#Best infertility clinic in basaveshwara nagar
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Blossom Fertility Centre is the best IVF hospital in Basaveshwara nagar, Vijayanagar, that offers treatment for IUI, IVF, High risk pregnancy, Menstrual problems, Male infertility treatments in Bangalore.
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
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Blossom Fertility Centre is the best IVF hospital in Basaveshwara nagar, Vijayanagar, that offers treatment for IUI, IVF, High risk pregnancy, Menstrual problems, Male infertility treatments in Bangalore.
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janisthaafertility · 4 years
 It can then be used in the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) whenever required and combined with the sperm in the lab and implanted in the uterus at a later stage. There could be a lot of reasons why people choose egg freezing. Ill-health and subsequent treatments that can alter the quality of eggs (such as cancer or an auto-immune disease), any other surgeries that can damage the ovaries, ovarian diseases, or simply the wish to get pregnant at a later stage in life due to personal reasons, etc. Whatever the reason, it is also important to understand the process, preparations required, potential risks, cost factor, post-procedure, results, etc to make an informed decision.
Process of Egg Freezing
Egg Freezing is usually done in 3 stages.
Stage one consists of ovarian stimulation where synthetic hormones/ medications are ingested to stimulate the ovaries into producing multiple eggs than a single egg that develops monthly. With regular monitoring, blood tests, ultrasounds, the levels of estrogen that help the follicle (fluid-filled sacs where the eggs mature) develop, is monitored for about 10 to 14 days.
Once the eggs are matured, Egg Retrieval is performed under sedation or anesthesia. The most common method used is the Transvaginal Ultrasound Aspiration where ultrasound is performed to assess the follicles. A needle with a suction device at the end is inserted through the vagina into the follicle. The suction device enables the removal of eggs, up to 15 per cycle.
The last stage is Freezing. The harvested eggs are cooled to subzero temperatures, up to -196 degrees (which slows the maturation of the eggs) to preserve them for further use. Several methods of freezing are employed depending on the situation. These are known as Cryoprotectants (to prevent the formation of intracellular harmful ice crystals due to deep freezing), Slow-freezing technique (programmable freezers that freeze the eggs slowly) and Vitrification (most recent and popular technique). When required, the eggs are thawed, fertilized with a sperm in the laboratory and implanted into the uterus
Factors and Risks
The chances of a successful pregnancy through egg freezing is seen to be around 30-60%. Several processes are adopted to assess the success rates of freezing including simple blood tests and ultrasound. Ovarian Reserve Testing is used to test the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol in the blood on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle that helps predict how the ovaries will react to the treatment. The success rate of pregnancy is clearly dependent on the age at which the eggs have been preserved and mostly not recommended for women above the age of 38 years. Miscarriages are said to be higher among older women mainly due to having older eggs. It is also a known factor that the fertilized egg is easier to preserve; however, an unfertilized egg, though difficult to preserve, has higher rates of a successful pregnancy.
Cost of Treatment
The expenses of Egg Freezing per se tends to be on the higher range. The process is also coupled with additional costs of annual storage fees and depending on the number of years that a person wants the eggs stored, the expenses might grow on. In some cases, eggs have been stored for up to 15 years.
Visiting an expert fertility clinic with a good success rate should not result in debilitating side-effects or life-threatening conditions post the required procedure. The procedures normally do not cause bleeding, infection, or damage to blood vessels or bladder, or the bowel and are seen in very rare cases. Reports of people suffering from slight weight gain, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea is quite normal. Instances of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or swollen and painful ovaries have also been reported due to injectable fertility drugs after the eggs have been retrieved. However, this subsides with post-procedure care. The only unforeseen effects could be the psychological effects of anxiety with success rates of pregnancy in the future.
It is therefore important that such procedures are performed by experts and a team of caring staff in a fertility clinic like the Janisthaa Fertility Clinic at Basaveshwarnagar, Bengaluru. The clinic has a dedicated team of top-notch doctors who have record success rates. Moreover, treatments provided are 100% personalized, patient-centric with state of the art research and IVF facilities. For more information, visit the website https://www.janisthaaivf.com/ or call +91 7619198083 to book online consultation or to clarify more information.
