#Boruto 64
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Manga and Anime comparisons for these father-daughter scenes
Boruto chapter 64 | Boruto episode 291
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
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primnroses · 1 year
— Explaining Konohagakure’s Medical Department from Naruto to Boruto:
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks.
This informative post will explain the role and utility of the Medical Department from its debut in Naruto to its development and role in Boruto. I will use information present in the novels and the Boruto manga because it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta is crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
This meta does contain anime scenes from Boruto because it is a monthly manga draft that depends heavily on anime for context. 
Please, take this into consideration.
This meta will include a small discussion from my own point of view about the Medical Department and its members. There will be strong criticism and complaints, comparisons with other characters, previous leaders, etc. 
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The Medical Department ( 医療部門, Iryō-Bumon), also known or previously known as Medic Corps (医療部隊, Iryō-Butai) is one of the three main departmental divisions of Konohagakure. They are organized in the medical-ninja from Konoha Hospital (木ノ葉病院, Konoha Byōin) and they are in charge of providing medical care within the village and in the battlefield by the training of field medical-ninja.
Their members also work in developing medical items such as medicines, ninjutsu, etc. Some time after the global conflict, the Medical Department has seen the development of new medical branches and facilities; it is also supervised by Sakura Uchiha as department head, hailed as the world’s best medical-ninja.
She is officially known as "The Head of the Medical Department" (医療部門の責任者, Iryō bumon no sekininsha).
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Konohagakure's official department organization according to the first fanbook.
It is unknown when the organization itself started or when Konoha Hospital came to exist, but the concept of medical-ninjas has existed since the era of the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Around the second conflict, Tsunade advocated for the inclusion of one medical-ninja per team to palliate the effects of the conflict.
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Tsunade advocates for medical-ninjas to be included in every team to increase the survival rate of each member and the mission.
This department and all of their divisions wear their own unique crest with the kanji for "medicine" or "healing" (医, ishi). This crest is the symbol of Konoha Hospital and the uniforms of the Medic Corps; these uniforms consist of white overalls for the doctors with hats and ear protectors, and skirts for the nurses, both with the crest in red on their backs.
After Naruto, the crest changes places, now adorning the left side of the uniform.
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The uniform of the Medic Corps during Naruto.
During the era of the Third and Fifth Hokage, the Medical Department was simply known as Medic Corps, and with the first fanbook, we learn that the Medic Corps are medical-ninja from Konoha Hospital; as well as being the only healthcare organization known at the time. In turn, Konoha Hospital is a building located not too far from the Hokage Residence in the center of the village. It was never specified who was running the hospital during this era. 
The Medic Corps debuted in chapter 64 mentioned by Hiruzen when referring to Kabuto Yakushi. It was said that a jōnin of the Medic Corps had saved him (his adoptive mother Nonō Yakushi). However, they were seen for the first time two chapters later, when the hospital staff, the Medic Corps, took Sasuke Uchiha to heal his wounds. 
(I want to add that the term medical-ninja did not exist around this time, so Hiruzen saying Nonō was a Medic Corps is a mistake in the continuity of the story; he would likely say medical-ninja if the term existed. The Medic Corps were later rewritten as those medical-ninja from Konoha Hospital.)
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Konoha Hospital before Pain's invasion.
As soon as Tsunade was introduced into the story and after her fight against Kabuto Yakushi, we learn about medical ninjutsu and that medical-ninjas are also those shinobi that learn healing techniques and are sent to teams to aid their comrades in battle. They use medical ninjutsu (医療忍術, Iryō-Ninjutsu), like the generic Mystical Palm Technique, to heal wounds.
Therefore, medical-ninjas are divided into two types: 
Konoha Hospital’s Medic Corps medical ninja.
Field medical ninja. 
According to the first fanbook, the Medic Corps are those professional medical-ninjas that are fully dedicated to healing, developing medicine, researching diseases and performing ninjutsu focused on healing. In order to do that, they require very advanced chakra control, as well as extensive knowledge of herbs, medicines, the human body and even poisons to develop said medicines and antidotes. 
They are also divided by ranks and skills, with the story revealing that not all Medic Corps are able to use healing techniques due to the high precision of chakra control they must possess. They also include nurses among the staff.
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The Medic Corps according to the first fanbook.
Meanwhile, field medical-ninjas vary in skill and knowledge. They range from just identifying the condition of a patient and using medical ninjutsu as a Chakra Transfer Technique, such as Ino Yamanaka; using healing techniques to aid in battle, like Rin Nohara; or being on par or superior in knowledge and skill as the Medic Corps like Sakura Haruno, Shizune, Tsunade and Kabuto Yakushi. 
Sakura Haruno is an example of a field medical-ninja that also actively works in Konoha Hospital as a member of the Medic Corps. Shizune too.
Medical ninja must be the last member of their teams to perish, therefore, they must never join the battle, making them support-types. This however, does not apply to Sakura Haruno, Tsunade and Kabuto Yakushi, who use medical ninjutsu variants as fighting techniques. Medical-ninja are the most valuable members of their squad and it is a priority to protect them in battle.
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Yamato guarding Sakura Haruno, the only medical.ninja of the team.
I explain all about medical ninjutsu and medical ninjas here.
We can consider the Medic Corps and Konoha Hospital as the same organization, since the Medic Corps are exclusive to Konoha Hospital. 
Based on some parts of the story, the Medic Corps send relief teams to special events such as the Chūnin Exams and treat patients in separate rooms outside Konoha Hospital. They also send other smaller groups of Medic Corps on smaller teams to retrieve patients. These teams are called Medical Teams (医療班, Iryō-Han). 
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Medical Teams from the Medic Corps sent to participate in events or rescue patients. We also see the change of the uniform's design.
Specialized medical-ninja are needed in Konoha Hospital in case of emergency. Examples include Shizune, Sakura Haruno and Tsunade; the two latter kunoichis being fighters as well as a medical-ninja and boasting a jutsu that grant them regenerative abilities.
Medical-ninjas are pivotal in a shinobi village or when winning big battles, as they are the only people able to maintain a full village healthy and ready to keep fighting. The Medic Corps and Sakura Haruno had their hands full during Pain’s invasion, as well as Tsunade through Katsuyu, who was able to save everyone from Pain’s Shinra Tensei explosion. 
The Logistical Support & Medical Division of the Allied Shinobi Forces was also the main target of the enemy, especially their most skilled medics, the jōnin rank medics. It was thanks to Sakura Haruno leaving the Third Division and joining the Medical Division that she could stop the White Zetsu. She also healed countless shinobi in the division; as well as healing hundreds of members of the Allied Shinobi Forces with Katsuyu in the midst of battle.
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Sakura Haruno in the hospital and Tsunade with Katsuyu healing countless civilians; Sakura Haruno and Shizune in the Medical Division. Sakura Haruno healing the entire Allied Shinobi Forces.
Blank Period:
The next time the Medic Corps and Konoha Hospital appear is mainly Sakura Hiden, this novel including one of Konoha Hospital’s major medical developments; although there are mentions in other novels too:
Six months after Kaguya Ōtsutsuki was defeated, Sakura Haruno started preparations to create a Therapy Center, a mental health branch for children who are indirect victims of the shinobi world.
Two years later, Sakura Haruno successfully founded the first ever mental healthcare institution inside Konoha Hospital; and other villages like Sunagakure also followed her example. Indirectly, it is also revealed that Shizune is representing the Medic Corps and Konoha Hospital during this time.
According to the novel, she is the “Executive/Manager of the Medical Team” (医療班の幹部 Iryō-Han no kanbu) and sits with the other three top officials of the Konoha Council and the daimyō to discuss matters pertaining the village.
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Sakura Haruno opens the first mental Therapy Center in the world.
By the era of the Seventh Hokage, the Medic Corps rebranded, now called the Medical Department; their supervisor, Sakura Uchiha, now called “Head of the Medical Department” (医療部門の責任者, Iryō bumon no sekininsha), in contrast to Naruto’s non-existent hierarchical title. Overall, it has continued to function the same was as before, with the exception that it is now divided in two branches:
One of the most notable changes is the reconstruction of Konoha Hospital into a more modern building. The inside of the hospital looks much more modern and solid, in comparison to the building before Pain’s invasion, which had cracks everywhere (more noticeable in the manga).
The hospital in Boruto: Naruto the Movie and manga are more similar to the design in Naruto, while the anime changed the design to a more modern building.
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Konoha Hospital in the anime and manga.
The hospital is directed by Sakura Uchiha, who also does some bureaucratic work from her own office. The building is also significantly more prepared than before, with various surgery rooms, intensive care, the off-screened therapy center, modernized patient rooms, labs and a classroom to train genin in medical ninjutsu. 
So far, Konoha Hospital remains as the center of all healthcare in Konoha and the source of all medical knowledge of the village. 
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The director's office. One of the surgery rooms, the classroom, patient rooms and lab.
The Medic Corps still wear their white uniform with the crest in the back, although they changed the helmet for a bandana with Konoha’s symbol in it. Other uniforms include a blue robe with matching pants for Sakura and Shizune.
Another notable change is the presence of more discernible medical staff among their ranks. The Medical Teams sent on specific missions now wear the standard chūnin vest with the medical crest on their backs; while medical relief can be seen wearing a red armband with the medical crest.
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The different types of medical-ninja in emergencies.
