#Blaytz x Reader
galraluver · 9 months
Can we please get headcanons of reader taking care of hurt/sick Blaytz and vice versa I can see him being dramatic a little if he’s the one who’s sick xD
You sure can, I hope you enjoy 🥰
I can totally see him being the biggest baby when he's sick, too
~ Whenever you get sick Blaytz insists that you stay in bed so you can get better as soon as possible
~ This man takes time off of his kingly duties so he can take care of you
~ If the paladins need him he politely tells them that he can't go anywhere, he's busy taking care of you and you always come first
~ If you're super sick Blaytz has the doctor put you in a healing pod bc he doesn't want you to suffer
~ He's definitely the type to be super hovery whenever you get sick
~ Blaytz always provides you with plenty of tissues, a humidifier, a bowl (in case you need to throw up), a cloth to wipe your face off with and anything else you might need while you're sick
~ He might need to leave the room when you throw up and he always has a servant clean out the bowl, he kinda has a sensitive stomach when it comes to that kind of thing
~ Expect him to sanitize every surface you touch while you're sick since he doesn't want the germs to spread
~ Blaytz will totally make soup for you when you're sick and he'll use his grandmother's recipe, it's delicious and it helps to soothe sore throats
~ Whenever you get injured, however, his reaction might be different depending on how badly injured you are
~ If it's just a little scrape or a small cut he comforts you, he doesn't see any reason to overreact about something so small
~ If you accidentally burn yourself he takes you to the infirmary so the doctor can apply burn relief ointment on it
~ However, if you sprain something or break a bone Blaytz is known overreact
~ Imagine him hyperventilating while the doctor is taking care of it in the least painful way possible
~ If the recovery time is a long time then you go into a healing pod, otherwise Blaytz helps you with daily tasks until you're fully healed and the cast can come off
~ Blaytz either gives you a muscle relaxant cream or a massage if or when you accidentally pull a muscle, he knows how it feels and he doesn't want you to endure that pain
~ Whether you're sick or injured he's always there for you
~ Whenever Blaytz gets sick he tends to get a little dramatic, even if the illness he caught isn't life threatening
~ He takes time off from his duties every time he's sick because he can't make any good decisions or remember much while he's got brain fog
~ Acts like he's dying though he's not, even after you reassure him that he's going to be okay
~ He's definitely the biggest baby when he's sick
~ You always make sure he has everything he needs, that way you're not constantly having to go get stuff
~ One of the things Blaytz hates most about being sick is that you won't kiss him because you don't want to get sick too
~ *cue Blaytz pouting sadly because you won't kiss him on the lips*
~ You won't kiss Blaytz on his lips when he's sick, but you will kiss him on his forehead
~ There was one time when Blaytz got sick after getting sprayed by some kind of pollen after he went on a mission with the other paladins, needless to say he was covered with itchy pink spots for about a week
~ If Blaytz is sick with the space flu you have a servant clean out the bowl you give him since it's not a pleasant task
~ Blaytz taught you how to make his grandmother's special soup so you can make it for him whenever he gets sick
~ When Blaytz gets injured he isn't as dramatic about it, although he likes resting a lot if he's got a sprain, strain or a fractured bone
~ If he's got a really bad broken bone he lets the doctor reset it before they put him in a healing pod
~ Blaytz is careful not to accidentally get burnt, but if he has a cut or a scrape he'll let you clean and bandage it
~ There was one time when he ended up getting a gash on his left leg when he wasn't watching his step and fell into a hole while you two were out on a hike, you held his hand after he got taken to the hospital where a doctor gave him stitches
~ Blaytz might be a sort-of warrior but that doesn't mean he can handle the worst injuries, he loves having you with him when he's injured because your presence makes him feel at least a little better
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Remember when I'd post a list of the characters I'd write with an x reader insert.
Tony Stark (both MCU and the cartoon)
Steve Rodgers (both MCU and cartoon)
Clint Barton (both MCU and cartoon)
Agent Russell/ Werewolf by Night (cartoon only, because I haven’t read the comics)
Dracula (cartoons only)
Attuma (Avengers Assemble only)
Hyperion (cartoon only)
All related galra such as Thace, Sendak and Zarkon
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galraluver · 9 days
Can we get Blaytz x artist reader please? :3
I'll try my best. Since you didn't specify what kind of artist then I'm going to go with a digital artist
There were many things Blaytz admired most about (Y/n), but the one thing he admired most about her was her talent as a digital artist. The way she could sit for hours and draw on her tablet or computer was amazing, before he met her he never thought anyone could have such intense concentration. (Y/n) drew fanart for her favorite fandom and sometimes she took commissions, but for the most part it was a hobby of hers that she did. She usually paced herself between each work of art so that she wouldn't get burnt out so quickly, but recently she had a lot of motivation for a recent commission and it was supposed to be super detailed, so she wanted to focus all of that motivation on making one of her most beautiful works yet. As much as Blaytz wanted to see his girlfriend he understood that he needed to wait until she was finished, then when she was then he could kiss her as many times as he wanted.
He only knew the basics of the commission such as what fandom it was of, which character/characters it contained and which action they would do in the fanwork. While (Y/n) sat at her desk in her studio Blaytz did the quieter housework and prepared a snack for his talented significant other, her absolute favorite since she would be extremely hungry by the time she finished the final touches. Eventually when they moved to Nalquod he would make sure (Y/n) had a bigger art studio with all the best art technology and supplies that the universe had to offer, that way she could continue doing her passion. (Y/n) had been working on the commission for the past four hours and she was nearly finished, unfortunately she really needed to use the bathroom and she absolutely needed to use the bathroom. Blaytz’ feelers perked up when he heard the door to (Y/n's) studio open, so naturally he went to go see if she was done.
“Hey Gorgeous, are you finished yet?” Blaytz queried when he approached his girlfriend, beaming a smile at her.
“I'm almost done, but I (really) need to use the bathroom. Thank you for being so patient.” (Y/n) replied with a sigh, grateful to have such an understanding boyfriend.
“It's no problem. When you're finished I'll have something delicious waiting for you.” Blaytz responded before he went back to the kitchen, allowing (Y/n) to have the opportunity to use the bathroom.
(Y/n) really appreciated Blaytz for being so understanding; there were so many people in her past that weren't so tolerant of her hobby, and the fact that Blaytz didn't judge her made him the best boyfriend ever. She used the bathroom as quickly as possible before her creative juices ran dry and she made sure to wash and dry her hands before she left the bathroom, then she went straight back to her studio. Her brain was beginning to hurt, luckily she only had to draw the final finishing touches and add her signature before it was done. In the meantime, Blaytz made sure to prepare plenty of her favorite snack and he filled a large glass of her favorite drink, then he put them on the table. And finally, when (Y/n) finished the commission she made sure that it looked absolutely perfect and saved it before she could finally leave her studio; she wouldn't have any motivation to draw for a long time, she was just glad that she finished the commission on time.
“I'm finally done.” (Y/n) said when she walked into her dining room, finding her significant other waiting for her.
“Welcome back to the world of the living, Gorgeous. I have your favorite snack and drink ready for you.” Blaytz responded as he beamed a smile at her, ecstatic to finally have (Y/n) all to himself again.
“Thank you so much, you're literally the best boyfriend ever.” (Y/n) graciously thanked Blaytz before she sat down, her stomach growling loudly as soon as she laid her eyes on the food waiting for her.
“Anything for you, (Y/n). I love you and I always want to be here for you. And now that you're finished, I want to make out later.” Blaytz responded with a grin, his feelers forming a heart above his head.
