missedmilemarkers · 12 days
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Lookout Mountain, Colorado Just 2024
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alpopkov-blog · 5 months
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Takatalvi birds. Takatalvi is a phenomenon that occurs when winter suddenly comes back in spring. Not a bad time to photograph.
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railwayhistorical · 9 months
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This is an intriguing bird for you: the killdeer. It's a robin-sized plover that lives away from the shore. I believe I was at a tennis court in Manassas, Virginia, when I took these pictures.
And here's another instance of distinctive behavior (final image): the killdeer will feign injury—the so-called broken-wing distraction display—to lure predators away from the nest or young. The bird is on the nest in first image; see four eggs in the second image.
Three images by Richard Koenig: taken late 1980s or early 1990s.
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sydthetiel · 11 months
Update Time!
I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but some serious burdens/guilt have been lifted.
Family friend came again today, brought me another grocery order, which has a new can opener (this one better fucking work) and some more cold foods to last the week and stuff. Eggs, salad, etc. I can feel a little better about what I'm putting into my body besides canned crap, without having to spend hours to make it.
She helped me get a huge chunk done of what all those aides were supposed to do with me. We went through foods and organized, cleaned my "ration rack" (which is, as it sounds, a rack which holds the rations for days I can't get out of bed. Chips, crackers, croissants, poptarts, cookies, etc. All the snackies, and some extra drinks, so I no longer have to sleep with all of them.) Ahhh wonderful. It's also out of my path now for trying to get to my office where Syd is currently located. No more squeezing and side stepping. Mentally, that's a load off. Clutter and mess trigger my OCD bad enough to hit me real hard with depression and hopelessness. It's the biggest reason why hoarder Rex is so bad for me.
Syd's new water bowl came. As expected, it was too big to fit in such a tiny hospital cage. It was a two person job to take the top off and install it, and it takes up so very much of the cage. I held Syd, while friend put the top of the cage back on. The sight was so fucking depressing. Friend says to me "I'm gonna buy her a bigger cage." And of course, cages are expensive, so I told her that, and explained this one is so small because it's literally all I could afford, and I feel like the worst dad ever for it. And of course, at this point, we're both crying, because my baby girl deserves better than a tiny fucking cramped piece of shit where she can't even spread her fucking wings, but it's impossible to bring her home cage into my office. It ain't gettin' up the stairs, or through the doorways. Dear fucking gods, no. Friend insists, "We're gonna order a cage today, on your phone, before we leave." And she did. It'll be here in roughly a week. It should (better) be big enough, and it's quite lovely. It has a stand, so I can store her food and all that, and will make an exceptional hospital cage, where Bean can flap and be happy and well cared for. I am in fucking tears. Her gofundme is still up, for vet stuff, but this is fucking HUGE for us! She also said she'll take us to the vet for another Lupron injection, since Syd's horny again, and said she'd pay for the shot!! <333
Between sobbing about trying to figure out how to pay for van repairs, a new hot water heater, and a new furnace, and a shut off notice for the electric because once again Rex didn't pay it, not having to worry about shelling out an extra $100 or so on a hormone injection is just... such a fucking weight lifted.
On top of that, Daddy's getting some needs met, too now! She assembled my shoe rack! No more bending or tripping over all my shoes! They're right there! Aaaand I finally have my new massager. It's been sitting in a fucking filthy box for like two years, and she helped me get it clean, so now I have that. As soon as I got situated in bed tonight, I tried it out. The pleasure screams I felt as it massaged the knots out of my agonizing back and shoulders is just... oh gods. Probably sounded like a whole ass orgy up in here. Actual goddamn pain relief! PAIN RELIEF!!!!!!
I ate twice today, and finally had some decent hydration, too. Huge boost. I no longer detest the idea of my chicken and gravy tray. Meal plan for tomorrow!
Sunday, she's coming back, and we're gonna tackle some more stuff. I can't fucking wait. I mean, I would really love a weekend with my girlfriend, and some rest, but also, just... a clean environment is so fucking good for my mental health. And it makes me happy that they'll take all the outdated foods I won't eat, so I don't have to feel like a douchebag for wasting it and throwing it out. They're happy to eat it, and I feel like I can give something back for all the help, while also clearing out all the space.
We got a game plan for downstairs, and will start making dents in that.