In addition to the new staff, Konoha Hospital has also started to give individual classes to genin that wish to become future field medical-ninja.
According to Boruto Uzumaki and Mitsuki, the Ninja Academy imparts classes about medical ninjutsu, but not real training enough to become a battlefield healer. For genin, it is compulsory that at least one member of the team trains in medical ninjutsu.
These classes are imparted by the head of department herself. Sakura Uchiha trains Sarada Uchiha for Team 7 and Inojin Yamanaka for Team 10, among others. Although according to Mitsuki’s own character profile, he is the actual medical-ninja of Team 7, which means he must have also trained with Sakura.
Although this is a loose episode, it explains how Inojin and Mitsuki, two medical-ninja according to their official manga profiles, learnt medical ninjutsu. It is canon to the story.
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The new medical training explained by Boruto Uzumaki and Mitsuki. Sakura Uchiha begins the special class for genin.
Other than Konoha Hospital with its new branches, there is also a healthcare facility inside the Hokage Residence called Medical Office or Medical Department (医務室, Imu-shitsu), controlled by the Medical Department.
Inside it, some of the Medic Corps work in important cases that need the direct supervision of the Hokage. The room is also used to attend to other healthcare cases, like the Scientific Ninja Weapons fixing Kawaki’s artificial arm. Sakura Uchiha and other staff also wear a different uniform more similar to the coat the staff of the Logistical Support & Medical Division used to wear.
Inside the room there is a single bed and several medical and technological instruments, as well as cabinets and a sink. In the manga, the room resembles a normal hospital room.
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The Medical Office in the anime and manga.
Contrary to other teams that have been completely automated and made self sufficient, the Medical Department does not make use of the technology Konoha currently boasts of. Instead, they keep using shinobi for healthcare and medical ninjutsu, rather than adding machines.
Sakura Uchiha’s presence in Konoha Hospital to perform her medical duties is not unusual, and we always see her take care of patients in the village. Although it is not the same for Shizune, Sakura’s former mentor now assistant, Sakura Uchiha is always at the scene when anybody is in need of medical treatment.
Compared to the amount of times the Medic Corps appear and medical ninjutsu is used in Naruto, Ukyō Kodachi has drastically diminished the role of medical-ninja to the point of disappearance. In addition to that, the anime has demolished what it meant to train in medical ninjutsu; while it now takes a few hours to learn, it took the best medical ninja in the world 3 months to make advancements.
How does the Medical Department work and what is their role?
Gather professional medics in Konoha Hospital to heal people, study diseases, create medicines and develop healing ninjutsu.
Dispatch Medical Teams to special missions and include one field medical-ninja on teams for support.
Train future Medic Corps and medical-ninja.
How important is the Medical Department?
The Medical Department has experienced a decrease of utility in Boruto compared to Naruto. However, being written out of the story does not equal being less important.
Unlike other teams, the Medical Department debuted fairly early into the story and it is considered as one of the major Konoha branches with ANBU and Shinobi Forces; it is the main and major support system of the village too. Some of the best examples include the Chūnin Exams when the Medic Corps heal the participants after a fight to continue training, or Pain’s invasion when Konoha citizens and shinobi were attacked by summons or in the midst of fighting the Paths. 
The equivalent of the Medic Corps at the time of the battle against Madara and Obito Uchiha, the Logistical Support & Medical Division, was also the most important support system during the conflict. It is natural that the enemy would want to take down the source of energy of a platoon, but they were also pivotal in battle by pumping the Allied Shinobi Forces full of chakra to boost their own ninjutsu, as well as Sakura and Shizune performing the autopsy on White Zetsu to discover the uses of Hashirama Senju’s cells.
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Sakura Haruno of the Medical Division uses medical ninjutsu to power up ninjutsu. A medical-ninja from the Medical Division explains why they are essential.
The Medical Department is essential to secure a successful mission, be it by healing the members of the team, creating items such as poison and medical ointments to use in battle by non medics, healing shinobi after missions and also providing healthcare to the rest of citizens. 
So far, almost every Konoha shinobi, and non-Konoha shinobi, has required medical care in the hospital and member of the Medic Corps: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Chōji Akimichi, Neji Hyūga, Kiba Inuzuka, Rock Lee and Konoha civilians in Naruto, Ino Yamanaka, Kumogakure and Kirigakure shinobi and children in the Blank Period, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Boruto Uzumaki, Kawaki and Hinata Hyūga in Boruto; as well as Karin, Hinata Hyūga, Kankurō, Naruto Uzumaki, Temari, Jiji and Granny Chiyo by Sakura Haruno as a Medic Corps on the battlefield.
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Some examples of treatment at Konoha Hospital.
The current problem of the Medical Department:
In Boruto, the Medical Department suffered a downgrade compared to previous appearances, although not in abilities or competency. Konoha Hospital has remained one of the most successful in terms of workforce, so far never needing anyone to step in for Sakura to perform healing or save a life, and not being relegated to an automated system either. The Medical Department still relies on humans rather than machines, very unlike the sensing system for example. 
The downgrade is in relevance.
We used to see the Medic Corps, or, rather, Sakura Haruno, since more than half of the story happened outside Konoha; Sakura represented medicine and took on roles that went beyond simple healing. From elaborating antidotes for poison, creating medicines based on clan’s medical encyclopedias, using poison against enemies or using elaborate techniques other than the repetitive Mystical Palm Technique.
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Sakura Haruno creates an antidote. Tsunade creates prosthetic arms.
The role of a medic has been simplified, just using the basic healing technique by default, the Mystical Palm Technique, to heal anything they get their hands into, rather than identifying different pathologies and applying different methods for each; like Kankurō needing specific healing to remove poison, for example. Now, we see Sakura using the same jutsu on every patient. 
There is no space for elaborate medicine crafting either, or, at least, do not let Sakura and her medical team do it. The concept of creating antidotes, poisons, artificial arms, studying body pathologies and using different ninjutsu has been given to Amado Sanzu and Katasuke Tōnō, rather than have Sakura, a poison expert, botanist, scientist and medic, do the job. It is a big aspect that has been taken away from the Medical Department.
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Sakura Haruno using the same jutsu in every patient.
The Medical Department in itself is not a failure, nor do their ranks fail at doing their job or need other people to step in for them. The failure comes with the writing quality in the sequel compared to Naruto, rather than the organization itself. 
Could they be redeemed?
The Medical Department does not need to be redeemed or rewritten, the problem lies in how they are projected in the sequel.
Their functionality is perfect. They have the world's best medical-ninja as their leader, several members of the staff, a great emergency response and a board of teachers.
Some of the things they could do are:
Use more elaborated techniques rather than basic healing ninjutsu.
Make use of their botanists and poison experts, elaborate pills and other substances that are currently needed in plot.
There is no need to erase the Scientific Ninja Tools to make prosthetic arms, just allow them to collaborate with the Medical Department for better results and more possibilities.
Allow them to investigate seals and ninjutsu that are capable of regenerating, such as Kawaki's and Boruto's.
Considering Konoha is the most powerful shinobi village and Konoha Hospital has two of the top medical-ninja in the world, the usage of their staff leaves much to be desired in the script.
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Note: The Fourth Shinobi World W4r has been replaced by global conflict to avoid mature content flags.
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p8567899754nhu · 1 year
@alexkh2108 @plumsaffron SASUKE AND THE FASCIST STATE
in this post ill respond to some queries regarding sasuke and konoha from the forementioned user
1."Btw, how Naruto failed Yame, Neji and the Branch? Another disinformation?"
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first off to ame and nagato he promised he will bring peace to the hidden rain village and subsequently to the world and infact it was because of this promise made with such confidence that Nagato ressurects every single hidden leaf ninja he killed during his attack on konoha which also gives naruto in turn the attention he always seeked (unlike sasuke, who wanted to become hokage to actually bring structural change to the system that caused his family's and his misfortune naruto wants to be hokage because he is an attention whore- not insulting naruto here just showing how important attention and validation of other people is to him and how nagato indirectly made him get that alongwith ressurecting everyone) ok and what does naruto do now with the trust that a dying nagato - who essentially commits suicide for naruto and Konan placed on him naruto had the moral obligation to do something about it even if he didnt become the hokage but despite being a homage having the milatry power, authority and literally being a reincarnation of a god along with a brainwashed ssasuke who is also super poweful , he shuns away from the rain village , the village is destroyed in boruto and also used for human experimentation . lulz
2 .how he failed neji and the branch hyuga
he did zilch to free the branch hyga as he promised neji in chunin exams and like naagato he got neji to comply even indirectly die for him becuase of that fudging promise . heck the slave owner hiashi who tortured the shit out of nejis dad (whio happens to be his sibling btw , one can only think the treatmentt he gave other branch family members if this is how he treats his own brother) for "looking at hinata a certain way " , we dont see him banning the cage seal he basically does nothing and after he explicity promised neji to change the hyuga in the chunk exams arc and what does he say to the dying slave neji "you were going to change the Hyuga". damn you naruto plus a branch hyuga(once in a generation prodigy) yet again died to protect a useless main branch(who is not even equal to chunin arc neji during the war arc, she is barely able to perform the 8 trigrams 64 palms despite it being a main family Jutsu) member what does he do? he holds that main branch members hand who also gets lubricated as she comments on how soft narutos hand is :| . tf.
oh and , he is not capable of empathasing with people whose expiriences differ from the reason he can understand Nagato-to some extent because nagato calls him out on his hypocrisy and does the same to him hence giving him the " experience" that he requires to even understand someones POV
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Naruto doesnt consider nejis problem as major as his-"trivial stuff" although neji very clearly suffers more thoughout the series (he dies a slave should -protecting the master ) than naruto and also has a more traumatic past and naruto says he should stop WHINING about TRIVIAL stuff like his dad being LEGALLY BUTCHERED or him being a slave whose life was at all times at mercy of a master.
