#Alfor x Melenor
galraluver · 11 months
Hello again, I hope your well or at least better than you have been lately.
I'd like to request a platonic reader x Alfor scenario at the juniberry festival. Idk if you or anyone else remembers it but it was briefly talked about in episode 9 I believe of season 1, when Allura is talking with hologram Alfor
I'll try my best. I wish that DreamWorks gave us a little more info about the Juniberry festival because it honestly sounds fascinating
With the juniberry festival coming up Alfor had been busy seeing to the preparations; the juniberry festival was the biggest celebration on Altea and every year everyone looked forward to it. (Y/n) couldn't wait to see Alfor, her childhood best friend, at the festival since they couldn't hang out while he was busy. The young altean woman got to see Alfor's fiance, Melenor, a couple of times and they had the chance to hang out together at one of the little cafés near the palace. Melenor didn't mind Alfor being friends with (Y/n) since the other altean woman wasn't attracted to Alfor, Melenor knew Alfor only had eyes for her. The juniberry festival was everyone's favorite event of the year, adults and children alike looked forward to it all year.
On the day of the festival (Y/n) put her favorite outfit and shoes on, styled her long silky hair by curling and made sure she was ready before leaving her house which was located near the palace where the festivities would be held. The juniberry fields were in full bloom which made the area nearby smell absolutely heavenly, not to mention it was finally juniberry berry season. Juniberry berries had a particularly sweet flavor that everyone on Altea loved, not to mention they could be used for all kinds of baked goods, drinks and so much more. (Y/n) had a look around the festival grounds before she went to go look for Alfor and Melenor so they could go get some juniberry berry cookies at one of the food stands. After searching around for a while (Y/n) was confused because she couldn't find her best friend and his wife, thankfully the altean king and queen saw her before she saw them.
"(Y/n)! We're over here!" Alfor called out when he and Melenor quickly walked over to the young altean woman, happy to see his friend.
(Y/n) waved to her friends before she began weaving through the crowd, politely excusing herself each time she accidentally bumped into someone. Sometimes people from neighboring planets would come to the juniberry festival because of how popular it was and everyone always had a good time. Blaytz, Gyrgan and Trigel were somewhere, although they were at different parts of the festival during that particular moment; Zarkon was usually a killjoy and didn't come to the festival, although Sendak and a few of his buddies did. By the time (Y/n) made it to Alfor and Melenor the back of her hair was a little messy; she reached back so she could smooth it down so that it hopefully wouldn't get too tangled. Alfor and Melenor held each other's hands while they waited for (Y/n) to make her way through the sea of people; that year's festival was particularly crowded, they weren't expecting so many guests.
"I don't remember last year's juniberry festival being this crowded. Anyway, I'm starving after looking for you two, shall we go get some juniberry cookies before they run out." (Y/n) commented before she suggested they go get some cookies; there were a lot of people, which meant the bakery might actually run out before the end of the day.
"That sounds wonderful." Alfor agreed wholeheartedly, since the festival officially started he and Melenor could finally just enjoy themselves for a while.
(Y/n) beamed and the three of them headed to the local bakery in hopes of buying some freshly made juniberry cookies; the soon-to-be married couple were exhausted after everything they'd done and they could barely wait to have a normal day at the festival. On the way to their destination the three young adults crossed paths with Coran and invited him to tag along, it was only proper for the king of Altea to have his royal advisor nearby. The sound of people chatting and the scent of food in the air was certainly different compared to the usually calmness near the castle, the juniberry festival was fun for everyone. Thankfully the bakery hadn't run out of juniberry cookies by the time they arrived and there was even a table available for the four of them to sit at, although it helped that Alfor was the king and Melenor would soon be his wife. Later they would go play some of the carnival games together, but until then they enjoyed eating the juniberry cookies they bought.
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bravepaladinsedits · 5 years
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An Alfor x Melenor edit,, wish we gotten some moments of them in the show :,)
From our Instagram @/bravepaladins
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Melenor: Did you know the food you eat becomes energy?
Melenor, kicking the air: That’s spaghetti.
Melenor, punching the air: That’s nachos.
Melenor, karate-chopping the air: That’s a cookie.
Alfor: That’s my wife.
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shirophantomvox · 4 years
Any Advice?
What’s up y’all? I’m here with another story from the prompt : Alfor learns Zarkon is getting married by @vld-prompts. Enjoy! 
The red sky on Planet Daibaazal seemed rather darker than usual. This was a beautiful darker shade of red. The sky was a beautiful ombre blended red to dark red with the sky full of stars. The sky and ground suddenly were full of light brown dust, quickly flying and dissolving in the air.  Out came the creator of Voltron; King Alfor of Altea. He nearly ran up the many stairs of Daibazaal to meet his friend on the platform. When he removed his helmet, Zarkon looked rather upset than content like he usually did. The snow-white haired king frowned, shaking his head. Zarkon had everything he wanted at his fingertips; what could he possibly be upset about?
“Is something wrong, Zarkon?” 
The King saw that he had something folded in his hands, his fists were clenched; hard. Zarkon looked flushed; so flushed as if he’d seen a ghost. 
As the two friends were on their way to the “Board Room”(The board room is a  room where Zarkon had important meetings with his high ranking generals), everyone was running up and down the halls with flowers, table cloths, balloons, and other elegant party favors trying to place them in their necessary places. The inside of the Galra Palace already looked fabulous, but these gold and red decorations made the little details pop. It was customary that no later than 1 phobe after a proposal, the groom has to provide a “welcoming dinner” for the brides’ family and close friends. This was done so that the “strangers” could be quickly acquainted. This event happened up until a movement before the wedding. Galra weddings were slightly different than the ones on Earth. Both the groom and bride wear matching colors of red, black, and gold while the audience wore just purple, pink, or white. Instead of the bride having a veil, she wore a flower crown full of her planet’s most popular flower. This symbolized delicacy and trust. The groom also wore a flower crown full of red roses. The roses symbolized love and commitment. Instead of reading vows, they light three candles; each symbolizing hope, faith, and encouragement.  It could be said that the Galra valued relationships more than any species in the universe. Alfor had asked Zarkon over and over what was bothering him but he kept skurring around the question. 
“Zarkon, you didn’t answer my question. What’s going on? Why is everyone running around like their heads are cut off?” 
“Boy, you can’t just let it go, can you?”
“Well, you’re acting rather strange.”
“Well for starters, you haven’t said anything to Blaytz about him asking the server for his fighting schedule.” 
“I’ve never minded that.”
“You’re lying. Dare I ask? Why are you being so...nice?”
“What? I’ve always been nice!”
“No, you haven’t. You’re very stern.”
Alfor folded his arms and gave Zarkon the stare of slight intimidation. He wasn’t going anywhere until the tea was spilled.  
“Very well. I’ll tell you.” 
“I’m listening.” 
“Don’t make a big deal about this but...I proposed to Honerva 3 movements (weeks)  ago.” 
Alfor eyes widened and his mouth dropped nearly to the ground. His reaction was priceless! The King was rather surprised that his stern, follow-by-the-book friend had found love and that he was actually going to pursue marriage for love rather than seeking out a bride. You see, for several deca-phobes, each Emperor, Prince, and Princess would be matched with a partner to marry but Zarkon decided that he would no longer participate in that tradition. When he was a prince, his father tried to arrange for him to be married to a woman that attended the same military school as him. She was very nice and sweet, but he did not love her and she didn’t love him. Some Galra didn’t hesitate to tell  Zarkon about how disappointed they were once they found out that he was breaking tradition. It was more surprising that he was going to marry Honerva of all people. She was free-spirited in a way; not only did she enjoy learning and teaching others about science and the endless solutions it provided, but she also enjoyed her free time and did whatever she wanted. Zarkon on the other hand lives his life on a narrow path. He trained day and night and when he did have free time, he spent it hiding from Kova. Well, you know what they say...opposites attract. 
“That’s wonderful news! I saw her yesterday. Why didn’t she say anything?”
“I told her to keep it a secret. I was planning on telling you all once you came over for dinner. I wasn’t expecting for you to stop by so early.” 
“Well, cheer up! Marriage is a great thing! You’ve found your other half!”
“I’m aware of that I’m just...I don’t know...nervous…?”
Alfor laughed. Is this coming from the strong-willed Emperor Zarkon? No way. 
“This is why I didn’t want to say anything.”
“Forgive me Zarkon.  You are one of the most powerful leaders in the known universe. What do you have to be nervous about?”
“I may be powerful, but a charmer? No. I’m not funny like her. She’s smart and beautiful but me? All I can do is lead the military and that’s it.” 
“Obviously, there’s something that she likes about you. Whenever we met for our morning meetings for the last 12 phoebs (months), you were all she talked about! She said you had a sense of humor!”
“That’s what I said.”
“I’m just pulling your string, Zarkon. She said that your ability to lead shows how much you value the people around you and how you care about their safety and wellbeing. Don’t be so hard on yourself, my friend. Everything will be ok.” 
“I hope so. Can I ask you a question?”
Zarkon pointed to a room where he and Alfor entered and sat in two cherry red comfortable cushioned chairs. 
“What’s going through your head?”
Zarkon sighed and wiped his face. 
“How were you able to confess your love for Melenor in front of a crowd of people without tearing up?” 
