#Brendan Gallagher imagine
croszukis · 7 months
"rugby 101 🏉"
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holidaywishes · 1 month
masterlist part ii
Auston Matthews & Freddie Andersen
  I Can’t Love You smut/trigger warning
Behind Closed Doors requested
Freddie Andersen & Jacob Markström
  Play with Fire smut
Mitch Marner & John Tavares
  You Could Stand to Learn a Thing or Two… smut/requested
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princesstillyenna · 1 year
What the fuck is gallyfield? Is about gally? The only gally anyone shoud care about? Brendan Gallagher? If it's about him gimme even if it's unfinished.
Same with the sugar baby mitch one tilly. Feeeeed ussss
Gallyfield: The premise is thus. Brendan Gallagher, king brat of the NHL, very bratty. (except for when he used to scene with The One Who Got Away Alex Galchenyuk). Cole Caulfield, a lil baby brat, with now no dom on the team... and he's falling apart. So Brendan lies and says he's a switch, just so Cole will scene with him, just to stop Cole falling apart because he's SELFLESS. Have a snippet: It helps. It almost feels like praise slipping out of Cole’s lips, even if it was praise that Brendan himself told him to give. Brendan hefts the paddle in his hand and brings it down on Cole’s now beautifully pink skin. If he needs to imagine Alex’s voice in the back of his mind telling him what a good job he’s doing as he does it, well, that’s between him and precisely no-one.
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harlowhockeystick · 3 years
based off the song, know it all by the band camino. brendan can't stop thinking about his ex girlfriend.
contains: alcohol consumption, angst, cuss words
female OC named Jo
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"the things you said to me when we were drunk in montreal"
Brendan nearly threw his phone into the wall. he just wanted one day, one damn day, where he wasn't reminded that his ex girlfriend, the girl he thought he was going to marry, left him. as he reads the caption he just wants nothing more than to toss his phone and crawl back into bed.
agirlnamedjo: found my happy place :)
taking a big sigh he turns his phone off and tosses it to the other end of the couch. he rested his head against the soft cushion and closes his eyes, wondering where he went wrong.
it's this point where he starts to wonder. he wonders if she's happy, truly happy. because he knows things that this new guy, Luke, doesn't know.
she probably told him i was just someone she used to know, he thinks to himself. because she didn't delete any of the pictures she posted with Brendan. maybe she just forgot- she was always forgetting things. maybe she just didn't want to delete them because of the likes, something she was obsessed with a little bit (though she would never admit it).
maybe she didn't want delete them because Brendan was in them. holding onto the memories of the past two years. the first post dating back to when they were just friends, a group picture of them at some club, some half drunk, some half high, and some both.
he remembers that night vividly. the taste of the liquor, the smell of her perfume, the way she sang along to every single song that played, and rapped every word perfectly. he remembers taking her home and walking her back to her apartment. he remembers the hug they shared, how her head fit perfectly on his the dip in chest. he remembers everything with Jo.
Jo once was the reason he woke up every morning. the reason he breathed in and out. she used to be the reason for his everything. and one day, his reason walked out and never came back.
just as he's thought he is starting to get over Jo, he has the audacity to open up social media once again. and there he sees a post with Jo and her boyfriend. it's nothing special, just a picture. thats what he has to keep telling himself- it's just a picture.
but if he looks closely, he can see that the shirt she has on used to be his. it wasn't a special shirt or anything, just an old shirt from edmonton. he tries to forget about it by turning his phone off and leaving it at the house while he heads to the arena. he always leaves early so he can stop and get a cup of coffee.
while he's in line a few people wish him good luck and he thanks them with a warm smile as he steps closer in line. while he's waiting he has time to think, think about everything he's been ignoring for the past few months. his feelings. his gritty, emotional, sad and lonely feelings.
his heart still longs for Jo. every morning when he wakes up he hopes it was all a dream and he will turn over, and she'll be right there to give him a good morning kiss. but he's faced with reality and wakes up to an empty bed. a cold and empty bed. now that he thinks about it, her side of the bed hasn't been touched since she left.
he aches for her every night, in both physical and emotional ways. Brendan hates to admit the amount of times he's let his hand wander at night in the shower at the thought of her, imagining it's Jo's hand and not his own. her soft and delicate hand and not his calloused one. he still remembers how it was their first time together. it seemed to last all night long and neither of them minded. they couldn't get enough of each other, months of building tension and feelings towards each other finally surfacing, making for a long and hot night of passion.
waiting in the open portion of the cafe for his name to be called, he spots her. he can recognize her out of a crowd of a thousand people. he sees her auburn hair that's put up in a clip, and the sweater that she's had since sophomore year of college. when she stands up to get her coffee she makes eye contact with Brendan.
they feel like they're in the movie. the part where two old loves meet again, years after seeing each other, and it's like the first time all over again. or where the two main characters make eye contact across from the bar and suddenly it's love at first sight.
his name is called and he takes a step forward to grab his coffee, then turning back to face Jo. he truly does not know what to say. for the first time in a long time, the man is speechless.
"hi," she makes the first step, coughing out her words in an effort to say what the two were dying to say out loud. her tone is light and delicate, her french-canadian accent still as thick as Brendan remembers. "how are you?"
he nods his head before speaking, taking a long sip of warm coffee to help get the words out. "i'm...alright, just heading to the game. how are you?"
those are the only words that he can bare to speak. it's funny, because he's dreamt of this moment for months. he'd thought it all up in his head, how he was going to see her and she'd fall back in love with him. he would be able to gloat, make her feel bad for leaving him- make her realize that it was a mistake.
but the only thing he can ask, is how she's doing.
"i'm doing good, just...doing the same stuff. work- oh i got a promotion there." and i got a new boyfriend that is the total opposite of you.
Brendan continues the small talk before walking out of the coffee shop. Jo wishes him good luck, in the same tone that she always did for the past two years. "do i at least get a hug?" Jo asks hesitantly, and of course he obliges.
wrapping his arms around her, it was only now that he realized how much he missed her. how much he truly missed her. the way her head fits so perfectly underneath his chin, how they were the perfect hugging height for each other. he missed her so much, and now it was more obvious than ever.
