#medical corps
ngsketches · 1 month
I got tired of looking these up
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OKAY So I love Pokemon PLA But Some of the things to look up for refrence is really hard. And instead of drawing OCS like a normal person. I decided to make my own Ref sheet I am Sane 👍 Also the images I used to ref
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primnroses · 1 year
— Explaining Konohagakure’s Medical Department from Naruto to Boruto:
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks.
This informative post will explain the role and utility of the Medical Department from its debut in Naruto to its development and role in Boruto. I will use information present in the novels and the Boruto manga because it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta is crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
This meta does contain anime scenes from Boruto because it is a monthly manga draft that depends heavily on anime for context. 
Please, take this into consideration.
This meta will include a small discussion from my own point of view about the Medical Department and its members. There will be strong criticism and complaints, comparisons with other characters, previous leaders, etc. 
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The Medical Department ( 医療部門, Iryō-Bumon), also known or previously known as Medic Corps (医療部隊, Iryō-Butai) is one of the three main departmental divisions of Konohagakure. They are organized in the medical-ninja from Konoha Hospital (木ノ葉病院, Konoha Byōin) and they are in charge of providing medical care within the village and in the battlefield by the training of field medical-ninja.
Their members also work in developing medical items such as medicines, ninjutsu, etc. Some time after the global conflict, the Medical Department has seen the development of new medical branches and facilities; it is also supervised by Sakura Uchiha as department head, hailed as the world’s best medical-ninja.
She is officially known as "The Head of the Medical Department" (医療部門の責任者, Iryō bumon no sekininsha).
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Konohagakure's official department organization according to the first fanbook.
It is unknown when the organization itself started or when Konoha Hospital came to exist, but the concept of medical-ninjas has existed since the era of the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Around the second conflict, Tsunade advocated for the inclusion of one medical-ninja per team to palliate the effects of the conflict.
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Tsunade advocates for medical-ninjas to be included in every team to increase the survival rate of each member and the mission.
This department and all of their divisions wear their own unique crest with the kanji for "medicine" or "healing" (医, ishi). This crest is the symbol of Konoha Hospital and the uniforms of the Medic Corps; these uniforms consist of white overalls for the doctors with hats and ear protectors, and skirts for the nurses, both with the crest in red on their backs.
After Naruto, the crest changes places, now adorning the left side of the uniform.
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The uniform of the Medic Corps during Naruto.
During the era of the Third and Fifth Hokage, the Medical Department was simply known as Medic Corps, and with the first fanbook, we learn that the Medic Corps are medical-ninja from Konoha Hospital; as well as being the only healthcare organization known at the time. In turn, Konoha Hospital is a building located not too far from the Hokage Residence in the center of the village. It was never specified who was running the hospital during this era. 
The Medic Corps debuted in chapter 64 mentioned by Hiruzen when referring to Kabuto Yakushi. It was said that a jōnin of the Medic Corps had saved him (his adoptive mother Nonō Yakushi). However, they were seen for the first time two chapters later, when the hospital staff, the Medic Corps, took Sasuke Uchiha to heal his wounds. 
(I want to add that the term medical-ninja did not exist around this time, so Hiruzen saying Nonō was a Medic Corps is a mistake in the continuity of the story; he would likely say medical-ninja if the term existed. The Medic Corps were later rewritten as those medical-ninja from Konoha Hospital.)
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Konoha Hospital before Pain's invasion.
As soon as Tsunade was introduced into the story and after her fight against Kabuto Yakushi, we learn about medical ninjutsu and that medical-ninjas are also those shinobi that learn healing techniques and are sent to teams to aid their comrades in battle. They use medical ninjutsu (医療忍術, Iryō-Ninjutsu), like the generic Mystical Palm Technique, to heal wounds.
Therefore, medical-ninjas are divided into two types: 
Konoha Hospital’s Medic Corps medical ninja.
Field medical ninja. 
