#Billing Solution in IFS
By: Szu Ping Chan
Published: Mar 31, 2024
Britain has a boy problem. If you are born male today, you are increasingly likely to struggle in school, in the workplace and at home.
The gender attainment gap is not new – girls have been outperforming boys at GCSE level for over three decades now, while the number of women completing degrees has exceeded the number of men since the 1990s.
But solving the problem of underachievement among boys has never been more crucial. Economic growth is stalling, productivity is flatlining and public finances are creaking under the strain of growing benefits bills.
At a time when businesses are struggling to hire, more and more men are dropping out of the workforce. Everyone in society must achieve their fullest potential if we are to fix our economic problems.
There is a political dimension too – William Hague earlier this month raised the alarm about the growing numbers of disaffected young men who, with little offered or promised to them in life, were turning to far-Right politics.
There is nothing innate about boys’ underachievement. There is no fundamental reason why outcomes should be getting worse.
Yet without a concerted effort to close the attainment gap, it seems destined to widen. Ever more men and boys will find themselves unwittingly consigned to life’s scrapheap.
The problem is clear – where are the solutions?
Deepening development gap
Before children even step a foot inside the classroom, boys are already behind.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) notes that “a significant gender gap in both cognitive and socio-emotional development” emerges by the age of three.
By the time children start primary school, two-thirds of girls have reached a “good level of development”, suggesting they are able to write a simple sentence or count beyond 20.
Just under two-thirds of boys have hit that same milestone. For children eligible for free school meals, the disparity is even larger.
This gap that opens up at three never completely closes, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ (IFS) analysis of Department for Education data.
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“There’s a silent crisis brewing among boys and men in our classrooms, workplaces and communities,” says Richard Reeves, academic and author of Of Boys and Men, which explores the male malaise from cradle to career.
“Boys now lag behind girls and men lag behind women at almost every level of education. That’s true in nearly every rich economy.”
Reeves, a former adviser to Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister, says biology is behind some of this gap.
All the academic evidence suggests that the prefrontal cortex – or in Reeves’s words “the part of the brain that helps you get your act together” – develops around a year or two faster in girls than boys.
Girls are not smarter, they just mature faster, Reeves says. “Anyone who spends any time with teenagers knows exactly what I’m talking about.”
His conclusion is that there are simply some “natural advantages of women and girls in the education system”.
Rather than recognise and compensate for this, the system has in fact evolved in ways that favour girls. A switch to more coursework at GCSE level benefitted girls more than boys, according to the IFS, which noted that the gap in performance first emerged in the 1980s when exam-based O levels were replaced by GCSEs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
“The shake-up brought a move towards more continuous assessment, which seems to have benefitted girls,” the IFS said in a recent paper.
This idea is “quite hard to get this across because many people say: well if girls and women always had this natural advantage, why didn’t we see it 40 years ago?” Reeves says. “The answer is sexism.
“There is no doubt my mum would have gone to university if she was born 50 years later, but it wasn’t considered to be a thing. But now having taken the lid off, that potential for women in education just keeps going. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that along the way a lot more men have fallen behind.”
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Woes of the white working class
Of course, it would be wrong to suggest women were doing better than men in the working world. A median gender pay gap of 7.7pc still shows women are being shortchanged.
After graduation, men are more likely to get a “highly skilled” job than women and average earnings for a male graduate are around 9pc higher than a female a year after they leave university, according to the IFS.
That gap rises to 31pc a decade later.
However, what is worrying academics, politicians and teachers is that attainment among men and boys seems to be declining while for women it improves.
Average pay adjusted for inflation has fallen by 6.9pc for men since 2008, according to ONS data. Among women, it has climbed 2.2pc. In fact, men’s wages are no higher in real terms today than they were in 2002.
Men have been behind the fall in average hours worked since the pandemic, while women are working more.
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Louise Murphy at the Resolution Foundation says the worsening prospects for boys and men reflect structural factors.
“The industrial structure of the UK has changed. Some of these manufacturing jobs that existed don’t exist in the same way now.”
Reeves says: “It used to be true that men with relatively modest levels of education do OK in the labour market. And that is not always the case anymore.”
The experience of boys in schools has led them to “underperform in the labour market” more broadly, he adds.
Achievement has become a particular issue among one subset of boys in particular: the white working class.
“Too many people in society just see these boys as the people on mopeds with a balaclava on their head,” says Andy Eadie, assistant headteacher at Cardinal Langley school in Rochdale. “Actually, that’s only a tiny minority.”
Eadie has taught at the mixed comprehensive school of 1,200 pupils since 2016. A fifth of his pupils are eligible for free school meals.
Many have already been “written off” by teachers as soon as they enter the classroom, Eadie says, particularly if they are white working class boys.
“There is a perception that some boys are already signed off and have no hope,” he says.
“The danger is that people aren’t bothered about these gaps. They’re just bothered about keeping them quiet so they can get on with other things.”
Just 14.6pc of white working class boys went into higher education in 2021. This was the lowest figure of any ethnic or socio-economic group and a third of the overall average, according to research published by the House of Commons Library.
Eadie says: “A lot of young people in the white working class background actually have really low self-esteem.
“And so you’ve got a lot of young people who potentially all underachieve and not feel very good about themselves.”
There are signs that this malaise is adding to Britain’s worklessness crisis. One in three 18 to 24-year-old boys were classed as economically inactive – meaning they’re not in work or looking for a job – in the three months to January, a record high.
The figure is up by more than five percentage points since the end of 2019, before the pandemic. Inactivity among 50 to 64-year-old men has climbed five times slower over the same period.
The inactivity rate among young men has roughly doubled since the early 90s, with almost two million now out of the labour force.
Some are choosing to stay on in education but the share of men not in employment, education or training (NEET) is climbing back towards financial crisis rates at 15.3pc. For women, it has remained on a bumpy but downward path.
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“I think it goes back to the idea that we just don’t expect our boys to do well. So they don’t do well,” says Conservative MP Nick Fletcher, who leads the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for men and boys.
Caroline Barlow, headteacher at Heathfield Community College, has submitted evidence to the APPG suggesting there was a culture of low expectations for male students.
“In the early days, there was a tendency to almost just be grateful if boys were there and they were doing some work,” she said.
By shifting teachers’ expectations of their pupils, results improved and Heathfield was also able to close the gender gap.
Fletcher says: “We expect our boys to behave badly, so they behave badly. We are letting our boys down and unless we actually recognise we have a problem, then we won’t really start searching for the solution.”
Where does the problem start? Some think it is in the home.
Family circumstances have changed dramatically over the past few decades, with a sharp rise in lone parent households as divorce becomes more common or people don’t even get married in the first place. The vast majority of children in these circumstances grow up with their mothers.
In part, this reflects the economic empowerment of women: they can afford to be a single parent.
However, it raises the question of where male role models are coming from. Research conducted jointly by the Fatherhood Institute found that fathers who read to their children every day are contributing to their development and can help to address early attainment gaps.
The Conservative peer Lord Willetts writes in his book, The Pinch: “A welfare system that was ­originally designed to compensate men for loss of earnings is slowly and messily redesigned to compensate women for the loss of men.”
This too can leave men rudderless in mid-life.
As Reeves puts it in his book: “Economically independent women can now flourish whether they are wives or not. Wifeless men, by contrast, are often a mess. Compared to married men, their health is worse, their employment rates are lower, and their social networks are weaker.”
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‘Crisis in masculinity’
The underachievement of men and boys was once seen as almost taboo.
“There have been people who have sniggered when I stood up and asked for a minister for men and a men’s health strategy,” says Fletcher.
“I genuinely believe some of the problems we face are down to the lack of interest in young boys and men, who we’ve always assumed are going to be fine.”
However, politicians have now started to notice.
Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, has announced that Labour is looking at introducing a men’s health strategy to address what he describes as a “crisis in masculinity” that is costing lives.
It is understood that Labour’s forthcoming review into mental health by Luciana Berger will include a chapter that focuses on male suicide. It remains the biggest killer of British men aged under 35.
William Hague, the former Tory leader, believes the issue is reshaping politics. He recently highlighted that a majority of men now believe they are being discriminated against, which is fuelling support among young men for extreme parties.
Fletcher is calling for a dedicated minister for men to match the minister for women, Kemi Badenoch, who is also part of the Cabinet as Business Secretary.
Despite overwhelming evidence that boys are falling behind, some colleagues still treat the idea of a dedicated minister with ridicule.
Fletcher says: “I think one of the problems that we’ve had as a society is there’s a lot of reluctance to speak up for men. We’ve noticed it in parliament over the years.”
Reeves wants to challenge the longstanding assumption that gender gaps only run one way.
He takes particular issue with the World Economic Forum (WEF), which looks at progress on gender equality across the world.
Countries are scored on a scale from zero to one, with the former representing no equality and the latter signalling full equality. The problem, says Reeves, is that the index itself assumes that only women have any catching up to do.
For example, it “assigns the same score to a country that has reached parity between women and men and one where women have surpassed men”.
This is a deliberate choice. However, as a result the UK’s educational attainment score stands at 0.999 despite the fact that girls have clearly outperformed boys for decades.
Reeves believes continuing to publish the index in this way is damaging and leads “to a lack of policy attention to the problems of boys and men”. In short, he says: “It makes no sense to treat gender inequality as a one-way street.”
The Government insists it is making progress, with a Department for Education spokesman saying the gender gap “across most headline measures is narrowing across all key phases.
“Education standards have risen sharply across the country, with 90pc of schools now rated good or outstanding by Ofsted, up from just 68pc in 2010.”
Reeves offers some radical solutions to closing the attainment gap in his book, including starting boys a year later in school. Many teachers and academics believe this is not practical and Reeves himself says the idea was designed to spark a debate.
Reeves says the evidence also suggests children should take more frequent breaks at school because boys find it harder than girls to sit still. He himself was put in a special class for English because his teachers felt he lacked focus.
At Balcarras secondary school in Cheltenham, headteacher Dominic Burke felt the only way to tackle what used to be a 15pc gender gap in the GCSE results was to level with his students.
