#Bravecto Topical
sgpetcare · 2 months
How Does Bravecto Topical Work?
Bravecto Topical is a highly effective flea and tick treatment designed for dogs and cats. It offers long-lasting protection and ease of administration, making it a popular choice among pet owners. Flea and tick infestations can pose significant health risks to pets, including the transmission of diseases and discomfort.
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alex2022365 · 1 year
1 Pipette of BRAVECTO PLUS for all sizes Cats Heartworm, worm, and tick prevention
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The cutting-edge treatment Bravecto Plus for Cat efficiently treats intestinal nematodes, paralysis ticks, fleas, and heartworms in cats. Ear mites can be treated with the topical medication as well. By ending the flea life cycle before they lay eggs, it offers protection and provides rapid relief from fleas and ticks. For three months against fleas, ten weeks against paralysis ticks, and two months against heartworms, Bravecto Plus offers protection. It is also applied as a method of treatment for flea allergic dermatitis (FAD). In addition to getting rid of roundworms and hookworms in all phases, Bravecto Plus also shields cats from heartworm illness.
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moonlight26posts-blog · 5 months
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Friends of Baltimore County Dogs is pledging $400 for Medical Care for a qualified rescue to pull Rhett!
In Baltimore County, MD: 2nd Plea: Border Collie mix with Horrible Skin Infection Seeking Rescue.
Baltimore County Animal Services had a dog come in last week in poor shape. Rhett is an estimated 3-year-old, 67.7 pound, neutered male, border collie mix, that has been in foster with a staff member and has been doing well.
Upon intake, per our vet’s exam, Rhett “has severe diffuse moist dermatitis on all 4 legs, abdomen, chest, head/neck and face. His skin is sloughing. Starting on Antibiotics and pain medication. Gave Bravecto so as not to put topical medication on skin. Sending sample for culture/sensitivity. Placed in ISO in case of transmissible bacteria (MRSA). R/O autoimmune disorder. Rescue only due to medical concerns.”
We know that culture results may determine rescue placement but are hopeful someone will be interested pending the results. Rhett is up to date on vaccines, and neutered, and his heartworm test was negative. On January 3rd, Rhett was sedated and his injuries debrided and cleaned. He has shown improvement since starting treatment.
Due to Rhett’s long term medical needs, he is only available for a rescue to pull and will not be available for adoption through the shelter. If you are interested in pulling Rhett, or have any questions, please let us know!
Thank you, Megan Phillabaum Rescue Coordinator Baltimore County Animal Services 13800 Manor Road Baldwin, MD 21013 410-887-7297 [email protected]
***** Any pledges/donations can go to FOBCD to be used for Rhett or another dog for medical assistance if not for Rhett. https://www.friendsofbaltimorecountydogs.org/
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qingmupharmaceutical · 4 months
Afoxolaner: The Tick and Flea Terminator Unveiled
For pet owners waging war against pesky parasites, Afoxolaner API emerges as a formidable ally. This active ingredient, found in popular medications like NexGard® and Bravecto®, offers a potent weapon against both fleas and ticks, safeguarding our furry companions from these bothersome and potentially harmful pests. But what exactly is Afoxolaner, and how does it work its magic? Let's delve into the science behind this innovative parasite slayer.
From Molecules to Mite Mayhem:
Chemically speaking, Afoxolaner belongs to the isoxazoline class of compounds. These unique molecules target a specific part of the parasite's nervous system, the GABA-gated chloride channels. These channels act like tiny gateways, regulating the flow of ions that control nerve impulses. Afoxolaner disrupts these channels, essentially overloading the nervous system and leading to rapid paralysis and death of the parasite.
Mechanism of a Mite Massacre:
Imagine a flea or tick feasting on your unsuspecting pet. As it ingests Afoxolaner, the molecule enters its bloodstream and reaches its nervous system. The binding of Afoxolaner to the GABA channels throws the entire system into disarray, resulting in uncontrolled nerve impulses and ultimately, paralysis. This quick-acting process effectively eliminates the parasite within hours, providing long-lasting protection for your pet.
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Benefits for Protected Paws:
For dogs and cats suffering from flea and tick infestations, Afoxolaner offers a multitude of benefits:
Broad-spectrum protection: Effective against a wide range of flea and tick species, including those resistant to other treatments.
Fast-acting and long-lasting: Starts working within hours and provides protection for up to 4-12 weeks depending on the formulation.
Convenient administration: Available in chewable tablets or topical spot-on applications, making treatment effortless.
Safe for most pets: Well-tolerated by dogs and cats of all ages and breeds, when used as directed by a veterinarian.
Beyond the Basic Bite:
While primarily used for flea and tick control, Afoxolaner might hold potential in other areas:
Mange treatment: Studies suggest its effectiveness in treating certain types of mange caused by mites.
Parasitic control in other animals: Research is ongoing to explore its use in cats, rabbits, and even livestock.
