#Brain Tichy
rockyoushow · 1 year
INTERVIEW With Chris Caffery Of Savatage & Trans Siberian Orchestra
We spoke to Chris Caffery about his new song “May Day” that is for now a stand alone single. He put his thoughts about the crazy world into a song. He brought his his buddies Brian Tichy on drums and Sean McNabb on bass. He also talks about his brain injury, losing friends during the pandemic and Trans Siberian Orchestra. Visit Chris on his website for everything he has going on.        
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Getting to Know...
Ruby Ryan.
You Could Move In, the debut EP from New Brunswick, NJ singer-songwriter Ruby Ryan, opens with a big beat. Before long, the rhythm track is joined by a melancholy – but gritty – electric guitar riff. In a few quick strokes, a mood is established: longing, urgent, expectant, a little lovelorn, more than a little pugnacious, forward-looking. It's stark, and unadorned, and emotionally bare; once you start listening, it's hard to stop. A full half-minute elapses before Ryan starts singing, but she makes an indelible impression when she does. Ryan has a voice with enough tensile strength to carry sadness and determination simultaneously. She doesn't have to try to be powerful; she just is.
The best place to start with Ruby Ryan might be 'Phosphenes,' an exercise in straight-ahead, doomed romantic storytelling. Everything about the track feels absolutely real: the plaintive lyrics, the missed connections with the object of the narrator's desire, the stinging six-string, and the catch in the singer's voice as she expresses her hope and her frustration. Anybody who has ever harbored unrequited affection – or who has just found themselves caught in a difficult and ambiguous relationship – will surely relate.
Ruby Ryan also understands the beauty and desolation of the suburbs. Her clip for 'Phosphenes' is suffused with the distinctive feeling of suburbia in the autumn: leaves are falling, flowers are withering on their stems, a crisp breeze is blowing, and the sands are running out. Ryan and her directorial partner Alex Tichy follow the romantic drama of a young couple whose emotions are impossible to disguise – and that's because they're both wearing enormous heads made of plaster and paint. The contrast between the quotidian suburban surroundings and the fantastic characters who inhabit these streets creates much of the clip's tension, and it's also a sly commentary. When you're young and in love, you really do feel larger than life – and utterly exposed, too.
Watch the video for 'Phosphenes' below and also read our Q&A with Ruby all about You Could Move In, her influences, creative process and more.
Hi Ruby! How have you been? What are you doing to stay sane during this pandemic?
"I am okay. I work at a grocery store full time, so I’m not even sane, I’m just getting through the pandemic. I spend time hanging out with and missing the people I love. I look at and water my plants, and listen to records, and do a lot of cooking and eating. But mostly I’m working, or sending an email."
How did you get into music? Who did you grow up being influenced by?
"My mom will tell you I’ve been making up songs and singing to myself since I was such a small child. I don’t know how she was never driven cray by me, I was always singing just making stuff up, singing my thoughts basically. She’s very musical and she and my grandmother have surrounded me with music my whole life. Whether it was putting me in piano lessons, or seeing my grandmother sing, I was always in a position to feel inspired musically, by them.
"I played in band through all of school, 5th grade through senior year. I played the bassoon, which looking back, was the best thing ever. I loved it. But I didn’t keep it up in college because I was scared of going to school to perform music with an ensemble. I thought the expectations would be really high, and feared I couldn’t learn quickly enough or be good enough to keep up. Or that I might let people down.
"Right after my freshman year of college is when I decided to try writing and playing songs with a guitar. I’d had one for a few years but then (even now, honestly) didn’t know much besides open chords and how to play some Jeff Buckley songs I learned on Youtube. That first year of college though it felt like I was shriveling up, I had no outlet for this musical creativity and it was really getting to me. I had met this friend Phil, and he and I decided to start writing music and later form a band (Old Joy) together. We continued on with that for a couple years, and I left that project last fall.
"I think my mom played only good music when I was growing up. We listened to the radio and CD’s in the car, and I can’t remember specifically which artists but I’m sure she could. I consider the influences I grew up listening to to be the people I listened to and felt really intensely when I was discovering that I wanted to write music.