“We got the boys together en masse and said to them: ‘You’re going to underachieve. The girls are going to beat you hands down’. And then we showed them the evidence. Their ability profiles were the same. But we said the reality is girls are going to get better results than you and we challenge you to be the first year group to stop that. We called it the ‘effort challenge’.”
It worked. Competition and the offer of cold, hard cash was enough to encourage many to put the effort in. Boys who were judged to have done so received £20 at the end of term. The school managed to close the gender gap and a few years ago, the boys beat the girls for the first time.
“Competition does work I think, and it’s a good tactic for teaching because it becomes a rewarding experience to meet the challenge,” says Burke. “If you make something more engaging and enjoyable, people are more likely to do it.”
No survey of the state of boys and men in Britain today can ignore the changing ideas of masculinity.
Whereas men were once seen as breadwinners, American sociologists Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas point out that many women in poor US neighbourhoods have come to see them “as just another mouth to feed”. This is disorientating.
Yet perhaps the way to survive as a man in the job market of the future is to junk ideas of traditional masculinity altogether. Many of the jobs of the future will be in things like caring and education.
Reeves wants governments to spearhead a drive to get more men into health, education, administration, and literacy jobs – which he brands HEAL – just as they have ploughed efforts into getting more women into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – or STEM roles.
Increasing the number of male teachers would also raise the number of role models for boys in class. Three-quarters of state school teachers are women, according to data published by the Department for Education.
The share of men working in state-funded nurseries is even lower, at just 14pc. Around 30pc of primary schools have no male teachers at all.
“I did actually get some funny looks when I first started,” says one male nursery worker who does not wish to be identified. 
“Even now I tend to leave the cuddles to my female colleagues as I think there’s still a stereotype that any man who wants to work with young kids has to be some kind of pervert.”
Encouraging more men into these types of jobs would be no small undertaking. Perceptions that men are not suited to caring or creative professions are deep-seated.
Florence Nightingale, who in the 19th century established the principles of modern nursing, insisted that men’s “hard and horny” hands were “not fitted to touch, bathe and dress wounded limbs, however gentle their hearts may be”. The Royal College of Nursing did not even admit men as members until 1960.
Edward Davies, policy director at the Centre for Social Justice think tank, cautions: “It’s absolutely right to remove cultural, perceived and real barriers that keep men from certain careers, especially caring and teaching professions. But we also need to be careful not to pretend men and women are exactly the same.
“At a blunt population level women seem more interested in people and men in things. You would expect to see that reality play out in the jobs they do too. Imposing quotas or expectations that all professions should be evenly split between men and women will probably drive some people into careers they are not suited to.”
Fixing Britain’s boy problem may be harder than even experts think.
[ Via: https://archive.today/AFaiR ]
The people who talk endlessly about "equality" and "equal rights" are strangely silent when it comes to areas where boys and men fall behind: education, health and lifespan, and life satisfaction.
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[ The Basic Index of Gender Inequality (BIGI, x-axis) as a function of the Human Development Index (HDI, y-axis).
BIGI is the average of 3 components: Ratio in healthy life span, ratio in overall life satisfaction, and ratio in educational opportunities during childhood (see Materials and Methods for details). Deviation from zero implies the extent of gender inequality. The plot shows the largest contributor to the overall score for each nation: Purple dots indicate healthy life span is the most important component, green dots indicate educational opportunities, and red dots indicate overall life satisfaction. The Ns indicate for each level of HDI how many nations have a BIGI score greater than 0, and how many less than 0. ]
Almost like it isn't "just about equality."
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Soaking Dishes in the Sink
Your ability to make life more difficult is unmatchable. If an easy solution is available—and I mean a mind-numbingly obvious one—you decide that maybe the fix can’t be so simple and that you’d better let things marinate for a few days, at which point, yes, they’ve now become the nasty thing that you imagined, seeped in a rancid cesspool of indecision and procrastination (and, literally, rotting food). By the time you get ready to take any form of action, someone has come along and done the cleanup for you, which is what you wanted all along.
Letting Unopened Mail Pile Up
Typically, you are one of those people who doesn’t check voice messages because they make you anxious. You have an extreme fear of the unknown and are marginally equipped to navigate adult life. Like the Soaker, you avoid making decisions, but, rather than acknowledge problems and put off solving them, you delay identifying the issues altogether until you have no choice—because, well, you’ve run out of places to eat your breakfast. Besides, if a bill is mailed and no one is there to open it, does it even exist?
Leaving Kitchen Cabinets Open
You’re made up of equal parts courage and fear. You’re brave enough to start any old task that pops into your overactive mind but too afraid to finish one godforsaken project. You balk at the notion that if one door closes, another one opens, because, afraid of making the wrong decision and missing opportunities, you leave them all ajar. Your life is dominated by what-ifs, and you’ll likely never learn to take definitive action—at least not until you crack the top of your skull on a cabinet-door edge.
Leaving One Bite or Sip
Greedy glutton? No. Self-absorbed free spirit? No doubt. You leave a spoonful of banana pudding in the bowl and a swig of orange juice in the bottle because you’re too busy with your own life to think about anyone else’s. You’re fun as hell to be around because you live for the moment, but, when faced with the unfortunate consequences of your actions, you claim, “It’s not my problem,” when in fact you, my friend, are everybody’s problem.
“Mopping” with Your Foot and a Clorox Wipe
You’re a visionary who lives by the maxim “There’s got to be a better way.” And that way is yours. Your unbridled and unfounded confidence helps you discover new paths, even if they turn out to be ones that others have abandoned with good reason. To your credit, you’re willing to risk physical harm executing your creative yet lazy strategies, because there’s nothing a $12.99 plastic pole can do that your God-given right leg can’t do better, notwithstanding a soggy sock and that cramp in your hamstring.
Keeping Leftovers in the Fridge Past the Point of Viability
Let’s not mince moldy garlic—you’ve got severe abandonment issues, which cause you to hold onto every damn thing. A perpetual people pleaser, you fear tossing something that may have potential because, well, it will all be good if you just wait awhile and add a little Lawry’s. It’s not. Lesson almost learned.
By Nicole Rose Whitaker :: February 16, 2022
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
ARC REVIEW: To Woo and to Wed by Martha Waters
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3.5/5. Releases 2/6/2024.
Vibes: second chance, fake dating, gentle pain, and what ifs
Heat Index: 5/10
Years ago, West and Sophie were on the brink of an engagement. But a curricle accident killed West's friend and rendered him insensible with a fever--and when he came back to consciousness, Sophie was married to another man. Now, West has an ultimatum from his father hanging overhead, while a widowed Sophie's sister refuses to get engaged until Sophie has found happiness for herself. The solution? Fake a reunion. At least for now.
When I read Martha Waters's first Regency Vows book, To Have and to Hoax, it was very clear to me that the hero's older brother, West, was the real man of the hour. And I can't resist a second chance romance, especially when the heroine--gasp!--actually sees people between her dead husband and the hero. This was a softer kind of second chance, big on the character focus and less so on the plot. This results in a very talky, quiet book, though it comes with no small amount of humor and wit. I can't say I was bowled over by it, but I know it will more than satisfy Martha Waters's fans, and if you're looking for a gentle book to curl up with during Love Month, I think this will fit the bill.
Quick Takes:
--I have to note... In To Have and to Hoax, it's mentioned that West can't have children as a result of his accident. I was honestly really intrigued by this. What did it mean? Was it the fever, with the doctor telling him it had boiled his balls and rendered him incapable of producing sperm? Was it an injury in the accident? Did he... lose something?
I wasn't against any of these things. I feel like we don't have enough romance novels wherein one or both of the characters experiences real physical sexual dysfunction. And I get why. But, you know--people experience that, and people can still have enjoyable sex. There are workarounds, and I'd kinda like to... see more of that?
However, I wasn't disappointed with the followup, because like... This isn't a spoiler for this novel, as it's like, a known thing pretty much immediately. But West did in fact lie to his dad and tell him he couldn't have kids, simply so that his father would focus on West's younger brother producing an heir and allow West to live mope-ily ever after with no pressure to get married. (Part of the plot impetus here is that West's dad finds out he was full of shit, and is now HEAVILY pressuring West to marry and have kids. Chop chop, your dick works, GET A MOVE ON.)
This did not feel like a cop-out, because it's simply so outlandishly petty and dramatic that it made me like West... so much. He was so angry at life, so pissed at his dad, so heartbroken over Sophie, that he literally faked infertility (and maybe impotence?). What a champ. Truly a "if I can't have her, I don't want anyone" move, but in such a RIDICULOUS way that... Dude. I would. And it contrasts to the rest of his character, which is kind of smooth and gentlemanly and intellectual. Like, this makes him seem a bit WACKY. If anything, I think the book could've used a bit more wackiness.
--Similarly, Waters did some interesting stuff with Sophie. Like, she's introduced in the series having an affair with another (prominent!) guy. She isn't put behind glass because she's West's one true love. Honestly, you don't see enough of that in not only historical romance but romance in general. West and Sophie were on the outs! They had no obligation to each other.
This book also had a discussion about infertility and being childfree that is... not often seen in any romances, again, let alone historicals. That was super refreshing.
--Like I mentioned, this is a very talky book. And it's full of supporting character action from previous heroes and heroines. In some ways, this was cute and fun and I think hardcore fans of the series will love that. However, as someone who liked To Have and to Hoax and (uncharacteristically for me) skipped to this one... It was a little much.
I think there's a fine line between having previous couples as supporting characters--which is often natural and feels right--and feeling like they're propping up the new people, or taking attention away from them. They took up a lot of time that could have been spent on West and Sophie alone, and that felt odd, especially since this was clearly such an anticipated couple that Waters was building to even in the first book (and I love that build, even though I did just read the first book before this one).
--I also was a little dubious on West's father being, once again, such a big conflict-starter in this book when he was just that in the first book. Like, yeah, the heroes are brothers. It makes sense in real life that he would be consistently shitty. But this is a book. We needed more variety.
