#Bone inlay picture frame
logosbot-tm-fics · 1 year
CW!!! Implied suicidal thoughts!!!
Sorry for the wait lmao, hit a block and had to take a break, anyway!
Take My Tea With Formaldehyde
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Chapter 12: While I Whittle My Bones
(More beneath cut)
Mumbo felt like tearing down the posters from the wall. 
He stood in his bedroom, tears finally drying enough to be nothing more than discoloured tracks down his cheeks, and he was staring up at the posters on the walls. Ariana’s bright smile, her comforting eyes, everything that had been so sweet, so secure just a few hours before… it felt like they were taunting him. Mumbo wanted to scream, he wanted to sob and rage and rip them from the walls, careless of their condition, of the way that they would surely tear and crease.
He wanted to. God, he really, really wanted to.
It was so tempting just to throw out all of the CDs piled on top of his drawers, the merch stacked in his closet, the DVDs balanced in the corner. He wanted to toss them out of his bedroom window, he wanted to break them, to stomp them into the ground. 
He needed them gone, all of them. He couldn't stand to look at them anymore. They felt mocking, like they were the reason why the argument even happened, as if–
He didn’t throw them out. 
He couldn't bring himself to destroy anything, no matter how angry the mere sight of it made him. He tried, he stood paralysed in his room for hours at a time, staring at the posters on the walls, the discs on the shelves. He watched as the light of the room changed, as late afternoon turned to dusk, as everything was bathed in shadow.
He couldn’t even make himself reach up and touch them for a long while. Like he was scared they would fade away, like he was scared something would go wrong.
Instead, after taking the time to work up the nerve, Mumbo took down the posters gently. He rolled them up carefully, slipping them into cardboard tubes and tucking them safely into a box. He was methodical in his movements, slow and measured and cautious. He handled them like they were fragile, like they were poisonous, like they were one wrong move away from pouncing on him.
The box was the same one that he had used when he moved everything into there in the first place. 
He hadn’t even had time to put it away, before it was being used again for the exact same thing.
The room looked empty when he was done. The walls were bare, the surfaces lifeless. In the short amount of time the posters had been there, he had become so used to them. Eyes roving across the emptiness, Mumbo felt the upset crashing down on him once again. 
It felt fitting. 
With a shaky sigh, he hefted the box into his arms, moving to put it into the attic. He stopped after only a few steps, his eyes caught on the photo standing innocently on his bureau. 
The image was unsuspecting, something unprofessional and blurry, ever so slightly out of focus. The frame was old and cracked, the cheap gold inlay beginning to rub away and the wood surrounding it bleached from the sun.
He was a lot younger in that picture. Freer.
It showed him – acne ridden and awkward, with only the barest hint of facial hair – and… and his best friend, at the time. Gr– his friend had his arm slung casually around Mumbo's neck as they beamed happily at the camera. Mumbo must've been about…18, at the time? The other man in the photo would have been 19, that meant. 
They hadn’t known each other for long at the time, yet they still managed to act as though they'd been friends for their entire lives. They were familiar, perfect. Honestly, Mumbo can’t remember who started their friendship, but if he were to really consider it… it was probably the other. He had probably been the one to spark it, to befriend Mumbo. He had always been the more extroverted of the two.
Mumbo’s eyes began to burn as he stared at it, unblinkingly. 
They were so young. So happy. What happened? When– when had that changed?
He shook his head, trying his best not to dwell on it, and, with a sigh, Mumbo stepped forward and placed it into the box robotically.
Another picture caught his eye soon after. And then another, and another. There were photos taken by Mumbo and some taken by him – images of Mumbo, drenched after a successful prank; of the other, asleep in the grass after a picnic. They surrounded the room, littering the drawers and walls, interspersed with images of other friends, of other loved ones. 
Distantly, Mumbo wonders if he can even think of him like that anymore.
The pictures had become almost invasive now that he considered it. It felt like an intrusion, seeing all of the memories that were once happy, that had filled him with enough joy for him to prop them up around his house and pile them in his drawers.
There were a lot of photos of the two of them from when they were younger, more than Mumbo had ever really noticed despite the fact that he had put them into their picture frames. They both looked so present, not yet tired and weary from the stress of work or adult life. They were so involved with one another, their lives well and truly intertwined in a way that Mumbo hadn’t even noticed had been slipping away. It must have been years since they knew each other like they did back then.
Walking from his bedroom, Mumbo’s eyes caught on the photo frames hanging on the wall. Huh, he had… never really realised quite how many there were. He looked over them all slowly, gaze flicking from a picture of his parents, to his childhood dog, to Iskall, and then Gr– him.
It was a more recent photo this time, showing the pair of them on the beach, sitting together in the sand. Mumbo remembered that day, filled with relaxed banter and casual conversations, their feet in the sand and the wind in their hair. It felt tainted. He reached up and pulled the frame from the wall, sliding it into the box in his arms.
Moving towards the living room, he walked straight towards the polaroids hanging on a wall, pinned up in a way that he had once been so proud of. Some of the polaroids included other friends, but most were just the two of them. He'd never realised just how many they had taken together, even despite the fact that he had been present for every single one.
It took a while, much longer than he would want to admit, but eventually every single photo ever taken of the two of them, of him, ended up in the box. Mumbo was thorough, checking every room for painful reminders of the other. The pile he ended up with was almost overwhelming.
He didn’t want to see them, he wasn’t sure whether he would want to see them ever again. They made him feel so hurt, so angry. He double checked that every photo was in the box almost manically, looking at each of them over and over again. 
When he was sure that they were all gone, he taped the box shut and brought it up to the attic. He shimmied it back as far into the small space as possible, pushing it past dust and cobwebs, leaving it behind boxes filled with holiday ornaments and old school awards. 
He stepped away from it slowly, trying to ignore the way that the box peeked past all of his barricades. The way that he could still make it out, even as he began to climb down from the attic.
He didn't want to see the box. He didn't want to think about it.
He felt nauseous as he left, each step trembling and hesitant, as if there was something magnetising him towards all of the memories, as if it wasn’t truly put away, even though it was out of reach.
He didn’t know how better to hide it.
He didn’t know if he wanted to.
Mumbo was starting to think that he wasn't capable of feeling anything, anymore. 
He was numb, he couldn’t really bring himself to care for anything at all. It was as if his heart had turned into a void, he felt devoid of emotions, something distant and encompassing buzzing through him, weighing him down. It was as if all of the care that he had once had, all of the time that he had once put into everything, had finally become too much. Like his mind now finally had had enough, too exhausted and overwhelmed to continue, and was instead sparing him from feeling, because it knew it would only hurt. 
He just felt tired. As if the pull of gravity was too strong for him to fight.
That was probably why he just spent most of his days laying on the couch, staring into nothing. He felt heavy, really, really heavy, but at the same time he felt weightless as if his head was constantly sleeping and he wasn’t touching the ground and everything was static and–
He felt as if he was floating in something heavier than water, something more viscous and violent, just waiting to drown. 
In all honesty he didn’t want to be awake, he just wanted to sleep, to slip into that inevitable bliss of not having to think, to feel. That’s all he wanted, sleep until he had the energy to be awake, to sleep until everything stopped being.
He had lost track of how many times he had called to work and said that he was sick. They believed him every time that he did, his reputation of rarely, if ever, being away from work helping him in a way he knew he should feel grateful for. He couldn’t stay away forever though, despite how much he wanted to do nothing but rest. Whenever he went to work, he ended up half asleep, exhausted from being around people and carrying out all of the necessary tasks, but as soon as he came home to rest, he just couldn’t.
His mind was far, far too loud. Yelling things he didn’t want to hear.
Logically, Mumbo knew that he wasn’t at fault. Logically, he knew that he hadn’t done anything wrong. He knew had just been trying to help. He knew that he hadn’t deserved anything of what the other had said to him.
Logically, Mumbo knew all of that. 
However, his brain didn’t seem particularly concerned with the logistics of the matter at the moment. It hardly mattered just how certain he was of what he knew and what he didn’t, not when his mind was constantly reminding him of his shortcomings, screaming words and insults that hurt. 
It didn’t matter how logical he wanted to be, when he found himself absentmindedly agreeing with those thoughts. The facts weren’t important, not when he conceded himself to the screaming that rang in his ears. 
He felt strangely apathetic, almost detached from the insults, from his body, despite how much it all hurt.
It didn’t matter what Mumbo knew, what he was certain of, what was logical. Not when it all hurt so much. 
Mumbo had called in sick to work once again, the day that Iskall came over.
He hadn't been expecting any company, and Iskall hadn't told him that they were going to show up. They just did. 
When Mumbo heard the front door open, he first thought it was… him. Hell, he found himself kinda hoping that it was. Some small part of Mumbo wanted it to be him, desperately hoped that it would be him, appearing to try and fix things, to salvage them before they were too far gone. Mumbo wanted him to be there, if for nothing else than to prove that they weren’t done with each other. Even if it was bad, even if they did nothing but hurt each other again, it still meant that there was a chance. 