Combination therapies: Combining Afoxolaner with other medications might offer broader parasite control and prevent resistance development.
The Future of Afoxolaner:
Scientists continue to explore the diverse applications and potential improvements for Afoxolaner. Advancements in formulations, dosing schedules, and combination therapies are on the horizon, ensuring even better protection for our beloved pets.
Important Note:
This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment recommendations tailored to your pet's specific needs.
Afoxolaner is a prescription medication only available through veterinarians.
Follow your veterinarian's dosing instructions carefully.
Potential side effects, though uncommon, can occur. Consult your vet if you notice any concerns.
So, the next time you see your pet scratching relentlessly, remember the invisible shield Afoxolaner provides. This powerful API stands guard, ensuring your furry friend enjoys a life free from pesky parasites and the discomfort they bring.
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allthingsvetmed · 1 year
Spring is in full swing and so are the ticks! It is important to keep reminding clients how important flea and tick prevention is. 
Some great products that we prescribe in house are Simparico Trio, Interceptor Plus, Nexgard and Seresto.
Flea tick prevention can come in a few different forms such as chewable, topical or a collar. Depending on yours and your dog’s lifestyle, certain products may work better for you. 
Choosing a good preventative is dependent on your dogs age, lifestyle, environment, and previous health history. 
Let’s breakdown how some flea/tick preventatives work.
A topical prevention like Frontline might be ideal for a dog in a home without kids since the prevention has to be applied and left untouched for 24 hours. It can be toxic if the product comes into contact with your skin or ingested. Topical prevention works best when it is properly applied as well, direct contact with skin is key. It may be easier to apply topical prevention to a short coat instead of a long fluffy coat. Topical prevention works by depositing the active chemical, most commonly Imidacloprid, into the sebaceous glands found within the skin. From there, the chemical moves into the blood stream and when the next parasite either flea or tick goes for it’s next meal on your pet, they will be ingesting blood that has the f/t prevention product in it. Once they ingest this blood, the chemical works to kill ticks by antagonizing neurotransmitters at the postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. This will prevent acetylcholine from binding to that receptor and will cause paralysis. Not all topical preventatives will stop the tick from attaching to the body. For most disease transmission, the tick needs to be attached for at least 24-36 hours or start becoming engorged from a blood meal. 
A chewable preventative product like Nexgard, Bravecto, Simparico Trio or K9 Advantix works in a similar way to topical prevention. When you give your pet the chewable product, they will absorb it through their gastrointestinal tract and into the blood stream. When the insect bites your pet, they will ingest the blood that has the chemical in it and it will paralyze the insect. 
The Seresto collar works in a different way from the chewable and topicals. The collar lasts for 8 months and slowly releases Imidacloprid and Flumethrin over the skin and hair coat, preventing attachment from external parasites. 
Depending on your environment, it may be ideal to “double up” on preventative products. For example, if you live in a heavily wooded area where there are many ticks or if you like to go on hikes often with your pet. Using two methods of prevention like the Seresto collar and a chewable preventative might be helpful in deterring attachment and if they do become attached, they will not be attached for a long period of time. 
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peachtreehillsvet · 1 year
The Dreaded Tick!
Have we really thought about ticks…really? These creepy little mites are everywhere! And their presence can linger longggggg after a bite. Ticks pose a large risk to pets and people because of the diseases they can transmit (Lyme, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, among so many others). Some of these nasty infections can lead to fevers, joint pain, kidney damage, immune mediated issues, and in severe cases hospitalization and death!
A tick’s main purpose in life is to survive. They have been around millions of years and have developed the ability to perpetuate and thrive. They quietly wait in waiting ‘questing’ to find their next victim. They can sense motion, vibrations, and even body odors!
Once on skin, they attach and start feeding on blood. Depending on the lifecycle and the type of tick, they may acquire disease, or even transmit while attached. In Georgia, some of the common ticks we worry about include the Lone Star Tick, American dog tick, and black legged tick.
Now, let’s think about our goals for ticks and how to keep them from infesting and infecting our beloved pets. Our goal- LIMIT BITES THAT CAN LEAD TO TRANSMISSION AND SPREAD OF DISEASE! Sounds easier said than done.
In regard to humans, there are many options to reduce our exposure to these pests. I urge you to visit the CDC Website for an exhaustive list of preventative measures!
For pets, the best ways we can achieve this is by proactive preventative measures. And the best method is PREVENTATIVE MEDICATIONS. We are lucky in the veterinary field that pharmaceutical companies have developed safe and effective products that are meant to decrease disease transmission and reduce infestations from these nasty critters. There are effective and safe oral options, topical options, and even collars.
At PHAH, we aim to provide a detailed plan for each pet that is specific for their needs and lifestyle. For that reason, there is no one size fits all approach to recommending products, but instead a discussion that allows us as a Veterinary Team, and you the client to figure out the best approach.
Some of the products we use and prescribe at PHAH include, but are not limited to:
Simparica Trio
Revolution Plus
Please reach out to us with any questions or specific concerns you may have. Thank you and take care!
