#Best universities in Surat
Academic Excellence in Surat: Discovering the Finest Universities
Higher education is one of the best ways for excellent growth performance, prosperity, and competitiveness. There are many universities in Surat offering higher education and offering aspirants a golden chance to succeed in today's competitive world. Universities in Gujarat provide their students with several programs to prepare them for different economic sectors; these support students to stay and progress in the market for a long time. Top universities in the state strongly prepare students to orient vast and acquire advanced education so that they can meet the demands as well as challenges. The main goal of universities like Sarvajinik University is to provide basic education along with advanced education. Also is an organized attempt to help students become self-reliant, confident, and ready for real industry and can face real-life situations. The universities in Surat evolved and adopted the fundamental teaching programs and required the aspirants to undergo the process to prove the professional world.
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Best universities in Surat
Students who wish to enroll in the best universities in Surat to pursue higher education now frequently choose the right one as per their preference. Many prominent and well-known colleges and universities are popular for offering education on par with the highest standards.
Sarvajanik University Gujarat is among the best place with one of the top educational destinations for higher studies. Sarvajanik University is among the best, offering superb infrastructure facilities and modern educational institutions. Many top colleges in the city offer the best education to the student. But Sarvajanik University is regarded as one of the best institutes in Gujarat for pursuing higher studies. The university is well known for its highly-qualified faculty members who train and educate its students with outstanding knowledge. The faculty offers students guidance to progress in their careers. The university is also coned among the best owing to good placement facilities.
Karnavati University It is counted among the top university in Gujarat and is well known for many courses comprising Design, Management, Liberal Arts, as well as Mass Communication, Law, Commerce, etc. It is a reputed university in Gujarat that has a world-class campus and provides excellent and numerous placement opportunities from top recruiters. It has all modern facilities, with advanced labs, and provides unique learning that makes it stand out from other Gujarat universities.
Swarrnim Startup and Innovation University It is a highly reputed institution with an excellent campus as well as cutting-edge facilities and is well known for providing many on-demand courses. Enrolling in this best university in Gujarat ensures that you will have a rewarding and wonderful career. The Institute is known for offering hands-on training and is highly recognized in the job market owing to its practical learning style and possibilities for industry exposure. The learning experience is further enhanced by the university's cutting-edge infrastructure, expert academic faculty, along with strong industry partnerships. All these factors help students to succeed in their chosen sector.
Nirma University It is one of the best universities in Gujarat that has received many rankings and recognition for its excellence in the field of education. It is known for its good infrastructure and outstanding facilities for students for better study and practical real-industry exposure. The faculties here are mostly P.hd. or masters in their specialization from many well-known colleges. The university offers many programs that prepare aspirants for national and international competitions as well.
Marwadi University It is among the best university in Gujarat, offering many best courses, including Engineering, Business Management, Pharmacy, Architecture, Law, Commerce, etc. It has an outstanding campus that provides several placement opportunities from top recruiters. The Institute is known for its modern facilities, advanced labs, and high-quality learning.
In Gujarat, there are many prestigious universities from which you can choose one for your higher education to advance professionally. Among all, Sarvajanik University is at the top and is regarded as the outstanding university in the state and the most well-known and reputed institution in the nation.