“That sounds amazing, it feels like it's been forever since we had any fun. I can hardly wait.” (Y/n) replied, blushing lightly before she turned her attention to the food and drink in front of her.
Blaytz was happy to provide a simple meal for his significant other, even if it wasn't exactly the healthiest thing to eat. He watched as she drank a third of the drink he'd gotten for her, knowing that she must have been hungrier and thirstier than he originally thought. (Y/n) felt refreshed after having a drink, but when she began eating she finally felt exactly how hungry she'd been. With the commission out of the way she could take a break from drawing and focus on doing cute coupley things with Blaytz, and they could do other things as well. Later that evening Blaytz had every intention of spoiling his girlfriend as much as possible, both in the bedroom and out; after all, she'd been really busy lately and he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.
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galraluver · 6 months
If you’re ok with writing comfort can you please write Gyrgan and Blaytz (separate) x reader who’s not used to affection? (sorta comfort to fluff)
I love writing comfort 🥰. I was inspired to do this in headcanon form, so I hope that you don't mind
~ Blaytz ~
~ Blaytz is a touchy-feely person in nature and he loves being physically close to people he's close with, but he doesn't touch you if you're not in the mood to be touched because he respects you
~ It's not that you don't like it when he touches you in a friendly way, it's just that you're really not used to people being physically affectionate with you
~ You're really good friends with Blaytz and over time you develop romantic feelings for him, but the concept of dating him seems impossible due to your unease with affection
~ Blaytz doesn't take it personally when you're not in the mood for even the slightest bit of friendly physical affection, he knows that you had a rough childhood which still affects you
~ He feels bad when you sometimes flinch a little when he hugs you, but when you practically melt in his embrace he knows that you're making progress
~ During your friendship with him you begin to slowly get used to quick hugs, brief displays of affection are the best way for you to get used to it
~ Before Blaytz asks you to be his girlfriend you know that you'll have to adjust to receiving affection from him in a more than friendly kind of way, which definitely includes kissing, although you know that Blaytz would never rush you to do anything you're not ready to do
~ And after the two of you begin dating? Blaytz knows when you're in the mood to be affectionate with him and when you're not based on your body language
~ Learning to get used to having a lovey boyfriend gets easier as time goes on
~ You sometimes give Blaytz surprise hugs when you're ready to be a little more affectionate with him, and he always gives you a positive reaction and reciprocates the hug
~ Cuddling and snuggling is foreign to you, but after doing it for a while you get used to being held close by your very handsome boyfriend who loves having your body pressed against his
~ Cuddling and kissing quickly become two of your favorite things to do with Blaytz
~ Hand holding is the easiest form of physical affection for you and receiving kisses on either of your cheeks or anywhere else on your face makes you all shy and blushy
~ Blaytz thinks it's super adorable how you get flustered and blushy so easily whenever he's affectionate with you
~ Kissing is great, especially when the two of you are relaxing somewhere together and he pulls you onto his lap so the two of you can make out and snuggle
~ With time you get used to being physically affectionate with Blaytz which he absolutely loves, that way he can show you how much he truly loves you
~ Gyrgan ~
~ Gyrgan is affectionate in nature much like Alfor and Blaytz, but he's more affectionate than Alfor but not quite as much as Blaytz
~ Gyrgan doesn't blame you for your unease with physical affection; instead, every time he wants to hug you he asks for your permission first before he hugs you
~ He's your friend and he doesn't want to ever make you feel uncomfortable
~ It's not that you're not used to being affectionate with other people or receiving affection from them, it's just that you're really not used to it
~ Your family was never very affectionate with you, so being around someone who is affectionate is a big adjustment for you
~ As soon as you realize that you have a crush on Gyrgan after being friends with him for a few months you nearly have a panic attack
~ You actually like someone in a more than friends kind of way and you have a strong desire to cuddle with him and maybe even kiss him, it's definitely not something you're used to
~ You're hesitant to tell Gyrgan how you feel and thankfully you don't have to because he figures it out on his own
~ Even after the two of you start dating he doesn't force you to be affectionate with him, although he often let's you come to him
~ You love how gentle Gyrgan is when he kisses, hugs, holds one of your hands or cuddles with you
~ He's like a giant teddy bear, only better because he's your boyfriend who loves you in a way that no one has loved you before
~ As time passes you come to get used to surprise hugs and kisses from your significant other
~ Snuggling with Gyrgan is one of your favorite things to do with him
~ Eventually you become more accustomed to displays of affection and even make an effort to be affectionate with Gyrgan
~ He's elated, of course, because it means that you've finally adjusted to being somewhat lovey-dovey on a regular basis
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galraluver · 1 year
This fic is the third part of this post. I hope you all enjoy it as much as the other two 😁
(F/b/a) = Favorite beach activity
Going to the beach was (Y/n's) absolutely favorite thing in the entire world during summer, she loved it ever since she was a little girl and she still loved it after she grew up and moved into her own house/apartment. She lived about two hours away from a beach which meant she got to go every weekend during the summer; there were so many things she loved about the beach, but her favorite would definitely have to be (F/b/a). After packing her beach bag, her mini cooler and putting her bathing suit on and her sundress (Y/n) was ready to go to the beach, looking forward to smelling the fresh beach air and feeling the warm sunlight against her skin. On the way to the beach (Y/n) noticed how it got a little cloudy for about twenty minutes or so and she wondered if the day would be ruined by rain which would totally suck, thankfully the clouds seemed to disappear as quickly and mysteriously as they appeared. Summer rainstorms were fairly normal and were nice during stay-in do nothing days, but they weren't fun during beach days.
After arriving at the beach and finding a parking spot she took her beach bag and mini cooler out of the passenger seat and locked her car, taking her time to walk to the beach since she wasn't in a rush. As she looked out at the horizon (Y/n) couldn't help but think about Blaytz, her favorite character from Voltron Legendary Defender; she knew he was a part of a semi aquatic species and she wondered if he would enjoy hanging out on any of the beaches on Earth if he was real. Since there weren't very many people at the beach yet (Y/n) rushed to the little hidden cove she found that no one else seemed to know about, and even though it was hidden behind a bunch of thick bushes and trees she found it by accident one day and it was her favorite place on the beach ever since. On the way to the cove she breathed in, smelling the various scents wafting through the warm beach air while listening to the quiet crunch of the sand under her sandals. The sound of seagulls echoed in the distance, probably because they were fighting over some food somebody dropped on the ground.
"It's nice to finally be back." (Y/n) whispered to herself once she made it to her destination, making sure no one was looking when she slipped past the first bush.
No one was watching her, although there was someone laying on the sand in the secret cove only she knew about; she couldn't see him at first but she was in for a big surprise when she saw who it was. (Y/n) slipped past the bushes and trees, making sure not to accidentally get caught on any of the branches since she didn't want to get scratched. When she made it past the wall of wild plants she didn't notice the man laying on the sand near one of the rocky cliffs right away; the clouds she saw earlier had actually been a portal and a certain blue paladin had fallen through, but (Y/n) didn't know that which meant she was in for the surprise of a lifetime. (Y/n) stopped in her tracks when she finally laid eyes on what looked like a man in familiar clothes laying unconscious on the sand, she was the only person who knew about the cove and seeing someone laying on the sand made her heart pound. She probably should have just turned around and walked away, but she found herself slowly approaching the man, ready to help him.
