dootdootmf · 1 year
This was supposed to be a quick painting, but it wasn't. There's some stuff I'd fix if I thought I could spend more time on it without losing my mind. But I can't! So, this is it's final form.
The first time I posted this the katakana on Deku’s "t-shirt" was backwards. Which was fun to fix.
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The Weight of Expectations
Just a drabble for my OC - Yosuke Yoshimi, who I will post more on later, for now enjoy this.
Yosuke is feeling the weight of expectations, and has a heart to heart with fellow 1-B classmate Monoma of all people.
Yosuke and Neito had spent the evening in the common room of the UA dorms, their laughter echoing through the corridors as they shared stories and strategies from their days in Class 1-B. The clock had ticked past midnight, and the once-bustling halls were now cloaked in a comforting silence. As they made their way back to their respective rooms, the dim glow of the moonlight cast elongated shadows of their forms along the walls. Yosuke, ever the introspective one, couldn’t help but let his gaze drift to Neito, whose eyes gleamed with mischief even in the darkness. His fox-like ears twitched subtly, catching the soft whispers of the night air, as he contemplated his friend's unwavering confidence.
"Neito…," Yosuke began, his voice barely rising above the gentle hum of the distant air conditioning. He paused, his eyes flickering down to his intertwined fingers. "Could I, maybe, ask you something?" His question hung in the air, a silent plea for permission to seek guidance. His tail swished anxiously behind him, betraying the maelstrom of thoughts within. Despite their friendship, the weight of his father's expectations and his own fears had kept him from truly opening up to anyone.
Monoma turned toward him, his eyes gleaming in the low light. "Yoshimi, you know you can ask me anything!" His voice boomed through the quiet hall, making Yosuke jump slightly. Neito's eyes, reflecting the blue glow of the emergency lights, sparkled with excitement. He leaned in closer, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "What's up? Did you finally crack the latest security system in the training grounds?"
Yosuke let out a faint smile, momentarily distracted by the joke. "It's not about hacking," he replied, before drawing a deep breath. "It’s just… I’ve noticed how confident you are, even when the odds are against us. You always seem to have this unshakable belief in yourself, and in our class. I just…" He trailed off, his hand raking through his hair in frustration. "I want to understand. How do you do it?" His eyes met Neito's, searching for some secret to banishing the weight of doubt and fear that clung to him.
Neito’s grin faded into a thoughtful frown as he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. "Confidence is a strange beast," he mused. "Some say it's born from never having been broken, but I think it’s more about how you piece yourself back together after you’ve been shattered." He glanced down, as if lost in his own memories, before meeting Yosuke’s gaze once more. "You’ve got your own strengths, man. That foxy brain of yours is a weapon like no other. Just remember, we’re all in this together. Your doubt? It’s part of what makes you, you. Don’t let it eat you alive. Believe in your abilities, and more importantly, believe in us." He clapped Yosuke on the back, a gesture that carried more warmth than force. "Now, let’s get some sleep. We’ve got more world-saving to do tomorrow, right?" Neito winked, trying to lighten the mood before heading towards his room.
Yosuke watched his friend retreat down the hallway, a mix of gratitude and frustration swirling in his chest. He had wanted to confess something more—his fears, his decision to leave the hero path—but the words had lodged in his throat like a bone he couldn’t swallow. With a heavy sigh, Yosuke turned and padded down the hall to his own room. The echoes of their laughter faded, and the comforting presence of Neito seemed distant now. The revelation would have to wait for another night, another conversation under the moonlight where shadows might not seem so daunting.
As Yosuke closed the door behind him, silence enveloped the room like a thick blanket. He sat on the edge of his bed, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on his shoulders. Neito’s words of encouragement lingered in his mind, but the fear remained. He had made up his mind, even if he couldn’t bring himself to say it aloud yet. His decision to step away from the hero life was his own, but the path ahead felt unclear, fraught with uncertainty.
His gaze drifted toward his laptop, its screen glowing faintly in the dark. It called to him like a sanctuary, a place where he could control the variables in a way he couldn’t in the real world. His mother’s words echoed in his mind, a quiet reminder that he had her support, no matter what. With renewed determination, he opened the computer, letting the soft light wash over his furrowed brow.
Yosuke's fingers flew over the keyboard, immersing himself in the world of code, hacking, and challenges. In this realm, everything made sense. Here, he was in control. Hours passed, the darkness outside slowly giving way to the pale light of dawn. Exhaustion tugged at him, but he fought it off, driven by an unspoken need to prove himself—not to his father or even the world of heroes, but to himself. Only when the first rays of the new day began to filter through the blinds did Yosuke finally let his head fall to the pillow. His mind whirred with thoughts of expectation, fear, and freedom, until sleep finally claimed him.
