#Brahma Gems
brahmagemstone · 2 months
Cat's eye is not worn based on your zodiac sign, it is worn as per your kundli (birth chart).
It is associated with Ketu.
Consult an astrologer before wearing a cat's eye stone.
Cat's eye is a powerful stone that can be harmful if not worn correctly.
In Kolkata, many people wear a cat's eye stone based on their astrologer's advice.
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brahamagems · 2 years
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Discover the power and beauty of Pukhraj Stone, also known as yellow sapphire. Learn about its history, benefits, and how to choose the perfect one for you. Become an expert on this precious gemstone with our comprehensive guide.
 Pukhraj Stone: Everything You Need to Know About the Yellow Sapphire
Pukhraj Stone, also known as the Yellow Sapphire, is a highly valued gemstone that has been worn for centuries by people from different cultures and backgrounds. It is said to possess numerous metaphysical properties that make it highly sought after by individuals seeking balance, prosperity, and good health. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at this beautiful gemstone, from its history and symbolism to its benefits and uses.
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brahmagems11 · 1 year
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What is Pukhraj Stone? Brahma Gems
Pukhraj Stone is a vibrant yellow gemstone belonging to the corundum family. It is renowned for its lustrous appearance and is associated with the planet Jupiter in Vedic astrology. Pukhraj Stone holds immense significance in Hindu mythology and has been cherished for centuries for its astrological properties.
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recentadultburnout · 8 months
Dead Friend Forever - DFF (2023)
เพื่อนตาย (the series name in Thai) means best friend, true friend, real friend, faithful friend, but it consists of the words 'friend (เพื่อน)' and 'dead/die (ตาย)'.
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Phi พี
Ratthakiat Phromjinda รัฐเกียรติ พรหมจินดา
Phi-meaty, plump, fat (positive meaning) or it might be shortened from something, or maybe a letter P.
Rat- state, country, nation, territory, realm, kingdom, land
Tha-a sound that put in to help link two words(Rat and Kiat) together.
Kiat- prestige, honour, honor, glory, reputation, dignity, fame
Jinda-precious stone, gem
Jin จิน
Jinnaphat Sukmek จิณณภัทร สุขเมฆ
Jin-This (จิน) spelling has no meaning in Thai. It might just be a simplified spelling of his legal name's first syllable(จิณ).or maybe it means to represent a word from other language. idk
Jin (จิณ)-Well behaved, one who behaved well
na-a sound that put in to help link two words together.
phat-good, prosperous, excellent
Suk-happy, happiness, joy
Tee ตี๋
Pariphat Wanit ปริพัฒน์ วาณิชย์
Tee-Chinese boy
Pariphat-Prosperous in every way
Wanit-Commerce, trade, business
White ไวท์
Watcharin Siriphan วัชรินทร์ ศิริพันธ์
White-Not a Thai word
Watcharin-Lord of Diamonds/Thunder (refer to Lord Indra)
Siri-splendor, glory
phan-binding, related, bound
Tan แทน
Siriwat Phatthanon ศิริวัฒน์ พัฒนานนท์
Tan-represent, stand for, substitute, replace, take the place of, substitute for, supplant, supercede, show gratitude to, repay(meaning dependent on the context)
Phatthanon-rejoice in prosperity
Fluke ฟลุ้ค
Phakhin Thianthong ภาคิน เทียนทอง
Fluke-Not a Thai word
Phakhin-lucky person
Thianthong-gold candle, name of a plant (Duranta erecta L)
Top ท้อป
Sirawit Wibulsilp สิรวิชญ์ วิบูลย์ศิลป์
Top-Not a Thai word
Sirawit-The greatest philosopher
Wibul-big, spacious, many, full, complete
Por ปอ
Prachaya Suwannarat ปราชญา สุวรรณรัตน์
Por-jute, hemp, dragonfly
Na-a sound that put in to help link Suwan and Rat together.
Rat-gem, precious stone. Might be refer to The Three Jewels of Buddhism (just my opinion)
Non นนท์
Thanakorn Prathipsit ธนกร ประทีปสิทธิ์
Non-pleasure, delight, enjoyment, happiness, joy, contentment, satisfaction
Thanakorn-Create wealth/assets
Prathip-lamp, lantern, light, torch
Sit-right, authority, privilege, ownership, possibility
Keng เก่ง
Ratchanon Kijkarun รัชชานนท์ กิจการุณย์
Keng-excellently, expertly, proficiently, skilfully, brilliantly, good at
Ratchanon-rejoice in treasure
Kij-affair, activity, work, business, operation, duty
Karun- kindliness, compassion, pity, mercy, gracefulness, benevolence, kindheartedness, beneficent
If you look closely, you may notice that some words in the names and surnames of each character are repeated.
The meanings of some of them are pretty similar too.
Not that it's weird.
I just feel like it is a little more than usual. But it isn't exactly like they are a set with an intended theme?? It's just that some of the words they use are kind of in the same group in my head????
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talonabraxas · 18 days
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Lord Vishnu ॐ Talon Abraxas
Lord Vishnu represents the aspect of the Supreme Reality that preserves and sustains the universe. Although there are variations in images and pictures of Lord Vishnu, He is generally symbolized by a human body with four arms. In His hands He carries a conch (shankha), a mace (gada), and discus (chakra). He wears a crown, two earrings, a garland (mala) of flowers, and a gem around the neck. He has a blue body and wears yellow clothes. The Lord is shown standing on a thousand-headed snake (named Shesha Nag), and the snake stands with its hoods open over the head of the Lord.
The four arms indicate Lord’s omnipresence and omnipotence. The two front arms signify the lord’s activity in the physical world and the two back arms signify His activity in the spiritual world. The right side of the body represents the creative activities of the mind and the intellect. The left side symbolizes the activities of the heart; that is, love, kindness, and compassion.
A conch in the upper left hand indicates that the Lord communicates with His devotees with love and understanding. When blowing His conch, He reminds his devotes to live in this world with kindness and compassion towards all living beings. A chakra in His upper right hand conveys the idea that the Lord uses this weapon to protect His devotees from evil. The mace denotes energy and a mace in the Lord’s left lower hand signifies that He sustains the manifest world by the energy that He holds in Himself. His front right hand is depicted bestowing grace on His devotees.
