#DSP early opportunity
biznocrats · 6 months
How can you more than compensate for missing the opportunity with Bitcoin?
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0 notes
chansrighttiddie · 11 months
Chapter One
Pairings: Shy!Lee Know x Idol!Reader
Warnings: Mild Language, Explicit Smut (it's going to be a minute), Fluff, Enemies to Lovers type stuff, typical stuff. I'm bad at warnings okay. English is also not my first language, sorry for grammar and spelling errors.
Summary: You are a solo artist meeting SKZ for the first-time during variety show. All the members treat you warmly, but Minho can't stand to be in the room with you. You meet again to collab later on we see where it takes us! This is part of an ongoing story.
Word Count: 1.9k+
You sat in the back of your manager’s car, fighting the urge to drift off and sleep as she drove you to the studio for today’s schedule. A script had been placed on your lap but it was hard to read because you were tired. Who in their right minds schedules recordings so early in the morning? It was expected of this producer, but you only accepted because of the other guests. It was also a great opportunity to promote your new album and make new friends in the industry.
Gyuri is one of the hosts for this week, meaning you would get to work with your mentor and label mate again. The KARA member was the one person you could rely on before your debut in 2017, being from the same company meant you could see her a lot but it wasn’t the same as actually working together.
It felt like every other year you begged your company to let you collaborate with her on something, anything! They always denied it. Didn’t believe in your argument that the two of you were soulmates.
When your manager proposed this project during your comeback activity meeting, you accepted the moment “Park Gyuri” was mentioned. No other hosts or guests mattered to you at that moment. She really was the best thing to happen to you. Anytime you think about the struggles of your debut, tears would reach your eyes. 
You were in a group lineup for your company, DSP Entertainment, but the plans fell through when the other members left the company a month before. With only three members the company decided not to debut a group, this didn’t sit well with your twenty-year-old self. 
All your hard work and efforts would be thrown down the drain, you even had fans! You couldn’t let them down! After fighting with the company for months they decided you could debut, but as a soloist. If the time came around where they would debut another group, you would be considered as a member. You were nervous and heartbroken. 
You wouldn’t make it, couldn’t. That’s when Gyuri had stepped in, she encouraged you. She helped you train, everyday for three months. When you felt like giving up, Gyuri would sit with you in the practice room and just listen. The two of you would cry and hug it out, then get back up and try again. She really is like a soulmate to you.
“Can you please read the script and not sleep, Y/N?” Your manager’s loud voice made you jump in your seat, you didn’t realize you had fallen asleep. “Seriously, how many times have we been over this?”
“Rest when you can.” You said in a sing-song voice, your eyes were still closed. Your manager was only a year older than you, the two of you got along well. Teasing her was your favorite thing to do. “Unni you said that during the last meeting, I’m just following directions.”
You heard your manager cuss under her breath and turn in the driver’s seat. “I meant… Nevermind, we’ll be there in fifteen minutes. At least look at the plan for today’s set. When we get there you have to rush to get your hair and make-up done…” She took a breath of air then continued, “You have to get a soundpack and mic, meet the group promoting their activities as well, practice with them for the chall–”
“Practice for their dance challenge, promote my new album well, and smile the whole time.” You interrupted. “You told me everything over the phone last night, mentioned it when you woke me up, and reminded me when I got in the car.”
You were wide awake now, making eye contact with your manager in the rear-view mirror. She winced at your comment and nodded, “I’m just nervous, this is your first comeback in two years.”
You had taken up acting, two shows. One of them did really well, it even won you the Best New Actress Award, while the other… Well you don't like to talk about that one. 
“I’m nervous too, we can’t show it though. We’re supposed to be cold-hearted.” That’s a lie, being an extrovert didn’t help with your ‘cold-hearted’ appearance. You talked too much, laughed too much, and smiled too much. “Suck it up.”
Your manager snorted, “Yes, we’re cold-hearted and totally a threat to the music world.”
She had a point, you weren’t that big of an artist in the ‘pop’ scene. However, everyone knows you and your sweet personality. After your debut, many programs would prank you to get a reaction but all you could do was smile. Even if they had ruined your favorite skirt with blue ink. 
Although you aren’t the best dancer, or even a good rapper, you could sing! Many younger artists mention your rich and unique vocals when prompted. When it comes to your dancing… You knew all the basics to it, you could memorize the moves but not really execute them the best. Everyone loved you for it, they found it cute. 
Which doesn’t explain why the concept the company chose for this comeback was a little darker and more focused on a goddess that enjoys mischief. 
Your comeback also has choreography, the main title track is more upbeat than any recent songs you’ve released in the past. Your calves ache just thinking about having to dance again today. Usually you’d sing a soft or deep ballad, minimal movements and lots of stage props. This would be new, you hadn’t really trained this hard in a long time. Still, you were excited to show something new.
It was a bit of a surprise to everyone when the concept trailer released, your family members even teased you knowing you didn’t have a mean bone in your body. How could you manage to 
Your manager pulled into the stage parking area and unlocked the gate, a couple of the guards waved enthusiastically towards you. You resisted the urge to roll the window down and greet them. You’re supposed to be cold today, that’s your concept. You sat back in your seat and pursed your lips.
“Son Mi, do you have my cap?” You felt a little uneasy, maybe it was just now hitting that you actually had to be an idol today. Not that being an actress was much easier, it wasn’t.
“You look fine, Y/N. Don’t be nervous.” 
“Oh, I’m okay.” You laughed it off, you actually are really nervous. Hiding under a hat would make you feel a lot better. “I just want to see Gyuri first.”
“Ha.” She put the car into park. “No.”
Your manager opened and slammed the driver door. You sighed and grabbed your bag, exiting the car as well. 
She was by the back unloading the rest of your things, “So if you enter Stage B3, there should be a staff member to show you hair and make up. I’m gonna check in with the director and the producer.”
You leaned down to grab a couple of bags while nodding, “Can you see if there is a cafe nearby? Or if they are providing coffee. I’m still tired.”
Those bags were heavy. “They should have something for you in the dressing room, something for you to snack on too.”
You waddled towards the large metal door with your bags, leaving Son Mi behind. It's a good thing you skipped leg day yesterday or else you would have collapsed before you even made it to the door. You shifted the bags in your arms and reached for the door handle.
You were really surprised when the door opened for you. You couldn’t really see who opened the door but based on the plain black tee they were wearing, you assumed this was the staff member.
“Thank you, do you mind grabbing one of these? Sorry, it’s heavy.” You stood there in the door frame, in silence. The staff member didn’t move and you noticed them shuffle in place. “Oh it’s okay if not, just lead the way.”
Silence again. Were you mistaken? You backed up to look at the big numbers above the door, B3. You moved forward into the door frame again, “Do you mind if I just enter a little more?”
It was pretty cold outside and your thin sweater wasn’t doing much to keep you warm. Your arm started to shake as the weight from your bags started to get heavier and heavier. Dropping the bags on the ground, you followed.
You were now on your knees in the middle of the entrance, bags everywhere, at the feet of a staff member. How embarrassing.
The staff member jumped into action and bent down to help you up, apologizing over and over. You could finally see the staff member and immediately tell he was not a part of the stage crew. 
“I’m so sorry, I couldn’t see very well. I thought you were a member of the crew!” You laughed embarrassed, “Sorry for assuming.” 
He looked a bit younger than you, he seemed a bit intimidating as you looked up from the floor. You dusted your knees off and bowed to apologize. “Gosh, I knew I should’ve waited for Son Mi.” You muttered to yourself. “Are you part of the cast for today’s show?”
He nodded with a bright smile, now reaching down to pick up your bags. You reached down to help as well but the stranger had already hoisted the two large bags on each arm.”I got them, don’t worry.” 
Feeling guilty you reached over and grabbed a bag, “I can carry them, I just lost my grip and dropped everything.” You smiled, in pain. This bag was the heavier of the two. You extended a hand to grab the other bag but the boy turned to walk away.
He gave a small laugh as he walked away, “Follow me.”
You snatched your personal bag from the ground and quickly followed. Managing to walk in step with him. You adjusted the heavy bag with a quiet grunt and gripped your bag, “I’m Y/N, excited to work with you all today.”
“I’m Jeongin.” He stopped abruptly, “This room.” He gently knocked on the door, the little plaque next to it had your name on it. 
He opened the door and set the bag down in the room, turning to you with a bright smile he laughed. “I think the hair stylist will be in soon, your hair is pretty messy.”
You dropped your bags on the floor and self consciously patted your hair down, “Does it look bad?” Jeongin was a little flustered, such a beautiful woman was in front of him asking if she looked bad.
“No!” He blurted, raking through his brain to find the right words. “You look so pretty! I didn’t mean it like that, your hair is cute.”
Feeling surprised by the younger boy’s comment, you started laughing.  He looked mortified, were you laughing at him? Before he could defend himself the stylist walked in and lightly shoved him out of the doorway, “You boys are done in hair and makeup for the day, PD is looking for you.”
Shooting you a soft glare, not that you could tell with all the tears in your eyes, Jeongin quickly retreated to the room. He had to tell his hyungs about this.