"try and stay out of trouble," she said right before Brendan walked out of the warm building and into the cold Montreal weather. sniffling back tears he got into his car and headed towards the arena, where now the only focus was getting the win and going back home.
on his commute he was thinking about everything he wanted to say. everything that he'd been thinking the past few months, everything that has been on his mind. he didn't say. and maybe one day he would have the courage to say it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
- i hope you enjoyed! as always, feedback, requests, and any other comments are welcome! xo
tagging: @snidneycrabby @multistann @theweightofstardust
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hockeybabe87 · 4 years
Song prompts!
Send me an NHL player and a song and I’ll write a blurb ♥️
I’m having the week from hell and I need to escape by writing so please help ya girl out 🙏🏻
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tkaslut4ratchuk · 5 years
okay. so while i gather up the motivation to get to writing on this other piece—i literally have the plot line and everything written out i just need to write it—send in something!! a request??? i’ll blurb it or something??????? you can write in a smut request, though it may take a while to get it out. (ask @hockeyjunkieblog) i know my only other piece is smut, i just really have to be in a certain headspace for it... of which i am not in, at the moment.. BUT AGAIN YOU CAN SEND IT IN, it’ll just take a HOT minute..
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Brendan Gallagher - Fun Times with the Gallagher’s
Hi can you do a Brendan Gallagher imagine where you guys go on a road trip and it’s just fluffy and good vibes
“Bren?” You rummaged through the bags that were once stacked neatly in the trunk. 
“Hmmm?” Brendan didn’t move as he held his head down looking at his phone. 
“Where are the snacks?” Brendan finally lifted his head up. Turning around to see your frantically looking through the bags. He couldn’t help but laugh as he watched you.  He leaned over to your seat. 
“I can’t find them.”
He held the bag of snacks up. “I placed them up here because, I know you.” He laughed. 
You wanted to fake mad, but your laugh wouldn’t let you. Placing the bags some what back to normal, you closed the trunk. You placed the bag of snacks on your lap, before placing your seat belt on. 
“Where’s are next stop?” You asked popping a cheese puff in your mouth.  Brendan, placed the car in drive before slowly pulling out of the hotel parking lot. He leaned over towards you, with his mouth open. You smiled as you placed a puff in his mouth. 
“I thought we would go over to a small place in Maine. It’s out of the way but there’s a place, I wanted to take you that I think you’ll like.”
You didn’t bother asking questions, knowing that he won’t answer them. You already tried that when you first started doing summer road trips. 
The road trips started when you two first started dating four years ago. It started with two or three state’s, plus parts of Canada, but once you got married last summer, the trips got longer. 
So parts of the trip were planned, while other parts were not so much. This trip was just like that. 
Brendan, stole another puff before turning on the highway. 
“So, any haunted places in Maine you wanted to visit?” 
You smiled brightly as you pulled your phone out. Brendan, always feed your love for the supernatural. He also loved to make fun of you for it, but he really loved to see that face of yours. It always looked like a kid, meeting their favorite Disney character for the first time. Nothing but pure joy. 
“A couple places actually. A grave in York. It’s said that Mary Nasson was a witch. Which basically means she did something others didn’t like and called her that, but it would be nice to place some flowers on her grave.” 
Brendan, let out a small giggle as he listen to your witch rant once again. You could talk about the injustice of it all day if he’d let you, which he did once. 
“And then there’s this bar that is said to have an older soldier, that try’s to buy you a drink.”
“Does he really buy it?”
“The soldier, does he really pay or is it like one of those things were you say yes to the drink and it ends up on your bill.”
“I don’t know. Guess we’ll just have to find out.” You giggled. 
About two hours into the drive you had fell into a nap. It was a shock to Brendan, because you weren’t one for naps, more so when on road trips. You never lived the fear of missing something cool.
“Hey.” You felt a head shake you awake. Looking up you saw your husband, eyes on the road, before looking back down at you. “We’re almost to the place.” He smiled. 
You sat up, looking out the window at the beautiful small town. There ways something about it all that made it seem like it could be a spooky place when needed. Your eyes landed on a nice brick house that looked a little like a mini castle. It’s large lawn, looking green and untouched. The car came to a stop, making you look over at Brendan. 
“We’re here!” He squealed. A puzzled looked washed over your face, then back at the house.
“You bought me a house?” You asked unsure of why he was so happy.
Brendan laughed as he shook his head. “No, silly. I mean, I wish, because that’s a house but no.”
“So what are we doing here?”
“Stephen King.” He smile. “This is his house.” 
“Bren, that’s kind of creepy.” You laughed. 
“It is, but by the sound of it he’s use to it. It’s not like we have to get out or take a picture, but I thought it would be fun to see the Author that made you want to write.” 
You couldn’t deny that you weren’t freaking out a little inside, because you so were. As creepy as it might be, you were so close to a person who meant so much to you. All this and you got to do it with the one you loved. Leaning over you placed a kiss on Brendan’s lips. 
“I love you. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, Darling.” He smiled before placing the car in drive. “Now do you think there’s any haunted hotel’s around.
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midnightsnyx · 6 years
Brendan Gallagher - 24 Months
Brendan Gallagher
pairing: brendan gallagher/reader
warnings: angst with eventual fluff
description: a story told through the months
a/n: this was a lot longer than I was planning lol i’m kind of iffy about the end but i hope you guys like it! requests are open i guess? i have some from like 3 years ago because i’m literally the worst and rarely have motivation to write except for 4 in the morning. i need to work on that.
1 month
You met him in a cafe during the summer after spilling an ice coffee on him. You had apologized a million times but he brushed it off easily, telling you it wasn’t a big deal.
You were new to Montreal and not a avid hockey fan so you didn’t recognize him at first but when your friend pulled you aside after, you learned that he was a hockey player.
You didn’t put much thought in to it assuming you would never see him again but boy, were you wrong.
 3 months
The second time you met him was in late October. You were dragged to a bar by some friends for a Halloween party. You were trying to order a drink when someone sat on the stool beside you and when you looked, it was the guy - Brendan Gallagher you had learned - sitting there. He was offering to buy you a drink which you were going to politely decline but when he smiled easily and you felt your cheeks heat up, you knew you were a goner.