As she approached the unconscious man her eyes widened when she saw what he was wearing and what color his skin was, not to mention he had fin-like appendages on his head and two familiar pink feelers; the man wasn't just anyone, it was Blaytz. (Y/n) shook her head a little and pinched herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming; she wasn't, of course, which meant Blaytz had somehow been transported to the real world and she wondered if the clouds she saw earlier had anything to do with his sudden appearance. She put her beach bag and cooler down as soon as she knelt by Blaytz' side, admiring how perfectly smooth his blue and white skin looked even though he looked a little dry. Seeing a real live alien was like a dream come true for her, especially since said alien just so happened to be Blaytz, the man she wished that she could meet. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he let out a quiet groan and cracked his eyes open for a second, a clear sign that he was still alive.
"I don't know if you're conscious enough to understand me or not, but I'm going to help you." (Y/n) spoke quietly while checking him for any injuries, noticing the bruise on the right side of his head and a few small cuts on his bare arms.
She knew he probably got injured after falling from the portal and he needed help before someone else found him or he died, she wasn't about to let her favorite paladin perish on a beach in a reality he'd never been in before. Obviously getting him to her car was going to take a while because of how big he was compared to her and because he was an alien, so she needed to come up with a plan to get him home without anyone seeing him, thankfully the very few people who were at the beach were all by the water along with the lifeguards. (Y/n) had to work quickly if she was going to take him to her car before any more people showed up; it took a few minutes of hard thinking and strategic planning but she finally figured something out. Getting Blaytz home was one thing, although explaining everything to him would be another and she hoped that he would be okay since she didn't want him to panic after he eventually woke up. It was a good thing she had a spare bedroom at home, otherwise she would have been sleeping on the couch in her living room for the rest of her life so Blaytz could have her bedroom.
It was a miracle that she got Blaytz home, but she did it and as soon as she laid him comfortably on her living room floor she could finally rest. (Y/n) didn't mind that she had to miss out on her beach day, rescuing Blaytz was worth it and she could barely wait for him to wake up. She made sure to lay his head on a big pillow and she had an ice pack waiting in her freezer for when he woke up because she knew his head would definitely be sore. (Y/n) didn't know if he could handle human painkillers or not, so he would have to wait through his headache with the aid of the ice pack she had and hope that he didn't have a very bad concussion. After eating a simple dinner and putting the second helping in her refrigerator she walked into her living room to check on Blaytz, a feeling of relief sweeping through her when she saw that he was beginning to wake up. Blaytz, on the other hand, felt extremely confused when he woke up and found himself in a strange room; the last thing he remembered was Haggar sending him through a portal, so he wasn't sure exactly what was going on and where he got sent to.
"I- I see that you finally woke up… H-how are you feeling?" (Y/n) hesitantly asked Blaytz whilst slowly walking towards him, not wanting to accidentally startle the nalquodi man.
"Who are you? And where am I?" Blaytz inquired when (Y/n) made herself known, noticing her for the first time; she kind of looked like an altean, but she wore strange clothes and she didn't have pointy ears or markings on her face, it made him wonder if she had some kind of strange genetic condition or not.
"I'm (Y/n), and you're in my living room." (Y/n) answered, introducing herself prior to sitting a couple of feet away from him, facing her houseguest so they could look at each other.
"How did I get here? The last thing I remember is getting pushed through a portal, everything else is blank after that." Blaytz queried with confusion; he just barely remembered getting pushed through a strange portal by Haggar, unfortunately after that he had a huge gap in his memory.
(Y/n) didn't entirely know how he got to the real world, so she decided to tell Blaytz how she found him and how she skillfully brought him home without fangirling. She could definitely feel her heart pounding in her chest while she spoke to him, still hardly able to believe that he was actually sitting with her in her living room, it was almost too good to be true. Blaytz just sat there and listened to everything (Y/n) told him, trying to process everything that had happened and how he was officially trapped in another reality where everything he knew was nothing more than an animated show; it wasn't exactly the worst thing that could have happened to him, although life would be a lot more difficult because no one in (Y/n's) reality knew the existence of aliens and he could possibly be in danger if the government found out about him. After (Y/n) finished speaking they were quiet for a few moments, both of them needing a little time to process their situation. Blaytz looked at her every few minutes; she looked like a good person and she didn't seem to be hiding anything from him, so he decided that he could trust her.
"Would you like something to eat and drink?" (Y/n) asked him out of the blue, breaking the silence when she remembered that it had probably been a while since he'd had anything to eat or drink.
"Yes, please." Blaytz replied with a simple answer; he felt hungry and thirsty, plus he didn't want to seem rude by refusing food and water when she offered them to him.
(Y/n) beamed at him before she stood up and walked back to her kitchen, deciding to get a cup of water and some fruit from her fridge to feed him. Obviously the simple snack wasn't worthy of someone like Blaytz, although he was humble for someone of his social status as the king of his homeworld and she knew he would be grateful to have something to eat and drink. She could still hardly believe that Blaytz was in her home; on the outside she appeared calm, but on the inside she was fangirling like crazy because, not only was he a paladin of Voltron, but she had a huge crush on him. While (Y/n) was busy in the kitchen Blaytz patiently waited for her, feeling his stomach rumbling just from the mere thought of something delicious to eat. He honestly wasn't sure what fate had in store for him for the future, so he decided to just focus on the present since he didn't want to overwhelm himself; besides, he already made a friend which meant he would be safe.
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galraluver · 7 months
Hi! I’ve read your rules and there’s said that you don’t write major angst or fight scenes. Is it fine if I ask for a bit angsty to fluff scenario? (If no that’s totally fine, if you gonna write so here’s details)
Blaytz being forced to choose between his kingdom and his s/o and eventually giving up his crown because he loves his s/o so much? You can write mostly about their worries: him being put in such dilemma and his s/o having mixed feelings because she doesn’t want Blaytz to lose everything and take that risk althogh she will be missing him (if she has to be separated from him forever or be killed) I wonder why and who can put in dilemma like this I’m bad at world history lmao
Again if it’s too much or you don’t wanna write it it’s fine <3 In other way feel free with details I love your writings anyway :3
I can try my best, so I hope that this is what you were hoping for
Ever since Blaytz was little he knew that he would become the king of Nalquod when he grew up, unfortunately much to his parents’ displeasure he had an adventurous nature and he never took much interest in learning the things he needed to know about becoming the king. There was so much to see and do throughout the universe and Blaytz wanted to see as much as he could, he often got caught daydreaming during class which pretty much always led to his private tutor yelling at him. During his teen years his flirtatious nature kicked in and he flirted with every cute guy and girl he crossed paths with, no matter what species the other person was. Blaytz knew that he was supposed to marry someone of nalquodi royalty, after his parents stepped down from the throne and his coronation happened it would only be a matter of time before he had an arranged marriage. Then he made friends with four other leaders of four other planets and became a paladin of Voltron; he'd been misunderstood growing up, but they were accepting of him.
It was during one of his paladin adventures when Blaytz got stuck on Earth for a while and met a young human woman around his age named (Y/n); at first (Y/n) helped him in any way she could, but it led to them falling in love with each other. Blaytz had never been serious about marrying anyone during his entire life, when he proposed to (Y/n) and she said yes he was the happiest man in the entire universe. (Y/n) finished up her business on Earth and said her goodbyes before she packed up all of her most important items so she could move in with Blaytz. Everything was going well until Blaytz introduced her to his parents; they didn't necessarily completely hate her, but they didn't approve of her becoming their son's wife, either. Blaytz refused to let anyone tear him and (Y/n) apart, even when the council gave him an ultimatum of either remaining the king and cutting things off with (Y/n) or marrying (Y/n) and forfeiting the crown.
