#Bonefall Allegiances
bonefall · 1 year
Bonefall RiverClan Family Tree: Draft 1.2
Subtitle: The whole hog. It's EVERYTHING folks. I did it all the way back up to Darkstar's Commandment. Nearly 8 generations of cats. This has taken several days and meticulous work and I DID IT.
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[Update 1.2: Swapped the birthing parent between Sedgecreek and Greenflower to Sedgecreek with the honor sire being Duckfur, made a note of Harelight being an honor title.]
Caveats as usual:
Check out my Info for Family Tree Reworks, including my 3 Strict Rules and general guidelines.
This tree is still subject to change, especially for modern RiverClan.
I made some doodles this time lmao I hope you enjoy them
If you want to check out my diagnosis and see the canon family tree, it's over here!
Under the cut: Renamings, removals, and changelog
RENAMINGS: Format: Old Name (Origin) -> New Name (Reason)
Molewhisker (CotC) -> Moletooth (conflict)
Snaketooth (CotC) -> Snakestream (conflict)
Oatpaw (CotC) -> Oatbelly (save)
Sloefur (FQ) -> Sloefall (conflict)
Perchpaw (MV) -> Perchshine (save)
Magpie (CP) -> Magpiesky (repurposed)
Swankit (TPB) -> Swansong (save)
Copperpaw (Po3) -> Copperwing (save)
Wavepaw (AVoS) -> Waveshine (save)
Shimmerpelt (BS) -> Shimmerbright (conflict)
Shadepelt (AVoS) -> Shademuzzle (conflict)
Mintfur (Po3) -> Mintflower (conflict)
Rushtail (OotS) -> Rushfish (conflict)
Carpkit (Missing Kits) -> Carpwhisker (save)
Bluefur (the one and only) -> Bluemoon (better)
Emberdawn (LH) -> Emberdusk (conflict)
Duckkit (Missing Kits) -> Duckfur (save)
Dragonflykit (Missing Kits) -> Dragonclaw (save)
Heronwing (AVoS) -> Heronflight (conflict)
REMOVALS: These may be shuffled to another litter at a later time, but for now, are effectively cut.
Grasspelt, because I would like Grasswhisker to be an old lady who was friends with Briarlight.
Nightsky and Breezeheart are currently dead as kits to further torment Icewing about losing Beetlewhisker in the Dark Forest. Like StarClan's mad at her.
Robinwing had a conflict name anyway so I just killed them as an apprentice because I want more young deaths.
Lizardtail. Being effectively replaced by Hollowflight, but may have been Hollow's original name before earning an honor title. (the honor title is for betraying the dark forest and running a marathon across the lake to fetch help during the Great Battle-- the name would become Hallowflight.)
The drowned kits of Mosspelt and Frogleap, Robinkit and Woodkit, are gone. I may use them at some point.
Pikepaw from Battles of the Clans. Holding onto them in case they're needed.
Gorseclaw. It is more tragic for Harelight to be the only surviving sibling, plus there was a name conflict anyway.
I completely missed the following cats and it's the only reason they weren't used, and I'm making a note of them here for my own reference should I ever need them;
COTC: Brindleclaw, Graywing, Foxwhisker, Foxclaw, Hayberry and kits Minnowkit and Wildkit, Sunspots, Fernleaf, Blackbee, Kinktail
Lightningpaw and Lilyflower gave Crookedstar a life
CHANGELOG: I tell you why I did the things
Code and the Clans and Darkstar's Commandment
There's a lot of weird quirks around Code of the Clans, namely that there are two Darkstars associated with two different commandments in two different Clans. If that weren't weird enough, one of those Darkstars is very similar to the MAPLESHADE'S VENGEANCE Darkstar, but these are canonically three different people???
In my rewrite, no lol there's Darkstar of RiverClan, known for Darkstar's Commandment/The Queen's Rights, and Dalestar who created the "don't question your leader" commandment in response to Ripplestar's Rot.
I also snatched a bunch of the cats out of the CotC story to explain the confusion!
Aspentail (the magic spirit who assists the battle) was Darkstar's sister, and Perchpaw's mother. She is going to have a small but emotionally important role as part of StarClan in Darkstar's Commandment.
Splashheart was Perchpaw's father, and Splashfoot was named after him.
Moletooth, Nettlepad, Lightningpelt, Oatberry, and Meadowpelt are all repurposed from another CotC story, conflict-renamed when necessary.
I was going to allow Darkstar's lineage to peter out since Perchshine is going to go live at the barn, but Mudthorn had a mate slot open and I had a stroke of whimsy realizing I could have a kitten join RiverClan from the barn.
Magpiesky is Magpie from Crookedstar's Promise, now a sibling of Fleck and Mitzi instead of a child of Mitzi.
"Magsky" is now the one who brings young Stormpaw to the barn; Domino was her mother but she tries not to talk about her outsider heritage too much because... Clan Culture, y'know.
She was able to join because Volestar was gracious, citing her Darkstar blood.
Appledusk and Reedshine's children, only named in authorial statements, have been broken up and reworked. Willownose and Shyheart belong to other cats and only Applefrost remains; Duskwater has been made into an AppleReed kitten.
I really like how it's two kits, named for both parts of Appledusk.
Duskwater's mate Oatbelly was a victim of Mapleshade.
Rainflower is now the Appledusk descendant, not Shellheart. Her mom was killed in the same storm she gave birth in.
Greenflower's sibling was Duckfur, previously a Missing Kit described as her dead child. Needed more fodder.
I am probably going to make her mother Dragonflykit, the other Missing Kit described as a dead child. I need a good name though. Dragonflyclaw? I kinda want to drop the 'fly' suffix and make the name Dragonclaw because that's cool as hell
MAN what if Clan Culture has a concept of 'dragons' but it's actually a large dragonfly that flies like a hawk, bites like a snake, and swims like a pike...
