#Bnha timeline
afoisawhore · 2 years
BNHA Timeline Thru USJ
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BNHA Timeline through the USJ arc. Italics are dates/days that are an estimation. The dates est. are within ~ 1 week accurate, while the bolded dates are exact.
Dates in the image are:
May 6th (Friday) Sludge Villain
Late November Izuku collapses during training
[New year begins]
February 26th (Sunday) UA Entrance Exam
March 4th (Sunday) UA Acceptance Letter
April 10th (Sunday) First Day of UA
April 11th (Monday) Battle Training
April 12th (Tuesday) "Reporter" Break-In
April 13th (Wednesday) USJ
Some notes/explanation:
February 26th is listed in Chp 2 as the date of the exam
Also in Chp 2, Izuku says there are 294 days (10 mo.) until the Exam. This is 2 days post Sludge Villain
There are at least 3 weeks between the letter & the first day (Chp 6, 8)
On the first day of school All Might tells Aizawa April Fools was last week (Chp 7)
For a year in which Feb 26 is a Sunday, this puts the first day ~ April 10th
^ some Japanese schools have school on Saturday so it makes sense for the exam is most likely on a Sunday
Having school on a Sunday isn't typical in Japan but the first day may have been intended to be orientation only, which would make sense for a Sunday
(All of this is manga source only)
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saeist · 4 months
a/n: another ua student!touya ft. hawks and mirko as his classmates!! + basing this "long eyelashes" debacle from the fact his eyelids are a little thicker than todoroki's + it's canon that he has long lower eyelashes since it's prominent when he was young lol
"i'm jealous"
you casually drop a bomb on touya, who was currently in the kitchen eating piping hot udon.
touya's eyes widens, ultimately choking on his food. like you just didn't witness him knocking on death's door, you casually slid to the seat next to him, watching him just choke there
"being jealous is one thing, but not helping your poor boyfriend who's choking? that's a little overkill don't you think?!" touya exclaims, after regaining his own composure
instead of answering, you shrug, staring at the now pouting boy beside you
"i'm not a mind reader you know?" touya points out, catching your gaze. it's making him a little uncomfortable being put on the spot like this. last time he checked, he didn't even look at another girls direction! so what could have made you jealous?
the way you were just staring at him in silence is making him uneasy. it's almost like you were making him admit to something he didn't even do
touya racks his brain for any close encounter he had with any female today during class. maybe he accidentally brushed hands with a classmate earlier today, maybe he bumped shoulders with a third year student back at lunch rush, maybe he made eye contact with another girl for a split second on accident when he was scanning the hallways for you
his mind ends up dating back at lunch where you two were having lunch with your two other friends being keigo and rumi
wait a second.. could it be rumi?
"is it rumi? but i thought you two were best friends so you were cool with us messing around with chicken little back there at the cafeteria? if it is rumi then i'll try not to interact with her that much if it makes you jealous, i'm sorry, doll. forgive me" touya rambles, suddenly getting on his knees and bowing down to (almost) kiss your feet
your eyebrows shot up at the mention of your best friend
"what are you rambling about? of course not! i'm not jealous over her, dummy" you finally break your silence. "i'm talking about your eyelashes"
touya's eyes widened once again. he slowly rises from your feet to shoot you a dirty look. did you really just make him kneel and kiss your feet over the thought of you being jealous over someone else when you were just jealous of his eyelashes all along?
"run that by me one more time?" touya puts his hands on his hips
you let out a fit of giggles watching his now irritated face.
"i'm jealous of your long eyelashes, touya" you grin, standing up to reach his face, cupping his cheeks as you run your thumb against his eyes
touya's eyes flutters shut, letting you touch his face this up close and personal. he won't admit it out loud but it tickles when your thumbs run through his long lower lashes
but the way his face scrunches says otherwise
"it tickles, doesn't it?" you giggle
"no? who said that?" touya denies, turning his head away to hide the impending blush that's rapidly spreading across his cheek
you can feel the cuteness aggression rushing in. you turn his head to force him to look at you. you squeeze his cheeks as you lean in until..
"if you're gonna suck faces could you guys at least do it in the privacy of your dorm rooms? ever heard of that?" keigo casually walks in with rumi on tow
"yuck" rumi gags, skipping past the two of you to get a carrot from the fridge
"i suggest you two get the fuck out of here unless you want roasted chicken and rabbit for dinner" touya growls, (softly) prying your hands off his face as he glares at his two best friends who were now running away while laughing
"so, doll.. where were we?" touya smiles softly, acting like he didn't just threaten his friends just a second ago
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nnikoneko · 4 months
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from a request on instagram
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upperranktwo · 1 year
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☆Tomura Shigaraki☆
Happy Birthday Adrienne ♡ @tenkoushimura​
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Deku: Who wants to make 1000 yen?