 5 months
You didn’t know if the two of you were in a committed relationship, because you hadn’t put a name on whatever it was that you were doing. Sure, you went to dinners and on lazy Sunday’s you would curl up on the couch together and watch silly rom-com’s. He always invited you to games except would introduce you as a friend when his teammates asked but at the end of the night, he would kiss you on your doorstep promising to call you in the morning. You constantly ached to ask what you were to him but you’d get cold feet so you just smiled and watched him leave.
 6 months
The problem, the problem was that you didn’t know what he did on road-trips. You didn’t know what he did after games, after a big win when he would go out with the guys and you would sit at home. If the two of you weren’t exclusive, would it matter if he was with other girls? Perhaps that was the reason he wasn’t ready to put a label on whatever you were and maybe you weren’t ready either because the fear of something happening would hang over your head like a black cloud.
But you were always there when he came home, and when he held you at night, you would try to ignore the taunting voice in your head that reminded you that he might have held other girls like this. Reminding you that another girl might have woken up in his arms and was greeted with his sleepy smile and messy hair.
 8 months
“I want you to meet my parents.” He told you on a cold spring day. He had taken you to lunch the day after he got back from a road trip and you were catching him up on what he missed even though he had only been gone for three days.
“Isn’t that something couples do?” You asked quietly and watched his face change from hesitation to confusion.
“Wait.” He said, holding up a finger. “Aren’t we a couple?”
You blew out a breath. “Are we?”
“Well, I mean, yeah.” He said in clear confusion and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“You never asked, Brendan.”
His nose scrunched up and you tried to focus on the conversation instead of how cute he looked.
“I didn’t think I had to.” He said and relief washed over you like a wave.
Then he smirked. “Looks like I’m the smart one in this relationship.”
“Oh shut up.” You said but warmth filled your chest at the term relationship and when he brought you back to his apartment and you looked at the drawer of your things in his dresser, you wondered why you ever doubted it.
 9 months  
You sometimes wondered in the back of your head why neither of you had said those three little words. They seemed so simple but also heavy.
But it made you think of chilly mornings when he would bring you your favourite drink on his way to practice. The way he kissed you and how he looked at you when he thought you weren’t looking. It made you think of how you would both be there for each other on the hard days. The games that were lost despite how hard the team had played. The days that you felt that nothing was going your way and you wanted to lay in bed all day.
But you were both there for each other at the end of the night in what could be the simplest ways.
Perhaps there were other ways to say I love you without words and you were perfectly happy with it.
 11 months
The day he asked you to move in with him was so casual. The two of you were watching trashy reality TV ( a guilty pleasure for you both) and he made an offhand comment about how most of your personal belongings were already here and wouldn’t it be easier to have everything in one place?
You were worried that the thought of living together would frighten you but it felt natural to pack up your apartment together and find places in his to put your things. It was like putting together a puzzle as if there had been missing pieces before but now they were found.
12 months
“Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we didn’t meet?” You asked one night, voice barely above a whisper.
He hummed. “Well, my shirt definitely wouldn’t have been ruined.”
When you hit him with a pillow he laughed but pulled you in for a kiss that made your heart feel like it might explode out of your chest and butterflies go crazy in your stomach.
You’re pretty sure this is what love feels like.
 24 months
The day he proposes is probably your favourite. It’s a mess and nothing goes how he planned but you think it is absolutely perfect and nothing will ever compare.
(except maybe the day you both meet your daughter because he looks at you in a way he never has before. he looks at you as if you were responsible for making the sun rise and you hope he never looks at you any different.)
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throw-the-torch · 6 years
Alex Galchenyuk & Brendan Gallagher - Peaches (Part 1) (Requested)
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A/N: Enjoy my lovelies :) 
Warnings: None 
Word Count: 1.3 K
Request: Hey! I found your blog like a month ago and love it! I was wondering if you could do a love triangle with one of the bromances, ex) The Gallys, Toews and Kaner, Seguin and Benn, etc. (Your choice) It could be like all you are good friends, but both start having feels for you and become confused, idk I will leave that up to you! Love your work!!!
“Hey what do you want to do on Friday?” Brendan asked as you finished putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, he was busy sitting at the counter putting some leftovers into Tupperware. 
“Alex and I are going to the Renaissance exposition at the Fine Arts Museum,” you said, recalling the plans you had made with your best friend’s teammate. 
“Since when do you guys hang out?” Brendan asked and there was a tone in his voice you couldn’t place, it was almost like he was annoyed. 
“I don’t know. He’s kind of here all the time and I just mentioned one day that I wanted to go and he said he was interested too so we made the plans. He lived in Italy for a bit and said he never had time to appreciate the art.” you said, feeling a little defensive. You and Brendan had been friends for years, when you got accepted to McGill you moved to Montreal and Brendan asked if you wanted to live together. Everything had been going pretty smoothly, the two of you working out a schedule and you had the natural habit of taking care of each other so it worked. 
“All good I’ll hang with my other best friend,” Brendan said, this time the annoyance in his voice clear as he hopped off his seat and headed to his bedroom. You knew better than to go after him, Brendan was a shit disturber on and off the ice and whatever was bothering him, he would come to you about it later.
Brendan had been off the rest of the week; every time Alex came over he kept to himself. He basically ignored you which made you mad because you did nothing wrong. Friday finally rolled around and you were getting ready when you notice Brendan standing at your doorframe. This wasn’t unusual, he had a tendency to lay on your bed and chat with you while you put makeup on and did your hair. 
“Someone’s getting dolled up,” Brendan said and you could feel his gaze looking you up and down. 
“Yeah Dad, I thought maybe there would be a cute Insta pic opportunity,” you said, pulling your jacket over your shoulder. Your patience for Brendan’s crappy attitude was starting to get on your nerves. “Alex is outside, I’ll see you later” you said and you headed for the front door, pausing only to pick up your purse.  