1.1 UPDATE: Added Dragonclaw as Whitefang's mate and Greenflower's mother.
Greenflower and Sedgecreek were not capable of having biokittens, Duckfur was the honor-sire and Sedgecreek gave birth to the kits.
Greenflower loudly announces this during TigerClan to display their loyalty to the Code, Sedgecreek feels extremely uncomfortable having their personal information aired like that.
Swallowtail fell in love with Rainwhisker on the Great Journey, and became pregnant shortly before his death in the WindClan Rebellion!
The kits are Rainstorm and Rippletail.
Swallow named a son after her forbidden mate. It was BOLD, because Rainstorm is practically Rainwhisker's reflection.
Sedgecreek tries to forgive Greenflower and make amends, but Greenflower turning on their daughter Swallowtail when Ripple and Rain were born was the last straw.
Mudfur and Brightsky
I needed Mudfur's genes because as you can see things get pretty tight, since there's less named characters the further back you go
Say hello to Carpwhisker! She's a sweetheart. Previously a Missing Kit, I picked her over Waterkit or Oatkit.
Voletooth is named after their famous ancestor.
Volestar actually gave the family their spots, and they are all quite large like she was.
Brightsky is not actually dead. She left to become a kittypet, and only Hailstar and Mudfur know this. It was kept secret.
The other two kittens stayed with her.
Sunfish's Bloodline
Frogleap doesn't need kits. Society has progressed past the need for Frogleap kits.
Sunfish's lineage is continued through Grasswhisker. I am fond of Grasswhisker for like no reason. I just think she's Neat.
Her sister Vixenleap actually dies in Mudclaw's Rebellion
Dapplepaw is going to get eaten by a fish in Po3
Grasswhisker can't catch a break and that's how I like it
I made Lakeheart older because I like the idea that she was named after their new home and that effect kinda lessens if she isn't one of the first RiverClan births here.
Harelight and Tragedy
Like I mentioned before, Gorseclaw's getting cut completely. It fits Harelight's story a LOT more for him to tragically lose all of his siblings in TBC.
Denied the ability to mourn his sister Softpelt, being forced to bury Dappletuft like a rogue, Harelight is becoming a Light in the Mist next to Misty. He has a bone to pick with the Impostor.
He's kinda becoming a blorbo ngl.
I imagine he's very polite and a bit silly, but more astute than people give him credit for.
Based on ABSOLUTELY nothing he keeps reminding me of Donnel from Fire Emblem. I have NO idea why I keep thinking of him.
Me trying to reference a greek tragedy about simple mourning rights being the ironic downfall of a tyrant but all I can hear in my head is "YEEEEHAW"
I am probably going to cut more warriors, too, to make way for some of the more interesting warriors to stick around. No one cares about Brackenpelt.
UPDATE 1.2: Harelight's first name was Harefur! Mistystar likes to 'match' the names of siblings according to a theme; SoftPELT, DappleTUFT, and HareFUR were all hair-related!
Harelight is an honor title because he is now a Light in the Mist, alongside Mistystar herself.
Graymist and Pouncetail, Mallownose and Sneezecloud
In-canon Shadepelt was acting like an elder when she was barely 2 years old. Lol. Lmao, even.
She is the mom of Pouncetail and Graymist now. I think this is a very funny idea. They are very silly as siblings.
Mallow is Pounce's son and Sneeze is Gray's son.
Mallownose and Sneezecloud are no longer siblings; but they are cousins who were really close growing up because they both lost their littermate!
Mallow lost Robin, and Sneeze lost Duck.
I made them more distantly related because I KNOW there's going to be some kind of romantic drama between Frostpaw and Splashtail in-canon and I want that to be less weird.
Sure, they're far enough in-canon to not break my Three Strict Rules, but still, I wanted to fix it really hard in advance.
1.1 UPDATE: Father of Sneeze has been changed from Voletooth to Beechfur. This may change again.
Copperpaw has evolved into Copperwing
He's called Copperwing because I was planning to have him replace Robinwing, and then I ended up using Robinpaw anyway as a kill… but the name remains.
Got hit with sudden inspiration to make him REALLY shiny and I leaned into it. Him and his kits are sparkly even for RiverClan cats, lmao.
Waveshine and Shimmerbright are pretty evocative of that, I hope! I'm glad I was able to use the -bright suffix at least once.
I approached my renamings with Mistystar in mind; I like to think she tries to give cats "thematic" names. For example, Rushfish is named after his dead brother. Heronflight, Perchwing, and Sneezecloud are sky-related. She even gave Lake and Otter the same -heart suffix.
The SwanMoss Family
Swansong, a surviving child of Graypool x Rippleclaw and the adopted brother of Mistyfoot and Stonefur, is replacing Frogleap. SWANSWEEP.
For a LOOONG while I was planning to make Willowshine the oldest child of Dawnflower, but now that I've definitively worked out the specifics of my tree, I can say with confidence that she works best as a Mosspelt kitten.
Because, y'know, unlike canon Mosspelt's mate isn't dead.
I put Troutstream in here because I feel like she looks like Swansong, who looks like Rippleclaw.
I kinda like her as a family outlier, she's a huge jerk... but she is a PRETTY jerk.
I think Mossyfoot was badly influenced, and her death made Trout grow up.
Icewing and Mintflower, Dark Forest 'curse'
Mintfur is now Mintflower because there needs to be more boys with the -flower suffix.
Also he is an ex-tribecat. He had to take refuge in ThunderClan when the Clan got dangerous during Stormfur and Brook's exile, but Mistystar invited him back when she gained power.
