#Best Wedding Photographers San Francisco
urbanphulkari1327 · 1 year
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deeptrashwitch · 5 months
Well, I'll start with Soap's boyfriend!
OC: David "Bonnie" Cooper
Tumblr media
Nationality: American
Age: 23
Birth date: 7th may 2001 - San Francisco (U.S.A)
Residence: Washington D.C
Profession: Photographer
Height: 1,78 m/5'10 ft
Weight: 70 kg
Blood type: O+
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish (boyfriend)
Carla Cooper (mother)
Samantha Cohen (friend)
Irene Sayre (friend)
Jayden/Cassandra Fisher (friend)
-He works together with Sam, actually she and Simon introduced him and Soap during a job near the 141 base. They usually eat lunch together, and he always laugh when she judges people across the street, obviously discreatly enough to nor be noticed.
-Often uses Johnny as a model, and has more than one folder filled of photos of Soap. And he brags about the photos when he's with the rest on a brunch.
-He's the youngest on the group, and met the rest while he was on second semester while they were on fifth (Sam), third (Irene) and sixth (Cassandra/Jayden).
-Every two months David dyes his hair to a different color. Has had blue, green, red, purple and hot pink hair, also is looking for the next color. (He's secretly thinking of dye it blue again 'cause he loves Johnny's eyes)
-He promised to be the best man on Irene's wedding, and also the official photographer for a special price.
-Mama's boy. He's a mama's boy, and Ms. Cooper is the sweetest woman in the world for him. Also, he isn't wrong since the group always make comments about his mother being an angel on earth.
Random quote
"...I don't have enough patience for this. Can you bring me a model who actually listens?!" -said to Sam
When and how they met their partner?
It was during a job with Sam, where they had to be near the military bases on Washington. She used the opportunity to go and see Simon, and when they arrived there, both of them introduced him to the first Sergeant of the Task Force. When Sam and Simon went to talk on another room, he started to talk with Soap.
The main topic was drawing and photography, with Soap really interested on David's quick sketches on a little paper, also surprised when he draw him. Soon he offered Johnny to be his model, but he refused mostly out of a security mattered, even though he felt flustered by the offer. He gave him his number, and make him promise to call him as soon as he was free.
That was the first time he called David "Bonnie", and soon they started to flirt.
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jade-escobar · 6 months
At Last | Jadrigo
Featuring: Rodrigo Escobar & Jade Clark; mentions of Frankie, Emma, Fletcher & others Location: The Hibernia; San Francisco, CA Time Frame: Late afternoon/early evening, April 4, 2024 Notes: JADRIGO GET MARRIED, Y'ALL! @rodrigo-esc
Jade was sitting still as the finishing touches to her wedding ensemble were being adjusted into place. Her necklace was centered on her chest, Jewel was securing the bracelet to her wrist, and one of the photographers was making sure her hair comb was secure before stepping back and snapping some candid photos. Her new gown had practically fit like a glove when she'd first put it on. The alterations were minor and while Jade was new to believing in fate, she did feel like despite the circumstances that required it, this dress was meant to be. She appreciated Frankie helping uphold her staunch rule that there not be anything other than water in the room she was getting ready in. Once her jewelry was all in place and the photographer had the photos they wanted, Jade and Jewel carefully hugged each other.
The timing was perfect, as the coordinator knocked and poked her head in. "It's time! I need your wedding party to line up with Jewel, Jett and Jade at the back like we rehearsed." She smiled and asked, "Ready, Jade?"
Excited butterflies and nervous jitters were competing for space in her but after taking another deep breath, she nodded. "I'm ready." And after others preceded her out of the room, Jade picked up her bouquet and carefully followed them out to walk with the coordinator. No matter what happened now, she was going to marry the love of her life.
Rodrigo was feeling calm which was a huge deal considering how many times he had been nervous during the preparation of his wedding. He kept adjusting his tie, hoping the knot didn't look ridiculous but thankfully Fletcher had helped him realize he looked fine. He had requested to see Emma right before she had gone off to join the others and he gave her a giant hug. "Guys have it easy." He murmured, sitting on the loveseat in the room while he waited. He chuckled wondering what his soon-to-be-wife was up to. There was someone at the door when he had gotten caught up in his thoughts and he lifted his gaze when they were told it was time. The groomsmen went to line up with the bridal party and Rodrigo was to be led to the altar. Once there, he'd wait as the guests arrived and filled their seats.
Time was going quickly and slowly both at the same time. While he didn't think that was possible before, Rodrigo certainly felt that now. He made sure to nod at all the guests, smiling as they all took their seats on either side of the room. It was nice recognizing every face and it made him glad to have an intimate ceremony.
Fletcher would come down the aisle with Frankie first and then Emma and the others. Once his brother was up at the altar beside him, Rodrigo took a deep breath. in mere moments, the music would change and he knew it would be Jade. He couldn't wait to see her.
Jade gripped her bouquet tightly and did her best to keep herself calm. They'd made it to this point without incident but she would likely feel better once she finally saw Rodrigo. She hadn't seen him all day so far and was silently cursing that particular tradition now. He was her rock and balance when she felt unsteady, nervous or started filling her mind with self-doubt.
Standing out of sight of the aisle, she watched as Fletcher, Frankie, Emma, Jasper, and Ziggy headed out to the ceremony site, walking to Ella's Fitzgerald's "Our Love Is Here To Stay". And when Jewel and Jett were about halfway up the aisle, the music smoothly transitioned, fading from the beautiful vocals of Ella to the iconic violin opening to Etta James', "At Last". Jade's heart was thumping hard in her chest. She didn't need the coordinator to tell her that that was her cue. Glancing down and seeing the early trail of Jewel's rose petals, she took another deep breath and felt herself smiling as she followed it with careful strides around the corner and to the stark white runner--now beautifully sprinkled with white and baby blue rose petals. She heard fabric rustle and a few chairs creak as guests got to their feet to greet her. Yes, Jade was aware of the people standing on both sides of the aisle, but only vaguely. Her brown eyes lifted and immediately locked on Rodrigo.
There he was.
Her heart leapt up into her throat, pushing some tears into her eyes that she tried to blink away. Her lipstick-painted lips curved into a smile, and then a toothy grin as Ella's sang, "My heart was wrapped up in clover the night I looked at you..." She let out a small, breathy chuckle at how utterly overjoyed she was just at the sight of him at the opposite end of the aisle. She was his, completely, and he was hers. And although there were several snaps of a professional camera quietly clicking somewhere nearby, she was wholeheartedly fixed on Rodrigo.
Remembering to move her feet again, she started up the aisle, all smiles with tiny tears sitting on her long lashes. Her heart was galloping the entire slow walk down the aisle. The nervousness was slowly dissolving with each step closer to her future husband. She felt like she was falling in love with him all over again and could only hope that this was what she could look forward to with marriage now on the horizon for them.
Rodrigo smiled as his friends walked down the aisle. It all felt so surreal. The music playing filled him with the utmost happiness. After everything they had been through, the obstacles Jade's mother had created for them, they were finally here. He felt a small lump forming in his throat as he patiently waited for his bride. When he heard the music change and the guests stood up, he straightened up and looked out for Jade.
His mother had warned him that when Jade appeared, he'd be moved. While Rodrigo didn't deny that'd happen, his expectation was different than the real thing. The moment his beautiful bride was in his line of sight, his gaze never tore away from her. A soft smile pulled at his lips as his cheeks warmed. That lump forming in his throat had fully created a space there and his heart beat only for her. He chuckled when she did and seeing how happy and beautiful she looked coupled with the music, Rodrigo felt the tears forming in his eyes. Before she could even reach the altar, Rodrigo was crying, his body shaking slightly. The officiant offered him a tissue and he chuckled again as he accepted it to wipe his face. "I'm a mess," he whispered with his teary eyes still focused on Jade.
It felt like the first time he'd seen her with her trench coat and beret. Rodrigo should have known then that he was hers. When his bride stepped up to him, Rodrigo's smile widened and he faced her completely. He wiped his tears again before whispering, "How are you real?" it was enough for the front of the audience to hear and the air was filled with soft laughter and sniffles. "You look beautiful."
Seeing Rodrigo cry made her instantly want to get to him faster. She had never seen him cry before and although she saw him smiling and even chuckled mere moments before, it still pierced her heart. But from her peripheral, she saw the officiant offer Rodrigo a tissue at the same time that Fletcher tugged a handkerchief free from his breast pocket. She still wanted to go to him quickly and help clear his tears--despite some of her own brimming in her eyes--but she continued her intentionally careful walk all the way down the aisle until she reached him.
The music faded just as Rodrigo asked his question. Jade's smiling lips parted for a small, breathy chuckle in response. "I love you," she ended up mouthing and then swallowed thickly and whispered back him, "So do you." She reached up and lightly brushed away a tiny bit of tissue residue from under his eye and then resumed holding her bouquet with both hands. The officiant invited everyone to have a seat again and proceeded to welcome everyone and thank them on behalf of the couple for being there to support them and witness their nuptials. And as much as Jade was trying to retain everything the officiant was saying, her mind was so full of Rodrigo. She was committing this moment with him to memory while her mind was pulling up various memories of Rodrigo and the 2 of them.
It wasn't until the officiant addressed her directly that Jade came out of her slight trance and took the cue to share her vows. Tugging a folded sheet of paper from the base of her bouquet, Jade turned to hand the flowers to Frankie and then unfolded the paper with slightly unsteady hands to read. "Rodrigo, I can't say enough of how much you mean to me and how much I love you. When we met, I didn’t believe in fate. My upbringing just didn't allow for me to believe in such a thing, and that life was only moments of chance and luck. But you moved me. Your kindness, humor, love, openness, nurturing and patience with me changed my mind and my heart. You have made me believe in fate. You have made me want to be a stronger and better version of myself so that I can stand here today, and everyday after and be confident in saying and being your friend, partner and your wife. With that, I promise to continue to love you, support you, walk beside you through all of the good, bad and in-between that life throws our way. When you're sick or having a hard time, I promise to be there to be your strength and give you all that I have to care for you, protect you and lift you up. My heart has been yours before today, and it will still be yours for the rest of our days." Folding the paper back up, she said, "I love you, Rodrigo Emiliano."
Rodrigo dried his eyes, taking Fletcher's handkerchief as well as the tissues. He'd need all the help he could get. He felt incredibly light on his feet almost as if he'd fall at any moment and the only thing keeping him grounded was Jade. She was his anchor and she had been since the day she walked into his life. He was overwhelmed by happiness and complete adoration. How did he live so long without her?
