ground flaxseed or chia seeds with three tablespoons of water and let it sit for a few minutes to thicken. This mixture works well in cookies, muffins, and cakes.
Almond Flour
Almond flour is a versatile and gluten-free alternative to traditional flour. It adds a nutty flavor and moist texture to baked goods, making it a great choice for cakes, cookies, and breads.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a popular vegan baking ingredient due to its rich texture and subtle flavor. Use it in place of butter or other oils in your recipes.
Homemade Vegan Food Ideas
Smoothie Bowls
Start your day with a nutritious smoothie bowl. Blend your favorite fruits with a splash of plant-based milk, then top with granola, nuts, seeds, and fresh fruit.
Vegan Tacos
For a simple and delicious meal, try vegan tacos. Fill corn tortillas with black beans, grilled veggies, avocado, and salsa. Add a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of cilantro for extra flavor.
Buddha Bowls
Buddha bowls are a great way to enjoy a variety of vegan foods in one meal. Combine grains like quinoa or brown rice with roasted vegetables, greens, and a protein source like tofu or chickpeas. Top with a flavorful dressing or sauce.
Starting your vegan journey doesn't have to be daunting. With these essential vegan food products, you'll be well on your way to enjoying a delicious and nutritious vegan diet. From plant-based milk to savory snacks and versatile pantry staples, these items will help you create satisfying meals and snacks that make the transition to veganism enjoyable and easy.
More information about vezlay foods:
Name: Vezlay Foods                
Phone No: 7011736463
Address: A1/1, Nathu Colony Chowk Shahdara, New Delhi - 110093, INDIA
Website: https://vezlay.com/blog/list-of-vegan-food-products-in-india/
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cdnfoodie · 3 months
This is my go-to bread recipe, and I'll make modifications from this base.
Sometimes I'll add fresh ground black pepper, Trader Joe's Everything but the Bagel Seasoning, chopped garlic, shredded cheese, etc. Sometimes I'll use 100g of whole wheat flour and all-purpose flour for the remainder. I've also added okara (i.e. soybean pulp that's leftover from making soy milk) I've discovered that adding 1-2 tablespoons of vital wheat gluten helps make the bread fluffier, especially if I'm adding okara, which has a tendency to make the bread pretty dense.
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anything-vegan-uae · 3 months
Navigating Plant-Based Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegan Dog Food for Optimal Canine Health
Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle offers numerous benefits, including access to a wide variety of plant-based protein sources. Likewise, the availability of vegan dog food reflects a growing demand for ethical and sustainable pet products. Let's explore the best plant-based protein options for humans and how vegan dog food can support optimal canine health.
Plant-Based Protein for Vegans
Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are excellent sources of protein for vegans. They are versatile ingredients that can be used in soups, stews, salads, and more. Tofu and tempeh, made from soybeans, are other popular protein sources that can be incorporated into various dishes.
Seitan, also known as wheat gluten, is a meat substitute that is high in protein. Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, peanuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds, are not only rich in protein but also provide healthy fats and essential nutrients. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and oats are additional sources of protein that can be included in a vegan diet.
For added convenience, plant-based protein powders made from pea, brown rice, or hemp can be used in smoothies, shakes, or baking recipes.
Vegan Dog Food for Optimal Canine Health
Just like humans, dogs can thrive on a well-balanced vegan diet. Vegan dog food can provide all the essential nutrients dogs need to stay healthy and active.
Look for high-quality vegan kibble made from plant-based proteins like peas, lentils, and chickpeas. Wet vegan dog food options that are fortified with vitamins and minerals can provide additional variety and hydration. Homemade vegan dog meals can also be prepared using ingredients like brown rice, sweet potatoes, and plant-based proteins such as tofu or tempeh.
Supplements like vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and taurine can be added to ensure that your dog's nutritional needs are met on a vegan diet.
Incorporating plant-based protein sources into your diet as a vegan is not only delicious but also nutritious. Similarly, choosing vegan dog food for your furry friend can support their overall health and well-being. By selecting high-quality plant-based proteins and consulting with professionals, both you and your pet can thrive on a vegan lifestyle that is ethical and sustainable. To read more check the below link:
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reasoningdaily · 3 months
There are vastly more people of color working to advance the science of food today than there were 50 years ago. While it’s encouraging to see these numbers grow, some may not realize that Black scientists, innovators, and inventors have made significant contributions to the science of food dating back to the 1800s.
As the U.S. celebrates Black History Month, we recognize the accomplishments of 8 Black food scientists whose life work has had a lasting impact on the science of food and the global food system.
George Washington Carver: Perhaps the most well-known Black American food pioneer is George Washington Carver. A scientist, educator, conservationist, artist, and humanitarian, Carver was born into slavery in 1864. While he is best known for his work with peanuts, Carver had many notable scientific accomplishments including introducing the concept of crop rotation with soil-building, protein-rich crops including peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans, conducting ground-breaking research on plant biology, much of which focused on new uses for crops including peanuts, sweet potatoes, soybeans, and pecans, and pioneering a mobile classroom to bring valuable lessons to farmers throughout Macon County, Alabama. He also made significant contributions to making the food system more just and improving the quality of life for impoverished Southern farmers. Watch our recent panel discussion to learn more about the Carver’s impact on the science of food or learn more in a recent blog post. 