I'm killing Icewing and Mintflower's second litter. I think it's a lot more tragic for Icewing to feel like StarClan is punishing her by not letting her have more kittens.
The fact she trained in the Dark Forest and brought her son Beetlewhisker in with her is haunting.
On that note, Petalfur... either needs more to happen with her, or I'm replacing her on the Beaver Quest. Rippletail dies on it, the other RiverClan cat really needs to have some amount of importance in OotS and possibly beyond.
Other things
Havenpelt is an ex-rogue who used to cause problems, but eventually was badly injured and RiverClan took her in for healing.
I am not fond of Lizardtail because he's boring, in spite of having really interesting kids. He is either going to be combined with Hollowflight or axed completely; more DF Trainees need to survive.
If it's an honor title, it's going to become Hallowflight. The title will come because he defects from the Dark Forest Attackers and runs a very long distance to get help/warn the others before collapsing from exhaustion. A sacred marathon of sorts.
Mousewhisker x Minnowtail REAL. Mousewhisker joins RiverClan after TBC, so we'll have to wait for ASC to be completed before I can give any details. But this is set in stone.
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skyscratch-wc · 10 months
The Skyfall AU Masterpost
This post will be an archive of sorts for the information posts for the Skyfall AU.
The goal of this AU is to hammer out a solid timeline for warrior cats, emphasize the downfall of Skyclan and the aftermath as key drivers in the plot, and better flesh out the characters and clan culture(s)! Additionally, I hope to address some of the more problematic elements of the canon text to make a narrative that is more satisfying and lives up to the potential the warriors world has. I also want to pin down a setting (at the moment I am leaning towards SW Scotland) for the books in order to make the names and environment consistent and accurate.
This AU will focus primarily on the the time frame from the fall of Skyclan to the end of OotS, since those are the books I read as a kid/teenager and are the books I have the best grasp of. I stopped reading the series consistently several years ago, but have re-read TPB recently. As such, I probably won't do much work on anything post-The Last Hope. Perhaps later, but certainly not anytime soon.
I hope to tackle DotC at some point, since I got about halfway through that arc before stopping reading the books.
This project is roughly broken into a few categories that are subject to change:
History of the Clans and Timeline Work:
Timeline from The Skyfall to Modern Day [DRAFT]
Clan Culture:
Skyclan's Cultural Evolution
Clan Ranks and Structure
How to Become Deputy by Clan
Skyclan's Downfall
Thunderclan Civil War (aka The Skyblood Conflict)
Disbanding of Skyclan
ThunderClan Cats
ShadowClan Cats
RiverClan Cats
WindClan Cats
Ancient SkyClan Cats
Modern SkyClan Cats
Rogues, Loners, and Housecats
Family Trees:
Power of Five
Skykin Foundations
Modern SkyClan
Clanmew Posts:
SkyClan Ranks in Clanmew
Geography and Ecosystems:
Flora and Fauna of SW Scotland
The Forest Territories
Into the Wild: ThunderClan
Into the Wild: ShadowClan
Into the Wild: WindClan
Into the Wild: RiverClan
Skyfall Asks + Responses:
Can Clerics have mates/kits
Will I write this?
Goal of the rewrite
This AU is inspired not only by the canonical warriors books that I read as a kid/teen but also by the work of @bonefall and @cryptidclaw, both blogs I absolutely love reading through because the ideas in their respective AUs/rewrites are superb and get the creative juices flowing. In particular, I plan on using the clanmew language system developed by bonefall and @troutfur and drawing from the clan culture bonefall has numerous posts about.
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moons-of-peachclan · 10 days
Welcome to PeachClan!!!
Allegiances - Last updated 9/21/24
Thanks for checking us out :-) This is a text-based clangen blog utilizing free to use assets and the ever-helpful input of a few friends of mine. Primarily inspired by @rippleclan, @loudclan-clangen, @bonefall’s worldbuilding, and @splinterclan
The following content warning tags are used on this blog as needed: animal death, animal cruelty, natural disasters, fire, violence, child abuse, child neglect, drowning, ableism, xenophobia, unhealthy relationship dynamics, emotional abuse, physical abuse.
If any content not listed here appears in a post and you would like it tagged, please submit an ask and I’ll add it going forward.
Basic setting info beneath the cut!
Moons of PeachClan takes place in a fictional version of the Ohio River Valley sometime in the 1700s. Some liberties are taken with geography, geology, and history.
The four clans in this setting are FernClan, RainClan, MarshClan, and PeachClan.
The ranks of Leader, Lead Healer, and Lead Mediator are hereditary and are passed to the respective leader’s oldest child or next of kin in the event of their death. Succession drama is entirely possible and very likely. Additionally, each clan also has a “council” of non-hereditary high positions which includes an Educator, a Head of Hunting, a Kitchen Head, and a Construction Head who select their own successors. There may be only one of each High Position at a time and no single cat may hold more than one position.
No more than 3 healers and 5 mediators total are allowed in the clan at any given time for population control.
Biological kits usually get precedence in inheritance purely for drama reasons; I believe that adopted children are equal members of their families in every way.
Romantic interactions with former mentors and kits with cats who are not their mates are always on for drama. Allow kits without a second parent and increase same sex adoption are toggled on and off at my discretion to help control the population.
Additionally, mass extinction events are always on.
As for me: hi! You can call me Sylas. I use he/him pronouns. I am a full time college student with a job and several physical and mental health conditions, so updates will probably be sporadic. As a personal boundary, please do not send me private messages if you are a minor.
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fallingstarsau · 1 year
The Allegiances of the Alliance: The Thundercrash Guild
The Thundercrash Guild:
Luminary: Star Icefall- A massive, fluffy Grey-Blue point molly that has a notable scar across her shoulder and blue eyes. She/Her.