--West and Sophie do have a very emotional connection. They talk a lot, they get deep. It feels very much like a relationship between two people who know each other on a bone deep level, even if they aren't totally familiar with each other's lives these days.
But... it is very dialogue and conversation heavy. I felt we needed a little more than that. A bit more passion, a bit more--well! Bigness. (That's not shade towards West. He seemed plenty big in all the ways he needed to be.)
--As a heads up, West does use a cane as a result of his accident before and resulting chronic pain and mobility issues. It's not a big thing, but I did appreciate it.
The Sex:
Martha Waters writes a nice, romantic sex scene that is what I would call low-mid-heat. There are a few, and they aren't super explicit, but they're definitely sexy. I'm not mad at 'em, but I do think we could've used a bit more passion between West and Sophie.
While I wasn't quite as invigorated by this book as I think I could have been based on the premise, it was a well-written, romantic read. And like I said--if you're a big fan of Martha Waters, you'll be super into it.
Thanks to Netgalley and Atria for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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scribblerbxtch · 9 months
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As we transcend through adulthood, we are faced with the greatest challenge of all time. REALITY. You hear things like " Life is what you make it" & we begin to question ourselves; is it?
As a child, we are full of life, aspirations, and happiness. We then grow into adults and feel the crushing momentum of time traveling through our very existence. To our realization, we focus on the expectations society sets out for us. School. Work. Death.
We spend the majority of our lives wishing and regretting. We wonder about the answers to our what-ifs and seek the solutions to our mistakes. What is it about success that is so captivating? Is it financial freedom? Is it a mental fortitude? Time? We all have these intrinsic desires to acquire and so limited time. As Lil Wayne once mentioned, " If we could buy time, every store would sell it."
I'm here to say this. Go for it. Do whatever the hell it is that you want to do. Do it for the sake of passion and because we should spend our time doing the things we love and what brings us happiness. Life sucks as we know it. In adulthood, we have responsibilities such as bills, kids, deadlines, and everything else in the books. But the one thing we shouldn't let life take away from us is our hope. Work hard and stay focused on something from your wish list.
If you yearn to create lucrative income off your passions, that's awesome but don't let it defer you if things don't work out that way. This message has a deeper meaning. There's nothing wrong with having hobbies that keep you sane.
Happiness is real wealth. Now this is all easier said than done. All I can say is, you never know. So, I'll repeat this once more. Just go for it.
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tradeimex453 · 5 months
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aartichede08 · 1 year
Enterprise Software Market Is Expected To Grow At A CAGR From 2019 To 2028
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Enterprise software is also known as enterprise application software. It handles several operations of an organization and enhances the efficiency of businesses and management tasks. Enterprise software is mainly designed for the entire organization and it provides various business-oriented services including interactive automated billing systems, security, IT service management, and many others. It offers a single platform to handle several business functionalities.
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Increasing adoption of the technologies such as cloud computing, IoT, big data and others drive the growth of the enterprise software market, globally. Growing business expansions enhances the need to manage the business operations effectively. Hence, growing businesses fuel the growth of enterprise software market. The remote access facility provided by the cloud based enterprise solution also has a positive impact on the growth of the market.
The study analyses the global enterprise software market based on deployment type, organization size, vertical, and geography.
Deployment of enterprise software can be done on cloud and on premises. The on-premise enterprise software is mainly designed for the back office transactional activities including accounting, product management, inventory control and others. The cloud based enterprise software is likely to grow at the fastest rate as it provides unlimited storage space, quick deployment, easy backup and restore.
Based on organizational size enterprise software market is segmented into large organizations and small and medium sized organizations. The adoption rate of enterprise software is increasing in small and medium-scale organizations which helps them to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and enhances their overall business performance.
Major verticals of enterprise software covered in the study are BFSI, consumer goods, transportation and logistics, IT & telecom, retail, and manufacturing, etc. The retail segment is likely to witness high growth in the future period.
The key competitors of this market include SAP SE, IBM Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Epicor Software Corporation, Salesforce.com, Inc., IFS, Infor, QAD Inc., Microsoft Corporation, and Hewlett-Packard.
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pannimanagementteam · 2 years
Affordable Sage X3 Erp Software Program For Production Management
The price is simpler to handle if you go for a cloud-hosted ERP resolution, nevertheless. Cloud ERP solutions sometimes function on a month-to-month sage x3 fmcg subscription, so you’ll be billed over time. Either method, the counter to this disadvantage is the long-term value financial savings having an ERP system provides.
Just remember, these could additionally be designed for firms of all sizes and may be more expensive in consequence. ERP pricing varies tremendously due to a big selection of cost elements, including the variety of concurrent customers, add-on modules, implementation charges, upkeep, and worker training. Some plans can be found for as low as $20 per 30 days per person while others begin at over $5,000 per month. Over the course of possession, anticipate to invest between $25,000 to $150,000 on an ERP system on your small business.
The ERP consultant will coordinate with different company branches to make certain that any upgrades of the system satisfy their needs. They will then put together an indication to ensure the relevant firm administration understands what has been accomplished. Some corporations could solely concentrate on the financial side of an ERP, some solely on the useful side, whereas others might concentrate on solely offering technical support to your group. Wide geographic presence 23 places of work all over the world and product and providers can be found in additional than one hundred sixty international locations.
The initial setup is a little bit of a trouble as properly, which is the biggest disadvantage of this solution. After answering a somewhat intensive questionnaire, you’ll be contacted inside 24 hours to debate your company’s necessities in larger depth earlier than getting an estimate. In many instances, you won’t be able to buy the software immediately from SAP; you’ll need to undergo one of their partners or resellers.
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It additionally helps integration with Microsoft Office and other productiveness tools. Enterprise resource planning particularly constructed for small businesses offers your company an affordable, easy-to-use, and secure method to manage business processes, financials, and sales in real-time. Software streamlines your work throughout multiple sage x3 fmcg areas, from back office accounting to front-end buyer help. Both small and midsize firms can profit from using one ERP software program resolution to cowl quite so much of business operations. IBM Sterling is an open, integrated platform that leverages advanced technologies like AI and blockchain to attach with the supplier ecosystem.
He is all the time open to talk about expertise and digital transformation topics onLinkedInorTwitter. Or the ones that are likely to acquire capabilities that may be transactionally completely different from different entities. For example, IFS isn't the best match for constraint-based manufacturing.
Our prospects boast Fraxion effortlessly scaled with their enterprise and so did the time savings, which translated to saving the equal of 2-6 full time salaried positions. This frees up priceless sources that may now be utilized to other crucial areas of your organization. Sage X3's deployment choices embody on premises, as a service in the AWS cloud or in a partner-provisioned cloud. Sage X3's power is in midmarket manufacturing and distribution. Oracle NetSuite ERP doesn't have strong implementation and reseller choices, although this has been altering. It's limited within the functionality it provides for the enterprise wants of extra complicated manufacturing, distribution, digital information interchange and retail conditions, in accordance with the Third Stage Consulting Group report.
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pannimanagement3 · 2 years
Request An Erp Demo
Designed specifically for small companies, it’s quick to put in, and more necessary, straightforward to hold up and combine with SAP Ariba. The R/F terminals come outfitted with bar code scanners that eliminate the need for handbook knowledge entry. You can rely on the accuracy of ACCU-DART due to the real-time validation of precisely what's sage x3 demo in the accounting system. The R/F gadgets mechanically update your accounting and stock database which suggests there aren't any more reconciliation points or redundant information. Inventory and monetary knowledge are integrated seamlessly, permitting management to make extra informed decisions.
On the other hand, the EBOM for your finished product will only embody a line that lists that 12 screws are required from the availability chain. EBOMs, or engineering invoice or supplies are used particularly by engineers when they are designing a product, and are sometimes created in a CAD system. MBOM stands for the manufacturing bill of materials , and is the document that accommodates all the elements and assemblies required to construct a complete and shippable finished product. Our integration of SAP Ariba and SAP Business One will allow you to get pleasure from the benefits of dealing with your prospects via the Ariba Network. Furthermore, you’ll benefit from SAP Business One, a easy and scalable Business Management Software. Uses your present Sage 300 settings whereas posting the information to make sure knowledge integrity.
An Agni Link buyer has full management over the mixing process, due to the Agni Link Integration Builder. Add as many mappings as you want, modify or suppress current mappings. Browser and gadget agnostic primarily based utility straightforward to attach with scanners. Take your monetary data management to the next degree Effective enterprise financial management makes the distinction between strong ROI and unstable backside lines... Process gross sales transactions between legal entities implemented as corporations or branches in the identical tenant. Automatically create AP payments within the purchasing firm based on the AR invoices created within the selling company.
With a single solution, everybody involved becomes extra productive and environment friendly. Nurturing customers and providing them with a wonderful customer experience will allow you to enhance income. CRM software simplifies the sales process, shortens sales cycles and helps organizations make essentially the most of each sales opportunity.
Several connectors are at present available for monetary methods (Sage, Acomba, Dynamics, etc.) and ERP systems (Genius, SAP Business One, D365, Fidelio, Prextra, etc.). This software program that is ideal for users who need sage x3 demo to import / export data from ANY database source (txt, Excel, CSV, ODBC, XML and so on.) to Sage 300 . Today cellular networks deliver faster speeds than modems ever did leading to software program that delivers info on the speed you need.
IFS is often greatest match for larger, extra complex corporations (think $100M and up). Here, we’re looking at the most common NetSuite competitors, but it’s certainly not an exhaustive list. You might also discover area of interest industry options in your search, however we won’t touch on them right here. BAASS Business Solutions customer-centric, collaborative method has enabled us to increase our team and office locations all through the years.