"I love you." he echoed her words and for a quick second, he caught sight of his crying mother being comforted by Luna. That also made him cry again and he quickly joked, "Bear with me." to the officiant, Jade, and the group of friends and family in the room. His words were met with some more laughter and he was glad for the light feeling in the air. He couldn't keep his eyes off Jade as he wanted this moment forever in his memory. He wanted to revisit it over and over again, tell others about it, and make their children want to puke from how disgustingly adorable they both were. He'd never thought he'd get this chance.
When the vows were to be presented, Rodrigo paid close attention to Jade, listening intently, his tears still forming at just about anything that was happening at this point. Jade's vows were perfect. He cleared his throat and reached into his pocket for his written vows. "Hard act to follow." He chuckled and sniffled away his tears. "Phew. Okay." He straightened himself and looked at Jade in her beautiful eyes. "Jade, when I met you, I was excited about having someone help with the school play. In truth, I saw it as a way to get myself out of it. I'm the worst, I know." He smiled at her. "And all my scheming went to waste the moment you walked into my classroom. When I saw you, all i could say was 'I see you, God' because you had caught my attention many times before and I just never had the chance to approach you and suddenly, there you were but I had to keep it professional." he chuckled. "That didn't last long."
He turned the page over. "It didn't last long before I was completely enamored by you. Everything about you made my heart jump, made me want to try harder, and made me want to be better because, for me, you deserved nothing less than extraordinary. And early on in our dating life, I was hit with the feeling of when is it too soon to know you're dating the person you want to marry. I asked my friends, I asked Drew. Thanks, Drew. When it happens, it happens. It doesn't have to be a perfect equation of time. I saw a future with you, my future, your future, our future. No one has ever made me as happy as you have. No one has accepted every bit of me as you have. No one has made me feel secure in my feelings as you have." He felt his tears fall. "I mean look at me right now. Who am I even?" He smiled. "I know who I am because of you. I never thought this would happen and it's met every great expectation I've had of falling in love. I promise to love you for who you are, and for who you are yet to become. I promise to be patient and to remember that all things between us are rooted in love. I promise to nurture your dreams and help you reach them. I promise to share my whole heart with you and to remember to show you how deeply I care for you, no matter the challenges that may come our way. I promise to love you loyally and fiercely—as long as I shall live." He folded his paper and took a deep breath. "I love you today and always, every day a little more than the last."
Jade was holding firm to the paper she'd written her vows on. She'd re-folded it and when she finished sharing her vows aloud, she accepted her bouquet back from Frankie and held the cascade of white and blue flowers the entire time Rodrigo took his turn. His comment of her being a tough act to follow made her bashfully chuckle. Her eyes didn't leave his face once. As she listened, she took in everything about him, watching his eyes follow the words on his paper, his lips form the words and curve with his occasional chuckles. And when fresh tears formed, Jade felt that urge to wipe his tears rise up again. All the while, his vows and the inclusion of when they first met had her feeling like her heart was swelling to the size of her chest cavity. She never loved anyone before Rodrigo and she knew she would never love someone like him ever again. He really was it for her and she was beyond happy about that.
When he finished, she carefully stepped forward and reached up to wipe his tears away from under one eye and then the other. The officiant looked moved by the couple but eventually continued the ceremony with the exchanging of their rings and their, 'I do's. While Jett was their ring bearer, their actual wedding bands had been in Frankie and Fletcher's care. Jade turned to Frankie to get Rodrigo's band in exchange for her bouquet again, and the officiant began with her again. "Do you, Jade, take Rodrigo to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"
Jade wanted to reply, "And then some," but she stuck to the order of the service and replied, "I do," with a smile before carefully placing the band on Rodrigo's ring finger.
When Jade reached to dry his tears, he smiled at her, unable to keep his gaze away. "Thank you, honey.' He whispered those words and then turned to his best friend for Jade's band. Rodrigo listened to the officiant and then to Jade, his smile pulling the corners of his lips. When she slid the wedding band onto his finger, he admired the piece of jewelry for a few seconds. It was perfect and he'd wear it every single day.
The same words were repeated to him. "Do you, Rodrigo take Jade to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her so long as you both shall live?" It was all picture-perfect. Rodrigo took everything in. Jade's beautiful dress, her hair, her gorgeous bouquet, the ring now on his finger.
Rodrigo nodded, his smile still gracing his features. "I do." He noticed her engagement ring was on her right-hand ring finger so that he could place her wedding band on her left-hand finger, closer to her heart. He slid the band on and he felt so much love in his chest. This was it. It was finally happening.
Jade smiled back, "Any time," whispering as well. And when it came time for her to declare her intent with Rodrigo and place the ring on his finger, the repeat thought in her mind was to not drop the ring. Thankfully, her fingers had been steady enough. She then waited as the officiant posed the questions to Rodrigo and when he said, "I do," she held her hand for him and parted her fingers slightly. After today, she would join her engagement ring with her band as it fit more comfortably on her left hand. But today, she was relishing the new symbol of hers and Rodrigo's marriage sitting solo on her finger. She smiled at the ring and then accepted her bouquet back from Frankie, her gaze quickly returning back to her husband.
The officiant conveyed blessings and a lifetime of happiness to Jade and Rodrigo just before saying to everyone present, "By the power vested in me and the state of California, I'm honored to pronounce you husband and wife." Jade grinned as the officiant looked to Rodrigo and said, "I know I don't need to tell you what to do now."
He loved seeing the band on Jade's finger and he loved seeing it on his hand too. It solidified everything, made this dream come true and it created a sense of peace they both needed in their lives. No Jeanette, no Julya to ruin this moment. No drama, no tears full of sadness. It was pure love and peace and they weren't the only ones putting it out into the world. They were surrounded by people who adored them and that part especially made Rodrigo so damn happy.
He chuckled when the officiant said he didn't need to tell them what to do, Rodrigo shook his head and added, "nope." before gently taking the boquet from Jade to hand it to Frankie so that he can wrap his arms around her and delightfully and lovingly kiss her lips. The crowd applauded for them and even more when Rodrigo dipped her and when he withdrew, he helped her back on her feet with a giant smile.
Jade was momentarily taken aback when Rodrigo lifted the bouquet from her hands but when he closed his warm and sure arms around her slender frame and bent to kiss her lips, she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. She held a little tighter around his neck when he dipped her but she'd lost herself in the moment. She and Rodrigo were married. Sure, they had their license to still sign but before all of their nearest and dearest, they were married. Pure joy filled her and had her feeling as nearly swept off of her feet as Rodrigo nearly had her. When he helped to right her again, she was still buoyant, almost to the point of dizzying delirium. "I love you," she said again, her hand now holding his while she retrieved her bouquet from Frankie one more time in preparation of walking back up the aisle. This time though, she wouldn't take that walk alone.
“I love you more.” He chuckled knowing they’d argue this point forever if they allowed themselves to. He was on cloud nine, completely and utterly in love with his wife. Rodrigo took Jade’s hand and waited for their bridal party to walk down before it was their turn. Their audience filled with friends and family applauded for them as they walked together. He grinned and waved at a few people here and there and before the reached the exit of the ceremony room, he leaned into his wife to remind her that , “ we made it.” He brought their joined hands up to his lips to kiss Jade’s and continued walking toward their receiving line. They would have some time before joining the reception. While their guests enjoyed the cocktail hour, they’d get a sneak peak of their reception hall and photos . Before that, the newlyweds were going to have a chance at some cocktail hours appetizers in the bridal suite so they could get something in their stomachs and ready themselves for their pictures.
Rodrigo joined his wife in the bridal suite, waited for her to get comfortable and instantly wrapped his arms around her. “Mrs. Escobar, you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
Jade playfully scowled at him even though she was still smiling. "I refuse to argue with you today." She was unbelievably happy and admittedly felt some relief that everything went off without a hitch. The photographers got photos of them coming up the aisle together and with the two of them heading to the bridal suite together. Once inside, Jade set her bouquet down so she wouldn't have to hold it while they had a moment to themselves. It was their first time being alone that day which was special in itself for Jade. She knew they would have photos to take, a marriage license to sign and guests to mingle with and thank, but for the time being, she was going to enjoy the one-on-one time with her husband.
Her smile grew from how Rodrigo addressed her. She leaned into him while trying to be careful not to get makeup on his white suit jacket. Cradling her manicured hands to both sides of his face, she looked up to him, "Thank you, my beloved husband." Even in her heels, Jade was still considerably shorter than Rodrigo but she gently pulled his face to hers for a tender kiss and then whispered, "I'm going to love being Mrs. Escobar." She grinned and then shut her eyes for a moment, thinking about their wedding ceremony and how wonderfully the day had been so far. Her mind was thinking about how great it was that they had done their first look during the ceremony rather than beforehand. "Are you ready to eat, drink and dance the night away?"
Rodrigo chuckled at Jade's response. Her sass amused him and it was just one of the many things that made him fall in love with her especially since she had no idea sometimes she was being so funny. Once in the suite, Rodrigo reached for a glass of water to take a couple of sips. He hoped the bridal party was enjoying their first picks at the cocktail hour with everyone else and that all their guests were also okay.
"Beloved husband. That sounds soooo nice." He kissed her once more before she pulled away and smiled softly at her whispered words. "It just sounds right, doesn't it." He couldn't believe it, he was Jade's husband. "This dress...honey you really blew me away. I'm still not over it. I will probably never be over it?" He chuckled. The photographer peeked in to let the newlyweds know they'd be taking them to their reception hall in 20 minutes for their first peek and for photos. "Thank you." He answered the photographer and then pulled his wife over to sit on his lap on one of the couches. "Twenty minutes but not before we enjoy some of this spread." He sat on the couch and patted his leg for Jade to join him. "Grapes?" He tossed a few into his mouth and offered some to his wife. "And you bet the two of us are going to dance the night away. I won't have it any other way."
"I'm glad you think so because it's never going away," she promised. Her smile was bright as she replied, "It does. I hadn't told anyone before now, but I've been practicing my signature." Once her name was legally changed, she would be signing off on contracts, deliveries, paychecks and other future paperwork as, 'Jade Escobar'. She took a half-step back and looked down at herself, and then back up to Rodrigo. "Thank you, sweetie. I owe Jasper and our dad for it. Jasper even took the time to learn how to bustle it when I went to get it altered." Her hands moved from his face to his shoulders, even when she looked to the photographer and also thanked them for the time check.