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Male fertility treatments in Basaveshwara Nagar,Bangalore
The modern lifestyle has been both a boon in certain aspects and a bane for others. The increasing level of stress, sedentary way of living, adulterated food is adding to the biological causes of infertility in a couple, such as poor sperm quality, fallopian tube blockage, endometriosis, and many others. It is said that 15% of the couples globally are affected by infertility and the trend is predominantly seen in developing countries. Best fertility center according to the World Health Organization, one in four couples in India experience infertility. This can have a lasting impact as the customs and conventions of Indian society normally dictate that a couple have offspring post-marriage, thereby leading to emotional and social stigma.best fertility hospital in basaveshwaranagar
Thankfully with scientific advancement, a breakthrough in the form of In Vitro Fertilisation was achieved in 1978 and the world’s first test-tube baby was born through assisted reproduction technology. In the past 42 years, several more advanced techniques have evolved and added to the list of reproductive technologies available. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is nothing but a fertility treatment for those couples who struggle to naturally achieve fertility. It entails surgically removing the eggs from a woman’s ovaries and combining it with the man’s sperm in the laboratory and inserting it back into the woman’s womb. There are various ways to accomplish the same fertility center bangalore
There different kinds of fertility treatments are employed depending on the complication. The treatment could range from mere hormonal therapies to surgery. Ovulation Induction is one such treatment where a hormonal medication (through tablets or injection) is used to stimulate ovulation, in case of irregular ovulation. In cases where the male partner’s sperm is found to have abnormalities, Artificial Insemination or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is employed to insert the sperm just before the time of ovulation. IUI can be combined with Ovulation Induction.
The next advanced level of treatment is In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). IVF treatment includes injecting hormones to stimulate ovulation. The mature eggs are then retrieved and combined with the sperms in the laboratory in a petri dish or culture dish. Once the embryo is matured after about 3-4 days, it is then transferred back into the uterus or womb of the woman.
The ICSI is the same as IVF treatment, except that it is used to retrieve sperm when problems with sperm quality or count are experienced. ICSI involves the utilisation of a special needle for direct injection of sperm into each egg to hopefully achieve fertilization. It is a slightly more technically advanced mechanism than IVF. An extension of ICSI is the Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI), where the sperms are scrutinized at the microscopic level and a single strongest sperm, that would ensure success, is selected to be injected into the egg.
Yet another indirect method that is often used as a tool in assisted reproduction involves the preservation of eggs, sperms, and embryos. This is known as Cryopreservation of Gametes/Embryos. It is an embryoscope technique in which the eggs, sperm and embryos are frozen in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 centigrade for extended periods of time. This is used in IVF to store the extra or spare embryos which make the future ART cycles simpler, less expensive and less invasive or to store eggs and sperms to be used at a later stage. Some cryo preservations can be done for even 20 years or so.  Finally, for couples who are wary of transferring genetic disorders can make use of Preimplantation Genetic Testing, which helps identify embryos with genetic disorders for healthy ones to be used.
One might wonder about the efficacy of these above fertility treatments, given that most of them do tend to cost slightly higher than other normal medical treatments. In the hands of experts, most of the treatments are safe and rarely cause complications. It must be borne in mind that it is very important to consider one’s personal circumstances such as age of the couple and medical history while estimating the success rates of using ART
Given the confusions and complications, it is highly advised that one reaches out to highly skilled and experienced fertility specialists, such as the Best IVF Centre, Janisthaa Fertility Centre & Hospital at Basaveshwara Nagar. Their dedicated team of top-notch doctors has a track record of having high success rates in fertility treatments. For more details and consultation, visit https://www.janisthaaivf.com/ and book appointments with the best fertility specialist in Bangalore online or by calling +91 7619198086.