According to the first fanbook, the Medic Corps are those professional medical-ninjas that are fully dedicated to healing, developing medicine, researching diseases and performing ninjutsu focused on healing. In order to do that, they require very advanced chakra control, as well as extensive knowledge of herbs, medicines, the human body and even poisons to develop said medicines and antidotes. 
They are also divided by ranks and skills, with the story revealing that not all Medic Corps are able to use healing techniques due to the high precision of chakra control they must possess. They also include nurses among the staff.
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The Medic Corps according to the first fanbook.
Meanwhile, field medical-ninjas vary in skill and knowledge. They range from just identifying the condition of a patient and using medical ninjutsu as a Chakra Transfer Technique, such as Ino Yamanaka; using healing techniques to aid in battle, like Rin Nohara; or being on par or superior in knowledge and skill as the Medic Corps like Sakura Haruno, Shizune, Tsunade and Kabuto Yakushi. 
Sakura Haruno is an example of a field medical-ninja that also actively works in Konoha Hospital as a member of the Medic Corps. Shizune too.
Medical ninja must be the last member of their teams to perish, therefore, they must never join the battle, making them support-types. This however, does not apply to Sakura Haruno, Tsunade and Kabuto Yakushi, who use medical ninjutsu variants as fighting techniques. Medical-ninja are the most valuable members of their squad and it is a priority to protect them in battle.
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Yamato guarding Sakura Haruno, the only medical.ninja of the team.
I explain all about medical ninjutsu and medical ninjas here.
We can consider the Medic Corps and Konoha Hospital as the same organization, since the Medic Corps are exclusive to Konoha Hospital. 
Based on some parts of the story, the Medic Corps send relief teams to special events such as the Chūnin Exams and treat patients in separate rooms outside Konoha Hospital. They also send other smaller groups of Medic Corps on smaller teams to retrieve patients. These teams are called Medical Teams (医療班, Iryō-Han). 
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Medical Teams from the Medic Corps sent to participate in events or rescue patients. We also see the change of the uniform's design.
Specialized medical-ninja are needed in Konoha Hospital in case of emergency. Examples include Shizune, Sakura Haruno and Tsunade; the two latter kunoichis being fighters as well as a medical-ninja and boasting a jutsu that grant them regenerative abilities.
Medical-ninjas are pivotal in a shinobi village or when winning big battles, as they are the only people able to maintain a full village healthy and ready to keep fighting. The Medic Corps and Sakura Haruno had their hands full during Pain’s invasion, as well as Tsunade through Katsuyu, who was able to save everyone from Pain’s Shinra Tensei explosion. 
The Logistical Support & Medical Division of the Allied Shinobi Forces was also the main target of the enemy, especially their most skilled medics, the jōnin rank medics. It was thanks to Sakura Haruno leaving the Third Division and joining the Medical Division that she could stop the White Zetsu. She also healed countless shinobi in the division; as well as healing hundreds of members of the Allied Shinobi Forces with Katsuyu in the midst of battle.
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Sakura Haruno in the hospital and Tsunade with Katsuyu healing countless civilians; Sakura Haruno and Shizune in the Medical Division. Sakura Haruno healing the entire Allied Shinobi Forces.
Blank Period:
The next time the Medic Corps and Konoha Hospital appear is mainly Sakura Hiden, this novel including one of Konoha Hospital’s major medical developments; although there are mentions in other novels too:
Six months after Kaguya Ōtsutsuki was defeated, Sakura Haruno started preparations to create a Therapy Center, a mental health branch for children who are indirect victims of the shinobi world.
Two years later, Sakura Haruno successfully founded the first ever mental healthcare institution inside Konoha Hospital; and other villages like Sunagakure also followed her example. Indirectly, it is also revealed that Shizune is representing the Medic Corps and Konoha Hospital during this time.