God, he wanted there to be a chance, even despite it all.
But, realistically, Mumbo knew better than that.
He knew that it wasn't him, that it wouldn't be him for a long, long time. That maybe… maybe they’d never see each other again. Maybe everything was just too much, maybe something had broken between them that couldn’t ever be fixed. 
He thought back to the photographs, to the countless polaroids and pictures scattered around his apartment, to the innocent happiness that their friendship once had. Mumbo wasn’t sure that they could ever be like that again.
But… he can’t help but entertain the idea. What if he walked in right now? What if it really was him at the door? What could they possibly say to each other? 
The sound of Iskall hanging up their coat and taking off their shoes was familiar, it felt a little more like routine than Mumbo had experienced in days. He listened carefully as Iskall began to walk towards the bedroom door, the heavy, habitual pattern to their steps a clear indicator of their presence. Their footfalls always had been louder than… his.
If Mumbo felt more like himself, he might've wondered how Iskall got inside. Maybe, if he had more of his wits about him, he would have remembered that they didn't have their own key.
Instead, Mumbo didn't wonder. He didn’t think about anything more than the noise of Iskall’s movements. He didn’t try to get out of bed. He simply just stared straight forward at the now-blank wall, his eyes burning from his blinkless gaze. 
He couldn’t bring himself to move a muscle even when he heard the bedroom door open. Even when he heard Iskall walk over to him, he still didn't move, he didn’t blink. The rise and fall of his chest was shallow, slow, controlled. He wished that the bed would open up into a hungry maw of pure void, that he'd fall into it and disappear. 
He didn't want to be there. He didn't want to be anywhere. 
He heard Iskall sigh beside him, but they didn't say anything, and Mumbo’s eyes remained glued straight ahead. They just sat down next to him on the bed, and gently brushed Mumbo's hair out of his face, tucking it delicately behind his ear. 
"Bad day?" They asked softly.
Mumbo nodded his head, his neck complaining with the sudden unexpected motion, and he sunk further into the bed pathetically. The numbness that had taken over his entire body evaporated instantly, pulled apart and shattered into pieces as a lump grew in his throat, bulbous and heavy. He didn’t want to cry, not in front of Iskall.
"I– I’m sorry, I know you don't want to be checking up on me," Mumbo whispered, his voice tight and strained. He felt guilty that Iskall was taking time out of their hectic schedule to check on him, that the other felt the need to make sure he wasn’t wasting away. 
It would have been his own fault if he was, that wasn’t Iskall’s responsibility. The guilt in his lungs threatened to swallow him whole. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best not to cry.
Iskall sighed again, seemingly ignorant to, or perhaps strategically ignoring, Mumbo’s internal spiral. They put a hand on Mumbo's blanketed shoulder, squeezing in a way that was comforting. 
"Mumbo, I'm here because I want to help you," they said gently. "I know what I said in the past, and that wasn't fair to you. At all. I want to check on you and make sure that you're okay.” They sighed, pausing for a few moments, “And if you're not, then I'd like to help the best that I can, but… I'll only help if you want me to, okay?" 
Mumbo thought about it for a second and then nodded. It sounded good, to have someone take care of him. He was so heavy, so overwhelmed, and even though there was guilt at such a suggestion, Mumbo knew that he wouldn’t be able to help himself. Not like this. 
"Well, let's get you out of bed then, hm?" Iskall stood up with a dramatic groan, holding out their hands for Mumbo to take. 
Mumbo didn't really want to leave his bed, he felt like a stone buried at the bottom of the ocean, unable to be picked up even by the rushing tide, but he knew he had to try. With a deep breath, he raised his own shaking hands to Iskall’s, letting himself be pulled out of bed. 
"Well done!" Iskall said, smiling genuinely at Mumbo. "Now, I’m going to get started on some food, so maybe you could go take a shower? It will make you feel a lot better, I promise."
The floorboards beneath his feet were cold, and Mumbo shuffled against them uncomfortably. A warm shower sounded like a very, very good idea. 
"Yeah,” he agreed, “Yeah… I– I probably should."
Iskall beamed, running their thumb over the back of his hand. "Great,” they nodded happily, “And then come to the kitchen when you're done, yeah?"
Mumbo just nodded in response. He didn't have the energy to reply.
His room was cold. He felt like he was made from ice. 
He didn't cry.
The warm water from his shower ran down his body like rain, the steam rising from his skin and surrounding him with a stifling, suffocating air. He titled his head upwards, so that it would run down his face, and–
Mumbo began to cry. Painfully.
It felt like he'd been stabbed, run over by a train or shot in the chest. Everything hurt. It all hurt so much, it felt like it was killing him. 
The argument hurt. Putting everything away hurt. Thinking about him for even a second hurt. It all hurt. 
The shower washed away his tears, disguising them in the hot water, dragging them away into the drain. Little by little, he started to feel more like a person, and less like a pathetic grey blob of sadness. 
He stood there for a while, basking in the way the water pelted against his back, the way that the steam made it feel like that was the only reason breathing was so hard, and eventually, he felt okayish. Mumbo stayed under the water until he stopped crying, soap and shampoo filling the air with a sweet scent, the conditioner making his hair smoother than it had been in days. 
He stepped out of the shower eventually, wrapping a towel around himself. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. 
He looked… better. His hair wasn't messy anymore, his skin was slightly red from the hot water, and he didn't look as tired. There were no traces of tears left on his face. The dark circles under his eyes were still very much there, standing out starkly on his face as if to mock him. He traced them with his fingers, following their shape over and over like he could wipe them away. 
Mumbo looked at himself for a little while, staring into his dull, murky eyes, before he began to pull on some clothes. They felt like soft cotton clouds against his skin, something soft and soothing, and he found himself wanting to go back to bed.
But… Iskall had said that they were going to make food, and even if Mumbo would rather do anything but eat, he still felt obligated to go to the kitchen. They had come out to check on him, after all. Surely he owed them this.
Mumbo dragged his feet as he walked through the flat, his steps slow and sluggish as the cold floors spat ice back into him, crawling up his body to freeze him once again. He was shivering, despite the hoodie that he had pulled on, but somehow zipping it felt like it was too much work. 
Vaguely, he noticed the state of the flat. There were clothes on the floor, abandoned cutlery and plates and piles of takeout boxes. He hadn’t noticed how messy it was before. Like he just dropped everything on the floor and couldn’t get himself to pick it up.
The flat was bathed in a grey darkness, the sun strangely low for the time of year, only barely peeking through the windows. Mumbo wondered what time it was. He hadn’t had to think about it in so long.
His lamps had been turned on, two placed on opposite sides of the living room, and he couldn’t help but think that they didn’t light the space up enough. Even with them, everything remained dreary and dim.
And yet, the light in the kitchen felt far too bright, and the room felt claustrophobic despite not being that small. It felt uncomfortable, and suddenly Mumbo wanted to be anywhere but there.
Instead, he pulled out a chair from the table, the chair that was usually his, the one that Mumbo couldn’t remember picking up from the floor. Mumbo could almost see the argument replaying in front of him. Who said what, who did what, who–
He shook his head, instead focusing on Iskall, who was unpacking grocery bags in the kitchen. They must’ve realised he hadn’t bought food for himself in a little while. There was barely anything in the fridge.
They talked about…something, as they unpacked, shuffling naturally around the kitchen. Mumbo couldn’t really hear what they were saying, listening took too much effort, but he appreciated the background noise that it provided. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, absentmindedly scrolling through social media, occasionally giving Iskall a half-hearted hum. 
He got stuck on Ariana’s page for a little while, scrolling through the new pictures and teasers that she had posted, before hovering his thumb over the unfollow button. He didn’t want to see posts from her or related to her popping up in his feed, she felt like a reminder, like a bad memory. He hit unfollow before he could talk himself out of it. 
Then he got stuck on Gri– on his page, scrolling through years and years worth of photos. Mumbo was in a lot of them, somehow being the focus of a lot of photos despite few of the moments or events actually being about him. His thumb hovered over the unfollow button of that account too, but–
He closed out of the app. Mumbo didn’t want to know what would happen if he were to unfollow him. 
Somehow, he ended up reading through their old messages instead. He had changed his name back to just “Grian” a few days ago, having a nickname felt… wrong. He didn’t want to think about– 
“What are you doing?” Iskall asked concernedly as they placed a pan on the stove. 
Mumbo shrugged. Some part of him didn’t want Iskall to know that he was reading through old conversations, he felt almost… ashamed of it. Like Iskall finding out was akin to a parent seeing you do something you knew you’d get in trouble for.
The meagre response didn’t make them any less worried, but instead of saying something, they simply peered over at his screen to see what he was doing. 
“Nope,” they said, pulling the phone out of his weak grip, “That’s not healthy, Mumbo.” They slipped his phone into their jeans pocket, and strolled back over to the stove.