The Star-Speaker: Spottedleaf- A small, fluffy dappled tortoiseshell molly decorated in many herbs and with amber eyes. She/They.
The Herbalist: Featherwhisker- A very old, massive fluffy white cat with long curly fur and pale yellow eyes. They/them.
The Council:
The Heir: Lionheart- A massive short-furred yellow charlie with a fluffy mane, tufted tail, and amber eyes. He/They.
The Crafting Head: Cricketleap: A mainly white calico tom with short curly fur and dark amber eyes. He/him.
The Hunting Head: Snowstorm- A light grey point charlie, with pale yellow and blue eyes. Xe/xem
The Head Cook: Dappletail- A mainly black calico molly with pale blue eyes. She/They..
The Keeper: Speckletail- A tabby dilute calico molly, with sharp amber eyes. She/her.
Featherdance- A pure white, blue eyed, deaf molly with short curly fur. He/They.
Tigerclaw- A massive, dark brown-red tabby tom with piercing dark red amber eyes. He/him
Darkstripe- A short, tortoiseshell tabby tom with yellow eyes. He/him.
Mousesnap- A small, short furred molly with pale yellow eyes. She/Her.
Goldenflower- A large, fluffy golden molly with green eyes. She/Her.
Aspentail- A sleek, large eared, silver tabby with a very long tail and pale blue eyes. They/He.
Elkhowl- A stocky, brown tabby tom with a cropped tail and amber eyes. He/him.
Fuzzybranch- A very spiky black charlie with pale yellow-green eyes. He/She/They.
Chestnutclaw- A short dark red molly with a bobbed tail and one blue eye. She/He.
Rosetail: A pale dilute rose tortoiseshell molly with a large, bushy tail and pale amber eyes. She/they.
Thrushwing: A pale brown speckled tom with fluffy fur, a long tail, and pale green eyes. He/him.
Falconflight- A tall pale brown tabby tom with pale green eyes. He/him.
Patchtooth- An old, grizzled black and white molly with cracked teeth and amber eyes. She/her.
Willowsong- A fluffy grey tabby molly with blue-green eyes, and tufted ears. She/Her
Brindleface- A large fluffy grey spotted molly with distinctive markings and dark green eyes. They/She/Xe
Frostfang- A small, thick-furred white tom with blue eyes, who is partially deaf. He/They.
Sandpaw- A pale yellow and rose torbie molly with olive green eyes. She/Her.
Cherrypaw- A mute, heavily scarred dark red tabby with dark leaf green eyes. She/They.
Dustpaw- A dark brown charlie with amber eyes and an extra toe on each paw. They/Them.
Ravenpaw- A pure black tom with a white spot on his chest, and purple-yellow eyes. He/him.
Fogpaw- A fluffy striped grey tom with amber eyes, and a short tail. He/him.
Rustpaw- A small fluffy red charlie, with green eyes and a long fluffy tail. They/them.
Wrenpaw- A large fluffy calico molly with blue-green eyes and a long fluffy tail.
Brightkit- A ginger and white kitten.
Swiftkit- A black and white kitten.
Adderfang- A patchy furred red tabby tom, with yellow eyes and long fangs. He/him.
Breezeflight- A pure white, green eyed charlie with long fur. They/them.
Shrewear- A small, grumpy, mottled grey and brown tom with distinctly small ears. He/Him
Mumblerose- An ancient molly with a patchy dull red coat, cracked teeth, and shredded ears. She/Her. The oldest cat in the Thundercrash guild.
shoutout to @bonefall for their allegiances! It’s a real live saver.
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tyrann-icide · 8 months
To Tyrannicide :3
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My around 5 year old xenomoggy! It was originally a warrior cats OC story that I had really no plans for before it spiraled and one of my special interests! Takes Heavy inspiration from @bonefall @fatal-rewrites-warriors and @cats-of-eden-valley ! Go check them out :3 This is a side-side blog of @jaeclawsstudios ! Go shoot me a follow I post art sometimes :3 This xenomoggy is mainly about family I would say, family you find along the way, and traumatizing these gay 14 year olds as much as humanly (or should I say cattitly) possible!! Tws for the story below! Will be edited this is just what I remember. I do not support anything below! Nor do most of the characters. I'll also be making another few posts that are allegiances, family trees etc etc! Go ahead and send a few asks if you want I would be more than happy to answer them!
-grooming (acknowledged and treated as a bad thing)
-homo/transphobia (again, treated badly)
-child abuse
-child neglect
-use of maggots in a medical situation.
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wildfire-rewrite · 1 year
*Each major branch of a family would get their own posts, inspired by @mousetoe-wc's system of family tree posting!
**Culture Blazes will be long and detailed posts HEAVYLY inspired by @bonefall's Warrior Bites writing.
***Very unfinished upon the first draft of a post, but it should be developed with time. I will also be taking suggestions for appearances and renames on this post.
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smokemouths-dawn · 11 months
this is so heavily wip - i still donot have all the defined timelines, species fixes, or clan allegiances written down
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The Ruined Prophecy.
The Ruined Prophecy or TRP for short is a xenomoggy taking inspiration from Warriors, @fatal-rewrites-warriors, @bonefall, Wings of Fire, Watership Down etc.
#tealcian! = Talking! Includes asks, extras, or just talking about TRP in general! Comes from the old English word for talking.
#the ruined prophecy = all things TRP! Does not include reblogs :3
#trp inspo = reblogs!
#trp designs = TRP character designs and sheets!
#trp extra art = Extra art for TRP!
#worldbuilding = world building like tools, roles, districts etc
#allegiances = Allegiances for the districts!