Dr. Mark Belyeu
Originally published here: https://peachtreehillsvet.com/the-dreaded-tick/
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disinfecto · 2 years
What is the Most Effective Flea and Tick Treatment for Dogs?
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What do vets say about fleas and ticks?
Many reputed and experienced vets say it doesn’t take long for a couple of fleas to duplicate into a major and quick spreading infestation. However fleas may not be as risky as ticks with regards to communicating infections and diseases, your dog may foster a hypersensitive response to flea chomps and an infestation could cause huge tingling, bothering, and even going bald. Fortunately, there are numerous flea and tick control items available that are explicitly intended to safeguard your dogs against these troublesome fleas and ticks.
With regards to fleas and ticks control products, the choices are almost boundless and there are numerous types to consider. Luckily for you, we’ve accomplished the difficult work in scouring the reviews to present to you our top 5 picks for the best flea and tick control products for your dogs.
In this blog, we will talk about the:
Best tick shampoo you can purchase for your dogs
Best flea medicine
The most effective flea and tick treatments for dog
What kills fleas and ticks on dogs instantly?
A good bath with effective anti-tick dog shampoo can always be your instant go-to action when your dogs suffer fleas and ticks. Also, make sure to comb their hair with special flea combs to get rid of any remaining eggs that may bother your pet anytime later.
5 most effective flea and tick treatments for dogs
Best flea medicine
1. Fluid lotion (Spot On) for Ticks and Fleas
While there is a wide range of flea control products for dogs, topical flea treatments are often considered to be the most effective and dependable items available. These medicines normally come in fluid structure and should be applied directly on the dog’s skin once every month for the desired results. Our top pick for the best flea control product for dogs is Frontline Plus in light of the fact that it kills both fleas and ticks and safeguards against re-pervasion for an entire 30 days.
You can Also try disinfecto flea and tick spot on liquid
2. Flea and tick oral pills for your dog
These are the perfect decision for both prevention and treatment of fleas and ticks, it is safe for your dog’s overall health and well-being. You can easily get these oral tablets from your veterinarian.
Best flea medicine for dogs in India!
Vectra 3D  is an effective flea and tick prevention tablet for dogs and puppies of age two months and more.
Credelio is an effective, enjoyable, and chewable tablet for flea and tick counteraction for puppies of about two months old and weighing at least 4.4lbs.
Bravecto is a 3 months chewable pill for flea and tick prevention for dogs and puppies of 6 months or more in age, and weighing at least 4.4lbs.
3. Flea and ticks prevention collar
If you’re searching for long-lasting and dependable protection against fleas that you don’t need to re-apply consistently, a flea restraint collar may be the most ideal choice for your dog. However, there are numerous flea collars available in the market, the Qpets flea and tick Collar which is easily available on Amazon is the most trusted and ideal choice of India.
4. Flea spray for dogs
If you’re searching for an all-in-one remedy for grown-up fleas and their eggs, a flea spray might be the most ideal choice. In addition to the fact that you can use flea spray on your dog, you can even use it on his bedding and other household items. Numerous flea sprays offer restricted viability or they are made with perilous synthetics. Our top pick for a protected and viable flea spray for dogs is the Vet’s Best Natural Flea and Tick Spray.
While flea sprays are made with poisonous synthetic compounds, Vet’s Best Natural Flea and Tick Spray contain natural key ingredients like peppermint oil and clove extract.
For best result you can also Try disinfecto’s Clearkill Flea Spray
5. Flea prevention shampoo for your dogs
If you have proactively observed fleas on your dogs, then you might need to give them a pleasant shower with an effective flea shampoo. Flea shampoos are a kind of medicated cleanser that can assist with killing fleas and purging your dog’s skin. Remember that some insect shampoos just kill grown-up fleas while others kill eggs and hatchlings too. So, make sure to choose the flea shampoo according to your requirement.
Our recommendations for the best tick shampoo for your dogs in India are:
Himalaya Erina-EP tick and flea control shampoo
Choostix dog shampoo tick and flea
Wahl 820007 flea and tick shampoo
Captain zack– Excuse me, fleas dog shampoo
Clearkill Cypermethrin 1% Shampoo
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budgetpetsupplies · 4 years
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Bravecto Spot on is a highly effective flea and tick treatment for cats. Its powerful formula kills fleas before the production of eggs thereby disrupting the parasite’s complete lifecycle. Within 8-12 hours, 100% of the fleas are eliminated from the cat’s body and the protection works for 3 months. Bravecto Spot on also kills 98% of ticks.
