#Borderlands au
nataliedecorsair · 2 months
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How to hang out with your bird gf? Here's some mostly useful guide. Also, don't forget about the frog 🐸 Some of the previous comics are here and here ----- Separate post about Hedwig/Yadwiga is here.
Post about Vaughn, Yadwiga and their AU is here
Find even more comics about them on my Tumblr by the Pticenoga hashtag
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purpleblch · 1 month
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Siren Rhys
comm for @serpentasha
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moth-bitez · 7 months
Did some doodles of Tim and Angel for a little AU where Angel lives and Tim adopts her because I love them and they both deserve better
I know it’s not super original and this has been done before, but I wanted to do my own version :]] Anyways it’s just for fun not anything serious!
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sanzosin · 2 months
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A damn fine catch, Jake!
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lysodesigns · 7 months
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Some racing bros
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sangthael · 8 months
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would you listen to him ?
—- commission for my bro partyquark on twt of his scott pilgrim borderlands au :)
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comma-tose · 1 month
I wish that Rhys and Fiona had actually been teleported somewhere else for another adventure after Tales. I don't like that the treasure of the vault was a wish that ultimately meant nothing anyway.
Rhys had already been starting to build up Atlas so why did he suddenly need more paperwork, Fiona just gave her wish away to Sasha who wished for a vaultlander that ends up getting destroyed not long after. Why would they even have to vanish for a few minutes to get a wish?
AU where Rhys and Fiona both actually get sent somewhere unknown when they open the treasure chest, and find something strange on the other side and they only discover it's purpose as the story progresses. Or where they gain something like an ability based on the kind of person they are.
AU where we actually get to see more of how they've developed, see them meet new characters as they try to figure out a way to get back home and understand why they were sent to this new place. Where they use the skills they learnt before and advance them as they travel.
AU where Gearbox actually progresses stories instead of ignoring the existence of plot points for years, butchering characters personalities, and actually shows characters grow and develop in a way that feels natural.
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kitsumidori · 24 days
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With the Wonderlands comic being out for a few weeks, it made me want to go back and revamp my Blightgeist! Gaige
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zlosha · 2 months
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an old 2023 Borderlands AU with my friend's and my OCs :) We were playing Borderlands 3 at the time
and yeah that is that Barby meme posted in 2024..
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giannaaziz1998blog · 1 month
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nataliedecorsair · 2 months
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Try to find every hidden critter in the first art🐸 Also, they did have fun and even flew around together A lot of things in Hedwig/Yadwiga's Borderlands AU and her relationship with Vaughn is based on the relationship between my husband and I. And today we have another anniversary, so I'm posting these arts to honor it. (the in-game look is a result of me messing around with 3Dmodels + drawing; expression sheets are based on my Disney art studies; the last two arts is how I drew them 8 years ago and now xD) You can read about the characters here More comics and other arts can be found by the Pticenoga hashtag The biggest compilation of art with them + all the new stuff is here
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ryzselo · 1 month
imagine you have a bottle of glue
do you guys make slime or put it in a tub to pick at? Just me? 🫠 XD
(I was gonna do a ask as my oc Scara but I forgot how to 😭🤣)
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Few moments later, in Tommy’s room…
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Drew them a bit younger, around 19 and 15. Johnny fulfilling his duty of the annoying older brother. 👍🏻
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purpleblch · 3 months
Heey I wanted to ask even more information about your Atlas AI Rhys AU and about your Tim and Jack in there. Cuz it's all is so yummy. Please? Maybe some silly facts??
(And what were you inspired by when you made your AU?)
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- The collars on Jack and Timothy are bulky because they are designed for lower workers, the collars on upper employees are much sleeker - Basically Jack's life is 40% better than canon, Rhys' life is 60% worse than canon, Tim's life is still sheer misery - Jack is like really tired, he has to work really hard, but he lives an almost happy life - The former owner of Atlas planned to make Rhys a trademark, pretty face on posters and stuff - Vaughn is a Rhys doppelganger, but he is in the process of reverting back to his old appearance (Rhys is not going to be happy about it, leg-lengthening surgery is expensive) - Rhys didn't volunteer for a prosthetic arm, he was a forced walking AD - Jack actually treats Tim like a brother in a way - Angel's almost okay, she's permanently connected to a lifesupport system - Rhys really liked Angel, and he wasn't lying when he promised Jack he'd help them, he just didn't say they'd be caged for the rest of their lives - Tim is much freer to do things because Jack doesn't have time to keep track of him - Vasquez was Rhys' personal assistant, people think he was the one who set up Rhys' death (partially true) - Rhys wasn't trying to kill Jack, but he's very wary of him - At the end of the story, when the Athenos is destroyed, Rhys commits ???digital suicide??, but technically he can be restored - Hyperion eventually consumes Atlas, Jack becomes Handsome Jack in any universe
there are several fanfics with AI Rhys on AO3, I love them all, you could say I was inspired by them
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sanzosin · 2 months
If you’re comfortable sharing, can you tell us more about Loady and Rhys? I find the hints you’ve given so interesting!
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Heres a little bit more "clues"
I havent really explored much this side of the AU since mostly its from the Kadams POV
You can read more about the AU here
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snappedsky · 4 months
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies drops in on Rhys to tell him about her good day, while he's having a bad day.
New Tales From the Borderlands Part 1
The Sky Rider drifts lazily through space towards no destination. In its pilot chair, Skies is lounging, her feet up on the console as she scrolls mindlessly through the ECHOnet.
She stops when she sees a new article from Forge’s- one with her name on it.
“Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter: The Most Successful Independent Agent in the Galaxy?”