The snake denotes the mind and the thousand heads of the snake signify innumerable desires and passions of an individual. Just as a snake destroys its victim by its venom, an uncontrolled mind destroys the world by the venom of its possessiveness. The Lord has controlled all desires, and this is symbolized by showing Him seated on the two coils of the snake. When a sincere devotee of the Lord controls his desires, the Lord fulfills the devotee’s genuine desires and helps him on his path.
The blue sky in the background of the Lord suggests that He pervades the entire universe. The blue color symbolizes infinity. The blue body of the Lord signifies that He has infinite attributes. He is nameless, formless, and immeasurable. The color yellow is associated with earthly existence and the yellow clothes of the Lord signify that He incarnates Himself on this earth to uphold righteousness and destroy evil and unrighteousness.
A flower garland around the Lord’s neck is a symbol of the devotee’s adoration for the Lord. A gem decorating His neck signifies that the Lord fulfills all genuine desires of His devotees and provides for their needs. The crown is a symbol of the Lord’s supreme power and authority. The two earrings signify the dual nature of creation, such as knowledge and ignorance, happiness and unhappiness, and pleasure and pain.
The worship of Lord Vishnu is very popular among Hindus, especially among the followers of the Vaishnava tradition (Vaishnavism). He is the second member of the Hindu Trinity, with Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva as the other two. Lord Vishnu is also known by other names, such as Vasudeva and Narayana. The following ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu are described in Hindu mythology and are popular among Hindus. These incarnations reveal the help rendered by God during various stages of human evolution. As shown below, the first two incarnations are in the animal form, the third one is half-human and half-animal, and the fourth and the subsequent ones are all in human form. These incarnations relate to human evolution from aquatic life to human life, and are consistent with the modern theory of evolution suggested by science:
Matsya (fish)—saves Sage Manu from floods and recovers the Vedas from demons.
Kurma (tortoise)—sustains the earth on his back.
Varaha (boar)—brings the earth back from the bottom of the ocean where it was dragged down by a demon, known as Hiranyaksha; Varaha kills the demon.
Narasimha (man-lion)—kills the demon King Hiranyakashipu, who was planning to kill his own son, a devotee of Lord Vishnu.
Vamana (dwarf)—the first human incarnation of the Lord, kills the demon King Mahabhali, who had deprived the gods of their possessions.
Parasurama (the warrior with an axe)—saves Brahmins from the tyranny of the arrogant Kshatriyas.
Rama—kills Ravana, the demon king of Lanka.
Sri Krishna—the most popular incarnation; Krishna’s contributions throughout his life include the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna.
Buddha—Hindus consider Buddha as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and accept his teachings, but do not directly worship him.
Kalkin (a man on a white horse)—this incarnation is yet to come and will mark the end of all evil in the world.
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blue-lotus333 · 4 months
Arjun’s children.
(+ his kids in the Javanese mhb‼️)
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Info: Abhimanyu, the most popular child of Arjun, was a great warrior, portrayed as young, strong and talented. Abhimanyu was one of the people to know the technique to enter the Chakravyuha, a powerful military formation, unfortunately, he died unfairly while in this formation.
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Info: Iravan is the second popular son of Arjun, he is the central deity of the cult of Kuttantavar & a village guardian deity. Iravan is revered for his sacrifice & his protection. In one legend, he is married to the enchantress mohini.
(there is much more interpretations/stories of Iravan, so its better to look him up)
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Info: The harsh son of Arjun & heir of Manipura. Babruvahana was the only child who defeated Arjun, but was about to kill himself after knowing arjun’s identity, but he was given from his stepmother, the Nagi Ulupi, a gem called Nagamani, which revived Arjun.
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Info: the youngest of the Upapandavas. Shrutakarma was a capable archer like Arjun and fought very well, he fought many warriors such as Sudakshina, King Chitrasena, Jayatsena, Dushasana and Ashwathama. Unfortunately, he was killed brutally by Ashwathama.
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Info: Wisanggeni is a son of Arjun & the lava goddess Dresnala. When he was born, he was already hated by Brahma, in which the creator god threw him into a caldera. However, wisanggeni didn't die but got empowered. In rage by Brahma, he attacked the heavens. No one could defeat him except Antasena (who could only reach him to a draw)
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Kumaladewa and Kumalasekti.
Info: Kumaladewa & Kumalasekti are the (male) twin children of Arjun with the demoness Asmarawati. Both siblings are mostly hybrids of a Demi-god and demon, making them possibly powerful. The siblings are seen as hero’s in wayang.
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Info: born from Arjun & apsara Wilutama, Wilugangga is seen as a hero in Wayang. He helped a king who was facing a hardship, namely a marriage contest, & promised to help him as long as he was told who his father was, the king agreed & after Wilugangga succeeded, he was told who his father was. In the Javanese mhb, he fought Drona but later got killed by him.
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Dewi Pregiwa & Dewi Pregiwati.
Info: Pregiwa & Pregiwati are daughters of Arjun & the princess Manuhara and they are only told in wayang.
Pregiwa is said to be loyal, honest, patient, & charming. She had married Ghatotkacha. She is identified with Pragya(?)
Pregiwati is said to be kind, devoted & gentle, and is the twin sister of pregiwa, she once went on a journey to find her father. Pregiwati is identified with Pragati (?)
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Info: son of Arjun and the archer Dewi Larasati, Sumitra is kinda known in wayang. Sumitra is also shown as a charioteer of Abhimanyu, and took part in the Bharatayuda war. he died on the battlefield against Bhishma. (Another version says that he was killed by karna.)
Honorable Mention: Pancala (son of Arjun & Srikandi), but there’s not much info about him I could find.
((Correct me if I got something wrong!!))
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avikats66 · 2 months
Japanese Buddhist Hand Seals
So have y’all seen this post?
I did some rough translations for the hand seals’ corresponding Japanese deities shown on the source website, featuring romanization of the Japanese kanji alongside the Sanskrit romanization for their Buddhist/Hindu counterparts and a brief descriptor based on what I found using the internet.