"It’s a lot of stuff I latch onto lyrically, and sonically. I’m like “how’d they make me feel like that using just a little tap? or strum? or word?” and then I want to learn more or crack open how to make people feel intensely like I do. People like the Carpenters, Bon Iver, The Japanese House, Phoebe Bridgers and Jeff Buckley. Pretty much if an artist could make me wonder “how did they find words for a feeling, so specifically, and do it so elegantly before I knew what to call it?” they’re an influence of mine. I’ve cried and learned how to come home to myself while listening to each of those artists."
You've just released your debut EP You Could Move In. What's the record about and what does it mean to you?
"The record is about dealing with losing people and trying to figure out where I belong. My life feels like a revolving door of people who mean the world to me, just entering and exiting, entering and exiting. This record is written from a place in me that uses my time spent in constant motion as time to process or unravel my feelings. I kind of use driving as a coping mechanism. I’ve written most of these songs while in a car. I’ll either be writing a lyric on the back of a receipt at a stop light or making an audio recording of a blip of sound or a word I don’t want to forget, but they’re almost always while I’m driving. I’m just thinking a lot when I’m driving, trying to put words to what the heck is going on.
"This thing means everything to me, somehow. It feels so vulnerable for it to be out. It’s my first solo release, too. So I can’t hide, there’s no way these words are someone else’s. Everyone knows it’s me, and this is what I’m feeling or going through or went through. It’s a lot. I wrote these songs as a way to process and get through some really tricky stuff. Having these songs out feels like I’m willingly showing everyone home videotapes of my processing my own pain and my own struggles."
Take us through your songwriting/creative process.
"Playing with an instrument in an ensemble, a piece that’s been written and should be played with so much respect for the music and the composer, is a lot of pressure. I would get so anxious. It always meant a lot to me, like it was a high honor to know how to play it, and have the opportunity to be a part of giving life to someone else music. But it was a lot of anxiety, trying to make sure it was right all the time. And it never was, like I’d mess up and be down on myself, which I think is normal. Deciding to write music and play it by/for myself was a life changing decision. I didn’t even know it was possible to feel good like this. I can make something up, (which usually I have to because I don’t know how to play the guitar) and it can sound good. I can remember it and be good at playing it because I made it up, and I don’t have to follow anyone else standards or rules, or impress anyone, it’s just me. Of course I want to do it well and hold myself to a certain standard when I’m playing. I’m really hard on myself. But I don’t have to cry if I mess up a note or sing a wrong word, it can just be funny because it’s only me.
"My process is, I’ll be driving or falling asleep at night and come up with a line or lyric, and keep a running note or journal of them all. Literally I have to inspire myself to life my head up off the pillow and pick up the phone and write it down. I can’t tell you how many lyrics I’ve had ideas for and thought to myself “oh that’s so good, oh thats so catchy, you’ll never forget it” and then I don’t write it down, and now I’ve completely forgotten them. But I keep a running note until it’s massive. Like as long as a jump rope, and then i’ll shuffle them around and make poems, or find ways they connect and then glue them together.
"Sometimes when a melody comes to me (rare) I play the kazoo into a voice recording to remember how it goes. That can become a baseline, a guitar riff or a vocal melody, but thats the only way i can figure out instrumental’s for songs. Then I pick up a guitar or most likely go to a piano, and have to figure out what the notes are by ear, then the key and the chord progression. I don’t know chords or what notes are what on the guitar, so usually it’s just trial and error until I find on the strings or keys what I hear. I have to work backwards and learn how to play what I hear in my brain. It’s a very long and difficult process, and often discouraging. It feels so good though then its complete and written, like this big confused thing I can’t put words to, is finally allowed to exist outside my head and have its own space."
Finally, what's next for you?
"I have no idea. I work at a grocery store, I graduated undergrad straight into a global pandemic, there is no map in my hand, there’s not even a direction I’m walking in. I just hope people like my music. I’m going to keep doing this. It feels really good to make music and share it, I’d follow this feeling anywhere. Especially since I’m not on my way anywhere specific at the moment."
You Could Move In is out now.
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evilovesyou · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked.
@whatagreatproblemtohave tagged me. Thanks, love! I love talking about myself.
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? It’s made out of wood so...brown?
2. a food you never eat? I’m not a fan of innards, I’ll eat like chicken liver once a year but anything else I’m not a fan of. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? I’m like a human furnace. Always warm.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Trying to find a particular piece of the giant puzzle my mother and I started yesterday. I did end up finding it!