Norbert Rillieux: Born free in 1806 on a New Orleans plantation, Norbert Rillieux is considered one of the earliest chemical engineers. A student of thermodynamics, Rillieux published a series of papers on steam engines and steam power. He then began working on a solution to address evaporating moisture from cane juice while lowering heat to produce a whiter, more refined, sugar crystal. Among his greatest scientific achievements was his discovery that the repeated use of latent heat at reduced pressure would result in the production of better quality sugar at lower cost. This understanding led to his invention of the multiple effect evaporator, which increased sugar production, reduced production costs, and protected lives by ending the older dangerous methods of sugar production. Milieux’s  multiple-effect evaporator under vacuum has been designated a National Historic Chemical Landmark, and Rillieux himself is a member of the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Malinda Russell: Printed in 1866, Malinda Russell is the author of the first complete African-American cookbook—A Domestic Cookbook: Containing a Careful Selection of Useful Receipts for the Kitchen. Born in Tennessee around 1820, Russell was a free woman of color descended from a grandmother who was an emancipated enslaved person. She worked as a cook for prominent families and ran a boarding house, pastry shop, and washhouse, and published her cookbook in an attempt to make enough money to return to Tennessee. The cookbook’s 39 pages with 250 brief recipes of food and home remedies offers insights into the food and culture of the time. It also challenges ingrained views of Black cuisine, particularly soul food.
George Crum: The son of an African American father and Native American mother, George Speck, later known as George Crum, was born in Saratoga Springs, NY in 1824. While working as a chef at Saratoga Springs’ Moon Lake Lodge resort, Crum accidentally invented potato chips. When a customer sent their French fried potatoes back for being too thick and salty, Crum responded by slicing a new batch ultra-thin and frying them until they were hard and crunchy. Much to his surprise, the customer liked the chips this way and the first iteration of potato chips were born. Some accounts suggest that Crum’s sister Kate, who worked alongside him as a prep cook, was actually the one to invent potato chips. Regardless, Crum later opened a restaurant of his own—Crum’s House—which proudly featured a basket of potato chips on every table and popularized the salty snack.
Joseph Lee: A member of the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Joseph Lee is an honored pioneer in the food preparation industry. Born in Boston in 1849. Lee began his career in foodservice as a boy, first working in a bakery and later as a waiter, cook, and hotel manager. Considered a master cook, Lee was frustrated with the immense amount of bread thrown out every day and began work to create and patent several bread-related inventions. In 1895, he received a patent for a device that mechanically tore, crumbled, and ground old bread to form breadcrumbs. In 1902, he invented and patented an automatic bread making machine that could uniformly knead dough, allowing for a faster, cheaper, and more sanitary way of making bread.
Frederick McKinley Jones: The first African American to be awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation (posthumously), Frederick McKinley Jones was a prolific inventor, best known for revolutionizing the preservation and transportation of food and other perishables. Born near Cincinnati, Ohio in 1893, Jones had an interest in mechanical and electrical engineering at a young age, and he educated himself in his spare time both before and after serving in World War I. Jones holds more than 60 patents for his various inventions, with the majority pertaining to refrigeration technology. His greatest scientific contribution is the 1935 invention of an automatic refrigeration system for trucks, trailers, railroad cars, which was later adapted for other modes of transportation including ships and planes.  This system enabled the long-distance transport of meat, fresh produce, and other perishable foods and effectively transformed the shipping and grocery industries.
Lloyd Augustus Hall: A true food preservation pioneer, Lloyd Augustus Hall is responsible for inventing many chemical preservation techniques that are still in use today. Born near Chicago in 1894, Hall earned more than 100 U.S. and foreign patents in food chemistry throughout his illustrious career.  Most notably, Hall successfully discovered a method to combine sodium chloride with tiny crystals of sodium nitrate and nitrite to prevent food from spoiling. He later used chemicals like lecithin to develop antioxidants, which prevented fats and oils in foods from reacting with oxygen and spoiling. He also invented a way to use ethylene oxide gas in a vacuum chamber to purify foods of microbes such as bacteria and molds that cause spoilage. One of America’s top food chemists, Hall is a member of the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Marie Maynard Daly: Born in 1921 in New York, Marie Maynard Daly had a passion for science much like her father. Daly is best known for being the first African American woman to receive a PhD in chemistry in the United States, but her scientific impact was far greater than receiving her degree. Daly conducted important studies on cholesterol, sugars, and proteins in an effort to better understand how sugars and other nutrients affect the health of arteries, and how foods and diet can affect the health of the heart and circulatory system. 
Countless other Black scientists, innovators, and inventors have made a mark on the science of food during the last two centuries in big and small ways. We celebrate all of their contributions, as each play a role in solving the challenges that lie ahead. 
