#Alfor + Reader Scenario
galraluver · 11 months
Hello again, I hope your well or at least better than you have been lately.
I'd like to request a platonic reader x Alfor scenario at the juniberry festival. Idk if you or anyone else remembers it but it was briefly talked about in episode 9 I believe of season 1, when Allura is talking with hologram Alfor
I'll try my best. I wish that DreamWorks gave us a little more info about the Juniberry festival because it honestly sounds fascinating
With the juniberry festival coming up Alfor had been busy seeing to the preparations; the juniberry festival was the biggest celebration on Altea and every year everyone looked forward to it. (Y/n) couldn't wait to see Alfor, her childhood best friend, at the festival since they couldn't hang out while he was busy. The young altean woman got to see Alfor's fiance, Melenor, a couple of times and they had the chance to hang out together at one of the little cafés near the palace. Melenor didn't mind Alfor being friends with (Y/n) since the other altean woman wasn't attracted to Alfor, Melenor knew Alfor only had eyes for her. The juniberry festival was everyone's favorite event of the year, adults and children alike looked forward to it all year.
On the day of the festival (Y/n) put her favorite outfit and shoes on, styled her long silky hair by curling and made sure she was ready before leaving her house which was located near the palace where the festivities would be held. The juniberry fields were in full bloom which made the area nearby smell absolutely heavenly, not to mention it was finally juniberry berry season. Juniberry berries had a particularly sweet flavor that everyone on Altea loved, not to mention they could be used for all kinds of baked goods, drinks and so much more. (Y/n) had a look around the festival grounds before she went to go look for Alfor and Melenor so they could go get some juniberry berry cookies at one of the food stands. After searching around for a while (Y/n) was confused because she couldn't find her best friend and his wife, thankfully the altean king and queen saw her before she saw them.
"(Y/n)! We're over here!" Alfor called out when he and Melenor quickly walked over to the young altean woman, happy to see his friend.
(Y/n) waved to her friends before she began weaving through the crowd, politely excusing herself each time she accidentally bumped into someone. Sometimes people from neighboring planets would come to the juniberry festival because of how popular it was and everyone always had a good time. Blaytz, Gyrgan and Trigel were somewhere, although they were at different parts of the festival during that particular moment; Zarkon was usually a killjoy and didn't come to the festival, although Sendak and a few of his buddies did. By the time (Y/n) made it to Alfor and Melenor the back of her hair was a little messy; she reached back so she could smooth it down so that it hopefully wouldn't get too tangled. Alfor and Melenor held each other's hands while they waited for (Y/n) to make her way through the sea of people; that year's festival was particularly crowded, they weren't expecting so many guests.
"I don't remember last year's juniberry festival being this crowded. Anyway, I'm starving after looking for you two, shall we go get some juniberry cookies before they run out." (Y/n) commented before she suggested they go get some cookies; there were a lot of people, which meant the bakery might actually run out before the end of the day.
"That sounds wonderful." Alfor agreed wholeheartedly, since the festival officially started he and Melenor could finally just enjoy themselves for a while.
(Y/n) beamed and the three of them headed to the local bakery in hopes of buying some freshly made juniberry cookies; the soon-to-be married couple were exhausted after everything they'd done and they could barely wait to have a normal day at the festival. On the way to their destination the three young adults crossed paths with Coran and invited him to tag along, it was only proper for the king of Altea to have his royal advisor nearby. The sound of people chatting and the scent of food in the air was certainly different compared to the usually calmness near the castle, the juniberry festival was fun for everyone. Thankfully the bakery hadn't run out of juniberry cookies by the time they arrived and there was even a table available for the four of them to sit at, although it helped that Alfor was the king and Melenor would soon be his wife. Later they would go play some of the carnival games together, but until then they enjoyed eating the juniberry cookies they bought.
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sonekwi · 5 months
☆ ⸻ the white paladin, keith x reader
chapter six: so sorry, pidge!
characters/pairings: keith kogane, female reader
genre: fanfiction
summary: keith invites you to spar with him, and poor pidge walks in on something rather questionable.
word count: 1,596
links: previous, next, wattpad, masterlist
a/n: i'm so sorry for being gone for a month! i wrote a shorter chapter this time to stand in as a filler, next one will be the usual 3,000+ words. thanks for reading though, i hope you enjoy!
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A week has gone by and you find yourself missing Earth more with each passing day. The team managed to form Voltron again and you've been training with them as much as you can, but no matter how busy you try to keep yourself, your mind always finds its way back to Earth. When it does, homesickness grabs you and doesn't let go.
You and Lance often find each other at the end of the day and sit in each other's company. Even if your brother is in a good mood and smiling when he's around the team, you know that facade disappears when everyone's gone. You both miss your family more than anything, but having each other makes it a little bit better.
You spend your time in the White Lion's hangar whenever you're not training or sleeping. You'll sit on the floor, leaning against its massive, metal paws, simply talking about whatever is on your mind. You haven't gotten around to asking Coran about the mysterious Lion yet, still wondering why King Alfor would hide it away. When you ask the White Lion directly, the answers feel cryptic and unclear, as if it doesn't know itself.
Footsteps echo along the tall walls of the hangar and you look up from the small gadget in your hands. Pidge had asked your help with it, knowing that you had taken a couple of engineering and computer science classes at the Garrison. So far, you haven't been able to get anywhere with it.
Keith walks over to you, his bayard in his hand and dressed in clothes fit for exercising. You look him up and down, your heart beating anxiously in your chest. It takes everything in your power to keep a calm exterior. You don't know what you would do if he found out about your little crush on him.
"I'm heading to the training deck," he announces, "Do you want to join? I could use a sparring partner."
You can't help yourself from suddenly fantasizing about the various scenarios that could happen, nearly all of them involving a sweaty, panting Keith who takes off his shirt. You quickly feel a flustered heat rising to your neck and face, and honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself. He is your friend, and will probably only ever be your friend.
As you stand, you shove the thoughts and rising embarrassment away, excitedly accepting Keith's offer, "Sure! I'll go get my bayard."
After being scolded by Allura for the umpteenth time for not keeping it nearby, you only had to walk across the hangar to retrieve it. Once the cool metal of the handle is within your grasp, the weapon materializes into its scythe form. You test the weight of it in your hand as you turn back to Keith.
     "Alright, let's go!" you smile.
     As you and Keith make your way to the training deck, you try your best not to stare at him. It's a short walk, thankfully, and you don't have to fight yourself for very long.