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bestfertilitydoctor · 4 years
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Best IVF Centre in Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore 
 As the name goes, Ovulation Induction is one of the different sorts of treatment to incite ovulation for eggs to develop and be delivered in the ovaries to coordinate planned intercourse or manual semen injection It very well may be controlled to ladies who face the accompanying conditions – oligoovulation – ladies with rare ovulation, anovulation – ladies who don't ovulate by any stretch of the imagination, unexplained barrenness, patients experiencing IVF and so on.
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janisthaaivfcentre · 4 years
Janisthaa Fertility Center And Hospital in Basaveshwara Nagar, Bangalore has a well-equipped healthcare facility with modern equipment to support better treatment of patients. There are separate waiting and consultation areas which allow enough space for patients to wait conveniently at the premises. A specialized gynaecologist, the doctor helps women in understanding the actual cause of various gynaecological issues and prescribes the best treatments for the same. Also, keeping in mind how stress has a direct impact on health, the doctor also suggests ways and means to keep stress at bay and enjoy a healthier life. The doctor charges Rs. 100 as the consultation fee. Payments can be made via various modes like Cash. The clinic is operational between Open 24 Hrs - Open 24 Hrs
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
What is the Cost of IVF Treatment in Bangalore? And Best IVF Doctors in Bangalore | ElaWoman
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): What Is It?
In Vitro Fertilization is an assisted reproductive era (ART) typically called IVF. IVF is the manner of fertilization through extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm pattern, after which manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. The embryo(s) is then transferred to the uterus. Other kinds of ART consist of gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian switch (ZIFT).
Why is IVF used?
IVF may be used to deal with infertility within the following patients:
Blocked or broken fallopian tubes
Male component infertility inclusive of reduced sperm depend or sperm motility
Women with ovulation issues, premature ovarian failure, uterine fibroids
Women who have had their fallopian tubes eliminated
Individuals with a genetic disorder
Unexplained infertility
Side results of  in vitro fertilization
Although you could need to take it smooth after the method, most women can resume ordinary sports tomorrow.
Some aspect effects after IVF may additionally include:
Passing a small quantity of fluid (may be clear or blood-tinged) after the system
Mild cramping
Mild bloating
Breast tenderness
How a success is in vitro fertilization?
The fulfillment charge of IVF clinics relies upon on a range of of things such as reproductive records, maternal age, the cause of infertility, and way of life factors. It is also crucial to understand that pregnancy rates are not the same as live start rates.
In america, the live start charge for each IVF cycle started is about:
41-43% for women underneath age 35
33-36% for ladies a while 35 to 37
23-27% for women ages 38 to 40
13-18% for girls ages over 40
IVF Cost in India Bangalore
IVF Cost in India Bangalore is impacted by various factors together with an experience of the doctor, recognition of health facility and volume of IVF treatment required. If you're seeking out the pleasant IVF treatment, then ElaWoman can virtually assist you in making the right choice. ElaWoman team considers your whole question in a expert way and affords you with the last and perfect solution immediately. Our experts have finished first-rate studies at the costs of IVF in Bangalore by using the use of informative gear consisting of
Feedback of the doctors
Reviews of the hospitals
Patient surveys.
The IVF Cost in India Bangalore varies from Rs. 1,26,000 to Rs. 2,79,600 relying on the know-how of IVF docs in Bangalore and past IVF success quotes on the respective IVF centre. Each of the IVF docs in Bangalore practice at one of the nice IVF centres in Bangalore.