Jade joined Rodrigo on the couch and giggled a little when he pulled her into his lap. She slipped an arm around his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Ooo, those look good. Yes, please," she accepted his offer, eating one at a time. "When we're taking pictures with the photographer, I'd love for us to get a few of us on the roof."
Rodrigo kissed Jade on the lips, careful not to mess too much with her makeup but also knowing that Frankie and Emma would have makeup kits ready for her if necessary. They really did have a great group of friends. At Jade’s confession, his features softened and he smiled. “Really? That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.” He imagined Jade practicing her signatures and it truly delighted him. He had a wife. He’d remind himself a million times through the night as it still felt so surreal but in the best way possible. Rodrigo listened to Jade tell her how Jasper and her father had come through with her dress and how her brother had learned how to bustle it. “I will thank them over and over again. Your father is really coming through and that makes me happy for you and for the future of your relationship.” He kissed her temple. “And Jasper is such an amazing man. I’m glad he’s a part of the family now too.”
Rodrigo gave Jade a couple of grapes and then made a small little plate of cheeses and fruits for her. He knew they were both starving. “Oh that’s a great idea! The roof is gorgeous. I can’t wait to see what the reception hall looks like.”
Jade blushed after admitting to practicing her new signature. She was still deeply elated about her and Rodrigo being married now but she knew it was a little immature to admit to signature practice. Her love for Rodrigo was completely unshakable though, regardless of the occasionally immature things she sparsely did. Still smiling, Jade said, "He really is trying. I think it’s just been harder for him to show it since I'm not a child anymore but I'll be forever grateful for him finding a replacement gown for me to wear today. And I'm glad you love it as much as I do." She shut her eyes at the kiss to her temple, and then opened them again at Rodrigo mentioning Jasper in his praise. "I'm sure Jasper feels the same way about you. And you know Jewel and Jett are excited that their favorite teacher is now their brother-in-law."
Jade continued to eat the grapes one after the other and then accepted the small plate Rodrigo fixed for her. "Thank you," she told him, picking up another grape from it. "Yes, I really loved the view when we were touring this place for our venue. I'm excited to see how the reception hall is transformed too. Our theme is so fun and everyone looked so amazing when we were walking away from the ceremony." As she picked up a cube of cheddar cheese to offer her husband, she looked him in his eyes and asked, "Do you know how handsome I think you are right now?"
He found everything about Jade endearing. He loved how she was funny without even trying or knowing she was making the funniest or remarks. hearing that his wife had been practicing her signature made him beam with pride of being her husband and also want to squeeze and cuddle her for being so damn adorable. "I love that you've been practicing. It's really sweet and I think it just makes you even more special. Rodrigo nodded as Jade spoke of her father. He was glad that the man had swallowed his own pride and had seen the errors of his ways. He hoped that Wendy would follow suit soon. While he knew she tolerated a lot, she needed to also not blame Jade (whether it was in her head or in a subtle way or not) for the wrong doings of the patriarch in the family. "I really do love it. It was absolutely made for you and it goes perfectly with our theme." A gentle smile appeared on his lips as he thought about being Jasper's brother-in-law and hearing how excited the twins were too. "Not that I'm biased or anything but I do love them very much."
"Well, you had some amazing ideas and everyone does look amazing. It's a dream come true." He opened his mouth for the cube of cheese and chuckled when it was tossed in. Rodrigo smiled at his wife and pressed a soft kiss against her lips after he chewed his food. "Pale in comparison to you, honey but thank you. I wanted to really match the theme. I can't wait to see all of our pictures. I want all of them. I just want to always remember this day and to be able to look back on it."
"Thank you," Jade replied, still blushing as she sat in her husband's lap. She was so ridiculously happy and in love with the man she was now married to. They had a good life together, even when getting through the challenges that had come their way. "I'm glad you love it. I know you wouldn't have cared what I'd worn today, but I did. I mean, I wanted to wear something special and memorable for today, for myself and for you. My dad had three gowns delivered somehow and this one," she touched a hand to her own lap, "was my favorite." For a few seconds, Jade leaned in and rested her forehead to Rodrigo’s. She nuzzled her nose to his and then raised her head when Rodrigo began fixing a small plate for her.
"Thank you, my love," she said and grinned when she stuck the cheese in his mouth. "And I can't wait until our honeymoon." She returned his kiss and then shook her head with a smile at how he turned the compliment back to her. "I won't think on the trip too much right now because just like you, I want to take everything in today and make as many memories to look back on for today. But I'm excited for all of it!" She picked up a piece of cheese for herself and then set the plate down to free up her hands long enough to cradle Rodrigo's face in her hands. "Did you have breakfast this morning?" She was so used to eating something with Rodrigo's breakfast in the morning but because they were apart, she couldn't help checking in on him.
"Your dad has great taste then!" Rodrigo meant that. Jade's dress was stunning. Rodrigo smiled softly when Jade rested her forehead against his and chuckled when she nuzzled her nose against his nose. "I love you so much." He'd say it a million times tonight and then a million times every day. Rodrigo was full of love for Jade and now that she was his wife, he was just over the moon. He reached up to caress her cheek bones with his thumbs and kissed her lips once more. "Thank you for making me the luckiest and happiest man."
"Our honeymoon is going to be amazing, I just know it. We have to take a lot of pictures there too. We definitely deserve it." Rodrigo and Jade worked really hard to do the things they wanted to do with their wedding and honeymoon. They had budgeted and made proper plans, had taken it easy so that any surplus from their paychecks would got into their wedding account. He was proud of their tiny sacrifices. He finished off his little plate, figuring he'd have plenty to eat when dinner was served. A smirk pulled at his lips when Jade cupped his face and all his focus was on his wife. "I had coffee and a pancake. I did munch on some fruit and veggies that were out for me and the groomsmen as we got ready so it hasn't been too bad. I'm ready to eat the big stuff though." He chucked, knowing Jade knew how big of an appetite he always had. "What about you?" The photographer knocked on their door and announced they had 6 minutes or so left and Rodrigo nodded before looking back up at Jade.
"And I love you," Jade replied, smiling under Rodrigo's tender touches against her face. Her heart was then fullest it had been since he proposed to her--ready to burst and completely fill her completely. "We'll absolutely take plenty of pictures, go on tours, try authentic cuisine, visit the museums and enjoy everything New Orleans has to offer us." She was glad that she and Rodrigo would be able to fully enjoy their honeymoon as much as they were enjoying their honeymoon. With much of their personal funds going into the wedding and the two of them setting up a honeymoon registry for family and friends to contribute to, they were more than set for their trip.
As she listened to what Rodrigo had for breakfast, Jade reached for another grape but frowned. "A pancake?" Hearing about the fruit and veggies helped ease her but only mildly. She knew Rodrigo had a better metabolism and bigger appetite than a single pancake could satisfy but she believed him being ready for the dinner they would be having at their reception. Offering him the grape instead, she said, "Frankie took care of breakfast for all of us getting ready together earlier. There we're donuts, muffins, croissants, fruit, coffee, orange juice..." She trailed off not having specifically mentioned what little of that she'd eaten but she added, "There were nuts and granola bars and water bottles in here earlier while we were getting ready." She looked to the door and also nodded and thanked the photographer again, and then admitted to Rodrigo, "I ate a bit at breakfast and snacked on almonds while I was getting my hair done. I was trying not to drink too much so I wouldn't need to use the bathroom once I was in my dress, but now, I could use one of those water bottles." She carefully stood from her husband's lap in hopes of finding a remaining bottle. "I don't want to faint at our own wedding," she added with a small laugh, thinking back to Luna and Khamani's wedding.
As he listened to Jade talk about their upcoming plans for their honeymoon, he couldn't help but get slightly lost in their future trip. He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited about getting away from California for a bit and actually spend his time off doing something. This time, he had a whole-ass wife to hang out with and have fun with. "Outside of our friend's weddings and, I haven't really gone on vacation so this will be amazing."
He chuckled at her response and nodded. "I know. A pancake, What a nightmare. I was a little nervous this morning and rushing but I promise I did snack a lto and it made up for it." He was relieved to hear that Frankie had come through. "A God-send! I'm so glad they took care of all that for you guys. He shook his head at her and playfully pointed. "No passing out!" He was glad that Jade was going to drink water and would be mindful of making sure she did so during the reception. "Alright, beautiful. Are you ready to party with your husband?"
"You deserve more trips away. Even if they're little weekend getaways once in a while." Jade knew she wasn't much better than him in that regard but it sounded like a good goal for them to set going forward--either together, solo or with friends. But when they got to talking about their food for the day, Jade had been a bit nervous about talking about what she'd consumed. She was glad that Rodrigo had done some snacking but she was sure he was going to love the spread he would have to enjoy for their wedding. Jade stuck to her word that even though Fresh Start was handling the food, she didn't lay one finger on any of the preparations or the cake. Her staff wouldn't have let her anyway.
"No passing out," she repeated back like a promise spotting an unopened bottle of water in the corner and picking it up to open and sip. As she drank some water, she hummed, "Mmhm," and then she offered some to Rodrigo before picking up her bouquet again. "To the roof first? I bet we could get some really pretty sunset photos before we go see the reception."
"That doesn't sound bad at all. We should do that, the two of us." It was something the two of them could look forward to. Rodrigo and Jade both deserved to treat themselves especially with how hard they work. "Maybe we can do little weekend or day trips once a month as a realistic goal." Rodrigo kissed Jade's temple once smiled at her. "Great idea." Rodrigo gladly took the water from Jade, taking a few sips before standing up to adjust his outfit and hair. He looked in the mirror quickly and smiled to make sure there was nothing in his teeth. "To the roof first." He opened the door for his wife and let her go first. Their photographer came jogging to them and Rodrigo expressed their desire to take some photos in the sunset. They were led up onto the roof and Rodrigo kept Jade's hand in his as the followed the instructions.
"Once each month sounds doable for us. We could look into places outside of San Francisco to visit. Like wine-tasting in Napa, or a weekend in Lake Tahoe. Or maybe down to Pismo Beach or something?" They were just a few suggestions that came to mind as the idea grew in her head. She smiled from Rodrigo's kiss to the side of her head and thanked him again when he complimented her for the idea. And after both of them hydrated a bit and Rodrigo double-checked his appearance, Jade gripped her bouquet and said, "Thank you, honey," to his chivalrous act and she headed out of the room, walking hand-in-hand with him to the roof. She heard some camera shuttered behind them as they took to the stairs and then onto the rooftop setting.