Next, the feet of platform are too short to simply accommodate stacking of a number of bands. I think the ft of the platform should be a minimum of 1” excessive, and ideally 1.5-2” high. However, in this examine, there were no variations in LBM between the groups earlier than or after the coaching program. In other phrases, we have no proof that muscle mass variations accounted for the observed performance variations between the teams." Resistance bands have distinct advantages over isoenertial resistance , in safety, variable resistance curve, gravitational independence, versatility, footprint and portability. If you have been to use an Olympic barbell, you would need a proper platform, a squat or power rack and a flat bench to soundly carry out the identical workouts you'll be able to carry out with the X3 as it comes out of the field.
Then PxPlus internally trashes the pending knowledge and closes the channel. Update your data on or off site via pill and entry live, real-time info – anytime. No more waiting for the most recent update, or duplicate data entry. It's also good when you have payroll to process alongside your regular daily bookkeeping and need sage x3 demo the payroll knowledge to be routinely updated inside the accounts. In 1983, Intuit released a program known as Quicken for people to manage their private funds, and in the late 90’s, early 2000’s they launched QuickBooks for small to medium enterprise accounting. They also came out with Turbo Tax for preparation and online submitting of taxes.
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spencerheartcare · 2 years
Top Best ERP Software for Aerospace and Defense
If you are considering an ERP solution for your aerospace business, it's important to choose the right one. However, most aerospace companies are still using outdated systems. You can cut costs by as much as 10% by converting to a cloud-based solution.
These systems are built specifically for defence and classified data, so you can rest assured that your company's data is secure and well-protected. They also provide complete visibility of the aerospace manufacturing process and help you meet AS9100 compliance standards.
ERP Aero
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It is a cloud-based ERP for aerospace providing a readily-available, fully-featured, online operational environment for your entire organization, seemingly integrating with leading marketplaces. ERP.aero is designed as a multi-layered operation system, which allows you to supply the right airplane part in most effective manner. Your customers will receive their spares quickly and on time.
Along with ERP software solutions, ERP.aero offers fully integrated warehouse equipment, such as label printers, code scanners, climate monitoring equipment, and more.
Infor SyteLine ERP
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Infor SyteLine ERP for aerospace offers the flexibility and usability of a Web-based solution for business. Built on the Mongoose Framework, the solution is easy to deploy, customize, and adapt to business needs.
Its user-friendly interface helps streamline business processes while supporting mixed-mode manufacturing. Users can choose the type of software to use, which allows them to operate in one or a combination of manufacturing modes.
Whether you are a small or large aerospace manufacturer, Infor SyteLine ERP can help you achieve your goals. This comprehensive software helps you manage your sales, manufacturing, and distribution operations. It helps you respond faster to change and improve your business efficiency, as well as improve your collaboration with your suppliers.
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The aerospace industry has a variety of regulations to comply with. Epicor ERP for aerospace simplifies these requirements and automates compliance processes. It automatically detects components that fall short of performance standards and provides detailed information about directives on the fly.
The Aerospace and Defense industry uses complex processes and complex regulations, including multilevel bills of materials, complex scheduling, and auditable costing.
Modern aerospace manufacturers require continuous innovation. They also need to strike a delicate balance between safety and performance. As such, these manufacturers face a number of challenges, such as long sales cycles and complex global supply chains.
Epicor ERP for aerospace helps manufacturers overcome these challenges by allowing departments to communicate effectively and eliminate waste. The software also minimizes errors through automation.
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IFS for aerospace is used by companies that manufacture and maintain aircraft, including aircraft engines, helicopters and military aircraft. The company has an extensive list of customers, including TAE Aerospace, Australia's largest engine MRO. The company needed a single ERP system for all of its functions, and chose IFS Applications for this purpose.
Aerospace and defense manufacturers can use IFS applications to manage projects from initial design to delivery. This software helps them manage projects and achieve their goals, including meeting government and export controls. It also provides real-time data and updates about resources.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP for aerospace and defense has an extensive feature set that can be used to improve operational efficiencies and manage your business. The solution can also be tailored to your industry specific needs and is available from a variety of providers. Solutions like Dynamics 365 Business Central and IFS are designed to cater to specific industry needs.
For example, RO-RA Aviation Systems, a manufacturer of functional modules and aircraft components, began an ERP project with BE-terna in 2017. The company mapped their processes, modernized them, and moved their IT infrastructure to the cloud. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP, RO-RA was able to decrease the number of standalone solutions they used.
Another benefit of Dynamics 365 for aerospace and defense companies is enterprise asset management (EAM). EAM is a new feature in Microsoft Dynamics, and was included in response to requests from manufacturers. It includes tools for scheduling, preventive maintenance, procurement planning, and equipment operation.
The EAM capability of Dynamics Business Central streamlines the process of asset management. It is designed to support the entire product lifecycle, including serialized and lot controlled products. It is also designed to support compliance with EASA regulations.
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SAP S/4 HANA ERP is the largest ERP system vendor, but it is not the best solution for aerospace and defense companies. While the software is suitable for large companies with thousands of employees and multiple locations, other systems can achieve the same tasks at a lower cost and with lower complexity. As an example, you can choose between SAP Business One or SAP HANA ERP, depending on your requirements.
One of the main issues is that on-premises versions of S/4HANA do not yet have A&D-specific functionalities, such as manufacturing part numbers and parameter effectively dates. SAP is working quickly to resolve this issue. In fact, some A&D companies have already completed a SAP ERP business transformation program several years ago and are reaping the benefits. They are hesitant to embark on another transformation exercise without a return on investment.
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niksixx · 4 years
Close as Strangers
Requested: Nope! 
Pairing: The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Fem!Reader 
Description: Based on the song ‘Close as Strangers’ by 5 Seconds of Summer. Lyrics are bold and italicized. 
A/N: Reblog and leave your own tags!! Thanks for supporting me :) 
*GIF is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
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Six weeks since I’ve been away
And now you’re saying everything has changed
And I’m afraid that I might be losing you
And every night that we spend alone
It kills me thinking of you on your own
And I wish I was back home next to you
Tommy had a job to do whether you liked it or not. Mötley Crüe was at the height of their success, landing tours in countries all across the globe. Being unfamiliar with the music scene, having a rockstar boyfriend was much harder than it looked. You supported him in every way, being there for him as his fame grew, but you’d be lying to yourself if you said it wasn’t difficult at times.
Shortly after Mötley Crüe’s debut in America, your relationship crossed over the line from casual to serious. You and Tommy adored each other, two halves of one whole, but lately you felt your relationship slipping right through your fingers. And the worst part was there was no motivation to save it.
“I’ve only been gone six weeks, honey.”
Six weeks too many. Now on his second tour, Tommy was busier than ever. Phone calls after every show were either late or nonexistent. In the event that he didn’t call, you tried not to take it personally, finding random things around the house to keep you busy, to keep your mind from wandering.
And then the plethora of rumors started and knocked the wind out of you. Tommy would never cheat on you, his heart was too loving, his soul too pure, but the paparazzi pictures did their job of convincing you that maybe Tommy had been unfaithful.
There was no denying that your relationship was dwindling, changing for the worst. In your bed, the side Tommy slept on grew colder and colder each night he was gone. The body pillow that rests in his place was too soft, lacking the firmness of Tommy’s body that you’d grown to love as you fell asleep beside him. The blankets didn’t compare to having his arms wrapped tightly around your frame.
Everything was just...different.
“Am I...am I losing you?”
It was the word you wanted to scream out to him on the other end of the line, but it wasn’t the word that came out.
“I miss you so much, babe. I hate that I’m not there with you. I’d do anything to come back home to you.”
And you’d give anything to have him back, too.
Are we wasting time? Talking on a broken line?
Telling you I haven’t seen your face in ages
I feel like we’re as close as strangers
Won’t give up, even if it hurts so much
Every night I’m losing you in a thousand faces
Now it feels we’re as close as strangers
On the other end of the line, you can hear Tommy’s name being called either by his bandmates, groupies, or partygoers that found their way backstage after the show. He was easily distracted, shouting back and forth or laughing, forgetting that you were patiently, tiptoeing the line of impatiently, waiting for him on the other end.
“What? Oh, shit, I’m sorry babe.”
He was always sorry.
Sorry for leaving.
Sorry for forgetting to call.
Sorry about the photos.
Sorry for the excessive drinking.
Sorry for becoming distracted midway through your conversation.
Overtime, the word ‘sorry' lost its value.
And when it did, you became even more distant, intolerant of his inconsistencies.
“Tommy, I haven’t seen you in three months. The least you can do is give me five fucking minutes on the phone.”
“Woah. Damn. Chill out. I was just talking to Vince.”
“Chill out?” You ask dramatically, now sitting upright in bed. “Chill out? You see Vince every day, Tommy. All I want is a sliver of your time, five minutes, and you’re giving me a hard time about that?”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Tommy sighs sadly, scrubbing a hand over his face. Cradling the phone between his ear and shoulder, he hastily digs a cigarette from his pocket. He lights it and puffs out a cloud of smoke. “Are you okay, baby? You’re awfully snippy.”
You had every right to be snippy. Miles away in a foreign country, Tommy was living the life he always wanted for himself, all the while you were at home, going through the motions of an ordinary day seven days a week.
At times you were jealous of his success, as it had been the factor that took him away from you. It was hard being cooped up alone in a house that was meant for two people.
In theory, you’d be fine if the effort was there. But amid Tommy’s hectic lifestyle, you were floating in the background unseen.
The sigh from your lips was one of defeat. “No, Tommy, I’m not okay. I feel like my boyfriend is a stranger to me now. I miss you more and more every night, but lately I feel like giving up.”
Tommy pauses, heart racing. His grip on the cigarette tightens. He didn’t like where this was going. “On what?”
The lump in your throat grows, fingers gripping the phone tighter. You almost choke on the words, wondering if it’s a sign to hold them back. “On us.”
“No, no, no, no, no,” Tommy repeats in a rush, hand firmly planted against the cool brick wall behind the payphone. “Don’t say that, baby. Don’t you dare say that. I love you. I love you so much, you know that, right? And I miss you. I miss you all the time. When I’m up on that stage and I look out into the crowd, the only face I don’t see that I really want to see is yours.”