“I imagined that we were alone. If you tear up, that’s ok! It’s perfectly normal to cry. Just look into her eyes and speak from the heart.” 
“I know...but--”
“I’m sure you did that when you proposed, didn’t you?”
“Yes. I have another question.”
“What is it?”
“How did you get through your...honeymoon?” 
Alfor smiled and raised a brow. He was a genius by day and a freak by night. 
“I can’t advise you about that. That’s something you and your wife will have to figure out.”
“You’re overthinking it. Just wait for you two to be alone together in 5x5 room. Remember how you felt when you kissed her fo the first time? Multiply that by 10 million. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” 
Zarkon sighed in relief. Talking to his best friend made him feel so much better and more confident. What’s better than putting that confidence to the test? The door flung open and there stood a woman dressed in a purple gown and a purple hat with a beautiful flower on it. This was Zarkon’s royal advisor; she was his public representative. 
“Sir. Honerva is here,  awaiting your presence.”
“She’s here now? I told her--”
A heavenly sound came from behind this woman’s head. So quiet and elegant, I might add. Zarkon already knew who it was. He stood up straight and proceeded to the threshold of the door. 
“May I come in?”
Her bright blue eyes were piercing through his soul. She smiled because she was finally going to have some alone time to talk about their future and any other arrangements.  Her Altean markings began to glow as she began to scratch Kova on his stomach. She knew Zarkon hated Kova, but this was her way to pick at him in the most loving way possible. 
“Please, do.” 
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pukotort · 6 years
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105 notes · View notes
snaileer · 4 years
Chips & Salsa, Chp 8
Keith had decided that Altean medical beds were the worst thing to curse the universe since the discontinuation of 2-in-1 hair products.
At least he definitely thought so from the last 30 minutes he’d spent sitting on one. Coran was still looking for the right salve or something for his bruises. He’d tried to get out of it but Shiro had stared him down all the way from the armory to the Medbay.
Even Keith wasn’t immune to ‘The Look.’
“Aha!” Coran jumped in triumph, holding up a small container like treasure, “I found it!”
Keith tried to get off the bed again, “I told you, Coran, I don’t need any treatment or-”
“Sit.” Shiro rumbled.
“But I-”
“Sit, Keith.” Shiro glared back. Keith would never admit that he pouted as he settled back on the medical bed, it was only a little childish spitefulness. His brother sighed again, “I know you hate doctors but it is only by the grace of god your nose isn’t broken. He almost-”
“Actually, his face is mostly unharmed.” Coran piped in as he got closer. Shiro raised an eyebrow in confusion as the Altean started applying the cream to Keith. “Yes, Lance certainly did a number on him, but there is a degree of restraint. His nose is bruised, a little bloody sure; but it wasn’t hit with anywhere near enough force to break it.”
Keith winced at a bloom of pain on his jaw and growled, “Then why does it hurt so much?”
Coran scoffed and moved to collect more salve as he mumbled, “Probably because I chose the one without pain relievers in it.”
“Coran…” Shiro gave him a stern look, but Coran shrugged it off and kept applying the cream.
“What? I’m not team leader, I have no problems showing favorites,” He said incredulously, “And besides, restraint doesn't mean he didn't hit hard. He just avoided your important bits, y’know, eyes and such. Could be much worse. In fact, this one time Alfor and I had a nasty run-in with some street thugs on a Gaali planet. Nearly ripped my ear off those fuc-”
“Not the time, Coran.” Shiro stepped in, handing Keith his jacket as he hopped down from the bed. “Keith, you need to talk to Lance.”
“What!? He hit me!”
“I don't want to hear who started it Keith,” Shiro followed him out of the room, “You and Lance have always been at each other’s throats, but this is different.”
“It really isn’t, Shiro.”
“Yes, it is. We both know that Lance wouldn’t have commented on your scoff, wouldn’t have taken it that far.”
“Yeah, obviously, I got that. So, what? You want me to just shut up? Stop talking to him?”
“No.” Shiro sighed, “We don’t need to be walking on eggshells around him, god no; but we still have to recognize that he’s gone through something traumatic. Is still going through it.”
“So did you Shiro. And he took advantage of your sympathy. I’m not going to give him mine, because clearly, he only cares about himself.” His voice grew in agitation.
“That’s not true, Keith, and you know it.” Shiro said, trying to convince Keith to just stop being so stubborn.
“Then why can’t he act like it!”
Shiro looked back over his shoulder, then over the other.
“What the hell are you doing, Shiro!?” Keith shouted. He was sick of his brother always-
Shiro crossed his arms and glared down at Keith, “I’m trying to find who you think you’re yelling at, because I know for damn sure it’s not me.” 
Keith growled and grit his teeth, “I’m not up for your stupid-”
“Try again.”
“I don’t-”
“What do you mean ‘no’? I was trying to-” Keith threw his hands in the air at Shiro. Shiro and all his stupid vagueness.
“I mean, no. You don’t get to write him off this quickly. I want you to give him a chance.”
“I already did!”
“Then give him another one.”
“Why!?” Keith shot back.
“Because he deserves it,” Shiro answered, his words solemn enough to shut Keith’s mouth with a snap. “Don’t you think, that after everything, everything we’ve been through, everything he went through, everything he went through for us.. don’t you think he deserves another chance? Don’t you think he deserves a few chances?”
“But I- But he- We can’t just-” Keith shuffled through refusals, but each one fell short. 
“I’ve been where he is, Keith. And it isn’t as easy as ‘go back to normal.’ Surviving that… it takes everything.” Shiro took a deep breath to steady himself, “You can’t afford to be kind, or caring, or selfless. And even when every, single, part of you rushes to save somebody,” He paused and made eye contact again, “You have to push it down.”
Keith stood silently for a moment, looking back at Shiro. Sorrow, guilt, regret washed over his face because he hadn’t been able to save Shiro.
Not just Shiro, his brain reminded him. 
Keith shifted his eyes away, staring at his shoes. “Is it really going to be that hard to get him back?” He said softly, the air fragile.
“We still have to try.” 
Keith twitched his lips back and forth, clenching and unclenching his jaw. Rolling the debate over his tongue. He hated to back down from an argument.
“So?...” Shiro questioned, raising an eyebrow and leaning back on his hip. Keith sighed dramatically.
“Fine.” He threw his hands up for good measure, “I’ll give him another chance.”
“Finally! God, I thought I was gonna have to bribe you or something.” Shiro dropped his arms from his chest in exasperation, “I swear, for how much you two care about each other, it’s ridiculously hard to get you to just talk.”
Now it was Shiro’s turn to sigh, “Nothing. Just… trying to get this team to function is like pulling teeth. And I very specifically refused my parent’s desire for me to become a dentist.”
Keith gave a breathless laugh, “Ha!” He looked Shiro up and down, “Like you’re any better.”
An affronted look grew across Shiro’s face, “I’m not-” 
Keith took that moment to dash down the hall, away from any more lectures.
“I’m not that bad!... And apologize to Lance!” Shiro shouted out after his rapidly disappearing shape. Keith threw back a rushed ‘will do!’ as he made his escape.
Shiro stood in the hallway, unmoving for a second. Thinking.
“Oh! Number one, you’re still here,” Coran walked out from around a corner, “Did you need something? Why are you just standing in the middle of the hall?”
“No reason…” Shiro paused, “I think I’m just now understanding why my grandmother got paid so much to be a matchmaker.” He stared off into the distance; his face the picture of resignation.
“Ah! A noble profession indeed! Y’know, one could say that I’m responsible for Alfor and Melenor getting together. Pah! The kingdom would have fallen without me!”
Shiro resisted the sudden urge to remind him that it did.
Instead, he listened to Coran regale him with tales of how he saved the castle (“more than once, might I add”), while they walked, side-by-side, through the corridors.
Lance ran his hands across the grass. Trying to pick out each blade of green beneath his fingers. He couldn’t.
It made sense, honestly. In a weird sort of way. Same reason the clouds never moved across the picturesque blue sky. Same reason that though he could see the wind shift the grass, he couldn’t feel any breeze on his skin.
It was fake. A hologram. The wonders of alien technology to create a world that seemed so real and yet-
Wetness dripped onto his cheek. 
Lance squeezed his eyes closed tighter and tried to ignore it. To relish in the momentary sense of peace. 
The peace that always came after a fight. As petty as it’d been, his fight with Keith had helped. He needed it; to fight, to fight without restraints or routine practice. Just to fight, to grapple for the right to exist like he had in the-
Something blocked the light in front of him, casting a shadow over his face. He peeked open an eyelid… Just in time to see a blob of saliva dangling right above his eye.
“Kaltenecker!” Lance flung himself out of the cow’s drool range. He groaned, awkwardly rubbing his cheek against his shoulder in a desperate attempt to wipe it off.
“That’s so disgusting!”
“Mooooo,” Kaltnecker glanced up with half-lidded eyes as she continued to eat at the spot where he was just laying.
“I can’t believe you’d betray me like this! Oh, the pain!” Lance put his hand to his forehead dramatically, “How ever will I go on?!” 
Kaltnecker, seemingly unbothered by him, continued chewing. Lance tried to sneak a glimpse at her without breaking character, disappointed to see her lack of reaction.
“Oh, tough crowd, huh?” 
She turned to the side, flicking her tail at him dismissively.