Art by me! Enjoy.
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aspenhearrt · 1 year
intro post!
hello i am aspenheart/aspen/sylas/dove (you can call me! just about anything!) and this is my warrior cats blog :-) i've been interested in warrior cats for. over a decade now i think and i have so so so much love in my heart for stupid cat politics.
i've been in many warrior cats rps over the years and i've been burned pretty badly by them (you might see me occasionally complaining about the "original storylines" for some of my characters) but now i'm making my OWN clan!
unfortunately just about every piece of art that you'll find on my blog is not drawn by me. my icon is from [this] picrew and most of my character icons are from [this] one. i am extremely new to tumblr so let me know if need to tag anything differently or smthn.
furthermore, ASKS ARE ALWAYS OPEN!!! i love talking about my silly little cats and their silly little worldbuilding so much. please ask me all the questions. lots of things are on my toyhouse and lots of things aren't!!
i intend to tag asks and other posts about characters with their names, so feel free to ask me about anyone <3
links will go below the cut as they become relevant!
Borrowed Bonefall Ideas in Crowpaw Story
The Warrior Code
Thistle Law (political ideology)
Traditionalism (political ideology)
Fire Alone (political ideology)
Fading Kits
Single fading kits
New Patrols/Cats get to sleep a cat amount
Trinary Gender
Honor Siring and Primary/Secondary parent words
Beauty standards pt. 1 (& petalfang notes)
Beauty standards pt. 2 (& dragonflystar notes)
Setting Notes
The Badger & Fox Problem
Why Crowpaw is a healer, not a medicine cat
ShadowClan Culture & Allegiances [doesn't exist yet]
WindClan Culture & Allegiances [doesn't exist yet]
RiverClan Culture & Allegiances [doesn't exist yet]
ThunderClan Culture & Allegiances [doesn't exist yet]
Territory Guide [doesn't exist yet]
History of the Clans [doesn't exist yet]
Character Stuff
Extended character bios masterlist
Characters quick guide
Actual Writing
The Exile (234 words)
Crowpaw Story clangen (non-canon)
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bonefall · 2 years
Bonefall TNP: Allegiances
For @stickysodaz who asked about it and I'm still working on the main notes, so, a gift!
This is the rough draft list for the cats alive at the exact moment that TNP opens up. If I missed anyone, you guys lemmie know all right?
(And a gentle wink that I can be convinced into saving dead characters or going in interesting new directions for them if you've got a cool suggestion, ESPECIALLY in the Clans that aren't ThunderClan.)
Also as a side note; dividing up the warriors into 3 further ranks is super super helpful for making a large Clan look smaller.
Also also also this may change in the future when I really jam my paws into reworking the family tree for other Clans at this point; ESPECIALLY for Shadow and River. So just super-duper keep it in mind this is a roughie.
Leader: Firestar Deputy: Graystripe Cleric: Cinderpelt + Leafstripe
Elders (Rank above warriors.)
Speckletail Dappletail Frostfur Longtail (Ex-Deputy)
Senior Warriors (At least 4 years AND has had or is training an apprentice.)
Mousefur + Shrewpaw Goldenflower + Squirrelpaw Dustpelt Sandstorm + Sorrelpaw (Training delayed due to injury) Cricketclaw
Warriors (not considered senior yet, either through young age or lack of mentorship experience)
Willowpelt Brackenfur + Whitepaw Thornclaw + Spiderpaw Brightheart Cloudtail Ferncloud (Kits: Birchkit, Hollykit, Larchkit.) Elderberry Young Warriors (Around 2 years or less; ineligible for mentorship due to age or inexperience)
Brambleclaw Ashfur Rainwhisker Sootfur
(Closing note jumble: Dustpelt was the mentor of Rainwhisker. Cloudtail was the mentor of Ashfur. Sootfur's training was completed by Cricketclaw after Longtail's blinding. Whitepaw is deaf. Sorrelpaw has epilepsy. Squirrelpaw has failed two assessments.)
RiverClan (click for family tree)
As you may know from how I've spoken about the thesis of Bonefall TNP, and the redux, The Tiger in RiverClan, RiverClan being politically divided is a massive plot point. I've decided to mark a cat's political leaning with T for Thistle Law, X for Traditionalism, and F for Fire Alone.
Leader: Leopardstar T Deputy: Mistyfoot X Cleric: Mudfur F + Mothwing
Elders (Rank above warriors.)
Ivytuft T Loudbelly F Voleclaw T Dawnbright X
Senior Warriors (At least 4 years AND has had or is training an apprentice.)
Carpwhisker X (Kit save! Sister of Leopardstar) Blackclaw T + Pinepaw Skyheart T (Is pregnant right now) Reedtail T + Volepaw Sedgecreek F Duckfur X Warriors (not considered senior yet, either through young age or lack of mentorship experience) Frogleap F Mosspelt F (Kits: Stonekit and Willowkit) Dawnflower F Greenflower T + Duskpaw Shadepelt X (Kits: Pouncekit and Graykit, soon to be apprenticed) Heavystep T + Splashpaw Grasswhisker X Vixenleap T + Icepaw
Young Warriors (Around 2 years or less; ineligible for mentorship due to age or inexperience)
Feathertail F Stormfur F Hawkfrost T Beechfur X Swallowtail X Reedwhisker X (Training endlessly delayed because of the horrors, older than Feather and Storm)
(Closing note jumble: Note how Leopardstar is not assigning apprentices to Fire Alone cats. Loudbelly is diabetic.)
Leader: Blackstar Deputy: Russetfur Cleric: Littlecloud
Elders (Rank above warriors.)
Runningnose Wildfur Boulder
Senior Warriors (At least 4 years AND has had or is training an apprentice.)