Katsuki: How?
Deku: I need someone to take the fall.
Todoroki: What did you do?
Aizawa, from the other room: What the hell!
Katsuki and Todoroki:
Aizawa: WHAT THE HELL?!?
Deku: Make it 5000?
Katsuki: Deal
Deku: *Gives him the money*
Aizawa, storming in: WHO DID THIS?!
Katsuki: It was Todoroki.
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delawaredetroit · 2 months
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So Nighteye spent less time with All Might than I remembered. Out of All Might's around 38 year long pro hero career, Sir Nighteye was only All Might's sidekick for five years (All Might had One for All 40 years minus his three years at UA but add the half a year he kept going with the embers of One for All after transferring it).
How short his working relationship was with Sir Nighteye has a few interesting implications for the timeline:
41 years ago - All Might receives One for All
39 years ago - Shimura dies
Around 35 years ago - assuming the cover story for going to America was college, he at most spent four years there with Dave before returning to Japan
11 years ago - Sir Nighteye became All Might's sidekick
6 years ago - All Might's injury and Sir Nighteye quit as his sidekick
Less than 6 years ago - All Might befriends Tsukauchi
1.5 years ago - All Might met Izuku
So that leaves an approximately 24 year period in All Might's hero career as the Symbol of Peace where All Might was completely isolated where he and All for One lived for hunting each other. Also, credit given to Sir Nighteye's tenacity. He was the only person to get close to All Might after he settled into his role as Symbol of Peace but before his injury. All of All Might's other notable connections are either from before becoming the symbol (Shimura Nana, Gran Torino, and Dave) or after his injury (Tsukauchi and Izuku).
They seemed like they had been working together forever, but there is a good chance that scene where Izuku and Bakugou got their limited edition All Might cards chronologically happened before Sir Nighteye even started his sidekick gig.
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escaping-peril12 · 2 months
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gotta love the tl 😭
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transhawks · 2 months
I’m so devastated at Hawks character regression. This feels like a villain ending for him. I was holding on for SO LONG. And I was prepared to be ok with a one panel send off how IS THIS WORSE
In all seriousness, I'm just waiting for someone to explain what he's fully saying in this chapter. Google translate presents a different picture than the leakers i.e. It's Hawks who straight up says he doesn't want to get rid of the ranking system as it has good parts and bad parts (he says "demerits/merits") and that he wants to include other people, not All Might.
So in one hand he's here out trying to expand the meaning of hero, not AM (Toshinori was the one asking him why he's not getting rid of it), but also Keigo says something particularily odd about not wanting to fully get rid of his "gong". It keeps being translated as that and I'm curious if that is a phrase in Japanese. Personally, I suspect the billboard ranking gives him (and the SPC) an element of control over hero society that he doesn't want to relinquish. Incredibly Machiavellian, but he learned from some of the best, I suppose. I don't know - is this is a villain ending for him or just a bad ending in general? I DO see the freedom in his new position/power even if I don't think it's the ending that will make him happy, it does make it very clear to him that he can CHOOSE to be happy/free/etc. But coupled with how much Horikoshi just abandoned the themes that were written into characters like Keigo....I just think it all feels too bitter.
It's hard to isolate one character's end when the entire ending is this shit and the entire narrative of saving was thrown away by the heroes.
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quirkedupkicks · 3 months
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preview of my latest comic ... ive been reading too many 3rd year tddk fanfics lately -////-
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vampshxde · 2 months
I Think I Can Love You
Halloween night. You could only wish to go back to that night. To stop yourself from making stupid prank phone calls.
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"Everyone? Even Katsuki?" You asked Izuku over the phone. "Yeah. Even Kacchan, " he responded. He surely matured over the years. He had such a calm voice now. You didn't know what to think. But you had no right to tell Izuku what to do. If Izuku forgave him, then that's all that matters.
Out of all the numbers you called, you just so happened to call him. "Who the hell is calling at 3am.." An irritated tone spoke to you from the phone. Your eyes widened. Katsuki? You couldn't help but immediately click the bright red button. Staring at the device. He couldn't have known who it was, I mean, you haven't spoken to the guy since his middle school years. He was such a dick back then. Although you weren't much better. You would laugh at the quirkless kid, Izuku, as well. However, you apologized over the phone to Izuku a while back. It was awkward. But he forgave you, in fact he said he forgave everyone.