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julligeorgee · 11 months
296, leaving the coastal lands largely unpopulated for the next two centuries. The creation of water boards actually pre-dates that of the nation itself, the first appearing in 1196. It ran Syria under emergency law from 1963 to 2011, effectively suspending constitutional protections for citizens. As of 2007, the unemployment rate of Wallonia is over double that of Flanders. The Spanish faced much resistance from the Pipil and were not able to reach eastern El Salvador, the area of the Lencas. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of endangered. The country was the seventh largest producer of soybean oil in the world in 2018. In 1982, came the K Series, shaft drive but water-cooled and with either three or four cylinders mounted in a straight line from front to back. This fills the holes in the black grid with their corresponding colored resists. The National University of San Marcos, founded on 12 May 1551, during the Viceroyalty of Peru, is the first officially established and the oldest continuously functioning university in the Americas. Currently, it has the largest off-grid solar power programme in the world, benefiting 20 million people. They can swim backward by reversing the direction of the wave. Eswatini is rich in bird life, including white-backed vultures, white-headed, lappet-faced and Cape vultures, raptors such as martial eagles, bateleurs, and long-crested eagles, and the southernmost nesting site of the marabou stork. Religion was a major dividing line between the parties before 1960, with Catholics, Jews, and southern Protestants heavily Democratic and northeastern Protestants heavily Republican. The plumage varies in colour due to environmental factors, giving the bird a natural camouflage. In 1994, Surat Huseynov, by that time the prime minister, attempted another military coup against Heydar Aliyev, but he was arrested and charged with treason. Psychiatrist Joel Paris notes that the idea that a personality is capable of splitting into independent alters is an unproven assertion that is at odds with research in cognitive psychology. The north-western part, termed as Royal Hungary, was annexed by the Habsburgs who ruled as kings of Hungary. On 13 March 1992, Tutsi coup leader Pierre Buyoya established a constitution, which provided for a multi-party political process and reflected multi-party competition. A second series of agreements covering nine areas was signed in 2004, including the Schengen Treaty and the Dublin Convention. Defining a unit for resistance that is coherent with units of energy and time in effect also requires defining units for potential and current. The country is also a producer of industrial minerals, crude oil, and petroleum. When base excision repair in the cell is compromised, mutations in other genes build up, leading to cell overgrowth and possibly tumor formation. Dogs were the first species to be domesticated by hunter-gatherers over 15,000 years ago before the development of agriculture. Until 2006, this species was known only from one book about the vegetation of Montserrat. The two top-ranking universities in Japan are the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University. Magellan never made it back to Europe as he was killed by natives in the Philippines in 1521. Stylistically, rap occupies a gray area between speech, prose, poetry, and singing. Some Turkish Cypriot singers, such as Ziynet Sali and Isin Karaca, have achieved fame in Turkey.
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🍃🕊🍃 Question 38: Conditions to the fulfilment of Prayer
Question: What are the conditions that guarantee the fulfilment of a prayer?
🍃 Brief Answer
The word du’a (supplication) literally means “to call”, “to request a favour”, “to seek help” and in some cases it is used to denote the general meaning of calling. But in its [popular and] technical sense, it refers to the act of making a request from Allah (awj). The word du’a and its derivatives have been used in the Qur`an in approximately thirteen different meanings.
As supplication is a form of worship, it has like all other forms of worship certain requirements, the fulfilment of which makes the supplication effective in that Allah (awj) grants the supplicant’s request and elevates him to higher stations of proximity to Himself.
It is important to note that the acceptance of supplication does not mean that the request will be instantaneously granted, and that its consequences will become immediately manifest. Hence, in some cases, the result of the acceptance might appear after some forty years, or in yet other cases Allah (awj) may postpone the granting of the request for the hereafter, wherein He will bestow on the supplicant blessings many times greater than what he had asked for, and this experience will so overwhelm the blessed believer that at that moment he will wish that none of his other requests had been granted in the world.
Scholars of Islamic sciences have extracted from the Qur`an and the ahadith of the Infallibles (ع) certain conditions which, if respected, will guarantee the acceptance of the supplication. Mulla Muhsin Fayd Kashani enumerates ten such requirements. Ten other requirements have been recorded in ‘Uddatul Da’i, while seventeen conditions have been put forth in Du’aha Wa Tahlilat-i-Qur`an.
By studying the various phrases that are recorded in the ahadith relating to this topic, it is possible to formulate the conditions that guarantee the acceptance of one’s supplications, such as: not asking for a request that is in contradiction with the “best universal order” that governs the world; the immutable Divine will (in which case the supplication will be disregarded); beginning and ending the supplication with blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and his household (ع); possessing a thorough knowledge of Allah (awj), putting our trust only in Allah (awj) and no other but Him; being sincere and feeling desperately in need of Allah (awj); the harmoniousness of one’s heart and tongue in supplicating; being disposed to carry out our duties and refrain from committing what Allah (awj) has forbidden; pleading for forgiveness of one’s sins; being persistent in beseeching Allah (awj) without loosing hope; knowing that Allah (awj) hears His servants and heeds their supplications; asking Allah (awj) to take care of one’s needs the way He deems appropriate and in accordance with what is best for him, [not what he himself whimsically desires]. If all these conditions are met, the supplicant should have no doubt that the request will be granted, although it be at a later time.