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印 / Shirushi / Mudra
1 釈迦如来 / Shaka Nyorai / Shakyamuni / Historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
2 薬師如来 / Yakushi Nyorai / Bhaisajyaguru / Medicine Buddha
3 阿弥陀如来 / Amida Nyorai / Amitābha / Buddha of Limitless Light
4 弥勒如来(弥勒菩薩) / Miroku Nyorai (Miroku Bosatsu) / Maitreya / Future Buddha
5 大日如来 / Dainichi Nyorai / Mahāvairocana / Cosmic Buddha
6 仏眼仏母 / Butsu Genbutsu Mo / Buddhalocanā / Buddha Eye Buddha
7 観世音菩薩 / Kanzeon Bosatsu / Avalokiteśvara / Bodhisattva of Compassion
8 十一面観音 / Juuichimen Kannon / Ekādaśamukha / Eleven-Faced Kannon
9 千手観音 / Senju Kannon / Avalokiteshvara / Thousand-Armed Kannon
10 不空羂索観音 / Fukuukenjaku Kannon / Amoghapasa / Unfailing Lasso Kannon
11 如意輪観音 / Nyoirin Kannon / Cintāmaṇi Cakra / Wishing Gem Wheel Kannon
12 馬頭観音 / Batou Kannon / Hayagriva / Horse Head Kannon
13 准胝観音 / Jundei Kannon / Cundī / Female Buddhist Deity
14 文殊菩薩 / Monju Bosatsu / Manjushri / Bodhisattva of Transcendent Wisdom
15 普賢菩薩 / Fugen Bosatsu / Samantabhadra / Bodhisattva of Practice
16 勢至菩薩 / Seishi Bosatsu / Mahāsthāmaprāpta / Bodhisattva of Wisdom
17 日光菩薩 / Nikkou Bosatsu / Sūryaprabha / Bodhisattva of Sunshine and Good Health
18 月光菩薩 / Gakkoi Bosatsu / Candraprabha / Bodhisattva of Moonlight
19 虚空蔵菩薩 / Kokuuzou Bosatsu / Ākāśagarbha / Bodhisattva of Space
20 地蔵菩薩 / Jizou Bosatsu / Kṣitigarbha / Bodhisattva of Children, Travellers, and the Deceased
21 金剛サッタ/ Kongousatta / Vajrasattva / Vajra Bodhisattva
22 般若菩薩 / Hannya Bosatsu / Prajñāpāramitā Devī / Bodhisattva of Inconceivable Wisdom
23 薬王菩薩 / Yakuou Bosatsu / Bhaiṣajyarāja / Bodhisattva of Medicine
24 軍荼利明王 / Gundari Myouou / Kundali / Wisdom King and Dharmapala
25 大威徳明王 / Daiitoku Myouou / Yamāntaka / Wisdom King and Destroyer of Death
26 金剛夜叉明王 / Kongouyasha Myouou / Vajrayaksa / Wrathful Wisdom King and Manifestation of Kannon/Amoghasiddhi
27 烏枢沙摩明王 / Ususama Myouou / Ucchusma / Wrathful Wisdom King and Remover of Impurities
28 愛染明王 / Aizen Myouou / Rāgarāja / Wisdom King who Transforms Lust into Spiritual Awakening
29 不動明王 / Fudou Myouou / Acala / Vanquisher of Evil and Protector of the State
30 降三世明王 / Gouzanze Myouou / Trailokyavijaya / King of Knowledge and Conqueror of the Three Worlds
31 大元帥明王 / Daigensui Myouou / Āṭavaka / Yaksha Wisdom King
32 孔雀明王 / Kujaku Myouou / Mahamayuri / Protective Goddess and Wisdom King
33 六字明王 idk how best to read this one tbh, but the English translation is: Wisdom King of the Six Characters, referencing the Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani (chant), which is associated with Avalokiteśvara / Oṃ maṇi padme hūm̐ (praise to the jewel in the lotus)
34 毘沙門天 / Bishamonten / Vaiśravaṇa / Heavenly King and God of Warriors
35 吉祥天 / Kisshouten / Śrī Mahādevī (Lakshmi) / Goddess of Beauty, Fertility, and Good Fortune
36 梵天 / Bonten / Brahma / God of Creation
37 帝釈天 / Taishakuten / Śakra / Ruler of the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven
38 弁才天 / Benzaiten / Saraswati / Goddess of the Arts
39 大黒天 / Daikokuten / Mahākāla / God of Household Wealth and Fortune
40 深沙大将 / Jinja Taishou / Shensha Shen / Protective Desert Entity originating from Chinese lore and associated with Bishamonten/Vaiśravaṇa
41 歓喜天 / Kangiten / Nandikeshvara / Sacred Bull Mount and Guardian God to Shiva
42 荼吉尼天 / Dakiniten / Dākinī / Dakini (flesh-eating spirit) Goddess associate with Inari
43 伎芸天 / Gigeiten / Celestial Maiden and Patron of the Arts said to be born from Daijizaiten/Mahesvara
44 摩利支天 / Marishiten / Mārīcī / Goddess of Light, Dawn, and Patron of Warriors
45 韋駄天 / Idaten / Skanda / Messenger and Protector of Buddhist Shrines/Teachings
46 鬼子母神 / Kishimojin / Hārītī / Wrathful and Protective Goddess of Children
47 閻魔天 / Enmaten / Yama / God of Death and Justice
48 大日如来法界定 / Dainichi Nyorai Houkai / Mahāvairocana/Vairocana Dharmadhatu / Cosmic Buddha Realm
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buzz-london · 10 months
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Vishnu adorned with colourful pavitras 🙏🏼
🙏🏼 To retrieve the Vedas from the demons Madhu and Kaibhat, Shri Maha Vishnu took a mighty form that shone with the brilliance of a million Suns! Devas and Brahma offered garlands of celestial flowers and gems upon his victory and gave him a new epithet - ‘Kotiark’. 🌞
🎉 The Khadayta clan of vanikas (merchants) worship Kotiark as their ‘kula-devta’. Today, on the 12th day of the bright fortnight of the Kartik, they offer a chappan bhog and celebrate the festival at his temple near Mahudi. 💐
🙏🏼’Kotiark’ in my seva is adorned by many ‘celestial garlands’, including the ‘milky way’, in the form of a twisted cotton pavitra. 🙏🏼
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mahayanapilgrim · 8 months
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The Royal Song of Saraha
Homage to the destroyer of negative energy!
The wind lashes calm waters into rollers and breakers;
The kingmakers multifarious identities form out of unity, seeing many faces of this one Archer, Saraha.
The cross-eyed fool sees one lamp as two;
The vision and the viewer are one, You broken, brittle mind!
Many lamps are lit in the house, But the blind are still in darkness;
Sahaja is all-pervasive
But the fool cannot see what is under his nose.
Just as many rivers are one in the ocean All half-truths are swallowed by the one truth;
The effulgence of the sun illuminates all dark corners.