“I bet…” he paused and got to his feet, “THIS’LL change your mind!” Lance jumped at her, aiming for surprise, “Raahhh! Oof.” He hit her side like a brick wall, Kaltnecker sparing him no more than a look.
“I think I’d forgotten how hard it is to mess with cows.” He narrowed his eyes at her, then shrugged and smirked, “Oh, well.. Guess I’ll just have too....” Lance took a couple steps away, before turning back, “Lay on you instead! Ah-Ha!” He leapt onto the cow’s back like a starfish, searching for enough grip to stay attached.
He leaned his head down to her eye-level, “Still nothing, huh girl?” She blinked at him, smacked her lips, …. And then kept chewing.
“Lance?” Both cow and paladin’s heads shot upright at the voice. Hunk stood in the doorway with a bucket and a weird container next to him.
Kaltenecker found this infinitely more exciting than Lance’s efforts at bothering her and a loud ‘MOOO’ came from below Lance. 
Uh oh.
Kaltenecker galloped for the door, suddenly full of energy, hauling Lance along with her as he held on for dear life.
She finally stopped in front of Hunk’s feet, pausing for a moment until-
“Hoe, don't do it-” Lance scrambled to get off her in time, but failed as she plopped down on top of him. Sitting like a dog. 
Lance groaned at the sudden weight, resigned to trying to keep her tail from slapping him in the face.
“Hey there big girl! Excited to see me?” Hunk’s words only served to make her tail slap harder. Lance struggled to lean around her enough to see what he was doing.
Hunk pulled a package of some type of ‘alien-hay-feed’ out of the container at his feet. Hefting it into his arms, he carried it over to the small stall they had for the cow, Kaltenecker following behind him dutifully. Finally releasing Lance.
“Are we sure you’re not giving her too much of that stuff?” Lance groaned and rubbed his sides.
“Nah, Pidge calculated the perfect amount, I just don't think you're supposed to have cows sitting on you.” Hunk waved him off as he emptied the food into the trough. Hunk perked up like he’d remembered something, “Oh! Pidge! I promised her I’d help fix the glitches in the-” 
“Then go, I’m sure Kaltenecker will be fine,” Lance assured him as he got closer.
Hunk glanced from the cow, to Lance, to the bucket he left by the door, “But I have to-” 
Lance followed his line of sight, “Oh! I can do it buddy! Just go do your computer thing,” He smiled at him and went to grab the bucket.
“Are you sure? ‘Cuz I can stay if-” Hunk’s hands started fidgeting as he crumpled up the feed package and came closer.
“Gooo. I’ve done this before! Or did you forget who taught you?” Lance got behind him and playfully started urging him out of the room.
“Who? Your Uncle Leo?” Hunk said as he dug his heels in.
“No, me!” 
“I think I distinctly remember Leo teaching-” Hunk caught Lance’s eyes, joking glare and all, “Fine. Fine, I’ll go. But I’m making ice cream for dessert so make sure to bring the milk by the kitchen so you can help before dinner.” Hunk smiled back at his friend as he was pushed out of the room. It was nice to have someone take over with Kaltenecker, he was finally free to work on stuff with Pidge like he’d been putting off.
Behind the doors, Lance picked up the bucket and faced Kaltenecker with determination. 
“Now you have to pay attention to me, pretty girl.”
By the time Lance had finally, finally gotten Kaltenecker to cooperate enough for him to milk her, he’d already wasted half an hour.
So he had absolutely no qualms about leaving her alone in her ‘pasture’, and he was definitely not sulking.
Still, the whole process satisfied something in him. Something about the actions just brought him back to his childhood trips to Uncle Leo’s dairy farm.
And yeah, they were in space, not south eastern Cuba. And yeah, the cow they had was definitely genetically or hormonally modified by aliens to keep producing milk.
But it is what it is. And Lance would take what bits of home he could get.
A surge of homesickness rattled through him. It ached. A bone deep ache that he hadn’t paid attention to in so long and-
It was quickly pushed out by ringing.
Right. That.
Lance pulled his mind away from thoughts of his family, of any happiness he used to have. It was all gone for him now, and the ringing seemed to hate any happiness he even tried to scrounge together for himself.
Something clicked. If the ringing grew every time Lance thought about his family, or his home or-
With the Galra, when he’d thought the ringing was self-inflicted, that it was his punishment; it’d made sense for his happiness to make it worse. Why should he get to be happy, when he’d taken that from somebody else? Why should he get to keep his family? When he’d ripped someone away from theirs, permanently.
And he’d thought hearing the screams of his opponents, his fights, his kills, his victims was fair. Justified. Why should he get any peace when he’d taken any chance of it for them?
This wasn’t on him. Yes, he deserved the guilt he felt. And yes, one day, he’d see retribution for his actions, but that wasn’t what this was.
This was Haggar.
Haggar trying to rid him of his memories. Of his home, his family. Of his team. Haggar trying to rid him of his hope.
Rid him of weakness, a voice whispered, No weaknesses, nothing to chance.
The memory of that phrase made him grit his teeth. 
Haggar was such a bitch when she was being condescending.
Lance took a break from his thoughts to peek his head into the kitchen. Still empty, thank god.
He loved Hunk, he really did, but there was no way he was sitting through another awkward team meal. Especially not right before they did something potentially hazardous to his mental state.
He quickly dropped the milk on the counter and left as fast as he could. He had somewhere to be, things to do, and a theory to test.
But first, a change of clothes.
Keith was sick of looking for Lance. I mean, seriously! The guy is over six foot, he shouldn't be that hard to find! Keith grumbled as he turned another corner in his search.
It was just his luck that he’d been chosen to ‘collect’ Lance. Shiro wasn't even subtle about it! ‘Give him another chance’ ‘He deserves it’ ‘blah de blah de blah de blah.’ 
“Hey Dipshit,” Keith glanced down at the phone in his hand, not at all surprised to see Pidge’s face on the screen.
“Yes?” He said irritably.
“He’s in the pool room.”
“Fine. Meet you guys in the Lounge room.” Keith quickly shut off the phone and spun around to go the right direction.
Of course Lance would be wasting time swimming while they were all waiting for him. It was becoming unfortunately normal for him to skip team meals. And everybody else just let him! Shiro never let Keith skip meals. 
Keith opened the pool doors fully ready to shout at Lance, --
Only to find himself stopped short and mesmerized by the blue paladin.
Now, one thing you have to understand is, Keith grew up in a desert. He didn’t really like pools. The community pools were generally cesspits of germs and packed to the brim during the Arizona summers. And that’s if he could convince a foster parent to bring him along.
This was decidedly not the case for Lance.
Even from the doorway, Keith could tell where Lance had haphazardly thrown his towel to the side before jumping in. And based on the amount of water collecting on the sides of the pool, he’d been here for a while.
Keith watched as Lance flipped off the wall, turning into yet another lap, without even a pause. He hadn’t even realized how close he’d gotten until he felt water splash his boots. 
He growled at the wetness soaking into his feet. Shouting it was then.
“Lance!” Keith yelled. Nothing, “Lance! Lance! LANCE!” 
There! A stutter in the smoothness of his actions.
Lance flipped around at the other end of the pool and started back towards Keith. 
“Finally!” Keith crossed his arms and waited for Lance to finish. Meaning that he’d completely missed Lance’s smirk forming under the water. And that he was utterly unprepared for Lance to kick an entire wave of water at him the moment he was close enough.
Now Keith really shouted.
“What the hell Lance!” He yelled, then continued trying to get his jacket off before it would be ruined.
Lance scoffed playfully as he hefted himself out of the water, “It was worth a try to see if that mullet was any sort of salvageable when wet,” He grabbed his towel and turned a cursory glance at Keith, “News Flash: the answer is no, there’s no hope at all for the mullet, it’d be a mercy just to cut it all off now.”
Keith was left a little shocked by the almost normal comment from Lance, before he finally registered what he’d said. 
“My hair is not that bad,” He growled, “And your hair’s not any better now. So there,”
“Oh, I’m well aware my hair is a disaster but unlike you, I don't make a routine of hacking it off in the bathroom.”
“It’s efficient!” Keith threw his hands up.
“It’s ratchet at best, Keith. But still, I am going to have to cut it soon, it kept getting in my eyes on my free-stroke.” 
“Wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t swimming for like 3 hours straight.” Keith said snidely. Lance paused to glare at Keith, then went back to wrapping the towel on his head.
Once he’d finished he started walking towards the door, making Keith follow, “Did you know that as it turns out, the pool’s easier to access when you actually go through the elevator entrance? Rather than some off-ramp vent airway?” Insert pointed look at Keith. Insert Keith blatantly ignoring said look.
“It was your idea that got us up there.”
“It’s not my fault you’ve never seen Emperor’s New Groove. Besides, I actually have a reason for swimming this long.” Lance answered as the aforementioned elevator started moving. 
Keith scoffed, “Yeah, I’m sure you have plenty of excuses, Lance. And yet, you still missed dinner, and you’re still late to the team meeting.”
This time it was Lance who growled, “Let me talk, Keith, I’m serious, this is about the ringing.” That made Keith pay attention. He looked at Lance next to him, startled a bit by how stern he looked. Especially with a towel piled on his head.
“I’ve always loved swimming, and it’s been years since I’ve had the opportunity. The Garrison only allows the pool to be used in simulations, not for leisure.”