The next morning, Yosuke awoke to a gentle knock at the door. The sound cut through the fog of his sleep, pulling him back into reality. He rubbed his eyes, groggy and disoriented, before stumbling to the door. When he opened it, Neito stood there, grinning as usual. His eyes were bright, even at the early hour.
"Rise and shine, Yoshimi!" Neito chirped, his voice loud and cheery. "I know you were up all night coding. What's the deal?"
Yosuke let out a low groan, rubbing at his temples. "J-just couldn’t sleep," he mumbled, stepping aside to let Neito in. He gestured vaguely toward the open laptop on his desk. "I’ve been… thinking a lot. About what you said last night."
Neito’s grin faltered slightly, sensing the shift in mood. "What’s up?" he asked, his tone gentler now.
Yosuke sat back down on the edge of his bed, his tail curling around his legs as if seeking comfort. His heart raced in his chest as the words began to spill out. "Neito, I need to tell you something." He paused, the weight of his secret pressing hard against his chest. "I’ve decided not to pursue a hero license after graduation." His voice was quiet, almost a whisper, but the words felt like they had cracked the air between them.
Monoma froze, the smile slipping from his face. He stared at Yosuke, wide-eyed. "What?" he said, disbelief and concern mixing in his voice. "But… why, Yoshimi? You’re so smart, so strategic. You could be an incredible hero!" His eyes searched Yosuke’s face, looking for any sign that this was some kind of joke. "Is it because of your dad?"
Yosuke’s chest tightened. His father. The pressure, the expectations, the unspoken disappointment that hung between them like a shadow. "It’s not that simple," Yosuke said, his voice strained. "He’s wrapped his whole life around me becoming a hero. If I don’t follow that path, I’ll be… I’ll be letting him down. But I also can’t keep living like this, under his shadow. I need to find my own way."
Monoma’s jaw clenched, his fists balling at his sides. "You can’t let him control you like this," he said, his voice low but firm. "You’re more than his legacy, man. You’re Yosuke Yoshimi." He stepped closer, his hand landing on Yosuke’s shoulder in a gesture of support. "You’re one of the strongest people I know—not because of your Quirk, but because of everything you’ve faced. Your doubt doesn’t make you weak. It makes you real."
Yosuke’s throat tightened with emotion, but Neito’s words gave him strength. For the first time in a long while, he felt like someone understood, like he wasn’t just drowning under the weight of expectations.
"Whatever you decide, I’ve got your back," Neito added, his voice softer now. "And if you need to get away from it all, you know where to find me. We’ll figure this out together, okay?"
Yosuke nodded, a small smile breaking through the storm in his heart. "Thanks, Neito."
Neito grinned, his usual mischief returning. "Now, let's get to class. Hero license or not, we’ve got villains to beat and futures to forge."
Yosuke chuckled softly, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. Maybe the future wasn’t as daunting as it had seemed. As long as he wasn’t walking the path alone.
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anonamousblue · 3 years
My friends kept arguing over Shinkami and Kamijirou, which was more realistic to work out, who was cuter together, that stuff.
But I'm just sitting there between them thinking "guys, guys you know Kaminari wouldn't notice if they're both flirting with him right? He's a loveable dumbass but still a dumbass."
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m-sid7 · 6 years
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I colored some sketches from my sketchbook
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stage-props · 6 years
guys I only know some of bkha because of my friend but this is absolutely the best DNI banner ive ever seen
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zeneria29 · 7 years
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Can I bite you? 
Commission info 
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m-diamond94-blog · 7 years
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my friends ask me to draw them ❄️🔥
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procrastinatingfriz · 7 years
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my fav UA kids <3 
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asgoresboyf · 2 years
silly silly robot lady
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fayfayfafa · 8 years
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I posted this before and I’m doing it again.
I wasn’t ready for the wholesomeness.
I watched this at a “group watch” with my college’s anime club. We did an old episode of BKHA and followed with this. Not disappointed.
Did anyone else let out an audible “awww” like we did?
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Small little drabble, set after the events of the main fic but the idea was caught in my head so here it is.
Yosuke is caught up in a project, as is per usual, and Katsuki, being the overprotective one, and knowing his boyfriend, has to make sure he eats properly.