According to the novel, she is the “Executive/Manager of the Medical Team” (医療班の幹部 Iryō-Han no kanbu) and sits with the other three top officials of the Konoha Council and the daimyō to discuss matters pertaining the village.
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Sakura Haruno opens the first mental Therapy Center in the world.
By the era of the Seventh Hokage, the Medic Corps rebranded, now called the Medical Department; their supervisor, Sakura Uchiha, now called “Head of the Medical Department” (医療部門の責任者, Iryō bumon no sekininsha), in contrast to Naruto’s non-existent hierarchical title. Overall, it has continued to function the same was as before, with the exception that it is now divided in two branches:
One of the most notable changes is the reconstruction of Konoha Hospital into a more modern building. The inside of the hospital looks much more modern and solid, in comparison to the building before Pain’s invasion, which had cracks everywhere (more noticeable in the manga).
The hospital in Boruto: Naruto the Movie and manga are more similar to the design in Naruto, while the anime changed the design to a more modern building.
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Konoha Hospital in the anime and manga.
The hospital is directed by Sakura Uchiha, who also does some bureaucratic work from her own office. The building is also significantly more prepared than before, with various surgery rooms, intensive care, the off-screened therapy center, modernized patient rooms, labs and a classroom to train genin in medical ninjutsu. 
So far, Konoha Hospital remains as the center of all healthcare in Konoha and the source of all medical knowledge of the village. 
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The director's office. One of the surgery rooms, the classroom, patient rooms and lab.
The Medic Corps still wear their white uniform with the crest in the back, although they changed the helmet for a bandana with Konoha’s symbol in it. Other uniforms include a blue robe with matching pants for Sakura and Shizune.
Another notable change is the presence of more discernible medical staff among their ranks. The Medical Teams sent on specific missions now wear the standard chūnin vest with the medical crest on their backs; while medical relief can be seen wearing a red armband with the medical crest.
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The different types of medical-ninja in emergencies.
In addition to the new staff, Konoha Hospital has also started to give individual classes to genin that wish to become future field medical-ninja.
According to Boruto Uzumaki and Mitsuki, the Ninja Academy imparts classes about medical ninjutsu, but not real training enough to become a battlefield healer. For genin, it is compulsory that at least one member of the team trains in medical ninjutsu.
These classes are imparted by the head of department herself. Sakura Uchiha trains Sarada Uchiha for Team 7 and Inojin Yamanaka for Team 10, among others. Although according to Mitsuki’s own character profile, he is the actual medical-ninja of Team 7, which means he must have also trained with Sakura.
Although this is a loose episode, it explains how Inojin and Mitsuki, two medical-ninja according to their official manga profiles, learnt medical ninjutsu. It is canon to the story.
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The new medical training explained by Boruto Uzumaki and Mitsuki. Sakura Uchiha begins the special class for genin.
Other than Konoha Hospital with its new branches, there is also a healthcare facility inside the Hokage Residence called Medical Office or Medical Department (医務室, Imu-shitsu), controlled by the Medical Department.
Inside it, some of the Medic Corps work in important cases that need the direct supervision of the Hokage. The room is also used to attend to other healthcare cases, like the Scientific Ninja Weapons fixing Kawaki’s artificial arm. Sakura Uchiha and other staff also wear a different uniform more similar to the coat the staff of the Logistical Support & Medical Division used to wear.
Inside the room there is a single bed and several medical and technological instruments, as well as cabinets and a sink. In the manga, the room resembles a normal hospital room.
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The Medical Office in the anime and manga.
Contrary to other teams that have been completely automated and made self sufficient, the Medical Department does not make use of the technology Konoha currently boasts of. Instead, they keep using shinobi for healthcare and medical ninjutsu, rather than adding machines.
Sakura Uchiha’s presence in Konoha Hospital to perform her medical duties is not unusual, and we always see her take care of patients in the village. Although it is not the same for Shizune, Sakura’s former mentor now assistant, Sakura Uchiha is always at the scene when anybody is in need of medical treatment.