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vegi1 · 7 months
A Guide to Vegan Foods During Pregnancy
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Should I change my vegetarian diet to get pregnant? Is it safe to eat a vegetarian diet during pregnancy? These may be your questions too. In general, a balanced plant-based diet can provide all the nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy. But never suddenly change your diet to a vegan or vegetarian diet during or very close to pregnancy.
If you are also on a vegan or vegetarian diet, pay special attention to the intake of protein, vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, zinc and iron during pregnancy and after giving birth while breastfeeding, because these nutrients are important for your body, cell growth , the development of the fetus's brain and other organs, and the baby's weight gain are vital, and as long as you eat a wide range of healthy plant foods and plan your diet to include key nutrients for a vegetarian expectant mother, you can get all the nutrients you need. Get what you and your baby need, but:
Never suddenly change your diet to a vegan or vegetarian diet during or very close to your pregnancy.
It's best to see a nutritionist to make sure your diet is balanced during pregnancy, especially if you're on a vegan diet.
In some cases, you'll need to rely on fortified foods or supplements to make sure you're getting enough of each nutrient you need.
In the pre-pregnancy examinations or in the first care of the pregnancy period, let your doctor know about your diet.
Along with eating a wide variety of fruits, fresh vegetables and whole grain products, you should make sure you are getting the necessary supplements.
Pregnancy supplements are very important for pregnant women who follow a vegan diet.
Always talk to your doctor, midwife or nutritionist before taking any supplements.
If you are vegan, meaning you don't eat any animal products including animal meat, eggs, dairy and honey, read her mother's article on vegan food during pregnancy. But what foods should a pregnant vegetarian mother eat?
Protein is made of structures called amino acids, which are essential for cell growth and embryo development. So eat several meals of protein-rich food every day. Good sources of protein include eggs, dairy products, legumes, soy products, nuts, seeds, and nut butters. Suggestions for including these foods in your diet:
Add beans such as red, black or white beans, peas, lentils or tofu to your salad.
Make and eat bean burritos or bean dishes with different recipes.
As a snack, eat a handful of almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, or roasted chickpeas.
Spread on whole grain bread or apple slices, peanut butter or almond butter.
Eat yogurt or cottage cheese as a snack.
Eat the hard-boiled egg slices with a salad or greens.
A vegetarian diet that includes eggs and dairy products can provide high-quality protein, but an exclusively plant-based vegan diet requires more careful planning and a variety of plant-based protein sources should be included in your daily diet.
You will have a blood test early in your pregnancy to check your iron levels. If your blood iron is low, your doctor may recommend that you take an iron supplement. Your pregnancy supplement will probably have some iron, but you should also eat several servings of iron-rich foods each day. Good sources of iron include:
Cerlak with iron-enriched breakfast cereals
Foods made from whole or enriched grains such as bread and pasta
Tofu, Tempeh and other foods with soybean origin
Eat leafy vegetables like spinach and greens
Avoid drinking tea or coffee with your meals as well, as these beverages contain tannins and polyphenols that make it harder for the body to absorb iron from vegetables. Instead, eat something high in vitamin C, as vitamin C helps your body absorb iron. For example, eat homemade orange juice, homemade tomato sauce or various homemade sauces to help your body absorb iron.
You can also puree broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, carrots, spinach, celery, and then mix any two or three of these vegetables that you think taste best together, then add olive oil and spices. Optionally, prepare homemade sauces of your own invention.
zinc or zinc
Zinc in plant foods is not absorbed very well by the body, so you need to have a plan to get zinc in your diet. Good sources of zinc include whole grains, such as whole grain bread, legumes, such as beans and lentils, soy products, vegetables, milk and yogurt.
Try to eat a few servings of zinc-rich foods every day. Many foods that provide iron, such as fortified breakfast cereals, beans, soy-based foods, and whole grains, also contain zinc. Other good sources of zinc for vegetarians include nuts, seeds, and cheese.
Eat several servings of calcium-rich foods every day. Good sources of calcium include:
Milk, cheese and yogurt
Almond milk or soy milk, fruit juice and calcium-enriched breakfast cereals
Almonds or sesame seeds
White beans, molasses or blackstrap molasses, chickpeas, calcium-fortified tofu (look for a calcium salt such as calcium chloride or calcium sulfate in the ingredients list to find out if tofu is calcium-fortified.)
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herbivo · 1 year
Going Vegan? Don't Miss These High Protein Foods for Optimal Health
The decision to adopt a vegan lifestyle is a significant one, not only for ethical and environmental reasons but also for its potential health benefits. However, some may worry about getting enough protein in their diet without animal products. Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of plant-based protein sources that can provide all the nutrients required for optimal health. In this blog post, we will explore the top high protein foods for vegans, including legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and even some vegetables. We'll also look at the importance of protein for overall health and why it's essential to consume enough of it. Whether you're a long-time vegan or considering making the switch, this guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the best protein-rich foods to include in your diet. So, let's dive in and discover how to maintain optimal health and reach your nutrition goals without meat or dairy.