“Really? You call doing a hundred laps ‘leisure’? Wow, Iverson must’ve been so upset.” Keith rolled his eyes and ignored the look he got from Lance.
“Swimming makes me happy, it reminds me of my family, my home, everything I love about earth.” Lance said wistfully. But Keith’s eyes caught the slightest wince at the end of his statement. “And something that I’ve just now realized, is that Haggar didn't just want me to fight, she wanted me to lose hope too. So every time I think about my family, or I think about Earth, or even you guys, the team, I-” another wince, “The ringing gets worse.
Keith stopped dead in his tracks, not even noticing that the elevator had opened to let them out. Lance turned back to hold the door for him, and Keith rushedly stepped out, once again following Lance mindlessly.
“So you mean-.. Haggar tried to-” He couldn’t figure out how to phrase this. Was there really any good way to say, ‘Hey, an evil witch tried to make you into her own personal death drone,’?
“Yeah. And it worked.” Lance said softly. Keith hated that tone, he was becoming uncomfortably familiar with it, and much preferred Lance’s sarcasm. 
“I mean, I think it worked. Not so much now that I know, but.. When I was still there… Before I knew what the ringing was… I thought it was fair that I wouldn’t be able to think about my family without it hurting. I caused so much pain there, it was only fair I felt some as well.”
“Lance, that’s not-” He started through clenched teeth, but Lance cut him off.
“And I’ve always known what it takes to get rid of the ringing. I needed some time to think. And I needed to get away from the ringing for a while. Swimming does that for me. It makes me work hard enough to drive back the ringing, but I still love it, I can still enjoy it. It’s the one thing I have that hasn’t been ruined by all of this.” Lance’s fists were clenched tightly and he stopped walking.
“And you needed three hours for that?” Keith asked doubtfully. He hadn't realized they’d already reached Lance’s room.
“Like I said: it gave me some time to think,” Lance turned to face him fully, sucking in a deep breath, “I realized that I shouldn’t have fought you like that. I was desperate, but I crossed a line. I said some things I shouldn’t have and I wish I could’ve stopped myself because you didn’t deserve that from me. Not saying you don't need some sense knocked into you, but that wasn't my place.” Lance gave a small smirk, but it faded quickly, “I can’t keep lashing out at you guys like this. First it was Shiro, and then you. Who’s next, Pidge? Hunk? Coran?” Lanced sighed heavily, “I really am sorry about all of it. And you don't have to say anything back, I just didn’t want to leave it like this.” Lance barely waited before stepping away into his room, letting the door slide between them.
Keith stood there for a second.
He was really getting sick of doors closing between him and Lance. It’d happened three times today alone!
And what the hell was he supposed to say to Lance apologizing? The suspiciously Shiro-sounding little voice in his head could shut up about ‘just forgive him.’ No way.
But it was just… ugh! Every time Keith tried to think of the reason why he couldn’t, it was an actual reason. Keith hated excuses. They made him sound pathetic and weak. And honestly, screw that.
He just wanted things to go back to the way they were. Before. When Keith could argue with Lance and not nearly get his nose broken. No matter what Coran said about it.
They’d been on the road to a tenuous ‘friendship’ or whatever Lance kept calling frenemies. And… and… and he kind of liked it. Being friends that is. Because he’d never had friends. He had people he fought with. And that wasn’t what he wanted Lance to become. He wanted more than that. He-
“You’re still here?”
Keith would deny to the day he died that Lance Mcclain had actually managed to startle him. “Yeah….?” Keith said slowly, then furrowed his eyebrows, “What, did you think I’d leave?” 
And for Keith, all the excuses in the world fell flat against the tiny, half-surprised smile on Lance’s face.
“Then let’s get going, Mullethead, there’s no use making them wait for both of us.” Lance said as he smiled and turned down the hallway.
“You’re the one that made us late,” 
“Pffff, I made me late, you just decided to stick around and you should know by now that I have no problem being late.” Lance propped a hand up on his hip.
“Oh believe me, we’re all very knowledgeable about your timekeeping skills, except I don't understand how you’re late at all, considering you’ve got legs the size of giraffes.” Keith may have grumbled through that last statement. 
But really, every step he took was easily double the size of Keith’s, it was ridiculous. He kept having to shuffle to keep up with him!
“What can I say? I’m just pumped to get to work,” Lance plastered on a sarcastically fake smile and gave him a tight thumbs-up.
Keith crossed his arms as he rolled his eyes, “You know we have to do this, it’s the only way to-”
“Yeah yeah, spare me the lecture. I get it already.” Lance waved his hand at Keith like he could physically swat the conversation out of the air. 
“Who’s lecturing Lance?” Pidge’s voice cut in when the automatic doors opened at their presence.
“Nobody. Absolutely nobody,” Lance said as he made a bee-line to the couches, “We’re going to do this, get it over with and then put it all behind us. Good? Capische? Great. Let’s fire it up, Coran.”
“Don't you dare. Fire would ruin the headbands irreparably.” Coran said, clutching the headbands to his chest.
“Relax, Coran. It's just a figure of speech. It means Lance wants us to get started,” Shiro patted him placatingly as he passed the man to sit down next to Keith.
“Yeah, only time Lance’s ever been in a rush and he still wasn’t on time. Go figure. Worked out for me though, more time to process my code.” Pidge finally pulled herself away from her laptop, relinquishing Hunk to sit next Lance.
He whispered something about ice cream and new milk to Lance that Keith couldn't really hear, but Coran was already passing out the headbands. 
“I’ve already modified the quintessence modules in each of the headbands,” Allura moved towards the group, “But I’ll still need to activate yours individually, Lance, so that you all end up on the same plane.” 
“You won’t be joining us?” Keith added when he saw Lance hesitate at the request.
“No,” Allura paused, “Unfortunately, this will require that I act as a guide from the outside. Coran will help me monitor your quintessence levels so I can keep them stable and stay focused.”
“I’m sorry, guide? That implies the ability to get lost; is that a possibility? I mean, we’ve been to the astral plane before, right? So it should be just like that, we’re not going to get blindsided by some evil-astral creature, are we?” Hunk rattled off the random worries flitting through his head, some of which were slightly valid. At least to Keith’s perspective. Can’t be too prepared, right?
“None of that, we just need to keep the headbands from bouncing back like they did last time. Allura is simply guiding the quintessence stream around all you.” Coran chipped in as he went back to the princess’s side. Hunk visibly sagged in relief.
“Lance?” Oh right, apparently Shiro was the only one who remembered Lance still hadn’t answered Allura’s question. She’d need to get really close to him for this, something they’d all subconsciously tried to avoid.
“You can trust us, Lance. You have to for this to work.”
“I know.” Lance sighed and placed the band on his head. As Allura approached, Keith watched Lance rub his finger over something on his other hand. And yet it looked like every muscle in his body went taut at Allura’s touch.
Keith could barely catch a glimpse of Lance’s breathing picking up before the world in front of him exploded with stars. The astral plane.
It’d been a while since an astral projection had been so stable. Keith looked out and could see his teammates standing around him. Even Lance, to a degree, though he was shrouded by a thick fog. They could see it now, because unlike last time, they were actually in the astral plane, not just mentally. However, they could still feel the gap in the Voltron link. 
The gap where Lance was supposed to be.
“Guys?” Lance’s voice sounded anxious, though it edged into frantic surprisingly fast, “Guys? Guys, I can't see anything, why can’t I-” 
“Lance, calm down buddy, we’re here.” Hunk’s voice echoed across the void. Keith could hear it in the astral plane and through his actual ears. Hopefully Lance could too.
“Why can’t I feel any of you? Or see you?”
“Just-- give- me--  a minute-- I-” Allura’s voice was tense with effort. Keith watched in amazed confusion as the fog around Lance started to shift. 
The rest of the team approached it and Keith followed. He tried to put his hand through it, as if he could just reach through and pull Lance out. But his hand hit a barrier.
The light blue fog finally whirled itself into a more distinct form as it settled.
A wall. 
The outside shimmered as magic seemed to ripple across it.
“You all will have to take it from here.” Allura’s strained voice cut through once again, “I was able to shift and gather the quintessence of the block but I fear I do not have the ability to do more without losing my grip on it. It’s up to you, Paladins.”
“Absolutely, Princess,” Keith turned back to the wall with determination. 
Hunk and Pidge had already started pushing on the barrier. Yellow and green magic shimmered across the surface where they touched it. All of it eventually fading back to blue as it spread out farther.
Keith’s hand caused red to join the colors. And he could see black start to ripple from Shiro’s position as well.
But all of the color seemed to disappear too quickly, none of it touching each other. Just evaporating into the shifting blue of the barrier.
“I can only barely feel you, you guys,” Lance’s voice came from the other side, “You still just look like blurry shadows. Are we sure this is gonna work?”
“Lance is right, this isn’t working, you guys.” Hunk’s voice cut in.
“Then keep trying,” Keith ground out, “We’re not just going to give up.” He clenched his jaws tighter, his teeth starting to ache under the pressure.
“No, we’re not. But maybe…” Pidge leaned away from the wall, placing her hands on her hips and looking up at it. She suddenly snapped her head to their leader, “Shiro, we need to connect all of our energies. Instead of trying to put pressure on the entire thing, we just need to concentrate on one point. If we can crumple one part, maybe the rest will come down with it.”