Compared to the amount of times the Medic Corps appear and medical ninjutsu is used in Naruto, Ukyō Kodachi has drastically diminished the role of medical-ninja to the point of disappearance. In addition to that, the anime has demolished what it meant to train in medical ninjutsu; while it now takes a few hours to learn, it took the best medical ninja in the world 3 months to make advancements.
How does the Medical Department work and what is their role?
Gather professional medics in Konoha Hospital to heal people, study diseases, create medicines and develop healing ninjutsu.
Dispatch Medical Teams to special missions and include one field medical-ninja on teams for support.
Train future Medic Corps and medical-ninja.
How important is the Medical Department?
The Medical Department has experienced a decrease of utility in Boruto compared to Naruto. However, being written out of the story does not equal being less important.
Unlike other teams, the Medical Department debuted fairly early into the story and it is considered as one of the major Konoha branches with ANBU and Shinobi Forces; it is the main and major support system of the village too. Some of the best examples include the Chūnin Exams when the Medic Corps heal the participants after a fight to continue training, or Pain’s invasion when Konoha citizens and shinobi were attacked by summons or in the midst of fighting the Paths. 
The equivalent of the Medic Corps at the time of the battle against Madara and Obito Uchiha, the Logistical Support & Medical Division, was also the most important support system during the conflict. It is natural that the enemy would want to take down the source of energy of a platoon, but they were also pivotal in battle by pumping the Allied Shinobi Forces full of chakra to boost their own ninjutsu, as well as Sakura and Shizune performing the autopsy on White Zetsu to discover the uses of Hashirama Senju’s cells.
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Sakura Haruno of the Medical Division uses medical ninjutsu to power up ninjutsu. A medical-ninja from the Medical Division explains why they are essential.
The Medical Department is essential to secure a successful mission, be it by healing the members of the team, creating items such as poison and medical ointments to use in battle by non medics, healing shinobi after missions and also providing healthcare to the rest of citizens. 
So far, almost every Konoha shinobi, and non-Konoha shinobi, has required medical care in the hospital and member of the Medic Corps: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Chōji Akimichi, Neji Hyūga, Kiba Inuzuka, Rock Lee and Konoha civilians in Naruto, Ino Yamanaka, Kumogakure and Kirigakure shinobi and children in the Blank Period, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Boruto Uzumaki, Kawaki and Hinata Hyūga in Boruto; as well as Karin, Hinata Hyūga, Kankurō, Naruto Uzumaki, Temari, Jiji and Granny Chiyo by Sakura Haruno as a Medic Corps on the battlefield.
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Some examples of treatment at Konoha Hospital.
The current problem of the Medical Department:
In Boruto, the Medical Department suffered a downgrade compared to previous appearances, although not in abilities or competency. Konoha Hospital has remained one of the most successful in terms of workforce, so far never needing anyone to step in for Sakura to perform healing or save a life, and not being relegated to an automated system either. The Medical Department still relies on humans rather than machines, very unlike the sensing system for example. 
The downgrade is in relevance.
We used to see the Medic Corps, or, rather, Sakura Haruno, since more than half of the story happened outside Konoha; Sakura represented medicine and took on roles that went beyond simple healing. From elaborating antidotes for poison, creating medicines based on clan’s medical encyclopedias, using poison against enemies or using elaborate techniques other than the repetitive Mystical Palm Technique.
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Sakura Haruno creates an antidote. Tsunade creates prosthetic arms.
The role of a medic has been simplified, just using the basic healing technique by default, the Mystical Palm Technique, to heal anything they get their hands into, rather than identifying different pathologies and applying different methods for each; like Kankurō needing specific healing to remove poison, for example. Now, we see Sakura using the same jutsu on every patient. 
