#Bitcoin early opportunity
biznocrats · 3 months
How can you more than compensate for missing the opportunity with Bitcoin?
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natalieironside · 2 years
In the early 2010s, back when crypto was something that like 10 nerds were using to buy drugs off of TOR, I had some money in my pocket and I had an opportunity to get into bitcoin and I planned--I planned--to buy like 3 or 4 of 'em back when they were $14 and let the price climb until I was looking at a decent ROI and then immediately dump all my assets and put the money into something real and stable. And I didn't do it. I spent that money on Jamison whiskey and a Diablo 3 release copy instead.
The moral of this story is (1) if you have an idea for a scam, you should go ahead and run it while the scamming's good; and (2) don't develop a drinking problem.
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tokenlauncher · 3 days
From Meme Dreams to Business Class Seats: How Solana Crypto Could Take You There
Picture this: you’re scrolling through your phone, belly aching from laughter at the latest doge meme. Suddenly, a thought strikes you — “This could be me, living the high life, reclining in a plush business class seat, sipping champagne as I soar towards an exotic destination.”
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Well, the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency might just hold the key to unlocking these luxurious travel dreams. One particularly intriguing corner of this world is the rise of memecoins: digital tokens inspired by internet jokes and cultural moments. While they started as a playful experiment, some memecoins have skyrocketed in value, catapulting their early investors into unimaginable wealth.
But here’s the reality check: memecoins are inherently volatile and relying solely on them for a luxurious lifestyle is a gamble. So, how can you leverage the potential of memecoins while building a more secure foundation for your travel aspirations?
Enter Solana, a high-speed blockchain platform rapidly becoming a breeding ground for innovative memecoins. Here’s why Solana stands out:
Lightning Speed & Low Fees: Transactions on Solana are lightning-fast and incredibly cheap compared to other blockchains like Ethereum. This makes it ideal for the fast-paced world of memecoin trading, where frequent, small transactions are common.
Innovation Hub: Solana is constantly pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology, attracting developers and fostering a dynamic memecoin ecosystem. This translates to more creative and potentially lucrative memecoin opportunities.
However, building wealth for luxurious travel goes beyond memecoins. It requires a well-rounded investment strategy that leverages different avenues to create a robust financial base.
Here’s your comprehensive roadmap to achieving that coveted business class seat:
1. Diversification is Key: Don��t gamble your travel dreams on a single memecoin. Diversify your portfolio by exploring established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Consider incorporating traditional investments like stocks and bonds into your strategy for a balanced approach.
2. Knowledge is Power: Never invest blindly, especially in the volatile world of memecoins. Before diving in, conduct thorough research on the project you’re considering. Understand the tokenomics (the structure and distribution of the token), the development team’s experience, and the project’s overall roadmap. Invest only what you can afford to lose, as memecoins are inherently high-risk assets.
3. Continuous Learning is Crucial: The crypto landscape is continuously evolving. Stay informed by following reputable news sources and attending educational webinars or workshops. Embrace the learning curve; the more you understand about crypto and memecoins, the better equipped you’ll be to make informed investment decisions.
4. Embrace Responsible Investing: Investing in memecoins, or any crypto for that matter, involves inherent risk. Always prioritize responsible investing practices. Never invest with borrowed money, and clearly define your risk tolerance and investment goals before putting your hard-earned money into any project.
5. Consider Professional Guidance: While not a necessity, seeking advice from a qualified financial advisor can be incredibly beneficial. A good advisor can help you create a personalized investment strategy tailored to your specific risk tolerance and financial goals.
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Design Freedom: Unleash your creativity by designing your own eye-catching logo and defining your meme coin’s name.
Simplified Setup: Set key parameters like total token supply and transaction fees with our easy-to-use interface.
Community Building Tools: SolanaLauncher.com integrates with popular social media platforms, allowing you to seamlessly connect with potential investors and build a strong community around your meme coin.
Remember, building wealth for travel takes time, effort, and a well-rounded strategy. Don’t expect overnight success with memecoins. However, by combining a dash of memecoin excitement, a sprinkle of Solana innovation, and a whole lot of dedication to responsible investing, you just might find yourself sipping champagne in business class, living out your travel dreams.
Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:
Set Realistic Expectations: Don’t chase unrealistic get-rich-quick schemes. Building wealth takes time and a consistent effort.
Focus on Long-Term Gains: While memecoins offer the potential for explosive growth, it’s not guaranteed. Consider them as long-term investments and focus on building a diversified portfolio.
Enjoy the Journey: The world of crypto is an exciting one, filled with constant innovation and a passionate community. Embrace the learning process and enjoy the ride!
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blockchaintrendss · 4 days
What Makes Meme Coins the Hottest Trend in Cryptocurrency?
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In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, meme coins have emerged as a captivating and somewhat whimsical trend. While Bitcoin and Ethereum dominate the headlines, meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have captured the imaginations of investors and internet users alike. But what exactly makes these meme coins the hottest trend in cryptocurrency? This blog delves into the factors driving their popularity, from cultural appeal to technological innovation.