“I think I’ll come with you,” Brendan said “It’s not like it’s a date or anything” he added as he pulled on a snapback and followed you out the door.  You rolled your eyes and followed him to Alex’s car. You climbed into the backseat, crossing your arms and suddenly feeling over this whole excursion. You knew Brendan and knew he was going to get bored quickly and that your museum time would get cut short. 
“Hey man I didn’t know you were into art,” Alex said with surprise as he watched Brendan climb into the car. 
“Well my best friend is interested so I figured she’s sat through enough hockey that I could return the favor” Brendan replied with a smile plastered on his face. Alex didn’t answer but instead gave you a look in his rear-view mirror to which you just shook your head.
The drive was quiet, a tension in the car was evident. Once you got to the counter of the museum it became a tug of war between the boys about who was paying for your ticket so you just scanned your card to pay for the three, grabbed your ticket and walked ahead of them. 
“Why is she mad?” you could hear Brendan mumble but you were determined not to let him annoy you. The museum was pretty empty which made you a little happier. You started walking around, reading the panels and getting absorbed to the point that you didn’t realize that Alex had kept up to you. 
“That’s really pretty,” Alex said, his voice sincere. 
“It’s one of my favorites actually” you responded, taking the time to explain parts of the painting to Alex. 
“Hey Y/N why do all the babies in these pictures look like old men?” Brendan interrupted before moving along to the next room. You rolled your eyes, at the rate that he was moving through the rooms he would be done in 10 minutes and be asking you when it was time to leave. 
“You know I thought today was going to be just the two of us,” Alex said, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke “I was kind of looking for some alone time with you. I have something I want to tell you” Alex said and immediately you felt nervous.  
“What is it?” you said, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“Y/N I’m sure you have guys asking you out all the time but I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me sometime? I really like you. You’re so smart and funny and you give me butterflies every time you walk into a room. I was kind of hoping I would ask this and then we would go out for dinner after the museum but we seem to have a third wheel” he said letting out a nervous chuckle at the end. 
You didn’t know but Brendan was watching the exchange happen and his heart was racing. He saw the way you looked at Alex and he knew you were about to say yes. At that moment he did the only thing he could think of doing when he saw the love of his life falling for someone else; he called in the best friend code. Before you had a chance to answer Alex you heard Brendan practically shout the word “Peaches”. 
You looked at Brendan as soon as the word was out of his mouth. It was something you guys came up with as kids. If there was ever a situation where you guys were uncomfortable or needed to exit immediately then you would say peaches and without question, the other would follow. 
“Alex I’m sorry I just need to talk to Brendan one second,” you said, your loyalty pulling you to your best friend. “Don’t think I’m running from this conversation okay? I’ll be right back” you said giving him a sincere smile before following Brendan into the other room. 
“You better have a damn good reason for calling peaches,” you said to Brendan as soon as you were a decent distance away from Alex. “We haven’t done that since we were kids”. 
“I called peaches because I love you” Brendan said, pulling his cap off to run his hand through his hair, something he only did when he was nervous. 
“I love you too but I still don’t understand,” you said, not sure what he meant by it. 
“No Y/N I love you, I love you like Jack loves Sally, how Romeo loves Juliette. I have for a long time and I called Peaches because I couldn’t watch you agree to go on a date with Alex. He’s a great guy and he likes art like you and can say cute things in Italian and he likes to travel, you would fall for him and I just couldn’t watch that happen”.
With Brendan’s confession you felt like the floor disappeared from under you. You didn’t know what you were feeling, so many emotions coming at you at the same time. You did the only thing you could think of doing and turned and started to walk away. “I need to go” you said, walking out of the room and out of the museum, not looking back to see if any of them followed you. What the hell were you going to do?
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cuttergauthier · 2 years
cole x actress reader social media post ??
(These photos do not belong to me, this is all fanfiction)
I hope you love it<3
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Liked by ColeCaufield, Selenagomez and others
Yourusername Late night with Jimmy Fellon, it was a real honour to be here!
tagged Jimmyfellon
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Colecaufield Proud of you babe❤️
→Yourusername my biggest fan❤️
Selenagomez the best actress🤩
bgally11 Yn>>> cole
Nsuzuki_37 I’m happy you’re an amazing actress, especially since cole makes us watch all your movies!
→Colecaufield no i don’t!
→jakeevans18 yes you do!
Jackhughes Atta girl yn!!!
_Alexturcotte Mom i know a celebrity!!!
→Colecaufield 🤦🏼‍♂️
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Liked by Yourusername, Jackhughes and others
Colecaufield Absolute goddess 😍
tagged Yourusername
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Yourusername My date was pretty good looking too😘❤️
→Colecaufield I love you❤️
Byangelaprice Her and that dress😍
→Yourusername Thanks for the advice😘
Trevorzegras well we know who is better looking in this relationship!!
→Jackhughes definitely not cole!!
→Colecaufield Why are you guys so mean to me😢
→_Alexturcotte we don’t want you dating an actress, to go to your head!
Nsuzuki_37 Was cole a gentlemen? 
→Yourusername He always is!!
Catbtoffoli I want that dress😍
Jakeevans18 You look so tall in this!
→Yourusername all about the angles !!!
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Liked by yourusername, Jakeevans18 and others
Colecaufield Took my girl for brunch to celebrate her award last night❤️
tagged yourusername
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Yourusername i love you so much❤️
→Colecaufield I love you too, always❤️
Nsuzuki_37 Congrats on the award Yn!!!
Jackhughes Atta girl Yn!!
_Alexturcotte That’s My best friend!!!
Bgally11 Montreal’s own actress!!
Byangelaprice We are definitely celebrating when you get back to montreal!!!
→Yourusername i can’t wait!!!
Jakeevans18 Can i see the award when you guys get to Montreal?
→Colecaufield Dude really?
→Yourusername Of course you can!😂
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nhl-imagines-posts · 7 years
Brendan Gallagher - It's Baby Time
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Team: Montreal Canadiens
Requested: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 774
Summary: You give birth to your son
 “If you don’t go into labor within the next two days, you’ll have to be induced.”
“But I don’t wanna be induced,” I whine.
I absentmindedly roll on the yoga ball and almost fall over until my husband’s hand presses into my back to help me stabilize.