🍃 Detailed Answer
Before venturing to answer the question, the meaning of du’a and the reason for its necessity from the perspective of the Qur`an will be examined briefly.
The necessity of supplication is not an issue confined to Islam; it was also a given among the religions of the ancient prophets, and thus they informed their people regarding this issue. Moreover, there are many instances where the supplications of the ancient prophets have been recorded, one of which is Ibrahim’s (ع) supplication and its acceptance recounted in Surat Ibrahim, verse 37. Another instance is Musa’ supplication related in Surat Taha, verses 25-28. Allah (awj) in many verses exhorts the believers to supplicate Him (See, among others 2:186 and 40:60).
The literal meaning of du’a (supplication) is “calling”, “asking a request”, and “pleading for help.” Although in some contexts it denotes merely “calling.”
In its religious usage however, it refers to asking a favour from Allah, the Exalted. The word du’a and its derivatives that appear in the Qur`an hold approximately thirteen different meanings, some of which are: “calling”, “supplicating”, “asking Allah”, “hollering for someone”, “to invite to a cause or to someone”, “pleading for help”, “worship”, etc.
From some verses and ahadith, it can be inferred that supplication is a form of worship of Allah (awj). Furthermore, in some ahadith, we come across phrases like “Supplication is the core of worship.” In this light, it becomes clear that supplication, like all other forms of worship, has certain positive and negative conditions.
In other words, in order for a supplication to be valid and complete and therefore conducive to Divine proximity, the supplicant must furnish certain prerequisites and conform to certain manners and pay heed to certain obstacles. It is after realizing these conditions that it becomes clear why some supplications are not accepted. For Allah (awj) is most wise and knowledgeable and, as such, all His actions are based on wise and reasonable grounds, and thus His granting a request is contingent on whether or not it is conducive to the well-being of the supplicant.
To better understand this; let us imagine a generous and benevolent individual who tells people that he will grant any request that is made to him. Now, if someone approaches him and asks him for something that is detrimental to the his own well-being or something that will entail his certain destruction—wrongly thinking that it is advantageous to him—in such a case, it is obvious that the appropriate response on the part of the generous and benevolent individual should be the rejection of the request. On the contrary, to grant the request in question would be an act of oppression against the requester [in spite of the latter’s feelings]. And it should be noted that most of the requests that human beings make to Allah (awj) are harmful for and disadvantageous to them.
This has been expressed in a sacred hadith; it reads, “There are those amongst My servants for whom only wealth is suitable [as opposed to poverty], and were I to consign them to anything else, they would have certainly perished. And indeed there are those amongst my servants for whom only poverty is suitable, and were I to consign them to anything else, they would have indeed perished.”1
At this point, a question might arise in the reader’s mind: Considering the fact that Allah (awj) knows what is good for us better than anyone else and that He will carry out what He wishes, so what need is there for supplication, to request something from Allah (awj)? In reply, it suffices to say that some of the Divine existential decrees (muqaddarat) are contingent on the supplication of the servant. That is, if the servant supplicates, that will be grounds on which the Divine will would allow the bestowal of the request, and if the servant does not supplicate, that ground would be lacking, and hence the request would not be granted.
For instance, if one beseeches Allah (awj) to grant him eternal life, Allah (awj) will not accept such supplication, for it contradicts the Divine will as made clear in the Qur`an (3:185); or if one asks Allah (awj) to prevent him from ever being in need of anyone else, such a request would also be denied. It has been narrated that one day Imam ‘Ali b. Abi Talib (ع) overheard someone telling his friend, “May Allah never afflict you with any tribulation or mishap.” On hearing this, Imam ‘Ali b. Abi Talib (ع) addressed the person and said, “You just asked Allah for your friend’s death.” That is, as long as one is alive, one will be afflicted with tribulations and hardships.