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followthebluebell · 3 years
howdy bluebell! do you have any tips for applying topical flea medicines? i always part the fur as much as i can but i can barely get to the skin. and then the liquid always gets into the fur and barely does anything. my cats have. a lot of fleas and i think it's because i'm not applying it proplerly
For an especially wriggly cat, I get a second person to hold the cat while I apply (or vice versa). We burrito the cat as much as possible and use a damp washcloth or paper towel to part the fur--- this makes the fur stick down and give better access to the skin. That usually does the trick.
even if you get a lot of the liquid on the fur, it should still affect the flea population. Are the topicals you're using still effective in your area? A lot of places are developing resistant fleas and it's becoming a huge issue. In my area, Frontline hasn't worked for years, and Advantage stopped working in 2019. I'm even seeing less efficacy from Cheristin, which is the stuff I usually use on my own cats. It might be worth trying another brand, if you can afford it.
I recommend asking your vet about Revolution+, Bravecto, or Credelio (chewable tablet, not a topical). Those seem to be working the best right now.
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washingtonhound · 7 years
Catching a flea on the flea comb but not being fast enough to squish it before it jumps away is basically a metaphor for my life
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sgpetcare · 2 months
How Does Bravecto Topical Work?
Bravecto Topical is a popular flea and tick treatment designed for dogs and cats. It provides long-lasting protection against these parasites, ensuring the health and comfort of pets. Bravecto Topical works through its active ingredient, fluralaner. This compound is a powerful ectoparasiticide, meaning it targets parasites that live on the outside of the host’s body. Fluralaner belongs to the isoxazoline class of drugs, which specifically disrupts the nervous system of parasites.
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ask-a-vetblr · 3 years
Hello Dr! I was wondering if you had ever covered flea and tick prevention products? I just got a new cat and she freaked out after she licked the topical PetArmor Plus (same active ingredient as Frontline, USA) which led to a frantic google search about if I needed to take her to the emergency vet and a rabbit hole of terrifying comments from owners whose cats were harmed by various products. She's fine now so I'm not asking for vet advice but maybe general info on product safety and toxicity?
gettingvetted here.
As a general rule, [off brands (PetArmor, Hartz, etc) < name brand OTC (Seresto, Advantix, Frontline, etc) < prescription name brands (Advantage Multi, Revolution, Bravecto, Nexgard, Simparica, etc)] as far as safety and efficacy goes.
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moonlight26posts-blog · 5 months
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In Baltimore County, MD: 2nd Plea: Border Collie mix with Horrible Skin Infection Seeking Rescue.
Baltimore County Animal Services had a dog come in last week in poor shape. Rhett is an estimated 3 year old, 67.7 pound, neutered male, border collie mix, that has been in foster with a staff member and has been doing well.
Upon intake, per our vet’s exam, Rhett “has severe diffuse moist dermatitis on all 4 legs, abdomen, chest, head/neck and face. His skin is sloughing. Starting on Antibiotics and pain medication. Gave Bravecto so as not to put topical medication on skin. Sending sample for culture/sensitivity. Placed in ISO in case of transmissible bacteria (MRSA). R/O autoimmune disorder. Rescue only due to medical concerns.”
We know that culture results may determine rescue placement, but are hopeful someone will be interested pending the results. Rhett is up to date on vaccines, and neutered, and his heartworm test was negative. On January 3rd, Rhett was sedated and his injuries debrided and cleaned. He has shown improvement since starting treatment.
Due to Rhett’s long term medical needs, he is only available for a rescue to pull and will not be available for adoption through the shelter. If you are interested in pulling Rhett, or have any questions, please let us know!
Thank you,
Megan Phillabaum
Rescue Coordinator
Baltimore County Animal Services
13800 Manor Road
Baldwin, MD 21013
To see other animals in need of rescue, visit here: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/rescue-partners
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Pet Care Services
Our pet boarding facility is provided with roughly 100 (one hundred) cages in mixed sizes of small, medium and huge, and twelve (12) runs. The cages are divided between two wards for dogs, a ward for indoor dog runs, a separate ward for cats, and an isolation ward for explicit cases. The kennel space also accommodates a air flow system that replaces the air 7 to 12 times an hour with recent air. This method helps to keep the air clean and reduces the chance of the kennels being infected by contagious diseases. All of our pet wards are heated and air conditioned in your pet’s comfort.
There's also a fenced area open air behind the kennel space containing 10 divided runs for the exercise of your pets.Dogs are exercised outdoors thrice daily. Geriatric and special needs pets are hand-walked only. Canines are walked first thing within the morning, afternoon, and evening.We feed a GI friendly food regimen or chances are you'll deliver your pet’s personal food should you feel they would prefer it. There is no such thing as a additional charge to have your pet fed our food. We offer snug beds and blankets in your pet, and a litterpan on your cat.
Current immunizations are required to ensure the well being of all pets boarding at Dumfries Animal Hospital. Cats must be current on Feline Distemper/Rhinotracheitis/Calicivirus Vaccine and Rabies. Canine should be current on Canine Distemper/Hepatitis/Parvovirus Vaccine, Bordetella, Rabies. All pets should also have had a unfavorable fecal examination inside the previous year.