1. The Appeal of Meme Culture
Meme culture, characterized by the rapid spread of humorous and relatable content across the internet, has become a significant force in shaping online behavior. Memes resonate with the tech-savvy, younger demographic who spend considerable time on social media and online forums. This cultural phenomenon has naturally extended into the cryptocurrency world, giving birth to meme coins.
Memes are inherently viral, leveraging humor and shared experiences to create a sense of community. When a cryptocurrency embodies this spirit, it becomes more than just a digital asset; it transforms into a cultural icon. Dogecoin, for instance, started as a joke based on the popular Doge meme but quickly gained traction due to its lighthearted nature and widespread appeal.
2. Community-Driven Growth
One of the most compelling aspects of meme coins is their community-driven growth. Online communities on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Discord play a crucial role in popularizing these coins. Enthusiastic supporters create memes, share news, and rally behind their favorite projects, generating organic hype and interest.
Dogecoin's community, known as the "Doge Army," is a prime example. Their collective efforts have led to significant events, such as sponsoring a NASCAR driver and fundraising for charitable causes. This sense of belonging and active participation fosters loyalty and sustains the momentum of meme coins.
3. Accessibility and Low Barrier to Entry
Investing in traditional financial assets often requires substantial capital and knowledge, creating barriers for many potential investors. Meme coins, however, offer a more accessible entry point. They are typically inexpensive, allowing individuals to buy large quantities with minimal investment. This affordability, combined with the potential for high returns, attracts a wide range of investors, from novices to seasoned traders.
Moreover, the user-friendly platforms for buying and trading meme coins make the process straightforward. Popular exchanges and wallets have simplified the process, enabling anyone with an internet connection to participate in the meme coin craze.
4. Celebrity Endorsements and Media Hype
Celebrity endorsements and media coverage have significantly amplified the popularity of meme coins. High-profile figures like Elon Musk, who frequently tweets about Dogecoin, have a profound influence on market trends. Musk's tweets have caused dramatic price fluctuations, underscoring the power of celebrity influence in the crypto space.
Media coverage further fuels the hype, with news outlets often highlighting the dramatic price movements and unique stories behind meme coins. This publicity attracts new investors and keeps the existing community-engaged, perpetuating the cycle of interest and investment.
5. Speculative Investment Opportunities
Meme coins present high-risk, high-reward investment opportunities. Their volatile nature means prices can skyrocket based on market sentiment, celebrity endorsements, or viral trends. Stories of individuals making substantial profits from small investments add to the allure, drawing in speculative investors looking for quick gains.
This speculative environment is reminiscent of a gold rush, where early adopters can potentially reap significant rewards. However, it also comes with substantial risks, as prices can plummet just as quickly. The thrill of potentially hitting a jackpot makes meme coins particularly attractive to risk-tolerant investors.
6. Technological Innovation and Features
Beyond the humor and hype, some meme coins incorporate unique technological features and innovations. For instance, Shiba Inu introduced ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange that allows users to trade and stake their tokens. These innovations add a layer of functionality and value to the coins, distinguishing them from mere speculative assets.
Meme coins often experiment with novel tokenomics, such as deflationary mechanisms where a portion of each transaction is burned, reducing the total supply over time. These features can create long-term value and sustainability, appealing to investors who seek more than just short-term gains.
7. Market Volatility and Risks
The volatile nature of meme coins is a double-edged sword. While it offers the potential for high returns, it also poses significant risks. Prices can be highly unpredictable, driven by market sentiment rather than intrinsic value. This volatility can result in substantial losses, particularly for those who invest without fully understanding the risks involved.
Investors should approach meme coins with caution, conducting thorough research and being prepared for the potential of losing their investment. Diversifying one's portfolio and investing only what one can afford to lose are prudent strategies in navigating this volatile market.
8. Regulatory Considerations
The regulatory landscape for meme coins is still evolving. Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly scrutinizing cryptocurrencies, and meme coins are no exception. Potential future regulations could impact the market, influencing investor confidence and stability.
For instance, increased regulatory oversight might lead to greater transparency and security, which could attract more institutional investors. On the other hand, stringent regulations might stifle innovation and reduce the speculative allure of meme coins. Staying informed about regulatory developments is crucial for investors and developers in this space.
Meme coins have carved out a unique niche in the cryptocurrency market, blending humor, community, and speculative opportunity into a compelling package. Their appeal lies in their accessibility, the vibrant communities that support them, and the thrilling potential for high returns. However, the volatile nature and regulatory uncertainties pose significant risks that investors must navigate.
As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, meme coin development will likely remain a fascinating and dynamic part of the landscape. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a curious newcomer, understanding the factors that drive the popularity of meme coins can provide valuable insights into the broader trends shaping the future of digital assets.
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dawnvy · 17 days
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The Foley Family Family Reunion | CAS Challenge @faerietempest
Isabella is the eldest of the Foley siblings and was a teenager with her sister Franny when the younger two of the families were born. Travelling from Tartosa at the first opportunity, Isabella spent her early 20's in Sulani where she met her soulmate, Kai - a surfer.