Maybe you should’ve kept the words at bay. But what good would hiding your feelings do? Even thousands of miles away, Tommy could pick up on the cues. The slightest change in your voice could send him into a panic.
“Tommy, being away from you for so long is so exhausting and I just...I don’t want to spend my time sulking and crying and waiting for you to come home. You’re struggling to make time for me when all I want is a five minute phone call, the media keeps reporting that you’re drinking more than usual, and the photos...the photos are tearing my heart in pieces.” You try not to think of the photos or of the groupies that made it their priority to sleep with men like Tommy, but the images were burned into your brain. “I feel like you’ve been on tour forever and I just can’t do it anymore. I don’t want to feel this way anymore.”
Tommy’s world comes crashing down around him. Just thinking of you ending the relationship has him sucking in nervous breaths, mind whirling with possible solutions to save your relationship. There was no way he was letting you get away from him. He wouldn’t give you up so easily.
“What if you come on tour with us?” He questions suddenly. “You wouldn’t have to worry about seeing me because we’d always be together. Come on baby, let me show you the world.” He’s sure this idea will work. You’ve mentioned before how the rest of the world seems nonexistent, as you’ve never traveled anywhere outside your immediate country. He’s giving you the chance, and he hopes you’ll take it.
But his high hopes come crashing down as you don’t think twice about rejecting his proposal. “I have my own life to live, Tommy. I can’t drop everything and spend the next four months in twenty different cities. I have to work so I can pay rent and pay for groceries and bills. Be realistic.”
Tommy frowns, crushing the butt of his cigarette under his boot. “You were just complaining about not seeing me. I give you a way to do that and you shut it down.”
The tips of your nails suddenly become important as you cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder. You pick and pick, teeth biting the corner of your bottom lip as you do so.
“Baby, tell me where your head’s at,” His voice is small now, unsure. “Tell me you’ll always be here. Please tell me I’m not losing you.”
“I want to be able to say those things. But you’re halfway across the world right now and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I need you here.”
There’s a heavy sigh on the other end of the line as you find yourself sliding off the bed and trudging to the window, staring out into the dark sky. The crescent moon is the only thing illuminating the outside world along with a few street lights on the pavement. Around you, the world outside is quiet. The thoughts in your head? Not so much.
It was a conversation you never wanted to have, but it was necessary. You and Tommy were two different people who needed different things. Was there a chance you were acting selfish by pleading with him to come home? No doubt.
You knew Tommy would never give up his job despite his immense love for you. And while you wanted him to come home, you couldn’t force that decision out of him.
Which is why you had to make the decision yourself.
On the phone I can tell that you wanna move on
Through the tears I can hear that I shouldn't have gone
Everyday gets harder to stay away from you
“Don’t do this,” Words break through Tommy’s quiet sobs as his body is curled in a ball on the floor beside his hotel bed. After receiving what had been the worst news of his life, his legs had given out from underneath him, his body crumbling to the ground. “Please, baby. Don’t do this to us.”
After sleeping on it for a few days, you realized that the only thing you could do was break things off with Tommy. The road to your decision was a long and rough one, but hopefully it would be worth it if there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it was hard. Leaving your love behind wasn’t supposed to be easy. You had your doubts, and numerous what-ifs made you question your decision.
In the end, you knew it was the right choice even if your stubborn boyfriend wouldn’t agree with you. It wasn’t fair to make Tommy give up his dream in the middle of the band’s success. It was okay to be selfish at times, but this wasn’t one of them.
“You don’t know how hard this is for me,” There’s a crack in your voice, and soon a few tears leak from your eyes. Curled in a ball as well, your body sits heavily on the kitchen floor, back pressed against the stove. “I don’t want to do this. I really don’t want to do this, Tommy. But I can’t ask you to give up your dreams and come home. That’s selfish, and I love you too much to make you choose.”
“You’re not even giving me a choice,” Tommy says angrily, tears flowing freely. He runs a hand through his hair, dragging it down over his face, before slapping it lifelessly against his leg. Exhaling a shaky breath, Tommy leans his head back against the side of the bed. “I shouldn’t have gone. Fuck this, I’m coming home.”
“Tommy, no.” The tone of your voice is firm. You won’t let him sabotage his dreams on your account. “Listen to me. I love you. I do. But this isn’t working for us.”
“It’s not working for you,” Tommy corrects sarcastically, wiping his eyes with the back of his free hand. “Last I checked I wasn’t the one ending our relationship.”
You should have expected this, but his words stung as he spit them back to you. There’s no way you can blame him. He’s hurt. He’s angry. You deserve the lashing out for blindsiding him.
“You know I never cheated on you, right?” Tommy sniffles. The thought of being unfaithful to you had never even crossed his mind. “The photos, I mean.”
You nod. “I didn’t think you would.”
The long pause between the phone line is eerie. Tommy’s labored breathing is audible on the other end of the phone, and it’s not the type of breathing from the exhaustion after a wild show. It’s panic. It’s fear. It’s the feeling of loss.
“I told myself I’d fight for you, but if this is what you want, then I’ll let you go,” The words surprise you. Part of you had already imagined Tommy packing for the first available flight, but the defeat in his voice told you otherwise. He was staying put. “You deserve to be happy, and if I can’t do that then--.”
“Tommy, you’ve made me so happy. The happiest I’ve ever been,” There was no denying that. You had never laughed more, smiled more, loved more, than when Tommy became an integral piece of your life. “But it’s just--.”
“Right person, wrong time?”
The last piece of your beating heart shatters. The phone almost slips from your clammy palm as the reality of his words hit you. “Yeah. Exactly.”
Your life would be different if you’d met Tommy at the right time. There’d be no hesitation, no confusion, just blissful love.
Tommy clears his throat and it sinks into your bones that there was a large possibility this would be the last conversation you’d have with him. “Before you go, I want you to know something,” Tommy pauses to gather his thoughts. “I want you to know that we’re going to be together again one day. When all this is over, I’m going to find you, and I’m never going to let you go. You’re the one for me, Y/N. I’m letting you go now because I love you, but I’m going to win you back again. That’s a promise.”
One final tear slips down your cheek. “I hope you do.”
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
There was a post I wanted to reblog and respond to, but I'm not sure how op would have liked that so here's my in depth character analysis on Will and Nico (it's not actually that in depth):
It depends on how you headcanon the characters outside of that aspect as well though...
For example I do headcanon them with a decent height difference but if I'm extremely extremely oversimplifying my thoughts on them, Nico is the protector.
Will being so large gives him depth- he's going to be scared of being too strong and of breaking the things he loves. (Kind of like Frank?)
He's always been extremely kind, and not exactly the most masculine- he likes flowers, and cries when birds fall out of trees, those silly childhood "dog's life's" movies never failed to make him cry, he's canonically a worrier, he just wants to help people and save lives- he's the type of person who sometimes cries himself to sleep because the world is so twisted and cruel and he doesn't understand why people just can't be kind. Will "see's the world for what it could be rather than what it is" (if you want me to compare him to another YA character I would give you Dante Quintana)
Nico on the other hand, he was never allowed to cry or to show emotion- stiff that lip, don't let the tears fall- he was trained for war from the day he was born, his emotions can be shut off from the trauma of his life. He picks up that fallen bird and buries it out of a sense of duty and respect, but he doesn't cry any tears or think too hard about it. He doesn't spend much time thinking about "what ifs" unless they're necessary, he's worried about making sure everyone is safe and cared for rather than why people are cruel- he's accepted that people are generally cruel. Nico see's the world through tinted glasses, everything is a little messed up and he's got to fight so he doesn't end up messed up too.
Nico never had anyone to look out for him, and he was always perceived as small and weak- an easy defenseless target- he had to learn how to fight and how to fight good.
Will tries not to cry over little kids skinning their knee, and he grows angry when he hears about injustice across the globe, cries for all the poor children who will suffer and tries to give up his whole paycheck. His sole purpose in life is to build and repair, he couldn't destroy anything if he tried. Nico picks that little kid up, brushes off their knee and sends them off with a bandaid if they need one, he has to keep Will from spending his whole check and remind him that they'll be in a bad situation and won't have food for themselves if they give away their money- Nico is constantly shocked at how much Will tries to help others, because Nico accepted suffering as something that just happened.
In the face of adversity Will constantly rises to the struggle, and tries to just be good and kind (a real Patroclus type). Nico makes the right choice too, but he takes a more logical and calculating approach- Nico likes the element of suprise ("let's turn this tide!") he keeps his cards close to his chest so nobody knows what he's doing until the last minute. Will being tall is the perfect ploy in their relationship. People will expect Will to be dominat and commanding (he isn't at all unless someone is in danger), so when they see Nico they still don't expect anything- Will isn't paying attention and they think "huh- easy target?" only for Nico to swoop in at the last minute and save Will.
Nico is the one who has to wipe up Will's tears and wrap him in a weighted blanket because Will's worried about climate change, and that bill proposed by Congress, and how they're upping the price of insulin again- Will's lost everything and everyone and worries about it happening again. Nico doesn't worry about insulin prices or the famine in the same way Will does, he gives them money sure- he's got it and they need it- but that emotional connection never existed.. Nico lost everyone and when he thinks about loosing more people he does worry about it and it hurts, but he thinks "I've lived through worse"
They're too perfectly opposing ends of the same bridge- you can divide them any way and see equal parts similarities and differences. Their life experiences have led them to the same morals, same goals, and same wants- but the adversity in their life's have changed them to polar opposites in how they reach these conclusions and why.
Will is kind simply because he doesn't have a mean bone in his body, Nico is kind because he wants to be better than everyone who came before and said he couldn't. Both of them are the same level of kind but Nico had to learn that kindness because to him it wasn't a given, Nico had to choose to be the person nobody ever was for him. Will was kind the day he was born, and he works on the idea of self improvement- if he has a bad thought he analyzes it (and over analyzes it) until it is corrected and he knows the right and kind solution. Nico doesn't have to do this he just chooses the opposite of what people would expect a son of Hades to do, Nico chooses to be the person he wishes he would have had looking out for himself.