Here are List of 5 Best IVF Doctors in Bangalore with the Cost of IVF Treatment:
Dr. Archana Agarwal
Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy
Dr. Shilpa G B
Dr. Vijay Kumar P.K
Dr. Mala Prakash
Dr. Archana Agarwal
Dr. Archana Agarwal practices at Mannat Fertility Clinic in Marathahalli, Bangalore and Mannat Fertility Clinic in Sahakaranagar, Bangalore. The doctor finished MBBS from MLB Medical College, Jhansi in 1991 and DGO from MLB Medical College, Jhansi in 1997. The physician is a member of Karnataka Medical Council, Delhi Medical Council, Indian Fertility Society (IFS), Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
Dr. Archana Agarwal acquired the Global Business Service Excellence Awards by means of Primetime Media in 2014. Dr. Archana specializes in gynecology treatment like In Vitro fertilization (IVF), Donor Insemination Surrogacy, Endometrial Biopsy, Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy and Egg Donor services. She is presently training at Mannat Fertility Clinic primarily based in Marathahalli and Sahakar Nagar in Bangalore. If you're looking for further records approximately Dr. Archana Agarwal, then you could go to elawoman.Com
Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy
Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy is a Gynecologist in JP Nagar 6 Phase, Bangalore and has an experience of 34 years on this area. Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy practices at Apollo CM Fertility Centre in JP Nagar 6 Phase, Bangalore,Bingis Heart Care & Fertility Centre in Jayanagar 2 Block, Bangalore and Apollo Hospital in Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore. She completed MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore in 1983 and MBBS from Karnataka University, India in 1980.
Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy is an infertility professional and gynecologist in Bangalore and is a renowned call inside the discipline of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Infertility treatment. Her instructional qualifications include a diploma in MBBS obtained from Karnataka University in 1980 along with an MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from Bangalore University in 1983. She has won an extended revel in as close to four a long time with the aid of presenting services associated with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) which is likewise her region of specialization.
Dr. Shilpa G B
Dr. Shilpa G B is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Shanthi Nursing Home, Bangalore. She is a great doctor and has very good success rate she gives services like Ultrasonography, Lab Investigations, Pap Smear, Infertility Work Up, IUI, Contraception, Antenatal Care and Breast Cancer Screening. She completed MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from JJM Medical College, Davangere in 2005 and DNB in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2006. She also got schooling in IVF and Infertility from NUH, Singapore. She has additionally obtained Fellowship in Maternal & Child Health.
Dr. Shilpa G B in Jp Nagar, Bangalore is one the various celebrated Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors, having practiced the medical specialization for many years. This scientific practitioner's clinic was set up in 2010 and considering that then, it has drawn ratings of patients now not handiest from in and across the neighbourhood however also from the neighbouring regions as well.
Dr. Vijaykumar PK
Dr. Vijaykumar PK is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Vardhan Fertility, Laparoscopy & Women's Care Centre. His regions of knowledge include of Infertility, Obstetrics, and gynecology. The services furnished by means of the health practitioner consist of- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Natural Cycle IVF, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), In Vitro Fertilization (Test Tube Baby), Egg Donor, Gestational Surrogacy, Fertility Preservation, Endoscopy, Embryo Adoption, and Laparoscopic Surgery. He finished MBBS from University of Gulbarga and MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) from Mumbai University. He similarly did his DNB in Infertility at Institute of Reproductive medicine, Kolkata.
Dr. Vijaykumar PK (Caree Fertility Center) in #324, RD Complex 1st Cross, eighth Main, Basaveshwara Nagar III Stage. Has mounted the medical institution and has won a faithful consumers over the past few years and is also regularly visited by way of numerous celebrities, aspiring models and different honourable clients and global patients as properly.
Dr. Mala Prakash
Dr. Mala Prakash (Shanthi Nursing Home) in Jayanagar has set up the health center and has won a faithful clientele during the last few years and is also frequently visited by using numerous celebrities, aspiring fashions and different honourable customers and global patients as properly. They also plan on expanding their enterprise in addition and imparting services to several more sufferers attributable to its success over the past few years. The efficiency, determination, precision and compassion provided at the medical institution ensure that the affected person's nicely-being, comfort and wishes are saved of pinnacle precedence.
Dr. Mala Prakash is an obstetrician and gynecologist in Bangalore who has completed MBBS from Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Hubli in 1985 and MD from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore in 1989. Dr. Mala Prakash holds an enjoy of over three decades in the area of obstetrics and gynecology. She has expertise in Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro fertilization (IVF) and Urogynecology. Currently, Dr. Mala Prakash is working towards at CM Fertility Centre and Apollo CM Fertility in Bangalore.