     "What are you thinking? Weapons, no weapons?" you ask as you step further into the room. It's wide and open, and you've gotten familiar with the space after spending most of your time here. You can almost hear Allura's voice still echoing off the walls.
     "We can start with no weapons," Keith says and sets his bayard down on the floor. He takes off his jacket as well, your eyes not-so-discreetly watching him. When he looks at you, you shamefully avert your gaze.
     Focus, (y/n)! He's your friend! You scold yourself, rubbing the back of your neck with embarrassment. You can practically feel the heat rising off of it.
     Keith places himself in the center of the room and stretches as he waits for you. You set your bayard near his and roll your shoulders. When you start before Keith, you bring your fists up and ask, "Do you want to count down–"
     Keith moves fast and you barely manage to block the attack. Your arm throb at the impact, and you glare at him. "Oh, it's so on."
     Your friend only chuckles, and the two of you quickly settle into your sparring match. You don't hold back, making Keith work for his victory if he wants it.
     Memories of the Garrison pop up in your mind. You and Keith would often train together after class. Sometimes well into the night before a faculty member would kick you out of the gym, chewing you out for being out past curfew.
     Even back then, you were fighting your feelings for him. You tried to convince yourself you only admired and adored him so much because he was your friend. It worked, for a short while, until he dropped from the Garrison. At that point, your anger overpowered your hopeless crush.
     Your reminiscing distracts you, and Keith knocks you on your feet and pins you down. He sits on top of you, holding your hands above your head, his legs straddling your hips to keep you from rolling. As you stare at him with wide eyes, the panting, sweaty sight of him makes your cheeks burn.
     He stares back at you as his grip on your wrists tightens. "Do you yield?" he asks, a proud grin spreading on his face.
     It was a simple question he would always ask when he had you pinned, restrained, or disarmed, even if he knew you wouldn't. But the tone of his voice was different this time...
     His eyes flick down for a second before returning to yours. Your flustered thoughts race faster, knowing exactly what he glanced at. You panic, and your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest.
     "Hey, guys? Shiro wants us–"
     You and Keith look toward the door.
     Pidge stands there, silently wishing to crawl into a hole as he tries to figure out what he just walked in on. But then he promptly turns to leave, "You know what? I don't even want to know. Just change and meet us on the bridge."
     Immediately, you push Keith off and scramble to your feet. You run your hands over your face and stride over to your bayard. "He is never going to let us live that down," you say.
     "I don't know, he looked like he probably never wants to bring it up. Ever," Keith says.
     "Wanna bet?" you ask.
     "Knowing you, you'd try to make the odds in your favor," Keith shakes his head, feigning disappointment. But you catch the small tug on the corners of his lips.
     "You're right," you chuckle. "I so would."
Standing on the bridge, you look around at the glass panels lining every inch of the room. The sky is a beautiful baby blue with soft and fluffy clouds drifting past, and your mind wanders to Earth as you watch.
Shiro's words unfortunately go through one ear and out the other, and it doesn't go unnoticed. But even after he promptly scolds you, you still don't pay attention. That familiar weight in your chest sinks in, and you stare down at your feet with dejection.
Homesickness is a bitch.
A hand brushes against yours, the contact bringing you back to reality. Beside you, Keith keeps his attention on Shiro as one of his fingers hooks yours. You smile softly, remembering your friend's words from a few days ago.
He kept true on his promise.
The next few hours are spent doing team bonding exercises again with Allura, Coran, or Shiro failing to direct the ragtag group of teenagers. You give them the benefit of the doubt, though, because you yourself have no idea what you are doing. The White Lion had finally started acting as if something were wrong, and you struggled to keep your control over it.
But as lunch rolls around, the White Lion is more than happy to listen to you for once as you bring it back to its hangar. You are more than happy, too. You can feel a headache coming on while you listen to Lance and Keith bicker over the comms. The former had tried kicking a ruined Galra ship like a soccer ball, ultimately knocking Voltron on its ass from the lack of balance.
Part of you is grateful you were crucial to forming Voltron. You would probably go insane.
You're already sitting in the dining room waiting for Coran's "nutritious Paladin meal" when the others enter. Lance and Keith are still arguing, and you groan as you rub your temple, hoping to dull the sharp throbbing.
"Alright, save your energy for fighting Zarkon!" Shiro barks and the two boys effectively shut up. However, as they sit down, they resort to silently glaring at each other.
With Lance sitting beside you, you kick his shin and grumble, "Stop acting like a child."
"I'm not! Keith started it!" your brother argues.
Keith rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say."
Lance irks at the comment, but you manage to slap a hand over his mouth before he says anything back. He glares at you, and you cuss as he drags his tongue over your palm.
"You are so gross!" you hiss, wiping your spit-covered hand on your brother's armor.
"Hey!" he barks.
"It's your spit!"
Shiro snaps. "What did I just say!?"
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miyanom · 4 years
Juniberry Season
WARNINGS: mentions of upcoming war, allura’s probably very ooc
NOTES: This is set in the Paper Rings universe, so if you’d like to see things set after this, check out the masterlist linked above! Also the title really has nothing to do with the oneshot, it just sounds cute lmao
DEDICATED TO @biqherosix, who really helped me out while writing this piece
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“Excuse me,” Allura gently moved her hand away from the man in front of her who had just kissed it in greeting. “As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I’m afraid I’m needed elsewhere.”
The diplomat, from god knows where, nodded as he bowed. “Of course, Princess. I’ll save a dance for you.”
Allura forced a smile onto her face as she bid goodbyes and quickly made her way toward Y/N, who was waiting on the sidelines with a teasing grin.
“Princess, I’ll save a dance for you,” Y/N mocked quietly, following behind Allura as they made their way out of the ballroom.
This was a common occurrence at events like this. Allura would often have to greet suitors who would do just about anything to win her over, and afterwards, she and Y/N would head outside to laugh about their hopeless attempts to woo Altea’s crown princess.
“At least you wouldn’t step on my feet, Y/N,” Allura whispered, a smile tugging at her lips.
Y/N let out a laugh, linking arms with the Princess as they stepped foot into the garden. “Well, I learnt from the best.”
It wasn’t a lie, Allura had taught Y/N how to dance when they were mere children, before Y/N had become one of Allura’s ladies. It was one of her fondest memories honestly.
The Princess let out a sigh as she sat down. “I feel as though the time isn’t right for this party,” she spoke. “Not with Altea on the cusp of war.”
Y/N’s smile faded for a moment. “But isn’t that why we need to have this?” She questioned. “One last hurrah.”