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1. Nuts and Seeds
Are you considering going vegan? If so, you may be wondering how to get enough protein in your diet. Fortunately, there are plenty of plant-based options that can provide you with the necessary protein. One such option is nuts and seeds. These high protein vegan foods are a great source of nutrients and can be easily added to your meals. Herbivo.in is a great resource for finding vegan foods online, including a variety of nuts and seeds. Incorporating these nutrient-dense foods into your diet can support optimal health and help you meet your protein needs as a vegan. So don't miss out on the benefits of these high protein vegan foods when making the switch to a plant-based diet.
2. Beans and Legumes
One of the most essential protein sources to keep in mind when transitioning to a vegan lifestyle is beans and legumes. These plant-based foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and are also a great source of protein. Herbivo.in offers a variety of vegan foods online for those who are looking for high protein vegan foods, including beans and legumes. Consuming different varieties of beans and legumes can offer all the essential amino acids that our body needs for optimal health, muscle growth, and repair. Chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, black beans, and soybeans are among the most popular options. Including these foods in your diet can help prevent heart diseases, improve digestion, and stabilize blood sugar levels. Reach out to herbivo.in for more information on the best high protein vegan foods available to support your healthy lifestyle.
3. Fortified Plant Milk
If you are looking to switch to a vegan diet, it is essential to prioritize intake of high protein vegan foods to ensure optimal health. One such fantastic source of protein is fortified plant milk. Herbivo.in is one of the best online vegan food stores that offers a wide variety of fortified plant milks that are an excellent source of protein and other essential nutrients. Enriched with pea protein, these vegan milk alternatives are perfect for vegans and non-vegans alike. Herbivo.in also provides customers with a range of choices, including fortified almond, soy, coconut, and oats milk. A glass of fortified plant milk can provide you with a significant portion of your daily protein requirements. If you are looking for vegan foods online, you should consider plant milk as a staple in your daily diet.
4. Soy Products
When it comes to consuming high protein vegan foods, soy products are at the top of the list. Soy is a complete protein, which means it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs to function properly. You can find a wide variety of soy products on herbivo.in or other vegan foods online stores, including tofu, tempeh, and edamame. These versatile products can be used in a wide range of recipes, from stir-fries to salads, and can even be used in desserts. Incorporating soy products into your diet can help supplement your daily protein intake and help you maintain optimal health, especially if you've recently switched to a vegan diet. However, it's important to note that not all soy products are created equal, so be sure to choose organic and non-GMO options whenever possible.
5. Quinoa
If you're looking for high-protein vegan foods, quinoa is a great choice. This ancient grain is highly nutritious and is considered a complete protein, meaning that it contains all nine essential amino acids that our bodies need. Quinoa is also rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, and manganese, making it an excellent addition to any vegan diet. At herbivo.in, we offer a variety of vegan foods online, including quinoa in different forms such as flour, flakes, and grain. Whether you're a vegan or not, adding quinoa to your diet can provide many health benefits and help you maintain optimal health.
In conclusion, a plant-based diet is not only beneficial for animal welfare and the environment, but it can also provide all the necessary nutrients for optimal health, including high levels of protein. Incorporating high protein plant-based foods like quinoa, tofu, lentils, nuts, and seeds into your daily diet can help you meet your protein needs while also providing many other essential vitamins and minerals. So whether you're going vegan for ethical or health reasons, make sure to include these nutrient-dense foods in your diet for overall health and well-being.
