#Black Boys Bloom Thorns First Volume 4
uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
"Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 74 (Finale) Part 2
Find Part 1 of Chapter 74 HERE.
Masterlist HERE.
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"Years I have known I am living in a war zone
Poison of my enemy blatantly attacking me
War goddess arouse your power
Know this is indeed your hour
Dying to be heard literally
Constant screams convincing me
Caron Wheeler – "Beach of the War Goddess"
"Hand me your beads."
Disa stretched out her arm toward Joba and waited for her daughter to slowly, and reluctantly pass over her kimoyo beads.
"Little girl, it is three-thirty in the morning. You know better."
"I wanted to see the blue butterflies with Riki," Joba said, crawling under her bedcovers in the hotel suite.
"They'll still be migrating when we return. Goodnight."
She kissed Joba's forehead and tugged on her hair.
"I'll give these back after I talk to your father. We have to keep all lines open."
Disa slipped the beads over her left wrist where they lined up with her own kimoyo. Turning off the lights, she cracked the door and moved into the living area to take a bottle of water from the mini fridge. Swiping her hair back she moved to the far side of the suite where her bedroom door was closed. She slipped in quietly. Adebiyi waited for her in the king-sized bed.
"Everything fine?" he asked.
He lifted up his nude body, ready to scramble out of her suite if needed. Disa snuck him into her room hidden from Joba and under the nose of the Kingsguard assigned to them. Adebiyi pretended to be checking on them under the instructions of the king. He just never left the room hours later.
It took Disa twenty minutes to fully relax into making love to him with Joba across the way. She wanted her daughter asleep. The thought of going to his junior suite crossed her mind, but she didn't want Joba to wake up in the middle of the night with her mother gone.
Being with Adebiyi made her giddy, reverting back to a teenage innocence of being on a first date and worrying about everything being perfect. She was a grown woman with a child, and so was he…two adult ones. His affection toward her had grown into love and she matched his energy and desire. Having him above her with her heavy thighs spread wide felt like the return of heaven in her life. He took his time. There was no need for switching positions or trying to impress each other with lovemaking tricks. They simply wanted a bonding, a spiritual connection that proved that what they felt for one another was real.
His soft grunts rained down on her ears and she gasped when he held her breasts, squeezing their weight and stroking her down deep. She liked the sprinkles of gray in his pubic hairs and she appreciated the thickness and stamina of Jabari men. He made her cum quickly before he spilled into her. She bit into his shoulder to stifle loud moans. That's when she heard Joba's voice. Her daughter and Riki had a habit of whispering together, but then their voices would get loud from the excitement of communicating together.
N'Jadaka's voice had her jumping out the bed and throwing on a hotel robe to check on the family. Now she slipped it back off and climbed in next to her lover.
She touched the pillow that had once been bare when she left to check on Joba. A four-stranded layer of silver and lavender waist beads sat waiting for her.
"What is this, Adebiyi?" she asked, palming the beads.
"I'm asking for you to allow me the honor of claiming you as my woman."
She clutched the beads to her chest and sat down hard.
"Will you take me as your man, Disa? Can I call you my own?"
He reached for the beads to take them away. She jerked her body away from his grasp.
"I want them! I want you!"
Disa jumped on top of him and the older man chuckled and ran a gentle hand over her hair. She snuggled into his neck.
"I will have to follow the proper procedures of the palace. Ask for your mother's blessing…and the king's—"
"I'm a grown woman. I can accept on my own behalf—"
"I said blessing, not permission."
"Well okay then."
"In the past, a widowed royal could marry within noble bloodlines. But you and King N'Jadaka were never married—"
"And he's still alive."
"Yes. This will be a delicate courtship."
"Your sister will love the idea of two powerful families uniting," Disa clucked, tickling the beard hairs under his chin.
"We must plan a time for our children to meet. They have been waiting years for me to find someone of my own. There will no longer be name-calling from them."
"What kind of names?"
"Old meanie on his porch. Grouchy mouth homebody. Solo Joy killer."
He tilted her chin.
"If you do not think I am worthy at any time, you may end our union before it goes further, Disa."
"I want a full-on courtship, the way the Jabari do it."
"Dear Hanuman, that will be a long and arduous process. I was hoping to do it like the Wakandans."
"As long as we do this right, I really don't care."
Disa crawled on top of him, allowing the peaks of her breasts to brush against his lips while she rode his dick.
By mid-morning she was holding back tears staring at N'Jadaka's face, terrified of the unknown coming down from the sky. Her feelings for Adebiyi notwithstanding, N'Jadaka was always going to be her heart, too. He looked so brave and strong. Even Yani appeared powerful standing next to him. Something was different about her chosen little sister. A new confidence rested within her and it was visible to everyone.
When it was time to go walking in Central Park, her conversation with Yani stayed at the forefront of her mind. Her kimoyo beads notified her that a half cruiser had reached the Atlantic and would be arriving off the coast of the Hudson River in a few more hours. She sent word to her family, then gripped Adebiyi's strong hand and stepped into harsh sunlight and humid temperatures. Joba walked in front of them, exploring the hedges and scuttling sounds of wild rabbits and squirrels. While they were meandering around the park, Wakanda was in the midst of a battle that the rest of the civilian world was unaware of.
"Are you and Uncle Adebiyi dating?"
Disa halted in front of a large black tupelo tree to enjoy some shade in the southern part of the park in billionaire's row. Joba looked up at her with questioning eyes. Adebiyi squeezed Disa's hand.
"Are you getting married like Umi Yani and Baba?"
Disa swallowed dry air with nervous energy. Releasing Adebiyi's hand, she threaded her fingers together.
"Yes, we are dating."
Joba pointed to the beads around Disa's waist.
"Adebiyi has asked me to start a courtship with him. At the end of that, we would like to consider marriage. What do you think of that?"
"You love each other?"
"I love your mother very much, little one," Adebiyi interjected.
Joba waved her hand at him to make him get on one knee so she could be at eye level with him. Adebiyi obliged, lowering himself the way N'Jadaka always did to speak earnestly with his children.
"Mommy loves my Baba…"
"I understand that," Adebiyi said.
Joba's eyes darted between the two adults, assessing the situation thoroughly in her own special way.
"Will Baba get angry?"
"No honey, Baba has no say in this really. We'll become a bigger family, that's all."
"Where will we live?"
Disa sensed the tense nature of Joba's voice. She hadn't spoken of moving or any fundamental changes yet with her daughter.
"For now, we'll stay in the palace until I speak with the rest of the family."
"And then?"
Joba poked at her cheek and her brows knitted together.
"We'll decide all together on what happens next," Adebiyi said. "I know you are close with your siblings and I want to know what you think about us dating. I have a lot to prove to your mother that I am good enough for her, Princess Joba. This will take some time…lots of planning and talking."
Joba inhaled deeply and nodded her head. Letting her know that they weren't rushing into anything calmed her. A small smile lifted her lips.
"Shall we continue walking, little one?" he asked.
Joba grinned and Adebiyi grunted when he lifted back to his feet. Her daughter helped him and he patted her head.
"I need to walk more. My knees need to be oiled… they are creaking so loud," he joked.
"I will help you," Joba said, grabbing his fingers and pulling him toward a small, rocky bridge that crossed over dirty brown water.
Joba walked between Disa and Adebiyi admiring the foliage that would turn color in a couple of months. New York seemed so dry and drab compared to Wakanda, and the urge to return tickled the back of her neck like a soft nudge.
Joba halted, refusing to take another step in the middle of the bridge. She touched her stomach.
"You okay?" Disa asked.
A scream ricocheted throughout the park and Disa immediately picked up Joba and held her close to her chest. The two Kingsguards that followed discreetly around them wearing dark suits and sunglasses stepped closer from behind. The Dora further ahead of them glanced around and released her sonic spear from its hidden sheath.
People west of them began to run in a stampede as more blood-curdling cries rang out in the air.
"What's happening?" Disa shouted to the Dora.
A white man running with his female companion fell on the ground and disintegrated in a cloud of grayish-black ash. His companion shrieked hysterically and flailed her arms before turning into a dark cloud of dust.
"We must return to the hotel!" the Dora shouted.
She ran forward three steps throwing out a vibranium shield to protect them and collapsed into fluttery ash. More people ran their way in a rush of terror. Adebiyi wrapped his arms around Disa and Joba to push them toward safety with the Kingsguard, but his face froze in horror. The color of his skin rippled and drained into sooty patches.
"Adebiyi!" Disa shrieked.
"My love," he gasped, pressing his forehead against hers.
Disa's chest compressed and the air in her lungs felt like liquid sand filling her up.
"No!" she hacked out with a raging cough.
Her eyes connected with Joba's whose solid flesh slipped out of Disa's flakey grasp.
"Mommy!" Joba shrieked.
Disa's skin fragmented away with the breeze and mixed with Adebiyi's and the Kingsguards behind her, floating up into the sunlight and through the tupelo and elm trees as their consciousness mingled. Despite the terror of loss, Adebiyi's love energy became a mixture with hers and then they were all gone…leaving Joba to fall from their arms on the hard stone bridge.
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N'Jadaka exhaled onto his arm as he rested his head on his desk.
The half cruiser they deployed to standby off the coast of the Hudson crashed into the sea with the disappearance of its entire crew. Luckily the aircraft was equipped with autopilot and a soldier from the Wakandan Air Force programmed it to stay put under the ocean halfway to its destination. He had to assume that Disa, Joba, and Adebiyi had vanished with their security team. His heart ached and he exhaled again into his arm.
Yani's parents had disappeared as did most of her extended family back in St. Thomas. In Wakanda, the Avengers lamented their losses among the Wakandan people. Throughout the streets in Birnin Zana, N'Jadaka listened to the wailing and ululations of grief. Four billion humans snapped out of existence. He had done everything in his power to save them, but he failed because of the Scarlet Witch. The bitch got dusted too before he could kill her with his bare hands. They wasted time giving Vision a window of a chance and it cost the world. His rage salted deep in his bones. He ordered the Avengers to leave Wakanda before he ripped Roger's head off for not destroying the mind stone the moment they knew what was coming to Earth.
"Kumkani, you must rest."
Okoye and W'Kabi watched him from the door of his office. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"I'm good," he said, checking his kimoyo beads. Yani, Sydette, and Riki were in their home safe.
He couldn't push away thoughts of Disa and Joba. Rage coursed through him again. Okoye brought him hot tea and herbal pills to sleep. He took the tea and pushed away the pills.
"We can handle the status reports and updates without you. Kumkani…please. You fought in a battle and have been up for over twenty-four hours. The golden jaguar you may be, but you are still human," W'Kabi said.
"What about you two? You're in the same boat as me."
"We are trained for this," Okoye said.
"So am I."
"Go be with your family. Elder Zinzi will make a statement to the public within the hour. We will contact you after you have slept for at least ten hours, nothing less," Okoye insisted.
N'Jadaka drank his tea and carried the small cup with him out of the office. In the grand halls, the hem of his oyster gray jalabiya dragged on the floor. Ahead of him, a palace attendant wept while waiting to receive him at the private elevator to his home.
"Hey now," he said.
Holding his arms out, he hugged the young woman who stood stiffly in his royal touch.
"Forgive me kumkani," she said.
She pulled away from him and took his empty tea cup.
"I told the evacuation wardens to release everyone except for essential workers still here for the night shift," he said.
"I know, but I wanted to be here when you finally came home. To give you comfort for your loss of Lady Abdullah and Princess Joba."
"Don't you have a family to tend to at home?"
"My parents are fine. Some of my family have vanished but it is easier for me to be here, serving your family."
"Go home. We will be in a state of national mourning and we are still figuring things out. Be with your own, okay?"
"Thank you, kumkani. And thank you for protecting us."
"Go on now."
She scurried away and he turned to his Doras and Onyx squad.
"You all do the same. Split your shifts and go check on your loved ones," he said.
None of his protective duty left him.
"Stubborn like me, I see."
Ayo approached from the rear, her spear held tight.
"You fought bravely before the decimation took people away King N'Jadaka. Many of us fought beside you or watched the battle from behind the defensive line in the capital. We will stay on duty to watch over our protector."
"I will relieve Aneka so you can see her," he said.
"No need, kumkani."
Aneka's voice chimed in from behind him on the elevator. She stood tall with Noxolo. N'Jadaka reached for her, giving her a hug.
"Thank you for watching over my family," he whispered in Aneka's ear.
Noxolo didn't even give him a chance to release Aneka before she hugged him tight with one arm, her other hand never letting go of her spear.
"Listen everyone. We have been through the wringer and this isn't over yet. Stay strong and please take time for yourself if you need to," he said.
All heads bowed as he entered the elevator with Aneka and Noxolo. He noticed Ayo blowing Aneka a kiss, her eyes shiny with unshed tears.
The ride up was quiet and entering his home was like walking into the silence of an ancient tomb. Elana and Zora rose from the couch cradling their hands and watching his face.
"Yani?" he asked.
"She is asleep in your bed, kumkani," Elana said. "I gave her a sedative with tea two hours ago."
"The children?"
"With her," Zora said.
"Noxolo and Aneka, go rest in your quarters—all of you. Please rest. I'll call you if needed."
Aneka and Noxolo tapped their spears and departed to a lower floor below his living room that was kept for in-house staff.
"We saw you," Zora said.
She pointed to the screen on the wall that played an emergency Wakandan broadcast. He caught a glimpse of the Royal Talon Fighter swooping past a giant death wheel ripping the land to shreds. He shot at it in a vulnerable spot and it exploded, ripping into several of the monstrous outriders. Someone on the front line leaked the images for the Wakandans to see. He flew low to the ground and his cousin T'Challa leaped onto the aircraft for a lift to kick some more ass on the battlefield.
N'Jadaka groaned when he watched his cousin slam his fists together directing his built-up kinetic energy to destroy a giant alien. Elana ran to him and gripped his hand. Zora rubbed his back to comfort him, their tears springing forth making him feel worse.
"Go to her," Elana said, pushing him toward the stairs.
He climbed his way up two long flights and wandered down a long hall to reach his bedroom. Yani had the children nestled under each arm, their heads on her chest fast asleep. Or so he thought.
Riki sat up, bleary-eyed, but awake. He rubbed his eyes and crawled over N'Jadaka, climbing onto his lap.
"Hey, Lil Man."
Riki clutched him tight, pressing his face into N'Jadaka's chest like his mother did when she was scared or needed comfort from him.
"Are the monsters gone?" Riki breathed into the center of his chest.
"They're gone."
"Will they come back?"
"I don't think so."
"Why did they have to kill people? I saw them come apart, Baba…like smoke."
He held up his small wrist. His kimoyo beads were there again.
"I can't get Joba to answer me, Baba."
"She's gone, Riki—"
"No! I feel her…right here."
Riki touched his chest.
"We've tried calling Umi Disa, Joba…their security people. They're gone, Dumpling."
A deep cry erupted from the boy's chest.
"We have to go there and find her!"
Riki jumped down from his lap and pulled N'Jadaka's arm to leave the bedroom. Yani stirred on the bed and Sydette woke up.
"What's going on?" Sydette asked.
"Go back to sleep Sweet Pea," he soothed.
His oldest wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face on the back of his neck.
"I can't," she said, the warmth of her breath a comfort for his internal anguish.
Riki tapped his beads and called out Joba's name in a high-pitched tone.
"Please…answer me," Riki murmured.
"She didn't have her beads anyway. That's what her grandmother said," Sydette said.
"You spoke to Grandma Theresa?" he asked.
"Mama did. She said Umi Disa took away her beads so she wouldn't sneak-talk to Riki while you were away fighting."
N'Jadaka stood up. He stared at both of his children and pulled away the collars of their pajama tops. Touching their necks he moved away from them fast, dashing down the hall and to the stairs. He took them two at a time and ran toward Yani's bedroom. Flinging open one of Yani's jewelry boxes, he searched for three necklaces. One drawer after the other he looked until he shouted for Yani on the intercom system.
"Yani, where are Riki and Sydette's unvikeli necklaces? The ones T'Challa gave them?"
Yani mumbled, the sedatives still clinging to her consciousness. He ran back up the stairs and gently shook her.
"Baby…wake up…please…I need your help. There's a chance Joba is still alive and here with us somewhere in New York."
Yani sat up groggy with a scrunched-up face trying to figure out what was happening.
"Joba?" Yani said.
"Yes. Where are the unvikeli necklaces?"
He helped Yani step off the bed and she shook her head, following him back down to her bedroom. She walked into a separate dressing room where a long glass jewelry case housed enough necklaces, earrings, and finger trinkets for each day of the year. Many were family heirlooms given to her from Baba Z and Umama's bloodlines. Sliding open a bottom case, she pulled out a corral pink satin jewelry box. N'Jadaka took it from her and opened it. Three necklaces rested there. An adult one that once belonged to T'Challa, and two smaller ones that went to Riki and Sydette.
"Thank you, Bast," he said.
The king lifted the one precious adult necklace that glowed. There was no communication access on it, but the tracking device would locate his youngest child. Only her fingerprint could access the security touch needed to activate the adult necklace. If Joba had disappeared, no life could call out for help without her personal signal. Tears burst from his eyes and he cradled the necklace against his forehead.
Breathe. Release the tension in the shoulder muscles. Breathe deeper. He kissed Yani on her lips, thanking her for saving the necklaces.
"I have to go find her," he said leaving the dressing room.
He rang the alarm with the staff he had left and called Okoye on his kimoyo.
"Bring the Royal Talon fighter to the king's port right away. I'm going to New York. Joba is alive. I have the unvikeli necklace T'Challa owned and it's lit up with her signature. I'm sending you the coordinates now!"
"We're going with you," Yani said.
"You and the kids stay here, I will bring her home."
Riki grabbed his hand with a tear-stricken face.
"I want to go too," Riki said.
Sydette stared at him with pleading eyes too.
"Okay, go get dressed and meet me at the king's port in ten minutes," he said.
N'Jadaka leaned his left temple against the glass partition of the king's port waiting for Yani and the children to join him. Okoye stepped down from the ramp of the Talon Fighter with Ayo. Behind them were four members of the Onyx Squad assigned to his family.
"We can retrieve her for you," Okoye offered.
He shook his head.
"I want her to see me. I have to be the one to get her. I know what it's like to lose a mother and only I can comfort her properly after something so traumatic."
"Then you must sleep while we travel. You look like you will collapse on your feet. Forgive my bluntness," Okoye said.
Yani and the children hurried to his side with Elana and Zora in tow. The two Ladies in Waiting wept, their keening moans piercing his soul. He escorted his family on board, insisting that they ride in the back. The sleeper couch extended into a flat comfortable bed and Yani helped Sydette and Riki onto it. Ayo brought them soft Border Tribe blankets and they all hunkered down in a pile.
The Royal Talon Fighter lifted and rotated with an array of stinger escorts. From the side viewscreen, he and Yani regarded the destruction down below as Wakandan military crews led a coordinated effort to burn up dead alien bodies and cart off the last remains of their own soldiers. Two of the giant earth destroyer wheels smoldered while embedded in a rocky hill looking like giant monuments. N'Jadaka commanded that the wheels would stay as a testament to the war they had fought valiantly for and lost.
"Oh, God," Yani murmured.
The land below smoldered and bore scars of a great battle. The wide swath of ruin brought tears to her eyes. He comforted her in his arms. She clung to him and buried her face in his neck. Her gentle fingers rubbed his bicep, occasionally squeezing it as if to make sure he was still with her.
"What happens next?" she whispered, the horror below stuck in her throat.
He glanced at his side where Riki and Sydette were bundled.
"Sleep, Yani. Right now I can only think about Joba and getting her back with us."
She patted his chest and he rubbed her back. Closing his eyes, he tried to rest so he could have the energy for rescuing his baby girl.
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Ayo woke him up with a light shaking of his arm.
"Kumkani, we have arrived above Central Park. Okoye has tracked the location of the unvikeli necklace on the southern perimeter."
N'Jadaka sat up, disturbing Yani's sleep.
"We're here," he said.
They left Sydette and Riki sound asleep under the watchful eye of Ayo. At the bottom of the ramp, Yani touched his wrist.
"Would you prefer me to stay here and wait? I don't want to overwhelm her," Yani said.
N'Jadaka threaded his fingers with hers.
"I need you with me."
Okoye and the Onyx Squad guards spread out and sealed them all inside a protective spectral camouflage shield. The setting sun shrouded the park in the growing shadows of creeping darkness. Okoye kept her gaze on the tracker image on her wrist.
"Over by that bridge, kumkani," Okoye said.
The Onyx Squad fanned out toward the bridge and N'Jadaka picked up his pace with Yani.
"Joba!" N'Jadaka called out.
They ran onto the bridge, eyes darting about.
All of their voices sprinkled the hollow air. Disheartened, N'Jadaka ran to the north end of the bridge.
"Joba…daddy is here. Where are you?"
Fear laced his voice.
"Please…please…," he mumbled, biting back the terror welling up in his chest.
He ran down the side of the bridge where the Onyx squad checked the water with scanners.
"The signal is here, kumkani," Okoye said, her voice ready to crack from disappointment.
A pile of leaves under the arch of the stone bridge moved. He jumped back thinking a wild animal was about to pounce on him, but he noticed small brown hands pushing the fallen foliage away. He reached for the hands and pulled Joba free from the covering.
He cradled his daughter's trembling body which felt cool to the touch.
"Mommy and Uncle Adebiyi disappeared, Baba," she said.
Her voice was weak from dehydration and her head lolled forward. Okoye brought her water and helped her take small sips. He lifted his child and carried her out from under the bridge. Yani ran to them and caressed Joba's forehead.
"Get her back to the Talon Fighter," Yani said.
He raced back to the ship, holding Joba close to his heart. Once on board, he handed the girl to Yani who placed her on the makeshift examining table she turned his war table into. She had brought along a medical bag and injected Joba with fluids to hydrate her faster. After cleaning her up and changing her into some fresh pajamas, N'Jadaka picked her up and cradled her on the converted couch next to the still-sleeping Riki and Sydette. Yani moved to lay next to him and stroked Joba's hair.
"I got you Sunshine," he said.
His youngest fell asleep in a matter of minutes, her small form warmed up by his body heat. He touched the necklace T'Challa gave her when he was her protector, none of them knowing how true that sentiment had become. Without the necklace, he may have lost Joba forever in the panic of the new world order because of Thanos. Or a nefarious American government agency could've taken her and used Joba to get to him. His baby girl was smart enough to hide and trust that her own people would find her. But she sure did take a chance staying out in the elements all alone without seeking an adult authority figure's help. They were very lucky.
Yani helped him move Joba over next to Riki and covered them both with another blanket before curling into N'Jadaka's side again.
"We're heading across the Atlantic Ocean, kumkani. Ayo and some of the Onyx Squad can go aboard the half-cruiser hidden five miles away if you wish to bring it home," Okoye said.
No one from Disa's immediate side of the family had contacted him about anything. If there were any members of that family left, he wanted them to have the option of coming to Wakanda.
"Leave it for now. Have a reconnaissance team in the lower Atlantic take care of it for now."
"As you wish," Okoye said.
N'Jadaka closed his eyes and clutched Yani's body tight against his. He'd have to face dark days in the morning, but at least he had all of his children. He cried softly for Disa and was thankful that Adebiyi was with her in the end.
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Wakanda passed through a sorrowful month assessing the total missing and then another month of mourning and rebuilding their lives. They resolutely transitioned through the decimation and adjusted to the loss of life in order to stay focused on the future. Memorials and public commemorations were the daily norm and N'Jadaka spent his time comforting Joba.
His youngest daughter and baby boy said strange things.
While most Wakandans cried and lamented the loss of life, Riki and Joba declared to him that the missing billions weren't truly gone. He sought therapy for their entire family as most Wakandans adjusted to the trauma, but Joba and Riki insisted that they could feel the presence of the disappeared citizens.
Shuri understood it to mean that there was hope for their lost loved ones, but they kept the chatter of the children to themselves. False hope was a detriment to the mind, and N'Jadaka couldn't afford to tease a mentally stretched population of mourners. However, it appeared to give some solace to Joba, even though she cried on and off sporadically for weeks, missing her mommy's physical presence and going through spells of silence that worried him and Yani. To her credit, Yani smothered the girl with love and helped her transition into a new life without Disa. It wasn't easy. Yani wept privately when she thought he didn't know. She missed Disa, her parents, and all the people she loved in Wakanda who had winked out of existence. Yani barely slept and he made Elana and Zora give her sedatives to force rest upon her. He stayed strong in front of them all, especially the nation, his stoic mannerism hiding the sadness in his soul.
World leaders called on him for details of the Infinity War, but he left the Avengers to that. Fury never returned calls and N'Jadaka stewed in the knowledge that his insider track into U.S. intelligence was gone.
The final day of public mourning arrived and he dressed to address the nation outside the ancient gathering temple where he brought his late parents. Yani dressed herself and the children in the same colors of his pale blue royal robes to usher in the continuation of life. There were rumors of war in the outside world as other countries quietly pressured America to force Wakanda into sharing vibranium simply because they all experienced the madness of Thanos. Even in the midst of entering a third month away from the events of the global disaster, America and her lackeys commenced with their daily fuckery. He refused to be shamed into sharing any resources or technology with people not aligned with his agenda. If Wakanda had to fight another battle, there was no fear of them failing this time. No nation was a match for them. If a bit of otherworldly sorcery hadn't happened two months ago, they would've no doubt conquered Thanos.
World War Three with outsiders was the least of his concerns. Healing his family and Wakanda were the only items on his actionable tasks going forward.
They arrived at the formal ending of public mourning to much fanfare from the people. His children walked in front of him and Yani showcasing the Wakandan way of centering their children as the future. Yani kept her head covered the way Disa used to in public appearances paying homage to the woman whose child was now in her care for life. Yani fretted often about raising Joba up in the way that Disa would've wanted, and he had to reassure her that they were going to be fine. Even his grandmother and Ramonda put on confident faces to help their family make it through the pain. He worried about Umama the most but his grandfather Dante kept her spirits up. They had to move the country forward as a solid unit.
"There are still a lot of people, Baba," Joba said.
She clasped his hand and looked up to him, her head covering making her face look even smaller.
"I know. They look to me to make sure we are alright."
"We are," she said.
She patted his hand and leaned her head into his hip.
"The other people are still here… we just can't see them."
N'Jadaka stared at her.
"What do you mean? What people?"
"The ones that disappeared."
Joba held her hand out like she was feeling something invisible.
"Kumkani, step this way please," Elder Zinzi said.
N'Jadaka placed Joba's hand inside Yani's and walked to a floating podium that adjusted to his height. Thousands of faces gazed at him, hopeful and expectant. He wasted no time getting to the heart of the matter and did his best to provide comfort and future agency for the people. His eyes latched onto Mpilo's. The young man beamed from his seat, eating up every syllable N'Jadaka uttered. He glanced at Yani and his children, then observed the audience before him. This was not a time to appear uncertain or weak. Drastic changes in societies often precipitated hostile takeovers by those who needed a significant catastrophe to wedge them into power. He was ruling during a dangerous time and all of his Special Ops senses told him to be wary of the political challenges to come. He moved his hands from the podium and stepped in front of it, going off script. A king had to appear in control and he wasn't going to give off a whiff of uncertainty to his enemies watching. He felt his mama's energy building up within and he spoke the way she would have to the people. Bold. Fearless. Encouraging.
"Who are we to fear the unknown ever again? We stood our ground and Wakanda still stands. This battle looks bleak but the war for our sovereignty is not over! The days ahead may still look dark for some, but I promise you, Wakanda will always stand. We are the light of the world and I will never let it dim. Never!"
Mpilo leaped to his feet with more than half the people joining him in a rousing display of support. Others still seated clapped, and he knew he had to prove his convictions to them in the months ahead. Joba jumped up and down with her hands clapping above her head. A warmth filled his heart. If his baby girl believed in him, then who could indeed doubt him?
"All hail King N'Jadka, the Golden Jaguar!" Mpilo shouted.
A chant started up and overwhelmed the exterior of the temple with amplified voices. The sound washed over him and he closed his eyes for a second just to feel the sensation. He had fulfilled his life goal. The moment he uttered the words at eleven years old, his life trajectory was a rocket-fueled ride to a speech in front of his father's homeland. His homeland. His people.
A final chapter of his past life closed. A new one was being written right where he stood.
"Wakanda Forever!" he shouted.
The nation affirmed his place by shouting back to him, "Wakanda Forever!"
W'Kabi rushed forward and pulled N'Jadaka aside as the Council of Elders concluded the event with a prayer. They stepped behind a wall of security.
"This was left on our shores. A witness stated that someone looking like a Talokanil female came on land to deliver it."
W'Kabi thrust out a giant conch shell with a pale salmon coloring so distinct that it didn't come from their African waters. He tapped his kimoyo bead and an image of a young water woman with a feathered headdress appeared dropping the conch shell on the sand. She spoke in Talokan and the person recording the image kept stating they didn't understand her. W'Kabi replayed the image again with a translation.
"K' uk' ulkan wants your king to speak with him. Blow on this shell after your mourning period finishes and he will come to your ruler," she said.
"Who made this vid recording?" N'Jadaka asked.
"A fisherman hauling in shrimp. What will you do?"
"He can wait. They don't know when our mourning period is over so I'll act as if it is ongoing until I see what else is happening beyond our borders. It's only one woman so I will not take this as a threat or anything urgent."
"We have stayed out of their territories and have not pried into their lives. What can they want from us?"
"Perhaps intel on the surface world from our perspective since the war. I will see to him later. Keep our navy informed of the intrusion on our land. If they can slip through our coast easily, then we have to tighten up."
W'Kabi left his side and N'Jadaka held the conch shell. Namor could be a potential ally or an enemy. He wasn't in the mood to speak to the flying god. Not anytime soon. He gestured for Mpilo to come forward.
"Mpilo, take this to my office. Do not blow into it and let no one else touch it on the way there. Understand?"
"Yes, King N'Jadaka."
Mpilo covered the shell with his overshirt and left the temple.
N'Jadaka's family joined him and they walked toward the transportation that would take them to an outdoor celebration of music and poetry. His mind wandered amidst the chatter of his loved ones. Riki and Joba whispered together in the seats behind him and Sydette focused her attention on his face while sitting between him and Yani.
"Baba, will we ever be happy again?" Sydette asked.
"Yes, Sweet Pea. We are all getting better. Today we're celebrating happiness again. For all of us still here, we will live a good life."
Sydette nodded and picked at her dress. Her eyes looked wary.
"I wish we could go to St. Thomas. I miss it there," she said.
"When I get things settled here, we'll go for a couple of weeks."
Sydette grabbed his hand in excitement. Twyla and Bibi had gone there a month ago on Yani's behalf to help with any family who needed assistance. They were all grateful that Aunt Leona had been spared. He glanced behind his seat to check on the quiet. Riki and Joba had both nodded off, their heads touching in their slumber.
Attendants greeted them stepping out of the royal SUV. Yani carried Riki and he lifted Joba in his arms. She woke up and wrapped her arms around his neck. They were all guided to a private platform to observe the musicians and other artists scheduled to perform. The younger children stayed on his and Yani's laps while Sydette watched from her own seat.
Dancers, singers, poets, and aerial ballet performers entertained the enormous crowd in stadium seating. He rested his chin on Joba's hair when she fell asleep again. Riki was knocked out also and snoozed on Yani. All of the lengthy ceremonial rites exhausted the children. Sydette's ability to stay awake surprised him.
Talented Wakandan artists lifted the hearts, minds, and spirits of the people. Yani leaned over and kissed his lips. Her beautiful eyes gave him peace. He thought of making love to her once they returned to the palace. It had been too long since they'd been intimate. The stress of the last two months doused his arousal and hers. Their lives centered on keeping the children mentally well and working through their collective grief despite her job and other royal responsibilities. The reduction in hospital staff at the birthing centers created a medical crisis and Yani filled in where she was needed. Birthing babies didn't stop in the middle of a national emergency. Yani worked long hours and maintained her composure even when he knew she was worn thin like him. She made the curious observation to the national census bureau that not one pregnant woman registered to give birth had vanished throughout Wakanda or the Jabari mountains. He wondered if it was the same in other countries.
The music helped remove the gray in his mood, and looking at his fiancé brought back the desire for her touch and some alone time. He reached over and fondled the soft curls she cultivated letting her hair grow out. He kissed her again and she took the hint that he needed a more intimate connection later.
The palace had been cleaned from top to bottom with the Bashenga mountain priests blessing the halls and walls with divine incense and burned bundles of lavender and chamomile leaves mixed with the precious dried petals of the udomo flower that was only used for ceremonies releasing the dead. Nakia wore them in her hair during the family dinner as Toussaint suckled from her breast. The Council of Elders had been invited with their families to dine in the hall named for the great queen herself, Shuriya, and it filled with genuine laughter and grasping at closure from the decimation.
But not Nakia.
Despite her winsome smiles and small chuckles at jokes about the baby, a wound festered unhealed in her heart.
"I have something to say," she announced abruptly in the middle of dessert and coffee.
N'Jadaka glanced at Yani as if she knew something was up, but Yani only flicked her eyes over toward Elana and Zora who only shrugged at the outburst. The richly brocaded table seated forty people in their inner circle.
"Speak," N'Jadaka said.
Nakia looked at him and then at Ramonda.
"T'Challa and I were married. Before Toussaint was born. We wanted a small ceremony just for ourselves once we knew the baby was coming. Our nuptials were in America, right before we told the family about the pregnancy."
"Eh eh," Ramonda clucked, tilting her head back with a delighted smile on her face.
"Forgive us Queen Mother Ramonda, Umama…we didn't want any big ceremonies. T'Challa doesn't…didn't like them. We planned on having a small party instead when Toussaint reached six months."
"You are officially family…even though you have always been my daughter in my head since you were a little girl," Ramonda said.
Umama chuckled and nodded her head.
"I wanted you all to know that. I would also like to say that this trying time has made it difficult for me to be in Wakanda. Everywhere I go, I see him…I hear his voice…I feel his presence all over the palace. It hurts. Lately, I have been able to laugh again because of my son, but I cannot live here anymore. I want to go to Haiti again. Raise Toussaint away from the palace and the pressure of being an Udaku. I want a regular life for us where I can rebuild my heart and move forward as a mother."
"Nakia, no…" Ramonda said.
"Daughter Nakia, I understand how you feel. Losing my life partner, my best friend…my beloved husband has bruised me on top of all the other losses I've endured in this family. If you need to leave in order to heal yourself, you have my blessing. I will miss you both," Umama said.
"I will be selfish and say I do not want you to leave us," Ramonda said. "You need family around you to get better. Please give yourself time to think this through."
"I will stay until after King N'Jadaka marries Princess Yani. This will give me time to prepare for our new home."
"What will you do there?" Yani asked.
"Run a school…teach… raise Toussaint up to be a good person that Wakanda can be proud of."
"Will you stay there forever?" Sydette asked.
"I don't know."
"That's not fair!" Riki interjected.
He slammed his fists on the table.
"I promised Uncle T'Challa that I would be Toussaint's big brother. How can I do that when you go?" Riki blurted in a rage.
"Riki…" N'Jadaka said, leaning over and covering the boy's left fist.
Sydette chimed in.
"But it's true, Baba. Uncle T'Challa told us we were very important to Toussaint. He expected us to help teach him how to be a prince and love him as if he were our little brother. If Auntie Nakia leaves, we can't keep our promise," Sydette said.
Joba kept silent and watched her brother's face.
"None of this will happen for a while, so there's no need to get upset now…here, raise your glasses everyone…let's congratulate our new Princess Nakia of the Udaku clan and the Panther tribe," Yani gushed.
N'Jadaka raised his glass next to Yani's. All the adults at the table did the same. Riki jumped down from his seat and ran away from the table. The patter of his feet struck the marble floor becoming a resounding slap to the joy Yani tried to muster. Joba slid from her seat and dashed after him, calling Riki's name with aching clarity.
Shuri ran after Riki and Joba and consoled them both outside of the dining hall.
Umama glanced at N'Jadaka and he waved a hand down to keep her from leaving her seat.
"It's okay, Umama," he said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset everyone. I just wanted to share how I feel and tell you that T'Challa couldn't wait to get married. He wanted me to be his wife for so long and I guess he was afraid I would change my mind again."
Umama chuckled and stood up from her seat. She walked over to Nakia and hugged her. Ramonda joined in the hugfest. Sydette lowered her head and picked at her dessert fork.
"May I be excused to check on Riki and Joba?" Sydette asked.
Yani nodded and Sydette slid down from her seat and walked away.
"I should go check on them too," Yani said, folding away her linen napkin.
N'Jadaka lifted a hand out toward their guests.
"There will be more coffee and cake in the Tea Room. Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone. We will take our leave," he said.
Everyone else stood up as N'Jadaka clasped the fingers of Yani's right hand and escorted her out of the dining hall with her Ladies in Waiting following behind. Riki stood outside kicking a pillar and fussing with Shuri about the unfairness of everything. Joba and Sydette stood near him with fretful expressions.
"Lil Man," N'Jadaka said.
Riki stopped kicking the pillar and kept his bottom lip poked out, his eyes downcast.
"Let's go home," Yani said, holding out her free hand.
Riki reluctantly dragged his feet over and took her hand.
"Stand like a prince," N'Jadka commanded.
Riki raised his head and straightened his back. That bottom lip stayed put. The urge to tell him to fix his face the way his mother used to tell N'Jadaka as a child percolated in the king's mouth, but he allowed the boy to feel his disappointment. Sydette and Joba fell in line beside him and they strolled to an awaiting elevator.
"Do you think I should've stayed with Nakia?" Yani asked Elana and Zora back inside their home.
Elana lit up a cigar for him and Zora poured Yani a glass of wine and they all sat together in plush chairs watching the moon rise above the river lagoon surrounding the palace. Zora puffed on a thin cigarillo filled with the sickly sweet pungent odor of a Wakandan mind-altering plant. She passed it to N'Jadaka and he puffed before passing it to Yani. The effects were immediate, relaxing them all in a dull buzz of serenity. He appreciated the company of Yani's Ladies in their guest parlor. They had all grown closer in the trying times and their deference to Yani was duly noted by the nobles who envied their positions and the leeway N'Jadaka gave them around him. The rumor mill had also started up during the mourning period that he had taken them on as low-tier consorts for himself. Traditionalists took it as a sign that he had gone old school and watched his every move with wry smiles and others who knew it wasn't true vied for Elana and Zora's attention with their accomplished sons eligible for marriage. Their stock had gone up and being baddies already gave them a wide variety of high-quality men to choose from. They ate it up and shared all the juicy details with Yani and him. The insular social media of the elites adored the glimpses of photos taken of the four of them visiting parts of Wakanda to boost the morale of the nation. He had to acknowledge that they all looked amazing stepping out into the public together, and he was grateful that they carried the emotional burden of the difficult times Yani experienced mothering Joba and feeling the guilt of stepping into Disa's missing shoes. The sisterhood encouraged Yani to release that guilt. Zora constantly reminded her that Disa would've stepped up without worry if the roles were reversed because the children had been raised to see both women as their co-mothers.
"Lady Nakia is in a delicate place right now. She looks at you and King N'Jadaka and wishes her family unit was still intact. That will crush any woman with a newborn child. It is better to leave her to Queen Mother for now and seek her out after a day or two. This long celebration day was too much for her. I believe she will go away in a year and come right back once she sees that life goes on and she will miss all of you," Elana said.
N'Jadaka patted his lap and widened his thighs. Yani left her seat and sat on his lap. He rubbed on her backside and nuzzled his face in her bosom.
"It is wise for her to leave here after all that has happened? And why Haiti? She could go live in the mountains with the Jabari if the palace brings on too many memories. Her parents would love to have her back in the River Tribe territory," Zora said.
"Many people have a hard road to walk still. That evil alien stole lives and every one of us here has been touched by that. None of us can hold up a family lineage blanket and not see the holes in it from all the ones missing," Elana said.
The cathartic smoke lingered in the air like thick perfume, relaxing their minds in a glorious haze of pink smoke the color of the burning plant. A house attendant brought them small puff pastries filled with chocolate and covered in powdered sugar. He fed one to Yani and she licked warm melted chocolate from his index finger.
Yani cradled his face and licked powdered sugar from his lips. Zora turned on music from their sound system and Elana kicked up her heels, puffing on a fresh cigarillo, and linking her pinky finger with Zora's as they danced around the room, swirling their long skirts.
"Tired?" he asked Yani.
She cuddled up closer to him and sighed into his neck.
"Happy to have you like this…away from everyone."
"Everyone?" he said, glancing at her Ladies.
Yani waved a dismissive hand at Elana and Zora.
"They are so far gone. Look at them. They've smoked more, drank more…the entire nation seems to breathe again…like a new door has opened and we can all see some light finally. You've worked non-stop since the decimation. We should drink all night and get higher than that moon," she said.
She slurred her words and her glassy eyes held love within them. Her lips trembled.
"Baby?" he whispered.
Tears swelled and fell from her eyelids.
"I want to feel like them," Yani shuddered.
N'Jadaka wiped away her tears, kissed her nose, and pulled her onto her feet. He rocked against her in time to the soothing music. A Wakandan woman with a passionate alto voice sang of having fun and loving life. The beats had them stomping their feet and clapping their hands above their heads until Yani found her smile again. After an hour, he turned the music off and summoned attendants to clear away their snacks, empty wine glasses, bottles, and ash trays filled with refuse.
Zora and Elana lowered their heads to them.
"We bid you both a goodnight…finally," Zora teased, eyeing his hand squeezing Yani's backside.
N'Jadaka pretended to shove Zora away. The two women left them for their own quarters on the lower floor. Yani passed him the last cigarillo as he mashed his cigar in an empty ashtray on the end table. Sitting cozy together once more, they smoked down the cigarillo and continued watching the evening sky together, the intimacy he craved satisfied with Yani's heartbeat thumping in time with his.
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"Does it feel the same?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka took a deep breath as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sunlight striking the water of the cove.
"Nothing has changed," he said.
The place where it all began for the two of them looked the same and his soul rejoiced at the peace that came over him. He shucked off his swim trunks and followed his naked woman into the sea.
Their children were preoccupied eating conch fritters, grilled hot dogs, and chicken roti with Aunt Leona back up at the front house, so he and Yani had that part of Our Lady's Manor in St. Thomas to themselves. Yani splashed water on him and he grabbed her by the waist, lifting and throwing her into a gentle wave. She laughed and beckoned him to swim closer, his Black mermaid back in her realm. Her breasts bounced as she shook them to tease his eyes.
They had been on the island for less than an hour before the kids were stuffing their faces with food and he was palming titties in the pristine liquid paradise. He scanned the waters to his left where the craggy rock formation led to the place he lost Yani and his children that first time. N'Jadaka had been so frightened for them and thinking about himself as a mercenary brought a chill down his royal spine.
The past was no longer prologue, and the seeds he dropped on the island had brought forth fruits to his new future. Next spring he would marry Yani and maybe a few years down the road she would let him put more babies inside the soft belly he splayed his fingers on. Lifting strong hands north along her body he gripped her breasts and played with them. She pressed her backside into his groin and his thick dick plumped up between the cleft of her ass.
Deft fingers trailed down the supple skin of her torso until they found her jeweled clit. Yani whimpered as her slippery folds were played with by an expert. They tilted their necks so that he could kiss her while he rubbed slow circular motions on the tender parts of her body. To hold and caress his future queen ignited a flame in his heart. He made a sacred vow to himself to love and honor Yani for all of their lives in that world and the next.
Their lips smacked with wet friction and he stopped tonguing her down in order to watch his fingers grow slick from her wetness. He held her breasts again, enjoying the weight in his hands. That's how it all began so long ago between them. Him asking to touch her nipples as milk ran down her breasts. He groaned thinking of touching her that first time. She had been ripe and ready for his plucking and he took Yani for himself understanding implicitly that he would never know a love like that again. Ever. All of the gods converged on that day knowing the wheels were set in motion to unite them for life.
His dick grew long and strong enough to part her folds without help from her, and he packed his dick inside her walls and pumped her pussy with harsh grunts. That first time he could only masturbate and watch her play with her pussy. Not anymore. He took what he wanted.
Another wave brushed against their legs, but not enough to push them off their footing. Yani widened her stance and he thrust harder, gripping her elbows to keep their balance in the sifting sand under their feet. The warm water made him feel like he was inside another pussy while fucking and listening to her cheeks clap.
"Fuck that dick," he gasped
Yani moaned and dropped her head forward. Her pussy was a sweet throbbing on his fat dick. Ain't no way Bast didn't form Yani's pussy to fit around his girth like that.
"Oh my God, this the best pussy….baby…fuck this dick…oh you're fucking it so good Yani…'
A nigga wasn't afraid to cry like a bitch with pussy that sugary on a big dick that knew how to work all the angles. N'Jadaka shed thug tears while talking that talk to get her to squeeze her pussy muscles the way he liked. How many dudes fought over her to have access to the pot of gold he dipped his meat in? Only N'Jadaka was the big stepper to claim his rightful ownership of the walls gripping him. A surge of boastful pride flooded over him even as tears flicked away in large droplets into the sea. This woman loved him and showed out on the dick. His toes curled over lumps of sand. How could pussy be that fucking exquisite? He couldn't even breathe anymore as the life was sucked out of him because of the gushy walls snug around his length.
Water and tears fell on Yani's ass. He gripped her hips and wrote love poems in her depths, the tip of his dick a master at transcribing scripture on tight wet walls. He grabbed her arms and pulled them back further, pumping faster, his eyes on the waves coming in. His first nut coated her walls fast and hot before he pulled her out of the ocean and forced her to bounce on his dick in reverse cowgirl on a beach blanket warmed by the honey-yellow sand. Yani rode her king, looking over her shoulder at him with a slick smile on her glossy lips. The second time he came he screamed her name as loud as he pleased while bucking his hips. No one would hear them from the front house so far up on the hillside.
Yani slithered across his chest and switched directions so that he could taste her pussy after he fucked it well. She came in his mouth and he had her on her back before his cum flooding her pussy ran back out.
They learned to work out a system to handle his stamina, so the rest of their time on the sand was spent with his dick between her breasts hard fucking her tits and cumming all over her chest. He let her swim and rinse off and then afterward he fingered her clit. Watching her face during her loud release pleased him.
After a short nap, they dressed and returned to the main house. Yani snuck off to their master bedroom to rub their special cream on her folds and inside her pussy. They walked up a familiar path to the top of the compound and ate leftover lunch with the children and Leona sharing the events on the island and the remnants of old gossip about remaining family members. He observed Yani nourishing her body heavily for more pounding after the children were put down for naps. It was good to catch up with Aunt Leona. The world was different, but she was still the same, which was what the royal family needed. Joba took an extra shine to her and the older woman had her laughing and feeling loved into wholeness.
After they ate, the children scattered before Yani could catch them.
"Come with me for a minute. I want to show you something," he said.
Yani walked with him back down to the main house. They entered the coolness and sauntered into the room where Ulysses Klaue once tried to shoot him with his arm and where greedy mercenaries attempted to end his found family. Next to the collection of ancient drums, he picked up the conch shell left to him by Namor.
N'Jadaka sat Yani down and told her everything about the ocean dweller. She listened and asked no questions until he was finished.
"When will you call him?" she said.
"Maybe after we go back to Wakanda… I dunno. I really don't want to. As long as he stays down there and we mind our business up here…I'm not itchin' to get tangled up with that dude."
"Is he more dangerous than Thanos was?"
"Thanos had a distorted sense of purpose…sympathetic righteousness. At least that's what I got from the Avengers. Imagine the biggest liberal white vegan with a magical power screaming about saving the planet. He thinks he's saving people from future ills. That's Thanos. Namor…there's no compassion for surface dwellers. He had the most 'I don't give a fuck' energy I have ever witnessed. That man does not care. He only accepts Wakanda because we act the way his people do. As long as we continue to mind our business, I don't see us being a threat to him."
"Then let's do that," Yani said, holding his hand.
He put the conch shell back on the drum shelf and checked his kimoyo beads.
"Let's get the kids," he said.
Strolling hand-in-hand to the middle house, they ran into Twyla and Bibi.
"Go get your wild children and we'll catch up later. You two look worn out," Twyla said.
She held onto Yani as N'Jadaka shook Bibi's hand.
"How are you liking island life?" he asked Bibi.
Twyla's husband grinned and touched his forehead.
"So much to see, but Aunt Leona makes me eat so much. I think I will be twice my size when I go home."
"Are the kids with you?" Yani asked, looking behind them.
"No, they were in the middle house a few minutes ago. We gave them gifts before coming out here. We're going swimming. Want to join?" Twyla asked.
"We did that earlier," he said.
Twyla looked over Yani's shoulder.
"I can't believe you brought that hellion back here on vacation," Twyla said.
She pointed to Jerome who had lodged himself comfortably in an overgrown flamboyant tree. The burnt orange foliage made his mottled green and pink skin stand out on the hanging branch.
"We couldn't come back here without him," N'Jadaka said.
"Just leave his old bossy ass here. He can keep Auntie company. See you guys later," Twyla said.
"No, no," Leona said walking down the path to hand N'Jadaka freshly washed bathroom towels. "That boy loves living his rich life in the palace. He won't want to stay here anymore. Him spoiled."
She looked at Bibi.
"Bibi, are you allergic to shellfish? I'm making us a sweet and sticky shrimp tonight for dinner."
N'Jadaka stared at Leona as a sense of déjà vu washed over him.
"I can eat anything, Auntie, as long as it isn't too spicy," Bibi said, rubbing his belly.
Leona patted his arm and shuffled back up toward her domain to prepare a lavish spread for her family.
"Bye!" Twyla said pulling Bibi toward the main beach down below.
Waving the couple off, N'Jadaka threw an arm around Yani's shoulder and entered the middle house.
"Where y'all at?" he shouted into the house.
Toys were spread on the living room floor unattended. He placed the towels on the couch and looked around more.
Yani stood in the doorway of the master bedroom and wiggled her index finger to get his attention. He joined her and peeked into the bedroom. All three of the children were fast asleep on the bed. He kicked off his sandals and moved around to the side of the bed they shared. Riki and Joba were curled into twin balls facing each other and Sydette was on her stomach.
A lump lodged in N'Jadaka's throat.
"This is where it all started, Yani," he said.
"Here…this bed. You put Sweet Pea to sleep and I found her. Look at my baby now. She'll be nine next year."
He reached down and touched the frazzled curls let free from the humidity on Sydette's head. From one child to three. He gazed at Riki and Joba. A gust of hot wind flowed through the open door and tickled the back of his neck. He touched it and closed his eyes thinking he could smell the aroma of Disa's perfume riding on the wind too, reminding him that her love would surround their daughter.
Yani climbed on the bed next to Joba and he curled around Sydette. They held hands across the bodies of all three children creating a protective arc.
"We'll be okay," Yani said, reassuring him with the dulcet tones of her melodious voice.
"I know," he answered.
He watched his loved ones sleep and listened to the sounds of the sea and their calm breathing until he joined them in the bliss of slumber and sweet dreams of family.
N'Jadaka was finally rooted and free.
The Golden Jaguar rested as the world waited for his next move.
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Hey faithful readers, it's done!
The next book in the series will start next month. It's called "King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar"
52 notes · View notes
tchallasbabymama · 2 years
60 for troubled waters, 69, 75
60. Troubled Waters was inspired by my curiosity surrounding African supernatural beings, and wanting to write a story about them.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
I'm currently living for @uzumaki-rebellion 's Black Boys Bloom Thorns First Volume 4, @cecereads209 's Baby on Board, and @soufcakmistress 's Charleston Blues.
75. Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
Y'all love The Temple, and it surprises me so much because when I re-read it, all I can think about is how I could write it so much better now.
6 notes · View notes
Books of 2019
The annual book round up! Last year, my goal was 80 books and I read 113, and this year I inched it up to 90 and wound up reading 124. I didn’t super love a lot of books this year, but I reread a ton of books (like TRC, AFTG, and all of Jane Austen) and I borrowed a lot from the library, so overall I’m pleased with my reading year.
But here I’ve bolded my top 19 books and italicized my 10 honorable mentions, as well as struck through my bottom 5 that I managed to finish.
Last Night with the Earl (The Devils of Dover #2) - Kelly Bowen
From Out in the Cold - LA Witt
Rough Terrain (Out of Uniform #7) - Annabeth Albert
The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2) - Brandon Sanderson
Famous in a Small Town - Emma Mills
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
King of Scars (Nikolai Duology #1) - Leigh Bardugo
Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy #1) - Emily A Duncan
Get Money: Live the Life You Want, Not Just the Life You Can Afford - Kristin Wong
Heartstopper: Volume 1 - Alice Oseman
Fence, Vol. 1 (Fence #1-4) - CS Pascat
The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2) - Holly Black
99 Percent Mine - Sally Thorne
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Proposal (The Wedding Date #2) - Jasmine Guillory
Fence, Vol. 2 (Fence #5-8) - CS Pascat
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon
Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the Cities #1) - KJ Charles
An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities #2) - KJ Charles
An Unsuitable Heir (Sins of the Cities #3) - KJ Charles
The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3) - Brandon Sanderson
Starless - Jacqueline Carey
Fake Out (Fake Boyfriend #1) - Eden Finley
Trick Play (Fake Boyfriend #2) - Eden Finley
Deke (Fake Boyfriend #3) - Eden Finley
Blindsided (Fake Boyfriend #4) - Eden Finley
The Trouble With Dukes (Windham Brides #1) - Grace Burrowes
Too Scot to Handle (Windham Brides #2) - Grace Burrowes
No Other Duke Will Do (Windham Brides #3) - Grace Burrowes
A Rogue of Her Own (Windham Brides #4) - Grace Burrowes
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen
Unwritten Law (Steele Brothers #1) - Eden Finley
My One and Only Duke (Rogues to Riches #1) - Grace Burrowes
When a Duchess Says I Do (Rogues to Riches #2) - Grace Burrowes
Arctic Sun (Frozen Hearts #1) - Annabeth Albert
Autoboyography - Christina Lauren
American Dreamer (Dreamers #1) - Adriana Herrera
Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness #1) - Tamora Pierce
Bridal Boot Camp (Little Bridge Island #0.5) - Meg Cabot
Emma - Jane Austen
Bloom - Kevin Panetta
The 5th Gender - GL Carriger
Fix Her Up (Hot and Hammered #1) - Tessa Bailey
Arctic Wild (Frozen Hearts #2) - Annabeth Albert
The Friend Zone - Abby Jimenez
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
The Foxhole Court (All For The Game #1) - Nora Sakavic
The Raven King (All For The Game #2) - Nora Sakavic
The King’s Men (All For The Game #3) - Nora Sakavic
Captive Prince (Captive Prince #1) - CS Pacat
The Unhoneymooners - Christina Lauren
Persuasion - Jane Austen
Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating - Christina Lauren
My Favorite Half-Night Stand - Christina Lauren
Counterpoint (Twisted Wishes #2) - Anna Zabo
Prince’s Gambit (Captive Prince #2) - CS Pacat
Building Forever (This Time Forever #1) - Kelly Jensen
Renewing Forever (This Time Forever #2) - Kelly Jensen
Chasing Forever (This Time Forever #3) - Kelly Jensen
Heartstopper: Volume 2 - Alice Oseman
Sorcery of Thorns - Margaret Rogerson (OwlCrate)
A Rogue by Night (The Devils of Dover #3) - Kelly Bowen
Love and Other Words - Christina Lauren
Between the Devil and the Duke (Season for Scandal #3) - Kelly Bowen
Kings Rising (Captive Prince #3) - CS Pacat
Counting Fence Posts (Counting #1) - Kelly Jensen
Lumber Jacked (Rainbow Cove #3) - Annabeth Albert
You Must Not Miss - Katrina Leno
Reverb (Twisted Wishes #3) - Anna Zabo
The Wedding Party (The Wedding Date #3) - Jasmine Guillory
This Adventure Ends - Emma Mills
Game Changer (Game Changers #1) - Rachel Reid
Heated Rivalry (Game Changers #2) - Rachel Reid
Him (Him #1) - Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
Us (Him #2) -  Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
Meet Cute: Some People Are Destined to Meet - Jennifer L Armentrout (and others)
The Bone Houses - Emily Lloyd-Jones
Good Boy (WAGS #1) -  Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
Fence, Vol. 3 (Fence #9-12) - CS Pacat
Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars #1) - Elizabeth Lim (OwlCrate)
Reticence (Custard Protocol #4) - Gail Carriger
The Lost and Found - Katrina Leno
Twice in a Blue Moon - Christina Lauren
Stay (WAGS #2) - Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
The Red Scrolls of Magic (The Eldest Curses #1) - Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu
The Bride Test (The Kiss Quotient #2) - Helen Hoang
Shades of Magic, Vol. 1: The Steel Prince - VE Schwab
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) - Maggie Stiefvater
Pumpkinheads - Rainbow Rowell
Arctic Heat (Frozen Hearts #3) - Annabeth Albert
No Judgments (Little Bridge Island #1) - Meg Cabot
The Conscious Closet - Elizabeth L Cline
Taboo for You (Love and Family #1) - Anyta Sunday
Made for You (Love and Family #2) - Anyta Sunday
Happy for You (Love and Family #3) - Anyta Sunday
Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) - Cassandra Clare
Tunnel of Bones (Cassidy Blake #2) - Victoria Schwab
Wayward Son (Simon Snow #2) - Rainbow Rowell
The Right Swipe (Modern Love #1) - Alisha Rai
The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2) - Maggie Stiefvater
The Music of What Happens - Bill Konigsberg
Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3) - Maggie Stiefvater
Call Down the Hawk (Dreamer Trilogy #1) - Maggie Stiefvater
Now Entering Addamsville - Francesca Zappia
Always the Groomsman - Raleigh Ruebins
Mr. Right Now - Annabeth Albert
Get a Life, Chloe Brown (The Brown Sisters #1) - Talia Hibbert
Finally Falling (Rose Falls #1) - Raleigh Ruebins
My Winter Family (Rose Falls #2) - Raleigh Ruebins
Champagne Kiss (Rose Falls #3) - Raleigh Ruebins
Spring for Me (Rose Falls #4) - Raleigh Ruebins
Summer Secret (Rose Falls #5) - Raleigh Ruebins
A Boyfriend for Christmas - Jay Northcote
Mr Frosty Pants (Home for the Holidays #1) - Leta Blake
The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern
The Soldier’s Scoundrel (The Turner Series #1) - Cat Sebastian
Rainbow Place (Rainbow Place #1) - Jay Northcote
Safe Place (Rainbow Place #2) - Jay Northcote
Better Place (Rainbow Place #3) - Jay Northcote
Mud and Lace (Rainbow Place #4) - Jay Northcote
Where Love Grows - Jay Northcote
A Family for Christmas - Jay Northcote
Amelia’s Notebook (Amelia’s Notebooks #1) - Marissa Moss
Nothing Special - Jay Northcote
The Alloy of Law (Mistborn #4, The Alloy Era #1) - Brandon Sanderson
Legendary (Caraval #2) - Stephanie Garber
The Lonely Hearts Hotel - Heather O’Neill
Into the Crooked Place (Into the Crooked Place #1) - Alexandra Christo
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
"Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 74 (Finale) Part 1
I had to split this into 2 posts. Go to Wattpad to read it easier!
Need to catch up on this epic? Masterlist HERE.
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"Years I have known I am living in a war zone
Poison of my enemy blatantly attacking me
War goddess arouse your power
Know this is indeed your hour
Dying to be heard literally
Constant screams convincing me
Caron Wheeler – "Beach of the War Goddess"
"Shh, Dumplin, don't wake him…Baba is tired. Sweet Pea…both of you go with Kora and let your father sleep longer."
N'Jadaka kept himself snug in the fetal position with the bed covers tucked under his chin. Yani fussed with Sydette and Riki as they rushed to the bed trying to get to him. It was a losing battle once Sydette patted his shoulder and cupped his chin.
"Baba, today is such a pretty day, we should all go outside to see the blue butterflies," Sydette said.
N'Jadaka opened one eye. Sydette peered down at him with her big dimples visible.
"See, Baba is wide awake," Sydette said.
"Come on, Baba…the butterflies…." Riki whined.
N'Jadaka groaned. Yani had worked his body out and he ached all over in a good way.
"The butterflies will still be migrating later this afternoon," Yani said.
Sydette's big eyes would not take no for an answer.
"Give Baba one more hour," N'Jadaka groaned.
He shifted his head onto a large pillow and gave both children morning hugs as they clamored onto him. Their haste to lie next to him on either side squeezed Yani out of the way. She stood up and put her hands on her hips, a lavender cover-up hanging loosely around her curves.
"We can have breakfast in bed," Sydette suggested.
Yani glanced at N'Jadaka and he grinned.
"Alright, breakfast in bed with Mama and Baba," he said.
Sydette and Riki cheered.
"Are you sure you want to get up now?" Yani said.
"Yeah… yeah…once I start moving around I'll be okay," he said.
Yani tapped a camouflaged floating screen above her nightstand.
"Kora, we'll have breakfast with the children in my room. Please tell the kitchen to bring our meals on trays."
"Yes, Princess Yani," Kora answered on the screen.
Yani fluffed up the pillows in the middle of the bed for the children to sit between them better. Their home attendants brought up the hearty morning meal of hot honey chicken omelets, mango crepes, and cheesy grits. N'Jadaka listened to his children talk excitedly about the blue butterfly migration through the royal garden and shared new riddles from Baba Z and Umama. His eyes blurred a lot and he found himself turning his head to the side, pretending to check his kimoyos because the peace he felt being with his family under a single roof flooded him with memories of his home life as a child. It gave him normalcy. Comfort. Fleeting images of himself as a boy sneaking food from his mother's plate as his father did the same rooted him in the present.
"When is Joba coming back?" Riki asked.
"In a few days," Yani said.
"Why can't she just stay here with us when Umi Disa has to travel?" Sydette asked.
N'Jadaka touched Sydette's braided hair.
"Well, they have family overseas that don't get to see her that much. Umi Disa has to share her with other relatives," N'Jadaka said.
"They can just come here," Riki said, irritation coloring his voice.
"You miss your baby sister, Dumplin?" Yani asked, tickling Riki's shoulder.
He nodded, and then his eyes watered.
"Aw, baby boy, she'll be back home soon. I know it's been hard for you," Yani cooed.
She hugged Riki and he buried his face in her side. Yani glanced at N'Jadaka and they shared a look to allow their son to cry openly. It was something they agreed upon to keep Riki in touch with his feelings. He was attached to Joba in a way they were still understanding as a family and it had nothing to do with emotional distance but the actual physical contact between them. They thrived as siblings in proximity to each other, almost as if they needed to recharge with one another in order to function at their best. Shuri theorized it had to do with their empathetic abilities to read people, and they balanced each other out when it became too much to process. Yani even commented that keeping them close helped with Riki's outbursts of frustration, something N'Jadaka recognized in his own past as a neurodivergent child. Crying was taught to their children as a good thing, a purifying release that wasn't to be coddled away or shunned as an outlet for mental health. N'Jadaka let himself shed some tears with his child and Yani reached across the pillow to rub his shoulder.
"I miss her too, Lil Man," he said.
Riki nodded and sat back on his propped pillow and his chest heaved a few times until he calmed himself down. Holding his father's hand helped him, the kinetic contact soothing to the boy from someone with the same gifts of perception.
"Will we get to stay here with you from now on?" Sydette asked.
"Yes. All of us here together," N'Jadaka said.
"Finally," Sydette said. "I'm tired of moving from house to house."
"Me too," Yani said.