Speaking of Izuku, you two had a hangout upcoming. He said it could be like some type of a reunion. The day of the reunion came faster than you thought. Heading out to meet Izuku at this little coffee shop. Oddly enough, he was at a table for three?? You sat down at the table, across from him. An empty seat to the side.
"Hey Izuku, what's up with the third chair?" You spoke to him calmly. Analyzing his looks, this was the first time you've seen him since middle school. He had a lot of scars. Running up and down his arm. A couple on his face. You had zoned out on what he said. Something about another old friend coming as well. However, your eyes darted to the chair when it was pulled out, and blonde hair spikes could be seen. Awh fuck. Katsuki Bakugou.
Might be doing a couple other parts
Just a small little cliffhanger for you!! ☺️
315 Words
P.2, P.3, P.4
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 months
Hi. Hello. Not to be dramatic but I just wanted to tell you I love you for your krakenverse art.
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everypanelofizuku · 1 month
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Chapter 96 - Home Visits
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leviiackrman · 18 days
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ASAMI ENATSU - Fantasy Anime AU
more art || character page || commissions
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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gothicayomi · 6 months
What if All For One is Tomura’s grandpa AND Izuku’s dad
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hauntedhokage · 7 months
word count: 1.7k
summary: he's seeing you everywhere, and has to combat his own internal struggle of whether or not it's creepy to live across the hall from you.
warnings: mature themes, Bakugou overthinks everything, mentions of sexual content, reader is a sexworker and this is a sw positive space!!, no explicit sexual content tho.
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He can’t get over the fact that you’re the one. You, his neighbor that he knew existed but had never seen, was the girl he paid a monthly fee to for affirmations of varying levels of erotic undertones. He would be laying in bed, eyes closed as he listened to your voice, while you were across the hall recording more content. What doesn’t help is that he sees you everywhere now. 
The mailboxes, the grocery store, coming in as he’s leaving and vis versa. Every now and then you’d strike up a conversation with him, clearly flirting and he was happy to flirt back, but he was terrified of you knowing that he subscribed to your content. Would you want to keep talking to him if you knew your neighbor paid for your nudes? Regardless of whether or not he looked at them often (he’d looked at maybe three in the eight months he’d been a subscriber), that was still weird wasn’t it? He was a customer, an active consumer of the content you produced, and now he knew where you lived. Would that make you uncomfortable?
When you ask him if he wants to go to a cafe with you one morning since you were both headed in the same direction, he has to say yes. And he notices the way you look at him, it wasn’t much different from how women looked at him in general, but there was something in your eyes that was different. You were clearly analyzing him, eyes carefully trained on him as he orders then obviously surprised by him when he buys your drink. 
The following night, your weekly audio surrounds how appreciative you are when someone takes care of you. How even picking up the tab on little things like coffee makes you so appreciative and how you’d like to show your appreciation by getting on your knees and undoing their belt for them to take care of them in return. He doesn’t feel guilty when he listens to it, he likes that he thinks you’re talking about him specifically. It could have just been inspired by him, but to think that you want him like that is quite the ego boost. 
He doesn’t see you for a few days, but the next time he does it’s at the mailboxes. You were closing yours up with a couple envelopes in hand, keyring dangling from your finger when you turned to see him approaching his own mailbox. He makes some idle conversation as you wait for him to finish up at the mailbox, noticing the way you practically rock on your heels in his peripheral vision. 
And then you start on about plans for the evening, asking if he was going to watch anything special. He doesn’t watch a lot of TV, so it’s an honest answer when he says he doesn’t have anything like that planned - just dinner and then reading a bit before he went to bed. 
“If you need some entertainment, one of these nights you can connect to my vibe,” you suggest, and he has to tilt his head a bit as he tries to figure out what that meant. Was that like Twitter or something? He’d have to ask the intern at the agency in the morning because he definitely wanted to do whatever that was for you - he just didn’t know what the hell it was. 
“Yeah, possibly. I don’t really do social media though.” And he’s watching as your shoulders drop a bit, confusion ghosting across your features for a moment before you smile at him while leaning against the wall of the elevator. It’s then that he noticed you’re wearing an oversized All Might shirt that was long enough to cover the shorts he’s hoping you’re wearing underneath. “Do you like any other heroes?”
“Dynamight is alright, I think he’s the cutest in the top ten.” You’re obviously trying to flatter him, smirk on your face as the elevator doors open and he’s gesturing for you to exit first. “But let me know about the vibe thing. I’d be happy to send you a link to the app for free.”
“You pay for it?”
“Other people do. You wouldn’t have to.”