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nutribullet · 1 year
Tempeh alternative
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thailandeventguide · 1 year
Google Year in Search 2022 is an impressive list of favourite searches which capture our interest. This year, 2022, was one of many challenges, and by staying home for most of the year, searches via Google rose in Thailand and around the world. It is incredible to see how different, but also what interests people worldwide. Find it out.  Most Favourite Thailand destination in Google Search 2022 https://thailandeventguide.com/thailand-chiang-mai-events-guide/   People often search for the most favourite tourist destinations in Thailand, with Bangkok and Suphanburi topping the list, followed by Hua Hin and Chiang Mai. Thai people love to travel, and as soon as the borders open, there is an increased search for foreign tourist destinations. Singapore is the hottest place to be, while Vietnam and Laos won from the traditional locations of Japan and South Korea. A primary concern in Thailand was the State welfare card, which ranked number 1 on the list of most searches in 2022. Most searched news that was necessary for the Thais to know more about the shooting, the news around the Thai King and the war between Russia and Ukraine.    Best Shops in Thailand according to Google   When Thais look for shops, most searches on Google are around restaurants and sex shops, although the last one is illegal in Thailand. The favourite cafes that won the Google Search ist for 2022 are Lalita Cafe. Lalita is a cafe located in Chiang Rai. It offers a stunning backdrop while, other than expected, and you can find the restaurant in the urban area of the Chiang Rai province. Sparkling Cafe in Phuket is second-ranked on the list. The cafe offers a health concept and has well-varied drinks, desserts and Thai and Pasta food to check out. One topic that excites Thai people is Justin Bieber coming to Thailand with his Justice Tour as part of a World Tour. Bird Thongchai, BTS and Blackpink drove people down to see their shows. Unfortunately, after Bieber first had to postpone the tour, he had later to cancel the show for severe health reasons.   Thai Cooking is Yummy in Google Year in Search Cooking and Thai Food is an essential topic in Thai Culture, and you can notice the trend also on Google with lots of searches for Thai food recipes with simple meals topping the list, including chicken dipping sauce and boiled chicken with fish sauce. Nam Prik Ong, found in northern Thailand, is a popular search for this pork-based relish that balances the sweet acidity of tomatoes with savoury fermented soybeans and shrimp paste. How to cure Covid stood in third place in Google Search, while people wanted to learn more about ATK while not forgetting about the sticky mango rice to eat while searching for more serious stuff.   Google Year in Search around the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go8nTmfrQd8 On a global scale, Google Search also found some interesting searches. The passing of Queen Elizabeth scored second, and Ukraine was first. The court fight between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard was top news in 2022, not to forget that Will Smith smashed Chris Rock on the Grammy stage, ultimately leading to the banning of Will Smith from the academy.   People are highly excited about cricket sports matches. In sports World Cup was noted first. Novak Djokovic was the best search of 2022. Rafael Nadel and Serena Williams didn't score poorly, either. In the game, India vs England scored first, followed by India vs South Africa.    https://youtu.be/4WXs3sKu41I   With love and thunder, Thor is the absolute winner of 2022, with Tom Cruise returning to the screen in Top Gun: Mavering ending as third. Black Adam scored second in the global list of movies.  The top scenic spots and landmarks go to England. Buckingham Palace and the Sky Garden are the absolute winners in the battle for searches, while Brazil, Indonesia and Egypt keep scoring high interest.   Keisya Levronka in the Global Google Search List http
s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZYvZ7XfQU4   The most popular global artist search is Keisya Levronka with her hit song Tak Ingin Usai. She is an Indonesian singer with more than 4,1 million listeners on Spotify. The artist welcomes 984,000 subscribers on YouTube and scores as absolute number one. A strong follower searched for the dark song Pasoori from Ali Sethi and Shae Gill. The song has more than 475 million views on YouTube and is one of the Top 53 global videos. Surprisingly, most global searches do not even appear in Thailand year in search 2022. https://thailandeventguide.com/google-year-in-search-2022/?feed_id=1114&_unique_id=63a9d725d7e1e
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writertrust · 2 years
Mochi near me
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Therefore, it’s best to keep some coating and reapply it right before serving.Mochi Shoes Online - Stylish Footwear for Men and Womenįirst opened in a famous shopping street in Bangalore, Mochi is a brand that has over 104 outlets spread over more than 50 cities throughout the country. This happens because the moisture in the rice is released to the coating. Within 10-15 minutes after you coat the rice balls with black sesame seeds and soybean flour, you will notice the color of those Ohagi (Botamochi) get darker and spotty. Save and Reapply Black Sesame and Soybean Flour I’ve tried using my bare hand instead of plastic wrap, but I think you need a lot of practices to make it look presentable. Plastic wrap helps tremendously when you need to spread a thin layer of red bean paste around the rice balls. Use Plastic Wrap to Thinly Spread the Red Bean Paste This half-pounding technique is called “ Hangoroshi“, literary a half kill (半殺し). Unlike other similar mochi sweets where fine rice flours are used, the rice is pounded partially, not mashed or knead all the way. One of the unique features of Ohagi (Botamochi) is the noticeable rice texture when you bite into it. If you pre-measure the paste and roll it into balls ahead of time, you can just grab the paste and stuff in the rice balls quickly. Once the cooked rice is pounded, it’s best to shape it while the rice is still warm. Mixing it with regular rice helps to keep the texture softer and chewier. However, I do not recommend using just glutinous rice as these sweet rice balls get cold or less “fresh”, the texture will become hard and not so chewy. Ohagi (Botacmochi) are often made with only glutinous rice (sweet rice). Regionally, people may grow up calling it just by one name, but they are essentially the name.ĥ Tips to Make Ohagi (Botamochi) 1. In spring, they are called Botamochi (ぼたもち), named after the spring flower, botan (牡丹 peony). In autumn, they are called Ohagi (おはぎ), named after the autumn flower, hagi (萩 bush clover). That’s because we call these rice balls differently in spring and autumn. You’ve probably noticed that I keep calling these sweet rice balls with two names – Ohagi and Botamochi. Is there a difference between Ohagi or Botamochi? They are commonly eaten during Ohigan (お彼岸), a Buddhist holiday during both spring and autumn equinoxes. There are also variations where the rice balls are coated with sweetened soybean flour or sweetened ground black sesame and stuffed with red bean paste on the inside. The rice balls are formed into the shape of a small cylinder and covered with red bean paste on the outside. These sweet rice balls are usually made with glutinous rice, sometimes rice, and red bean paste. Today, I’ll share little cultural tidbits of this traditional sweet along with the recipe! What is Ohagi (Botamochi)? They are sweet rice balls filled or coated with red bean paste. Ohagi or Botamochi is one of those special foods we enjoyed during spring and autumn equinoxes every year. Growing up in Japan, I remember we had a lot of cultural, seasonal, and sometimes religious celebrations that often come with specific foods.