5. what is your favourite candy bar? There’s this Hungarian chocolate bar called sport szelet, which is as ironic as it sounds. It has a cocoa-rum filling.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? I’m not sure actually...I’ve been to a horse race?
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? “No, I can’t watch that. I’ll get sick!” before I walked out on my mother watching one of those dermatology shows on TLC where they pop pimples and take off all sorts of skin growth and shit. I’m grossed out just thinking about it.
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Hazelnut! If you live in Vienna and we get to leave the house this summer you have to go to Tichy and get their hazelnut ice cream. It’s life changing. 
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
10. do you like your wallet? Yes! It’s Steve Madden, off-white with a spring flower print on it. It’s actually the size of a small clutch ahaha
11. what was the last thing you ate? Chocolate easter bunny. 
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Ironically for the fact that I’m a designer, I almost never buy clothes. I did order Harry’s charity shirt though. 
13. the last sporting event you watched? Probably one of the games from the European handball championships.
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Just regular salty popcorn, I love chocolate popcorn though. It reminds me of my childhood.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My friend Helene.
16. ever go camping? All the time. I’m a scout. 
17. do you take vitamins? Nope.
18. do you go to church every sunday? No.
19. do you have a tan? Not yet. 
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Pizza.
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? No.
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? I like to change it up. 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t have a license.
24. what terrifies you? Uncertainty, the inexplicable.
25. look to your left, what do you see? Most of my room. My wardrobe, my bookshelves, my records, the door (with my This Is Us poster on it)...
26. what chore do you hate? Cleaning the bathroom/toilet.
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? Bushfires, koalas and beaches. Jazza, who does art videos on YouTube. 
28. what’s your favourite soda? Cherry Coke? Ginger Ale? Tonic? 
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Go in the fast food place.
30. who’s the last person you talked to? My mother.
31. favourite cut of beef? Huh? 
32. last song you listened to? Come on Eileen.
33. last book you read? I started “Die Känguru Chroniken” by Marc-Uwe Kling the other day, before that I was reading Emma by Jane Austen, but I haven’t finished either.
34. favourite day of the week? No idea. 
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? I’m not even gonna pretend I have the brain power to do that.
36. how do you like your coffee? Mélange if I’m in Vienna, Cappuccino everywhere else.
37. favourite pair of shoes? I love my white leather boots, but with the warm weather my Birkenstock’s have come out to shine. I live for comfort.
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? Anywhere from 11pm-2am.
39. at what time do you normally get up? 9-ish?
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets.
41. how many blankets are on your bed? One. And I’m blown away by anybody who manages to sleep with more than that. I would die of a heat stroke.
42. describe your kitchen plates. We have one set that’s white squares with two of the edges rounded off and one set that’s also white and has a weird pink print on it.
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? You can never go wrong with rum and coke, but I do love a good gin and tonic.
44. do you play cards? Yes, but I only know one game. 
45. what colour is your car? We don’t have a car.
46. can you change a tire? I’ve never tried but I think I’ve watched enough times that I could attempt?
47. what is your favourite province? In France? I’ve never been. alskjfsal
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? Being backstage at fashion shows is the most stressful job I’ve ever had, but it’s also the most fun!
49. how did you get your biggest scar? I don’t really have scars...I’ve got a small one on my knee from falling off my bike when I was a kid. Another one from when my cousin’s dog bit me.
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? I found two of those fucking pieces of our puzzle that seemed impossible to find. 