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lak3-1s-h3r3 · 1 month
Hey, so, since i got ask by @sc3n3-b1tch, i'll try to give you some Orokabu headcanons i have ! (Which are not the cannon ones but my au's ones, so don't come after me)
They have 6 years age gasp, Orochimaru being older
Orochimaru is a piano prodigy, Kabuto's a violon one
Born in 1950 and 1956, bc i think Boruto's Era is in like, 2020, so they're 70 and 64
Orochimaru got adopted by Kabuto's parents when he was barely 6, due to abuse from his bio parents, so they were raised the same (pls that's not incest, they still know they aren't blood related)
Oro's half japanese, half chinese
Kabuto's half russian from his father, half (north) korean from his mother
They got married 3 months after Kabuto's 18 birthday
Had 10 children together with 17 age gasp between the first and the last, but only four survived (Log, Hanari, Mitsuki, Ruka)
Kabuto's the terapist of his husband/wife/lover
Orochimaru's genderfluid, and use Orochimaru (he/him), Oroko (she/her) and Oro (they/them)
They adopted team hebi/taka
Orochimaru's really bad with relative loss, will think everything's his fault, thinks he's cursed and all
Luckily he's getting better with the help of Kabuto and his children
They love classic music
Orochimaru's really good at singing, especially lunabbies (don't know how to spell it)
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narhinafan · 2 years
Wanna know something hilarious?
A NaruSaku kid would've been COMPLETELY overshadowed by literally any other hypothetical Offspring
Imagine if Naruto got with Sakura
That would mean Sasuke's possible options would've been with Karin, Ino or even Hinata (pair the spares)
Sasuke x ANY of those combos would've completely screwed over an NS kid genetics wise
Sasuke + Karin = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Uzumaki with Sharingan and all the capabilities that come with it, Lots Uzumaki Stamina, Fireball Jutsu, Chakra Chains, Chidori, and a Built-In Healing Factor. Could've possibly unlocked a New Doujutsu.
Sasuke + Ino = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Yamanaka with Sharingan and all of it's Capabilities, Fireball Jutsu and Mind Transfer Jutsu
Sasuke + Hinata = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Hyuga with EITHER Sharingan or Byakugan (or Both???) and all the Capabilities that come with them. Full on Genjutsu and Taijutsu Abilities. Fireball Jutsu, Twin Lion Fists, 64 Palms, Susano'o, Rotation, Chidori, AND not even getting into the fact the hypothetical Child would not only be of Hagoromo AND Hamura's lineage (just like Boruto and Himawari) but could've also unlocked a Brand New Doujutsu if Boruto's Jougan is any indication. (Who knows if it would've still been Jougan or a Sharingan-Jougan hybrid)
Now let's look at the possibility of a
NaruSaku Child
Now how do we judge how a Naruto and Sakura Offspring would've turned out?
Well let's take a look at their actual Kids
Naruto + Sakura = A Child born between a 1/2 Blood Uzumaki and an a Full Blood Haruno (lol) would result in...
A 1/4 Uzumaki and 1/2 Haruno Mix.... With Shadow Clones, Rasengan, Sage Mode from Jiraiya and Super Strength inherited from Tsunade (lol)
Judging by Boruto and Himawari, this kid wouldn't have the Uzumaki Stamina since neither of them appear to have high Chakra Reserves. Unfortunately it's too diluted since they are only 1/4 Uzumaki
Even ignoring Kurama's death (😭)
Naruto still wouldn't pass down anything from Kurama to his kids
Rasengan and Sage doesn't come from Naruto but rather Jiraiya
Strength and Byakugo Seal doesn't come from Sakura but rather Tsunade (and Mito)
There's no guarantee that they would've gotten Tsuna-er I mean Sakura's Healing Jutsu either (Sarada is terrible at it and she doesn't use it at all in the Manga)
Now let's take a Look at where Boruto, Himawari, and Sarada's Strengths lie
THE JOUGAN : Confirmed to be a Doujutsu that laid dormant within Boruto and Toneri activated sooner. Now why do you think Toneri did this? Do you honestly think this was because of Naruto? Or the Girl that Toneri actually fell in love with?
KARMA/KAMA: Boruto was confirmed by the Databooks to have acquired Momoshiki's Karma because of his Byakugan Blood. Specifically his Hamura Chakra. Now who's side of the Family did he get that from?
RASENGAN: From Jiraiy-er Naruto 😅
GENTLE FIST: From Hinata
So in reality, Boruto clearly got more benefits from his Mom's side to be as Strong as he is.
SHARINGAN: Is a given from Sasuke of course
CHIDORI: From Sasuke
GENJUTSU: From Sasuke
SUPER STRENGTH: From Tsuna-er Sakura 😅
It's clear who's Genes Sarada is relying on more
BYAKUGAN: From Hinata
GENTLE FIST: From Hinata
That's.... about it really for now. Yet she's was just acknowledged by the current Strongest Character in the Manga at the moment to have really Strong Power to the point where he was shocked by it (and as of yet NO ONE ELSE in the Manga has spooked him this much)
And as far as we can see, given the above, this because of her Mom's Genes 😄
Boruto and Himawari got their Benefits from their Mom.
Sarada gets her benefits from her Dad
Sasuke literally HAD to get with Sakura in order to keep his child from overshadowing Naruto's lmao 🤣 😂 💀
I would like to point out that both Boruto and Himawari do have large charka reserves just not Naruto size since they weren't practically born with Kurama inside them constantly mix his own chakra with theirs. Boruto can make 4-5 shadow clones before becoming a genin when it needs Jonin level chakra.
As for Sarada you are right, but she did not inherit Sakura's chakra control as talent in medical jutsu is bad. Meaning her chakra enchanted strength will always be less then Sakura's and she will likely never get the seal which even Shizune in all her eyes never gotten.
So Sakura contributes almost nothing to her child and what she does give are downgraded from what she actually has.
As where Hinata has been confirmed to contributed a good deal of hers and Naruto's children talents.
No matter how you look at it Sakura is bringing down her children talent wise and most she can teach them medical jutsu and even then they need a decent talent in it which as shown isn't guaranteed to be inherited.
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
did you see the new retsuden cover? remind you of anything? it looks so close to the volume 64 naruto with hinata cover that people are making overlays to show how it's nearly traced.
No I haven't seen it, I don't follow the Boruto related news. Esaka isn't very original so it wouldn't surprise me though.