“That sounds like a big maybe, Pidge, I don't know…” Hunk added as he pulled back as well.
Shiro looked at Pidge with a question in his eyes. Keith had seen it enough to know what it meant, ‘Are you sure?’
Pidge nodded with pursed lips.
“Alright, everybody, come over to me and Keith.” Shiro slipped right into leader mode, bringing the rest of the team closer, “We need to connect all of the magic we’ve been setting off and we need to make sure it works.” He motioned Keith even closer.
Keith briefly stepped away before placing his hands back down about a foot away from Shiro’s. The red light flowed out, just as it had before, moving towards the black tendrils.
They collided harshly, but stuck together. The magic fused to each other and Keith found he could no longer pull his hands away. By the look he got from Shiro, it was the same for him.
“Wow, I felt that,” Lance’s voice abruptly cut in, “What the hell was that?”
“We’re not quite sure. But we’re about to do it again, be ready.” Shiro beckoned for the other two paladins, “Pidge, you next, right below Keith’s.”
Pidge cautiously placed her hands down and they all watched as the green reached out for Keith and Shiro’s. It snapped into place with a flash of light, the wall shuddered allowing Keith to catch a glimpse of Lance through the fog.
He looked…
“Lance, what’s wrong with your face?”
“Nothing’s wrong with my face! What’s wrong with yours?!” He said incredulously.
“But I saw…” Now Keith was just confused, “I saw a glimpse of you through the wall…. You looked injured.”
“What? But I’m not-”
“Injured how?” Shiro said sharply.
“Like he’d just gone ten rounds with a blender and a sentient punching bag, Shiro. It didn’t look good.”
“Excuse you, I look fabulous no matter what.” Lance’s affronted protests were heard through the wall.
“Lance, do we need to stop?” Shiro asked, “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine Shiro,” Lance’s eye roll was audible, “Keithy-boy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
Shiro looked at him warily, “Keith?”
“If he says go for it, go for it. Who am I to police the actions of an idiot?” Keith tried to sound casual as he shrugged, but he still wished he could see Lance instead of just hear his scoff.
“Alright.” Shiro gave a short, decisive nod, “Hunk, get over here, Lance get ready again, we’re going through with this.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” 
Keith could visibly see Shiro glare Hunk and Pidge down from responding back with ‘I can’t hear you.’ He, of course, would also deny having the spongebob song stuck in his head for the rest of the day.
Hunk hesitantly placed his hands to the wall, surprised when it jerked him closer like a magnet. 
Yellow started flowing out, reaching for Pidge, then Shiro, then finally making contact with the Red of Keith’s own. Each time glowed brighter than the last.
The world around them rumbled.
“There! I saw him!” Pidge shouted out.
“I saw him too! Keith was right, he looks hurt!”
The fog had gaps in it now, places that were thinner than others, and some thicker spaces were shaded a darker blue.
Through one of the gaps, Keith could see Lance drop to one knee.
“Lance!” “Lance! What’s wrong!?” “Are you okay?!”
“I- I’m fine you guys. That blast just knocked me off my feet.” Lance lifted his head to look at them, “I always knew Keith would give me a killer headache, but I never expected it from the rest of you,” He gave them a grin that looked like it should hurt. But it seemed like he didn’t even notice the injuries on his face. 
“Wait, the injuries, they keep changing,” Pidge pointed out, “Why do they keep changing?” Keith looked closer, she was right. The injuries faded in and out on Lance, never the same.
“Seriously guys, I have no idea what you’re talking abou-”
“AS GREAT as it is to see you speaking as a team, I don't think the Princess can hold all of you in the Astral Plane for much longer.” Coran’s voice echoed around them, followed closely by Allura’s.
“It is true, my grip on the quintessence is slipping, something is interfering with it. I fear I may not be able to keep it stable for-”
“What the hell is that!” Hunk’s shout forced Keith’s head to snap towards him as he watched in horror..
The pale fog surrounding Lance was starting to change color. Purple leeching across the surface, like ink in water. It trampled the blue, growing as it surged towards the team.
“Guys, you’re starting to fade out again. What’s going on? Why is it going dark? You guys?” Lance’s shouts jumped through the barrier, but no one could spare a second to respond. The world rumbled again.
A splotch of purple got close enough to touch a tendril of black, seeming satisfied when it leapt away from the color in time with Shiro’s jerk.
“I know what this is,...” Shiro answered, fear building in his voice, “This is druid magic! It’s trying to get to Voltron!”
Keith caught a final glimpse of Lance’s worried face, before the wall started to close off again. And the purple got stronger as Lance pulled back.
“Shiro! We can’t let them get Voltron! She can’t-” Lance sounded more desperate than before.
“I know Lance. Everybody! Channel your lions, we have to push this back.” Shiro’s statement ended with a growl as he pushed more into the quintessence of the barrier. Keith followed suit and could see his team do the same.
Voltron’s colors rushed out against the purple. Even if the Black seemed to push from behind the others, Keith could feel his team hold strong against the ominous pressure.
The entire wall of fog swirled with color now. Not just blue, but Red, Yellow, Green, and Black all curling across each other in smooth cooperation.
Keith had to grit his teeth to keep the flow of power steady. And by the looks of it, everyone else was in the same boat.
“Shiro, it’s taking everything we’ve got just to keep the druid magic back, how are we going to break the wall?”
“I don't know, Keith,” Shiro raised his voice to rise above the barrier, “Lance, we’ve got the druids pushed back, for now, and we’re holding strong!,” The fog returned the thinned state it had been in before, revealing Lance in the middle, curled in on himself. He looked up at them, seeming more weary than he had before.
“Is there anything you can do from your side?”
Lance shakily stood up, almost losing his balance as the ground shook around them. Keith watched Lance steady himself before reaching for the wall. 
The wall glowed a bit brighter, and Keith could feel the pressure even out across the five of them. The bond grew stronger. 
But it wasn’t enough.
“Paladins! You must hurry! If we are to do this, we must do it now! I cannot hold it for much longer!” Allura’s words made Keith look up to see she was correct. The world, the Astral Plane, was quite literally falling apart around them.
A loud thumping sound shook them as shards of the sky fell to the ground.
“Hey, uh- guys,” Hunk’s leg shot out to kick incessantly at his shins, “Hey, guys, guys, guys!”
“What, Hunk!?” Keith snapped as he looked at him.
“I think something’s coming towards us!” Hunk shouted. Keith turned to follow his line of sight. Sure enough, there was a growing blue light at the horizon, slowly getting bigger as it got closer.
“What is that?” By now the whole team was looking at it, Pidge trying to get a proper look with her short arms still stuck to the barrier.
The thumping sound got louder, mixing in with the rumbling of the collapsing Astral Plane.
“Focus, team!” Shiro ground out beside him. The pull of quintessence from Keith got stronger as Hunk and Pidge’s focus shifted. It almost hurt to keep the flow open.
“What are you guys seeing? Is it something bad?” Lance’s voice sounded in his ear. When he looked back, Keith was surprised to find Lance almost right against the barrier, their eyes meeting.
“We don't know what-”
“Is that-?” Pidge asked in an unsure voice.
“I think it is!” Hunk sounded giddy, making Keith look away again, “It’s the Blue Lion!”
The thumping sound grew louder as the Blue Lion’s shape became clearer, now recognizable as the sound of paws running towards them.
Hunk cheered, losing focus even more, and Keith nearly stumbled under the weight now resting on Shiro, Lance and himself.
“Pidge! Hunk! If Blue is coming, then we need to be ready. Focus on the barrier!” Shiro commanded. Pidge immediately turned back to help them. Hunk…. not so much.
“She’s not slowing down. She’s not slowing down! I repeat, she is not slowing down! We are about to be crushed by a giant charging Space Lion!” Hunk’s signature anxious voice filled the air. Pidge looked back.
“Actually, I think she’s getting smaller…she’s almost normal sized.”
‘Normal-sized’ was an exaggeration. Blue was still several times larger than a normal ‘Earth’ lion. A fact becoming readily apparent as she got closer, and again, did not slow down.
“The Blue Lion knows what she’s doing. Get it together you two, we need to keep this wall stabilized.” Shiro used his Galran hand to forcibly turn Hunk’s head around to the wall. The purple had already started to come back the moment the team wasn’t pushing at full strength.
“Yep, uh huh, got it, focus on the evil purple magic, not the giant lion. Can do, boss man. Can, do.” Hunk rambled under his breath, still sneaking glances out of the corner of his eyes.
The thumping of Blue’s feet was deafening; and when she roared, every paladin, even Shiro, had no choice but to look back at her in reverence. 
She charged forwards with all the might of a mother, crashing towards Lance without pause for the wall between them.
All remnants of purple were pushed out of existence as Blue’s magic rushed through the barrier, scattering the world around them. 
The paladins were thrown back into the real world with a shock, Allura stumbling backwards into the waiting arms of Coran.
Lance was laying on the floor in front of them, a smile on his face. There were even a few joyful tears gathered at the corner of his eyes
“She’s back.” He whispered, the words coming out in disbelief. “She’s back. I can feel her again.” If possible, Lance’s smile grew even bigger as he sat up, the tears falling down his cheeks. “Blue, I missed you so much, girl. I missed you so much!” A rumble echoed through the castle, very clearly originating from the hangers.