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asianpantryau · 2 years
How do you choose the healthier version of mayonnaise?
What do mayonnaise and cilantro have in common, other than being food products? Asian pantry who are in the business of ‘connecting people through their passion of food’ say that mayonnaise is both popular with people who either love or dislike them. Researchers have discovered an inherited gene that causes people to be extremely sensitive to the taste and smell of cilantro. Although it doesn't appear to be a genetic factor that causes people to avoid mayonnaise, a lot of people like Barack Obama, vehemently do.
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What is Mayonnaise?
Mayonnaise isn't a particularly healthy food, and, up until recently, people who disliked mayonnaise could count on virtue. There are plenty of people who cannot imagine BLTs without it and - U.S. mayonnaise consumption surpasses the sales of any other condiment such as ketchup, for example -- will be glad to know that mayonnaises that are currently on shelves in the supermarket are healthier than conventional ones. The majority of them are made from oils like safflower, soybean, sunflower and corn. They are deficient in healthy Omega 3 fatty acids and are high in Omega 6 fatty acids -excessive consumption of which could be dangerous.
What is the best way to taste Mayonnaise?
If you're choosing an alternative mayonnaise to taste, pick one made of organically grown oils, specifically avocado or olive (canola oil is a suitable alternative, but it has less beneficial health effects). If you are careful olive and avocado oils are good for your cholesterol, heart as well as your brain. They contain antioxidants that fight diseases. Pay attention to the labeling Certain products called "olive oil mayonnaise" include an amalgamation consisting of soybean oil or even canola. Organic eggs are the best choice because they're not exposed to the harmful chemical and hormonal substances that conventional eggs contain. Rosemary oil is a healthier and nutritious preservative over calcium disodium EDTA or potassium sodium sorbate and you should look for genuine flavors like salt or spices, herbs, and mustard as opposed to the known as "natural" flavors. Don't buy the"fat-free" marketing. Many of these products contain sugar to hide the less creamy flavor.
What is the best mayonnaise choice?
For the healthiest mayonnaise recipe, make your own. It is very simple to make: Mix four egg yolks (room temperature so that they will emulsify well) along with a significant amount of salt, pinch of black pepper, pinch of mustard, and squeeze of lemon juice. After the blender is spinning, gradually add 1 1/2 cup of olive oil from organic sources until the mix gets thicker. The amount you add can be adjusted according to your personal taste and preferred consistency. Make it your own by adding some of the ingredients listed below to boost the flavor including Wasabi, garlic fresh ginger, sriracha, chipotle peppers roasting red peppers, pesto sun-dried tomato paste honey mustard, horseradish or fresh herbs like parsley or chives, dill, and tarragon. The sandwiches you serve have never tasted more flavor before.
After summer is over, make some eggs, mix an okra salad, spread an omelet, or whip up a dip to serve artichokes with any of these healthier options. determine what side of that mayonnaise line your family and friends are on. Include cilantro in any of these recipes and you may find that your genes have an impact on the heated mayonnaise debate.
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thehook · 2 years
Best Seafood Restaurant in Petone to Tickle Your Taste Buds
Being a varied blend of cultures and social structures, Petone, Lower Hutt suffices to the needs of all taste buds. Endowed with mesmerizing beaches and fresh breezes, the town hosts travelers and residents some exceptional seafood. The best seafood restaurant in Petone serves mouth-watering items to tickle your taste buds in a single bite. 
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Some of the menus that get much demand among the food lovers include: 
Entrée - It involves some dishes that are usually taken before the main course. Below are the few seafood items available at the Petone restaurant. 
Garlic Bread: Garlic bread simply consists of bread topped with garlic and olive oil or butter and could contain additional herbs depending on the standards of restaurants. The food item is either grilled until baked or toasted in a traditional or bread oven. 
Cheesy Garlic Bread: The preparation of cheesy garlic bread is quite easy. For its unique taste, the dish is widely taken as breakfast or brunch. The cheesy garlic bread is made in an oven. But one can also prepare it on a tawa/skillet.  
Vietanamese-style Mussels: Mussel belongs to several families of bivalve molluscs, from saltwater and freshwater habitats. Prior to cooking, mussels are soaked in fresh water for around 20 minutes. Some people like to take steam mussels rather than boiled. The Lower Hutt restaurant prepares the dish in Vietanamese style to cherish the guests in an innovative way.  
Mains - It is popularly known as main course - a primary dish in a meal consisting of several courses. This usually follows the Entrée course. 