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vinora-nyghtshayde · 2 years
List of anime, a majority of them dubbed, I've watched over the years
1 .Hack//Legend of the Twilight
2 .Hack//Roots
3 .Hack//Sign
4 A centaur's life
5 A lull in the sea
6 A Whisker Away
7 Accel World
8 Ah! My Goddess
9 Akame Ga Kill
10 Amnesia
11 Android Kikaider the animation
12 Angel Sanctuary
13 Angels of Death
14 Armitage III
15 Arrietty
16 Assassination Classroom
17 Attack on Titan
18 Attack on Titan Junior High
19 B: The Beginning
20 Baccano
21 Banner of the stars
22 Basilisk
23 Bastard
24 Battle B-Daman
25 Beastars
26 Betterman
27 Beyblade
28 Beyond the Boundary
29 Big Fish & Begonia
30 Black Blood Brothers
31 Black Butler
32 Black Clover
33 Black Lagoon
34 Bleach
35 Blood Blockade Battlefront
36 Blood+
37 Blue Exorcist
38 Blue Seed
39 BNA: Brand New Animal
40 Boogiepop Phantom
41 Boruto
42 Bungo Stray Dogs
43 Cardcaptor Sakura
44 Carole & Tuesday
45 Case Closed
46 Casshern Sins
47 Castlevania
48 Castle in the Sky
49 Cells at work
50 Ceres, Celestial Legend
51 Charlotte
52 Cheer Boys
53 Chobits
54 Chrono Crusade
55 Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion
56 Code Geass: Akito the exiled
57 Code: Realize
58 Code: Breaker
59 Coppelion
60 Cowboy Bebop
61 Crest of the stars
62 Cyborg 009
63 D.Gray-Man
64 D.N.Angel
65 Dance with Devils
66 Deadman Wonderland
67 Death Note
68 Diabolik Lovers
69 Digimon
70 Dr. Stone
71 Dragon Ball Z
72 Dragon Ball GT
73 Dramatical Murder
74 Durarara
75 Erased
76 Ergo Proxy
77 Fooly Cooly
78 Fafner
79 Fairy Tail
80 Fire Force
81 Fist of the North Star
82 Flint the Time Detective
83 Free
84 From the new world
85 From up on Poppy Hill
86 Fruits Basket
87 Fullmetal Alchemist
88 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
89 Fushigi Yugi
90 Gad Guard
91 Gate Keepers
92 Gate Keepers 21
93 Ghost Hunt
94 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
95 Ginga Densetsu Weed
96 Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin
97 Gravitation
98 Gungrave
99 Gunslinger Girl
100 Gurren Lagann
101 Haikyu
102 Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
103 Hakuoki
104 Hamtaro
105 Hell Girl
106 Hellsing
107 Hellsing Ultimate
108 Hetalia
109 Hitorijime My Hero
110 Howl's Moving Castle
111 Hyperdimension Neptunia
112 IGPX Immortal Grand Prix
113 Inuyasha
114 Isekai Quartet
115 Izetta: The Last Witch
116 Japan Sinks
117 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
118 K
119 K-On
120 Kamigami no Asobi
121 Kamisama Kiss
122 Karas
123 Karneval
124 Kekkaishi
125 Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple
126 Kiki's Delivery Service
127 Kill La Kill
128 Kiss him, not me
129 Kiznaiver
130 Knight's & Magic
131 Konosuba
132 Kuroko's Basketball
133 Kyo Kara Maoh
134 Laughing Under the Clouds
135 Last Exile
136 Little Nemo
137 Little Witch Academia
138 Love Stage
139 Lupin III
140 Medabots
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142 Megaman NT Warrior
143 Mekakucity Actors
144 Mirage of Blaze
145 Mirai
146 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
147 Mobile Fighter G Gundam
148 Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
149 Mobile Suit Gundam 00
150 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
151 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
152 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
153 Monster Rancher
154 Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
155 My Hero Academia
156 My Neighbor Totoro
157 My Love Story
158 My roommate is a cat
159 Nanbaka
160 Naruto
161 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
162 Nekopara
163 No. 6
164 Noein To your other self
165 Noragami
166 Noragami Aragoto
167 Oban Star-Racers
168 One Piece
169 One-Punch Man
170 Ouran High School Host Club
171 Outlaw Star
172 Paranoia Agent
173 Peacemaker Kurogane
174 Please Teacher
175 Please Twins
176 Pom Poko
177 Ponyo
178 Porco Rosso
179 Pretear
180 Prince of Stride Alternative
181 Princess Mononoke
182 Prison School
183 Promare
184 RaXephon
185 Re:Zero
186 R.O.D the TV
187 Ronin Warriors
188 Rosario + Vampire
189 Rurouni Kenshin
190 RWBY: Ice Queendom
191 Servamp
192 Sk♾️ The Infinity
193 Sailor Moon R
194 Sailor Moon
195 Saint Seiya
196 Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
197 Saiyuki
198 Samurai 7
199 Samurai Champloo
200 Samurai Deeper Kyo
201 Sankarea
202 Say I Love You
203 s-CRY-ed
204 Sensitive Pornograph
205 Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign
206 Serial Experiments Lain
207 Servamp
208 Shaman King
209 Shinzo
210 Shonen Maid
211 Show By Rock
212 Silent Mobius
213 Sirius the Jaeger
214 Snow White with the Red Hair
215 Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
216 Soul Eater
217 Soul Eater Not
218 Spice and Wolf
219 Spirited Away
220 Stars Align
221 Sukisho
222 Sword Art Online
223 Tactics
224 Tales of Zestiria the X
225 Tenchi Muyo
226 Tenjou Tenge
227 The Ancient Magus's Bride
228 The Boy and the Beast
229 The Cat Returns
230 The Devil is a Part-Timer
231 The Morose Mononokean
232 The Prince of Tennis
233 The Promised Neverland
234 The Rising of the Shield Hero
235 The Royal Tutor
236 The Seven Deadly Sins
237 The Vision of Escaflowne
238 The Way of the Househusband
239 The Wind Rises
240 Tiger & Bunny
241 Tokko
242 Tokyo Ghoul
243 Toradora
244 Trigun
245 Trinity Blood
246 Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
247 Uta No Prince-sama
248 Vampire Hunter D
249 Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
250 Vandread
251 Violet Evergarden
252 When Marnie Was There
253 Whisper of the Heart
254 Wise Man's Grandchild
255 Witchblade
256 Witch Hunter Robin
257 Wolf Children
258 Wolf's Rain
259 X
260 Yamada & the Seven Witches
261 Yami No Matsuei
262 Yashahime
263 Yona of the Dawn
264 Your Name
265 Your lie in April
266 Yu-Gi-Oh
267 Yu Yu Hakusho
268 Yuri!! On Ice
269 Zatch Bell
270 Zoids
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rinoks17 · 8 months
Boruto : Naruto Next Jenerations Ep 64
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
I'm sorry, could I ask for a refresher on what's going on with Ino & the Yamanaka in 'A Change of Color'? I'm not sure how recently it was said but I have forgotten.
Hey nonny! Sure! I assume you mean towards the end of the fic?
The Yamanaka were/are the ones responsible (generally spoken) for the security systems in Naruto and later Boruto. There was a fan theory a while back that Ino may possess a Dojutsu like Boruto, since we almost never get to see her eye, and I... picked that up. I only hinted at things on purpose, because it is never really addressed and as we all know the thing about eyes in Naruto can be extremely complicated :), but I liked the idea of there being more to it than "just" a hairstyle. That is what Kakashi and Ino are talking about though in chapter 64.
Hope that helps? :))
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ejabatalmustaqbal · 2 years
متطلبات تشغيل متطلبات لعبة ناروتو ستورم 4 NARUTO STORM 4: Road to Boruto
متطلبات تشغيل متطلبات لعبة ناروتو ستورم 4 NARUTO STORM 4: Road to Boruto
4 متطلبات تشغيل Naruto Storm 4: Road to Boruto ❤️ قد تكون مهتمًا: Hitman 2016 System Requirements الحد الأدنى لمتطلبات نظام NARUTO STORM 4 Road to Boruto: نظام التشغيل: Windows (64 بت) 7 أو أحدث محدث المعالج: Intel Core2 Duo، 3.0GHz – AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6400 + 3.2GHz الذاكرة: 2 جيجا بايت رام الرسومات: بطاقة فيديو 1024 ميجا بايت DirectX: الإصدار 11 التخزين: 40 جيجابايت مساحة متوفرة 🙂…
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Manga vs Anime comparison for the scene with Naruto, Hinata, and Himawari from Boruto chapter 64 and episode 291
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I wanted to do a comparison for this scene too...
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82 notes · View notes
am Boruto Uzumaki, and I am Hyuuga by PeacefulWarrior82
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure, Naruto U., Hinata H., Boruto U., Himawari U., Words: 13k+, Favs: 139, Follows: 92, Published: Dec 15, 2014 Updated: Dec 28, 2014
52Chapter 4
Naruto Characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. Many people speculate how Boruto and Himawari could follow in their father's footprints. For a while I felt that also. but then i realized, it was right in my face the entire time of how they can deal with personal struggles. This short story is one such tale, It takes place between ending of Naruto the last movie and chapter 700.
Boruto stood at a striking post in the genin training grounds. His focus unwavering.
" I saw you there other day..." said a voice from behind him.
" Boruto turned to see Kinjo Hyuuga standing there. " ...With those 3 clansmen."
Boruto shot him a glare then went back to striking the post. " What about it? They attacked me first, i didn't even hit them."
Kinjo walked to the side of the post Boruto was striking. " You are so selfish."
Boruto stopped immediately and looked at Kinjo. " What the hell are you talking about? You trying to start a fight!? Can't you wait a week?"
" I'll explain." Kinjo said. " When Hanabi-sama's children are born, they're going to have the Byakugan."
" No kidding!" Boruto said.
" And since their father died on a mission, it's going to fall on Hiashi-sama to train with them."
" So you're saying I don't wanna share Jii-san with my cousins? That's crap! I share him with my sister all the time!" Boruto argued.
" You're missing the point." Kinjo said.
Boruto looked at him his eyes wincing.
" When Hiashi-sama starts training with them, they're going to start performing techniques that you need the Byakugan for." Kinjo said.
" I am sick and tired of hearing about..." Boruto began.
" Can you do the Heavenly Whirl without the Byakugan?" Kinjo said.
Boruto was caught off guard, he had no response.
" What about The 64 palms of divinity?" Kinjo said.
Boruto stood there.
" you can estimate where a person's vital organs are. But striking the Tenketsu requires absolute precision. Without the Byakugan, it's useless."
Boruto said nothing, he stood there having taken in all of Kinjo's statement.
" He's going to have the opportunity to have real grandchildren, and you're taking that away from him." Kinjo said.
" How am I..."
" Hiashi-sama will want to teach them techniques, techniques you won't be able to do. But he probably won't because he won't want to make you feel bad."
Kinjo walked away. " Thanks a lot for holding back our clan...selfish..."
Boruto stood there, he brought his hands up to the post as he looked down. He had never once thought of that.
Boruto is seen sparring with Hiashi. Hiashi knew something was wrong.
" Your chakra's all over the place." Hiashi said.
Boruto didn't respond. He threw a leg kick to which Hiashi dodged and backed away.
" What's troubling you?" Hiashi asked.
" Nothing, let's keep going." Boruto said.
" We are not moving another step until you tell me what is wrong." Hiashi said.
" Fine! Then I'm going home!" Boruto walked over to get his training bag.
He turned around to see Hiashi stand before him.
" Boruto, why will you not talk to me?" Hiashi asked.
" Just..." Boruto was getting emotional.