Kai and Isabella had two daughters together, Ayla and Phaedra. The family spent a long while living in a van and travelling, meeting new people and exploring new cultures, until Bitcoin erupted online and Kai became a devote investor. When Ayla went off to university and met Leon, her younger sister Phaedra went through a rough time in her life, ending up pregnant as a teenager with her boyfriend, Kyle. After delivering her daughter, Selene right after graduation, Kyle did the honorable thing and the two of them had a quiet courthouse wedding, for the sake of little Selene. Now that Leon has finally popped the question to Ayla, the whole family is excited to finally have a big wedding.
Isabella (Day 1 - Cool Aunt) Kai (Day 4 - The Bitcoin Uncle) Ayla and Leon (Day 3 - The Cousin Who is Getting Married) Phaedra, Kyle and Selene (Day 16 - The Anxious New Parents)
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unpluggedfinancial · 1 month
Why Doing Your Own Research is Crucial for Informed Decisions
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In today's information-rich world, doing your own research is more important than ever. Whether you're investing in Bitcoin or considering new financial opportunities, conducting thorough research is crucial to ensuring you make the most informed decision possible. In a previous post
Do Your Own Research: Why Taking Someone’s Word Isn’t Enough Anymore
I delved into the importance of research. Today, I want to expand on why this is essential for making confident, well-founded choices.
1. Informed Decisions
The sheer amount of information available can be overwhelming, but it provides a foundation to make decisions based on facts rather than assumptions. By diving deep into credible sources, you can filter through the noise and understand the intricacies of the topic. This is especially vital in finance, where trends and opinions can easily sway judgment.
2. Confidence and Conviction
When you thoroughly understand the topic you're researching, your confidence in your decisions naturally increases. Conviction in your choices becomes an essential asset, especially in volatile markets. With proper research, you won’t be easily influenced by fear, uncertainty, or doubt (often called FUD) because you know your decision is backed by data and solid reasoning.
3. Practical Benefits
Numerous real-world examples illustrate how proper research leads to success. From investors who spotted trends early to individuals who avoided scams, doing the groundwork pays off. Without researching, you may fall into common traps or overlook crucial details.
4. Take Action
Start by refining your research process:
Stay Curious: Never stop asking questions. Be skeptical of headlines and dig into the details.
Use Credible Sources: Favor reputable websites, academic papers, and expert analyses.
Keep a Research Journal: Document your findings and how they influenced your decision-making.
Network with Like-minded Individuals: Join forums, attend webinars, or read blogs like this one!
Taking charge of your research process ensures you're equipped to navigate the constantly evolving financial landscape. It’s empowering to rely on your knowledge, giving you the conviction to follow your chosen path. Subscribe to my blog for more guides, curated resources, and actionable insights to enhance your financial literacy. Check out my YouTube for financial literacy content.
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gratixtechnologies90 · 4 months
What is Blockchain Technology & How Does Blockchain Work?
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Gratix Technologies has emerged as one of the most revolutionary and transformative innovations of the 21st century. This decentralized and transparent Blockchain Development Company  has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from finance to supply chain management and beyond. Understanding the basics of Custom Blockchain Development Company  and how it works is essential for grasping the immense opportunities it presents. 
What is Blockchain Development Company 
Blockchain Development Company  is more than just a buzzword thrown around in tech circles. Simply put, blockchain is a ground-breaking technology that makes digital transactions safe and transparent. Well, think of Custom Blockchain Development Company as a digital ledger that records and stores transactional data in a transparent and secure manner. Instead of relying on a single authority, like a bank or government, blockchain uses a decentralized network of computers to validate and verify transactions. 
Brief History of Custom Blockchain Development Company
The Custom Blockchain Development Company was founded in the early 1990s, but it didn't become well-known until the emergence of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The notion of a decentralized digital ledger was initially presented by Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber. Since then, Blockchain  Development Company has advanced beyond cryptocurrency and found uses in a range of sectors, including voting systems, supply chain management, healthcare, and banking.
Cryptography and Security
One of the key features of blockchain is its robust security. Custom  Blockchain Development Company  relies on advanced cryptographic algorithms to secure transactions and protect the integrity of the data stored within it. By using cryptographic hashing, digital signatures, and asymmetric encryption, blockchain ensures that transactions are tamper-proof and verifiable. This level of security makes blockchain ideal for applications that require a high degree of trust and immutability.
The Inner Workings of Blockchain Development Company
Blockchain Development Company data is structured into blocks, each containing a set of transactions. These blocks are linked together in a chronological order, forming a chain of blocks hence the name  of Custom Blockchain Development Company. Each block contains a unique identifier, a timestamp, a reference to the previous block, and the transactions it includes. This interconnected structure ensures the immutability of the data since any changes in one block would require altering all subsequent blocks, which is nearly impossible due to the decentralized nature of the network.