“Don’t worry Lance, I think she missed you too,” Hunk smiled back. The pure happiness radiating from them was contagious, despite how exhausted everyone felt.
Pidge moved closer, peering up at Lance curiously.
“So, Lance,” She paused,
“Do you remember?”
First Chapter: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/613092735756402688/chips-and-salsa-chp-1
Next Chapter: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/653555387542405120/chips-salsa-chapter-9
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thereal-agentrose · 5 years
gonna do some Voltron fan kids of my favorite ships
Shiro x Adam: 3 children
2 boys: Sora and Alan
1 girl: Skyla
Lotor x Allura: 6 children
3 boys: Alfor, Zarkon and Tavo
3 girls: Melenor, honerva and Elina
Keith x Acxa: 2 children
1 boy: Jason
1 girl: Krolia
Lance x pidge/Katie: 2 children
2 boys: Peter and Carlos
Lance x plaxum: 1 child
1 girl: Marina
Hunk x Shay: 1 child
1 girl: Sheila
Matt x romelle: 3 children
2 girls: orla and Lucia
1 boy: Bandor
More to be revealed
26 notes · View notes
ladyemberswrites · 5 years
I’m Not Crazy, You’re Crazy!
Some ficlet stuff from my Redemption Universe!Au
Melenor x Alfor 
Alfor never considered himself a very bitter person. Sure, he’s held grudges, but he never found himself embroiled in absolute bitterness. There may be a widening drift between him and Zarkon, but knows in it his heart that it’ll pass. Or so, he wishes to believe. But, the truth of the matter is that he never knew what it was like to feel unholy rage- 
He found Melenor struggling to tip-toe around at the dawn of mid-night looking ragged and sickly pale as she slumped against the walls to keep herself steady, and hurdling to the floor. Her hair stuck to her face, and her legs wobbled, buckling, struggling to keep her weight. 
Her body went rigid “Sire” she turns herself around, only for her knees to hit the floor.
“Melenor!” he rushes to her side “what are you doing out of bed?” he frantically glances over her noting that she had prespirated through her white, dress shirt. She felt cold, and clammy to the touch. 
“I just-” she clenched her teeth, pressing a hand to her belly as her head fell to his chest “I need out of that room.” she murmurs “I can’t stand it. I’m a warrior, not a invalid” she mutters into his sternum, her breath hot on his throat. 
“High General or not, you just gave birth. You should absolutely not be up and about” he slides his strong arms under her knees, and cradles her back. He lifts her with ease and carries her back to her private infirmary room careful not to justle her. 
Allura’s still asleep when they return, she’s swaddled tightly with only her tiny face peeking out from her cocoon of warmth. He places Melenor back on the bed, her tight grimace and knitted brows betrays her feelings all too well, but given her paleness her discontent loses it’s intensity. He undoes her her high ponytail, allowing the cascade of her snowy lockes to fall about her face, she huffs out an air of annoyance as he places her down. 
She hates having her hair down and shoves it harshly out her face. It aggravates her. It’s why he does it “I loathe this entire situation.”
“The hair or your condition?” he asks with a quirk of his brow. 
“Both. but, mostly you.” he gawks at her with wide eyes.
“What did I do?” 
“For starters stop looking at me like that” he blinks.
“Look at you like what?”
“Am I that pitiful to you that you have to look at me with contempt” her voice nearly cracks, her golden eyes turn from him in that moment.
Alfor sighs “You sound just like Zarkon” Melenor snorts.
“At least I can take pride in the fact that I’m still sane” 
She snaps back towards him her frecious amber eyes boring the cool blue that is his “You know as well as I, that man has clearly gone off the deep end. The rift did something to him, and you know it. It’s only a matter of time before he snaps completely"
“He just needs time.” he says, not sure if he’s trying to convince himself or her, but at this point did it matter “He’ll see my side of things”
“And if he doesn’t? Then what?" 
Alfor doesn't answer and he's not sure why. Because she's right? Or because he's afraid of jinxing himself. It's one or the other, but he's for certain that Zarkon losing the final thread of his sanity isn't something he wants to image, or see be a reality. Clasping his hands together he stares off into the distance and out the window watching the autumn leaves fall.
"I'm sorry…"
"What?" His ears perk up, his head turns to find Melenor's casted away from him.
"I apologize." Her chest rises "I didn't mean to rub salt in the wound, I know how much he means to you." She murmurs, a rare tinge of red colors her pale cheeks and he couldn't help the slight smile that tugs at his lips..
"You're blushing" he runs his knuckles lightly over her cheek.
"I am not. A warrior doesn't blush as you say"
He laughs in good humor "Ah, but I've seen you blush before, haven't I? Remember, when we made love under the juniberry trees, I saw" 
She made a disgruntled noise in the back of her throat, shoving his hand away "It was a trick of the light, fool. I do not blush." She mutters into her pillow. He laughs again but with more heart.
"Will you hush, you'll wake the princess"
"You mean our daughter" 
"Your daughter" she corrects shortly. The good humor in the air dissipates, shattered by the cold reality before him.
"I cannot be that child's mother."
"Biologically, speaking she is you're daughter" he argues.
"Our laws do not allow it. You know that better than anyone. I cannot be queen, and cannot be Allura's mother. It is simply not allowed" 
"Laws aren't always right-I can-" 
"Laws must be unhold. What's the point of them if we break those that we do not like? What then? What example, you as King, would you be setting for your people? Laws are set for a reason, whether we like them or not." Alfor swallowed, he kept his visage passive and unresponsive.
"We've taken enough liberties. We can't take anymore than the ones we've stole"
"We didn't steal anything"
"You should have taken a rightful queen instead-instead I distracted you, I kept you from your duties." 
"You kept me from nothing. I chose not to marry."
"Because of me"
"Yes. But, even if I didn't love you as I do now, I still wouldn't have taken Orla for my wife." 
"She's nobility"
"She's awful. I would rather be manually castrated than ever bed that woman." He muttered. 
Melenor eyed him, her hardened expression softened at the sight of his grimace. It's childish, the twitch of his lip. To her, he looks boyish and young, but he's right, nobility or not Orla's a repugnant woman. She would never wish her on him, not even her worst enemy.
"You're right. I loathe her entirely"
Keith discovers two disturbing truths in one night 
There's a muffled noise from behind the command center's door. He had assumed Kolivan would be alone. Perhaps, not as his sensitive hearing heard soft whispers. He really wasn't paying much attention to what was being said only that he had a message to deliver from Ulaz to Kolivan and be on his merry way for the night.
He took another bite from his apple, chewing and savouring the sweet flesh as he punched in the access code. The little lights lit up, beeping, the mechanic locks twisting and unlocking with a pop, the door slides with a hiss and with one step, and another bite he enters the room without a second thought.
He finds Kolivan, or more like he finds his back turned to him. 
"Koli-" he freezes mid-bite, he sees two legs that don't belong to the hulk of muscle and alien that is Kolivan. They're smaller, slimmer and dangling around his waist. His lips snap shut as the face that peeks over his shoulder is the last person he'd ever thought he'd see or want to see. The flushed, wide-eyed face of his mother staring back at him startled. Shoulders raised to her ears which slowly fall back as her lilac visage pales under the command center's dim lights.
There's a chill. Something beeps in his ears, and he isn't sure whether the coldness is due to the frigid tension or his body heat just dropped like a sack of iron hammers. The juice of his apple taste bitter on his tongue, dribbling down his chin, and onto his suit. Like his mother's his ears fall back, and his mouth clamps so hard that his fangs dig into his gums until he can taste iron on his tongue.
He steps back out the threshold hold and watches the door slide shut and leaves the Mamora's base ship and back to his room onboard the castle of lions with Kolivan's rigid backside burned behind his eyelids. The only thing that makes the night even worse than the lsd-induced nightmare he's living is accidentally overhearing a bizarre conversation between Allura and Prince Lotor- 
"I know, but it'll help" he heard the prince grumble in the back of his throat.
"Why does your advisor have a whole barrage of fertility teas in the first place" Keith stopped dead in his tracks and blinked. 
...fertility teas? As in conception?
"They're leftovers"
"From what?" 
"Well, Coran had always dreamed of having a family of his own, hence the teas, but due to an injury he was rendered-uh impotent." 
"I see" he said after a moment.
"It was a devastating blow, poor thing, it's probably why he treats me as if I were his own" 
"Still doesn't explain why he kept all this" 
"Nostalgia" she said lamely "I suppose"
"It's creepy" 
"I know your not one to talk, Mr. Pervert" 
"Drink your tea, Allura" 
"You can't even deny it, can you?"
"Drink your tea, mommy" Keith almost swallowed his own tongue. 
"I'm not a mommy, yet-" he couldn't listen anymore, he left before his ears were assaulted again. He couldn't finish his apple, his appetite had been vaporized to kingdom come. First his mother, than Lotor and Allura- a shudder crawled down his spine, his mind kept making a flushing sound in the back of his head. He heard white noise, he could practically taste the static as he entered the lounge room with its bright, blaring screen and Hunk, Pidge, Matt and Lance's beet-red eyes glued to television set. Mario Party 6's theme song blaring in his ears like some sort of sick joke.