N'Jadaka leaned over and kissed Yani in front of the children, solidifying the final union. Soon enough, he crammed the last of the food in his mouth, belched, and checked messages on his kimoyo. Shuri was back in her lab collecting data from satellite warning systems and T'Challa left his suite to join his sister. There was an orange code warning attached to T'Challa's message. The Avengers were heading to Wakanda and he would handle it before pulling N'Jadaka into the mix. N'Jadaka's intuition told him that complications were on the horizon. He typed a message informing everyone in the upper ranks that he would spend the next two hours with his family before heading out to Shuri's lab. His scheduled day off would have to be forsaken for duty to the country.
The attendants returned to collect their trays and juice glasses. Kora arrived to collect the children to change into outdoor clothes.
"Go, go!" Yani said.
She waved her hands at the children and they tumbled out of the bed and ran out of the room to Kora. She locked the door behind them.
"I'll have to remember to lock the door early. I spoke with them about barging in here when we're still sleeping. They'll have to get used to knocking from now on."
"They'll learn. They aren't accustomed to us being together in the same bedroom. It's different from before. I don't mind it."
"But what if they catch us… you know…"
"I'll code some warning lights for them so we'll know they're on the loose."
"I'll just keep the door locked. Time to learn boundaries as a unit."
His gaze dusted over her cover-up.
"I like when you wear those," he said.
She twirled around to amuse him before joining his side on the bed again.
"I saw the expression on your face when you checked messages. What is it?"
He rubbed Yani's hip and pulled her on top of him. Sunlight dappled across her arm and he rubbed the warmth it brought to her skin.
"The Avengers… Cap's people with Tony Stark… they need our help. It's a big deal, but T'Challa and I have made contingency plans."
"Contingency plans?"
He took a deep inhale.
Yani caressed his cheek.
"I can handle it," she said.
Closing his eyes, he accepted fully that Yani would indeed navigate the trying times ahead with him.
"Can we talk about it after the butterflies?" he asked.
"Sure. C'mon…"
She pulled him from the bed and they sauntered out to her balcony shower. The wide glass enclosure steamed up fast and they stripped naked, walking inside the warm space hand in hand. He lathered up a fluffy synthetic loofah sponge and washed Yani's front and back. She did the same for him as he scrubbed down his privates and hers.
Rinsing off with the three-sixty jet sprays, sunlight illuminated the shower, and N'Jadaka held Yani close to his wet body. Lowering his head he kissed her and fondled her breasts. She broke away smacking her lips and placing a hand on the plane of his left pec.
"Don't start nothin', man," she giggled.
He fingered her folds, finding them slippery and plumped up.
Yani moved out the sower and padded over nude to an outdoor chaise lounge to retrieve their towels. Her breasts jiggled as she unfolded the cloth for him.
"Baby, stay like that…put the towel down and bend over a little bit…yeah, like that."
He touched his dick from the entrance of the steamy shower while watching her.
"Lean forward… yeah… right there," he moaned.
She wiggled just a bit and then spread her feet wider while holding onto the chaise lounger. Her ass cheeks parted and her vulva became more visible. She rocked her hips left and right so that her backside hypnotized him. Slowing down even more, she gave him a little show. His erection grew in his hand. Once his dick started spewing pre-cum, he walked over to her and rested the wide head on her rump.
"Keep moving like that…yeah…nice and slow…lemme slap this dick on that ass…"
His free hand squeezed her left butt cheek as he masturbated against her. Reaching around for a heavy breast, he fondled her chest and jerked off.
"I warned you about startin' somethin'. Your big mouth told them an hour. We were supposed to sleep in," Yani grumbled.
"This is just a quickie. You know I'm a basic dude that fumbles when it comes to all this parading around in front of me. You didn't have to jiggle this ass so hard to get some towels. You wanted to prance around and tease me."
"If you say so."
"Always your go-to answer."
He slapped her ass and the sound was a solid loud echo.
"First time I saw this big ass I wanted to do this," he grunted. "Walk for Daddy."
Yani did the slow sultry walk into the bedroom he loved. N'Jadaka followed and fisted himself, watching her ass bounce. She could walk around anywhere in their private life like that with him and he would follow as if she placed him in a seductive trance. Cake by the pound, mama was heavy, and N'Jadaka kept up with her swaying hips.
"Make those cheeks clap for me," he said.
Yani stopped at her vanity and jumped up and down lightly, not needing too much effort to get her ass cheeks bouncing before they started making the noise he loved. She wiggled and reached back to smack her cheeks for him to show how much heaviness she carried.
"Oohh Yani…fuck," he groaned in a high-pitched tone.
He jerked off and patted her folds with his dick, making his tip slick.
"Remember how I used to make you walk around the compound naked?" he asked.
He slapped his dick harder on her ass. Pre-cum dripped down her skin. He twisted his fingers under the head of his dick and cupped her breast again. His balls ached to cum, but he wanted to make it last. Once they stepped out of her bedroom, the day would not be their own anymore.
"We should go back to St. Thomas for a family vacation. I can fuck you outside again like I used to. Bend you over in the laundry room…tight, young pussy all over my dick. Everybody used to watch your fine ass walk around with this big booty in those sweats…cheeks just fucking bouncing all day. You knew what it did to me watching you walk around. Fat titties…fat ass… and you just let me nut in your pussy…all in your tight pussy…oh fuck…spread that ass…lemme cum on that pussy baby…"
Yani twisted her hips in a slow erotic fashion knowing he needed that slowness to arouse him more. Leaning her elbows on the vanity, she glanced back at him, ratcheting up his visual pleasure as she pouted her lips. Her rump did a syncopated dance all their own, teasing him with their movement the way men back home would make gifs of her social media videos to nut off to. That shit worked on her man too, and his face scrunched up, his lips parted to spill out the groans of losing control. His occasional gasps as the pitch of his voice changed excited her, and Yani spread her folds for him to see the delicious pink he craved surrounded by the sparkling jewels of her piercings.
She tilted her hips, and he rested his tip near her opening and spurted creamy hot cum all over her folds.
"Spread them pussy lips wider… lemme see all that pink… there you go baby…nut all over that…"
He grunted as his dick pulsed in his hand, all hot and heavy, painting more streaks of white heat all over her ass.
"I made a mess for real Yani…fuck… look at all that cum."
He rubbed semen gently over her swollen folds.
"Still sore?" he asked.
"A little. But I have that new cream Ilana brought for me."
"Want me to rub it on you?"
"No, I'll do it myself because you'll want to put that dick back in and we don't have time," she huffed.
They kissed.
A pounding on the bedroom door separated them.
"Mama! Baba! Come on!" Riki shouted.
Yani rushed back to the shower to rinse off and N'Jadaka grabbed the clothes that Ilana and Zola left out for him.
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Several diverse species of butterflies migrated through Wakanda, but the favorite was always the blue mountain butterfly that traversed the terrain of the Jabari down to the warmer valley of Birnin Zana during the roosting season.
Sydette and Riki squealed and chased the thousands of fluttering butterflies, their brilliant color flooding the sky with azure wings.
"Gentle, gentle…" Yani prodded.
Sydette turned her face towards them with two butterflies flapping their wings on her forehead. They all laughed and N'Jadaka took pictures with his kimoyo beads. A dense migratory wave swooped down through the royal garden and flew past them. Surrounded by sunlight and blue, the happy family basked in the beauty of nature.
The children ran down a path to follow the butterflies heading toward the sweet-smelling flowers that attracted and sustained them, and N'Jadaka clasped Yani's hand and walked with her slowly to admire their bloodline frolicking in the garden. They spoke of her work, their wedding plans, and his need to balance more quiet time for himself. The sun rose above the tallest trees in the garden and they slowed down to admire the garden pond near the edge of the south enclosure.
"I think I want to write a book," Yani said.
The brown of her eyes were bright with the light of the sun, their shine almost turning into honey amber jewels as she gazed up into his face seeming to yearn for his approval. She valued his input regarding her career even though she was the expert in the trajectory of her future goals. He adored how she squeezed his hand and waited for an answer. Her beauty had always moved him and in the midst of butterflies and warm solar rays, N'Jadaka fell in love with Yani all over again, a mature love that sweetened more each day.
"What will your book be about?" he said.
"I want to share how Wakanda brings babies into the world. I will call it 'The Wakandan Way of Birth'…or something like that. Disa liked the article I wrote for the Wakandan Daily News and I think the lessons I've learned here could benefit Western women more personally in book form. Pictures… testimonies… and my experience being trained away from Western medicine. I complete my obstetrics residency next year, and with my Wakandan midwife certification finished, I think I'm qualified enough to write what I know so far. I'll request to be transferred to a hospital closer to the palace if I can."
"That sounds pretty good to me, baby. You have a full pedigree now. Dr. Galiber-Udaku…queen of the nation and the author of a future bestseller. Doing big things like I knew you would."
She rested her head against his chest.
"I love you… so much," Yani whispered into his chest.
"I love you more."
Wrapping her arms around his waist, she nestled into his chest deeper and he rubbed circles into her upper back.
"Do you need me to provide you with more support? I'll have your personal office ready in the East Palace. When you're prepared to interview new staff for your palace office, let me know. Zinzi and Efetobo can help screen applicants."
"I want a cross-section of the nation to apply, not just people in the golden city."
"That can be arranged. Let me know the budget you need and I can approve any extra admin costs for international travel and your auxiliary programs outside of Wakanda," he said.
He tilted her chin to look into her eyes.
"We have to talk about the schedule changes Yani. I have to factor in our joint duties on the world stage, but I know this will cut into your hospital work. There are high expectations for the queen…and now that we've begun working with other nations…listen, I'm not saying you can't keep working at the hospital, but your hours will have to be adjusted. Your presence at the ball was legendary already, understand? You are my secret chess piece."
"I don't want to be a part-time doctor."
"You can't be a part-time queen either."
"Why not? You have Ramonda to help you."
"Ramonda is my hand across the sea. You are the face of the nation. I need your patient load to be cut down to at least twenty hours a week."
"You're about to be a queen. Have you thought out what that means? If something ever happened to me, you'd have to run the country. You have to be in the throne room for as much time as you're in the hospital. The Council of Elders, the Wakandan parliament, and the nobles expect you seated next to me."
Yani mashed her lips together, a curse word surely being held back from him.
"I asked for a compromise, baby. That's what the twenty hours are for. You would have morning duties in the throne room, and then you could finish the rest of your time at the hospital and your East Palace office."
"Babies don't arrive on a set schedule."
"This is the life we have now. We are the king and queen of the world."
The hesitation in her eyes worried him.
"I can't ask for more than you can give, Yani. Queens before you accepted their assignment as mother of the nation without question. It's one of the most powerful positions any woman will ever have. The elders told me if you can't give up the time, then they'll have to reconsider your title as queen. I'm not ruling with a princess, girl. I'm not marrying another woman either to have a queen in the role that only fits you. Please give it a chance, baby. I want you to have both worlds in peace. Once they see you can balance it, they may lay off the pressure on me."
"You can make all the rules now—"
"I also have to meet the elders halfway… show them that I'm not just a half-cocked dictator. I compromise to make them trust my leadership. Zinzi and Efetobo support you one hundred percent, but even they have to abide by the ancient laws and traditions of what the queen represents. You're not just the wife of a king, or an adornment for me either. You are a leader. Your hand will shape politics, and if you want to make the changes you desire in the world, then you have to be in the room where those decisions are made."
She considered his words, a lightbulb going off in her head by the way she glanced at the plants in the distance.
"I want to be in the room to help get what I need for my work," she said.
"You have to look beyond work… beyond your career… even beyond motherhood at times. Just like me."
Yani folded her arms across her midsection and stepped away from him to think.
"Do you wish I never took the throne?" he asked.
"No. I guess I just thought my domain would be raising our children and my continued education in medicine. Maybe I ignored everything else because I didn't think it would be my responsibility too. I planned on being like Michelle Obama…minding my business, supporting you on critical matters, and looking good for pictures."
"A queen is a lot more than a first lady in this country."
"I can be the queen Wakanda needs… the queen that you need," she said.
"You proved it last night. We're a kickass team."
Yani reached for his hand and he kissed her palm. He walked with his arm around her, enjoying the peace and quiet.
Too much quiet.
They caught up to Sydette who picked a fresh bouquet near the frog pond.
"Where is Riki?" Yani asked.
Sydette glanced around and shrugged.
"He was here a minute ago. Maybe he went to the gazebo," Sydette said.
"Riki," N'Jadaka called out.
Yani tapped her kimoyo.
"He's over by the cathedral tress," Yani said.
The path to the ancient tall trees winded around the frog pound and past Joba's fairy garden. They found Riki stuffed inside the space created by the bending and twining of tree trunks made years before N'Jadaka's father had been born. Riki spoke in a whispery voice, trying his best to stay hidden inside the protective covering.
"Riki!" Yani scolded when they all saw that he was speaking to Joba's image.
N'Jadaka's youngest daughter sat in her bed dressed in pajamas. It was nearly three in the morning where she stayed.
"Why are you up, Sunshine?" Yani asked.
Joba giggled.
"Does Mommy know you're talking to Riki?" N'Jadaka asked.
"Mommy is asleep," Joba said.
N'Jadaka stared at her smile.
"You lost another tooth baby girl?" he asked.
The gap in her top front teeth made her adorable.
"I showed her my loose tooth, Baba," Riki said, opening his mouth to show off his bottom tooth.
"How is your Mommy, Sunshine?" Yani asked.
"Can we have some privacy, please?" Riki insisted.
"Don't keep her up long, ten more minutes and then she has to get to sleep, Lil Man," N'Jadaka said.
Yani blew Joba a kiss and they left the younger children alone to watch Sydette gather more flowers for her bouquet. N'Jadaka slipped his hand into the back pocket of the skintight mauve yoga pants Yani squeezed into. As always, he couldn't keep his hands off of her without holding something to keep them connected. Gratitude swarmed in his chest. He dropped down low and encouraged Yani to climb onto his back. He carried her piggyback toward the palace entrance. Riki caught up to them. The beauty of their surroundings had them all feeling tranquil. A visit to the garden maze brought on a game of hide and seek before a quick trip to the peahen nursery to observe new hatchlings.
The family shared a light lunch with all the grandparents in the regular dining room before N'Jadaka took them back to their private residence to have naps. Their children went to their separate rooms and Yani took away one of Riki's kimoyo beads so he wouldn't contact Joba again in secret.
N'Jadaka climbed the stairs to his third-floor king's domain where an entire wing made up just his bedchamber alone. Ilana and Zola had fresh tea and snacks waiting for him with lavender incense burning in small brass holders shaped like panthers. They assisted Yani for a time before she joined him in his bedroom to nap wearing a sheer pink dressing gown. Cuddling on top of the covers, he rested his head on her breasts, while she stroked his locs.
Zola brought up a change of clothes for Yani to wear later, and Ilana tinted the windows and made sure N'Jadaka's warrior attire was situated for his trip to Shuri's lab later.
"This is the fucking life," he murmured into Yani's titties as he pulled aside the ties on her dressing gown to suck on her nipples.
"Just a big baby," she teased, helping to widen the top of her gown for easier titty access.
He plucked and sucked on her nipples and listened to her heavy breathing. When her eyes were glassy looking, he whispered in her ear.
"Did you put that cream on down there?" he said.
Yani nodded.
She squirmed next to him, watching him undress all the way.
"I'm sorry, baby. I can't help it. You're so fucking fine…"
He grunted into her ear. Yani circled her hands around his thick neck. Without him asking or begging, she widened her legs and he gripped his dick.
"Can't help it…"
He sank into her depths and shouted her name. It felt like molten caramel stickiness slathering his dick.
"You take it so deep…fuck… you got the best pussy, Yani. Best pussy I ever had in my life…listen to it take this big dick. Fuck!"
Yani laid up under him with passive pillow princess energy. Missionary was her favorite position with him. She loved to keep still with her legs wide so she could watch his dick going in and out of her pussy making all kinds of wet, squelching noises. Arousal for her came from N'Jadaka working himself into an obsessive sexual frenzy. He held her legs for her and she passively watched him pump her walls with deep short thrusts. Her pussy gripped him tight, her delicate hands resting on her thighs. After deep stroking her for a while, he stopped talking. Listening to his dick stretch her pussy, all he could muster was grunts and moans. A gripping pussy was always too much for him. All of his favorite lovers in the past that came close to that magical tight tunnel that shut down language couldn't compare to his queen.
Staring at the kittenish teasing in her glossy brown eyes broke him down physically and mentally. Thrusting deeper, he held still inside of her to indulge in the throbbing of his dick. Together they regarded their joining, her pussy stuffed full of heavy pipe. He was snug and she was stretched to capacity. He reached down to cup both breasts and she widened her thighs, allowing his balls to smack against her ass cheeks better once he resumed shallow thrusts extending the build-up ready to release intense pleasure. Dropping his head down further, he began panting, unable to hide the loss of control creeping up from the tension in his ass toward his massive shoulders held rigid.
"Ohhhh….Yani…baby, I wanna cum inside you…" he sputtered.
That thang was yankin' on his meat and his toes dug into the covers to anchor his thrusts. Yani reached up with both hands and cradled his face. Her lips pursed tight a few times as control slipped from her grasp. He wore down that pussy and her satisfied whimpers pleased him. However, the superior lovemaking that she provided turned him into a praying man in the middle of the act. His prayers were given to her in Wakandan love talk, the gushy sounds of her pussy accepting the reverence of his soft words raining down on her ears. Swiveling his hips to stroke at a different angle released a loud cry from her lusty lips. A heat spread behind his eyes and a pressure in his throat tightened his lips and he grimaced as the root of his dick sent pulses that squeezed at his balls. Her warmth, wetness, and lush body became an insatiable whirlpool he never wanted to escape from.
Lowering his head, he delved a greedy tongue into her mouth for deep wet kisses. Each stroke of his dick matched the neediness of his lips, and the fiery muscle wrestling control of her gasps for air flustered his resolve to last longer. Overwhelmed by too many sensations and moving parts pressing down on her, Yani jammed her cheek against his and listened to him curse his way through a massive orgasm. He lifted his body up just enough to watch his dick throb and pump her full of cum, his dick piercing rubbing up under her clit ring.
"Shit…ooh shit… I'm nuttin' in this pussy…I'm nuttin' all in this pussy, baby. Look at my dick…this nut feels too fucking good…ohhhhh….damn….damn…fuck you doin' to me, Yani?"
A desperate groan cut him off and he watched Yani react to his release. Her eyes started to roll back then slammed shut when her thighs shook.
"Cum on that dick," he pleaded.
He gently thumbed her clit, tugging on her piercing to guide her to heaven.
"Oh dassit…dassit girl…I feel that pussy all over my dick…"
He hunkered down on her and pushed Yani to her limit, letting his dick hit that bottom so her orgasm lasted and he could savor the throbbing from tip to root of his rigid dick.
She opened her eyes and they both gazed into the reflections of love binding them forever. His sweet, precious island girl… the one who loved him back to himself…his eyes blurred, but not before he witnessed a teardrop fall upon her cute round nose. Yani wept under him, her tears spilling along the sides of her lids. He ejaculated again and shouted with surprise at what he was able to spurt into her. Her pussy contracted around his length and he slumped over in defeat, blanking out mentally for about five seconds before gaining control of his senses again.
He lifted away from her, pulling out his dick. The dark brown of his fat erection dripped with the liberal shine of her sticky fluids. It hung heavy and sated between his thighs.
"You fucked the shit out of me," he gasped. "How is that possible when I did all the work?"
He folded like a bad poker hand onto her breasts, accepting the rubs on his head from her in silent wonder. When he was strong enough after a time, he lowered his head between her legs to kiss her folds and lick the jewels that adorned platinum pussy like hers. His thick lips gave loving kisses to her big thighs, her hips, and her belly button. It still wasn't enough to show her how she broke him down sexually. All he could do was keep kissing her vulva and clit, using the tip of his tongue to part her folds and trace the shape of hearts all over her pussy lips.
He fell asleep with his head resting on her thigh and his fingers playing with her nipples.
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N'Jadaka loved hard and strong.
Yani listened to his deep breathing as he slept on her body.
He slow-fucked her to sleep, but she woke up before he did. Sometime during their nap, he had moved against her side, his right hand still gripping a titty for security. He snored softly and he only did that in a deeply relaxed state. Especially after he fucked her good and proper. To say he gave her the best dick in her life was an understatement. Her body was built for deep-dick men, and not every man had the pipe to get past her ass cheeks or tame her depths. Only N'Jadaka.
His open confession of her being the best pussy he ever had made her feel amazing. He fucked her like he was scared to lose her… like he was proving to her that no other man could handle her, and he was right. Cumming with him was magical, and crying together was divine. He possessed her completely.
N'Jadaka's kimoyo beads lit up in a cool neon green color. Shuri.
Yani lifted from his body giving him space to roll over and answer the call. She snuggled under the covers to hide her nudity. N'Jadaka slipped on loose house pants.
"Talk to me," he said.
Shuri's face carried stress. Her lips stuck out further than normal with worry.
"I think you should see this. At first, I thought the earlier images were captures of American space debris or maybe even solar rays interfering with our equipment…"
N'Jadaka's bedroom became filled with images of Earth from space. The images zeroed in on specks in the atmosphere above them.
"Satellites?" he asked.
The images were enlarged. Silver spheres floated above the continent of Africa.
"Maybe probes…a tracking system of some kind," Shuri said. "They've moved closer to earth in the last hour."
"I'm heading over there," he said.
"Rogers warned us of an assault. From space. This looks bad, N'Jadaka."
Shuri sent over new images. N'Jadaka enlarged them. Yani jerked up from the bed.
"Are those spaceships?" Yani said.
Shuri's image returned and the lines on her forehead increased.
"Those ships appeared right after the Avengers contacted us about their team coming here. As of now, these spacecraft are hiding themselves near the Kuiper Belt. They were not there twelve hours ago."
"They may be using the wormholes. How many?" N'Jadaka asked.
"I only counted seven, like an armada waiting off the coast," T'Challa answered.
T'Challa stood near Shuri with an equally grim expression.
"Standby," N'Jadaka said.
He shut off his kimoyos.
"There are aliens coming here?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka reached for her hand, but Yani pulled on her napping gown and stepped off the rumpled bed.
"We will find out more. I want you and the children to visit Nakia. Stay with her until I contact you. Do not let on to anyone that you've seen this, okay?"
Questions flew through her mind, but she kept silent. N'Jadaka was in control and she rested in that knowledge, trusting him to protect them all from any and everything. Yani kissed his lips and hustled out of the king's bedchamber.
"Kora, have the children dressed and ready to go with me to see Lady Nakia," Yani said.
Kora moved with swift legs to the children's wing and Yani ran to her dressing room where Ilana and Zola helped supervise the organization of her shoe wall to make space for her new queen wardrobe that included royal isicholos and other accessories.
"I'm going to spend time with Lady Nakia and Prince Toussaint. Can you organize this without me today?" Yani asked.
Both women nodded, clearly aware that something bothered Yani. They helped her with a quick shower and provided her with a lovely draped wide-legged pantsuit in a rich eggplant color.
"Peplum blouse or a princess vest?" Ilana asked.
"The dark green peplum," Yani said.
A half hour later she was on her way with the children and all their Doras to see Nakia. Yani's years of keeping a neutral face around deadly killers proved invaluable to her. Nakia caught no hint of concern from her. Her eyes lit up in delight from the new gifts they brought for the baby and the children kept them all occupied with their need to hold Toussaint and fuss over him like a Christmas gift.
An impromptu tea party commenced and Yani did her part to look after all the royal heirs and Nakia. Two hours later, they all noticed the strange foreign aircraft being escorted past the palace.
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N'Jadaka rang the alarm to have their foreign African guests escorted out of Wakanda. He assembled them all in the amphitheater seating of the War Hall after Shuri and T'Challa debriefed him with M'Baku listening.
The outsiders were warned of a national security breach. Not giving them a chance to question his intel, N'Jadaka left W'Kabi in charge of flying all their guests across their borders to various airports before shutting down their entire protective dome shield. No matter the global threat, the Avengers wanted to keep a low profile with the upcoming onslaught from the aliens they called The Black Order. Their leader, Thanos, rushed forward the intergalactic army, and N'Jadaka wanted the battle concentrated at one exact point south of the dome border. It was the best strategic location that would give Wakandans in the inner cities time to escape if there was a shield breach.
T'Challa and M'Baku met him at the Talon Port where a tracker beam held the Avengers aircraft in a holding pattern above the palace for its final security screening. The pilot, Sam Wilson followed instructions from the Wakandan Special Forces security team. T'Challa kept an open image of Steve Rogers and the other Avengers above his wrist. An entire regiment of Dora Milaje and the Onyx Squad surrounded them.
The Foreign aircraft floated down, its wings folding up to land near the king's entourage.
"Standby Shuri," N'Jadaka said.
A ramp lowered and Steve strode out to lead a ragtag group of exhausted Avengers. A white woman with chopped blonde hair matched Steve's pace.
"The Black Widow, Natasha," T'Challa whispered. "Dr. Bruce Banner…the Hulk—"
"Colonel James Rhodes," N'Jadaka said when he spotted Rhodey.
The former military officer blinked a few times when he recognized N'Jadaka. A pearly grin stretched his lips as he walked with Banner toward them.
"They call that one the Scarlett Witch…Wanda. That is Vision. You see?" T'Challa said.
"The mind stone they want us to remove," N'Jadaka said.
Steve reached out a hand to T'Challa and nodded at N'Jadaka.
"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," Steve said.
Banner bowed to the king and attempted to get down on a knee. Rhodey looked aghast.
"We don't do that here," T'Challa said.
"But they should," N'Jadaka replied with a tinge of humor. "Let's go."
They followed N'Jadaka and T'Challa toward a half cruiser ready to whisk them away to Shuri's lab.
"How big of an assault are we looking at Rogers with this Black Order?" N'Jadaka asked.
"Massive," Banner said.
"How are we looking here?"
Natasha's nasally voice irritated N'Jadaka. He glanced back at her and T'Challa put some distance between her and him.
"You will have the Kingsguard, The Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and also Barnes," T'Challa said.
Bucky Barnes sauntered forward with the Kingsguard wearing a new Wakandan arm. He hugged Steve.
"How ya doin', Buck?" Steve asked.
"Not bad for the end of the world," Bucky said.
"Let's keep this reunion short. We have work to do," N'Jadaka ordered.
On the half cruiser, the Avengers sat wide-eyed staring at the world of Wakanda. Rhodey eased over to N'Jadaka.
"This is wild," Rhodey said. "I knew you were a different kind of cat back over in Gulmira, but I didn't think literally."
"Where's Stark?" N'Jadaka said.
Rhodey shrugged.
"So much has been going on full throttle. The Avengers are stretched thin. This is our last chance. If we can't shut them down here, it's over for us. Wherever Stark is, I'm sure he's working his ass off to find a solution to help us," Rhodey said.
"That's the least he could do. As much as he took from the world by helping to destroy it with greed, he owes some restitution."
"What about you? What do you owe the world with all the shit you've done after your time with Special Ops?"
"I owe nothing but a fist and the wisdom to know when to use it for my people, like now. I don't give a damn if these Avengers survive or not, as long as they hold the line for these aliens."
Rhodey's lips curled into a smirk.
"Yeah…they told me you were cold-blooded," Rhodey said.
Sam leaned forward in his seat from eavesdropping.
"Cold-blooded or not, we don't care about you either… as long as our alliance together saves everyone on earth."
The half cruiser swooped over a winding river that led toward Bashenga mountain. They flew over the Hall of Panthers, the new dome sparkling from the light of the golden Wakandan sun.
"All of this has been here for centuries?" Sam said.
"Longer than that," Rhodey quipped with awe in his voice.
"The motherland truly is the cradle of civilization," Sam said.
Sam's eyes appeared shiny as if he were about to weep at the lush futuristic scenery below him. Time wasn't wasted getting Vision to Shuri.
"Let's go! Move out of my way!" Shuri shouted at Natasha and Wanda who crowded Vision.
Shuri's medical team took Vision away and all the others followed with quick steps. She led them to a wide prepped medical bed near a giant window view of the gathering soldiers from Wakanda who lined up in strategic formation. N'Jadaka kept his arms folded near T'Challa.
"Stay back, please," Shuri told Wanda once more with irritation in her throat.
Banner was the only person Shuri kept close to the med bed. Conferring with Banner, Shuri ended her quick overview chat with a playful, "I'm sure you did your best."
N'Jadaka sensed her work would be slow-going and delicate. Shuri glanced at him.
"Give me as much time as you can," she said.
The confidence in her voice added a boost of hope to the others.
"I will give you the bare minimum," N'Jadaka said, "but if our line of defense is broken I need that stone destroyed immediately. I'm not risking all of my people and the diaspora for the feelings of one white woman and her robot boyfriend."
Shuri glanced over at Wanda. The so-called Scarlet Witch folded her arms and her thin lips became a pout.
"He's a sentient being with a right to life as any of us," Wanda spat out toward N'Jadaka.
He strode over to her.
"One life for billions is a fucked up trade-off," N'Jadaka said. "My children's lives are worth more, and I will end the life of anyone who risks theirs and others like them."
"I love him," Wanda said.
"And I love my children. You can cry all you want in front of all these people but this is my country and my cousin will do what I say. Her life is worth more too."
Shuri waved her hand over Vision's body and her kimoyo beads fed her the imaging she needed to process.
"I can do this, as long as I have time, cousin. He has about two trillion neurons…this will be delicate work. One misalignment and a cascade of circuit failure will end him."
Shuri looked at N'Jadaka and he shook his head.
"Time is not on your side."
The finality of his words forced a nod from Shuri. She jumped on her task and the other Avengers didn't look the king in the eye. They only gave anxious glances to Wanda and Vision.
"I have to meet with the Council of Elders and notify Wakandans for emergency preparedness. I'll catch up to you after I address the nation."
N'Jadaka turned to T'Challa.
"A quick word?" N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa followed him to a corner room.
"Do you want to see Nakia and Toussaint first? W'Kabi and Okoye can take the lead for now."
"I would like to do that, but as the Black Panther—"
"Man, fuck all that. You have a newborn. We are about to battle some unknown force. Ain't nothing promised to us."
T'Challa lowered his head and sighed. N'Jadaka gripped his shoulder.
"The world is on our shoulders. Let's go see our babies, Cuz."
T'Challa nodded.
"General Okoye, get the transport vehicles ready. We'll see you after my meeting," N'Jadaka said.
Okoye tapped her spear and led the Avengers away with the Dora Milaje. Wanda stood a proper distance from Vision as Shuri connected him to her computer interface.
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The Council of Elders stood with N'Jadaka in the West Palace media room. He recited a prepared statement informing the public of an outside threat and that the nation was on high alert. Emergency responders were placed throughout key areas in the cities and Wakandans in more rural areas were transported to safer lodgings.
The royal family members were kept in the East Palace and N'Jadaka left T'Challa with Nakia and his son while he convened a final meeting with the council elders inside the throne room. He requested Yani by his side. She arrived dressed in a dark flowing dress with a cowrie shell head chain draped all around her scalp in the shape of the Northern Triangle, the oldest place in Wakanda. Her facial expression took on a serious countenance and she looked imposing walking up to her seat next to his throne chair. Ramonda sat on the other side of him with her hands folded on her lap. A bleak mood weighed down the air.
"What are our chances of defeating this Thanos?" M'Kathu asked.
"I was told he had a force made of aliens all across the galaxy. We won't know what we're truly up against until they arrive. They are honing in on Wakanda for the mind stone." N'Jadaka said.
"And you will kill the A.I. that houses it if Shuri fails?" Zinzi asked.
"Shuri will only fail if her time runs out. There are trillions of neuron links that make up Vision. She can save him, but half of all life in the universe will die if it doesn't happen before Thanos comes."
"You should destroy Vision now," Yani said.
The Council of Elders and Ramonda stared at her.
"Am I not allowed to speak freely here?" Yani asked, glancing about.
"Speak," N'Jadaka encouraged.
"Why wait? An army is coming here to wipe us out. When I was in St. Thomas and a man came to kill you and our child, I shot and killed him the moment I saw his eyes. One shot and we're alive because of that. I'm not a soldier, but even I had the good sense to act right then and there. We have something this alien wants and we should get rid of it. Him can't use his power without one lil stone…get rid of it before he comes here. He'll have to leave—"
"With all due respect, Princess Yani, we may still have to fight off an offensive attack. They may become enraged and decide to kill everyone on earth in anger or revenge for thwarting their plans. Either way, we are going to war," Bhira said.
Yani lowered her eyes to her lap and N'Jadaka reached over and squeezed her hand for support. He held pride in his chest that she asserted her viewpoint inside the throne room. The elders hearing she had killed a man without flinching had them glancing at her with new respect.
"The mind stone isn't the main one I'm worried about. He has another stone they say can reverse time. Even if we save Vision or destroy the mind stone, he can rewind everything back. We'll have to do a three-pronged attack. Destroy the mind stone, fight his army, and separate the time stone from him…besides killing him too."
N'Jadaka let the others take in his words and the gravity of their mission.
"As of now, the country is secure with defensive measures in place. We have the mountains and our underground caverns to relocate civilians if it all goes to shit," N'Jadaka said.
Zinzi stood up, glanced at the other elders, then faced N'Jadaka.
"Kumkani N'Jadaka, the Council of Elders wishes to ask that you remain in the palace during this time of foreign aggression. The Black Panther and Princess Shuri are using their talents to protect us on the battlefield, but we want the Golden Jaguar to protect the royal family and flee the territory if necessary to save the bloodline," Zinzi said.
Yani looked at him.
"Thank you for worrying about me and my family, but my talents are needed on the battlefield, too. A leader shouldn't sit back in the cut giving orders while others risk their lives—"
"You have nothing to prove to us. You are our warrior king and we want you here to lead evacuations and give our people hope of defeating this unknown terror," M'Kathu said.
N'Jadaka stepped down from the throne chair.
"I will lead the fight and return when needed," N'Jadaka said.
"As you wish, my king," M'Kathu said.
"We're done here. Everyone knows their orders. Return to the palace bunker," N'Jadaka said.
Efetobo rose from her seat and used her cane heavily to get to him.
"Wakanda Forever King N'Jadaka," Efetobo said.
Instead of making the symbol across her chest, she reached out and hugged N'Jadaka, her frail-looking arms carrying strength in them that filled his heart. When she released him, Ramonda did the same.
"You and T'Challa stay safe and give them hell!" Ramonda demanded.
"I will Auntie."
Zinzi pressed her forehead into his and prayed a few Wakandan scriptures of empowerment. Bhira and M'Kathu shook his hand afterward.
The Kingsguard escorted the elders and Ramonda out of the room. N'Jadaka reached for Yani and she took his hand, rising from her seat. He placed loving arms around her waist.
"I love how brave you appeared in front of them," he said.
He stroked her left eyebrow. Yani buried her face in his chest.
"I should feel more scared, but I'm not."
"Why not?"
She looked up at him.
"In a dream, Queen Mary said I was going to have more babies by you, and she can't be wrong. You can't die, not without me being pregnant. So…since there ain't no pickney in mi belly yet, you won't die."
He chuckled.
"My Mom told me the same thing after I ingested the heart-shaped herb again…about me having more babies. So if two ancestors told us that, then we're covered."
"Are you scared?"
"It's always tense before a battle."
"Not tense. Scared."
"My only fear is the potential amount of lives lost in Wakanda. Many died in the civil war I brought to them. Unfortunately, we're the only country that can even hold off a space army."
She glanced at her kimoyo.
"Riki and Sydette are here," she said, pulling him closer. Two Kingsguards opened the doors of the throne room and Nakia walked in with Toussaint wrapped against her chest. Sydette and Riki followed close by her.
"I came to wish you success," Nakia said.
The former War Dog had touches of pink in the whites of her eyes. She clung to Toussaint with protective hands that patted the bundle softly. N'Jadaka gave her a gentle hug and he stroked the silky smooth hair of the baby. He squatted down on one knee to be at eye level with his own children.
"Auntie Nakia and Mama will keep you all safe here, okay? I'm going to join Uncle T'Challa," he said.
"When will you be back?" Sydette asked.
Sweet Pea's large eyes haunted him. They had endured a dangerous separation before, but he needed to reassure her that he was coming back. He held her small hands in his big ones.
"I can't say for sure, but I will be close by."
"Can we watch you fight?" Riki asked.
"No, Lil Man, that wouldn't be a good idea. All the family will be here together and I'll have Noxolo and Aneka give you updates when I can."
Sydette threw her arms around him just as his kimoyos lit up with Disa's signature. He stood and tapped the beads. Disa and Joba's avatars floated in the middle for all of them to see.
"I'm glad I caught you," Disa said.
"I was going to contact you again," he said.
Disa had tremors in her voice. Joba studied him with calm assurance. His youngest could detect the even control of his tone.
"I want you and Joba to stay in New York until all of this is over. Nothing is happening yet, but I can't risk bringing you both back now."
"I get it, don't worry," Disa said.
Disa's eyes watered and she pushed her lips together.
"Disa… hey…don't worry about me."
"I'm afraid, Erik," Disa said.
N'Jadaka closed his eyes at the sound of his old name on her lips. Disa wiped her eyes and took a deep inhale to keep her voice steady.
"Adebiyi has been supportive and strong for us here, but I wish we could be with you and Yani…everyone. Dammit, I should've come home sooner."
"You were with family, Disa. Everything has been so uncertain and unpredictable. You have the best security team with you and I've already sent a half cruiser to stay offshore in case we need to evacuate you and your relatives. We'll keep you all informed of everything going on here," he said.
Joba hugged her mother and Adebiyi came into view.
"Watch over them for me, man," N'Jadaka said.
"Of course kumkani," Adebiyi said.
"Love you, baby girl," he said.
"I love you too, Baba," Joba said.
Disa held her hands under her chin trying to maintain her composure in front of Joba. Stress lines marred her face.
"Yani," Disa said.
Yani gave Disa a smile.
"Don't worry. We're all safe with N'Jadaka. Let's talk later when I get to the upper floors," Yani said.
The strength in Yani's voice helped Disa pull it together.
"It's hard not being there with all of you. Being far away magnifies everything. Just please be careful…all of you. As soon as it is safe to do so, bring us back," Disa said.
"We love you Umi Disa," Sydette said.
"I love you all, too. Be good for your Mama and don't run Grandpop ragged."
"We won't," Riki said with a mischievous grin.
"I can already tell that you're tricking me," Disa said.
Her mood lifted into higher spirits.
"We'll let you go. N'Jadaka…"
Disa couldn't get the words out. Her eyes told him she loved him instead.
"Love you back, Disa. Get some rest and keep the emergency lines open on all your kimoyos," he said.
Their images winked out.
"I'll take them up," Nakia said.
She let N'Jadaka hug Riki and Sydette, then led them away. Yani linked her arm in his, watching their children take solemn steps. His kimoyos lit up again with an emergency military signature. Okoye's avatar popped up.
"Kumkani, something has entered the atmosphere," Okoye said.
"On my way."
Yani hugged him tight.
"I have to go," he said.
He walked with her to the throne room's emergency departure Talon port. The Royal Talon Fighter floated down onto the secure platform and two Dora Milaje stepped out to escort him. Yani gripped his face and pulled his head down to her.
"Come back to me in one piece or else my old granny and your mother will come after you," she whispered.
Her sweet breath tickled his nose, her moist lips touching his lightly. He kissed her with tiny butterfly kisses before delving into her mouth with his tongue. She stroked his hair and he used the pads of his fingertips to touch her behind, holding back his desire to dig into the flesh more to stay with her.
"N'Jadaka, there are UAPs crashing into the dome shield," T'Challa said.
Yani broke away from him first and smoothed down the front of his shirt. She stepped back and he mentally commanded his Golden Jaguar suit to spread across his body.
"So handsome," Yani said. "Go on… king," she said.
He left her standing on the throne room port. The Talon Fighter darted across the sky and N'Jadaka scanned the puffy white clouds above.
The dome shield held up against the repeated slams of fireball explosives and more streaked down toward Wakanda all across the covering.
His first stop was checking in with the military strategists he hand-picked in a protected area behind the battle formation. General Sampha from the Border Tribe Army shook the king's hand and shared their battle plans on a floating table. The booming of projectiles striking the dome thundered above them.
"Kumkani, our dome shield is at one hundred percent. The weapons striking us are scanning the integrity of our protection, and the impact is growing stronger. How do you wish for us to proceed?" Sampha said.
Sampha's face carried a light sheen of sweat from the blazing sun and his eyes bulged a bit each time a projectile plummeted to earth and slammed into the dome as if he were annoyed by the audacity of aliens coming for Wakanda. Surliness in his voice gave N'Jadaka confidence that the Wakandans were about that smoke. Their military had trained for centuries for such an attack, even if it came from outer space.
N'Jadaka scanned their battle plans. Because these were not humans, the element of unknown factors had them at a disadvantage.
"The Dora Milaje are our most elite shock troops…close range warriors. We'll keep them at the front. I want more Jabari warriors fortifying the target area and a contingency in the capital near the palace."
The image of another drop ship landing outside the dome shook the ground with seismic force.
"Any sign of Thanos yet?" N'Jadaka asked.
"None," Banner answered.
"I don't like these small infantry formations here," N'Jadaka said, pointing to several gaps around the Avengers, "We're too exposed. I want skirmishers to harass and immobilize anything that may get through the wall."
General Sampha rubbed his chin while staring at the infantry.
"Fanning out into a long line makes it harder to flank us," Sampha said.
N'Jadaka pointed to a spot on the formation.
"It weakens the middle here. These fuckers traveled across galaxies that we never have. Ain't no telling what they have to break our lines."
N'Jadaka patted his shoulder.
"I'm not questioning your ability, Sampha. I'm thinking outside the box with the unknown."
The heads of the Navy and Airforce stood at attention awaiting more orders on their end.
N'Jadaka tapped a communicator on the war table.
"Rhodey… Wilson… I'll have the Wakandan airforce work with you inside and out of the barrier when attacks begin. Rhodey, I'm going to use you as an attack chopper, and Wilson, you'll help with the area of affect weaponry. You'll keep the explosives coming when necessary. General Lumumba and Lieutenant General Amilcar are patched into your communicators for commands."
"Roger that!" Both men answered simultaneously.
N'Jadaka worked on strategy and offensive measures with the leadership until the UAPs above them ceased falling. The suddenness unnerved them.
"I will go to T'Challa on the frontline."
"Wakanda Forever, kumkani!" the military heads barked out.
Two of his most menacing Doras waited for him inside the Royal Talon Fighter. They flew him to the battleground. He jumped down from Talon Fighter using its gravity tracker to slow him as he landed next to T'Challa on the battlefield.
"Yes," T'Challa answered.
Rogers and the rest of the Avengers stood in a row staring up at the trees outside the shield that hid their enemy. M'Baku leaned toward N'Jadaka.
"We have already placed the Jabari warriors you asked to be stationed near Princess Shuri's lab for extra backup in case our line is broken. They have the vibranium shields you gave them activated," M'Baku said.
N'Jadaka shook his hand.
"We can't have them circling the dome. Keeping them here is the goal," N'Jadaka said.
N'Jadaka focused on the tree line outside of the dome again. The earth rumbled once more and giant triangular-shaped metal spheres rose up like hideous temples of doom.
"Bast protect us," T'Challa mumbled.
"Two of them are approaching the barrier," Okoye said.
N'Jadaka jerked his head toward T'Challa.
"Let's see how diplomacy works," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa, Rogers, and Natasha followed him to the edge of the barrier. An alien three times N'Jadaka's size that looked like a badly rendered goblin waited with a female alien sporting horns and a dark persona. She had to be at least eight feet tall and slid a sword against the barrier. They were humanoid in nature and carried an erect stance of fearlessness. Their eyes locked and the killer in them both recognized the ferocity in the other. An unspoken understanding passed between them. It didn't matter that the creature before him came from a different galaxy across the universe. Game peeped game. Underneath the exterior, N'Jadaka sensed quiet respect. As a child of Ogum, he carried a fierce energy in his eyes. Before N'Jadaka could speak, Natasha glared at the aliens and taunted them.
"Where's your other friend?" she teased.
The female alien shifted her gaze from N'Jadaka to Natasha.
"You will pay for his life with yours."
The female alien turned back to N'Jadaka.
"Thanos will have that stone."
"Not on my watch as king," N'Jadaka said.
"What do they call you?"
"King N'Jadaka… son of Prince N'Jobu and Princess Califia. You?"
"Proxima Midnight. Prepare to be slaughtered."
"You are in Wakanda now," T'Challa interjected. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."
Proxima smirked at the Black Panther.
"We…have blood to spare."
Proxima thrust her sword-holding arm into the air and the giant pyramid structures behind her rose higher from the ground.
"I guess it's on then," N'Jadaka said.
Proxima gave him a sardonic grin and he stomped back toward their line of defense. The tension of not knowing the terror they faced rippled along the soldiers behind N'Jadaka.
"As long as the barrier holds, we're good," N'Jadaka reassured everyone.
The ground shook, followed by clouds of dust outside the barrier announcing the start of the battle. T'Challa stepped forward and shouted "Yibambe!"
All the Wakandans repeated the words after him and N'Jadaka's chest swelled with emotion. He stood with his cousin to protect the world he had come to love. The land of his father. The dream of his mother.
"We defend this to the death!" N'Jadaka shouted. "Hold this line and don't let anything get through it!'
He strode to the front with arms outstretched showing off his claws and regarded the soldiers with blazing eyes.
"When Thanos comes, we must destroy the time stone so he can't reverse anything. Do you understand me?!" he shouted.
The others roared their understanding with weapons raised.
"Holy shit!"
Banner's voice broke through the shouting on their side. N'Jadaka studied the barrier and witnessed the ferocious creatures barreling toward war. Monstrous, six-limbed beasts with the shrieks of hell erupting from their throats.
Bast cooled his mind, and Ogum amped up his fighting spirit to the max.
The alien soldiers slammed their bodies into the barrier, killing themselves, but several were able to push through over the bodies of dead comrades who sacrificed themselves like fire ants crossing a river. Sam and Rhodey flew overhead to take care of the breach, dropping explosives that slowed a few enemies down.
"Shit, they're circling," Banner said.
"How do we stop that?" Rogers said.
The roar of Wakandan aircraft zoomed over the dome and took up battling the beasts outside of the barrier. Despite their exceptional attempts to corral the enemy in one spot, the swarm of alien fighters still overrode them by sheer numbers.
N'Jadaka glanced at T'Challa.
"We have to redirect their movement by making a kill zone," N'Jadaka said.
"I'll open the barrier and keep them at a distance," T'Challa said.
T'Challa touched his ear and spoke to Shuri.
"On my signal, open Northwest section seventeen," T'Challa commanded.
"Requesting confirmation on behalf of Princess Shuri…you said open the barrier?" A woman's voice asked, close enough for N'Jadaka to hear.
"Give him access and on his signal," N'Jadaka spoke into his own earbud.
M'Baku gave N'Jadaka a look of worry. Okoye threw back her shoulders in anticipation.
The barrier opened and the aliens poured in. Wilson flew out to engage behind the barrier with the Wakandan forces.
"Wakanda Forever!" N'Jadaka shouted.
He ran forward and the Talon Fighter's gravitational tracker beam snatched him up in the air.
"You two, go fight with the Black Panther," N'Jadaka ordered.
His Doras jumped down through the tracker beam and he took control of the Talon Fighter, sending down a torrent of firepower to kill monsters. Down below, his cousin took hits to build up kinetic energy and blasted creatures while the Avengers dug into the trenches of war.
He provided long-range support with Rhodey creating a large damage area around the point of impact that pushed back on the hordes bursting through despite their best efforts. Outside the dome, Wilson and the Wakandan Air support were effective in bypassing their line of sight beyond the trees. The outriders began to bunch up around the gap they opened. Their incredible speed became dangerous as they charged inside.
"Fuck! This is straight-up melee combat. Keep them from that defensive line at all costs!" N'Jadaka said.
Okoye's voice crackled in his ear.
"We can't mitigate the power of their charge, kumkani. We are expert close-range fighters but there are just too many of them."
"Second string is on the way, General," W'Kabi interjected.
N'Jadaka watched from the sky as new shock troops converged on the sides in full-body vibranium shields, battling through the trees, keeping the beasts at bay.
"Shuri, progress check," N'Jadaka said.
"Still slow-going. I have just cracked the outer core and can begin the real work," Shuri said with a strained tone of work under pressure.
The Avengers fought valiantly below him and he provided cover and long-range firepower. He fought the temptation to fly outside the barrier because the teeming hordes still overwhelmed the shock troops. Luckily, the first wave of enemy combatants were simple-minded creatures, full of snarling rage and not much else. There was no planned intelligence in their fighting strategy other than running over them.
"Keep them from the capital!" he shouted, flying after outriders who broke past the line.
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Yani paced in front of Nakia.
Ilana and Zola scurried about organizing emergency clothing and assisted Nakia's nanny with Toussaint's extra diapers and blankets for travel. Noxolo sent word that the royal family was to be moved to the top floor of the East Palace where the structure could detach and fly off to safety elsewhere. Yani had hoped they wouldn't have to move from Nakia's suite because it told them all that the battle had grown worse than expected and N'Jadaka wanted them on standby evacuation.
Sydette held Toussaint while Nakia used a breast pump to extract milk for her son. Riki leaned against a wall window, watching for any signs of his father of T'Challa.
"I can smell smoke, Mama," Riki said.
Yani sniffed. The air filter pumped in outside air and the acrid stench of something metallic and burning wafted in.
"Shelter Griot, switch to indoor filtered air," Yani commanded.
"Yes, Princess Yani," a female-coded A.I. answered.
Within minutes, the burning smell disappeared.
"Yani, it's Queen Ramonda," Nakia said, holding up her wrist.
Ramonda's avatar shimmered in vivid colors.
"Baba Z and Umama are resting finally. I made them some tea with x'tin leaves added. They should sleep for the next few hours. They have asked that all of you come to the Jabari mountains at once. Dante and Marisol arrived with Tywla and Bibi," Ramonda said.
"I would like to stay here until we hear word from T'Challa and N'Jadaka's team," Nakia said.
"We want our grandchildren and great-grandchildren here with us. There is a half cruiser on standby."
Ramonda's terse tone left no room for arguing.
"Queen Ramonda, N'Jadaka has this shelter programmed to fly to St. Thomas," Yani said.
"Out of Wakanda?"
Ramonda gazed at Toussaint in Sydette's arms.
"I hate that the last few generations of Udaku children have witnessed nothing but war and family disruption."
"I understand Queen Mother, but we are together in this. What we are experiencing is an external threat…but one that unites us," Nakia said.
Yani's kimoyo lit up.
"I'll take this in another room," Yani said.
Sliding a bedroom door open, she dipped in and tapped her beads. Disa's image filled the room in life-size 3D seated in a chair.
"Hey," Disa said.
"We've moved to the emergency transport shelter in the palace."
"No word on how bad it is?"
Yani shook her head. Disa fretted.
"I keep praying and trying to stay positive. N'Jadaka and T'Challa's kimoyos let us know that they're alive, but that's it. I wasn't going to call but it's been hours now and the stress of not knowing anything is eating me up. All the media I can track in Wakanda here only plays emergency broadcasts commanding citizens to stay sheltered and on alert. No sirens have rung out in the city so that's a good sign, I guess," Disa said.
"So far."
"You look calm, though."
Yani sat on a bed.
"Do you believe in long gone relatives speaking to you?" Yani asked.
"Yes…like in my dreams. Sometimes my father comes to me. I wake up feeling like he's still here. Why?"
"I had a dream that my grandmother from way back…Queen Mary…came to me. She told me I had to stand tall with N'Jadaka… that I had to be fierce. Her say my future is important with him. It was real to mi. This war is only a test for us, so I'm not afraid of him dying in it. He won't. The worry I feel is for the people around him...and what we'll face as a nation when this is over."
"Hmmm, I wish my daddy would come to me in a dream like that!"
They shared soft laughter together.
"I can see that you believe what she said, so I will believe it too," Disa said.
"I'm glad you believe me. Some people get scared of spiritual stuff or think it's wish-fulfillment. I just have to be patient and pray that this war comes to an end soon."
"How is Nakia and the children?"
"Hanging in there. All the grandparents want us up in the Jabari mountains."
"Honestly, if I were there, that's the place I'd want to be."
Disa crossed her leg and grinned.
"What?" Yani asked.
"Adebiyi wants me to move to the mountains after we come back. Not moving in together, but me being closer to him."
"Do you want to?"
"I think the change in scenery is needed for me and Joba. I love the Golden City with all my heart, but being away has given me time to think about you and N'Jadaka. You two need space. I don't think Joba and I should be living up under your new household."
"But I don't want you to leave!"
The yelp in Yani's voice caught Disa by surprise.
"It's not a bad thing, Yani."
"We started this messy journey together and we'll finish it together. You're my big sister in so many ways, and this new life…you're a part of that. The Jabari mountains are so far, and our children need to be together," Yani said.
"The mountains are not that far with our transports. You'll have Joba every weekend…that's three days a week mind you, and I'm going to be in and out of the city for my company. I'll be there all the time."
"It won't be the same."
"You survived when you left the palace mad at me," Disa teased.
"That was different. I still missed you…I needed time away to grow up… to clear my head and realize how foolish I was being with you and myself."
"The change will be good for all of us, and who knows, it may not be permanent. I want to try it out and see where it takes me and Adebiyi."
"You're in love," Yani said.
The glow was all over Disa's face.
"I do love him… and he loves me."
Disa's eyes shined and Yani welled up for her.
"This life has been so crazy for me, Yani. I have no regrets about anything."
"Me neither."
"Not anymore. Seeing my great-great-grandmother…hearing her voice…seeing her…I know there are things that are beyond my comprehension, but I'm surrounded by loving people now. Like you."
"I'm glad you became my little sister. You, Marisol, and Twyla are as close to me as my best friends here in the States. Truth be told, the three of you have actually been closer because of your connection with N'Jadaka."
"We've both grown up a lot in two years."
"A long ass two years!'
Yani giggled.
"Allah will protect us all," Disa said.
Yani crinkled her nose with a thought.
"What are you thinking?" Disa asked.
"Wakanda has faced aggression four times in thirty years. I don't think they're built for civil and foreign fighting constantly. They've been a utopia for a long time and mentally, I don't know if it'll be easy for them to pick up the pieces without a national therapy session after all of this."
"They have N'Jadaka to show them the way back…and you. Remember, you spun a lost straw man back into gold. If you did that for our king, you'll have no problem doing it for the nation. I believe in you, little sister!"
Disa winked at her.
"I'll let you go. Joba and Adebiyi are going for a walk in Central Park with me. The weather is nice and I have to get out of this hotel for an hour at least. Fresh air will do me good."
"Have a nice time. I'll contact you as soon as I get any news from the front lines."
They blew kisses to one another and the call ended.
Yani wandered over to the bedroom window and tracked the placement of the sun. It would make the slow, downward trek into sunset within an hour. She turned to walk back into the living room when erratic booming noises shook the windows. Touching the nearest window, she sucked in a breath watching flames rise inside gargantuan plumes of black smoke racing to blot out the sky. The windows rattled again before a secondary protective vibranium barrier swarmed over the palace exterior, shielding them from the noise of seismic rumbles. Her heart lurched in her chest.
Yani noticed the wide darting movements of fighter drones flying through the pitch blackness blanketing the trees in the royal garden. The war had moved further inland and the drones were sent to reinforce the palace defense forces. If she could see it close from the east palace windows, the Wakandan defense line had been broken, and the enemy was near.
Racing into the living room, she joined Nakia who pulled the children closer to her on the couch. Riki jumped on her lap and Sydette handed Toussaint back to Nakia who tucked her breasts back into a nursing bra and covered the baby up. Ilana and Zola dashed into the room and waved for them to follow their lead.
Zola clasped Yani's hand and Sydette's while Ilana lifted Riki into her arms.
"We have to go into the flight room," Zola said. "Aneka is waiting for word from the king. Noxolo will detach us from the palace if he says it's time to leave."
"Are we losing?" Yani asked.
"I don't know, but we were ordered to stand by."
"Is Baba coming?" Sydette asked.
"I don't know, Sweet Pea."
Yani wore a brave face and pushed back on doubting Queen Mary.
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The barrage of creatures lunging through the narrow opening of section seventeen overwhelmed the northwest defense. Even the once-missing Asgardian Thor couldn't help stop the influx of diverse creatures spilling through the narrow gauntlet into Wakanda. Several Avengers had left the interior of the barrier to destroy the spacecraft that brought the aliens in on the outside.
N'Jadaka settled his mentally tired body on the crest of a hill near Shuri's lab. T'Challa insisted that he fall back to give strategic support in their dwindling and scattered formation. He spent the last hour circling the forces with the Talon Fighter outside the breach, providing extra firepower for the secondary Border Tribe troops led by W'Kabi. Okoye's estranged husband proved to be a superior officer and ground fighter. The Border Tribe shields helped prevent the aliens from overtaking their offensive measures outside, but even then, a few enemies slipped through that N'Jadaka handled from the sky. He programmed the Talon Fighter to protect the lab from the air while he stomped on the ground searching for breakthroughs to kill.
"Shuri! Tell Wanda to end Vision now! They've got these giant fucking wheel machines tearing up the ground out here! They busted up under the barrier and we can't control the entry point anymore!" he shouted into his kimoyo.
"Fall back! Fall back!" T'Challa shouted in N'Jadaka's earbud.
N'Jadaka scanned the area below watching helplessly as the wheels razed the dark rich earth of Wakanda in the destruction. The enemy's power and weapons were too numerous to overcome. Giving Shuri time to save Vision had been a grave mistake. One that could cost his children's lives. The faces of Sydette, Riki, Joba, and baby Toussaint flashed across his mind.
"I'm going to keep trying, N'Jadaka, there's some progress," Shuri said, still hopeful.
"Time is up! I will come up there and rip it out of his skull myself!"
The horrendous crashing noises of the wheels forced N'Jadaka to charge toward Border Tribe soldiers positioned in front of him. If Thanos didn't come soon, there wouldn't be enough warriors to face him. Perhaps that was his plan overall.
"Get those wheels down!" he ordered, charging forward to help.
Wanda streaked overhead with bursts of crimson energy shooting out of her fingertips like lightning strikes. She lifted a linked row of earth-killing wheels and threw them on top of enemy combatants.
Ayo's voice broke through the chatter of N'Jadaka's earbud.
"We're being attacked inside the lab!" Ayo grunted.
"Shuri, get out of there!" T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka ran back up the hill toward the lab.
"Shuri, I'll be there soon!" N'Jadaka panted.
His suit provided him with a concentrated sip of electrolytes, refreshing his dehydrated muscles as he lunged forward.
Panic lodged in his throat when his cousin didn't answer back right away. The crashing of glass and yelling drew his attention high above the trees that surrounded the lab. Two figures tumbled across the uneven sides of the building's roof. Vision held an alien by the throat.
"Vision is outside the lab!" he shouted.
"On my way!" Banner answered.
N'Jadaka's kimoyos showed him Shuri's vitals were fine. Her crumpled form and Ayo's were on the floor of the lab. He leaped up the side of the building and jumped through the gaping hole in the glass where Vision crashed through.
"Hey lil cuz," N'Jadaka said.
He lifted Shuri's head. She moaned and reached for her forehead where a bruised purple lump rose.
"Vision?" she asked.
"Fighting an alien."
"I wasn't done with him."
"Too late for that."
Ayo shook off the blow to her midsection. Her hands and face bled from cuts protecting Shuri. N'Jadaka reached for her and helped her up.
"Get Shuri to the palace shelter. Once you arrive, wait for my command to leave for St. Thomas. Got it?"
"Yes, kumkani," Ayo said.
"St. Thomas? N'Jadaka, no, I need to be here to help you and T'Challa."
Shuri plucked glass shards from her clothes and picked some embedded into her bleeding palm. He helped remove pieces from her hair.
"I promised Umama to get you out of here if it got bad," he said.
"Well, how bad is it? Is Thanos here?"
"No, but—"
A shiver went through N'Jadaka's body. Beyond a sensory overload, his entire form tensed involuntarily afterward, and his gaze ratcheted toward the busted lab window. Something new had arrived on Earth.
"Ayo, take her…go…go!"
Shuri gleaned from his tone and his eyes that things were about to go left. She hugged him tight.
"Watch out for my brother… no matter what…stay with him," Shuri murmured into his ear.
Ayo tugged on Shuri's arm. A quad stinger aircraft flew down to the shattered window and the Dora guided Shuri inside of it. They took off, and N'Jadaka watched it zip across the sky heading for the rest of the Udaku progeny. He tapped a kimoyo and the Royal Talon Fighter swooped past the building sideways. He leaped toward the tracker beam that delivered him inside of it.
N'Jadaka took over manual flying and jetted across the trees toward the biting sensation that quaked down in his bones. Eventually, the sensation fanned out to a low hum in his inner ear that grew in pressure. He hovered above Wanda who knelt beside Vision resting against a felled tree trunk. Banner jumped into view with his iron suit and N'Jadaka waited for something to materialize on his viewscreen.
T'Challa waved up to him.
"I'll back you up," N'Jadaka said.
"It's him!" Banner yelled.
A greenish-blue gas shimmered like an aurora borealis and a giant purple man stepped into their world. N'Jadaka assumed Thanos opened a powerful wormhole and expected more soldiers to spill out. Instead, the bald giant sauntered in alone.
Thanos hadn't taken two steps to start any shit yet and N'Jadka shot sonic vibranium blasters targeting the infinity gauntlet.
"Get that fucking glove off him!"
N'Jadaka's orders set everyone in motion. T'Challa clawed Thanos's neck to distract him as Banner grabbed for the gauntlet. Thanos flicked T'Challa away like a bothersome gnat and tossed Banner into a great stone mound that his iron suit went right through like it was Casper the friendly ghost.
Rogers and Bucky double-teamed next while Wanda threw crimson fire into Thanos's face. The Infinity Gauntlet gave him tremendous strength and they were clearly no match for him. Even his skin seemed impenetrable to any firepower.
"Wanda, destroy the stone!" T'Challa shouted.
Wanda stood frozen staring at her lover. She threw her left hand out forming a fiery red swirling barrier against Thanos. T'Challa scrambled to grab at the gauntlet with Rogers pulling on Thanos's other arm.
"Bitch, if you don't blast him!" N'Jadaka thundered at Wanda.
He lowered the Talon Fighter and aimed his sonic blasters at Vision's head, shooting off three rounds that hit the A.I. being with bull's eye precision in the center of his forehead. Vision's skull exploded and the glowing gold mind stone floated in the air.
"Destroy it!" T'Challa yelled.
The shock of N'Jadaka's killshot paralyzed Wanda. Instead of finishing the job as planned, she dropped to her knees and grappled with holding what was left of Vision. The king of Wakanda would've killed her too for being a useless soldier wasting time, however, she jumped to her feet and used her right hand to blast the stone with her powers while using her other hand to keep a shield up separating Thanos from it.
"T'Challa, we have to get the time stone away from him!"
His cousin was already in motion taking advantage of Wanda's glowing shield keeping Thanos at bay as she worked on the mind stone. Bucky jumped onto Thanos's neck using his legs to choke him. T'Challa yanked on the gauntlet with Rogers. Victory looked promising once Thor slammed his hammer into Thanos's chest. T'Challa grabbed for the time stone.
The mind stone lit up into a brilliant, growing blaze of gold power, shattering into bits that precipitated a blinding explosion with a mile-wide radius. The force of the explosion jostled the Talon Fighter.