All pets should enter free of fleas, and intestinal parasites. Pets should be on a veterinarian advisable preventative comparable to Simparica, Nexgard, Frontline, Bravecto, Comfortis, Advantage, Trifexis, or Seresto. Animals suspected of getting parasites might be topic to diagnosis and if optimistic, might be treated accordingly on the proprietor’s expense.
Boarding charges are primarily based on the dimensions of your pet. Every day prices start on the day of admittance and continue until the day of discharge. A half day charge is applicable when the pet is picked up before noon.Boarding expenses include every day exercising, clear blankets, cages, and runs always, feeding, and overnight care. If you depart your pet with us, you should have the additional benefit of understanding that if your pet experiences any illness when you’re away, it will likely be promptly and competently addressed by one in all our veterinarians.
Whenever you name to make your boarding reservation, one in all our friendly receptionists would be completely satisfied to assist you. You need to feel free to come back by at any time for a tour of our facility and to fulfill the boarder technicians that can be caring Pet Boarding Virginia for your pet while you’re away. Early reservations should be made each time possible. Kennels typically fill to capacity, particularly throughout summer season and holiday periods.
After completing a yearly complete bodily examination, our veterinarians will consider your pet’s age, breed, and lifestyle to find out the danger of potential disease. After discussing your pet’s wants, we will custom design a preventative health care plan and vaccination schedule in your pet.
Parasitic zoonoses are ailments of animals that can be transmitted to people. The growing popularity of cats and dogs and the excessive fee of worm infections can result in widespread soil contamination from contaminated eggs and larvae. At Dumfries Animal Hospital we offer advanced parasite management to help maintain your pet and your loved ones safe.
The primary well being problem identified in cats and dogs over 3 years of age is periodontal disease. Dental disease places stress on your pet’s immune system and may result in critical liver, kidney, and coronary heart disease. We provide an in depth dental care program. When dental companies are wanted we use the most secure anesthesia out there, advanced monitoring, fluoride therapy, ultrasonic scaling, and polishing. Preventative dental care can add years to the lifetime of your pet.
When in the hospital your pet will be underneath a health care provider’s private supervision. A veterinary assistant is assigned to watch the condition and very important functions of each patient. They guarantee each affected person has clear bedding, meals, water, and caring attention. We also have a dwell-in assistant that can verify your pet after hours.
Dumfries Animal Hospital presents professional grooming providers 7 days every week! Scheduled Appointments are required. Your pet may be dropped off as early as 7:30 am Monday by Saturday and picked up as late as eight:00pm during the week.To make sure your pet’s safety, we require all dogs be present on their Rabies, Distemper, and Bordatella vaccines and cats to be present on their Rabies and Distemper vaccines previous to being admitted for grooming. If vaccinated at another facility, proof of vaccinations are required.
As a result of this pet grooming service is a part of our veterinary hospital, you may rest assured that, should any medical emergency come up while your pet is with us, he or she may have instant entry to skilled veterinary staff.Our grooming employees is devoted and obsessed with offering a stress-free, light, and calm grooming expertise to your pet. They'll have constant entry to contemporary water and shall be walked several instances throughout the day.
Pets that don't require a haircut will receive a shower, anal gland expression, and blow dry. After each pet has been dried, the groomer will trim the nails and clear the ears. The groomer will complete your pampered pet’s grooming with a radical brush out.In case your pet is in want of a specialty reduce, shave down or clipping, they may first have a “tough lower” accomplished by our groomers, adopted by an anal gland expression and bath. Once dried, your pet can have their nails performed, ears cleaned, and breed particular cut.
Sometimes we are capable of accommodate requests for a particular pick up time. Due to the variety of pets scheduled each day, these particular requests are limited and must be requested on the time the appointment is made. A good contact number is required so we might name you when your pet is ready to go home.
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Where to Buy Flea Medication
This past weekend my husband and I were out walking the pups when we saw a kitten sitting behind a nursing home.
I walked down to see if it had tags so that I could get it back home, but there were no tags.
Long story short, the kitten was born near the nursing home and had no family.
Of course, I went back and scooped her up.
I brought her to the vet. She checked out okay, so I set out on a mission to find a home for the kitten.
Within hours, good friends of ours contacted me and said they would love to give her a home.
Buying Flea Medication Online
I was telling my friend that I had brought her into the vet where they gave me a free dose of Frontline to take care of any fleas.
I then asked if she wanted me to go back and grab more for her, but she declined, saying they always got their flea preventatives online because it is both cheaper and more convenient than running to the vet.
I had some questions about her online experiences since I traditionally picked up all of my pets’ medicine from our vet.
With three dogs and cat, any chance of saving money is always welcome!
I did some research on several online stores to see where I could get the best deals and to read what other customers were saying about their experience.
Here’s what I found.
What to Look for in Online Pharmacies
It is not that I didn’t know about vet meds being available online. I didn’t order online because I didn’t trust the stores.
Being an active member of the pet community and regularly reading a variety of pet articles, I have come upon more than a few reports pointing out the dangers of ordering online.
