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Northern Hawk-Owl and his many admirers
Sax-Zim Bog, Minnesota, taken February 2024
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railwayhistorical · 4 months
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Baby Great Horned Owl
I saw this little guy near Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
From when I was an active birder thirty years ago. One image by Richard Koenig; taken most likely in 1991 or 1992.
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cornaby · 23 days
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Finished these Pileated Woodpeckers and put them up on Redbubble!
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this paycheck i splurged and bought a hoodie with my own design on it. i can’t often afford to have many things from my shop, but sometimes you just have to invest in yourself in ‘frivolous’ ways.
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quibblequibblol · 1 month
extra bird at the background in the end ♡
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bird-of-the-day · 1 year
BOTD: Anna's Hummingbird
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Image credit: Norvig
Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Anna's Hummingbirds can shake their body 55 times a second in flight to remove rain, pollen or dirt from their feathers. Each twist lasts four-hundredths of a second. Males with higher protein intake have more colourful, more iridescent crowns than those males with lower protein intake.
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chadots · 7 months
I planted Turk’s Cap in a shady corner because the butterflies and hummingbirds love the flowers, but other birds love the berries! A mockingbird ate a berry and came back for a second one. My life finally has purpose.
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mlobsters · 5 months
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since tumblr seems to like birds, one of my favorite bird facts is about downy and hairy woodpeckers - common visitors to bird feeders who look almost identical aside from size but aren't closely related.
more here on a new theory on why it happened
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Bird Song Hero: The song learning game for everyone
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theremina · 1 year
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My tiny badass dad and mom, octagenarian-and-very-nearly, both longtime birders, recently hiked a mountain in Panama just to catch a glimpse of this Harpy eagle and her fluffy babby chick. 🥹 (From a respectful distance, of course, with an honored local guide.) They know how much these birds mean to me, so they took and sent plenty of pictures. Oh, my heart.
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80snewsscreens · 1 year
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railwayhistorical · 4 months
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The Other Geese
In my experience, back when I lived near NYC, the Canada Goose was most common, but here are two other species I was able to see: Snow and Brant. Later, when I visited Nebraska, I would see thousands of snows, filling the sky.
Continuing a series of posts from when I was a serious birder thirty years ago. Two images by Richard Koenig; taken early 1990s.
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ccrowteethh · 3 months
birdwatching activities really sneak up on you, one day you think a bird is pretty and the next you’re downloading an app to identify bird calls
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New shirt design :D
or coffee mug or apron or wtev.
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allinllachuteruteru · 7 months
Vocabulario de la película Birders - Pt. 1 (Texas)
-la barrera - barrier
-la reserva natural - wildlife refuge
-la cigüenela (de cuello negro) - (black-necked) stilt [species of bird]
-el agua dulce - fresh water
-la bala - bullet
-la vida silvestre - wildlife
-la ala - wing
-el chipe charquero - norther waterthrush [species of bird]
-el chipe*** - warbler [type of bird]
***this definition differs based on region. As this documentary is on the Mexico-Texas birder, I would feel most comfortable saying that in Northern Mexico it’s a good translation for a warbler. According to Spanishdict it can also mean sad (Guatemala), weak (El Salvador), or dough/money (Chile). 
-el cardenal - cardinal [bird species]
-el aluminio - aluminum
-el acero inoxidable - stainless steel
-la urraca verde - greenjay [bird species]
-el alojamiento - accommodation
-el elanio* de Misisipi - Mississippi kite [bird species]
-*this is not the literal word ‘kite’; that word changes by almost every country
-el santuario - sanctuary
-la cerca - fence (wood or wire)
-la franja - stripe/band; strip; border; swath
-el tramo - stretch/span
-el atrapamoscas empidonax - Empidonax flycatcher [bird species]
-la oropéndola con capucha - Hooded oriole [bird species]
-la capacidad - ability
-la reflectividad del radar - radar reflectivity
-la época del año - the time of year
-un vistazo - a look
-el buitre - vulture*; greedy person (colloquial)
-*Vultures are also called zopilote (Centr. Am); zamuro (Lat. Am); gallinazo (Southern Cone)
-el halcón - hawk; falcon*
-*Both types of raptors are known by the same word in Spanish
-la torre - tower
-la candelita norteña pintada - Painted redstart [bird species]
-el dique - levee
-el patrullero fronterizo - border patrol
-la oropéndola altamira - Altamira oriole [bird species]
-el pitirre - gray kingbird [bird species]
-el ruiseñor - nightingale
-la curruca - Lesser Whitethroat warbler [bird species]
-unir - to join, to connect (geographical 
-atrapar - to catch/capture
-golpear - to hit
-aseguar - to secure (fasten); to promise/assure
-engordar - to put on fat/to gain weight
-mordar - to bite
-aplastar - to crush/squash
-mudarse - to move (specifically changing living or working locations)
-gastar - to spend
-serpentear - to meander; to wind
-brav@ - fierce, angry, aggressive
-fronteriz@ - border, bordering
-mach@ - male [biological]; tough/brave*
-c*an also mean: great (Colombia); blond (Costa Rica); and dude (Spain)
-ningún* - none of/no (affirmative clauses); any (negative clauses)
-*before singular masculine nouns, becomes ‘ninguno’
-*before singular feminine nouns, becomes ‘ninguna’
-cualquier otr@ - any other
-atraíd@ por - attracted to
-profanad@ - desecrated; defiled
-herid@ - wounded; hurt
-asesinad@ - killed
-mundialmente - worldwide, throughout the world
-Es esencial para - it’s essential to
-Pudo haber - he/she/it/you(fr) could have been
-Por un lado - for one thing
-Por aquí - through here
-¡Vaya! - wow!; well!; oh no!
-Tal vez - maybe; perhaps
-Hecho por el hombre - manmade
-Estar a punto de entrar - to be about to enter
-a través de - through
-aunque - even though (in spite of); although
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