In commenting on a hadith, ‘Allama Majlisi forwards some justifications as to why some supplications are not accepted:
1. Allah’s (awj) promise to grant the requests made to Him is conditioned on whether they are in accord with His will, for Allah (awj) says, He will remove that for which you supplicated Him, if He wished (6:41).
2. What is meant by “replying” in the hadith is the concomitant meaning; that is, to hear the supplication of the servant. Allah (awj) accepts the supplication right away but postpones granting the supplicant’s request so that the latter would continue in his supplication, for the believer is the beloved of Allah (awj) and He loves to hear His beloved.
3. Allah (awj) grants only those requests that are to the advantage of the supplicant, for Allah (awj) is wise and as such does not jeopardize what is advantageous to His servant and conducive to his felicity in trying to meet the whimsical wishes of His servant which are in actuality detrimental to his well-being. Thus it becomes clear that when such a promise (to grant the requests of those who beseech Him) is made by a wise being, it must be understood as to pertain only to those requests that are to the supplicant’s advantage.2
In Usul al-Kafi, four possibilities have been provided regarding the meaning of “reply” [i.e. Allah’s reply to His servants’ supplications]:3
1. Allah (awj) grants the supplicant’s request right away;
2. Allah (awj) accepts the supplicant’s request but postpones granting it for some time, as He likes to hear the voice of the supplicant;
3. Allah (awj) accepts the supplication but fulfils it not by granting what the supplicant had asked for but by erasing the supplicant’s sins, placing it as compensation for his wrongs;
4. Allah (awj) accepts the supplication but fulfils it not by granting what the supplicant had asked for but by reserving it for the supplicant as provision for the hereafter.
In some cases Allah’s (awj) acceptance of the supplication is by way of bestowing on the supplicant several times more than what he had asked for in the hereafter as he was not aware of what was really in his good, and so when he beholds what bounties Allah (awj) has granted him in lieu of what he had asked for, he will wish that none of his requests had been granted and at that point he will confirm that his supplications have been fully accepted.4
Up to here, the meaning of du’a and its importance have been illustrated. The conditions of the acceptance of supplication and why some supplications are not accepted were also analyzed. Now it is time to consider the question: under what circumstances are supplications accepted? Scholars of Islam and Qur`anic exegetes have, based on their understanding of the Qur`an and the ahadith, enumerated certain conditions for the supplication and the supplicant, which if observed would render the supplication effectual and thus the request would be granted.
In Du’aha Wa Tahlilat-i Qur`an, the author mentions seventeen conditions for supplication and the manners according to which it should be carried out, some of which are: knowledge of Allah (awj); the concordance of the supplicant’s heart and tongue; carrying out the obligatory duties and refraining from the forbidden acts; repentance; uttering the formula of blessings upon the Prophet and his household, etc.
Mulla Muhsin Fayd Kashani also provides ten conditions in Mahajjah al-Bayda’, in addition to the ten that he quotes from Ahmad ibn Fahd al-Hilli’s ‘Uddatul Da’i. They are, among others: determination in supplication; supplicating as a group; supplicating with a real devotion of the heart [and not perfunctorily]; relying solely on Allah (awj) in one’s needs, etc.
In the ahadith regarding the guaranteed acceptance of supplications, there are some phrases whose mention is not without benefit.
Imam Ja’far b. Muhammad as-Sadiq (ع) says, “Supplications are always behind veils that bar them from reaching the Divine Throne unless they are accompanied by blessings to the Prophet and his household.”5
It is narrated in another account that Imam Ja’far b. Muhammad as-Sadiq (ع) said, “Whenever any of you decides to supplicate his Lord, he should commence it by blessing the Prophet, for such a blessing is accepted before Allah and certainly Allah is not such that He would accept part of the supplication while rejecting the rest.”6
And yet in another narration, it is recommended that the supplicant bless the Prophet at the close of his supplication as well as at the commencement.