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outsidereveries · 1 year
mtl: companies’ overall success despite if it's literal or behind the scenes — now vs in 5 years
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most successful
bighit music will achieve new, unexpected things that will benefit the company well. since the achievement/s in question are quite unexpected, it can be related to tommorow x together’s recent collaboration with anitta. that will make the group more desired for collaborations and other activities. if that happens to be for v or jungkook (assuming he’ll release album in the near future), the same thing applies to one of the boys. (judgement, the high priestess + with permission: 4 of wands)
aomg is doing well, everything is going good to them and their artists. although quiter tham the rest, they’re doing just fine in their pace (knight of cups)
koz is trying to manifest something that will make the company rise. there might be offer that will come towards their current group or zico/dvwn. whatever will come to the company will bring significant change. (page of cups)
yg entertainment might be aware of new, possible opportunities in the future. however, i’m not sure for where this is all about since the options are many: it can be for treasure, it can be for blackpink, it can be for babymonster, it can be for akmu, it can be for something totally different that’s not related to their groups at all. (the high priestess + with permission: knight of cups, the hierophant)
dsp media is in early stages of rebranding gavy nj OR debuting young posse alongside with beats entertainment… looks like it’s the first one (page of wands) the second thing is already spoiled
right now fnc is in good hands that can help the company to blossom. the potential is there, i don’t see any actions (queens of cups and pentacles, clarifying card: ace of pentacles)
similar to fnc, mystic story currently have 2 strong people that can influence the subsidiary very good and make the company shine more. the intentions however can be building currently and they’re not finalized yet as both people might have disagreements for some topics. both of them are here for the sake of the company’s future so they should discuss everything very carefully (queens of pentacles and swords + with permission (the moon in the bottom): 2 of cups, 2 of pentacles, 3 of wands, clarifying card: 8 of swords rx)
fantagio is currently “chill” about something they work on. they hope it will work well. (temperance, clarifying card: the star)
wakeone is eager to debut the upcoming girl group coming from i-land 2 OR is working very excitingly on one of their groups’ upcoming comeback. (if the energy is about the second option, that might be zb1 as they’re ready with kep1er and they’re uploading their results now) they’re very persistent to work the things out. (ace of wands, 5 of pentacles rx)
there’s important desicion that starship entertainment has to make in regards of investment/money. it could be because of kakao’s desicion to sell the subsidiary for ai purposes, especially when they have ive. currently starship can afford to not be subsidiary anymore, but they’re cautious whether it’s worth it or not. (2 of pentacles, queen of pentacles)
sm entertainment seems to be “collabing” with some people that will benefit the company in the furure. alternatively, the company might celebrate riize’s debut that happened recently and the surrounding buzz around the boys. the surrounding energy isn’t that memorable, it’s just the company doing their job. (3 of cups)
modhaus seems to be aware of something, possibly behind the scenes related and possibly related to artms and loona. they’re very dedicated to make everything work. (the devil rx, clarifying card: knight of pentacles)
oddly enough ctdenm has the same cards as modhaus, just in reverse places. (knight of pentacles, the devil rx)
cube have gotten over the worst - it looks like it’s related to pentagon’s contracts. despite if they have actually renewed fully/partially or not, they’ll continue like usual. there’s nothing worrying (10 of swords rx, king of pentacles)
there seemed to be an issue with source music in the past that recently have been resolved, possibly related to le sserafim’s comeback. the company seems to be in the early stages for it (3 of swords rx, page of wands)
rbw made compromise, possibly to dsp media. they tried to make them change their mind for something, possibly related again to gavy nj OR young posse such as dsp scrapping reviving gavy nj or young posse to debut with wm or rbw trainees and screw beats entertainment (5 of wands rx, clarifying card: 3 of cups)
wm entertainment is changing their plans for their upcoming girl group. (6 of cups rx, clarifying card: the magician)
yuehua’s korean division seems to be stagnant. therefore, their future seems to be uncertain for some reason. (10 of wands rx, the fool)
pledis is currently working with someone (probably unrelated to the coorporation). however, they have to be careful as them working together can have drastic consequences. (the lovers, clarifying card: 7 of swords rx)
although s2 is doing quiiiite better compared to the past, they expected a lot more for kiss of life’s debut, they expected more sales and more relevance for the girls’ debut. (the world, 9 of cups rx)
currently belift is in situation where they have no choice but to choose creative freedom over materealistic things such as money, offers and etc. as there can be change in the company’s staff (the hermit)
ador has to be cautious of what they want to do. they seem to do multiple things in once however it can backfire, so one step by one step is the best choice. (the chariot rx)
pnation is trying to fight over something that currently makes psy’s company working more chaotic than usual. because of the current issue the company has everything is blocked/delayed. (9 of wands, clarifying card: ace of wands rx)
despite of jyp entertainment working hard, they’re in short of money. unfortunately, the company seems to save as much as possible because of possible losses. it happened with the time and they lost bigger amount of money than allowed. unless there are changes, the company will stay in similar situation. (4 of pentacles)
both 143 and woolim are in situations that find something unfulfilling and lose bigger amount of money than expected. (for woolim possibly one or all of their groups while for 143 possibly limelight) unfortunately, they have to give up trying to open new doors for something else. (8 of cups, clarifying card: temperance)
highup are in the verge of destroying something they’ve builded for quite a while. (might be unrelated to stayc but perhaps with connections they’ve done) (ace of pentacles rx)
ist entertainment should be careful of being scammed or of artists who want to leave the company as the creative freedom there is limited due to the merges. the company is focused on the money rather than their artists’ freedom and it will catch them sooner or later (king of cups rx)
kq has to be very careful as deception is on the horizon. from the ateez career reading check until 2025, it looks like someone from their company’s staff will do it instead of the boys. whatever they are doing will come to an end and it’s time for needed, for big, for important changes. this is definitely behind the scenes related. (7 of swords, death)
least successful
most successful
143 entertaiment will be basically in their heaven zone both with the company's staff and their artists by the time. they could have good offers by that time (4 of wands)
pnation will make their dreams come true. there will be (an) achievement/s! (9 of cups, clarifying card: the world)
mystic story will have beneficial offer by that time. if they debut new group in 5 years, it can be directed towards them (ace of pentacles)
wm will do very well and will win a lot of money, but with many work from the company's side (ace of cups and 10 of cups, clarifying card: 5 of pentacles rx)
kq will do very, very good, they will be very ambitious, possibly for upcoming group (queen of wands)
starship might debut someone as a soloist or new group in 5 years. it can do very well OR they will win a lot of money in that time due to them accepting an activity or sth else (ace of swords)
aomg will do also very good, i see someone traveling such as local/continent or world tour and they might even sold out their dates (8 of pentacles, 3 of wands)
jyp entertaiment can do quite well, however in my opinion their energy is instable because of some reasons: 1) the empress can be very individual card (in my opinion) as well as very beneficial in their industry, so the possibilities here in my opinion for the empress are two - many individual gigs from their idols or the creativity from their idols will rise more than ever. however 2) 2 of cups can indicate many collaborations OR the company becoming a subsidiary of another such as hybe or kakao (although rbw is possible too, it's more unlikely. hybe's chairman and jype's chairman WERE classmates and si hyuk was working with jype in the past while kakao is one of the richest companies of all in south korea. i personally think if the subsidiary thing happens, it will be with hybe for friendship reasons) 3) the bottom card is ace of pentacles, so many money is involved by that time and assuming how the groups are currently doing: twice as a group seems to weaken, 2pm is doing their things, boystory is promoting in china and idqk how is their relevance there, itzy's popularity isn't like before, day6 are also doing their things + they have members in the military, right?, niziu(ik they're japanese group but imo it aligns internationally; i see their sales in japan are around 200k almost every time so yeah idk if that's good or not), xdinary heroes and nmixx aren't that relevant in south korea and even internationally to some extent (compared to twice and skz, ik xdinary heroes and nmixx have fans but it's simply not enough imo) so stray kids and individual members of the other groups such as nayeon and some others are doing the best but it's not enough for now it looks like both options are possible; i personally think jype can become a subsidiary, possibly of hybe, and only then the creative freedom for the company will rise (the empress, 2 of cups + clarifying card: ace of pentacles)
fantagio might finally have just enough money to give someone to debut a group, such as a member in one of their current groups or someone in their staff who will have a raise in the future (strength, 3 of pentacles)
modhaus will finally reunite loona! but wait, someone's missing.. where's chuu*? (8 of cups, additional card: 4 of wands + clarifying card: the empress; *i might be wrong but i felt her)
i would say that belift will work as usual. there isn't something specific (4 of cups rx, 8 of pentacles)
ist entertaiment might receive more fame because of one of their groups OR of one of the idols from one of their groups. they won't be prepared at all and the company might be critized because of it. (6 of wands, clarifying card: page of swords)
koz might receive an offer in 5 years that can make them moving on from something. if boynextdoor disbands by that time, i see them debuting new group around that time. (knight of cups, clarifying card: 6 of swords)
woolim entertaiment's energy is instable. i can see something that happens in their favor but something else had to be sacrifised such as much more money, someone else as trainee or something that's different. they might have viral moment that will come but at cost that they will don't know what to do. similar as ist entertaiment, woolim will receive something that will be unexcepted and they won't know what to do to keep the increasing relevance. (9 of cups, the hanged man, 6 of wands, 8 of wands, page of swords + clarifying card: 2 of swords rx)
if big hit music continues to work like how they usually do, they'll reach may more things. (the hermit + additional card: 3 of wands + clarifying card: ace of cups)
although yg entertaiment might be motivated and ambitious, possibly for upcoming ... girl group?, they shouldn't fuck them all over again as it happens for the group before 2ne1, for 2ne1, for blackpink and for babymonster now. the chariot can be a knife with 2 blades and although they're very happy with how it works out, they have to be cautious as they had to be in the past, even more. (the chariot, clarifying card: ace of cups)
highup will be stagnant around that time. (ace of wands rx, clarifying card: 4 of cups rx)
pledis will work as usual. however, it seems that something can happen in less than 5 years that will shake them (4 of cups rx)
ador might receive scandal around that time. other than that, it’s stagnant with them too (the tower, clarifying card: 9 of swords rx)
yuehua's korean division seems to work on new group, possibly on boy group (king of swords)
i can say what will happen in 5 years for source music. same action, new people - le sserafim disbands, new group comes (judgement, clarifying card: the hierophant)
fnc might make a deal with someone (it can be collaboration, it can be sth else) but it can be dangerous. they have to be careful (the lovers, clarifying card: page of swords)
unfortunately, sme will be.. different. either they will merge with someone or they will be subsidiary. this will happen apparently in less than 5 years but it will be fresh. nothing else (5 of cups rx, clarifying card: 6 of swords)
wakeone will be in similar situation as jyp entertaiment in the present and will have losses. they might debut a group around that time just to try to return their loans at that time (4 of pentacles, clarifying card: the star)
dsp might bankrupt around that time, however i am not sure if they'll get through this difficult time (the hanged man rx, clarifying card: 9 of cups)
rbw might be overwhelmed because of dsp media. it looks like they will get everything from them nonetheless (10 of wands rx + temperance)
s2 might stop to function as a company because of a scandal related to some sort of violence/cheating/married man. alternatively, they might be in similar situation as dsp media with the difference they don't have any ideas for upcoming group/s. however, i doubt this. (king of cups rx, clarifying card: ace of wands rx)
least successful
personally i am not sure what will happen to ctdenm but if they happen to merge with modhaus (because of loona) or taking different route, they will try to fight over something that currently makes them working more chaotic than usual. their future is blocked/delayed from me to see. (9 of wands, clarifying card: ace of wands rx + i am aware the cards are the same as pnation for now but their situation bc of loona makes it difficult for me to see if they are in the same path with modhaus for me)
this was asked on 15th september 2023
due to the limit of 30 hashtags, i had no choice but to not add some of them. if you don’t see specific company, their parent company is added instead.