Clouds draw water from the ocean to fall as rain on the earth
And there is neither increase nor decrease;
Just so, reality remains unaltered like the pure sky.
Replete with the Buddha's perfections Sahaja is the one essential nature;
Beings are born into it and pass into it,
Yet there is neither existence nor non-existence in it.
Forsaking bliss the fool roams abroad, Hoping for mundane pleasure;
Your mouth is full of honey now, Swallow it while you may!
Fools attempt to avoid their suffering,
The wise enact their pain.
Drink the cup of sky-nectar
While others hunger for outward appearances.
Flies eat filth, sourcing the fragrance of sandalwood;
Men lost to Nirvana further their own confusion,
Thirsting for the coarse and vulgar.
The rainwater filling an ox's hoof-print
Evaporates when the sun shines;
The imperfections of a perfect mind, All are dissolved in perfection.
Salt sea water absorbed by clouds turns sweet;
The venom of passionate reaction
In a strong and selfless mind becomes elixir.
The unutterable is free of pain;
Non-meditation gives true pleasure.
Though we fear the dragon's roar
Rain falls from the clouds to ripen the harvest.
The nature of beginning and end is here and now,
And the first does not exist without the last;
The rational fool conceptualizing the inconceivable -
Separates emptiness from compassion.
The bee knows from birth
That flowers are the source of honey;
How can the fool know
That samsara and nirvana are one?
Facing himself in a mirror
The fool sees an alien form;
The mind with truth forgotten
Serves a untruth's outward sham.
Flowers' fragrance is intangible
Yet its reality pervades the air,
Just as mandala circles are informed
By a formless presence.
Still water stung by an icy wind
Freezes hard in starched and jagged shapes;
In an emotional mind agitated by critical concepts
The unformed becomes hard and intractable.
The Mind Immaculate by nature is untouched By samsara and nirvana's mud;
But just like a jewel lost in a swamp
Though it retains its luster, it does not shine. mental dullness creases pure awareness' ribbon,
As mental sloth increases suffering also grows.
Shoots sprout from the seed and leaves from the branches.
Separating unity from multiplicity in the mind The light grows dim and we wander in the lower realms;
Who is more deserving of pity than he
Who walks into fire with his eyes wide open?
Obsessed with the joys of sexual embrace The fool believes he knows ultimate truth;
He is like someone who stands at his door
And, flirting, talks about sex.
The windstorms in the House of Emptiness Exciting delusions of emotional pleasure;
Fallen from celestial space, stung, The tormented yogin fades away.
Like a Brahmin taking riceand butter
Offering sacrifice to the flame,
He who visualizes material things as celestial ambrosia
Deludes himself that a dream is ultimate reality.
Enlightening the House of Brahma in the fontanelle
Stroking the uvala in wanton delight, Confused, believing binding pleasure to be spiritual release,
The vain fools calls himself a yogini.
Teaching that virtue is irrelevant to intrinsic awareness,
He mistakes the lock for the key;
Ignorant of the true nature of the gem
The fool calls green glass emerald.
His mind takes brass for gold,
Momentary peak experience for reality accomplished;
Clinging to the joy of ephemeral dreams He calls his short-thrift life Eternal Bliss.
With a discursive understanding of the symbol
Creating four seals through an analysis of the moment,
He labels his peak experience sahaja:
He is clinging to a reflection mistaken for the mirror.
Like befuddled deer leaping into a mirage of water
Deluded fools in their ignorance cling to outer forms
And with their thirst unslaked, bound and confined,
They idealize their prison, pretending happiness.
The relatively real is free of intellectual constructs,
And ultimately real mind, active or quiescent, is no-mind,
And this is the supreme, the highest of the high, immaculate;
Friends, know this sacred high!
In mind absorbed in samadhi that is concept-free,
Passion is immaculately pure;
Like a lotus rooted in the slime of a lake bottom,
This sublime reality is untouched by the pollution of existence.
Make solid your vision of all things as visionary dream
And you attain transcendence, Instantaneous realisation and equanimity;
A strong mind binding the demons of darkness Beyond thought your own spontaneous nature is accomplished.
Appearances have never ceased to be their original radiance,
And unformed, form never had a substantial nature to be grasped;
It is a continuum of unique meditation, In an inactive, stainless, meditative mind that is no-mind.
Thus the l is intellect, mind and mind-forms, I the world, all seeming alien show, I the infinite varieties of vision-viewer, I the desire, I the anger, I the mental sloth - And bodhicitta.
Now there is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness
Healing the splits riven by the intellect So that all mental defilements are erased.
Who can define the nature of detachment?
It cannot be denied nor yet affirmed, And ungrasp - it is inconceivable.
Through conceptualization fools are bound, While concept-free there is immaculate sahaja.
The concepts of unity and multiplicity do not bring integration;
Only through awareness do sentient beings reach freedom.
Cognition of radiance is strong meditation;
Abide in a calm, quiescent mind.
Reaching the joy swollen land
Powers of seeing expand, And there is joy and laughter;
Even chasing objects there is no separation.
From joy, buds of pure pleasure emerge, Bursting into blooms of supreme pleasure,
And so long as outflow is contained Unutterable bliss will surely mature.
What, where and by whom are nothing, Yet the entire event is imperative.
Whether love and attachment
The form of the event is it's emptiness.
Like pigs we wallow in this sensual mire
But what can stain our pearly mind?
Nothing can ever contaminate it, And by nothing can we ever be bound.
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victoriousscarf · 1 year
If it is not too much troubles, would you mind sharing some of your chicken misadventures? Chickens look totally cool but I probably will run away if they approach me in their coolly dominant manners 😭😭.
At first I was like what? And then I remembered I just reblogged a post about chickens and I assume this is in reaction to that.
So I was looking for photos of our chickens after I got this ask and found this gem somehow, which is probably the most aesthetic photo of my family's chickens ever taken. Mostly because usually we have a way less color coordinated flock, as dad and I both tend to pick out one or two of every breed that catches our eye that season.
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First I have to say I have very rarely met a chicken that I found particularly scary in any way, most of them are sorta affably dumb... and then I remembered the Bennet sisters which were 5 white Brahma chickens we had, and they were like the meanest mean girls we ever ended up with. And there were five of them. So maybe if you see five big white chickens coming at you... that's when you book it.
But for the most part, chickens are pretty funny to me. They've all got their weird little personalities, and some of them are quite beautiful.