Of course, this was years ago when it first started becoming more popular.
Over time, things have changed in the regulations and safety of getting meds online.
After completing my research, I have found multiple reputable online pharmacies.
Here’s a list of things I was looking for regarding the purchase of medication from various websites.
I will note that not all of the following restrictions are applicable for flea preventatives (Some may focus on human, not pet, pharmacies).
Vet-VIPPS (Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites) accredited[1]
Check legitscript.com to see if they are a registered pharmacy[2]
Check to see if they are Safe Pharmacy[3] approved
Make sure they are a US-based pharmacy; different countries have different regulations on medications
Check the Better Business Bureau to see if they are in good standing
Make sure a prescription is required for prescription drugs
The reason to take caution when buying online is that online pharmacies that are not accredited have been known to provide wrong, ineffective, or out-of-date medications, all of which can put your dog at risk for medical complications.
Where to Buy Flea Medication Online
WebsiteLicensed?US-Based?Pricing  Midwest Veterinary SupplyYesYes$$$$Shop Now AmazonNoYes$Shop Now Chewy.comYesYes$$Shop Now Vet Approved RxYesYes$$$Shop Now 1800 Pet MedsYesYes$$Shop Now BudgetPetCare.comNoNo$$$Shop Now Heartland Veterinary SupplyYesYes$$$$Shop Now Entirely PetsYesYes$$Shop Now
Best Local Option
Midwest Veterinary Supply – MyVetStore
Click the logo to learn more
Like I said, I have always gotten my flea medication from my vet.
They even offer an online store through Midwest Veterinary Supply, making things easy to order.
Their online ordering link directs you to three different websites:
Two are for farm animals and the third is for domestic pets.
The major downside to ordering through this site is that it’s isn’t as easy and straightforward as many of the other sites listed here. 
You’ll probably have to get a prescription from your vet before you can order here, as well, which kinds of negates the convenience of ordering online.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Drop Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Nexgard II
Parastar Plus
Vectra 3D
Fully licensed pharmacy
US based
Better Business Bureau rating: A+[4]
Harder to set up an account
Slightly smaller variety of options
Not the easiest to navigate
Above average
Shop Now
Best Variety and Best Price on Frontline (Topical)
Click the logo to learn more
I don’t think that there’s a person on this planet who isn’t familiar with Amazon!
Though they are known for their free shipping for Prime members and their wide variety of products, they are not associated with a licensed pharmacy.
The lack of licensing doesn’t mean that Amazon isn’t a reputable online store, but it does mean that the regulations regarding medications aren’t as strict as other options.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Drop Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Advantage II
Vectra 3D
Pet Armor
CrossBlock II
Flea Away
Rolf 3D
Project Paws
Herbal Vet
Direct Protect
Vet Guard
K9 Granola Factory
Green Fort
Vet’s Best
Get Off
Colorado Dog Company
Petz Essentials
An overwhelming large variety of types and brands of flea preventatives
Easy to order
Many flea preventatives are available for free shipping
Better Business Bureau rating: A-
Does not offer flea prevention that requires a prescription such as Bravecto or NexGard
Not a licensed pharmacy or held to any veterinary standards
Less than a 2-star customer rating on BBB
Lower Prices
Shop Now
Best Value Overall and Best Price on Seresto (Collar)
Click the logo to learn more
Though Chewy.com isn’t as well-known as Amazon, it is a great online pet store.
On a personal note, I will say that my shopping experiences with Chewy have always been pleasant.
Plus, when I’ve requested to do a return, they have been accommodating and asked I donate the product to a local shelter instead of sending it back.
Regarding Chewy and medication, I am happy to report they are associated with a licensed pharmacy.
After comparing pricing with other online companies and my vet, I can confidently state they have the best pricing available on most medicine, especially on Bayer’s Seresto collar.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Only Natural
Advantage II
A large variety of types and brands of flea preventatives
Easy to order from
Chewy marks the items that require a prescription
Requires prescriptions for some products
Easy returns
US based
Better Business Bureau rating: A+
Has an over 4 Star consumer rating on BBB
Order must be at least $49 for free shipping
Average to below average prices
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Best Veterinarian Owned Online Pharmacy
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Vet Approved Rx
Dr. Miller, a veterinarian, founded Vet Approved Rx.  Dr. Miller strives to provide a higher quality of service than other online pharmacies. 
Vet Approved Rx offers a unique shopping experience since it is owned and operated by a veterinarian who also functions as a pharmacist.
The Vet Approved Rx website offers a wide variety of products ranging from traditional medications to holistic and natural remedies.
Additionally, there is even a section regarding symptoms and pet education, setting this website apart from the other online pet pharmacies.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Advantage II
Pet Action
Veterinarian owned and operated
Prescription required for specific flea treatment
Better Business Bureau rating: A+
Order must be at least $49 for free shipping
Fewer options than other online stores
Slightly higher than average pricing
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Fastest Shipping
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1 800 Pet Meds has been around for years and has a reputation for providing medications at a lower price.