Imam Hasan b. ‘Ali al-Mujtaba (ع) says, “If a person is vigilant to prevent temptations and thoughts that are displeasing to Allah from entering his heart, I will guarantee that he would be mustajab al-da’wah [i.e. that Allah will grant all his requests indiscriminately].7
Imam Ja’far b. Muhammad as-Sadiq (ع) has been related as having said, “Sever all ties of hope from other-than-Allah until it [i.e. your hope] relies on no other power but Allah, then supplicate, for then surely it will be accepted.”8
Also, it has been narrated that the supplication of the oppressed, who has no other refuge but Allah (awj), is certainly accepted.
Thus if the supplication is made in the tone of seeking help, the supplicant will not be repelled and his request will be granted. For, the Agent Who overlooks the affairs of the creatures and He Who grants the requests is perfect and beyond perfect, and His blessings are also perfect and beyond perfect, and so if the blessing is not manifest and does not affect the creatures, it is due to the defective capacity of the receptacle. Thus if the recipient be capable of receiving the blessings, which gush forth from an endless reservoir that never shows any sign of scarcity, the infinitely abundant and rich mines of Divine grace will pour down on him.
Hence, it has been said that human affairs are of three types: one type are those which are willed by Allah without any need for supplication, in which case whether or not the recipient supplicates, he will receive what has been allocated for him; the next type are those which will not be willed by Allah (awj) regardless of whether or not the individual supplicates, in which case even if the individual supplicates his request would not be granted; the third group are those which Allah (awj) wills, provided the beneficiary supplicates, and as such Allah (awj) will not will it without the beneficiary’s supplication.
In the latter case, Allah’s (awj) granting the request is contingent on the supplication of the beneficiary, and as the human being is ignorant of the advantageousness or disadvantageousness of what he desires, he must not fail to supplicate for all he wants. Although, he must not be disappointed if it is not granted, for he should know that it was not to his benefit.
Moreover, as mentioned earlier, supplication is a form of worship, rather it is of the best forms of worship, and as such, is very effective in gaining proximity to Allah (awj), which is of the most valuable achievements that can be sought through worship [and thus the supplicant should not be so much concerned as to whether his request is granted or not].
After raising one’s hands in supplication, it is recommended, according to the ahadith and the traditions of the Infallibles (ع), that he rub his hands on his face, for Allah’s (awj) grace has replied to those hands [although it might appear that the supplicant’s request has not been granted]. The hands which have been extended toward Allah (awj) in supplication will definitely be blessed and so the supplicant will not terminate his supplication empty handed, and the hands that have been blessed by Allah (awj) are sacred. Thus, it is recommended that the supplicant rub his hands on his face.
🍃🕊🍃 Sources 🍃🕊🍃
1. al-Kafi, (vol. 2, pg. 352)
وَإِنَّ مِنْ عِبَادِيَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ مَنْ لاَ يُصْلِحُهُ إِلاَّ الْغِنَى وَلَوْ صَرَّفْتَهُ إِلى غَيْرَ ذٌلِكَ لَهَلَكَ، وَإِنَّ مِنْ عِبَادِيَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ مَنْ لاَ يُصْلِحُهُ إِلاَّ الْفَقْرَ وَلَوْ صَرَّفْتَهُ إِلى غَيْرَ ذٌلِكَ لَهَلَكَ.
2. Mir’at al-’Uqul, (vol. 12 pg. 19-20)
3. al-Kafi, (vol. 1, pg. 330)
4. Mir’at al-’Uqul, (vol. 12 pg. 1-5)
5. al-Kafi, (vol. 2, pg. 491)
6. Amali, Shaykh Saduq, (vol. 1, pg. 157)
7. al-Kafi, (vol. 2, pg. 67)
8. Bihar al-Anwar, (vol. 72, pg. 107)
🍃🕊🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🕊🍃
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ietm-jsg · 2 years
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Scholarships are another common means of affording your education in another country because they are considered part of the scholarships. However, there is a general confusion in making the right applications out of the existing vast opportunities available for the students. This is where study abroad consultants in Surat come into play. They can greatly increase your odds of being awarded scholarships so that you can freely study without worrying about the costs.