Veg Burger: A veggie burger is a hamburger patty that strictly avoids any kind of meat. This could be made from ingredients like beans, specifically soybeans and tofu, nuts, grains, seeds or mushrooms.  
Chicken Burger: As the name suggests, chicken is added to the recipe. The ingredients are blended in the right proportion. The restaurant's chicken burger is of a different standard.    
Classic Pork Ribs: The dish has a special fan base. The recipe requires a range of ingredients such as white vinegar, white sugar, celery salt, chilli powder, salt, dry mustard, paprika, black pepper among others.  
Hook Pork Trio: The food item is exclusively prepared by this popular seafood restaurant in Wellington. People who have tasted it once automatically become an enthusiast of the food permanently. 
NZ Lamb Shank:  The shank is the lower portion of the leg of a lamb, almost always sold bone-in. This is a tough cut, best fit to slow, moist-heat cooking techniques like stewing and braising that melt the collagen in the shank to offer a velvety sauce. If you have not tasted the item at your Petone restaurant, get ready to have it Today! 
Crab Ravioli: The dish is very popular among seafood lovers. The delicious crabmeat and ricotta filling that is served with a lemon butter sauce can make anyone of its followers. The seafood restaurant in Petone holds a significant record in preparation of crab ravioli. 
Hook Fish N Chips: It's an exclusive seafood item of the restaurant which is now the talk of the town Petone. Food lovers find the stuff as light and become curious to take in during their light moments. 
Pan-fried Fish: Fish with a steak-like texture such as salmon, tuna, swordfish and shark are best prepared by grilling or pan-searing. Youths in the city love the place for having pan-fried fish. 
Smoked Seafood Chowder:  The chowder is a more complex and smoky interpretation of fish chowder. Prepared with a style of its own, the dish is more spunk than a simpler, more authentic recipe, without losing the spirit of the sea.
Sides - It refers to a side order, side item, or simply a side, that accompanies the Entrée or Mains at a meal. 
Fries W Aioli: The recipe is primarily prepared with garlic and olive oil. Aioli gets its creamy consistency and color from blending the both ingredients, with a bit of coarse salt. Consuming the item in small amounts makes you quite satisfied.   
Jalapeno And Cheese Poppers: The top ingredients of the food items include cream cheese, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, and sauce. The demand of this recipe is really noticed at the restaurant near me. 
Deserts - The dish is generally served after the main course. 
Warm Chocolate Brownie: The item is quite popular as a dessert. Made with a fixed volume of sugar, eggs, almond and cocoa can make the consumer wild. The food makes restaurant goers return with a sweet mouth. 
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Domestic Headcanons
Summary: Domestic headcanons with everyone’s favorite ogre! (Oni?)
Pairing: Loathsome Leonard/Reader (Established Relationship) 
Content Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1142
[A/N: I can’t fucking believe I wrote 1k words for a single character headcanon. girl i don’t even simp for him what the fuck. and i wanted to write even MORE but it was getting too long. leonard simps this one’s for you <3]
Danny’s Here // Mickey’s Here 
When you’re such a well-known, prolific criminal - especially in his specific line of work - it’s hard to really settle down into a domestic life. He wants to, he really does. But when the cops are constantly on your tail, moving around is simply a fact of life. And crime has always been a part of his life: it’s not something he can just drop and move on from. But he tries his best to make each place feel a little bit less like a safehouse and more like a home. And at the end of the day, home truly is with the people you love. Nothing can replace that. Although he does dream of defecting from Mama’s rule, taking the money for you guys and the rest of the crew and finding the dream life, it isn’t exactly feasible. He knows she’d catch onto his plan, likely before he even initiated it. But he can dream, right? Maybe someday he’ll save up enough of his earnings to find a little home for you two.
If you have a home top-side though… ecstatic doesn’t even begin to describe it. He’s not real obvious about it, of course, but you can tell that he’s happy to finally have a place that he can feel safe in. And better yet, it’s with you.
He’s a very good mechanic. Pretty good handyman in general, actually! You’ll never have to call the repair guy again. He almost never uses a measuring tape, but fortunately he’s damn good at eyeballing shit.
Gets kind of freaked out if you guys don’t have a garage? He’s a little paranoid about it, especially because he does NOT want his bike stolen. He’ll start pawning stuff he finds in the Hidden City to afford a garage if he has to, honestly. Fortunately, that ALSO means you guys can start piling stuff in there. Free hangout spot.
He spends at least an hour on his hair most mornings. He uses clay instead of gel, so it usually takes less time on the second day. He’ll still mess with it throughout the day, though. He’s got an image to keep up, babe!
Never wears his cloaking necklace in the house. You’re waiting for the day that the FBI or Scotland Yard or something fucking break into your house for hiding a demon.
In another life, he could have worked as a chef, no joke. He can make pretty much anything, honestly. He’s not one to follow recipes to the T, but that’s what makes his food so good. And his barbeque is the best!! If you guys are top-side, it’s really funny to look out the window and see him cooking because you never fucking recognize him. It’s weird seeing him in… not yokai form. If you’re not, though? Fuck yeah, brother. 