None of this means Will can't handle himself though- he lost two brothers and became cabin counselor and is still that kind when he got screwed over just as much as Luke- Will is strong too- just in a different way.
So yes, headcanoning one character as very tall and another as very small can bring up those concepts of "uwu protect me" but that's not everyone's interpretation of why two characters are the way they are- and that's not everyone's only understanding of a relationship model, and some people quite literally turn that concept on its head when they see two characters.
I get it, it was a vent post- that's why I'm not adding to it- because you deserve a space to vent, but you also can't sum up what someone thinks of a specific relationship dynamic just based on how vastly different they make character's heights.
If you want my other reason why Will is tall it's because he's closer to the sun, like Timothy Green or whatever the kids name was and I think it's a funny concept.
... Anyhow, I feel like this is written really poorly but I'm sure some people will enjoy this so I'm posting it anyhow lmao
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odinsblog · 4 years
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Health Care Is A Human Right
AOC: How can you possibly see what is happening right now, and come to the conclusion that we shouldn’t guarantee health care as a human right in the United States of America? It is absolutely insane. This is why we need Medicare For All right now.
Ayanna Pressley: We’re seeing, and experiencing, and feeling unprecedented hurt. It is overwhelming, the scale and the scope, how broad and how deep that hurt is being felt.
Pramila Jayapal: I know that every day is a challenge right now, but this is also a moment when we get to reclaim the best of who we are as human beings, and to radically rethink how our society should work, and to transform our system.
Alexandra Rojas: This crisis has revealed an ugly truth about how cruel and unjust the American health care system really is. Private health insurance corporations tell Americans: IF YOU’RE TOO POOR, TOO BAD. NO HEALTH CARE FOR YOU.
AOC: One of the biggest problems that coronavirus has exposed is the fallacy of employer-sponsored health insurance. Because more often than not, And especially in a crisis like this, it’s not up to you whether you remain employed or not.
Alexandra Rojas: Right now businesses are shutting down, or considering layoffs. Most Americans whose families depend on their employers for coverage, are just a layoff away from being uninsured.
AOC: You have folks going in, trying to do right by their community, and getting a coronavirus test when it’s indicated, and then they’re ending up, along with treatment, getting bills for $30, $40 thousand dollars.
Pramila Jayapal: We’re seeing the problems with a “me first” instead of a “we first” society.
Ayanna Pressley: Well, unprecedented hurt calls for unprecedented solutions.
Alexandra Rojas: The Great Depression created a great outcry for Social Security, and the right to form a labor union. World War II brought the British the National Health Service. 
Pramila Jayapal: If we had universal health care in place right now, nobody would have to worry about affording the cost of treatment, or necessary drugs, or vaccines. Because we’d be able to negotiate those and get them to everyone. We wouldn’t have a population with the kinds of underlying health conditions that we have now, when we have 70 million people who are uninsured or under insured, and delaying the care they desperately need as their illnesses worsen.
AOC: It should be free or low charge at the point of service. And we should be able to make sure that everyone is getting the health care that they need, which will then allow us to get the preventative health care that we need, which will then keep more of us from getting sick.
Ayanna Pressley: You shouldn’t have to be wealthy in order to be healthy. Your health care shouldn’t be tied to your employer. Yeah, that’s a wish, but it’s something that we can make a reality with the political will, and the courage, and the commitment.
AOC: If you believe that someone who is sick enough---that has coronavirus---should get treated and get tested, and that treatment should be free, and that testing should be free, then why don’t we fight for the same thing for folks with diabetes, with cancer, with degenerative diseases, with mental illness?
Pramila Jayapal: Poll after poll shows us that that’s what the majority of American voters want because they see every day the cost and impact of a broken health care system. 
AOC: If a politician says that they believe healthcare is a human right, that means that they should support Medicare for All. NO IFS, NO ANDS, NO BUTS.
Ayanna Pressley: Now is the time. Your family is depending on this moment. Your neighbor is depending on this moment. Our country is depending on this moment. 
AOC: And if we really want to say that the United States of America is a modern, and moral, and socially advanced nation, then that means we need to guarantee health care with a Medicare for All system. And until we do that, we have not earned the right to say that we are an advanced country, and have an advanced, humane, and compassionate health care system.
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It’s no secret that Republicans are anti-intellectual, but it makes you wonder what their end goal is?  Why do they keep electing dumber and dumber presidents?  Is it just to own the libs?  Do they just not care?  They’ll get what they want regardless of how smart their presidents are, so why always pick the low hanging fruit?
The only smart Republican of the last 60 years was Bush Sr, and he was a one-term wonder who rode Reagan’s coattails into office.
Nixon was notoriously incompetent as VP, almost beat Kennedy in 1960, threw what should have been a career ending shit fit in 1962 after losing the California governor’s race, but not only came back in 68 and win because Goldwater was so unpopular in 64, but won 72 in the greatest landslide in history up to that point.  Corrupt to the bone, he resigned before he could be impeached for hiring burglars to steal dirt on a political opponent, covering it up, and lying about it.
Ford was appointed VP to replace scandal stricken Spiro Agnew, specifically chosen because he was known as an honest politician.  His reputation evaporated the second he became president because his first act was to pardon the guiltiest man in the country; he lost handily in 76.
Reagan was an actor who wanted to play politician so he could hurt the people he didn’t like; blacks people, poor people, gay people, women.  It was a power trip for him, and because he was good at reading cue cards and delivering jokes written by other people, everyone let him get away with murder.  He committed treason by selling weapons to Iran; this isn’t hyperbole, the actual definition of treason includes giving aid to out enemies, and after the oil and hostage crises of the 70s, Iran was an enemy first and foremost.  Oliver North took the blame and had his secretary shred the evidence, the President Bush pardoned everyone involved.  Reagan won in an even bigger landslide than 72 in 84, and Bush won in a major upset against Dukakis in 88.
Bush lost in 92 in no small part because of Ross Perot splitting the ticket; no third party candidate has ever done better nationwide than Perot in 92, with 19% of the vote (though he didn’t win a single state, which some minor candidates have done).  Clinton won with 43% of the popular vote.  Forty-three percent!  57% of people voted against him, and he won.  92 was a farce, as was 96 with less than 50% voter turnout, the lowest in modern history.  Perot ran again and got 8.4% of the vote, Republican Bob Dole only got 40.7%, and Clinton got 49.2%.  This means that less than a quarter of eligible voters voted for Bill Clinton, and he still won.  FARCE!
Al Gore rightfully won in 2000, but the conservative majority Supreme Court stole it from him.  Florida was too close to call; whichever candidate won it would become president.  George W. Bush’s brother Jeb was governor, and he ordered the federally mandated recount be stopped, breaking the law.  The Supreme Court decided not to restart the recount for no discernible reason besides they wanted Bush to win.  He was notoriously dumb, stereotypically dumb, so dumb a lot of people thought it was an act and voted for him because they thought he was a secret genius who was just pretending to be a cowboy running for president off his daddy’s legacy.  He was the stupidest president we had ever had up to that point, and hired a lot of smart people to do horrible things so he could claim plausible deniability.  That Obama didn’t send Dick Cheney to the Hague was a deafening silence.  Bush only won re-election in 2004 because he started a war in Iraq in 2003 and the country didn’t want to change horses midstream; same exact tactic his daddy used, only this war lasted longer than the Gulf and “worked” as planned.
2008 was a ceremonial race; McCain didn’t stand a chance.  He was not incompetent, but his running mate was.  Sarah Palin was even dumber than Bush, and like Gingrich in the 90s was responsible for a conservative revolution we’re still feeling today.  Barack Obama wasn’t an amazing president, but he was an AMAZING candidate.  Everybody loved Obama in 2008, he won more votes than any candidate in history until 2020.  McCain was a career moderate, and after the last 8 years of failure both parties were running on a platform of “I am not George W. Bush.”  Turns out a young charismatic smart black man is less like Bush than another old white guy.
Obama lost a ton of momentum going into 2012 because he didn’t really DO anything his first term.  His only major accomplishment was the Affordable Care Act, which was an act of the Democratic congress than anything else, and it still wasn’t nearly as progressive as it needed to be (the US is still the only developed nation without universal healthcare).  Romney, a Republican governor from the Democratic stronghold of Massachusetts, could have beaten him were he not a classist piece of shit.  Romney hated poor people more than Reagan, and once wore brown face to a campaign event to make himself look more like Obama (they didn’t paint his hands or neck, just his face).  Obama made a lot of promises he didn’t keep, in no small part because of the Tea Party and the devastating losses in 2014 (we suffer under Mitch McConnell because of that).
2016 was a dumpster fire that shouldn’t have happened, and if either party had run a different candidate, it wouldn’t have.  Sanders would have beaten Trump, Clinton would have beaten Cruz.  It was a perfect storm of a very unpopular and insincere grandma running against a cartoon supervillain.  You couldn’t repeat that with what we know now.  Your vote in 2016 came to represent who you were as a person; people took it to the extremes, and the sunk cost fallacy made the entire Republican party shift so far rightward that we have actual concentration camps now and NOBODY GIVES A SHIT!  Trump was a game show host, a used car salesman famous for being tacky and dumb and offensive.  He was KNOWN for running his companies into the ground, that was his MO, he made a career out of bankruptcy, and Republicans still can’t believe that he drove us into the worst economic depression since the last Republican (history repeat itself, whoop-dee-doo).  Biden won in 2020 because of record turnout, though 2020 was closer to the intentional walk of 2012 than the home run of 2008 in terms of enthusiasm for the candidates.