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dsp-consultants · 28 days
 The Necessity of Hiring an Acoustical Consultant in KSA Development Projects
When embarking on development projects, particularly in the fast-growing regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), one often overlooked yet critical aspect is acoustics. The role of an Acoustical Consultant is invaluable in ensuring that the sound environment of a project is not only functional but also enhances the overall quality of life for its occupants. DSP Consultants, a leading firm in the region, has been at the forefront of integrating advanced acoustic solutions in various development projects, ensuring optimal soundscapes for urban, residential, and commercial spaces.
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 Acoustic Shadows: Managing Sound in Complex Environments
One of the fascinating challenges that acoustical consultants address is the phenomenon of acoustic shadows. These are areas where sound is significantly reduced or completely blocked due to obstructions like large buildings or structures. In a bustling cityscape like Riyadh or Jeddah, where new skyscrapers and expansive commercial complexes are continuously being developed, managing acoustic shadows becomes crucial. Without proper acoustic planning, these "quiet zones" can lead to inconsistent sound environments, potentially affecting everything from communication clarity to public safety.
DSP Consultants leverage their expertise to identify potential acoustic shadow areas early in the design phase. They work closely with architects and engineers to mitigate these effects, ensuring a balanced and consistent sound environment throughout the project.
 Soundscaping: Enhancing Urban Life
In the urban development landscape of KSA, soundscaping is emerging as a vital component of creating pleasant living and working environments. Soundscaping involves the strategic design of outdoor spaces to manage and enhance sound. For example, incorporating water features to mask traffic noise or planting trees and greenery to absorb sound waves can significantly improve the acoustic quality of an area.
At DSP Consultants, the team integrates soundscaping techniques into their projects to create harmonious sound environments. By doing so, they help reduce stress levels, improve communication, and enhance the overall experience of those who live and work in these spaces.
 Echo-Free Rooms: The Science of Silence
Another intriguing aspect of acoustics is the creation of anechoic chambers or echo-free rooms. These rooms are designed to absorb all sound reflections, making them incredibly quiet. While these chambers are primarily used in research and testing, the principles behind them are applied in more everyday scenarios, such as in recording studios or high-precision manufacturing environments.
In the context of development projects in KSA, acoustical consultants like DSP Consultants ensure that spaces requiring high levels of acoustic control, such as conference rooms, auditoriums, or specialized facilities, are designed to minimize unwanted echoes and reverberations, creating clear and precise sound environments.
 The Whispering Gallery Effect: Architectural Acoustics in Action
The Whispering Gallery Effect is a phenomenon where sound waves travel along curved surfaces, allowing whispers to be heard clearly across long distances. This effect, while fascinating, can pose challenges in large, dome-like structures or circular buildings, leading to unintended sound transmission.
In iconic projects where architectural design meets acoustic innovation, DSP Consultants play a crucial role in predicting and controlling these effects. By simulating and analyzing sound behavior within the architectural framework, they ensure that such spaces are acoustically balanced, providing an optimal auditory experience for users.
 Why Hiring an Acoustical Consultant is Essential
Given the unique challenges and opportunities presented by acoustics in development projects, the importance of hiring an acoustical consultant cannot be overstated. In KSA, where rapid urbanization and development are transforming the landscape, companies like DSP Consultants are essential partners in ensuring that the sound environment of a project is not only functional but also enhances the overall experience for its occupants.
An acoustical consultant brings specialized knowledge and tools to the table, allowing them to foresee potential issues and design solutions that create pleasant, efficient, and safe acoustic environments. Whether it's managing acoustic shadows in a sprawling commercial complex, integrating soundscaping into a new residential development, or fine-tuning the acoustics of a high-tech facility, their expertise is invaluable.
For any development project in KSA, partnering with an acoustical consultant like DSP Consultants is a strategic investment in the project's success, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of acoustic performance and contributes positively to the community. For more information please contact us at [email protected].
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themovieblogonline · 1 month
Kritika Kamra Interview: Gyaarah Gyaarah's Groundbreaking Story
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If you’ve been eagerly searching for the next big thing in TV, look no further than "Gyaarah Gyaarah" on ZEE5 Global. This upcoming show promises to deliver more than just your average police procedural. Kritika Kamra, one of the brightest talents in the industry, takes the lead in this time-bending thriller that blends investigative drama with a twist of fantasy. But before you dive into the gripping world of "Gyaarah Gyaarah," let’s explore why this series is about to shake things up. https://youtu.be/wQvUcLT008E What’s the Buzz About? Set to be one of the most talked-about shows on ZEE5 Global, "Gyaarah Gyaarah" brings together a unique blend of genres. Kritika Kamra plays a dual role, transporting us between two eras—2016 and 1990. The twist? Every time the clock strikes 11:11 (Gyaarah Gyaarah in Hindi), two walkie-talkies mysteriously connect across these timelines, helping solve cases that have been cold for 15 years. It's a bit like "Stranger Things" meets "True Detective," but with a distinctly Indian flavor. Kritika Kamra herself was drawn to the project not just because of its innovative storyline but also because of the depth of her character, DSP Vamika Rathod. “I got a huge canvas to go wild with in this one,” Kritika shares, highlighting the transformative journey of her character from a naive recruit in the 90s to a confident leader in the present day. Kritika Kamra: A Star Shining Brighter Than Ever Kritika Kamra has been steadily climbing the ranks in the acting world, and "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is set to be another jewel in her crown. From her early days on television to her recent ventures into more complex and challenging roles, Kritika has shown remarkable growth. In our interview, she mentioned how she loves taking on roles that demand a lot from her—both physically and emotionally. "If it’s not that immersive, I don’t think it’s as exciting for me," she admits. And immersive this role is, indeed. Fans of Kritika Kamra will appreciate how she dives deep into her role in "Gyaarah Gyaarah." As she puts it, the show’s unique blend of fantasy and crime drama gives her the perfect platform to explore different shades of her character. "This show gave me an opportunity to get to know myself a little better," Kritika reveals. Behind the Scenes: Filming in the Hills of India While the storyline of "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is thrilling enough, the behind-the-scenes tales are equally fascinating. The series was shot in the scenic hill stations of Uttarakhand, including Dehradun and Mussoorie—places that haven’t been overly exposed in Indian cinema or television. Kritika recounts the challenges of filming in freezing temperatures, where the team had to perform intense action scenes in sub-zero weather. Despite these hardships, the beauty of these locations adds a fresh character to the show, making it visually stunning as well as narratively compelling. Kritika even shared some lighter moments from the shoot, where the cast and crew would forget their lines due to the cold, leading to some impromptu outbursts that brought humor to the otherwise intense atmosphere. It’s these little nuggets of behind-the-scenes stories that make "Gyaarah Gyaarah" not just a show, but an experience worth tuning into. What’s Next for Kritika Kamra? With "Gyaarah Gyaarah" set to premiere on ZEE5 Global, Kritika Kamra is already looking forward to her next project. She’s currently working on "Matka King," directed by the acclaimed Nagraj Manjule, which is sure to be another high-profile venture. But for now, all eyes are on "Gyaarah Gyaarah" as it prepares to enthrall audiences worldwide. Why You Should Watch If you’re a fan of shows that challenge the conventional narrative and offer something fresh, "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is a must-watch. Kritika Kamra’s performance is expected to be a standout, and the unique concept of time-traveling communication adds an intriguing layer to the police procedural genre. Plus, with ZEE5 Global bringing the show to an international audience, this is your chance to get in on what could be the next big TV phenomenon. So, mark your calendars and set your alarms for 11:11—because "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is one show you won’t want to miss. Read the full article
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equestrianempire · 6 months
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Andre Thieme & DSP Chakaria Supreme in the $200,000 Florida Coast Equipment Grand Prix CSI 4*
Ocala, Florida, USA – March 09, 2024 – It was standing room only at World Equestrian Center – Ocala on Saturday night for the highly anticipated event of Week X, the $200,000 Florida Coast Equipment Grand Prix CSI 4*. Amid a star-studded lineup of the world’s best horse-and-rider combinations it was Olympian Andre Thieme (GER) and his trusted partner DSP Chakaria (Chap 47 x Askari 173) who rose to the occasion, claiming the winning title and top spot on the podium. 