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Hopes for pregnancy after IUI Treatment
A common problem that is of concern to most of the couples, especially the urban couple is Infertility. Although, myriad number of internal and external factors affect this condition, some of the reasons are due to certain kind of choices that are made. These could be choices such as choosing to a parent at relatively later stages of life often due to pressures of career or lack of a compatible partner with whom one may choose to parent with.
These are often the times when the baffled couple are found running pillar to post seeking all kinds of solutions. ‘Doctor-shopping’, a borrowed term from mental health practice could perhaps be applicable in this situation as well. Visiting numerous specialists and trying different kinds of treatments such as fertility enhancing drugs, surgery, ICSI, GIFT, ZIFT, donor eggs and embryos is very common. Finally, some of the couple are even forced to adopt a few far more serious and complicated methods such as the Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Treatment.
For women with regular ovulation cycle and healthy production of eggs, achieving pregnancy is far more effective and successful after IUI without the aid of fertility-enhancing drugs. However, for others, there are certain alternative natural remedies, when followed diligently, increases the chances of attaining pregnancy after the treatment.
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As mentioned earlier, causes of infertility are varied in nature. Unfortunately due to our busy lives and schedules there are several related factors that are hard for us to dodge due to the nature of our work or the kind of lifestyle that we lead. One of the frequently heard causes for infertility is stress. Stress and stressful life have a major impact on hormones and influence the production of sperm. Severe levels of stress or prolonged stress - stress over long periods of time, can affect the sperm count, influencing the rate of pregnancy. Lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking are other culprits that are the basis of infertility, especially among men. They can be the ground cause for decreased sperm production and decreased size of testicles. Similarly, obesity is yet another root of infertility which can result in variety of complications such as hormonal imbalance.
One of the simplest solutions available in cases of male infertility is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). IUI is employed by placing the semen into the uterus of a woman to facilitate fertilization. It ensures that increased number of sperms reach the fallopian tube and thereby enhancing the chances of fertilization. It is less invasive and less expensive when compared to In-Vitro Fertilization technique. Certain fertility enhancing drugs are also prescribed before the treatment to facilitate for success of the procedure. IUI is also adopted in cases of endocrinology problems that are hampering chances of pregnancy.
The most important aspect to consider before beginning such treatments is to ensure that the center being approached is a well-established unit with competent professionals. One such reliable center that is well-known for its homely and warm environment, which reassures its clients with confidence is the Blossom Fertility Center, headed by Dr. Shwetha Pramodh, Obstetrician and  fertility consultant, located at Basaveshwara Nagar, Bengaluru. A visit to the website and the testimonials by various past beneficiaries proves the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the various treatments provided by the center.
The mission of this center is to provide advanced reproductive, endocrine and fertility care to transform the lives of people.  The Center has been highly acknowledged by numerous clients across the globe. Thus, to unlock the emotions of parenthood, one can schedule a free consultation today for a thorough understanding and where no call or problem goes unanswered.
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
Laparoscopic Surgery for Infertility
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Laparoscopic Surgery for Infertility in Basaveshwara Nagar
What is Laparoscopy?
Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that is carried out for diagnosis and as a treatment for several conditions. It is a procedure that helps the physician to get a view of the internal organs in the abdominal or pelvic region and their condition with the help of tube. It is recommended when other diagnostic tools such as ultrasound or X-Ray does not yield clear results.
Laparoscopy is usually carried out to assess reasons for infertility, assess painful and heavy periods, as a diagnostic tool to take a biopsy, assess abdominal pain or pain in the pelvic region. It is also used in evaluating certain types of cancer of the ovaries, uterus, and cervix. As a treatment, it is used to treat endometriosis, remove ovarian cysts, fibroids, blockages, and scars, treat ectopic pregnancy, etc. The procedure is very safe with rare cases of complications
How is Laparoscopic Surgery done?