Allura hummed as she picked a junniberry from behind her.
“I don’t know about you, but I’d like to be married before it all,” Y/N suddenly stated.
“Married?” Allura raised a brow. “Y/N-”
Y/N looked down at the glass in her hands. “I don’t know, Allura,” she whispered sheepishly. “We have no idea how things will turn out, so I think it’s okay to hope for things as simple as that.”
Allura stared at her friend. Y/N was right, though Altea was on the cusp of war against one of King Alfor’s longtime friends, they had to have hope. Even for the simple things.
“Do you have anyone in mind?” Allura asked. “Did you fall in love and not tell me?”
Y/N’s face lit up, going almost as pink as the juniberry flower Allura was holding.
“You did!” Allura grinned. “Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t!” Y/N shook her head. “You just caught me off guard, Allura.”
Laughter filled the garden, even as Allura returned to what she was making with the flowers. “If I did though, I’d like to believe he would be more serious than the men fighting for your attention. They’re just... too much,” Y/N muttered. “And maybe he’d be good with a sword, so we can train together.”
“Oh! I’d like someone who listens to me, definitely, even if they have no response.”
“Really? I always thought you’d fall for someone on the playful side,” Allura’s eyes flickered to her friend.
“Playful?” Y/N thought about it for a moment. “Playful feels like a step too close to childish. I doubt I could last in a relationship with someone too childish. Though I would like to be someone who can make me smile no matter what.”
“You may be right about that one.” Allura leaned over to place the flower crown atop Y/N’s head. “Though no matter who you come to love, they will never make flower crowns as good as I.”
Y/N smiled softly as she glanced at Allura. “Of course, I wouldn’t even ask them to try.” She then averted her gaze. “But this is all a ‘what if’ scenario, maybe I’ll grow up to be like Coran.”
Allura laughed at that. “You’ll find somebody one day, Y/N, and I’m sure that day isn’t too far in the future.”
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“Come on, I’ve fought children stronger than this gladiator!” Y/N taunted, standing on the sidelines as the Paladins trained against the Altean gladiator.
“Y/N is right. The gladiator is set at a level fit for an Altean child!” Allura called out, crossing her arms as her eyes narrowed in the Paladins direction.
Pushing himself up from the floor, Keith took off running at the gladiator, his sword held tightly in his hands. Though before he could get the drop on it, the gladiator was charging in Hunk’s direction, knocking the boy over with ease.
Allura let out a sigh, quickly powering down the simulator as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Let’s… take a break,” she spoke in frustration.
Y/N’s eyes flickered from Allura, who was already walking out the door, to the Paladins who looked beyond tired. “Good work today, Paladins!” Giving them a thumbs up, Y/N quickly took off after the Princess.
“Keith is almost a natural with his bayard,” Allura noted immediately as Y/N caught up. “The others however… I fear they have a long way to go before they’re ready to face Zarkon.”
“Right,” Y/N nodded. “But they have us here to train them.”
Allura stopped in the hallway, a soft smile beginning to tug at her lips. “While watching, I was reminded of something you said a long time ago,” she spoke. “About the man you’d like to fall in love with.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What about it?”
“Well, Keith seems to fit those standards, don’t you think?”
“Allura,” Y/N let out a laugh. “I think my taste in men has changed over the last 10,000 years.”
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@filipinhce @booyakasha516 @iifloweringnightsii @20coldhearts @kaylove12 @chewymoustachio @pocky-otp @chasingcqrs @fandomtrashbitch @rory-cakes @sokkas-honour @alteasmoon @biqherosix
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tamayakii · 5 years
jealousy. Keith Kogane.
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Shurtis mention, dont like it? dont fucking read it just click away.
Parings: Keith Kogane x Reader, Shiro x Curtis
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defenders
Request:  -shyly slides in- hi I'm the anon that just sent that ask can i request something else too please? a NSFW scenario (with a dose of angst) for Keith and his fem!so who is normally stoic and calm, where she gets jealous of acxa and veronica who flirt with Keith and he's kind of oblivious to whats happening. she avoids him because she hates that she's jealous and he checks on her later that night to see whats wrong, que loving and comfort sex where she tries to be dominant for a change? thank you
Notes: i hope you dont mind but i cut off it a bit so you could get it sooner! I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!!
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You sat in the room where once it was warm with giggles and play fights now filled with coldness and sleepless nights. Your body shivered as another cold wave hit you, making your body prickled with pins and needles.
“I’ll be training with Veronica and Axca tonight” 
4 hours ago- 4- mother fucking- hours ago. Now, usually you wouldn’t be like this but recently Axca and Veronica were flirting with Keith- and they KNEW you were together, there’s a fucking ring on both of your fingers! i mean- not an actual engagement ring but.. a promise ring-
A wave of thick rage hit you, calm down (y/n) calm down- calm down! You tried to take deep breaths but it kept hitting you back with rage and insecurities.
You growled and punched the wall, your anger made you hate yourself for being like this. Being jealous was like a sickness to you, it made you lose your appetite and makes you avoid the sleep like the damn plague. 
“(y/n)? are you in there?” 
fuck- is that- 
“it’s me Shiro” 
You opened the door, making sure to hide your injured hand. You smiled sheepishly  but his brooding eyes made you crack, 
“H-hi Shiro, what’s up?” You tried to keep the cracked peppy attitude but his hands sat on your shoulders as he stepped in. The small swoosh filled the quiet room, 
“Are you okay? Recently me and Curtis have seen you- well- more mad and snappy?” He went slightly rigid, fuck- you can never escape these husbands no matter what you did. 
“i just- I feel like..” Tears glided down your face slowly, Shiro acted quickly and wiped away your tears. He held you close as you cried, you rambled about how you felt- something you could only do freely with few people.
“Maybe you should talk to him?” Shiro finally spoke, you looked up and shook your head fast. Vertigo whipped you hard as you stopped.
“no! i don’t wanna seem like an idiot!” You rubbed your eyes a bit harder as tears blinded you once more, from what you could see Shiro shook his head and smiled. 
“You’re not an idiot- what your feeling is normal ok?” You nodded, Shiro gave you one last hug before he left. 
You decided to go to the kitchen for some food since the crying wiped you out, your pace was swift. You hoped to Alfor that you wouldn't run into Keith-
“hey! babe, hey- stop-” You basically ran the other way when you saw him, fucking shit. Left, right, right, left and down the small hallway and..
You were in the indoor garden, well kinda indoor garden. Colleen and Pidge should be getting dinner, I should be safe for a bit. 
“hey (y/n).. (y/n)!” 