Their combined efforts weren't enough.
N'Jadaka's heart dropped. Thanos snapped his fingers and a sickening feeling of déjà vu pressed the king's attention into a tiny pinprick. His hands waved over the control panels of the Talon Fighter, and down below he watched Wanda hold off Thanos with both hands. Vision rose to his knees and begged Wanda to kill him. N'Jadaka shook his head, the cool creeping dread of uncertainty washing over him. Hadn't he blasted Vision already to get Wanda on task? Why was he still alive?
T'Challa, Rogers, and Bucky jumped him, but Thanos flung them far away. Too far to get back to him quickly. Something in N'Jadaka's gut told him that was wrong, and he couldn't fathom the eerie sameness flooding his cortex that edged around the wrongness of the situation.
"Bitch, if you don't blast him!" N'Jadaka thundered to Wanda.
Wanda reacted like the situation was odd for her too, but she stared at Vision and began blasting the mind stone. N'Jadaka left the Talon Fighter on automatic pilot and pounced down from the ship's neon blue tracker beam aiming to land on the purple menace himself. He glanced over at Wanda and—
The fuck?
Another Thanos knocked Wanda aside and ripped the mind stone from Vision's forehead. N'Jadaka glanced back down at the ground that rushed toward him, and the second Thanos that looked up at him grinned, then faded away into nothingness, the illusion so real that N'Jadaka felt the shadow cross over his body as he landed with cat-like reflexes. He ran toward the real Thanos like the devil was on his heels. Thanos slipped the mind stone into its place on the gauntlet, even as Thor's hammer sliced through his chest.
"What did you do? What did you do?!" Thor shouted to Thanos.
White smoke puffed around the Infinity Gauntlet which had a burnt and tarnished look to it despite the gleam of the stones themselves.
A wormhole opened with the same greenish-blue smoke Thanos arrived in. It sucked him backward with a rush of air and he disappeared, like a kimoyo avatar winking out. Thor's hammer was no longer lodged in his chest and fell with a thud when the wormhole closed.
Sound left Wakanda.
The quiet drowned out the quick steps of T'Challa joining him.
"Where is he?" T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka shook his head in dismay, uncertain of the moment they were in.
"Is it over?" Okoye asked.
She darted out of the brush surrounding them and T'Challa patted her shoulder.
Wanda wept over Vision. Everyone else looked around bewildered and catching their breath.
"Where'd he go? Thor? Where'd he go?" Rogers asked, holding his busted side with blood pooling on his lip.
Thor only glanced around confused, in a daze like they all were. Okoye dropped down to her rump and gave a weary groan. N'Jadaka looked over the area, uneasy, and sensed the crackling of energy that made him feel off-kilter again.
Bucky stepped forward, staring at his left hand.
"Steve?" Bucky croaked before looking up at all of them.
His left hand became a dark gray blob of smoke that flaked away from his body like campfire ash with his legs following suit. He flopped down onto his face and disintegrated right before them.
"Shit!" N'Jadaka hissed.
They all jumped away like a contagion had been let loose, and clearly, it was because screams rippled across the battlefield. T'Challa reached for Okoye to get her off the ground.
"Up general, this is no place to die," T'Challa said.
Okoye reached for his arm and N'Jadaka's.
"Cuz," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa's hand that held Okoye's arm turned into dark smoke too and flaked away slowly.
"N'Jadaka," T'Challa said, his eyes wide with fear.
N'Jadaka tried to embrace T'Challa to hold him close, to never let him go, but he drifted away on ash and dry wind.
True fear gripped him then. This was how the world ended for half of the universe. A sad floating away in the deepest, quietest, black void. N'Jadaka tapped his kimoyo.
"Close section seventeen."
No one answered him.
"Barrier team, I said close section seventeen!"
A frightened voice answered.
"Kumkani…we are experiencing an anomaly…people are disappearing. I will close the barrier," a man said.
All around them, pieces of dark ash floated, choking the air with grief and shock. N'Jadaka grabbed Okoye's arm and the Talon Fighter pulled them up into its belly. The general took over flying manually and they both scanned the battlefield as bewildered soldiers gawked at people floating away in pieces.
"This cannot be…this cannot be…" Okoyo moaned.
Aliens that hadn't succumbed to the vanishing ran toward their spacecraft and flew away, leaving destruction in their wake.
"Kumkani, I'm ordering soldiers back to our barracks to regroup. Are you and the Black Panther alright?" W'Kabi asked.
"T'Challa is gone!" Okoye wept.
Her voice carried sadness and relief that W'Kabi was still on earth.
"W'Kabi, we'll meet you ten minutes at the regrouping coordinates. We need a muster roll immediately," N'Jadaka said.
His kimoyo lit up. Yani's signature. He exhaled and kept his composure. She was still with him. He tapped another bead to reach Disa.
"Yani, are you and the kids okay?"
The tone of his voice scared Yani. Her image hovered in the air.
"Some of the staff are gone…I don't know what happened to them…"
Sydette shrieked and N'Jadaka thought he would fall through the Talon Fighter.
"Mama! The guard turned into dust!" Sydette cried.
"N'Jadaka, what's happening?" Yani said.
"I can't say for sure yet but the fighting is over. Is Riki okay? Nakia and the baby?"
"We are all here. Is T'Challa with you?" Nakia asked. Her image appeared next to Yani's.
"I'm sorry Nakia…he disappeared in front of me and Okoye."
Nakia covered her mouth. Toussaint was tied around her chest.
"We don't know what has happened to them all, Nakia," Okoye said.
"Is he dead?" Nakia said.
"I don't know," N'Jadaka said.
Shuri's signature lit up his kimoyo and he added her to their call. She looked distraught and teary-eyed.
"My mother told me that Baba Z and Marisol are gone. Most of their staff are gone too. Everyone else is still there in their household. Dante, Twyla, and Bibi are all safe," Shuri said.
"Everyone stay put. Okoye and I are going to meet with our military heads who survived this. I'll convene a meeting with the Council of Elders once I have more intel on what we're looking at nationwide. The outside is doing the same thing, so we can focus on us for now…"
Nakia broke down and Yani held her up.
"Yani, have Noxolo and Aneka take Nakia to the Jabari mountains to be with Auntie Ramonda and Umama. I may not be back tonight, so don't wait up for me with the children."
Yani closed her eyes and touched her lips before she spoke to him.
"N'Jadaka…have you checked on Disa and Joba?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka glanced at his beads. Disa hadn't responded to his call.
"I'm trying to reach them now. Please, everyone, stay strong and together," N'Jadaka said.
He ended the call and frantically typed on his kimoyo.
He couldn't reach Disa or Joba.
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Part 2 of Chapter 74 (Finale) HERE.
Apologies for having to break this up. Tumblr said it went over the limit!
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 73″
Masterlist HERE. 
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"They say she get it from her Mama…
I put that on my own mama, on my hood I look fly, I look good You can't touch my bag, wish you could I look fly, I look too good Put that on my own mama, on my hood…"
Victoria Monet – "On My Mama"
T'Challa lifted his newborn son from his fluffy pram blanket and gently burped him near the wall-sized window of the Sun Room. Nakia fed the baby constantly and after only a week of being alive, Toussaint was fatter and his belly became a round ball that his father liked to tickle.
The deep rich melanin had evened out across his son's body and looking down at the tiny face, T'Challa witnessed a mirror, a version of himself that depended on a family to raise him up the right way. He kissed Toussaint's forehead, then rocked him quietly.
"This is the best place to catch the last rays if you don't want to go outside…"
T'Challa turned to the sound of N'Jadaka's voice.
"Just sneaking in some time with him alone before I go to the ball," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka touched Toussaint's hand and the baby squirmed and grabbed a hold of his cousin's index finger.
"He's strong," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa handed over his son and N'Jadaka cradled the boy much better than he did. Of course, he had more experience with Sydette when she was a baby. But T'Challa learned quickly and studied how N'Jadaka moved with the little one, the natural ease giving him the confidence to do better himself. He still became nervous caring for Toussaint, so the little trips away from Nakia's side helped him shore up his daddy skills. When Shuri had been born, T'Challa had been at university and didn't have an opportunity to care for her as a newborn with so many palace attendants looking after the princess and Ramonda. Like his son, his baby sister had been a precious tiny being that made him too self-conscious about screwing up his interactions. The Black Panther had faced terrors that the mind couldn't conceive, and yet a seven-pound bundle kept him feeling fluttery in the brain and hands.
"Lotta hair," N'Jadaka said, touching a curly loc on the top of Toussaint's head.
N'Jadaka scrunched his face at the baby with various silly expressions making T'Challa laugh.
"You are good with babies," T'Challa said.
"I do alright. You'll get the hang of this cuz. Wait until he calls you Baba for the first time… man, you'll float on cloud nine. When Sydette said that to me, I swear, I must've grown fifty feet taller. Kids…they make life different… make you see things differently if you let them."
"I understand that completely now. I worry that I will be an overprotective father, or worse, a father who allows too much because how can I deny this child's wondrous face?"
"You'll find balance."
"I hope so. I would like to have a relationship with my son the way you do with your children. You are an exceptional father, N'Jadaka."
The king looked into T'Challa's eyes and a humbleness rested there.
"I raise my children the way my parents raised me, with respect, kindness, and plenty of unconditional love. They believed I could do anything I set my mind to and supported me with all of my interests. I felt at ease with them… could talk about anything under the sun and I would always know they had my back. When I had to live in juvie for almost a year, I discovered how blessed I was to have my parents. Even if it was for a short period of time. Some children never know love from the adults that bring them into the world. There's so much suffering for no reason. I cherish all of my memories with them and I try to pass on their wisdom to my kids."
T'Challa reached into the leather pouch that hung around his neck and pulled out some Wakandan currency folded into a neat square.
"Riki paid me this to make another male baby. I was told that Yani explained to him that the father determines the sex of the baby, and he asked for this money back from Nakia so he could give it to me. I am giving it back to you because Toussaint is a lot of work and I can't imagine having another baby too soon. It is your turn to bring in more boys," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka grinned and handed Toussaint back to T'Challa, palming the money in return.
"Yani will decide when that happens, but trust, I am practicing,"
T'Challa cackled and N'Jadaka lowered his head, realizing he revealed too much.
N'Jadaka started humming a little, familiar tune, and T'Challa joined in by softly singing the words to "Lullaby Little One", peering at the snuggled bundle in his arms.
"He is the best of everything that I am," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka glanced up at T'Challa.
"My father is proud of you… of us," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa tilted his head and regarded his cousin's face with curiosity.
"I visit them…my parents…over at Black Creek whenever I need to think about my purpose and my role as king. It calms me. Reminds me of my duty to my family too. Baba loved you with all his heart and he is happy that you and I are together. He said it was the way it was supposed to be. He still watches over you too, Cuz. And your son," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa lowered his head and let out a shuddery breath.
"Hearing that pleases me, N'Jadaka. I feel peace in my heart now that you and I are one."
He looked out over the window view of the kingdom.
"I have made peace with my own father. It has not been easy walking in his shadow. I have laid that burden to rest as you told me. You and I have children to raise and a nation to protect. Tonight is a very important gathering," T'Challa said.
The king gazed at the river below busy with night merchants and leisure boats passing in and out of Birnin Zana's brightly lit port.
"Tonight we watch nations curry favor with us. Niganda's president and the Prime Minister of Mohannda have been acting salty as fuck with our inquiries about border disputes and encroaching on our territory. Canaan and Azania have remained open on everything since the first UDC meeting. Azania has slowly been jockeying for my attention even more since we hosted the inaugural UDC in their country. They would like to host the next meeting at the end of the year. I suggested rotating gatherings as an option, although Canaan would prefer they all be hosted here."
T'Challa grinned.
"It is a sly way of getting into Wakanda twice a year," T'Challa said.
"I know. But we have to appear egalitarian. North Africa is already feeling slighted because I won't let them in yet."
"Tunisia did not help them with their behavior."
"I'll worry about the north later."
"Niganda and Mohannda will be our main troublemakers. They will be all shiny teeth and glowing eyes for you in front of the other nations," T'Challa said.
"Umama reminded me yesterday that shiny teeth don't mean people are smiling at you."
"This is true. You will learn tonight the masks those two countries have worn for centuries when dealing with us. My father kept them at arm's length for over thirty years."
"Time for me to bring them closer."
N'Jadaka checked his kimoyo.
"I'll meet you on the bridge at eight," N'Jadaka said.
The king left him alone and T'Challa gazed at his son. His kimoyos lit up with a pulsing white glow. An urgent signal from Captain America.
T'Challa used a voice command to bring up Steve's floating avatar. The deep creases on the Avenger's forehead and the tight-lipped stare conveyed a grim mood at the Avenger's compound. For a brief moment, Steve glanced down at Toussaint and a faint smile perked up the American's lips.
"Your new son," Steve said.
"That doesn't sound like a Wakandan name."
"It's Haitian. What is going on?"
"We may need your sister's help," Steve said.
"With what exactly?"
"We're in the middle of a delicate situation and if we can't solve it…T'Challa, some invaders arrived and attacked members of our team. Vision… he's in a lot of trouble and we're trying to protect him."
"Zero hour?" T'Challa said.
"I'm praying that it isn't. Can we count on your help if we can't keep him safe here?"
"Our king is prepared to assist," T'Challa said.
"Wanda and Vision were attacked in Scotland. Their assailants were after the mind stone. Please inform King N'Jadaka that we will be in touch again soon."
The fear in Steve's eyes soaked through the avatar. T'Challa ended the call and stared into the eyes of his son.
"You are not even a week old and your Baba and cousin must fight to keep the world whole in order for you to live well."
He pushed back against the cool dread gliding up the base of his neck.
The Avengers were a tight team despite their internal differences. Steve Rogers was frightened and desperate for Wakanda's backing. N'Jadaka needed to get through the night with T'Challa keeping a sharp eye for turncoats. One thing at a time though. Get through the ball and then await any more news from the Avenger's compound.
"Come, my son. Let us return to your mother so Baba can do his job."
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The noble women Yani chose as her Ladies-in-Waiting prepared her fresh make-up after her dinner with N'Jadaka. Zola was a member of the Panther tribe. She had a soft athletic build with fetching eyes and was one of the first Wakandan elites to befriend Yani during her first weeks in the country. She knew all the gossip and schooled Yani about who to watch out for in the close-knit upper classes. Ilana was more guarded. Although she had been friendly toward Yani in the beginning, their friendship was a slow bloom once she became better acquainted. Her gorgeous figure and lush head of thick hair made her a stand out on the noble court, and they shared a love of music and dancing. Yani liked that she was a member of the River Tribe for it gave a nuanced look at nobles from a balanced perspective. Ramonda encouraged her to have all her Ladies from the Panther Tribe, but Yani insisted on a mix and asked Marisol and Twyla to be on her team too. It gave her the ability to have eyes and ears in the wider society since Marisol and Twyla moved outside of the palace. Twyla had her professional Eco-Tourism business and Marisol had accepted an invitation to study in the Temple of Bast while also teaching Candomble at the University of Birnin Zana. If the queen had to have a close team, then she wisely chose the best available to her, and Zola and Ilana were her best investment.
Outside of her own family, the two noble women were generous and protective of Yani as they had been trained to do all their lives if they were lucky enough to be chosen by a queen to serve in the palace. The Court of Nobles vied for positions serving the royal family, and the queen's inner circle was the most coveted placement among the women. Not only were they privy to the inner machinations of the royal family, but they were also closer to snatching up partners of high standing. There was a strict vetting process and it took a full six months to get final approval from the council of elders and the king himself. Part of the vetting process had been eye-opening and a little disconcerting to Yani. The Ladies not only served the queen but they were at the beck and call of the king too within his home, and in the past, Wakandan kings often used the women as their concubines and what the elders called "prep women" if the kings were unmarried. The sexual explicitness of what they would do for the king or queen made Yani's face burn, but it was no different than the lifestyle Ayomide and M'Baku lived high up in the mountains.
Yani studied books in their ancient family library that had illustrations and tales from past rulers, and she confessed to Zinzi and Efetobo in their private consultations that she worried that N'Jadaka's enormous sexual appetite could overwhelm her once she became queen, and she was not one to seek out the help of other women. She was too embarrassed to ask Ramonda and Umama how they dealt with their sex lives. Zinzi calmed her fears and reminded her that every generation of rulers decided how they would work out their domestic household, and that the queen had a lot of pull in nixing anything they weren't comfortable with. Shock sat on her face when she was also told that a queen could have male or female lovers if the king were away for a long time. At least they believed in equal favor.
There was no way N'Jadaka would allow another man to dick down his woman while he was gone. In the ancient books, to keep the queen from becoming pregnant from her temporary substitute, male concubines were made to wear prosthetic dicks designed in the shape of the king's phallus so that the queen's vagina would remember her husband. Yani was shown dildos hollowed out from rubbery pieces of wood from antiquity. She could see where her man's dick came down the bloodline. The Udaku's always had girth and heft.
The ancient sexual proclivities fascinated her, and she found herself questioning her moral conservatism. Once, while Dante allowed her to look at one of N'Jadaka's old computer tablets back when he was Erik Killmonger and she was learning about his family in depth, she stumbled across a hidden file of sex vids. Holed up in her suite, she watched Killmonger have intercourse with various women on his travels. Sometimes there were two or three women at a time. The experience of watching him from angles that she never saw had her sweating, and she soaked plenty of panties rewinding images of him cumming and pleasuring other women.
Yani struggled with her confusion as to how she could dread her man finding another woman to cheat with or replace her, and yet get stimulated and wetter than an ocean seeing him have sex with others. Hearing him moan another woman's name and observing his lovers lose it over him forced her fingers between her legs as her clit beat a rhythm that needed satisfying and moaning of her own. She spent hours watching the vids, not only because she missed Killmonger so much, but because her orgasms were explosive imagining him doing all of that in the flesh, right in front of her. Even when he returned and they struggled to reconnect, Yani would sneak peeks at those vids to satisfy her cravings for him.
Preparing to be his wife was an education that allowed her to look within herself and discover that she had more kinks than she realized.
Exhibitionist. Check.
Anal play. Check.
Bratty submissive. Check.
Humiliation kink. Check.
Roleplaying. Check.
Spanking. Check.
Choking. Check.
Cuckquean? Who knew?
As much as she was dead set against sharing N'Jadaka with Disa in any polyamorous royal union, she tried to understand why complete strangers with her man aroused her, and having him be with Disa bothered her so much. Perhaps it was the impersonal nature of the sex he had with those beautiful women around the world. N'Jadaka was simply fucking and being explicit to satisfy his cravings. There was no love or true affection. Truth be told, Yani sometimes enjoyed that fucking energy more than when they made tender love. Something about the way he manhandled women made her pussy jump. Especially when he slapped them for being disobedient.
Yani knew N'Jadaka found Zola and Ilana attractive. They were enamored with him themselves just as everyone was who came into contact with the king. N'Jadaka was bigger than life in person, and he oozed a dangerous charm that held people enthralled. Yani had grown accustomed to his effect on people. It made her feel powerful in his presence because he doted on her openly. Zola and Ilana did the same to Yani, their affectionate and playful manners touched on a strong sisterhood. They loved the idea of a foreign queen ruling. It shook up the elites and made their lives more interesting. Without N'Jadaka saying anything, Zola and Ilana were always the first to go on the defense for Yani if they caught wind of negative gossip toward her. The Queen's Ladies knew the pedigree and secrets of everyone and cut them to the quick if they said one bad thing about her. Marisol, Twyla, and Disa liked them. So did the children. Especially Joba and Riki. This gave Yani the assurance that she had chosen her confidantes well. They wanted N'Jadaka to succeed because they grew up hearing the stories of Prince N'Jobu and were open to being out in the world instead of hiding behind their protective shields ignorant of everything. The new king ushered in the age of far-reaching Wakandan influence and that ignited their passions for the future.
Zola held out a golden jaguar mask that would cover the top half of Yani's face.
"Do not take this off at all tonight," Zola said.
She helped Yani stick it on her face with the sweet-smelling adhesive.
"Those foreign nations need to be captured by your seductive allure and the mystery you represent," Ilana added, touching up Yani's fresh lipstick.
"This is true," Zola said, stepping back to look at the mask, "A powerful king such as ours will have the world by the balls with you standing next to him looking this captivating."
Yani turned to face the large mirror in her dressing room inside of the king's home. She almost gasped herself looking at her reflection. Zola winked at her through the mirror.
"Yes, that is our queen right there."
Ilana lifted the train for the dress with Zola's help as Yani stood to take in all angles of her reflection. She was stunning and she knew it. Tapping a nervous finger on her engagement ring she turned to her Ladies.
"Tonight, after the ball, I will be with the king," Yani said.
Both women lowered their heads at the mention of N'Jadaka from her lips to show respect for her. They slipped on gold cat-claw finger armor on her index and middle fingers. Umama sent her the family heirloom. The long and deadly-looking finger jewelry was an ancient heirloom that belonged to Queen Tiye and Queen Shuriya. Yani was given a week's long lesson on that woman and having items that belonged to queens the entire country admired was a huge deal. The elder Queen mother explained that Yani would set the new standard for how a queen should be, and to never take any interaction for granted.
"I would like for you both to prepare me for him later. He is under a lot of stress and I want him pampered. Understood?"
"Yes, Princess," they answered in unison.
"Leave me," Yani said.
Zola and Ilana departed the room to wait for her in the spacious living room downstairs. She stared at her image again and then sauntered out toward her bed chamber. Heading to her beautifully carved bureau, Yani pulled out N'Jadaka's smoking pipe that she snuck away from his private bar. She lit it up and rested on her bed, allowing the herb to burn a small cloud of smoke before she puffed on it, settling her mind for a long evening representing the entire country. She wasn't the queen yet, but the palace and the press had begun calling her the consort and she had to be on her best for N'Jadaka and the world.
The chemicals in the plant kicked up in her bloodstream and her breathing became deeper, less shallow, and anxious. She closed her eyes and focused on how she would walk, how she would enunciate her Wakandan well, and use the king's good English when necessary. Her mind drifted and she started chanting an old Wakandan proverb she learned that Queen Tiye was credited in writing. Loosely translated it meant "There is power in the walk and the word", but when recited quickly and under duress, it became a verbal narcotic for Yani to decompress whenever she worried about representing so much power. The niggling fears of not being good enough taunted her despite her assertive pushback.
Going out into the ballroom would be another performance, and as a former singer and social media star, Yani knew how to cultivate the image of a woman in control. This would be a performance of a lifetime, her coming out to the world stage. The herb slowed down the whirring in her brain and chipped away at the self-doubt and nervousness. She chanted the first Queen of Wakanda's proverb over and over until she dozed off into a twilight sleep, sinking deeper and deeper…
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The scent of burning and black smoke stung Yani first before she even noticed the blazing fire. Acres and acres of lush vegetation went up in a fiery red-orange wave of flames that lit up the landscape and blanketed the blue sky above with encroaching darkness from the belching of acrid smoke. Watching the burning fields, Yani expected to see a powerful dragon sweeping down from the sky and lighting up the world. Instead, she spotted the serene figure of a woman torching the earth with fire as her other hand wielded a sharp blade.
Yani put a hand over her nose as the smoke choked her throat and burned her eyes. She coughed, leaned forward, and spit out fire and smoke from her own mouth. Startled, Yani cried out in fear and the woman turned toward her, iron black hair wild around her head like a crown of ebony flames.
"Come burn this with me, gyal," the woman said.
Yani hesitated. The wind had whipped up the flames to towering heights and the heat increased, ready to lick and scorch her skin.
"Fiyahbun for this, not you," the woman said.
She thrust the torch out toward Yani.
"Come, come…step quick. Yuh know mi…come from mi. I hear yuh sing fuh mi—"
"Queen Mary?" Yani said.
"Mi no stranger to mi own pickney. Come. Burn…."
Yani took hesitant steps, unsure if she was dreaming or high from the herb in N'Jadaka's pipe. It felt real. Smelled real. Looked real.
"Ah dou-dou, step strong. Yuh come from strong people. How yuh 'gon stand with that Big Man on the hill walkin' like that?"
Queen Mary sucked her teeth and Yani changed her pace and ground her bare feet sturdy on the earth.
When she reached Queen Mary, she took the torch from her hand.
"This too," Queen Mary said.
Yani grabbed the long shiny cutlass in her other hand and wasn't surprised to see that Queen Mary still had another torch and cutlass in her grasp.
"Feel that weight, gyal? That's the only weight you should have on you from now on. The Big Man on the Hill needs a queen to be his equal. You are that, hear mi? Burn it all."
Yani touched unburned portions of the field, and despite being in the middle of a raging inferno, the fire never touched or singed their skin. But Yani felt the heat from her greatest grandmother's body and witnessed the flames shining in her dark black eyes. Eyes as black as Sydette's… as black as Joba's.
The smoke swirled into a thick blanket blinding Yani's sight, but she kept walking forward with Queen Mary until they passed through to the other side of a pristine beach with water so clear it that made her weep with longing for her old cove. Queen Mary closed her eyes and took a deep breath before flinging her torch and cutlass into the sea.
"Your turn to carry it, Queen Yani. I will rest and watch yuh for always. Be a big woman now. He 'gon need yuh fierceness when him put new babies in that belly and in your hands…"
Queen Mary reached over and placed a warm and gentle hand across Yani's stomach.
"Time will soon come when him need yuh tuh fight for dem babies, hear mi gyal? Him pickney powerful. Your blood mixed with his is so powerful that even your enemies will fear your children. Go back there now, show the world yuh come from mi. Show them how we cut and burn to the ground anyone opposed to us. You are his fire… his true blade…"
The water shimmered as Queen Mary walked across the top of it, no longer burdened with holding down the line. That was Yani's job and she gripped the torch and cutlass with a new confidence, facing the mighty blaze behind her. Walking back through the fire her body sensed a tugging back into bodily consciousness outside of the spiritual and she bolted up from the bed, her fingers clenched around nothing but air. But the sensation of the blade and torch were still there in her grasp. Glancing at her kimoyo, she knew she was late meeting N'Jadaka. She stepped off the bed and rolled her shoulders.
Show time.
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N'Jadaka waited for Yani out at the entrance of the bridge. She was running late, so he parked himself between both palace structures to give her fifteen more minutes before he graced his foreign guests with his presence. From the reports inside the ballroom, the attendees were having a grand old time although they were breathless with anticipation to see the king of Wakanda in all his glory.
The doors to the East Palace bridge entrance swung open and a set of Doras with four Ladies-in-Waiting flanked Yani who made his heart lurch when he saw her fully.
"Fuck," he gasped under his breath.
Marisol and Twyla made up two of the four ladies accompanying Yani and they grinned with knowing at the expression on his face. Even his personal guards made unintelligible sounds with their mouths when the vision of a new-era queen stepped into their midst.
The deep cobalt blue of her gown stole the richest hue of the waters back in St. Thomas. Her lace hood rested across the top of her head but the upper half of her face was covered in a bright gold jaguar lace face mask that enhanced the cat-like appearance she was going for. It was designed exactly the way his Umama's decorative jaguar mask looked, with the sharp cat ears laced with saffron diamonds. The tight corset made the tops of her breasts look like lush fruit while the rest of the gown had a long train that the two extra ladies-in-waiting watched out for as it swept behind Yani a good ten feet long. N'Jadaka's betrothal beads sat snug on her waist and hips.
Stunning burgundy lipstick with gold flecks at the center displayed Yani's plump lips, and her eyes dazzled everyone who gazed at her.
A queen.
N'Jadaka couldn't move. The air had been knocked out of his chest harder than a punch from an enemy. Everyone around them stood in stunned silence and stared at his fiancé with the masked mystique. There was an aura about her that his intuition told him was spiritual in nature. Yani stood in all of her glory, but she also stood on the shoulders of Queen Mary. That energy radiated from her thick and blazing, and it was enough to make Ogum smack N'Jadaka in the back of the head with Bast kicking him in the shin, lowering his right knee for him as he brought himself low to the ground. Holding out a hand towards her, he seized the moment to show the others the love and respect he had for her.
"Queen Yani N'Isiqithi, may I have the honor of escorting you to our first formal gathering together?" he asked.
"You may," she said, holding out her hand.
Most of her long nails sparkled with the colors of the sea with blue crystals at the tips. Fierce-looking finger armor covered the rest. He clasped her hand in his and lifted up from his knee, tucking her warm fingers into the crook of his arm. Chaperones be damned, he was holding his wife's hand.
He paused and looked down into her eyes encased in the exquisite golden half-mask. This woman was his wife. The mother of his children. The woman who held him down from the moment she agreed to be his. His sly and mouthy island girl. The one who could bring him to his knees with just a touch from her hand and a twist of her lips. N'Jadaka was ready to show her off to the world. Two diaspora babies came home to the motherland to rule it together.
He grinned. Oh, to go back in time to the cove on his first day in St. Thomas. To see her naked and swimming in liquid heaven. To know that the moment he heard her voice and laid eyes on her that she was the one to stand with him there. His heart overflowed and he patted her wrist.
"Let's go show these people royalty," he said.
Across the bridge waiting for them, royal drummers kicked off a loud rumble that would announce to the guests that the king had arrived.
"Baby, there will be wolves in sheep's clothing among the crowd," he whispered to her as they traipsed the bridge and stepped into the West Palace.
"I am prepared for them," she said.
N'Jadaka looked at Yani. Her voice sounded different. Fierce. It came out sharp like an oyster knife ready to peel away the soft flesh of mollusks. Her pace matched his and there was a synergy coursing between them that was as thick as a Wakandan winter stew. They were evenly yoked as his Nana would say. She carried a warrior spirit in her steps.
Yani glanced up into his eyes and the sparkle of light from the hall lamps leading to the grand ballroom flickered like torch flames. Ogum shifted in his chest and Bast leaned on his head harder recognizing the power of her ancestors within her.
Lifting his left hand, N'Jadaka greeted T'Challa who waited for them in front of the entrance of the ballroom. Heavily guarded, security was tighter than normal. The thumping of music bled through the doors.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Always," Yani responded.
The giant doors were opened and they were ushered to the top of the stairs that led down to the merriment below. One thousand people stopped dancing, speaking, eating, and drinking right where they stood just to stare up at the top of the landing to gaze upon the dazzling image of King N'Jadaka and his Queen-to-be Yani. He held out Yani's hand to offer her a resting balance as they took their time coming down the steep stairs. Their titles were announced as the royal orchestra played the Wakandan National Anthem with their steps.
N'Jadaka escorted Yani around the polished floor in a wide circle so that all the guests could see them. They rounded the final curve and faced an eager audience that salivated at the sight of them before a roar of applause erupted. T'Challa stood to N'Jadaka's left, his lighter blue robes complimenting the king's outfit. The applause washed over them for eight minutes straight. Yani leaned into him and whispered, "They are hungry for your grace, kumkani."
"Let's give them a show," he said back to her.
He lifted Yani's hand higher and waved a hand for her to step forward and take more of the applause for herself. She took a graceful step forward and hundreds of Wakandan nobles began clapping and singing out Yani's name with pride in their voices. No one had ever seen a consort like her before in all of Africa. He made out a chant that they echoed throughout the ballroom. The Golden Jaguar Queen. N'Jadaka swept his gaze around the entire room. The energy was electrifying. He eased away from Yani to give her more attention and the chanting grew stronger, picked up on by the other foreign guests.
Yani had star power. The grace in her walk and the seductive twist in her hips hypnotized the people there. He would use it to his advantage. She knew she was a weapon and preened before the crowd, accepting their adoration. Holding up his hand to calm the audience, the orchestra kicked into the first real Wakandan waltz of the evening with the sounds of bright horns heralding the arrival of the king. As the thumps from a bass drum pulled in the full percussive section, N'Jadaka slipped his arm around Yani's lower back and also clasped her hand.
They had practiced together sporadically when his schedule permitted, but their times together in St. Thomas dancing around the beach, inside their home, or in the privacy of their old bedroom made their coming together seamless and unrushed. Yani gripped his shoulder and relaxed into his lead hand and he spun her out onto the middle of the ballroom. No one outside of the country had ever seen a Wakandan waltz, but to the king, it was an easy transition from learning how to two-step from his grandfather. He already had the natural dancing gifts of his mother, Califia, and the magnetic grace of his father, N'Jobu, but having Yani on his arm elevated the spectatorship. Yani added sways and small dips that brought him back to Juvay, and he contributed his own touches in his hips and feet from Brazil. The diaspora styles melded with the Wakandan steps. As the drum beats dropped away from a section of the music and the triumphant horns peppered the air, N'Jadaka broke away from Yani and circled around her as the dance called for him to do, and she gathered up the hem of her dress to allow herself to wind her hips and dropped her body low in time to the measured tones of the soulful, full-bodied sound. Her Ladies-in-Waiting, Zola, and Ilana joined with Twyla and Marisol chanting out a call and response that other Wakandan nobles bounced back to them around the ballroom, adding another texture to the mid-tempo orchestral music.
Yani rolled her shoulders and spun around toward the center audience and body rolled her curves, raising her arms in the air as if she were conducting the horns. She spun back around toward him and he was right there to clasp her hand and guide her around the floor once more as the train of her dress looked like a waterfall spilling from her hips. They were joined by other partnered nobles who recognized the signal move to join the king and his betrothed. At least one hundred of the nobles present, who were of the upper echelon in status, were allowed to dance with them. They lined themselves around the king and Yani, moving in tandem to ancient ritualized steps that N'Jadaka had already shown the audience. As all the Wakandan men stepped away from their partners, several women added the new flair that Yani introduced, winding their hips and bending their knees low.
When all the women had their hands in the air like his future queen, N'Jadaka knew that Yani had shifted the culture publicly. The heavenly sounds of strings and harps cued the men for their solo dance moves as the women stood to the side with their hands on their hips in an exaggerated fashion. N'Jadaka took that as a sign for him to cut up in front of everyone. The men around him on the floor gave their best to keep the women from upstaging their king, unfortunately, Yani's demeanor, her dynamic appearance, and the internal swag she carried like body armor rose up like a storm and the women followed her lead and stalked past the men to form the opposing line that became a dance battle as the sexes faced off against one another to execute polished steps. It was over for the men once Yani started dusting her shoulders and the women followed that example by bobbing their heads in a challenging fashion as if to say, "'Sup nigga, whatchu got now?"
N'Jadaka raised his arms up and down to pump up the men and they fell into exquisitely choreographed legwork. He had never been in a fraternity ever, but the king stepped as if he went to an HBCU. The men threw down, exciting the foreign guests. Their flying arms, jumping legs, and the practiced, exaggerated turns of their heads as they raised their communal gaze skyward to welcome their ancient forebears aroused pride in N'Jadaka. He was a Wakandan king and the world would never ever see another like him again until one of his children ascended the throne. He caught a glimpse of Umama, Baba Z, Dante, and Ramonda sitting up high in private seating above the orchestra. Their bird's eye view made him feel good…watched over. Umama and Dante held their hands up waving to the music. In another protected section sat Marisol, Twyla, Zola, and Ilana who watched over Yani, ready to spring into action if she needed anything.
The dancers made all the turns around the floor that went with the music and his favorite part came up next that headed them to the home stretch…the stroll. It was a cool-down the heart rate move that allowed the men to prance one final time as they went to retrieve their partners with a dramatic flourish.
"You betta strut Big Nigga!" Twyla shouted from above.
N'Jadaka dipped his shoulders and pumped out his elbows as he slowly stepped to Yani. She had her hands on her hips and kept her head tilted in a haughty manner. All the woman thrust their chests and shoulders in time to the music awaiting their menfolk.
"Get your queen, kumkani!"
Umama's voice egged him on and he grinned, flashing Yani his dimples. Crispy horns picked back up like a clarion call to greatness. N'Jadaka lived in the moment, twisting his hips and bouncing his shoulders with aplomb. The energy from the men backing him up with bravado flowed through him as he inched his way to his woman.
He stopped in mid-step, staring at Yani for a split second before shaking his head. The music swelled all around him and nudged him to keep stepping, but N'Jadaka could've sworn Yani held a torch and machete in her hands. He blinked and her hands were still on her hips, daring him to be bold enough to take her.
N'Jadaka moved closer so that his body rubbed up against hers and he ran his hands down her shoulders, linking their pinky fingers together while he kissed her cheek in front of the entire gathering. Applause broke out and the nobles made space for the king and his queen to leave the dance floor first. The other elites in the room chanted his name and Yani's, forcing the first smile from Yani that wasn't directed at him. Instead of clasping his hand as they had practiced to walk back to the receiving line in time to the final horn blowing, Yani slid her armored index finger up his chest and pranced around him in a circle before lifting up her hand in a dainty fashion waiting for him to come to her first as she walked away a good three feet.
The Wakandan women howled and stomped their heels, ululations flew over their heads, and the cackle of his own grandmother floated down to tease him of the audacity they were all witnessing.
A queen putting her king in his place?
Never one to ever feel belittled by women he loved all his life, N'Jadaka slid his hands over his perfectly braided locs and swaggered over to Yani with such powerful strides that she immediately acquiesced the moment he towered over her and pulled her head back. He bared his teeth and his betrothed caved first by lowering her eyes from the heat blazing in his.
Yani moved her head from side to side and N'Jadaka kept his eyes on hers, moving his head to thwart her attempts to look away. She stepped backward and he kept walking forward, shepherding her into her rightful position on the receiving line. The waltz music tapered off slowly as Yani lifted her head and pressed her lips against his in complete submission, the eroticism of the moment not lost to the audience.
T'Challa met them on the side, his eyes and neck on constant swivel mode. He leaned in toward the king.
"Cousin, you have given the nobles something to talk about for the rest of the years to come," T'Challa said. "Do you need a break before the meet and greet?"
N'Jadaka shook his head and pulled Yani closer to him.
"Nah, let's feel these people out. You good, baby?"
Yani nodded, unable to speak or keep her eyes off of him.
The orchestra played the greeting march, where the foreign heads of state would walk up to meet the king and consort formally. N'Jadaka tapped an earbud where he could listen to his team fill him in on who was who and to also remind him of anything important to keep any blunders from occurring. He looked down at Yani again.
"You were swinging, girl."
"So were you."
"Do I look sweaty?"
"No. You look very handsome."
Yani reached up and wiped his lips from some of the glitter of her lipstick where she kissed him. Leaders were brought forward and introduced through T'Challa. He was most familiar with many guests from his time of rule. N'Jadaka puffed up his chest and minded his words. Yani became a gracious hostess, saying very little and only offering her hand to a select few to shake when she felt it was necessary. Everyone wanted to talk to her…stare at her up close, but T'Challa and the Doras kept the receiving line moving. She stayed friendly and open to the women and distant to the men, establishing a firm barrier of who could approach her. A soft squeeze or a heavy grip on his arm told N'Jadaka who she was comfortable with, and he stayed vigilant in moving along pushy leaders.
"The President and Prime Minister of Mohannda are up next after this group," T'Challa forewarned as the President and Secretary of State of a small African nation N'Jadaka helped destabilize in Special Forces approached him. Ogum tickled his senses and he rubbed his arm against Yani's to let her know he needed her charms even more.
"We are honored to have this opportunity here in Wakanda with you, King N'Jadaka."
The president was a squat, heavy-set man with a shiny balding head and a British-educated accent.
"Thank you for being here President Obiang. I hope your time among us has been pleasant," N'Jadaka said.
Obiang turned to the statuesque woman next to him who looked like she was ready to scratch the man's eyes out.
"King N'Jadaka, may I introduce to you our Secretary of State—"
"Madame Sacha Furaha. I am truly honored to meet you," N'Jadaka said.
It was less than a decade since he had ever laid eyes on her during a covert mission where he helped kill a brutal dictator. Sacha had sought the presidency after the assassination of her husband who staged a progressive coup to lead their country into true democracy. N'Jadaka was part of the Black Ops team that threw Sacha's husband's murderer out of a chopper right before the C.I.A. helped put in another puppet dictator. He spent several years making discreet, off-the-grid donations to her run for the presidency. The smile on his face showed he was pleased that she had at least made inroads into higher power within her country. His openness startled her, and Obiang. Yani interjected with her sweet voice.
"Madame Furaha, I have been so impressed with your work on the U.N. child advocacy program. I would love to speak with you at a later date about co-paneling a talk for the East African Health Summit this winter," Yani said.
Obiang and Sacha regarded Yani with open-faced wonder.
"King N'Jadaka has been keeping me abreast of West African nations that support world health issues for mothers and babies, and my work with the UDC is about to expand next year. I'm so happy that you were able to come to Wakanda so I could meet you in person."
Yani patted N'Jadaka's arm, giving the conversation back to him. He studied Obiang's face to see if the entry point he needed to connect with Sacha publicly was acceptable.
"I am so surprised and pleased that you would like to contact me in the future Princess Yani. I didn't know King N'Jadaka was aware of my work," Sacha said.
Obiang chomped at the bit to be included in the conversation. Lines appeared on his forehead and his jaw became tight. N'Jadaka made eye contact with Sacha.
"Princess Yani is a strong advocate for maternal health. I'll have her set up a time for you both to speak before your departure on Sunday," N'Jadaka said.
He gave Yani a look and she offered her hand to Sacha.
"I look forward to meeting you again soon," Yani said.
Sacha shook Yani's hand gently and seemed touched when the princess placed her other hand on top in a sign of true sincerity. N'Jadaka regarded the president once more.
"President Obiang, it's been a pleasure. Thank you both for being here…"
T'Challa ushered them along and Obiang glanced back trying to get N'Jadaka's attention for more speaking time, but the king of Wakanda looked away.
"Smooth as silk, Yani," N'Jadaka said.
He rubbed her lower back
"I'm sure you'll tell me later what that was all about," she said.
"Yep. For now, just know that you have blessed Sacha with the upper hand. Obiang knows that she has favor with you and will give her more leeway in their country because he sees that I talk to you about world affairs. He wants to get to me but can only do so through her at this moment. That'll keep him from sacking her. They're political rivals and their country is in turmoil again."
"Tell me what you want from her and I will get it."
"I know you will," he said, lowering his mouth near her ear. "If it all goes the way I want with your help, you and I just met the new President who will replace Obiang in their next election. I owe her," N'Jadaka said.
"N'Jadaka…" T'Challa whispered.
President Mubiri of Mohannda took hard footsteps to approach N'Jadaka. He wore an imposing military uniform decorated with plenty of colorful chest candy denoting his high ranking. All of his stars and bars indicated years of being in the Mohanndan service. Mubiri carried the ferocious energy of a warlord hellbent on bending Wakanda to his will. Tall, paunchy in the belly but strong in the chest, the dark brown skin and thick dark beard sprinkled with a few grays that defied the obvious dye job didn't take away from his formidable presence. Mubiri's Prime Minister had the long face and demeanor of an angry ram ready to butt heads with N'Jadaka at a moment's notice. Unlike the other guests, the men had their wives walking behind them. Their shiny eyes peered over their husbands' shoulders dying to get a look at Yani and him.
Yani shifted her feet and pressed her warmth into N'Jadaka's side. Mubiri had her a tad anxious, even more so when T'Challa narrowed the distance between himself and his king.
"President Mubiri, welcome," N'Jadaka said, extending his hand.
Mubiri glanced down at the friendly offer as if the Wakandan king carried shit on his hands, but he clasped sturdy fingers over N'Jadaka's and pumped them up and down pretending that he was pleased to meet him. N'Jadaka dropped his hand and turned his attention to the second sour-faced man.
"Prime Minister Ony…gentlemen, First Lady Mubiri and Lady Ony, this is my betrothed, Princess Yani," N'Jadaka said.
Both men regarded Yani with open, hateful lust, but gave her forced smiles. Their wives kept quiet but held their gaze on Wakandan royalty. The tension was excruciating. Even the Doras glared at the men ready to lift their sonic spears if the king gave a cursory signal to destroy them.
The male Mohannda delegation hated Wakandans down to the marrow of their bones. It was little wonder they were in cahoots with Niganda to try and bring down the kingdom that had always bested them for thousands of years. Their hatred extended out from them like sharp claws against N'Jadaka's skin.
"We have observed many amazing sights in your country King N'Jadaka, but I do believe I have never seen anything lovelier than this woman next to you. Princess Yani, I enjoyed watching you during the waltz. I myself am not much of a dancer, but I would so like to share a dance with you later this evening… with the king's permission of course," Mubiri said in a softer tone.
The slick words were intended to get N'Jadaka's hackles up, but he ignored the attempt. Yani simply looked over the president's shoulder toward the next foreign guests waiting to meet the king. The slight made Mubiri's smile slide open wider revealing overly whitened teeth. He wasn't accustomed to being ignored by a woman. Ony cleared his throat and tried to wrangle Yani's attention back to them.
"My love, the other guests are waiting," Yani said, touching an ear on her jaguar mask.
"Enjoy the rest of your evening," N'Jadaka said.
Yani pretended to be bored and glanced at the audience instead of the Mohanndans. Mubiri and Ony moved away in a huff.
"Lady Ony, Madame Mubiri, I love your headwraps. The colors are beautiful," Yani said as the women crossed her path behind their husbands.
Both women stopped and gawked at Yani, pleased that she had spoken to them.
"Thank you so much, Princess Yani. Your dress is gorgeous and your staff has been wonderful. We loved the flowers your office sent to our accommodations," Madame Mubiri said, her words gushing out like a thrilled teenager instead of a middle-aged woman.
President Mubiri spoke harsh words in Mohanndan under his breath and his wife scurried away from Yani with Lady Ony at her side.
"You sent them flowers?" N'Jadaka asked.
"Mmhmm. I had my staff deliver bouquets to all the women dignitaries from the royal garden. The new blooms are in and they will never have an opportunity to see the variety of species we have this fresh."
T'Challa leaned into N'Jadaka.
"President Kojo Tetteh and the First Lady of Ghana are next," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka looked into his cousin's eyes because his voice sounded tight and on the defensive. He glanced at the approaching couple and his stomach dropped.
"Oh shit," N'Jadaka said a little too loud.
Yani turned her head to see what the fuss was about and N'Jadaka braced himself to not give away anything when his former lover—and T'Challa's—sauntered their way with her popular husband.
Princess Vivienne Grimaldo, nee First Lady Vivienne Tettah still had her golden almond skin and the silky black tresses that made her a knockout. There were a few age lines near her mouth and the corner of her eyes, proof of her Monacan French heritage from her father's side of the family, but she carried the glimmers of her Senegalese heritage with her beauty.
President Tettah plastered a generous smile across his thick lips and paused in his steps when his wife halted suddenly and stared at the king.
"Erik Stevens?" Vivienne blurted in shock.
T'Challa fixed his attention on N'Jadaka as a slowly dawning realization crawled across his face.
"You're that Erik?" T'Challa said.
"What's going on?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka calmed the worry in her voice by squeezing her hand that brushed against his. T'Challa recovered quickly and shifted his body toward his cousin.
"Kumkani, may I present to you…President Tettah and First Lady Vivienne Tettah," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka offered his hand to Tettah while his wife drilled holes into his face with her brash stare.
"Pleased to finally make your acquaintance King N'Jadaka," Tettah said.
Vivienne tossed her head back, laughed out loud, and then clapped her hands together, bouncing her gaze between the two Wakandan cousins.
"I knew it! I knew it!" Vivienne cackled.
She clutched at her husband's wide arm.
"Darling, I met Erik years ago when I dated T'Challa in university. He worked for Tony Stark when he was still a teenager and visited the palace. He went from an intern to a king. What a remarkably small world!"
Vivienne reached out and gave T'Challa air kisses on both cheeks and stood back next to Tettah catching her breath from the fast clip of her words. She couldn't hide the gleam in her excited eyes from watching his every move. Tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, Vivienne had a difficult time trying to stay cool and collected in front of him with her husband in the mix.
"My God, you look amazing Erik…pardonne-moi… King N'Jadaka."
"May I introduce my fiancé, Princess Yani," N'Jadaka said, maintaining his calm exterior.
Yani stared at Vivienne whose overbearing familiarity broke protocols.
"Welcome to Wakanda," Yani said to Tettah in formal Wakandan.
She held up her hand and tilted her wrist. Tettah snapped up the opportunity to touch Yani, unlike other men who were on the receiving line. Once he cradled her hand, his entire disposition and focus shifted. Vivienne watched her husband turn into a heart-eyed fan gazing into Yani's eyes. A smirk washed over her lips as she admired Yani's attire and half-mask.
"You are so beautiful, Princess Yani. Congratulations on your engagement to the king," Vivienne said.
Yani looked at N'Jadaka and he smiled. She was going to pretend to not understand English to catch him in some mess. Her keen observational skills caught the awkwardness of T'Challa and his own stilted interaction. He spoke to her in Wakandan, playing along with her charade.
"Thank you," Yani said in English, taking in the First Lady's demeanor with proper reserve.
Vivienne studied Yani from head to toe before settling on N'Jadaka again.
"Do you keep in touch with Tony? We ran into him last year in Europe," Vivienne said.
The curtness in his voice made Vivienne lift an eyebrow in surprise.
"He still talks about you. Did he even know you were royalty back then?"
"Please forgive my wife, King N'Jadaka, we do not want to take up too much time in the line," Tettah said, growing uncomfortable with his wife's informal behavior.
Vivienne glared at her husband, then glanced at T'Challa and N'Jadaka.
"My husband is right. We can catch up later on tonight. Princess Yani, I would love for you to visit Ghana for high tea. My oldest daughter is attending boarding school in the fall and I'm planning a wonderful send-off with other First Ladies in our region," Vivienne said.
N'Jadaka wasted time translating again and Yani nodded in feigned understanding, then offered her hand to Vivienne.
"Wonderful, wonderful! I have so many questions for you and I would love to be considered for any outreach you are planning in West Africa. I also have some pull in Monaco through my family. I am at your disposal. Wakanda is the future of the continent and Ghana is ready to support you on the world stage."
N'Jadaka continued translating.
"Agreed!" Tettah said, still under Yani's spell. "Ghana was the first African nation to free itself from the yoke of colonization. We were a great example for the rest of the colonized. But today, Wakanda will liberate us from the West forever. God willing."
T'Challa placed his hand on Tettah's shoulder and held out the other to show them past the king. Vivienne walked away giddy and N'Jadaka took a deep breath.
"I see chapters of our lives overlapped," T'Challa said with a grin on his face.
"She is a princess?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka nodded. T'Challa swiped a nervous hand over his forehead.
"A princess and my ex. Thank Bast Nakia wasn't here. Those two hated each other," T'Challa said.
"Did N'Jadaka sleep with her after you broke up?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka coughed. T'Challa's face went blank.
Yani slid her arm around N'Jadaka's as the last groups of dignitaries queued up to meet them.
"Both of you looked funny when she approached us, and I can always tell when N'Jadaka has messed around with a woman. He can't hide nothin' on his face when it comes to his dick," Yani said.
T'Challa and N'Jadaka both coughed loudly to drown out Yani's words as the President and First Lady of Angola greeted them. N'Jadaka was happy to speak Portuguese and move past any more Vivienne inquiries. Every few seconds T'Challa would look at him and they would both fight back the giggles that rested in their guts. There was nothing worse than an old baddie showing up in front of your woman. N'Jadaka handled himself with dignity and Yani seemed more amused than annoyed by once again having his past thrown in her face. It wasn't his fault that an old jump-off married a president invited to the king's ball.
Glancing over to the west side of the ballroom, he noticed Vivienne looking flustered as she gulped down a large glass of champagne. Scanning the guests, all eyes were on him and Yani. He shook hands with his final guests and guided Yani by her elbow to their front table. The orchestra sprang into action and hundreds flocked to the giant dance floor. Zola and Ilana brought them drinks and snacks as Marisol and Twyla took their new seats beside them to observe the excitement in the room.
Every foreign guest was drunk with the enchantment of Wakanda.
N'Jadaka and Yani nibbled on tasty finger foods and the best wines brought in from Birnin S'Yan. T'Challa stood at attention overseeing their safety. When she was ready, N'Jadaka escorted Yani around to mingle with the nobles and spend more time chatting with guests she liked. Her Ladies-in-Waiting cocooned her in a protective half-circle while she spoke with the high society who adored her and shunned the ones who wished her ill. He watched Zola and Ilana whisper in her ear. It pleased him to see that two of the most beautiful women of the elite were at their service. Their eyes were always coquettish and slightly downcast when he gazed at them directly, but they hid none of their fawning over his princess. They doted on her and cherished every second spent with their new queen. Smitten with her island ways and warmth, Zola and Ilana became Yani's champions. They cultivated a careful friendship with her that moved into a closeness that made N'Jadaka feel at ease in his heart. Yani wanted and needed more friends in Wakanda. Disa had her own life and Twyla was a busy married woman. Marisol spent more time at the Temple of Bast and away from the palace, and this left Yani alone most days. Zola and Ilana helped Yani transition back to the palace from her lake villa and he was grateful for that.
He watched them laugh together, hold hands, and gossip like old hens. It gave him the peace of mind to leave the country and know that she was cared for by women who wanted her to win with pure hearts. Zola and Ilana became his home assistants as he also made the adjustment of preparing for life as a married man with a house full of women who catered to his whims and spoiled his wife. Yani earned that soft life. The Ladies managed every aspect of Yani's day. From coordinating her daily outfits, doing her hair and make-up, preparing her baths, and organizing her social affairs in and outside the palace, their impact maintained Yani's life as a well-oiled machine. They kept in constant contact with N'Jadaka's personal assistants in the West Palace to coordinate any appearances with Yani out in public. They were her messengers and spies. Most days it felt like having a second set of Doras guarding his wife.
"She is really something."
The voice near his ear was full of admiration, but N'Jadaka put up mental defenses.
Mubiri sipped on a glass of plum liquor and his eyes darted about to see how close the Doras and T'Challa stood from their king. N'Jadaka had no fear of anyone in the ballroom. They would be obliterated the moment they attempted anything, probably by his hands rather than anyone else. The joke floating throughout the palace was that the Doras were there to protect people from N'Jadaka rather than the other way around.
Yani had passed by a group of nobles and headed to another area with her entourage to speak to other guests that fluttered around her like butterflies seeking nectar. He couldn't stop staring at her himself. An elegance shrouded her with so many admirers.
"How did a hard brute like you ensnare a beauty such as that one, eh?"
Mubiri swirled the strong liquor in his glass waiting for N'Jadaka to answer.
"She likes a roughneck with plenty of finesse I guess."
"Finesse indeed, because for the life of my dearly departed mother, I cannot imagine how you were able to take the throne of Wakanda."
"I am an Udaku. That's how."
"The most dangerous one they've ever had," Mubiri said, chugging down the last of his drink.
N'Jadaka shrugged and cut his eyes toward Mubiri's Prime Minister. Ony slinked over, blocking the view of Yani. T'Challa lingered within earshot.
"I will not mince words, King N'Jadaka. Our countries are enemies—"
"Tell me how you really feel—"
"Do not stand here and hide your disdain with smug remarks," Mubiri hissed.
T'Challa stepped forward and N'Jadaka jerked his head for him to fall back.
"Listen, Mubiri, you can hate my country all you want, but you'll never have us under your thumb, no matter how much you whine like a bitch to the U.N. and Niganda."
Ony thrust his chest out and barked, "Watch your tongue!"
A few guests turned their way and N'Jadaka pretended to laugh at a joke and slapped a strong hand on Ony's back.
"Your land claims are bullshit, just like Niganda's. And don't think I'm not aware of all the trash-talking you've been doing to the U.S. Vice President. You've seen what my country has. No other nation can defeat us. I suggest you mind your business and be grateful I'm not like y'all, bullying other countries to make myself look tough. I could easily come up with my own land claims and take back an entire shoreline on your coast if I felt like it. My great grandparents from way back were generous in not wiping your people out…expanding Wakanda when your country conducted raids to steal our women to repopulate your nation. Centuries of wars you've started have made you weak, stupid, and desperate," N'Jadaka spat out with an acidic tongue.
A bitter laugh flew from Mubiri's mouth and he sneered at T'Challa.
"It's only a matter of time before the shine of your country wears off. There are forces coming together to put you in your place. All I have to do is sit back and watch," Mubiri growled through clenched teeth.
N'Jadaka rolled his neck and took a bold step so that he was face to face with his enemy neighbor.
"Think I won't whoop your ass in front of all these people?"
"President Mubiri, I do believe you asked for a dance earlier."
Mubiri jumped at the touch of Yani's hand on his arm. He stepped aside giving the princess room to stand with them.
"Princess Yani," Mubiri said, becoming flustered with her presence.
Yani glanced at N'Jadaka, already sensing that he was ready to throw hands. The man talked tough trying to see if a new king could be bullied, and N'Jadaka was not giving him any satisfaction. T'Challa would've maintained a polite control, but the son of Califia was about that life and he didn't care if he made an international incident in his own home.
Yani deescalated the tension and disarmed Mubiri with gentle fingers clasping his calloused hands and pulling him toward the dance floor. Ony followed them to watch and T'Challa nudged N'Jadaka's arm.
"We should keep Yani around all the time. He's like a candle doused with water now," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka kept an eye on Yani. She made a power move to defang Mubiri before her king showed out and spoiled the jovial mood in the ballroom. In a corner, the president of Niganda watched him, ready to pounce if the Mohannda delegation became bold in public.
"I'll let her work her magic," N'Jadaka said.
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The king of Wakanda's mouth was in the shape of a weapon, and Yani recognized the signs that he was about to break another man in half. It was the way his shoulders tilted forward and his leg stance grew wide. Visibly he looked like a king cobra snake in attack mode and the rattle drew her attention to him.
A heaviness in Yani's hands reminded her of the words of Queen Mary and she clucked her tongue and her entourage gathered behind her as she moved like a cool wind across the ballroom. Eyes fell upon her trek toward the king and the circle of venomous men who surrounded him doing a poor job of keeping their voices down. Her confident strides had her gliding like an angelic vision in front of a thousand eyes. Having her Ladies-in-Waiting backing her up gave her presence added weight of a queendom on the come-up.
The sharp glint of N'Jadaka's gold teeth warned of bloodshed. Yani slid a soft touch onto Mubiri's silk sleeve. Wakanda's king glanced at her and the eyes watching her held others in his gaze. She arrived in a nick of time.
The tension in Mubiri's arm liquefied under her hand. She curled her fingers around the snarling wolf and pulled him away from N'Jadaka.
"President Mubiri, I do believe you asked for a dance earlier."
With her free hand, Yani dismissed her Ladies as Mubiri conceded her lead and followed her steps toward the dance floor. The orchestra played a wonderfully playful song that didn't require a lot of movement, so they swayed to the sounds keeping the proper bodily distance that prevented them from being pressed together, but close enough to speak privately.
"Have you been enjoying the ball?" Yani asked.
"More so now that we get to share a dance, princess. Wakanda is a wonder of the modern world—"
"You hate us."
Her words lingered in the air and Mubiri chuckled under his breath.
"My ire is not with you, Princess Yani, nor the Wakandan people at large. Your ruling family has never been fair to Mohannda nor Niganda."
"Correct me if I am wrong, President Mubiri, but your country signed treaties with Wakanda a long time ago and then broke them over and over again for centuries. How can you expect our people to trust you when you stab us in the back all the time?"
Mubiri's eyes narrowed and his hand on her back jammed harder into her fancy corset.
"Women shouldn't speak on politics. It is not becoming."
"I'm not just any woman. I am the king's consort. Threats against the royal family mean that your hate is directed at my children. N'Jadaka and I share three beautiful heirs."
Yani ran her left hand away from Mubiri's elbow and inched her index and middle finger up along his arm towards his neck, tracing the sharp points of her finger armor onto his visible skin. She pushed the points of the armor into the soft flesh that protected his carotid artery.
"King N'Jadaka's grandmother gave me these beautiful pieces of finger jewelry. Did you know that in ancient times, Wakandan queens wore poison-tipped claws on every finger? If they were ever captured or kidnapped, they could puncture the skin of their enemy and kill them within ten seconds without anyone knowing what happened. Blink, and yuh dead. This set I have on belonged to Queen Tiye, the first queen of Wakanda. Queen Mother said there's still poison inside these tips. There's a teeny, tiny triggering mechanism that works on how much pressure I apply…see how I have them jabbed in your throat? One slight move and a deadly liquid, like snake venom, could be released into your vein and stop your heart from beating."
Mubiri swallowed, and his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. His body became stiff and his breath shallow. Yani gave him a wide smile.
"I know men like to act all tough with one another, but hear mi man, I tell yuh this one time. Yuh come for mi king and I will come fuh you. Understand?"
"This is not right. You physically threaten a president in public?" Mubiri sputtered.
His lips turned into a snarl as irritation poured across his facial expression.
"Threaten mi blood and I will burn your whole country down. Don't test we…got it? It's better to get that message from me all quiet and polite rather than losing your life in a nasty way in front of all of these people by his hand."
A gleam spread in Mubiri's eyes. Whatever sourness had been there switched into something like secret laudation.
"Charming…beautiful…deadly," Mubiri uttered with a stronger breath.
He pulled her deadly fingers away from his neck, careful not to get poked by accident.
"If your betrothal doesn't work out Princess Yani, look me up. I could use a second wife like you."
"I don't walk behind my husband."
"I would have you in front of me… a tigress leading me."
"I belong to the Panther Tribe and to that king over there," Yani said, glancing over at N'Jadaka who regarded her with serious interest.
Mubiri cradled her hand and lowered his face to kiss the fragrant skin above her knuckles. His lips lingered a little too long and when he released her hand, his eyes shined with arousal.
"I should like to have had you scratch me with one of those claws, just to experience your wrath. Another time then, hmmm? King N'Jadaka is a lucky man indeed. I look forward to seeing you crowned their queen. You are quite a jewel in their treasure trove."
Yani wiped the back of her hand on her dress and sought out the company of the Council of Elders as she made her rounds again to greet honored guests at their tables. Mubiri stayed away from N'Jadaka and mingled with other presidents.
"W'happen?" Twyla asked once they were away from the dance floor.
Yani took deep breaths to control the anger that rested in her belly. No matter where they were in the world, men would always try to gain access to women for their own use.
"I let that man know that I would kill him if he threatened my family again," Yani said.
"He threatened you?" Marisol said, slamming down her glass of champagne.
Yani pulled Marisol back from throwing hands on her behalf. Zola and Ilana stared at her flabbergasted. Flashing her finger armor at them, gesturing for them to move in closer, all the women circled around to keep prying eyes and ears away.
"The Mohanndans and the Nigandans aren't hiding their hands at all. I told President Mubiri I would burn his country down myself if him harm the royal family."
Twyla covered her mouth to stifle a giggle.
Ilana shook her head in a daze.
"The Mohanndans are very sexist and mean. They treat their women like we are still in the stone age. Princess Yani, this will harm your pristine reputation with those people. He could use your threat as grounds for more aggression," Ilana said.
"That wasteman told me he would marry me if N'Jadaka doesn't. I don't think he's worried about ruining my reputation… more like enhancing his. He's an ass."
"What will you tell the king?" Zola asked.
Ilana and Zola had stress lines on their foreheads and chewed on their lips that were twisted up in concern.
"I will say nothing here unless he asks," Yani said.
"What do we do now?" Marisol asked.
"For now, I'll continue to socialize. But all of you keep your guard up. I have a feeling Mubiri and others are checking for new allies here who are against N'Jadaka's rule."
Yani studied the ballroom layout and took note of the groupings of countries based on regions and common interests. She squared her shoulders.
"Come, I think it's time I let Niganda know what I'm about," Yani said.
She snatched a glass of champagne from a passing attendant and swept her way over to the First Lady of Niganda.
