#Blog Post 9
yillysramblings · 2 years
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Blog Post #9: Pick something from the guest lecture that will be important for you as an advertiser.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
So, UX. First off, I didn't even have a clue as to what "UX" actually meant, (psst. It means "User Experience"!) so this lecture was mind-opening for lots of reasons! Chris Morate from Qgiv, spoke to us about the User's Experience on websites, and how design plays a big part in pretty much everything.
Not just on a website, but the design of your products, social media presence, and even just regular ads on a TV or billboard--it all matters. Being a person who wants to work in a creative space, I knew all this already, especially being aware of my ADHD it helps a lot with knowing what can keep peoples' attention.
The design of Qgiv's website pleases my eyes and brain so much. The way everything just scrolls easily all the way down, having gifs and big pictures is genius. As advertisers, we're told that white space is best to be filled, and UX design makes that clear for sure.
As an advertiser, I want to make sure that design and graphic design stay true to me and will hopefully always be organic. I'm certified in a few Adobe programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop, so I recognize the importance of having those skills, and maybe UX design will be where I find my first big-girl job! I do love the idea of working for a non-profit, or an organization that fits well with my own personal beliefs, so we'll see!
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sinlizards · 1 year
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Finally figuring out how to draw this guy 🐍
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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orphiclovers · 3 months
It's sort of implied Yoo Joonghyuk starts off every regression in his signature outfit already and I have. Headcanons on how that is possible.
It's explicitly stated in canon that his coat does not travel back to him when he regresses (kdj says so to sp), so the two possibilities are either he buys it as soon as possible and just does the first couple scenarios in a normal outfit (boring, unsupported by canon) or... he was already wearing the coat on the day the scenarios started. Which is what I think, and is more interesting. Since those coats already have so much narrative weight in yjh's story let me add a little more.
I think when Yoo Joonghyuk spawned into existence on the side of the road one day, he was wearing the full WoS outfit, coat included. Because, what else would the protagonist wear? This was the only outfit he was written in.
Eventually, he of course did buy normal clothes (in yoo mia side story, which happens a few years later, he wears 'an old jacket') but that coat he started off with with would have been one of the very few pieces of evidence of his supposed 'past' that he wanted to discover so badly. So even if he stopped wear it day-to-day, I think he wouldn't have gotten rid of it.
For years, A Black Infinite Dimention Space Coat hangs in his closet, totally anachronistic in a pre-scenarios world. Like Yoo Joonghyuk himself.
It's important to note that on the day the scenarios started, Yoo Joonghyuk was taking the train to meet his parents for the first time. Perhaps he felt the need to dress up, and what better way than the unusual clothing he wore on the first day he remembers? He would have finally gotten the answers he had been looking for - perhaps even to the comparatively insignificant question of why he was wearing this coat when he forgot his past.
Well, his parents house was empty, but he still gets the answer to his questions eventually, when at 7 p.m on the ride back, the scenarios start.
In a bitter irony, that outfit he chose to wear on that day would be what he wore for the next thousand regressions. But of course, it never could have happened any other way.
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cassierobinsons · 5 months
you can make w/e argument you like about the angels later in the season because i stopped paying attention to them when naomi died but earlier on they are very obviously meant to be christian fundamentalists and you are supposed to sympathise with the individual angels because of the constant surveillance and punishment they have to deal with while simultaneously recognising that as a collective they are an unparalleled threat to humanity and that sam&dean are justified in disliking them. yes even if it hurts cas' feelings.
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oobi-oobi · 14 days
I drew all of the Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors characters dying in glue traps
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Feel free to use with credit :)
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yaknowlikenyah · 6 months
Hey puppy, Wanna fuck your big bro?
Hello from me, Chance! Your Catboy Cuntboy Extraordinaire, Dom Bottom, Weed Smoking, and God Complex having Older Brother.
That should filter out about half of you. Just block if my kinks aren’t your thing!
He/It, 24 Trans Dude, if you’re a metalhead that can lift ~120lbs I will suck your dick so good.
This is a sideblog✌️
🐟Kink List Here!🐟
Wanna add to it? Send me an ask and I’ll give you my thoughts on it.
I love teasing anons, but don’t expect me to sext you through asks if I can’t see your age.
If you’re a minor you know the drill⚠️
I don’t have a DNI just don’t be a dick
Original Post Tags:
Original posts: Nyah
Asks: Like Nyah?