You jolted awake and freaked out, thinking there was an emergency but saw Pidges face, her worried eyes searched yours. 
“you ok? Keith is looking for you!” You bit your lip at the sound of your boyfriends name, Pidge rubbed your arm. 
“uh- I kinda am avoiding Keith right now Pidge” You managed to whisper, Pidge rolled her eyes and mumbled a short relationships confuse me
“just talk to him, whatever it is i think he’ll understand? I mean he loves you, im sure its nothing serious.. right?” The last word was forced out, sounded almost painful. You shook your head, you mumbled a short goodbye before heading towards Keith’s room. I have to apologize, im being a child.
Once you open the door to Keith’s room, strong arms wrapped around you as hair tickled your neck. Hands gripped your sides as you jumped up into the arms. im sorry tumbled out of your mouth like a prayer, Keith nipped at your neck.
“don’t avoid me like that okay?” He whimpered, you feet connected with the ground. You cupped his face and smiled, 
“Keith i’m really sorry for avoiding you like a child, I just saw Axca and Veronica flirting with you.. i kinda just got mad.” You apologized, Keith’s purple eyes soften at your words. He cut the space between you. His lips felt like heaven against yours. 
“let me..” You slowly pushed him onto his bed, you climbed onto his lap. His hands wandered across you hips, you leaned down to his neck and kissed his neck. He let out keen whimpers and tugged at your tank top.
You giggled and pulled it off, Keith went straight for the back of the bra, unclasping it. He kissed down to your breasts, your breath became heavier as Keith kisses your nipple, then biting it.
“a-Ah! Keith, baby- HNG!” You keened as Keith flicked your other nipples and then rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers. You pushed him down on the bed, 
“my turn.” 
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galraluver · 1 month
Alfor x reader? I hope I'm doing this right, scenario where alfor is introduced to earth cats by the reader? Which may lead you to a kitty adoption :>?
Hey, don't worry about it, I've got you covered 😊
Honestly, out of all the original paladins I see Alfor as the type of person who would love hanging out at a cat café and spend the entire visit surrounded by most, if not all of the kitties 😽
(Whether Cheeto and Blinky are two boys, two girls or one of each is left to the imagination of you, my dear readers)
Alfor loved living on Earth with (Y/n), and even though he would eventually take her home to Altea with him, he wanted to spend as much time with her on her homeworld until then. There were so many interesting things to do and see on Earth, and (Y/n) was always happy to take him out to do and see those things. Before Alfor went out in public he had to disguise himself as a human since aliens weren't welcome on Earth, even if they meant no harm, and he didn't want to start a mass panic or get his girlfriend in trouble. There was one thing (Y/n) really wanted to take Alfor out to do, but first she needed to save up enough money before she could do it; there was a cat café in their area and she wanted to take him there since she knew he liked cats, then once she had enough money she brought it up with him one evening during dinner. Alfor kind of knew what Earth cats were, although he'd never spent time with one before and he couldn't wait to go to the cat café with his girlfriend.
The best part was that the cat café (Y/n) was taking Alfor to was it was partnered up with a few animal shelters and adopted cats out to new homes, so if there was a cat they really liked then they would adopt him or her. On the day of their trip they would be going to eat lunch together at the café; Alfor was excited to see the cats, he really hoped that he and (Y/n) would be able to adopt one or two and bring them home with them. After arriving at their destination (Y/n) and Alfor signed in, ordered some food and drinks and selected a table to sit at. There were about fifteen cats lounging around, most of which stared at them when they sat down. Alfor noticed how the cats in the café looked somewhat similar to the cats on Altea, but at the same time they were different; none of them had bold blue, red, purple or orange markings on their coats, although a short-haired calico caught his attention.
“Well, what do you think?” (Y/n) quietly asked Alfor with curiosity, noticing how he was looking at a medium sized calico cat with short fur.
“I wasn't expecting to see so many cats in one place. That cat over there; the black, white and tan one, is very unique.” Alfor answered, looking at (Y/n) again before he told her that he liked the calico cat who sat on a cat bed nearby.
“Yeah, that one's pretty cute.” (Y/n) acknowledged, smiling when she got a better look at the calico cat her boyfriend had his eyes on.
Alfor wondered what would happen if he called the cats over, so that's exactly what he did; (Y/n) was surprised that the whole ‘here kitty kitty’ call was universal, and worked on every cat from pretty much all over the universe. Almost all of the cats perked up and came running when Alfor called them over, including the calico who jumped up onto his lap prior to meowing sweetly. (Y/n) was in awe when the cats flocked around her boyfriend after he called them to him, each of them wanting attention from him. Two of the cats went to sniff (Y/n) when she offered her hands-on them, one black and the other a tuxedo, but then the black cat joined the others over by Alfor. If it were anyone else they would have been jealous of all the attention Alfor received from the cats, but (Y/n) was even more in love with her significant other than before because he was a cat magnet.
“They're all so soft and affectionate, and I believe this multi-colored one likes me. You said that we can take one or two home-” Alfor said while he pet as many cats as he could, hesitantly bringing up their earlier conversation about adopting a cat or two; he didn't want to seem too demanding, although he really liked the calico cat and the tuxedo cat appeared to like (Y/n).
“I did say that, but we can only adopt two. I really like this tuxedo cat, and the calico loves you.” (Y/n) replied thoughtfully; she wasn't expecting to find two cats that they liked so easily, although with her boyfriend being a total cat magnet finding the two kitties that liked them had been simple.
“So we can bring them home with us?” Alfor queried enthusiastically.
“As long as no one else has signed any paperwork for them, then yes.” (Y/n) answered; she really hoped that the calico and the tuxedo cats weren't spoken for, because it would break her and Alfor's hearts if they were.
“Thank you, darling. I can't wait to bring them home with us.” Alfor expressed gleefully, excited to possibly bring the two cats home with them.
Alfor pet the calico cat on his lap and smiled, but at some point he reached for his strawberry shake so he could drink it. The cats with the longer fur were really soft and fluffy, although as much as he liked them as individuals he understood that keeping them thoroughly groomed would be difficult due to their fur length. The other cats eventually walked away to either do their own thing or visit the other people at the other tables; however, the tuxedo cat stayed on (Y/n's) lap and the calico remained with Alfor, both cats having chosen their favorite people. The food and drinks were delicious and there were various cat toys spread throughout the entire café, Alfor couldn't help but grab one of the feather wands so he could play with some of the cats in between eating and drinking. He could hardly wait to bring the two cats home with him and (Y/n), he hoped they would like their new home.