"Madame First Lady Rakotomalala," Yani said, offering her hand, "I am sorry that the receiving line cut our time short to speak."
"Please, call me Onde."
Onde's smile was warm, friendly, and much too open for Yani to trust right away as being sincere. However, there were many men she had met at the ball who had wives opposite them in personality and politics.
"I saw you dancing with President Mubiri. Quite a character, isn't he?" Onde said.
"He is."
Yani glanced over toward N'Jadaka. T'Challa had left his side and he stood flanked by Baba Z and an older crowd of men from South Africa.
Onde wasn't shy with her stares. At least sixty years of age, and quite the looker still with her elegant stature and flamboyant sea foam green ballgown, Niganda's first lady exuded power and prestige.
"You are so young. I think you may be one of the youngest queens of any monarchy still left around the world," Onde said.
She held out her glass of bubbly to Yani's glass and they clinked them together. After sipping and sniffing around each other, Onde stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Yani and watched the dancing and other activity in the giant room.
"How are the other wives treating you?" Onde asked.
"They treat me well."
"Good. You are the talk of the entire ball. King N'Jadaka is quite the topic of conversation too, but you my dear… I do not envy the position you are in. Everyone here, even the Wakandans, chatter on about what kind of queen you will be. You seem quite popular with the younger crowd."
"And the older?"
"Still feeling you out because of your youth."
"What do you think of me?"
"Not sure. I have read up on you. Your background is so interesting. I like what I have learned and I am excited to see what King N'Jadaka's reign will be like for my country."
"I like how people here don't pretend with fake conversations. You all say what's on your mind."
"The King of Wakanda has made that possible. He doesn't play with his words, so no one else should either…"
Onde turned to greet Vivienne who snuck up on them from the rear.
"Onde, darling!"
Vivienne gave Onde air kisses and planted herself in the center of their group.
"This has been one of the best events I've been to on the continent since…maybe President Jabavu's coronation three years ago," Vivienne enthused.
Onde laughed and waved her hand at the memory.
"I drank too much and my husband vowed to never allow me out again, all the dancing we did hurt his feet. I had too much fun," Onde said.
"Have you danced since you've been here?" Vivienne said.
"I will later. The music is wonderful, but I want to enjoy all the sights inside this ballroom. It is exquisite. The architecture is so unusual. I loved the tour of the royal paintings, and that palace garden is to die for…"
A server walked past carrying a large tray of finger foods. Onde's eyes followed the tray and Yani giggled. Onde glanced at her, grinning at being caught salivating. Yani waved the server back over to them. Onde picked up a small, savory beef patty that Yani added to the ball menu. All the women did the same. Snacking together made Onde relax and they all chatted for a full twenty minutes before President Rakotomalala sauntered over with piercing eyes to retrieve his wife. Onde stuffed another beef patty in her mouth and licked her fingers. She touched her husband's shoulder and turned to Yani.
"Princess Yani has been a lovely hostess. I've learned so much. I think we should have her as a special guest for the Melon Festival," Onde said, touching Yani's arm.
The idea didn't please Rakotomalala. His burly frame and hard mahogany face didn't hide his distaste. Onde ignored the chilly reception.
"Men, I swear, they act like they can't set aside differences. This is why there should be more women running things in the world," Onde quipped.
"King N'Jadaka says that all the time," Yani said with pride.
"Smart man. We need more like him," Onde said.
"Thank you for your invitation to visit Niganda. I have never been to a Melon Festival before…it sounds like a lot of fun," Yani said.
"Oh, you will love it! We have so many varieties and…malala, what is it?" Onde said, staring at her husband.
"There are some people I want you to meet. Please excuse us," Rakotomalala said, whisking his wife away.
Vivienne snickered.
"Well done, Princess Yani. That is the most I've heard that woman speak in ages," Vivienne said.
"She is actually quite nice. With all of the bad blood between our nations right now, I'm surprised she would be that inviting," Yani said.
"Well, you are quite engaging. I'm glad that we can speak without an interpreter."
Yani grinned.
"I like how you move. You have a knack for making friends quickly. I should hope that could happen for us," Vivienne said.
Vivienne looked out upon the crowd.
"It's not easy coming into a world like this. I was told that you come from a humble background, but you are very skillful in navigating the unknown."
"I have plenty of experience working around all kinds of people. Even dangerous ones," Yani said.
"I see. Believe it or not, Onde is a shark, and you handled her like a pro. The Nigandans pretend to hide in the shadows of Mohannda… just like Cannan and Azania. Women in these parts are always the hidden hand propping up their husbands. It's why they fear your country."
"You are the new wild card. An unknown quantity. At least with Queen Ramonda and Queen Niyilolawa, African leaders knew where Wakanda stood. Now that we know what you really are, nothing is the same. I've been dipping around getting all the dirt in here. These people are rattled by you and N'Jadaka."
"You knew him as Erik."
"I did."
Yani's Ladies-in-Waiting stepped away as the princess took over an empty table near an ancient sculpture of Sekmet.
"He's so grown up now," Vivienne said.
She sighed and looked Yani in the face.
"When I first met him in my country, I suspected he was royalty. We hung out for a weekend with Tony Stark and I introduced him to my friends. God, he was so young and green compared to now!"
Vivienne laughed and tapped her fingernails on the table.
"Tony Stark thought highly of him. I always wondered what happened to N'Jadaka. Never knew he was related to T'Challa. Crazy times. I thought at one point that I would marry T'Challa and become the queen of Wakanda, but back then, my parents did not want me to be the queen of goat herders. Fate played a cruel trick when we broke up. How are Nakia and their new baby?"
"Do you know her?" Yani said cautiously.
"We were frenemies…no, that's a lie. She never liked me and I ignored her. T'Challa always thought I hated her, but she was just standoffish. Probably jealous. King T'Chaka respected me, but he never wanted me for his son. Ramonda was indifferent and I promise you, that was worse."
Vivienne gestured for a server to hand her a glass of wine.
"It's hard being an outsider in the motherland," Vivienne said.
She drank deeply and wiped under her lip when a bit of red wine trailed down. Yani noticed throughout the evening that Vivienne drank a lot.
"My mother comes from old royal birth lines in Senegal. She's Wolof. Highly educated and a visionary for her time. She married a foreigner and became thrust into a new monarchy. My family wanted me to marry a European with influence, but I wanted to come back to Africa…reverse the migration and come back to my roots. Unfortunately, I am considered a "toubab", a white person. The Alex Haley thing didn't work for me exactly."
"How did you meet your husband?"
"I returned home from Senegal and took a trip to London. T'Challa and I broke up while he was in school there, and ironically, he introduced me to his classmate at the London School of Economics. We hit it off and a few years later, I have three children and became the First Lady of Ghana. A happily ever after."
"Is it weird being with someone that your ex hooked you up with?"
"No. By the time we broke up, I was finally over the Prince of Wakanda."
Her eyes lit up and Yani turned her head.
N'Jadaka approached the table and sat down next to Yani.
"Did you come to see what secrets I may be spilling about your time with Tony?" Vivienne said.
N'Jadaka waved over a server and picked up a small glass of plum liquor.
"Nah, just needed a break," N'Jadaka said.
Yani touched his face. Already she could tell that the ball was draining him. He could go for several hours around a large crowd, but then he became antsy to leave and be on his own. N'Jadaka kissed her hand and glanced over at Vivienne.
"It's good seeing you again," he said.
Vivienne looked around the ballroom.
"Where is T'Challa?" Vivienne asked.
"I sent him home to be with his new baby."
"He and Nakia must be so proud."
"They are. I hear you have three rambunctious ones at home. Your husband showed me pictures," N'Jadaka said.
"They are amazing and I wouldn't change one wild hair on their heads. What about you?"
N'Jadaka tapped his kimoyo and a recent picture of Sweet Pea, Dumplin, and Sunshine popped up.
"Look at that!" Vivienne said with delight.
"You still running through people's pockets with your poker hands?" N'Jadaka asked.
Vivienne chortled and pointed at him.
"You kind sir were the Oakland card shark. Did he ever tell you how he won four million on one poker game with my uncle in Monaco?"
"No," Yani said.
"He beat me out of half a million and used it to bankroll his next hand against three royal heirs. Then he played against a Saudi king and walked away with a cool twenty million. The palace still talks about that night and my uncle dreams of playing you again. How much of that money did you spend?"
"Gave a lot of it away to family and charities," N'Jadaka said. "The bulk of it I put into a trust for my grandfather overseen by my Uncle Bakari."
Vivienne's face turned stern. Yani gazed across their table and caught Madame Ony, First Lady Mubiri, First Lady Rakotomalala, and a few other women from Canaan and Azania moving as one unit toward a table filled with women outsiders.
N'Jadaka peeped the gathering of the herd. Vivienne leaned forward.
"Erik, you must move with stealth around these people. My husband and I support you one hundred percent because we see the vision you promote. But Ghana is just one unwavering ally for you," Vivienne said.
President Tetteh cruised by the table as a jazzy tune filled the air. He scooped up Vivienne to dance. Before she became a speck on the dance floor, she glanced back at Yani.
"Princess Yani, stay true to yourself. You have what it takes to influence the hidden hands."
N'Jadaka scooted his chair closer to her and his Doras blocked access to them.
"What did she mean by that?" he asked.
"She knows I can handle myself around all of these people."
They held hands.
"Are you tired, love?" Yani asked.
He nodded.
"Let's do one more cruise around the room and then I'll call it a night," he said.
Standing together, he held out his arm and she wrapped her hand around it. Their Ladies-in-Waiting followed in step. Zola and Ilana lifted her train as they zigzagged through tables and bid goodnight to nobles and guests. The surge of energy directed at N'Jadaka forced Yani to observe everyone with a keen eye of discernment. There were so many varying emotions on their eager faces.
Envy. Jealousy. Desire. Attraction. Curiosity. Apprehension. Lust. Wonder. Fear. Admiration.
N'Jadaka was a rock star in their midst and the people surrounding them gave her the same questionable looks. She matched the king's pace and concentrated on her queen's march with her steps to mirror his confidence. The world was his stage and Yani finally experienced up close what he was up against whenever he left Wakanda. If Africans throughout the continent were wary of him, that feeling had to be denser among non-African nations facing an unprecedented shift in global power.
President Tetteh and Vivienne met them at the bottom of the staircase that led back up to the bridge connecting the west palace to the east. Vivienne gave Yani a hug first before N'Jadaka leaned in to do the same. It was a visible sign of support. Yani knew Vivienne was smart enough to use the optics to her advantage. Ghana was in full solidarity with Wakanda.
They faced the audience one final time.
Everyone seated stood up out of respect as the royal march was played by the orchestra. N'Jadaka waved to his grandparents and then waved to the Council of Elders and nobles. They were a sight walking back up the stairs with Yani's long train scaling the steps in a theatrical display of high fashion. Reaching the top, they faced their guests one last time and N'Jadaka held her hand tight, showing the crowd that they were united as equals.
Out in the fresh air, Yani breathed in deeply, pleased that she had done her part at the ball well. At the elevators that would whisk them up to their home, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up, kissing her passionately in front of their entourage.
"You showed the fuck out. When I tell you those people had no idea who they were dealing with!" N'Jadaka gushed.
Yani turned and bid goodnight to Marisol and Twyla who were escorted by Doras to be shuttled home on the Royal Scorpion Fighter. Riding upstairs it seemed like the king's energy flowed back into him as he shared bits of conversations.
"What the hell did you say to Mubiri because that nigga didn't bother me the rest of the night!"
Their Doras and Ladies were the only ones on the elevator with them.
"I put him in his place."
N'Jadaka looked deep into her eyes.
"Word got back to me that you scared him."
"I did."
N'Jadaka leaned up against the elevator wall with his mouth parted.
Yani held up her armored fingers.
"Here I was thinking you were just trying to calm the situation by taking him away."
He touched the side of her face with the back of his hand.
"Yani, you don't ever have to fight. I got us."
"I just underlined whatever you told him, that's all," she said with a smirk.
"Queen moves."
"Of course. My king is the most important man in the whole world."
Yani danced around the elevator, snapping her fingers and rolling her hips all around him. Zola and Ilana clapped their hands and the Doras pretended not to be impressed. Stepping out into the spacious hall of their floor, Noxolo and Aneka stood guard at the front entrance, relieving the ballroom Doras.
Aneka opened the door for them and Zola removed the finger armor from her hands along with her lace hood covering. Yani sent her Ladies away to prepare her bath and evening ritual.
"Baba! Mama!"
Sydette ran to them in her yellow nightgown and Riki stayed on her heels greeting them.
"You two are supposed to be asleep. It is way past your bedtime!" Yani scolded lightheartedly.
"But you promised we could see you if we stayed awake. We never got to see your pretty dress, Mama!" Sydette whined.
Their night nanny, Kora, stood nearby watching.
"We'll take them up, Kora. Thank you for getting up so late with them. Could you let Dakarai know in the morning that the king and I will be up late tomorrow? I won't need her until after two. She can use the free time to relax," Yani said.
"Goodnight Princess Yani," Kora said.
Yani spun around so Sydette and Riki could see all of the gown. She reached out to N'Jadaka to have him do the same, but she paused. He stood staring down at their children.
"Everything alright?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka angled his head as Sydette and Riki touched her dress and lifted her train, hiding under it.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"This is the first time you and I have come home together as a couple… to be with our kids. It's like how I imagined, y'know? We go out for a good time and come home to our family."
"Can I see your mask, Mama?" Sydette asked.
Yani pulled it off and handed it to her. Both children took turns putting it on their faces before stopping to look up at their parents.
"Back to bed," N'Jadaka said.
He bent down and lifted both children up. Yani followed him to the in-home elevator that took them to the second floor, avoiding more tiring steps. Giving Sydette plenty of kisses from them both, N'Jadaka put her to bed, and then they walked to Riki's room and lowered his nightlight brightness. More kisses were given and the tired king walked Yani to her wing on the same floor. Zola had warm water and scented oils waiting for her out on her balcony bathtub. The heating lamps and balcony glare cover were on, and Ilana stood near the vanity mirror to collect the rest of Yani's clothing and clean off her makeup.
"Give me a little time and I'll be up to see you," Yani said.
"I'll come down to you. I want to sleep in your bed," he said.
Ilana lowered her head and averted eye contact after hearing the king would be coming down to the queen's bedchamber.
"Okay," Yani said.
"Nice job tonight Ladies. I liked how you took care of my queen," N'Jadaka said.
He left the room and Ilana checked the bed to make sure it had plenty of pillows for the king. Zola zipped in carrying warm body oils and lubricants, placing them on Yani's nightstands in reach of the bed.
"What would you like to wear for the king tonight?" Ilana asked, holding up a comm tab with images of lingerie and body jewelry.
"The king is exhausted…hmm…maybe that one…no…I want him to see a softer color. Yeah, the lavender and the full-body chain. In case he wants me. The one with the leash in the back," Yani said.
Ilana quirked her lips at the choice of a body chain. It was a seductive piece of jewelry that rested around her neck and draped across her breasts, hips, and thighs, very subtle, but the leash hinted at bondage play and choking.
Zola showed Yani a soft color palette in case she wanted some lip gloss and light makeup. Yani picked a light pink shimmer gloss, eyeliner, and blush. Ilana assisted in removing the corset gown, heels, and underwear. Yani slipped on a luxury robe and sat down in front of the prominent vanity mirror across the room where her make-up was slowly taken off and her skin hydrated with pre-bath botanicals.
"Princess Yani, you were sensational tonight," Zola gushed.
Ilana nodded her head in agreement as she rubbed Yani's scalp with hair gel removal.
"King N'Jadaka has made the other leaders aware of how firm he is in his place on the continent. You must be so pleased with everything that happened," Ilana said.
"We made a great impression," Yani said.
"I thought the king would be upset when he found out about what you said to President Mubiri. My heart was beating so fast!" Zola said with giddy abandon.
"I always speak my mind. King N'Jadaka is used to it," Yani said.
Yani stood up and looked at Ilana.
"Prepare the king's favorite nightcap and have his morning bedclothes ready on the chaise. Dust the pillows with lavender and a hint of jasmine," Yani said.
She padded out to the balcony and let moonlight bathe her skin first before Zola pulled off her robe and helped her into the large standing tub.
"Oh, God, this is perfect," Yani purred.
She dunked her head under the water and Zola adjusted the bathing neck pillow so Yani could soak comfortably.
Left alone on the balcony, she closed her eyes and listened to the gentle footsteps of her Ladies preparing the bedroom for the king's arrival. She didn't spend too much time soaking, just washed away the vestiges of the ballroom success down the drain.
Zola held out a fluffy towel for Yani as she carefully climbed out of the tub. She could've easily taken care of her grooming herself, but the perks of having Ladies-in-Waiting were not lost on her. It was pampering and catering at the highest level and she reveled in it.
She walked into a full body dryer that pulled the water off of her and then she headed back to the vanity where she was slathered with body butters, lipgloss, and a light hair oil to control the curls growing longer at the front of her scalp. Stepping into the body chain, she made sure her waist beads still moved easily. Her nudity didn't faze any of the women, their eyes concentrated on making sure she was perfect to please the king. Compliments from him were like gold, and they fed off of it with ravenous expectation. A happy king meant a happy queen. A happy queen meant their status was secure to be in her good graces.
Yani thought about the evening more. Wakanda had become the center of the world and in order for the other African nations to have roses in their future, they had to mind the thorn that was King N'Jadaka.
Ilana smoothed back a few baby hairs on Yani's forehead and the lights in the room flashed a faint lilac color, it warning them that the king was on his way. She slipped on a different ankle-length cover-up and picked out some anklets and toe rings for extra pizzazz.
Zola jumped up and held the tray that contained the king's cocktail, and Ilana stood next to her with hands folded waiting for requests. Yani positioned herself to greet him the moment he walked in.
"Kumkani," Yani said.
N'Jadaka kissed her forehead and Zola offered the drink to him.
"Thank you, Zola," he said.
He sipped and Yani held his free hand, escorting him further into her bedchamber. His scent was the fresh handmade soap he liked from Birnin Bashenga. His bedclothes were loose cotton cream pajama bottoms and a billowy v-neck drop shoulder shirt of the same color. She offered him a seat on a cyan-blue double high-back chair. He took it. Yani nodded for Ilana and Zola to pull up footstools near his feet. They did so and pulled off his slippers, beginning the careful massaging of his feet. N'Jadaka pressed his back further into the chair and closed his eyes. Yani carried away his empty glass and placed it on her dresser. She took a seat next to the king and Zola offered to rub her feet too. Yani declined, wanting all the attention to be on him. She unloosened his hair and combed her fingers through the locs. He leaned over and kissed her. His full lips devoured hers and he ignored the other women, not caring if they saw him slip his tongue in Yani's mouth. He needed her. He rested a hand on her waist and nuzzled his mouth against her neck. She glanced down at Zola and Ilana and they kept rubbing the king's feet, ignoring their affection for one another as they had been taught. She had asked them to do a traditional reception for a Wakandan king, and part of that was doing anything the queen asked.
Her lower parts came to life as he continued kissing her neck and gripping her waist tighter, pulling her in closer. When he let out a low moan at having her to himself, Yani lifted up from the seat and stepped away to face him. He rested palms on either side of the chair and his prominent erection was visible to everyone in his pajama bottoms.
Yani swallowed hard, her nerves racing. The women stood up and uncovered Yani for the king.
"Damn, baby," he muttered under his breath.
His dick jumped. So did her clit. Their gazes lingered on one another. His eyes dropped down to look at her folds and piercings. He became bold in front of her attendants and rubbed on his dick. Yani didn't know how much further she could go. The exhibitionist in her liked being watched by others, but the next steps in traditional old-style service that the women were equipped to do still seemed too much.
N'Jadaka was very aware of what was happening. He had been trained too and knew what came next and he had a playful glimmer of mirth in his eyes wanting to know how far she would go with it. A challenge rested in his gaze.
He stood and his height arched above them all like a rising sun. Ilana and Zola waited quietly with their hands folded in front of them.
"Undress me," N'Jadaka commanded.
Yani thought she would stop them so she could do it herself in private, but a part of her deep down wanted them to see what rested beneath the bedclothes. His dick pointed toward her and both women would have to maneuver his pajama bottoms over the girth. Her heartbeat sped up. Her pussy became wetter.
Zola and Ilana untied the cloth ties on the king's shirt and pulled away the top. He slid his arms out of the sleeves and Ilana folded the shirt and placed it over the armrest of the chair. Holding his arms out to his sides, N'Jadaka kept direct eye contact with Yani while the women unfastened the ties on his pajama bottoms. They pulled the waistband out over his dick and it bobbed in front of them as they lowered the pants. He stepped out of each leg hole, and Zola folded the pants and handed them to Ilana, who piled them on top of the shirt. They lowered their heads for more instructions, but they couldn't unsee the god body in front of them.
"Leave us," Yani said.
Zola and Ilana held up their hands to them and slinked out of the bedroom. N'Jadaka burst out laughing then.
"Baby, the stress on your face," N'Jadaka teased.
He gathered her up in his arms and she hid her face against his chest, embarrassed that he could read her so well.
"Ain't no way you could handle them fluffing up my dick for you," he said.
"Tonight was a big deal, I wanted to give you the full king treatment back home," she sighed into his chest.
They kissed, their tongues dancing a secret code that made them both groan. His hand dragged down to her vulva and when he fingered her folds, he pulled back from her.
"Damn, Yani. This pussy is soaked. That shit got you really excited."
His eyes looked serious as he gently held her face.
"It turned you on, didn't it?" he asked.
His voice lacked teasing, and the subdued tone only gave curiosity.
"Tell me what you liked about it, baby," he said.
He sat down on the double chair again and pulled her next to him. Their thighs touched and he put an arm around her.
"Tell me," he asked again.
She rested her cheek against his chest. There was no way she would tell him that watching sex vids of him with other women aroused her beyond belief. Yani still grappled with that knowledge about herself. The fantasy of it was a safe place, but turmoil rumbled in her midsection while she watched it in person, even if was just them pulling his clothes off and seeing his big dick and witnessing his pre-cum pooling on his tip. Her pussy clenched then. Simply thinking about it ignited her pleasure. Yani stuck to the present.
"I like that they get to see how good your dick looks. While they pulled your pants off, they touched it a little. Got to feel how hot it is…got to see how thick."
Her breath heated his skin with desire. His dick grew harder and he stood it up for her.
"You wanted them to touch it, huh? Stroke it for you?" he said.
"No…yeah…I don't know why I get wet. I don't want you with anyone else in real life…but I wanted them to do the rest of the ritual like the old days."
She reached for his dick and slowly fisted it for him. He kissed her again then stopped as his dick became slick with pre-cum.
"If you want to try and go further, explore your fantasy or comfort levels with something new… we can do that. I'm not saying that because I want to fuck them, but I want you to be happy. You're all I need Yani…"
He smothered her lips again and she twisted her thumb and index finger under the head of his dick, the mushroom cap spilling clear fluid all over her fingers. His fingers played with her pussy and her head fell back.
"You wanted to watch them oil me down…huh?"
He whispered in her ear. Yani whimpered and nodded.
"Did you want them to suck my dick too?'
She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the denial wrestling in her mind.
"What did you imagine, baby?"
His tongue licked her breasts and his fingers plucked at her nipples. She was supposed to be pleasing him, showing him how much she appreciated the pressure he was under by facing nations in opposition to him. Instead, he was trying to give her the safety of exploring her imagination with him.
His touches made her skin burn with need. He rested his lips near her ear and dipped two gentle fingers in and out of her pussy with occasional rubs on her clit.
"I want to see them suck your dick… on their knees. Licking each side," she said.
He hummed in her ear and slowed down his fingers until she began panting.
"Then what?" he crooned, his voice raspy and all sexy.
She squeezed his length and started stroking it faster.
"I wanna watch you look at me while I play with my pussy…and Lola and Ilana suck yuh good and slow at the same time…and you watch me cum…and then…and then… Killmonger…yuh cum all over their faces!"
Her release clenched around his fingers and she bucked her hips wildly.
"You got Daddy's dick spittin', baby! Look at my dick!" N'Jadaka shouted.
Her orgasm continued working his digits, and she looked at his fat erection spurting cum all over the carpet. They shuddered against one another as aftershocks spiked their hot bodies.
"Fuck…you were feeling that Yani," he said.
He lifted her up in his arms like he was cradling a bride and carried her to the bed. Placing her on her back, he fingered the body chain and tugged on the leash, testing its strength. He pushed her thighs back and jerked off above her before crawling between her legs, lining up the head of his dick with her opening.
"Cumming on their faces gets you off good," he said.
He pushed into her pussy stretching her walls and grabbing onto her heavy thighs.
"You know what my fantasy is?" he said.
She shook her head, her lips pursed from the intense fullness he always put inside of her.
"I want Zola and Ilana to watch me fuck you hard. I want them to see how their king fucks his woman and fills up her pretty wet pussy with so much cum…"
He lowered his head so that he could kiss her lovingly.
"They liked seeing my dick and they will work their asses off to see it again if you let them. I bet you that they'll go to their rooms in the lower suite and play with their pussies, thinking about sucking on my balls and getting this dick to stretch them out too. But this is all yours Yani… yours to do whatever you want with it. I'll nut all over their faces if you want… if that pleases you, baby. They can oil my dick, and suck on it for as long as you want them to, but I'll only cum when you want."
Yani groaned thinking about the women sucking him off as he fucked her deep. The vestiges of shame that she carried thinking those forbidden thoughts burned away with every thrust he gave her until she was clutching and clawing his back, screaming out "Killmonger!" over and over as she exploded all over his dick.
"Help Daddy put this cum on their faces for you Yani!" he yelled.
He spilled into her, moaning her name into the shell of her ear. Strong throbs from his dick laid her out, and they panted together, trying to gain control of their ragged breathing.
N'Jadaka gazed into her eyes with so much love.
"I want this all the time, Yani. You and me coming home together every night. Being with our kids. Tucking them in at night together. Tonight, you showed me how we'll rule together. You have qualities that you have honed for years that a queen needs today. You can handle ruthless people… like you did at the compound. You can host and make people feel welcome, just like you did at your old restaurant. Plus, you know how to convey knowledge and information to people just like you did at Eco-Tours. You're intelligent. Graceful. Calm under pressure. We fit, girl. Do you hear me?"
He nibbled on her ear, then sucked on her nipples before rolling over and holding her hand.
"In the future, I always want you to call me Killmonger in bed when we're fucking. That shit made me cum hard."
Yani giggled and he gave her dimples.
He slinked a hand behind her neck and tugged on the gold bondage leash.
"Turn on your side," he said.
"You were so tired earlier," she teased.
"Got my second wind with you."
He reached across her and grabbed a fresh bottle of lube. She helped open it and prepared her anal cavity for his dick. He grunted when he entered her, taking his time to get rooted in her ass before he pulled on the leash. Yani clawed the bed and took his anal fucking like a good girl. His moans and groans made her clit tap out and her guttural shouts of "Killmonger" heightened everything for N'Jadaka until he hunched over her back and hollered out his third orgasm. Freshly lubricated with his warm semen, he kept fucking her in the ass and begged for her to call him the nickname that terrorized the mercenary world.
They became free in the arms of one another inside the safety of their shared palace home, with their children sleeping peacefully in a far-off wing. The world outside was kept at bay with the smacking of hot, wet, flesh, fantasies shared, and a king loving his queen into submission as he twisted a thin gold leash around his fist.
Yani would have it no other way, and that pleased N'Jadaka.
There will be one more final chapter!
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 69″
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"I don't mind leavin' here To show the world we have no fear 'Cause we're a winner And everybody knows it too"
The Impressions—"We're A Winner"
King N'Jadaka listened to the Council of Elders from his throne as they advised him about his upcoming trip to the U.N. Europe was on fire waiting to see the new king of Wakanda in person. The ripple effect of the news spreading globally about his ascension to the throne sent shockwaves inside the halls of western powers.
The elders fidgeted their hands and squirmed in their seats. They watched his eyes and movement on the great throne. He would address the world for the first time as their leader and they worried that he would pop off and cause a political crisis if he came on too strong.
Zinzi soothed the frazzled nerves of the other elders. Her generous smile and calm presence gave N'Jadaka the confidence to speak his mind freely. A ten-point list of actionable items floated in the center of their gathering.
"I got this," N'Jadaka said for the third time that morning.
He grew irritable and shook his left leg with impatience brewing in his stomach. The elders were long-winded and nit-picky.
"It is important that the Americans are not agitated," M'Kathu stressed.
"The new king of England will also be anxious to meet with you after the general meeting in Geneva," Zinzi said.
"Fuck England, "N'Jadaka spat out.
"This is not the attitude becoming of a king," Elder Bhira said with gentle prodding.
"I will do what is best for us," N'Jadaka said with a measured tone.
A throne-room attendant with sharp raven-black eyes eased her way over to N'Jadaka's side.
"My king, Princess Yani is here to see you," The attendant whispered in his ear.
Yani would leave the palace to return to her hospital duties. Their children were staying for an extra day with him. A tingle zipped up his side reminding him of their night together.
"Let her know I will be done soon," he said quickly.
Gazing at the concerned faces, N'Jadaka sighed and pushed his hands together.
"Is there anything else that needs my attention?"
No one added another problem to his plate of responsibilities.
"Good. Leave me," he ordered.
The elders stood, lowered their heads, and shuffled out of the room. Rolling his shoulders to loosen a cramp in his neck, N'Jadaka turned to another attendant in charge of his schedule.
"Cancel lunch with the head of the royal guard. Reschedule it for a dinner meeting in the West Palace. Have the naval heads in the War room at five for an update on the Talokanil situation."
He shook out his arms and smoothed his dark royal robes.
"Bring in Princess Yani."
The Dora Milaje above the pillars tapped their spears as a sign of respect for the island royal. The double doors swung open and Yani stepped in escorted by her personal Dora. A small gasp of air escaped his lips. Yani didn't wear her work uniform. A form-hugging dress the color of bubbling champagne displayed her charms. It clung to her tighter than the wrapping on a Hershey's kiss. The clicking of low heels echoed her steps and his lips pulled back into a pleased smile when he noticed the prominent display of her waist beads. She didn't want to hide the beginning of their betrothal march. Pride surged in his chest as she gingerly approached the throne. Her eyes became big shiny jewels of wonder entering the throne room. She paused halfway to his seat as if she wasn't sure what to do. He gestured for her to step closer. His throne room guards watched her closely, not able to hide their curiosity with her waist beads. Yani hesitated once more, her hands flighty and adorned with gold rings. She dressed up for him. Her fresh perfume wafted near his nose and he admired the long dangly earrings that rested just above her shoulders.
"Won't you be late for your first day back?" he asked.
His voice seemed to startle her in the cavernous room.
"Oh…no…I'm not on duty until two," she blurted, before pressing her glossy lips together.
He waited for her to say more. She glanced around at all the people still present watching over the king of Wakanda.
"You can speak freely. Anything you say won't be repeated," he said.
She nodded and looked down at the floor.
"Is something wrong?" he asked.
She crept even closer and lowered her voice.
"I didn't want to leave without seeing you again," she said.
He grinned. The sight of her being soft-spoken and shy reminded him of the first time he met their daughter, Sweet Pea. Yani had been unsure and nervous around him. It tickled him for her to revert to that behavior seeing him on the throne and in his true element. N'Jadaka widened his legs and patted his left thigh. Her eyes narrowed into cautious slits and darted around quickly.
"I can't sit on your lap," she whispered.
"Why not?"
"This is the throne room."
"This is my throne room," he corrected.
She sucked her teeth and tilted her head slightly. He patted his thigh again and held out a hand toward her. Yani clasped his fingers and he lifted her onto his parted lap. The weight of her backside made him grunt under his breath to keep the watching eyes around them from hearing the arousal in his throat. Feeling her body on his made him feel like putty. All the warmth and softness she carried melted into him. He tucked an arm firmly around her waist. Her eyes stayed big with wonder studying his. Touching her chin, he kissed her lips and she ducked her head lower.
"It's not right to do that," she hissed under her breath.
He pressed his lips against hers, smothering the plumpness and shutting down her naysaying. Receptive and eager to join him again, Yani became pliant with her open mouth, slipping her tongue on top of his. He rubbed on her booty as she gripped the folds of his long shirt and tugged him closer to her. Her soft moans forced a pause from him. He didn't need the staff to hear his woman's delight. They looked away to give them a semblance of privacy, but their ears sure as hell snooped.
"Anything you need from me here before you go?" he asked.
Yani leaned forward and rested her forehead against his.
"I'm good," she said.
"I'll have Sweet Pea and Lil Man back in your city no later than dinner tomorrow. Okay?"
She didn't want to leave. Her body craved to be against his and her voice had the needy lilt he loved to hear. However, the maturity in her tone reminded him that they needed to part to give her the space to think about their new life together. He stroked the beads on her waist, reveling in the pride that gleamed in her eyes. The family had been stunned into silence when she sauntered onto the moon deck showing off his claim on her. There had been a moment of tension in his gut when Disa glanced at the beads, but she had grinned with sincere love in her eyes and he allowed the flow of relief to cascade over him. Everyone was clear on how he would move henceforth and there was an extra pride in knowing that Disa supported them. His three children only noted the beauty of the waist jewelry and ignored them all once the fireworks went off.
N'Jadaka lifted Yani from his lap and held her hand gently, guiding her toward the giant window that looked over the center of Birnin Zana. They gazed out at the city of gold and wonder.
"You will become the queen one day soon, Yani. By my side is where you will stand… ruling over all of this. I want you to know everything that goes on in the inner sanctum. Good and bad. In the past I kept you in the dark because of my history… but baby, you and I are going to make world history. You need to know what I will be up against openly so you can be ready for anything. There will be war and death ahead. I will have many people taken out for going against my family. Can you accept that?"
Yani took a deep breath and kept her eyes fixed on the city. She squeezed his hand in support.
"I will be where you are," she said.
He released Yani's hand and put his arm around her shoulder, drawing her in against his side.
"St. Thomas will become our safe haven. If it gets too dangerous here, I will send you, Disa, and the children there for safekeeping. Once I go to Geneva, the world changes," he said.
The sun illuminated the bronze in Yani's glowing skin. She didn't need a crown to give off the air of a queen.
"The world is yours," Yani said.
"The world is ours."
She grinned and glanced up at his face. Her soft brown eyes made him think of his mother, Califia, and the words she told him in front of his father. He would have a child coming one day that would shake up the kingdom. Yani would be the one to bring that prophesy true. Once he married her, he would put another baby inside her right away. He loved being a father, but he missed all the beginnings of that journey. Not this time. His gaze glossed over Yani's body then settled on her stomach. His father never had the tribe he wanted in his lifetime, but N'Jadaka would have it through his own future wife that hugged up against his chest. The Udaku bloodline would be full of gifted children.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yani asked.
"Thinking of our future."
"Mmmhmmm," she uttered.
He rubbed her belly. If she allowed him between her legs again it would be hard for him not to try and make a baby on purpose with her.
"Come," he said, tugging her away from the window.
He wanted to take his time with her before she left. He shunned a palace transport for them, and they walked hand-in-hand to the west palace where he could show her off wearing his beads. All eyes grew big when the palace staff saw them strolling together as a unit with Yani's beads gleaming on her waist. Turning the corner on a floor that led to an office he needed to check in with later, they ran into Remy. His palace uniform had the colors of the Merchant Tribe, and a grim expression had his lips pressed tight. He held a comm tab in his hand and nearly ran them over while being distracted with his work.
"King N'Jadaka…Princess Yani," Remy sputtered, keeping a respectful distance from the princess.
Remy noticed Yani's waist beads and his eyes narrowed for a split second before looking away.
"Remy," N'Jadaka said with indifference.
"I'll have the budget restrictions you asked for later today," Remy said.
"Good. I'll be in my office by three. Have them to me by then."
Awkward energy flowed from Remy. Yani remained aloof, not even speaking to him.
"Excuse me ukumkani, I shall take my leave first," Remy said, sliding past them quickly.
The moment he was out of earshot, Yani clenched her fists.
"Him bother mi," she snapped.
"Want me to fire him?"
"His people will think you are being a petty man. Mi deal. Stay vex…"
Yani rolled her eyes. N'Jadaka rubbed her shoulders.
"He's actually good at his job. Clear-headed thinker. Ambitious yes… but harmless."
Yani sucked her teeth again. He glanced at a clock on a far wall security feed.
"You better get going so you won't be late," he said.
They hopped on a nearby palace transport and headed for the Talon port. Their Doras followed close behind and gave them privacy when they arrived in front of the Talon Fighter.
"I'd fly with you, Yani, but I have too much work to leave," he said.
His mind went to the pile of reports, court documents, and classified military dossiers on his desk waiting for him. She stood before him looking even more stunning. He traced the glinting waist beads with his left index finger. What he would give to jettison the day and run away with her to her private home away from the palace. Yani leaned forward and he held both her hands.
"You look so beautiful," he said.
Yani's eyelashes fluttered and her smile lit up his world. He kissed her again, this time letting their guards see everything. It was a slow lingering kiss and he didn't let any part of her mouth go unexplored.
"Still love me?" he asked once he released her lips.
Her minty breath huffed into his mouth.
"I do."
"Say that again.
"I do."
"It'll sound even better when I marry you in front of the kingdom."
Yani seemed to hold her breath.
"This for real?" Yani asked.
"It's all real girl."
Her eyes watered and he thumbed away any hints of tears.
"Shake them hips for me," he teased.
She moved a few inches away and winded her hips. Her waist beads jumped like her backside.
"Oohh weee," he said, grabbing her by the waist, peppering her neck and cheeks with puckered lips.
Yani touched the planes of his chest. The scampering of little feet disrupted their goodbye.
"Baba! Mama!"
Riki raced to them with his sisters right behind him.
"We saw you and Mama from the window," Sydette said, grabbing N'Jadaka's hand and swinging it.
Joba wrapped her arms around his waist.
Ramonda wandered over.
"We were on our way to the garden park. They wanted to see Yani off," Ramonda said.
Sweet Pea darted over and gave Yani a hug. Joba did the same before skipping over to Ramonda who led them back to the palace. Riki stayed behind. N'Jadaka lifted him up in his arms. Yani patted her son's leg.
"You be good, hear mi?"
"I'm always good," Riki insisted.
Yani kissed his cheek, then cradled N'Jadaka's face. Her nails raked against his skin thrilling him with the tactile sensations.
"Don't spoil him," Yani said.
"He's a prince of Wakanda, he's gonna get spoiled as much as I want."
"Yeah!" Riki agreed, clinging to his father.
Yani kissed her fingers and touched N'Jadaka's lips before turning away and walking aboard the Talon Fighter with her Doras. General Okoye brushed past him to pilot the aircraft. Within minutes, the Talon Fighter powered up and then floated above their heads. Riki waved at it as N'Jadaka simply watched his Black mermaid fly away. He looked at his son's inquisitive face.
"You know how much I love you and your Mama?" N'Jadaka asked.
"A lot."
"Yeah, a lot. C'mon, Baba has to get back to work and you need to catch up with your sisters."
N'Jadaka carried his little boy into the palace.
Chapter 70 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 72″
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"Life is but a dream Here we are inside of it and you're inside of me Until you actually fall asleep Finally you can add this moment to your memory, ooh
Take away your pain Give me all of your emotions Land it like a plane on my back if you can't hold it Life is but a dream that you manifested slowly So fuck a fantasy This your motherfuckin' moment"
Victoria Monet—"Moment"
T'Challa ran through the halls of the West Palace to get to the East Palace. His legs pumped across the bridge that linked the two structures with his breath galloping in his chest. Gulping as much air as he could to keep his brain functioning, he sprinted past royal guards and bewildered staff who jumped out of his way.
The baby was coming.
Nakia interrupted an early morning debriefing meeting with the heads of the military that he covered for N'Jadaka. His mind went blank for three whole seconds as he watched her mouth say "It's time" from his kimoyo beads.
Yani had been alerted and would meet them in the Sun Room where they agreed to bring Toussaint into the world.
A son.
T'Challa pushed himself faster, bypassing the wait for an elevator by charging up the escalator to the private lift near the throne room that would get him to his love faster. He gripped the railing inside the elevator to steady his shaking hands.
Stepping into the Sun Room that had been transformed into a birthing room, Yani met him with a change of clothes that would make him more comfortable crawling onto the birthing couch that Nakia was propped on, panting her timed breaths and rubbing her naked belly. Her breasts were covered in a purple sports bra, but her lower half was uncovered, her legs resting on a mobile platform that could lift and separate to any position she felt was comfortable. An equally mobile birthing stool was in place for Yani to move from the couch to the separate stool with ease.
Yani rubbed Nakia's belly and winked at T'Challa.
"Toussaint, your Baba is here, we are all ready for your arrival," Yani said.
Nakia grinned, then grimaced when a bolt of pain from her contractions hit. Yani slipped a thin protective mask over her mouth and nose while a doula specifically chosen by Yani helped T'Challa onto the cushioned space behind Nakia. His beloved leaned back into him, her heavy body already sleek with perspiration.
"I am here, my loves," he whispered into Nakia's ear.
His gaze went to the wall-length window that gave them a view of the golden city. The river below caught the rays of sunshine that turned the turquoise waters into glittery splashes that became clear like liquid glass that dazzled their eyes. A partition separated them from a cozy waiting area where Nakia's parents waited. Soft music serenaded them all, and Nakia's mother burned a subtle incense that made the surroundings fragrant like the forests protecting the River Tribe territory. Nakia's people were water denizens and they wanted Toussaint to know he was a part of them too, not just a new prince to make the Udaku clan proud.
"I was hoping we had a few more days left so that Queen Mother could be here," Nakia said, exhaling hard.
"Do not worry about Mother," T'Challa said.
A flurry of movement from the waiting room distracted them. Umama and Baba Z had arrived. Their festive voices and laughter helped to relax Nakia. The doula fed her fruit juice from a straw and wiped her brow.
The first hour was the ebb and flow of Nakia's contractions becoming shorter in duration until she was ready to push using gravity and the birthing couch's ability to shift. More laughter erupted as the sound of Riki and Sydette's voices drowned out the boisterous tone of N'Jadaka's trip back from the palace kitchen where he personally brought up several bottles of honey wine they would open in celebration.
"Doing okay?" Yani asked.
She rested a hand on Nakia's lower belly, rubbing an emollient there that warmed up the area and helped ease the pain of contractions. Once she finished, Yani stood up and stretched her back. A nurse wiped her forehead and gave her water to sip. Yani took her seat again and inserted fingers into Nakia's vagina, humming as she worked.
T'Challa rubbed Nakia's temples and cooed loving words to her. Nakia shouted as a sudden contraction ripped through her and Umama began singing with Nakia's mother, a gentle lullaby that helped her face the discomfort head-on. Aunties and other female relatives sitting cozy near them behind the partition joined in. T'Challa hummed along and the sound gave Nakia something to hitch her waning strength to. She waved her hand for Yani to lower the leg rests so she could squat with T'Challa holding her up.
The doula and Yani sang along with the angelic voices calling to his son, encouraging him to make a safe passage through his mother so they could greet him. T'Challa would've preferred that they be alone for the birth, but Nakia insisted that she needed the women of her clan to guide her. Their voices and their presence close to her made the process bearable.
"She's crowning," Yani said, holding her hands under Nakia.
"It's going so fast," T'Challa said, kissing Nakia's temple.
He expected to spend hours on the birthing couch, but his son had other plans. Nakia collapsed into him again and Yani positioned herself between her legs, catching Tousaints's little narrow shoulders.
"Oh…Nakia…his eyes are wide open!" T'Challa said, staring down at the precious bundle slipping out into Yani's hands.
Yani held Toussaint at her eye level.
"Welcome to the new world, Toussaint… look over there! Mama and Baba are so happy to meet you," Yani said.
A birthing attendant scooped Toussaint into a warm blanket and set him next to Nakia and T'Challa, allowing the baby to rest. Steam rose up from his freshly released body, arms and legs moving slowly in the new world. His skin was slippery-looking and white-gray, his color not yet making its true appearance yet.
Nakia wept and they watched their son look around with quiet wonder.
Yani stared at a floating vid screen, keeping check of the afterbirth. The slick umbilical cord still pulsed when T'Challa touched it. He skimmed his right fingers over to the baby next and touched his tiny moist toes. Nakia grunted and expelled the afterbirth that seemed to take longer to come out than Toussaint did.
"You did so good, Nakia!" Yani said.
T'Challa lifted the new infant into his hands and moved him over to Nakia for skin-to-skin contact. All of her weariness seemed to dissipate once she held their little one against her breasts.
"He is beautiful…look at his hair!" Nakia said.
She gingerly touched the sleek wet waves and then traced a line to Toussaint's cheek and tiny puckered lips.
"I can't believe he is real," Nakia said.
"I can," T'Challa said, unable to hide all of his emotions.
Nakia gasped with joy and cradled the squirming newborn against her cheek. T'Challa's vision blurred and he wiped his tears away, so grateful that his woman and child were well. Yani gave them time to hold and fuss over their son before she lifted him away to have his cord removed and the rest of him cleaned up and weighed. The birthing attendant took care of Nakia's nether regions and the doula helped make her more comfortable on the birthing couch.
"Seven pounds, three ounces. Very healthy and very happy," Yani said.
She gave Toussaint back to Nakia and crouched back between her legs to check on any tears. Using herbs and a medical scanner, she fixed up the aftercare and then Nakia was dressed properly.
"We'll leave you both alone. Call when you're ready to receive anyone," Yani said.
"Thank you, Yani," T'Challa said.
He wanted to hug her so tight, but he didn't want to leave Nakia's side. She left the room with her staff and joined the others to share the news.
T'Challa and Nakia listened to the family clap and give shouts of joy
Alone, he looked at Nakia and Toussaint, losing all ability to speak. Although his eyes were a little cloudy and adjusting to seeing everything, his son fixed his gaze on Nakia's face, his tiny lips and tongue trying to figure out what they should be doing.
"I want to feed him, but I don't know if he wants that yet," Nakia said.
She looked into T'Challa's eyes with panic.
"I studied and listened to my mother, but I don't know what to do. Isn't that strange?" she said.
T'Challa reached down and touched the round nose of his son and admired the faint eyebrows above his big brown eyes.
"No. All you need to do at this moment is fall in love with him like I am."
"He looks like you… nothing like me at all. We could hold your baby portraits together and no one would know the difference," she said with teasing annoyance.
"Bast has blessed me and N'Jadaka with sons that look like us."
"Riki will be so happy. Did you know he paid me money from his allowance to make sure I had a boy?"
"Yes! He told me he would be very upset if he couldn't have a boy cousin to even out the number of girls in the family."
T'Challa chuckled and touched his son's hands.
"He looks so quiet and patient," T'Challa said.
"So much like you."
T'Challa helped Nakia adjust her nano tech-infused feeding bra and she placed her left nipple up against Toussaint's lips. The boy took to it right away and suckled, his eyes still watching both their faces trying to imprint their connection to memory.
"I like the warmth from this bra," Nakia said, adjusting it to release her breast more, "it helps stimulate the milk."
"Are you tired? You can sleep and I can show everyone the baby while you rest," T'Challa offered.
Nakia's forehead had a small crease of weariness, but she was eager to show off her baby. She shook her head.
"Help me up," she said, holding out her arm.
He assisted her and then held the baby. She pulled on the purple silk birth custom-made for the occasion and quickly touched her cheeks.
"How do I look?" she asked.
"Beautiful Mama Nakia."
Her eyes twinkled and she stood next to him. T'Challa held tight to his son.
"Ready?" he said.
Nakia threw back her head with her eyes closed and belted out the lyrics to her family song for Toussaint.
"Unyana wethu ufikile…"
Her singing voice was strong and clear and the family response became a crescendo of call and response with ululations rippling among the clan women. The others heard the clear-throated announcement of "Our son has arrived!" and T'Challa puffed out his chest a bit.
Nakia held onto the crook of his elbow and he led them out to see the family.
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N'Jadaka watched Yani step out from the birthing area tugging off her face mask, a wide smile beaming from her mouth. Everyone began to clap and Sydette squealed with the other children related to Nakia that had come to wait for the newborn's arrival. Only he and Yani knew what Nakia was having, and his son Riki exploded with a loud zeal that he had a new boy cousin.
Nakia's parents and sisters hugged Yani and praised her for helping with a safe birth. Shuri had tears in her eyes as she held up her wrist with Ramonda's image floating above it to participate in the festivities.
The clear and distinct singing from Nakia made everyone quiet down as she sang a full verse naming all the qualities her son would have. The family answered back that they would love and protect the baby for all of his life. Yani stepped next to N'Jadaka and he put an arm around her waist, leaned down, and kissed her lips. He was so proud of her. Her flushed face relaxed while she was with him.
Nakia and T'Challa stepped from behind the partition. The oldest relative present, Nakia's maternal great-grandmother Akital't, clasped her hand with Riki's, the youngest relative there, and they walked hand-in-hand toward Nakia and T'Challa.
Little Toussaint was handed over to Akital't and the older woman, who looked spritely and overcome with emotion, held the baby against her chest and cooed to it in a dialect of Wakandan N'Jadaka couldn't quite follow. Yani tensed up next to him as Akital't bowed down to let Riki hold the baby next. The River Tribe tradition was to have the oldest and youngest greet a newborn first.
"Bast, please don't let this boy drop his baby cousin on his head in front of all these people," N'Jadaka murmured under his breath.
Once they knew Joba wouldn't make it back in time, the family had Riki take her place, and he had to practice holding a baby doll before they let him do the job. He was so excited about Toussaint that his small body couldn't keep still. That is until the newborn was placed in his hands. Riki became stiff as a statue holding his cousin, his wide eyes taking in the small wonder in his arms.
"Hello, baby cousin. I'm going to teach you how to be a prince and play with my toys. We'll be together and have fun every day," Riki said.
Akital't clucked her tongue, reminding Riki of what he was supposed to say in Wakandan and not English.
"Oh!" Riki yelped.
Riki looked at his beloved big cousin T'Challa and his soon-to-be cousin-in-law Nakia and grinned. Clearing his small throat, Riki said, "Wamkelekile kwikhaya lakho elitsha!"
Everyone clapped and sang a chant to celebrate the new family and T'Challa took Toussaint away from Riki and handed him to Nakia. Walking in a circle, the united clan took turns greeting and meeting the baby up close before Yani insisted that Nakia get off her feet and rest.
Ramonda's weeping had N'Jadaka misty-eyed. Shuri kept soothing words going, but Ramonda was inconsolable.
"Auntie, I told you to come home," N'Jadaka said.
"We are in the middle of an attempt on your life, I must work to maintain our presence among this den of scorpions," Ramonda insisted.
N'Jadaka had been right to choose her to replace Nakia. The Americans dared not cross Queen Mother. She knew them too well from her days with King T'Chaka.
"I granted you permission to come home and you put duty over family… come and see your new grandbaby," he said.
"Mother, you can slip out and back in before they even notice you've done anything," Shuri urged.
Ramonda wiped her eyes and put on a dignified stance.
"Well, if the king deems it appropriate to leave my duties, I shall return after the general assembly tomorrow and skip attending the mixer with Senator Dixon. I will let them think I am busy elsewhere in the city."
"Good," he said.
"I will let Disa know after she and Joba have rested for today," Ramonda said.
After the chat with Ramonda, N'Jadaka opened the bottles of honey wine and the family toasted to Nakia and Toussaint's good health. The partition was removed and they all were able to view the birthing space Yani put together. The staff had cleaned up the area quickly and Nakia rested on a bed that had been brought in after the birthing couch was removed.
N'Jadaka strolled over to T'Challa and clasped his shoulder.
"Big Poppa," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa's face nearly split with the smiling he did. He reached past N'Jadaka and gathered up Yani in his arms, kissing her cheek with gratitude. Yani waved him away as she adjusted blankets for Nakia and checked on Toussaint.
The family stayed with Nakia and T'Challa for another hour before heading off to rest. There would be a grand family dinner for the clan and a fireworks show later that evening. He checked on his children who vanished with the pounding feet of little cousins to Bast knows where, but he didn't worry. They were protected and happy. By the time the last relative vacated the Sun Room, and Nakia was taken to her private quarters, Yani finally plopped down on a wide seat and rested.
"Exhausted?" he asked, lifting her onto his lap as he moved next to her.
She rested her head against his neck and closed her eyes.
"A little tired."
"I wore you out last night and this morning," he said.
Her lips pulled into a smile against his throat.
"You did. But I needed it."
"Me too. I missed you so much."
"I was scared, N'Jadaka. But only for a little while. They will try to kill you again."
"I know. But effective leaders always have a price over their heads. T'Challa is by my side and we have Shuri providing us with the best equipment and tech to keep us all safe. I will always come back to you."
She lifted up from his neck and kissed him. He wrapped her midsection with his arms and held onto her.
"The chaperones will come looking for us," Yani whispered into his mouth as his tongue tried to tame hers.
"I know…" he sighed, squeezing her body to feel all the soft contours.
"If they catch us like this, they'll complain to Umama."
Yani's words about their chaperones forced his hands to wander all over her rump and lower back. Having her in his arms again gave him the strength to face everything in the outside world.
"Let's just forget all the pomp and circumstance and elope," he said.
Yani pinched his left nipple.
"Ow, girl!"
"We're not eloping. The country wants to see pageantry and Umama would have your head if we ran off."
"You want to put on that pretty wedding dress they made for you."
Her eyes widened.
"You aren't supposed to see it until our day!"
"I haven't seen it yet. But I heard they just finished it. Now they're working on your isicholo. The queen's crown for my queen."
He lifted her chin and kissed her deeply. Yani threw her arms around his shoulder and caressed the nape of his neck. Her heavy backside and sensual kisses made him plump up in his crotch. He shifted her off of his lap to the spot next to him on the seat and she fingered the bulge pushing out of his thin drop-crotch pants.
"You know better," he said, glancing over his shoulder toward the closed door.
"I won't get a chance to touch you like this again. We were lucky last night because you snuck into the palace without telling the chaperones."
He released the pressure in his groin by fishing his dick out of the pants discretely. Yani played with his dick until it was hard and leaking pre-cum at the tip. She knew good and well that they both thrived on the excitement of getting caught. He gritted his teeth once she twisted her fingers under the mushroom cap of his tip and clear threads of pre-cum spilled down onto the floor.
"Dammit, Yani," he said.
He checked his kimoyo. Two Doras and three kingsguards from his Onyx Squad waited for him outside the door. Opening the expanse of the search, he caught sight of new heat signatures indicating the elder chaperones coming for them. They were at least ten minutes away at their slow pace.
He swallowed hard and bit down on a groan as Yani lowered her face to his dick and enveloped the head in her mouth. Bobbing her head, she only went past the ridge two inches, teasing him with shallow sucking. The tip of her tongue dipped in and out of his slit, and when she spit on it to make it wetter, his right leg trembled. She scraped her teeth gently on the spongy head.
"Baby, unless you're gonna swallow everything I got, you betta stop or else I will shoot this nut everywhere and everyone will know our business."
"Hmmph…" she mumbled, sucking on his dick with slow cunning suction.
She slipped down from the seat and settled between his legs, her eyes on his as she kept up the slow sensual movement of her tongue and lips. Tapping into his lust for her in a submissive position, Yani's seductive gaze thrilled him beyond measure. He kept his hands on his thighs even as she fondled his balls and smacked her lips, their warmth sending tendrils of far-reaching tingles throughout his body. Her posture and loving mouth told him that he was the king of kings, deserving of the best. She still looked at him with awe, no matter what they were doing, and he hoped she never, ever stopped doing that with him. Her devotion to him brought out the protective side of his nature. He didn't like people being too close to her physically who weren't family or friends, and he sure as hell didn't like people thinking she wasn't good enough to sit on the throne. There were many noble families discreetly pressuring Umama and Baba Z to persuade N'Jadaka to take a native Wakandan woman as queen and have Yani as his concubine. His rage at the idea comforted Yani who was already overcoming her insecurities about stepping into the role of queen when so many nobles treated her like a low-tier concubine already when he wasn't around.
Umama and Baba Z ignored the pressure to intervene with the noble class concerns, but it was Ramonda who put those people in check. She had grown fond of Yani and helped the young woman prepare for her new role. Most nobles were afraid of Ramonda. Her own family held a lot of weight with the upper echelon and moved as she did.
Yani's big, playfully lascivious eyes peered up at him. All he could think of before his body erupted was that he would find a way to sleep with her again that night. He imagined laying her down in the cavernous pool room behind the waterfall and watching her writhe beneath him as he dicked her down. Slow. Long. Hard. He would be relentless and she would take every inch, her folds wide open like the manta ray wings they were meant to be to cushion the heavy sack that would slap against her big, fat, ass.
His body tensed, the toes in his sandals digging down into the leather.
"Aw, shit!"
His balls throbbed and his tip jumped in her mouth flooding the warm interior with cum. Yani swallowed, keeping her lips sealed around his frenulum, preventing the hot nut from spilling all over her clothes and the floor.
"Oh fuck!"
His body jerked as another pleasurable wave made his dick twitch in her mouth. The guards clearly heard him outside. They had grown accustomed to hearing or glimpsing him and Yani being sexual over the past few months.
"They almost here!" he yelped, checking his kimoyo beads.
The guards wouldn't run interference with the betrothal march rules. Yani raised up from his lap and wiped her lips, gulping down the last of his cum. They jumped away from the seat, fixed their clothes, and walked out of the Sun Room. He wanted to hold hands but stopped himself from doing it.
"Will you still have the private party for the African leaders next week?" Yani asked, pretending that all they had been doing was talking.
"I will. It's the hottest ticket in town. I considered canceling it, but it will be advantageous to bring outsiders here where I can root out the secret allies to the U.S. and Europe."
Yani's body appeared to tense up thinking about hostile outsiders.
"I want to show you off too," he said. "They will get their first glimpse of the future queen in person."
A pair of female chaperones met them in the grand foyer that led to the elevators on the north side of the East Palace.
"Back to our regularly scheduled old folks spying," N'Jadaka whispered to Yani under his breath.
They both widened the gap between them to an acceptable length in the older women's presence. Now that the king was back, Yani couldn't gallivant around with him openly alone. He found it all silly and endearing, but at least they allowed Yani to stay in his home. Mpilo waited for him outside of his private chambers. N'Jadaka turned to Yani and spoke to her in formal Wakandan for appearance's sake.
"I must address the nation about the attack. Rest and I will see you later tonight with the family," he said.
Yani nodded and held out her hands in deference. Once she became his queen, she wouldn't have to do that anymore. The chaperones accompanied Yani inside of his home where they would keep watch over them both. They only accepted the temporary pre-marriage living arrangement because of the Tunisian attack.
He followed Mpilo to the West Palace media room where his staff had his prepared statement ready to address the nation. He had tinkered with it before attending Toussaint's birthing. Wakandans would see that their king was safe, and to spin away from national fear, he was asked by T'Challa and Nakia to announce the birth of T'Challa Toussaint Udaku.
His media team fussed with his hair and placed light stage makeup on his face to keep his skin from shining on camera. Going live thirty minutes after arriving, he addressed the nation and the press corps assembled in front of him.
N'Jadaka relayed the harrowing news of another assassination attempt. He thanked T'Challa, his Doras, and the kingsguard away team that kept him safe. There was no revealing to the nation that it was King Charles III and his Prime Minister in cahoots with the U.S. that planned the attack. The Council of Elders and the military heads wanted to keep direct ties under wraps. They did not want their people to think they were pounding the drums of war already. That would come soon enough. He answered a few correspondents' questions about the future of relations with Tunisia and other planned summits with international leaders, then reassured the people that Wakanda was the preeminent nation in the world. A pushy reporter asked about his upcoming international gathering of African leaders.
"That will still take place next week," N'Jadaka said.
"Is that wise to bring in outsiders after an attempt on your life, King N'Jadaka?"
The reporter, a tall lithe man with Merchant Tribe markings on his face gazed at N'Jadaka with contempt laced in his tone.
"I appreciate your concern…," he squinted at the reporter's name badge with his credentials, "Mnumzana Khumalo?"
Khumalo nodded and squared his shoulders, waiting for an answer. N'Jadaka gripped the sides of the clear podium and fixed his full attention on the man.
"I am confident that the skills of my security team can protect me in our own country-"
"What has become of the people you have detained for over a year that were responsible for the bombings here?" Khumalo challenged.
N'Jadaka's Press Secretary stepped forward and whispered in his ear, her light voice urging him to pass on answering the question. He kept his face neutral and gave a small smirk of dismissal to everyone in the room.
"I am not at liberty to go into the legal details of that because we are still gathering intel-"
"For a year? Surely a trial should be forthcoming after all this time," Khumalo pushed.
"Our Justice Department will continue to oversee the timing of the trials. You all will be informed at that time. Before I end this press conference, I would like to announce that my cousin, T'Challa Udaku, and his beloved fiancé Nakia are now the proud parents of a baby boy, T'Challa Toussaint Udaku. He was born earlier today. Both mother and child are in good health."
Sharing the joy of a new royal birth shifted the crisp tension in the room. The reporters ate the announcement up and he relaxed into sharing the pride in the family about Toussaint's safe arrival. His Press Secretary took over for other questions and he hustled out with the rest of his staff back to his office.
"Notify the Council of Elders that I want to meet with them now, and someone find out why Khumalo has a bug up his ass about the Phuri captives," N'Jadaka ordered.
Tlotliso went to notify the Council of Elders and his Chief of Staff shuffled over to her desk and sought out answers he wanted. Mpilo stayed by his side, awaiting more orders.
"Give me fifteen minutes of private time," N'Jadaka said.
Mpilo nodded and headed to his section of the outer office. With a brisk walk into his personal space, N'Jadaka quickly checked his kimoyo for new messages. Fury had been underground for weeks with no word given about the Asgardian adjustments to earth life. The man was keeping too much from N'Jadaka and it irked him.
He checked up on his schedule for the rest of the week. The international press waited for his statement about the Tunisia attack. He swiped a note on his comm tab to have his Press Secretary shoot out a generic statement and made plans to work on his talking points for his meeting with the Wakandan Parliament in two days. The entire legislative body of government was eager to see him and hammer out new laws involving travel in and out of Wakanda. Twyla and her new husband Bibi lobbied hard to pressure the governing body into allowing more tourists to enter the country to galvanize their new eco-tourism business. As it stood, they only allowed 500 visitors a month within the southern half of the continent and not from any non-African countries. Business leaders witnessed how lucrative the tourist industry could be with even the smallest amount of visitors allowed in, and threw their support behind Twyla and Bibi.
He carved out a bit of free time to go to the gym and work out alone for the rest of the week's schedule. Before he headed to the throne room, Tlotliso knocked on his office door, awaited permission to enter, and walked in with certified mail from the states. She handed him a thick eight-by-eleven manila envelope.
"What's this?" he asked.
"Several groups in the United States have filed a class action lawsuit against our community centers and our WDG science institutions in five states."
"Lawsuits? For what?"
N'Jadaka scoffed. Tlotliso stood with a stoic expression.
"You're serious?"
"Palace lawyers have looked them over and need you to sign off on filing a countersuit for defamation," she said.
"Make it plain for me, I have to see the Council of Elders."
"They are claiming that our focus on Black Americans and Native Americans is unfair to white Americans and other groups benefitting from our outreach. If Wakanda wants to do non-profit work there, then… "
She shrugged. N'Jadaka pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We should be able to get around that with the institutions we're putting together on sovereign tribal lands. Send whatever funds Nevaeh needs to distribute to get lawyers for the tribes. Ones who know American Indian Law and preferably Native themselves. Hit up Senator Peters' office, he's an Osage lawyer and up for re-election this term. Call my Uncle Bakari to handle the recruiting of lawyers to help him fight for the ones in Black areas," he said.