The couple were directed through some common shots of Jade standing back to Rodrigo’s front with his arms around her while she held her bouquet. There were a few different poses with them facing each other and a few times, they'd ended up photographed laughing. One of Jade's favorites that the photographer showed them after-the-fact had been with Rodrigo's facing the photographer and Jade standing beside him with her back to the photographer. They were holding hands in the middle; Jade had a lax hold on her bouquet in her other hand while Rodrigo's other hand was resting casually in his pocket. The two of them had their heads turned to each other with Jade looking up into his eyes and Rodrigo gazing down into hers. They'd taken some other photos with the sunset in the background and then were led back downstairs to get their sneak peek at the reception hall. On their way, Jade said, "I can't wait to see all of those. That was fun!"
“You really are full of the best ideas.” He was glad that they balanced each other so well and they always looked out for one another. The idea of going a few trips here and there would help them both tremendously with the stressors from work and just life in general. As newlyweds, it would also be a nice break for the everyday living and their chance to unwind a little.
Rodrigo followed every direction tossed their way and made sure to keep Jade warm in between shots. He was so impressed with how quickly and how beautifully the photographer captured them. “They did such an amazing job. I’m really happy we did those photos, babe.” Rodrigo smiled and pressed a kiss against her lips.
The photographer follows them downstairs and then walked in front of them to capture their reaction. You could hear their guests laughing and talking at the cocktail hour. Rodrigo smiled and took a deep breath before opening the doors so they could walk in. Once inside, he felt his jaw drop slightly, a small chuckle falling from his lips. “Babe…” he whispered and looked over to Jade. “Look at this!” It was truly the most beautiful reception hall. Everything they had envisioned was now theirs.
"I'm glad you like my ideas," Jade told him in earnest. She was beyond thankful to be married to such a loving and supportive person. Rodrigo let her shine and gave her opportunities for her to let him shine too. She had fun with him on their dates out or nights in, and she loved going to special occasions with him be it to celebrate a holiday or support friends or family.
The rooftop photo session had been a joy and when they got downstairs on their way to the reception hall, the photographer momentarily delayed them to get just a few more couples shots by one of the venue's blue double doors. The color had been perfect with their wedding's color scheme and the way she and Rodrigo positioned themselves, Jade was sure they would be more meaningful and beautiful photos. She thought about this up until Rodrigo opened the doors to their reception space and the photographer captured their genuine reaction to the transformed space. It was the perfect meld of a 1920s speakeasy and a 1930s jazz club. There was a tower of champagne glasses at the bar, art deco designs of blues and golds, and beautiful centerpieces on each table. The food was set up and the cake was on full display. A big band of 10 musicians dressed in white and black blazers and slacks had even been set up in a corner near the dance floor. A DJ was setting up too but the live swing, jazz and bebop excited Jade more. She gasped, wide eyes taking everything in. "Oh my God..." she whispered, squeezing Rodrigo's hand. "This is incredible. I can't believe this is all for us."
The venue was meant for them or at least that's how it felt. The blue doors alone made for beautiful shots and if not for the photographer, Rodrigo would have missed those. He was too excited to see how everything had turned out. They had gvein their idea into detail to their coordinator and had dreamt about what this day would look like since the day he proposed. He understood now why people insisted on perfection when it came to their weddings. It was something he hadn't given too much thought until now that it was their turn. In his mind, Jade deserved a fairytale wedding. She had been through so much, had endured so much with Jeanette and her upbringing thinking or being made to think she'd never reach this point in her life. Rodrigo wanted nothing but the best for his wife. So after they took their pictures and they went inside, he made sure to keep his loving gaze on Jade. He wanted to capture her reaction and commit it to memory.
He smiled brightly when she squeezed his hand and while yes, the room looked phenomenal, he couldn't stop taking Jade in. She was heavenly, out of this world and this was the type of happiness that made her shine. "All for us, honey." He shifted his gaze momentarily to admire the setup. He thought about the people he loved and their reactions too. He couldn't wait to celebrate with them. He couldn't wait to dance the night away with his wife.
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rebstudios6 · 3 days
Professional San Francisco Wedding Videographer for Your Big Day
Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments of your life, and capturing it perfectly is essential. A San Francisco Wedding Videographer can make a huge difference in preserving the memories of this special day. Here are a few reasons why hiring a professional videographer is the best choice.
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1. High-Quality Production
A professional San Francisco Wedding Videographer knows how to film with precision, capturing every important moment in crystal-clear quality. They use top-tier equipment and editing software to deliver a cinematic experience that you can cherish forever.
2. Storytelling Expertise
Beyond just capturing footage, a professional videographer weaves your wedding moments into a beautiful story. From the vows to the first dance, each moment is documented in a way that highlights the emotions and beauty of your wedding day.
3. Local Knowledge
Choosing a San Francisco Wedding Videographer means selecting someone familiar with the area’s stunning wedding locations, such as Golden Gate Park, Crissy Field, or the iconic City Hall. They know the best spots for breathtaking shots, ensuring your video captures the essence of San Francisco.
4. Preserve Precious Memories
Photographs can only capture so much. With a wedding video, you can relive the laughter, the tears, and the heartfelt speeches in real time. It's the perfect way to share your wedding day with loved ones who couldn’t attend.
5. Custom-Tailored Service
At reb6studios, we specialize in creating wedding videos tailored to your preferences. Whether you prefer a traditional style or a more modern, artistic approach, we ensure your wedding video reflects your unique personality and love story.
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A professional San Francisco Wedding Videographer will ensure that every detail of your wedding day is captured beautifully. To get a video that you'll treasure for years to come, contact reb6studios today for expert wedding videography services.
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lavelled · 1 month
the halfwit couplet. 
The crux of it was inhumane tragedy, racial falsehoods from a saleswoman, and you mocking bullied young victims on the Internet through your own unchecked print and digital campaign.
“X Confirms It’s Moving Out of San Francisco.” Ah. You’re denying me cable cars or you’re referencing Alcatraz Island. I’m good. I’ve got Nicolas Cage.
What seems to be happening is a professional-failure of a prince is toying with sympathetic members of the public over a painful and deadly disease known as cancer that, Kate, a princess, does not have so he can claim sexual first-ness with a woman who says no. “Continues to battle” is tied canopy bedding.
A news quip signifying nothing on counterfeit spouse’s sister. You should know that in his fused code: half-sibling means half. Of 8. Four. Harry had Samantha be photographed hand-delivering a sealed letter outside Kensington after his blowhard wedding. Google it. A wheelchaired reminder that after decades, not a burden lifted, a hermetic life was still immobile and childless.
Days of Thunder. The actors play assigned roles in whistling arrow flight. Robert Duvall plays Harry Hogge. English actor, Cary Elwes, plays Russ Wheeler. J.C. Quinn plays Waddell. Randy Quaid is Tim Daland. The Wales’ pedophilia is well-driven in turbo banked curves on a track. I was sixteen at filming. Your dad views little girls as melty fresh-snow lovers. Actor J. C. Quinn died in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, which are his initials and in no way means anything in the worst possible ways.
AP Archive YouTube video: UK: PRINCE WILLIAM & PRINCE HARRY AT HIGHGROVE 1999. William drives on gravel in a white car, a red L near the headlight. Alas, K. He’s next to Harry, decked out in green, and they coordinate a synchronized dance where we see nothing but elbows and a ghostgirl of a certain age because love. Charles goes to the middle. Twerp rubs his nose. Stupid, if you ask me. And yeah, red jacket and dual camera gents.
We lifted tech-lord camo for Archillect, Murat Pak, Elon Musk, Piers Morgan, Spencer Morgan, Bill Ackman, and Donald Trump. Morbid wordsmith of: “I’m sad to announce, my father Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president in 2024.” Donald Jr’s page. For Tom. Sad is happy. Happy is Harry. Harry is a dead-eyed sociopath, next stop, the asylum, haha, I hate this. I left twitter poolside. He compared poisoned Skittles to refugees (altruism). Junior means jailer.
The world is done with code we’d rather block out, with underage under-priced contracts, your family and wife.
Verne Troyer—comedian and sidekick in Austin Powers and Harry Potter films—suicide. April 21, 2018. One month before your wedding.
Kieron Durkan—English footballer—suicide. At 44-years-old, he was found dead in his car in Wigg Island Park, UK. Three months before your wedding.
Greg Boyed—New Zealand journalist, broadcaster, marathon runner—took his life while on a family holiday in Switzerland. Three months after your wedding.
Kolya Vasin—Russian writer and music historian—jumped from a gallery shopping centre. At the young parkouring age of 73. Three months after your wedding.
Kagney Linn Karter—born Christina Abbey in Harris County, Texas—singer, dancer, porn actress in adult parodies of Silence Of The Lambs and Not Married with Children, which is badass given her chosen name. A few months ago, she shot herself in the mouth with a shotgun.
Duangphet Phromthep—At 13, was Thai captain of that junior football team rescued from a trapped cave in 2018. He won a football scholarship to England. At the Brooke House College Football Academy, he committed suicide. Valentine’s Day. He was 17.
Lee Sun-kyun—Screen Actors Guild Award-winner—best known as the dad in the con-artist thriller, Parasite, thematically about class and society and the rich Park family versus the destitute Kim clan. Lee died by suicide in a car at a park in Seoul, a charcoal briquette in the passenger seat.
Billy Miller—thrice-time Emmy Award-winning actor—traveled to Austin, Texas to commit suicide from a gun to the head. Last year. September 15. He guest starred on Suits as MARCUS.
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datascraping001 · 2 months
WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping
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WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping by DataScrapingServices.com. In today's competitive wedding industry, staying ahead of the curve means having access to the most current and comprehensive data. WeddingWire, a leading platform for wedding venues and services, is a goldmine of information. However, manually collecting and organizing this data can be a daunting and time-consuming task. That's where DataScrapingServices.com steps in. Our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service is designed to help wedding planners, event coordinators, and marketing professionals efficiently gather detailed venue information, ensuring they have the insights needed to make informed decisions and enhance their business strategies.
List of Data Fields
Our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service extracts a wide range of data fields to provide you with a complete and actionable dataset.