Blaytz didn't necessarily not want to resign from being the king of Nalquod, but he certainly didn't want to lose (Y/n) forever; if they didn't break things off before the next double full moon then the council would separate them by any means necessary unless he resigned. He was conflicted of which to choose, his kingdom or (Y/n), although he was leaning towards choosing (Y/n) because she was the love of his life and if he chose to continue being the king then he would be forced to marry someone he didn't love. After she met Blaytz’ parents and the palace on Nalquod (Y/n) kind of felt like a burden and she knew they didn't want her around, she felt bad for causing so many problems after her arrival. The last thing she wanted was for her lover to lose everything all because of her; Blaytz had lived with her on Earth for nearly a year and over that time they'd fallen in love, unfortunately at the time neither of them considered what the consequences of their love would be. Living on Nalquod had been amazing and despite all the backlash, (Y/n) was surprised that Blaytz never once treated her as less than his equal.
Even before he became the king Blaytz had been treated differently simply because he was different, he preferred being the paladin of the blue lion and (Y/n's) fiance’ over being a king. Blaytz understood that if he chose to stay with (Y/n) then he would be banished from Nalquod; two days before the double full moon he made his final decision. It was nighttime and nearly everyone in the palace was sleeping in bed; (Y/n) felt anxious because Blaytz wanted to talk to her alone out in the garden, she feared that he was going to break things off with her or something. She didn't say a word as they walked through the massive palace and out into the garden, there were so many possibilities racing through her mind that she felt like she might get sick. Once they were outside Blaytz sat on a bench and she sat next to him, fully prepared to receive the worst news of her life.
“Please look at me, Gorgeous. I've made my final decision and it's only fair for you to know what it is.” Blaytz spoke with concern while he sat next to (Y/n), fidgeting with his hands nervously as he thought about what he was doing with his life; he would essentially lose nearly everything, but he refused to lose the one person he loved more than the universe itself, ultimately he was making the right decision.
“Why should I? I know that you regret our relationship, you don't have to pretend that you're still in love with me.” (Y/n) answered quietly as she stared down at her lap, nearly on the verge of tears because the thought of losing him tore her apart on the inside.
“I don't regret our relationship and I never will, I love whom I love and you're the person I love most. (Y/n), when I said that I would love you in this life and the next I meant it wholeheartedly. Why do you think that I don't love you anymore?” Blaytz responded firmly yet lovingly, questioning as to why she would think otherwise.
“Because your parents and the council are making you choose between your duty as the king and your relationship with me. I don't want you to have to make such a big decision just for my sake. I love you with all my heart and soul but it's wrong of me to ask you to decide between me and your kingdom. Your people need you more than I do.” (Y/n) said solemnly, turning her head so she could finally meet his gaze.
Blaytz wasn't sure how to respond; (Y/n) was ready to end things between them because she believed that he would be better off without her, even though she didn't want to lose him. He admired many things about her and her willingness to put herself last for the greater good was one of those qualities. (Y/n) took his silence as confirmation that he was going to break up with her; she looked back down at her lap as tears welled up in her eyes, some of them spilling down her cheeks. She didn't want to lose Blaytz, alas his parents and the council didn't give him the choice to remain the king and to have her by his side as his wife. When (Y/n) felt Blaytz’ pointer finger curl under her chin she allowed him to tilt her head up so she was looking at him, blinking a couple of times to attempt to stop herself from crying, unfortunately she couldn't.
“I've decided to resign from being king, you mean too much to me and I refuse to lose you forever. Because I'm choosing you I'll be banished, but Trigel offered to provide us with a place to live in the Dalterion Belt.” Blaytz finally said, speaking softly as he gazed into his girlfriend's eyes; only one full moon shone in the sky and the second one was nearly full, casting enough light for them to see each other.
“You don't have to do that for me. I'm just a random human woman who helped you when you came to my planet, I don't want you to lose your place on your homeworld.” (Y/n) argued; part of her wanted what he said to be true whilst another part told her that it was too good to be true, then was not the time for her to be delusional.
“Yes, I do. I intend to remain by your side forever even if it means giving up my role as the king. You know that I've always been different from the rest of my kind and that I would never not do what's right. We'll leave after I make my announcement tomorrow morning. I don't want to live without you, gorgeous.” Blaytz whispered wholeheartedly, eyes half-lidded just like hers.
(Y/n) had a hard time believing that Blaytz truly meant what he said, but she didn't want to doubt him because he definitely seemed serious enough for his promise to be true. Her heart skipped a beat when he leaned down enough to brush his lips against hers before he actually kissed her; they both closed their eyes when their lips finally met in a chaste kiss, gently embracing each other while the one full moon shone down on them. Blaytz planned on giving up the crown and all of his power so that he could forever be with (Y/n), doing so made him feel as though an empty void in his heart had finally been filled. (Y/n) and Blaytz reopened their eyes after kissing for a few minutes, both of them breathing a little heavily as they silently looked at each other. Even though there wasn't a place for them to be together on Nalquod, there would be a place for them to live somewhere in the Dalterion Belt where they wouldn't be judged.
Before (Y/n) woke up Blaytz quietly packed all of their personal belongings and took them to Blue so that he wouldn't have to worry about it later; there wasn't a whole lot to pack up, just clothes, hygiene products and their other things that meant a lot to them. He and (Y/n) would have to leave before nighttime came because that was the night of the double full moon, the night when (Y/n) would be put to death if he didn't break things off with her. It was difficult for Blaytz to leave the only home he knew for his entire life, but to him (Y/n) was far more important to him than ruling over a planet. Blaytz woke his significant other up with breakfast in bed that morning, that way she wouldn't have to be around his parents who still disliked her. (Y/n) appreciated the breakfast in bed, although she noticed that all of her things along with most of his were gone, all that remained was a change of clothes for both of them along with some of her personal hygiene products.
When it was time for him to go tell the council and his parents his final decision she was concerned about him and what might happen, she feared that something bad might happen to both of them. Blaytz assured (Y/n) that he would be alright before he left his bedroom, giving her a passionate kiss that left her breathless. After he left the bedroom (Y/n) took the opportunity to get dressed and do the rest of her morning routine; she packed their remaining items, including their pajamas, so they could leave when he returned for her. Waiting for Blaytz to return was nerve-wracking to say the least, during his entire absence (Y/n) paced back and forth whilst imagining all the possible worst things that could potentially happen. Nearly two hours passed before Blaytz returned to his bedroom, only instead of his usual day clothes he was wearing his paladin armor and he held his bayard.
“Well, what happened?” (Y/n) inquired when she walked over to her fiance’, worried that the council decided to get rid of her.
“I resigned as the king, I'm free to spend the rest of my life with you. It's time for us to go now.” Blaytz answered with a shaky tone; he was shaken after how his parents and the council reacted to him giving up the crown, although it was for the greater good and before he returned to his bedroom he said his final goodbyes to the palace staff.
“Are you positive that this is what you want- that you want to stay with me?” (Y/n) questioned, wanting to make sure that he knew what he wanted.
“Yes, I'm positive. You mean more to me than anything in my life. You've accepted me the way a lot of other people haven't and you're really cute, too. Sometime after we get settled into our new place I would like to marry you, but first we have to leave.” Blaytz reassured her once again, just as he'd done several times before that day.