"There are more coming in from Canada against the First Nations there, too. A whisper network has opened up in online spaces that accuse Wakanda of infiltrating NGOs to take over the U.S.," she said.
"Well… this is how they want to fight. To keep us from influencing populations they want to subdue. As long as they focus on the overt institutions, they'll never find out about the covert ones," he said, winking at her. "If the overseeing committee has a problem with costs, I'll foot most of the bill for lawyers from my inheritance. Got it?"
He dropped the envelope on his desk
"I'll look these over in more detail later. Get in touch with our people there and let them know that we're taking care of it."
Tlotliso left him and he stared at the painting of his greatest grandmother.
"How did you balance all this stuff and have a huge ass family?"
He tried to imagine Shuriya laughing at him with that amazing voice from memory. Sweeping out of his main office and into a dressing room, he took a quick shower and changed into fresh royal clothing from the collection he kept on hand. Dabbing lemon anointing oil on his forehead, he loosened his hair and left his locs dangling down past his shoulders. Mpilo stood at attention in the waiting room of the front office.
"Let's go," N'Jadaka said.
His royal entourage in tow, he sauntered out feeling good about the rest of his day. Being back in Wakanda with his family put some pep in his step. He could endure chaperones as long as he could sit with his future wife and watch her smile and pamper him. As brave as she tried to be, Yani feared for his life each time he ventured out from Wakanda. The homecomings were always special and the lovemaking was exceptional. She'd touch him with such reverence and tenderness for days. Shuri and his grandfather made fun of him all the time. He'd leave the kingdom a ferocious rottweiler and return home a docile puppy in her arms.
"Boy, I have seen you run circles around women, but at one point I thought Disa had you under her thumb… but good God almighty, whatever it is Yani does to you takes the cake. She gotchu wrapped around her finger. She can just suck her teeth, and give you a look, and off you go doing what needs to be done to put a smile back on her face," Dante joked after watching him cater to her every whim.
Even Disa admitted to him in a quiet and very private discussion about Adebiyi, the difference in his relationship with Yani in comparison to her.
"You love to be needed," Disa said, "Yani brings out that boisterous masculine side in you that makes you want to take care of her in a way that I never needed from you."
For a moment, it made him sad to hear that from Disa.
"You didn't need me?" he said.
She noted the hurt in his voice.
"I wanted you… in the worst way for a long time. But being older had me at an advantage over you because there was nothing you could really do for me that I couldn't do for myself. In fact, I brought more to the table than you did for years… well, that is until I found out you were well off and royalty. That doesn't mean our love wasn't special…it was. When you came after me, you had something to prove that was pure ego… that you could get me and make me change my mind about you. What I'm saying is, Yani gives you what you want and need. Her everything. Adoration. Loyalty. Pining for you even when she thought you were dead. She turns on a button inside of you that makes you… well… grovel sometimes. You don't have to prove anything to her that is based on something as superficial as getting a bad bitch on your arm. She sees you as the king you are… always has, and she needs that part of you like the air she breathes. It is the thing that anchors you and propels your drive to please her so much since you've been king," Disa said.
She laughed at him, but he understood what she meant. Disa's eyes had been loving, sisterly to him almost as she told him the truth.
"It could be that she appeared to you as a beautiful damsel in distress that you could save and that connected to that core of you that wants to save the world for our people. But she flipped it on you too, brought the light back into your soul. Gave you unconditional love when you needed it most to bring you back to yourself… the one you were before your parents were taken from you. I also think that having Sydette around allowed you to live a life you wished for your parents and yourself again."
Disa had touched his face, wiping away the tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks. Yani made him feel like a superhero, and taking care of her and Sydette brought him needed joy before he claimed Wakanda as his blood right.
Two kingsguards opened the double doors of the throne room.
The Council of Elders stood and waited for him to take his seat before they all sat down again.
"We are glad you are well and safe, King N'Jadaka," Zinzi said.
The other elders studied his face, searching for any signs of concern about his place out in the world.
"I am always steps ahead of my enemies," N'Jadaka said.
"Are you ready to meet with the petitioners? We can reschedule if you need time to settle in for a few days," Bhira said.
"I can see them all before dinner. Let's begin with the things we tabled at our last gathering."
The elders filled him in with details on projects that needed his approval in several districts and they spent time hashing out their plans to rein in the anti-monarchy forces that were beginning to cause political tensions in Birnin Bashenga and smaller villages out in the more rural areas. They were not violent as the Phuri had been, but the elders worried about their influence on younger Wakandans who questioned the power of the Udakus leading the world. The only promising thing in their favor was the popularity of Yani and his children.
"Perhaps we can have Princess Yani do more public appearances with you… a goodwill tour of the country with town hall gatherings in the less populated areas," M'Kathu suggested.
Efetobo leaned on her cane and nodded her head at this idea.
"Because the island Princess is much younger than you, our young people seem to connect to her. A tour of the country with her will help promote the excitement of your upcoming nuptials. They see that she loves our people. Let us seek out the BZN network to do a special segment on her work at the hospital," Efetobo said.
"That is a good idea," Zinzi chimed in, "They could do an interview with her and some of the mothers she cared for. Reunite her with the newborns she brought into the world last year. Our people love babies and charitable work. Yani is a working mother who serves the people outside of the palace. This will counter the image of a monarchy hidden behind a wall. Our king has presented himself as a man of the people. His future wife can shore up any bitterness that the monarchy is a useless relic. If Lady Nakia is open to the idea, maybe we can use this opportunity to introduce the new prince with consort Yani on the air live. It can be her public coming out as the new queen."
All the elders nodded in sage agreement.
"If we go this route, then I will need you all to check the nobles of your tribes. I am aware of the talk against Yani. She will be my wife, not my concubine. They will pledge loyalty to her or heads will roll," N'Jadaka said.
Eyes darted away from his heated gaze.
"I will demote and publicly shame any tribal member from your territories who speak ill against her. Ramonda has warned them, but her job keeps her out of the country for weeks, and I know their lips get loose when she's away. Gather them up or I will do it for you," he warned.
"We understand, kumkani," Zinzi said.
N'Jadaka listened to reports from each of the elders until M'Baku showed up at the appointed hour.
"Right on time," N'Jadaka said with a smile.
He sent the Jabari leader to personally gather military intel from all the divisions to give a thorough presentation on the state of offshore island security. Wakandans had returned to the manmade islands and he wanted to know if any Talokanil sightings had been detected there or around the world while he was away.
M'Baku stood before him and rattled off a thirty-minute update that pleased the king. Except for the Tunisian attack, nothing alarming occurred elsewhere. They discussed the lawsuits and his plans to deal with them before the first petitioner came into the throne room. Politicians could ask to be received by the king from various districts to appeal for his help with any manner of dispute that they didn't want to go to court over. Most of it dealt with ancient customs butting heads with modern times, and more often than not, the Council of Elders de-escalated problems. It was deemed an honor to be heard before the king inside the throne room. Zinzi limited it to four petitions so that N'Jadaka would have time to rest before the big family dinner.
The first petition was from a Border Tribe leader who refused agricultural expansion onto his ancestral lands from a neighboring Mining Tribe company unless he was compensated or subsidized by the palace for more than was being offered.
The second petition was the splitting up of properties between two widows married to the same retired Panther Tribe naval officer who died recently and left a portion of his worldly possessions to a young woman he was not married to in his will. The two octogenarian widows wanted the younger woman banned from having anything because she was not a legal wife and had no children by the deceased. The properties once belonged to the royal family who informally gave it to the naval officer as a reward for exceptional service. The young woman, who barely looked thirty, once worked as the late officer's private secretary and pleaded with N'Jadaka that the dead man promised to give her land, two homes, and a part of his wealth before he died since his wives were already rich from their own families and didn't need the extra homes and vast farmland. N'Jadaka knew a conniving side piece when he saw one, and the young woman had a nasty disposition about her. But, she talked a good game and shed tears in front of N'Jadaka, while flirting with him at the same time. He dismissed her with nothing to add to her greedy pockets. The two older women, the same age as his Baba Z, thanked him for his wisdom in the decision to favor them.
The third petition came from a couple who wanted their sixteen-year-old daughter to become a Dora Milaje. N'Jadaka wished Ramonda was there to help him decide if the girl was worthy, but he trusted his instincts, and Okoye's input, permitting the girl to attend the training corps once she finished her high school education. The girl shrieked and ran around in a circle before bowing to him. She promised to be the best and looked forward to serving him one day.
N'Jadaka checked his kimoyo. He was ready for a nap.
"Can we see the next petitioner tomorrow?" he asked.
His throne room attendant glanced at the itinerary on her comm tab and shook her head.
"I think you should see these next petitioners today, kumkani."
He stifled a groan of irritation. There was more than one person coming in. N'Jadaka sighed and waved for the attendant to bring in the final decision he had to make before he could get into his bed and sleep for an hour or two.
The throne room doors opened and the attendant waved in the petitioners.
Dressed in new formal royal clothing, Sydette, Riki, and two of their young Udaku cousins walked in with serious expressions. They followed the attendant to stand at the designated spot to address the king. The Council of Elders, including M'Baku, tittered under their breath.
"What can I do for you?" N'Jadaka asked.
Sydette stepped forward and Riki handed her a sheet of paper.
"Council of Elders, King N'Jadaka-"
Riki interrupted by whispering in Sydette's ear. She nodded, faced N'Jadaka again, and read from the paper once more.
"Council of Elders, King Baba… we greet you and thank you for accepting our request to speak to you. We have come to ask that you take the day off tomorrow and spend it with us. You have been away for two weeks, and since you have been home, we have not had you to ourselves. We know you are very important and busy, but we don't want you to forget us. Whatever you decide, we will accept."
Sydette rolled up the paper and waited.
His daughter had turned seven that year. Riki was five and added another inch to his height. N'Jadaka couldn't get over how mature they grew, and how articulate they had become. Folding his hands together, he contemplated their request with thoughtful consideration. Sydette and Riki's two cousins from Umama's young grandniece, a boy and a girl aged nine and eight, watched with shy anticipation.
"Council of Elders, I would like to defer to you in this matter," he said.
The children turned their determined energy over to the older people. Zinzi stood up and turned to the other council members.
"This is a very serious request. The king is a very busy man," Zinzi said.
She turned her face away from the children and winked at N'Jadaka.
"Can we spare the wisdom of our king for a day?" M'Baku asked.
N'Jadaka held a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. M'Baku's booming voice echoed throughout the room and it made the children look at one another as if their asking for a fun day was a mistake.
Efetobo tapped her cane on the floor.
"I know that Princess Yani has chores for them around the palace and royal garden. Have they completed them for today? The king needs a clean environment with order in place to relax," Efetobo said.
"I think we should take a vote and see if we can agree to free the king for a day," Bhira said.
M'Kathu folded his arms over his chest.
"I do not remember if they told us about their chores. Were they complete?" M'Kathu said.
"We did them!" Riki shouted.
"Shall we vote?" Zinzi said, retaking her seat.
They all nodded.
"Who is in favor of King N'Jadaka having a day to himself to be with his children and other relatives?" Zinzi said.
N'Jadaka watched his children and baby cousins nervously take in the serious nature of the voting. The Council of Elders were dramatic and prolonged their torture until Zinzi counted all the hands raised. Riki gave a noticeable sigh of relief and squeezed his closed fists against his chest.
"Kumkani," Zinzi said with deliberate slow enunciation, "The council has voted. You may have your day."
The children turned to N'Jadaka and he treated them as he would other petitioners.
"The Council of Elders and I have approved your request. You may go to the king's floor and pick up your copy of the royal decree. Leave us," he said, making his voice even.
All the children lowered their heads and held up their hands in a sign of supplication. A throne room attendant chaperoned them out of the space and once the double doors closed with a loud clanging echo, the Council of Elders cackled up a storm. Bhira wiped away tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.
Efetobo nodded her wizened head and stared at N'Jadaka.
"To think they would go through all the trouble to ask for a formal petition," Efetobo said.
"It is a good thing I scanned the requests for an audience earlier or we may have missed the moment," Zinzi said.
N'Jadaka stood and held his hands in deference to them, showing his appreciation for their assistance in letting his children see him using their help. No matter how high up he was, seeking the wisdom of elders would stay with his babies for life.
"Thank you for your permission. I will take my leave," he said.
The others stood and he left the room. Mpilo joined him outside grinning from ear to ear.
"You gave Elder Zinzi the heads up about my kids," N'Jadaka said.
"The young prince and princess called me and asked for my help. I cannot deny royal children an audience with their father… so I contacted Elder Zinzi for assistance in getting their petition on today's schedule."
Mpilo looked around the hall and moved in closer to keep his voice within earshot.
"When you are away, kumkani, they miss you terribly. Princess Yani does her best to keep their minds on other things, but they see and hear how hard you work for the country. I think it is a noble thing they did. It shows how much they respect your job," Mpilo said.
"Would you like to join the family for dinner tonight?"
Mpilo took a step back and stared at N'Jadaka with bewilderment.
"Me being with the royal family?"
"Think of it as a reward for all your hard work."
Mpilo lowered his gaze to the floor.
"Kumkani, this is not work when I am around you. It is an honor to serve the best king our country has ever had."
"You don't have to butter me up," N'Jadaka teased.
"It is true. You have brought energy… and excitement to Wakanda that we have not seen in ages. Every day I cannot wait to come into the palace-"
"Yeah about that. I want to change things."
Mpilo's face grew tight.
"I am going to request that you move into the palace staff apartments. There's a lot coming down the road and I will need you at a moment's notice. Would you be okay, moving here?"
Mpilo clutched the top of his head with both hands.
"Me, living here? Inside the palace?" Mpilo said with disbelief.
"Until the living arrangements are approved, I'll have you stay in my guest quarters. Take the rest of the day off and go retrieve what you need from home. I'll have Tlotliso take care of everything with your security clearance badge for the upper floors."
Mpilo seemed ready to explode all over the hall.
"Go," N'Jadaka said.
Mpilo ran down the stretch of the lobby and N'Jadaka chuckled. One of the kingsguard outside of the throne room grinned at him.
"Have a good one," N'Jadaka said to both guards as his entourage flanked him to head to his home.
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Yani smoothed freshly made jasmine hair oil on her scalp.
The king requested a private meal with her before the grand ball for the heads of all the African nations invited into Wakanda for the first time together. At first, she thought they would eat in his home, but Mpilo delivered a formal invite on royal stationery with a bouquet of blue flowers from Birnin S'Yan. They would dine together in the oldest dining room in the palace where portraits of the Udaku ancestors hung in vivid splendor.
Their foreign guests were given a lavish lunch spread instead of a dinner. The king's swanky bash would have plenty of food and drink served by palace staff and it was thought to be a better arrangement than serving a heavy meal before dancing and mixing together in formal dress. Yani and N'Jadaka would eat and then join the party soon after.
She chose a classy long black cocktail hour dress that shimmered with silver beading and pearls for the private meal. Her ball gown for later in the evening had a more dramatic flair in a stunning, cobalt blue hue with a delicate lace hood.
Her chaperones followed her and two Doras to the appointed room where N'Jadaka waited for her holding a slim yellow satin jewelry box.
"For you," N'Jadaka said, handing her the box.
Her eyes did a slow elevator rise up his body, taking note of the sophisticated-looking outfit that was hand-stitched weeks beforehand. It was in the same cobalt blue of the ball gown she would wear. Although it was only a long tunic and loose-fitting trousers combo, the embroidery and diamond-encrusted accents told how expensive the suit was to own, and Yani admired how regal it made him look to strangers. His septum nose ring gleamed just as bright as the gold slugs in his mouth. He wore his hair tied up high with cowrie shells threaded throughout. She hoped the lust in her eyes didn't alarm the chaperones.
Yani graciously accepted the gift. Inside on crushed yellow velvet was a small choker-sized necklace with a chain made of pure gold and silver with a tiny bell-shaped glass charm filled with several grains of rice.
"This necklace belonged to my Nana. My cousin Junie sent it to me after he found some old things belonging to her. I had the chain replaced. Inside that little bell is some Carolina Gold rice. To the Gullah, it's the best rice in the world, and that little bit in there was harvested by my Nana's granddaddy after the Civil War. Each grain represents all the children he had. Nine altogether. He placed each one inside that bell to remember where they were all born after he migrated to Georgia. Nana kept that in her prized possessions and I want you to have it," he said.
"Thank you," she said.
She traced her fingers around the chain and the bell, shaking it a little to see the rice grains dance inside of it. Counting the grains, her eyebrows drew up in confusion.
"There are twelve grains in here," Yani said, holding the bell up for him to see.
"I know. I added three more for Sydette, Riki, and Joba. Wanted to add my contribution to the bloodline."
He helped her put it on and then kissed her hand since he couldn't kiss her in front of the chaperones until they left the room.
"This was really thoughtful, N'Jadaka."
N'Jadaka led her to the long table on one far end that was for the royal heads. He helped her into the queen's seat, and he took the king's seat right next to her. The servers brought in the first course of beef broth, sautéed mushrooms, with savory puff pastries filled with meat, the Carolina Gold rice he had imported, and greens. Their chaperones excused themselves once they observed them eating. The second they were gone, N'Jadaka's lips were all over Yani's and they kissed until one of the Doras pretended to cough, reminding them that the chaperones were not too far away.
Yani touched his lips before sneaking one more kiss from his lush mouth. She giggled and slapped his hand when she felt it wandering up her thigh. The wine was poured for them and more food was brought out. They gossiped together about T'Challa and Nakia fussing over Toussaint. T'Challa carried the baby everywhere with him, even tying him to his back for meetings with N'Jadaka, and Nakia found it inappropriate for the Black Panther to go around changing dirty diapers in front of soldiers and military heads. T'Challa didn't care. Wherever he went, Toussaint went. Nakia took advantage to sleep as much as she wanted, and it tickled Yani that her own son wanted to have a hand in coordinating outfits for himself and his little cousin with Joba who remained in New York with Disa. They stayed in Greenwich Village with a protective entourage.
That became a sore spot for N'Jadaka.
Joba being so far away longer than planned upset him, even though he pretended to accept Disa taking a short-term Artist-in-Residence spot at The New School private research university. He had insisted that Joba be sent home with Ramonda, but Disa argued that her mother and step-father wanted to spend time with them there while they were away from Canada to see her symposium presentations. Yani suspected that he was feeling uncomfortable with Adebiyi being with them for so long. He didn't accuse the man of trying to squeeze into his place outright because he was there at Disa's request to co-teach architectural design in Wakanda, but the tension of the conversations Yani overhead told her differently. She opted to stay out of it even though it would've been easy to call Disa and talk about resolving everything herself. If it bothered the king too much, the Royal Talon Fighter would be sent to retrieve the baby of their family and that would be that. N'Jadaka had his pride, but he buckled down to accept a long separation to keep the peace. Joba was happy and he spoke to her twice a day.
Yani assisted with cooling the king's angst by sharing holo vids and photos of Disa and Adebiyi lecturing together at filled-to-capacity lectures. She reminded N'Jadaka that positive publicity about their new homeland went a long way to offset the negative propaganda machines painting Wakanda as a selfish threat. Disa sharing the wisdom of Adebiyi with American students was a feather in their cap.
However, she knew that his deeper issue was having another man grow close to Joba when he was still learning about his own child after missing her first three years. Even a fully recalibrated N'Jadaka Udaku became unsure of his fatherly bond when abandonment issues rose up. The inner child inside of himself feared losing Joba's complete love and attention.
Yani fondled the new necklace around her throat and sipped white wine. The king had a smile on his face and she wanted to keep his spirits up before they prepared to attend the ball.
"Can I talk to you about something important?" he asked.
Yani put down her glass and trained her eyes on his cheerful face.
"I hope it's nothin' bad," she said.
She curled her tongue inside of her mouth and mentally chided herself for always assuming the worst when they spoke together alone. N'Jadaka clasped her left hand in his, turning his body in the fancy black and gold high-back chair to face her directly. He played with the artisan-crafted platinum engagement ring on her finger that he gifted Yani for her birthday. Sensing her nervousness, he gently rubbed the top of her knuckles with his thumb.
"You and I have come so far together. So much of who I am today is because of you and Sydette…"
Yani's heart started to pound faster. She fought back the stiffness her upper body took on.
"Baby… relax," he soothed.
He kissed her lips and it helped quell the tension building up and down her spine. His eyes bored into hers and she held her breath.
"I've been thinking a lot about St. Thomas and all the things that happened to us there as we tried to build a pretend family that became real. Chez has been on my mind too. I had to pray a lot about how I wanted to say this because I've tried to give Sydette everything to make sure she knows she's loved and cherished by me. But it won't be complete until I ask your permission to adopt her as my own. I've been her father by word and deed, but I want to make it official to the Wakandan court. Yani, I know you had a rough time with her biological father, and somehow y'all got to a better place after I was gone. His death affected you both and I don't want to upset his family at all… but Sydette is my daughter… and I want her to have her legal and rightful place as my firstborn child written into the ancestral line. Am I going too far in asking for this?"
N'Jadaka's eyes were shiny and cautious.
Yani glanced down at his thumb on her exquisite engagement ring. Her mouth parted as her eyelids welled. She swallowed back the lump growing in her throat.
"She's always been your baby," Yani said with a shaky voice, "I had her for nine months by myself, but you… yuh came to us…"
Her throat closed and she collapsed against his chest.
"Ah…girl…," he said, rubbing her back and kissing the top of her perfumed head.
She wept and he held her close, murmuring her name, pacifying the tremors in her body as she cried.
"That day I first saw her, you were both mine, hear me?" he said. "I loved you the moment you came down to that cove with a nectarine between your teeth, shouting at me to get out of your waters. Nah, before then. I loved you when you fussed at Jerome… before I even saw you."
Yani pulled away from his chest and wiped her eyes. He studied her face.
"Do you want us to tell her tonight or wait until tomorrow?" he asked.
Yani waved her hands at him.
"No words are needed. All I need to do is sign any formal papers," she said.
N'Jadaka frowned.
"That kinda messes up what I had ready if you gave your permission," he said.
"Messes up what?"
He tapped his kimoyo and the dining hall opened. Two muscular-looking kingsguards strode in carrying a giant glass cage. Yani slapped his bicep and jumped up from her seat. Jerome sat cozy and comfortable within the container and his wary eyes stared at them with annoyance.
"I had a new custom iguana enclosure built for him in the royal garden where he can sleep at night after roaming around all day. I even brought over some of his kids to keep him company," he said.
Stuck to the side of the container was an elaborately decorated piece of silky pink paper that read "Will you be my first Little Princess?"
Yani linked her arm to N'Jadaka's and tapped the side of the container that was covered with small holes for the iguana to breathe and receive adequate ventilation.
"The children will love this," Yani said. "I have missed you, Jerome."
Mpilo stepped into the room.
"Kumkani, it is time to prepare for the ball. Your guests are arriving and mingling with Wakandan nobles," Mpilo said.
Outside of the dining room doors, the king's entourage waited for him with Yani's Ladies in Waiting and the chaperones. N'Jadaka rubbed Yani's shoulders.
"I will come for you in an hour, okay? Is that enough time for you?"
Yani nodded and watched the kingsguards take Jerome back to his new home in the royal garden. Mpilo slipped out of the dining room. N'Jadaka nodded for the Doras who stood at attention by the doors to leave them alone. They had a good five minutes before the chaperones got antsy.
The king snuck rubs on her booty and slid his tongue across her lips, forcing them open. She kissed him with a heart lifted in gratitude.
"Thank you for my children," he whispered into her mouth.
"Thank you for this life," she answered back.
He lifted her chin with a strong finger.
"You are my life, Yani. I'm going to show you tonight after the ball."
His eyes had a glazed look to them and he licked his lips to wipe away the remains of her lipstick.
"Oh, really?" she teased.
He palmed her vulva through her dress, then rubbed small circular motions where her clit rested in her panties.
"I'm gettin' some pussy tonight. I don't care what them old ladies say," he mumbled.
He offered out his elbow to her and she wrapped her hand around it, allowing him to escort her to their shared home so she could change into her ball gown and impress all the foreign guests. Intent on making the king look formidable, she slowly took on the countenance of a powerful queen and matched his assured strides with her rightful place at his side.
All the people waiting for them in the West Palace would get their first look at Queen Yani N'Isiqithi The First. A small fluttering in her chest spread as the spirit of her greatest grandmother Queen Mary of St. Croix rose up inside of her. If anyone at the ball challenged her king and soon-to-be husband… fiyahbun.
Chapter 73 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 70
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"Wouldn't you know We been hurt, been down before, nigga When our pride was low Lookin' at the world like, "Where do we go, nigga?" And we hate po-po Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga I'm at the preacher's door My knees gettin' weak and my gun might blow But we gon' be alright"
Kendrick Lamar – “Alright"
The former king of Wakanda, T'Challa Udaku stared at his cousin, the reigning monarch of the most powerful nation in the world. From his seat behind the stage, T'Challa watched King N'Jadaka stroll down the aisle of the United Nations gathering in New York flanked by the Dora Milaje and the handpicked onyx kingsguard in their obsidian uniforms and horned helmets.
Battle armor.
N'Jadaka's black robes were soft and billowy, but the glinting of gold from his golden jaguar necklace looked menacing around the thick neck resting on the wide chest. The gathered audience held its collective breath waiting for the king to face them.
Nakia stood at the podium waiting for the king to acknowledge and relieve her of the duty of introducing him. Head held high, lips painted dark to match her crisp black pantsuit, the love of T'Challa's life stepped aside once the king reached her. She stayed standing to the left of the king, eyeing the audience until she locked onto her target: Agent Ross.
T'Challa twisted his neck to catch a glimpse of the traitor spy.
Ross sat with a grin on his face, clapping along with everyone else as the assembly welcomed the new king. For a scant two seconds, T'Challa caught Ross's attention and the C.I.A. operative dipped his head toward him. T'Challa lifted his chin and then turned back to watch his cousin speak.
The rumble in N'Jadaka's chest made his voice sound even more powerful as he addressed the assembly. T'Challa felt the crackle of nervous energy grow thicker the longer N'Jadaka spoke. The leaders of nations far and wide witnessed a new style of leadership they were not prepared for. The king had been forceful and direct at his address in Geneva a couple of months back, but today he was scathing. Critical. His words scorched the plans that the various leaders present had for controlling Wakanda's resources. The anger in the room was palpable. N'Jadaka retracted and rescinded every promise T'Challa had made to the same assembly four years ago.
T'Challa glanced at his lady love Nakia.
She surveyed the responses in the room and kept her face neutral as N'Jadaka gave the leaders a tongue lashing with disdain in his throat. T'Challa checked for any signs of fatigue in Nakia. She'd been on her feet for hours with N'Jadaka as they toured the facility and met privately with other African leaders. She swiped a hand across her belly once and T'Challa couldn't suppress the smile on his face.
Nakia carried his child.
She was only four months along, but she was already showing signs of weight gain in her midsection and face. No one in the family knew yet. They had wanted to keep it a surprise until she was further along and could find the words to tell N'Jadaka that he would have to find a replacement for her as the Ambassador of Wakanda.
His cousin would be miffed of course, but there would be happiness too. He would know that they both finally got what they wanted. Their own family.
T'Challa wiggled his fingers and exhaled a short breath to keep himself from bolting up in his seat and announcing to the world that he was about to be a father… and a husband soon.
Ramonda patted his left thigh.
"Are you alright?" Ramonda asked.
She sensed his restlessness.
T'Challa wanted to be back at their hotel with Nakia, rubbing her stomach and cooing to the tiny fetus making magic of their genetic blending. He patted his mother's hand.
"I am fine. Tired," he whispered back.
"He will make short work of this," Ramonda said.
She removed her hand from his and he prayed to Bast to keep his lips sealed because he was screaming on the inside to tell her she would finally be a grandmother. Ramonda turned her head to observe the other side of the room and his maniacal grin paused her movement.
"What is going on with you?" she asked.
"Nothing," he said.
Her raised eyebrow and pursed lips disagreed with him.
N'Jadaka's speech lasted a full forty-five minutes and then Nakia took the podium once more.
"King N'Jadaka will not be answering any questions at this time. Thank you," she said.
The Doras and the kingsguard surrounded N'Jadaka and Nakia, escorting them out of the assembly room. Agent Ross stood up, buttoned his suit jacket, and glared at T'Challa.
"Come," Ramonda said, stepping quickly behind the king, bringing up the rear of the entourage.
T'Challa stayed by Ramonda's side. When they passed Ross, the agent darted forward.
"Can we talk?"
Ross's voice sounded hollow and bitter.
"Not now," T'Challa said, keeping step with the Wakandans he was assigned to protect.
News camera flashes and shouts to get a statement blasted them outside of the main room. They kept moving, entering dark Lincoln SUVs waiting for them out front.
"So it begins," Ramonda said.
"We are prepared for the fallout," T'Challa said.
Back at the hotel, the immediate family joined together, sequestering themselves in a room to watch the news of N'Jadaka's speech. Shuri, Ramonda, Nakia, and T'Challa were joined by Disa, Joba, and Disa's new companion, the Jabari architect, Adebiyi. Disa flew to America with them as a drop-off point for her and her daughter to visit her family for an extended break away from Wakanda. N'Jadaka left Yani and their children back home in Wakanda. The new school year had started and Yani didn't want to take her two little ones out for a two-week tour with the king.
The news on the screen wasn't favorable to Wakanda. Pundits painted the new king with a vicious brush, making him out to be a despot as N'Jadaka had predicted. The king watched the news with a tight face. Afterward, he spoke to Disa alone and hugged his daughter with their preparation to depart for Canada. The night before, N'Jadaka had spoken to Adebiyi alone for hours and then a Dora was assigned to them for the duration of their visit. Things must've been serious between Disa and Adebiyi because he was meeting her family.
There was a distant respect between N'Jadaka and the Jabari outsider. Disa was a prized jewel in the Udaku clan, however, an alliance with kin to Jabari leadership was seen as a plus. Nothing scandalous would come from families uniting. T'Challa got a kick out of thinking about M'Baku possibly becoming a relative in the future.
After dinner and taking time away from politics, T'Challa finally had time to be with Nakia by himself. He slipped down to her hotel floor and they embraced in her hotel room behind closed doors.
"I have missed you so," he whispered in her ear.
Nakia's lush lips smothered his and they undressed quickly. Time was not their own in America, and he was expected to start protective patrols in three hours. Once out of her clothes, Nakia's swelling belly was so obvious that it made T'Challa laugh with pride. He kissed down her neck and chest until he sprinkled more kisses all over her stomach.
"How is my little one today?" he asked.
"I may have felt something earlier… I'm not sure," she said.
Her fingers brushed through his curls as he stayed pressing his ear against her tummy. He stood and cradled her face in his hands, kissing her harder. Nakia's fingers reached down to the hot and heavy dick that stuck out between them.
"You are so quick," she teased.
He moaned while her hand fisted him slowly, the head of his dick swollen and pooling pre-cum all over her fingers.
"Only because you are so ready," he chuffed, fingering the wet petals of her folds.
The inner lips of her pussy were puffed wide open and slippery. He dipped two fingers in to test the amount of lubrication she had. She soaked his digits. T'Challa licked his fingers tasting the salty sweetness she produced. It had become even sweeter now that she was pregnant.
"You taste delicious," he said tugging on her hardened right nipple.
T'Challa guided Nakia to their hotel bed and drenched her skin all over with wet kisses and expert licks of his tongue between her thighs. Climbing above her slowly, he entered her depths with gentle assurance as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He dipped in and out of her with small grunts and watched her face contort in pleasure. Pushing her thighs back, he watched his dick make motions inside of her, pulling moans and eye rolls from Nakia. Her back arched and she came quickly, huffing warm breath in his ear. Clutching his shoulders, she giggled when he swore to Bast and emptied his warm cum in thick splashes against her sticky walls. He nibbled on her neck.
"Laughing at me?" he teased.
She smooched his response away before tugging on his bottom lip with her teeth.
"We don't last very long together anymore," she said, wiping sweat away from his brow.
He lifted off of her, conscious of his weight on her midsection.
"N'Jadaka keeps you away from me a lot these past few weeks and I can't hold back," he said.
"Well… we shall have plenty of time to be together more. When should we tell them?"
T'Challa glanced at his kimoyo beads.
"Within the next hour would be best," he said.
A crease across Nakia's forehead forced T'Challa to fold her into his arms.
"Are we doing the right thing?" she asked.
"You are having doubts, my love?"
"Not about us having a child together, but me stepping away from my duties. I can still work up until I give birth."
He tried not to show disappointment on his face. She caressed his cheek and pecked her lips against his forehead.
"You don't want me to work."
"I think it will be difficult for us to enjoy the process if we are both busy. If you are the Ambassador, you will be away from Wakanda all the time."
"But you will be working too."
"I am the Black Panther. I have the power to come and go. You do not. I want you to enjoy this time for yourself, and not worry about the nation. Let me handle the politics. You concentrate on you and our little one."
He touched her rounded belly again, his fingers spread wide to protect the blessing within.
"Well, I would like to at least attend to Haiti as N'Jadaka wanted. Once the school and technical institute have their ceremonial opening next month, I will resign," she said.
"Good. Now, have you made your decision about our wedding?"
"I would like for us to wed six months after the baby is born. It will be too much to prepare for birth and nuptials at the same time."
"As you wish."
He nuzzled his face against hers. Both their kimoyos lit up in the dark lavender signature of the king.
"He summons us," Nakia said with bated breath.
A sly grin curled his lips.
"It's time," he said.
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N'jadaka sipped on cucumber water and checked over the instructions he would send to his staff back in Wakanda. Slipping into his royal sandals, he prepared to meet up with the family for dinner and drinks.
Yani and their children were well. Seeing them on his kimoyo beads made him homesick. Especially for Yani. He missed her hand rubbing his head and the sound of her voice soothing his hectic nerves. They started having secret rendezvous outside of the chaperoned betrothal march parameters. No one could understand the physical aches they had for one another. Their sex together was otherworldly. Animalistic. Beyond the realm of making any damn sense. He'd fly a secret stingercraft to her home while the children were away and they'd fuck until his dick was raw and her pussy lips were swollen from the friction and deep pounding.
She knew how to have those pussy lips wide open and her legs up in the air once he swept into her bedroom, his raging erection poking holes through his royal trousers. Gripping under the big wide head of his dick, he always thrust in fast and she caught every stroke, giving it back to him purring his name, and scratching softly at the nape of his neck. The woman understood the proper way to talk him through explosive orgasms. He nutted hard and hollered every time like he was dying from lust and the completion of life itself. It scared him sometimes. Their vigorous sessions depleted him the way he needed to be drained after a difficult day. She deftly handled his body and the amount of cum he gushed into her, filling up every orifice in her body.
Each time he left her bed, it irritated him. But he had to play the royal game of propriety. The country was fully aware that he was going to marry Princess Yani Galiber in a year. They chose the day he first arrived in St. Thomas as their wedding date. It seemed so far away and not having her in his bed in the palace worked his nerves. He showed that attitude by making Yani get on her knees before he left her side. She got a kick out of his suffering and pining for her, taking advantage of the situation by sending him nasty holo vids of her playing with herself like she used to back on the island. Teasing him ratcheted up is desire. He beat off his heavy dick and she stared up at him with those doe eyes and parted lips, letting him call her salacious names so he could cum on her face, painting her lips and cheeks with his love and dominance. Once she became his wife he was going to do the real damage then. Fuck her every morning and night, giving up the random sneaky links that soured his sleep at night.
A knock at the door distracted him from thoughts of his woman.
His kimoyo let him know it was only family.
"Hey,' he said, letting her inside of his grand suite, "I thought you left already."
"We are, in about fifteen minutes. I just wanted to see you alone first," Disa said.
She looked radiant.
Her chocolate satin skin glowed with vitality and love. Dressed in a simple indigo caftan with a matching hijab, she clasped her hands together in a quiet display of peace.
"W'sup?" he said.
Disa threw her arms around him, smothering him against her soft plush body.
"Thank you," she said into his chest.
"For what?"
She pulled back from him slightly.
"This trip. Being cool with Adebiyi going to Canada with me and Joba. He told me about your talk. It made quite an impression on him. I was afraid my wanting to travel with him would upset you… I wanted him to meet Joba away from the palace… away from all the business there. It's not easy sharing this new part of me with her. Sometimes I think she'll be scared that you and I don't love each other anymore as co-parents. She sees all of us together as a family unit. I feel like I'm breaking up her world by bringing Adebiyi into it."
N'Jadaka held Disa's hand and squeezed it.
"Children adjust. I promise she'll be okay. I'm her only Daddy. Adebiyi is just your boy toy."
Disa punched him in the shoulder. He kissed her hand.
"I'm happy for you, Disa. Adebiyi is good enough for you in my book. He loves you."
Disa's eyes grew wide. He brushed a piece of lint from her hijab.
"That man thinks you are the air he breathes. M'Baku told me that his wife is over the moon because her brother has changed in so many ways because of you. Y'all fit the way you deserve a man to enrich your life. As long as he's good to my daughter, you have my support in seeing him for as long as you want."
Disa's eyes became glossy and he looked away quickly. He didn't want her to cry. N'Jadaka sensed her fear and hesitation about his feelings the moment she walked in. She'd been on eggshells the entire trip, so worried about the adjustment of their daughter meeting a boyfriend. It still stung in N'Jadaka's hidden places that he hadn't fulfilled that role of companionship for Disa as his youthful past had promised. However, they were closer than ever before as co-parents. Her happiness was his priority. If Adebiyi made her glow like that all the time, he was there for it to continue.
Mpilo knocked on the door urging his presence for the private family dinner.
"Wish you all were staying for one more meal," he said.
"We'll catch you all in a week."
"Is the tutor working out for Joba?"
"Yes. She's keeping up with her schoolwork and language lessons."
"Alright, get going," he said, nudging her toward the door with his hand against her lower back.
Outside of his suite, he watched Disa saunter down the hall. Mpilo grinned next to him.
"All is well, King N'Jadaka?" Mpilo said.
"All is well."
"This way."
He followed Mpilo toward another suite on a lower floor where a lavish meal was spread before the Udaku family present. Ramonda, Shuri, and T'Challa were already sipping wine. Nakia poured herself sparkling water flavored with raspberries. Unlike everyone else, Nakia was overdressed with layers.
Ramonda poured N'Jadaka a glass of red wine and handed it to him. He took his seat beside her and relaxed into having privacy and no responsibilities for the next few hours. Shuri began passing around platters and bowls as they all served themselves the food their private Wakandan chef had prepared in the hotel kitchen. N'Jadaka surprised himself with the change in his tastebuds. American food no longer suited his palate. He still craved the southern foods of his Black American roots, but anything fastfood or regular fare did not please his stomach.
"Agent Ross has been on my heels all day," Nakia said after they had eaten for a time.
"He could barely contain himself in the assembly," T'Challa added.
"The tide has shifted and he's no longer looked upon as the Wakandan insider. He's scrambling," N'Jadaka said.
Nakia glanced over at T'Challa who sat next to her. He gave her a look but then noticed N'Jadaka watching them carefully.
"Is there something you two need to tell us?" N'Jadaka said, stuffing his mouth with a forkful of pulled pork mixed with savory rice.
Nakia jolted like ice water was tossed down her back.
Ramonda and Shuri stopped eating and watched the both of them too. T'Challa rubbed a hand on Nakia's upper back.
"Now…?" Nakia whispered to T'Challa.
T'Challa cleared his throat. Nakia held his hand on the table.
"Queen Mother, Shuri, King N'Jadaka," Nakia began with lowered eyes, "we have some news to share."
"You are getting married!" Ramonda squealed, clapping her hands together and holding them near her face.
"Yes, next year, but there's something else," T'Challa said.
"I'm having a baby," Nakia said.
Ramonda almost knocked the chair over as she leaped to her feet and swept Nakia up into her bosom.
"Oh my Bast…oh my Bast!" Ramonda blurted with rushed breath.
Shuri simply grinned and gazed across the table at her brother. Ramonda smothered T'Challa with kisses and clutched both their hands in hers.
"Congratulations cuz."
N'Jadaka stood from his seat and gave his cousin a handshake and a loving pat on the shoulder. He kissed Nakia's hand and then her cheek. Sitting back down, he waited to hear what was coming next. For three months he'd been waiting for Nakia to come to him with news of her pregnancy. He caught wind of it early on once he noticed the change in her eating habits and avoidance of certain foods that she once favored. The energy about her shifted into a protective one and sometimes she became lost in her thoughts when he spoke of future plans. Her cheeks plumped up and the layered clothing came next.
"When is the baby coming?" Shuri asked.
"In five months," Nakia said, a sheen of relief falling across her face after revealing her secret.
N'Jadaka leaned back in his seat.
"You will need time off," N'Jadaka said.
"Yes. I am so sorry," Nakia said.
He held up a hand.
"Don't be. Babies come when they are ready to be here."
T'Challa cleared his throat.
"It won't just be time off for a short period of time. We have agreed that she will leave her post as Ambassador for good. We shall be married six months after the baby is born."
Ramonda took her seat with shiny, dancing eyes.
"That gives us time to prepare the proper betrothal march and wedding celebration. The moment we get home Nakia, we must have you moved into the palace," Ramonda said.
Nakia's left hand picked at the linen table cloth and her eyes held N'Jadaka's.
"I apologize again. You had such high hopes for my work and we have put you at a disadvantage. I will help find a suitable replacement," Nakia said.
"I already have one in mind," N'Jadaka said.
"Who?" T'Challa asked.
"Queen Mother Ramonda," N'Jadaka said.
"Excuse me?" Ramonda said, wrenching her eyes away from her future daughter-in-law.
N'Jadaka wiped his lips with a napkin and washed down the last bit of rice particles with his wine. He rested his arms on the table and leaned in.
"You were a decorated Dora Milaje warrior. Your experience as queen qualifies far more than anyone else I can get on board fast. You are the face of the nation that can move our agenda forward in the outside world. I trust you and you're family."
Shuri poked her mother's arm.
"Do it, Mother! You are perfect. Plus it will keep you out of my hair!"
"Shuri! Control your mouth, daughter," Ramonda scolded.
"Will you do it, Mother?" T'Challa asked.
Ramonda gazed at her son with love in her eyes. They swept over to Nakia and she raised an eyebrow.
"I will need some time to think this over," Ramonda said, her head held higher.
Nakia visibly relaxed.
"I will stay on until the Haiti plans are running smoothly with my visit to the ceremonial opening, and then I will tender my resignation officially," Nakia said.
"Ambassador Ramonda Udaku… I like it," Shuri said.
"I do too," T'Challa concurred.
"Are you sure you would want me to step into Nakia's shoes?" Ramonda directed at the king.
Nakia guffawed.
"Step into my shoes? No Queen Mother, your shoes will do quite well. Better than mine in fact," Nakia insisted.
Ramonda placed her fingers against her temples with her elbows on the table.
"This is all so much to take in. My first grandbaby, a wedding to prepare for… a new job. You children have put so much in my basket," Ramonda said.
"I trust you will rise to every occasion," N'Jadaka said.
He reached over from his plate and placed his hand on top of hers.
"I'll have a regal warrior as the face of the nation," N'Jadaka said.
Ramonda took a deep breath, shook her head, then lifted up her wine glass toward T'Challa and Nakia.
"A toast to my son and his future wife… and also to my precious grandbaby," Ramonda said.
They all lifted glasses and clinked them together. The warmth in the room overpowered the air. N'Jadaka felt even more powerful with Ramonda by his side. Bast, Ogum, and the ancestors truly made way for the changes to occur at a time when it was needed.
T'Challa kissed his woman and Nakia melted against him, placing her head on his shoulder. The show of affection made N'Jadaka think of Yani again and all of his children. Nothing meant more than family and connections to people who shared love.
"Two weddings back to back is going to drive our people wild," Shuri said.
Ramonda gave an exaggerated sigh.
"My schedule is going to be so busy with my new Ambassador duties. I'll have to hire a staff the minute we get back to Wakanda… and I want to be on the upper floor in the West Palace overlooking the east side of the river," Ramonda said, tapping N'Jadaka's wrist.
He grinned. She already made up her mind.
The suite door opened and the chef brought in their dessert and coffee. N'Jadaka ate quickly so that he could return to his suite and call Yani back. He wanted her loving eyes on him for the rest of the night. Until then he enjoyed the presence of his cousin T'Challa beaming with the mother of his unborn child.
Chapter 71 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
“Black Boys Boom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 71″
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"War in the east, war in the west war up north, war down south war, war, rumours of war.
And until that day, the African continent will not know peace, we Africans will fight we find it necessary and we know we shall win as we are confident in the victory…
We don't need no more trouble…"
Bob Marley – "War/No More Trouble"
"Any more pressure on your bladder?"
Yani rubbed a wand scanner across Nakia's nine-month pregnant belly and checked the 3D image that sprang to life above the woman's belly button. Nakia exhaled with the breath of a woman totally over carrying another human inside of herself. Yani grinned and paid attention to the placement of the baby's body.
"He's in the proper position," Yani said.
Nakia's soulful brown eyes latched onto her baby's curled and tucked form snug inside her womb.
"T'Challa Toussaint Udaku," Nakia said.
"Hmm?" Yani muttered, touching the floating image to enlarge it so she could see the umbilical cord.
"We're calling him Toussaint for Haiti. I'm so proud of the work we have done there. N'Jadaka calls Haiti the Black Pearl of the world. He knows so much about it. T'Challa fell in love with it."
"I like it," Yani said.
She allowed Nakia to look at her baby from all angles before shutting off the scanner. She touched her kimoyo beads and Nakia's beads lit up.
"I transferred the latest images to your file. Everything looks great," Yani said.
She pulled down the patient gown on Nakia to cover her back up. Nakia tapped a few beads.
"T'Challa will be happy to see the new pictures," Nakia said.
Yani checked Nakia's birth chart.
"As of now, little Toussaint will decide when we get together this way again," Yani said, patting Nakia's hand.
Nakia lifted her hand from Yani's and captured it in both her palms, cradling it against her chest.
"You have been so wonderful for me and T'Challa. I didn't want anyone else to help bring our child into the world," Nakia said.
Yani tapped the side of the examination table and it raised up higher, allowing Nakia to be at eye level.
"Princess Yani!"
Yani's nurse assistant burst into the room out of breath with wild eyes.
"Mesea?" Yani said, jumping up from her seat at Nakia's side.
Mesea's plump fingers grasped Yani's hand and dragged her toward the door.
"Wait a minute!" Yani said, pulling off her examining gloves and tossing them in a waste receptacle.
She turned to Nakia.
"Excuse me please," Yani said.
Nakia nodded and reached for her clothing.
Yani trailed behind Mesea and noticed right away the buzz in the hall as other staff ran toward the vid screen in a spacious waiting area. A Wakandan emergency broadcast logo flashed on the screen immediately followed by the strained faces of two news anchors.
"We interrupt this broadcast with some shocking news coming out of the eastern coast of Tunisia. A terrorist bombing has claimed the lives of several politicians at a North African summit where King N'Jadaka was to address an assembly of leaders on new energy measures to improve the quality of life for countries dependent on fossil fuels. Sources on the ground have stated that two entire city blocks were destroyed and there is no word as of yet on the condition of King N'Jadaka and our Wakandan delegates who traveled with him…"
Yani clutched at her chest before tapping her kimoyo with a direct line to N'Jadaka. Nakia waddled next to her and also had her kimoyo glowing reaching out to T'Challa.
"…Ambassador Udaku's planned visit to Spain has been rerouted back to the U.S. until further notice. We are getting word that King N'Jadaka was the intended target of the attack…
Nakia tapped Yani's arm.
"T'Challa says N'Jadaka is fine," Nakia said.
Yani gasped out loud and walked to the side to hide her face from the staff. No one noticed, their eyes stuck to the screen, probably reliving the dread of King T'Chaka's bombing death. But N'Jadaka and T'Calla had been prepared for potential attacks everywhere.
Yani steered Nakia to her personal office and closed the door. Both of their kimoyos lit up simultaneously. Ramonda.
"Queen Mother," Nakia said swiping her beads first.
Ramonda sat perched inside of a Royal Leopard Fighter craft made for her new career as an ambassador. She had taken off her isicholo and wore her long white locs spread across her shoulders. Her face looked pinched and her mouth was a tight line of stress. Nakia tapped another bead and it brought Ramonda's life-size image into the room with them.
"They are both fine. T'Calla has the king hidden away in a secret location. There were no Wakandan casualties. The reports I'm getting from our War Dogs are twenty dead, fifteen injured, and about a dozen still missing at this point… still buried under rubble. N'Jadaka made last-minute changes to his schedule that were not made public to the host country. The British jumped the gun," Ramonda said.
Nakia perked up.
"We know for sure it was them?" Nakia asked.
Ramonda nodded.
"They are working covertly with the Tunisian government. This is the third attempt on N'Jadaka's life in two months. We were aware of the setup. It is why our king changed plans, to show the North Africans that the West will slaughter their people."
"He didn't warn them?" Nakia asked.
"We are teaching them a lesson," Ramonda said with grim finality.
Yani turned away to gather her thoughts. N'Jadaka was safe. T'Challa protected him and their entourage. He warned her that he would do whatever it took to show the world not to play with him. Allowing the Tunisians to die was a line in the sand: if they weren't with Wakanda, then they were against them.
"How are you, Nakia? Is my grandbaby well?" Ramonda asked, trying to lift the mood.
"The baby is healthy and I am ready to sleep on my stomach," Nakia joked.
A half laugh escaped her lips. Yani turned to face Ramonda again.
"Will you come home?" Yani asked.
"Not yet. Running home would make us look frightened. I am flying back to New York and I will stay there for regular assembly duties, unless the king changes things of course. There will be a half cruiser there to pick you both up in five minutes. You will be sequestered in the palace until further notice. Sydette and Riki have been escorted there already," Ramonda said.
"What about Disa and Joba?" Yani asked.
"Disa finished her guest lecture at M.I.T. less than an hour ago. She and Joba will be brought to New York with Adebiyi and the rest of the Jabari architectural team. They will be sequestered with me. No need to worry," Ramonda said.
Her image shimmered out of the room and they stared at her from Nakia's beads again.
"Quickly leave the hospital," Ramonda said.
Her face winked out and Yani walked out of her office with Nakia giving instructions to her co-workers. They understood why she had to leave. As the future queen of the nation, her safety was a priority.
The half-cruiser hovered above them outside and didn't even bother to land. A warm gravitational pull of neon blue light lifted them both up gently into the air. Above them, elite palace guards and military soldiers waited to help them aboard.
"Be gentle with her, please," Yani ordered.
The men followed her orders and deferred to her.
Out of the royal family members left in the country, Yani's status was higher than Nakia's and Shuri's. The ride to the palace was quiet, too quiet. The hum of the aircraft made her want to fly to Tunisia to scoop up her fiancé. Tunisia was the closest call they'd ever had with attempted assassinations on N'Jadaka. She had asked for her man to be transparent about everything, and now she wondered if she would prefer to not know anything about his work. Touching her chest, her heart thumped against her hand. Despite having a full security team, his own jaguar suit, and the powers of the heart-shaped herb, Yani experienced more fear than when he had been a mercenary. At least then he could be covert all the time. As a king, he couldn't be that way.
The King of England had ordered their secret service agents to kill the King of Wakanda in a foreign land to hide their hands. France had tried to be slick in their former African colonies, but Ramonda called them out at the U.N. and threw their treachery back in their face much to the embarrassment of the U.S. and the rest of the Western world. China tried to play up to Wakanda by sharing secret intel on the U.S. in West Africa. The tsunami of change N'Jadaka brought in his wake as king already had parts of Africa turning cold shoulders to Asian leaders wanting more incursions onto the continent.
Africa was changing.
King N'Jadaka proselytized the power of Africa for the Africans. No one else.
"Go and rest in the guest suite. We can have dinner together in the king's chambers," Yani said.
Nakia gave Yani a wide smile.
"What?" Yani asked.
"You speak Wakanadan so fluent now, for a second, you sounded like Queen Mother," Nakia said.
Yani waved her hands in a dismissive gesture.
"I still sound like a country girl up in the hills back home," Yani said.
Nakia shook her head.
"You sound like a queen. Until we meet again, Princess Yani."
Two Doras escorted Nakia away, leaving Yani alone with her personal Dora and the kingsguard. The military soldiers who flew with them posted themselves around the palace for extra security measures. Her kimoyo lit up. Dante's face appeared above her hand.
"Hi, Yani. I'm with Sweet Pea and Dumplin," Dante said.
"I'm here in the palace. N'Jadaka is fine. I spoke to Ramonda."
"I'm not worried. That boy can survive anything aimed at him. Are you okay? You look winded."
"The shock of it is settling in."
"I'll keep the children here with me. Go rest and let me know how things are. I'm keeping the news away from them. They think school just ended early because of the soccer league championships in Birnin D'Jata."
"Good. Nakia will join us for dinner tonight in the king's chambers. I want us all there if N'Jadaka calls."
Yani hustled her way to N'Jadaka's home and fell against the door once she closed it, not wanting the guards to see her worry.
"Everything is fine. Calm yourself," she whispered into the beautiful living room.
Yani hadn't been to N'Jadaka's home since the night they first made love after so many years. The natural comfort of its cozy décor eased her mind and brought into sharp relief the energy of her man. His essence permeated every square inch of the space and she let go of the knot bunched up in her stomach. She had to learn to cope better when bad news hit.
Stepping to the king's private bar, she poured herself a glass of Wakandan whiskey and noticed a pipe stuffed with an herb N'Jadaka liked to smoke that had the effects of weed, but didn't last as long in the bloodstream. Grabbing it, she struck up a lighter from the bar and smoked the pipe like a granny back home.
Gazing out of the grand window that overlooked the river and parts of the city reminded Yani that Wakanda was her true home. Her nation needed a strong queen for a strong king. She concentrated on preparing for his eventual return and being the best source of comfort for him. Her lessons with Umama on how to conduct herself as a queen rooted within her. Weeks and weeks of training, elocution classes, and body movement had been soaked into her bones. Even the way she touched N'Jadaka in public was practiced with Baba Z. The reliance on protocols began to make sense to Yani fully. How one conducted themselves in public gave assurance to the citizenry.
There were several hours to fill before dinner, so Yani practiced walking in the slow confident gait of a queen. She positioned her hands in the signs of deference and dismissal of Council Elders. Her posture was erect and her chin stayed tilted at the angle of royalty. The herb worked a subtle high in her bloodstream and she became more mellow as an hour passed with still no word from the king.
Yani contacted her home personal assistant Dakarai and the children's nanny to collect a week's worth of clothing to bring to the palace. She sent a kingsguard and a Dora to fetch them and set up housing for the women through the palace housekeeping department. Dakarai relayed that there were already press wanting a statement from the palace, but Yani wasn't ready to take on that part of her duties yet. She would leave that to N'Jadaka's PR staff and the Council of Elders.
She walked up the stairs that led to the second floor and looked in on the rooms Sydette and Riki would sleep in. The bed sheets were already clean and ready. There were brand-new toys situated on small children's desks, too. A third room for Joba was in the same state. Expectant. Prepared. It was their home too. She strolled over into another wing of the second floor that was to be her bridal bedroom. Udaku royalty had separate bedrooms, and the room that was to become her sanctuary was gorgeous. Crème and corals, pale pinks…soothing yellow and sea green accents brought the island flavor of her favorite cove to life.
Yani's mouth parted at the care and detail taken to create a one-of-a-kind bedroom for her. The room was as big as a luxury apartment with a bathroom view of the world below. Her large bathtub actually sat propped on a platform on the balcony so that she could air dry and enjoy being outside surrounded by exotic plants and flowers that draped along the walls to create a garden feel.
She had no idea N'Jadaka had redone everything for her with delicate touches like having photos of their children sprinkled throughout the room. Her favorite was of them in Joba's fairy garden, all three of N'Jadaka's progeny grinning with bright teeth and matching royal outfits. Seeing Joba, Yani tapped her kimoyo beads.
Disa's avatar popped up and then the woman herself appeared. She rode inside a car.
"They have you already," Yani said.
"Yes… we're heading across the bridge now. Security is deep," Disa said with a weary sigh.
"How is Joba?"
"Asleep, thank goodness."
Yani peered at the small bundle under a blanket next to Disa.
"My team is riding in the car behind ours. I'm just grateful that N'Jadaka is okay. You think you prepare for shit like this, but it just…"
Her eyes darted away.
"I know. We're in the palace. We'll stay here until he comes home. I'll keep you posted with any word."
"Thanks. I know Ramonda will only give me surface-level stuff because of her position."
Yani looked out across the city and rubbed the smooth waves of her hair.
"When will you return?" Yani asked.
"I'd like to finish all of my speaking engagements, but I know the family will want Joba back in Wakanda if anything else happens. It's hard being away from her for so long. I feel bad that I took her away from her siblings this long. She's having fun though. I know she misses Riki and Sydette… all her friends. But I know having her see me do my work enriches her."
Disa smiled.
"I'll let you go because I know they want to keep all lines secure," Disa said.
"I'll call you with any info. Miss you."
"I miss you too, Yani. Give Riki and Sydette all my love and a big hug. Love you, girl…"
Yani ended the chat by blowing a kiss to Disa. The jangle of a tiny bell sounded in the living room. She kicked off her shoes and padded to the front door. A kitchen staff member brought up a full lunch spread for her to enjoy in private. She ate the meal in the dining room and afterward walked up to the third floor to rest in N'Jadaka's bedroom. The massive bed bid peace to her tense body. Crawling onto the soft blankets, she cocooned herself under the covers and stretched her arm out to her side imagining N'Jadaka next to her. Pulling off her clothes and tossing them at the foot of the bed, she ran her fingers between her thighs and played with her folds, touching the healed clitoral piercings she received from an old woman named Sade months ago.
Part of Yani's betrothal march was studying the history of past Wakandan queens and their expected submission to traditional marriage customs. A gold and silver-laced hoop went through her clitoral hood and on her delicate folds were small neon blue diamond jewels that matched the studded jewel that was placed at the root of N'Jadaka's penis. She learned it was called the ring and seed of the beloved, an ancient custom of placing jewelry on the private parts of royalty that were a more intimate bonding than just simple wedding bands on fingers.
Together they arrived at a specialized piercer who showed them various precious metals and jewels to be placed on their bodies in preparation for marriage. They chose gold and silver for her hoop to match N'Jadaka's golden jaguar necklace, and the neon blue studded jewels to match the gorgeous blue of N'Jadaka's dick piercing. Yani's vulva was permanently made bald and six piercings were strategically placed on her clit and folds. At first, she thought there would be too much going on down in her coochie, but once it healed and the jewels gleamed with erotic beauty, her pussy literally became worth five million dollars, the value of the rare diamonds and gold only found within their borders. She had the most expensive vagina in the world.
Sometimes, late at night and after a glass of wine, she sat in front of a standing mirror with her legs spread wide, and she admired the royal pussy sparkling back at her. She'd finger her waist beads and wonder at the life she was living.
Queen Yani N'Isiqithi the First. Translation: Queen Yani of the far island, the first of her name.
That was to be her official title once she married N'Jadaka.
Her name would be added to the official Udaku ancestral registry and she would have a brand new portrait created that would hang in the palace. Under Umama's tutelage, she slowly began to carry herself in a different way. She studied hard and underwent hours of elder interrogation from the Udaku clan women. Old Aunties stepped in for her own mother to help her understand her new place in the world. An Udaku queen was not simply a helpmate or decoration on the king's throne. She was expected to step into a leadership role if anything happened to the king. That pressure squirreled away in the corners of her mind and forced Yani to study harder than she ever did for medical school.
There were plans for her coronation and the very first Queen's ball in over thirty years. So much responsibility rested at her feet and she fought like hell not to get lost in the overwhelming nature of the whole thing. She was no stranger to hard work and juggling multiple responsibilities.
The jewels made her private parts tingle and she fondled herself lazily under the covers of the king's bed. The arousing sensation spread as her inner folds plumped up and the jewels did what they were supposed to do, arousing her even more. Her fingers became slippery and she simply smacked her hand against her vulva the way N'Jadaka liked to do it. They hadn't been able to have sex until she healed and the anticipation to have him make love to her had her hips grinding down into the bed. The double-sided studs in her pussy lips made her vulva look like a tapestry of unreal riches. Already her opening throbbed and the tips of her breasts became pebbled peaks.
She gently smacked her vulva again, pretending it was N'Jadaka doing it. Her hips bucked on the bed and she chewed on her bottom lip, mewling with deep guttural moans that flew up to the vaulted ceiling. Yani stopped herself before she went too far. The king made her promise that she wouldn't cum after she healed until he was deep inside her pussy himself.
That was a brutal promise to make, especially when her pussy was so beautiful blinged out, and easily aroused with the new piercings rubbing against her panties all the time creating delicious friction. That was the intended purpose of the queens back in the olden days decorating their pussy. Constant arousal meant constant fucking and more royal babies.
Yani removed her hand from her wet folds and sat up.
N'Jadaka wanted more babies. He didn't hide his intent to get her pregnant again. The upcoming birth of T'Challa's son had the king wistful, needing to see Yani pregnant with his seed. He never said it out loud in casual private conversations, but he was always ramping up a breeding kink in their sex before her piercings were put in.
"Look how hard you got my dick, baby! Gonna make me put a baby in that pussy!"
Yani played along with him because it got her man off. He liked holding her big legs up and watching his fat dick plow her walls. She'd whimper and squirm under him.
"Pussy so fat… look how it's taking all this dick… nice and tight too… fuck! Gon' make me nut…fuck, Yani! Make me nut all in this good pussy… get you pregnant again… put a bunch of babies all in this tight pussyyyyy!"
That's all it took to make him hunch up his shoulders and shoot cum until it was pouring out of her opening hot and steamy. Right away he would flip over onto his back and make her ride him. He'd clutch at her breasts and suck on her nipples, his arousal skyrocketing if she teased him with talk of her titties getting bigger again so she could feed his new baby. His titty boy ways always came out when she spoke to him about sharing breast milk with his child, and who she'd have to baby first, him or their infant. A glow would come into his eyes and she knew he wished to see her pregnancy journey from beginning to end. Her breasts would smack together in his face, and the sound of it sent him on his way as heavy spurts of cum filled her up again, his loud voice shouting her name. She knew for a fact that she would be in deep trouble if she weren't on the powerful Wakandan birth control medication. N'Jadaka fucked with a purpose and he would lose his mind once he finally had a chance to see her pussy for the first time with all the royal razzle dazzle added to it. He was already hurting from not being able to have her for weeks in his arms, let alone fucking her. The elders that chaperoned them to get their ring and seed of the beloved forbid him to even get a peek at the jewels once they were placed on her. She followed the rules then, knowing it would drive N'Jadaka wild. It was the only reason why he told her not to have an orgasm until he gave it to her. Yani shivered thinking about the way he would fold her once he saw pussy after two months.
Curling into the fetal position, Yani slept for a couple of hours, then showered for dinner. By then she had fresh new clothes to change into and enjoyed eating with the family in N'Jadaka's impressive dining room. Yani sat in the queen's seat and listened to her children discuss their day as Shuri and Nakia caught up. Dante ate and listened to dual conversations. No one spoke about what was happening in the outside world for the sake of the children. The Council of Elders and Ramonda kept Yani informed of N'Jadaka's new whereabouts, and she had to contain her excitement from Sydette and Riki. Their father was coming home after a long absence. She kept the info to herself, wanting to surprise them before they went to bed.