" Just what? Talk to me." Hiashi said.
" Just maybe everyone's right ok!?" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was shocked. " Right? About what?"
" Maybe I don't belong here!" He said.
Hiashi looked at his grandson in disbelief. " Boruto, what happened? Who has been talking to you? Tell me who told you this!"
" Nobody!" Boruto said. " When my cousins are born, they're gonna have the Byakugan. And you're gonna want to train them."
" And you think I'll forget about you."
" No! That's the point!" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was shocked.
" You're gonna limit your training with them, just so I won't feel left out!" Boruto looked to the side scowling. " ...I don't wanna slow you down." he muttered.
Hiashi was dumbfounded by this.
Boruto angled his eyes at his grandfather then back to the side. "(sigh) I know you love me. And I love being here with you. But I want you to make my cousins as strong as you possibly can. I...would just be a burden."
Hiashi was speechless.
" No matter how strong I get, no matter how many jutsu I learn, I don't have the Byakugan and without that I can't learn the best techniques you can teach."
" Boruto I..." Hiashi tried to bring a sentence together.
Boruto faced his grandfather. " Happy? Can I go now?" Boruto then walked around his grandfather out of the dojo. " Next week I'm gonna drop this clown and make sure my cousins don't get sealed. After that, focus on them when they're born so they can become strong."
Hiashi turned and watched his grandson go out the door, still distraught by what he said.
Hiashi was sitting on the porch as the sun began setting.
Hiashi waits in the waiting room of Konohagakure hospital along with Hanabi, Natsu and Ko, Naruto walked out, a smile on his face bigger than the moon.
" It's a boy!" He said.
" Congratulations!" Hiashi placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders.
" Now...he doesn't have the Byakugan."
" Hiashi didn't expect that comment. He was surprised for a second. The smile came back on his face. " That's fine, can we see him?"
" Sure!" Naruto smiled.
Later, The Hyuugas observe alongside Naruto through the glass his son.
" Which one is he?" Hanabi asked eagerly awaiting to see her new nephew.
Her question was answered right away by the sounds of powerful cries coming from the baby in the far left. Seeing 2 whisker marks on each side of his face , the tiny strands of blonde hair and the strong spirit it was no doubt whose son it was.
" Naruto, he looks just like you!" Hiashi stated proudly.
Naruto smiled with joy.
Hiashi smiled as he gazed upon his grandson. Words could not express the pride he felt.
4 Years Later...
4 year Old Boruto Uzumaki ran down the hall of the Hyuuga compound. He looked through the opening of a door to see Hyuugas practicing Juu-ken.
" Wow..." Boruto said.
" What do you think you're doing?" An older Hyuuga boy said from behind him.
Boruto turned around. " I was just watching..."
" It's not for you to watch, it's not like you can do it." The Hyuuga said.
" I can to!" Boruto yelled back.
" You don't have the Byakugan. You'll never be able to do it." He said.
It was at this point all the Hyuuga who were practicing stopped as they heard the commotion going on.
" Boruto..." Hiashi said walking up from the hallway. " There you are, you shouldn't run off like that." He looked to the Hyuuga boy standing by him.
" Can I help you young man?" Hiashi stated.
" I caught him spying on our Kata Hiashi-sama." The boy said respectfully.
" I wasn't spying!" Boruto said.
" You can't do it. It's pointless to watch." said the boy.
" Yes I can!" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was stunned.
" You may leave now..." Hiashi said to the boy. " I will talk to my grandson."
The Hyuuga boy took his leave.
Hiashi saw the Hyuuga in the dojo staring at Boruto, some quite venomously. " Don't you all have training to do?" Hiashi said.
The Hyuuga continued their training. Hiashi smiled at his grandson and extended his hand. Boruto took it and walked alongside his grandfather.
" Boruto, do you like what you saw in there?"
Boruto took a deep breath and shook his head yes.
" You know... all the people in there using that form. They have the Byakugan, which means they can see all the parts inside the body. Do you know what I mean by that?'
Boruto pointed to parts on his body. " Heart, liver , kidneys, stomach..."
" Yes, they can see all that." Hiashi explained.
" But I know where all that stuff is anyway." Boruto pouted.
Hiashi looked to him with wonder.
Hiashi sat down in front of his grandson. " Boruto...do you want me to teach you Juu-ken?"
For a 4 year old who had his father's impulse system, Boruto's train of thought at that time was mainly wanting to prove that Hyuuga boy wrong and show him that he can do their form.
" Hai!" Boruto exclaimed.
Hiashi looked at Boruto in awe. " Very well, but I won't be cutting you any slack. When I train someone, I train them hard."
" Let's do it Jii-san!" Boruto yelled.
(((End Flashback)))
" Over the past 2 years, Boruto trained hard and his skills began rivaling that of any Hyuuga child. Because of the style I learned in my travels overseas that I taught him, his style became truly unique. What he lacked with not having the Byakugan, he more than made up for in sheer fighting spirit." Hiashi thought. " Despite that however, he was constantly met with doubt and ridicule from members of the Hyuuga for his efforts, both children and adults. But that only made him train harder. But this time...someone truly struck a cord."
Hiashi knocked on the door of the Uzumaki household. Hinata answered the door.
" Is he here?" Hiashi asked.
Hinata nodded, she seemed disheartened.
Hinata walked Hiashi in to see Boruto hard at work on a striking dummy outside on the patio. Hinata looked ahead at him teary eyed.
" I'll talk to him." Hiashi said.
Hiashi walked outside beside his grandson and sat down. " What did the post ever do to you?" Hiashi joked at how hard Boruto was striking.
Boruto lowered his arms but continued to look at the post.
" Boruto...there will be things I will not be able to teach you. This is true." Hiashi began.
Boruto looked away from the post out towards the village.
" There is going to come a time where you will need to learn new jutsu. Tai-Jutsu will only go so far. To learn better ninjutsu tailored for you, you may need to go to someone else."
Boruto took a deep breath.
" But...you could never be a burden." Hiashi said. " If anything I'm going to need you. I'll need you to help train your cousins."
" How could I possibly help?" Boruto said.
" By being who you were these past 2 years. A Juu-ken fighter without a Byakugan who excelled in the art and made it his own. Being that example alone is an inspiration."
"(sigh) I still couldn't teach them anything about the Byakugan." Boruto said
" That's fine. You don't have to. That's not what makes you strong Boruto."
Boruto turned his eyes back by his grandfather.
" But I want you to think what this says to your sister if you decide not to train with us anymore." Hiashi said.
Boruto looked surprised.
" If she wanted to learn Juu-ken, naturally I would teach her to. But if you quit, what point will she see in the training if even you, the brother she loves and adores abandons it."
Boruto looked down. He hadn't thought of that.
Hiashi stood up and walked to the door. " Boruto... you are not a typical Hyuuga, but no matter what anyone says, I am proud to say that both you and your sister are part of the Hyuuga clan. I know you will show a strength one day that will be talked about for ages, and I hope to be a part of that process, but I think what will be talked about more will be your legendary stubbornness."
Hiashi took his leave.
" Jii-san..." Boruto said.
Hiashi looked back at him.
" When you go home make sure you get plenty of sleep. We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Boruto smiled.
Hiashi smiled. " I will have to start training you for real then..."
" Good, 'cuz up to now's been kid stuff." Boruto exclaimed.
Hiashi smiled.
" Jii-san...thanks" Boruto said.
Hiashi nodded. As he slid the glass door he looked back to see Boruto's strikes to the post were now far more spirited.
Hinata looked to her father, whatever he said to her son, it certainly lifted his spirits. She smiled as she hugged her father.
" We have one week left. We need to start fine-tuning." Hiashi said.
Naruto Characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. Many people speculate how Boruto and Himawari could follow in their father's footprints. For a while I felt that also. but then i realized, it was right in my face the entire time of how they can deal with personal struggles. This short story is one such tale, It takes place between ending of Naruto the last movie and chapter 700.
Boruto just finished practicing with his grandfather in the back yard of the Uzumaki household.
" I'd say that's fine for tonight Boruto." Hiashi said.
" Alright! I'm gonna win this !" Boruto said hopping up and down.
Their family could see what a raging state Boruto was in. Hinata was a little disheartened at how serious her son was.
" Im kicking that guys ass tomorrow!" Boruto said.
" Excuse me what did you say young man?" Hinata said with her hand on her hip.
" Err I mean butt." Boruto said.
Hinata walked over to her son. " No I think I heard the other word."
Boruto was getting nervous. " Ka-chan cut me some slack huh?"
Hinata then began tickling her son.
" gah! Ka-chan stop! Ha-Ha!" Boruto pleaded.
Naruto knew what Hinata was getting at. " Hey let me get in on this!" Naruto began tickling his son on the other side.
" Stop! Hah-Ha! I'm being super serious!"
" I know..." Hinata thought.
It was at that point Himawari ran in and climbed on her brother.
Hiashi couldn't help but smile.
Hanabi watched from the side at Boruto. Tomorrow he would be fighting for the freedom of one of her children. " Nee-sama...if my kids turn out half as wonderful as yours, I will be happy." She thought.
At The Hyuuga Compound...
Kinjo was working on a striking post later that evening. It was then that the Elder came across him.
" A big day tomorrow..." The Elder said.
Kinjo continued striking the post.