I’m gonna tag @disgruntledkittenface @reminiscingintherain @muchbetterjulia @gothfob @beau-soleil-louis and @statementlou if you want to give this a shot! <3
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greeniezona · 4 years
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Today’s #scifijuly post is also appropriate for this month’s #readtheworld21 challenge — as Stanislaw Lem was Polish. . . As it says on the cover of PEACE ON EARTH, Lem is most well-known for SOLARIS, which was adapted into two movies. But he wrote A LOT of books — both novels and collections of short stories. Again, those pictured here represent only those I both own and have read. Though this time, all of my favorites are in the picture. . . SOLARIS is his most famous for a reason, a classic in the vein of exploring the furthest reaches of the universe only to be confronted with having to deal with your own mind. . . In PEACE ON EARTH, Lem’s unlucky cosmonaut Ijon Tichy, who appears in many of his books, has his corpus callosum severed, and his right and left brains can no longer talk to each other. This results in some amusing slapstick as the two sides of his brain literally fight each other while agents from East and West also fight to find out what only he knows but can’t remember about a possible threat on the moon. . . MEMOIRS OF A SPACE TRAVELER is my favorite collection(so far!) of Ijon Tichy stories. There are many such collections, some heavier on quantum physics and higher math humor, some exploring the line between reality and hallucination. In this one Tichy observes (and sometimes participates in) experiments in intelligence and consciousness — both organic and artificial. Some of the Tichy stories I find quite dry, but this collection has an enjoyable blend of the satirical, philosophical, and the absurd. . . So if you are into scifi and/or translated fiction, I think any of the three above would be good jumping in points. If you have read Lem before, what did you think? What were your faves? . . #scificlassics #stanislawlem #translatedscifi #thecyberiad #memoirsofaspacetraveler #peaceonearth #solaris #thefuturologicalcongress #ijontichy #scifi #sciencefiction https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAFbL3ggDv/?igshid=13pof2msqadt2
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earpeeler · 7 years
Drum Talk TV Channel – The Ox & The Loon Documentary Part 2 of 3 Here in part 2 you will see rehearsal footage and interviews from day 2 of rehearsals in preparation for the big show.
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NEW BANGER ALERT! Lab Rats, the first single off Producer Tichi and Rapper Cold Medina’s upcoming project. Enter the RAGE....
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theart2rock · 4 years
Michael Schenker enthüllt Artwork zu Immortal
Michael Schenker hat just die Aufnahmen für ein brandneues MSG Album, dessen Veröffentlichung für den 8. Januar 2021 über Nuclear Blast geplant ist, vollendet. Der Titel lautet „Immortal“ und spricht Bände: ein perfektes Synonym, um Michael Schenkers musikalisches Vermächtnis zu beschreiben und sein 50. Jubiläum als Musiker zu feiern.
Heute enthüllt Michael Schenker das Cover Artwork, das von Zsofia Dankova (POWERWOLF u.a.) kreiert wurde.
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„Wir haben viele Gastmusiker, mit deren Unterstützung dieses neue Album einmalig wird“, freut sich Michael Schenker und fügt hinzu: „Ich bin allen beteiligten Musikern sehr dankbar, die dazu beigetragen haben, dieses Werk zu einem weiteren Meilenstein meiner langen Karriere zu machen.“
Nuclear Blast Firmengründer Markus Staiger ist gleichfalls Feuer und Flamme, ist Michael Schenker sein Jugendidol und brachte ihn als Teenager auf den Hard Rock Pfad: “Ich freue mich enorm, nach den beiden großartigen MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST Alben, ein brandneues MSG Werk zu veröffentlichen. Im Alter von 14 Jahren hat mich das selbstbetitelte MSG Debüt vollkommen umgehauen und entsprechend geprägt, seitdem bewundere ich seine Musik und die Einzigartigkeit seiner Kompositionen. Die zehn neuen stücke sind pure Magie!”