Hoping he would arrive sooner, Yani found her mood shifting as the evening wore on with no word from N'Jadaka. She was given permission by her betrothal chaperones to stay in the king's home with their children.
The nanny helped Riki and Sydette prepare for bed and Yani stood on the large king's deck watching for the lights of the Royal Talon Fighter to dot the horizon.
"Night Mama!"
Riki bounded into N'Jadaka's bedroom with Sydette.
"Night you two," Yani said giving them kisses and checking the security of their hair bonnets.
She followed them to their separate rooms and bid them sweet dreams before returning to her spot on the deck. After a time, she bathed in perfumed waters and slathered her skin in aromatic oils. Her make-up was natural-looking but perfect for a reunion of lovers. Still tense and alone, she kept watching for her brave king wearing a robe over her nudity.
Darkness shrouded the peace of the city below, and still, no—
Yani's breath caught in her throat as a string of beaded lights looking like a line of distant fireflies dotted the horizon. Stinger escorts!
Yani rushed out of the king's bedchamber and ran down to her bedroom to change into a gorgeous gown she had prepared to wear when he came home. She held it against her breasts. If she put it on so late, then he'd know she had been worried. Perhaps it was better to look casual and unbothered by the situation. Showing confidence was what he needed to see from her. Tossing the gown on the bed, she reached into her travel bag and pulled out a sheer white teddy that barely covered her ass… just the way he liked. Checking her reflection in her bedroom mirror, she ran back up to the third floor. The Royal Talon Fighter finally came into view looking like a plump honey bee surrounded by worker drones.
Chills went up and down Yani's arms because of the anticipation of seeing him. By the time the Talon Fighter streaked past the palace headed to the Talon port, she could barely contain herself. She spread her arms out on the deck's thick marble guardrail to help keep her wobbly legs from buckling underneath her in defeat and running down to greet him in the lobby. That was not becoming of a queen. The king was supposed to come for her.
Each breath and each heartbeat became a ticking metronome of time measurement. The only thing that existed in the world at that moment was the sound of his feet moving up... and up... and up all the stairs of his private chamber. Yani kept her body faced toward the night as the heavy footfall sounds carried him closer. The ancient creak of the bedroom door opening almost made her burst into fiery orange embers.
A powerful hand gripped her chin from behind and turned her head sideways. N'Jadaka's lips smothered hers as his huge hot body pressed into her back. Another hand snaked around her waist and held her in place. His tongue swirled in her mouth, his breath warm and tasting of spiced rum and honey. A big hard dick wedged into the crack of her ass cheeks, the heat of it making her skin sweat. Yani gave him ferocious kisses back into his mouth and their lips couldn't stop searching for comfort within one another. They groaned together when he dropped a hand to palm her vulva, feeling the exquisite jewels on her folds.
"Dripping baby…," he groaned into her mouth, spreading her sticky wetness all over her outer lips.
She started dripping wet the moment she spotted his Talon Fighter.
The king dropped to his knees and spread her ass so he could smother the back of her pussy with his lush mouth. Lip-smacking goodness is all Yani heard as he ate a queen properly. She tilted her hips and tooted her ass out further and nearly suffocated him with so much ass and tasty pussy. His loud moans of pleasure broke the silence of the deck.
"…oh shit…oh this pussy is so good, Yani…shit… give Daddy all his pussy…dassit…that's a good girl, that's Daddy's good girl…"
Tears blurred her eyes as he rolled his big tongue across her folds increasing the sensations of her piercings working their pussy magic on her nerve endings.
"You ready to cum for Daddy?" he groaned into her folds.
"Yes!" she shouted.
Her clit thumped against his tongue and lips and the gentle tugging his teeth made on her clit hoop piercing had her gasping and clawing at the marble guardrail, unable to control her pleading for release.
"IwahncumIwahncum…" became her mantra and N'Jadaka laughed into her folds before standing upright.
She whined with disappointment at being denied relief from his pleasuring, but that ended abruptly when he slid that thick dick inside of her, and her tight walls throbbed all over it in anticipation.
"Damn, girl, damn!" he shouted.
Rooted deep inside her, he wasted not one ounce of friction to pluck more groans and begging from her. Her ass cheeks clapped for him and her pussy squelched and trembled from the pressure of being stretched to capacity. His balls slapped and rubbed against her clit while he gripped her hips and moved.
"Feel how hard you got this dick?" he panted.
All Yani could do was shake her head, all the breath fucked out of her.
"Throw it back!"
He smacked her ass twice and she obeyed, slamming back into him, his big dick demanding to reintroduce the hierarchy of needs in their relationship whenever he was away for a long time. Daddy got his first in those situations. At least that's what they pretended with the charade of power in their bedroom.
"I wanna feel it, baby!" N'Jadaka demanded.
She let go.
The build-up, the unbearable tension, the delectable friction, the longing, the weeks of pining for Daddy Dick…
Yani came in hard pulses that squeezed all that big meat and that nigga gagged on the feeling of superb pussy milking cum out of his balls. He exploded with a harsh gasping shriek that made Yani throb even harder with her lush orgasm that flushed her entire body with raging heat.
The king was down bad shooting his hot load into creamy pussy heaven. She felt him pull back from crushing her back so he could watch his dick pump cum deep into her womb.
"Keep squeezing that dick…oh with them pretty pussy lips… ooh fuck me bitch!"
Her pussy kept tugging on his dick until he pulled out and slapped her ass hard.
"Go get on the bed!" he commanded.
Yani steadied herself and moved away from the guardrail. She knew his eyes were glued to her big ass jiggling as she walked, shaking his waist beads. Her steps were on the balls of her feet in the way that she was taught to walk by Umama and Ramonda. The sway of her hips hypnotized him. She glanced over her shoulder.
"I only have permission to stay here for tonight on the second floor, I'm not supposed to be in the king's bed yet… not while you're here," she said all breathy and coy.
His eyes were still on her ass, and his hand was on his still erect dick, stroking it just under the wide head. Cum still spilled out of it onto the floor.
"I don't give a fuck!"
Yani laughed and walked even slower into the bedroom.
She unfastened the teddy and dropped it on the floor. N'Jadaka stopped her from walking further, rubbing the head of his dick on her ass. He gripped the back of her neck when she took a step forward and forced her to stay put.
"Stay still."
His rugged voice sounded raw and needy. Just the way she liked it. Jiggling her ass, she made her cheeks jump with a slow lazy rhythm and his breath hitched. He shook off all of his royal clothing.
"Fuck…I missed this big ass so much-"
The words barely came out and he was already ejaculating all over her fatty, ribbons of thick cum streaking white lines all over her oiled-up curves. Yani turned and rested her backside on the edge of the bed.
"I guess we can't get in trouble if I just sit here….hmmm my king?" she purred.
That was a dangerous thing to say to him. His eyes were already glazed over with lust for her. She lifted her legs up high and pulled her pussy lips open so he could see her piercings. The groan he let out made her pussy twitch. His fingers played in her folds tugging on each jewel and dragging her toward release again.
"It's beautiful Yani…so beautiful… you're so perfect… so fucking perfect."
He fell to his knees and ate her out again, taking his time to indulge in pussy play with his tongue and fingers. When he smacked her vulva a few times, she knew he was ready for more fucking, and this time, he was going for his satisfaction first no matter what. His gaze was lost in delirious desire and the need to quench the thirst of being away from her. She played with her nipples for him, hissing in pleasure when he inserted the head of his dick and watched it tug down on her clit.
"Pussy so pretty like this," he said with clenched teeth as he slid in further, her pussy stretching again to accommodate his girth as best it could. They both watch the hoop of her clit piercing line up with his dick piercing and they marveled at the perfect alignment of their bodies. He played with her breasts and nipples, suckled them, and fucked, forcing her eyes to roll back and shut tight at the love he gave her mixed in with all the unbridled lust they carried for each other.
"Can't hold it, Yani," he yelped, his face contorted and swept up in her tight grip on his dick.
He dug in deep and she held onto him, crying, so happy that he was home and with her. N'Jadaka wiped her tears away, kissing her eyelids, and murmuring how much he loved her as he pumped deep strokes. Would every homecoming for him always be like this? She prayed it would be so. Her face stayed on fire even though her body was drenched with sweat and kisses from his lips all over. He watched her titties bounce as he fingered her clit, satisfied with the way he took care of her pussy. Varying his rhythm to keep her satisfied, his eyes soon locked onto hers as his lips bunched into a pout making his face look mean and oh, so hot to her.
She knew what he was thinking.
Yani held her feet above his head and he hunched over her body letting sweat rain down on her.
"We're not supposed to be doing this," she whispered in his ear above the raw grunts falling out of his mouth.
He pumped his dick in her a little faster.
"The elder chaperones said we can't fuck until we get married, my king. I'm not supposed to be in your bed—"
"Fuck," he gasped.
"I should go back to the second floor in case they come checking up on us—"
He slammed her arms above her head and held them down tight, fucking her harder.
"We can't do this…" she pleaded.
A fluttering in the back of her pussy cued her to an oncoming orgasm. But Yani needed him to get her there in a way that would make her feel it in the roots of her hair. That meant giving him what he wanted, even if they were just playing at it.
"Fuck me… keep fucking me all night," he huffed.
"I can't," she said.
She squirmed in his grip, her arms jammed down into the mattress by his powerful grip.
"You gon' fuck this dick like I said."
His tone was rough, the growl deep in his throat made her toes spasm.
"But you might do something that will get us in trouble," she warned.
The pleading in her voice sounded so real that N'Jadaka pulled back just a touch to look at her face.
"We're not using protection," she whispered.
Oh, that was it. That was so it.
N'Jadaka threw back his head and his dick swelled, the thickness engorging everything inside of her. Yani started cumming before the king roared and spilled into her. His body jerked above her and he slammed his hips against her, making sure his dick was planted in her so he could paint her walls with more hot semen.
They gulped and gasped together like fish out of water for a long time before he finally raised off of her.
"You don't play fair at all," he said.
Yani smirked and stroked his moist chest. His skin was shiny with so much sweat. She tried to move back onto the middle of the bed to give them room, but N'Jadaka held her tight against him.
"Yani, I want to get you pregnant again."
He was finally telling her outside of the act. She sat up and leaned in toward him.
"I know."
"And I know you're not ready, not yet. But every time we make love, that's all I think about. Maybe it's all the stress I'm under or all the crazy shit that's happening… like this Tunisia bullshit…I just…I feel like I'm going to miss out on the experience."
His hushed tone scared her. He stroked the side of her head.
"I don't want you worrying that something is going to happen to me. Nakia's pregnancy has made me a little jealous… that's all. I want more kids with you. I want to watch your belly grow. I want to make love with my baby inside of you again when I know it this time. I want to see you give birth and help you bring that life out again. I mean… fuck… thinking about getting you pregnant just turns a nigga on, no lie baby. Most dudes run away from that shit, but I'm running to it. I love being a father. I love waking up every morning knowing there are children waiting to see my face. Every time I look at you I wonder what you will bring me next."
Yani kissed him and he cradled the back of her head.
"When you are ready, tell me and I will do the deed," he said.
He shared more kisses with her, their tongues touching and telling quiet secrets of their future. Yani slid to her knees and wrapped her lips around his dick, deep-throating him for a long time, thanking him for giving her the space to decide when. Until then, she would fuck every which way she could, letting him know that she was his forever.
N'Jadaka came in her mouth with a soft grunt and she swallowed, happy that she had pleased him on his return. Udaku dick was dangerous. He could really go all night with the heart-shaped herb running through his veins. But she had no special blood or powers, and her pussy and mouth were tired.
She laid on her side and let the king fuck her in her ass before she fell asleep in his arms, his gruff voice telling her over and over, as her eyelids became drowsy and limp, how much he loved and missed her.
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Yani woke up to the sound of her children squealing and laughing like it was Christmas or their birthday. Rolling over on her side, she noticed the left side of the bed was cool and empty. Rubbing her eyes, she wondered if she dreamed of N'Jadaka's return.
No… the royal clothing he shed on the floor and her white sheer teddy was still there waiting for housekeeping to pick up. The king's booming voice in the next room that held his private sitting room chatted with Sydette and Riki. After a few minutes, it became quiet and N'Jadaka came back into the bedroom alone.
"The kids are heading down to help set up breakfast with staff for us. You can relax for another half hour if you want."
"They sounded so happy to see you."
"Yeah, they were. No one told them what happened, huh?"
Yani shook her head.
"I only want them to think you came home early because you wanted to surprise them."
He rubbed her stomach, feeling the waist beads resting on her hip.
"Damn, why you gotta be so fine waking up in the morning?" he said.
Yani grinned and pulled him down next to her. He teased her clit with inquisitive fingers.
"These piercings are everything, Yani. Shit is amazing to look at. Fucking art."
He dipped his fingers into her pussy gently, turning her on. Once she started panting, he took off his robe and pajama bottoms and pushed her thighs open, sliding his girth back into her. He fucked her slowly, taking his time with morning loving. His eyes darted all over her body, taking in her appearance.
"Big… hard… dick…" she gasped.
"That's your dick… you like me stretching you out?"
She whipped her head back and forth on his pillow, grateful that their only discourse had been fucking and not talking about the attempt on his life. He seemed happy not to have that discussion, his focus only on pleasing her and his need for intimate contact. She stroked the nape of his neck and rubbed her hands all over his wide chest as he gave her deep dick.
"I love you," he moaned in her ear, his hips snapping forward to push a hard nut out as quietly as he could.
Yani missed that kind of sex, too. The trying-to-be-quiet-slow-screwing because the kids and household help were around. Their dirty talk was kept only three inches away from their mouths facing each other and the intensity had him pulling out and beating his dick against her folds until a stream of cum soaked her vulva and the covers while she played with her clit. Yani brought herself to orgasm watching his dick pulse in his hand. He played with his jizz by tapping his dick against her folds, liking how it covered her piercings
Yani's kimoyo lit up.
"Nah, cancel any work or queen consort training," he mumbled, stroking his hard dick and eyeing her plump mouth for dick-sucking.
Nakia's avatar popped up. Code red.
"Oh my goodness!" Yani shouted.
She jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom shower, throwing her kimoyo beads over her wrist.
"Yani…hold up—"
Yani ducked her head back out to the annoyed king who had his fat dick upright for her to hop on.
"Nakia is in labor!" Yani shouted.
"Oh, snap!"
N'Jadaka ran out of the bedroom to go to his dressing room to prepare for a new royal birth. Yani burst out laughing at the comical way he left her, then concentrated on talking to Nakia as she practiced her breathing to push out little Toussaint.
Chapter 72 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 67″
Masterlist HERE. NSFW. Smut. 18+.
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"But for now He moves so proud He dips, he pirouettes; The Mambo King Floats around the ring His hands like castanets; He sways, tugged back Gravity grows slack He's propelled by strings of rhythm He forward stalls, Yes, to dance is all' Yes, dance while you still have Breath."
David McLansky - "Riff on Rita Dove's Mambo"
N'Jadaka approached the viewscreen of the Royal Talon Fighter. A storm cloud of thoughts rested above his mind in a gray funk, but he pushed it aside to enjoy the sight of thousands of Wakandans dotting the beach below his royal aircraft.
"Baba, so many people!" Sydette squealed, standing next to him.
Riki held his hand and Joba stood in front of him peering at the spectacle below them. Behind them, the Udaku royal family sat in anticipation. Disa and Yani were among the group as were Dante, Umama, and Baba Z. Nakia sat next to T'Challa holding onto his hand with quiet affection.
The shoreline rippled with people dressed in the colors of the sea paying their respects to Mama Wati. Six men carried the platform of a giant blue-black statue of an African mermaid with long serpentine locs decorated with shells and starfish toward the warm water where revelers piled an offering boat with gifts. All eyes were averted to the Royal Talon Fighter as it hovered above a cleared pathway for the king. The excitement of his presence was palpable. Ramonda handed him an extravagant blue sugar and azure floral arrangement in the shape of a giant nautilus shell. The Talon Fighter ramp opened and N'Jadaka stepped out of the aircraft with his family behind him.
Drummers startled his children as the Birnin S'Yan elders from the Mama Wati Temple greeted them, holding their hands out in a sign of respect.
"Ukumkani, we are so honored you could join us on this special day," said a male elder draped in all white with blue glass beads around his neck.
The rulers of Wakanda normally handed over their family offerings from inside the palace, rarely attending the festive site in person. N'Jadaka wanted to be seen all the time and in all parts of the country. The wide-eyed stares all across his family hinted at how detached the Udaku clan had been for decades. His children were an extra rare treat. They were ogled as much as him. Their mothers stood behind him and there were slick glances their way too. As always, Disa stayed covered up with a flowing blue caftan, dark shades, and her hijab. Yani wore a light blue skirt with a white netted top layered over a blue-green half tank with loads of long, cyan-blue seeded beads. She decorated her face with white dots fashioned after Shuri's flashy style.
"I present to you our family offering. May Mama Wati accept our gift," N'Jadaka said.
A female elder took the nautilus shell from his hands and carried it over to the lead boat where it was gently placed at the top of other beautiful offerings completing the ritual procession. The Udaku family stood to the side of the gathered temple priests and witnessed the prayers and incense given to the deity. The stimulated energy from all those present crawled along his skin and he noticed the reactions to the projection of power he displayed physically from his hair to his cobalt blue robes. Nine Doras mingled nearby and watched the crowds. Birnin S'Yan wasn't particularly fond of the transition of power. A small but vocal minority in their governing territorial body didn't want T'Challa to cede power to him. It was also the original root of the Phuri and it was better to be overly cautious with security. The Kingsguard also kept close to his kin and his Onyx Squad spread out among the revelers.
Yani moved closer to him and leaned up against his arm. She kept a watchful eye on his physical bearing. He had rested for days before the celebration, however, she stuck to him all the way from the palace. She must've clued Disa in because both women peeped his every move for any signs of fatigue.
"It's so beautiful… and calm," Yani said, watching the offering boat sailing over small waves.
She threaded her fingers with his and squeezed them gently, then pressed her cheek into his arm. Ramonda cleared her throat, reminding them to keep aware of their surroundings. Public displays of affection were to be full of reserve, but N'Jadaka ate it up. Yani touched him first. He released her hand, but they stayed close to each other, their children enjoying the Black mermaid display once the boat was too far to see anymore. Ritual singers chanted a sailing song for the boat and attendants on board released the offerings into the sea.
White incense swirled in the air across the waters once the boat was emptied of gifts, and ululations broke out accompanied by raucous music tumbling all around them with wild abandon. The raging flares of sunlight bounced off of elaborately decorated blue and white umbrellas that shielded smiling faces adorned with crystals and paint. The contagious release of joy spread beyond the shoreline giving the flavor of a second line. Yani and the children shuffled their feet and bodies with the Wakandans near them and the urge to shake his hips seeped into his marrow. Disa clapped her hands encouraging their little ones and he thought he would abstain from moving to keep a reserved image. But Shuri wiggled her hips with Ramonda, while T'Challa rocked on his heels next to Nakia's body rolls. N'Jadaka shook his arms and shoulders causing a rush of excited clapping from his people, egging him on to cut loose more. He watched Yani twirl around with Joba and joined them, shaking his body in time with the drums and stringed instruments. They widened the circle and let Riki and Sydette in, as his eldest tugged on Disa's hand forcing her to link up too. The crowd made their way toward the parade route and the Udaku clan shuffled behind to find their roped-off section of a raised platform to view the continued grand festivities. Yani shimmied her shoulders and he couldn't help himself from dancing behind her. She grabbed his hand and he swung her around in a wide arc, pulling her back in close. Their eyes met and he let her go, aware that everyone stared at their brazen playfulness with each other that bordered on intimate affection. Pulling back from her, he took on a cool persona again, helping Riki and Joba up onto the risers.
He checked on the family around him and caught Disa tapping her kimoyo before peeking over her shoulder toward the visible mountain range that led to the Jabari lands. She smirked at him when she turned her gaze back toward the festivities in front of them. Her face glowed and he winked at her to let her know he understood her feelings. Despite the fun of being with everyone, she wanted to be somewhere else.
The parade delighted his children, their precocious eyes were wide open in wonderment marveling at giant aquatic creatures floating past with angelic grace. Dancers, acrobats, singers, rhinos, elephants, and giant, long-horned bulls marched past. A beautiful woman dressed to represent Mama Wati floated past on a platform tossing out gold shell-shaped wrappers filled with chocolates and his kids went nuts squealing, trying to catch them with other children along the route. An hour went by, and there was too much more to see.
"This way your highness, we would like to show you the family altars," a male elder said.
The entire family followed him and they played tourist to the elaborate altars and other fanfare. In the distance, he saw the section marked off for the diaspora delegates who watched respectfully. As the formal ceremony ended, the foreign guests were allowed to view a few altars before they were escorted away for a lunch spread above the bluffs where they could continue to enjoy the celebration. There was a fair and more activity in the city for them to participate in too.
Yani and Disa chatted about the altars and their children collected seashells and flowers that had blown off of displays. They cruised along to the boardwalk on foot and looked over brightly decorated vendor booths where souvenir items could be purchased. The sugary smells of sweet candies, grilled corn on the cob, fried dumplings, and meaty kebabs scented the air making his stomach grumble. Food vendors gladly gave him free samples and asked for pictures with him. He shook hands, smiled for holopics, and talked to enthusiastic citizens.
Joba grabbed Disa's hand and dragged her toward the fair with Dante and Shuri. Riki and Sydette matched her pace while tugging Marisol and Twyla along. Nakia and T'Challa straggled off in another direction. Their security team split up accordingly. Baba Z, Umama, and Ramonda walked ahead of him. Yani stayed by his side. Music blasted around them.
"Reminds me of Juvay and carnival in Brazil," he said.
Yani nodded.
"This is more ceremonial… serious," she said.
"You don't think people were shaking ass hard for Mama Wati?" he teased.
She punched his arm playfully and he clasped her hand in his. He kissed the top of her knuckles. Ahead of them was a large tent. N'Jadaka stopped in front of it.
"Let's go inside," he said.
He read the display sign next to a young woman with stars in her eyes as she stared at him.
"Is it all statues?" he asked.
"There is other artwork too, my king," the woman said, keeping her eyes downcast from shyness.
Ayo and Aneka stepped inside first and checked every part of the tent. A few Wakandans stepped out and his Onyx Squad blocked the entrance so that he and Yani could enjoy the vendor tent by themselves in private.
"Oh, look at this," Yani cooed at the first large, framed photo.
A vivid color photo of the Black Mermaid statue that represented Mama Wati gave notice of the splendor inside. Every picture was a stunning photographic lesson on the importance of the annual holiday. Each display became better than the last, and they walked in silence until they came across a photo of his father and uncle when they were young teenagers standing in front of the palace handing over a family offering to the sea.
N'Jadaka grinned.
"It's funny to see my Baba all skinny and without a beard," he said.
Both boys held the offering with giant grins on their faces. There was love there. Pure brotherly affection.
"Things could've been so…"
He didn't finish the obvious.
"I like these," Yani said.
She drew his attention to several small statues representing Bast and Sekhmet, Mama Wati's sisters.
"Oh, and this one!" Yani said.
N'Jadaka read the placard. The statue Yani fawned over showed a depiction of a more ancient onyx Mama Wati with an extended pregnant belly with a curved fishtail that she rested on. She had a bald head and closed eyes making it seem like she was sunbathing herself and her full belly.
"Looks like you," he said.
Yani beamed and circled around the statue.
"I was almost that big with Dumplin," she said.
She touched the belly button of the figure and he touched it too, rubbing it a little. Yani's eyes held a dusky sensualness. He let his finger trace up the statue and onto her arm. She shuddered and he slinked behind her, lowering his head to kiss the back of her neck. Peppering kisses along the bare parts of her shoulders, he wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back comfortably and molded her soft frame against the hard muscles of his chest and stomach.
"You're still my Black mermaid?" he whispered in her ear.
Yani trembled and a breathy sigh escaped from her glossy lips. He nibbled on her earlobe and rocked her in his arms.
"Don't want to answer me right now?" he teased.
She tilted her head and he hummed her name in the shell of her ear and she giggled.
"Okay… okay… I see I have to get my formal courting on point before you accept me. Bet."
He released her and she turned around keeping her warmth against his warmer body. She raised her head up and he stared at her lips that were parted and ached to be kissed. Her hands slid up his chest and folded like little doves on the nape of his neck making him feel romantic and wishing to escape out of the tent and return to his palace home so they could really be alone together.
"I did well today, Yani. Didn't overexert myself or anything."
She nodded in agreement and he became so conscious of her body pressed into his with snug assurance. N'Jadaka's dick plumped under the royal robes and he relaxed knowing there were enough layers and beading on it that she wouldn't notice his arousal while holding her.
She kissed him.
Their lips connected and her tongue sought entry into his mouth right away. Being next to one another all day led to a fusion of plush lips, soft moans, and needy swirls of fingers against necks and waists. He angled his neck for more comfort and groaned when Yani figured out his erection disturbed his royal clothing. She sucked on his tongue and then licked across his upper lip, grinding her lower parts into him.
"See… I was tryna avoid this," he chuckled.
He adjusted his robes and she teased him by brushing sneaky touches on his privates.
"Show some respect to the king," he commanded.
She reacted to his tone and her eyes turned dreamy. He snaked a hand around her neck, holding her still. The air crackled with new energy and he wrenched his eyes away from her and toward the front of the tent.
"Someone's coming," he said, stepping back at an appropriate length between them.
Okoye rushed into their area and flanked his side.
"King N'Jadaka, you are being summoned by Captain Lebohang," Okoye whispered in his ear.
He looked at Yani and reached for her hand.
"I'll meet you when I'm done checking in with my naval officer," he said.
"Okay," Yani said with concern in her eyes.
"It's alright, Yani. I'll see you in a bit."
He kissed her cheek and she rested her hands on his chest.
"Don't stress yourself out," Yani said. "Today is Mama Wati's day… a day for family and fun."
He noticed Ayo waiting in the corner.
"Ayo. Please escort Princess Yani to where Lady Galiber and my children are."
"Yes, your highness," Ayo said.
N'Jadaka followed Okoye in the opposite direction of the vendor tent. The general led him to the well-guarded Royal Talon Fighter. Several stinger ships and wasp crafts flew above it for extra protection. T'Challa stood at attention inside, with an image of Captain Lebohang floating on the work console.
"Captain," N'Jadaka said.
"The Talokanil have attacked three more ships in the upper Atlantic. C.I.A. and Navy Seals connected. This time they sank them. A distress signal made it to their leadership and they are blaming us, your highness," Lebohang said.
"Shit," N'Jadaka grumbled.
"We intercepted a cryptic message to the United States Secretary of Defense and he is due to meet with their president later today," Lebohang said.
N'Jadaka turned to Okoye.
"Bring Fury to my office immediately. I'll be there shortly," N'Jadaka said. "Lebohang, what do they have exactly as proof that they think it's us?"
"Nothing. The hulls of the ship were damaged making the vessels sink. We know for sure that they are searching for vibranium."
Lebohang patched in audio of messages relayed before the ships were destroyed. N'Jadaka glanced at his cousin.
"I'll have to go to the states earlier than planned," N'Jadaka said.
"They are impatient for our resources and technology," T'Challa said. "Their search for vibranium will fail."
"Yet somehow, they keep getting on the Talokan radar," N'Jadaka said.
"They cannot detect vibranium. K'uk'ulkan is being reckless and the blame shifts to us," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka projected a map of the globe and Lebohang marked off areas of ship attacks around the world that were not reported to the public.
"Show me a twenty-year overlay of classified American naval attacks," N'Jadaka commanded the Talon Fighter's griot.
Crimson markers sprouted up all around the world.
"They have a vast territory," T'Challa said.
"We barely know what's beneath the surface… looking at all of this… they could be legion and no one would know," N'Jadaka said.
N'Jadaka studied the data and compared intel from when he was a child on the Atlantic until their present state.
"I see a pattern," N'Jadaka said.
He tapped the projected screen and the Shuri-led Wakandan Group Design outreach facilities popped up in purple near the West African coasts from Senegal to Angola.
"The C.I.A. is searching wherever we are entrenched," T'Challa said.
"They won't be working alone. France has their foot on our neck too with the U.K. pretending to be patient with their former colonies who benefit from our research facilities," N'Jadaka said.
"We are providing desalinization machines, new fertilization techniques for agriculture, and diversification of seed farming, as well as medical training with advanced tools," T'Challa said.
"All benefits due to vibranium hardware," N'Jadaka said.
Okoye and Ayo ran back onto the Talon Fighter.
"King N'Jadaka," Okoye said.
N'Jadaka sensed her deep distress and followed behind her. They moved past the aircraft and stepped onto the edge of the boardwalk. Wakandans who stayed on the beach stood staring at the water. Okoye handed him a pair of slender binoculars.
"It arrived nine minutes ago and has been staying in that position ever since," Ayo said.
Peering into the binoculars, he observed a lone whale tail fin breaching the surface and standing still.
"This is not our season for that particular species of whale to be in our waters, and a spy drone detected traces of vibranium on the barnacles coating its underside," Okoye said.
N'Jadaka looked at T'Challa.
"He knows where we are," N'Jadaka said.
"A warning?" T'Challa said.
"A promise."
He peered through the binoculars again.
"The fuck?"
Several Wakandan leisure sailboats floated too close to the whale. One large boat sported the Udaku family crest. N'Jadaka tapped his kimoyo beads and contacted Noxolo.
"Where are you?" N'Jadaka barked.
His kimoyo GPS locked in on his children and their mothers. He knew the answer before Noxolo spoke.
"The royal family is taking a boat excursion," Noxolo said.
"Head back to shore now!" he shouted.
N'Jadaka ordered the Royal Talon Fighter to power up. A stinger aircraft zoomed above the whale and kept a tracking device on it.
"Take me to the boat," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa's Black Panther suit swarmed over him and he jumped aboard a military quad aircraft that raced out to the whale. The Talon Fighter swooped down to the pleasure boat that carried his family. Okoye maneuvered the aircraft ramp onto the boat. He swept down to greet his people.
"What is happening?" Ramonda asked as she helped Umama and Baba Z onto the ship.
"Time to return to the palace," N'Jadaka said.
"Aw… but we wahn to go back to the fair again," Riki grumbled.
Sydette stared into his eyes.
"Baba knows best," Sydette said, pushing her little brother to move faster.
Disa and Yani kept quiet, already understanding that something wasn't right without asking him about it.
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Nick Fury didn't try to hide anything from N'Jadaka.
He stood before the Wakandan king unguarded with his emotions and body language.
"The U.S. has been waiting to move on you," Fury said.
"What's stopping them?" N'Jadaka said, watching the man from behind his desk.
"Greed and collecting irrefutable evidence. We want you to hand over your vibranium and tech now. But we also want boots on the ground here just like we did in Iraq and Afghanistan. The success of your community centers and outreach facilities prevents an outright attack. Several U.S. senators have voted against pressuring the U.N., but the president will support covert operations from within and from our allies," Fury said.
Fury curled his lips into a sneer.
"You already knew that, king. Why the concern about it now?" Fury asked.
"I want full transparency from you, not the PR explanation."
"I could stand here and tell you we need your tech for the space threat, but our president looks beyond that. We want total control of this country and how you move. The U.S. is not beyond doing you like we did Japan in 1945."
"Destruction and then puppet master," N'Jadaka said.
"It's all we ever do."
"I will go to war if America feels froggish."
"You have a right to defend your nation. But you have no true allies anywhere. Your African neighbors look at you with distrust, even as you attempt to help improve their lives. Wakanda is a country without equals and you are a threat to everyone," Fury said.
N'Jadaka stood up from his seat and moved around to the front of his desk. He handed Fury a large cigar from a gold and mahogany humidor box. Lighting up the smokes, they both puffed and eyed each other warily.
"How soon?" N'Jadaka asked.
"How soon…?"
"Fury, now is not the time to jerk me around. When does the U.S. plan on coming for us?"
"The U.S., Spain, and France have drafted a joint plot to destabilize after the Asgardian problem has been resolved. China and Russia are already looking to disrupt parts of West Africa to get a foothold on any advances you share outside your borders. They all plan to reverse engineer anything they can take from you and retcon their previous calls to work in partnership with this country. The axis of global power is in your hand… just yours. Your assassination is on the table. They want T'Challa back in power. He is deemed flexible and more willing to do business."
N'Jadaka grinned and took a long drag on his cigar.
"I wanted to hear you say it out loud," N'Jadaka said.
"Yeah… well… before they come for your head, they want to use you. May I?"
Fury pointed to his controlled kimoyo beads and N'Jadaka's comm tab interface. N'Jadaka turned on his view screen projector. Fury tapped his beads against the floating screen.
"Received these images from your probe two hours ago," Fury said.
"What am I looking at?"
"To the military, a UAP—Unidentified Aerial Phenomena— to you, me, and the American president, little green men. Expect a call soon. We assume that whatever is coming from up there has sent a scouting team. An elevated orange alert is in effect."
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"Place of impact?"
"There was none. It entered the atmosphere and went off the radar. The last known trajectory was over Western Europe. Scotland to be exact."
N'Jadaka rolled his neck and smoked. Both men stared at the images of bright lights streaking across the earth.
Fury told him a lot. N'Jadaka wouldn't reveal the Talokanil to him no matter what amount of intel he gave up. The whale sighting unnerved him, but he accepted the message K'uk'ulkan sent. The god-king knew where they existed just like Wakanda grasped their territories too. He studied war in the navy long enough to know how to be strategic. Talokan hated surface dwellers but had a vague connection to Wakanda. That made them neutral. The current threat floated in front of him.
"I want to leave Wakanda tomorrow morning. The Avengers have to be gathered," Fury said.
"I'll be in Switzerland next week and then I'm heading to the U.S. to meet the president on his home turf," N'Jadaka said.
Fury stared at him hard.
"You have international delegates coming here—"
N'Jadaka waved his hands at the man.
"I'm canceling all that shit. Shutting up shop. Telling them all that to their faces. Plotting against me? Nah, I'm coming to your house and setting everybody straight at one time and in one place," N'Jadaka huffed.
He crushed the last of his cigar in a brass ashtray and tapped the projected screen. Fury swiveled his neck to look at the new image above N'Jadaka's desk.
Agent Everett Ross.
"I'm familiar with him," Fury said.
N'Jadaka slid the government issue photo to the side and added another next to it. A slightly blurred picture taken on the Nigandan border from Nakia's bodycam long ago.
"I'm going to kill him," N'Jadaka said.
"Wait a minute…."
Fury held up an index finger and gave a nervous smile of disbelief.
"You can't kill a spook—"
"Ross came into Wakanda and pretended to be friends with my family. I shot him four years ago. He's supposed to be dead. T'Challa saved him because of Nakia. That spook came here, downloaded everything he could gather about us and our security, and pressured some unhinged Wakandans to go up against the royal family. He nearly orchestrated the death of my grandparents and helped murder civilians to stir up a coup. We captured one of the terrorists he instigated and supported, and I got a full confession in person with proof. I'm only telling you this so you can put some distance between yourself and us. I'm taking him out after I place Nakia in the States."
"King… N'Jadaka….listen…."
Fury ground out his cigar and furrowed his brow.
"He played in my family's face and disrupted the peace here. Threatening the safety of my children and their mothers is unforgivable."
"Why not use him? Huh? Play him like he played your people."
Fury held his palms together and closed his eyes for a second.
"His ex-wife is now the new head of the C.I.A. If you kill, you'll lose access to the root of all your problems. The Feds are hot for your head. Don't give them ammunition to come here early."
"We'd kill them all before they even reached the hidden border."
Fury paced the floor.
"I understand the fucked situation Ross put your people in—"
"Good, cuz there's no fuckin' way Wakandans should've been working with a C.I.A. agent in the first place—"
"But delay the revenge kill. There's a lot on the line on my end and I need that man alive."
"He orchestrated the destruction of the Hall of Panthers. The place where my ancestors rest, bruh. Umama and Baba Z were there to prepare for my parent's arrival back home… my three kids were in school not too far from where they could see and hear what was going on—"
"If you could find it in your power to hold off…for a time… I won't stand in your way. He isn't going anywhere. You said Nakia is heading to the States…best believe he'll be there close to her and T'Challa. Listen, I have no love for that man one way or the other. But I'm telling you as your only friend on the outside, the project I'm overseeing needs Ross and his contacts."
The urge to end the agent subsided. A coolness at the top of his head tamed him and he accepted the nudge from Bast to fall back. N'Jadaka did have time, and it would be smart to use Ross for a few more months by feeding him false intel and shadowing him. It took him over twenty years to be king. He could wait a year to snuff a rat.
"I'll give you twelve months," N'Jadaka said.
"Thank you."
"I'll have you set for departure after breakfast tomorrow."
Fury extended his open hand to the king.
"Let's meet in the States when you come over. I get word before you do about the UAP, I'll hit you up. We'll need everything Wakanda has if this turns out as bad as those refugees warned us about."
N'Jadaka shook his hand and summoned palace guards to escort Fury back to his personal villa. He missed dinner with the family and was shocked that Yani didn't send a message to remind him. Grabbing some leftovers in his office staff room, he heated up a vegetarian meal of slippery zucchini and pasta in a light cream sauce. He texted messages to his children that he would see them before bedtime and headed for the palace pool. Thoughts of murder and mayhem receded to the back of his mind.
Walking into the pool room he headed for the shower room first and shucked off his royal robes. Hot steam puffed around his nude form. His kimoyo lit up. A vid message from Yani. He played it.
"Hey! The kids are resting early. They want to see the fireworks tonight from the moon deck, so no storytime at nine. We can meet you there before they start. There will be ice cream too!"
He grinned and her image winked out. Stepping out of the showers he padded away from the fancy parts of the upper pool and headed down to the simple mineral water whirlpool section. Dropping down into the balmy warmth, he waded past a colored water display that sat in the center and discovered Yani already indulging in the soothing pool that bubbled and gurgled around her. She stood up and revealed her own naked form.
"I thought you were at the house. Got your message," he said, grinning so hard his cheeks stretched wide.
"Shuri and Marisol entertained them until they were knocked out for later tonight. Twyla and Disa went to a party and I didn't want to tag along."
"Decided to come here for a skinny dip, huh?" he said.
"Me too. Some stress relief… wind down and shit."
"Was your meeting with Fury good?" she asked.
He could barely concentrate on her words. Staring at her in warm water with full breasts pearling with liquid droplets blotted out an answer to her inquiry. He shook his head and tried to focus on his hands swirling in the pool water.
"It was a good meeting. He's leaving tomorrow."
She nodded and turned away from him, heading for the stairs. He followed, watching her backside bounce as she moved in the heated water.
"Damn," he muttered while staring.
She bent over to fix a fluffy turquoise towel she had at the edge of the pool, and her ass cheeks parted enough where he could see the back of her vulva. Her folds glistened, not from water, but from her own sticky arousal. Had she been down here thinking about him being naked?
His dick jumped and he didn't try to stop it from reacting by thinking of mundane things. He embraced what was before him. She turned and lifted herself onto her towel. He moved between Yani's open thighs and held her by the waist.
"Why do I feel like you're really here to check up on my health again?" he said.
She batted her eyelashes. Her face was lightly made up and she smelled like sugar and vanilla. His body tingled up a storm so close to her and he was aware of her feeling the same way by how coy she played being there in the nude. He couldn't stop grinning while staring at her face and lush body. Yani knew that he needed to see her at the end of a long day and presenting herself fully naked and vulnerable was an invitation to love on her as he did in the past. He ignored the fat dick hanging between his legs poking at her thighs. Her big seductive eyes trapped him, turning his insides into mush. The heat of his love for her flowed out like it was a cloud of smoke and surrounded her, making Yani's fingers spring into action as they traced lines on his cheek and lips. A king needed a woman to come home to. N'Jadaka left his worries back at the office and slipped into the welcoming warmth of Yani's presence.
He held up a hand and she threaded her fingers with his and they pressed their foreheads together enjoying the peace of water and love floating through them. She would return to work in the morning with his older children and the separation ate at him.
"Yani, I love you."
Her gaze lowered and her eyes welled up, staring at his chest.
"It takes so much for me to be the king, but having you here with me means everything."
She placed her arms around his shoulders but still wouldn't look him in the eye again. Soft sighs fell from her lips and she listened intently. He wanted her in his home, but she valued her space away from him. A surge of energy reared up within him and she trembled, feeling it on her skin. He was a force of nature. As cliché as it sounded to him, he understood that his power was truly visceral, and everyone would always become affected by it when they were near him. Even his woman.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked.
She looked up at him then, her round moon-lust eyes so glittery with desire. Yani moved her face closer and he enveloped her lips with such tenderness that she cried. She needed his love and the weight of her heart pressed on him making his hands tremble as he held her face.
"You're so beautiful… gave me beautiful children… gave me life again," he said with soft words.
He kissed down her cheek and planted more kisses on her throat and in the middle of her chest where her breasts rested in wet glory. He palmed them, kneading the fullness until he plucked at her nipples, pinching them hard to make them pebble into high peaks. Lifting the royal dick that bobbed in the water, he fisted himself and sucked on a nipple. Yani threw her head back and moaned. He groaned while beating his dick, his fist bouncing from the wild hairy root of his dick. The thick thatch of hair that he kept ungroomed turned her on.
He released her plump nipple and lifted her legs out of the water, widening her thighs so he could stare at her pussy. Her folds were wide open and her slit dripped with slick arousal.
"Look at that pretty pussy," he said.
Yani whimpered and her pussy throbbed open, blessing his eyes with wet pinkness surrounded by smooth brown outer lips. He slapped his dick against the lovely sight and his tip spewed precum all over her clit.
They acted dangerously.
Her pussy was the gateway to paradise. They both knew it. His stiffness stood like smooth hardwood and slapping it against her folds made her weak. Her opening twitched and revealed heaven and he felt entitled to claim all of her. He was the king after all.
Dropping lower into the pool water for a better position, he smothered her folds with his mouth and sucked on her pussy lips and clit. Yani cried out and clutched at his locs. Coming up for air, the lower part of his face shined like a glossy welcoming to a new bond between them. He knew other men had been with his woman while he had been away. But there was no way any of them flooded her walls with cum. Her pussy was too precious for that after having royalty in it. He licked all around her vulva, even sucked on her meaty inner thighs to chase every nerve ending that came alive inside of her.
She had been his heart, the soft part of his soul when he worked for Klaue. Yani gave him kindness, and confidence to love again, yearning for a home of his own with a family of his own. She had nothing and yet gave him everything. She allowed him to be like his father. A provider. A protector. A lover. He was the one she came to when she needed reassurance and confidence in her own abilities. She followed him all the way to the end and despite the horrors of violence, a long separation, and emotional turmoil, she still loved the hell out of him. It poured out of her as she came on his lips, crying out his name and arching her back. He stood and stroked his dick, pressing the wide head against her opening, watching the aftershock contractions of her pussy making her shudder on her back. Being bold, he slipped the head in and she squirmed, raising up on her elbows to stare at his hooded eyes.
"Tell me nobody else came in this pussy," he insisted.
Her shiny eyes were drenched with an insatiable lust for him. A possessive streak rose in him.
"I want to hear you tell me… nobody came in this pussy," he barked.
His girth stretched her pussy lips and she gazed down at the brazen entry into her tight rings of muscle that squeezed at his tip. She closed her eyes, her lower body tense with expectation. Although he rested at her entrance, the bulbous head was still too much to take with the teasing. Yani could only shake her head, denying that anyone else had that type of close intimacy.
He relaxed and gripped the root of his dick, guiding the length out so that it smacked at her swollen folds again, testing the limits of her arousal. Her wet entrance curled around his girth as he shoved the head in again, not moving at all. He squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples with gentle tugs. His tip pulled down on her clit, the friction bringing her intense pleasure and edging him closer to oblivion. The urge to plunge all the way in tickled his resolve, but he forced himself to keep control. He had to stay strong. Every second with her weakened him and he wanted to show Yani that a king had power over his own body and his word. He was supposed to court her properly. Not revert back to his island ways. The heat of his dick had her lips twisted up in agony. Her dewy eyes pleaded for merciful relief. He sighed knowing he would fail at restraint.
The gods inside of him watched with amused indifference and he was quite sure that Yani sensed that commanding otherworldly force. Her body definitely reacted to it. He wiggled his hips and her pussy contracted and squirted a drizzle of fluid that leaked onto his length. N'Jadaka kissed her and his tongue teased her mouth, drawing out scattered pants and mewling sounds. She squirmed and reached out to hold his shoulders, but he shifted back and pulled out of her entrance.
A king didn't need to play around in a pool.
He tongued her down properly, fingered her clit, spreading her wetness around, and helped her climax on his hand.
"Stay with me tonight," he said after she stopped shaking.
"People will talk."
"People are already talking about us. That can't be helped."
"I don't want our children to be confused… but I want to… I really do."
"We can have them stay with Grandpop. In the morning we can have breakfast together in my quarters and see them off to school."
Her hesitation felt more for his sake than hers. The king of Wakanda sneaking around the palace with the mother of his children sat in her cautious eyes. They both wanted to make love, not gossip. The public had accepted his domestic situation, however, there were still Udaku protocols about relations with royals. Technically, since Yani wasn't his wife, she would be looked on as a consort if they started a regular sexual liaison. Ramonda would find the need to keep it private and discrete. Umama and Baba Z would want a public formal courtship ending in a betrothal march. Grandpop would want more grandbabies.
He walked out of the water using the steps and lifted Yani to her feet. He kissed her again and palmed her ass cheeks. They filled his hands and made his dick spill more pre-cum onto her belly.
"Come with me," he said, pulling her toward the entrance.
"We have to shower and dress first," she said.
He let her saunter in front of him and he spanked both her ass cheeks. The dimpling on her backside and thighs had him cement hard. They stepped into the showers and warm jet sprays doused them. Rinsing away mineral water and sweat, N'Jadaka turned to look at Yani and she dropped to her knees and took his dick in her hot mouth.
"You like this, your highness?" she asked, with her lips pressed against his frenulum.
"You're starting trouble already," he groaned, rubbing her freshly cropped hair.
She slurped and sucked and stared at him, pleasing the king.
"Suck Daddy's dick," he moaned.
Yani sucked on his dick with such care that his legs wobbled to keep balance. She grazed her lips across his tip and played with his slit, swallowing pre-cum and playing with his balls. Her sensual touches and kisses served him the way he wanted to be catered to.
But playtime was over. He needed to cum in his woman. Needed her thick thighs and legs up in the air with his balls pounding against her fat ass. A king deserved exquisite pussy and he wanted to hear his ancient bed squeak with his thrusts into her. She hadn't had her ass cheeks clapped properly in four years. Her pussy was made for his royal dick. A princess required king things on his level.
He sensed nervousness from her.
She slurped on his erection and throated him down to his balls, and yet Yani was afraid of what he could do to her after all those years and as a new man. Her fingers played in the thick bushy pubic hairs that surrounded his heavy erection. He held the back of her head to help guide her mouth work. Pulling out from between her lips, she expected him to cum all over her face. He denied her that honor.
The king of Wakanda was going to cum deep inside of her.
In her pussy.
In her ass.
And all down her throat.
"Get dressed," he ordered, reaching for his robes after drying off.
Yani tumbled back onto her feet in a daze. He rubbed on her backside as she fastened her top, slipping two fingers in her pussy from the back. Licking his fingers before clasping her hand in his, he pulled her out of the poll room. His dick tented his clothing and he didn't care if the guards saw it. In the private elevator, he rubbed against Yani and she was already lost to anticipation, writhing against him. She was surprised to arrive at his home through his elaborate bedroom.
"This elevator was for concubines to secretly come up and please the king," he said.
Yani didn't like the sound of that. He smirked.
"Looks like you'll be my first," he teased.
She didn't like that either.
"I'm a princess," she said, stepping into the splendor of decadent bedroom furniture.
His round bed was on an elevated platform hidden behind beautiful ethereal red drapes. She took in all the artwork, floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking parts of the royal garden and grand river with a serene smile. Darkness had fallen and blanketed the sky with lavish twinkling stars. He started a fire in the fireplace and lit romantic scented candles around the bedroom giving a sensual ambiance. Yani spun around to admire more of the fixtures and antiques from the thirteenth century.
"This is amazing. It doesn't even seem to be a bedroom but a whole living space," she said.
"Come here," he said, holding out his hand.
She kicked off her shoes and padded over to him with slow steps. Without his asking, she undressed him, folding each garment and placing it on a small wooden smoking chair in front of the fireplace. Firelight danced in her sultry eyes, and she took her time relieving him of clothing. When she finished, he took his time undressing her, fondling a breast and her rump as he did. She was perfect. He gently patted her vulva and the heat down there was ready for him. Yani turned away and wandered over to his giant bed, climbing onto it and opening her legs for him. She rubbed on her clit, beckoning him to kiss her there again. He obliged her offering, grateful to watch her open her silky folds and finger her pussy. She was still nervous, the enormity of what they were about to do making the room feel heavy. He buried his face in her folds, licking and kissing, but the king in him took over and he mounted her like royalty had down for centuries in that bed when it was time to get down to business. He thumbed her clit with a gentle caress and watched her pussy contract rhythmically.
"You want the king?" he asked.
She had to know his intent. Taking him inside of her once more would change the world again. Their union would solidify her place by his side. If she had any doubts about him still, he wanted to give her time and grace to leave of her own volition.
"I want you, N'Jadaka," she said with a throaty declaration.
So be it.
Chapter 68 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 68″
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"You gave me a shoulder when I needed it You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it You helped me fight when I was giving in And you made me laugh when I was losing it
'Cause you are, you are The reason why I'm still hanging on 'Cause you are, you are The reason why my head is still above water"
Kina – "Get You The Moon"
Yani's heart thumped with erratic beats that nearly burst through her chest. Her thighs rested around N'Jadaka's waist and he peered down at her like a heavenly being studying his creation. The air in her mouth turned into a dry shortness of breath, and the percussive castanet rhythm of the blood pumping through her veins frightened her.
She wanted to lay with him. Yearned for the closeness of their bodies intertwining like sacred vines that would never separate in a garden of love that only they could make. The bed was set up like an enchanted canopy with a four-corner post that surrounded the round bed with gauzy red fabric drapes studded with tiny crystal lights that matched the twinkling of the stars outside in the sky. High above the cast-metal headboard decorated with fluffy red satin pillows, a woven wall-sized tapestry graced her eyes. Ancient Wakandan script told of a blessing poem, and her study of the language helped her decipher most of it. The bed they were sharing was called a loving bed, and the tapestry promised prosperity, love, and fecundity to all who slept there. Spiral shapes and delicate images of fire, air, water, and earth watched over them.
N'Jadaka sensed her anxious hesitation and his searing eyes turned tender as they used to when he knew she was nervous about something. He crawled over her and pulled back the thick duvet and sheets, inviting her to slip under them with him. She did so, moving carefully until she was curled into him, her face resting on his chest with his left arm cradling her close. Yani felt her heart thumping harder against his chest and he kissed her forehead to ease her mind. She stood on a precipice with him and looking down into the depths, Yani could make out a possible future with him that would have no turning back. Her years of raising their children alone had changed her into a woman who wanted to make better decisions in her life. Choosing to join with a king would shift her future choices considerably. The Udakus did not play about their offspring's partnerships. N'Jadaka had messed up the nature of their established protocols, but if he was to choose her in front of the world permanently, that meant the clan would expect marriage. She could become a Queen Consort and her role in the palace would dictate the rest of her life. They could restrict her work as a doctor. She'd have to take instruction from the elders like her children did that taught them their roles as heirs and royalty.
Shaking her head, she lifted a finger and traced around his right nipple, her mind racing with scenarios of what could happen if she made love to him. N'Jadaka was possessive in the past, and his assertive personality seemed more enhanced since his return to the palace. Spending the day with the family in a formal public setting taught her quickly how every single movement she made was watched, especially in how she interacted with him. Before heading to the pool to meet him in private, she had already witnessed the local news vids splashing images of them holding hands and hugging up next to each other. It was deemed salacious to the older Wakandans who expected pious behavior in public.
N'Jadaka was also under a lot of pressure. He kept most of his work private, but she knew he dealt with a lot on his plate. There were probably more responsibilities that he wasn't even prepared to handle, despite his intelligence and experience. He remained stoic and professional in the public eye, nurtured his children, assisted Disa and Twyla with their work, and went home alone to only work late into the night. He never made time for himself except for the lone walks in the royal garden. She caught him there twice during her stay in the palace. He never saw her because his brooding face stayed distracted with constant thoughts and she watched him from a distance. Sometimes he smoked a cigar. Sometimes he drank an amber liquid from a round glass and stared at the moonless sky. He looked lonely and not at peace with the world.
His hand drifted over the curve in her hip and he kneaded her backside, his fingers grazing against the soft separation of her ass cheeks. Under the heavy covers, his dick nudged her wrist with its hard heat.
They didn't speak, only held one another, listening to their mutual breathing, and gingerly shifting an arm or leg for comfort. Being there with him was going to be much bigger than being with him back on the island. He was a real-life king. A ruler of over six million people. Wakanda was the richest and most powerful nation in the world, and the man in complete control of it was rubbing on her booty and kissing her forehead. Yani never dreamed that she would be in the position she was in. Wakanda still felt unreal to her.
He played with her nipple and she leaned back so his fingers could fondle both breasts. She watched him stare at his own fingers pinching and circling her nipples. His breathing became slightly ragged. He licked his lips as his fingers trailed down her midsection and groaned "Oh… fuck," when he dipped eager digits into her drenched folds. He hissed as if her opening scorched his exploration.
His gentle insertion only went about an inch, just enough to touch the slippery wetness coating her walls under her clit. He knew how to manipulate her sensitive insides without the coarse erratic jamming that most men did to her in the past. The king took his time and investigated every part that led into her deeper with a teasing quality that set her on edge. When he inched back to her clit again, she pulled back the covers more and lowered her head to suck on the head of his dick. It stretched her lips and stuffed her mouth, already making her jaws ache with the effort to please him. He tasted earthy… salty…sweeter when she flicked her tongue-tip into his slit where pre-cum dribbled into her mouth clear and sticky.
N'Jadaka stared at her mouth work, poking his lips out the moment she traced her tongue along the underside of his length. She sprinkled tiny kisses around the thick ridge of his frenulum, tickling it while licking warm saliva down the center. Popping the head into her mouth, she sucked on it slowly, letting her tastebuds give it plenty of friction and tension with the constant fondling of his balls.
"Damn… Yani… baby…"
"Yes, your highness," she said.
She made her eyes look coquettish and innocent the way he liked her to look when she sucked on that big meat. There was something illicit to him staring at her while she pretended to not know why he was panting and moaning her name. The direct eye contact with her plump lips slowly sucking his tip like a lollipop weakened him every time. He once told her she looked provocative doing it like they were about to get caught. It was the exhibitionist in her he rationalized. She fed into the scenario just the way she did when they role-played her being a wife getting caught by her husband. He enjoyed the idea of taking her from someone, it was why he nutted harder when she played a wife instead of the secret side-piece.
She rested her mouth by slapping his dick softly against her moist lips. The size of his dick against her face got him off too. Licking a throbbing vein on the side of his girth, she gave herself time to sniff the pleasing aroma of his pubic hairs. His scent was heavy with cocoa and coffee beans, a favorite body butter combo to rub all over on special occasions. Sucking his balls, she lifted them and shuffled herself between his legs to tend to them well. His sack rose up closer to his body, a sign that he was ready to release. Slowing down her attention even more, she kept her eyes on his like the sweet young thing he needed to soothe his political worries. Twirling her tongue in deliberate silky circles back up to the tip, she bobbed her head in his lap. Her slurps and tiny nibbles with her teeth made him buck his hips. He fucked her mouth with desperate thrusts, clamping her head with his hands to hold her in place. Using her hand and lips together, she pleasured him at her pace, pushing away his forceful grip and wielding all the power to tame him. N'Jadaka was the king… but she was royalty too. He made her that way and she sucked him down with the gifts of a desired pampered princess.
Smacking her lips, she pulled her mouth away from his dick and gave him a wanton stare. He gasped and his body shuddered with the change of direction with her loving. She had him in a frenzy moments before but wanted to enjoy the dizzy look of ecstasy in his eyes. Kneeling inside his thighs, she lifted her breasts and stuffed his dick between them. There was a rumble in his chest.
"Fuck!" he shouted.
Her breasts were heavier and hung a little lower which was perfect by the way he grunted and begged her for more. Pursing her lips, she rubbed her big tits up and down. The tip of his dick peaked out from her cleavage and she held her tongue above it, letting it swipe against the spongy texture.
N'Jadaka held his hand up the way he did when he wanted people to stop talking to him. It was something everyone watched out for when in proximity to him. She clutched her tits and a string of saliva dripped onto his slit.
"Let me taste you… the way I did that first time," he commanded.
His lusty gaze had her hustling to lie down on her back. He turned over and held her breasts, taking time to suck on her nipples and around her areolas. Lifting his face toward her, Yani met him halfway so they could kiss and swirl their tongues. Her pussy was swollen past normal engorgement. The deep arousal she felt seemed to spiral into her stomach and up to her throat. Every erogenous zone opened up tendrils of electrical sparks. Each place he touched her, from her earlobes to her jeweled toes, burst into fiery songs of the flesh. He woke up the erotic in her supple skin, moaning loud vibrations everywhere, and once his lips kissed her sugary wet folds that stayed parted for him, she came with a torrent of shrieks to God.
Yani mashed his face into her vulva and squeezed her thighs around his head. He gripped her hips and lapped up her release. Moaning into her opening, he accepted the nectar flowing across his tongue. She jammed her face into a pillow, whimpering his name endlessly, sweat falling into her eyes and pooling in her belly button. N'Jadaka raised himself and rubbed his dick on her sensitive folds. He lorded over her and humped Yani's mound, his perspiration raining down on her. His gold claw necklace glinted with the tiny lights on the drapes, and the shine of his smokey brown eyes burned into her soul. The head of his dick pulsed against her opening and he waited for permission to enter her depths. He dragged his loving gaze all over her body, his soft breathing expectant and raspy.
"Yani, if you're not really ready, it's okay," he said.
He rubbed his right hand across her smooth fade when she didn't answer. Moving onto his haunches, he separated from her, giving her space. She lifted to her knees and met him face-to-face. Her voice trembled as she spoke.
"I love you so much… I was hurt for so long when you came back. There's so much I want from you… I'm still finding my way in this new world but this thing with us… it never went away. I feel it… all around us. If you want me, you must treat me with the utmost respect. My love is conditional now. Our family has to come first before the nation. You wear yourself down to the bone every day and that is something I will not accept with our young children. We need more time together as a unit, doing things together away from the rest of the Udaku family," she said.
"I hear you and I will do that. But on one condition of my own."
"What's that?"
"You return to the palace with Sweet Pea and Dumplin after I come back from the States."
"Where will we stay?"
"For now, the suite you are in for the conference. This space has a private wing for royal spouses, so you'll have your own room in here after the formal courting."
She grinned.
"I like that you have to follow rules to have me," she said.
"I don't want to just have you, Yani. I want to make you my wife someday."
N'Jadaka left the bed and padded over to a dark ironwood dresser and pulled open a drawer. He lifted delicate, triple-stringed blue vibranium waist beads sprinkled with precious glittery jewels.
"I had these made after your conference speech. Been waiting to present them to you. A lot is going on and I never had a chance to pull you aside until now. Do you know what these are?"
"Not really. I see fashionable noblewomen wearing them in the city. Fancy jewelry," she said.
"My father gave some to my mother when he claimed her… that's what they call it here. You give them to the woman you want to call your own… publicly. When you wear them, the world knows you've been taken for courtship. It takes you off the market."
Yani held her cheeks with both hands.
"Will you allow me to claim you, Princess Yani Galiber?"
N'Jadaka unfastened the clasp of the waist beads and held them out to her.
"I'm on a transformative path and I want you by my side," he said.
She touched the beads, and let their elegant beauty run across her palms.
"I accept them," she said.
He nodded vigorously and his bottom lip trembled, matching the tremors in his hands as he held the offering to her. She scooted to the edge of the high bed on her knees, and he draped the beads around her waist. She raked her fingernails through his locs, knocking the high bun on the top of his head over. His locs fanned out all across his shoulders.
"Thank you," he whispered into her mouth.
She nuzzled her cheek against his and hugged him tightly.
"This is our time, hear me?" he whispered in her ear.
She nodded.
"You're precious to me. All I ever wanted to do for you was to make you happy and see to it that you and Sydette thrived, no matter if I was in the picture or not. I will spend the rest of my days making up for the pain I gave you… not just with Disa… but how I left you in St. Thomas. I thought disappearing without contact was best to protect you, but life had different plans for us. I should've stayed there—"
Yani shook her head.
"I know now that this was meant to be. You were supposed to be the king, and because of that, I can do so much for so many with my work," she said.
She wiped away tears that sprouted in her lids.
"You are a gift, King N'Jadaka. A gift to the world that needs justice and help. I will stand by you to make sure everything changes according to your plans and mine. I'm stronger…wiser, and mi have a purpose beyond that small island you found me on."
His warm full lips crashed over hers, hushing up words that didn't need to be spoken. They were united again. That's all that mattered. She accepted whatever would come to them as a couple.
"Oh!" she squealed when he lifted her like she was a tiny doll.
His strength was unbelievable with the sacred heart-shaped herb flowing deep in his veins enhancing the trace elements that were already in his DNA from his father. He slid her on his dick down to the root and her mouth shot open with a loud gasp of shock. He gripped her thick ass cheeks and thrust in and out, never giving her a second to catch her breath. The stretching of her pussy snapped her concentration onto holding his neck with a death grip. She gulped air with her mouth pressed against his temple. His balls smacked her heavy rump while the friction of his dick forced rhythmic clenching inside her pussy. The stamina of his fucking astounded her. Drowsy with lust, Yani became catatonic as she accepted his fat dick claiming her properly. She forgot how his lovemaking overwhelmed her. It was even more profound than before, blowing her mind completely.
The only noise in the room was her pussy squelching and being all gushy for his thrusts. All the panting noises she made near his ear spurred him to lift her on and off his dick with artful handling. His continuous groans made her walls quake and twitch with every swivel of his hips. He spun around and sat on the bed, and they both moved together to the center where she stayed mounted above him. N'Jadaka tucked his hands under his head and watched her wind her hips and cup her breasts. Leaning forward, she let her tits hang in his face, taking shallow thrusts from his dick. Kissing him until he withered into submission, Yani bounced on his dick, balancing her hands on his wide chest, giving him everything he'd been missing.
"Fuck me…harder baby…yessssss… like that…shit… keep doing that… so nasty with all this good pussy…"
He became delirious, thrashing his head and squeezing her breasts, pushing them together so that they made a smacking sound. She rode him well and they both listened to her ass cheeks smack against his thighs and balls. He liked having his large sack pounded by a fat ass, so she leaned in further until her face was on a pillow and her back arched higher to slam down on him better. Her king yelped and clawed the sheets.
"Yani…ah fuck… Yani…Yani… I'm finna cum…. Oh! I'm 'bout to nut all in you… you ready for me, baby?"
She leaned back and allowed him to witness all of her prowess, plucking at her nipples and wiggling her hips in achingly slow circles until he was begging her to cum on his dick at the same time as his orgasm.
"Cum on my dick… please… Yani… cum on Daddy's dick!"