He hates soybeans so much, it’s unreal. Like, he’d rather die than eat them. He has no other reasoning than “they suck.” Sorry if you like tofu, but he’s not gonna touch that shit with a 30 foot pole.
His voice is very rumbly in the morning, it’s nice.
Local plant killer. He’ll find a way to kill a cactus without even trying. Very impressed if you have a green thumb, though.
He likes to order out a lot. If he finds something he likes he tends to stick with it, but he’s not opposed to trying new places. He’s not picky, but he does like to give you shit <3
He sucks at decorating. Like, he has no eye for it at all.
Always the first to put away the dishes! He’s very fast at it as well. 
He’s really good about making coffee at night, or when he wakes up in the morning. If you’re not awake yet, he’ll always make your drink of choice just before you wake up. He’s good about that sort of thing. Also, he likes to pretend that he drinks his coffee black, but he actually pours a fuck ton of maple syrup in it when nobody’s looking. In the same vein, he takes his tea black. If anything, he’ll add a bit of milk to it, but that’s rare. He likes spiced teas the most, but he’s not insanely picky. Hates chamomile, though.
There’s a lot of temporary shelters that you guys hide out in the Hidden City when you’re unable to leave, and the heat gets too hot to handle, with a few semi-permanent places. His favorite hideout is a little farm way out in the countryside. If he had to choose a place to live forever, that would be his dream home. The trees out that way grow tall, with deep green trunks that reflect cobalt blue light at night. The megafauna roams freely, creatures the size of skyscrapers soaring slowly through the air, or sending rumbles through the ground with their colossal hooves in the late afternoon. And yet, they always go around the home. Magically warded, perhaps? Or are they intelligent enough to avoid a dwelling? Neither of you are sure, but he knows that he’d love to live his life here, with you. Something about it just feels right.
King of bonfires. It happens at least once every two weeks. The flames dance high, changing colors every few seconds. Something about the wood makes the flames dance and change hue, unlike the wood from your own world. It’s nothing new to him, but it’s absolutely magical to you. You two will happily spend the night out there, watching the flames dance and the megafauna roam. Your laughter echoes through the land, and you truly feel at home in this little cabin.
Yes, the guys absolutely come over often if you aren’t hiding out with them. Come on, they’re family.
He’s pretty good at Mortal Kombat! Expect game nights every now and then. Also he absolutely lost his mind over the new Mortal Kombat movie. No cap, he’d fuck Liu Kang. He’s very excited for the next movie, but tbh he hates Johnny Cage. Okay I’ll stop talking about mortal kombat now i prommy
He’s not super big into gaming, but he’s happy to watch you if you are. Little bit of a backseat gamer, but just kiss him. It’ll either keep him quiet or prompt more quips,  but at least you get kisses.
He really wants a dog. He can’t exactly have one at the moment, but he’d really like one. He’s a fan of most kinds of dogs, but he’d like one that’s fairly strong. His ideal dog would be a Cane Corso!
Loves action movies and horror movies. Come on, have you seen his line of work?
Honestly, 10/10 husband. The life he leads isn’t one to lend itself to domesticity, but he’s never been one to take “no” for an answer. And he’s gonna do everything he can to make a life for the both of you, no matter what.
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foralleternityidiot · 3 years
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Ham and Potato Stew from Run BTS 125
For @black-swan-slaps
2 potatoes (400g)
1/2 onion (100g)
1 cup green onion (80g)
3 chilies (15g)
1 can of ham (200g)
1 tablespoon minced garlic (15g)
1/2 tablespoon of soybean paste (10g)
1 tablespoon of chili paste (20g)
1/2 tablespoon of brown sugar (10g)
1/2 tablespoon of chili powder (10g)
2 tablespoons of soy sauce (40g)
3 cups of water (700ml)
Note: spoon measurements were wildly inconsistent among the subs and google translate as well as in relation to the grams, so I adjusted the measurements to best fit with the grams noted in the recipe. You may wish to test and adjust to your liking or use your own translation skills. When all else fails, follow the metric system. And that’s coming from an American.
1. Slice the potatoes and onions 1 cm thick.
2. Chop spicy chilies and green onions into 1 cm pieces.
3. Put the canned ham in a plastic bag and crush it.
4. Put potatoes onions, green onions, spicy chilies, and canned ham in the pot.
5. Add brown sugar, chili powder, minced garlic, red chili paste, soybean paste, soy sauce and water. Bring to a boil.
6. When the water boils, lower the heat, stir until mixed, and let simmer.
7. When the soup boils down, add soy sauce depending on your preference.
8. Continue to boil until the potatoes crumble.
9. Serve.
Disclaimer: These instructions are based on a mix of the subs from the video, google translate, and my own knowledge of cooking. Which is to say, these instructions may not be entirely exact and you’ll have to forgive that.
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