" Kinjo, are you familiar with the saying " The nail that sticks out get hammered.""
Kinjo stopped striking and turned his attention to the elder. " I am."
" Tomorrow you will be fighting a nail."
Kinjo looked at the Elder.
" Boruto Uzumaki has disgraced this clan by mockingly practicing our style without a Byakugan."
Kinjo nodded.
" You are by far the most talented of the Hyuuga of your generation. It was no coincidence that you were chosen for this match."
" I am honored Elder." Kinjo said.
" The Uzumaki boy however has been a nuisance in this clan for far too long. That is why I say this..."
Kinjo listened intently.
" Tomorrow, do not just defeat Boruto Uzumaki." The Elder began.
Kinjo listened.
" Crush him..."
Kinjo was slightly shocked.
" Demoralize him...humiliate him...Cripple him! Make him never want to practice Juu-ken again!"
Kinjo stood for a moment. " Hai..."
The next morning...
Hinata was preparing Boruto in a section of the Hyuuga compound. Boruto looked intently in the direction of the courtyard where he and Kinjo will be fighting.
With his Hyuuga combat attire on, Boruto walked toward the courtyard along side his mother, just before exiting., His father, sister, grandfather and aunt stood by the doorway. On the outside Ko along with a few other Hyuugas waited. Hinata placed her trembling hand on Boruto's shoulder as they walked. Boruto noticed this. He placed his hand atop his mother's to reassure her.
" You can do this son..." Naruto said.
" I totally already know that Tou-chan." Boruto said trying to play it off as cool as he could.
" Boruto..." Hiashi kneeled down placing his hands on his grandson's shoulder's. " I want you to know, no matter what happens today...you have made me proud my grandson."
Boruto was caught off guard by his grandfather's comments. He looked up at him with great emotion.
Boruto quickly shook it off and maintained his cool demeanor. " jeez, it's not like those are gonna be your last words to me Jii-san." Boruto then walked away towards the courtyard. " Do me a favor...hold off on the funeral arrangements. I'll be back in 2 minutes."
Boruto then walked out to the porch just short of the courtyard. There he saw dozens of Hyuuga on the porch opposite of him standing to watch this battle. On the courtyard itself he saw Kinjo Hyuuga in Hyuuga training attire staring directly at him.
" Better make it 3." Boruto said.
Suddenly Boruto felt a hug around his waist. He looked to see his little sister hugging him tightly, her eyes closed out of worry.
It was then Boruto decided to drop his cool act. He placed his hands around Himawari's arms. " Hey..." He said reassuringly. Himawari looked up at him. " I'm gonna be right back." He smiled.
Himawari reluctantly let go. Her hands rung together out of sheer worry.
" Nii-san, please be careful." Himawari said.
Boruto walked across the courtyard. He looked at all the Hyuuga standing there watching, including the Elders. No doubt wanting to witness him fail.
" Kinjo...glad you could make it." Boruto said.
Everyone on Boruto's side came to the porch.
Kinjo just stood there looking at the Uzumaki.
" Now..." The Elder began. " This is a match between Hyuuga Kinjo and Uzumaki Boruto. The conditions are applied. If Uzumaki wins, none of Hanabi-sama's children will be marked with the curse seal."
Boruto smiled.
" However..." The Elder continued. " If Hyuuga Kinjo wins, the Uzumaki are forbidden from interfering in our affairs. Do both parties agree to this?"
Boruto nodded.
" Elder..." Kinjo said. " I would like to add another condition."
Boruto and everyone on his side were shocked.
Kinjo looked to Boruto. " Uzumaki Boruto, for too long I have had to stomach training in the same dojo as you. That I could tolerate. But what I couldn't tolerate was watching you day in and day out put on that jacket with our clan's symbol on it. Going out into town and disgracing it's meaning."
Boruto looked at him indifferently with his hand on his hip.
Kinjo's eyes narrowed. "You're not a Hyuuga, and you never will be. My condition is that when I beat you, you never don our clan's symbol again."
Boruto was silent for a moment. Hinata's fingers gripped the rail in anger. Hiashi looked on sternly.
" Ok Kinjo." Boruto said. " That's your condition? Fine I accept."
" Elder, I have nothing further."
" Very well." The Elder said. " The use of nin-jutsu, gen-jutsu and weapons is strictly forbidden. This match ends when one of you is unable or unwilling to continue."
Emergence of Talents plays in background...
" Hyuuga Kinjo!" Boruto got into his fighting stance. " Defend yourself!"
Kinjo got into his stance. " Very well."
Hinata braced herself. The knots in her stomach eating away at her.
The 2 locked eyes.
" Begin!"
Both boys dashed toward each other with a palm strike. Deflecting past one another, chakra blasting around them. Kinjo was the first to go on the offensive, launching a spin kick to which Boruto ducked. Boruto threw a palm strike that was deflected by Kinjo. Naruto felt a deep nervousness within. It was difficult to watch his son in an actual battle, and to have so much riding on it.
Boruto and Kinjo became locked in combat. Boruto threw a palm strike at Kinjo's midsection, Kinjo parried it but as Boruto fell forward he spun his body to throw a back palm, Kinjo leaned back to dodge it. Boruto and Kinjo held their stance, eyeing each other.
The 2 continued battling, neither one seeming to gain an advantage.
" Kinjo, they say you're the top guy around here. But it looks like we're totally even!" Boruto said.
" You're wrong." Kinjo said. It's time I show you what true strength is..." with that, Kinjo activated his Byakugan. " This is what separates us."
" Hmph, 'bout time you got serious. Guess I won't hold back either."
" A-Are you telling me those 2 were holding back up to now?" A main branch member said to another.
The battle got more intense, with his Byakugan activated, Kinjo sought out to attack Boruto's organs.
" Watch yourself Boruto, Kinjo's Byakugan is activated. He's looking for a finishing blow." Hiashi thought.
Both Hinata and Hanabi were shown worried.
Naruto looked on, his eyes narrowed. " Don't get caught son. Make sure your defense is up."
Suddenly Boruto and Kinjo were shown trying to deliver a chop to the throat simultaneously, both brought up their other hand and blocked each other's attack at the same time. A wave of chakra flashed above them.
They stayed in that position for but a moment. Staring into each other's eyes, Boruto's eyes scowl while Kinjo's Byakugan eyes remain wide open, trying to predict their next move. Boruto broke the stillness and thrusted his palm, Kinjo parried it and delivered a palm strike to Boruto's jaw.
The Elder smiled at this. Boruto parried away Kinjo's next strike and delivered a side kick to push him away.
Boruto rubbed his jaw.
Kinjo smiled arrogantly as he moved forward. Boruto was back to his stance. Kinjo dashed forward delivering a dozen juu-ken strikes, Boruto blocked and parried every one of them. The Elder began hearing murmurs amongst his clansmen.
" Are we positive he doesn't have the Byakugan?"
" He must have some kind of visual jutsu, how else can his skill rival Kinjo's of all people."
Kinjo delivered a spinning back palm which Boruto ducked under, delivering a leg sweet taking Kinjo's feet out from under him. Kinjo, caught off guard, fell back but quickly rebounded.
Kinjo calmly got back into stance. " Ok Uzumaki, you're not bad..."
" Not bad!?" Boruto yelled. " I'm just gettin' warmed up!"
Kinjo got angry. Boruto charged Kinjo and attacked with a forward flip kick, Kinjo dodged immediately. Kinjo threw a leg kick but Boruto picked his leg up at the last second, causing the Hyuuga boy to miss.
As Boruto reached in for a palm strike, Kinjo blocked it and thrusted his palm into Boruto's mouth.
That was when Kinjo began his barrage of strikes. " You little bastard! I'll waste you in front of your Mom!"
Boruto was doing his best to block Kinjo's attacks. But the Hyuuga boys strength was far too great, some of them began to push through.
Himawari watched on in extreme worry.
She ran to her grandfather. " Jii-san! Make them stop! He's hurting Nii-san!" She pleaded.
" I can't dear, we have to wait until the fight is over." Hiashi said reluctantly.
That was when Boruto saw the left palm strike coming. He grabbed Kinjo's hand and fell back.
" What is this?" Ko said.
Before Kinjo knew it, Boruto had him in a triangle lock. He tried attacking Boruto with his right hand. But Boruto parried and grabbed hold of it, criss-crossing Kinjo's arms.
" What is this?" The Elder said.
" Hyuuga Lock!" Boruto yelled. The look of shock and bewilderment fell onto Kinjo's face.
" Kinjo is trapped in the triangle." Naruto said.
" And Boruto has his hands subdued, he can't use Juu-ken." Ko said.
" This is bad, if Kinjo does not get out of that, he will lose consciousness." The elder thought.
Kinjo struggled to break free but to no avail. He looked at Boruto anger evident in his eyes.
" Say uncle you dumb bastard, or it's lights out!" Boruto shouted.
" You won't beat meee!" Kinjo screamed.
It was then Kinjo saw the rock and tree beside them which made up the centerpiece of the courtyard.
Kinjo jumped to his feet.
" What's he doing?" A random Hyuuga asked.
Kinjo's hands clinched, Boruto found himself leaving the ground.
" He's trying to pick up Boruto!" Naruto said.
Boruto found himself high in the air. Kinjo began began running towards the rock behind them.
" He's not going to..." Hinata said in disbelief.