I nod at him in thanks and he strokes my hair out of my face, kissing my cheek.
“If it’s best for the baby,” Brendan reminds me.
I shoot him a glare over my shoulder. “Shut up, you got me into this situation.”
The midwife laughs over FaceTime. “If anything changes let me know, okay?”
We both nod and Brendan thanks her before hanging up.
“I don’t get it,” I sigh, “I was on time and you were early. And now this kiddo wants to be late?”
He shrugs. “He wants to be different.”
“If he wants to be different play basketball or something,” I grumble, moving to stand up from the ball.
Brendan moves in front of me, grabbing my hand with one hand and resting the other on my lower back.
He helps me stand and hovers over me while I walk to the bathroom.
“I can’t wait ‘til this baby arrives and you leave me alone,” I groan.
“I love you too, babe.”
“Shut up.”
“Is my niece or nephew still causing their hot mother a hard time?” I hear Alex’s booming voice from the front entrance and then a loud smack, probably from where my husband hit him.
Artturi’s laugh follows after and I roll my eyes at their childish antics.
“Babe?” Brendan calls out.
“Upstairs!” Even I can hear the pain in my voice.
You can practically hear their playful mood turn serious as Brendan rushes up the stairs and his two best friends follow.
“Are you in labor?” The shortest one questions the obvious.
I look up at him with a deathly glare as the midwife hovers over me, checking to make sure everything is progressing well.
“No, my vagina’s just out for the fun of it,” I spit out.
“Holy shit, do we get to watch Y/N give birth?” Alex gasps.
I look up from my spot on the bathroom floor to see a weirdly interested look on his face whereas Artturi just looks pale.
“If you want,” my husband responds for me, arriving back from changing into clothes he wouldn’t mind getting messy.
We were warned about this when learning about the delivery.
“As long as my lovely wife doesn’t mind,” he adds sweetly after seeing the look on my face, tilting my head gently to kiss my lips.
“You’re fine,” I reply, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the tub.
I reach my hand out blindly, Brendan already knowing what I’m looking for and grabbing it with his.
“Are you ready for your son?” I turn my head towards Brendan, opening my eyes.
The look in them takes my breath away.
It’s the look I see whenever Max looks at Lorenzo or Maximus.
Or the look I see whenever Brendan’s mother looks at any of her kids.
Or whenever my parents look at me or my siblings.
It’s the love of a parent.
It’s new.
And it’s going to stay for the rest of our lives.
“More than I could ever explain,” he admits, stroking my hair off of my sweaty forehead with his calloused fingers.
“Just think, we’re gonna be mom and dad for the rest of our lives,” I laugh, looking back up at the ceiling as a contraction hits me hard.
“And I wouldn’t do it with anybody else,” he raises my hand to his lips, kissing it gently.
“Me neither, Brendan Gallagher.”
“Nine pounds and three ounces, what a big boy,” the midwife comments.
“He probably gets that from muscley over here,” I motion towards the father of my child as best as I can while holding our creation. “But he’s the most amazing boy I’ve ever seen.”
Brendan leans over us from his spot underneath me.
He touches his son’s cheek tenderly, watching as the baby moves his mouth in fascination.
I laugh quietly at Alex leaning over all three of us, watching the hour old baby with curious eyes.
“Did we scare you off, Alex?” I question.
Brendan looks up at his teammate and smiles, then laughs while seeing a paper-white Artturi Lehkonen in the corner who looks like he’s about to throw up.
“I want one of my own now. Can you carry it for me, Y/N?” Alex requests.
“Nu-uh, she’s only carrying my babies,” Brendan refuses, kissing my still-flushed cheek.
“Find your own baby mama, Galchenyuk.”
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holidaywishes · 3 years
all it takes is one time
part ten: all it takes is one time
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  Summary: five years have passed and Brendan has kept his promise to “not give up on you.”
  Warning: fluff, angst, time jump
  Author’s Note: So, what I got from the poll was that everyone pretty much wants a happy ending. Which I think is great! Because of that, I’ve chosen to do a bit of a time jump so that the happy ever after seems natural. I love that people have enjoyed this series; I love writing for Gally and his smiley little face -- I mean look at him in that GIF -- so I’m always happy when people enjoy how I write him or what I write for him. This got a bit more angsty than I thought it would which is why it's a bit of a longer chapter (I wanted it to get fluffy eventually so I just kept writing until it did!) but I hope you continue to enjoy these last two chapters and thanks for reading! Stay Golden, loves! <3
Fun Fact: Grammarly calls my writing in this "confident" and "formal" so... I apologize for that. Typically, I try not to write super formally so I don't know what happened here.
  the other masterlist
Brendan’s P.O.V
  You couldn’t count how many times you’d proposed to (Y/N) over the last five years but you knew that you were gonna keep doing it until she said yes because you wanted her. You’d always wanted her.
  “Wanna marry me?” you asked as the two of you laid in bed, groggy from just waking up
  “Sure” she groaned, making you pop your head up in surprise
  “Wait, really?” you asked
  “Someday” she smirked, tucking herself into you to cuddle a little longer
  “You’re gonna kill me” you chuckled
  “No!” she scoffed
  “Yes!” you replied, wrapping your arms tightly around her body and kissing her neck playfully
  “STOP!” she squeaked, finally pushing you away so she could get out of bed, “I love you and I would love to stay here, in bed, with you but your parents are expecting us in like an hour”
  “We have tons of time!”
  “You might but I don’t...” she laughed and you jumped out of bed, meeting her across the room
  “What are you talking about? It’s not like you have to do anything. We’re just going for lunch,” you smiled, kissing her temple as she looked in the mirror, “they love you. What’s going on?”
  “I don’t think your mom has ever really... liked me for you”
  “What? Of course she has”
  “I’ve spent close to 10 years trying to get her to see that I’m good enough for you, especially after the break up...”