Ratscar Tangleburr + Kinkpaw Wolfstep Fernshade Oakfur + Smokepaw Whitewater
Warriors (not considered senior yet, either through young age or lack of mentorship experience)
Stumptail Dawncloud Wetfoot Nightwhisper Tallpoppy (Kits: Marshkit, Toadkit, Applekit) Rowanclaw + Talonpaw Volewhisper Nightwing + Snakepaw
Young Warriors (Around 2 years or less; ineligible for mentorship due to age or inexperience)
Cedarheart Tawnypelt Snowbird
(Closing note jumble: This Clan skews young because of Runningnose's plague stunt back in TPB. Snake, Smoke, and Talon are all unrelated.)
Leader: Tallstar Deputy: Mudclaw Cleric: Barkface
Elders (Rank above warriors.)
Oatwhisker Stagleap Rushtail
Senior Warriors (At least 4 years AND has had or is training an apprentice.)
Ashfoot Darkfoot Torear + Owlpaw Morningflower + Brushpaw (Ex-BloodClan) Onewhisker Robinflight + Thistlepaw Whiskernose Thrushwing (Kits: Leafkit, Dewkit)
Warriors (not considered senior yet, either through young age or lack of mentorship experience)
Whitetail Flytail (Dragged down from another litter) Webfoot + Snappaw (Ex-BloodClan) Runningbrook Nightcloud + Weaselpaw
Young Warriors (Around 2 years or less; ineligible for mentorship due to age or inexperience)
Crowfoot Gorsetail Willowclaw
(Closing note jumble: Like ShadowClan, this Clan skews young. They're just now really starting to recover from the WindClan Massacre of TPB.)
Leader: Claw Subordinate: Fury Head Solver: Bailey
Traders (Interact with Clan cats on a regular basis)
Scourge (Ex-leader, spends a lot of time in ThunderClan) Brushpaw (Formerly Leo, joining WindClan) Snappaw (Formerly Snapper, joining WindClan) Snipe Jag (Formerly Jaggedtooth) Cody
Problems (Similar to Warriors)
Melody Willie Minty (Kits: Snowflake, Cloudy, Sniff, Icicle) Tess Ice
Solvers (Cats who do intellectual work)
Brick (Formerly head solver) Gremlin (Kits: Honeysuckle) Pounce Snake (Loose retirement; injuries from battle) Coal
(Closing note jumble: BloodClan sending aid completely replaces Cody's time in ThunderClan; she has been reduced to a cameo. Brushpaw and Snappaw are adult apprentices; Snapper has been woman-beamed.)
Barn Cats
Barley Junior (Barley Senior peacefully passed away just a month ago.) Ravenpaw Violet Junior
Cats living elsewhere
Smoke Darkkit Millie
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skyclanpo3 · 1 year
SkyClanPo3 - Changes to the Tribe
Note: This is my attempt at trying to fix the insensitivity regarding the Tribe of Rushing Water. I am not Native American or Indigenous, so please feel free to let me know if I made things worse. I only want to make this iteration better and more respectful.
List subject to changes and additions as the story develops. Updated 07/09/24.
The Tribe uses the two-part naming system of the Ancients. Brook Where Small Fish Swim is now Little Brook, and Crag Where Eagles Nest is now Crag's Edge. A full list of name changes will be posted in the allegiances.
Kits are not born into duties. A kit becomes a rook at six moons old, and they start training with both guards and hunters. Rooks do not have individual mentors, as every guard and hunter does their part in training a rook. Training takes about eight months, and a rook will choose to specialize in one of the roles once they reach the halfway mark.
However, there is an additional role to the Tribe: the augurs, trained in medicinal and spiritual matters. A rook would start and finish their training as a augur, and not learn any advanced hunting and guarding skills beyond the basics.
All members of the Tribe can communicate with the Tribe of Endless Hunting, but augurs have a stronger connection and are taught to find signs in the living world, as well as interpreting messages given to others.
Stonetellers are not called healers, they are just the Stoneteller.
Cats often travel around and through the mountains, and the Tribe is very hospitable and offers space in the cave to rest, eat, and regain strength (they also love to listen to the traveler’s stories). Occasionally, a traveling cat will join the Tribe, they are very considerate towards outsiders (unlike the Clans).
The Stoneteller
Some sections here are inspired by or taken from Bonefall's AU
The Stoneteller chooses their successor from the current group of augurs. If the Stoneteller dies before making a choice, the eldest augur becomes the next Stoneteller.
When a cat becomes the Stoneteller, they leave their previous identity, name, and relationships behind and receive blessings from the Tribe of Endless Hunting: an extended lifespan of about 25 years, the ability for their ancestors to directly communicate through their body, and invulnerability to sickness, heat, and cold. They receive guidance and training from previous Stonetellers.
Because of the long lifespan of a Stoneteller, the Tribe has an amazing recollection of history and quickly recognize the Clan cats as the descendants of the Sun Trail travelers.
Training to become a augur involves learning the history of the Tribe, and the Stoneteller holds the record of and can recite their entire history, aided by their ancestors.
When a cat ascends to the Stoneteller rank, all familial relationships end. They no longer have parents, siblings, mates, or kits. The Stoneteller is seen as the mother/father/parent of the entire Tribe.
For most family members of the new Stoneteller, this is an adjustment that takes time to get used to, and some will grieve their lost relationship to the Stoneteller.
Tribe Politics
There are three leaders within the Tribe: the lead guard, the lead hunter, and the Stoneteller, with each leader representing the cats of their respective roles. The eldest guard or hunter is typically the lead, but can step down without retiring.
The Tribe is democratic, and every major decision is held to a vote. Leaders do not vote, but the Stoneteller’s vote is used as a tie-breaker if necessary.