Saturday night proved to be a test of skill as renowned course designer Gregory Bodo (FRA), slated as the builder for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, alongside Pieter Viste (BEL), constructed a formidable track. Their design, featuring a tight time allowed proved challenging for even the most elite athletes and only six pairs successfully navigated the track, earning them a spot in the jump-off. 
Twenty-two year-old Hallie Grimes (USA) was the first to return aboard Karoline of Ballmore, owned by Can We Keep It? LLC, but had an unlucky rail in 44.99 seconds.
Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Dhalida
Next up was seven-time Olympian Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA). He piloted Artemis Equestrian Farm’s Dhalida (Diamant De Semilly x Calvaro Z) to a blistering fast track in 42.32 seconds, adding pressure to the remaining field.
Pessoa couldn’t be more pleased with the 10-year-old Zangersheide mare, “It’s hard to just leave it all out there when you’re early to go. I knew when I came out, I had left a little something on the table. Andre [Thieme] and his mare are really experienced, so they saw an opportunity and took it. But I couldn’t be more pleased with my mare.”
Andre Thieme (GER) & DSP Chakaria
Andre Thieme (GER) and his tried-and-true mare DSP Chakaria followed, “I knew I didn’t want to be second and I had a fast and experienced horse. I saw Rodrigo go, and I couldn’t really tell how fast he was, but I could at least do the same tracks as he did and rely on my horse’s natural speed.” 
Looking ahead, Thieme expressed excitement for the upcoming Longines League of Nations™ Qualifier at WEC – Ocala, “We are in a little bit of a lucky situation because in Abu Dhabi, Germany won the first leg, so we are a little ahead. But all of the teams are bringing their best and this is an Olympic year, so I think all of these riders really want to show themselves here, so there is no weakness allowed,” he added. “I’ve been waiting for this venue to get an event like this. It’s incredible to compete here, and soon everyone will see it.” 
Thieme and his 14-year-old German Sport Horse mare flew around the track, stopping the clock at an unbeatable 41.93 seconds.
Tiffany Foster (CAN) & Electrique
Canada’s Tiffany Foster (CAN) came close to the winning time aboard 5 Roosters’ 10-year-old Zangersheide mare Electrique (Emerald x Voltaire) with a blistering fast jump-off in 42.65 seconds to round out the podium.
Foster is looking forward to representing Canada in the five-star competition during the grand finale of the 2024 Winter Spectacular Show Series, “Whenever I see a big show here, I put it on my calendar. I am coming as an individual riding for Canada in the five-star competition. I know this place is going to put on a spectacular show, and I know there are a lot of stars coming from around the world for it, so I don’t want to miss it and I am excited to be a part of it.” 
Andre Thieme (GER) & DSP Chakaria accepting their first place awards presented by Isaiah Webb, Ocala Branch Manager at Florida Coast Equipment and Jim Wolf of World Equestrian Center.
Nicolas Cubillos, Director of Marketing and Customer Service at Florida Coast Equipment spoke about the evening, “Our sponsorship here embodies the essence of our brand, emphasizing reliability and quality. By aligning ourselves with esteemed pioneers like World Equestrian Center, we enhance our brand’s reputation,” he continued. “Tonight, the athletes were stars. I am no expert but witnessing their incredible skill was nothing short of spectacular and we are so proud to be a part of it.”
Final Results – $200,000 Florida Coast Equipment Grand Prix CSI 4*
1) Andre Thieme (GER) & DSP Chakaria: 2010 German Sport Horse mare by Chap 47 x Askari 173, Andre Thieme: 0 / 0 / 41.93
2) Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Dhalida: 2014 Zangersheide mare by Diamant De Semilly x Calvaro Z, Artemis Equestrian Farm LLC: 0 / 0 / 42.32
3) Tiffany Foster (CAN) & Electrique: 2014 Zangersheide mare by Emerald x Voltaire, 5 Roosters: 0/0/42.65
4) Callie Schott (USA) & Garant: 2011 KWPN gelding by Warrant x Verdi TN, Southern Arches, LLC: 0/0/43.24
5) Sean Jobin (CAN) & Coquelicto VH Heuvelland Z: 2012 Zangersheide gelding by Catoki x Cassini II, Foxridge Farms Stables: 0 / 0 / 44.64
6) Hallie Grimes (USA) & Karoline of Ballmore: 2010 Belgian Warmblood mare by Diarado x Convento Van De Helle, Can We Keep it? LLC: 0 / 4 / 44.99
7) Amy Millar (CAN) & Truman: 2009 Selle Francais gelding by Mylord Carthago*hn x Kolibri, Millar Brooke Farm: 1/80.22
8) Daniel Coyle (IRL) & Incredible: 2013 KWPN gelding by Clinton x Heartbreaker, Ariel Grange: 1 / 80.49
9) Dorothy Douglas (USA) & MTM Pablo: 2013 Hanoverian gelding by Perigueux x Contendro I, Davenport Farms: 2/81.08
9) Aaron Vale (USA) & Carissimo 25: 2013 Holsteiner gelding by Cascadello x Clinton, Debbie Smith: 2/81.08
11) Andrew Welles (USA) & Idol H&H: 2013 KWPN gelding by Action-breaker x Glennridge, Evergreen Stables, LLC: 4/78.31
12) Sharn Wordley (NZL) & Champion League: 2013 Hanoverian gelding by Cador 5 x Contendro I, Della Wordley: 5 / 80.94
Source: Press Release from World Equestrian Center
Photo: © WEC / Andrew Ryback Photography
Categories: CSI 4*, English, Jumper News Brasil
Tagged as: Andre Thieme, CSI 4*, Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung, Dhalida, DSP, DSP Chakaria, Electrique, Equestrian, German Sport Horse, Horses, Jumper News, Jumper News Deutschland, Pferde, Results, Rodrigo Pessoa, Showjumping, Tiffany Foster, WEC, WEC – Ocala, World Equestrian Center – Ocala
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techscitumbler · 1 year
Cancer Transcriptome Atlas launched a new product based on Nano String Technologies' and launched a new platform called as GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP) platform, which is used for readout on Illumina's next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology.
Download Free Sample Report - https://lnkd.in/g6Xtvzcp
Browse Full Report with Tables - https://lnkd.in/gvumtBNw
Spatial Genomics and Transcriptomics Market is anticipated to witness impressive growth during the forecast period. This can be ascribed to growing demand for early diagnosis and remedial treatment and developing innovative products for the treatment of chronic diseases.
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terripig · 2 years
New york radar in motion
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#New york radar in motion drivers
#New york radar in motion driver
It’s also not particularly precise in pinpointing which vehicles are responsible for speed readings, requiring a visual confirmation by the officer.
#New york radar in motion driver
This gives a detector a lot of opportunities to detect them and as a consequence generally provides the driver ample reaction time to slow down while vehicles ahead are being targeted. Radar transmissions are quite wide in their dispersion patterns and are often reflected in many directions. The oldest X-band radars, which have been widely used throughout the state of NJ, are slowly being supplemented with newer and smaller digital (DSP) Ka-band models and even more lethal police laser guns. K-band is still quite common, given its historical advantage to Ka-band. Most newer guns the police use operate on the super-wide Ka-band. Police radar guns operate on three frequency bands: X band, K band, and Ka band. Instant-On Police Radar Operated from Hidden Position One particularly difficult to detect radar is a hand held radar gun the Kustom Signals Falcon HR. Police radar is designed to be hand held or permanently mounted to a police car. This form can be especially lethal when operated during the cover of night, from an on-ramp or overpass, or from a hidden position from the median or shoulder of a roadway. Unlike constant-on, a police radar gun is triggered by a police officer who must first visually see your vehicle.
#New york radar in motion drivers
This method of police radar operation began to appear in the early 1980’s as radar detector usage grew in popularity and it’s designed to specifically defeat drivers who operate radar detectors.Ī radar detector can’t alert to a signal that is not there. The second mode of police radar operation is called RF-hold, more commonly known as instant-on police radar. It is not uncommon to encounter state troopers in New Jersey operating police radar in this manner. Such trap configurations can be very hard to detect even with the best radar detectors. Police can operate constant-on police radar from a “covered” position-hiding among heavy foliage of a median, for example, and pointing their police radar guns across the roadway at an angle-not directly at approaching vehicles. There are certain speed traps used by police that utilize constantly transmitting police radar that are designed to be harder to detect by those who use radar detectors. In the case of Virginia, the fine for being caught with a radar detector is very small and much less than a speeding ticket and their is pending legislation that may remove the restriction altogether. Radar detectors are not illegal to use in the United State with a few exceptions which are in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the District of Columbia, some providences of Canada, and by commercial truck drivers and on a military base. Generally police radar such as this is easily detected at great distance with a radar detector. The first is continuously transmitted or constant-on (CO) operation. Police radar can be operated in two modes. Unlike police laser, police radar directly determines a vehicle’s speed by measuring the doppler (speed induced) shift of the return of its transmitted frequency (think of the sound you sometimes hear of an approaching or receding train or emergency vehicle). RADAR is an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging, Police radar is radar used by police for measuring drivers’ speeds and for issuing speeding ticket citations. What is police radar and how does it work?