His fingers slithered up her waist and tugged on her waist beads. They were so pretty on her and he seemed dazzled by them as they tinkled with a dainty sound like tiny bells. She stared into his eyes which had glazed over and turned into something different. The begging had stopped and the eyes peering up at her were his, but somehow not his at the same time. Lifting up from the bed, he smashed his chest into hers and kept still, forcing Yani to do the work while he watched her face contort with bliss. She held his shoulders and swallowed that dick with her deep pussy, startled by the sudden change in his demeanor.
"Fuck me, fuck your king," he growled.
The throaty demand gave her goosebumps. For a split second, she thought she heard two messages in the command like there was someone else controlling his body. It fired up her need to show how good she fucked. She lifted her leg and turned to face the opposite direction. Rolling her hips seductively, she learned on the fly how to make her waist beads jingle in time to her sensual fucking. Looking back at him, a shiver shot up her spine.
A powerful king glared at her with molten lust.
He smacked her ass, rubbed, squeezed it, and demanded that she show out for him. It felt like a waterfall of sweat poured down her back, but she had something to prove. She was his woman. The one he claimed and beaded. He grunted and groaned watching her perform magic with her backside and pussy. She gave him king things.
"Lemme clap them cheeks," he said, palming her rump and pushing her forward until she was sucking on the duvet mewling and whimpering that she couldn't take anymore.
He spanked her ass several times, correcting her position with his palm on the arch of her back, forcing her head down even lower and her ass up higher. He grabbed her left arm and held it behind her back for balance.
"Shit!" he gasped.
The clapping sounds were so loud.
"You miss this dick?" he asked.
"Yes!" she shouted, pressing her lips into a thin line to hold back her whimpering.
"Cum on it then," he said, tugging on her arm gently. "Cum for your king."
He pushed his thumb in her ass and the nerve endings came alive with the added pressure of her pussy stuffed with so much dick. She rubbed her swollen clit to gauge how much more she could take without crying for mercy. He didn't give her enough time to figure it out. His dick swelled inside her tight walls and she reveled in the long hot spurts that warmed up her pussy. With a twist of her hip, she let go and throbbed all over his girth, making another wet mess to match the one he flooded her with. She didn't have time to come down from the high of milking his dick, he had already pushed into her ass making her belly tumble. He palmed both sides of her ass and plunged in a few more inches and stopped to let her get used to it again. She needed the gentle acclimation and soon enough they were back into their groove. He smothered his body all over her, mashing her into the mattress, his mouth pressed into the shell of her ear talking the nastiest love talk she had ever heard from him. Every stroke made her gasp for air to find words that never formed completely in her mouth to answer him back.
"Letting me fuck you in your ass again… such a good girl…pleasing your king so much tonight. We need to do some more practicing so I can go balls deep next time," he said.
She loved it. Loved how he moved inside of her. His dick felt even harder, ready to go all night, and she would give him everything. He gave her long probing wet kisses and the weight of his body locked her down. Their tongues slid together in sensual harmony.
"Fuck that dick… ooh shit, I'm almost all up in there… love fucking you in the ass, Ma…"
He caressed her breasts and enjoyed himself, giving her more than she could handle, pushing her to go further with him. His voice hitched and she prepared to receive fresh hot cum.
"Baba! You in there?"
They both froze at the sound of Riki's voice outside the bedroom door.
"Shit," N'Jadaka muttered under his breath.
His dick throbbed in her ass expecting to shoot off another thick nut. Cum already spewed out from her pussy and soaked the duvet. Small fists pounded on the door.
"Baba? What are you doing?" Riki called out.
N'Jadaka tapped his kimoyo beads and they saw all three of their children standing outside. Their night nanny waited downstairs on the third level holding three small jackets for the moon deck.
"I'm waking up Lil Man. I overslept," N'Jadaka yelled back.
"Open the door, I wahn come in! We have to go see the fireworks!"
"Go downstairs and wait for me. I'll get dressed real quick…okay?" N'Jadaka said.
"Baba, is Mama in there with you?" Sydette asked.
"Her kimoyos say she's here," Sydette said.
"Hurry up, Baba, the ice cream will melt," Joba shouted from behind the heavy wooden double doors.
"Your Mama is sleep, and I'm reading a book," N'Jadaka said.
Yani jammed her mouth into the covers to keep from laughing out loud. N'Jadaka's erection pulsed inside her ass. He was reading a book alright.
"Why won't the door open?" Riki whined, jiggling the doorknob.
"He never keeps the door locked," Sydette said.
"I'll wake Mama up and we'll see you guys in a minute," N'Jadaka said.
N'Jadaka tapped his kimoyo and little feet shuffled away. He proceeded to finish his pleasuring, humping on Yani with urgent purpose, his tongue tickling her ear with the explicit language she expected from him when he was ready to bust hard. She was ready to be baptized with creamy cum.
"I'ma nut all in this big—"
"Baba, open the door!"
Riki hadn't left the bedroom door.
Yani snorted and Riki heard her.
"Mama, you up?"
"I'm up Dumplin. Go on and wait with your sisters like Baba asked you to," Yani said.
"I'll wait here. Baba… are you dressed yet?"
N'Jadaka grumbled in Yani's ear so that only she heard him.
"Baba is about to nut in ya Mama boy, go away," N'Jadaka whispered to Yani.
Yani smacked his arm and chortled, and N'Jadaka's voice hitched. She looked back at him and the man had gritted his teeth. There was a wild look in his eyes as he pounded her.
"Soundproof the room," she whispered to him.
"I can't, this part of the palace is older and doesn't have soundproofing. I haven't installed it yet since I moved in," he huffed.
His controlled exertion turned her on more. Trying to stay quiet intensified their lovemaking. Slowing his strokes had him whimpering to hide his moans from his son. It was too soon for the children to know they were having relations on that level in a bedroom together before the formal announcement of their courting.
The patter of Riki's feet finally left the door and N'Jadaka pressed his forehead on the duvet next to her face.
"You feel so good… ooh… fuck me, Daddy. I need your cum in my ass. Show me I'm your woman… show me you love me," she purred.
A roar burst from his throat as he exploded in her ass, soaking her deep. His dick kept throbbing and pushing out cum until he collapsed on her back.
"That was fucking insane, Yani…goddamn you know how to make a man nut hard!"
He jiggled her right ass cheek before smacking it hard. Pulling her toward him, he kissed her, groaning as he did it. He fell onto his back and stared up at the high ceiling to collect himself.
"Shit, I don't know if I can do that formal courting now with all the chaperones… I'ma want you every night after this," he said.
Yani lifted onto her knees and sat back on her heels. Fingering her waist beads, she realized she was in total control of his passions for the rest of his life. By giving her the beads, tradition held that his family would enforce the rules of royal courtship. The Wakandan public would eat it up and N'Jadaka would have to fall in line to please the people. She symbolically had him by the dick. Giggling, she covered her mouth to keep from outright laughing at him.
"What?" he said, still gulping for calming breath.
His dick remained stiff. Her sticky juices made his pubic hair shiny. She decided to push him over the cliff for good. There was one thing he loved doing to women when he was sexual and wanted to show dominance. Stepping off the bed, Yani dropped to her knees in front of it. She batted her lashes and placed her hands on her thighs. N'Jadaka was already up and sitting on the edge, stroking himself, his eyes raking all over the submissive stance. She widened her thick thighs so he could see her smooth brown mound and fleshy folds better. Her king stood up, fisting under the head of his dick, his pupils blown, his lips curled into a seductive sneer. His aura filled the entire bedroom and the hairs on her arms rose up as he stared at her.
"Open your mouth… stick that tongue out…"
She obeyed and tilted her head back. He fondled her right breast and shoved the head of his dick against her tongue. Stroking and twisting under his frenulum, his eyes narrowed as a surge of pleasure flowed over him.
Hot ropes of cum drenched her face. Long creamy white lines coated her tongue and he stepped back, aiming his bulbous tip, his slit opening and spurting more of his powerful release. He shouted her name, loud enough to make the sound echo in the room. N'Jadaka's semen blessed him with ownership over her lush form in her submissive pose. But they both knew the truth. She owned him body and soul.
"Yani… fuck… Yani…"
He babbled her name, his orgasm making his thick dick jump in his hand. She blinked a few times to avoid getting hit in the eyes, but he kept cumming until he staggered and hit the bed with the back of his thighs. He threw his head back and exhaled with a rush of jagged air.
Yani ran her hands up his legs and thighs until she rested them on his hard belly.
"We need to go," she said.
He lifted her up and took her to his master bedroom's bathing room. Showering together quickly, he dried up first and changed his clothes.
"I'll take the kids down to the moon deck. You can sneak over to your suite and change," he said.
She kissed him while drying off, and he left the bedroom quickly to save face with their children.
Chapter 69 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
Soon come... “Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 67″
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Wakanda celebrates Mama Wati in Birnin S’Yan and N’Jadaka realizes Namor has sent a spy to the coast.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 66″
Masterlist HERE.
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"Woke up this mornin' Found my peace of mind And finally I can say to you That I, feel good this mornin' No, I can't deny So finally, I can lay with you And feel, feel the pleasure Finally do what lovers do, with you, babe Ride for two Don't you know, oh So we, can roam all we want to, yeah"
Terrace Martin – "This Morning"
Feathered serpent god.
N'Jadaka squinted at the words on his comm tab. Shuri dug up more profound history once she knew what the leader of the Talokanil called himself.
"They are a Mesoamerican culture," Shuri said. "Yucatec Maya to be exact."
"Indigenous," N'Jadaka said, reading Shuri's notes.
"Yes. Central America roots…located here…"
She highlighted a map for him inside his office and tapped her kimoyo.
"Griot, send over enhanced images from the second file of apocryphal texts," Shuri said.
Shuri's A.I.'s voice sounded chirpy and bright.
"Files sent, princess," the Griot said.
He tapped the images that blinked into view and Mesoamerican pyramid structures were highlighted along with pictographs. T'Challa read the same notes and contemplated the significance just as N'Jadaka did. Shuri's excited tone couldn't change the somber mood he was in. Several cabinet members grumbled about the potential costs after two weeks of grueling work with the diaspora delegates. For some reason, his declaration to view their role as helping to subsidize existing grass-roots non-GMOs fell on willfully closed ears. He was accused of creating a welfare state on the popular Wakandan news shows that were deeply conservative.
As for the delegates, they came to the realization that N'Jadaka did not plan to save all Black people in the world. He was a big proponent of believing people when they showed him who they were, and too many Black people were unworthy of saving when they harmed their own people. As his older cousin Junie was fond of saying, Noah didn't take everyone on the ark, and Moses left some triflin' niggas in the desert. Everybody didn't want to be free on the outside. Even Harriet Tubman knew that.
As the king, he had to push forth the best plan since T'Challa revealed them to the world. His original plan of being subversive and swift had to be changed. The world watched everything they did and he couldn't go in swinging like he originally plotted the moment he ruled Wakanda. It was a grave mistake on T'Challa's part. He didn't hold it against his cousin. T'Challa was swayed by Nakia and her heart was in the right place.
But N'Jadaka knew better.
So did K'uk'ulkan.
Hiding the truth of their power was the winning hand, and they had lost it in N'Jadaka's absence. The Talokan leader rode the same wave he did. Hit the enemy in stealth with coordinated attacks that disrupted the system of exploitation. Wakandan War Dogs were their only secret weapon at the present moment. He would have to Trojan Horse his way around the globe carefully.
"He calls himself a god, although he is a mutant. I wonder if he is a tyrant," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka loaded recorded images from the Sea Leopard.
"Look at that," N'Jadaka said, making the image of the second American ship freeze.
He pulled up another image of the Talokanil underwater, gliding over the dead sailors they lured into the sea.
"Underwater they have brown skin… but above the water, they're blue," N'Jadaka observed.
"Not K'uk'ulkan," Shuri said. "Because he's a mutant, he seems to be able to breathe above and below. His people wear masks to breathe while climbing up the ship. There must be a biochemical reaction in their skin that changes when they come into contact with air."
"So… his warriors do have a weakness above the surface," T'Challa said.
"They appear stronger than regular humans," Erik said watching the replay of blue men and women rappelling up the sides of the targeted ship.
"Five hundred years ago the Yucatec Maya were invaded by the Spanish," Shuri said.
"Nothing here mentions people with blue skin," T'Challa said.
"Their color switches instantly in the water… see?" N'Jadaka said.
He pointed to Talokanil warriors dropping back into the ocean making sure enemy soldiers were dead.
"They must be an evolutionary offshoot of the original people on the land," Shuri said.
"I agree. The little that we have about them here doesn't explain any underwater people," N'Jadaka said. "They turned into another Wakanda… hid for centuries."
"Their vibranium must be underwater with them. K'uk'ulkan is the protector of his people like the Black Panther is to us. His mutant powers enabled him to become a god to them," T'Challa said.
Shuri looked away from her brother and pressed her lips together, holding her tongue.
"What?" N'Jadaka asked when he noticed.
Shuri froze an image of K'uk'ulkan where they could see him clearly with lights from the Sea Leopard.
"His powers… the way he moved and acted… his total bearing is God-like. Look at this closer," Shuri said.
She enlarged a Maya hieroglyph.
"Griot, translate the logograms and phonograms for the passage," Shuri said.
"Yes, princess," Griot said.
The glyphs were shuffled and changed colors to match Wakandan glyphs.
"Ready, princess," Griot said.
Shuri opened up a digitized copy of a Spanish journal.
"The Maya described their gods with all their attributes throughout the thirteenth century and beyond. Look at this face… and now look at this sketch in the Spanish colonizer's journal. Does that not look like him in both images?" Shuri asked.
"Maya glyphs are hard to distinguish against a regular face because the writing is highly stylized," T'Challa said.
"But the regal bearing, brother. Tell me that isn't him," Shuri said.
N'Jadaka compared the journal sketch of a flying, dark-eyed man carrying a spear with the images recorded on the Sea Leopard.
"No way that's him," N'Jadaka said.
"He is a mutant. Longevity may be another trait he has. I say that's him. The journal is dated from the early eighteenth century. Around the time our greatest grandmother Queen Shuriyah traveled out of the country to explore the world."
N'Jadaka stared at Shuri and pondered her words. She continued.
"I have a theory that our people met the Talokanil hundreds of years ago. How else would he know how to speak our language without translator buds? I would dare say he's had centuries to learn about us. Maybe a pact originated way back then. We have all these myths and legends from other cultures written in the old and even our forbidden texts. There had to be contact. Very few people know Wakandan fluently outside our borders," Shuri said.
Her eyes searched for agreement between her brother and him.
"Interesting theory," T'Challa said.
"That drawing has to be a relative of his," N'Jadaka pushed.
"They look the same to me," Shuri said. "And don't forget. Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers have ages that do not match how they look."
"A super serum did that," T'Challa said.
"So why do you both not think his mutant DNA is capable of prolonging life for centuries?" Shuri challenged.
"It doesn't really matter if that man is five hundred years old or younger. He is a potential threat to us if we don't move carefully. All we know is that he's not interested in anything on land that doesn't bother him. That's good enough for me. My responsibility is to keep this country safe and help the people we care about outside our borders. Everyone else can fuck around and find out for themselves about the Talokanil," N'Jadaka said.
"Will you tell the council of elders about them?" T'Challa asked.
"No. This stays with us and our military."
Mpilo knocked on his office door.
"The governor of Birnin Azzaria has arrived to see you," Mpilo said.
N'Jadaka checked his kimoyo. He had several private meetings scheduled to listen to the concerns of the governing bodies of all the territories.
"Send her in," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa and Shuri exited and he welcomed a thin dark brown-skinned woman with calculating eyes. Her braided hair was twisted into an extravagant updo with a few gray strands at her temples.
"King N'Jadaka, thank you for meeting with me so early in your day. I know you are a busy man."
"Governor Hlojeg… please sit down."
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She could've called him and left a message. Yani chose to see him in person instead. Her part in the conference was complete and she was due back at the hospital after the Mama Wati celebration. Wearing her best azure dress, she presented herself in public to match the spirit of the upcoming ocean holiday. The palace was decked out in colors representing the sea and lovely paper aquatic creatures decorated the halls. There were starfish, dolphins, and rainbow fish all around her and she delighted in the atmosphere that reminded her of Christmas. She carried a covered platter filled with curried chicken, peas and rice, sautéed greens, along with a generous slice of yam cornbread smothered in butter and honey.
"Hello Tlotliso," Yani said walking through the front door of the king's outer office.
Tlotliso stood up from her desk, along with two other office workers on the public relations team.
"Is he in?" Yani asked, still moving past the staff.
"Yes," Tlotliso said.
Mpilo met her in the sitting room just outside N'Jadaka's inner office.
"Princess Yani," Mpilo said.
"He busy?"
"No. His last meeting was an hour ago," Mpilo said.
Yani knocked twice, waited, knocked again, then walked inside.
N'Jadaka rested his head on his arms, sleeping heavily. His deep exhales told her he was out for a long time. A map of Wakanda floated to the right of his desk and there were piles of papers stacked high in front of him near a glass pitcher of water. She moved his folders aside to make room for the covered platter. Gazing down at him, she ran her hand over the bun of his locs. Glancing over at the couch near the window, she noticed a small blanket and pillow on the armrest. He spent more time in his office and meeting halls with his cabinet and governing body than he did in his own home. N'Jadaka worked around the clock and there were stress lines on his face on the rare times she caught a glance at him moving through the palace. She could tell by the way he carried himself that there were things troubling him that he couldn't reveal. He acted the same way he did back in St. Thomas when he dealt with Klaue.
Yani was thankful the conference was ending soon. It took up too much of his time away from his kids, and she knew he hated that. Her fingers lingered near the base of his exposed neck rubbing tender circles. He groaned in his sleep. She stopped, feeling self-conscious about touching him in that familiar way. It was like old times back home in his workroom when he became hyper-fixated on his tasks and forgot to eat or drink anything. He could work himself down to the bone and not be cognizant that he needed to take time to care for himself.
She rubbed his neck again, moving her body behind him to even her touches to his wide shoulders tucked behind a smooth black tunic. N'Jadaka's focus had always been outside of himself, working toward helping other people. He was so much like his mother, community-oriented, and often to a fault. Thinking about it, she wondered what he did for fun all by himself when no one was around him in the palace.
His body stirred under her soft fingers and he shifted his head from one arm to the other before becoming aware of her hands on him. She moved away from him as he lifted his head from the desk. Gathering focus, he glanced at his work and then noticed the covered food.
"I made you a plate of comfort food," she said.
He smiled and reached out his hand, hesitating for a moment, before caressing her arm with a gentle rub.
"Thank you," he said.
She took the seat in front of his desk and watched him uncover the food and tuck in right away. He closed his eyes and groaned louder when he tasted the curried chicken. Licking his fingers, he pulled apart the yam cornbread and took less than fifteen minutes to devour everything. Yani sat there pleased as a peach watching him enjoy her cooking while being near him for longer than a few seconds.
"Damn, Ma, you put your foot in that," he said, pushing the plate away.
She covered it back up and studied the changes in his face that good food brought him. He appeared more relaxed and poured himself some water.
"Long day?" she said.
His handsome face made her squirm in the chair. Everything about him was so… kingly. His clothes. Hair. The rings on his fingers. The diamonds in his ears. His aura of power. He had those things even back in St. Thomas, but they became magnified in Wakanda. He was true royalty. Always had been.
Drawing breath into her mouth to help out her nose once she became woozy staring at him, Yani stood up. He pushed his empty glass of water next to the pitcher.
"You have more to do today. I wanted to make sure you ate something. You've been skipping family meals," she said.
His piercing gaze dropped to his desk and took in all the tasks still ahead of him. Weariness drifted across his face. Yani walked around the desk and pulled the covered plate toward the edge of his desk. He reached for a folder and she placed her hand on the top of his head.
"Slow down and take of yourself," she said.
N'Jadaka closed his eyes at her touch and leaned against her chest. She cradled him and stroked his hair.
"Maybe you should take the rest of the day off," she whispered above his head.
"I wish I could, but there's too much to take care of. One of our War Dogs in Malawi thinks he located the man who helped bomb our country. I have to deal with that once he contacts us again."
"Can't T'Challa take care of that? He's the Black Panther."
"Nah, this man tried to kill my grandparents. I will see him myself and find out who put him up to it."
"Do you ever take time for yourself to rest? And I don't mean on that couch over there."
"I sleep when I can."
"It's not good for your health or the nation."
"I'm okay."
His warm breath touched her skin through her clothes with his mouth near her right breast.
"I know you. I see you carry stress in your body. If you don't slow down, I will call the royal doctors and have them force you to rest for a week. Hear mi, man? Our children complain all the time that they only see you for lunch. You haven't told them bedtime stories in a week. Sweet Pea, Dumplin, and Sunshine need you more. T'Challa can handle anything in your absence."
He didn't answer. She looked down and his eyes were pressed shut and he was in a deep sleep again. She grinned. His son was the same way. Head against a titty… instant sleep. Yani shook him back awake. He needed to know she wanted him to take care of himself for once.
She stroked his cheek and he pushed into her chest more to get comfortable.
"Listen to me," she said.
Yani lifted his chin and pinched it, forcing his eyes open.
"You are doing more than you need to. A king shouldn't walk around exhausted. I will have you put on bed rest if you don't slow down."
She sucked her teeth when he tried to bury his face against her.
"I need you to be at your best—"
"Yani, I'm good—"
"You are not."
She tapped her kimoyo and contacted the royal physician that looked after all of them. N'Jadaka fretted at her power move, but she spoke to the doctor and he arrived within minutes with an assistant rolling a medical cart. Mpilo and Tlotliso hovered at the doorway when the medical staff arrived and Yani closed the door on them. N'Jadaka was moved to the couch where he was checked and given fluids. The physician, Dr. Pheko, scanned the king's vitals with a frown on his face.
"Ukumkani, you are dehydrated. Lack of sleep and overwork has taken a toll," Dr. Pheko said.
"Make him take bedrest," Yani insisted.
"I'll take the IV and have a quick power nap," N'Jadaka argued.
"No," Yani said, standing behind the doctor.
"Yani, I have shit to do and very little time—"
"You will rest," Dr. Pheko said.
Yani crossed her arms over her chest and smirked.
"For how long?" N'Jadaka said.
"Three days at the minimum based on the readings I have," Dr. Pheko said looking at his small body scanner.
"In time for the Mama Wati celebration," Yani said.
Dr. Pheko's assistant gave the king a vitamin shot and they waited an hour for the fluids to perk him back up.
"Go to your quarters and sleep King N'Jadaka."
The doctor packed up his medical equipment and left with his assistant. N'Jadaka glared at her, but she stood her ground.
"I am a medical professional. How would it look if I allowed you to keep working without saying anything?" she said.
He grumbled under his breath and a mean scowl overtook his face as he stared at his desk filled with unfinished work.
"C'mon, let's go," she said, waving her hand for him to get up.
"… unnecessary…." he muttered.
He stood at his full height and she looked up at him. A tremble went through her.
"Just coming all in here and dictating," he said.
To keep her feigned cool with his heated gaze melting her resolve, Yani went to his desk and lifted the covered platter.
"Someone has to keep boundaries or else you'll run yourself down. Won't do anyone any good then, hear mi? Stop pouting."
He poked his lips out in an exaggerated expression and headed toward the desk. She blocked him. Putting down the platter, she pushed his folders aside.
"Leave all that alone," she said.
He brushed up against her.
"I hear what you're saying, but—"
"Mpilo!" she shouted into the desk intercom.
Mpilo walked in with wide eyes. Yani grabbed N'Jadaka's hand and pulled him next to her.
"Cancel all of his appointments for the rest of the day… and the next two. King N'Jadaka is under the doctor's orders to go home. Please contact T'Challa and Shuri to let them know he will not be disturbed."
"Yes, Princess Yani," Mpilo said.
Yani dragged N'Jadaka behind her.
"Please have the platter on his desk delivered to the palace kitchen staff on my behalf," she said.
"Yes, princess," Mpilo said, rushing to retrieve it.
N'Jadaka's hand felt cool and clammy in hers. The rest of his staff watched them leave and the Kingsguard, along with his Doras followed them onto the elevator. He waved the Onyx Squad away with the others leaving only Aneka and Noxolo with them on his private floor.
"The king will rest for the next three days," Yani told his Doras.
N'Jadaka opened up his home and Yani admired the interior. It was her first time there. Her children described the layout to her before and she sought out the stairs.
"Yani, I'm home now. You can relax," he said.
He pulled away from her and headed to a plush couch with a gorgeous view of the city skyline.
"Let me at least bring you some water… that way?" she asked, seeking the kitchen.
He nodded and she cruised through the spacious living room. It took her a moment to figure out the set-up of his dishes and glasses. She grabbed an orange from a bowl and placed it on a saucer first, before pouring him room temperature water into a tall glass.
"Here," she said.
He placed the fruit and water on an end table and leaned back on the couch.
"You look better," she said.
"Food and extra liquids. Nothing serious," he said.
"No working from home," she said, turning away from him.
She stopped walking and took a breath. Pivoting around, she stood in front of him.
"Thank you for checking on me," he said.
"Call me if you need anything or if you want to talk to the children before they go to bed… if you're awake later."
"Does Grandpop still have them?"
"They've gone to the children's play with Ramonda at the city theater."
N'Jadaka grimaced.
"Shit… I was supposed to meet them there. Got my schedule mixed up," he said.
"Don't worry, I already told them you would probably be too busy to go tonight because you're getting everything ready for Mama Wati's day. They are more excited about that than anything."
"They get to swim in the ocean," he said.
He glanced at the skyline and a flicker of concern crinkled his forehead. His mind was already fixating on something else and not resting. She touched him above his brow to smooth the creases in his skin. He tilted his head back.
"Stop thinking about work."
"It's hard not to."
His gaze held her. She touched his nose ring and then traced the outline of his lips with a soft fingertip. Lowering her head, she brushed her lips against his. Her stomach fluttered with uncertainty and her heart galloped in her chest. N'Jadaka leaned into the kiss, his gentle mouth giving in to her advances. She parted her lips and slid her tongue against his. He welcomed the exploration. Yani pulled back when she sensed hesitation on his part. His eyes pooled with sorrowful tears and he bit his bottom lip to keep his face from crumbling.
She pressed her cheek against his and a hot tear streaked against her skin from his face. Wiping away a tear from the other side of his nose, she cooed soft words of forgiving endearments for what he couldn't say out loud. She sat on his lap, held the side of his face toward her, and kissed him again. He asserted himself more the second time around and all she could think with pure bliss was that he belonged to her. The king of Wakanda was hers to take.
Yani wanted him.
She weathered the storm and made it through to the other side of the journey a little bruised, but wiser with her maturity. She left him, created a boundary for herself, and held onto an expectation of respect that he had to follow. Yani took pride in that. No man would ever disregard her feelings ever again.
N'Jadaka put his heart on the table again, and she could choose to put hers next to it, or stay where she was in her home and pursue her work and parental responsibilities. She didn't need a man. But she wanted him back. Forever. She broke away from his lips and nuzzled her nose against his neck to smell his scent. He kissed her cheek and under her chin, his beard tickling her as his lips painted more kisses on her. She stroked his hair as he unstitched her nerves, his aura flooding her senses like a rush of powerful wind flowing over her.
Yani sucked his tongue. The tickling sensation in her panties turned into a heavy throbbing in her pussy. Their wet tongues collided and slid around slowly. She gasped when his right hand went around her hip and gripped her ass cheek to hold her tight against him. Yani went limp in his arms and he rested her against the soft armrest to support her head and neck. He nibbled on her bottom lip playfully before plunging his tongue back into her mouth. Her left leg shook, and he held her in place. She moaned in his mouth and he groaned when she shifted her backside on his lap.
She started kissing him with her tongue flattened against his mouth, licking his full lips and sucking them too. He went up for air and wiped the dampness from his forehead. His body heat soaked through to her and she burned all over with libidinous desire. He ran his fingers along her neck, nibbled her earlobe, and whispered her name in her ear making her tingle all over. Her folds were puffy and her pussy felt like it was wide open ready to receive the stiff dick jutting through his dark crotch-drop pants. They hid nothing from her. He adjusted himself and shifted her on his lap so that her heavy rump covered it from view. N'Jadaka kept kissing and her pussy grew wetter and soaked her panties. He licked the seam of her lips and thrust his tongue into her ear making her tremble more.
"I know you feel how hard my dick is," he said.
Yani dropped her head back trying to catch her breath. She wanted him to touch her. N'Jadaka only kissed and licked…sucked and teased her neck, ears, and lips. Her dress bunched up between her thighs and she willed herself to not rub on her clit which was swollen and ready to be kissed too. Grinding her ass in his lap, she welcomed more physical contact from him. His eyes narrowed full of lust and he groaned deep in his throat at the softness of her backside pressed on top of his covered dick. She noticed his mouth go lax and he panted a soft gust of breath. Was he about to cum? He smashed his lips against hers and snuggled his tongue back inside her mouth, the wet warmth and guttural moans from him sending her over. She whimpered in desperate pleasure as her walls throbbed in release, his kissing pulling out a big, messy orgasm that wouldn't stop until he gasped into her neck.
"Yani, baby… we gotta stop…"
He wrapped his arms around her and listened to her breathing return to normal. Kissing her temple, he cradled her face with his strong hands.
"I want to do this right," he said.
"I was supposed to come back to you like this… ready to make love to you and make up for all those years I was gone. Let me… let me court you the way they do it in Wakanda. I want to show you that I'm worth it this time in a formal way. Will you let me?"
"Good. We'll go slow… get to know each other again the way we should've."
He rested his cheek on her breasts and she rubbed his neck.
"I love you, Yani."
Yani closed her eyes and a shudder went through her. Words meant things, but actions mattered more. She would allow him to court her and prove his worthiness to have her in his life again. Sighing, she rode the pulsing sensations in her clit. Being physical with him brought up so much yearning for more. He looked at her from his position.
"You came, didn't you?" he teased.
She playfully slapped his forehead.
"I could tell. Shit, I was ready to bust myself," he said.
He sat up and checked his pants. Back to normal. Standing, he held out his hands to her. She took them and he pulled her to her feet.
"I'm going to my bedroom to sleep. Can we have a late breakfast together here? You can check up on me… play doctor if you want," he said.
"I am a doctor, silly."
"I know. You can make sure I'm hydrated. I'll stay in bed all day tomorrow and we can have trays brought up with all kinds of food. I think you'll be impressed with my bedroom."
"That sounds very naughty and not in alignment with formal courting."
"We won't be naked… unless you want to be naked. I have no problem with that. Alternative healing is a thing."
"How about you rest by yourself and I'll bring all the kids to see you for dinner. We can eat here with you and they'll tell you stories for bedtime."
"Okay then."
He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight, N'Jadaka."
"Goodnight, Yani."
He spanked her backside and then held her hand to walk her to his front door.
"You were right. I needed to take a step back," he said when they reached the entrance.
"I have never steered you wrong, my king."
"I like how you say that."
His eyes looked glassy and far away like he was imagining her saying that in an illicit situation.
"Remember… respectable. I am a princess and you will treat me as such," she said.
"I'm glad you came to see me today. I feel blessed. I mean that, Ma."
"Get to bed."
He swept his arms around her waist and lifted her onto her toes. Her body responded to his touch again and she fought to make herself leave his home. The way he looked at her should've made her combust, but she kept it together long enough to get away.
Outside of his front door, she made no eye contact with anyone, not even the Kingsguard assigned to escort Yani to her guest quarters. They would see the bright arousal in her eyes and know all of her nasty thoughts about their king.
Her king.
She grinned in the elevator. He was earning his way back, little by little.
Chapter 67 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 64″
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"Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face And stars fill my dream I'm a traveler of both time and space To be where I have been To sit with elders of the gentle race This world has seldom seen They talk of days for which they sit and wait All will be revealed"
Led Zeppelin – "Kashmir"
Llotliso met N'Jadaka at the entrance of his expansive office. She handed him a cup of red tea.
"They are waiting for you inside your inner office, King N'Jadaka," Tlotliso said.
"T'Challa, Nakia, and Shuri will be here soon. Show them in the minute they arrive. This is off the record, too," he said sweeping past her.
He drank the tea and stepped into his private think chamber. Yoneli and Sizani stood and watched him stride toward his chair.
"Sit, please," he said, holding out his hand.
"This must be serious to call us in without the elders," Yoneli said.
N'Jadaka stared at them a long time before leaning forward.
"How close is Wakanda with the Atlanteans?" he asked.
Sizani glanced at Yoneli.
"Has something happened?" Sizani asked.
"Answer my question," he said.
He kept his voice curt.
Yoneli mirrored his body language and leaned forward too.
"They are not Atlanteans. That is what the outsiders call them," Yoneli said.
"Captain…" Sizani said with an agitated breath.
"He is our new ruler. King T'Chaka is dead," Yoneli said.
"But the truce—"
"What truce?" N'Jadaka asked.
A knock at the door broke his attention.
"Come in," N'Jadaka said.
Tlotliso opened the door letting T'Challa, Nakia, and Shuri enter quickly.
"Tell us everything," N'Jadaka said.
Yoneli looked at everyone in the room, then lowered her eyes.
"Wakanda and the Talokan people have a truce to not speak of one another… ever," Yoneli said.
"Talokan?" N'Jadaka said.
"That is what they call themselves. In the ancient fables, there are texts written about people living under the seas of other lands. There was a skirmish two decades ago between our nations. We were doing aquatic warcraft tests far out in the Atlantic Ocean and they came to the surface to confront us. King T'Chaka ended the possibility of war by framing a truce that would keep both of our countries a secret as long as we respected their domain and avoided crossing the waters at particular coordinates. They do not want to be found, nor do they want to interact with surface dwellers."
"Who is their leader?"
"King T'Chaka met with someone alone away from the battle cruiser after your family escaped. We were only told that those people would stay below the surface unless they were threatened again," Yoneli said.
"They have underwater structures to live so deep?" T'Challa asked.
"Those people breathe the water. I only saw two who came to the surface," Yoneli said.
"What did they look like?" N'Jadaka said.
Sizani spoke up.
"Blue… they had blue skin. Wore very little clothing and had strong-looking bodies. The men I saw riding whales… they wore water masks…to help them breathe above the surface."
"Are they human?" N'Jadaka asked.
"Yes. At least they looked human. We traded soldiers so that King T'Chaka could go speak to their leader. We kept two of their people on the battle cruiser."
"Are they advanced like us?" Shuri asked.
Shuri was already on her kimoyo swiping through ancient texts looking for mentions of a hidden sea people. Atlantis was what N'Jadaka grew up with. He was curious to know what his ancestors called them.
"King T'Chaka returned to us with the edict that we would not mention seeing them or interacting with their kind. If the outside world ever became aware of them, our country was to remain silent," Yoneli said.
"But T'Chaka started flapping his gums about them when he became a bigger political player… T'Challa, what do you know about them?"
"My father only spoke of attacks when he engaged the U.N. and their troubles encountering them," T'Challa said. "I was never told about a truce or a meeting with them long ago. But he did say there was a growing problem after he began a long tour of America. That is when he started warning the world about messing with unseen forces without diplomacy. He was big on uniting other nations in peace. I didn't understand why he cared to mingle with the U.N. so much. Before he was assassinated, the attacks that were attributed to the Talokans…"
"Talokanil," Shuri said.
She presented a page from an old text on her kimoyo beads.
"There isn't much here. I will search for more," Shuri said. "The writing here tells of several fabled cultures outside the continent, and the Talokanil are mentioned in passing."
N'Jadaka grappled with the information.
"If their name is written in our books, then we have encountered them long before King T'Chaka ever did. The U.S. and Europe started blaming HYDRA, Russia, and some rogue mercenary units for the global water attacks. The Talokanil were thought to be a made-up ruse to fool people… muddy the waters of who was actually behind it," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa folded his arms and looked at N'Jadaka.
"I was in a meeting with my father once in New York where some other foreign groups were accused, too," T'Challa said. "When my father died, whatever he knew went with him. There was pressure to get through the Sokovia accords and when I took the throne after him, the U.S. was heavily funding the Department of Damage Control in a joint venture with Stark Industries. They cleaned up messes and kept things as quiet as possible. The Talokanil were probably tucked away as a scapegoat to cover for someone else. Probably the Americans. Underwater people are not a true threat—"
"But why would T'Chaka make a truce with a powerless people?"
Yoneli looked away from him. N'Jadaka stepped to her. Taking in the captain's stressed energy, he reached out and held her shoulders.
"What is it, Yoneli?" N'Jadaka said.
"The king…King T'Chaka… that time at sea… he came back afraid. I have never seen him that way before. He wanted us to forget those people," Yoneli said.
N'Jadaka turned to Nakia.
"When The U.S. delegation comes here, we will make your formal introduction as Wakanda's ambassador and you will attend the general assembly in September back in the states. Stick close to the C.I.A. reps," N'Jadaka said.
"Agent Ross is always present," Nakia said.
"We'll use him. He thinks he's Wakanda's best buddy. Keep making him think that. I'll give orders for our War Dogs in port cities to start gathering any intel they can find about Talokan. Shuri, I need you to do a deep dive too. Pull in some of our best historians to help if you need them," N'Jadaka said.
He used his comm tab to bring up an image of a globe.
"If they scared King T'Chaka, then they must have an army down below that can do some damage," N'Jadaka said.
"Maybe that's what the Americans near our waters are looking for," T'Challa said. "All the sonar testing… underwater earthquakes. They're searching."
"What ships do we have that can pass as a research vessel?" N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa moved next to him and pulled an image from his kimoyo.
"We have the Sea Leopard. It has full submersible and camouflage capabilities," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka and the others studied the ship. The charcoal gray vessel was sleek and curved like a bullet.
"I want that ship ready to go in three days," N'Jadaka said.
"In the middle of the conference?" T'Challa said.
"I want to find these people before the rest of the world does," N'Jadaka said.
"What about the truce?" Nakia asked.
"I'll respect it until I see what we're up against. Then I'll change the terms and conditions as needed. I don't want to take a wait-and-see approach. If the Talokanil spooked T'Chaka… we need to meet and find out why before they're discovered by someone else," N'Jadaka said.
His kimoyo beads lit up. Sydette's avatar spun on his wrist.
"My kids are up. T'Challa, notify our generals. Nakia, get in touch with Agent Ross and butter him up. Reveal your new status… let him think he has insider info about us before his bosses do. Shuri—"
"Research… on it," Shuri said.
Shuri paused before heading out of the door.
"Should we push back our sparring session until after lunch?" Shuri asked.
T'Challa tilted his head and smirked. N'Jadaka grinned.
"You two have been practicing your fighting techniques?" T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka swung his hand around playfully and T'Challa ducked, offering a counterattack that pushed the king back.
"We've been working on some moves in the gym. Gotta stay on top of the game," N'Jadaka said.
He stopped playing and huddled with his cousins.
"We won't discuss any of this with Ramonda. She's working hard on the conference and I don't want anyone outside of this room worrying about anything else."
"Agreed," T'Challa said.
"When the Sea Leopard launches, I want you on it with our best soldiers," N'Jadaka said to T'Challa.
He watched his cousins and Nakia leave. Outside of his inner office, Tlotliso waited for his instructions.
"You can go home. Thank you for stepping in on short notice until I arrived," he said.
"Not a problem," Tlotliso said.
She grabbed a sweater and started to vacate the room.
"Everything okay?" he asked.
"Yes, your highness. I have some things going on at home... the usual family stuff," she said.
"See you next week then."
"Yes, kumkani."
She left him quietly. He returned to his inner office and regarded Yoneli and Sizani.
"Is there anything else I should know about T'Chaka's meeting with Talokan?" N'Jadaka said.
Yoneli's lips quirked.
"Do you remember the whales that sang to our ship? The ones you swam with alongside your father?" Yoneli said.
"I do not believe their singing was to entertain themselves… not from what we saw after your family left," Yoneli said.
Sizani's forehead creased and she tapped the side of N'Jadaka's desk.
"My king," Sizani said, "those whales… they were calling the Talokanil. Those people… they communicate with sea life. The whales led them to us."
Yoneli nodded her head in agreement.
"When they left us, the whales stayed behind… as if they were watching our movement," Yoneli said.
"Then that will be our cover as we search. We're going whale hunting," N'Jadaka said.
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N'Jadaka's children were delighted to have him to themselves.
He cooked them waffles with strawberries and they ate outside on his terrace before heading off to swim in the palace pool. They entertained snail races in the royal garden, then watched boats pass through the river in the middle of Birnin Zana. He rattled citizens when he walked with the children to a favorite river café that served the best coffee and tiny teacakes. The children wore dark shades and his Doras watched nearby with Kora. They crossed the small wooden bridge that led to the floating café and the owner stood there thrilled and honored to meet his little ones up close.
Their lunchtime was spent eating batter-fried sandwiches stuffed with fish and pickled cabbage while strolling through a bazaar. N'Jadaka watched with pride as his children spoke Wakandan with a fluency he was only beginning to master effortlessly. With the creamy yellow sun beating down on them, he took in the mix of old and new structures throughout the heavily trafficked city center. Wakanda reminded him of Rome. He could walk two steps and see modern structures, and two feet away, there appeared an ancient building that existed when Queen Shuriyah walked the earth. The old and new stood together in harmony.
He ruled everything.
The shy glances from citizens and the sly snatchings of holo pics of him spending time with his children was something he wanted the people to see more of to humanize himself among them. There were still many who cursed his name in quiet corners of the land, who smiled in his face and sharpened knives behind their backs. No one would dare touch him in public though. Any and all dissent would come from the shadows once he became relaxed on the throne.
Sydette couldn't stop smiling so hard at being with him and Joba. The three children together became a unit of unlimited energy. He couldn't keep up with questions and simultaneous discussions on different topics from all three. After returning to the palace, he released the children to Kora for their nap and changed into abada pants and a thin yellow t-shirt. He left his home and headed for the private gym. It took up a floor on a lower level with advanced equipment and an indoor track and lap pool. The Dora Milaje shared the space during the week, to practice safety drills with the royal family or used it during their breaks, but on the weekends, the Udaku family used it privately. The 360-degree views opened up the space to lots of sunshine.
Shuri waited for him there, dressed in skin-tight purple athletic leggings and a tank top. She stretched on the floor, then did a few body rolls on the mat with her knees tucked into her chest. Jumping up, she held her arms in a defensive position and watched him saunter toward her. N'Jadaka turned on some soft drumming music from the Merchant Tribe on the ceiling speakers that had the perfect tempo for the ass-whooping he was going to give her.
"Oh, you need a soundtrack for this beating you are about to receive from me?" she said, circling him.
N'Jadaka lunged forward and dipped low, swiping his leg against her ankles. Shuri backflipped barely avoiding contact and jabbed her fists into his chest before he palmed the side of her head and threw her across the room. She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Crouching down, Shuri struck his left temple and he let her get a few licks on his midsection before he caught a foot against his right cheek.
"You did not see that coming, cousin. That one I learned from Aunt Califia's old vids. There is more on the way!"
She dropped to her knees and punched him in the gut once more, scrambling between his legs to throw off his balance as he reached for her hair.
"Cheater!" she said, smacking his hand away from her high bun pinned with shiny blue clips.
"You said you wanted a dirty fight," he teased, jumping up and down.
Shuri had speed like his mother and a knack for finding weak points in his defense when his guard was down. There was a boisterous tenacity in her fighting style and he appreciated her ability to switch up her technique when she realized certain combinations of hand and leg strikes didn't work on him. Her eye-hand coordination was tightly focused on countering the capoeira he slid into easily.
They play fought for an hour and rested on their backsides next to each other. Sharing a bottle of water enhanced with recovery herbs, Shuri studied his face.
"I found someone from the Birnin D'Jata University to help me root out more details about the Talokanil. They were known as the 'Amanzi Umhlali'… water dwellers who lived beyond the sunset. I was told that in the olden days, our elders witnessed sightings of them that were mistaken for the reborn children of Mama Wati, our water Goddess. A long time ago, women who had stillborn children would take them to the sea and give their remains to the water in the hopes that their babies would be reborn and return to them. Unfortunately, the little that I have found myself is just mythical tales. Nothing is rooted in factual details. All we know for sure is that they originate in Central America," she said.
"Keep me in the loop. You find anything, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, let me know right away," he said.
"I would like to travel with T'Challa on the Sea Leopard."
"I need you here."
"This is a scientific expedition as much as it is a military one," she said.
"Fury is still sending data and I need you on top of that."
"You know I can do more than one thing—"
"T'Challa can handle any threats from the sea. I need you checking for mofos coming from space."
Shuri laughed.
"What is so funny?" he said, nudging her shoulder with his.
"You have more than you bargained for taking the throne, N'Jadaka."
"Looks that way."
She patted his back and helped him stand up.
"I'm going to shower and take a long break," she said.
"Good. Stay out of your lab today. Give your big brain a rest."
He jabbed his finger on her forehead gently.
"Not too much rest. The Talokanil have me curious… and my father… he was not one to fear anything. Wakanda was a fortress in his mind. Nothing out there should scare a man like him."
"Rest," N'Jadaka said, pushing her arm to leave the gym.
"I want to go up and see my little cousins first," she said.
Grabbing her gym bag, she pointed at him.
"Give me ten minutes to shower and change clothes. I'll come with you," she said.
She scurried toward the changing room and he tapped his kimoyo. Shuri already had reports compiled for him from the university that covered the origins of Mama Wati and the connection to the Talokanil sightings centuries ago. Stepping over to the window he took in the royal garden until Shuri came back out smelling like lemon cookies. She wiped away her body butter on her arms and checked her own kimoyo before they walked out together onto the elevator.
"Have you heard from Disa?" Shuri asked.
"No. Why?"
"Nothing important."
"Seems like everyone has been asking me about her since she went up the mountain. Y'all worried about something?"
"What is there to worry about?" she asked.
"Her new boyfriend."
"I wouldn't call him a boyfriend…"
Shuri reflected on her words and clammed up. They stepped onto his floor.
"What would you call him?"
Shuri looked him in the eye.
"Her co-worker—"
"People don't have to tip-toe around me. I know she likes, Adebiyi. That's her type. I'm not surprised."
"He's a prickly fellow, but overall, I find him a hard worker and very knowledgeable about his craft. I've met him a few times. He tends to stay in the background."
"That's where I'll keep that situation… in the background."
"I upset you."
"Nah. She's been looking forward to going there. Not just to be around him, even though I know that's part of it. I want her happy and she likes being with Ayomide."
"I am glad that you are still friends with her despite everything you deal with in your personal life. It cannot be easy for you—"
Sydette had the front door open before his Doras could step aside to let him reach it.
"I'm back with you know who," he teased.
Shuri hugged Sydette who pulled her over the threshold.
"Oh… my…" Shuri said.
She took a long gaze around his lower floor.
"I have never been inside of this place when everything was uncovered… beautiful," she said.
Riki and Joba ran downstairs and jumped into Shuri's arms. They tackled her down to the floor and she rolled around with them, testing their arm strength and agility.
"Where have you been?" Joba asked.
Shuri took a seat on a carved wooden chair with wide armrests.
"Working in my lab," Shuri said.
Riki slapped his own forehead.
"Aw, that's all everyone does… work, work, work. No fun here anymore," Riki said.
Riki balanced his arms on Shuri's knees.
"Perhaps for winter solstice, we should plan a family trip out on the boat again," Shuri said.
"Yeah!" Sydette squealed.
"Show me the rest of the new home," Shuri said.
Joba pulled Shuri's hand and the other two children followed further into the next room. N'Jadaka climbed the stairs and headed to his bathing room. His kimoyo lit up and he checked for a message.
Disa sent him images of the exterior of a forest temple overlooking a mountain range. He read the note attached to it.
"It's beautiful here. So much to see. I'm getting plenty of ideas to challenge my original sketches. Kiss and hug Joba for me. Disa."
He smiled and a warm peace came over him.
After showering and changing into loungewear, N'Jadaka padded down to his home office and went over his opening speech to the people he handpicked from all across the globe to join him inside the motherland. While listening to his children run back and forth outside of his workspace as Kora fussed after them about making too much noise near his room, he made some changes to a few sentences. He stopped and opened his comm tab and pulled up pictures of his mother and Aunt Lia together in Brazil the last time they were together. Their faces told the story of struggle and the promise of a better tomorrow. N'Jadaka had the power that they could only dream of having. Tucking his hands under his groomed beard, he stared at the two women. He thought of his father arming War Dogs and the careful planning it took for him to build a secret army for over a decade. The takeover of the world had to be gradual and the grassroots had to be in control in every city they moved in. Backlash, jealousy, F.B.I., and C.I.A. plants would try to derail his plans. Unlike Black liberation movements of the past, N'Jadaka would not create a cult of personality where one individual became the face of an entire struggle. On the outside looking in, it would appear that way since he was leading the initial charge. However, everyone who joined with them would become their own leader with communal goals. There was no place for the next Jesus figure to come and save Black people. Every territory would become the savior of itself. That meant churches would have to be left out of the equation. Too many Black men pimped the church for riches and prestige, muling the labor of Black women who followed them and propped up the institution. No one from any religious organization was invited to Wakanda. White gods and grifters were not welcome there.
He left the images of his mother and aunt floating above his desk as he continued working on his speech. His strongest appeal would be toward women, but he also had to deal with men coming there who had good hearts but patriarchy hardwired in them. Twyla's tour would help break those men in. Once they saw a country led by Bast that flourished with female leadership and brilliance, they would have to shift old thinking inside of themselves. Too many men thought they respected women until faced with working for them. He used to find himself acting out of pocket with women, even the ones he loved because patriarchy and bullying the weaker sex were taught to everyone and difficult to actively unlearn. He recognized it in his life too often than he cared to admit. That was a trait he wanted to keep Riki from falling into as he grew up. He felt the same way about helping Sydette and Joba recognize the behavior toward themselves at a young age and speaking out against it without fear of retribution.
Two days.
In two days, the diaspora would arrive and see the promised land. More than milk and honey flowed throughout Wakanda.
There was a knock on his door.
"Come in," he said.
Noxolo walked in carrying a sealed gold envelope.
"This was just delivered," Noxolo said.
She handed him the envelope and left the room.
He sliced across the wax red seal with a letter opener, and read the contents from the Council of Elders. They would allow the outsiders to witness the Mama Wati celebration in Birnin S'Yan. He was surprised they would give permission. Tapping his kimoyo, he contacted Twyla. Her image popped up quickly. He showed her the official paper.
"The council granted you the right to organize a Mama Wati tour," he said.
Twyla took a deep breath.
"This is huge," Twyla said.
"Will you have enough time to put together transportation… maybe lodging?"
"BiBi and I will make it into a day trip with a picnic above the bluffs. They can see the ceremony up close on the beach, but then we'll move them a respectful distance away so families can keep their intimate rituals going afterward. Oh, Big Man, you made my day!" Twyla said.
"They trust you, Twyla."
"I won't let you down," she said.
"I know you won't."
N'Jadaka worked on going over all of the non-disclosure and non-photography agreements every visitor signed in order to visit the country until dinner. The palace kitchen sent up comfort food of mashed green banana and a savory beef stew with lentils and yellow rice. He ate with the children inside the dining room as a light summer rain planted water drops everywhere. There were virtual reality games played around the lower floor until Kora took the children away for their baths. He plowed back into his work and fell asleep at his desk.
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N'Jadaka woke up in his bed with heavy eyelids pressing down on him. Alone in his room, he checked his kimoyo. The children were fast asleep in their rooms and the sun was due to rise in minutes. He rose and went to his balcony for prayers to his elder gods and ancestors. Burning incense and a small white candle near his body, he prostrated himself on a prayer rug, pressing his forehead onto the cool silky threads.
Bast and Ogum stirred inside of him and he sensed the presence of his ancestors watching from beyond.
The day had arrived.
The energy around him snapped with frizzy intensity as he stood up and watched the scheduled arrival of six half-cruisers carrying two thousand diaspora kin. He allowed the cruisers to pass directly over Birnin Zana and the palace so the visitors could get the awe-inspiring splendor that he had the first time he flew into Wakanda. Back then he had been on a rampage. At that moment, he was calm and collected.
The half-cruisers were flanked by military escort ships as they floated toward their housing for the conference.
"Morning," Marisol said.
She walked onto the balcony and handed him tea.
Dressed in her own ceremonial white clothing, Marisol stood next to him and also looked at the ships flying away.
"I will keep the press and other non-staff away. The delegates need full immersion by themselves," he said.
"Will you need me here later this evening?" she said.
"No. The nannies will help with the kids and we can have dinner together with the rest of the family."
"This was all worth it, wasn't it JaJa?" she said.
No matter what may have transpired in over three decades, N'Jadaka knew he was where fate planned for him to be. Ignoring the whispers that fermented in the shadows of the palace, the hushed words of resentment of a foreigner sitting on the throne, he would smash the faces of the enemies within Wakanda into the ground where they would grovel at his feet. Never had he felt more Wakandan than when he watched aircraft filled with hand-picked African-descended people meeting their future. History would be written in their blood and bones from that day forth. Their influence back in their own lands after it was over would guarantee the sun would never set on Wakanda because the diaspora would be in alignment with them.
Warlords in countries all over the world dreamed of empires and vast armies to do their bidding. N'Jadaka wanted peace for the diaspora. Comfort. Rest. How could people enjoy life when they couldn't even live properly? The things that made him happy as a child were being with his family when there was no stress. No worries about food, housing, or danger coming for them. His people would finally have the tools to create the life they wanted in their respective communities.
War would come.
Black Wall Street. The New Jewel Movement. The Black Panthers. Patrice Lumumba and the Congolese National Movement. The Move Organzation. Malcolm X. Martin Luther King Jr. Angela Davis. Assata Shakur. Medgar Evers. Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Marie Sainte Dédée Bazile of the Haitian Revolution. Queen Mary Thomas. Nanny of the Maroons of Jamaica. Ganga Zumba in Palmares. Nat Turner. Charles Deslondes and the Louisiana Slave Revolt. Flore Bois Gaillard and the Battle of Rabot in St Lucia.
Everywhere on the planet where Black men and women sought freedom in ways that worked for them, they were met with force and/or death by white supremacy and upheld by the Black people beholden to whiteness for their own personal gain. There was never a time in history where Black people encountering white people had peace. Never. Even when Black people were isolated and successful in their own community, as they were in Tulsa Oklahoma, white people envied them and burned their world to the ground with the laws of the land protecting white supremacy.
No more.
N'Jadaka took a deep breath and rested in the power of his spiritual protectors. The diaspora would have peace and he would burn down the worlds of their enemies this time around. Wipe them from the face of the earth as a warning to anyone else feeling bold enough to challenge the new world order. If they just so happened to be Black or non-white in the service of white supremacy, they could catch hands too.
Ogum sat high in his chest. Bast positioned her power above his head. His ancestors flanked him with an invisible thread of verve. It was time to lead. Time to do king things.
He ate a simple breakfast of grits and glazed peaches. After dressing in his finest black tunic and robes, he let Marsol twist his locs into a high bun. She prayed over him while smudging him down with blue Wakandan sage. He wiped a small dot of oil from the Temple of Bast onto his third eye and admired himself in a full-length mirror.
"Ready?" Marisol asked.
He nodded and followed her out of his quarters. Surrounded by his security team, he boarded the Royal Talon Fighter. T'Challa greeted him inside and they all flew together to greet their guests.
The moment he stepped out of the Talon Fighter and onto the hotel grounds his heart thudded faster. He wiggled his fingers at his sides and the kinetic sparks of energy transference were already tingling across his skin. Aneka opened the double doors of the hotel's grand conference room and the rush of energy that passed over him from the people inside nearly blew him off of his feet. Thunderous applause broke out with shrill cries of joy all around them. A standing ovation went on for ten whole minutes as N'Jadaka took long strides to the podium. Two thousand shiny and exalted Black faces made enough noise to shout down the sun from the heavens. He glanced over at Marisol and tears glistened in her eyes. T'Challa's face held an expression of immense understanding and compassion for all the people there.
To the right of the podium was a section created for his transition team that had now become his royal cabinet members. They stood there stunned at the reaction to his walking into the room. Council Elders were also present and sat up on a dais behind him, overlooking the opening meeting. The history lesson he gave them about the people in that space guided their ability to take in the importance of the diaspora being there. Zinzi kept wiping her eyes and clapped her hands with the people. N'Jadaka held up his hands to quiet down the guests but they continued to clap, hoot, stomp their feet, and holler his name. No… not his name… Wakanda's name.
The energy they sent him flowed into his chest where Ogum soaked it up.
"Please… sit…." N'Jadaka said, waving his hands down.
They wouldn't stop.
From the corner of his eye, he watched his grandparents being ushered in by Shuri. They took seats reserved for them on his left side facing the podium. The zeal in the room struck them hard, especially his grandmother. Umama held her head high as she glanced around at all the people. Finally, after much coaxing and prodding, the applause and noise died down and the people took their seats in comfortable chairs. The backdrop behind him and the elders gave the guests a glorious view of the landscape. As if on cue, a herd of giraffes strutted by and the trumpeting sound of a braying elephant blasted in the distance.
"Welcome to Wakanda," he said.
The audience laughed and clapped again.
"Today is a blessed day that I get to share with each and every one of you here. The journey has been long—"
"Amen!" someone shouted far in the back.
The audience laughed and clapped again.
"I am King N'Jadaka Udaku-Stevens. Son of The Master Hammer Califia Stevens of Oakland, California. Son of Prince N'Jobu Udaku of Wakanda. American by birth. African by descent. Like all of you here, I am a child of the African Diaspora. A child of the stolen and enslaved. We are the Lost Tribe. I stand here to welcome you home. Brothers and sisters of the diaspora, look upon this place and be renewed…"
N'Jadaka spoke with the flair of a Baptist preacher and the fiery confidence of his mother whenever she rallied up a crowd. He relaxed the audience into the global importance of the work they were about to dig into. They were the experts and Wakanda was there to listen and support. Forty minutes in, he turned the mic over to Queen Ramonda and her welcoming speech was full of passion. She was a tremendous orator and the audience sat mesmerized listening to her. Next came brief introductory speeches by the Council of Elders followed by a nervous Twyla who spoke of the itinerary changes due to the addition of the Mama Wati celebration. As the others spoke, N'Jadaka watched the audience. The meeting was long, but no one showed signs of fatigue or boredom. He took to the podium again and closed out the first gathering. The guests would spend the rest of the day relaxing, acclimating to the time change, eating delicious meals, and mingling at a mixer later that night. They would tour the country for the next few days and then the serious purpose of their being there would begin.
The joy in the room was infectious and healing. He thanked everyone for coming and trusting the process of reinventing a future they could control. The Dora Milaje surrounded him as he took the time to shake the hand of everyone who wanted to touch him. Some could barely look him in the eye from the force of his aura radiating power, while others hugged him, much to the annoyance of Aneka and Noxolo. A few only reached out and touched the hem of his tunic, too afraid to touch his skin directly. One older woman kept shaking her head, her eyes glancing around at everything before she gently clasped his hand in hers and patted his wrist.
"I don't know what this is going to be in the end… but God bless you brother for bringing me here,' she said with a shaky voice.
Outside in a garden gazebo, a small band played music that shook some hips and made fingers snap. Across from the gazebo was a buffet brunch and folks were famished. They filled plates and relaxed around tables as peacocks strutted by hoping food fell on the ground.
N'Jadaka said a quick hello to his grandparents, and Disa caught up to him.
"That was a fabulous opening."
"A long ways from that old raggedy speech I gave about Chocolate City back at M.I.T.," he said.
She laughed.
"Hopefully those dudes turned into worthwhile human beings like you. You were great," she said.
"So… your trip was good," he said.
"It was. Did you get a chance to look at the other pictures I sent you?"
"I did. But you know anything you come up with is always going to be stellar."
She wanted to say more. He felt it.
"Proud of you," she said.
She gave him a hug before rushing off with his older relatives to eat in a private section away from the main groups of guests. He looked around as he moved with his security to leave the hotel.
There she was. Talking to a group of maternity doctors near a water fountain.
Yani fixed her eyes on him and waved him over toward the small group.
"King N'Jadaka, this is Dr. Ida Bryan from St. Thomas, Dr. LaShawn Dixon from Miami, Florida, and Dr. John Alcindor from London, England," Yani said.
All three doctors nodded their heads and shook his hand. Dr. Bryan kept shaking her head like a nervous tick.
"I told you he doesn't bite," Yani joked with her mentor.
"This is almost too much, King N'Jadaka. Thank you for choosing me to take part in this,' she said.
N'Jadaka leaned forward and kissed Dr. Bryan's cheek, startling her. He held onto her hands.
"You saved my daughter's life," he said.
Yani looked away quickly, the memory of that time still close to her heart.
"Will I get to see Princess Sydette?" Dr. Bryan asked.
"Later in the week," he said.
"I never dreamed that a patient of mine was from this place… Yani was always special to me, a serious student… I'm so happy to be here," Dr. Bryan said.
Yani didn't contradict him about Sydette. Once the children were in the palace, they became his full responsibility under Udaku family rules. She had to abide by them too as royalty.
"Make sure you all get some food to eat. You had a long trip to get here," he said.
"It was so cloak and dagger," Dr. Alcindor interjected. "I can understand why you used the secrecy to get us all out of our countries. Wakanda is… I can't even find words."
"You've barely seen it," N'Jadaka said.
His words thrilled them.
"Would you like to eat with us?" Dr. Dixon asked.
"I wish I could, but I have more business to tend to at the palace. I'll see you all tonight at the mixer," he said.
Yani lowered her gaze as if she were disappointed. He casually looked over her outfit. It was an orange off-the-shoulder wrap dress. She always looked gorgeous in orange. Her brown skin popped with that color and he suspected she wore it to make that happen with the summer sun.
"It is an honor to meet you in person, King N'Jadaka," Dr. Alcindor said.
"Enjoy yourselves," N'Jadaka said.
He regretfully left Yani's side and headed for the exit where the Royal Talon Fighter and T'Challa waited for him. Glancing back, he caught Yani looking at him. He waved to her and she waved back, moving behind the other doctors toward the buffet line.
T'Challa stood with Shuri at the Talon Fighter. Nick Fury grinned at him with his foot on the open ramp.
"Looking for me?" Fury asked.
N'Jadaka shook his hand.
"Come take a ride with us," N'Jadaka said.
Fury grew nervous staring at the Doras and part of the Onyx Squad behind him.
"Relax, man. You're about to see something cool,' N'Jadaka said.
Fury's body stayed coiled and ready for anything. T'Challa's Black Panther suit shot across his body as they walked onto the Talon Fighter. The view of the hotel shrank below them as they headed toward the coast.
"Where are we going?" Fury asked.
The speed of the Royal Talon Fighter worried Fury. His eyes darted about watching every move on the aircraft. They swooped down toward the rocky barrier that separated Wakanda from the country next to them higher up on the eastern coastline. In twenty minutes, they floated above the choppy water of the Indian Ocean that the Wakandan's called Mama Wati's home turf.
"What is that?" Fury asked, gazing down at the pristine shine of the Sea Leopard.
A floor exit chimed loudly and T'Challa, dressed as the Black Panther, stood over it. He pounded his fist against N'Jadaka's and the floor swirled open. T'Challa dropped out of the aircraft and landed on the Sea Leopard below. Shuri's expression stayed sour and N'Jadaka squeezed her shoulder.
"You'll have your chance to be on it once we find what we're looking for," N'Jadaka said.
"I will hold you to that, cousin," Shuri said.
"Mr. Fury, that is a ship on the hunt for whales," N'Jadaka said. "Talking whales that spy for people down there."
The dark churning waters hid so much from the surface world.