Boruto looked behind himself to see they were headed for the rock.
" Crap!" Boruto had no choice. He released the lock and his feet landed safely on the rock.
Boruto tried grabbing Kinjo's head and delivering a knee strike from atop the rock. Kinjo however stopped it and double palm thrusted Boruto off. Luckily, Boruto brought his arms down just in time to avoid full damage. He flew back bouncing off the ground, he quickly rolled back to his feet.
Kinjo jumped over the rock and dashed towards Boruto. The 2 once again were locked in a battle of palm strikes.
"Time to end this!" Kinjo shouted, he parried away Boruto's kick causing him to lose balance.
" 8 Trigrams..."
" Boruto get out of there!" Hinata shouted.
" 32 Palms!"
Boruto turned to see the attack coming his way.
" 2 Palms!" Kinjo struck 2 of Boruto's Tenketsu.
" 4 Palms!" Kinjo continued to strike.
" Ok! Here comes the next one!" Boruto thought.
" 8 Palms!" Suddenly a crackling sound was heard. " Grahh!"
Kinjo took a step back.
" What just happened?" An Elder asked. " Why did Kinjo stop?"
" I didn't even follow it." Naruto said.
" Look at Kinjo's hand." Hiashi said.
Everyone saw Kinjo's left hand was bent and bruised.
Reverse Situation plays in background...
" Kinjo's hand is broken." Hinata said , with her Byakugan activated.
" Boruto did that?" Naruto asked.
" At the last second, Boruto put a large amount of chakra into his arm , as he saw Kinjo's strike coming, he elbowed his hand. I taught him this. This technique was used against me in a similar situation against my trainer when I first met and fought him overseas." Hiashi said. " Kinjo will not be performing that technique again in this match."
Kinjo dashed toward Boruto, but as he did Boruto made the gesture with his elbow like last time. Kinjo saw this and immediately backed off.
The elder was shocked. His eyes began to narrow. " This isn't good. Kinjo's hand is hurt and now he's reluctant to fight the Uzumaki." he thought.
" Not so quick to get in close anymore?" Boruto said.
Kinjo looked at him angrily.
" Well if you won't come to me..." Boruto dashed toward Kinjo delivering a series of strikes, Kinjo was offering up little defense.
Himawari saw that the fight was beginning to turn in her brother's favor. " Nii-san!" She shouted in enthusiasm. " Stick it to him!"
Hearing his sister's cheers filled Boruto with strength as he pushed forward. He delivered a front kick to Kinjo which sent him against one of the pillars to the porch . Boruto unleashed several closed fist strikes to Kinjo's body , Kinjo tried to counter attack but Boruto blocked all his strikes. With one final kick Boruto sent Kinjo flying across the courtyard.
Kinjo groggily stood up. Blood coming from the corners of his mouth.
" Do you give up?" Boruto said.
" Uzumaki..." Kinjo said. " I have been training with the best in the main branch these past 2 weeks..."
" Take that as a no." Boruto rushed Kinjo.
" ..and THIS is the result of that training!"
Boruto leaned in for a strike but Kinjo parried it. " Taiyo.."
He then placed both hands against Boruto's body .
" Basuto!"
Suddenly a large burst of Kinjo's chakra ripped right through Boruto's body impact shook the surrounding area it almost sounded like a miniature sonic boom. Parties from both sides looked on in shock.
" That was..." Hanabi began.
Hiashi's eyes narrowed. " How dare the elders teach that move to someone so young." he said to himself.
" Taiyo Basuto...this technique allows one to push a great deal of their chakra and force it directly into their opponent's body, affecting all vital organs in a single blow." The elder thought. " Kinjo must be desperate if he used that technique."
" Nii-san!" Himawari yelled.
Boruto stood motionless as a little blood spattered from his mouth. Kinjo stood before him breathing heavily.
" You fought well Uzumaki, but in this field you cannot defeat the Byakugan." Kinjo said.
Boruto felt as though he just got hit by a semi. He shakily walked forward until he felt himself falling forward.
" I lost..." Boruto thought. "I can't fight anymore..."
It was then an image appeared in his head. Saw a boy with brown hair.
" w-what the hell is this?" He thought.
The boy could not have been any older than his sister. His face was overshadowed, with tears coming from his eyes.
" That's..."
What Boruto noticed the most was a glowing caged bird seal on the boy's head. That was when Boruto snapped to attention.
A loud thud was heard in the Hyuuga compound. Everyone looked on in shock, especially Naruto. To see Boruto had taken a large step to stop himself from hitting the ground. Kinjo was stunned.
Boruto's fists along with the rest of his body tightened.
" GGKHA!" Boruto spit up a little more blood.
With every bit of might he had he forced himself up as he screamed at the sky. He finally remembered what this was really about.
" I...am Boruto Uzumaki! Grandson of Hiashi Hyuuga! And the 4th Hokage! I will not fall to you!"
Kinjo was astonished. He rushed Boruto to deliver another attack.
" Boruto dodge it!" Hinata screamed.
" Taiyo Basuto!" Kinjo said placing both hands on Boruto's body.
He delivered the same blow. Boruto got knocked back a few steps. Then started walking towards Kinjo again.
Kinjo was astonished. " I..I did that move perfectly...why isn't he going down!?" He thought.
" I promised I was going to win. I promised that my cousin would be safe from that seal, in my family...WE DO NOT GO BACK ON OUR WORD!"
Hanabi was stunned.
" Nii-san..." Himawari said.
It was then Kinjo tried to grab Boruto's head to perform the same technique, however, Boruto grabbed both his hands before he could accomplish this.
" That's as far as you get this time Kinjo." He said before delivering a front kick which sent Kinjo to the ground.
" I don't understand!" The Elder said. " That move should have finished him! How is he doing this!?"
" Now it ends, right here and now..." Boruto said.
Boruto's arms began emitting a blue chakra. Hinata already knew what was happening.
Hinata watched as her son tried emitting blue chakra from his hands but failing. Shocked Hinata walked in immediately, walking up next to her son.
" Boruto, were you trying to do the Twin Lion Fist?" She asked.
Boruto looked down and nodded yes. Hinata placed her hand in his cheek.
" If we do this, we do it right. I'll help you develop it. But never try to practice this technique without me." Hinata said.
(((End Flashback)))
" Gentle Step...' Boruto ran towards Kinjo. " Twin Lion Fist!" Both hands erupted in a blaze of chakra.
" Unbelievable!" Hiashi said stunned.
Naruto and Hinata smiled.
Kinjo was too weak from battle to dodge, he simply stood and watched the attack come. Boruto struck into Kinjo's body, hurtling him towards the Hyuuga gate.
Kinjo struck the gate with a loud thud.
Boruto stood there, his hands returning to normal, with a hint of smoke coming off them. Boruto's breathed heavily and took a knee.
Kinjo fell forward, hitting the ground.
The Hyuuga watched in silence to see Kinjo was not getting back up. The Elder's face showed extreme anger and disapproval.
" Kinjo's not moving." A Hyuuga said.
Everyone on Boruto's side watched with extreme anticipation.
" The winner...Uzumaki Boruto."
Boruto stood up. He looked across at all the Hyuuga defiantly. He witnessed the amazement and disdain from numerous members, the elders in particular.
" I am Boruto Uzumaki, and I am Hyuuga!" He said to them.
He then turned around and walked back towards his family. Hinata was so relieved she could cry. As Boruto got closer he began to stumble and fall. Luckily his father was there to catch him.
" You did it!" Naruto hugged his son.
" L-Like there was a doubt." Boruto was too weak to speak.
He looked up at his grandfather who placed his hand on Boruto's head. " Oh Boruto...that was way longer than 3 minutes." Hiashi said.
Boruto smiled. Hinata came and joined her husband in hugging their son. Himawari soon followed after.
" Nii-san you won!" Himawari yelled.
Boruto looked up to see Hanabi standing before him. Tears in her eyes. Upon seeing this, Hinata and Naruto let Boruto loose.
" Hanabi baa-chan." Boruto started.
Hanabi came down and hugged her nephew tightly. " Boruto...arigato..." She said still crying.
Hinata noticed the Hyuuga surrounding Kinjo.
" I'll be right back." Hinata said.
" Hon? Where are you going?" Naruto asked.
Kinjo had finally regained consciousness and stood before the Elder in shame. The Elder looked down at Kinjo in extreme dismay. He pulled his hand back ready to deliver a slap across Kinjo's face. That was when his hand was grabbed.
He looked to see Hinata there holding back his hand. Kinjo stood shocked.
" Hinata, take your hands off me at once!"
" You will not lay a hand on him." Hinata said.
" Will you for once just mind your own damn business!?" The Elder said.
Suddenly a fist met with the Elder's nose, knocking him back several feet. He brought his hand to his nose to see if he was bleeding. Luckily it was not.
" THAT was for a lot that you've done." Hinata said.
Everyone in the courtyard was stunned.
"How dare you..." The Elder said enraged.
That was when he felt that dark ominous presence from her once again. It was then that the Elder decided to back off. Hinata knelt down before Kinjo.
" W-Why stick up for me? I Just tried to beat your son to a pulp." Kinjo said.
" Because, I don't like seeing someone who fought such a strong fight, get punished needlessly." Hinata placed her hands on Kinjo's shoulders.