There is no space for elaborate medicine crafting either, or, at least, do not let Sakura and her medical team do it. The concept of creating antidotes, poisons, artificial arms, studying body pathologies and using different ninjutsu has been given to Amado Sanzu and Katasuke Tōnō, rather than have Sakura, a poison expert, botanist, scientist and medic, do the job. It is a big aspect that has been taken away from the Medical Department.
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Sakura Haruno using the same jutsu in every patient.
The Medical Department in itself is not a failure, nor do their ranks fail at doing their job or need other people to step in for them. The failure comes with the writing quality in the sequel compared to Naruto, rather than the organization itself. 
Could they be redeemed?
The Medical Department does not need to be redeemed or rewritten, the problem lies in how they are projected in the sequel.
Their functionality is perfect. They have the world's best medical-ninja as their leader, several members of the staff, a great emergency response and a board of teachers.
Some of the things they could do are:
Use more elaborated techniques rather than basic healing ninjutsu.
Make use of their botanists and poison experts, elaborate pills and other substances that are currently needed in plot.
There is no need to erase the Scientific Ninja Tools to make prosthetic arms, just allow them to collaborate with the Medical Department for better results and more possibilities.
Allow them to investigate seals and ninjutsu that are capable of regenerating, such as Kawaki's and Boruto's.
Considering Konoha is the most powerful shinobi village and Konoha Hospital has two of the top medical-ninja in the world, the usage of their staff leaves much to be desired in the script.
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Note: The Fourth Shinobi World W4r has been replaced by global conflict to avoid mature content flags.
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peccaberry · 10 months
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Thank you to @joltiksforbrains for redrawing my Rei icon with my own version of Rei!!! I can't tell you guys how much I love this 😭 ❤️ He grew up and fulfilled the prophecy...what a guy...
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kaguyasconception · 2 years
Konoha Organisations
The Konoha shinobi society is organised into several units placed under the control of the Hokage. Each unit has Jōnin or Special (Tokubetsu) Jōnin in charge of it, and they report to the Hokage and his advisers.
The Hokage sits at the top of the society, discussing issues with their Advisors. The two official advisers of Hiruzen Sarutobi are Mitokado Homura, and Utatane Koharu, living through the previous wars together.
The Jōnin Commander supports the Hokage, aiding in directing the villages units and representing the regular forces.
Some groups and units known only the the Hokage and higher ranking individuals. ROOT was one of these secretive organisations, a sub-division of the ANBU initially shut down by the Sandaime, illegally operated until it was finally disbanded after Danzo Shimura’s death during the Godaime reign.
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Operations Unit:
In other words, regular shinobi forces which are the backbone of the system. Teams or specific individuals handle the majority of the missions that the village receives, and are also tasked with other duties such as education, administration, etc. Most ninja are in this division, from genin, chūnin, special jōnin and jōnin.
Medical Corps:
The medical teams and medical-nin within this sector support the general shinobi forces through healing the sick and injured whether in village (coordinating with ordinary doctors) or on the battle field. They develop new techniques, study medicines, research diseases and further their anatomy understanding to advance their healing capabilities. They are divided into several groups by speciality, such as emergency staff or technical research. Some medical-nin are skilled enough to join regular forces and are called field medical-nin.
This division is under direct control of the Hokage, and only accept order from them. They are covert operatives who specialise in spying, assassination, and other difficult or risky missions. The Hokage selects them personally, regardless of age or gender, and they are meant to be the most elite of the forces. The individual units are composed according to the goal and difficulty of their missions.
Konoha Intelligence Division:
This organisation within the village is composed of many sub-divisions, such as the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force which is a special division headed by Ibiki Morino. Prior to the fourth shinobi war, they worked alongside the Analysis Team which was headed by Inoichi Yamanaka. Prisoners or the dead are kept here here to extract information from them for the benefit of Konoha.
- Chūbu appears to be a modern ranking in Konoha given to Sai, and implies it may be a type of support unit.