Tears welled up in (Y/n's) eyes as she looked up at Blaytz, but she wiped them away because they had to leave; she still felt guilty for him having to choose between her and his kingdom, although no matter how many times she questioned him his answer was always the same. Blaytz went to get the final bag before he led her out of his bedroom and down the hallway towards the elevator so they could leave the palace. On their way out (Y/n) bid farewell to some of the staff who had become fond of her, including one of the senior maids who had been around while Blaytz was growing up. She briefly remembered when Blaytz told her that when he was growing up he didn't really want to become the king, that his parents pressured him into taking on such an important role as their only child, and his want to live a normal life was what he'd longed for. It wasn't long before Blaytz sat in Blue's pilot seat while (Y/n) sat on his lap; the initial liftoff felt a little bumpy and so did leaving the planet's atmosphere, thankfully the ride got smoother once they were in space.
“What do we do now?” (Y/n) asked Blaytz after what felt like forever; neither of them had said a thing since they left Nalquod, so hearing her own voice break the silence startled her a little.
“We're going to meet up with Trigel so that she can show us our new home. Don't worry, Gorgeous, our lives are going to be amazing from now on.” Blaytz said with a grin, even though he felt a little sad that he was essentially banished from his homeworld; he never regretted the decision he made, though, because having a true love was better than being a king who would be wed to someone he didn't love.
(Y/n) sighed and leaned her head against his chest, feeling less stressed as she listened to the sound of his heartbeat. A lot had happened during the past few weeks and she needed more time to process it all, although during that moment she just wanted to remain cuddled up to her significant other. Blaytz put Blue on autopilot so he could wrap his arms around (Y/n); they were both a little stressed after what happened and a moment of peace was exactly what they needed. He was relieved that he wouldn't have to hide who he truly was anymore, it felt as though a weight had finally been lifted off of him after carrying it around for a good majority of his life. Until they reached the Dalterion Belt (Y/n) and Blaytz began discussing certain simple aspects about their future that they wanted, they would figure out the rest after they got settled into their new home.
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galraluver · 2 years
Can I ask about a bit angsty scenario? I’ve got one idea
It is an au where Blaytz and his s/o are engaged but there is one of nalquodi (gender neutral/up to you ) is really pissed because they were in love with Blaytz so they attempt to kill his s/o
However, s/o is alive, but what Blaytz will do with that poor nalquodi?
Of course you can. I'm honestly not good at writing angsty stuff but I'll try my best
Also, Vulu is just a random name I'm using for the sake of this fic
Blaytz sat on a chair in the waiting room of the palace infirmary as he waited for the doctor to come get him, trying his best not to worry about (Y/n) being dead after she had nearly been killed; he knew exactly who did it but during that moment he just wanted to make sure his fiancé was going to live. The nalquodi king felt so many emotions swirling around inside of him while he waited which was expected since he literally found (Y/n) nearly bleeding out in home earlier that same day. Blaytz decided to pay her a visit earlier and when he saw Vulu near her home he knew nothing good could come of it; the other nalquodi man was in love with him and hated (Y/n) because Blaytz loved her instead of him. He would get revenge later, although for the time being he wanted to make sure (Y/n) was okay; just because he was a paladin of Voltron didn't mean he couldn't sentence someone in his kingdom to death for attempting to murder the woman he was going to marry. Blaytz stood up when the doctor finally came to get him after four hours of waiting, the young king meeting them halfway across the waiting room.
"How is she?" Blaytz asked the doctor with a soulless tone, mentally preparing himself to receive news of her death which thankfully wouldn't be the case.
"She's very weak from all the blood she lost but she'll live, although she's going to need to stay here until she gets her strength back. She's been asking for you ever since she woke up." The doctor calmly answered as they gave him the good news; they just barely managed to save (Y/n) after giving her a few blood transfusions.
"Thank you for saving her." Blaytz responded after he let out a sigh of relief, immediately rushing into the room where his lover was waiting for him.
The doctor smiled as they watched Blaytz leave them behind, deciding to give the nalquodi king and his soon-to-be queen the privacy they needed. In the meantime, once Blaytz entered the room his significant other was laying in he stopped in his tracks and looked at her; seeing her usually radiant (S/t) skin look so pale made his heart ache with sorrow. He would pay Vulu a 'special' visit the next day to get rid of him, although during that moment he was focused on seeing his true love. Blaytz took a deep breath before he softly called her cute nickname, smiling as he quietly walked over to his girlfriend's bedside. (Y/n) missed her significant other and finally seeing him after waiting for so long made her reciprocate the smile; she felt her heart beating faster when she saw him, happy to see her sexy boyfriend.
"Hey there, my sweet princess. I heard you were asking about me." Blaytz spoke softly as he leaned against the bed a little and knelt down so he was closer to her height, a sexy grin tugging at his lips as usual.
"Hi casanova, I really missed you… I was afraid that I was going to die earlier, thank you for saving me." (Y/n) said hoarsely, barely able to speak when she thanked him for saving her life.
"I could never let anything happen to you; you're my favorite girl and I intend on having you by my side for the rest of my life." Blaytz replied emotionally, gazing into her eyes while he spoke in a soft tone.
"But Vulu-" (Y/n) began to say before she was cut off, thankful for the distraction since her throat felt too dry seeing as she hadn't had anything to drink since earlier that afternoon.
"I'll take care of him, don't worry about it. I promise that he'll never hurt you or anyone else again." Blaytz reassured her, planting a gentle kiss on (Y/n's) forehead right in between her feelers.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and felt her heart racing in her chest, causing the heart monitor to go crazy while also pumping a little extra blood through her veins after Blaytz softly kissed her forehead. The young nalquodi woman would be traumatized for a while after the incident, but thankfully she could see the royal therapist whenever she needed to. A few moments later Blaytz took it upon himself to go get a cup of cool water and a plate/bowl of (Y/n's) favorite fruit for her; she needed nourishment after everything she'd been through and he would get her everything she needed. He was thankful that (Y/n) was going to live because earlier he had been truly scared about her dying and with her still being alive they could look forward to getting married within the next month. Blaytz would stay in the recovery room with (Y/n) for the whole night, wanting nothing more than to make sure she was going to be okay.
After sharpening his sword in the weapons room Blaytz was ready to get revenge on Vulu after he tried to murder (Y/n); the nalquodi king hated the other man with a burning passion and would make sure his death was slow and painful. Blaytz was known for his kindness and generosity to everyone, but he had no mercy towards those who wanted to kill others out of spite. He ate breakfast with (Y/n) that morning, making sure she had her absolute favorite breakfast food and a cup full of her favorite fruit juice. (Y/n) already looked so much better compared to the previous night, although she still needed time to fully recover and Blaytz decided it was time for her to move into one of the spare rooms in the palace; she would be moving in anyway, so the sooner the better. Blaytz knew exactly where Vulu lived and knocked on the front door of his house when he arrived, unsheathing his sword while scowling.
"Hello Blaytzy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Vulu flirtatiously asked Blaytz when he opened his front door, acting as though he didn't do anything wrong.
"You tried to kill (Y/n), now you're going to pay dearly for what you've done." Blaytz seethed angrily as he pointed his sword right at Vulu's chest and stepped forward, backing the other man up into his home.
"You mean to say that bitch survived? Oh p-please, she's not good enough for you." Vulu spat with a venomous tone, narrowing his eyes at the man who he loved.
"Yes, she survived, and you won't." Blaytz foretold darkly; he backed Vulu up to a wall and dug the tip of his sword into the center of his chest, preparing to end the other man's life.