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cocoonhospital · 27 days
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Gynecology Surgeries: With years of surgical experience, Dr. Gupta is skilled in performing a wide range of gynecological surgeries, addressing various conditions with precision and care.
Laparoscopic Surgeries: Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries are one of Dr. Gupta's specialties, offering patients quicker recovery times and reduced pain compared to traditional surgical methods.
Infertility: Dr. Gupta also provides comprehensive care for couples facing infertility issues, offering a range of treatments and support to help them on their journey to parenthood.
At Cocoon Hospital in Jaipur, Dr. Mitul Gupta combines her extensive experience, deep expertise, and compassionate care to provide the best gynecological services to women in Durgapura and beyond.
Book your appointment now and take the first step towards better health with Dr. Mitul Gupta, the top gynecologist in Durgapura at Cocoon Hospital Jaipur.
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Best Study Abroad Consultants in Surat - Domain International
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Domain International is among the best study abroad consultants in Surat, with over 15 years of expertise in helping students achieve their global education goals. We specialize in securing student visas for top countries like Canada, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Spain. Our comprehensive services include visa application support, interview preparation, and post-landing assistance. With a nearly 100% success rate and strong partnerships with universities worldwide, Domain International ensures a seamless and successful journey for students aspiring to study abroad.
For More Details Visit: https://domaininternational.in/study-abroad/
Refer our other study abroad programs:
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atul-kumar · 1 month
B.Arch Colleges in Surat
Pursue your passion for architecture at Sarvajanik University, one of the best B.Arch colleges in Surat, offering innovative programs and hands-on learning experiences. https://sarvajanikuniversity.ac.in/
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bestastrologersindia · 2 months
Best Astrologer in Surat: The Impact of Astrology on Personal Growth
Surat, a vibrant city in the Indian state of Gujarat, is known for its rich cultural heritage, thriving diamond and textile industries, and bustling markets. Among the various facets of Surat’s dynamic culture, astrology holds a special place. For centuries, people have turned to astrology to gain insights into their lives, seek guidance for future endeavors, and find solace in the wisdom of the stars. In Surat, one name stands out among astrologers: Aalok Parrouha. Renowned for his expertise and profound understanding of astrology, Aalok Parrouha has helped countless individuals navigate their life's journey with clarity and purpose. In India, astrology is intricately woven into the fabric of society. From marriage ceremonies to business ventures, and even political decisions, astrology plays a crucial role in determining auspicious timings and favorable outcomes. In Surat, this tradition continues to thrive, with many residents seeking astrological guidance to make informed decisions in their personal and professional lives. A Beacon of Astrological Wisdom: Among the astrologers in Surat, Mr. Aalok Parroha is highly regarded for his deep knowledge and exceptional skill in the field. With years of experience and a genuine passion for helping others, Aalok has earned a reputation as one of the best astrologers in the city. His approach to astrology is holistic, combining traditional techniques with modern insights to provide accurate and meaningful readings. Aalok Parrouha’s expertise spans various branches of astrology, including Vedic astrology, numerology, palmistry, and gemology. His ability to connect with clients and understand their unique situations allows him to offer personalized guidance and practical solutions. Whether someone is seeking advice on career, relationships, health, or finances, his insights help them gain clarity and confidence in their decisions. The Impact of Astrology on Personal Growth: For many individuals in Surat, consulting with the best astrologer in Surat has been a transformative experience. By understanding the cosmic influences at play in their lives, people can make informed choices that align with their true purpose. Astrology offers a framework for self-reflection and personal growth, encouraging individuals to explore their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. One of the key benefits of astrology is its ability to provide a sense of direction and purpose. In today’s fast-paced world, where uncertainty often clouds judgment, astrology offers a reassuring perspective. It reminds us that we are part of a larger cosmic plan, and that our lives have meaning and significance beyond the mundane. By consulting with Aalok Paroha, individuals in Surat can tap into this wisdom and gain a deeper understanding of their life’s journey. Astrology and Modern Life: While astrology has ancient roots, its relevance in modern life is undeniable. In an era where technology and information dominate, many people seek a more spiritual and introspective approach to understanding themselves and the world around them. Astrology offers this bridge between the tangible and the intangible, providing insights that are both practical and profound. In Surat, the popularity of astrology continues to grow, attracting people from all walks of life. Whether they are young professionals looking for career guidance, couples seeking compatibility advice, or individuals grappling with life’s challenges, astrology provides a valuable resource for navigating the complexities of modern living. In conclusion, the world of astrology in Surat is rich with tradition, wisdom, and opportunity. With astrologers like Aalok Parrouha leading the way, residents of Surat can explore the mysteries of the universe and uncover the hidden potential within themselves. Whether seeking answers to life’s big questions or simply looking for a little guidance, astrology offers a path to enlightenment and empowerment in an ever-changing world.