„Immortal“ wurde zum größten Teil im Kidroom Studio in Deutschland aufgenommen, mit Michaels Langzeitpartner Michael Voss, der das Album Co-produziert hat und auch auf zwei der Songs als Sänger zu hören ist. „Es ist immer schön, mit Michael Voss zu arbeiten, der rund um die Uhr arbeitet und ein wirklich phänomenaler Musiker und Produzent ist. Er hat die Melodie und die Lyrics für eine Power Ballade komponiert, für die ich die Musik geschrieben habe und schließlich hat er dazu gesungen. Das Ergebnis war so umwerfend, dass ich nicht glaube, dass irgendjemand den Song besser hätte singen können. Wirklich großartig.“
„Immortal“ wird die Tradition der beiden letzten MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST Alben „Resurrection“ und „Revelation“ fortführen und eine lange Liste von Freunden und Gästen enthalten. Hauptsänger wird der gebürtige Chilene und hochtalentierte Ronnie Romero (RAINBOW etc.) sein, gefolgt von Michael Voss (MAD MAX u.a.), Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR) sowie Joe Lynn Turner (ex-DEEP PURPLE, RAINBOW u.a.), die alle jeweils auf zwei Nummern zu hören sind. Neben Michael Schenker selbst, spielen Steve Mann (Keyboards), Barry Sparks (Bass, DOKKEN u.a. ) sowie die drei Schlagzeuger Bodo Schopf, Simon Philipps (ex-TOTO) und Brian Tichy (ex-WHITESNAKE), auf dem Album. „Brain hat sich sehr gefreut, ein Teil davon zu sein. Er ist ein wahrer Groove-Meister und hat letztendlich auf sechs der Songs gespielt. Ich konnte es nicht glauben: er ist wirklich auf einem völlig neuen Level; ein echtes Original und Naturtalent. Mit seinem Beitrag wurde das Album vollständig. Also könnt ihr euch wohl vorstellen, dass ich extrem glücklich bin“, sagt Michael Schenker zufrieden. Den letzten Gastbeitrag auf „Immortal“ liefert Keyboarder Derek Sherinian (ex-DREAM THEATER, KISS u.a..), ab, der auf dem Opener des Albums spielt, auf dem Ralf Scheepers den Gesang übernimmt. „Derek und ich tauschen uns während unserer Solos aus – es klingt völlig unerwartet und übertrifft all meine Erwartungen, fantastisch!“
Das Album wird zehn Songs enthalten, einschließlich dem epischen ‚In Search Of The Peace Of Mind‘. „Ich habe den Song mit 15 geschrieben und es war mein allererstes selbstkomponiertes Musikstück, das ich mit den SCORPIONS für unser erstes Studioalbum„Lonesome Crow“ 1970 aufgenommen habe. Es erschien dann 1972, als ich die SCORPIONS bereits wieder verlassen hatte, um im Juni 1972 bei der britischen Rock Band UFO einzusteigen, als ich 17 war. Wir haben den Song zur Feier meines 50. Jubiläums neu aufgenommen und es wurde ein richtiges Epos; mit einer Erweiterung am Ende des Songs, die absolut phänomenal geworden ist, mit Simon Phillips am Schlagzeug, der wie immer großartige Arbeit geleistet hat.“ Das Ergebnis ist ein wahres Highlight und bietet sogar noch mehr Überraschungen: „Gary Barden singt den ersten Vers, bevor er von Ronnie Romero abgelöst wird – und am Ende singen Ronnie, Doogie White und Robin McAuley alle zusammen, zu Ehren meines Jubiläums. Wirklich unglaublich. Dafür möchte ich mich bei jedem von ihnen bedanken!“
Die limitierte Erstauflage dieses kommenden MSG Albums wird eine weiteres einzigartiges Extra enthalten: „Wir haben als Bonus noch die MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST – Bang Your Head (Blu-ray), die während unserer Headline Show in Balingen vor zwei Jahren aufgenommen wurde: unbearbeitet, voller Power und einfach großartig! Es sind ein paar kleine Fehler drin, aber weil die Show und die Aufnahme so gut gelaufen ist, habe ich entschieden, alles so zu lassen, wie es in dieser Nacht war: pure Live Magie.“
Quelle: Nuclear Blast
Michael Schenker enthüllt Artwork zu Immortal was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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korrektheiten · 6 years
Ausführungen zur Annahme des Migrations- und Flüchtlingspaktes in Marrakesch
Tichy:Vom 5. bis 7.12.2018 fand der 11. Gipfel des Globalen Forums für Migration und Entwicklung (GFMD) statt, der von Deutschland und Marokko geführt wird. Die Bertelsmannstiftung gab dort eine Nebenveranstaltung: „Brain Drain zu Brain Gain“. Die Online-Petition 85565 gegen den Migrationspakt wird zum Zeitpunkt der Zustimmung des Regierungsgipfels in Marrakesch noch nicht einmal bearbeitet worden Der Beitrag Ausführungen zur Annahme des Migrations- und Flüchtlingspaktes in Marrakesch erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/QtCWdq
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spytoad27-blog · 6 years
Attributes of Prospective Organization Leaders