Transaction Validation and Verification
When a new transaction is initiated, it is broadcasted to the network and verified by multiple nodes through consensus mechanisms. Once validated, the transaction is added to a new block, which is then appended to the blockchain. This validation and verification process ensures that fraudulent or invalid transactions are rejected, maintaining the integrity and reliability of the blockchain.
Public vs. Private Blockchains
There are actually two main types of blockchain technology: private and public. Public Custom  Blockchain Development Company, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are open to anyone and allow for a decentralized network of participants. On the other hand, private blockchains restrict access to a select group of participants, offering more control and privacy. Both types have their advantages and use cases, and the choice depends on the specific requirements of the application.
Peer-to-Peer Networking
Custom Blockchain Development Company  operates on a peer-to-peer network, where each participant has equal authority. This removes the need for intermediaries, such as banks or clearinghouses, thereby reducing costs and increasing the speed of transactions. Peer-to-peer networking also enhances security as there is no single point of failure or vulnerability. Participants in the network collaborate to maintain the Custom Blockchain Development Company security and validate transactions, creating a decentralized ecosystem that fosters trust and resilience.
Blockchain Applications and Use Cases
If you've ever had to deal with the headache of transferring money internationally or verifying your identity for a new bank account, you'll appreciate How Custom Blockchain Development Company can revolutionize the financial industry.  Custom Blockchain Development Company  provides a decentralized and transparent ledger system that can streamline transactions, reduce costs, and enhance security. From international remittances to smart contracts, the possibilities are endless for making our financial lives a little easier.
Supply Chain Management
Ever wondered where your new pair of sneakers came from?  Custom Blockchain Development Company can trace every step of a product's journey, from raw materials to manufacturing to delivery. By recording each transaction on the Custom Blockchain Development Company supply chain management becomes more transparent, efficient, and trustworthy. No more worrying about counterfeit products or unethical sourcing - blockchain has got your back!
Enhanced Security and Trust
In a world where hacking and data breaches seem to happen on a daily basis, Custom Blockchain Development Company offers a beacon of hope. Its cryptographic algorithms and decentralized nature make it incredibly secure and resistant to tampering. Plus, with its transparent and immutable ledger, Custom Blockchain Development Company builds trust by providing a verifiable record of transactions. So you can say goodbye to those sleepless nights worrying about your data being compromised!
Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings
Who doesn't love a little efficiency and cost savings? With blockchain, intermediaries and third-party intermediaries can be eliminated, reducing the time and cost associated with transactions. Whether it's cross-border payments or supply chain management, Custom blockchain Development Company streamlined processes can save businesses a ton of money. And who doesn't want to see those savings reflected in their bottom line?
The Future of Blockchain: Trends and Innovations
As Custom  Blockchain Development Company continues to evolve, one of the key trends we're seeing is the focus on interoperability and integration. Different blockchain platforms and networks are working towards the seamless transfer of data and assets, making it easier for businesses and individuals to connect and collaborate. Imagine a world where blockchain networks can communicate with each other like old friends, enabling new possibilities and unlocking even more potential.
Custom Blockchain Development Company has the potential to transform industries, enhance security, and streamline processes. From financial services to supply chain management to healthcare, the applications are vast and exciting. However, challenges such as scalability and regulatory concerns need to be addressed for widespread adoption. With trends like interoperability and integration, as well as the integration of Blockchain Development Company  with IoT and government systems, the future looks bright for blockchain technology. So strap on your digital seatbelt and get ready for the blockchain revolution!
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mariacallous · 7 months
The prospect that US residents may soon be able to invest in bitcoin through their brokerage, as if it were a regular stock, has prompted a fresh round of hype in crypto circles—and a surge in crypto prices.
Several investment firms, including heavy-hitters like BlackRock and Fidelity, are queuing up to launch a spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the US. These funds would track the price of bitcoin, making them the closest thing to investing in the crypto token directly without dealing with a crypto exchange or storing crypto manually, a process fraught with risk.
After a bruising 18 months in which crypto prices buckled, high-profile businesses collapsed, and two crypto figureheads were convicted of crimes in the US, the crypto industry is supposed to be cleaning up its act. That the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) appears to be entertaining a spot bitcoin ETF after years of resistance is seen by some as a signal that crypto is moving beyond its free-wheeling years.
The arrival of such a fund in the US—by far the world’s largest ETF market—“is a significant milestone,” says Samson Mow, a prominent bitcoin evangelist and CEO of bitcoin-centric technology firm JAN3, as it will allow investors to hold bitcoin through a conventional financial product for the first time.
While there is broad consensus around the likelihood of an ETF approval among analysts, the idea that it would be symbolic of the industry’s coming of age is contradicted by the frenzy of speculation around what will happen to the price of bitcoin.
On X, crypto influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers are predicting an ETF will send the price of bitcoin soaring, in posts peppered with the rocket ship emoji. The arrival of a spot bitcoin ETF, claims Mow, will unlock a wave of pent-up demand and lead a “torrent of capital” to “pour into bitcoin.” Institutions and other investors that either cannot or choose not to invest in unregulated financial products will seize the opportunity to invest, he says, driving the price far beyond its previous heights.