- Venue Name: The official name of the wedding venue.
- Location: Detailed address information, including city, state, and ZIP code.
- Contact Information: Phone numbers, email addresses, and website URLs.
- Venue Type: Categorization of the venue (e.g., barn, hotel, garden).
- Capacity: Maximum guest capacity for the venue.
- Pricing: Detailed pricing information and packages.
- Amenities: List of amenities and services offered by the venue.
- Photos: Images of the venue.
- Reviews: Customer reviews and ratings.
- Availability: Information on the availability and booking calendar.
Benefits of WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping
Utilizing our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service offers numerous benefits:
1. Time Efficiency: Manual data collection is labor-intensive and prone to errors. Our automated scraping service saves you valuable time, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.
2. Comprehensive Data: Gain access to a wealth of detailed and up-to-date information, ensuring you have all the necessary insights to make informed decisions.
3. Improved Targeting: With detailed data on venue types, capacities, and amenities, you can better match clients with their ideal venues, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
4. Enhanced Marketing: Utilize the data to create targeted marketing campaigns, highlighting specific venue features and advantages to attract potential clients.
5. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of competitors by leveraging the latest venue information to offer the best options to your clients.
6. Informed Decision-Making: Access to reviews and ratings helps you gauge customer satisfaction and make better recommendations.
Best Wedding Data Scraping Services
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Best WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping Services in USA:
Austin, Sacramento, Portland, Colorado, Albuquerque, San Jose, Arlington, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Dallas, Washington, Las Vegas, Orlando, Seattle, Nashville, Bakersfield, Raleigh, Los Angeles, Denver, San Francisco, Virginia Beach, Mesa, Oklahoma City, Fresno, Fort Worth, Boston, Jacksonville, Louisville, Houston, San Diego, Memphis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Omaha, Charlotte, Long Beach, Wichita, Columbus, Kansas City, Springs, San Antonio, Honolulu, Miami, Tulsa, Atlanta, El Paso, Tucson and New York.
In the dynamic and competitive wedding industry, having access to detailed and up-to-date venue information is crucial. DataScrapingServices.com's WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service provides an efficient and reliable solution to gather comprehensive data, helping you streamline your operations, improve client satisfaction, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you are a wedding planner, event coordinator, or marketing professional, our service is designed to meet your data needs and enhance your business strategies. Contact DataScrapingServices.com today to learn more about how our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service can benefit your business and help you achieve greater success.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Mark Zuckerberg's Fashion Journey: From Hoodies to Silver Chains
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Ian Kennedy from San Francisco, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is primarily recognized for his contributions to the tech industry rather than his personal fashion, but it appears the billionaire is gradually making strides toward becoming a style icon. Zuckerberg, now worth $177 billion according to Forbes, made a significant impact on the tech scene as a young prodigy behind the creation of Facebook. Even in his early 20s, he attracted attention for his relaxed wardrobe, often seen in gray t-shirts. Today, at 40 years old, a father, and the leader of a tech empire that has grown far beyond social networking, Zuckerberg's style is once again making headlines. In April, he introduced a chain necklace to his wardrobe, and the internet quickly took notice. His nearly 14 million followers on Instagram praised his new "drip," a slang term for stylishness, with memes and positive comments. Whether attending lavish weddings, celebrating his birthday in May, or watching UFC fights from ringside, Zuckerberg's Instagram posts now have a touch of influencer flair. He left Harvard University in 2005 to focus on Facebook full-time, and his style then was reminiscent of a typical college student. In the picture above, he sports a quarter-zip pullover with blue jeans — a staple in Zuckerberg's wardrobe throughout his public life. His understated attire contrasted sharply with his bold attitude during Facebook's early days. Notably, he carried business cards that proclaimed, "I'm CEO, Bitch." Over time, Zuckerberg became synonymous with his gray t-shirts and hoodies. While his jeans varied from light to dark washes, he consistently paired them with a hoodie and a comfortable pair of sneakers, such as the Brooks tennis shoes shown in the photo above. In a 2014 Q&A, Zuckerberg explained, "I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community. I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life." The photos above were taken four years apart, yet the difference is hardly noticeable. For over a decade, Zuckerberg consistently wore the same outfits. Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, mentioned on "The Colin and Samir Show" that Zuckerberg spent many years "not wasting any energy on deciding what to wear." Mosseri noted that Zuckerberg, like many tech executives, opted to wear "the same thing every day for a long time." In 2016, Zuckerberg humorously captioned a Facebook post showing a rack of identical gray shirts and dark gray hoodies with, "First day back after paternity leave. What should I wear?" Around 2018, Zuckerberg's style began to change, possibly to reflect his growing wealth. At that time, Forbes estimated his net worth at about $71 billion. Replacing his usual t-shirts and hoodies, the Meta CEO started opting for luxurious cashmere sweaters and better-fitting jeans. The pandemic has blurred the boundaries of what constitutes appropriate work attire. As offices reopen post-lockdown, there's a renewed discussion about dress codes, though for the boss, those guidelines are often more flexible. In 2021, Zuckerberg was photographed alongside Facebook's then-chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, and former White House Office of National Drug Control Policy advisor Kevin Sabet. The trio had just attended a session at the Sun Valley Conference, where Zuckerberg notably appeared more relaxed compared to his colleagues. He traded his typical jeans for shorts and paired them with slip-on sandals. During a trip to Japan in February, Zuckerberg and Chan's vacation attire caused a stir. Months before his chain became a sensation, the shearling jacket he sported in Japan captured public attention. His Instagram followers got a glimpse of his off-duty style, which typically featured a neutral top, well-fitted jeans, and white Nike sneakers. This new jacket marked a departure from his usual hoodies, and it became iconic in a "jersey swap" photo where Zuckerberg traded jackets with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, another prominent figure in the tech industry. On certain occasions requiring more formal attire, Zuckerberg isn't hesitant to conform. For court appearances, upscale weddings, and ceremonial events, he often opts for a traditional black suit. During the March pre-wedding festivities for members of India's wealthiest family, the Ambanis, Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan donned all-black outfits adorned with gold details. Zuckerberg notably wore a dragonfly pin on his lapel. At his 40th birthday party in May, Zuckerberg solidified his evolving fashion statement. Sporting a gold chain and a black T-shirt, the latter featuring a distinctive message. Emblazoned with "Carthago delenda est," translating to "Carthage must be destroyed," the phrase holds historical significance attributed to Roman historian Cato the Elder. According to Business Insider, it was a rallying cry within Facebook during its competition with Google in 2016. Zuckerberg previously shared that these new chains are part of a personal "process," hinting at designing a long-term chain engraved with a prayer he reads to his daughters. The sentiment behind his choices resonates, garnering widespread admiration and generating viral content and positive attention online. "I absolutely love it," Mosseri expressed in June. Read the full article
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smmproduction · 3 months
Bay Area Wedding Videographer
Frame Your Forever: Choosing The Best Wedding Photographer In San Francisco!
Your wedding day is one of the most cherished and momentous occasions of your life - a celebration that deserves to be beautifully documented and preserved for years to come.
As you plan your dream wedding, finding the right San Francisco wedding photographer to capture those precious memories is crucial.
With an array of talented professionals to choose from, the process of selecting the best wedding photographer in San Francisco can feel daunting.
However, by keeping a few factors in mind, you can ensure that your wedding photographs will truly stand the test of time.
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Expertise And Artistic Vision
When scouring the San Francisco wedding photography scene, it's essential to prioritize professionals who possess not only technical mastery but also a keen artistic eye.
Look for photographers whose portfolio showcases a distinctive style and approach - whether it's a timeless, romantic aesthetic or a modern, editorial flair.
Inquire about their experience in shooting weddings, and their ability to adapt to diverse settings and lighting conditions that the city's unique backdrops may present.
Personalized Service And Seamless Coordination
Your Sanfran wedding photographer should be more than just a skilled image-maker; they should also be a trusted partner who can provide personalized attention and seamless coordination throughout the process.
From the initial consultation to the final delivery of your wedding album, look for photographers who are responsive, attentive to your needs, and adept at working with your other vendors to ensure a smooth and stress-free celebration.
Cutting-Edge Equipment And Editing Capabilities
In the digital era, the quality of your wedding photos depends on the photographer's skill and the tools and tech they use. Seek out professionals who invest in high-end cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment, and possess advanced post-processing skills to edit and enhance your images.
This attention to detail will result in breathtaking, magazine-worthy photographs that you'll cherish for a lifetime.
Positive Testimonials And Referrals
One of the most reliable ways to gauge the quality of a San Francisco wedding photographer's services is to review the experiences of their past clients. Scour online reviews, browse through social media, and ask for referrals from recently married couples in your circle.
Prioritize photographers who consistently receive glowing feedback for their professionalism, creativity, and ability to capture the essence of each unique wedding celebration.
Alignment With Your Vision And Budget
Ultimately, the best wedding photographer for you will be the one who not only meets your technical and artistic criteria but also aligns seamlessly with your overall wedding vision and budget.
Take the time to communicate your preferences, discuss your expected investment, and ensure the photographer you choose is the perfect fit to bring your dream wedding photographs to life.
By considering these key factors, you can confidently navigate the vibrant San Francisco wedding photography landscape and find the professional who will beautifully frame your forever.
With the right photographer and Bay Area wedding videographer by your side, your wedding memories will be preserved in timeless, captivating images that you and your partner can cherish for a lifetime.
SMMProduction specializes in top-tier wedding photography and videography services in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We skillfully capture your cherished moments with artistic flair and thoughtful planning, crafting enduring visual narratives. Rely on us to transform your wedding into a breathtaking masterpiece that you will cherish forever.
Look at our homepage to get more information about San Francisco Wedding Photographer!
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aldrichpalermo · 9 months
Simply, Love | Raldi
Featuring: Riley Moore & Aldrich Palermo (@riley-francis-moore) Location: Villa Balbianbello; Lake Como, Italy Notes: RALDI WEDDING DAY!
After having given clear and specific instructions to his team and leaving everything in their capable hands, Aldrich stepped away to shave, shower and spend his last few hours mostly in private before he'd be exchanging vows and becoming Riley's husband. He now stood in the room in the villa designated for him to ready himself for the wedding. He adjusted the cuffs of his dress shirt and then carefully threaded his arms through the buttery soft fabric of his ivory-colored waistcoat. Occasionally, his sisters had popped in to check on him and one of the hired photographers had come through for a bit, but for the most part, he'd had gotten himself ready on his own, which he mostly preferred. After one more visit from his sister, Bianca, he invited her inside. She poked her head in first, and then waltzed into the room with the skirt of her dark purple gown sweeping in after her.