(Y/n) finished eating before she grabbed another toy and played with one of the cats who passed by her, causing the adorable white cat to roll onto her back playfully. Playing with some of the cats was a lot of fun, she was glad that she brought Alfor to the cat café. After she and Alfor finished eating, drinking and playing with the other cats they went to the office to see if they could adopt the calico and tuxedo cats; they were both perfectly adoptable and their names were Cheeto and Blinky, once (Y/n) paid the two adoption fees the lady at the desk finalized everything and provided two carriers for the two cats who had chosen them. (Y/n) wasn't expecting to adopt two cats that day; she and Alfor didn't even have the proper supplies, so they had to stop by the nearest pet store to pick up some basic supplies. Cheeto and Blinky would need some time before they adjusted to their new home, but until then their safe space would be Alfor and (Y/n's) bedroom.
(Y/n) smiled in her sleep when she felt an arm wrapped around her midsection; at some point during the morning Alfor always snuggled up to her, even though he was usually asleep when he did it. Life was absolute bliss with him and things got even better after they adopted Blinky and Cheeto. After they paid the adoption fees they had to go pick up some basic supplies at the nearest pet store; toys, a scratching post, a litter box, food and other such things, then (Y/n) and Alfor picked up any small objects before they let their two new kitties out of their carriers once they had everything set up. A week had passed since then and even though the two cats weren't fully adjusted to their new home yet, they weren't quite as frightened of being somewhere new. When (Y/n) woke up she looked at the foot of the bed after she noticed a slight weight near her feet, smiling when she saw Cheeto and Blinky curled up and fast asleep.
“Alfor, wake up. Look who's sleeping near our feet.” (Y/n) whispered to her sleeping boyfriend, slowly sitting up a little prior to gently shaking his right shoulder; she glanced at the clock and saw that it was eight o’ five, just in time for them to wake up.
Alfor had been sleeping peacefully, although after he heard what (Y/n) whispered to him he began to wake up. Ever since they brought Cheeto and Blinky home, they slept in their cat beds that were on the floor near the dresser. After opening his eyes and letting out a yawn, Alfor sat up, blinked a couple of times and looked at the foot of their bed; he smiled softly when he saw Cheeto and Blinky curled up between their feet, both cats still fast asleep.
“They appear quite comfortable this morning. I never thought they would ever come to sleep in bed with us.” Alfor spoke quietly so that he wouldn't accidentally wake their cats up.
“I know; it really feels like we're a family now.” (Y/n) replied with an equally quiet tone, turning to face her boyfriend.
Alfor couldn't have agreed more; they were becoming a little family, and he could hardly wait to make it official when he and (Y/n) eventually got married. He slowly leaned towards his lover and gave her a good morning kiss; neither of them cared that they had morning breath, plus their kiss didn't last for very long. (Y/n) and Alfor decided to cuddle in bed together for a while, then they would eventually get out of bed and prepare breakfast for them and their cats. They made sure Blinky and Cheeto were spoiled; after the lives the two cats had before they were rescued, they deserved to be spoiled and loved. Having two adorable cats living with them made Alfor and (Y/n's) lives a lot more interesting, (Y/n) was glad that she'd taken her significant other to the cat café when she did.
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galraluver · 1 year
This fic is the second installment of this request
When the weekend finally came a young woman who's name was (Y/n) decided to go out to the nearest forest so she could clear her mind; the weather wasn't too hot or too cold, making it the perfect weekend to go outside. She recently had the inspiration to draw fanart for a show called Voltron Legendary Defender, or rather a specific character in the show named Alfor. Alfor was her absolute favorite character from Voltron, she just wished that there were more flashback episodes with him in them. After watching every episode where he made an appearance (Y/n) developed a slight crush on the original red paladin, wishing that she could have the chance to be in a relationship with him. She'd searched everywhere online for fanart and fanfics featuring him, unfortunately it seemed like almost no one wrote reader insert fics for any of the original paladins aside from Zarkon, and even those were rare.
(Y/n) didn't mind writing fanfics featuring her favorite characters, but her thing was drawing fanart and that's exactly what she was going to do that day. She made sure to pack all of her best art supplies and whatever else she needed before she got in her car and drove out to the forest, knowing no one would bother her all the way out there. On the way to her destination she noticed how the wind seemed to pick up a little, although she didn't think anything of it since it seemed to settle down once she arrived. (Y/n) grabbed her stuff and started looking for a nice place to sit as soon as she locked her car, ready to start drawing a picture of Alfor; upon entering the woods she felt like someone was there with her, even though she couldn't see or hear anyone. The young woman shrugged it off and continued walking down the dirt path while making sure to watch out for any poison ivy and poison oak.
She briefly remembered one of her late grandparents telling her about the elves and fairies who lived in the forest; thinking about the old stories brought a smile to her face and gave her the idea to draw Alfor as an elven king. She could draw him sitting on a rock while wearing clothing she imagined an elf king wearing along with a crown crafted from silver and rubies. During her little hike (Y/n) could have sworn that she heard a quiet groan coming from somewhere in the forest which gave her the chills, so she stopped and listened for a few moments; there were barely any birds chirping which obviously was a bad sign and she wondered if she should leave, but she decided against it when she didn't hear the groan or any footsteps. (Y/n) wondered if there was some sort of mystical being following her through the forest, and she was right about not being alone, although she didn't know that at the time. The forest did seem kind of magical that day, little did she know what, or rather who, she would find nearby.
"Hello?" (Y/n) asked out loud when she heard the groan again, once again stopping in her tracks; judging by the sound of the pained groan whoever it came from was a man, one who might be badly injured.
There was someone else in the forest with her, but the man in question had come from a completely different reality; after creating his very first portal Alfor accidentally fell through and got knocked out as soon as he reached the other side when he knocked his head on a tree, leaving him drifting in and out of consciousness while he bled from where his head hit the tree. The young altean alchemist had the tendency to be a little clumsy which often led him to having a few misadventures from time to time, unfortunately this time he didn't have a way to get back to his own reality which meant he was stuck in the real world. He left behind his kingdom and his fiance, but it wasn't the end of the world, his fate was simply changed and he would be perfectly alright once he was rescued. When (Y/n) heard him groan again she followed the sound until she came to a dense area of the forest where the portal left him; it wasn't easy walking through the bushes and past trees, but she wasn't going to leave an injured person to die in the woods despite not knowing who she was about to save. (Y/n) gasped when she finally saw who was laying on the ground next to a large tree, although she thought that she might have been dreaming or something since the man laying on the ground was none other than Alfor; he looked as though he was in his early twenties, or at least the altean equivalent, but he still looked quite young.