Yosuke’s eyes were locked onto the computer screen, a sea of code scrolling upward as his fingers flew over the keyboard. His bushy tail swayed slightly behind him, flicking back and forth in tandem with the rapid movement of his fingers. He was deep in the zone, that rare place where the world fell away, leaving only the logical beauty of programming. The room around him was dim, the only light coming from the screen in front of him and a small lamp on the desk. His thoughts were a whirl of algorithms and problem-solving, everything else pushed to the back of his mind. His ears twitched occasionally, reacting to the faint sounds around him, but nothing could pull him from his concentration.
He had been at it for hours, not that he realized. Time had a way of slipping away when he got caught up in a project like this. The lines of code were coming together beautifully, each piece fitting into the next like a perfect puzzle. It was the kind of work he lived for, the kind that made everything else fade into the background. Even the hunger gnawing at his stomach had become nothing more than a dull ache, easily ignored.
A soft ping broke through the silence, and Yosuke’s ears twitched at the sound, pulling his attention away from the screen. He blinked, his eyes struggling to refocus as he glanced at his phone, which lay face-up on the desk beside him. A text message glowed on the screen.
Katsuki: Have you eaten yet?
Yosuke stared at the message for a moment, his brain struggling to switch gears. His tail gave a slight twitch of annoyance, irritated by the interruption. Had he eaten? He tried to remember, but the hours had blurred together into one long stretch of coding and coffee. The last thing he could recall was a cup of cold coffee he’d downed that morning. He glanced at the time—4:23 p.m.
His fingers hovered over the keyboard, considering his response. Should he lie? Say he’d eaten something to keep Bakugou from worrying? But lying had never been his style, especially not with Katsuki. With a sigh, he typed back.
Yosuke: Not yet. Just been busy.
He set the phone back down, his gaze drifting back to the code in front of him. His ears flattened slightly against his head, a sign of his unease. He knew what would come next. Katsuki hated it when he didn’t take care of himself, and Yosuke could already imagine the string of curse-laden texts that would follow. Part of him felt guilty—he knew he should eat, take breaks, do all the things that normal people did. But it was hard to pull himself away once he got into this kind of flow. He told himself he’d get up soon, grab something quick to eat, and then get back to work. Just a few more lines of code…
The phone pinged again, and his tail flicked in response.
Katsuki: You idiot. I told you to eat. What the hell am I supposed to do with you?
Yosuke couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips, his ears perking up slightly. He could almost hear Bakugou’s voice in the words, the frustration mixed with concern. Yosuke knew Katsuki cared, even if he expressed it in his own uniquely aggressive way. It was one of the things he loved about him.
Yosuke: I’ll get something in a bit. Promise.
He knew it was a weak promise, but it was the best he could do in the moment. He set the phone down again and refocused on the screen, telling himself he’d wrap up this section of the code and then take a break. Just a few more lines…
Time passed in a blur, Yosuke’s mind once again lost in the intricate patterns of the code. His tail was now still, a testament to how deeply focused he was. He was so absorbed in his work that he didn’t hear the front door open or the heavy footsteps approaching. It wasn’t until the door to his room banged open that he looked up, startled, his ears swiveling toward the sound.
Katsuki stood in the doorway, a plastic bag dangling from one hand and a scowl on his face. His eyes were blazing with a mix of irritation and concern as he took in the sight of Yosuke, still hunched over the computer.
“Seriously?” Bakugou snapped, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. “You’re still at it? I texted you an hour ago!”
Yosuke blinked, his ears flattening against his head in surprise. An hour? Had it really been that long? He glanced at the clock on the screen—5:32 p.m. His stomach gave an involuntary growl, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten since…he didn’t even remember.
“I was going to take a break,” Yosuke started, his tail twitching slightly behind him, but Bakugou wasn’t having it.
“Yeah, sure you were,” Bakugou said, rolling his eyes as he stepped into the room. He dropped the bag on the desk with a thud. “You say that every damn time, and every damn time you end up starving yourself until I have to drag your sorry ass out of this room.”
Yosuke sighed, his ears drooping slightly, knowing there was no point in arguing. Katsuki was right; he had a habit of getting so caught up in his work that he forgot to eat, sleep, or do anything else that a functioning human being was supposed to do. And Katsuki, being Katsuki, wasn’t about to let that slide.
“You’re here now,” Yosuke said, trying for a smile. “So I guess you can drag my sorry ass out of here.”
Bakugou snorted, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips. “Damn right, I’m here. And you’re eating. Now.”