Now we kept chickens for laying purposes, not meat chickens. (Every once and a while my dad tries that before remembering he like, doesn't like slaughtering animals at all). We've also had Indian Runner Ducks, and a few breeds of Turkey. Over the years a lot of them have blurred together but some weird highlights:
We had this one chicken that I named Leaper who like, was a fainting chicken. You know those fainting goats? She was like that. She'd just randomly topple over and lay there, no matter where she was in the yard. None of the other chickens wanted to hang with her in the flock, because like she was weird. But this little bantam rooster named Patsy had a messed up back (Like his spine curved? I've never seen it before or since but he was also a weird little guy) and he would hang out with her. We'd often look out in the yard and Patsy would be standing over Leaper, watching her while she was in one of her fainting spells.
There was also the chicken Zelda (Who I think was named after Zelda Fitzgerald, not the video game) who was the most successful broody hen I've ever met. She would regularly surprise us with whole flocks of like 10, 12 chicks. She was also a bantam (which means they're smaller than average) and she would gather eggs from the whole flock, so her kids would be the weirdest mix match of breeds and sizes, and most of them ended up towering over her. Every time she went missing we started watch for when she'd next show up with a brood. We thought she was dead like 3 times. We found clutches of her eggs in an old stump, under the chicken coop, in the greenhouse, and under the porch. Every time dad discovered one she moved again.
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The coop in question where she came up with a whole clutch of chicks one time.
I had one friend too, who has this huge white rooster that she loved more than life. She would regularly carry him around in her arms and he had a special diaper to come into the house. One Easter we used some sort of dye on him to make him blue and green (I honestly cannot remember what kind of dye, but she would not have done anything to hurt this guy so it must have been safe enough). Just imagine the biggest rooster you can with a full on fashion dye job. He did not really forgive us for that one for a while.
Of course the downside to chicken owning is you have to deal with the death and predators. We had a Bald Eagle get caught in the chicken run wire one time, and I remember the whole family standing in the doorway, realizing just how BIG an eagle is, when it's caught its talons in your chicken run (the chickens were fine, and it did eventually free itself, while we were still trying to figure out who to even call).
And we had an owl serial killer one time, where it took the heads and left the bodies stacked in a pile inside the coop door... That's a wild story no one believes when you bring it out at parties.
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theodorevg923 · 2 years
Your werecreature au has been on my mind, so I figured I’d let you know that these guys have been fully developed! They were only really speculated about by me, but after that, I didn’t want to miss the chance of making some established characters in this universe. Enjoy!
⭐️The Rockstars⭐️
General Information
They were originally meant to serve as backups to more popular predecessors. Over time, as the other bands split off or dwindled, they finally became relevant.
Could they even call themselves a band? They were just a group of young weres in a desperate situation. They’d all claim they bonded against their wills, but they lie.
When each of them realized they were getting more than they signed up for, they all tried to run. Unfortunately, most didn’t find any hope of escape…
Some of their species may not line up with the famous characters they were meant to resemble. However, they are just similar enough to work.
Rockstar Freddy
Age: 19
Bitten at: 18
Species: Spectacled Bear
He was an ambitious young entrepreneur who was left broke and desperate when his ideas got rejected. Then he received an undeniable offer…
It looked like volunteering for a study on the surface, which was easy money in his book. Next thing he knew, he was a were, and had to adjust to his new life.
Despite being the youngest and least experienced, he is the self proclaimed leader of the band. The others really only let him have that title to make him feel better.
Rockstar Chica
Age: 30
Bitten at: 24
Species: Buff Brahma
When she was human, she was a ring girl in an underground fighting ring, but also served as the referee. She had taken down weres twice her size with ease for years.
Being bitten always had an appeal to her, as a way to take her MMA skills to the next level. The transformation only made her bigger, stronger, and deadlier.
She’s a kind soul, but that comes out as fierce protectiveness. If you mess with those she cares about, there’s very little besides death that can save you.
Rockstar Bonnie
Age: 27
Bitten at: 22
Species: Blacktailed Jackrabbit
He used to be the young underboss of a coveted criminal organization, until they convinced him to undergo a test to prove himself worthy, which left him like this.
While he loves his vintage music, the cheap guitars are also good for bashing in skulls. He is careless with these guitars, knowing his real gem is safely tucked in its case.
This is one of those people who believes he was born in the wrong decade. He’s a total Greaser style wise, and has the New Yorker accent to fit.
Rockstar Foxy
Age: 28
Bitten at: 25
Species: Maned Wolf
As a man, he was a drug dealer in the black market, known for his lax attitude and lack of affiliation. When he got roped into a bad deal, he met the same fate as the others.
He’s taught his green macaw named First Mate all sorts of tricks to steal, spy, and infiltrate. The two have never gotten caught, and are thick as thieves…literally.
Determined to keep following his own moral compass, he secretly goes against orders if they don’t align with his values. Nobody can tell him what to do.
Age: 22
Bitten at: ???
Species: Sun Bear
They were bitten young, and tried to escape whenever they could. They ended up losing their right eye while transforming due to lack of access to medical care.
The moment they finally managed to get out after so many attempts, they didn’t look back…until they heard more people were falling victim to this scheme…
All they are to the rest of the band is a mysterious whispering voice on the other end of a phone. Shrouded in secrecy, they try to help from the outside.
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I'll edit this later with my own HCs later-
Posting earlier for ya @my-makeshift-masquerade
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brahamagems · 2 years
Buy Red Coral Capsule Shape
If you are interested in buy red coral capsule shape. The deep red organic stone known as red coral (Moonga) is created by marine organisms known as coral polyps in the deep sea. The stone is very effective at curing Mangal Dosh and ensures success in leadership positions, sports, business, and health.
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alokastrology1 · 2 years
Who is Kuber the God of wealth?
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Wealth is revered in Hindu culture as a crucial component for the maintenance and preservation of life on Earth. Hindu Gods live in splendor and enjoy all of life’s pleasures. Money, according to Hinduism, is designed to reflect the greater good and progress of humanity, rather than evil acts. All Hindus venerate Goddess Laxmi as the goddess of wealth, fortune, and money. Kuber is known as the God of Wealth in Hinduism. Money, as we all know, is the cornerstone of a decent and joyful living in our world. Growing wealth is the result of good karma from the past. As a result, some people are affluent while others are poverty. Financial difficulties will injure you and prevent you from achieving your most important life objectives.