I will say, though they have reasonable pricing, they do not consistently offer the lowest rate when compared to other online stores.
However, 1-800 Pet Meds does offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Vectra 3D
Pet Armor
Flea 5X Plus
Advantage Multi
US based company
Fully licensed pharmacy
Prescription required for specific flea treatment
Overnight shipping available in the continental US
Better Business Rating A+
Slightly fewer options than most other online stores
Order must be at least $49 for free shipping
Has a 1 Star Customer Rating with the BBB
Slightly lower than average pricing
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Best Non-US-Based Online Pharmacy
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Of the online stores that I researched, this was one that I would most likely steer clear of.
They offer knock-off products that look like the name brand item, making it easy to purchase the wrong product unintentionally.
Also, they do not require prescriptions for any of their medications since they are not a US licensed pharmacy.  
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Advantage Multi
Vectra 3D
Free shipping on all orders
Not located in the US
No prescription needed
Budget Pet offers several knock-off brands, so caution is advised when purchasing
A smaller variety of brands to pick from
Not easy to locate information about the company – I had to call in to get my questions answered
Average pricing
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Best Online Store with Price Matching
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Heartland Veterinary Supply
Heartland Veterinary Supply offers an array of medications, both prescription and over the counter.
They are a licensed US pharmacy, and they do require a prescription.
One of the things I liked about this store is that they offer price matching and state that near the bottom of their home page.
Like 1800 Pet Meds, they do have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Shield Plus
K9 Advantix
Spectra Shield
Vectra 3D
US licensed pharmacy (clearly stated on the homepage)
A large variety of options
Prescription required for specific items
Better Business Bureau rating: A+
Free Shipping on orders over $75
Has a 3 Star Consumer Rating on the BBB
Above average pricing
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Best Pricing on Bravecto (Chewable)
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Entirely Pets
Entirely Pets is similar to Chewy in that they offer an abundance of pet products and not just medications.
Their pricing for medicine is competitive, and they offer the lowest price for Bravecto. 
I will say that their free shipping minimum of $85 is significantly higher than other online stores. 
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Advantage II
K9 Advantix
Freedom 45
Liberty 50
Pet Armor
Sentry Pro
Spectra Sure
Vectra 3D
Pet Lock
Ecto Advance
Pet Action
Bio Spot
Vets Best
Bio Spot
Pet Action
Field and Stream
Specta Shield
Safe Pharmacy approved
US-based licensed pharmacy
Large variety of brands
Has an A+ Better Business Bureau rating
Has just shy of a 4-star consumer rating on the BBB site
Unable to ship to all states in the continental US
Order must be at least $85 for free shipping
Below average pricing
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The first thing I will say after completing my research is that I am absolutely blown away by the large variety of flea medications on the market.
“Wan” is Japanese for “woof,” so is this collar only effective against Japanese fleas?
I was familiar with several of the brands, but to be honest, the majority of the brands were new to me.
My first recommendation when shopping online for flea medications, whether it is over the counter or prescription, is to be sure that you find a reputable online store.
In my research, I was disturbed by the comments I found regarding those who exercised less caution, and their pups paid the price.
Overall, I think Chewy.com offers the most competitive pricing for pet medications, especially with auto-ship.
However, as you can see above, I did note three common flea medications and who had the best pricing for each.
The drawback of ordering medicine online is that there are two delays.
The first delay would be for the prescription to be verified, and the second would be for the shipping.
Neither delays would be something you would deal with when picking up flea medication from your vet. 
Having three dogs is expensive, and I am all for saving money, but not at the expense of my dogs’ health.
However, after researching online shopping, I found that I could save over $100 a year on flea preventative and almost $900 a year on all other medications by buying their medication online!
My final thought is that it is well worth the time to shop around for flea medications.
  The post Where to Buy Flea Medication appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/flea-medication/where-buy-flea-medication-online/
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FDA Issues Warning about Flea and Tick Products
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The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning on September 20, 2018 about the isoxazoline flea and tick products fluralaner for dogs and cats (Bravecto®), afoxalaner for dogs (Nexgard®), and saroloner for dogs (Simparica®). The recently introduced isoxazoline, lotilaner (Credelio®) for dogs falls into this same class.
Dogs and cats with no known prior medical history of muscle tremors, ataxia, and seizures have experienced those adverse reactions to this class of flea and tick preventive pesticides. While the FDA is not pulling the four flea and tick preventatives off the market at this time, they will all have to carry an FDA warning on their packaging.
Clinical, evidenced-based reports have been coming forward for the past several years and many studies are currently percolating about the reported adverse reactions to isoxazolines, synthetic pesticides. Dr. Jean Dodds is currently on a privately convened expert committee researching this topic and their report should be issued soon.