Vulu closed his eyes and spoke his final words of endearment for Blaytz, his words being in vain because Blaytz would never reciprocate those feelings. He thought about the first time he met Blaytz back when they were younger, remembering how he had been head over heels in love with the nalquodi king when he was nothing but a prince as soon as their eyes met. Blaytz didn't say anything when he ended Vulu's life forever, knowing he would need to clean the blood off of his sword when he returned the the palace; Vulu's lifeless body slumped to the floor after he let out one less wail of agony, no longer able to hurt anyone else. Blaytz felt a lot better after he pushed his sword through Vulu's chest right where his heart had been located, making sure he was dead before he left. After returning to the palace and giving his sword to a servant who would clean it for him he went to go tell (Y/n) the good news, sharing a loving kiss with his future queen; the two of them would go on to live a long happy life together, their relationship always being passionate, and bringing sixteen children into the world along the way.
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galraluver · 11 months
Hello again, I hope your well or at least better than you have been lately.
I'd like to request a platonic reader x Alfor scenario at the juniberry festival. Idk if you or anyone else remembers it but it was briefly talked about in episode 9 I believe of season 1, when Allura is talking with hologram Alfor
I'll try my best. I wish that DreamWorks gave us a little more info about the Juniberry festival because it honestly sounds fascinating
With the juniberry festival coming up Alfor had been busy seeing to the preparations; the juniberry festival was the biggest celebration on Altea and every year everyone looked forward to it. (Y/n) couldn't wait to see Alfor, her childhood best friend, at the festival since they couldn't hang out while he was busy. The young altean woman got to see Alfor's fiance, Melenor, a couple of times and they had the chance to hang out together at one of the little cafés near the palace. Melenor didn't mind Alfor being friends with (Y/n) since the other altean woman wasn't attracted to Alfor, Melenor knew Alfor only had eyes for her. The juniberry festival was everyone's favorite event of the year, adults and children alike looked forward to it all year.
On the day of the festival (Y/n) put her favorite outfit and shoes on, styled her long silky hair by curling and made sure she was ready before leaving her house which was located near the palace where the festivities would be held. The juniberry fields were in full bloom which made the area nearby smell absolutely heavenly, not to mention it was finally juniberry berry season. Juniberry berries had a particularly sweet flavor that everyone on Altea loved, not to mention they could be used for all kinds of baked goods, drinks and so much more. (Y/n) had a look around the festival grounds before she went to go look for Alfor and Melenor so they could go get some juniberry berry cookies at one of the food stands. After searching around for a while (Y/n) was confused because she couldn't find her best friend and his wife, thankfully the altean king and queen saw her before she saw them.
"(Y/n)! We're over here!" Alfor called out when he and Melenor quickly walked over to the young altean woman, happy to see his friend.
(Y/n) waved to her friends before she began weaving through the crowd, politely excusing herself each time she accidentally bumped into someone. Sometimes people from neighboring planets would come to the juniberry festival because of how popular it was and everyone always had a good time. Blaytz, Gyrgan and Trigel were somewhere, although they were at different parts of the festival during that particular moment; Zarkon was usually a killjoy and didn't come to the festival, although Sendak and a few of his buddies did. By the time (Y/n) made it to Alfor and Melenor the back of her hair was a little messy; she reached back so she could smooth it down so that it hopefully wouldn't get too tangled. Alfor and Melenor held each other's hands while they waited for (Y/n) to make her way through the sea of people; that year's festival was particularly crowded, they weren't expecting so many guests.
"I don't remember last year's juniberry festival being this crowded. Anyway, I'm starving after looking for you two, shall we go get some juniberry cookies before they run out." (Y/n) commented before she suggested they go get some cookies; there were a lot of people, which meant the bakery might actually run out before the end of the day.
"That sounds wonderful." Alfor agreed wholeheartedly, since the festival officially started he and Melenor could finally just enjoy themselves for a while.
(Y/n) beamed and the three of them headed to the local bakery in hopes of buying some freshly made juniberry cookies; the soon-to-be married couple were exhausted after everything they'd done and they could barely wait to have a normal day at the festival. On the way to their destination the three young adults crossed paths with Coran and invited him to tag along, it was only proper for the king of Altea to have his royal advisor nearby. The sound of people chatting and the scent of food in the air was certainly different compared to the usually calmness near the castle, the juniberry festival was fun for everyone. Thankfully the bakery hadn't run out of juniberry cookies by the time they arrived and there was even a table available for the four of them to sit at, although it helped that Alfor was the king and Melenor would soon be his wife. Later they would go play some of the carnival games together, but until then they enjoyed eating the juniberry cookies they bought.
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galraluver · 4 months
Hii how are doing? :> Can I request Blaytz x reader headcanons who’s also a blue paladin? Like it was a travel to another au/dimension or distortion of space/time and he meets the third generation of paladins
Have a good dayyy
I'm doing good, thx for asking^^
Ooo, I like that idea! I'm more than happy to complete your request 😊 ✨️
~ Blaytz never meant to do it, he was just curious, but after Honerva took the paladins to meet an inventor friend of hers he touched a device out of curiosity which sent him forward in time
~ During his little journey to the future he went unconscious and didn't know where he was when he woke up
~ He definitely wasn't on Altea anymore, although when he woke up and saw the lions practically standing over him, he was more confused than before
~ Blaytz didn't know that he'd been transported to the future until the blue lion lowered her head, opened her mouth and revealed a woman he'd never seen before
~ It was strange seeing someone in his lion, but it was even stranger to see a woman wearing his armor and holding his Bayard
~ As it turns out the young woman was from the third generation of paladins, and yet you was the fourth blue paladin
~ Blaytz got along well with you and you filled him in on what happened and where they were
~ Earth was a nice place, even though he'd never heard about it before
~ Blaytz was grateful to know that Blue was in good hands in the future and that she'd been piloted by people who suited her well
~ Speaking of Blue, she still recognizes Blaytz as her paladin despite him being sent to the future from the past
~ He also got to meet the other four third generation of paladins, all of whom were different from the first generation and yet they were perfect matches for the lions
~ You were the one who filled him in on what happened after the first generation of paladins fell, or rather you gave him all the information you knew after hearing Coran's stories
~ Blaytz is shocked when he learns that Zarkon will, or rather had, destroyed the first generation of paladins after his and Honerva’s exposure to quintessence
~ He got to hang out with the third generation of paladins for a while and tell them about some of his adventures as the original blue paladin, as well as what the other four first gen paladins were like
~ Blaytz gives them a little advice about dealing with things that only the paladins of Voltron would have to deal with
~ He also gave the you some pick-up line ideas when he learned that you could be a little bit of a flirt, just like him
~ Tbh, even though you're human, he kind of views you as his granddaughter, even though the two of you aren't related
~ Eventually Blaytz gets sucked back into the past, and he knows that there's nothing he can do to prevent history from playing out the way the universe had planned, but he's at peace knowing that Voltron and the universe will be in good hands in the future
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galraluver · 1 year
Hey guys, I thought that I'd give you all a lil update really quick. I'm going to take a break for a few weeks from writing my BoM Parents Scenarios fic so I can focus on writing the remaining requests here on Tumblr. I currently have two separate Zarkon x Reader fics and one Blaytz x Reader fic in progress, but I'll get to the others soon, I promise
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galraluver · 10 months
Where Blaytz likes to be kissed and where he loves to kiss his s/o?💕
See the letter K in my fluffy A-Z Blaytz x Reader Headcanons
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galraluver · 2 years
Alright, so I wanted to quickly update you all about my fics on ao3. On New Year's Eve I had a lot of motivation to write for my BoM Parent Scenarios and I'm currently working on the labor and birthing chapters which will be a little longer than the other chapters. I'm also working on fixing the current chapters for my Blaytz x Reader fic and a lot of my scenarios here on Tumblr so that they'll be written in the third point of view instead of the second pov. I'm also in the process of writing more requests for here on Tumblr, so keep an eye out for them 😊. Well, that's all for now. Have a good day/night everyone 😁
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galraluver · 2 years
Ok hear me out... The of paladins human s/O getting pregnant before marriage 💍? ❤❤
That's definitely an interesting lil scenario (for hc's). I'll be happy to write it, although Trigel won't be added since she can't exactly get her significant other pregnant 😅
~ Zarkon ~