An ETF might point to a growing acceptance of bitcoin among legacy financial institutions, but the implications for the price of bitcoin are being both mis- and overstated, ETF analysts warn, and the boosterism on display shows that little about crypto has changed.
Twelve applications for spot bitcoin ETFs are awaiting approval from the SEC. Delays are commonplace, but the agency is due to make a call on some of the applications as early as January 1, 2024. The three ETF analysts who spoke to WIRED expect the SEC to green-light a spot bitcoin ETF at some point next year.
In Canada, Germany, and elsewhere, spot bitcoin ETFs already exist. And US investors have had access to bitcoin futures ETFs, the value of which are correlated with the price of bitcoin, since 2021. The approval of a spot bitcoin ETF in the US is significant because it would, for the first time, give US investors access to a close proxy to bitcoin in a familiar and regulated format.
The attention paid to the topic by crypto trade media emphasizes the current fixation in industry circles. Since this summer, when speculation about the arrival of a spot bitcoin ETF began to ratchet up, crypto news site CoinDesk has published dozens of articles and videos on the topic.
In that same period, crypto markets have experienced dramatic swings, and the price of bitcoin has risen by almost a third. In some cases, price swings have been triggered by rumor and misreporting. On October 16, crypto outlet CoinTelegraph issued a retraction and apology after putting out an erroneous post on X announcing the approval of the first spot bitcoin ETF in the US, based on a screenshot posted by an X user, which led to a buying spree that increased the price of bitcoin by 10 percent.
On November 13, a falsified ETF filing relating to a separate cryptocurrency, XRP, caused a 13 percent rise in the token’s price. By the end of the day, those gains had evaporated. The Financial Times calculated that “imaginary bitcoin ETFs” were already worth 30 times the actual spot bitcoin ETFs already in existence worldwide.
Some ETF analysts, like Aniket Ullal of investment research firm CFRA, share the belief that the arrival of an ETF is likely to increase demand for bitcoin as an investment asset. But the effect on price will not be a “short-term spike,” Ullal says, but rather stretch out over multiple years.
Others say it will have the polar opposite effect to that predicted by figures like Mow, and that the price of bitcoin could plummet as investors attracted by the hubbub quickly cash out their winnings. “The idea that there is a huge pile of demand that will somehow materialize is just not true,” argues Peter Schiff, economist and CEO at asset management firm Euro Pacific. “It’s more of a ‘buy the rumor, sell the fact’ situation.”
The “narrative” that an ETF is a “catalyst for growing demand” has attracted speculators, says Bryan Armour, director of passive research strategies for North America at investment research firm Morningstar. “Hype has always been one of the core tenets of bitcoin. It seems like hype is at an all-time high.”
Figures from research firm Fineqia suggest the volume of crypto trading activity has surged in response to speculation over the approval of a spot bitcoin ETF and its market impact. In mid-November, daily trading volume on crypto exchanges reached $31.4 billion, the highest level in more than six months.
“There’s always the possibility that people are hyping it up for their own benefit,” says Mow, who adds that he doesn’t believe the broader crypto industry—which he considers to be separate from bitcoin and describes as a “grift”—is capable of cleaning up its act. “The crypto industry will keep churning out FTXs and people will keep investing because it’s a spectacle,” he says.
But whether or not bitcoin is different—a mature asset whose legitimacy would be “cemented,” as Mow claims, by an ETF approval—the relentless speculation surrounding it will expose investors to risk. “It is wildly volatile and should be handled carefully,” says Armour. But, he adds, people “hear the siren song and buy in.”
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thenewsart · 6 months
The Rise Of Ordinals And NFTs On The Medium Of Bitcoin
The Ordinals protocol was introduced to Bitcoin in early 2023 at a most opportune time. Bitcoin had nearly two years of low transaction fees from the lack of demand to actually send Bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin is considered to be the most secure blockchain in the world, but that security depends on miners who receive their revenue from transaction fees and block rewards. As part of the…
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mansikrypto · 9 months
🎉 Exciting News!
Introducing #MOI newest MOI DevX Partner: @Momentum_6 🚀
🤝 MOI.Technology are thrilled to announce groundbreaking partnership with Momentum6, an unstoppable force in the Web3 sphere. Prepare for mind-blowing rewards as #TOKEN2049 developers can now earn a whopping $2049.
💼 Meet Momentum6, the research-driven venture fund that is architecting the future of crypto. With a multi-disciplinary approach to investing, they provide cutting-edge research on emerging trends, uncover hidden data for alpha, and help companies shine on a global stage. They're also early investors in MOI!
🚨 But wait, this opportunity is strictly limited to just 30 exclusive seats and available by invitation only!