Mumbo wanted to protest, it felt unfair somehow, but he knew that it was probably for the best. Otherwise he would’ve kept digging himself further and further down into a hole. With nothing to do, he tried his best to tune into what they were saying instead.
"So, Ariana has been put on hia–" Iskall began, a topic chosen deliberately, probably aiming to engage Mumbo.
But… no. No, Mumbo didn't want to hear anything about her. Actually, he’d much rather hear about anything but her. Well, maybe except for– 
"I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but could we talk about something else?" He interrupted quietly, fiddling with the strings to his hoodie.
Iskall seemed surprised. "But you–" Mumbo could see the realisation slowly setting in, something dawning over their expression as the gears turned in their mind. "Oh, so that's what it was about," they murmured, "That explains–" 
Mumbo could hear the end of the sentence, even as Iskall cut themself off.
'That explains the missing posters.'
“Okay, let’s talk about…" 
The room went silent as they thought. It wasn't a bad silence, not really, but it still made Mumbo rather uncomfortable. He felt bad about asking them to change the topic. Maybe he could have just sucked it up, maybe he should have just sat through it, maybe–
"As a child, I spent a fair amount of time in Denmark," they began, turning back to making the food. It smelled nice. Buttery, in the same way pancakes smell. "And something I began to wonder – like really really wonder – was why the hell are there so many doves in Denmark?!” They gestured wildly with the spatula in their hand, voice raising slightly, “Like seriously, picture it, you go outside, and there's doves everywhere – I’m not kidding– everywhere. You can't go five metres without a flock of doves follow–"
This seemed to be something they were strangely passionate about, and Mumbo realised that he didn't really mind the rant. It was meant as a distraction, and it was working fairly well. 
He listened half heartedly as they ranted about the doves in Denmark, which quickly turned into a rant about how the differences between the Norwegian, Danish and Swedish were fairly big and that "We don't always understand each other, Mumbo!", and then the rant turned into how gorgeous the nature was in Norway, and then further into other topics surrounding the Nordic countries.
Honestly, the random ranting about topics Mumbo couldn't relate to let him relax for a second. They made him more comfortable in his kitchen. They made him think less of him. 
Though, when the food was done, Mumbo's stomach churned. Eating dinner in his kitchen felt…wrong, too familiar and it was too close in time, he couldn't eat in there, he wouldn't be able to–
He stared at the bowl of soup Iskall had placed in front of him, before asking quietly, "Could we eat in the living room? This room is…too much." 
Iskall tilted their head. "Of course, it's your apartment," they replied gently. "Take your bowl through, and I'll gather the rest." 
Mumbo complied, holding the warm bowl in his hands. It warmed him up slightly, his fingers defrosting under his tight grip. 
He sat down on the couch as Iskall placed down a tray on the table. It had a pot of tomato soup, something white in a small bowl, Iskall's bowl, and two cups of tea. 
"Unfortunately, the soup I wanted to make doesn't exist here, so I just bought tomato soup instead," Iskall shrugged, sitting down in the other corner of the couch. 
"What's that?" Mumbo asked, pointing at the small bowl.
"Just mozzarella that I cut up,” Iskall replied casually, "It tastes pretty good in tomato soup."
Mumbo nodded. "Weren't you making pancakes?" He asked, slightly confused. Sure he didn't mind the soup, not at all, but he had seen Iskall make the pancakes. 
"It's Thursday, we can't have pancakes without eating soup first," Iskall replied, as if Mumbo's question made him confused. 
Iskall was silent for a second. "...Is that– that's a Swedish thing, isn't it?" 
Mumbo smiled slightly. "Yeah, um… yeah, that's a Swedish thing."
Iskall shrugged again. "Well, that does explain some things," they said, "Anyway, you wanna watch something?" 
Mumbo looked up at the TV, tearing his eyes away from the bowl of soup still warming his hands. "Uh…" Did he want to watch something? And what would he want to watch? Every single idea he came up with felt like it would just make his mood worse, or it would make him think of Him, which he desperately wanted to avoid. "...Chicago?" He said, eventually. 
It was really the only movie he could come up with, all of the others being bad options.  
Iskall nodded, grabbing the remote from the table, "Chicago it is."
The two ate in silence, the movie playing quietly on the screen in front of them. Honestly, Mumbo had seen it so many times that he couldn't really care less about paying attention, but, as he chewed on the slightly melted mozzarella, he realised that somehow he felt…better. 
Not okay by any means, but less like he wanted to crawl up and sink into the ground.
Maybe it was the fact that he actually got some decent food in him; maybe it was the shower. Maybe it was just the fact that Iskall was trying so hard to make Mumbo feel better without pressuring him. 
Maybe it was even all three at once. 
But… it was only at that moment, that moment where they were together, that he felt better. 
Mumbo couldn’t help but wonder, later, when Iskall left, would he still be feeling okay?
Would he?
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harinarayansharma · 11 months
Transform Your Home with Bone Inlay Furniture and Mother of Pearl Decor: Buy from Our Online Collection
Whether you prefer classic elegance, exotic charm, or a fusion of both, bone inlay furniture and mother of pearl decor can add a touch of opulence and uniqueness to your living space. In this article, we'll explore the beauty and artistry behind these exquisite things.
The Timeless Allure of Bone Inlay Furniture
Bone inlay furniture is a traditional Indian art form that has stood the test of time. It involves the skillful placement of small pieces of bone, often sourced from camel and buffalo, into intricately carved wooden furniture. The result is a mesmerising mosaic of patterns and designs that make each piece a work of art.Indian handicrafts and guide you on how to Buy Bone Inlay Furniture Online them online to elevate your home decor.
From side tables and dressers to cabinets and coffee tables, bone inlay furniture comes in various forms. Its versatility allows it to seamlessly blend into different interior styles, from Bohemian to Modern, making it a favourite choice for interior decorators and homeowners alike. The exquisite craftsmanship and the story behind each piece of bone inlay furniture add a touch of history and culture to your home.
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The Artistry of Mother of Pearl Decor
Mother of pearl, also known as nacre, is the iridescent substance found on the inner lining of various mollusk shells. This natural material has been used for centuries to create stunning decor items. The shimmering beauty of mother of pearl is unmistakable, and it can be found in a wide range of products, from wall mirrors to picture frames, trays, and more.
Mother of pearl decor brings a sense of luxury and serenity to any room. Its subtle elegance, combined with the play of light on its surface, makes it an exquisite addition to your home. The versatile shades of white and grey in mother of pearl complement various colour palettes, making it easy to integrate into your existing decor.
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Now, you might be wondering how to get your hands on these stunning Indian handicrafts. The answer is simple: shop online. Many reputable retailers and artisans offer a wide selection of Bone Handicrafts Archives inlay furniture and mother of pearl decor through their websites. This convenient option allows you to explore an extensive range of designs and styles from the comfort of your home.
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Browse through their collections, and you'll find pieces that suit your taste and preferences. Whether you're looking to make a bold statement with a bone inlay coffee table or add subtle elegance with a mother of pearl tray, the online options are virtually endless.
By purchasing bone inlay furniture and Mother of Pearl decor online, you're not only enhancing your living space but also supporting Indian handicraft traditions. These timeless art forms have been passed down through generations, and your support helps sustain the skills and livelihoods of artisans in India.
In conclusion, 
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divineinlaycreations · 11 months
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Beautiful Decorative Handmade Bone Inlay Photo Frame for Home and Office Decor
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shinesparkleplano · 1 year
Things You Should Know About Cosmetic Dentistry
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Are you tired of hiding your smile because of dental imperfections? Do you dream of having a picture-perfect smile that lights up a room? If so, then cosmetic dentistry may be the answer you've been searching for! This innovative branch of dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your teeth and improving your overall oral health. From dental implants to clear braces, there are numerous options available to help transform your smile. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of cosmetic dentistry - where flawless smiles become a reality.
Types Of Cosmetic Dentistry
When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, there are several options to choose from depending on your specific needs and goals. Let's explore some of the most common types:
 Dental Implants: If you have missing teeth, dental implants can be a game-changer. These titanium posts are surgically placed into your jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that look and function like natural ones.
Crowns and Bridges: Crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover damaged or discolored teeth, while bridges replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring onto neighboring healthy teeth.
Restorative Dentistry: This involves repairing damaged or decayed teeth using techniques such as fillings, inlays/onlays, and dental bonding. Restorative procedures not only improve the appearance of your smile but also enhance its functionality.
Clear Braces: Say goodbye to traditional braces with their metal brackets and wires! Clear braces offer a discreet alternative for straightening misaligned teeth using clear aligner trays that gradually shift them into alignment.
 Teeth Whitening: Over time, our pearly whites can become stained or yellowed due to various factors such as age, diet, and lifestyle habits like smoking or excessive coffee consumption. Teeth whitening treatments help remove these stains and restore the brightness of your smile.