- The Twenty Platoons (Nijū Shōtai) were created by the Godaime, Tsunade Senju, to search for the Akatsuki. It consisted of twenty teams of four individuals.
Outside of Konoha, other lands follow their own customs and culture which creates a different type of organisation within the individual villages.
*Shinobi Ruler/Head Shinobi - A rank found within Kumo above jonin, they’re given the authority to represent their village’s interests.
*Kinkaku Force was an elite team of twenty shinobi from Kumo, which is now disbanded.
*Hunter Squads - A special unit of Kiri’s own Hunter-nin, created solely to hunt down and dispose of rogue shinobi/missing-nin, they possess medical and assassination training to aid their goals.
*Twelve Guardian Ninja are a group of twelve elite shinobi invited by the Land of Fire’s Daimyo to become his body guards.
*Puppet Brigade was a division in Suna of skilled puppeteers during the Second Shinobi War.
*Explosion Corps was an organisation within Iwa composed of individuals holding the explosion release kekkei genkai.
*Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist is an organisation of seven skilled individuals who wielded the legendary blades of Kiri.
(Fourth Shinobi War Divisions to be covered at a later date)
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pempeeeperem · 1 year
Hygiene headcanons #1
Figuring out what Hisui got in terms of medicine, tools and machinery, it takes place in a lofty time period. They have steam machinery, but Pokémon are feared and Hisui is nowhere close to what modern Sinnoh looks like. Then again Pokémon has bullshit technology and in general I have no idea. It breaks my brain thinking about this when I'm thinking about how they would make soap.
The Egyptian had soap made from ash and oil, it wasn't solid and it wasn't good for your skin on excessive use. They washed cloth with it and used it as a medicine. So, Hisuian people can have soap, for both body and cloth, but hair?
Hair used to be kept clean by washing with warm water, lots of brushing and braiding it and keeping it wrapped. That protects the hair and keeps it clean. Coincidentally, the women in PLA all wear their hair up (except for Zisu and Sanqua, but they also do kinda).
Disinfection with alcohol is a movie trend that I was very saddened to learn it being wrong. You can't disinfect a wound with alcohol. It would need to be around 70%, it would hurt like heck and it would destroy tissue walls. Alcohol is better for disinfecting skin, tools and surfaces.
What you want for the wound are antiseptics and those weren't invented before the 20th century. So, the folk in Hisui are screwed if they get a wound. Then again it's Pokémon, so... I would understand. When Akari gets injured in my Supply Akari AU, she gets an infection, but they give her potions so her body works through it on its own. She's just k.o.'ed for a few days.
And disinfection and sterilisation aren't the same thing, the latter being used for medical equipment. Seeing how Prof Laventon has this freaky machinery in his office, I say Captain Pesselle gets her own freaky machines to make her medicine and sterilize her equipment.
Painkillers have always been a thing, but to reliably find something that doesn't accidentally poison you or definitely poison you is hard to find. The thing either doesn't work or it poisons you or it makes you addicted. There are a few plants that could work, I guess, so the Medical Corps gets the benefit of the doubt that they know what they're doing with those poisonous plants. Also, it's Pokémon, bullshittery once again.
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mccareer · 1 month
The Military Medicine Leadership Life Cycle: A Model for Longitudinal Leadership Development for Staff Physicians
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"CANADIAN AMBULANCE MEN: Canadian casualties on the battlefield north of Valguarnera received prompt and efficient attention from the well-trained men of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Here, medical orderlies administer preliminary treatment before taking the wounded men to field dressing stations." - from the Regina Leader-Post. August 17, 1943. Page 16.
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theworldatwar · 7 months
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During the early stages of WW2 there was a real fear in Britain that Germany would use gas during their air raids. Here, British soldiers from the RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) undergo anti-gas suit training - England 1940
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theworldofwars · 8 months
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Oil painting by J Hodgson Lobley. The Operating Theatre, 41st Casualty Clearing Station, 1918. John Hodgson Lobley was an English artist most known for his RAMC paintings during the Great War., and it was noted that "Like many of the artists who witnessed the War first hand, he was deeply affected by what he had seen."