How to make Kuber happy? Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
The Hindu God linked with money, riches, and material goods is Kubera. Kuber does not generate riches, but he is thought to be the one who carefully distributes and protects wealth among the intended worshippers. Goddess Lakshmi is connected with wealth generation, while Kuber is frequently represented as a secondary god. He likes traveling aboard Pushpak, the flying chariot given to him by Lord Brahma. Aside from it, some manuscripts show Lord Kuber holding a mace, a pomegranate, or a treasure sack. He is commonly associated with the mongoose, and in certain accounts, he is also associated with the elephant. Hindus worship Lord Kuber, also known as Kubera, Kuvera, Kuberan, and Dhanpati, as the richest deity.
He is revered as the deity of wealth in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Kubera is the King of the Yakshas and an ardent lover of Shiva in Hindu mythology. After countless years of penance, Shiva granted Kubera darshan with Goddess Parvati.
Kubera had never seen Goddess Parvati before and was stunned by her magnificence and beauty, which was adorned with gems. Goddess Parvati misinterpreted Kubera’s gazing for bad intent and cursed him by causing one of his eyes to rupture.
Kubera was now left with one eye, and he stated that he had looked because he had never seen such magnificent gold jewelry before.
Goddess Parvati recognized her error, and the one eye Kubera had lost grew but remained smaller than the other.
Shiva also made Kubera an Ashta Dikpala, guarding the northern direction.
He has designated the deity of prosperity and material goods by Goddess Parvati.
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Another mythology claims that Kubera is Brahma's grandson.
According to this mythology, Kuber is a direct descendant of Lord Brahma said to be his grandson in some books. He is the son of Vishrava and Illavida. With Kauberi, they have four children (also known as Yakshi, Bhadra, and Charvi). People used to mock the world’s wealth custodian because of his overweight look. Kuber, disturbed, went to tremendous lengths to appease Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva approached Him, delighted, and bestowed upon Him the blessing of being the guardian of all wealth, at which point all mankind began to adore Kuber. In Sanskrit, ‘Kuber’ means distorted or deformed. As a result of the name’s connotation, Lord Kuber is depicted as chubby and tiny. He has the color of lotus leaves and a variety of irregularities in his body structure. He only has three legs, eight fangs, and a single yellow eye. Lord Kuber, the wealthiest deity, is adorned with heavy jewelry and carries a jar or bag filled with gold coins.
He is also said to be Vaishravana, Ravana’s brother. But Ravana vanquished him and exiled his Pushpak Viman to the Kailash. It was here that he performed penance and received lord Shiva’s benediction.
Kubera is frequently shown holding a vessel encrusted with Navratnas. He is also shown as sprinkling gold.
There are several tales related to Kubera, the most well-known of which is associated with Lord Balaji or Venkateswara. Lord Balaji is reported to have borrowed money from Kubera to marry Goddess Lakshmi on Earth. However, the condition was that Lord Balaji not leave the world until he had repaid the sum. It is said that Lord Balaji is still paying interest on the debt to Kubera. And worshippers generously give to aid Lord Balaji.
On Thursdays, Kubera is worshipped alongside Goddess Lakshmi in various parts of India. During Diwali, an important puja is performed in honor of Kubera.
Lord Kuber is also regarded as the “Treasurer of the Gods.” He is the personification of wealth, success, and glory. Lord Kuber not only shares the universe’s wealth but also safeguards and secures it. As a result, Lord Kuber is also known as the riches guardian.
Read Also:- Who was Goswami Tulsidas?
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Is anywhere written Krishna a supreme God apart from the Bhagavad Gita?
Proof that Krishna is the supreme God
The Taittirīya Upaniṣad 2.1.1 says:
brahmavidāpnoti param‌| tadeṣā ’bhyuktā|satyaṁ jñānamanantaṁ brahma| yo veda nihitaṃ guhāyāṁ parame vyoman‌|so ’śnute sarvān‌ kāmān saha brahmaṇā vipaściteti||
Meaning: 'The knower (meditator) of Brahman attains the Highest. This Rik is uttered about that Brahman. Brahman is true, conscious and infinite. He who knows Brahman hidden in the cavity of the heart, enjoys in the supreme abode all the auspicious qualities of Brahman along with the all-knowing Brahman'.
Śrīpād Raṅga Rāmānuja Muni explains the above highlighted satyaṁ jñānamanantaṁ brahma(Brahman is true, conscious and infinite) like this:
The term 'satyaṁ' declares that Brahman possesses absolutely non-conditioned existence. By this non-sentient matter subjected to change and the individual souls associated with that matter are eliminated.
The term 'jñānam' signifies the characteristic of consciousness(Of Brahman) which is even without any contraction. By this the liberated souls whose knowledge was once contracted have been eliminated.
The term 'anantaṁ' denotes the nature of being without any limitation of place, time or substance.
So, in a nutshell Brahman is True, Conscious and infinite and have unlimited potencies and possibilities (due to its being anantaṁ), also the term brahmavidāpnoti param‌ only signifies that Brahman is the highest being. Lord Kṛṣṇa who is the son of Devakī is directly called the Brahman in the Ātmabodha Upaniṣad which is connected to the Ṛg Veda like this:
brahmaṇyo devakīputro brahmaṇyo madhusūdanaḥ brahmaṇyaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣo brahmaṇyo viṣṇuracyutaḥ
Meaning: The son of Devakī(devakīputra) is the Brahman, the killer of Madhu(madhusūdana) is the Brahman, the one who possess lotus like eyes(puṇḍarīkākṣa) is the Brahman, Lord Viṣṇu who is infallible(acyuta) is the Brahman.
The Puruṣa Sūktaṁ hymns which are found in the 10th Maṇdala 90th Sūktaṁ of Ṛg Veda states:
sahasraśīrṣā puruṣaḥ sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapāt
Meaning: The omnipresent Puruṣa possess thousand heads, thousand eyes, thousand feets.
Nārāyaṇa Sūktaṁ which forms a part of Taittirīya Āraṇyaka Prapāṭhaka 10 which itself is a part of Kṛṣṇa Yajur-Veda states:
nārāyaṇaḥ paraṁ brahma tattvaṁ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ
Meaning: Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme Brahman. Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme Reality.