Technically, the Stoneteller has the final say on all decisions and has the power to veto, but they tend to go with what the Tribe decides unless absolutely necessary. It is an important quality of a Stoneteller to listen to all the voices of the Tribe, even those they do not personally agree with.
Changes to Moonrise
The silver cat prophecy will be completely overhauled, if not outright discarded. I plan on writing a one-shot covering the events of Moonrise from a Tribe cat's POV, but this is what I have planned for now:
The Tribe has established and proven strategies for killing bears*, and are capable of taking down Sharptooth on their own.
When the sun-drown patrol arrives at the mountains, they accidentally intervene with a patrol of guards attempting to kill Sharptooth, leading to injuries/deaths and letting the beast escape.
This made the situation very dangerous for both the patrol and the Tribe, and the Tribe requests that the Clan cats follow them to their camp and assist them in taking down Sharptooth.
Although the sun-drown patrol objects to their request, the Tribe informs them of Sharptooth's strength, and warns them that Sharptooth would immediately hunt them down and kill them if they attempted to leave now.
*for now, Sharptooth is a bear, subject to change.
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pjsk-warriorsau · 1 year
i'm clover! i use any and all pronouns, my main blog is @clover-patches, and i let the autism win :)
i'm currently writing a warrior cats au for Project Sekai, complete with;
obscene amounts of lore
gay neurodivergent cats that know how to make fire
the original 5 clans from the books
a 1.9k word-long planning document (and counting)
and more! maybe!
i'd like to give a shoutout to @/bonefall for the sheer amount of worldbuilding they've come up with, some of which you'll see here! go check our their blog it's So Fucking Cool
please feel free to ask questions about the story, the characters, the Lore :tm:, or anything you can think of! doesn't even have to be a question! i appreciate any and all commentary :)
you can find the allegiances here! (note that some things are subject to change)
more coming soon! farewell for now :3c
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bonefall · 1 year
Um pal? I think you made Frost and Splash More related(unless im reading the tree wrong)
I brought up my art program again to double check and do a comparison. First though, here is the chart I use to visually check if two characters are incompatible;
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[ID: A family tree chart is circled. First Cousin Once Removed is circled several times and the text says: "Onestar's Exception; This is banned when 2 Grandparents are alive. I also generally avoid when possible."]
I'm trying to fix Splash and Frost in-canon because they squarely land in the Onestar's Exception. Sneezecloud and Mallownose are brothers; Sneeze is the father of Splash, Mallow is the grandfather of Frost. This makes them first cousins once removed, and because both brothers are alive, that puts them on my rewrite chopping block.
(for the record I don't ship Splash and Frost, but knowing the Erins, they are going to pull some kind of romantic drama and I would at the very least like to fix this part of it. Not to mention if Splash's brother Fognose gets with one of Frost's siblings by the end of ASC-- there's a few reasons I'm doing this.)
So I plugged them into my chart,
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The only reason that Canon RiverClan is uncharacteristically "clean" as far as Clans go is because there is a missing generation fog over almost every cat between TNP and AVoS. I mapped out the entire canon family over in my Diagnosis if you would like to see that. So, unfortunately it's going to be messier than canon just by matter of logistics.
However, I always hold my Three Strict Rules true.
But anyway, you can see Canon on the left; Mallow and Sneeze are alive, and Sneeze just had his first litter with Havenpelt less than 2 years ago. It's fresh. These cats should be active family.
Compare to my Rewrite Draft 1 on the right. I did goof and make it another FCOR relationship, but the BIG difference is that Voletooth is dead near the start of OotS, long before Duskfur has Pod and Curl in AVoS.
"Is there a reason why Graymist didn't invoke the Queen's Rights?"
There is; it's because, canonically, Graymist is consistently xenophobic. She ushers her kittens away when Squilf visits, and snarls at Holly and Willow when they're saying good-bye to each other. She's often seen in aggressive roles, yowling at other Clans that RiverClan owns all the fish in the lake.
She doesn't seem like a cat who would invoke the Queen's Rights, or at the very least would still quietly pick a RiverClan honor sire.
But. Anyway.
I went ahead and swapped Sneeze's father from Voletooth to Beechfur, for now. Beech is a bit older (by about 1 - 2 years, young warrior in TNP), but not by enough to get axed under my age gap rules.
Here's RiverClan Draft 1.1 (I am also gonna update the image in my other post)
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I also added the tidbit that Beechfur is the secret father of Sedgewhisker and Thistleheart of WindClan, but ultimately he chose to stay with RiverClan. It's a funny coincidence that both siblings were in HalfClan relationships because of the Great Journey.
(swallowtail 2 of windclan is getting cut, Thistleheart is taking her roles)
In another draft I might repurpose Tanglepaw and Pikepaw from Battles of the Clans or Swallowtail 2 to create an in-between generation cat with Beech or Vole for Graymist, but this is the current iteration for now.
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bonefall · 2 years
These are the unnamed cats from into the wild:
Thunderclan: tabby she-cat with distinctive black markings, small tabby, small tortoiseshell, little gray and white kit, fluffy gray cat, tiny black kit
River: black queen, tortoiseshell queen
Shadow: huge gray tom, black warrior, tortoiseshell warrior, tabby tom, scrawny tortoiseshell she-cat, young shadowclan apprentice (tom), black tom, silver tabby
This is super helpful thank you!!
I'm putting the River and Shadow ones in my back pocket for now, but I will share that the tabby she-cat with distinctive black markings is Cricketclaw, a family tree 'missing kit', now the sister of Darkstripe.
Her mentor is Redtail; fixing the issue where he mentors Mousefur. Since Redtail is the mate of her brother Runningwind in my rewrite, that had to change.