If we’ve learned anything its that Republicans just keep getting worse and worse, so it’s getting hard for me to imagine what 2024 has in store.  Will Trump risk losing the popular vote 3 times in a row for a second term?  i think he’ll pretend to so he can scam millions of dollars out of his base, but he’ll either lost the primaries and tank the Republicans by running third-party, or he’ll drop out and endorse one of his spawn.  If Biden decides not to run in 2024, the nomination will almost certainly go to Kamala Harris, at which point I expect the Republicans to run a woman as well, so that we’re guaranteed the first woman president; she’ll be young, and white, and blonde.  My money’s on Ivanka.  Kamala vs. Ivanka will be a repeat of the 2016 dumpster fire, only worse because then everyone would be acting like both candidates are feminist icons, #GirlPower #SheRunsTheWorld #WarCrimesAreBetterWithTwoXChromosomes  If Biden DOES run again, then I suspect the Republican pool will be wide early on (Prick Scott, Ron DeathSantis, Uncle Tom Cotton, Nikkki Haley, you name it), only to shrink before the primaries as they all coordinate to get behind someone strong enough to defeat an incumbent.
Republicans are very good at coordinating; they are the party of “Follow the Leader.”  Whoever is in charge has 100% authority, no ifs, ands, or buts, no questions asked, just follow orders.  It would be easy to call them lemmings, but it’s more insidious than this.  They run dumb candidates for president, but have very smart people working behind the scenes to do horrible things.  They’re willing to follow orders blindly to ensure that the party prospers, whereas Democrats are chicken running around with their heads cut off.  There are no Democratic leaders.  Pelosi?  Schumer?  Nobody likes those dinosaurs!  The only really popular Democrats are progressives, and they will never have power as long as the moderates have a majority of the caucus.  AOC could be a senator someday; she could replace Schumer whenever he retires, but that would hinge on her not having any moderate primary challengers.  Moderates are still very popular because they are seen as “electable,” even though they never DO anything once elected.  Progressives have big ideas and the concrete plans to get them done, but the moderate establishment is afraid of losing power, and would rather placate the other side doing nothing, changing nothing, making no waves.  The party needs to shift leftward, or the country is doomed.
I would suggest the progressives splitting off to form a third party, but that would almost certainly destroy left-wing politics in this country as every safe seat would become split.  In an ideal world, it would be a nominal change; they would be the Progressive Democratic Party, they would continue to run in blue districts and caucus with Democrats on votes, but would advertise themselves as anti-establishment.  They would be like the New Democrats in Canada, which now that I think about it is a very bad idea because the New Democrats have no power and end up giving more votes to the Liberals and Conservatives instead.  The Progressive solution is intended to show the caucus that the moderates don’t have total control, but it would end up with the moderate Democrats shooting themselves in the foot, running against Progressives in every seat, handing them to the Republicans.  Every election cycle people act like a loss would spell “the end of the _____ party,” but this would actually be it for the Democrats.  It would be a turning point, like the 1960s, with millions of people changing parties out of principle, a major shift.  A Red Scare
I just want to crawl in a hole and die.  I hate politics.
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'As far as I care, you can sleep in your car': The Corona tenants
By Chaminda Jayanetti
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"As far as I care, you can sleep in your car."
Maria had just discovered what it means to be a tenant in the time of corona. It was June 5th and her landlady was ordering her to move out of her lodging that very day.
Just 24 hours earlier, she had given Maria a month's notice to leave, accusing her of using too much water when she washed her hands in line with government advice, and of damaging the property.
Now all of a sudden, she was being summarily kicked out.
"I was feeling all the emotions at the same time," Maria says. "I was scared, I was anxious, I was confused, I couldn't believe what was happening. I wanted to cry."
Maria had been lodging in the house in Bristol for three years when the pandemic hit. Despite there being five other occupants, the landlady blamed her alone for the rising water bill.
"She would be literally breathing on my neck [when I washed my hands], checking on how much water I'd use. She kept watching me all the time," Maria says.
"One day she came up to me and shoved the water bill in my face. She wanted me to pay £300 extra."
On June 4th, she gave her a month to move out after accusing Maria of deliberately damaging her bedroom window - "Why would I damage my own window?" Maria asks - and the next day, she called her into the bathroom they both used and unleashed an even more bizarre accusation.
"She points at the ceiling in the bathroom. And she's like, 'oh, what is that?' I was like, 'what do you mean?' 'Oh, there's black mould on the ceiling'.
"She accused me of pouring water and bleach on the ceiling on purpose to damage the property. That's what she accused me of. Why would I do that? Like, that doesn't make any sense.
"She said I'd have to leave the house immediately, and I looked at her and I was like, 'why would I damage the bathroom on purpose?' And she's like, 'no, you have to leave now or I'm going to call the police'. And I was like, where am I going to go?'
"I go, 'you can't put me on the street in the middle of a pandemic'. And she said, 'as far as I care, you can sleep in your car'.
"And the worst thing about it is she's a nurse."
Private rented tsunami
Despite everything, in some ways Maria got lucky - she was able to stay at a friend's place for a week before finding a new long-term tenancy, though she has little hope of getting back her £420 deposit.
But the situation facing tenants is perilous. Amid a crisis exacerbated by underlying inequalities, lodgers like Maria face more inequality than most, with few legal rights or protections. But even renters with long-term tenancies face a multitude of threats.
Politics.co.uk has heard of numerous cases of rising rent arrears and illegal evictions since lockdown began. Vital repairs have been delayed, with one block of flats left without running water at a time when personal hygiene is paramount. Some landlords have even tried to put the rent up in the middle of the pandemic.
Many migrants are at particular risk due to their insecure legal status and lack of access to benefits.
"If you are undocumented or you don't have the right to be here, then obviously that makes it a bit more complicated, because the landlord, if they know that, they hold some power over you - so whether you're going to stand up to them is another matter," says Fizza Qureshi of Migrants' Rights Network.
And then there's section 21.
Section 21 is the 'no fault' eviction route. It allows landlords to kick tenants out for any reason, as long as the correct procedure is followed and three months' notice is given.
The government suspended legal evictions at the start of lockdown, first until 23rd June and then until 23rd August.
But as incomes fall and rent arrears rise, section 21 eviction notices have been piling in, ready to take effect once the evictions ban is over.
“Nobody should lose their home because of coronavirus," says Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter. "But if the government fails to act, tens of thousands of renters who’ve lost their livelihoods will soon face this terrifying prospect.
"When the evictions ban lifts on 23rd August, anyone in rent arrears could face automatic eviction from their home. This could unleash a tsunami of homelessness that councils would struggle to cope with."
Aidan Cassidy of Acorn, which campaigns for tenants' rights, says he is aware of 10-20 cases of landlords issuing section 21 notices during lockdown, just among Acorn's thousand members in Bristol.
"Due to coronavirus and the whole load of financial issues that it's caused, a lot of people have missed rent payments," says Cassidy. "Lots of landlords have unfortunately decided to act without any sort of thought for the wellbeing and health of their tenants, and have essentially evicted them or given them a section 21 notice because of these rent arrears."
One such case is an elderly self-employed handyman who can't work during the pandemic and has faced delays to his benefits, leaving him £150 in arrears on his rent.
It's a relatively small amount - but it's proved enough to trigger a section 21 notice.
"Instead of the landlord being sympathetic or reasonable, he's just said, 'no, we're not even going to talk about this, you've got three months to get out'," says Cassidy.
What makes this even worse is that he has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a lung condition that makes it hard to breathe and places him firmly on the 'shielding' list of people at heightened risk from coronavirus.
"Obviously if he is now evicted, he's at massive risk," Cassidy explains. "There's absolutely no way he can go about his normal business looking for a new place. The lockdown might be over but the virus is very much still out there and I think any suggestion that life is back to normal for people who are very susceptible to coronavirus is just nonsense."
And evictions have a sting in the tail that increase the risk of enduring homelessness.
"If people are evicted with rent arrears under section 21, the landlord can then take whatever they can off those arrears from their deposit," says Portia Msimang of Renters' Rights London. "So people are left with no deposit with which to get another property. And this is how people fall into homelessness."
It's raining rents
Short of eviction notices, rising rent arrears are a looming crisis. With the economy likely to be hamstrung for months to come, many tenants will be financially squeezed while landlords come knocking for missed rent - one of the biggest sticks of dynamite in a bulging debt timebomb also comprising utility bills, loans and council tax.
"The biggest problem we've faced is people saying that they're worried about getting behind on the rent. And those that are getting behind on the rent aren't getting the help they need from landlords," says Caitlin Wilkinson of Generation Rent.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) calculates there were 11 percent fewer rental payments in April and May than a year before. Both the debt advice service StepChange and the Resolution Foundation think tank have estimated that just under 600,000 tenants in the private rented sector are in arrears, while Generation Rent says arrears have trebled.
The government has boosted Universal Credit, reversing years of cuts - but still not enough to cover average rents in a local area.
It has also advised tenants to negotiate rent reductions with their landlords - a laughable prospect for many tenants. Acorn branches report occasional successes, but for the most part landlords hold the whip hand in Britain's housing crisis and don't want to know. The IFS has found only one or two percent of tenants have received a rent holiday.
Biting back
What makes the situation particularly egregious is that the Tories promised to abolish section 21 evictions in their 2019 manifesto. Yet nothing has happened.
A statement from the ministry for housing in response to this article did not specifically mention a ban on section 21: "We are committed to bringing forward legislation to enhance renters' security as part of the largest changes to renting in 30 years.
"We are working with the judiciary to ensure when evictions proceedings start again, arrangements, including rules, are in place to give appropriate protections for those who have been particularly affected by coronavirus.”
Most organisations campaigning for renters' rights agree on the need to increase Universal Credit to cover average rents, and scrap section 21.
The issue of arrears is more contentious. Forcing landlords to waive rents and cancel arrears may contravene the Human Rights Act - one reason Labour dropped this approach under Keir Starmer, sparking anger from campaigners who fear Labour's new policy would leave tenants with unpayable debts.
Generation Rent's solution is to effectively extend the government furlough scheme to landlords, covering 80 percent of their monthly income up to £2,500 a month per tenant - with councils able to restrict the payment on the basis of need.
Then there are rent strikes. Heather, in Haringey, lost her work income during lockdown. After her landlady refused her request for a rent reduction, and with benefits not covering the shortfall, she got involved with the London Renters Union and simply stopped paying. She hasn't heard from her landlady for two months.