Now in Mahābhārata the Puruṣa of the Puruṣa Sūktaṁ and the Supreme Nārāyaṇa is identified as Kṛṣṇa,
Mahābhārata Śānti Parva Kumbakonam 46.17–28/BORI CE Section 84 Chapter 1375(47):
ārirādhayiṣuḥ kr̥ṣṇaṁ vācaṁ jigamiṣāmi yām tayā vyāsasamāsinyā prīyatāṁ puruṣottamaḥ śuciḥ śuciṣadaṁ haṁsaṁ tatparaḥ parameṣṭhinam yuktvā sarvātmanātmānaṁ taṁ prapadye prajāpatim yasmin viśvāni bhūtāni tiṣṭhanti ca viśanti ca guṇabhūtāni bhūteśe sūtre maṇigaṇā iva yasmin nitye tate tantau dr̥ḍhe srag iva tiṣṭhati sadasadgrathitaṁ viśvaṁ viśvāṅge viśvakarmaṇi hariṁ sahasraśirasaṁ sahasracaraṇekṣaṇam prāhur nārāyaṇaṁ devaṁ yaṁ viśvasya parāyaṇam aṇīyasām aṇīyāṁsaṁ sthaviṣṭhaṁ ca sthavīyasām garīyasāṁ gariṣṭhaṁ ca śreṣṭhaṁ ca śreyasām api yaṁ vākeṣv anuvākeṣu niṣatsūpaniṣatsu ca gr̥ṇanti satyakarmāṇaṁ satyaṁ satyeṣu sāmasu
Meaning: ❝O Kṛṣṇa! I wish to worship you. O Puruṣottama! May you be pleased with my words, which may be both brief and extensive. You are pure. You are the essence of purity. You are the swan. You are supreme. You are the supreme creator. You are inside all the ātmans and you are the lord of beings. You enter and are established in all beings in the universe. You are the qualities in beings. You are the lord of qualities, like a string which holds gems together. Your limbs constitute the universe. You perform deeds in the universe. Everything in the universe is strung together in you, like a garland strung together by a firm thread. You are Hari. ❛You are the one with one thousand heads. You are the one with one thousand feet and one thousand eyes.(Puruṣa Sukta)❜ ❛You are known as the Lord Nārāyaṇa.(Here Lord Kṛṣṇa is identified as the Lord Nārāyaṇa)❜ You are the refuge of the universe. You are finer than the finest. You are larger than the largest. You are heavier than the heaviest. You are better than the best. In the vākas, the anuvākas, the niṣādas and the Upaniṣads, you are the one who is praised as the performer of truthful deeds. You are truth. You are in the truth of the sāmas.❞
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam née Bhāgavata Mahā Purāṇa also states a Similar thing, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.9.18 states:
eṣa vai bhagavān sākṣād ādyo nārāyaṇaḥ pumān mohayan māyayā lokaṁ gūḍhaś carati vṛṣṇiṣu
Meaning: This Śrī Kṛṣṇa is no other than the inconceivable, original Personality of Godhead. He is the first Nārāyaṇa, the supreme enjoyer. But He is moving amongst the descendants of King Vṛṣṇi just like one of us, and He is bewildering us with His self-created energy.
Śrī Viṣṇu Purāṇa 5.33.41 states:
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa jagannātha jāne tvāṁ puruṣottamam pareśaṁ paramātmānam anādinidhanaṁ param
Meaning: O Kṛṣṇa! Kṛṣṇa! You are the Lord of the worlds, I know that You are the Puruṣottama. You are the Supreme Īśvara, Pareśa. You are the Paramātmā, the Supreme Self. You do not have a beginning or an end. You are none other than Hari.
Padma Purāṇa 6.255.73–74 states:
brahmaṇyo devakīputro brahmaṇyo madhusūdanaḥ brahmaṇyaḥ puṅḍarīkākṣo brahmaṇyo viṣṇuracyutaḥ
Meaning: The son of Devakī(devakīputra) is the Brahman, the killer of Madhu(madhusūdana) is the Brahman, the one who possess lotus like eyes(puṇḍarīkākṣa) is the Brahman, Lord Viṣṇu who is infallible(acyuta) is the Brahman.
Harivaṁśa 3.90.27–28 states:
namaste vāsudevāya vāsudevāya dhīmate namaḥ kṛṣṇāya kṛṣṇāya sarvāvāsa namo namaḥ namo bhūyo namaste’stu pāhi lokāñjanārdana
Meaning: Salutations to you, O Viṣṇu! O Hari! Salutations to you who is Vāsudeva, who is Vāsudeva the intelligent. Salutations to you, who is Kṛṣṇa, who is the abode of all. Salutations in abundance to you. Please protect all the worlds, Lord Janārdana!
Lord Kṛṣṇa is declared as the Supreme Being in all the 18 Purāṇas, 18 Upa-Purāṇas, and many other Vedic texts but I presented the prominent ones only, I hope I was able to answer the question.
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talonabraxas · 22 days
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Lord Vishnu ॐ Talon Abraxas
Lord Vishnu represents the aspect of the Supreme Reality that preserves and sustains the universe. Although there are variations in images and pictures of Lord Vishnu, He is generally symbolized by a human body with four arms. In His hands He carries a conch (shankha), a mace (gada), and discus (chakra). He wears a crown, two earrings, a garland (mala) of flowers, and a gem around the neck. He has a blue body and wears yellow clothes. The Lord is shown standing on a thousand-headed snake (named Shesha Nag), and the snake stands with its hoods open over the head of the Lord.
The four arms indicate Lord's omnipresence and omnipotence. The two front arms signify the lord's activity in the physical world and the two back arms signify His activity in the spiritual world. The right side of the body represents the creative activities of the mind and the intellect. The left side symbolizes the activities of the heart; that is, love, kindness, and compassion.
A conch in the upper left hand indicates that the Lord communicates with His devotees with love and understanding. When blowing His conch, He reminds his devotes to live in this world with kindness and compassion towards all living beings. A chakra in His upper right hand conveys the idea that the Lord uses this weapon to protect His devotees from evil. The mace denotes energy and a mace in the Lord's left lower hand signifies that He sustains the manifest world by the energy that He holds in Himself. His front right hand is depicted bestowing grace on His devotees.
The snake denotes the mind and the thousand heads of the snake signify innumerable desires and passions of an individual. Just as a snake destroys its victim by its venom, an uncontrolled mind destroys the world by the venom of its possessiveness. The Lord has controlled all desires, and this is symbolized by showing Him seated on the two coils of the snake. When a sincere devotee of the Lord controls his desires, the Lord fulfills the devotee's genuine desires and helps him on his path.