"H-hey, are you okay?" (Y/n) hesitantly asked Alfor when she knelt down next to him, gently nudging his right arm to see if he was still alive or not.
Alfor cracked his eyes open for a second when he heard (Y/n) speak to him, unfortunately he fell unconscious before he could respond; he couldn't quite hear what she said but he knew that she wasn't a threat to him. (Y/n) knew that she needed to help Alfor so he wouldn't die in the middle of the forest or be found by someone else who might harm him, so she inspected him and saw that he had a cut on his head where it hit the tree. She couldn't stand to see his blood staining his silky white hair; she had to work quickly if she was going to help him in any way she could. Getting Alfor to her car was going to be difficult because he was larger than she was, but (Y/n) was determined to take him home so she could clean and dress his wound. She could hardly believe that she actually found Alfor, her favorite character from Voltron, the legendary original red paladin, just laying out in the forest; it shouldn't have been possible, although her main focus was getting him to her car and taking him home.
(Y/n) took a few days off from work so she could take care of Alfor as best as she could; he was unconscious for the first day and a half of him staying in her guest room, but after she managed to get him home she cleaned his wound and dressed it so that it wouldn't get infected. She had so many questions and she desperately wanted to know how he appeared in the real world, unfortunately she wouldn't get any answers until he woke up. Obviously she couldn't tell anyone why she had to take a few days off from work, or rather who she was taking care of, thankfully her boss understood when she told them that she needed to help take care of a friend. (Y/n) had so many questions for Alfor, although she wasn't sure how good his memory would be after he woke up. On the second morning of Alfor sleeping in her guest bedroom (Y/n) ate breakfast in her dining room as usual, wondering if or when he would wake up from his comatose state. She was met with the sight of the young king sitting up in bed when she went to check on him; he looked extremely confused while he looked around the room until his gaze fell on her, then he had a look of concern and confusion painted across his face.
"You're awake. How are you feeling?" (Y/n) asked Alfor as calmly as she could, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge; gazing into his eyes was like gazing into the ocean, but she had to remain professional while speaking to him.
"I'm fine; my head hurts a little, but I'll be alright. Might I ask who you are and where you've brought me?" Alfor replied with a groggy tone while looking at the young woman sitting on the edge of the bed, noticing how she kind of looked altean, minus the pointy ears and facial markings.
"I'm (Y/n), and you're in my guest bedroom. I can bring you an ice pack for your head and something to eat and drink if you'd like." (Y/n) introduced herself before offering him something to eat and drink, as well as an ice pack for his aching head.
Alfor thanked (Y/n) for her hospitality prior to her standing up and walking out of the room; his whole body felt sore and his mind felt foggy, but he figured that he just needed something to eat, something to drink and some bed rest for him to feel better. So much had happened since he fell through the portal; he knew that he was stuck in whatever reality he ended up in, so he hoped that someone worthy would take his place as king of Altea and marry Melenor. He was still panicking, of course; his whole future changed and he had no way of getting home, although he tried to remain calm because panicking only made his headache worse. It wasn't long before (Y/n) returned with a bowl of mixed fruit, a cup of water and an ice pack for him; he wasn't familiar with the fruit or the ice pack, but in his dazed state he wasn't going to question any of it. (Y/n) could tell Alfor already had a lot on his mind, she understood that it was a lot for him to take in, so she had to help him adjust to the real world as much as possible.
"Here, this should help." (Y/n) spoke softly when she placed the ice pack, the bowl and the cup on the nightstand, once again sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Thank you, I appreciate your kindness." Alfor thanked her again, feeling his stomach rumbling when he looked at the chopped fruit in the bowl.
"I'm just glad that you're awake. Although, how exactly did you end up laying unconscious in the forest?" (Y/n) responded with a friendly smile; she wanted him to feel comfortable in her home, but she was dying of curiosity about how he ended up in the real world.
Alfor looked at her for a moment with a blank stare as he collected his thoughts, then he began telling her how he had been trying to create portals with some magical stones; the portals were just meant to transport people to other planets, he didn't think they could transport people to other realities. He was the only person who got sucked through the portal he tried to create and he was almost positive that the stones, ones that were the only four of their kind, were destroyed when his little experiment went wrong. (Y/n) listened to everything Alfor told her with interest, not minding him introducing himself to her since it seemed to help him stay calm. It was obvious that he'd sustained a concussion when his head hit the tree, so he needed to take it easy for the next couple of weeks so he could make a full recovery. After he finished telling her everything he remembered Alfor had to take a small break from talking, thankful that the fruit and water helped his dry throat.
"If I may, why do you seem as though you know me? We've barely met and yet you act so casual." Alfor questioned, wondering why (Y/n) seemed so calm around him; he understood that he was in a different reality, but he got the impression that she somehow knew him even though they'd never met each other before.
"It's a long story, so if it's alright I'll tell you during dinner. You really need to get some rest, I'll give you a little tour after you've finished eating and drinking, if you can walk well enough." (Y/n) answered, feeling a little awkward when she thought about telling Alfor how she knew him and about the life he had in Voltron; she knew that he knew nothing about Voltron because he wasn't even married when he created the portal, but he needed to know the truth.
"It's alright, I understand. I must say though, this is the wildest adventure that I've ever been on." Alfor said, a slight grin appearing on his face when he thought of his situation as a new adventure.
(Y/n's) smile widened as she thought about when she first saw him in the backstory episode at the end of season three; he jumped right into a fight that he couldn't end on his own, a completely reckless move, but it was one of the things that made him even more adorable. There were so many thoughts racing through her mind while she watched him hold the ice pack up to his head with one hand while he used the other to eat, she just needed to focus on taking care of him instead of fangirling. She got to let her absolute favorite Voltron character live in her house/apartment and take care of him, it was a lot to take in which meant she had to stay focused. Alfor hadn't known (Y/n) for very long and yet he was able to trust her; he personally thought she was pretty, although he decided to keep that thought to himself. Living in another reality would definitely take some time to get used to, especially since he knew nothing about it, thankfully things would turn out well for him and he'd have a wonderful life with (Y/n).
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galraluver · 2 years
Ok, I've got a story idea for one of the paladins. Alfor goes to primitive earth (but not to primitive, no hairy monkeys here XD) and finds an infantile human. I tried to think of simple but interesting prompt for him. It gonna be so cool requesting for the Paladins of Old.