📋 Don't miss your chance to secure a spot in this extraordinary boot camp:
Get ready to dive headfirst into the world of #MOI and #Web3 innovation alongside the powerhouses at Momentum6! 🚀🙌
#Token2049 #TOKEN2049Week #Bitcoin #Blockchain #Ethereum #Web3 #Crypto #NFT #DAO #DeFi #CBDC #HODL #MyOwnIntenet #MOI #ContextAware
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insafmedia · 1 year
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brostateexam · 1 year
GBTC stands for Grayscale Bitcoin Trust. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, originally known as the Bitcoin Investment Trust (BIT — no G!), was launched way back in 2013, and it began trading over-the-counter that same year. Grayscale would go on to become a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group (DCG) in 2015.
It’s important to remember that it was a lot harder for the average person to buy Bitcoin (BTC) in 2013. Grayscale observed that there was a market there: investors—both institutional and individual—wanted exposure to Bitcoin, but didn’t want to or weren’t able to mine it themselves, buy it peer-to-peer, or use one of the various (and somewhat shaky) crypto exchanges. So, Grayscale launched GBTC.
GBTC is, as the name would suggest, a trust. Grayscale owns a big pile of Bitcoins, and they issue the $GBTC security. The idea is that Grayscale does all the work of obtaining and custodying the Bitcoins, individual investors can buy GBTC via their usual brokerage accounts (and even put it in tax-advantaged accounts like retirement plans), and investment firms and funds can get exposure to BTC in a compliant way.
Because the number of GBTC shares is proportional to the number of Bitcoins held in the trust, the idea is that the price of GBTC will generally track the price of Bitcoin.
For the more crypto-familiar readers, this is not entirely unlike the mechanism of asset-backed stablecoins. If I take in US$100 and issue 100 MollyUSD, the value of MollyUSD should track the value of the US dollar, assuming people trust me to actually hold on to those dollars responsibly, and trust that they could likely obtain $1 in exchange for their 1 MollyUSD (either by redeeming it with me directly or trading it on the secondary market). We’ll come back to this in a moment.
High demand for GBTC, coupled with its limited supply, actually caused GBTC to trade at a significant premium to its net asset value (NAV—that is, the total value of the Bitcoins held in the trust) up until early 2021. From 2019 until the beginning of 2021, GBTC enjoyed a premium that hovered somewhere between 10% and a whopping 50%, meaning that people were willing to pay considerably more for GBTC than the equivalent quantity of BTC.
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bubbasboat-blog · 1 day
Qubetics Whitelist And Its Early Bird Perks Baffle Already Stumbling Chainlink And Polkadot!: Guest Post by TheBitTimes
Are you looking for the perfect opportunity to invest in cryptos? Have you missed Bitcoin and now envy all your friends who took that leap of faith? Early investors in Bitcoin and Ethereum are now reaping the rewards of their intuitive,…
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tokenlauncher · 2 days
Crypto Seasons: A Chart Your Course to Future Fortune
The cryptocurrency market is a dynamic landscape, constantly evolving and experiencing cyclical highs and lows. These cycles, often referred to as “crypto seasons,” can present both lucrative opportunities and significant risks for investors. Here, we’ll delve into these seasons, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate the ever-changing crypto landscape.
Demystifying the Crypto Seasons: A Cyclical Journey
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Spring (Accumulation): Following a bear market (a period of sustained price decline), confidence starts to rebuild. Prices begin to rise slowly as early adopters and value investors accumulate assets in anticipation of future growth.
Summer (Bull Run): This is the golden period for many investors. Increased market confidence and positive media coverage fuel a surge in prices. New investors enter the market, further amplifying the upward trend.
Fall (Profit-Taking): As euphoria reaches its peak, some investors start to “take profits,” selling their holdings to lock in gains. This can lead to a period of price stabilization or even a slight correction.
Winter (Bear Market): Inevitably, a correction occurs. Prices fall significantly, leading to fear and uncertainty among investors. This typically lasts for several months and can be a brutal period for unprepared investors.
It’s important to remember that these seasons are not set in stone and can vary in duration and intensity. However, recognizing these trends can help you make informed investment decisions throughout the year.
Top Contenders for the Future: Charting the Crypto Galaxy
While the future of crypto remains uncertain, some projects stand out for their potential to be major players in the years to come. Here are a few of the top contenders, including the ever-evolving Solana:
Bitcoin (BTC): The undisputed king of crypto, Bitcoin remains a dominant force. While its growth might be slower than some newer projects, its established presence and limited supply offer a sense of security for many investors.
Ethereum (ETH): Often referred to as the “smart contract king,” Ethereum provides the foundation for a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and the booming DeFi (decentralized finance) ecosystem. Its recent upgrade promises faster speeds and lower fees, making it even more attractive.
Solana (SOL): As discussed, Solana is rapidly becoming a breeding ground for innovation. Its lightning-fast transaction speeds, incredibly low fees, and constant development make it a prime candidate for future growth.
For Solana, In this platform : Solana Token Launcher , Here You can Generate your own tokens in less then three seconds & without extensive programming language, Also you can customize your tokens in this amazing platform , Check out now!!