"I know that you care about staying on time when it comes to these things, but I also know that you want to look your absolute best," Bianca said, reaching for Aldrich's tux jacket and holding it for him while he slipped his arms in. She buttoned the lone front button while Aldrich adjusted the cuffs. Once the two were done, Aldrich reached to a small table where his once discarded clothes were now folded.
"Do me a favour, per favore," Aldrich picked up a small gift bag and handed it to his sister. "Will you give this to Riley for me before we start?"
Bianca grinned and nodded, "See you soon, fratello," before slipping out of the room and going to Riley with the gift, knocking on his door the moment she arrived.
Riley was the most nervous and excited he had ever been in his life. Getting married to Aldrich was a dream that he would have happily seen come true at the San Francisco court house, but to be marrying him in one of the most beautiful places he’d ever seen was a bonus. He carefully tied his tie, grateful for once that he’d grown up in such a posh family, and looked at himself in the mirror before he put on his suit jacket. It was the nicest suit he’d ever bought by a mile, but his wedding day was well worth it. Everything seemed to be going smoothly so far. He was grateful for it. He was also grateful for Luna and his other friends for their support this day.
Riley took some pictures with the photographer and did some breathing and mediating while he waited to be called out of his room at the villa.
As he heard a knock, he went to open the door. Even without seeing who was on the other side, he knew it wouldn’t be Aldrich. “Hi, Bianca,” he smiled widely at his almost sister-in-law. Riley missed that she was holding something in her hand and immediately asked after his fiancé. “How is Aldrich doing? His feet still warm?”
When Riley opened the door, Bianca's existing smile grew. "Hi! Oh, do you look handsome! You're going to knock Aldi off his feet." At his question, she answered without hesitation, "He's doing well! I know he's anxious and excited, and I'm pretty sure if his feet were any warmer, he could be another heat lamp out there." She laughed a little at her own joke and then said, "But while he finishes getting ready, he asked if I could bring this to you." She held up the purple gift bag and offered it to her soon-to-be brother-in-law. Bianca was practically bouncing in her heels where she stood, excited for her big brother and for Riley. "What about you? Are your feet nice and warm too?"
“Thank you so much! I just wanted to match how stylish I know he will be,” he said looking down at his hand-embroidered black jacket. “Oh, good. That’s so nice to know,” he chuckled. Riley had no doubts that his husband-to-be would be ready for their big day, but he still felt relief. “Thank you,” he grinned at the gift. “My feet could not be warmer if they were made of lava. I would sprint up the aisle and speed though my vows to marry Aldi faster. I love your brother more than anything else in this world.”
"You're both going to be the best dressed here, which is exactly how it should be." Bianca winked and continued to smile up at him. She giggled hearing Riley share how he would sprint up the aisle. "That would be one unforgettable moment. I know you love him though and I know he loves you. I couldn't be happier that you two found each other." She leaned in to hug him but was doing her best to be careful and mindful not to smudge her make-up on his suit. "I'll leave you to it with your gift and anything you have left to do. But I love you, Riley and I'm so glad to be welcoming you into the family." She blew an air kiss near his cheek to avoid a lipstick smudge and then waved, "See you soon!" and flounced out of the room to give Riley a little more privacy before the ceremony began.
"I sure hope so! Though I'm sure Chris will be close behind," Riley laughed. "Thank you so much, Bianca." He hugged her back, not even thinking about the fact that makeup could end up on his jacket if he wasn't careful. "I love you, too. I couldn't be happier to join the family," he beamed. Riley opened the present and thought they were so perfect. He decided to switch out his cufflinks for one of the pairs of new ones along with the tie clip. It made his outfit even better, knowing they were from his almost-husband. The coordinator came by his room a few minutes later to tell him that everything was ready for his first look with Aldrich. He was escorted to a beautiful room they agreed on for photographs, and he turned his back to the door as he waited.
Bianca had given an agreeing laugh at Riley's comment about Chris. She knew her cousin was notoriously dapper, especially for special occasions. But after hugging and exchanging genuine sentiments with Riley, she left the room to take a seat with her father and younger siblings, feeling genuine bliss for her brother and soon-to-be brother-in-law.
After Bianca had left the room and Aldrich was alone again, he took a few deep breaths, shut his eyes and silently said a prayer. He prayed for his and Riley's marriage, and thanked God for the two of them being able to have this day together. Not long after opening his eyes and making a holy cross gesture from his forehead to his chest, he triple-checked that he looked his best for his fiancé and their big day. The second photographer knocked and let him know that they were ready for their first kook. With a soft smile, Aldrich followed the photographer from the room and to the space within the villa where no one else had been, save Riley, two of the photographers and now, him. Seeing Riley from behind in his black suit had him smiling all over again. The quiet clicks of the cameras barely registered as he neared his husband-to-be and one of the photographers instructed the two of then to reach for each other's hands before the reveal. Aldrich couldn't help glancing down at their hands as he reached forward; he grinned at their intertwined fingers and then lifted his gaze when the photographer cued Riley to turn around with a count of 3.
Riley was all jitters as he waited for Aldrich to come into the room, like he drank too much coffee. He bit down on his lip for just a moment when he heard the clicking of the cameras when Aldi walked into the room. He took a shaky breath in and let it out slowly, then reached back when he was told Aldrich was close. He laced their fingers together and grinned. It had felt like they spend a year apart that morning. He didn't care about most of the things couples were supposed to do on a wedding day, because gay people had been excluded from them for so long, but he did agree that they should spend the night before apart and get dressed separately. On the count of three, he turned around and let out a little gasp when he saw his fiancé. "Holy fuck, you look incredible," he smiled and touched the textured jacket before he leaned in to kiss Aldrich. He couldn't help himself.
Feeling Riley's hand with his was so familiar and deeply comforting, especially after their night apart. But when Riley turned around, his own reaction overlapped his fiancé's with an, "Oh my God, look at you," only for him to laugh a bit at himself. Of course he always thought Riley was handsome, but he especially loved formalwear on his fiancé and today, exceptionally so. His free hand slipped inside Riley's suit jacket to rest on his waist as he met Riley's lips. When they parted, Aldrich murmured, "I missed you last night. You look like a vision, bello." Butterflies were restless in his stomach but being in Riley's presence grounded him like it always did. Tenderly, he rested his forehead to his fiancé's and asked, "Are you ready?"
Riley smiled widely, glad Aldrich liked what he was wearing. He wanted to look good for their wedding day, so he went a lot more over the top than he normally would have. He knew there were photographers taking their pictures as they kissed or he probably would have tried pushing it a little further. “I missed you, too. I hate sleeping without you,” he said. Riley was so happy to be back with his fiancé. “I am so ready. Everything in my life has led me to this day with you.”
"I hate it too," Aldrich admitted. He grinned again but reined it in long enough to peck Riley's lips once more after hearing his answer. "You have my heart forever, Riley," Aldrich promised while saving more for their vows. "I'm ready too," he whispered. He was smiling all over again as he took a step back, taking in his fiancé from head to toe. After a few more shutter clicks of them candidly gazing at each other, followed by some posed photos, the coordinator approached and politely let them know that it was time. Aldrich squeezed Riley's hand and walked with him from the room to join their small wedding party.
The piano and string quintet was concluding a soft, sweet love ballad and transitioning easily into another that was meant for the wedding party. As pairs, their chosen wedding party members made their way down the aisle. Aldrich lifted Riley's hand to kiss it before letting go so that he and Dahlia could follow the procession. While they waited, he watched his short mother reach up to Riley and embrace him in a tight huh, followed by a kiss to each of his cheeks. And although Aldrich hadn't heard it, she whispered her own, "I love you" and welcome to the family to Riley. But he approached and offered her his elbow so that they would be ready to follow Riley and Dahlia down the aisle.
Riley just knew their first-look pictures were going to be amazing. His husband-to-be was incredibly gorgeous and photogenic. He just hoped his own face wasn’t too red from blushing and being on the verge of tears-of-joy. Riley thanked the coordinator for telling them it was time, and he gave Aldrich one more small kiss before they separated for the ceremony.
The music shifting to the song meant for them to walk down the aisle to made everything feel even more real. “I love you,” he muttered to Aldrich when he kissed his hand. While they waited, Riley got a tight hug from his almost mother-in-law. Her kind words brought tears to his eyes. He felt more welcome in the Palermo family than his own. The coordinator told him that it was time, and he offered Dahlia his elbow to walk up the aisle. Riley was all smiles as he passed his and Aldrich’s friends and family. He stood straight and watched Aldrich make his way down as well, and he was as subtle as he could be, dabbing tears from his eyes.
Rather than feeling some happiness in the back of his mind while his main focus had been working and making sure the happy couple had as flawless a wedding as possible, for the first time in his life, Aldrich was able to feel and experience his own swell of joy and anticipation for the future he and Riley were embarking on. For this moment, his work mindset was quiet and unimposing while the rest of him soaked up every thought and emotion gracing his body and soul. And while he was aware of the family and friends surrounding them, his eyes were solely on Riley. Seeing his almost husband dry his eyes poked at Aldrich's own tear ducts but he hadn’t shed any tears. Yet.
Once he was near the end of the aisle, Aldrich kissed his mother's cheeks and guided her to her seat beside his father. He then joined Riley, facing him fully as the musical quintet played into a seamless fading conclusion. Aldrich took both of Riley's hands to hold as Dahlia began, welcoming everyone in English and Italian, and continuing with an alternative to "speak now or forever hold your peace" to the guests, stating instead, "If anyone cannot provide love and support to Riley and Aldrich, I invite you to take this moment to silently release your protests and hindrances now." There were a couple short beats of silence, followed by some small giggles to the statement and clear silence that followed. Aldrich even chuckled a bit and grinned a little longer, even as Dahlia continued on with their declaration of intent, first asking, "Do you, Riley take Aldrich to be your husband? To not only give love, support and understanding, but also to fully accept these things as well?"
Riley smiled and took Aldrich’s hands when he joined him, giving them a gentle squeeze. He knew instantly that picking Dahlia to be their officiant was the best choice. He chuckled softly at her alternative to “speak now or forever hold your peace.” It was flawless. Riley nodded at every part of the declaration of intent and smiled at Aldrich, looking into his eyes as he said, “I absolutely do.”