Each type of cosmetic dentistry has its own unique benefits and considerations based on individual circumstances. Consulting with a skilled cosmetic dentist is crucial in determining which option will best suit your needs – helping you achieve the dazzling smile you've always wanted! So why wait? Take the first step towards transforming your smile today.
Source: Simon Chard
Dental Implants
Missing teeth can be a real confidence killer. Luckily, dental implants are here to save the day! These innovative and long-lasting replacements for natural teeth have become increasingly popular in recent years.
So, what exactly are dental implants? Well, they are metal posts or frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, these implants act as sturdy anchors for replacement teeth. The result is a smile that looks and feels completely natural!
One of the major advantages of dental implants is their durability. Unlike dentures or bridges which may need to be replaced after some time, implants can last a lifetime with proper care. They also provide stability when chewing and speaking, so you won't have to worry about any embarrassing slips or discomfort.
Another great benefit of dental implants is their ability to prevent further bone loss in your jaw. When you lose a tooth, the surrounding bone can start to deteriorate over time. By opting for an implant instead of leaving the gap empty, you're helping maintain the integrity of your bones.
The process of getting dental implants does require multiple appointments over several months but rest assured it's all worth it in the end! Your oral health and self-confidence will thank you for making this investment.
In conclusion dental implants offer a fantastic solution for those with missing teeth who want a permanent restoration option that looks and feels just like real teeth! So why wait? Consult with your dentist today about whether dental implants could be right for you.
Crowns And Bridges
When it comes to enhancing your smile, crowns and bridges are two popular options offered by cosmetic dentistry.
A dental crown is a custom-made tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth. It not only restores the appearance of the tooth but also improves its strength and functionality. Crowns can be made from various materials such as porcelain, metal, or a combination of both.
On the other hand, dental bridges are used to fill in gaps caused by missing teeth. The bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth called pontics, which are anchored to adjacent natural teeth with the help of dental crowns. This creates a seamless restoration that looks and feels like real teeth.
Both crowns and bridges offer significant benefits beyond just aesthetics. They can improve your ability to chew properly, maintain proper jaw alignment, prevent surrounding teeth from shifting positions, and enhance overall oral health.
To ensure long-lasting results with your crowns and bridges, it's important to practice good oral hygiene habits including regular brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist for routine check-ups.
Consult with an experienced cosmetic dentist to determine if crowns or bridges are suitable options for improving your smile! Don't hesitate to take advantage of these transformative treatments that can give you the confidence you deserve!
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry is a crucial aspect of cosmetic dentistry that focuses on repairing damaged or decayed teeth. It aims to restore both the function and aesthetics of your smile. There are various restorative dental procedures available, each catering to specific needs.
One common restorative procedure is dental fillings. These are used to repair cavities caused by tooth decay. During this procedure, the dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth and fills it with a material like composite resin or porcelain.
For more extensive damage, dental crowns may be necessary. Crowns are custom-made caps that cover the entire tooth, providing strength and protection. They can be made from different materials such as porcelain or metal alloys.
Another popular option is dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots placed in your jawbone to support replacement teeth. This solution not only restores functionality but also enhances your smile's appearance.
In some cases, patients may require full mouth restoration where multiple restorative procedures are combined to address significant oral health issues comprehensively.
Restorative dentistry plays a vital role in maintaining oral health while improving the overall look of your smile. By addressing tooth damage and decay promptly with these treatments, you can enjoy a healthy, confident smile for years to come.
Clear Braces
Clear braces have become an increasingly popular option for people who want to straighten their teeth without the hassle and visibility of traditional metal braces. Unlike traditional braces, clear braces are made from a virtually invisible material that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.
One of the main advantages of clear braces is their discreet nature. Many people feel self-conscious about wearing metal brackets and wires on their teeth, especially as adults. With clear braces, this concern is eliminated because they are practically invisible when worn.
Another benefit of clear braces is that they are removable. This means you can take them out when eating or drinking, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene compared to traditional fixed appliances.
Clear braces also offer faster treatment times compared to other orthodontic options. The average length of treatment varies depending on individual needs but can be significantly shorter than with traditional metal braces.
It's important to note that while clear aligners like Invisalign are often referred to as "clear braces," they work differently than conventional bracket-and-wire systems. Clear aligners use a series of custom-made trays that gradually shift your teeth into place over time.
If you're considering orthodontic treatment but don't want the look and inconvenience associated with traditional metal braces, clear braces may be an excellent choice for you! Consult with your dentist or orthodontist to determine if you're a suitable candidate for this innovative solution.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments available today. It is a simple and effective way to enhance the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence.
One of the main causes of tooth discoloration is aging, but other factors such as smoking, certain medications, and consumption of dark-colored beverages like coffee and tea can also contribute to stained teeth.
There are several methods for teeth whitening, including in-office professional treatments and at-home options. In-office whitening typically involves applying a bleaching agent directly to the teeth and using a special light or laser to activate it. This can result in significant whitening in just one session.
At-home options include over-the-counter whitening kits with trays that you fill with a gel-like solution or strips that you apply directly to your teeth. These products often take longer to achieve desired results but can still be effective.
It's important to note that while teeth whitening can greatly improve the appearance of your smile, it does not provide permanent results. Regular touch-ups may be necessary depending on your lifestyle habits.
If you're looking for a quick and easy way to brighten up your smile, teeth whitening could be an excellent option for you! Consult with your dentist to determine which method would work best for your specific needs.
Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide range of solutions to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. From dental implants and crowns to clear braces and teeth whitening, there are options available for everyone's unique needs.
Whether you're looking to replace missing teeth, correct misalignment issues, or simply brighten your smile, cosmetic dentistry can be the answer you've been searching for. With advancements in technology and techniques, these procedures have become more accessible and affordable than ever before.
Remember that each individual case is different, so it's important to consult with a qualified cosmetic dentist who can assess your specific needs and recommend the best treatment plan for you.
So why wait? Take the first step towards enhancing your smile today by exploring the wonderful world of cosmetic dentistry. Unlocking your perfect smile not only boosts your self-confidence but also improves overall oral health.Invest in yourself and let cosmetic dentistry bring out the best version of yourself one beautiful smile at a time.
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handicraftshome3 · 3 years
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The picture frame represents quality and fine craft of professional artisans. It is made from buffalo bone inlay, resin artwork and MDF wood at the back, which makes a perfect piece for home décor. Its elegant wood brown pattern catches the attention and represents quality of work. It is suitable for home décor or to gift to your friend or relatives.M&B Global is a leading brand that provide you with a truly beautiful and unique range of homewares. With a rich history, we use traditional methods of craftsmanship to create its stunning collections. With an inspiring story at its heart, M&B Global continues to create homeware of outstanding quality and style. Handicrafts are something they create manually with hand tools on techniques. The finished products are various home decor, table décor, kitchen ware, costume jewelry and bathroom vanity accessories etc. M&B Global uses purified and processed buffalo bone, horn and wood to make all versatile decorative gift products and the work on this is a complete ancient traditional method.
Check out :- https://handicraftshome.com/
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handicraftshome · 4 years
buy home decor online
Handicrafts Home is a leading online home décor brand offering beautifully designed Bone Inlay Photo Frame of various types. Since our Bone Inlay Picture Frame has neutral tones and patterns, it works wonders in whichever room you place them. As proud parents, you can celebrate the birth of your little ones with our Handmade Baby Picture Frames available in a set of three.
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kernigkrafts123 · 4 years
You might have often heard the word Sideboard or Credenza and wondered what it meant or you probably know what kind of a furniture item it is but are perplexed about using it.
Read on to get more information and interesting styling ideas about this extremely useful piece of furniture that is an absolute essential in both houses and commercial spaces!
What are Sideboards
When placed in the dining area and used to store or serve food, sideboards are called Buffets. Buffets were originally used for storing plates, glasses, place mats, table linen and other cutlery items in dining rooms. Now a days sideboards can be found anywhere in the house right from kitchens and living rooms to kids’ rooms.
They are flat-topped and have cupboards and/or drawers. Sideboards can be of any size but they are not made too tall, their height is generally 36 inches or less. They are so versatile, they can be bought or customised to complement any room in your home or apartment.
The advantage sideboards have over cupboards is that they can be made to look professional for use in commercial spaces as storage units. Hotels, bars, restaurants, cafés, bistros, boutique stores, chain stores and offices, any place can accommodate a sideboard anywhere and anytime. Even if your interiors are completely done or you are looking for some additional storage you can get a sideboard customised to fulfil all your requirements and in the exact same style or theme!
Why You Should Use Them
Once you start using a sideboard, you cannot go back. Mostly known for their storage capacity, they are multi-purpose and come in plenty of shapes, sizes and designs!
They offer storage without taking too much space. Sideboards are neat objects that look chic and happily store all our stuff. If your room doesn’t have a lot of space but plenty of objects to store, go for one that is shallow but tall. It will prevent the room from looking cluttered.