  “(Y/N), you have nothing to worry about,” you assured her, turning her around, “she knows that you love me and that’s all she needs” she smiled at you, kissing you quickly before walking away
  “If you say so”
  “I do say so,” you smirked, “trust me.” When you pulled up to your parents house, you noticed (Y/N) sigh heavily and you reached out to grab her hand, “if you need me, I’m right here”
  “Okay” she smiled
  “But you won’t need me” you teased
  “Bren…” she scoffed before you threw open your door and ran up the stairs to greet your family inside.
  “(Y/N),” your mom said as your girlfriend walked through the door slowly, placing her hands on (Y/N)’s arms before embracing her in light hug. “It’s so good to see you”
  “You too” (Y/N) said, looking over your moms shoulder to you as you smiled and mouthed ‘I told you’
  “Let’s sit down and have some lunch okay?” your mom said as she pulled away from (Y/N), who nodded in return
  “See?” you smiled, kissing her forehead and wrapping your arm around her waist while you walked to the back patio, “nothing to worry about.”
  Della had liked you when you first met. She thought you were sweet and that you were good for Brendan but when she found out you cheated, her opinion of you changed, as you thought it might, but Brendan seemed completely oblivious to all of it. He still believed that she loved you because you loved him; because he loved you.
  “See?” he said as he directed you to the patio outside with his family, after his mother had given you a, rather passive, hug when you first arrived. “Nothing to worry about!” you wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that he was blind to the inner workings of female interactions, but this was his mom and you weren’t there to cause drama.
  “So, (Y/N),” Della started from across the table, “what have you been up to these last five years? We still don’t get to spend too much time with Brendan except during the summer and he’s mostly stayed in Montreal with you so we haven’t got to see either of you…” you smiled to yourself, looking down at your lap as you tried to evade her tone
  “I’ve been working,” you said, looking at Brendan beside you before smiling at him, “keeping myself busy when Brendan’s at practice or at games, ma—”
  “Do you go to the games still?” Nolan asked
  “I mean, he’s gotta have at least one fan there for him” Erin laughed
  “I try,” you admitted, a blush creeping across your cheeks as you prepared to say the next words; fearing what they all might think of you. “But sometimes our schedules don’t match up and I have to watch from home…”
  “But you still make sure you always watch the game?” Della asked and you could feel the heat from her glare reach you for across the table
  “Most of the time,” you said slowly before Brendan reached out his hand to grab yours, “but there have been a few times when I’ve had to get the score from someone else because I didn’t have a second to even look at the game…”
  “Well that makes sense,” Ian added before Della could argue your answer, “stuff like that is going to happen. You can’t stop working to watch the games or else you’d get fired” you laughed, nodding in response
  “I mean,” Breanne added, “unless you quit your job”
  “Yeah,” Della said, almost giddy at the thought, “have you thought about quitting your job? I’m sure Brendan could keep you both comfortable”
  “Mom...” Brendan finally said, shaking his head at her while you took a sip of the water in front of you
  “I was joking, Mom...” Breanne said, presumably seeing your discomfort
  “But it’s a serious question, something to consider,” Della added, semi-defensively, “I don’t think that’s something to get so up in arms about”
  “Why don’t we just enjoy the weather, okay?” Ian said, diffusing the situation the best he could while Brendan followed Della inside
  “I’m sorry, Ian,” you sighed as the two of you walked toward the grass, “I didn’t mean to make things uncomfortable”
  “It’s okay” he smiled
  “I know she doesn’t trust me much anymore” you added, dropping your head as kicked your foot in the grass
  “She just loves Brendan,” he answered, “he’s the first-born, you know? It’s a special bond between them”
  “I know,” you said before the two of you stood in silence, watching Breanne, Erin and Nolan played some game you’d never really seen before; laughing at each other when one seemed to do something wrong.
  “It’s not that she doesn’t trust you,” Ian said, after a while of not speaking, forcing you to look at him suddenly, “it’s just that she watched Brendan mope around for months after the two of you broke up and then when you got into your accident, she listened to him talk about how the two of you were getting back together but to her…”
  “She didn’t believe it” you sighed, your eyes still trained on the ground as you interrupted him
  “It felt like he was putting all his faith into something that was gonna break his heart again” he continued, making you look up at him and your eyes grew wide at the thought
  “I never wanted to break his heart,” you admitted, “it’s complicated I guess but I love him. Breaking up with him felt terrible but being together, then, didn’t feel right either and I felt like I was holding him back. I let him go so he could find what he really wanted”
  “But what he really wanted was you,” Ian argued, “it was always you. He told us that all the time, you were always on his mind and in his heart”
  “I know,” you smiled thoughtfully, “he’s always felt like the one to me, too, I guess I just needed him to know that I didn’t want him to feel trapped… I don’t know how to explain it really”
  “I get it,” Ian smirked, “but do me a favour, don’t try explaining it to my wife. Because she absolutely will not understand any of it”
  “You have my word.”
Brendan’s P.O.V
  “I just don’t see why she doesn’t even want to try to change her work schedule…” your mom argued as the two of you washed the dishes
  “Mom…” you whined
  “I’m serious, Brendan,” she exclaimed, “she misses your games because of work, she doesn’t make time for the two of you to see us..”
  “That’s not on her,” you interjected, “we live in Montreal, which means we can’t just pop out here to say hi”
  “But you could call” she challenged
  “Yes, you’re right,” you scoffed, “but that’s on me. Not (Y/N), so don’t turn it into her problem”
  “She doesn’t want this relationship to progress any further than what it always was…” she frowned and you shook your head
  “She does” you confessed
  “It doesn’t seem like it”
  “Because she wants to have a job? Because she doesn’t always stop everything to watch a game?” you asked
  “Because she doesn’t try. Not the way you do”
  “Mom,” you rubbed your temples, “she does try. There’s more to it than what you can see. You know, she was reluctant to come here today because she thinks that you don’t think she’s good enough for me and I had to keep telling her that wasn’t true. But it is true, isn’t it? She was right and you’ve never liked her…” you questioned, drying your hands
  “That’s not true!” your mom yelled, stopping you from leaving, “I loved her for you, I thought you two were perfect for each other and she fit so well with us but she proved time and again that she just didn’t care. She cheated, she didn’t communicate with you, she ended things because of some vague excuse that you two weren’t good together anymore and then she used you to make her better after her car accident”
  “She didn’t use me. She needed help so I offered my help,” you corrected, “because I love her and no matter what happened between us, I wasn’t going to let her be in pain" she seemed to drop the conversation after that but not without a heavy sigh before walking into the backyard to join everyone
  "Hey," you whispered to (Y/N) as you draped your arm across her shoulders, "how're you doing?"