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eldunea · 5 years
also consider the following for voltron pokémon masters AU:
costs of gems isn’t so damn expensive. in the actual irl game you have to pay like $20 to get enough gems to scout 10 pairs and i just…holy balls that is SO UNREASONABLE?? LIKE WTF i can smell the greed all the way from over HERE
more complicated plot and dialogue; longer and more in-depth cutscenes. still has that childlike charm to it, but it’s somewhat darker (of course, because i’m writing it) and a whole lot deeper. like seriously. i think it’s insulting to kids to just give them cliché, fluffy plots and dialogue because it’s the only thing we think they understand and can emotionally handle. 
greater trainer customization options like for hair. option to buy clothing and a different backpack using coins.
choose your starter pokémon! you can choose from between bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle and pikachu.
characters can romance each other and you get to decide the outcome! playable ships include: sheith, shadam, shurtis, lotura, allurance, klance, kallura, lancelot, hunay, hidge, ventor, alforan, jaith, zezor, lotacxa, romellura, nymatt, acxa x narti, rolo x nyma, dayak x coran, zarkon x alfor, honerva x melenor. 
you can dictate ships by having trainers battle next to each other (first one in the center, next one on the right) while grinding or in the storyline, and you get support convos between them like in fire emblem to see how their relationships develop. ships can’t advance unless you play through their support convos, however, so if you happen to pair in battle two characters that you don’t necessarily want to be together, that won’t affect their shipped status.
you have to grind a LOT to get two characters together. you advance to the next support convo by having them train alongside each other repeatedly.
in addition, you can also personally romance your favorite voltron characters through the same method. romanceable characters include: shiro, keith, lance, pidge, hunk, lotor, allura, coran, gyrgan, trigel, blaytz, acxa, narti, ezor, zethrid, dayak, curtis, rolo and nyma. they won’t care what your gender is. any relationship is possible!
characters who are dating or married will sometimes stand next to each other in the pokémon center. they also are more likely to give you presents, so rub your filthy shipping hands together and pair up as many of your faves as possible!
if you are dating or married to a character, they will always be the one to give you the good morning message.
zarkon and honerva are preset married, as well as alfor and melenor. however, if you get together two or more of them (zarkon x alfor and/or honerva x melenor), they will go polyamorous.
you can get sven, the alternate version of shiro, through a special limited time event. 
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harmonytre-reblogs · 6 years
My Voltron Ships
I’ll do this by characters (in order from IMDB, I never realized Lance and Pidge were in the most episodes!). They’re in order from favorite to okay. I started watching after it was released that Shiro was gay, but if not then this.
Lance: Pidge (OTP), Allura (just kinda though)
Pidge: Lance(OTP), Hunk, Keith
Hunk: Shay (fave), Romelle, Pidge
Allura: Keith (OTP), Lotor, Shiro
Shiro: Allura (but don’t really ship him)
Coran: Uh . . . Sorry got nothing
Keith: Allura (OTP), Acxa, Pidge
Zarkon x Honerva
Alfor x Melenor
Ryan x Nadia
Veronica x James
These are just my opinions, so please don’t get mad.
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khellamendrawrites · 6 years
Want You By My Side
Blaytz finds Daibazaal to be so boring except for a particular servant that’s caught his eye. Now if only he could find him before the new deca-phoeb starts.
Pairing: Blaytz x Galra Servant 
It was all so unbelievably monotone. Purple and red decorated nearly every part of Daibazaal including the very planet itself. The whole place was so uniform and so militaristic. Sometimes Blaytz wanted to throw random color capsules everywhere just to see what would happen. Probably cause a riot or something knowing these people, they wouldn’t know how to handle that much fun. Sure Zarkon was nice but even he had a certain controlled mannerism to him as if he was afraid to let go or didn’t know how to. He seemed the most animated around Honerva. The Nalquodian only hoped she brought out a real personality in the guy. Alfor was so different that he didn’t know how his friend did it other than having the patience of a Weblum.
Looking across the room, he watched the servants as they moved about their various tasks. Eyes watched one in particular, the same one he remembered from his first visit to Daizabaal after becoming a Paladin.
Eyes met his own and Blaytz was about to wink at him before Alfor decided to lean forward, right in his line of sight, the biggest smile on his face. “What do you think Blaytz?” Glancing around the table, everyone was staring at him now, waiting for an answer to a question he hadn’t even heard. Eyes flitted to where the servant had been but there was nothing but empty space now.
“Uh yeah, I think it’s a great idea.” Shrugging, he caught that knowing look from Trigel that he ignored. The king had already turned back to Zarkon, crossing his arms with a look of satisfaction.
“You see? Everyone wants you to be there. You cannot miss the annual Capho Festival." He said firmly. "We shall welcome the new deca-phoeb together. As Paladins-in-arms and as friends. You cannot possibly say no.” Blaytz put an arm over his chair, slouching as he tuned the conversation out again.
When he caught movement out of his peripheral again he followed the arm up to see the same servant he had been watching a moment ago. Eyes meeting again, Blaytz smiled and tipped his head in a silent thanks. The blush was almost invisible against pale violet skin but he still caught it along with the smile before the servant walked away.
As soon as the meeting ended, they all separated with a promise to meet up in a couple of quintant for the Festival. It would be going on for an entire movement as per tradition. The new deca-phoeb would be starting at the end of the first quintant of it.
Blaytz lingered, telling himself it was only because Alfor was and he liked to watch his friend’s back. They all knew it wasn’t because of a lack of trust in the Galra. Alfor had done it for Blaytz when it had mattered the most. Blaytz had spent his life doing the same until it became something of a habit.
Leaning on the balcony he watched his friend visit with Honerva.  Zarkon walking ahead to give them time to themselves.
“Is everything alright?” Trigel joined him, watching Alfor gestured animatedly about something while Honerva laughed. “You seemed distracted during the meeting.”
“Hey you know me, I find those meetings boring more often than not. The atmosphere does that to me. It’s so dry here.” Shrugging, he turned around and leaned against the railing. “You know me, I love excitement this is-” He gestured with a hand. “So not it.”
“It is different from home, I must admit though I do find it fascinating. I believe there is one in particular that you also find fascinating.” She said, gesturing with her head again. Glancing back, he smiled without meaning to. The soft laugh signaled he had was caught and he gave her a sour look. “I overheard Alfor ask if it would be alright to have some of the servant class assist with preparation and service for the Capho festival. I may have mentioned to the Staff Captain that we want only the best and that there is a particular set of servants that have more than proven themselves.”
Trigel didn’t believe in the Galran’s hierarchy either but unlike him, she was better at playing the system. Looking back at the servant, he grinned. “Thanks Tri.”
Everything was a flurry of activity but Blaytz loved it. Altea was a planet he could spend all of his time on, it was so full of color and life. Throw everything underwater and it might have been almost exactly like Nalquod. Granted he had long since grown to enjoy the warmth of the sun against skin.
Dodging children he wrapped an arm around Coran without stopping, watching him check things off a list. “Yo Coran the gorgeous man don’t suppose the rest of the Pirate Polychoral are going to show up to the festival? I haven’t gotten to hear you guys in ages.” Twirling a mustache, Coran pretended to think it over as if he hadn’t known the answer phoebs ago.
“The gang is rather busy these days but.” He looked from side to side, leaning into Blaytz. “We might be able to get everyone together for a show or two.” He hinted. Patting the Altean heartily on the back blue paladin laughed.
“Well, I’ll make sure to keep an ear out then. Wouldn’t want to miss that for anything. To the new deca-phoeb friend!” Strolling down the street, he didn’t even hesitate to walk into the castle. Even more, people were working diligently to get everything ready. They would be getting guests within a few varga and everyone was excited.
The galra servants were the ones that stood out like sore thumbs and not just because of their looks. They seemed almost perplexed by the relaxed nature of everything. He didn’t see who he was really interested in but Trigel had assured him the man was here somewhere.
“Blaytz!” He turned just in time to be pulled into a crushing hug by the overly friendly Rygnirathian.
“ Gyrgan! Good to see you too. Kinda crushing my chest though, do you mind?” He said with a slight wheeze. Even if he didn’t quite need the air, the yellow paladin always seemed to forget his own strength. Thankfully he didn’t have as squishy of an anatomy like Alteans did.
Speaking of Alteans, he waved at Alfor as he joined them with the rest of their party. Opening his arms to give another hug, Zarkon was quick to extend a hand. Accepting the gesture without question, they clasped arms before he put a hand on Trigel’s shoulder as she bowed slightly to him. Alfor tried to do what Zarkon had but Gyrgan didn’t give him the chance to get out of the hug. At least this one didn’t sound too painful.
“Always a great pleasure to see you too Gyrgan. Truly your heart is as strong as your muscles.” Alfor said, not without the same slight wheeze Blaytz had. The Nalquodian noted with some amusement that Alfor was actually more so out of breath as he straightened clothing out once back on the ground.
“Getting old are we?” He teased as Alfor cleared his throat.
“Looking for someone before we arrived, dear friend?” Alfor asked casually as he fixed his sleeve. It turned into a smug grin at the look of shock on a blue face.
“Quiznack does everyone know?” He asked, rubbing his head.
“I don’t know. Are we waiting for someone else?” Gyrgan asked and Zarkon looked just as confused.