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cybersteal · 8 months
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klugenjoyer · 10 months
My awful green man
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peccaberry · 11 months
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The Medical Corps room - Pokemon Legends of Arceus
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tyrianludaship · 3 months
This isn't completely related to selfshipping but i unironically love making up shipnames for my s/i and the tf2 characters.
[also to note: some of these are not canon; pyro and scout are friends; and saxton hale is just kinda there. idk he's alright.]
Engineer x Morale: Radio Repair
Soldier x Morale: Roger That
Spy x Morale: Esprit de corps, Radio Drama
Medic x Morale: Herzschlag / Heartbeat
Demoman x Morale: Boombox
Sniper x Morale: Radio Silence, National Outback
Heavy x Morale: Tea and Jam
Scout x Morale: Skip Distance
Pyro x Morale: Smoke Signals
Miss Pauling x Morale: Two-way Radio
Saxton Hale x Morale: Mating Calls [this one is just dumb ignore]
Proships DNI
#if you are wondering: yes i've completely exhausted any possible communication term that personally sounded cool#{insert me becoming autistic over radios because of my s/i having a radio motif}#half of these have a radio / communications motifs on morale's end bc see above#also some explanations on the name bc why not:#radio repair is self-explanatory (engie solving practical problems and all)#roger that is slang in the military (but mostly in general) to say ' i understand ' and ofc that would remind me of him#the english word morale was originated from the french term espirit de corps (so of course)#i had so much trouble w/ medic until i remembered 'heartbeat' a few days ago and i facepalmed by how long it took me to figure that out#by comparison; boombox was the fastest and by far the easiest to think of (radio motif + boom)#radio silence was also self-explanatory#but the 2nd one references yosemite national park and the outback (since morale originates in mariposa and sniper lives in the bush)#i kinda want to do more w/ morale originating in mariposa bc that place is gorgeous#fun fact: adding jam (strawberry blackberry ect.) is a common addition for russian tea culture and i wanted to use my knowledge somehow#both miss pauling and morale would communicate via two-way radio or walkie-talkie (so that was a easy pick)#smoke signals because get it fire + a form of communication im a genius#skip distance is a distance a radio wave travels in and it usually includes a hop in the ionosphere (<- NERD)#tf2 oc#oc x canon#and thats it#💞📻#[just me yapping]
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on a. WWI-themed art piece titled "Dressing the Wounded During a Gas Attack," pastels on paper/artwork by English artist & occultist, Austin Osman Spare, c. 1919.
Resolution at 765x1023 & 715x960.
IMAGE OVERVIEW: "A wounded British infantryman has his left leg dressed by a man of the Royal Army Medical Corps. Both men wear gas masks as a gas attack is in progress. The wounded man sits beside a bomb damaged tree stump, the RAMC man sitting at his feet with his back to the viewer. The foreground is littered with medical kit, debris and the hand of a dead soldier encroaches into the composition. A shell violently explodes in the background."
Sources: www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/25090 & Pinterest.
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mccareer · 1 month
Navigating Military Medicine Challenges in the Indo-Pacific with Rear Admiral Guido Valdes, MD
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herprivateswe · 3 months
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Members of the Australian Army Medical Corps (AAMC) playing cards on deck aboard the troopship HMAT Euripides (A14). The photograph was taken by Denver Wood Wansey, who served as a merchant seaman on the Euripides from 13 October 1914 to 31 May 1923. During the war years, Wansey held the positions of 7th, 4th, and 3rd Engineer. He was an amateur photographer and created seven albums of photographs recording life at sea aboard the Euripides as well as the ship's many arrivals and departures. Wansey was able to develop negatives at sea using a propeller shaft as a makeshift darkroom.
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