They add beauty to your space. Sideboards can be custom-made according to the color, material, design, shape and size you want. They can easily be turned into a conversation starter or blended in along with other furniture that you have. For example if your dining room has wooden furniture and needs some sprucing up, you can get a sideboard in the same wood but with a slightly darker or lighter stain than the dining table to accentuate it. Your sideboard could also be the accent piece in your room. Ornamentation techniques like bone inlay, tile work, metal inlay and hand painting etc. are really eye catching and add an artsy touch to the space. To make them stand out avoid using these techniques everywhere in the room and stick to just one sideboard decorated with one of these techniques. You can use the colours on the sideboard elsewhere in the room to make the look cohesive.
Use them to bring attention to your art. The art you hang above them will never go unnoticed. You can even display your paintings on them by keeping them against the wall. Build up the look by adding flowers, plants and other knick knacks that go with the color palette of the artwork. For example, to complement French style interiors, go for a sideboard with Cabriole legs and scalloped carving in cream or off white. Frame your artwork with ornate gold frames to complete the opulent quintessential French look!
They make excellent book racks. Modern sideboards can be designed to indulge book lovers. You can customise your sideboard design according to the book space you want. Shelves can be made as a part of the design or you can even place books on the top for easy access!
They can be turned into a mini indoor garden. If you don’t have a garden or want a mini garden in your house use your sideboard for it. Place different kinds of potted plants on the top. You can even hang some baskets on the wall above it. Go for indoor plants that give off oxygen at night as well!
Use them to show-off your collection. Most people have hobbies and like collecting something or the other. If you are one of those and are a proud collector of any kind of object, sideboards are perfect for you. Run-off-the-mill display units can be boring, instead opt for a sideboard that will give you the flexibility of choosing what to display and what to store.
They can double up as a bar. When you want wine storage but you don’t want to keep an entire cabinet dedicated to it, a sideboard with built in wine storage is the solution! You can conveniently store wine glasses, in the cupboard part. Depending on your choice you can keep it completely closed or partially open.
You can use it as a tea/coffee station. Tea or coffee lovers can set up their equipment on the top and store all the things they need for making their favourite beverage inside. This sideboard can be a part of the drawing room near the coffee table, where you can sit and enjoy it hot from the pot!
It can be used in small offices. For a small office it can be turned into a useful, dainty pantry. There are options available with wheels that can be easily moved around if you want it to multitask and be used as a serving table as well. Like I said, they are very versatile! Place trays, mugs, cups, saucers and spoons inside the cupboard. Sachets and boxes can be organised in plastic boxes and kept in the drawers. You can even keep some cookies and snacks inside it!
They make great TV stands. If you want a sleek media unit, look no further. You can easily use a sideboard in your bedroom as a TV stand. If you feel like getting a new TV console you can move your old sideboard to any other place in your house.
How to Use Them
Now that you know how useful these beauties are let’s talk about how to place them in different rooms of your apartment or in your boutique, café, store or hotel.
For Houses and Apartments
Sideboards can be used in any part of the house. They can be a part of the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom, pantry and kids’ room. For bedrooms you might want to consider sleeker options whereas living rooms could be furnished with bulkier ones depending on the space.
For kids’ rooms use them to store their toys, books and even clothes if you lack wardrobe space. Hang their artwork on the wall and use the top of the sideboard to keep a reading lamp and to display their pictures!
In your living room, place a comfortable armchair near the sideboard and opposite the sofa. You can keep books, reading glasses and other things that you need handy when sitting there! Since the coffee table is going to be at a distance keep your mug of tea on the sideboard while reading! Place a cool bluetooth speaker here to listen to your favourite music while lounging in the living room.
For Commercial Places
For commercial spaces, sideboards can be used in a variety of ways. Stores can use sideboards both for storage and display purposes. You can also get it made as an accent piece to bring attention to your products. For example, if there is a new collection in your store, you can get an eye catching sideboard made and display them on it. The focus will be entirely on them!
For cafés and restaurants, sideboards can store dishes and cutlery, display art or decorative items. If your café is decorated in Shabby Chic style, then you can use pretty, whimsical items in distress finish to liven it up!
Sideboards are indispensable for hotels. Right from reception to restaurant they can be used anywhere! In the reception area use a sleek, stylish sideboard to keep the welcome drinks. Since sideboards are flat topped, guests staying in rooms can keep their luggage on them. For rooms sideboards should be a combination of shelves and cupboards. Since the guests stay temporarily they need more open storage space as compared to closed.
For offices, as I mentioned earlier, they make great pantries. Executive sideboards are made in such a way that they can accommodate chairs and have enough storage capacity to store your files, stationery and other office products.
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ilandmass-blog · 5 years
Give an Astonishing Look to an Enormous House with the Best Interior Design.
Whether playful or elegant, accessories transform a house into a home that reflects your personal style. From handcrafted bone inlay picture frames to animal vases and monkey lamps, it’s these little embellishments that often have the biggest impact. Enjoy exploring our collection of unique home accessories. What makes your place look glorious? If you have an enormous house to decorate then you are at the correct place. When we have a big place to take care then it becomes more important for you to make it beautiful.
 We can change even the most limited and touchy destinations to light-filled, open homes that are a delight to understanding.
Let’s have the note of some tips from interior designer for your place:
You don’t need fancy stuff to look at your place amazing. If you hire an excellent design team, you’ll get some of the best advice regarding all the Interior work you want in your house. We work in a simpler and elegant way.
Modular kitchens:
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While the meanings of unsupported and measured kitchen furniture may be available to translation, one thing is sure, this sort of furniture will give your kitchen a drastically a unique look from a customary plan.
 Particular and unsupported furniture enables you to mix various styles to give a greater amount of a diverse blend, which isn't so promptly attainable with runs of fitted furnishings. 
It can similarly give your kitchen a feeling of stylish and attractive, you’ll also have the opportunity to visualize your place as you want. In the event that you like this style and your fashioner has worked intimately with you to guarantee every one of your requirements for fit are met, there can be no genuine downsides.
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Among every one of the decisions that the designer offers you is the Furniture for your house, we are especially pleased with our scope of furniture. 
 Known for adding a contemporary touch to insides just as bringing a luxury on account of its somewhat intelligent apparent, shiny furniture is a shocking option to any home or stylistic theme, but still, it will just make your place more gorgeous. 
 We have a lot of serious shine furniture reaches to browse. These reaches incorporate furniture things, for example, beds, bedside tables, mirrors, feasting tables, seats and significantly more.
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Lampshades can add some incredible completing contacts to your room by utilizing coordinating or organizing texture. They will just set the contemporary lampshades are cautiously, especially handmade they arrive in a scope of sizes and shapes. 
 There's the contemporary drum, the cutting edge oval, the conventional, empire, novelty, bowl, sphere, bell, and different shapes. They are an incredible method to go through extra or remainder texture. You can also add embellishments and trimmings to make them exceptional. 
Cushion for all seasons:
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The cushion is a decent method to revitalize your home and add a portion of your character to a room. They are additionally a modest method to brighten your home without changing your dividers, drapes or rug.
 Cushion not just offer help and solace they can likewise make a room all the more fascinating. By changing your cushion each season you can change the entire look and feel of a room. 
Pick pastel-shaded textures like material and cotton in spring and rich velvets in orange and darker hues in harvest time. The cushion can be made out of nearly anything and are an incredible method to show inventiveness. 
 The style and size of the room, and your taste and inclinations. It's commonly two cushions for a twofold, four for a King size bed and six or seven for a super extra-large bed. Like the cushion will help you to sit up in bed and offer to a down to earth and brightening reason.
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 There are 3 basic lighting types you’ll find for decorating your house:
Ambient lighting helps you to make your     mood, 
Task lighting is efficient and 
Complement lighting assists you with zones of your houses. 
 Task and complement lighting is progressively explicit and features specific regions of a room. Encompassing is valuable for the general warmth of a room. 
 A designer always helps you to pick the best lighting dependent on the best position. In the event that you have a particular reason for your lighting, for example, to illuminate work of art, to use for perusing or just to make a room feel comfortable, at that the point, Interior designer can help you.
 Legitimate arrangement of the lighting and style of the encompassing lights have any kind of effect. Terrible position can be tyrannical or ruin the stylistic theme. 
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Painting a room is a super-simple approach to elegant up the spot and gives an entirely different feel, however, this apparently basic venture can rapidly transform into your most exceedingly terrible bad dream in case you're not brilliant about it.
 Inside painting is by a wide margin the most mainstream DIY home improvement movement, and it's anything but difficult to perceive any reason why everybody can give it a go yet you will require some persistence, practice and some accommodating counsel. 
 Pursue these clear tips whenever you paint and you'll wind up with incredible looking dividers while remaining rational and ideally calm.