Okay, I'll try my best. By infantile, I wasn't sure if you meant for the reader to be an actual infant or not, but that's how I wrote it since I had major brain fog when I wrote it 😅
When a new galaxy was detected Alfor volunteered to go check it out on his own since the other paladins were all busy ruling their planets, excited to see brand new worlds. Alfor packed plenty of food and other supplies in Red before he left Altea, putting Coran in charge while he was away; Melenor was busy off-world, so she wasn't able to keep an eye on everything while he was away. Coran, being the good friend he was, promised Alfor that he would keep an eye on everything and help anyone on Altea that needed help. Alfor was very thankful for wormhole technology since flying to a new galaxy would otherwise take forever. When he arrived in the new galaxy he saw that there was only one sun, several moons and a few new planets.
Most of the planets were inhabitable, but after a while of flying in his lion he found one that was capable of supporting life. Not wanting to give up on his journey so soon, Alfor decided to check out the small green and blue planet to see if anyone lived on it. Flying through the atmosphere was easy since Red had a high heat tolerance but finding a place to land was a little difficult due to all of the trees; forest planets were good and all but they obviously weren't meant for ships to land on. After finding a place to land after a while Alfor was finally able to explore the new world, hoping to find some locals if there were any. The first thing he noticed after stepping out of Red was the slight breeze and the sound of birds singing; the birds were unlike any he had heard before and he thought that they sounded beautiful.
When Alfor started walking through the bushes he saw a few flying insects fly around him in all different directions, each of them very unique looking. There were no signs of any indigenous species around, but it was a new planet, after all. If there were people anywhere, they most likely weren't very intelligent or there weren't very many of them. If he was being honest with himself he wasn't sure what to expect; he hoped that if there were any people, he hoped they weren't hostile. After a while of walking Alfor could have sworn that he heard the sound of a baby crying, which seemed impossible since he hadn't found any signs of an indigenous species.
"Hello, is someone there?" Alfor asked out loud in a concerned tone, ready to save anyone who needed him.
Meanwhile, a baby girl was laying underneath a bush, unable to fully comprehend what was happening since she was just a baby; all she understood was that she was alone outside without her parents. When the baby heard a man's voice she started crying so that the man would hear her, knowing enough that it would get his attention. After spending the night underneath the bush the baby felt cold, hungry and her diaper was full. As she cried, Alfor followed the sound until he finally found her laying underneath the bush she'd been placed under. His eyes widened and the baby looked at while whimpering, a few tears rolling down her chubby little cheeks.
"Oh my…" Alfor whispered when he saw an infant laying underneath a bush, immediately reaching out and carefully picking her up; the last thing he expected to find was a baby underneath a bush.
As soon as the baby was picked up and cradled against the man's chest she sniffled as looked at him with curiosity. Since she was so young it didn't register in her mind that the man was a completely different species than she was, all that mattered was that he was cradling her in his arms. As Alfor cradled the baby against his chest he noticed how she was swaddled in a brown animal pelt, most likely by whoever left her underneath the bush. He stood up and had a look around his surroundings, his ears twitching as he listened to see if anyone else was around but he didn't see or hear anyone, meaning that the baby had been abandoned. As the baby was cradled against his chest she just looked up at the man who saved her, finally settling down despite being hungry.
"Don't worry little one, I'll take care of you." Alfor spoke softly as he began walking back to his lion, smiling down at the baby; if he hadn't of found her she could have died or been eaten by an animal.
The baby looked up at Alfor and yawned, suddenly feeling safe and sleepy after he rescued her. Alfor was thankful that some of the supplies he packed in Red's cargo hold were baby supplies; he knew to always pack for any situation, even the ones that didn't seem possible. He already got a whiff of the baby's dirty diaper and knew what he was going to do as soon as he got back to the red lion. He didn't know why the baby had been abandoned but he decided that he was going to adopt her; Melenor would be happy when he returned home and she got back from her diplomatic visit on Nalquod. Alfor decided to mark the strange planet he found the baby on as non-intelligent since there obviously weren't intelligent beings on it; the tiny infant would turn out different though since he and his wife were going to raise her alongside Allura.
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galraluver · 2 years
Can u do a story where king alfor ends up on earth and ends up living with The reader?
Yes, I most certainly can 😁
When Alfor first arrived on Earth he wasn't expecting to meet any humans nor was he expecting to fall in love with a specific human woman named (Y/n), especially since he was only planning on briefly visiting the small blue and green planet, although he definitely wasn't complaining. After getting to know (Y/n) better he learned more about Earth and her culture and he couldn't help but fall in love with her. Yes, he was technically the King of Altea, but not having a significant other by his side always made him feel lonely. Coran had been lucky enough that a young Dutchess named Melenor fell in love with him, but Alfor wasn't lucky with love until he met (Y/n). He had already spent almost an entire Earth year living with her, but he was conflicted about going home to Altea or staying with the young human woman on her homeworld.
(Y/n) had her own life on Earth and maybe someday she would be willing to leave with him, but for the time being she wasn't able to leave. One afternoon in particular Alfor was sitting on the couch in (Y/n's) living room while thinking very hard about staying with her; he was leaning towards staying with her, although he wanted to keep their living arrangement open for the future. Coran was taking care of things on Altea in his absence, so it wasn't like he had to go home yet. Alfor really loved (Y/n) and he wouldn't mind living a simpler life, so he finally came to a final decision; he was going to stay on Earth with (Y/n) until she was ready to leave with him. Besides, he would be able to return to Altea whenever he wanted to, even if it was several years in the future.
"What are you thinking about?" (Y/n) queried with curiosity when she sat next to her boyfriend on the couch, smiling brightly at him.
"I've been thinking about staying on Earth with you. I know that I'm needed on Altea, and Coran is filling in during my absence, but I truly wish to stay here with you, my love." Alfor told (Y/n), speaking in a soft tone whilst placing one of his hands on top of one of hers.
"You want to stay here on Earth with me? Won't you miss Altea?" (Y/n) asked him with surprise, her eyes widening a little; she wasn't expecting him to want to continue living on Earth with her while he still had his kingdom to rule.
"Yes, I do. Altea is wonderful and I would like you to live with me there as my Queen, but for the time being I'm happy here on Earth, with you." Alfor confirmed, a loving smile appearing on his face while he gazed into her eyes.