Laparoscopy is conducted in a hospital set-up under general anesthesia by a physician or a gynecologist
Small incisions or cuts are made in the pelvic or abdominal region that allows for the laparoscope to pass through. These are minor incisions and heal faster causing less pain compared to normal surgery. This is also called as Keyhole surgery or Minimal Invasive surgery
A laparoscope or a thin tube that has a camera and light fixed at the end of the tube is then inserted in to obtain a view of the internal organs. To obtain a clearer picture of the organs, gas is pumped to inflate the region. A catheter can also be used that allows for clearer imaging of the organs
Once the diagnosis or treatment is done, the gas (carbon dioxide) is removed the patient can return home in a few hours without any pain and a few stitches.
Read more: https://bit.ly/2WJ6JSq
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
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Infertility or in other words, the inability to have children is turning to be a rising issue due to a lot of factors. With increasing incidence or number of cases, it is an issue that needs greater understanding with an increasing number of causes. A condition where any couple who fail to attain pregnancy after trying for a period of one year with frequent, unprotected sex is the known as Infertility. Infertility could be due to either of the couple – the man or the woman or at times a matter of combination of factors that might prevent pregnancy. In this article, we shall discuss a few details about male infertility, which is the inability of a man to cause pregnancy in a fertile female.
Causes of infertility in a male are aplenty. Few or a combination of factors might lead to this condition. They are namely, Erectile Dysfunction, Low Sperm Count, Azoospermia or a complete lack of sperm, Low Sperm Motility, Morphology of the sperm, Varicocele or enlarged veins in the scrotum among other factors such as exposure to environmental factors, lower levels of testosterone and other medical conditions such as cancer treatment. One of the commonly used diagnostic tools to analyze infertility is Semen Analysis, which helps in analyzing the semen quality and quantity – volume of the ejaculate, sperm motility, total sperm count and sperm morphology.
A normal sperm count ranges between 15 million to 200 million per milliliter (ML) of sperm. Anything less than that is considered as Low Sperm Count and might result in infertility. Even though it requires only one sperm to impregnate the eggs, a lesser number of sperms reduces the chances accordingly. Therefore, a Semen Analysis test helps us in understanding the anatomy of the sperm – primarily 3 aspects – which can further help in detecting causes of infertility:
Volume or number of sperms – There is a direct relationship between the volume of sperm and the chances of conception. Complete absence of sperm or Azoospermia can also be detected
Sperm Morphology or Shape of the sperm – A normal sperm must have an oval head which is 5-6 millimeters long. It can be detected if the sperm are crooked or have more than one tail
Motility or movement of the sperm – A normal sperm is required to travel 25 micrometers a second through the female reproductive tract to reach and fertilize the eggs. Anything less than this would result in infertility
There are possible treatments for Low Sperm Count. This includes surgery in case of varicocele, antibiotics in case of bacterial infection, hormone treatment when respective hormones are low or high and other medical treatments. However, there are also various ways including management of lifestyle that might aid in resolving the condition. Some of them are listed below:
Losing weight through diet and exercise – Obesity is a known cause for Low Sperm Count. Such men are known to have higher waistlines with higher Body Mass Index and higher blood pressure. Losing weight through diet and exercise is an option
Vitamin Supplements – Intake of prescribed vitamin supplements by a doctor to restore vitamin and mineral levels in case of deficiencies would help, especially Vitamin C & D and Zinc Supplements
Avoiding Substance Abuse – Substance abuse such as excessive intake of alcohol and cigarette smoking are also culprits of infertility
Usage of boxers that are comfortable and made of cotton are also known to help
Stress Management – Finally, managing stress through means such as exercise, meditation, adequate sleep or other forms of therapies are also important
Thus, it is seen that there are several reasons or a combination of them due to which one might suffer from Low Sperm Count. Most of the time, there are also reasons that are specific to individuals and require intervention by a specialized medical professional. Therefore, consultation is a must which might lead to various treatments such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
Janisthaa Fertility Centre, located at BasaweshwarNagar, Bangalore, under the able guidance of Dr. Shwetha Y. Baratikkae, an expert in reproductive medicine is dedicated to providing the best treatment for various infertility related issues. Online and teleconsultations are also offered with prior appointment. For more details, one can visit the website https://www.janisthaaivf.com/ to book a consultation or call +91 7619198083.
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