Cardano (ADA): Focused on scalability and security, Cardano is a rising star. Its unique proof-of-stake consensus mechanism offers a more energy-efficient alternative to Bitcoin’s proof-of-work model.
Polkadot (DOT): Polkadot aims to establish a network of interconnected blockchains, facilitating communication and interoperability between different protocols. This vision of a “blockchain of blockchains” holds significant potential.
Beyond the Top Coins: A Universe of Possibilities
This is not an exhaustive list, and there are countless other exciting projects in the crypto space. Be sure to conduct thorough research on promising projects before making any investment decisions.
Here are some additional factors to consider when evaluating cryptocurrencies:
Project Team: The team behind the project plays a crucial role in its success. Look for a well-established team with a proven track record and a clear roadmap for the future.
Technology: A strong underlying technology is essential for long-term success. Understand the project’s technological innovations and how they address existing challenges in the blockchain space.
Community: A passionate and engaged community can be a powerful driver of growth. Look for projects with active communities and positive sentiment.
Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies is inherently risky. Never invest more than you can afford to lose, and always diversify your portfolio to mitigate risk.
Investing During the Seasons: Strategic Maneuvers
Understanding crypto seasons doesn’t guarantee success, but it can inform your investment strategies. Here are some tips for navigating the different phases:
Be Patient: Cryptocurrency is a long-term game. Don’t chase short-term gains and prioritize building a well-rounded portfolio you can hold for the future.
Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): This strategy involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the price. This helps to average out your cost per coin and mitigate the impact of market volatility.
Take Profits: While holding long-term is important, it’s also crucial to take profits occasionally. This allows you to lock in gains and potentially reinvest in other opportunities.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In the millennia that humans have roamed the earth, the world has cycled through a number of obscure, even unusual, currencies. The ancient Mayans are believed to have used chocolate as money; traders in the Solomon Islands favored dolphin teeth. Yap islanders, at least those with strong backs, tended toward massive stones. The British pound, the oldest global currency still used today, anchored the global economy, until its fall in the early, mid, and late 20th century.
Today, it is the dollar that reigns supreme. The world’s biggest economy (probably) can print greenbacks at will. The dollar is the world’s most widely held reserve currency and also dominates global trade. Oil, no matter how many times Saudi Arabia and China hold their breath, is still priced in the dollar. Most other major commodities are, too. As is pretty much everything else.
Yet talk of de-dollarization is in the air. Fueled by fears of U.S. sanctions, Russia and China appear to be ramping up efforts, yet again, to use the renminbi (RMB) in trade with partners, while BRICS countries are weighing a new common currency as yet another alternative. 
“Every night I ask myself why all countries have to base their trade on the dollar,” Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva lamented last month. “Who was it that decided that the dollar was the currency after the disappearance of the gold standard?”
First of all, gold bugs, dollar dominance came first. And second, don’t believe the hype about the demise of the dollar.
Wait, back up. What even is de-dollarization? 
De-dollarization refers to a country’s effort to become less dependent on the dollar, whether by using another currency to settle cross-border trade or diversifying reserves away from the dollar by turning to gold, the Chinese yuan, or bitcoin. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the greenback has become less vital for that country’s economy—or that its reign is over. (Especially when the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decisions on interest rates mark the tune that nearly every other country dances to.)
“To me, de-dollarization just means a government’s ability to reduce its dependence or reliance on the dollar,” said Daniel McDowell, a professor of political science at Syracuse University. “I think the key thing here is to try to distinguish or separate the concept of de-dollarization from the end of dollar dominance. I don’t think those two things have to go together.”
What’s with all of the hype now? 
Much of the current attention is driven by Russia, which has ramped up its use of the yuan to cope with sweeping Western sanctions. After the Kremlin invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the G-7 hit back with a spate of punishing economic measures. That strangled the Russian economy—and forced Moscow to rapidly seek alternatives to both the dollar and euro.
“There’s no doubt that the Russians have been forced to de-dollarize and also de-euroize their trade,” said Brad Setser, a former senior advisor to the U.S. trade representative during the Biden administration, now at the Council on Foreign Relations. “There is evidence that Russia in particular is making greater use of the yuan, and it’s also clear that the Chinese and others are looking for opportunities to expand the use of the yuan in trade settlement.”
China’s recent efforts have only added fuel to the fire. As part of China’s bid to internationalize its currency, a number of countries beyond Russia—including Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, India, Argentina, Brazil, Pakistan, Iraq, and Bolivia—have recently either traded in the yuan or expressed their willingness to do so in the future. They are spinning their tires: Cross-border transactions denominated in RMB are still a tiny fraction of business done in the dollar or the euro. 
Why are they so desperate to diversify away from the dollar? 
As Western nations levy harsh sanctions against Moscow, Beijing is worried that it could be next. Given the current fraught geopolitical climate, China hopes that reducing its reliance on the dollar will help act as a buffer against the threat of U.S. sanctions. 