~ Zarkon knew there was a high chance that he would get you pregnant after the two of you became intimate together during his rut
~ Apparently the spermicide shot he was given wasn't powerful enough to stop his little swimmers from getting to your ovum
~ Galra males are very fertile, especially during their ruts
~ To be honest, you were panicking when you first found out that you were pregnant
~ You were pregnant with the illegitimate child of the Galran Emperor and Black Paladin of Voltron; you didn't know what would happen if anyone found out
~ Zarkon knew that you were pregnant before you took a pregnancy test bc he can smell your pheromones
~ Having illegitimate child isn't necessarily bad in Galran culture, but it isn't exactly accepted, either
~ Particularly when that child is going to be half Human instead of pure Galra
~ Zarkon does want to have kids with you even though he's nervous to be a dad
~ You cry in happiness and relief when he kneels down and gently hugs you, reassuring you that he's happy that the two of you are going to be parents
~ Zarkon proceeds to propose to you later that evening so that you both can get married as soon as possible
~ He's the Emperor of all of Daibazaal, so no one's going to question the sudden wedding between him and you, his Human significant other
~ Alfor ~
~ When you and Alfor started having sex together, he made sure to wear a condom every time since he wasn't sure if he was capable of getting you pregnant or not
~ There was a low chance of pregnancy due to the two of you being separate species
~ However, after a slight condom malfunction you found out that you were pregnant five weeks later; Alfor pulled out when he felt the condom break and apparently he was more genetically compatible with you than originally thought
~ Taking the pregnancy test and waiting for the results were the most nerve-wracking thing you had ever done
~ Both you and Alfor are speechless when you come out of the bathroom with the positive pregnancy test
~ It's not that you both don't want the baby, but it's so unexpected that you start crying
~ Alfor's quick to bring you into a soft hug and reassure you that everything's going to be alright
~ He's definitely shocked and a little nervous that he's going to be a dad, but he's loyal and he loves you more than anyone in the entire universe
~ His and your baby will definitely be a welcomed addition when they're born
~ Three weeks later, you and Alfor get married so that your child won't be illegitimate
~ Alfor's the King of Altea and can't afford to get a bad rep for knocking you up before marriage; he would never let any harm come to you and the baby, of course, bc of how much he loves you
~ Blaytz ~
~ It isn't long after becoming sexually active with Blaytz that you find out you're pregnant
~ Tbh, he's a horny space shark and you both have a lot of sex; like, almost every day after your first time together
~ You seriously didn't think he was able to get you pregnant, but the two pink lines on three pregnancy tests told you otherwise
~ Neither of you brought up the topic of having kids together because neither of you thought it was possible
~ Then you start panicking a little; you and Blaytz aren't even married and now you're pregnant with his child
~ Blaytz finds you crying in the bathroom and immediately knows what's going on when he sees the three positive pregnancy tests
~ *Cue a very happy Blaytz when he comes to the realization that he's going to be a dad*
~ Yeah, he's nervous about someone somehow finding out that he's sired an illegitimate child, but he reassures you that he would never abandon you and the baby
~ Blaytz somehow manages to propose to you in the most romantic way the next day; you don't even know how he managed to set everything up so quickly
~ He wanted to eventually marry you and you wanted to marry him, but to avoid any suspension from his people and the other people on planets in the solar system, the wedding happens as soon as possible
~ Gyrgan ~
~ To be perfectly honest, neither you nor Gyrgan thought that the two of you were genetically compatible with each other
~ Galra were known to be genetically compatible with any dominant species, but no one knew that Rygnirathians could impregnate Humans with viable offspring
~ Being intimate was extremely difficult because of the size difference, but apparently it wasn't so hard that you weren't able to get pregnant
~ As soon as you find out that you're pregnant, you try your best not to panic for the baby's sake
~ You're carrying the illegitimate child of a King, which can be a bad thing for many reasons
~ It's not that you don't want the baby, but you're worried about their future
~ Gyrgan's stunned when you tell him about being pregnant that night when you're cuddling with him in bed
~ You're pregnant and he's the father; he's speechless for a few moments before giving you a big smile and letting you know that he's excited to be a dad
~ Neither of you were expecting to be able to have biological kids together, but you both can't wait to have a baby of your very own to raise
~ In order to avoid any issues with his people, Gyrgan asks you to marry him the next day and the two of you get married two weeks later
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galraluver · 2 years
Blaytz Masterlist
Tumblr media
~ Scenarios ~
~ Blaytz teaching his Fem! Human S/o how to swim (scenario)
~ Blaytz' Fem! Human S/o comforting him after he has a bad nightmare (scenario)
~ Blaytz getting dominated by male! Galran pornstar! Reader and another Galran pornstar (scenario)
~ Blaytz getting revenge on the person who tried to kill his Fem! Nalquodi S/o (Scenario)
~ Blaytz and his Fem! Human S/o having their first time together (scenario)
~ Blaytz' future Fem! Human S/o saving him after he falls out of a portal (scenario)
~ Blaytz being forced to choose between his kingdom and his Fem! Human S/o (scenario)
~ Blaytz with a Fem! Human S/o who's an artist (scenario)
~ Headcanons ~
~ Random Blaytz/Nalquodi Headcanons
~ What kind of movies the original Paladins are into + what their favorite movie is (headcanons)
~ Random fluff headcanons for Blaytz
~ Blaytz A-Z Fluff Headcanons
~ Blaytz A-Z NSFW Headcanons
~ The Original Paladins raising a Fem! Human Child together (headcanons)
~ Blaytz with a Fem! Human S/o who's too shy to sing in front of anyone (headcanons)
~ What kind of friend the original Paladins are (headcanons)
~ Blaytz, Sniv, Regris and Hepta with a busty Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ The original Paladins' reaction to their Fem! Human S/o getting pregnant before marriage (headcanons)
~ Blaytz taking care of his Fem! Human S/o when she's sick/injured and visa versa (headcanons)
~ Blaytz and Gyrgan comforting their Fem! Human S/o who isn't used to affection (headcanons)
~ Blaytz meeting another blue paladin and the third generation of paladins in the future (headcanons)
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galraluver · 2 years
Blaytz with s/o which has really beautiful voice but shy of it (like they’re ok to sing alone but not in front of anyone •u•)
Have a good day! uwu
Okie dokie 😊. I hope that you don't mind it being in headcanon form 😅. My brain is refusing to cooperate with me today and it's driving me crazy 😅. I hope that you have a good day too 😄💙
~ You know that you have a very beautiful voice, but you're just too shy to sing in front of anyone
~ You can't exactly help that you're too shy to sing in front of others; it's just how you are
~ You have trouble singing in front of a camera too because it's almost like having another person in the room with you
~ You've been too shy to sing in front of people ever since you were just a child
~ However, when you're completely alone you love singing out loud
~ You have a few favorite songs that you love singing, but occasionally you try singing a new song
~ When you're alone while doing housework, taking a bath or getting ready for the day, you love singing and listening to your own voice
~ You also have plenty of instrumental songs downloaded on your phone that you sing along to
~ Ever since you started dating Blaytz, he could easily tell that you were hiding something
~ There have been a few times that he's heard you quietly humming songs when you think you're alone
~ He really loves hearing your beautiful voice and he wonders why you don't hum whenever he's in the same room as you are
~ You don't mean to keep your beautiful singing voice a secret from Blaytz, but you're just too shy to sing in front of him
~ One day when you think that you're completely alone, you start singing one of your favorite songs
~ Blaytz just so happened to be passing by the room you were in at the right time when he heard you singing
~ He doesn't let you know that he's there so that he can keep listening to you sing
~ To him, you sing like an angel and he loves every second of getting to hear your beautiful singing
~ Blaytz knows that you're shy, but he didn't know that you were so shy that you were too shy to sing in front of anyone
~ He falls even more in love with you than he already was after hearing you sing
~ After that day, he would always try to hear you singing whenever he could without you knowing; he didn't want you to become too shy to ever sing again, after all
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galraluver · 2 years
Blaytz x reader headcanons or scenario (up to you) where reader can’t swim for shit and blaytz teaching them (no smut pls and take your time ˘⌣˘ 🌸)
One super fluffy scenario coming right up! As someone who still can't swim, I don't know much about swimming 😅. I hope that you like it 😊
No matter how hard (Y/n) tried while she was growing up she just couldn't get the hang of swimming; her parents even tried taking her to swimming classes once but it didn't help. It wasn't that she was afraid of the water, she really wanted to swim, but she always seemed to sink no matter how hard she tried not to. Everyone (Y/n) knew always told her that swimming and floating on her back would come naturally, although it never worked for her even though she tried following their advice. She always felt stupid for not being able to swim like everyone else around her so she decided to just avoid swimming pools, ponds, boating and lakes for the rest of her life. Then one day her life changed forever when she met a very special and unique man, someone who she never knew she wanted in her life; however, (Y/n) never regretted meeting him.