How is police laser different from radar?.
How can I fight a radar speeding ticket?.
How do police use radar from a patrol car?.
What is police radar and how does it work?.
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bluwavez · 3 years
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STAGE NAME :: Jisung
KOREAN NAME :: Hwang Jisung
BIRTHDAY :: November 17, 1998
ZODIAC :: Scorpio
BIRTHPLACE :: Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN :: Seoul, South Korea
YEARS ACTIVE :: 2014 - Present
LABEL :: ANGELICO Entertainment
GROUP POSITION :: Main Vocalist, Lead dancer
HEIGHT :: 185 cm || 6′1
Raised by a single mother, Jisung grew up in loving yet tight wallet household. Money always loomed over him and his mother’s head but they made it work. His mom always tried to keep up appearances that everything was fine, not wanting to stress her son out over their money issues, but Jisung was always aware that their finical situation wasn’t the best. Without his father in the picture, Jisung took on various small jobs to help his mother, hoping to relieve some of the finical stress.
He was scouted by DSP Media while working at a convenience store, mainly for his visuals, it was just a perk he could sing pretty well. He trained while maintaining a part time job, not wanting to leave his mother with only one income. After two years of training, he debuted in DEEPDIVE under DSP Media and they were met with little success. Jisung was the most popular member, getting him a lot of solo gigs, OSTS, and modeling opportunities. All the money he ever made while under DSP Media went straight to his mother.
After the DeepDive revamp, Jisung continued to get steady work while his group got little to no traction. It was suggested he go solo multiple times, many saying he’d just do better without six boys dragging him down, but he refused. He says DeepDive is like his family and he’d stick with them until the very end. During DeepDive’s early period, Jisung was the group’s main promoter often being the one to get them traction. 
Now, with their worldwide success, Jisung is able to take care of his mother and himself comfortably. 
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pressroom-yahoohk · 3 years
Verizon Media’s programmatic DOOH offerings now extends to the Hong Kong International Airport
Kam Kee Café pioneers in bringing tastes of nostalgia to home comers
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Building on its DOOH leadership, global media and technology company Verizon Media has expanded its partnership with digital out of home (OOH) marketplace, VIOOH. This deal provides Verizon Media’s Demand-side Platform (DSP) access, via VIOOH, to premium DOOH inventory, including the digital assets of JCDecaux -- the number one OOH advertising company worldwide.
As an early adopter in Hong Kong to enjoy this new alliance, renowned local café Kam Kee launched the Hong Kong-first programmatic DOOH campaign at the Hong Kong International Airport. 
The campaign that ran from December 24, 2020 to January 10, 2021, saw two strategic locations: the first was along the Baggage Claim, whereby signages reminded visitors of the nostalgic flavours of Hong Kong for which Kam Kee is known. Also included in the campaign image was a QR code that took users to a coupon for a complementary milk tea at one of their outlets out in the city. 
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The second point of contact is a series of digital panels located at the corridor leading to the taxi stands at the airport. Here, the campaign messages capitalize on a moment when visitors are pondering their next destination with more instantaneous and geographical reminders of Kam Kee’s outlets.  
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“A core differentiator for Verizon Media is our “full-stack” expertise. Verizon is one of the world’s largest advertisers. At the same time it is one of the world’s foremost publishers & media platforms. As a result, we know what works best for both buyers and sellers, and we can use that knowledge to help either category. We provide advertisers access to nearly 200,000 digital signs globally through our DSP. Our latest DOOH inventory supplier includes JCDecaux through a partnership with VIOOH,” shared Rico Chan, Co-Head of APAC, Verizon Media. 
“As advertisers are looking to effectively reach and connect with the right audiences, programmatic DOOH provides a fantastic opportunity for advertisers in the region to easily buy across multiple channels, formats and screens. Premium screens once only booked in large clusters, defined periods and far in advance, such as those at Hong Kong International Airport, can now be traded in near real time and to specific audiences, or against certain events and triggers. VIOOH's partnership with Verizon Media's DSP offers advertisers access to premium digital out of home inventory, engaging audiences where and when it matters for campaigns that are hyper-targeted, measurable and flexible.” said Gavin Wilson, Chief Revenue Officer, VIOOH.
Arnaud Redon, General Manager Airports, JCDecaux Transport Hong Kong & Macao said, “Hong Kong International Airport advertising is leading the way to Automation and Programmatic DOOH. It now offers the possibility to launch near real-time campaigns to advertisers who were just waiting for such levels of scheduling flexibility and audience targeting to adopt this powerful media and reach the highly sought-after air passenger consumers. Fully utilizing the digital network coverage at the airport, Kam Kee leveraged the new features in precisely choosing to target all arriving passengers after 2:00pm to entice them with its signature afternoon tea menu and had successfully drawn footfall to the cafes.”
Calvin Tse, CEO of Kam Kee Holdings Limited said, “We are honoured to be an early pioneer to run programmatic DOOH campaign at the Hong Kong Airport. We wanted to not only building awareness to our brand, but also driving foot traffic to our stores around Hong Kong.  We’ve seen good feedback as travellers were impressed with the campaign’s creativity.” 
“This first-ever collaboration between local brand Kam Kee and programmatic DOOH at the Hong Kong Airport truly was a trailblazer for not only this advertising format, but also for brands both big or small, local or international to realize their full potential. Our client received positive feedback and is satisfied with the outcomes from this campaign. This campaign was successful due to the strategic placement of messages – first an incentivized inspiration then a call-to-action – on the strategic locations that appeal to a very targeted demographic,” said Jerry Chan, Director of Mediaon Limited.
This deal builds on Verizon Media’s continuing growth in DOOH and emerging channels through its DSP as it continues to provide solutions to navigate today’s ever-changing realities. Earlier this year, the company announced integration of VIOOH’s inventory in more than 60 cities across seven countries, in addition to its existing inventory in collaboration with other partners.
The new DOOH inventory is available in Verizon Media DSP.
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kpoptimeout · 5 years
Top 20 Most Underrated K-Pop Songs of the Decade (2010-2019) PART 1
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The 2010s has come and gone before we knew it.  
Continuing with the K-Pop Timeout Tradition (see 2018 Ver) of listing the Top 10 Most Underrated K-Pop Songs because all the other sites are just bothered with the Top 10 that pretty much everyone will have heard of/have fan wars over, below we have created a list of the Top 20 Most Underrated K-Pop Songs of the Decade because 10 spots is not enough to cover the amount of talent slept on.
For these reasons, we will list 10 of them here in PART 1 and an additional 10 in PART 2. This is in alphabetic order NOT in the order of awesomeness because all of them are awesome. Also, all MVs are linked in the song titles because Tumblr won’t let me share that many videos in one post.
100% “U Beauty” (2014)
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TOP Media has really failed to make their groups successful since TEEN TOP (and have not really promoted TEEN TOP these days either) and 100% was the first group to fall victim to TOP Media’s poor promotions. Debuting in 2012, the group had so much potential and talent. Rockhyun is arguably one of the best K-Pop main vocals of his generation (which global superstar Rain concurs as a coach on KBS’ “The Unit”) but most K-Pop fans won’t even know.  Out of their repertoire, we found “U Beauty” to be worthy of being in the Top 20 most underrated tracks of the decade because of how catchy and wholesome the song is - boy groups often go for either a very cute or very powerful sound and this was a perfect balance of the two. The boys are able to show their cool and manly side through the powerful choreography and the soothing bridge while the rest of the song is cheerful and sweet. It blows our mind that these boys did not receive more attention in 2014 following such a great track. The boys are still an active boy band so go support their latest releases and check out this underrated gem called “U Beauty”!
A-JAX “INSANE” (2013)
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A promising boy band which debuted during DSP Media’s more problematic years (essentially this whole decade until 2016/17), A-JAX never got the promotions they deserved. “INSANE” could have been the right direction for the group to pursue (except DSP gave them cute songs afterwards and later no songs at all). Perhaps because this song was slept on at the time of promotions (the album only sold around 2000 copies) that DSP did not try the sound again. However, it is powerful, slightly dark, yet poppy and fun with a good amount of EDM thrown in. We have had lots of quirky sounding girl groups like f(x), Orange Caramel, Red Velvet and Oh My Girl but not many quirky sounding boy bands since SHINee. “INSANE” was a unique song that could have paved the way for A-JAX to have gone down such a path. While the group has officially disbanded this year, “INSANE” is without a doubt one of the top underrated bops of the decade that you should check out!