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Whether playful or elegant, accessories transform a house into a home that reflects your personal style. From handcrafted bone inlay picture frames to animal vases and monkey lamps, it’s these little embellishments that often have the biggest impact. Enjoy exploring our collection of unique home accessories.
Ensure that you’ll always look at all this parameter before you take the decision of re-decorating your home. 
 This will assist you with choosing a better interior designer and in what manner should they work for making your home look astonishing. 
Visit Us: https://www.landmass.co.uk/
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leslie-red · 6 years
For the love of Connor : Golden eyes
                                                        Chapter 3
Engraving from the stone,between eyes,or golden plaque is for forever....
Happy Halloween everyone here the chapter 3 as a gift ( or candy ) for all of you my readers,thank you to read it and to comment it ( if you want but i really hope you will love it,it's kinda hard because of tiredness ) 
Jericho ?...House..His house.. Hank and Sumo's house ? Connor goes to his most precious place in this world just to look at the engraving he made on the step..He remember..Hank didn't show that he was seized by emotion and Sumo was happy.Connor was totally satisfied.He has inlayed the tree names. under each name there was a little draw.Burger under " Hank " , a smiling sun under " Connor " and a bone under " Sumo ".
 " What do you think Hank ? " Ask Connor excited like a child .It was his first art.Hank sight by all his emotions and chuckle taking Connor againt him,with his arm. " Jesus.. Connor..."
Back to the present..And that engraving will stay eternal.Connor really needed to see it.
After that, he walk slowly in the town,and watch the sky.Once in a while he feel like a slight warm on his neck.But there is nothing around him.This is not the sun either..It's different.He know he should back to Jericho,he promised it to Markus but he want to be sure that he can keep control on his body and mind.For now it's not 100 %..Why is she here....What do she want...Why can't she just leave him alone..It's was quiet and peaceful when he was with Hank and Sumo....Maybe he will become a new danger without them..God he doesn't want to....
 " So what ? What you're gonna do ? kill yourself,don't fight it and disappoint Hank ? "
Since he was become a deviant,he heard his own voice in his head like humans.Hank heard a lot his voice,his thoughts when he felt bad..Or worried for Connor. He see himself throught a window and see his grey eyes.None signe of life in there...Amanda did that ?.......
" Are you alright kid ? " he turn and see a old man holding groceries bags.
" I don't know anymore.." He answer sincerely lost but all that matters now is this person face to him :
" You want my help to hold your bags ? It's surely heavy for your back . " He helped a lot Hank when this one began to be...weak.The old man is very touched :
" No don't worry kid i used to it and i live just accros this street.But really thank you you are very kind."
Connor is a little sad but accept the decline : "Take care of you."
" Hey don't worry son " Connor's eyes began wide.."son" " I'm still strong despite my age.You have to take care of you too,don't think about the others all the time..I mean..Your eyes..I've never seen that kid.I hope i'll see you soon and better " He said with a little smile and leave letting Connor thoughtful.
The next day,after she,felt,saw Connor,Leslie is on the phone with her mom in her hotel room.She talk about her days a Detroit how is she doing and of course,Connor :
" Mom i can't believe it when i saw him..He is real...He is really there and so..Beautiful..I didn't even saw totally his face but..He seems so alone and lost..It's gonna be okay..I'll try to find him.Yes....I'll be fine mom..Yes i've met really nice people,humans or deviants..They are all kind.I try to take less medications but if i feel anxiety,i take one pill.Everything i need to take." She try to fight her tears :
" I love you so much mom,i'll call you everyday i promise..And i know you will too.Yes i hope i will see him again.Really hope so.This is what i wanted..To find him but i don't want to spy him and and do a mistake..All that i know is that he still here,alive....Yes i have to go.I love you mom..."
She hangs up.She know that what it's very important to her mom is her well-being.She understand but now,she only think about Connor.And if he felt be followed ? and if..No..No that.No " What if " it doesn't help at all.
She then see the sun come out and she smile,kinda pleased :
" Alright..I'm gona take some juice and i'll see then...." Be strong Leslie..Be strong.
Well no..Not just some juice,but Orange juice with cake and coffee.Just delicious.George himself gave to her the breakfast.The lunch room is kinda calm and Leslie try to enjoy it.But just one " fucking " pretty head with so warm chocolate eyes haunt her mind.She heard then a woman say to her husband :
" Yes it's a really lovely hotel..But i don't like the curtain because they are red..You know i don't like this color.." Her tone was contraried.
" I know darling.."
She smile at the " Darling " but she can feel sadness in this woman's voice.
She clean her table and she thank George who see her preoccupation :
" Are you alright girly ? Don't worry about the price if this is the problem.."
She smile touched and decide to be sincere with him :
" No..It's just..I have to see someone and it's gonna be delicate i think..I just..Love him and i hope he is okay."
Love him..Yes he is so important to her and he doesn't know that.
" Hello my name is Connor i'm the Android send by Cyberlife..." " I like dogs." She laugh slightly remembing all these words...
Yes now there is a place she dreams to be....The DPD.And she goes,trying to find it...She ask to some people where is it,and she see it.
This is there...Where Hank and Connor worked...
" Whoua...." She can't prevent by curiosity to enter in it and nothing changed.The same reception desk..the same noice...And mostly the " Honor " frame with Cops..Detectives..Lieutenants ..All deceaded.She see Fowler...And Hank...
" Hello Hankie." She said with a little smile.There is not Connor picture..Surely because he is still alive.That make her so sad to see Hank....And GAVIN ??? What a dumb face he has.....She try to not laugh seeing him...No he is dead.Respect.From what is he dead ? ..She wonder..
She see then all these desk..This is so strange..God she need some water from all these emotions.She take some glass from water dispenser and drink gladly.And if Connor was already here ?.....But what for ?...Maybe for Hank..Maybe he will come..
" Ok ok Leslie Sit down.It's okay." She take a chair et rest a little.The fact is..In this place,she imagine Connor walking everywhere.It was his second home surely...She take a deep breath..And the next minutes gonna changes...
Connor enter in the DPD and see that nothing really changed.Except obviously some detectives...He didn't came here since Hank take his retirement..He didn't want to keep to wrok here without him.He just wanted to take care of him,and of course Sumo's death was a true shock to them...Connor had been really strong to deal with all of this.He see the receptionnist..The same one..The same girl and she smile to him like she recognize him.He does the same..A simple little smile.
He comes to her and say respectfully : You remember me...
" Yes..You always cames here to see Lieutenant Anderson.I'm so sorry."
Connor try to hide his pain : Thank you..Maybe his desk ..
" It's still here.Nobody wanted to remplace it.Lieutenent Anderson was really loved here.."
" I know.Can i go see it ? " This is so important to him to see it again..But maybe he don't have permission anymore..He doesn't work here now..
" Of course you can."
All the place remember him and he still have acces to go anywhere he wants..
" Thank you.."
He was about to goes to the desk but feel like a powerful presence all around him.He stop brutally and his LED stay red.But this is not Amanda in his mind or something dangerous...It's different ..He turn and see a girl looking at him like he was a treasure..He only see her hazel eyes full of emotions.He feel hypnotized like his stone eyes was engraved to hers.. and he really don't like this...His blue heart beat fastly,perturbed by her gaze and she whispers with a little smile : " Hey..." her voice was trembling and weak.Connor doesn't what to do,how to handle this stupid situation and just nobbed to her with difficulty and leave to the desk as fast he can.
That's it..Leslie saw his eyes...She just stay here and wait do to something.She need some more water right now....
Connor find directly Hank's desk.All is empty of course..There is only lest his golden plaque where is engraved " Lt.Anderson " Connor touch it delicatly and sit down on the chair.
" Hi Connor." The deviant raise his grey eyes and see a detective look at him with empathy.
" I'm glad to meet you.We all heard about you and Lieutenant Anderson."
" I know..I know...I'm very touched that he is not forgetten...He was the best..."
 "The best to me..."
" I'm sorry to say that but...Your eyes..."
Connor smirk and reply quickly : Yes they are grey as my heart..."
He feel guilty by what he just say : I didn't mean to be rude ..I don't know what's goin on...."
" It's ok i understand..I leave you alone " The detective smile and Connor close his eyes insulted himself with every name in the world.For once Gavin would say the good word..." I can really be a plastic asshole..".
The detective see how much Connor is mad at himself and try to reassure him :
" It's ok Connor..Don't worry.It was a real plasure to talk to you " And the detective get back to work.Connor give a little smile and just look at the golden plaque.But he still feel this presence near him and he turn seeing this girl.She look at him and smile to him warmly.
Nervous he take fastly a piece of paper and a pencil and scribble anything,in a extreme quick way to vent his frustration
" She is not here..She is not here...."
He is completly confused..He ignore if he talk about Amanda or this girl.He didn't scanned her..He couldn't do it..