  "I'm okay," she replied quietly, "how are you?"
  "I'm good" you smiled, hoping she wouldn't see how the conversation with your mom annoyed you
  "I didn't mean to start anything," she said with a sigh, wrapping her arms around your waist and you looked down at her as she looked up at you, "drama or whatever. I didn't mean to make things awkward..."
  "You didn't" you smiled, kissing her forehead
  "It feels like things are tense" she admitted and you shrugged, looking out at your family but still feeling (Y/N) looking up at you
  "Wanna marry me and get outta here?" you joked, hearing her scoff in return
  "No," she said, hugging you tighter, "but maybe."
  It had been two weeks since you and Brendan were at his parent's place for a BBQ, two weeks since you could feel Della's hesitation of you being with her son and two weeks since Brendan last asked you to marry him. The proposals were becoming less frequent now and your mind was running wild with reasons why that might be but you hoped that he was waiting for the perfect moment. And that that perfect moment came when you were absolutely ready to say yes.
  “He used to propose every day,” you told your best friend, Rebecca, has the two of you sat on her balcony, “and now, nothing. Not a single mention of marriage”
  “If he asked you today, would you say yes?” she asked candidly
  “I don’t know” you replied
  “Maybe he knows that, finally, and he just wants to wait long enough,” she said, “you said he proposed at the barbecue and you said no, right?”
  “I mean, I guess…” you scoffed
  “So…” she smirked, “he probably feels that you’re not ready yet and he’s just tired of small proposals”
  “Small proposals?” you furrowed your brow
  “Yeah,” she said before taking a sip of her drink, “he probably wants to do something big but he wants to know you’re ready to say yes…”
  “And how would he know when I’m ready?” you chuckled
  “I have no idea,” she laughed, “maybe he’s got a checklist”
  “Oh my god, if he has a checklist,” you laughed, throwing your head back, “I swear to god, I would die”
  “You know how he is though,” she said after the two of you stopped laughing, “his first proposal was in a public place”
  “Yeah but that was so much pressure and we fought about it afterwards”
  “Yeah because you weren’t ready to say yes,” she said, “you needed to air out the reasons why...”
  “Do you think he’ll listen to them?” you questioned, raising your eyebrow at her
  “Why wouldn’t he?” she asked
  “After what happened with his mom, I think he’s starting to revert back to the idea that I should just be the ‘holly housewife’ type” you admitted
  “I don’t think that’s true”
  “I hope not...” you sighed, finishing up your water and heading inside. After realizing that you had been there for almost three hours, you decided it was probably time for you to go home, surprised to see Brendan sitting at the table when you walked into the apartment. “Bren...?” you asked hesitantly
  “Hey,” he said plainly and you couldn’t think of anything to say, he seemed very focused and you weren’t sure why. It made you nervous, “so, I... don’t know where to start...”
  “What’s wrong?” you finally asked, setting down your bag and pulling out a chair to sit beside him
  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to marry me,” he admitted and you shook your head in confusion, “or that if we get married, you’ll lose yourself”
  “I don’t want my mom to feel like you’re not good for me for whatever reason,” he admitted, stopping you from interrupting him, still not looking at you. Oh god, you thought to yourself, he’s gonna break up with me, “and I don’t want you to be mad at my mom because you resent her for whatever reason”
  “Bren--” you started but he stopped you, his eyes finally looking into yours
  “I love you,” he confessed, “and I realize now, though I should’ve realized before, that you don’t want some grand gesture of a proposal. Maybe because you don’t like all the attention or maybe because it feels like too much pressure. Whatever it is, it’s not what you want. I should’ve known that. I should’ve paid attention to that” you took a breath as you listened to his words, not really knowing where this was going. “But here’s the thing,” he said, holding your hands in his while his eyes danced between yours, “I told you I wasn’t giving up. And all it takes is once. One time. One proposal for you to say yes to and then, what do ya know? we’re engaged. So, I won’t give up because I love you and if you keep saying no, eventually I’ll take the hint, but I’m gonna ask you right now. Right here. Like this. Because I love you and I want to marry you, Do you want to marry me?”
  “Yes,” you whispered without thinking about it; everything he said just took away any fears that you had and you couldn’t think of your life without him. “Yes,” you repeated, feeling a tear fall down your cheek before giggling happily, “yes, I will marry you”
  “Wait really?” he said, the shock in his face making you laugh
  “Yes, baby” you said softly, placing your hand on his cheek
  “Like really really?”
  “Really really” you smiled before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips, feeling a tear graze your cheek as it feel down his
  “God, I love you,” he scoffed when he pulled away as if he was catching your breath, “but I am exhausted”
  “I know, I’m sorry” you laughed
  “You’re serious right?” he asked again and you smiled brightly, squeezing his hands tightly
  “YES! Brendan, baby, I’m serious”
  “I just needed to check” he smirked
  “I love you,” you cooed, “and I can’t imagine marrying anyone else, being with anybody else”
  “Fucking finally” he sighed and you laughed
  “I won’t sacrifice myself for your job though” you insisted
  “I wouldn’t dream of it” he smirked, capturing you in a kiss before picking you up and taking you to the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him and throwing you on the bed. 
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superbgally11world · 7 years
Warning: smut filled story, if under 18 you shouldn’t read this. Authors notes: I can’t stress the importance of consent during sex and communication. Decided to incorporate consent and communication to show the readers what it looks like. Also you should always practice safe sex. Protect yourself from unwanted diseases that could be deadly. Also no one wants to become pregnant when it isn’t planned for, so on that note WRAP IT UP PEEPS!