“I am afraid I too do not know. What are you talking about Alfor?” He asked as Blaytz desperately make gestures behind him to shut it. Alfor for his part laughed it off.
“It is nothing, I am merely teasing him and he knows it. Come let us leave these people to their work. I must show you some things I have been working on while I still can. Once the festival starts Melenor will never forgive me if I try to work during it.”
They only managed to escape because the queen came into the hanger and dragged Alfor away. They all knew that was their signal to disperse and enjoy what Altea had to offer.
If it was lively before it was even more so now with music and laughter both in and outside of the palace. As much as he wanted to stay in the palace, Blaytz had always been a paladin of the people. He wasn’t royalty like Alfor or Zarkon nor a  leader like Gyrgan was for his tribe. Even Trigel was a royal researcher. He was just a regular guy that had accidentally saved and befriended a then prince turned king. Out in the square and down the side streets with the kids and commoners, that was where he felt the most comfortable.
As the suns set lower in the sky, he knew he needed to find the person he wanted to see the most. Considering he hadn’t seen any of the Galran servants around they most likely had been stuck at the palace. That was probably a big improvement from what they had to deal with so that gave him some comfort.
The mood inside the palace was far more formal, filled with the higher-ups from various allied planets. At least Zarkon was dancing. From the look on his face, he wasn’t sure how he felt about the activity. Every time he looked at Honerva’s smiling face, his own would soften and he’d keep going. Maybe she was bringing out a personality in him after all.
Continuing he walked into the kitchen which confused the Galra staff who didn’t expect anyone but other servants or staff to be in there. Hys smacked his hand with a spoon when he reached for one of the desserts. “Oh no you don’t, you know the rules. Not until the new deca-phoeb starts are you getting one of those. Shoo before I smack you again.” She said as he rubbed his poor hand.
“Man I can’t believe at your age you still have reflexes like that. Woah!” Dodge the spoon, he made a break for it before she could make good on her promise. He hadn’t seen the person he wanted in there anyway. In fact, he couldn’t seem to find him anywhere. The more time that passed the more disappointed he was until he had to give up.
Slipping away from the party he found a balcony to sulk on. Looking down at the lights, he could hear the sounds of the celebration. It brought a slight smile to his face to see the people so happy and knowing he was helping to protect that.
“E-excuse me.”
The voice was so soft he almost missed it but it caught his attention all the same. Standing shyly was the one person he had wanted to see this entire time. “I apologize but Ms. Trigel asked me to bring these to you. I’m will leave it for you and your guest.”
“Guest?” Looking at the tray, he realized it had two glasses on it. Trigel was a smart one and he owed her so much. Taking the glasses, he set one down on the railing before gently catching the man’s arm. “Actually, I….what’s your name?” Surprised, the man hesitated on if he should answer and Blaytz was almost afraid he wouldn’t.
“Bakki. My name is Bakki.”
“Bakki.  I like it. Bakki I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind being my guest?” He asked, holding out the glass to the man. “Honestly I have been all over this place looking for you. I know this might seem weird and all but-”
“I would love to.”
“-but I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while and...what?” A hand gently took the glass from his hand as a tray was set aside.
“You were the first person to talk to me, to notice me. To continue to notice me.” He said, that blush back on violet cheeks. “I know I’m here because you asked for me to be and I’m grateful for that. It’s so nice here. Not at all like back home. There it’s so-”
“Dry?” Blatyz asked, feeling a warmth in his chest at the soft laugh that earned.
“Yes, dry.”
The sudden cheer of the people caught both of their attention as they looked over the balcony at the set up below. Alfor and Melenor had appeared, both of them smiling and waving to the adoring citizens.
“To those who come from beyond our planet, we thank you for joining us in bringing in a new deca-phoeb. It has not been without its troubles and its pains but it has also brought much to be happy and thankful for. We mourn those that could not be with us this night and take comfort in those we can. We will never forget them, but we will move forward as we always do and continue to bring peace and prosperity. Through unity and through friendship, we will achieve this goal. We are all very different and yet similar beings in a universe much bigger than ourselves. Beings trying to do our best. May this deca-phoeb be even better than the last and may we never lose sight of who we are!”
“He’s an impressive leader,” Bakki said with a small smile.
“He sure is. Looks like the new deca-phoeb will be here soon.” Blaytz said, noticing Gyrgan and Trigel below them, sitting beside one another. He knew she liked him but Gyrgan wasn’t ready for another relationship, not as he still mourned the one he had lost. “What do you hope to see in the coming one?”
“Honesty, I would like freedom for my people. Being here, it makes me want that even more. Emperor Zarkon is a good man but the classism is something that needs to be removed. My people deserve to be as happy as the Alteans and your own. I admit I don’t know anything about your people. Still, from watching you, seeing you among the citizens here, I have a feeling they are very happy people. Oh, the countdown is starting.”The both of them looked at the large clock counting down the ticks.
As it was about to hit the last number, Blaytz leaned in and pressed a kiss to Bakki’s cheek, catching the man off guard. The crowd cheers as Alfor did the same to Melenor though she wasn’t so quick to let him get away. “Run away with me then. Change doesn’t come overnight but it’s like he said, we achieve it through unity. Let me help you.”
Looking out at the crowd as the sky lit up with lights, Bakki didn't need to think about it for long before he nodded. “To the new deca-phoeb, whatever it may bring I’ll face it with you.”
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ao3feed-safeklance · 6 years
proverbs of hell and wildflowers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XvczGH
by realfakedoors
I begin to sing of Demeter, the holy goddess with the beautiful hair. And her daughter [Persephone] too. The one with the delicate ankles, whom Hadês seized.
Lance, the god of the springtime, of botanical life and of flowers, spends much of his immortal life alone. He has friends, certainly, like the god of the sun, Hunk, or the goddess of the wilderness, Pidge, but even then, he only sees them on occasion. And in reality, his mother is just worried, about his safety, about something corrupting her sweet, innocent boy. Then, of course, he meets the god of the underworld, Keith, who drains the life out of almost anything he touches. Plus, he tortures lost souls or something, right?
So, like any good son, Lance definitely doesn't develop feelings and proceed to engage in a secret relationship with the god of the underworld. Nope. Definitely not something Lance would do.
 Meanwhile, Lotor, son of Honerva and the Chaotic entity, Zarkon, has been sent to punish a beautiful mortal princess, and, whoops, he falls in love with the mortal woman instead.
(AKA, Persephone x Hades Klance AU with some background Lotura. T for swearing and dark themes.)
Words: 9392, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Honerva (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Matt Holt, Melenor (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Kosmo (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lance (Voltron) as Persephone, Keith (Voltron) as Hades, Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Alternate Universe - Eros and Psyche (Hellenistic Religion & Lore) Fusion, Allura (Voltron) is Psyche, Lotor (Voltron) is Eros, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Falling In Love, Romantic Fluff, Language of Flowers, Swearing, Mythology - Freeform, Mythology References, Alternate Universe - Mythology, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Secret Relationship, Developing Relationship, Overprotective, I Don't Even Know, Family Drama
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XvczGH
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ao3-feed-shadam · 6 years
proverbs of hell and wildflowers
by realfakedoors
I begin to sing of Demeter, the holy goddess with the beautiful hair. And her daughter [Persephone] too. The one with the delicate ankles, whom Hadês seized.
Lance, the god of the springtime, of botanical life and of flowers, spends much of his immortal life alone. He has friends, certainly, like the god of the sun, Hunk, or the goddess of the wilderness, Pidge, but even then, he only sees them on occasion. And in reality, his mother is just worried, about his safety, about something corrupting her sweet, innocent boy. Then, of course, he meets the god of the underworld, Keith, who drains the life out of almost anything he touches. Plus, he tortures lost souls or something, right?
So, like any good son, Lance definitely doesn't develop feelings and proceed to engage in a secret relationship with the god of the underworld. Nope. Definitely not something Lance would do.
 Meanwhile, Lotor, son of Honerva and the Chaotic entity, Zarkon, has been sent to punish a beautiful mortal princess, and, whoops, he falls in love with the mortal woman instead.
(AKA, Persephone x Hades Klance AU with some background Lotura. T for swearing and dark themes.)
Words: 9392, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Honerva (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Matt Holt, Melenor (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Kosmo (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lance (Voltron) as Persephone, Keith (Voltron) as Hades, Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Alternate Universe - Eros and Psyche (Hellenistic Religion & Lore) Fusion, Allura (Voltron) is Psyche, Lotor (Voltron) is Eros, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Falling In Love, Romantic Fluff, Language of Flowers, Swearing, Mythology - Freeform, Mythology References, Alternate Universe - Mythology, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Secret Relationship, Developing Relationship, Overprotective, I Don't Even Know, Family Drama
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/17953502
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mateushonrado · 6 years
Voltron X-Men: Evolution AU
Status Post #6536
Alfor as Charles Xavier / Professor X
James Griffin as Scott Summers / Cyclops
Nadia Rizavi as Jean Grey
Ryan Kinkade as Evan Daniels / Spyke
Kolivan as James Logan Howlett / Wolverine
Melenor as Ororo Munroe / Storm
Nyma as Anna Marie / Rogue
Ina Leifsdottir as Kitty Pryde / Shadowcat
Lance McClain as Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
Bogh as Hank McCoy / Beast
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