Oftentimes when information such as this is brought to light, veterinarians and researchers can point to certain breed characteristics, age, drug interactions, or genetic mutations. For instance, dogs that are epileptic or prone to seizures should not have spinosads – a natural substance made by a soil bacterium that can be toxic to insects – that is also for treatment or prevention of fleas. Two of the most well-known spinosad products are Trifexis® and Comfortis®.
Another example is the MDR1 gene mutation. This gene undergoes one or more mutations that allow a higher absorption of drugs and toxic substances to enter the central nervous system and then can breach the blood-brain barrier and create adverse reactions. Plus, we know that this gene mutation is most commonly found in dog breeds of herding breed ancestry. According to the Washington State Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Lab, nearly three of every four Collies in the US have the mutant MDR1 gene. The frequency is about the same in France and Australia, so it is likely that most Collies worldwide have the mutation. The MDR1 mutation has also been found in Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties), Australian Shepherds, Old English Sheepdogs, English Shepherds, German Shepherds, Long-haired Whippets, Silken Windhounds, and a variety of mixed breed dogs.
This is where this can get tricky with the MDR1 gene mutation. FDA-approved antiparasitic drugs such as ivermectin (Heartgard), selamectin (Revolution), milbemycin oxime (Interceptor) and moxidectin (Advantage Multi; Proheart 6) have been tested and found safe for MDR1-affected dogs when given at the prophylactic heartworm preventative dosage level. Despite this commentary, the present author does not recommend several of these products, especially for toy and small breeds and puppies or those with or at familial risk for autoimmune disorders, including vaccinosis.
Further, if a heartworm preventative is given with a spinosad, isoxazoline, ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole or related antifungals, then serious drug-drug interactions can occur in dogs that have the MDR1 mutation.
While we have known about the MDR1 mutation situation before, the scary part now about the isoxazoline class of drugs is that researchers and veterinarians thus far cannot point to breed characteristics, age group, drug interactions or genetic mutations as contributing factors to the latest findings that prompted the FDA warning. These adverse reactions to the isoxazoline class appear to be affecting pets randomly.
As of May 4, 2018, 420 reports of worldwide adverse reactions to these pesticides in humans have been given to the European Medical Agencies (EMA). These reactions include breathing problems, skin conditions, and even seizures and the onset occurred after handling the chewable or spot-on treatment of fluralaner. Causality assessment at that time was placed at: 37 as probable, 13 as possible, 4 unclassifiable, 3 inconclusive, and the rest have not been assessed.
What is possibly most concerning is the introduction of Exzolt®, which curbs red poultry mites. Red poultry mites can cause anemia, disease susceptibility and higher mortality rates in chickens. Exzolt® is made of the same isoxazoline (fluralaner), which is sold as Bravecto® for dogs and cats. The EMA recommended to the European Union to approve Exzolt® use through water treated with the product. As of September 2017, the product was being marketed in Europe. The withdrawal period for meat from chickens treated with Exzolt® is 14 days. The withdrawal period for eggs from chickens treated with Exzolt® is zero days, which means there is no mandatory waiting time.
We have written extensively about the use of medications in livestock and how many of them can be passed up the food chain. We do not know definitively whether Exzolt® is passed up the food chain. Clearly, we believe that the EMA needs to reconsider its use.
After a search on the FDA’s website for fluralaner, afoxolaner, sarolaner and lotilaner, the use of these isoxazoline drugs is not approved for use in livestock or food producing animals.
If your companion dog or cat is not prone to fleas or you do not live in a tick-infested area, there is no reason to give flea and tick medications as preventatives. If these bugs attach themselves, you can use flea shampoos and combs, or specially designed tick removers. It is a little bit more work, but your companion pet’s health is worth it.
W. Jean Dodds, DVM Hemopet / NutriScan 11561 Salinaz Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92843
“Animal Drug Safety Communication: FDA Alerts Pet Owners and Veterinarians About Potential for Neurologic Adverse Events Associated with Certain Flea and Tick Products.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 20 Sept. 2018, http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEvents/CVMUpdates/ucm620934.htm.
Dodds, Jean. “Heartworm: A Real and Present Danger.” Dr. Jean Dodds' Pet Health Resource, 3 May 2015, http://www.drjeandoddspethealthresource.tumblr.com/post/118052606336/heartworm-dogs-danger#.W7OlAWhKjIV.
Dodds, Jean. “MDR1 Gene Mutation in Dogs.” MDR1 Gene Mutation in Dogs, 26 May 2017, http://www.drjeandoddspethealthresource.tumblr.com/post/158855646346/mdr1-gene-mutation-in-dogs-and-cats#.W7OmzWhKjIV.
“Exzolt.” European Medicines Agency, 20 Oct. 2017, http://www.ema.europa.eu/medicines/veterinary/EPAR/exzolt.
“MSD Animal Health Launches First Systemic Treatment for Poultry Red Mites; EXZOLT® Eliminates Infestations in European Poultry Houses.” Merck Animal Health, 5 Sept. 2017, http://www.merck-animal-health.com/news/2017-09-05.aspx.
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