" Kinjo, do not let this loss bring you down. You have an amazing control of the Byakugan and I know you will become a great asset to the Hyuuga."
Kinjo stood confused. " H-Hai."
" Never stop training." She said.
Hinata got back up and walked toward her family, but not before passing by the elder.
" If anything happens to him...I'll find you." She said venomously.
The threat sent chills up the Elder's spine. as beads of sweat rolled off the side of his face. Suddenly Hinata's face immediately reverted back to a cheery smiling one.
" Thank you for having us Elder. Have a nice day." Hinata said kindly.
The Guts To Never Give Up Plays In The Background...
Boruto and his family were walking home. Boruto still in his training attire.
" So you saw his eyes. When he did that last move right?" Naruto asked Hiashi as they walked behind the family.
" Hai, what should we do?" Hiashi asked.
" We'll leave it for now. Let it come naturally." Naruto said.
" Boruto!" Kinjo yelled as he ran up to the family.
" Yea?" Boruto said.
" You forgot this..." Kinjo handed Boruto his jacket with the Hyuuga symbol on it.
Boruto was surprised. " Hah Thank you..." He said as he reached for it.
As he grabbed it Kinjo spoke. " Don't think this changes anything..."
Boruto looked confused.
" From now on we're rivals." Kinjo said smiled.
" Heh..." Boruto said. " Sounds good."
Hinata smiled.
Boruto was fast asleep in his bed.
" He was awesome out there huh?" Naruto said as he and Hinata watched their son sleep from the doorway.
Hinata nodded " Mmhmm."
" Kinda stinks..." Naruto said.
Hinata looked at him.
" Was kinda hoping he'd be a kid for just a little longer."
Hinata smiled. " Nobody wanted that more than me hon. But he's too much like his father. He never waits around."
" When he's a genin... He'll be facing bigger challenges than this."
" I know." Hinata said. " That's why we'll be there to help guide him."
A Few Years later...
Hanabi walked down the halls of the Hyuuga compound.
" Hideo!" She called out, her Byakugan activated. " Haruki!"
Hanabi was becoming concerned. " Where are you two?"
"Hanabi-sama!" She heard a familiar male voice call from out in the courtyard. Hanabi walked out to see Konohamaru holding a small Hyuuga boy in each arm as each laughed and played with his scarf. Both boys had short brown hair and Byakugan eyes.
" Caught these rug rats wandering about in the street." Konohamaru smiled.
Hanabi gave a huge sigh of relief. " Konohamaru-sama thank you so much. I think it's safe to say the nanny's fired."
" No hassle."
" You come here right now, I swear you 2 are going to be the death of me." Hanabi said as she took their hands.
" I really don't know how to thank you." Hanabi said.
" Well hey I mean, if it weren't for them I'd never get to come see you." Konohamaru realized how he might have sounded a little weird.
Hanabi blushed slightly.
" Well I gotta go, I'll see ya later." Konohamaru said.
" Hai." Hanabi said.
As each walked away. Konohamaru and Hanabi turned their heads back at each other simultaneously. Konohamaru developed a blush while Hanabi's intensified before Konohamaru took his leave.
Hiashi walked down the streets of Konohagakure. Things were going well for him. Boruto was causing mischief to no surprise but was still doing very well in the academy, it won't be long before his granddaughter will be starting there. Soon the twins would be turning 3 years old, and the only thing that would happen is they would both get a huge party and spoiled by their grandfather. And today was the day that his son-in-law would succeed as Hokage.
As Hiashi turned a corner he overheard a commotion going on. As he looked up he saw the Hokage monument covered in graffiti.
" BORUTO!" He shouted.
-The End-
6: Ending Scene
Boruto dragged himself into the house and plopped on the couch, his grandfather was standing there waiting for him. Hiashi noticed the red smudges of paint on his face.
" Boruto why did you do such a thing?" Hiashi asked.
Boruto smiled. " 'Cuz it would make Tou-chan mad."
" I see and who ended up cleaning it?" Hiashi quipped.
Boruto turned his head and crossed his arms.
That was when the door opened and Hinata and Hanabi came in with Himawari holding the hands of both twins. Upon seeing their cousin on the couch, the Hyuuga boys couldn't resist running up and smothering him.
" Gah! Why do you two always gotta come pester me?" Boruto said as his cousins laughed as they climbed on him. However he didn't really seem to mind at all, regardless of his half hearted protests.
Himawari was not far behind as she jumped on the couch to be next to her brother.
" Nii-san, I went to see our uncle today, next time I want you to come with." Himawari said.
" Fine.." He said.
Hiashi smiled as he looked at his grandchildren.
" Ok everyone, we will be getting dinner started soon. You should wash up. Son, you especially, we'll talk about your little prank later." Hinata said.
" Alright Kaa-chan." Boruto groaned. " I can't catch a break."
Himawari took Hideo to get washed up. " Come on Nii-san, you gotta wash really bad, Kaa-chan said so."
" Fine." Boruto said.
" Nii-san..." Boruto's cousin said.
" What is it Haruki?" Boruto said.
Will of Fire Plays In Background...
Haruki wrapped his arms around Boruto. " ...arigato..."
Boruto caught off guard, blushed. He turned his head scratching it. " Don't mention it."
Hiashi smiled. He knew exactly what Haruki was thanking his cousin for.
" Come on you two. It's time to clean up. You especially Boruto, you're filthy." Hiashi said.
" Ne? Grr..." Boruto picked up his cousin and carried him off to wash.
Hiashi followed after.
Boruto dragged himself into the house and plopped on the couch, his grandfather was standing there waiting for him. Hiashi noticed the red smudges of paint on his face.
" Boruto why did you do such a thing?" Hiashi asked.
Boruto smiled. " 'Cuz it would make Tou-chan mad."
" I see and who ended up cleaning it?" Hiashi quipped.
Boruto turned his head and crossed his arms.
That was when the door opened and Hinata and Hanabi came in with Himawari holding the hands of both twins. Upon seeing their cousin on the couch, the Hyuuga boys couldn't resist running up and smothering him.
" Gah! Why do you two always gotta come pester me?" Boruto said as his cousins laughed as they climbed on him. However he didn't really seem to mind at all, regardless of his half hearted protests.
Himawari was not far behind as she jumped on the couch to be next to her brother.
" Nii-san, I went to see our uncle today, next time I want you to come with." Himawari said.
" Fine.." He said.
Hiashi smiled as he looked at his grandchildren.
" Ok everyone, we will be getting dinner started soon. You should wash up. Son, you especially, we'll talk about your little prank later." Hinata said.
" Alright Kaa-chan." Boruto groaned. " I can't catch a break."
Himawari took Hideo to get washed up. " Come on Nii-san, you gotta wash really bad, Kaa-chan said so."
" Fine." Boruto said.
" Nii-san..." Boruto's cousin said.
" What is it Haruki?" Boruto said.
Will of Fire Plays In Background...
Haruki wrapped his arms around Boruto. " ...arigato..."
Boruto caught off guard, blushed. He turned his head scratching it. " Don't mention it."
Hiashi smiled. He knew exactly what Haruki was thanking his cousin for.
" Come on you two. It's time to clean up. You especially Boruto, you're filthy." Hiashi said.
" Ne? Grr..." Boruto picked up his cousin and carried him off to wash.
Hiashi followed after.
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migila · 3 years
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Anyone in the fandom still daring to say that Kawaki isn’t a member of the Uzumaki family?
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airspeedprime · 3 years
Boruto Manga Review - Chapter 64
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"..this is MY STORY. Except for just a little bit at the start, it's the story of me and my dad"
I've been thinking about this quote a lot lately. If that "a little bit" is still involving the latest chapters or arc, does that mean we gonna wait years before we have that most awaited timeskip??
They wouldn't just skip to the timeskip just like that, right?? If yes, that's really a lazy writing. Lol. Sorry Ikemoto- and Kishimoto- sensei, but I won't defend y'all if you gonna make something half baked. Again. :')
Till when does that "a little bit" gonna end?? Or, does it ended before but my lack of comprehension just missed everything along the way?? Does current arc is still in the "a little bit" part or what?? And if it is, are we still in the "..the start" phase?? Goddamnit.
Personally for me, I still think Naruto plays a big role in the plot (not in a bad way) for the time being so I was curious on when they would focus more on Boruto, Kawaki and all the new gens.
Okey..okeyy..I get it the anime is filling the plothole and yes, I do agree that the anime is handling the new gens way better than the manga but, idk....it seems like, it is still lacking somewhere? They get the focus but either in a comical way or just a few mins which to me is....not enough??
They are all still a kid, the studio should have use this precious phase to really showing their development and write an arc that worth an anime adaptation rather than these comical eps. No, it is not like I want it to be serious, mature episodes all the time but....the way some of the episodes' writing has a lot of unnecessary things...is questionable??
Okey..okey..I admit it, I am kinda disliking the current chunin exam arc because Iwabe and Wasabi fight seems so...???????? And why the hell they compacted the forest of death scene in only one episode like...what??? THEY COULD HAVE DONE SO MANY THINGS BUT THEY DIDN'T??
And don't make me start on the manga. Used to think manga is way more superior than anime but now....lol. But I am not hating it, just some part of it make me irked in some way and thinking that Kishimoto should've done way better than this.
Haven't post anything for almost 3 months but Im back with a rant. Lol.
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