Connor is totally perturbed poor baby boy but we can see his strengh slowly come back.. I hope you love Leslie ^^ she just want to be with Connor ..We get that ^^
Sorry mostly about my english..
here is the story on ao3 thank you to leave comments or kudos i really need it :)
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misslavishlondon2 · 3 years
Handicrafts Of India
Handicraft is about processing materials by hand with hand tools. The results can be helpful things or decorative things. The materials utilized in the product are natural, industrially processed or maybe recycled. The models of the product are ancient, revised traditional or fashionable. Handicrafts Home is deeply frozen in society and contributes to preserving and sending traditions. In their product, crafters transfer an area of their cultural heritage in ideas, forms, materials and work ways, similarly as their own values, philosophy of life, fashion and self-image.
 Handicraft contains plenty of implicit data which grows every year, aboard with skills. The order and apprentice system has been widely used to transfer skills and implicit data. Theme-based craft is a comprehensive, well-organized backline master of fascinating, supported the following in style five choose themes – Needle Work, tribal Crafts, fiber And Eco-friendly Crafts, Fashion Accessories and festal Decorations providing in-depth info regarding the craft, products, sellers and awarded master craft persons in these particular crafts.
 History of handicrafts
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To understand the historical perspective of Indian handicrafts, we need to go back in time. Let’s take a look at the development and decline of the artisanal production under three different time periods: before the arrival of British in India, under colonial rule, and after India got independence.
History of Indian Handicrafts Before the arrival of British: Art and crafts, as we have already mentioned, has been a tradition in India since long. Textiles, the most important of the Indian handicrafts, reached the zenith of perfection during the Mughal period. While under Mughals, it was the art of weaving and silk spinning that scored refinement; it was metal works, ivory works and jewelry that reached great potential during the Gupta period. The handicrafts production during that time can be divided in four broad categories. The first category dealt with the village economy under the jajmani system, in which the products were articles of daily use.
The second category was integrated with the urban areas, where artisans produced crafts mainly for the purpose of sale. The third category concerns the dadni system, in which the merchants advanced cash to the artisans for production. The final category includes the Karkhanas, where skilled artisans produced luxury crafts under the command of kings or high nobles. Handicraft production was the second biggest source of employment in the pre-British India.
History of Indian Handicrafts Under Colonial Rule: Under the British rule, production of Indian Handicrafts faced a rather sharp decline. When the East India Company was in power, it forced monopoly over the production of artisans from Bengal, and the price of these products were fixed 15-40% lower than their actual market price. What came as the biggest blow to the Indian artisans, however, was the removal of most of the Indian princes and nobles, which as an effect, led to the destruction of the artisan’s major market.
Insights into ancient crafts of bone inlay: Bone inlay refers to an ancient decorative technique that involves embedding delicate, hand-carved pieces of bone into the surface of an object. The result makes for a striking pattern–often floral or geometric–of contrasting colours and materials that add surface splendour to any room.
History of Indian Handicrafts Post-Independence: The plight of the artisans and the cultural importance of artisanal production was taken into accord after India got independent. The establishment of All India Handicrafts Board in November 1952, to look at the problems and find solutions concerning Indian Handicrafts; the Handicrafts and Handloom Export Corporation of India Ltd in 1958, to promote handicrafts exports; Opening of Crafts Museum in 1953 in Delhi, to develop people’s interest in handmade Picture Frame Indian goods, all alluded to the idea that India had finally realized the importance of its art and crafts, and did not want to leave any stone unturned for its development.
 The origins of the technique are murky, but what we do know is that it has transcended countries, centuries and civilisations, with evidence of it in the embellished furniture of ancient Egypt, lacquerware of 18th Century Japan, and the architecture erected during India’s Mughal Empire.
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How bone inlay is used in furniture?
  Finally, buffing tools are used to polish the piece for a flawless finish that highlights the uniqueness, elegance, and sheer wow factor of every inch of bone inlay furniture. Bone inlay furniture requires a little more love and attention than many standard materials, but rewards you with a style more timeless and durable than many standard materials, too. Cleaning takes nothing more than a quick wipe with a damp cloth, and never with harsh cleaning products that could damage the inlay or the resin.
 If you own a bone inlay side table or other piece that is likely to see a high level of use, it is recommended to seal the surface with a grout sealant to protect the design. Without a sealant, the porous surface will be more likely to become stained or damaged from spills. For maintenance, we recommend applying a small amount of natural furniture wax onto the surface occasionally – especially in hot, dry areas – to ensure the filler does not dry out.
Every piece of modern bone inlay furniture begins with ethically sourced camel bone fragments. These fragments come from domestic camels that have passed from natural causes, with each shipment attaining Wild Life Certification. In a process that takes a month on average per piece, the artisan begins by painstakingly cutting the fragments, shaping them into intricate and artistic shapes. Next, the carved bone is affixed into a timber frame in a careful pattern, and set in place with a thick layer of resin. The resin is left for four to five days, then sanded down smoothly.
 Handicrafts is an integral part of our rich culture. To check out wide variety of handcrafted products, 
Visit Handicrafts Home.
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sarahome01 · 4 years
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Sara Home Bone Inlay Picture Frames. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fYBOypGMl/?igshid=hd9otg11tvy1
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Get To Know Me (even tho literally no one asked lol)
Nicknames? Kirbs, mostly. My coworkers at an old job called me Kirbstomp, which birthed the name that I use for literally everything. My family calls me Sue because they thing that “Kirby Sue” is a better southern name for me. Where do you live? lol south Louisiana kill me pls What’s your age? 24 Hair color? Black Eye color? Brown Height? 5′2 on a good day Date of Birth? November 16th What’s your star sign? I’m the truest Scorpio you’ve ever met hello Element? Water How many siblings? Two half siblings How many pets? I have 4 dogs (Harley, Gizmo, Bandit, and Kokomo), two of which technically live with my parents, and a corn snake named Peach Obsessions? Pokemon, Disney, snakes, slime (don’t u fuckin judge me it’s so cool) Bad habits? Drinking until I pass out does that count really? Phobias? Falling, the void
What makes you happy? Rainy days, 50 First Dates, spending time with any other human ever What really irritates you? Hot air, water left on the edge of the sink, spending too much time with any other human ever What makes you sad? pft everything hi i’m depressed What makes you angry? People who slow down too much while trying to turn, living in the south, Trump’s America What makes you scared? Under cooked chicken, when a friend doesn’t text me that they made it home, Trump’s America (see I did the thing again) Who is your best friend? Julie, who I met through the last Disney rp I was in on Tumblr, Alex, who I met through this Disney rp on Tumblr, and Wade, who I met through Ms. Roxie’s pre-k class.  Ever broken a bone? Yes, broke my tailbone playing softball. What was the last CD you bought? Christ, um... maybe... Paramore? Brand New Eyes?  What was the last book you read? It’s Kind Of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini Who was the last person you spoke to? Like spoke-spoke? My mom. Texted was my friend Becca. What was the last thing you ate? Mushroom rice What was the last thing you drank? Uh idk some V-8 stuff that tastes like the gummy watermelon Lifesavers What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought? My gaming computer, probably. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever bought? My gaming computer, probably. What’s the best thing you’ve ever been given? A house. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been given? My mom likes to believe that she’s good at picking out clothes to give me for Christmas. She isn’t. What are your future goals? My current goal is to make it out of Louisiana in one piece. One step at a time. Describe your bedroom? Woo okay. It’s like a small apartment. I have a fenced in yard where Harley and Gizmo can run and play and not get lost in the woods, and a covered, wooden porch with a table and chairs where I keep my crystals laid out so that they can be in the moonlight as much as possible. There’s fairy lights strung up around in the rafters of the porch roof. The door opens into my room, to the left is my bed in the corner with grey sheets, a black comforter with a gold mandala inlay, and a giant Maui TsumTsum that I cuddle with at night. There’s a star map tapestry on the wall next to my bed, and in front of the bed is my TV stand. There’s a basket in the corner that holds all of my records and a small table that holds my record player (Fleetwood Mac Live is on the player now). Next to my closet door there is a small terrarium hung that holds some sand and a succulent, and the same goes for th terrarium hung next to my window. I’ve framed concert posters of the Beatles and Elvis (fight me) across from my bookshelf. Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? Well, I mean *unrolls mile long scroll* have you got time to talk about our lord and savior Idina Menzel? If not there’s Karen Gillan and Natalie Dormer and Elizabeth Gillies and Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? Maybe... idk maybe Ryan Reynolds? Favorite thing to do on a hot summers day? Swim so that I don’t feel like my skin is melting off Favorite thing to do on a snowy winters day? PLAY IN THE SNOW GIVE ME THE CHILLY GOODNESS If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? A better life for my dad, the money and willpower to make something of myself, so much money. If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? Wow um... there are so many things I’d go back and change honestly lmao What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up? Is it cold yet? or Please don’t let it be 9:30 yet. Do you believe in the after-life? EhhhHHHHHHHHH???????? Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? I honestly have no idea What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever been told? “It’s just a phase.” *aggressively turns Pokemon music up* Any hidden talents? Does telepathy count? I can kind of sing too? Dream job? Zookeeper Who is your hero? Honestly Idina Menzel Describe yourself in 3 words: Loyal, charismatic, lazy
Favorite color? Pink Favorite number? 3 Favorite animal? Snake Favorite sport (to play)? Volleyball Favorite sport (to watch)? Football, baseball, volleyball Favorite Show(s)? Golden Girls, Steven Universe Favorite movies? Aladdin, 50 First Dates Favorite band? Paramore, Fleetwood Mac Favorite song? Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston Favorite room in the house? My bedroom Favorite food? Pizza Favorite drink? Bahama Mama Favorite place? Coyote Drive-In in Fort Worth, TX Favorite cartoon character? Garnet on SU, Princess Jasmine Favorite day of the week? Thursday Favorite day of the year? Halloween and my birthday Favorite season? Fall Favorite Holiday? Halloween Favorite girls name? Kalista Favorite boys name? Emery Favorite country? England Favorite smell? Coconut Favorite sound? Rain Favorite accent? British Favorite Ships (in or our of BDRP)? Pft mine (I think Octoclam might be my favorite don’t tell the others or Alex) Favorite Fandoms? Critical Role, Steven Universe
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi Pen or Pencil? Pen Day or Night? Night Cat or Dog? Both? Both are good. Summer or Winter? Winter T.V. or Radio? Radio Brains or Beauty? whY THE FUCK I CAN’T HAVE BOTH I say both Cup or Mug? Mug Tea or Coffee? Also both Gold or Silver? Silver, but like gold is cool too Brush or Comb? Pft neither City or Country? City Early or Late riser? Late Blond or Brunette? Brunette Scary or Romantic movies? Scary Board or Computer games? Um how dare you I need both Half full or Half empty? Depends on the day Happy and poor or Sad and rich? Happy and poor Glasses or Contacts? Glasses Flowers or Chocolates? Flowers Love or Money? Love Hugs or Kisses? UM both but like kisses if I had to choose
And now, pictures that you didn’t ask for.