B.A.P “WAKE ME UP” (2017)
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B.A.P had a great start during their early days and were essentially EXO’s rivals in the 2012-13s and brought the powerful self-produced boy band sound before BTS’ debut. However, likely due to a combination of TS Entertainment being shit and them being shittier after the members sued them during 2014-15, B.A.P never reached the heights of their early 2010s popularity again after returning in 2016 and have officially disbanded in 2019. While B.A.P dropped many underrated bops in their final years, we found “WAKE ME UP” to be the one making our Top 20. Not only was this song wonderful to listen to with the haunting repeats of “WAKE ME UP” in the intro and chorus, but it also has a brilliant message as one of the first K-Pop MVs to clearly illustrate different types of mental illness. Especially since the lyrics also spoke to some of the members, especially leader Bang Yongguk’s own mental health struggles, it was frustrating seeing such a good and heartfelt song receive so little attention in South Korea. If you love meaningful K-Pop tracks, you would love “WAKE ME UP”!
C-Clown “Shaking Heart” (2013)
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C-Clown was one of the many amazing new groups in 2012 and had a clear sound and direction of ballad-pop bops. “Shaking Heart” was the last song they made in that style before their company made them go for the more generic mainstream hip-hop heavy sound and it definitely one of the best songs of the decade that was heavily slept on. It showcased the vast talents of the group - Kangjun and Ray’s amazing vocal colour and range (and lowkey still most visually powerful vocal line from a small label), Rome and TK’s contrasting rap styles, Siwoo’s consistency and Maru’s potential in becoming a golden maknae. The group has unfortunately disbanded in 2015, only 3 years after their phenomenal start. While most of the members appear to be doing quite well, with Rome (now going by his birth name Christian Yu) having founded DPR and being a famous K-Pop MV director, Kangjun having a solid modelling career and Maru re-debuting as the main vocal for RnB trio TREI, the group itself could have done so much more if more people took notice of what a bop “Shaking Heart” is and gave them the opportunity to do more tracks of that style. Hence, if you enjoy boy band tracks that combine more ballad styles with pop, this is the song for you!
Dalmatian/DMTN “E.R.” (2012)
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Dalmatian, later styled DMTN, was famous K-Pop producer MC Mong’s boy band that was gaining positive attention until member Daniel’s marijuana scandal. Member Simon often still does impromptu fan meets when he travels for work (he is now a coach and producer for idol groups in Japan) but the group has been inactive following 2013. While DMTN may now be a group of the past, their music was without a doubt amazing, with “E.R.” being a perfect example of the epitome early 2010s K-Pop sound (those who heard the DMTN “E.R”/B2ST “Fiction” mashup back then knows what’s up). The song had an emotional chorus filled with amazing ad-libs and beautiful piano instrumentals, a subtle yet sexy choreography and dramatic MV. If you love the early 2010s K-Pop sound, you would love this underrated bop!
GLAM “I Like That” (2013)
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Many new K-Pop fans either don’t know them or only know them as the reason Big Hit Entertainment has not been recruiting female trainees for many years now (because one member went off to blackmail world star Lee Byunghun - you can learn all about the drama here). However, GLAM was actually an extremely promising girl group and the first idol group fully produced by Bang PD under Big Hit. Like their now world-famous brother group BTS, GLAM was a group with great vocals and rap, with no problem going hard in choreography and making woke statements (their debut song includes lyrics about being down to kiss boys or girls). “I Like That” was a perfect example of their style and abilities. While the song was just a remake of 1990s K-Pop track "Why Do You" by Chuli and Miae, it was done so well it was essentially GLAM’s own song. It is fun, it is catchy and just a strong and confident girl group bop that existed early in the decade when most girl groups besides 2NE1 and 4Minute did not go hard but cute or sexy. If you love powerful girl group tracks, you would love “I Like That”!
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The first boy band ever debuting under LOEN Entertainment (now Kakao M), the 5-member group of all visuals had many amazing tracks usually in the vein of dark and sexy concepts. The members were also active in song production and choreography and honestly had everything one could ask for to create a successful group. However, South Korea and overseas K-Pop fans both did not seem to have noticed the existence of such a talented and consistently awesome group and they disbanded in 2017. “DREAMER”, their debut track, is arguably one of the best songs of the decade because of the stage musical style of the song - the piano instrumentals in the verses and the marching band inclusion in the buildup to the chorus, with the crazy smooth footwork and wonderful harmonisation of the boys. There is no other K-Pop boy group song like this. If you are a fan of musicals, this is the song for you!
Ladies’ Code “Galaxy” (2016)
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Ladies’ Code had a strong debut, being one of the top rookies in 2013 along with current superstars BTS. While their developing career took a huge blow after the car accident which claimed the lives of two members, EunB and Rise, the remaining girls Ashley, Sojung and Zuny powered on to continue creating amazing music. It is painful to see how their excellence is still ignored by the K-Pop fan base at large. Even Billboard listed “Galaxy” as the #19 best K-Pop track of the decade and very deservingly so. “Galaxy” was their first return as a 3-piece and see the girls take a darker and more mature sound following their earlier fun and quirky retro bops. This transition was done well, as more retro sound choices like jazz instrumentals and 80s chime synths were still used in this comeback as a bridge between the sounds of the two Ladies’ Code eras. The song also complements main vocal Sojung’s exceptionally raspy and low voice very well. These girls are still active and deserve so much more. If you enjoy the darker experimental tracks of f(x), Red Velvet and LOONA, “Galaxy” would be your jam! 
MYNAME “Baby I’m Sorry” (2013)
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Debuting in 2011 under legendary Korean RnB duo Fly to the Sky’s Hwanhee’s label, MYNAME was the boy band you knew could sing. And damn they could sing so well. Even the rappers of MYNAME sing typical K-Pop lead vocal quality. For this reason, it made a lot of sense for MYNAME to go for a more ballad-pop sound and flourish in such a musical environment. While they did produce a lot of great songs of that sound, the lack of attention from the Korean public pushed them to go for a more generic hip-hop based boy band sound in 2015. “Baby I’m Sorry” was an example of the greatness of their earlier sound which was just brilliant Korean action drama OST material. The MV was also one of the rare story MVs that make it seem like you are watching a movie (plus the boys acted well). While MYNAME is still active, they now pretty much exclusively promote in Japan, where they are actually appreciated and chart high. In Korea, the members gave their last shot as being idols in KBS’ poorly received survival program “The Unit” and now just act sometimes or model. If you love dramatic ballad-based boy band tracks, you should check out MYNAME’s “Baby I’m Sorry”!
Nine Muses “Wild” (2013)
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Once known as the real generals of the Korean military due to their huge fan base among conscripted soldiers, Nine Muses was THE sexy girl group of the decade who somehow always existed between real fame and nugudom during their active years from 2010-2019. Like they have dedicated fans but they never win music show #1s. And the song that should have really put them on the map for all Koreans and K-Pop fans is their 2013 comeback “Wild”. This was just pop perfection - it is catchy, showcases each of the 9 members’ unique vocal colours and performance style, and had some of the sharpest and most in-sync girl group choreography execution of all time. It was also one in a long line of Nine Muse songs that sound like high fashion runaway music and arguably one of the peaks due to the specific line-up of members at the time. Check out “Wild”, if you would like to listen to one of the best K-Pop girl group tracks of the decade!
The other 10 Top 20 Underrated K-Pop Tracks of the Decade are listed in PART 2.
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biznocrats · 7 months
Here is a rare, time-barred opportunity to turn your $50 into a multi-billion-dollar portfolio of redeemable products and services.
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andrebearakovsky · 6 years
This Week in Caps: Week 15
Welcome to This Week in Caps, a weekly newsletter where I recap everything important that’s been going on in the world of the Washington Capitals this past week.
This Week’s Games
01/08/2019 vs Philadelphia Flyers, W 5-3
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The season is past its halfway time, and it’s the first meeting of the year with the division rival Flyers. Pheonix Copley got the home start, and the Caps broke out their retro thirds. Also, no Nicklas Backstrom in this one, as he was out with illness.
Four minutes into the game, the Caps got the party started. Off a faceoff, Jakub Vrana used his speed and carried the puck all the way down the ice and pass the puck in front of the net for a crashing Tom Wilson, who sent it in for a 1-0 lead. Five minutes later, the Flyers picked off an errant pass and Jakub Voracek scored, tying the game 1-1.
The game stayed tied from then until about halfway through the second period, when the Caps got their scoring legs going. T.J. Oshie redirected a Lars Eller point shot for the 2-1 lead. Two minutes later, Vrana ripped off the puck from a Flyer in the Caps zone and turned on the jets, taking it in alone on a breakaway and scoring over the goalie’s shoulder to make it 3-1. Four minutes later, Vrana scored again, this time on the power play. He meant to pass the puck through the crease, but instead it hit the goalie’s pads and banked in, and the Caps were up 4-1.
Things started to get weird and wacky in the third. It started off with a fight, just two minutes in. Nic Dowd got hit hard by Radko Gudas, and Devante Smith-Pelly did not take kindly to the roughhousing of his linemate. He asked Gudas to tussel, Gudas complied, and the two of them had a heavyweight bought. Both were sent off for fighting, though Smith-Pelly got the extra roughing minor that had to be served by Andre Burakovsky. Things got really wacky in the last five minutes of the game. The Flyers pulled their goalie with three and a half minutes left, and Wayne Simmonds scored in front on a goal that slipped between Copley’s legs to make it 4-2. Chaos ensued when both sides could not stop committing penalties and the Caps could not score on the empty net; they kept trying to pass it to Vrana for the hat trick, but he just couldn’t bury it. Wilson looked to have an empty-netter, but it was called back on an offsides challenge. Eventually, the Flyers got one more goal on their ledger — during four-on-four play with just seven seconds left in the game, Claude Giroux ripped a one-timer to make it 4-3. But Oshie scored an empty-netter off the ensuing faceoff to send the Caps home with a 5-3 win.