Inspite of all the rhetoric about leadership bench energy, a strong pipeline and easy management succession many company organizations even now do not have a particular process in area for figuring out large possible workers and grooming them for management positions. In his guide "The Leadership Motor", Noel Tichy proper in the introduction postulates, "The businesses that acquire will be people that create or maintain a regular target on creating leaders at all ranges of the business." Enunciated here are five qualities which would surely help someone in establishing into a effective corporate chief. When we discuss leaders we presently just take certain qualities for a presented - area expertise, diligence, getting industrious and an common intelligence or preferably higher. Bandwidth A potential organization chief wants to have the intellectual bandwidth of being ready to search past tomorrow at the place his sector and business can be in the world-wide context. Aside from the eyesight he should have the bandwidth to assimilate that photo, confidence of taking his crew there and have the strength to operate towards it. This is a top quality which is typically disregarded when determining a future leader. I don't forget in a seminar of CEOs, Professor Ram Charan was requested, "What is the one particular good quality you look for when consulting with a Fortune a hundred organization for their lookup for a company chief?" He replied "bandwidth". I noticed the face of numerous attendees fall since they were expecting a a lot more profound response! Resilience Individuals demonstrate resilience when they are ready to face challenging activities and rise earlier mentioned them with relieve. It is the capability of making use of challenges for expansion. Fast, disruptive alter is present day standard. Firms are in need of folks with the capacity to bounce back, cope, reset their course of motion, and renew their initiatives. Resilience is about tapping into your reservoirs of energy underneath adverse conditions. I firmly feel that these kinds of individuals have at the least 2x possible. I undertake at least a single arduous mountain trek each and every calendar year. I pick a single which looks challenging for me every day when I attain the 50 % way mark and truly feel I can go no additional I just say to myself that I have 2x potential and I can total the second fifty percent if I set my brain to it and that is how I am ready to comprehensive the day's trek every single time. Sportspersons continuously apply resilience training and extend on their own significantly beyond their typical capacities. Management EQ Daniel Goleman claims that the potent position of thoughts in the place of work sets the greatest leaders aside from the rest-not just in tangibles these kinds of as greater enterprise benefits, but also in the all-critical intangibles, such as higher morale, inspiration and determination. Men and women with high leadership EQ also task a consistent show of have faith in, integrity and conscientiousness. When Jim Collins in Great to Great talks about Level 5 Leadership, he suggests - Leaders are a paradoxical blend of personalized humility and professional will. Enthusiasm High potential employees are deeply enthusiastic about their operate and about attaining success. Steve Jobs in a single of his talks said that men and women who are productive have a lot of passion for their perform, really like it and have enjoyable undertaking it and so they are in a position to persevere by means of the difficult function. Jim Collins echoed the same views, producing, "Amount five leaders are fanatically pushed, infected with an incurable need to create benefits." No wonder Andy Grove (CEO of Intel Corpn) famously explained, "Only the paranoid survive" and wrote a book with the identical title. Promising organization leaders are good collaborators, substantial on execution and quite centered on their targets and achieving good results. Learning Adil Baguirov Education of large-potentials, especially essential in today's atmosphere of turbulent alter, is the pursuit of consistent understanding and development. They have openness to experience and grab the chance to just take up challenging initiatives that stretch their abilities due to the fact they are enthusiastic by the prospect to boost their information. They have a quest for innovation, for wanting to change the world, for breaking the glass ceiling. During my rookie engineering several years when I was peddling a technologies new to India, I regularly observed this trait in CEOs who were my customers. To overcome management deficit and have a healthy pipeline, Organizations need to have to distinguish executives who present a strong assure of the characteristics and put them onto the leadership development bandwagon as a lot of of these qualities are teachable and can be strengthened.