"What people?" Fury said.
N'Jadaka studied the face of the ops. Creased brow. Deep lines on his cheeks. The downturned lips hid an irritated scowl. Fury looked genuinely confused. N'Jadaka's gut sensed no deceptive smokescreen to deflect. He moved past N'Jadaka and observed the Sea Leopard with jealous eyes.
"This place never ceases to amaze me," Fury said as the Sea Leopard shimmered in bright neon blue lights and disappeared on the water.
N'Jadaka glanced over at Shuri and she stepped next to him. Folding her arms over her chest she gave Fury a withering look. It was hard to trust a man who lived a lie most of the time.
"What people are you looking for?" Fury asked.
"Americans," N'Jadaka said.
Shuri stared at him and he tilted his head to warn her about saying anything to Fury.
"They'll always be on your ass," Fury said. A smirk crossed his face.
"Come with me," N'Jadaka said.
They walked to the back of the Talon Fighter and N'Jadaka dragged images from a digital folder of beached whales on Wakanda's rocky shoreline.
"Sonar tests are killing marine life and encroaching on our people's fisheries," N'Jadaka said.
Fury looked at the dead animals and shrugged.
"Not my department. Cut the shit, king. Why am I out here?" Fury said.
"You're my guest. I'm giving you a private look at our naval reconnaissance missions."
Fury didn't believe him, but he was still interested in their military hardware. The man had been in the C.I.A. for a long time. Their interactions had been honest although tense at times. He was already privy to what N'Jadaka planned for the diaspora. The spirits within him instructed him to wait. There was no rush to show an entire hand at that moment.
"Your speech today… to all those people… inspiring," Fury said.
"I meant what I said."
"I don't doubt it. Being a king of all of this… having your cousin as the Black Panther… another cousin being a brainiac… you are in a position no Black person on earth has ever been in. How must it feel to be the one?"
"There is no one. There's no me without we. Believe that."
"Can you even fathom the risk you're putting all of those people under once they go home?"
"Nigga, what have you done in your life but work for the enemy? Your entire career has been spent sitting on a fence. You know what we have faced all over the world, but you chose…willingly…to work for the enemy—"
"You did the same—"
"I had no choice!"
N'Jadaka's shout alarmed Aneka and Noxolo. They stepped behind Fury.
He waved his hand to them and they moved back.
"I was made an orphan by forces you never had to face. I chose to learn the enemy so I could free my people, and today that time has finally come. Don't you ever think that I'm like you. I am reaching out to my people and you… you're a pawn who thinks he has a little power. Bitch nigga moves," N'Jadaka shouted.
He pushed up on Fury.
"Look at you. No real family. No connections to anyone outside of the work you do. Every night I see my children and know what they will be up against and I choose to make a way for them and others out there who were like me. I never grew up in a world of hope after my parents were killed. As king, I bring hope to the masses. When I die… for real this time… I know that I stood for something, and the Black world will benefit from it—"
"The world isn't just for Black people," Fury said.
"Then let those people stand up for themselves instead of sucking off of our labor. I'm only here for Black and Native people—"
"Selfish," Fury said.
"Who stands up for us? Huh? I say fuck everyone else except for who I look out for. The problem with Black people is that we carry everyone on our backs. Fuck that. We look out for our own this time… just like everyone else does."
"The power in your hand…" Fury said, shaking his head.
"Get with the winning team old man," N'Jadaka said.
N'Jadaka's kimoyo lit up. Joba's avatar floated above his beads.
"Excuse me," N'Jadaka said.
He turned away and tapped his kimoyo.
"Hey Joba," he said.
"Riki won't let us play with his cow game board," Joba whined.
"No, Baba! They played it already. I want to play with it by myself!" Riki insisted.
"But you need more than one person to play it," N'Jadaka said.
"I wahn to study it without them!"
Riki snatched the board from Joba's hand. Sydette stepped in and grabbed it away from him.
"He's being a rude brat!" Sydette shouted.
"No, I'm not!" Riki yelled.
Kora rushed into the playroom and took the board game away from Sydette.
"I am so sorry they disturbed you, King N'Jadaka," Kora said.
"Put the game away on my office desk. I'll talk to them when I get home," N'Jadaka said.
"Yes, kumkani," Kora said.
"Wait! Baba that's not fair!" Riki moaned.
"I'll talk to you when I get home—"
"I said when I get home. Go work on your language lessons for today."
Riki stomped away from Joba.
"Bye, Daddy," Joba said.
Her image winked out and N'Jadaka turned back to Fury. The man had a grin on his face.
"It's not every day that I see a powerful man, a king, discipline his children in the middle of a military operation," Fury said.
"I'm going to be a father no matter what I'm doing."
"I see that," Fury said.
Vid screen charts of the ocean lit up orange above the Talon Fighter workstation table. A 3D image of the Sea Leopard appeared. The Black Panther's avatar came into view.
"We have crossed the international boundary and will release sea drones within a two-hundred-mile radius at the last location sonar was detected from the Americans," T'Challa said.
"Station the ship at the coordinates Captain Lebohang set. Meet me back at the palace before the mixer tonight," N'Jadaka said.
N'Jadaka walked back to the front of the Talon Fighter where Noxolo flew the aircraft. Aneka and his Onyx Squad members kept their eyes on Fury.
"Take us for a quick pass across the water," he told Noxolo.
The Royal Talon fighter raced across the ocean less than ten feet above it. Somewhere out there was trouble waiting to happen.
"Whoever is out there, we'll find them," he said to no one in particular.
Chapter 65 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 59″
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"I know some places and I've seen some faces I got good connections, they take my directions What people say, that's okay, they don't bother me, no I'm ready to make it, don't care what the weather Don't care 'bout no trouble, got myself together I feel the kind of protection that's all around me"
Marvin Gaye – "Trouble Man"
"Prince N'Jadaka, we are ready when you are."
The soft voice of his personal caretaker drifted into Erik's ear. He sat crossed-legged with his hands resting palms up on his knees. Incense burned smoky trails high above him and he shifted his hips.
"I'll be out in a few minutes," Erik said.
His voice finally sounded normal to him after forty days of disuse. His throat felt like dried, crumbling leaves and his tongue constantly slid around his inner cheeks to test the elasticity of words forming and flowing from a once silent cavern. Rolling his neck around, he lifted from a cushioned pillow and blew out the ivory meditation candles, and snuffed out the three-inch incense cones in his private quarters. Ayiz'e stepped into the space, holding out a white knitted robe for him. He turned away from her slender dark brown frame and slipped his arms into the proper places, and tied the front loosely over his black ceremonial shorts. She reached for his hair and twisted it into a knot; the length had grown past his shoulders. Erik barely noticed all the growth until Ayiz'e began doing his hair for him. She brought him his meals, prepared his scented baths, and kept him on his sacred tasks with all the priests. When his grandfather and Marisol were brought to the temple, they reacted to Erik as the other priests treated him once Bast manifested inside the holy sanctuary: cautious.
Grandpop and Marisol connected with the temple elders and there were long meetings with them for three days until they emerged at one of his ceremonial joinings with Bast. He couldn't explain what was happening, so they would understand in human terms because they forbid him to speak. Bast had used his body as a vessel to communicate with him, and human language wasn't fit to translate the meaning to anyone else. There was a knowing in carrying the Panther Goddess inside of him. For him to speak the ancient tongue of the Wakandan creator out loud would've ripped apart his esophagus and shattered the eardrums and minds of the humans who looked after him there.
Bast found him to be a worthy human and desired to know who else shaped him. He was not pure Wakandan and lacked some knowledge she sought within him, so his other family from outside bloodlines were brought to her. Erik watched helplessly as his poor grandfather shook with fear observing the stone head of Bast move as it watched him with ancient eyes. Marisol showed fear too, but she also had Gods ride her and was intimate in the ways divine spirit moved through flesh. Her presence eased Dante, and he was able to relay whatever the priests wanted to know about his Geechee Hoodoo roots. They used a protected human avatar, Dinani, a non-binary priest to relay the wisdom to Bast through the use of a fungal hallucinogenic.
Ogum became a trickster inside of Erik and brazenly challenged Bast's prowess in handling a human like him. Through the use of herbs, prayer work, and letting go of his body, he was able to step into the realm of gods and witness their coming together to make him whole and ready for kingship.
Erik stood in the twilight of the living and the ancestral realm for most of his days on Mount Bashenga. It was the reason why he could only see his children every couple of days because his body would become weak, leaving the spiritual realm. Once Marisol and Dante arrived, he was cut off from his children completely for two additional weeks because some fierce ancestors from his mother's bloodline rose up and chastised some of his father's bloodline and the priests scrambled to soothe all the souls on the other side. It wore him down physically and mentally, and he didn't want his children to see him drained or weak. They would've told their mothers something was wrong.
He touched other worlds. Mystical dimensions. Traveled back in time to see the beginning of his people, the way his father had taught him so long ago in Oakland. Erik acted greedily, wanting to see the future, but Bast would shove him back into human consciousness until he behaved. His body would shiver and there would be fevers, but he learned quickly not to test her. He absorbed everything, and his dreams worked to untangle visions of the subconscious that his conscious mind tried to fathom. Even he couldn't grasp certain lessons at times and would go on walking meditations following the path of a vast stone labyrinth for hours late into the night, seeking his own answers. Bast expanded his knowledge and tore down his inhibitions. His perception of the world and his place in it stood on new foundations. They gave him a white gold nose piercing etched with sacred prayers and placed a small, flat circular emerald piercing on the top root of his penis. Erik Stevens disappeared forever. In his place was a reborn N'Jadaka, the Golden Jaguar.
One thing was clear. His purpose was set, and he was ready to act. There would be no resting period in the palace. He wanted preparations for Challenge Day to be ready when he returned.
Ayiz'e smeared a rich body emollient onto his face. It smelled like coffee and cocoa. Dinani joined them, carrying small clear bowls of black and white body paint. They painted a black line across his forehead and on both sides of his cheeks. It dried quickly, becoming a thick crust on his skin. Dinani handed the rest of the covered paint to Ayiz'e.
"I will paint the rest of you on the ship, Prince N'Jadaka," Dinani said, not making eye contact.
"I'm ready," he said.
Dinani kept their eyes downcast, then pulled the hood of their pale robe over their close-cropped hair.
The entire priesthood lined up outside to bid him farewell as the Royal Talon Fighter landed at the temple entrance. Noxolo stepped out of the ship first and immediately dropped to one knee when she saw his face. He stroked the braids made from his beard under his chin decorated with silver beads.
"Your Highness," Noxolo said in a flustered voice.
His other Dora, Quamba, knelt too, and Erik waved his hand over them.
"Stand up. I'm not your king yet," he teased playfully.
"Yes, you are," Noxolo said.
Turning to all the priests, Erik cupped his hands with respect and they all repaid the sentiment back to him. Stepping onto the Talon Fighter's ramp with Dinani, he ordered Noxolo to fly him to Warrior Falls.
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Only a select two hundred Wakandans were permitted to witness Challenge Day. Once the water of Warrior Falls was drained away to reveal the sacred battleground, there were only so many spaces people could stand and watch.
T'Challa stood with Ramonda and Shuri to his right. Yani, Disa, and Erik's children stood to his left. Behind them, Marisol, Twyla, and Dante shared space. Their Challenge Day regalia was striking, all wore gold to honor the Golden Jaguar. The children were adorable, with the girls touching their panther jawbone necklaces tucked around their jawline. Riki had his two bottom teeth fitted with small gold slugs to match his father's.
Along the various rocky platforms, the four Council Elders represented their tribes. M'Baku and his people were given their own platform too. All five tribes looked toward the edge of the falls, the anticipation building, as they waited for the Royal Talon Fighter to arrive from Mount Bashenga. Many in the crowd high above gawked at the Jabari people, since it was their first time taking part formally since M'Baku stormed down from the icy clouds to fight T'Challa. How times had changed!
"Where is Baba?" Joba asked, looking at her mother.
"He will be here soon," Disa said, patting her daughter's giant halo of thick hair.
T'Challa glanced above his head to a deep crevice in the red rock where his grandparents sat waiting. Umama and Baba Z looked anxious. There was a grave tension palpable throughout the Falls. He glanced over at Nakia, dressed in her River Tribe green attire and holding her weapons of choice, two vibranium hoops she kept close to her sides. She nodded to him and he wondered what she thought about his new role as solely the Black Panther and not the king. Gone were his black royal robes and in its place a subdued silver and gray tunic with hand-stitched trousers bearing the ancient symbols of the Panther tribe.
"Look!" Riki shouted, pointing toward the sky.
The Royal Talon Fighter.
A drum call began, and the spectators murmured with agitated excitement and wonder. Voices erupted, singing Erik's Wakandan name, The One Who Brings Thunder — N'Jadaka. T'Challa inhaled deeply and worried about the other tribes going against his cousin. He and Erik had grown so close that the lines of kinship had blurred into a brotherhood of sorts. T'Challa noticed Yani holding her head down and gripping the shoulders of her son. She shifted her stance several times next to him. Disa kept her eyes on the ship while stroking her daughter's hair. Sydette watched her Baba come to them with bright, eager eyes. Would he have a child like that one day? One who would wait patiently for his return to be loved unconditionally with all of his heart? T'Challa sought Nakia's eyes again. Her gaze was steadfast on the edge of the waterfall. Was she thinking of Erik tossing someone over again?
Baba Z and Umama stood up with proud faces and sang their hearts out. The sons of their sons were united, and the formality of Challenge Day was something to get through as quickly as possible. T'Challa studied the faces of the other tribal members who represented potential kings or queens. The Jabari tribe had M'Baku, who would not go against Erik. Nakia was promised a position as the Ambassador, so he doubted she would rock the boat against the Udaku clan. M'Kathu had a woman standing up for the Border Tribe. A heavily styled blue and silver blanket sat draped across her body and her facial keloid scars were shiny in the sunlight. Zinzi stood with her Mining Tribe challenger, and by the troubled expression on her face, T'Challa knew her people would go up against Erik. They had a giant of a man with large hands and a larger spear gripped tightly against his chest.
T'Challa did a double take when he finally looked at the familiar young man posted up next to Elder Efetobo.
He nudged Yani gently and bent closer to her ear.
"Yani, Remy is standing up for the Merchant tribe," he whispered over all the singing.
Yani's forehead creased and her lips tightened as she peered through the gap of the family toward where the other tribes stood. In an instant, her eyes darkened with anger and she turned forward abruptly.
"That bastard," she uttered, not realizing T'Challa heard her clearly.
"Baba!" Sydette shouted.
The Royal Talon Fighter made a swooping arc and dropped from the sky, hovering over the edge. The two vibranium propulsion engines pulsed bright neon blue in the shape of the heart-shaped herb, paying respect to all rulers who were the only ones allowed to ingest the mystic purple plant.
Riki and Joba jumped up and down, and T'Challa felt a giddiness in his stomach, too. The priests from the temple had summoned him to spiritually bond with Erik. The ceremony had been short and done in silence. His cousin had been completely draped in white robes and a facial covering, but he could feel Erik's aura pressing against him in a warm embrace. Becoming one blade together linked them until death.
The rear door opened, and a ramp slid down. T'Challa held his breath.
"Look at him!" Ramonda exclaimed.
A reverent hush went through the waiting audience. Erik carried a short blade, and also a spear attached to the family shield that T'Challa once held. His cousin stepped out with the confidence of a king and whatever happened to him up in the mountains had marked his appearance drastically. His shoulder and pectoral muscles were painted grayish-black with white splotches. Black lines marked his face, too, and his eyes were blazing furnaces scorching the faces of every person present. For a second, T'Challa felt the urge to look away, like the mere sight of Erik in all of his glory was too much to take in all at once. The force of his presence was a tangible energy that radiated out from him like a powerful force field.
His beard was different, and so was his hair. The new nose piercing gave him a formidable appearance, and if T'Challa didn't know for a fact that his cousin was flesh and blood, he could swear that a god stepped down from the mountain. Bast lived inside of Erik, which had a profound effect on his bearing in front of their people. All the spectators felt it.
Riki shot away from Yani and splashed into the water, going after his father. The shrill sound of his voice made T'Challa's heart melt. It was the piercing cry of a child kept from his father for too long. Joba followed her brother, but Sydette darted forward and pulled them both back.
"No, we can't go to him yet. He has to do the ceremony," Sydette chided in the proper tone of the eldest sibling.
The sound of the children helped break the hold Erik had on everyone. It was as if he gave everyone permission to breathe again.
The king-to-be gazed at his little ones with such affection that, for a split second, he looked like a regular man again. He nodded at the children and Sydette led her siblings back to their mothers. There had been conversations the night before at the family dinner about whether the children should see Challenge Day, but Baba Z convinced Yani and Disa that they needed to witness history in the making.
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Yani gasped and covered her mouth.
Unreal. Erik looked so unreal.
Like Moses who went up the mountain to see the burning bush, Erik returned with the countenance of a man who had sat perched at the feet of God and was back to spread the holy word of truth. He didn't carry any stone tablets with the ten commandments hammered and chiseled on them, but his eyes held something more powerful. The conviction of his purpose in Wakanda.
All hail the king.
Yani looked away when Erik's eyes drifted across the hundreds in attendance to watch him stake his claim. They kept singing, and the crescendo washed over Yani's back as reality set in. The man in front of her was truly going to rule a nation of the future. Somewhere along the line, she had been chosen to be a part of his journey, birthed an heir, and stood strong among many who had shaped Erik's life to that point. His bearing was hard to take in all at once and she gasped when she felt his stare, even though she wasn't looking at him directly. She glanced at Disa who dropped her head down too. Only their children watched him during those first few minutes of his disembarking.
The Royal Talon Fighter flew away after delivering Erik. An older woman wearing the royal purple of the shaman class from head to toe carried a tall staff with a spear tip and approached the intimidating royal. She held her free hand out toward him and her painted face of white dots and black lines took on a fearsome appearance.
"I, Lithemba, daughter of Dambisa and N'Tando, give to you, Prince N'Jadaka, the Golden Jaguar!"
A roar came over the crowd that drowned out Lithemba's voice. Riki wiggled and jumped in front of Yani, and she lightly touched his twisted hair to calm him, but nothing would settle Erik's son. His little body was like an electric eel, squirming and ready to dart away from her again. Erik lifted his head to gaze at the people dotting the high cliff wall peering down at him. He raised his weapons and his pecs moved, his other muscles flexing, too. Yani lifted her head higher and pulled her shoulders back. Who would even dare battle him? A veil seemed to fall over her eyes, allowing her to look at Erik, shading her gaze from being overwhelmed by the obvious power he revealed with his chiseled body and stern face. The noise of the crowd rose higher until Erik took a knee in the water. The Dora Milaje surrounding the royal family pounded their spears on the rocks and Yani could almost hear a pin drop in the sudden silence.
Lithemba handed her staff to a male attendant who gave her a dark wooden bowl of black liquid. She held out the bowl to the people.
"The prince will now have the power of the Golden Jaguar stripped away!"
Pouring the liquid down Erik's throat, they all watched him shake and the cords stretch in his neck as black lines moved visibly along his blood veins under his nutmeg-brown skin. The whites of his eyes reddened, and he gasped for air. Riki and Sydette pressed closer into her waist and she was tempted to cover their eyes, but her own limbs were paralyzed staring at Erik.
His breathing became normal again, and he blinked his eyes several times before standing.
"Praise the ancestors!" Lithemba shouted.
The crowd shouted it back to her.
"In our tradition, victory in ritual combat comes by yield or death…"
Yani closed her eyes, refusing to accept anything less than a complete victory.
"If any tribe desires to put forth a warrior… I now offer a path to the throne!" Lithemba said.
Yani turned her head and stared at each tribal warrior. She dared any of them to show their ass.
Nakia shouted and swung her arms up from her side, a fearsome scowl on her face as she waved her hoop weapons. Elder Bhira stood confidently wearing his crown of horns, with his green lip plate making room for a proud grin at his tribal representative.
"The River Tribe will not challenge today," Bhira said.
Nakia gave a respectful nod to Erik and stepped back, signifying she and her people were behind the prince. Yani swallowed hard and flexed her sweating hands.
M'Baku growled out his presence d his people barked out a response to back him.
"The Jabari Tribe will not challenge today," M'Baku said.
He too nodded at Erik with respectful deference, and before he could step back fully, Elder M'Kathu shouted out, "The Border Tribe will challenge today!"
"Hafizah Allah!" Disa whimpered next to her.
The Border tribe warrior tossed off her blanket and stomped down toward the pool of water carrying a curved blade and a mask shaped like a rhino's head with a horn. Erik pulled on his panther mask and didn't wait for the woman to reach him before he splashed his way toward her. Another set of Dora Milaje surrounded them with spears, keeping either from escaping.
The woman was fierce, but she was no match for Erik. Her mastery of ulwa was superb, but Yani knew she couldn't handle the blend of capoeira with the traditional Wakandan martial art and the fluidity the prince displayed using both at the same time against her. Erik even put away his shield blade, only using one weapon to give her a fair chance to take him out. She gave as good as she got until Erik shoved his foot in her chest and knocked her into the middle of the water. Drenched and pissed off, she attacked again, swiping her leg at Erik's feet. He backflipped, and she jabbed at his side, cutting a good slice into the taut flesh. Yani and Disa both pulled their children into their robes to shield them.
"Mama, no!" Sydette whined, pushing away from Yani to see her father battle.
The fighting went on and on and Yani soon realized Erik was allowing the time to pass as a sign of respect for the Border Tribe people. The woman raised her blade and brought it down on Erik's spear with a loud clanging. He head-butted her, and she tumbled back, nearly falling. Erik helicoptered his legs, slapping her face and mask off with his feet, and she fell again. He jammed his short spear into her throat, drawing blood from a deep gash. Baring his teeth, he glared at her and she gripped his blade with both hands, cutting her palms by trying to remove it from her bloody neck.
Erik tilted his head and crouched lower above her.
"Yield or I will end you right here!"
The warrior slapped her hands in the water with fear in her eyes and Erik removed his blade, helping her up. Panting and worn down, the Border Tribe warrior threw down her weapon and knelt before him. Another drum call thumped a respectful rhythm for the defeated challenger. Erik flexed again and shouted to the other tribes, "Who else wants some?!"
Yani clenched her fists, her eyes hot and darting toward the two other challengers. Zinzi reluctantly stepped forward.
"The Mining Tribe will challenge today!" she shouted.
Zinzi lowered her head in a subtle nod of respect to Erik. The Mining tribe warrior raised up his spear and stampeded down into the water, pulling down his mask that had the shape of an elephant with tusks. A big bruiser with more weight than Erik, the man walloped the prince before the Dora Milaje could even close the fighting circle. Yani screamed for Erik, and he swung his legs around and pounced on the challenger at the sound of her voice.
"Yes!" Disa hissed next to her.
Erik struck the Mining warrior in the chest and the side of his temple before stepping back, spurning the man to bring his best. Sweat poured from Erik's chest and he fought hard, stabbing the Mining warrior in the side and nicking the back of his left knee, shocking the man with the ferocity of the attacks.
"Break him, N'Jadaka!" Umama shouted from high above.
T'Challa grunted next to Yani and balled his fists, following the same moves as Erik, as if something synched them up on a cosmic level. She checked on her children and they were beyond caring about the violence, their eyes glued to their father. Riki had tears in his eyes. Yani lifted her son into her arms, cradling his face in her neck, but he refused to cover his eyes.
"Mi wahn see, Mama," Riki pleaded.
The blood worried her, but there were other children there watching the ritual combat with their parents. Disa lifted Joba in her arms and the girl took on a passive, blank stare, although obviously feeling everything around her daddy.
Erik was out for blood and lashed his blade to bring on maximum pain and visual duress for the other tribes. Challenging his rule brought out the jaguar in him and he sliced up the flesh of the fellow warrior, making sure he understood his error in stepping to a king. Erik made his arms blur with movement and he spun around fast, throwing his blade into the Mining warrior's right pectoral muscle, piercing the flesh and forcing Yani and Disa to cover the eyes of their children as Erik lifted his left leg high, striking the man's mask and cracking it. The man fell onto his back with a horrible splash.
Startled by the brutality, the challenger looked at the weapon sticking out of his body with shock. Erik circled the man's body and tilted his chin with disdain. He lifted the elephant mask from the challenger's face and tossed it aside. There was blood all over his lips and he spat out some teeth.
"Do you yield?" Erik shouted.
"Never!" the man yelled with the pain of imminent defeat.
"You hear him?" Erik shouted to all the spectators.
His eyes locked with Zinzi's and the elder stood firm, allowing Erik to determine the man's fate. The prince grabbed the man's throat and squeezed it, choking the life out of him. His enemy flailed in the water, his body thrashed with the loss of air, and his skin color drained with the coming of death. In a fit of terror and self-preservation, the warrior smacked the water in defeat. Death by the hand of the Golden Jaguar was not worth being remembered by his people.
"That's it!" Yani shrieked.
Erik stumbled back on weary legs. He touched the bleeding wounds all over his body and watched the Dora Milaje help the defeated challenger back to his tribal elder, too injured to kneel before his superior warrior. Zinzi held her hands up in the praise sign for a king, and Erik nodded to her.
Yani inhaled deeply, but Erik didn't let them rest. He grabbed his spear and shield, lunging for Remy directly.
"I know you're coming for me!" Erik shouted, pointing his other spear at the startled final challenger.
Erik had been fighting for over ninety minutes non-stop. His adrenaline rush had everyone in a chokehold watching him defeat the two tribal challengers. Elder Efetobo pounded her staff into the ground.
"The Merchant Tribe will challenge today!" she shouted, her voice going creaky on the last two words.
Like Zinzi, Efetobo gave Erik a nod of respect. Remy shook off his robes and came forth bare-chested and without weapons. He pulled on his mask shaped like an ibex, the curved horns curling toward the back of Remy's head.
Yani's blood boiled.
Remy must've planned to face Erik for a long time, probably hoping to kill him and take Yani for himself with the throne. All that time caring for her children, gaining their trust… to fight their father in a brutal display of ego and subterfuge enraged her.
"Why is Remy fighting, Baba?" Sydette asked.
"He's showing off," Yani said.
"I hate him!" Riki interjected, his small fists raised up in anger.
Erik tossed his weapons into the water and beat the dog snot out of Remy. The man had to regroup, especially with Erik probably reliving all the times he sat up in Yani's home playing with his children.
Remy didn't go down easy, ripping off his mask halfway through the fight, taking the blows, and counting on Erik being worn out to bide his time. When the prince tripped over his own tossed aside spear after striking Remy in the face, the fumble gave the challenger an upper hand in knocking off Erik's mask and pummeling his jaw directly with hard fists then striking both sides of his ribcage. Yani heard Erik's ribs crack, and she dug her heels into the stone beneath her feet and screamed at Erik to punish him. Remy glanced at Yani and grinned maniacally, kicking Erik in the jaw, knocking him on his ass near the ledge. Fighting last gave Remy an advantage. He was fresh and alert and Erik was tired, his punches and kicks not as accurate as they were in the beginning.
Remy snagged a hold of Erik's knotted hair and dragged his face down into the water, pushing on the back of his neck to drown him.
"Get up Baba!" Sydette shrieked.
Erik's arms flailed to get the upper hand, but Remy shoved his knee into Erik's back, countering his ability to shove the weight off of his spine.
"Erik!" Disa screamed, covering Joba's eyes.
The prince grew weak under the water and Remy's lips curled into a smile as cruel as his aggression. He stared directly at Yani with great satisfaction at the turn of events.
"Please," Yani whispered, ready to kill Remy with her bare hands.
She pulled her children behind her back and stepped into the water, the cool liquid swirling between her toes. T'Challa gripped her shoulder.
"You cannot interfere, Yani," T'Challa said.
"He's drowning!" Yani wailed, gathering up the hem of her dress.
Disa stepped forward and helped lift Yani back onto the rocky platform they were on.
"Yani," Disa said with a firm tone, "look!"
Erik reached back and yanked Remy's head forward, throwing the man off balance into the water. Remy struggled to keep from falling over the edge and flung his body like a heavy sack against Erik, who placed him in a headlock and slammed him down on his bended knee, knocking the wind out of him. Remy gasped for breath and clutched at his ribs, which were broken worse than Erik's.
Both men staggered back and circled one another, clutching their sides. Erik's deadly eyes sought every advantage over the weakened opponent. Remy limped toward him and Erik lifted him up, jerking his body and cracking Remy's ribs more, puncturing a lung. An agonizing scream ripped from Remy's throat. Yani gnashed her teeth and relished the sound. Erik lifted Remy higher above his head and stood precariously close to the edge.
"Do… you… yield?!" Erik shouted so everyone could hear.
Yani clutched her children and held them close to her waist.
Remy whimpered, his eyes facing the sky and perhaps his last few seconds of life.
"Aggghhhh…. damn you…!" Remy shrieked.
Erik let his arms bend back to toss the man over and Remy screamed to the world, "I yield!"
The Udaku clan burst into cries of joy and Erik spun on his heel, throwing Remy toward his tribe. He crawled to his people whimpering in pain, and the Dora Milaje helped drag him there quickly. Erik faced them all, battered and bloody… but alive. The shine in his eyes made Yani cry out to him with relief. He took a step toward her, but Lithemba brought forth a necklace of panther claws and holy ivory beads.
"I present to you my people… King N'Jadaka. The Golden Jaguar!" Lithemba said.
Yani clutched at her chest and listened to ululations and cheers explode around her.
"My King," Lithemba said, lowering her head.
Sydette, Riki, and Joba ran their small feet back into the water, and Erik… N'Jadaka… knelt down to their level, finally able to accept hugs from them. Disa turned and hugged Dante and Marisol, who openly wept. T'Challa gave a wild smile and held his hands in deference to his cousin. When N'Jadaka stood up again, exhaustion drooped his shoulders, but his eyes were fearsome once more. They took in the praise and all the hand claps. He held his hands up to his maternal grandfather and turned them up toward his paternal grandparents. Umama blew down kisses to him, and Baba Z saluted him with arms crossed over his chest. N'Jadaka's devastating gaze fell on Yani and she looked away at her feet, overcome by the power in his stance.
The Dora Milaje chanted, led by Noxolo, and they raised their hands and spears toward the sky in praise of his name.
N'Jadaka surveyed the crowd once more and crossed his arms against his chest.
"Wakanda Forever!" he shouted.
"Wakanda Forever," his people declared back at him.
He was the king. At last.
Chapter 60 HERE.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 65″
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"Who took movement Spirit included Made it a Movement We did (Never Forget)
Who's the origin straight from the soil? And, then redistributed Who did (Never Forget)
Future ancient our souls they'll never get it Aye, information passed down for generation Future ancients our souls they'll never get it They will never forget"
Sampa the Great – "Never Forget"
Twyla's Wakanda tour was a tremendous success.
Professional, punctual, and far-reaching, it showcased her love for history and culture. It also revealed her love for the country as a new citizen. N'Jadaka joined a hover bus ride to a river pick-up spot north of Warrior Falls where they landed on River Tribe territory. The tours were divided into daily rotations over three days allowing the guests to pick what activities they were up for each day culminating with their participation in all of them. The city tour covered Birnin Zana's museums, temples, and other historical structures ending with shopping at a popular bazaar and dinner at a restaurant overlooking the palace. The wildlife tour was a safari day trip with elephant rides, flights across the long Ibukun River, a fancy lunch at a wildlife preserve, and then a special musical play at the Zana Performance Theater that ushered in an eight-course dinner near Mount Bashenga to see the spectacular sunset. The River Tour was a day-long excursion aboard several large luxury boats with cultural geography lessons, a gourmet lunch on the river, and then a tour of the double palace before an exclusive dinner inside one of the extravagant palace dining rooms.
N'Jadaka brought his grandfather and Marisol with him on the boat and they watched the spectacular scenery through the eyes of their guests.
When they reached the palace tour, N'Jadaka made his leave and met with his children for an early private dinner with the Udaku clan. Their family meal placated his stomach and spirit and he left his young ones with Ramonda and Shuri. He noticed T'Challa slipping away from the dining room with Nakia and grinned. They no longer hid their rekindled closeness. Ramonda appeared thrilled by it and no one said anything about the warmth exuding between them.
From N'Jadaka's viewpoint, T'Challa was in his element as the Black Panther. He allowed the king to concentrate on other matters without having to second-guess what was happening outside of Wakanda. T'Chaka's son was built for the mantle. Being free of ruling seemed to make the man happy. It gave him time with Nakia in private, unlike N'Jadaka who had to be the face of the palace at every moment. He leaned into Ramonda for guidance. Her decades of experience as Queen Consort mentored him on how to behave during the conference with all the power he exuded. She suggested he become less familiar with the visitors and create some distance so that they would understand the immense responsibility he had. Plus, he needed rest. His energy tanks were depleted by nightfall as his empath abilities took in everything.
She was tickled pink when he told her that T'Challa would join Nakia in New York for the U.N. general assembly. They would be there to work on behalf of the nation, but Ramonda acted like it was a honeymoon trip for her son and favorite War Dog.
N'Jadaka walked with his hands clasped behind his back strolling on the deck of the palace moon room. A giant telescope pointed toward the dark sky and he snuck a peek through it. The dog star Sirius shined high above.
"It is a beautiful night."
He turned to find Ramonda walking toward him. Without her isicholo, her long white locs flowed down to her waist and brushed against the pale green silk of her dress.
"Shuri and the children are playing the Catch Me VR game and it is a little too loud to read in my quarters," she said.
Resting her arms on the balcony, she looked at the skyline with him.
"Your father used to come out here to stare at the stars after his dinner meals, too. I thought he was daydreaming about parties and traveling around town with his friends… now I know he was thinking of his family on the other side of the world."
She glanced at him with soft features in the moonlight.
"He was a wonderful man. Beloved by all who knew and met him. Your mother was very blessed to have him as a husband. You and I had a very troubling introduction… life has an extraordinary way of shaking up the world and turning it into something so unexpected."
She laced her fingers together and stared back at the stars.
"Listening to all those people from across the world has been a tremendous experience these last three days, N'Jadaka. Welcoming them here has opened my eyes to so much. Wakanda is the light of the world. We were just afraid of the responsibility… the weight of it. Your paternal grandfather… my own husband… they were not willing to carry that burden on their shoulders. T'Challa did his best to step into that role with Nakia's coaxing, but in the end, you are the one best equipped for the task. When T'Challa was king, he encountered so much treachery and deceit from the west, especially from the Americans. They chomp at the bit to take from us and that made my son so tired of dancing around all of the constant diplomacy games they play out there."
"We won't be dancing anymore. T'Challa is our greatest weapon of protection out there. I almost feel sorry for whoever challenges him in the future," he said.
"No… the two of you together are Wakanda's greatest weapon. Bast saw fit to bring you back to us in the way it was meant to be. A rebirth. The Black Panther and the Golden Jaguar. T'Chaka and N'Jobu were never able to sit and talk together the way you and T'Challa do. I can only imagine what a force they would've been if N'Jobu brought you home with Califia," she said.
N'Jadaka patted her hand.
"The past is at rest, Auntie. T'Challa and I make a great team."
Ramonda placed her hand on top of his.
"Our country will be greater for it," she said.
N'Jadaka accepted the compliment. Ramonda had been a slow thawing of glacial animosity with their interpersonal relationship. He was a living testament to her husband's tragic flaws, and yet, the Queen Mother Consort of Wakanda… the respected dowager of the T'Chaka lineage, accepted him fully as the rightful ruler.
"I will leave you, my king," she said.
His gaze lingered on her exit before he returned to his own quiet thoughts. He spent another two hours on the moon deck reflecting on the invited guests. Sydette's avatar popped up.
"Baba, where are you? You promised us a story tonight to make up for the other nights," Sydette said.
"I'm sorry Sweet Pea."
"Auntie Shuri told us a story about Mama Wati, so you don't have to worry about tonight. However, tomorrow night—"
"I will tell you a story about your grandfather N'Jobu and how he came to America."
"Good," she said.
He ended the call and wandered out into the palace halls. Art and structural beauty guided his relaxing walking meditation. To be a ruler was to be conscious of every aspect of his life and the lives of others. He thought of the two thousand visitors and their first introduction to the wonders of his new world. As a king, he was in control of the fate of every human living on the planet.
At least above the surface.
He took an express elevator to the palace swimming pool. He stripped naked and slipped earbuds into his ears so the sound of the pool waterfall wouldn't distract him. Tapping his kimoyo, he contacted his Sea Leopard naval captain for a debriefing of the day's reconnaissance.
Captain Lebohang, a hard-faced Border Tribe member with a wrinkled bald head and hooded eyes, stared back at N'Jadaka.
"My king," Lebohang said.
Visual logistical reports sprung around N'Jadaka's kimoyo. Lebohang added images from their sea probes too. N'Jadaka rubbed the top of his locs and stretched his back before resting against the side of the smooth pool wall.
"Fill me in," N'Jadaka said.
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Yani hid between the cavernous walls of the fake waterfall as she spied N'Jadaka speaking to his military captain. She hadn't moved fast enough to hop out of the deep end of the elaborate pool to grab her swim robe and bathing suit. Naked and feeling the chill of the waterfall mist behind a fifteen-foot rocky façade, she stayed rooted in place hoping the king would move to the other side of the massive pool that would hide him from her so she could escape with her dignity intact. No one ever used the pool late at night and Yani expected N'Jadaka to be in his quarters or reading to their children for bed.
His nudity surprised her. The body she knew so well was heavier all over from eating buttery-rich palace foods. The palace learned he liked yam cornbread and since his return, they sent him loaves every other day. His pubic area was untrimmed and grown wild. She liked it. His flaccid dick hung heavy between his legs, and all the wiry hair around it made it seem more illicit to be out in the open. Steam rose around him from the heated water. Hopefully, he wouldn't get too hot and wade down to cool himself in the waterfall that was created for that purpose.
She listened to him speak forcefully but noticed the fatigue riding on his shoulders. He wasn't getting enough sleep. His voice sounded tired. She wanted to slip back down into the balmy water, however, any movement would attract his attention.
"…keep me updated," he said.
N'Jadaka rested his head on the lip of the pool. His kimoyo lit up again and Riki's avatar floated in his face.
"Hey Lil man, you're supposed to be sleeping," he said.
"Baba, tell me a story."
"Shuri told you a story already."
"I wahn hear one from you."
"It's late Riki—"
"I'm in my own room by myself."
"Why aren't you with Joba?"
"Auntie Shuri said I was too scared to sleep by myself, and I told her I wasn't. I'm alone… it's too dark in here."
"Use your kimoyo night light—"
"I am, but they'll make fun of me."
"It's okay to go sleep with Joba and Sweet Pea—"
"They'll say I'm a baby… not a big boy."
"If I tell you a story, will that help you sleep by yourself?"
"Can you come get me? I wahn be with you."
"I'll come get all of you, then—"
"No, just me."
"Ramonda and Shuri will miss you at breakfast—"
"I miss you. How come we can't come to the hotel place?" Riki asked.
"That's for the grownups. You would be bored."
"No, I wouldn't."
"Yes, you would."
"Nuh-uh! I know how to write now, so I can take notes for you."
"My assistant does that for me."
"Baba… please."
N'Jadaka moved from the ledge and waded toward the wide steps. Water rolled down his skin in thick droplets.
"I'll come sleep there. Will that make you feel better?"
Riki nodded.
"Give me a few minutes. I have to clean up from the pool and I'll be there soon," N'Jadaka said.
Yani pressed her hands against the center of her chest. The king was weary, but he wanted to comfort his son. She watched N'Jadaka enter a cleaning chamber where a high-speed heater evaporated the pool water from his body. He dressed quickly and left the room. She lunged forward in the warm water and swam to the nearest steps. Bypassing the cleaning chamber, she threw on her swimsuit and cover-up. Rushing out of the pool room, she trekked her way back to the guest suite given to her for her stay at the palace. Guards who were sprinkled throughout the upper floors paid little attention to her because of her status. Entering her quarters, she shed her swimwear and showered, later changing into a flowing house dress. She curled herself up on a loveseat and practiced her presentation for the conference.
Observing N'Jadaka drove her to perfect her physical stance while speaking her words. She stood up and practiced moving around to engage an audience. Yani had to convey to the cabinet the dire circumstances in healthcare for poor Black people. Affordability, racism, lack of access, and stark poverty steeped too many in predictable untimely deaths.
Sleep overtook her, but she didn't worry. Her conference section didn't start until later in the afternoon. She could sleep in and skip the buffet breakfast at the hotel. Yani's dreams were pleasant and scattered. Images of St. Thomas and cooking on the outdoor grill. Standing on the beach of an ocean she didn't recognize.
She awoke refreshed and energized. The palace kitchen sent up fancy overstuffed breakfast omelets with all of her favorite sides and fruits, and she ate a generous portion of the freshly baked raspberry coffee cake to finish it all off. Checking the waves in her hair, she looked over her outfit for the day as Disa walked into her dressing room to fetch her.
"Ready?" Disa asked.
They looked each other over to make sure they were color-coordinated for Yani's presentation. Together they settled on coral pink and pale crème for a soft maternal look. Disa sported a flared pants ensemble with a waist-length jacket and Yani went for a flowing long skirt with a silky, off-the-shoulder blouse.
"Pretty diamonds," Disa said, admiring the earrings N'Jadaka bought her years before.
Yani took a deep breath.
"You'll be amazing. I have the holo pics lined up with your speech, and I'll keep my part of the presentation under ten minutes in the end so there can be a longer Q & A for the king's cabinet," Disa said.
"I know what I will say by heart, but I still feel like I need to hold onto something to keep me from talking too fast," Yani said.
"Maybe use your comm tab at the podium instead of the holo prompter?" Disa suggested.
Yani nodded. It was a good idea. She could glance at the comm tab and even touch it without the audience knowing.
"We look good," Yani said.
Disa grinned.
Both of their kimoyo alarms went off to remind them to leave the palace on time.
"Show time," Disa said.
Yani shook her hands nervously and grabbed her attaché. Their heels clicked in the palace hallway and they chatted about Disa's trip in the Jabari lands. Disa appeared giddy and her eyes crinkled with her smiles talking about the beauty high above them. Yani inferred that a lot of the enjoyment came from her time with Adebiyi, but she didn't let on to Disa that she suspected as much. Yani was happy for her. There was a bounce in Disa's step as she carried her own leather messenger bag. Two Doras met them at the launch site of the Royal Scorpion Fighter and she looked back with Disa at the palace. Their children had gone for a day trip with Dante to visit Umama and Baba Z giving their mothers quiet time to work and get ready without interruption. A gentle, skin-caressing breeze carried the vibrant scent of river waterlilies. Yani sniffed the sweet odors of the flowers wafting around them and took it as a good sign that the day would go well.
The flight to the hotel conference center was quiet. Yani went over her speech in her mind and their stroll into the main room kept her focused. The diaspora delegates had been divided into sections dealing with health. The afternoon session centered on maternal health and postnatal well-being. Yani would open the session and the rest of their time there would be spent hashing out the best way Wakanda could assist the various countries represented. Yani met up with her leadership team of Dr. Bryan, Dr. Dixon, and Dr. Alcindor and they all prepared paper documents to pass out to the round delegate work tables. The conference area had been broken down into a war room of sorts. People arrived on time and ready, and as the crowd surged, the more nervous Yani became.
Disa set up her holo projector and waited at a nearby side table for Yani's cue to begin after Queen Ramonda welcomed the delegates and did a bit of conference housekeeping. A shout from a side door by a Dora announced the arrival of King N'Jadaka. Everyone rose to their feet and a hush went across the room.
N'Jadaka gazed at everyone he passed by. Mpilo walked behind him with a new contingency of people. Yani recognized Rolita and Nevaeh walking with the king, but ten other Native people were with them. N'Jadaka led them to a special table near his and the Council of Elders. He walked to the podium and lowered his hands for people to sit.
"Good afternoon. I know this morning's session was busy, but you all look well-fed and ready for another round," N'Jadaka joked.
The audience agreed with him. He glanced over at Rolita.
"Seated near me is a very special delegation of Native elders who were selected to bear witness to our proceedings. Many of us throughout the African diaspora live on stolen Indigenous lands, and any plans we have to shape the countries we live in must take into consideration the people who lived there first. My Aunt Rolita is here representing the Yurok and will act as a lead liaison for Native affairs that may overlap with our plans. This small delegation has members of First Nations from Canada, Central America, and South American tribes. They are sworn to secrecy just the same as all of you. Are there any questions?" N'Jadaka said.
No one said anything.
The king turned toward Yani and she prayed her knees wouldn't knock. His intense eyes demanded the best of her.
"I present to you Princess and doctor Yani Galiber, a direct descendent of Queen Mary Thomas of St. Croix."
The audience rose and clapped for her. Yani threw her shoulders back and stepped up to the podium. N'Jadaka held out his hand for her and she took it. He bent over resting his lips near her ear.
"Do your thing, Ma," he said.
He winked at her as he walked to his seat. She nodded to Disa who awaited her signal to begin.
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Disa tapped her holo projector displaying a beautiful model of a birth care center she made for Yani. She watched Yani captivate the enthralled audience with her moving speech and plans to replicate the successful birthing practices of Wakanda and Black midwives from an island collective she belonged to with members spanning the globe. Yani's voice remained confident throughout the presentation, although she stumbled once while glancing toward N'Jadaka. He wore a stern expression with a wrinkled fold down the center of his forehead, and Disa wondered if he was displeased with some figures and financial predictions presented. Wakanda was a wealthy nation, but it would take more than half a billion over the course of twenty years Yani projected to get at least two generations on track in the future.
Yani ended her speech and received a full round of applause before Disa stood up to show more sketches and models.
"Thank you Dr. Galiber for an excellent presentation," Disa said.
Yani stood next to her, relief softening her sweet face. Disa displayed her work and Yani answered questions with her when needed. They wrapped up in under seventy-five minutes. The next thirty minutes were given over for a Q & A with N'Jadaka's cabinet officials. They were all given a twenty-minute break before a late working lunch at their assigned colleague tables. Disa stuffed her mouth with garlic-fried potatoes and pepper steak while going over building codes in the U.S. with her northern hemisphere team. She ate, took, notes, gave suggestions, and listened to experts in her field from various countries on how to build affordable healthcare centers that would attract very little attention from other governments.
Before the dinner break, Rolita and a First Nation elder from the Kanai nation in Alberta Canada spoke of sovereign indigenous lands willing to have wellness hospitals built on tribal territories in exchange for protection and use with the African diaspora. Clean water was a critical issue in many areas, especially on tribal lands in the U.S.
Disa watched N'Jadaka's face as he listened. He interjected very little the entire day, preferring to listen and let the experts there present their needs and solutions. It was a good look for Wakanda from her vantage point. Wakanda became a partner instead of acting like a powerful twenty-first-century global colonizer. N'Jadaka still projected an imposing figure in his seat while talking with Ramonda and Efetobo.
She skipped the hearty dinner buffet and sampled a small salad and fruit cup instead. N'Jadaka made his rounds to speak with people seated at the outdoor dining areas before joining her and Yani in enjoying the cooling summer air. Reaching across the table he squeezed Yani's hand and she beamed from ear to ear.
"You put it down, Yani. Disa… you were outstanding, too. Thank you for all your hard work. I sent your projections of cost and labor to the treasurer early and we should be able to come up with a working budget soon," he said.
Yani leaned forward in her chair to say something to him, but Ramonda pulled him away from the table to discuss the evening program that would be a closed debriefing with the delegates. N'Jadaka greeted an older American woman from the Bay area and led her to a table with Ramonda far away from them. Yani sat back in her seat, the corners of her lips downturned by his departure. Disa lifted a glass of water.
"He's so busy," Disa said.
Yani nodded and tried to muster a smile, but her body language didn't reciprocate.
"I haven't had a chance to talk to him since we've been back here," Yani said. "The palace keeps him tied up with all his other duties."
"I'm glad that things are running well with the conference for him. A lot of Wakandans are still against helping on the outside."
Yani glanced around at all the visitors.
"These people are here to work for themselves. They just need our protection more than anything," Yani said.
"I heard he's flying Walter here to work on some protective clothing designs next month," Disa said.
"Dante mentioned it to me before I left for the Jabari lands. The idea is to have DNA sequenced shirts that activate by mental command."
Yani folded her hands on the table.
"Is everything okay, Yani?" Disa asked.
"Do you think he's doing too much too fast?" Yani asked.
"He's always been meticulous… a heavy planner with contingency plans while he was in school. When he sets his mind on something, he'll see it through."
"There's so much coming at him. I worry about his health."
"He's put on weight in the mountains," Disa said.
"Yeah," Yani said.
Yani's eyes became wistful and dreamy.
They were still in love with each other.
Disa felt it when N'Jadaka reached across the table for Yani's hand. Yani's hesitation was understandable, but Disa and the Udaku family knew the truth. N'Jadaka and Yani were scared to lose one another. But N'Jadaka had to serve the people first. That was the ultimate job of a ruler.
She thought of her time in the mountains with Adebiyi, how freeing it was to get to know a man away from prying eyes and public speculation. Disa gave that up willingly as she discovered the beautiful parts of a man from a new culture just as hidden as Wakanda. Her trip was eye-opening and solidified her desire to take what she needed in a relaxed environment. Ayomide was pleased with the interest in her brother from Disa, and she planned on exploring that relationship slowly without her daughter mixed up in it. That meant more trips alone and perhaps a move away from the palace. Umama and Baba Z were open to anyone coming to their Jabari estate, and if Adebiyi turned out to be the man she felt he was from her first visit, there were changes to come for her and Joba. A serious conversation needed to be had with N'Jadaka about that. Like Yani, Disa secretly worried about his mental and physical health with all the tasks he wanted to accomplish before the year's end. Had he bitten more than he could chew? The man was fully capable of compartmentalizing his world, but being the public face of a kingdom was all-encompassing of his twenty-four hours each day. The only exception he made for anyone was his children. They always came first.
The doors of the conference room opened back up and she took a seat behind her former professor from M.I.T. who had retired after Disa received her Ph.D. Professor Donald Robinson had been the reason why Disa chose to study at M.I.T. in the first place. He was one of the rare teachers who understood the need to integrate climate change with architecture in coastal territories. She patted his back to get his attention and he clasped her hand to shake it, his fingers trembling with nervous energy. The podium in front of the room had been removed and in its place were ten stately chairs with men and women seated in them. Once the doors were closed, N'Jadaka stepped to the side of the front chairs and addressed the audience.
"Dr. Barbara Davis, please stand," N'Jadaka said.
The older woman with slicked-back white hair and dark chestnut skin who sat in the center stood and surveyed the audience. She adjusted her thick glasses and glanced at the king. N'Jadaka walked over and held her hand.
"Dr. Davis was my therapist when I was a child. She specializes in generational trauma, especially in children. I asked for her help in dealing with issues that may be brought up because of your stay here for this gathering. Because we are all part of the diaspora with troubling histories, I believe it's important to face and voice what your experience has been like here, so far. I grew up only knowing the iceberg tip of what Wakanda was. To find out the truth was painful for me and my mother. Many of you may feel the same. Dr. Davis and her team will talk with us about how to deal with our emotions as descendants from the Lost Tribe, and they will help us look toward the future with tools to help us work through the mental work we will face leaving here… Dr. Davis…"
N'Jadaka stepped away from the front of the room and took a seat on a corner chair near the front. Dr. Davis greeted everyone with a warm hot cocoa voice that had the authority of a beloved grandmother smothering her grandchildren in a cozy weighted blanket. Disa didn't expect to get a wonderfully succinct explanation of epigenetics and the history of the enslaved, but she sat there and listened to Dr. Davis capture the minds of everyone present.
Disa glanced over at N'Jadaka and imagined him being a child and talking to Dr. Davis about his childhood pain. There were sniffles and quiet weeping throughout the room. She glimpsed Yani wiping her eyes with a tissue. So much hurt filled the air with a thick cloud that choked Disa up too. The psychic trauma of loss and abandonment pervaded the space. No wonder N'Jadaka kept all the Wakandans out of the room, including his royal guards. They had to purge their pain in private.
The other therapists there spoke after Dr. Davis, and the other people in the room who wanted to ask a question or vent their pain in a safe space did so. The mood grew too overbearing for some, and they were allowed to go sit in an adjoining room that was created for that need. Disa counted about forty people needing to step out from the core group. N'Jadaka had been so wise to set aside time for a mental health discussion.
The private session concluded after two hours, and everyone was free to relax and reflect for the rest of the night and all of the next day. Disa watched Yani step into a corner with Twyla. The two cousins hugged each other and Twyla kept wiping Yani's cheeks. She looked for N'Jadaka, but he had vanished from the scene, probably off to work on something else without resting. Her cheeks grew tight with a smile when she caught sight of him taking long strides to the Royal Talon Fighter waiting for him on the top of a grassy knoll of the hotel's welcoming landscape.
He was beautiful… his swagger so full of confidence and royal cool. The colors of the fading late sunset painted him with glorious shades of royal purple and burnt orange. The sunset was like their past loving romance… still beautiful even as that relationship ended. He would always be her special one, but like sunsets dying, there was always the promise of a new day and a new sunrise. Adebiyi proved that to her with his uncovered kindness and passion for his life as a creative builder… just like her. Disa blew a kiss N'Jadaka's way as he stepped onto the Talon Fighter with his Dora Milaje. Allah had blessed her king and best friend.
Yani and Twyla wandered out from the conference room and found her gazing at a blue-black sky.
"Ready to head to the palace?" Disa asked.
Yani stared at her face, then reached up and wiped a tear away from Disa's left eyelid. Twyla rubbed her back. The gestures of kindness were another gift from Allah. Marisol joined them and the mood lifted to one of reverent joy. Disa would always have a loving bond with the three of them. They were a sacred sisterhood in Wakanda. Daughters of the diaspora who returned home.
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N'Jadaka waited until after four in the afternoon to leave for a visit aboard the Sea Leopard. He slept in all day and visited his children for an early dinner before picking up Shuri and T'Challa from her lab. They flew across Birnin S'Yan to reach the ocean and followed a course correction that was transmitted from the Sea Leopard hundreds of miles out to sea.
"There," Okoye said, bringing up the images of the formidable ship.
The Royal Talon fighter circled the Sea Leopard once before docking on it. Captain Lebohang greeted him with brisk professionalism. His eyes looked strained and bloodshot from a lack of sleep. Setting foot on the top deck, N'Jadaka adjusted his balance from the heavy swells rocking the ship. A gust of wind ticked up and blew cool air on his face.
"The weather shifted twenty minutes ago, there is a storm headed this way," Lebohang said.
Shuri kept up with N'Jadaka, geeked out that he had permitted her to come on the sudden trip. She deserved a break from the lab and babysitting Bucky Barnes and Nick Fury. T'Challa led the way to the quarterdeck where the bridge was. Ship personnel greeted him and his cousins with hearty enthusiasm. The three of them together were a sight to see. The Dora Milaje stayed in the background.
"There," Lebohag said, pointing to the radar imaging. "We have kept an eye on that ship all day. No movement. No signs of anything."
"Let's get closer," N'Jadaka said.
The chief officer moved quickly to direct the Sea Leopard toward the unknown ship. A gray hue of fat storm clouds crowded the horizon, swallowing the rays of sunlight until the giant puffy condensed air looked like smoke rising from a sea fire. Their ship moved a slow ten knots, and the closer they moved toward their target, the darker the sky became.
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"So strange," Shuri said.
The waves kicked up, rocking them more, and the sky changed into a stark grayish blue.
"I see it," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka glanced at the radar first, then stared through the window at a large vessel sitting in the middle of the sea.
"American," Lebohang said as he scanned the ship.
"Captain, there are no life readings on board," the first officer said.
"A ghost ship?" N'Jadaka said.
"I tapped into the ship's manifest. It is the U.S.S. Powell. The ship is only ten years old," Lebohang said.
The captain ran his fingers across a touch screen. N'Jadaka turned to T'Challa.
"Go with the ship's team to check it out. We need to know if this is a lure to trick us," N'Jadaka said.
T'Challa's Black Panther suit swarmed over him and he left N'Jadaka's side. Ten other soldiers from the ship joined him on board a spider-class aircraft that lifted away to go land on the abandoned ship. Lebohag set the soldier's visuals on a viewscreen.
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The soldiers on the ghost ship scanned the vessel further for leaks, explosives, or traps. Nothing appeared wrong. Fresh food sat piping hot on their mess deck.
"N'Jadaka, all of their electronics work and there is no damage in the engine room," T'Challa reported.
"Where are the crew?" Shuri muttered under her breath.
"Their lifeboats and emergency equipment are intact," a soldier informed them on the other ship.
"Another American ship is approaching. Five miles away. Moving fast," the first officer said.
T'Challa and the inspection team gathered together and flew back over on the spider craft. Lebohang ordered submersion and the Sea Leopard camouflaged itself before going underwater to hide.
"Captain Lebohang!" The first officer shouted.
The Sea Leopard had only gone to a depth of one hundred meters, and their sonar picked up images that made Shuri gasp next to him. Lebohang tapped the screen in front of him and underwater lights revealed the fate of the U.S.S. Powell crew.
Hundreds of drowned bodies floated within the pale light of their submerged ship.
"Scanning," Lebohang said.
The captain stared at N'Jadaka.
"No wounds… no bleeding…" Lebohang said with disbelief.
All dead. Drowned by a hidden hand.
"Back us away at a safe distance. I want us to stay hidden but back up on the surface," N'Jadaka said.
He rushed away from the captain with T'Challa and Shuri on his heels. The low hum of the ship guided them back to the surface. The spectral camouflage allowed them to see out, but the Americans had no clue they were being spied on by the Wakandans. On the top deck, N'Jadaka's golden jaguar suit enveloped him. He used his mask to see further on the other ship. Shuri stood between them with her own binocular shades on.
The new ship approached the U.S.S. Powell and a flurry of activity took place on it as they maneuvered closer to the ghost ship.
"What is that glowing redness in the water?" T'Challa said.
They gazed at the dark water as a shimmering neon blood-red shape emerged from the deep. A monstrous giant squid breached the surface, stopping the new ship.
A shrill sound stabbed N'Jadaka's eardrum and he jammed his hands over his ears. T'Challa and Shuri became transfixed and slowly walked toward the edge of the Sea Leopard.
"The fuck?" N'Jadaka screeched.
Hundreds of human heads bobbed in the water, facing the ship. With his mask's enhanced optics, he made out fierce faces that seemed to be… singing?
He grabbed T'Challa and Shuri's arms, but they kept moving closer to the edge. Splashes broke his concentration away from his cousins. Across the water, sailors from the new American ship leaped to their deaths, the choppy waves folding over their bodies as they joined their unfortunate comrades floating dead down below.
"Captain Lebohang! Soundproof the Sea Leopard! Now!" N'Jadaka screamed.
He watched in rising dread as men took their own lives listening to the deadly voices luring them to commit mass suicide. T'Challa slumped to his knees as the effects wore off, but Shuri had reached the protective railing and climbed over it. She dangled like a limp doll, but N'Jadaka grabbed her, yanking her body back to him. Her foot smacked the spectral camouflage shield making it glint brightly.
A body floated out of the sea and flew toward the middle of both ships. It rose above the Sea Leopard's great height and N'Jadaka observed that it was a man. He stared directly at their hidden ship.
"How can he know we are here?" T'Challa said, shaking his head to get his mind right again.
"He senses that there is a protective covering," Shuri said, resting her fingers against her temples.
All they could see was his dark shape holding a spear.
"There are wings on his feet," N'Jadaka said.
"The others aren't able to fly," T'Challa said.
They watched a swarm of men and women crawl up the side of the new ship. Soldiers continued to toss themselves overboard.
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"Should we help them?" Shuri asked.
"No, we'll be blamed for all of this and we don't have enough manpower to fight them," N'Jadaka said.
He shifted to night vision with his mask.
"Oh, my Bast!" Shuri shrieked.
N'Jadaka swallowed hard. The hairs on his arms rose. There were at least a thousand people in the water that they could see, their heads lifted in siren song to kill their enemy. Sonic warfare at its best.
"It is them… the Talokanil," N'Jadaka said.
Shuri clutched at her brother's arm.
"That is their leader," N'Jadaka said, pointing to the flying man who rose higher in the sky above them hidden in the darkness of the black clouds.
The Talokan leader thrust his spear out and hovered in the air. Waiting.
No more bodies jumped from the new ship. The bobbing heads turned to face their flying leader.
"Lebohang, lower the camouflage shield," N'Jadaka ordered.
"Are you sure about that?" T'Challa asked.
"They aren't singing," N'Jadaka said.
The shield disappeared and the Sea Leopard became visible to the Talokanil.
N'Jadaka stepped forward, his golden jaguar suit covering every inch of him. He lowered his mask and latched his eyes on the flying man.
"Ndingu ukumkani N'Jadaka Udaku, ukusuka Wakanda!" N'Jadaka shouted.
The flying man raised his hand and flicked it. His people in the water disappeared below the surface. Captain Lebohang turned on underwater lights and N'Jadaka exhaled with a shuddery breath. There were thousands more swimming under the water with orcas and humpback whales carrying most of them away. No wonder King T'Chaka kept his mouth shut for so long.
"Are you the son of King T'Chaka?"
The flying man dropped down so that he was only twenty feet away from N'Jadaka and his cousins.
"I am the late king's son," T'Challa said.
T'Challa stepped in front of N'Jadaka, automatically protecting the king even though he had his own suit.
"King T'Chaka was my uncle," N'Jadaka said.
"You see what we have done to those surface dwellers?" the stranger said, pointing his spear toward the water.
"We still recognize the truce between Wakanda and Talokan," N'Jadaka said.
The stranger tilted his head and his lips curled into a sinister smile.
"That is good to hear."
"What do they call you?" N'Jadaka asked, watching the last of the Talokanil disappear.
"He is a mutant," Shuri said, tapping her kimoyo scanner.
K'uk'ulkan stared at her and his jaw tightened, making the smile turn into a cruel sneer.
"I am the feathered serpent God," he said with a hard tone.
"Why did you kill them? What did they do to you?" T'Challa asked.
"Nothing. I will keep it that way," K'uk'ulkan said.
"Captain Lebohang, take us back to Wakanda," N'Jadaka commanded.
The Sea Leopard hummed and moved away slowly from the dead and two ghost ships. N'Jadaka turned his back on the feathered serpent God. Shuri rushed to his side.
"Wait, N'Jadaka! We must talk with him! Did you not see that he wore vibranium on his body? Even his spear was made from it," Shuri blurted out.
"I saw it, and that's why we're going home and minding our business for now. They don't fuck with the surface world and we will not fuck with them until we need to."
"But this is a tremendous discovery! That means Wakanda isn't the only country to have vibranium. We need to know how much they have… maybe even see their world."
"In due time cuz, but right now I need him to see that we're not a problem to him. The truce is our temporary buffer," N'Jadaka said.
"When we get back home, I am going to find where they come from and send a tracking drone—"
"Shuri. You can do your research for me, but we will not antagonize him. I needed them to see me in person so they know I'm not a punk. He knows that now. He'll also kill without provocation. That tells me his people come first above anything. He's not interested in a foreign exchange of intellect or curiosity. He don't give a fuck. He also knows we have vibranium."
"You're scared like our father," T'Challa said.
N'Jadaka stopped walking. They were back on the bridge.
"Cautious," N'Jadaka said. "We can't afford to look weak. But we know where his territory begins."
He rubbed his forehead.
"Show me where I can rest and think," N'Jadaka said.
"Right this way, King N'Jadaka," Lebohang said.
Chapter 66 HERE.
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