The Caps were outshot 40-25 and got wrecked on faceoffs, only winning 29.7%. They were 1/4 on power play chances, while the Flyers went 0/5 on theirs. Copley saved 37/40 shots.
Jakub Vrana had possibly the best game of his life, tallying three points and almost getting the hat trick. The lack of power play effectiveness and the small amount of shots is a little concerning, and the last five minutes of the game felt a little Yakety Sax, but it was an entertaining game nonetheless.
01/10/2019 @ Boston Bruins, W 4-2
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No team has had another team’s number over the past couple years like the Caps have had the Bruins’ — coming into the game, the Caps had won thirteen straight against Boston, and they hoped to keep the streak alive in this one.
Despite taking a penalty less than two minutes into the game, the Caps were the ones to score first. Six minutes in, T.J. Oshie sprung Jakub Vrana on a breakaway, and he scored to make it 1-0 Caps. But the Bruins kept it tight all throughout the first and most of the second, until they finally broke through. At the fourteen minute mark of the second, Ryan Donato ripped home a wrist shot from the circle to tie the game, 1-1. But the Caps would respond less than a minute later; Tom Wilson passed it to Alex Ovechkin from behind the net, and Ovechkin sent it home lightning-quick to restore the Caps’ lead and make it 2-1.
The Bruins kept coming, and four minutes into the third period, the Caps gave them the opportunity to get back into it score-wise. The Caps took a too many men penalty, and David Krejci scored on a slapshot on the ensuing power play to tie the game, 2-2. But again, the Caps responded within a minute. Nicklas Backstrom drove into the zone and fired home a wrist shot to give the Caps a 3-2 lead. The game was played tight the rest of the way, and Ovechkin eventually scored an empty-netter to secure the Caps’ 4-2 win.
The Caps were outshot 41-22 and were badly beaten on faceoffs, only winning 34.4%. They went 0/2 on power play chances, and the Bruins went 1/5 on theirs. Holtby saved 39/41 shots.
The Caps’ dominance of the Bruins continues, winning their 14th in a row. The game was a little chippy, as Lars Eller did try to fight Brad Marchand in retaliation to Marchand’s punching him on opening night, but Marchand wouldn’t take the fight. The Caps also had the territorial disadvantage, and that hopefully changes in the coming games.
01/12/2018 vs Columbus Blue Jackets, L 1-2 (OT)
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It was a snowy night in DC, and time for another divisional matchup against the Blue Jackets. Get ready, because this was a frustrating and weird one.
The Blue Jackets got on the board first and early; just a minute into the game, Cam Atkinson scored on a breakaway and gave the Jackets a 1-0 lead. Later in the period, it was revealed that Alex Ovechkin was not on the bench and ended up missing about half of the period, though he did return for the second and had no problems for the rest of the game.
But just after one injury scare, there was a second, this one more serious. With about eleven minutes left in the second period, Atkinson high-sticked Braden Holtby through his mask in the eye, and Holtby looked to be in discomfort. He would have to leave the game, being replaced by Pheonix Copley; he did not return for the rest of the game.
The game passed by with some frustrating and chippy play; nothing much of note happened for a majority of the game. Each team got a penalty in the first period, and each team got a penalty in the second (which included about a minute of four-on-four), and nothing came of any of the power plays. In fact, it wasn’t until very late in the game that the Caps seemed to have any life at all. With the goalie pulled, they got to work, and with just over a minute left in the game, Evgeny Kuznetsov let loose a booming slapshot to tie the game 1-1.
This matchup would require overtime. Things were relatively even for most of the overtime session, until Nicklas Backstrom committed a slashing penalty to give the Jackets a power play. Artemi Panarin scored just twelve seconds later to give the Jackets a 2-1 overtime win.
The Caps outshot the Blue Jackets 33-22 and had the faceoff advantage at 52.6%. The Caps went 0/2 on the power play, and the Jackets went 1/3 on theirs. Holtby made 10/11 saves, and Copley made 10/11 saves in relief.
This game was a little bit of a mess, and the Caps never seemed 100% together; getting out with a point felt like more than they deserved. But the biggest concern is Holtby’s health; it’s not looking to be a huge injury, but we’ll know more in the coming days.
Current record: 27-12-5
What’s Going on in the World of the Caps
One of the defining features of the game against the Blue Jackets was the multitude of injuries. They weren’t serious, but definitely noteworthy. During the first period, Alex Ovechkin left the game due to apparent injury; it was originally reported as an equipment issue, but it was later cleared up that Ovechkin had a cut on his hand that needed to be sutured. But he returned for the second period and there is no lasting injury. On the other hand, Braden Holtby was high-sticked in the eye by Cam Atkinson about halfway through the second period, and he had to be replaced by Pheonix Copley, and he did not return to the game. Holtby did practice the next morning and said that his vision had greatly improved. The Caps do not believe they will need to call up another goalie. And in completely unrelated news, another minor bit of progress: Christian Djoos skated at practice on Sunday morning; a good sign, but there is still no timetable for his return.
Commercials Galore
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This week was, apparently, the week for Caps commercials to come out. First, Alex Ovechkin starred in three commercials for Papa John’s Russia (pizza is here!). Then, Braden Holtby starred in a new Koons commercial where he stares at national monuments (he has actually done commercials for Koons before, seen in the link). And finally, Andre Burakovsky and Devante Smith-Pelly were the latest to be sucked into Paisanos, and they were the stars of the newest Paisano’s commercial. (Ovi, Holtby, Burky & DSP)
Connolly Tattoo
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After getting enough retweets on Twitter, a Caps fan is getting a tattoo of Brett Connolly eating pizza and getting a tattoo. Connolly is aware of this, and Devante Smith-Pelly contributed to one of the retweets. In fact, DSP wants this to happen so badly that he said he’d be willing to be there and even pay for it to see it through. Connolly’s wife Katrina even commented on the situation, calling it a #ProudWife moment. (1, 2)
Other Miscellaneous Happenings
Copley does jumping jacks with kids from Hendley Elementary School
Oshie, Burakovsky, and Wilson bowl with fans (1, 2)
Time to cry over Jay Beagle again
Capitals invite youth hockey team to game for standing up to racism
Ovi checks Chara into the Caps bench
Ovi parties, makes DJ’s night
Orlov screams at BFF Bobrovsky
Vrana flosses
Pregame shenanigans
Upcoming Events
On January 14 against the St. Louis Blues, there will be a winter glove giveaway
On January 18, the Caps Better Halves Baskets go on sale
Player of the Week
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Jakub Vrana had another very strong week, and his game against the Flyers was one of the best of his career. Over the three games this week, he tallied 4 points (2 G, 2 A), with three of them coming in the aforementioned game, and his speed was on constant display and made him a consistent scoring threat.
Social Media Post of the Week
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Gina posted a really long and heartfelt message for John’s birthday, along with about a dozen photos, but I’m not going to copy and paste that here nor attach all the photos; you can follow the link and read it if you like. I’m just going to thank her for this incredibly embarrassing photo of John. (x)
Stars of the Night Season Leaderboard
Over the course of the season, I will be keeping track of the Caps stars of the night, translating them into points, and organizing them into a leaderboard.
1st star = 5 pts, 2nd star = 3 pts, 3rd star = 1 pt
1. Holtby — 42 2. Ovechkin — 39 3. Kuznetsov — 20 4. Backstrom — 19 5. Carlson — 17 6. Wilson — 13 T-7. Burakovsky — 11 T-7. Copley — 11 T-7. Kempny — 11 10. Vrana — 8 11. Oshie — 7 T-12. Connolly — 6 T-12. Orlov — 6 14. Lewington — 5 T-15. Niskanen — 3 T-15. Smith-Pelly — 3 T-17. Boyd — 2 T-17. Eller — 2 19. Stephenson — 1
Achieved and Upcoming Milestones
T.J. Oshie scored his 200th career NHL goal on 01/08/19 vs the Philadelphia Flyers
Nicklas Backstrom is 1 power play goal away from taking sole possession of 5th in Caps history in power play goals
John Carlson is 2 power play goals away from being tied for 7th in Caps history in power play goals among defensemen (25)
Brooks Orpik is 1 game away from 1000 career games played
Jonas Siegenthaler is searching for his first NHL goal
Next Week’s Upcoming Games
01/14/18 vs St. Louis Blues (7 PM) 01/15/18 @ Nashville Predators (8 PM) 01/18/18 vs New York Islanders (7:30 PM) 01/20/18 @ Chicago Blackhawks (12:30 PM)
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cubaseblog-blog · 6 years
integrated equipment For Cubase track
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Cubase is essentially the maximum considerably-used sequencbuilt-ing program on the earth with effectively over a million registered customers. Designed for professionals from the bottom up, Cubase converge built-ingintegrated sound high fbuiltintegrated, integratedtuitive built-ing with and an sizable range of tremendously advanced audio and MIDI integrated for composition, recordbuilt-ing, editing and mixbuiltintegrated. The number one version of Cubase appeared built-in 1989 for the Atari ST pc although the programmer, Charlie Steintegratedberg who gave his call to the organisation, have been built-ing sequencers for the Commodore 64 and Atari built-insbuiltintegrated early 80s.
the discharge of Cubase built-in 1993 at the Atari Falcon built-in a leap forward integrated DSP software  as realtime manipulation of audio built-into doable with out the help of builtintegrated processor built-ing cardsintegrated, cubase as became the built-in with the greater luxurious pro equipment and different comparable structures. Cubase moreover sports activities a properly-designed and totally purposeful midi and built-in editor, which appears to come returned as an afterthought integrated heaps of sequencers even expert tools. built-in want to report and tweak the sound with Cubase's native reverbs, eq and dynamics, all of the contraptionsintegrated of the change are there and a ways more improved from a picture consumer integratedterface perspective.