“I don’t think that any Chinese economists believe that they can actually supplant the dollar globally,” said Gerard DiPippo, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “Their goals are more modest. It’s about mitigating Chinese banks’ sanctions exposure, which is very hard to do.”
It’s not just the threat of sanctions that’s prompting these moves, either. For some countries, it’s out of necessity; they have to turn to the yuan, or other forms of currency, when they are unable to access dollars. Argentina, for instance, announced that it would use the yuan to purchase Chinese goods as it grapples with shrinking dollar reserves. 
Countries that are economically dependent on China may also be attempting to curry favor with Beijing, which has been encouraging the internationalization of the yuan. “It could just be about trying to signal to China that we’re on your team and we want to help you there,” McDowell said. “So some of it’s political and symbolic.” 
Is this new? 
No, this has been underway for years. China’s efforts to internationalize the yuan date back to at least the 2008 global financial crisis, when American banks stopped lending and Beijing was left in the lurch. Ever since, China has worked to build up its resilience and expand the use of the yuan in trade, including by striking a spate of bilateral currency swap deals and establishing the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS).
“It’s really nothing new,” said Zongyuan Zoe Liu, a fellow for international political economy at the Council on Foreign Relations and FP columnist. “It’s not that China has just recently been doing it, or they just suddenly decided this is a good idea. They have been doing this for a while.” 
But China and Washington don’t get along. What has given impetus to the latest push is broader dissatisfaction with America’s economic stewardship, starting with a spray-and-pray approach to economic sanctions and ending, or just beginning, with the current debt ceiling crisis. 
“Geopolitical concerns have become a bigger driver of the push in interest in internationalizing the currency,” McDowell said. “I think Chinese policymakers are concerned about being sort of facing similar kinds of financial pressures that Russia has faced at some point in the future.”
Can these efforts threaten the dollar’s dominance? 
Not anytime soon. Even though the yuan has been increasingly used in international payments for bilateral trade, the “actual share is tiny” in comparison to the dollar, said Paola Subacchi, a professor at Queen Mary, University of London. 
For both trade financing and reserves, China’s long-standing efforts to expand the use of the yuan have failed to make much of a dent. In March, the dollar accounted for 41.7 percent of global payments—just slightly eclipsing the yuan’s share of 2.4 percent, according to data from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. Similarly, last year, 58 percent of the world’s foreign exchange reserves were held in dollars, compared to just 2.7 percent in Chinese yuan. It’s hard to replace the dollar when one doesn’t allow free convertibility, which severely limits the yuan’s international appeal.
“The numbers are still showing that the dollar is still the dominant currency,” Subacchi said. 
Beijing will keep trying, and keep failing. The yuan’s not convertible, the government controls capital flows, and even its value is manipulated by Beijing. You can’t do business with IOUs, but you can always do business with a bushel of greenbacks.
“I think there will be incremental moves to make greater use of the yuan to denominate China’s trade with commodity-exporting countries,” Setser said. “And then I think China will discover that it is difficult to fully go much further and to really radically change the structure of how it settles its trade, because it still wants to sell to the U.S., still wants to sell to Europe. Its economy doesn’t balance without significant exports.”
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futuretimezz · 4 days
How To Make Money By Cryptocurrency?
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The charge of Bitcoin rose sharply on Tuesday as US markets signalled a few progress toward the approval of spot-ether change-traded funds.
The world’s largest crypto foreign money rose 5.8% to $70,987.1 during the last 24 hours at 01:08 EST or 05:08 GMT.
But on Tuesday celebrity performer Ether, the world’s second-largest token, rose 17 percentage to a more than a month-and-a-half of excessive of $three,656.01.
Ether has surged following the document, and the SEC has requested ETF applicants to replace key filings.
According to a document from Coin desk, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission asked candidates for spot ether ETFs to update certain key filings beforehand of a key cut-off date for fund approval this Thursday.
Although the report notes that there may be still no guarantee that the regulator will approve the ETF, it has taken a few steps closer to very last approval.
Bloomberg analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seifert raised their expectations for spot ether ETF approval from 25 percent to 75 percentage, bringing up the Coin desk document and pronouncing the SEC could do a “a hundred and eighty” on capacity approval.
The SEC has been visible to be quite distant from spot ether ETFs, particularly with latest reports that it's also taking action against the Ethereum Foundation over the ability nature of ether. Regulatory protections.
But spot ETF approval ought to appear to Ether because it passed off to Bitcoin in early 2024, while institutional traders making an investment in ETFs drove the token to a report high.
Crypto Today’s Price: Data from virtual asset supervisor Coin Shares on Monday confirmed capital inflows into Bitcoin investment products rose for the second consecutive week, amid fee hypothesis,
a few tender readings on US inflation raised the opportunity that the Federal Reserve will enhance hobby quotes this year. Will cut prices.
Bitcoin saw the maximum capital inflows in the week ending May 20, totalling $932 million.
But trading volumes following spot-bitcoin ETF approval remained extensively down in February and March.
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