Aldrich smiled serenely at Riley when he answered Dahlia, and when it was his turn, he replied, "Lo faccio. I do," and returned the gentle squeeze to Riley's hands. Dahlia then shared to the guests that the couple had already exchanged rings, and by wearing said rings, given to each other, they are further symbolizing their vows to remain loving, faithful and true to each other, and that they are both ready and willing to give and receive. And in honor of their Catholic upbringing, Dahlia led a prayer for the couple, praising their example of devotion and asking God to keep them surrounded by those who mean to nourish their love, and to guide them both through a long and happy marriage. At the conclusion and the gentle murmurs of, "Amen," thereafter, Dahlia said, "With that, it is my great pleasure to pronounce Riley and Aldrich now married!" And as she exchanged a gleeful glance between her brother and new brother-in-law, she told them both, "Kiss your husband!"
With a grin, Aldrich said, "You don't have to tell me twice," as Dahlia finished translating the end for their Italian-speaking guests. He stepped to Riley, slipped an arm around his husband's waist and closed his lips in time to meet Riley's pair, head tilting in a passionate kiss.
Riley was so happy with the ceremony, and gladly accepted the prayer over their marriage. His issues with organised religion didn’t supersede his desire to be blessed by family and friends. “Husband!” Riley smiled widely and wrapped his arms around Aldrich before kissing him back. “I love you so much,” he muttered against his husband’s lips before they pulled away and walked back up the aisle hand-in-hand. Nothing was going to wipe the smile off his face. “You’re mine forever, amore.”
"Ti amo sempre," Aldrich replied as they drew back from each other. Their family and friends whooped and applauded for them through the kiss and their trip back up the aisle. Aldrich was in impenetrable bliss the entire time; he grinned at Riley's words that would always be meant only for him. "Freely and gladly, bello," he replied, leaning over to nuzzle his love's cheek as they returned to the venue's interior.
Riley walked inside the venue to take more pictures with family and the wedding party. He was so unbelievably happy. Even Roland’s past behaviour toward him didn’t bother him anymore. “Do you think we can sneak away for a few minutes just by ourselves?” Riley asked his husband once they were done with pictures.
Aldrich gave several hugs and thanked every one of their family and wedding party members they'd taken pictures with. He was thankful Roland wasn't acting out anymore and that he was being cordial towards his husband. After kissing Dahlia's cheeks and thanking her for officiating their wedding so beautifully, he'd turned to Riley and smiled all over again. "Yes. It's our day. And they'll be alright without us for a little bit," he cheekily replied, already eying the stairs.
Riley made sure all their family and wedding party members knew how much he loved and appreciated the fact they were at the wedding. He knew a lot of them traveled far with little kids. “Hm, true,” Riley grinned. “And they have cocktails to enjoy,” he said and held his husband’s hand as they walked upstairs. They found a room to go into and Riley just gave Aldrich a lingering kiss followed by a tight hug. “We are married! I’ve never been happier in my whole life.”
Aldrich happily wandered away with his husband for them to have a private moment, and once they were alone in one of the upstairs rooms, he shut the door. He soon found himself lip locked with Riley and embraced him with all the love he'd been feeling. "We are! I feel the same way, bello. Before today, my happiest day was your answer to the proposal." He knew that still held dear in his heart but today, he was immeasurably happy. With his hands resting around the middle of his husband's back, he looked into his favorite pair of baby blues and said, "You're the love of my life, Riley. I'm so glad that we met back on that island, and for everything that followed."
Riley smiled widely. “How could I have said no to that?” He would remember the proposal everyday for the rest of his life. It was unexpected in the loveliest way. Getting to spend the rest of his life with Aldrich was a privilege. He looked into his husband’s eyes and pecked him again. “I’m so glad we met, too. You were so gorgeous. I just had to make sure I got to know you,” he grinned. “When I was young, I feared none of this would be possible for me. But you’re everything I wished for in a partner and more.”
He grinned, "I'm just glad that you didn't," and softly chuckled to himself. He was plenty hopeful and sure of the timing when he'd proposed but remembered still feeling some nervous butterflies too. Returning the peck, Aldrich told him, "That's how I felt about you too when we first met. It being so easy and fun to talk to you, on top of you being so attractive... I’ve felt like the luckiest person in the universe since then." Hearing Riley's fear from when he was younger and knowing how his parents were, Aldrich moved a hand to his husband's cheek. "I love you so much and your happiness means the world to me." He leaned in to kiss his other cheek, the bridge of his nose, and then his lips again. His hand slipped from Riley's cheek to his chest, resting over the lapel of his tux jacket. "You're all I want and will want," he whispered against his husband's lips.
“Never,” he chuckled. “You are so sweet to me. You always have been. I remember you were my saviour when I had an allergic reaction on the island,” he said. Riley closed his eyes as Aldrich kissed his face. “I will spend my entire life trying to make you happy, darling,” he muttered and kissed Aldrich back. They lost a bit of time kissing before Riley pulled back. “Hm, we should probably get back to our party, don’t you think? Don’t want to keep everyone waiting forever.”
"In sickness and in health, amore. Even if Dahlia didn't ask us about those specifically," Aldrich grinned while remembering when Riley was unwell on the island. He gently gripped Riley's lapel as they kissed but was mildly thankful for his husband having better self-control in that moment than he did. "Va bene. The reception is probably starting soon. And if we stay up here much longer...well... we'll have time to ourselves later." He threaded a set of hands with Riley's and reached for the door to open it for then with his other hand. As the two passed through across threshold, Aldrich leaned in and whispered to Riley, "A lifetime together."
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Big Libs in bed with big oil GASP!
Big Libs in bed with big oil GASP! It’s a good thing they solved the climate issue in Dubi or this might look SUPER hypocritical. The author suggests these families got intertwined prior to their “peaks of wealth and power”, they bonded over “old bones”, Science and wine AND the Getty’s only had a few billion at the time.
This is a very recent article did anyone else hear this on main stream media? It’s fascinating how privileged all of these Dems are.
Direct Quotes:
The Gettys, too, are on that list. Founded by oil baron J. Paul Getty who moved under the radar until his "outing" as the richest American by Fortune magazine in 1957, the subsequent four generations of his family have been in the spotlight navigating fields from environmentalism to fashion to business, music, digital archives, arts, LGBTQ rights and politics. With five wives, the patriarch of the dynasty, J. Paul Getty, fathered four sons who lived to adulthood, and the family tree has flowered to some 19 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren and 15 great-great-grandchildren.
In the wake of the sale of the company in 1985 to Texaco for $10.1 billion—at that time the biggest corporate acquisition in history—$3 billion was partitioned into four separate trusts. Currently, the family's combined net worth could be in the neighborhood of $20 billion, which will finally be divided among all the heirs upon the death of J. Paul Getty's last living son—Gordon, currently 88.
As the family has navigated personal and professional successes and failures, it has also become inextricably enmeshed into the California political fabric, with longtime close family friendships developing between the Gettys and current Governor Gavin Newsom, Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, as well as their families. William A. Newsom II, Gavin's grandfather, was a surrogate father to Getty sons John Paul Jr. and Gordon. William "Bill" Newsom III, Gavin's father, was even the bearer of the ransom money when John Paul III was kidnapped. Newsoms, Harrises, Pelosis and Gettys are godparents to one another's children and make appearances at important family events.
Left to their own devices, Paul Jr. and Gordon spent a good deal of time at the nearby home of their St. Ignatius prep school classmate, William "Bill" Newsom III, and his five siblings. This lively Irish-Catholic household was presided over by William A. Newsom II, a real estate developer and campaign manager for Edmund G. Brown, governor of California from 1959 to 1967 (whose son Jerry subsequently reclaimed the office in 1974 for the first of his four terms).
Their great affection for him endured. When Paul Jr. died at his mansion in England in 2003, a framed photograph of Newsom II was near his bed. This intimate family friendship between the Gettys and the Newsoms spanned generations, including Gordon's four sons—Peter, Andrew, John and Billy—and Bill's son— Gavin, California's 40th governor.
Since moving with her husband to the Pelosis' hometown of San Francisco in 1969, Baltimore-born Nancy had her hands full taking care of their four children; their fifth child was born in 1970. Though she'd grown up in a political household, the idea of herself taking office was still nearly two decades off.
As they grew up, Billy Getty and Gavin developed an appreciation of good wine from their fathers, both passionate oenophiles and best friends. In the years after these families met and became intertwined, as they rose to the peaks of wealth and power, there have been inevitable accusations of cronyism. But they bonded over old bones. They were all fascinated by the science—
At Billy's 1999 wedding to Vanessa Jarman, held on a ranch in Napa Valley, Judge Newsom officiated, and Gavin served as best man. Among the 165 guests was a new assistant district attorney in town, a 34-year-old up-and-comer named Kamala Harris, Vanessa's new friend. Two years later, Harris threw the shower before the birth of the couple's first son. When their daughter was born, Kamala was asked to be the godmother.
Over the years, Newsom political opponents have tried to weaponize his connections to the Gettys, portraying him as a child of privilege.
In the election cycle of 2020, some airtime was devoted to pondering Kimberly Guilfoyle's path from Gavin to fiancé Donald Trump Jr. "Life's interesting," Newsom said
Amid the pandemic, the Gettys were shaken by back-to-back tragedies. Ann, the matriarch, died of a heart attack, and son John, 52, was found dead in a San Antonio hotel room. According to the medical examiner's report, he died of "cardiomyopathy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], complicated by fentanyl toxicity."
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fusionmoments · 10 months
Cherishing Moments: Your Guide to the Best Wedding Videographer in San Francisco and the Bay Area
Your wedding day is super special, full of love and promises that last a lifetime. To keep those magical moments alive, picking the right wedding videographer is key. In San Francisco and the Bay Area, where beautiful places are everywhere, finding the best wedding videographer can make your big day feel like a movie.
Family is the heartstrings of any wedding, and a specialized touch comes with a San Jose family photographer who intricately weaves the tapestry of familial love into your video. It transforms into a warm embrace, immortalized for you to relive again and again.
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Extend your gaze to Sacramento, a city where history entwines with romance. A Sacramento wedding photographer possesses the ability to harmonize the city's historical charm with the modern allure of your love story, creating a visual narrative that is both captivating and enduring.