“Because I’m a pro?” And you’re giggling as you open your door, forcing a pink to bloom along his cheeks at how stupid he feels for clearly not understanding something you were trying to tell him. “It’s rude to laugh at people!”
“Not laughing at you, I promise. You’re just very cute, Katsuki. I like talking to you.”
You pause, looking up at him through your lashes as you murmur a soft, “Yeah.” 
His face is hot now, and he’s fumbling with his keys as you tell him that you need to take your dinner out of the oven but want to see him again soon. He wants to have dinner with you, and then some, but the thought of asking you out when he was subscribing to you felt weird. It had to be creepy, so he swallows his want and drowns himself in the sound of your soft moans and affirmations as he ruts pathetically into his hand to alleviate the stiffness in his jeans that he’d been dealing with since he got a glimpse of your bare legs. 
But when you ask him if he wants to come over for dinner a couple weeks later, he doesn’t say no. In fact, he’s saying yes before you can even finish the question completely. He wanted to get to know you not just in passing and outside of what he paid for. He has to cash in on a favor Kirishima owed him, but it's more than just worth it to be sitting in your apartment eating the dinner you’d cooked. 
And it was a lovely dinner, followed by him helping you wash the dishes before sitting with you on your couch. You’re telling him how you hated only seeing him in passing and wanted to take the time to actually get to know him better since he’s your neighbor, and he’s agreeing with you wholeheartedly while the weight sits on his shoulders about the fact that he knows what you look like naked and you don’t know that he knows. 
He can’t stop wondering if it’s weird for him to be sitting on your couch while knowing what was beneath the sweater and leggings you wore. Would it be made weird when you found out? Would you be upset - he hoped not, considering it was your job. But he was your neighbor, and it wasn’t like he knew that when he initially subscribed - but he didn’t unsubscribe after finding out, so would that make it weird? Was he overthinking it? He had to be, considering you were still talking and he’d tuned most of it out. 
“...and I’d like to spend more time with you.”
Oh, god. This was when he had to tell you, so you could make a clear decision about wanting to spend time with him now instead of finding out later that he’d been a subscriber and then thinking he was some creep trying to get closer to an idol or something. Your comfort was so much more important than his ego.
“I want to spend more time with you, too. But I gotta tell ya that-”
“I know you’re a subscriber.” And then you’re giggling at the loud shriek he lets out in shock at the information, leaning against the back of your couch as his face turns bright red. So you didn’t think he was creepy, just fucking stupid. He could live with stupid. “I can see your shipping and billing address on every commission, even if the delivery is digital. But I think it’s very cute and honorable for you to try and act like you didn’t initially.”
“I didn’t want you thinking I was creepy.”
“Not creepy, just very cute.” You even pinch his still hot cheek, and his nose scrunches up at your touch on instinct as you grin at him. “I wouldn’t have invited you over if I thought it was creepy.”
The weight is lifted with the reassurance that he wasn’t creepy, that you knew he subscribed and still invited him into your home. You scoot to sit a bit closer to him now that he’d visibly relaxed, and he lets his hand seek out yours and revels in your smile at the contact. You didn’t think he was creepy at all, and he gets to kiss you a few times while lounging on your couch with you. He’d always wondered if your lips were as soft as they looked, and now he knew that they were softer and the soft moans you made when his hands grazed over more sensitive spots of your body sounded so much sweeter live than they did recorded. 
It’s when he gets home he sees that you’d sent him a special thank you for being a top supporter. There’s an audio file and a zipped folder, and he opens the audio file first since that’s of more interest to him. 
“I know you mostly watch the audio content, so I wanted to record something special that fits your style. Thank you so much for being a continued supporter, it truly means the world to me. I hope to continue providing content for you for the foreseeable future, and I’d love to hear from you if you have any special requests. I hope you enjoy the photos, I took them just for you.”
God, he just loved your voice. It was like you knew just how to talk to him despite having such limited interactions. The fact that you wanted to date him seriously was unreal but he’d keep you for as long as he could. 
When he opens the photo folder he truly knows that those were taken just for him. In the first you’re wearing what appears to be only one of the shirts he’d seen sold online that said ‘Dynamight makes my pussy explode!’, with a replica of one of his gauntlets intentionally placed between your spread legs to cover your crotch. The other was just a picture of you, fully clothed and smiling for a selfie with a caption on it that said ‘hyping myself up to ask my cute neighbor out’.
Then he notices the date stamp: you’d sent that email to him two days ago - which was the day that you’d invited him over for dinner. 
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solitairedeere · 2 months
every day and now more than ever i think about what could have happened if endeavor had died when he was supposed to
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