"For me it's not just a means thing," Heather says. "It started out like that, but now it feels much more like part of a movement against landlords, against this culture of people accruing lots of wealth by not actually paying anything into the system."
And this is a feature of Britain's economic response to coronavirus. Employers have taken a hit. Workers and tenants have taken a hit. But landlords, the part of the economy that produces the least value, have had the most protection of all.
The names of tenants have been changed in this article.
Chaminda Jayanetti is a freelance journalist. Follow him on Twitter here.
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nadineeb · 4 years
Hey, it’s Nadine and this is my first blog!
Welcome my dear readers to my first blog post! I want to extend my arms to all of you for reading this blog and the future ones. I’m delighted that I found this platform on the internet which makes me give a stand and voice on things that matters to me and the people around me. All the blogs that I will post here at Tumblr are only my thoughts and opinions. If we don’t have the same stand regarding a matter, feel free to exit. I believe that we all have the right to express ourselves with utmost freedom we can have. I hope we all vibe together. -XOXO, Nads <3
Allow me to introduce myself to the blogging world!
I’m Bernadine Bayangos, a teen from a small town in Isabela, Philippines.
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A LOT of people I met outside Region 2 and in the upper part of Luzon, they always tell me “Where is that place?” or sometimes, “Isa - what?? I haven’t heard of it before! It really is a place huh?”. Hearing these things I don’t know how to react to be honest.
Most of the time I try to explain where it is but sometimes, I just shrugged them off because some of the people especially those I met who came from well-known cities offend me. They ask me if we got a mall here or just the random, common sense questions.
Let me tell you, yes, we’ve got malls here where we get our stuff from our day to day living. I felt so lucky that we still have to shop at the farmers’ market. It’s available and open anytime of the day. We can find cheap-priced things and foods that are essential to our daily lives. Some grocery store-bought vegetables cost a fortune unlike in the farmers’ markets.
Well as for clothes, I usually go to Manila every month but since it’s locked down, I order online. The Internet + my love for clothes really make a huge difference especially now that we’re locked down in our areas and can’t travel that far.
I grew up with my family and some extended relatives which are way older than me - my grandparents. I learn my instincts from them - self-defense, way of life, how to be smart, and most importantly, my virtues. That’s also explains why I’m a bit talkative.
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I want my Tumblr to be my avenue to express things to others which I cannot do since face to face chatting with your dear friends is not really advisable at this moment.
One of my favorite things to do back then and now, is to read books. I can remember when I was like 6 to 12 years old, when we go to Manila, I could never go back here in the province without the 4 big bags of books and school supplies that I bought from a famous bookstore. Thinking of it now, I quite made my dad go broke. Yikes!
Feeding my love for learning, I’m always a girl that is curious about a lot of things. If I’m not satisfied, I will surely ask about it. Though now, that I’ve grown so much, I refrain myself from asking now that I can solve issues that affects me.
I also love travelling! When I’m somewhere near the ocean or the mountains, I feel that I’m at peace. Not much of a city girl, that I’m tired of being it since then. My favorite place to visit here in the Ph is Cagayan de Oro and its nearby towns. The Dahilayan Adventure Park which has the longest zipline in Asia. You can also visit the Del Monte pineapple plantations and see acres of pineapples while eating a medium-rare steak at their restaurant. If you’re also fond of adventures in line with having to see the beauty of nature, I highly suggest to visit this place!
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The people, they are heartwarmingly hospitable. In the hotel we stayed, Limketkai Luxe hotel, the accommodation was amazing. Also, I love to stay there every time because when mom and dad leave me for meetings, there’s a backdoor and an overpass which leads to the entrance of the shopping mall. How I miss!
Cagayan de Oro also holds a special place in my heart because as what I’ve said earlier, I’m fond of reading books whether it is online or a hard copy one. I’ve read the Montefalco Series on Wattpad by Jonaxx, the author, I’ve fallen in love with the place immediately. I feel like one of the main characters whenever I go to CDO.
When I travel I always tend to adapt to the cultures of the place I’m going. It’s a sign of respect to the. Being able to mix in with the crowd is a great advantage for me in the future especially that after I finish my studies, I want to go abroad to master my skills. That’s why I’m always day-dreaming at things that may be going on for the next few years of my life.
After 10 years, I will be 26 by then, I suppose I’m with my family in Australia by then. I’m working as a business associate while studying law at one of the prestigious schools in Victoria.  From then, I can continue to work at the Parliament of Australia in Melbourne. I may still be single by that time, busy building my career, and play with my cats at home after a stressful day.
This is me at the Parliament.
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Let’s talk about the 2019 Corona Virus disease that had struck our world last months. I can say that it’s getting a lot worse that I had imagined. I know that our scientists have done great work in finding solutions to this. Money isn’t everything once you’ve get a hit by this virus. I myself can prove that.
I have this auntie who is a doctor and she’s very successful in her field. She even had one of the biggest shares at a hospital but then things got out of hand, she had the disease. There’s nothing she can do except to lie down her bed, get better, fight for it so that once she gets better, she can continue curing her patients.
My grandfather’s cousin, a former senator of the Philippines, also died from this virus. I’m proud to think that he had served our country well, but I’m devastated that he had to die this way, I didn’t even saw his last moments nor his dead body. He is immediately cremated and left the hospital bill with millions of pesos.
This shows that even the strongest person, the most kind, the rich, the nobody – can’t get away if we all are not taking care of our own health. We should love our body more! Think about ourselves more!
Before this pandemic, I did not have this realizations yet. I realized that more than taking care of our body, we should express to our loved ones how we care and love them dearly. We never know when death comes our way. Yes, we do know that we can’t escape it but the thing is, we know that it’ll happen and we can’t accept the fact the God will take them soon. I think that’s the problem, we, people, tend to just shrug it off and don’t make the best out of someone that we love because they will stay, what we can’t accept is that they will stay but not forever. That is why we have regrets.
(one of my best times before this outbreak)
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Indeed, life is short as they say. If you’re dealing with your what ifs’ I recommend you don’t. Just make it happen. If you don’t, you’ll spend your life thinking about that `what if’s’ it’ll only make your life nonsense. So for me, I’d rather do it. If it fails, stand up again, fix yourself, and go on. Instead of letting yourself not doing it because of what might happen on the way. Your happiness depends on you. Choose it. Don’t wait for the things  to happen right before your eyes. Act on it and make it happen.
My first blog is a bit long now and I’m getting emotional, I’ll have to say goodbye for now. I’ll see you on my next one. Ciao!
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pannimanagementteam · 2 years
Accounts Payable Automation Market 2022 Key Players, Swot Evaluation, Key Indicators And Forecast To 2032
With over 25 years serving the meals and beverage industry, we are in a position to provide advice in operations, distribution, accounting, business intelligence and customer relationship management to help you grow your food and beverage business. Food business software may help food and beverage manufacturers run their enterprise, managing multi-company finance and operations, together with eCommerce functionality, from a single system. Food Processing, a meals industry journal, notes that offer chain woes have unveiled concerns with the “just in time” manufacturing mannequin. JIT is the concept of working with decreased inventories and supporting frequent, smaller purchases. With the difficulties posed by the availability chain crisis, meals and beverage producers today may must rethink this mannequin and think about how they'll effectively manage their uncooked material inventory.
It offers project management instruments, resource administration instruments, finance management tools and enterprise intelligence in a single answer. For example, Epicor Eagle was built for retailers and consists of capabilities corresponding to point-of-sale , payment processing, back-office administration sage x3 fmcg and omnichannel management. Epicor Eclipse was developed for leading HVAC, electrical, plumbing and PVF distributors and contains capabilities such as supply chain administration, analytics, warehousing and stock management. Extensive testing will decrease the risk of unexpected flaws in ERP implementation.
ERP Project Manager develops, plans, and implements the Enterprise Resource Planning system. Being an ERP Project Manager units deadlines, assigns responsibilities and screens progress for the ERP system. Evaluates and recommends changes to current and future ERP system necessities to satisfy sage x3 fmcg organizational wants. Additionally, ERP Project Manager leads the implementation of new organizational processes aligned with ERP configuration. The ERP Project Manager manages subordinate employees within the day-to-day performance of their jobs.
Even if you’re successful now, those processes might be incompatible with an otherwise wonderful system. As you look via the features beneath, consider adding new processes or altering old ones for optimum efficiency post-implementation. This listing may go on for fairly some time, and as expertise improves these benefits will solely multiply.
He has helped handle ERP implementations and reengineer global provide chains internationally. The industry’s pioneer cloud ERP system is in a fantastic spot now that other vendors are struggling to prematurely rush their cloud choices to market. Add the truth that NetSuite appears to be finally capitalizing on the energy of Oracle’s financial and organizational sources, and the product moves to the highest of our listing for the primary time. The product holds up well in comparisons of NetSuite vs. D365 and other techniques. IFS is another product that has targeted strengths, which is sufficient for the product to crack our top 5 this 12 months.
Whether you select to deploy it on a non-public cloud, by way of a hosted cloud or on-premise, you could be assured of flexibility, and access from net and mobile gadgets. Sage X3 is well-suited for mid-sized firms that want broad ERP performance with out the excessive price of the massive solutions. Complex organizations with difficult requirements, nevertheless sage x3 fmcg, are likely to require third-party integrations to realize all their ERP goals. Sage ERP X3 addresses complicated finance and accounting management wants by equipping your small business with versatile tools to improve monetary reporting and compliance whereas gaining valuable insight into your small business.
Then, when the enterprise receives the products, a receiving report documents the shipment, including any damages or amount discrepancies. The vendor bill is sent by the vendor to request payment for the products or companies provided. The AP division receives vendor invoices and the invoice administration process begins. Common ERP software options embody sales instruments, CRM, accounting tools, and human resources. But a few of you might need options for things like provide chain management, operational administration, and end-to-end stock logistics. Enterprise useful resource planning software program helps massive organizations manage their entire operation within a single system.
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