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penorus · 6 years
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menthomeusa · 5 years
You have a classy choice of photo frame suitable for your home that will beautifully match your décor style. With Pinewood back and bone, Inlay picture frames are made to ensure a lasting finish that matches with any wall theme and home decor accent Our Frames come with Ultra-Transparent Plexiglass.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Mastering the Art of the Tablescape
When a room is nearly finished and all the major pieces of furniture are in place, there’s one thing you need to make the space feel complete: an artfully arranged tablescape, or grouping of objects on a console, coffee, side or center table.
“The poetry of a room is often found in these more intimate details,” said Dan Fink, an interior designer in New York. “Styling is about bringing a sense of personal beauty, and heart, to a room. The personality of the space, and the person who lives in it, can come through in personal objects.”
Empty tabletops, by comparison, often feel unfinished. “A room without accessories or styling is soulless,” said Sarah Bartholomew, an interior designer in Nashville. “Styling a table makes a room feel finished and lived in. It’s a way to personalize your home while adding depth and style.”
That’s harder than it sounds. The tablescapes that designers create for their clients may look effortless, but they require more than a little thought and effort. So how do you create a tablescape that looks artful, not awkward? We asked interior designers and home stagers to share their strategies.
Find Inspiration
A tabletop is an ideal place to express your personality and showcase your collections with a little decorative flair. A tablescape, Mr. Fink said, should be “a combination of all of the things that reflect one’s life and personal interests.”
In his case, that means tables scattered with nautical instruments; lion sculptures and prints (Leo is his astrological sign); objects that evoke his Austrian heritage; gifts from his husband, the interior designer Thomas O’Brien; and objects and books that recall Paris, a favorite city.
Or look to the key colors and materials in a room to inform the pieces you select to display on tables, suggested Steven Gambrel, an interior designer in New York, who collects curiosities while traveling and uses them as accessories in his projects.
“If you have a beautiful blue-glazed wall, and there’s a blue-glazed vessel on the table, it brings the wall closer to you,” he said. “It brings the big picture, which is the room, down to a smaller scale.”
When a tablescape isn’t working, he added, “it usually has to do with a missing color or material.”
Plan the Composition
Creating a tablescape is more art than science, and there are many ways to go about it. Few designers aim for complete symmetry, but most try to achieve a sense of balance or order across the composition.
“Look at the paintings of Morandi or other artists who were good at composition,” Mr. Gambrel said. “Sometimes the corner will be taller, and then it works its way down” to smaller objects toward the front and the other side of the table.
“You want to ensure there’s balance between the items,” Ms. Bartholomew said. “Sometimes I divide a square coffee table into four quadrants. Two kitty-corner quadrants might have stacks of books for balance, and then I’ll put a large vessel or bowl on the third quadrant and an interesting object, like a bone-inlay hurricane or something collected, in the fourth quadrant.”
Other approaches include placing the tallest pieces at the center of the table and working toward smaller objects at the edges, or creating two clusters of objects at either end of a rectangular table and leaving the center relatively open.
Start With Something Tall
Most successful tablescapes have objects of varying heights, with the tallest item often setting the tone for the composition.
“I usually start with something tall at the center of the table, or off to one side, and then work from there,” said Meridith Baer, the founder of Meridith Baer Home, a home-staging company with offices across the country. “For height, I like to bring in a statue, a nice floral or a lamp. The higher the ceiling, the more height you can bring in on a table.”
After situating the tallest object, she said, “I lay out the still life in relation to that piece.”
Mix Materials
The best tablescapes become more interesting the closer you get to them. One of the ways to create that kind of appeal is to include objects made with varying materials, textures and finishes.
“I like to combine things that are rough and fine, old and new, ancient and modern,” Mr. Fink said. “It’s about different juxtapositions. Perhaps it’s glass and crystal with pottery and ceramics, or stone with wood and metals.”
Most designers also like to include something natural, like plants or flowers. “I always love having something alive,” Ms. Bartholomew said. “Every vignette cannot always have flowers, but you can find ferns and plants that are low-maintenance. When you’re entertaining, it’s a moment for cut flowers from your garden.”
Use Books Creatively
A few handsome coffee-table books on art, design, fashion or travel can be pleasing to look at while also communicating your interests. And small stacks of books can be used as mini-pedestals to elevate decorative objects.
Some designers use books in a way that shows off more than their spines and covers. Cheryl Eisen, the founder of the New York-based design and home-staging firm Interior Marketing Group, often places open books on tables to call attention to favorite pages.
“I love an interesting art book — like a giant book of Picasso photographs I have — and I’ll have it open on a bookstand,” she said. “It’s an interesting conversation piece, because it’s open to a specific page and invites a conversation. And I change it to different pages all the time.”
Or she’ll try to find a page that picks up on colors in the room: “We’ll open the book to a page that matches the color story we want to tell.”
Create Groupings of Objects
Small groupings of objects within a larger tablescape can add visual interest.
“I like a small cluster of the same kind of object — maybe three or five things, with different heights,” Ms. Baer said. “A grouping of candlesticks, pieces of pottery from the same period or tiny carved statues from Indonesia. Right now, on my coffee table I have a few Chinese vases that are all in celadon colors, but in different shapes.”
To reinforce a grouping, the objects can be set on a tray, in a bowl or on top of a piece of stone.
“I’m keen on trays that have an inch-and-a-half- or two-inch edge to them,” Mr. Gambrel said. “It cleans up the composition. It frames the objects in the same way that a frame works with a painting.”
And “if you do two trays” on a single tabletop, he added, “the space you’ve created between the trays is also a great place for an object.”
Add a Sculptural Note
“One trick, for sure, is to bring in an organic shape,” Mr. Gambrel said, as a foil to objects with geometric forms. “Perhaps a piece of driftwood in the country, or a bronze sculpture with an irregular shape in the city. Those curvy shapes pull all the other pieces together.”
At his house in the Hamptons, for example, he has “a particularly gnarly driftwood piece on my table outside, under a covered porch,” he said. “It scoops around a hurricane and another vessel, and ties the whole thing together.”
It’s the variation in shape, he said, that “helps to make a composition a little more sophisticated, and loosens things up.”
Look Beyond the Tabletop
Once you have selected the accessories to display on a table, take a step back and consider the spaces around the table. The appearance of a console, in particular, will be affected by the objects mounted on the wall behind or placed underneath.
“You need to think through the entire vignette,” Ms. Bartholomew said. “Often I’ll put a basket underneath, or a potted fern. It’s something to finish it out, so there are no holes.”
Mr. Gambrel said he frequently hangs art above a console or corner table, with the specific objective of completing a tablescape. As a result, the art is not always centered over the table, and may be mounted lower on the wall than expected.
“It’s all put together like a collage,” he said. “You just play around with the pieces until it looks good.”
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