Mr. Aalok Parrouha is a well-known astrologer, Vastu specialist, tarot reader, palm reading specialist & best numerologist in Surat, India having more than 10 years of experience. He is one stop solution provider for business name compatibility in India.
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plastindia · 2 months
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Plastindia International University, one of the best private engineering colleges in Mumbai, offers cutting-edge programs and good facilities for students pursuing engineering excellence.
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aashishmnhr24 · 2 months
Amul Cooperative Company
Amul is an acronym (Anand Milk Union Limited) of the Indian Multinational cooperative society named Gujarat Marketing Federation based in Anand, Gujarat. It is under the ownership of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, Department of Cooperation, Government of Gujarat. It is controlled by 3.6 million milk producers
*Trade name:- Amul Coop
*Company:- Cooperative
*Industry:- Dairy
*Founded:- 14 December 1946
*Founder:- Tribhuvandas Patel
*Headquarters:- Anand, Gujarat, India
*Revenue:- Rs 12,880 crore
Tribhuvandas Kishibhai Patel founded the organization in 1946 and served as its chairman until its retirement in 1970. He hired Verghese Kurien in 1949, initially as the general manager, where Kurien briefly became the chairman of Amul following Patel's death in 1994, as is credited with success of Amul's marketing.
Amul's spurred India's white revolution, which made the Country the largest producer of milk and milk products and has since ventured into overseas markets.
Forming a Cooperative they directly supply their milk to the Bombay Milk scheme. Milk Collection was decentralized as most producers were marginal farmers who could deliver, at most, 1-2 liters per day cooperatives were formed for each village.
By June 1948, the KDCMPUL had started pasteurizing milk for the Bombay Milk Scheme. Then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri visited Anand to inaugurate Amul's cattle feed factory. On October 31, 1964, he spoke to farmers about their cooperative. After returning to Delhi he set in motion the creation of an organization, The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)
Under the leadership of Tribhuvandas Patel in 1973, Amul celebrated its 25th Anniversary with Morarji Desai, Maniben Patel and Verghese Kurien.
The cooperative was further developed through the efforts of Verghese Kurien and H. M. Dalaya. Dalaya innovation of making skin milk powder from Buffalo milk was a technological breakthrough that revolutionized India's organized dairy industry.
With Kurien's help the industry expanded on a commercial scale which led to the first modern dairy cooperative at Anand. The success of the cooperative dairy soon spread to Anand's neighborhood in Gujarat. Within a short span, 5 union in other districts - Mehsana, Banaskantha, Baroda, Sabarkantha and Surat were set up. In 1970 the cooperative spear headed the "White Revolution" of India. In 1999, it was awarded the "Best of All" Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award.
In 2018, Amul inaugurated a New Chocolate Plant in Mogar, Anand near their headquarters, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in attendance. It is fully automated production factory.
In 2024, fresh milk was introduced to the US market.
Amul has a list of products marketed to various countries few of its products are Amul Butter, Cheese, Shrikhand, Fresh Cream, Fat Milk, Pure Ghee, Dairy Whitener, Butter Milk, Eclairs and different Amul Ice creams.