“Unforgettable” - French Montana
You and Brendan were driving and unforgettable came on. He put his hand on your thigh and started singing the song. You smiled at his silliness knowing what the song meant to you. It was the first song you both had danced to when you met. It was what led to this very moment. You had been dating for over 2 and a half years and this was the night you’d make most memorable. You’d lose your virginity. After supper, you insisted going back home saying you were tired from preparing for your exam. Truth was you had planned a whole romantic night. You guys arrived at your shared home. Your heart was beating so fast you though he could hear it. You had no idea how to act sexy, let alone how to seduce a man. The greatest fear at the moment was rejection and laughter. You thought if you tried to act seductive he’d laugh and leave you. As you started to get into the elevator, Brendan squeezed your hand and said “Babe you okay?, you look worried”. His eyes remained fixed on you and you looked at the floor. “I’m fine, stressing about my exam I guess”.
He held you and kissed you while saying, “You’ll do fine, your the smartest gal I know”. You smiled and kissed him back. You noticed that his kiss was different. It was more passionate than usual. It signaled thirst. The elevator dinged and you both stepped out. Walking to your apartment door you were starting to freak out. Everything would change once you both were on the other side of that door. Your life would change after tonight, hopefully for the better. When Brendan unlocked the door, you guided him in. Starting to kiss him.
While doing so you could sense that passion again, the longing for you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to you. He broke to kiss and said “let me at least close the door before the neighbors think we’re making a porno”. You laughed and pulled him to you. Kissing him again, his hands travelled to butt. You pulled away and led him to the bedroom. “Bren, I gotta tell you something”.
He continued to kiss you. “Bren, I’m serious I gotta tell you something”. He reluctantly pulled away. “What’s wrong babe?”. You guided his into the bedroom and you both sat on the bed. “Bren, I’m ready to take our relationship to the next step.” He looked at you confused. “I want to lose my virginity tonight. With you”, He looked shocked. “Are you about that Y/N, you can’t undo it once it’s done”. You looked at the floor feeling nervous. He squeezed your hand. “Y/N, I love you but I don’t want to be a mistake in your life, I need to know that I won’t be.” You looked at him fighting back tears. Was he going to reject you? “Bren, I’m sure, I’ve thought about it and pictured it many times.
It feels right. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone. I would put my life in your hands because I know you’d never hurt me”. He looked at the floor ashamed. “I’m sorry Y/N, I just wanted to make sure I would be a mistake, because I want everything with you”. You got up and held his face in your hands.
“I’m sure of what I want. I want you. Every single part. I want an entire eternity with you.” You began kissing him and slowly his hands travelled to your legs. He pulled you on top of him, closing any space between you. You undid his shirt while still kissing him. He undid your dress. You broke the session momentarily and said, “do you have protection?” He smiled and said “of course I do”. You continued to kiss and undress each other, until you broke the kiss again, “wait what is that suppose to mean?” He laughed and said, “Y/N, relax, I keep some Incase if moment like tonight with you.” You felt more relieved and continued your session. Once you were both undressed he lifted you up and lied you down on the bed. He started kissing your neck and went down till a little passed the navel.
He looked at you said “may I?” You smiled and nodded. With that he continued kissing your body. Once he reached your core you could feel the warmth of his breath. It made you wetter. He began licking your core gently as you began to arch your back. The feeling was euphoric and different. He then started rubbing your clit and it started to drive you mad. You felt a hunger, a pressure. You started moaning louder which only made him go faster and harder. You felt a tension starting to build up. You grabbed hold of the sheets and moaned louder. “Bren, I’m not gonna make it”. He smiled and continued watching you reach your climax. “Let go babe” his tongue was magic. You couldn’t hold on any more and with one breathe you came.
You felt your release leave your body and it was as if a million fireworks went off at once. After your release he got up on the bed and pulled you to him. You could feel his member. You began kissing his neck and slowing trailing his body. Once you reached just below his navel you looked at him with a smirk and said, “may I?”, he laughed and said “of course”. You went to his member and began kissing it. Slowly you put it in your mouth and and started licking it. You could hear his moans and it only drove you more. You began to suck his member and drove him crazy. He stopped you and pulled you on top of him. He kissed you.
You felt his member your core and whispered in his ear. “Put it in” without a second though he inserted himself into you. It was very tight and you began to feel full. He slowly started to thrust himself into you. You moaned with each thrust he made. He sped up as he caresses your body. You felt that pressure again, you knew this time what it lead to. As his pace sped up, your moans grew louder. You started clawing at his back. He felt the pressure build up and you said, “I’m close. I can’t anymore”. He went faster and faster each thrust becoming sloppier. He said “come with me”. With three words your body cane undone. He had such power over you. As you came down on top on him he pulled out spraying himself on you. You kissed him passionately and said “I love you” you put his shirt on and went to the washroom to clean yourself off. You hadn’t noticed but he was in doorway watching you.
You turned to see him. “Hey hunny, you okay?” You kissed him. “I’m perfect”. He picked you up over his shoulder and brought you to the bed. You got into bed and kissed him. “Brendan, I love you”. He looked at you and stroked your cheek, “I love you too. Can I ask you something?” You looked at him worried. “Sure”. He held your face in his hands. “If I ask you to stay with me for eternity, will you?”, you kissed him and said “of course I will”. With that he kissed you and said “you are unforgettable and one day I’m going to marry you”. You smiled and kissed him. You both started to drift off to sleep. As you both fell asleep he hummed the song Unforgettable.
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harlowhockeystick · 3 years
heatabovejakey's wip list
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Royal Hood -> prince!calum hood x female reader
- prince calum finds himself falling for a commoner, someone who not of royal descent. while he is away for the summer with his family, he finds himself sneaking away to be with Y/N in the countryside, getting away from his royal duties.
Know It All -> brendan gallagher x female oc
- brendan and jo broke up months ago, but he still finds himself longing for the girl of his dreams that walked out on him. (based off the song know it all, by the band camino).
The 3 Times Calum Almost Kissed You, And The 1 Time He Did
- calum and Y/N have been friends for a long time, but little does she know that calum dreams about being more than friends. these are the three times that calum wanted to lean down and kiss her, and the one time he finally did.
add yourself to my taglist!
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kniesyswrld · 3 years
Foods I’d Feed These NHL Players
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padfootprongslet · 3 years
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