Guro: 9 lives
Weed: Catnip
Fauxcest: Runt of the Litter
Audio tag: Nyahdios
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where-is-impulsesv · 12 days
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Elim Garak: fucking around vs finding out
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mordremrose · 7 months
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March VS art party!!!!
I totally forgot to get tags this time around so no @‘ing for anyone today my bad LMAO Nakiya Taneri is mine, drew her as a warm up for the EU side of things :3c
Remember to parallel park your jackals and water your strawberries!!
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jackwhiteprophetic · 1 month
BEGINS episodes I would like:
RAVI- I love him and he deserves to be shown more, also I really need him to become a regular because until he isn't, he is considerably much less safe from permanent injury/death.
MADDIE- Deserves a begins episode with backstory not just about Buck/Doug. I think we should see Maddie before Buck was born, and her relationship with Daniel. The impact of Daniel on Maddie hasn't been given the time and thought it deserves. Also Ravi and Maddie begins could be combined so well.
EDDIE- another Eddie begins, this time about before Chris. Would be massively on theme for the season, because Eddie will be exploring who he is without Chris, and Chris is literally at Eddie's childhood home, and has already been to the lake.
Also I want to see more about Chim and Hen's childhoods please!!!
ALSO much of this post is like silly and I know begins episodes are normally about how they became first responders, though tbf Bobby's ones were not.
ADDING THIS BC PEOPLE CANT SEE/IGNORED THE ORIGINAL TAGS: PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG ABOUT WANTING A TOMMY BEGINS. Feel free to post about that separately but I don't want to see that and please respect this boundary!!!
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Have you seen the recent way the Lackacrew is handling a situation in the fandom? Cause if so it only highlights how little fucks Viv gives about anyone else. Sincerely: Hank
I have.
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This, for the record, is how you do it. Fandom creators don't control everyone, but their words and their actions do have power.
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elumish · 11 days
Kind of tempted to write something about the memorialization of 9/11 and why it fits in the unique place that it does in the American consciousness.
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I don’t know why it just occurred to me that a bunch of the people who joke “a second [x] has hit the towers” were not alive when 9/11 happened. Like to me that’s a transformative pivot point of my life, a before and after. And to some of you guys, it’s like. History. It’s a thing that happened to other people before you were born.
It's not that I think people shouldn't make 9/11 jokes. I don’t think that, also I'm not in charge of jokes on the internet from everyone in the world, and also some are very funny. Like with most things in the Venn diagram of tasteless and funny, the jokes in the overlap: 1) are pure art, and 2) vary wildly from person to person. But for some reason, I suddenly understood the passage of time and what September 11th being 22 years ago means, and I was like “oh. huh. HUH.” Because now jokes about 9/11 coming from someone with no memory of 9/11, who maybe wasn't even born yet? That is so weird to me. what do you mean you don't remember 9/11. what do you mean you're 19. when I was 19, I remembered 9/11.
I grew up in Bush's America, and Bush's America taught us there were only three eras in history: everything that led up to 9/11, the day of 9/11, and everything that happened because of 9/11. That's the land I'm from, that's how we were brought up back there. If you could study history like a map, then some dates would get to be the capital city. In a territory of a thousand different towns, here’s the town with the star next to its name. If you're zoomed out far enough, the only town with a name at all. It's the mandatory detail, the guaranteed example.
It’s really weird to suddenly feel moored in history, to feel yourself becoming a primary document in some future generation's history essay. I felt a magical chronal mindlink with some middle-aged New York ad man in 1965 listening to teens talk about Pearl Harbor. I felt exactly my age and exactly my nationality. I felt like a time capsule. I felt like my mother that time I asked her what it was like growing up in the 1960s, and she told me about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Anyway, comedy shows kept playing in New York City. I read an article once about one of the shows, a couple weeks after or a week after or maybe a day after, maybe it was September 12. When the comedian inevitably made a joke about the events of about that bad thing that had happened last Tuesday, the crowd reacted. But I don't remember how, and it's very frustrating that I can't find the article, because I remember that the crowd booed, but I cannot remember if they then laughed. Maybe it was a really good joke.
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a-bensler-blog · 1 year
"Maybe she wanted to interrogate you."
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(Gifs not mine, CTTO | 6th: @/elliot-olivia on Tumblr | 9th: @/ohtendril on Tumblr.)
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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[Late 2023 icon update!]
[I couldn't stand looking at the other one anymore, now that I've found some style consistency. Time for a streamlined look!]
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