The man she met wasn't even human; he was an alien named Blaytz who just so happened to be extremely good looking, kind and semi aquatic. (Y/n) met Blaytz when she was at a beach during one of her weekend vacations, thinking he was a shark on legs at first which led to him explaining what he was and why he was on Earth. The beach was only a few hours away from where she lived, so she was able to visit the blue paladin every weekend when she didn't have to work. (Y/n) and Blaytz ended up in a romantic relationship at some point, one that they both cherished very much. One day while they were hanging out at the beach Blaytz decided to ask his human girlfriend a question that she should have been expecting.
"Do you want to go for a swim with me, (Y/n)?" Blaytz queried as he sat next to her on a secluded part of the beach, an enthusiastic grin on his face.
"I- I don't think that's a good idea…" (Y/n) stammered awkwardly, hoping to worm her way out of the situation so that she wouldn't unintentionally embarrass herself.
"Why not?" Blaytz asked her with curiosity, his feelers curling inward while he tilted his head slightly to the right.
"I know that secrets shouldn't be kept in relationships, but I'm ashamed about my problem. Blaytz, I can't swim. Everyone I know says that it's just in my head but no matter how hard I try I always sink." (Y/n) hesitantly admitted, feeling embarrassed as she told her boyfriend about her lifelong problem.
"If you want, I can teach you how to swim if you'll let me." Blaytz offered kindly, wanting to teach his significant other how to swim; he would do anything to have physical contact with her.
"I- I don't know… I guess that I could try, as long as you don't let me sink and drown." (Y/n) responded with uncertainty, unable to resist his offer.
Blaytz beamed at her, excited to teach her how to swim; swimming was one of his favorite pastimes and he wanted to do it with (Y/n) once he reassured her that she was safe with him. (Y/n) watched as her boyfriend stood up next to her, taking the hand he offered her and standing up as he helped her up off of their beach towel. Blaytz liked how cute the new bikini she bought looked on her since it was blue and had cute little sharks on it; (Y/n) knew that he would like it which was why she bought it. As he led her to the water (Y/n) felt nervous that she was going to somehow mess up and embarrass herself in front of her significant other. Blaytz led (Y/n) out into the ocean until the warm water was just above her waist, that way she would be able to safely float.
"Alright, now lay back on my arms and I'll guide you. Lightly kick your legs and loosely lay your arms on the water's surface." Blaytz instructed calmly, bending down a little and holding his lower arms out for (Y/n) to lay on.
(Y/n) lightly bit her bottom lip and nodded, doing as her boyfriend instructed and laid backwards on his lower arms. She shivered a little when she felt the water touch her back, but she couldn't help but smile when she saw Blaytz smiling down at her. (Y/n) had to will herself to allow him to hold her up in the water, eventually letting him have full control of the situation. Blaytz held (Y/n's) body up once she laid on his arms, letting her know that he wouldn't drop her. The young woman still felt nervous, especially since this was how her parents and the swimming teacher tried to help her float on the water back when she was a child.
"Hold your legs apart a little and start kicking while making a slight counter clockwise motion with your arms." Blaytz calmly told (Y/n) when he began walking sideways, moving further into the ocean.
"Like this?" (Y/n) asked him curiously when she did as he instructed, albeit a little clumsily for the first few minutes.
"You've almost got it. Hold your legs straight out. Remember, I have you." Blaytz answered, looking at her legs and seeing that she was still bending them a little out of instinct.
(Y/n) blushed a little before she straightened her legs out and got the hang of kicking; she sighed before closing her eyes, feeling more relaxed as she did what her boyfriend told her to. Blaytz could feel (Y/n's) body floating on its own after a while, but he still kept supporting her so that she wouldn't lose confidence in herself. The further he walked the more he lowered his arms as she subconsciously floated on her back by herself, hoping that she figured it out. Just to test things out Blaytz withdrew his arms while she was successfully floating on her back without any help, a big smile stretching across his face when he saw her swimming on her own. Before (Y/n) could swim away on her own Blaytz laid on his back and swam after her, making sure not to accidentally frighten his lover if he made too much noise in the water.
"Wow, it feels like you're not even holding me up." (Y/n) commented as she started to swim faster, her eyes still closed while she paddled with her arms and legs.
"That's because I'm not. You're doing it all on your own, babe." Blaytz happily praised his girlfriend; he knew that he would be able to help her learn how to swim, she just needed a confidence boost.
"What?" (Y/n) questioned with a shocked tone, opening her eyes and seeing her boyfriend swimming on his back next to her; she was beyond surprised that she was swimming all by herself.
"I knew that you could do it." Blaytz humbly responded, proud of (Y/n) for swimming on her own for the first time in her life; he might not have known her when she was a child but he could tell not being able to swim earlier made her feel inadequate.
A blush covered (Y/n's) face from his praise while her heart fluttered in her chest; it was nice having a boyfriend who had faith in her even when she didn't think she could do something that seemed impossible. She continued doing what she had been doing so that she wouldn't sink, breathing a little heavier as she moved through the water. Swimming came naturally to all nalquodi people but Blaytz knew (Y/n) would soon be a really good swimmer, just like him, even though she wouldn't be able to breathe underwater. (Y/n) really liked swimming now that she could do it, even though she could only swim on her back for the time being. With her boyfriend's help she would be swimming like a pro in no time, although she wouldn't rush herself so that she didn't get too stressed about it.
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