Within the diverse talents of Sacramento photographers, you'll find a range of styles waiting to be explored. Your chosen videographer should be a maestro, blending traditional and contemporary elements seamlessly, crafting a cinematic masterpiece that mirrors your unique style and personality.
For a specialized touch, delve deeper into the expertise of Sacramento wedding photographers who understand the nuances of capturing the magic of weddings in this city. From blooming parks to riverside charm, a skilled videographer can turn these settings into cinematic backdrops for your love story, making each frame a work of art.
At fusionmoments, we take pride in standing among the best wedding videographers in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Our team of artisans is dedicated to capturing the essence of your love story, infusing the unique vibes of San Jose and Sacramento. From candid moments to grand celebrations, we are here to etch your wedding day into the annals of time.
In conclusion, your wedding day is a chapter in the story of your life. Finding the best wedding videographer ensures that this chapter is told with artistry and finesse. In San Francisco and the Bay Area, with detours into the soulful streets of San Jose and the historic charm of Sacramento, your love story is poised to be captured. Choose a videographer who understands the poetry of your union, and let your wedding video be a timeless ode to love, ready to be relived for generations to come.
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urbanphulkari1327 · 1 year
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smartphotoeditors · 11 months
Artistry and Efficiency Combined: Unveiling the Top 10 Professional Photo Editing Companies for Stunning Visuals
In today's visually-driven world, captivating images are essential for success across various industries. Whether you are a photographer, an e-commerce business owner, or a marketing professional, you understand the importance of high-quality visuals. However, achieving perfection in every image can be a challenging and time-consuming task. That's where professional photo editing companies come into play. These companies offer a wide range of services to enhance and transform your photos. In this article, we will introduce you to the top 10 photo editing companies, highlighting their core services and locations.
1. VSCO 
Location: USA
VSCO, also known as Visual Supply Company, is a renowned photography company that provides a creative channel for individuals and businesses to express their artistry. They offer a wide range of innovative photo editing services. They have advanced filters, and an engaging platform for creatives to showcase their craft. The company  designed to emulate classic and modern analog films, offering users the ability to produce high-quality images. 
2. FixThePhoto
Location: Kharkiv, Ukraine
FixThePhoto is known for its professional photo retouching services, including portrait retouching, wedding photo editing, and product image enhancement. They transform ordinary photos into stunning visual masterpieces.
3. RetouchGem
Location: San Francisco, USA
RetouchGem specializes in high-end photo retouching, working on portraits, fashion photography, and commercial images. Their meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality make them a top choice for professional photographers.
4. Pixelz
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
 Pixelz is a leading e-commerce image editing company, offering automated background removal, color correction, and image resizing services. They help online retailers optimize their product photos for various platforms.
5. Photza Studio
Location: USA
Photza Studio provides a wide range of photo editing services, including beauty retouching, wedding photo editing, and real estate photo enhancement. They serve clients worldwide, delivering visually appealing results.
6. WeEdit.photos
Location: Sydney, Australia
WeEdit.photos specializes in portrait and wedding photo editing. Their experienced editors enhance skin tones, remove blemishes, and create a flawless finish for cherished moments. They cater to clients globally.
7. Plexail 
Location: New York, USA
Plexail is a professional photo editing company located in New York, USA. They offer a wide array of services including color correction, image retouching, and clipping path services. Their clientele ranges from individuals and photographers to online retailers and advertising agencies.
8. SmartPHOTOeditors
Location: Bangalore, India
Core Services: SmartPHOTOeditors is renowned for its photo editing services, including image retouching, color correction, background removal, and portrait editing. They cater to photographers, e-commerce businesses, and agencies worldwide, offering quick turnaround times and exceptional quality.
9. PhotozWorld
Location: USA
Core Services: PhotozWorld is a versatile image editing company, serving various industries such as real estate, fashion, and e-commerce. Their services include photo retouching, virtual staging, and background replacement. They operate globally.
10. Fotofigo
Location: USA
Core Services: Fotofigo specializes in photo editing services like color correction, image enhancement, and creative photo manipulation. They work with individuals, photographers, and businesses to bring out the best in their visuals. Their services are available to a global clientele.
Why Choose SmartPHOTOeditors for Professional Photo Editing
When it comes to professional photo editing, SmartPHOTOeditors stands out as an exceptional choice. Located in Pune, India, this renowned photo editing company offers a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of photographers, e-commerce businesses, and agencies worldwide.
What sets SmartPHOTOeditors apart is their unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch quality and unmatched customer satisfaction. Here's why you should consider them for your photo editing needs:
1. Expertise: SmartPHOTOeditors boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced photo editors who are passionate about their craft. They have a deep understanding of various editing techniques and styles, ensuring that every image they touch is transformed into a work of art.
2. Comprehensive Services: Whether you need image retouching, color correction, background removal, or portrait editing, SmartPHOTOeditors has you covered. Their extensive range of services can address all your editing requirements under one roof, saving you time and effort.
3. Quick Turnaround: Time is of the essence in the fast-paced world of photography and e-commerce. SmartPHOTOeditors understands this and offers rapid turnaround times without compromising on quality, ensuring that your projects are completed promptly.
4. Attention to Detail: SmartPHOTOeditors is known for its meticulous attention to detail. They take the time to understand your specific editing needs and preferences, ensuring that the final results align perfectly with your vision. 5. Global Reach: While based in India, SmartPHOTOeditors serves clients from all over the world. Regardless of your location, you can access their exceptional photo editing services.
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triluufilm · 1 year
San Francisco Videographer Photographer
Tri Luu Films is a San Francisco videographer and photographer team specializing in weddings, events, and corporate videography. We offer a variety of packages to fit all budgets and needs, and we are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible experience.
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rebstudios6 · 10 days
Wedding Videographer in San Francisco: Quality and Creativity Combined
Your wedding day is one of the most memorable moments of your life, filled with emotions, laughter, and love. Capturing these precious memories requires a professional touch, which is why choosing the right wedding videographer in San Francisco, CA is crucial. With so many options available, it's essential to know what to look for to ensure your special day is beautifully documented. Here, we'll provide some helpful tips to guide you in selecting the perfect San Francisco wedding videographer for your needs.
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1. Why Hire a Wedding Videographer?
Photographs can capture moments, but videos bring them to life. A wedding videographer doesn’t just capture stills; they document the atmosphere, emotions, and sounds of your day, preserving them forever. With a well-crafted wedding video, you can relive the vows, the laughter during the speeches, and the joy on the dance floor whenever you want. By hiring a professional wedding videographer in San Francisco, CA, you ensure these moments are captured with precision and artistry.
2. Experience and Style Matter
When choosing a San Francisco wedding videographer, it's important to consider their experience and style. Each videographer brings a unique approach, whether it's cinematic, documentary, or a mix of both. Review their previous work, look for consistency in quality, and see if their style aligns with your vision. An experienced videographer will know how to capture both the grand moments and the intimate details, ensuring a comprehensive narrative of your wedding day.
3. Read Reviews and Testimonials
One of the best ways to determine the reliability of a wedding videographer in San Francisco, CA is to read reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This will give you insight into their professionalism, the quality of their work, and how they handle unexpected situations. Look for feedback on their communication, punctuality, and ability to blend in with the guests while capturing candid moments.
4. Meet and Communicate Your Vision
It's crucial to meet with your potential San Francisco wedding videographer before making a decision. This meeting allows you to communicate your vision, preferences, and any special requests you may have. A professional videographer will listen carefully, provide suggestions, and offer a clear idea of what to expect. Open communication ensures that both parties are on the same page and that your wedding video will be everything you dreamed of.
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5. Check for Packages and Pricing
Wedding videography can vary significantly in terms of pricing and what is included in the packages. Some videographers offer highlights, full-length films, or both. Make sure to understand what you’re getting for the price quoted. A clear contract detailing the scope of work, the number of videographers, the length of coverage, and the delivery timeline is essential when hiring a wedding videographer in San Francisco, CA.
6. Consider Reb6Studios for Your Wedding Videography Needs
If you're looking for an experienced and talented San Francisco wedding videographer, consider Reb6Studios. With years of experience and a passion for storytelling, Reb6Studios has been capturing the magic of weddings across the Bay Area. Their team is dedicated to delivering high-quality wedding videos that beautifully encapsulate your special day. From capturing the smallest details to the most significant moments, Reb6Studios ensures that every second of your wedding day is preserved for you to cherish forever.
7. Book Early and Be Prepared
Wedding videographers, especially the best ones, tend to book up quickly. Once you’ve found the right wedding videographer in San Francisco, CA, don’t hesitate to lock in your date. Additionally, be prepared with a list of important moments you want to be captured, any specific locations you have in mind, and the overall feel you want for your wedding video.
8. Enjoy the Day, Leave the Rest to the Professionals
On your wedding day, your primary focus should be to enjoy every moment. Trust in your chosen San Francisco wedding videographer to capture the essence of your celebration. With professionals like Reb6Studios, you can relax, knowing that your memories are in good hands.
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Conclusion choosing the right wedding videographer is about finding someone who understands your vision, has the experience to deliver quality work, and fits your budget. With these tips, you're well on your way to finding the perfect match to document your special day in San Francisco.
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Why Should You Hire the Best Wedding Photographer?
Planning a wedding ceremony calls for ample time and effort. When two lovebirds are all set to unite for an eternity, they want everything to perfection. Are you ready to get hitched? Then, you should take care of all the crucial arrangements in the begging.
For instance, booking the best destination wedding photographer in San Francisco and California is a time-consuming task. If you do not shortlist your options well in advance then you may have to settle for less. 
You cannot afford to get your precious wedding pictures in substandard quality. Therefore, you should not take any risk while hiring a wedding photographer for your D-day. 
Handing over the task of capturing photographs to a seasoned expert enables you and your near and dear ones to enjoy the event to the fullest. Moreover, there is always a high risk associated with handing over the photography responsibility to amateurs.
You might have planned your wedding photographs to be captured in a specific style. However, only an experienced wedding photographer can cater to your preferences, requirements, and expectations. 
A best-in-class destination wedding photographer in San Francisco, California and across the Bay Area can freeze all the crucial moments in a wedding ceremony and goes the extra mile to transform the event into a fairytale. 
If you want to hire the best wedding photographer, Tanarak Photography is your one-stop destination. Tanarak from Tanarak Photography holds exceptional photography skills and years of experience to convert your D-day into unforgettable memories.
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