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theart2rock · 4 years
Neues MSG Album erscheint im Januar 2021
Michael Schenker befindet sich aktuell auf der Zielgeraden, der Aufnahmen für ein brandneues MSG Album, dessen Veröffentlichung für den 8. Januar 2021 über Nuclear Blast geplant ist. Der Titel lautet „Immortal“ und spricht Bände: ein perfektes Synonym, um Michael Schenkers musikalisches Vermächtnis zu beschreiben und sein 50. Jubiläum als Musiker zu feiern. „Es läuft fantastisch. Wir haben viele Gastmusiker, mit deren Unterstützung dieses neue Album einmalig wird“, freut sich Michael Schenker und fügt hinzu: „Ich bin allen beteiligten Musikern sehr dankbar, die dazu beigetragen haben, dieses Werk zu einem weiteren Meilenstein meiner langen Karriere zu machen.“
„Immortal“ wurde zum größten Teil im Kidroom Studio in Deutschland aufgenommen, mit Michaels Langzeitpartner Michael Voss, der das Album Co-produziert hat und auch auf zwei der Songs als Sänger zu hören ist. „Es ist immer schön, mit Michael Voss zu arbeiten, der rund um die Uhr arbeitet und ein wirklich phänomenaler Musiker und Produzent ist. Er hat die Melodie und die Lyrics für eine Power Ballade komponiert, für die ich die Musik geschrieben habe und schließlich hat er dazu gesungen. Das Ergebnis war so umwerfend, dass ich nicht glaube, dass irgendjemand den Song besser hätte singen können. Wirklich großartig.“
„Immortal“ wird die Tradition der beiden letzten MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST Alben „Resurrection“ und „Revelation“ fortführen und eine lange Liste von Freunden und Gästen enthalten. Hauptsänger wird der gebürtige Chilene und hochtalentierte Ronnie Romero (RAINBOW etc.) sein, gefolgt von Michael Voss (MAD MAX u.a.), Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR) sowie Joe Lynn Turner (ex-DEEP PURPLE, RAINBOW u.a.), die alle jeweils auf zwei Nummern zu hören sind.
Neben Michael Schenker selbst, spielen Steve Mann (Keyboards), Barry Sparks (Bass, DOKKEN u.a. ) sowie die drei Schlagzeuger Bodo Schopf, Simon Philipps (ex-TOTO) und Brian Tichy (ex-WHITESNAKE), auf dem Album. „Brain hat sich sehr gefreut, ein Teil davon zu sein. Er ist ein wahrer Groove-Meister und hat letztendlich auf sechs der Songs gespielt. Ich konnte es nicht glauben: er ist wirklich auf einem völlig neuen Level; ein echtes Original und Naturtalent. Mit seinem Beitrag wurde das Album vollständig. Also könnt ihr euch wohl vorstellen, dass ich extrem glücklich bin“, sagt Michael Schenker zufrieden. Den letzten Gastbeitrag auf „Immortal“ liefert Keyboarder Derek Sherinian (ex-DREAM THEATER, KISS u.a..), ab, der auf dem Opener des Albums spielt, auf dem Ralf Scheepers den Gesang übernimmt. „Derek und ich tauschen uns während unserer Solos aus – es klingt völlig unerwartet und übertrifft all meine Erwartungen, fantastisch!“
Das Album wird zehn Songs enthalten, einschließlich dem epischen ‚In Search Of The Peace Of Mind‘. „Ich habe den Song mit 15 geschrieben und es war mein allererstes selbstkomponiertes Musikstück, das ich mit den SCORPIONS für unser erstes Studioalbum „Lonesome Crow“ 1970 aufgenommen habe. Es erschien dann 1972, als ich die SCORPIONS bereits wieder verlassen hatte, um im Juni 1972 bei der britischen Rock Band UFO einzusteigen, als ich 17 war. Wir haben den Song zur Feier meines 50. Jubiläums neu aufgenommen und es wurde ein richtiges Epos; mit einer Erweiterung am Ende des Songs, die absolut phänomenal geworden ist, mit Simon Phillips am Schlagzeug, der wie immer großartige Arbeit geleistet hat.“ Das Ergebnis ist ein wahres Highlight und bietet sogar noch mehr Überraschungen: „Gary Barden singt den ersten Vers, bevor er von Ronnie Romero abgelöst wird – und am Ende singen Ronnie, Doogie White und Robin McAuley alle zusammen, zu Ehren meines Jubiläums. Wirklich unglaublich. Dafür möchte ich mich bei jedem von ihnen bedanken!“
Die limitierte Erstauflage dieses kommenden MSG Albums wird eine weiteres einzigartiges Extra enthalten: „Wir haben als Bonus noch die MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST – Bang Your Head (Blu-ray), die während unserer Headline Show in Balingen vor zwei Jahren aufgenommen wurde: unbearbeitet, voller Power und einfach großartig! Es sind ein paar kleine Fehler drin, aber weil die Show und die Aufnahme so gut gelaufen ist, habe ich entschieden, alles so zu lassen, wie es in dieser Nacht war: pure Live Magie.“
Quelle: Nuclear Blast
Neues MSG Album erscheint im Januar 2021 was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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