He pulled containers out of the bag, each filled with different foods. Yosuke’s ears perked up at the sight, his tail giving a small, involuntary swish. His stomach growled again, reminding him just how long it had been since his last meal. Katsuki had brought a feast—rice, chicken, vegetables, some kind of stir-fry that smelled amazing. It was enough to feed a small army, but then, Bakugou had always had a tendency to overdo things.
Yosuke reached for one of the containers, but Bakugou swatted his hand away.
“Not here,” Bakugou ordered, his tone brooking no argument. “Living room. Now.”
Yosuke raised an eyebrow, his ears flicking in mild annoyance. “You’re serious?”
“When am I not serious?” Bakugou shot back, crossing his arms over his chest. His expression was dead serious. “I didn’t bring all this just for you to eat it hunched over your damn computer. Come on.”
With a resigned sigh, Yosuke stood up from the chair, his tail flicking irritably behind him. His muscles protested the movement after hours of being in the same position. He followed Bakugou into the living room, where Bakugou had already laid out the food on the small coffee table. It was a sight to behold, and Yosuke’s ears perked up again, betraying his interest despite his earlier reluctance.
“Sit,” Bakugou commanded, pointing to the couch. Yosuke complied, his tail curling around his legs as he sat down. Bakugou sat down beside him, grabbing a container and shoving it into his hands.
“Eat,” Bakugou said, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Yosuke didn’t need to be told twice. He dug into the food, the first bite sending a wave of warmth through his body. His tail swished contentedly as he ate, his hunger taking over. He hadn’t realized just how hungry he was until now. The flavors were amazing—spicy, savory, everything he loved. He glanced at Bakugou, who was watching him with a mixture of satisfaction and irritation.
“You need to take better care of yourself,” Bakugou muttered, picking at his own food. “I swear, one of these days I’m going to come home and find you passed out at that damn computer.”
“I’m sorry,” Yosuke said between bites, his ears drooping slightly at the reprimand. “I just…get caught up, you know? It’s hard to pull away sometimes.”
Bakugou huffed, but his expression softened slightly. “Yeah, I know. But you need to make time for this,” he gestured to the food, “and for us. I’m not letting you waste away just because you’re too stubborn to take a break.”
Yosuke nodded, his mouth full of rice. He knew Bakugou was right, and he appreciated the fact that Katsuki cared enough to make sure he was okay, even if he did it in his own gruff, Bakugou way.
“Thanks,” Yosuke said after swallowing, his ears lifting slightly in a sign of gratitude. “For the food and…for looking out for me.”
Bakugou’s cheeks turned the faintest shade of pink, and he looked away, focusing intently on his food. “Yeah, well, someone has to. You’re hopeless on your own.”
Yosuke’s tail flicked playfully at the comment, a silent acknowledgment of the truth in Bakugou’s words. They ate in comfortable silence, the kind that comes from knowing someone well enough that words aren’t always necessary. Bakugou’s presence grounded
him, pulled him out of his own head and into the moment. It was something Yosuke needed more than he cared to admit.
After they’d eaten their fill, Yosuke leaned back against the couch, feeling more content than he had in days. Katsuki was still sitting beside him, arms crossed, his expression softening as he glanced at Yosuke.
“You better not make this a habit,” Bakugou said, his voice gruff but lacking its usual bite. “I’m not gonna be around all the time to babysit you.”
Yosuke’s ears twitched at the word 'babysit,' but he let it slide, knowing it was just Katsuki’s way of showing he cared. “I’ll try to remember.”
“You better,” Bakugou shot back, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips, his hand reaching out to ruffle Yosuke’s hair, his fingers brushing against one of Yosuke's ears, causing it to twitch.
Yosuke knew he’d forget again, lose himself in his work until Katsuki came crashing in to pull him out. But for now, he was grateful. For the food, for the company, and for the fact that he had someone who cared enough to make sure he was okay.
He reached over, his hand finding Bakugou’s. He squeezed it lightly, feeling Bakugou squeeze back. No words were needed, just that small gesture—a reminder of the quiet understanding between them.
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geslotencirkel · 3 years
If I die before I wake a bkha blah bla idk all the words but yeah.
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joyvfreudeart-blog · 7 years
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lkhooper-art-blog · 5 years
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Hyrule’s fateful princess, Zelda. #thelegendofzelda #zelda #princesszelda #breathofthewild #botw #gouache #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/BvaEZg-BKhA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jtnhcw51z7j
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loveomhh · 6 years
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