The blue sky in the background of the Lord suggests that He pervades the entire universe. The blue color symbolizes infinity. The blue body of the Lord signifies that He has infinite attributes. He is nameless, formless, and immeasurable. The color yellow is associated with earthly existence and the yellow clothes of the Lord signify that He incarnates Himself on this earth to uphold righteousness and destroy evil and unrighteousness.
A flower garland around the Lord's neck is a symbol of the devotee's adoration for the Lord. A gem decorating His neck signifies that the Lord fulfills all genuine desires of His devotees and provides for their needs. The crown is a symbol of the Lord's supreme power and authority. The two earrings signify the dual nature of creation, such as knowledge and ignorance, happiness and unhappiness, and pleasure and pain.
The worship of Lord Vishnu is very popular among Hindus, especially among the followers of the Vaishnava tradition (Vaishnavism). He is the second member of the Hindu Trinity, with Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva as the other two. Lord Vishnu is also known by other names, such as Vasudeva and Narayana. The following ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu are described in Hindu mythology and are popular among Hindus. These incarnations reveal the help rendered by God during various stages of human evolution. As shown below, the first two incarnations are in the animal form, the third one is half-human and half-animal, and the fourth and the subsequent ones are all in human form. These incarnations relate to human evolution from aquatic life to human life, and are consistent with the modern theory of evolution suggested by science:
Matsya (fish)---saves Sage Manu from floods and recovers the Vedas from demons.
Kurma (tortoise)---sustains the earth on his back.
Varaha (boar)---brings the earth back from the bottom of the ocean where it was dragged down by a demon, known as Hiranyaksha; Varaha kills the demon.
Narasimha (man-lion)---kills the demon King Hiranyakashipu, who was planning to kill his own son, a devotee of Lord Vishnu.
Vamana (dwarf)---the first human incarnation of the Lord, kills the demon King Mahabhali, who had deprived the gods of their possessions.
Parasurama (the warrior with an axe)---saves Brahmins from the tyranny of the arrogant Kshatriyas.
Rama---kills Ravana, the demon king of Lanka.
Sri Krishna---the most popular incarnation; Krishna's contributions throughout his life include the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna.
Buddha---Hindus consider Buddha as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and accept his teachings, but do not directly worship him.
Kalkin (a man on a white horse)---this incarnation is yet to come and will mark the end of all evil in the world.
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cultivationguides · 2 years
Mantra: Om Ami Dewa Hrih or Om Ami Dewa Say
• Om represents the enlightened body, speech, and mind;
• Ami represents Buddha Amitabha;
• Dewa represents the deva realms, 6 desire realms, and Brahma realms;
• Hrih represents the seed syllable of compassion.
Chanting Om Ami Dewa Hrih mantra benefits:
Reciting this mantra enhances your compassion, purifies the veils of negative karma, and increases your love, thereby destroying self-grasping. Similar with the 6 syllable, Chenrezig mantra, the 6 syllable Amitabha mantra, stands for the 6 Paramitas, the antidote to the 6 afflictive emotions.
Moreover, chanting this mantra with a sincere heart for 300,000 times ensures that Amida Buddha will sit atop the crown of your head and guard and protect you day and night. This mantra is also used as a preparation requirement for another, even more powerful practice – Phowa (also known as transference of consciousness at the time of death or the practice of conscious dying) – a conscious dying practice when we send our consciousness into the heart of red Buddha, feeling what exactly does happen at the moment of death.
Amitabha's mantra is calling the name of Amitabha. Like in the 6 syllable Chenrezig mantra, the 6 syllable Amitabha mantra stands for the 6 Paramitas, the antidote to the 6 afflictive emotions. The mantra has the nature of Bodhichitta.
The 6 Paramitas:
1) The Perfection of Generosity (Dana Paramita)
2) The Perfection of Ethics (Sila Paramita)
3) The Perfection of Patience (Kshanti Paramita)
4) The Perfection of Joyous Effort / Enthusiastic Perseverance (Virya Paramita)
5) The Perfection of Concentration (Dhyana Paramita)
6) The Perfection of Wisdom (Prajna Paramita)
By reciting this mantra, the 6 afflictive emotions are purified and the qualities of the 6 Paramitas are accomplished. We increase our love and compassion and thereby destroy self-grasping.
If the mind is not distracted, you will see the nature of mind. By seeing your true nature, afflictive emotions will disappear. By reciting the mantra mindful awareness and wisdom increase. This wisdom awareness will disperse the afflictive emotions. Once these emotions are gone, the mind itself is the Buddha. There is no need to look for a Buddha elsewhere. Thus the Buddha said, 'perfectly tame your own mind! This is the Buddha's teaching.' To clean up your own mind is the Buddha's teaching.
The seed for Dewachen is already within your mind, your true nature. If the mind remains undistracted, it will be actualized. When self-grasping diminishes, the nature of mind itself is Dewachen. You can go to Dewachen by the power of your own mind. Right now, Dewachen is within your mind, it is the bliss that is your own true nature. If you realize it you will be born in that bliss after parting from this body.
OM – Key to open the door of the universe – communicate with Buddha. If you are full of greed, and are stubborn, etc . you cannot feel the light of the Buddha.
AMI – Amitabha Buddha & all the nine hundred thousand trillion Buddhas give blessings from all directions.
DEWA – All the level of the dewa realms which are the 6 desire realms and Brahma levels will come all out to support you.
SAY – The 3 gems or Triple Gem ( The Buddha, The Dharma , The Sangha) – they fulfill all your wishes, cause your disasters to subside, you live a long and healthy life, and become financially strong. When chanting this mantra, your heart and mind become very stable. And together you receive the following qualities :-
1. immeasurable light,
2. immeasurable wisdom,
3. immeasurable compassion,
4. immeasurable concern,
5. immeasurable life.
1st Mudra
actual view
front view
The above mudra is very powerful because it can increase your concentration power and still your troubled mind & heart and if you make a wish, it makes your wises come true
2nd Mudra
From the 1st Mudra, without moving the left hand ( stays as it is) –
lift up the right hand with palm facing outwards.
• Right palm up – denotes the destruction of the 5 bad emotions of greed, stubbornness, suspiciousness, ego (proud or having pride) , wrong views( thinking your views are right & others are wrong)
• Left palm down – denotes the storage of treasures of wisdom, merits & wealth, being bestowed by the Buddha
This mudra, when executed, the asuras become afraid , for it blinds them due to the light and heat given out which are immeasurable – can reach the universe, the sun , the moon, the pure land.
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