(Y/n) could hardly believe it, Alfor wanted to continue living with her on Earth instead of returning to Altea. Sure, she was happy that he wanted to stay with her, but she was worried that he would get homesick or that he would be needed on Altea for something important at some point and have to leave her. Alfor noticed how (Y/n's) smile disappeared and a concerned look took its place; seeing his significant other sad made his heart ache with sorrow. He knew that (Y/n) was worried about him being called back to Altea or being needed to form Voltron, but he would never leave her behind. (Y/n) was afraid that her lover would have to leave in the future and he wouldn't be able to come back; he was a King, after all.
"I love you, (Y/n). I look forward to living here with you, my love." Alfor said quietly after a few moments, caressing the side of her face with his other hand.
"I love you too, darling. I'm so happy that you're going to stay with me." (Y/n) responded softly, a joyous expression once again gracing her face after he reassured her that he was serious about staying.
Alfor closed his eyes as he leaned in (Y/n's) direction, signaling that he desired to kiss her since he wanted to show his love for her. (Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned forward too, meeting him in the middle and pressing her lips against his. Her heart fluttered when her lips danced along with his, feeling how soft they were pressed against hers; kissing him always felt amazing. Alfor gently tangled his fingers in (Y/n's) soft hair, deepening the kiss and feeling nothing but unconditional love for his lover. He felt like he was the luckiest man in the entire universe to have (Y/n) as his girlfriend; he could tell that they would be together forever and someday they would get married and live on Altea where they would prosper together.
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galraluver · 2 years
A lil scenario about reader soothing Blaytz after him having a nightmare about fight against haggar please? :>
Sure, I can do that. I hope that you enjoy it
After Zarkon and Honerva began to go mad from their quintessence exposure Blaytz and the other paladins knew that nothing good could come of it, especially when Zarkon suddenly needed Voltron to go into the rift. It wasn't until after Zarkon and his wife died and somehow came back to life that all hell broke loose. No one was prepared for the war that happened next; the planets surrounding the now deceased galran homeworld, Daibazaal, had been attacked and destroyed, leaving trillions of people dead or without a home to go home to. Blaytz had to watch as his own homeworld, Nalquod, get destroyed along with his people and family. During the final battle Blaytz and the other paladins would attempt to stop Zarkon, ultimately failing in the end.
The four remaining paladins knew that their lives were at stake but it was their duty to defend the universe, even if they lost their lives while doing it. With Altea being the one remaining homeworld in their solar system that's where the final battle took place. The castle of lions, along with Coran and Allura, had already been sent away to Arus where they would be safe. During the final battle Blaytz had been shot by a galran sentry who was holding a blaster. He was terrified that he was going to have a painful death, especially when Zarkon and Honerva, who was now known as Haggar, came to question him, Gyrgan and Trigel where their lions were.
"Where are the lions?" Zarkon questioned with an emotionless tone while glaring at the three remaining paladins.
"They've been destroyed." Blaytz spat, practically growling as he lied to the galran emperor.
"You dare lie to me?" Zarkon asked in an angry tone, knowing that Blaytz was most likely lying about the lions being destroyed.
"It's the truth. You'll never see your lion again." Trigel threatened, glaring at Zarkon as she helped Blaytz up off of the ground.
"Neither will you." Zarkon spoke, his voice laced with venom before he stepped to the side.
Blaytz, Trigel and Gyrgan's eyes widened when they saw Haggar standing behind the man who was once their friend. Haggar stepped forward and raised one of her hands, black and purple lightning appearing near it. Trigel was the first to be killed, followed by Gyrgan who tried to help in any way he could. Blaytz was laying injured on the ground, his eyes wide when Haggar stood near his body, ready to zap him with her quintessence lightning. Everything the paladins stood for no longer mattered after things took a turn for the worst no thanks to the quintessence rift; Alfor, Trigel and Gyrgan were dead, so Blaytz closed his eyes and waited for the final blow. Memories of his paladin days flooded his mind and a single tear escaped from the corner of his right eye, the nalquodi man wishing that he could have done something to prevent Zarkon and Honerva from becoming power hungry.
Blaytz sat straight up in bed when he woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as he looked around his and (Y/n's) bedroom; seeing the familiar room calmed him down a little, although he was still shaken up from his bad dream. His nightmare seemed as though it just happened the previous day but that obviously wasn't the case because it happened more than ten thousand years prior. When he looked down at (Y/n) he felt a wave of relief flood through him; he was safe with her in their home where no one could harm either of them. (Y/n) was woken up by the sound of her husband's heavy breathing, worried that something was wrong. She was happy to see that he was physically okay, but she sensed that something else might have been going on with him.
"Blaytz, are you okay?" (Y/n) queried when she sat up in their bed, her voice groggy as she sat up next to him.
"I'm fine now. Go back to bed, babe." Blaytz answered, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke; he was still frightened by his nightmare but having (Y/n) with him helped him feel better.
"No you're not, I can tell that something's bothering you." (Y/n) protested, wanting him to tell her about his nightmare which was obvious had happened.
Blaytz sighed almost silently, knowing that he had to tell (Y/n) about his nightmare; normally he was open about his feelings but the nightmare really shook him up. It wasn't that he disliked talking about his feelings and occasionally things that bothered him, he was a very open person, but talking about the paladins' final battle and how he got into the pod she found him in was hard for him to talk about. (Y/n) just sat next to her husband, placing one of her hands on one of his; she was worried about him, especially since he just sat there and breathed heavily. She laced her fingers with Blaytz' and lightly squeezed, feeling him flinch ever so slightly from the sudden affectionate contact.
"Do you really want to know?" Blaytz hesitantly asked (Y/n) after a few moments of near silence, knowing that if he didn't talk about it, it might keep bothering him.
"Yes, I do. Whatever it is you're going to be alright, I'm here for you." (Y/n) responded quietly in an understanding tone, leaning against his arm a little.
Blaytz still felt shaken up from his nightmare and was very hesitant to talk about it; he was almost killed by the practically undead wife of someone whom he once considered a good friend. He sighed again, his heart racing in his chest as he began telling his wife about his final battle, how the other paladins were murdered and how he managed to escape in the blue lion. (Y/n) listened very closely, not saying a word while he told her about the battle and how it came to that point; she came to the realization that whoever flew the blue lion away must've been currently fighting against Zarkon and might suffer the same fate. After Blaytz finished telling (Y/n) about his final battle, which was what his nightmare had been about, he felt a little better and she hugged him, whispering words of comfort. Eventually they both laid down, cuddled and fell asleep together, but (Y/n) made sure that Blaytz was feeling better first since she didn't want him to feel scared anymore; they both slept peacefully for the rest of the night while cuddling, neither of them plagued by nightmares.
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