Now owned by Yamaha, Steintegratedberg is greatly built-inprofitbuiltintegrated the song giants possession. built-in spite ofintegrated everythbuiltintegrated Yamaha is the largest musical builtintegrated manufacturer built-inintegrated builtintegrated.
Designed for experts from the floor up, Cubase four sets a brand new common for 7fd5144c552f19a3546408d3b9cfb251 song built-ingintegrated software program by way of combbuilt-inintegratedg effective audio and MIDI recordintegratedg, synthesis, editing, built-ing and outcomes. The model new VST3 effect plug-built-in set and new 7339ff1fc90882f8f31ca1efdd2ac191 VST built-instruments are entirely built-in. There are additionally new VST built-indevices, collectively with three ="hide">outstandintegratedg="tipsBox"> new synthesizers (Prologue, Spector and Mystic as properly as HALion One sample participant with heaps of of new devices based totally on Yamaha Motif waveform), and the new built-in monitor magnificence accelerates handlbuiltintegrated of VST devices and combbuilt-ines MIDI and plug-built-in automation built-int of the same music.
 for composers, musicians and missionintegrated studios built-inbuiltintegrated to university college students and educators, Cubase Studio 4 nonetheless gives expert tune built-in built-information because of a excessive-high great set of crucial units, expertise at a lower price stage than Cubase four. clients who buy Cubase four will fbuiltintegrated greater advanced options required for the built-inalintegrated built-ingintegrated phases collectively with surround support, complete manage Room capability and specialized plug-integrateds and equipment for built-ingintegrated a built-inintegrated mixdown.
those tune equipment will can assist you write tunes built-in a manner that greater built-instantly relates to musical notation. built-information built-in may as an alternative be considered one of many time price journalists built-in built-inintegrated song equipment. seasoned equipment MP3 OptionBy collectively with the pro units MP3 opportunity, the song production Toolkit makes it easy to be all ears to a latest built-integrate on a portable system or quick proportion it with other band participants without havbuilt-ing to make use of a separate utility. everybody want the proper tools to create song, and through "integrated" I do now not imply a integrated logo of built-intool or amplifier, builtintegrated relativelyintegrated the music we listen builtintegrated.
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dsp-consultants · 1 month
The Importance of AV Design Services: Maximizing Value with DSP Consultants in Saudi Arabia
In today's fast-paced world, audiovisual (AV) systems are critical to communication, collaboration, and entertainment across various sectors. Whether for a corporate boardroom, educational institution, or entertainment venue, the effectiveness of an AV installation hinges on meticulous design and planning. This is where AV design consultants come into play. Partnering with an expert AV design consultancy like DSP Consultants in Saudi Arabia can not only enhance the performance of your AV systems but also significantly reduce your total cost of ownership.
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Why AV Design Services Matter
AV design services are not just about choosing the right equipment; they involve a comprehensive approach to system integration. At DSP Consultants, we develop detailed AV system drawings and specifications, ensuring every aspect of the installation is optimized for your specific needs. These designs are periodically reviewed with your team, allowing for adjustments that align with evolving requirements or budgetary constraints. This collaborative process ensures that the final AV solution is both functional and future-proof.
AV Design Consultants vs. AV Integrators
It's important to distinguish between AV design consultants and AV integrators. While AV integrators are skilled in the physical installation and integration of AV systems, AV design consultants focus on the conceptualization and planning stages. They guide you through the design process, helping you select the most suitable technologies and products to meet your goals. This guidance is crucial for ensuring that the system is not only technically sound but also aligned with your organization’s vision and operational needs.
Benefits of Hiring AV Design Consultants in Saudi Arabia
1. Cost Efficiency: By involving AV design consultants early in the project, you can avoid costly mistakes during installation. Their expertise ensures that all components work seamlessly together, reducing the need for expensive modifications or replacements down the line.
2. Access to the Latest Technology: DSP Consultants is committed to staying at the forefront of AV technology. We continuously research new products and solutions, incorporating the most suitable options into your design. This ensures that your AV system is not only cutting-edge but also reliable and easy to maintain.
3. Customized Solutions: Every project is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. AV design consultants provide tailored solutions that meet your specific needs, whether it's for a large-scale commercial installation or a more intimate setting. This customization leads to better system performance and user experience.
4. Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the AV industry, DSP Consultants bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Our consultants have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities specific to Saudi Arabia, ensuring that your project is in capable hands.
5. Future-Proofing Your Investment: Technology is constantly evolving, and what’s cutting-edge today may be obsolete tomorrow. AV design consultants anticipate future trends and design systems that can adapt to new advancements, protecting your investment over the long term.
Incorporating AV design services into your AV installation project is a strategic move that can save time, reduce costs, and enhance overall system performance. With DSP Consultants, a leading AV design consultancy in Saudi Arabia, you’ll benefit from detailed planning, access to the latest technology, and a customized approach that ensures your AV system meets your current and future needs. Whether you’re planning a new installation or upgrading an existing one, partnering with DSP Consultants will ensure your project’s success from design to deployment. For more information please contact us at [email protected].
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themovieblogonline · 1 month
Kritika Kamra Interview: Gyaarah Gyaarah's Groundbreaking Story
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If you’ve been eagerly searching for the next big thing in TV, look no further than "Gyaarah Gyaarah" on ZEE5 Global. This upcoming show promises to deliver more than just your average police procedural. Kritika Kamra, one of the brightest talents in the industry, takes the lead in this time-bending thriller that blends investigative drama with a twist of fantasy. But before you dive into the gripping world of "Gyaarah Gyaarah," let’s explore why this series is about to shake things up. https://youtu.be/wQvUcLT008E What’s the Buzz About? Set to be one of the most talked-about shows on ZEE5 Global, "Gyaarah Gyaarah" brings together a unique blend of genres. Kritika Kamra plays a dual role, transporting us between two eras—2016 and 1990. The twist? Every time the clock strikes 11:11 (Gyaarah Gyaarah in Hindi), two walkie-talkies mysteriously connect across these timelines, helping solve cases that have been cold for 15 years. It's a bit like "Stranger Things" meets "True Detective," but with a distinctly Indian flavor. Kritika Kamra herself was drawn to the project not just because of its innovative storyline but also because of the depth of her character, DSP Vamika Rathod. “I got a huge canvas to go wild with in this one,” Kritika shares, highlighting the transformative journey of her character from a naive recruit in the 90s to a confident leader in the present day. Kritika Kamra: A Star Shining Brighter Than Ever Kritika Kamra has been steadily climbing the ranks in the acting world, and "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is set to be another jewel in her crown. From her early days on television to her recent ventures into more complex and challenging roles, Kritika has shown remarkable growth. In our interview, she mentioned how she loves taking on roles that demand a lot from her—both physically and emotionally. "If it’s not that immersive, I don’t think it’s as exciting for me," she admits. And immersive this role is, indeed. Fans of Kritika Kamra will appreciate how she dives deep into her role in "Gyaarah Gyaarah." As she puts it, the show’s unique blend of fantasy and crime drama gives her the perfect platform to explore different shades of her character. "This show gave me an opportunity to get to know myself a little better," Kritika reveals. Behind the Scenes: Filming in the Hills of India While the storyline of "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is thrilling enough, the behind-the-scenes tales are equally fascinating. The series was shot in the scenic hill stations of Uttarakhand, including Dehradun and Mussoorie—places that haven’t been overly exposed in Indian cinema or television. Kritika recounts the challenges of filming in freezing temperatures, where the team had to perform intense action scenes in sub-zero weather. Despite these hardships, the beauty of these locations adds a fresh character to the show, making it visually stunning as well as narratively compelling. Kritika even shared some lighter moments from the shoot, where the cast and crew would forget their lines due to the cold, leading to some impromptu outbursts that brought humor to the otherwise intense atmosphere. It’s these little nuggets of behind-the-scenes stories that make "Gyaarah Gyaarah" not just a show, but an experience worth tuning into. What’s Next for Kritika Kamra? With "Gyaarah Gyaarah" set to premiere on ZEE5 Global, Kritika Kamra is already looking forward to her next project. She’s currently working on "Matka King," directed by the acclaimed Nagraj Manjule, which is sure to be another high-profile venture. But for now, all eyes are on "Gyaarah Gyaarah" as it prepares to enthrall audiences worldwide. Why You Should Watch If you’re a fan of shows that challenge the conventional narrative and offer something fresh, "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is a must-watch. Kritika Kamra’s performance is expected to be a standout, and the unique concept of time-traveling communication adds an intriguing layer to the police procedural genre. Plus, with ZEE5 Global bringing the show to an international audience, this is your chance to get in on what could be the next big TV phenomenon. So, mark your calendars and set your alarms for 11:11—because "Gyaarah Gyaarah" is one show you won’t want to miss. Read the full article
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