A grin spreads across her face and she spins around in her seat, kicking her feet and giggling madly.
“I have go to show this to Rhys,” she declares and puts the coordinates to Promethea into her auto-navigator. The Sky Rider immediately blasts off through hyper space.
It slows to a stop outside of Promethea’s orbit. Not far away is Atlas’ spaceship headquarters. Skies parks her ship and uses her ECHO device to fast travel straight to Rhys’ office.
“Rhysie!” she sings, sliding across the floor from the fast travel station. “You gotta check out this article! It is the funniest thing-.”
“Skies!” Rhys barks, “how many times have I told you to call before you come bursting in?”
Skies stops and finally notices someone else in the room.
She’s a woman, neatly dressed with brown skin and brown hair tied up into a bun. She’s holding some kind of little gun-looking device and has a very guilty look on her face.
“Oops, sorry,” Skies says, “I should’ve guessed you’d be busy.”
“Wait, aren’t you Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter?” the woman asks.
“That’s me,” she replies, beaming proudly. “And you are?”
“Dr. Anuradha Dhar,” she says, “I work in Research and Development.”
“For now,” Rhys grunts, and she withers.
“I’ll just wait outside until you’re all done in here,” Skies says, “try not to get fired, Dr. Dhar.”
“Skies!” Rhys snaps.
“I’m going, I’m going,” she says and quickly trots out the door.
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gaymars97 · 3 months
Holy shit i just remembered i never introduced tumblr to Betrayal au im gonna change that
So basically, in betrayal au, Maya doesn’t meet the raiders till much later. Before that happens, she also experiences way more betrayal trauma, assassination/murder attempts and overall discrimination than in canon. In fact, pretty much all she lived from interactions with other people ended up being negative, or at best, neutral, either on the short or long run.
So naturally, instead of being open to form new relationships, she starts to distance herself from others. (Cauz yk. Who would want to try to socialize again after over 27 years of perpetual negativity from people? You try keeping your cool after that) By the time she finally meets the raiders, things are different than in canon…
That was the short version. Long version is under the cut
(I shall post a part 2 on bl3 BAU cauz theres a few important things to say about her and if i cram it in here the post will just be. Interminable.)
When she gets on Pandora, instead of directly joining the raiders, Maya is instead approached by a different group of so called « vault hunters » who offer her to work together to open the vault.
As time passes and she gets to know her teammates, even though the betrayal from the order of the impending storm still deeply affects her emotionally, she learns to trust and care for those new friends.
(For reference, the impending storm plot twist™️ also happens earlier, so she also gets to pandora sooner)
Well surprise! Turns out this was a trap too! The « vh » team lured her into trusting them so they could get their hands on a siren, after all. Plan devised by a commander in Hyperion, fyi.
In an act of self defense, she had to kill the very people she thought she could trust. Once again, it wasn’t her who was welcomed with open arms in a family. This whole time, all they cared about were her powers.
Now, this had happened twice, and this time, she nearly died. A part of her did die that day.
Every time she trusted people, it was used against her.
And how about the strangers she had met so far, well, in her life? Either avoided her, visibly feared her or tried to kill her. At best, they just went on to live their day.
So, she started to believe that maybe she was doomed to be left behind every time she tried to follow others. To get hurt every time she showed vulnerability. To be hunted. Feared. Hated.
And can you blame her?
I mean, after all, when was the last time people genuinely cared about her?
Did that ever happen in the first place?
So, as Pandora just seems to keep proving her fears are justified, she learns to become distant.
After making the same mistake twice, she wasn’t going to let people deceive her again. Now she knew that if she wanted to reach her goal to learn about sirens, it wasn’t by entrusting others with her help.
At some point, the crimson raiders offer to team up. But she won’t let her guard down so easily now. She refuses. I mean, what’s stopping them to just take all the info they need from her hands once they don’t need her help anymore?
So, led by nothing but bits of info and a mysterious voice in her head (As much as she’s real hesitant to follow the advice of the so called « ai » talking to her somehow, she’s the best lead she’s got.), she leads a one woman hunt for the vault key.
But things don’t go exactly as planned (as always). The moment she’s finally close to get the thing, guess who shows up? That’s right! The crimson fucking raiders, and they want the key too!
Lilith confronts her. She gives her another chance to work together, but Maya just can’t take that kind of risk a third time. So, siren fight ensues, and things seem to be going well, until Lilith decides enough is enough and uses eridium. However, instead of killing the fellow siren, she knocks her out and gets her to sanctuary.
Held captive by the raiders (You can thank Lilith for that btw. Homegirl can’t get herself to kill a fellow siren just yet) a deal is eventually made (working with other people may be the last thing she’d do under normal circumstances, but she has no choice. They caught her.)
So against her own will, she learns to know the people she works with, thinking that after the key is acquired, she’s just get the info she needs and then fuck off. But once again. Didn’t go as planned. These guys are way more loveable than expected-
Goddamn it.
She has one hell of a crisis when she realizes that not only she’s feeling herself starting to care about those people, but that this odd feeling she has whenever she’s with the odd one who screams about meat might be romantic attraction. (And it is)
It takes time, but the raiders eventually prove to her that this time, it’s mutual. Things get better after that 💜
(She’s still more of a bastard than canon tho. All this time of the intimidating distant facade taught her how nice it feels to be a lil mean. As a treat)
Another noticeable trait is the massive scar she has on her face. It was inflicted by one of the members of the fake vh team the day of the betrayal (it still brings a load of bad memories and she hates it) I shall post how the scar looks pretty soon.
(Other note, i would like to thank @rando-lesbo210 because her Fallen Heirs au is what inspired the creation of Betrayal au)
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