As for the kits; there's too much deputy drama to preserve unfortunately, and none of them got names for me to work with. Those kits are now just going to be Lynxkit, Swiftkit, Cinderkit, and Brackenkit. Thornkit and Brightkit are now younger siblings in the Brackenfour collection.
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bonefall · 2 years
Do you have a list of what characters names you changed for DoFC? For example, Does the Hawk swoop and Jackdaw's cry family tree change any?
I didn't! I made one for current reference. It's all still a big WIP, and I'm shuffling as we speak. If you notice a change from last time, you're probably correct.
Making families like this is helpful for giving a brief overview to the massive amount of players Bonefall DOTC is going to have from the get-go, and make the politics easier to understand by grouping them generally by family. You can usually expect cats to 'stick' with their relatives, except when that disagreement is something noteworthy.
Related families, by mateship or family bonds, are grouped by color.
Storm Family
Shadow Family
Flower Family
Sky/Wing/Peak Family
Cry Family
Swoop Family
Heart Family
Frost Family
Misc Tribe Cats I Haven't Sorted Yet
All below the cut!
Storm Family
A humble, close-knit family back at the tribe with few members. Known best for being reliable, generalist hunters and a family history of overcoming adversity. Often have tabby patterns with large white patches.
Members: Bright Storm, Thunder Storm (Name Changes: Bright Stream fused with Storm, Thunder)
Shadow Family
Disgraced by their ancestral association with a horrible tyrant who destroyed the Great Kinships of Tiger, Leopard, and Lion, Shadow cats are ferociously proud and dedicated to redeeming their family name. For generations they’d been pure black cats just like the tyrant, until Sun Shadow's forestborn litter.
Members: Tall Shadow, Moon Shadow, Sun Shadow, Silver Shadow, White Shadow (Name Changes: Silver Stripe, White Tail. Taken from Gray Wing.)
Flower Family
Known for leadership and carrying an air of nobility, the family is prosperous and well-established back at the mountain, but the weight of it has become a burden to its surviving Sun Trail pioneer... come in many colors and patterns, but usually have a dark marking that splashes across their eyes.
Members: Shaded Flower, Rainswept Flower, Black Flower (Name Changes: Shaded Moss, Black Ear. Taken from Gray Wing.)
Sky/Wing/Peak Family
An odd case; The Sky family’s final member is Clear Sky. They were a large, righteous family famously loyal to the old Lion Kinship, with a unique fur condition that could cause ‘clouds’ to appear on their pelt as they aged.
The Wing family is directly descended from the Tribe’s founder, Half Moon, given her old name in honor of her deceased twin Jay’s Wing and notably blue-tinged in color.
The Peak family is plain in contrast, but known for being good parents.
Members: Clear Sky, Gray Wing, Quiet Wing, Fluttering Wing, Jagged Peak, Stone Peak (Name changes: Quiet Rain, Fluttering Bird, Stone Song)
Cry Family
Observant and bold, known for making good sentries and having sharp eyes for hunting. They can be loyal and committed to a fault, throwing their dedication to a cause with their whole heart. Usually black and white, with broad foreheads and a colored 'lip blotch' of the contrasting color.
Members: Jackdaw Cry, Falling Cry, Lightning Cry (Name Changes: Falling Feather, Lightning Tail though it remains a nickname)
Swoop Family
Cats of action, heroes and dramatic hunters, with a reputation for arriving in the nick of time. If they have markings they tend to be faint, with smooth, brown-colored pelts and a slight overbite.
Members: Hawk Swoop, Acorn Swoop (Name Changes: Acorn Fur)
Heart Family
A stunningly beautiful and intelligent family, often finding a subject in their kittenhoods and becoming obsessed with it their whole lives. Displays three colors; usually white, black, and orange.
Members: Turtle Heart, Dappled Heart, Pebble Heart, Sparrow Heart, Owl Heart which will become Owl Eyes later, Bumble (because she has a concept of cat marriage). (Name changes: Turtle Tail, Dappled Pelt, Sparrow Fur)
Frost Family
Resourceful and innovative with grouchy streaks, known for tool use and problem-solving. Has no particular colors or patterns, but usually has a 'flinch' of dotted spots along the spine and up the belly.
Members: Silver Frost, Shattered Frost, Sunlit Frost, Jay Frost (Name changes: Shattered Ice, Frost)
Misc Cats
These are cats I haven't assigned to a family yet, but I am planning to make Tribe-Born. It is my intention for the vast majority of the cast to be introduced by the First Battle, or AT LEAST have their parents be associated with one of the 5 Clans.
So this does not include cats like Wind, Arc, and River Ripple, who are Park cats.
Cloud Spots
Quick Water
Pink Eyes
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bonefall · 2 years
I got mentioned by THE Bonefall themselves!!! :D This is so cool!!!
The Allegiance list looks great so far!!! Random question but do you have any plans for Carpwhisker sense you saved them?
DSFsdgffds Am I REALLY a "The" already? I'm just a silly guy who can't stop thinking about battle cats
Carpwhisker is mostly important as genetics, I REALLY needed something from Mudfur's line so it didn't unceremoniously die out, since he is now a descendant of Volestar herself. Carp is going to be a background character and eventually an elder-buddy of Mosspelt's.
For now she's very involved in the nursery, and I'm shooting to give her 3 kittens. Duskfur is one of them; and thinking about it now, making Dusk and Gray siblings is going to wreck some stuff down the line. So I'm going to do a little shuffle--
Duskfur and Splashpaw are going to be the siblings, Graymist is going to come later in the same litter as Beaver-food Rippletail; Stonestream is now the single-kit apprentice of TNP RiverClan.
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