But honestly... This huge chunk done today is... the kind of support I needed to feel like I might actually survive? I mean... it's still grim. The debts, the bills, the taxes not being paid. The gofundme is still just as fucking urgent as ever in order to not go homeless. In order to get heat and hot water and transportation back. But I don't feel quite as stranded and alone.
We most definitely still need like $2,000 for the van repairs, and $3,000 for the water heater and furnace, and uh... like $6,000 for the backed taxes and another $5,000 for this year's taxes.
But I don't have to cry about not being able to give Syd a better cage, or Lupron, and I have some better access for my own self care. Pain relief is so wonderful. Especially when healthcare providers are failing me so miserably.
Gofund.me ($5 min donation according to their standards) Other options (as much or as little as you can spare <3): Ven.mo: @rroche90 Pay.pal: Rory Roche (Can't miss my portrait of Dean Winchester!)
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Weekly Update!
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Sorry for the late update! Kind of was a bit out of it, but anyways, here we go!
Unfortunately, we didn't quite meet our goal of 9K words, and I apologize for that. I even pulled an all-nighter, but it seems it just wasn't enough (that's what she said 😔 ). The most I managed was 8.2K words, which is pretty good, but not quite as great as I'd hoped. However, I promise you all that I'll double down and give it my all next week! :D
On top of that, my university is starting again, but no worries, folks! I have a schedule in place that will ensure I write twice as much as I do now!
So, here's the official word count update: 4K words were written in the short story, and 4K words in the main book, bringing the main book's total to 125,214 words and the short book to 14,023 words.
In other news, I've also commissioned character art for a cute 19-year-old character who you'll be training with in my upcoming femboy dating simulator book (available on Patreon). I'll be sharing all the character art once we hit 20K words or once the demo for the second book is created, haha!
That's about it for now. See you all next week, and I hope you have amazing days until then!
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wtfearth123 · 1 year
This might surprise you, but a praying mantis can indeed kill and eat a hummingbird. Only large mantises around 4 inches long have the capacity to catch a hummingbird, though.
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jasonstiff · 7 days
Calling all bird lovers... the Falcons play the Eagles tonight, my Seahawks are 2-0, and the Cardinals won, too!
#bird #birds #Falcons #Eagles #Seahawks #Cardinals #parrot #lovebirds #football #MNF #soundon #soundup #birdsoftumblr
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andywalchsworld · 6 months
Schwan im Mandichosee
#birdsoftumblr #entenvogel #schwan #weisserschwan #merching #mandichosee #lechstaustufe23 #canon_photos #canonphotography #winter2024
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notoriouslig · 2 years
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Female hooded merganser (I call her Bride of Frankenstein). #birdsoftumblr #merganser #birding #wildlifephotography
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Rare sighting! Male painted buntings bring a burst of color to any scene - with spectacular feathers that look unreal. They are some of the most recognizable and striking songbirds in the country. This particular painted bunting has become a celebrity along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park for the past several weeks. Normally found much farther south, this bird has stuck around, enjoying the park's accommodations. Stretching 184.5 miles, the C&O Canal travels through Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C., offering views and access to the stunning Potomac River. Throughout the year, many of the park's 3 million annual visitors come to enjoy the outdoors, hike, bike, jog, ride horses and if they're lucky, observe wildlife both expected and unusual. This bright bird has drawn in birders and curious onlookers, respectfully catching glimpses of it as it scours the surrounding plants for food. Photo courtesy of Stacy Beck. Male painted buntings are the most spectacularly colored of all North American songbirds, with their bold combination of red, blue, green and yellow feathers.
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noaasanctuaries · 3 years
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Manu-o-Kū, or white terns, like this one can be found around Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.
They are known by traditional Hawaiian navigators as one of the best indicators of land, as their flight patterns lead home every night. White terns are estimated to fly over 120 miles from shore to forage for food! (Photo: James Watt. Image description: A white tern with long slender winds and a black beak takes flight.)
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missedmilemarkers · 3 months
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Lakewood Colorado
Please Like and Follow
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buckybisonstravels · 2 years
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Another happy lil birb chilling amongst the flowers.
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railwayhistorical · 9 months
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Baby Great Horned Owl
I saw this little guy near Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
From when I was an active birder thirty years ago. One image by Richard Koenig; taken most likely in 1991 or 1992.
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sydthetiel · 11 months
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A happy peeper adjusting to a terrible tiny hospital cage that's going to be replaced in a week <3 Bean is just happy to have Daddy time
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nerd-raven · 5 years
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Pictures taken moments before disaster.
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