Name of the Student:- Aashish Manohar
Enrollment Number:- 224000504365DJMC
Name of the Institute:- BAOU Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University
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Choose the best placement support university in Surat to secure your future. Access unparalleled career opportunities and guidance for a successful and fulfilling professional journey.
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educationbubble · 3 months
To know the best engineering colleges in Gujarat, just follow the link. Then, you will come to know about famous engineering colleges in the state, such as Indian Institute of Technology (Gandhinagar), Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (Surat), Indus University (Ahmedabad), Atmiya University (Rajkot), and more.
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educationclass · 4 months
Top Engineering Colleges in Gujarat – Here you can find complete review
To know the best engineering colleges in Gujarat, just follow the link. Then, you will get to know about the famous engineering colleges in the state, such as Indian Institute of Technology (Gandhinagar), Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (Surat), Indus University (Ahmedabad), Atmiya University (Rajkot), and more.
The average annual package from Indian Institute of Technology (Gandhinagar) is 28 LPA, and for Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (Surat) it is 15 LPA. This means that studying engineering in Gujarat is beneficial. Famous companies like Adobe, GEP, IBM, TCS, Amazon, Jio, Samsung, Axis Bank, JP Morgan, etc. TCS, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Hero MotoCorp, Concentrix, and Google hire engineering graduates in Gujarat.
By following this link, you will get to know about these colleges, their rankings, fees, and acceptable entrance exams. This page includes both private and government colleges so that you can choose one according to your budget and interest.
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5 Reasons How Study Abroad Consultants Can Transform Your International Education Journey
Pursuing higher education abroad is a dream for many students, offering opportunities to experience different cultures, gain global perspectives, and access world-class education. However, the journey to studying abroad can be daunting, filled with challenges such as selecting the right university, navigating visa processes, and preparing for language proficiency tests. This is where study abroad consultants in Surat can play a transformative role in your international education journey. In this blog, we explore five reasons how study abroad consultants in Surat can significantly enhance your path to studying abroad.
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1. Personalized Guidance and Counseling
Every student's academic background, career goals, and personal preferences are unique. Study abroad consultants in Surat provide personalized guidance tailored to each student's needs. They help you identify the best courses and universities that align with your aspirations, ensuring you make informed decisions. This personalized approach can significantly impact your overall experience and success in pursuing education abroad.
2. Expertise in University Selection
With thousands of universities worldwide, choosing the right one can be daunting. Study abroad consultants in Surat have in-depth knowledge of universities' rankings, courses, admission requirements, and scholarships. They provide valuable insights into which universities offer the best programs for your chosen field of study. This expert advice can save you time and effort while increasing your chances of securing admission to a top university.
3. IELTS Coaching for Better Results
Proficiency in English is a requirement for studying in most countries. Many study abroad consultants in Surat also offer IELTS coaching in Surat, helping students achieve the required scores. The coaching focuses on improving your language skills and familiarizing you with the test format, ultimately boosting your confidence and performance.
4. Streamlined Application Process
Applying to universities abroad involves a series of steps, including filling out applications, writing personal statements, and gathering recommendation letters. The study abroad consultants in Surat simplify this process by offering step-by-step assistance. They guarantee that your application is thorough, precise, and submitted within the designated timeframe. This reduces the risk of errors and increases your chances of getting accepted.
5. Visa Assistance and Pre-Departure Support
Securing a student visa is a critical aspect of studying abroad. Study abroad consultants in Surat are well-versed in visa application procedures and requirements. They guide you through the entire process, from preparing the necessary documents to attending visa interviews. Additionally, they offer pre-departure support, including information on accommodation, travel, and adapting to a new culture, ensuring a smooth transition to your new life abroad.
Working with study abroad consultants in Surat can make your international education journey more manageable and less stressful. From expert guidance and university selection to visa support and IELTS coaching, these consultants offer comprehensive services to ensure your success. If you're looking for expert guidance and personalized assistance, consider Canopus Global Education. Canopus Global Education provides expert IELTS coaching in Surat and personalized consultation services to help you achieve your study abroad goals. With their experience and commitment, they can help you achieve your dream of studying abroad with ease and confidence.
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globalcolliance · 5 months
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