#Brian the crow
marivoid · 4 months
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This one shall do well against the Survivor. Wouldn't you agree?
No, I would not. Is it wise to allow a fight between them? Our Survivor does not stand a chance. I wouldn't want to lose him so soon.
Oh he will be fine, One. He has lasted this long.
But against the likes of a warrior such as her?
He will do fine.
What about that crow? It is a constant warning for the Survivor. She would not be able to land a hit.
No. But I do not believe that crow will be allowed in the Game.
How do you know? That insufferable Gamemaster and Wishmaker-
-Do not listen to a word we say. Yes. I know. They're ungrateful for the lives we gave them, but what can we do? They twisted our own words against us.
There has to be a way, Two. Our Survivor needs to win. How else would we get him back to his Test Zone?
That is where our special project comes in. G1 may have escaped our facility... But T2 is not a failure. It was a brilliant move to grab it whenever it was much younger. More... How would you phrase it, One?
Compliant. Willing to believe everything we said. Now its mind is getting curious. If it gets too curious and suddenly gets access to that doomed world... How would you know it would even encounter our Survivor? Or even return?
We make it believe it will die. Simple. Those trackers are very hard to remove after all. Send periodic shocks to T2, each one stronger than the last. Whispers of doubt and a few Reteachings should do the trick.
That is what you said about G1. But that was a failure. It grew a backbone and escaped halfway through our tests!
Please remain calm, One. Believe me when I say this one will go swimmingly.
I hardly trust that anymore, Two.
Ohhh how you hurt me! Now, go get T2's plans ready. I shall see what we can do about the Warrior. She will be participating in those Games at the end of this month. When we are three days away, send T2 to our Survivor. His chip may be weak, but I should be able to locate it. Maybe even have T2 recharge it!
That... Would be a great opportunity to recharge his tracker. Wouldn't it?
It would! It would! You are starting to see the bigger picture One!
I suppose I am. Maybe you still have a conscious left.
Oh I have a conscious! But I cannot promise that I am sane!
"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?" A warrior would ask a demon.
"It's probably just nervousness before MCC! You'll do fine!" The demon would assure the warrior.
"Brian if you don't stop PECKING MY NECK-"
"... Hello?"
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philzas-crownest · 4 months
Hiya Phil.
I see you. /j
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“I see you too”
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lillianforest22 · 2 years
After watching enough streams with tt on I do not see <3 as a heart. If somone irl told me less than three I would go oh thanks you so much.
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cosmicjunkyard · 7 months
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I love deathduo here's a comic
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+ original sketch
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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colonelcuckoo · 29 days
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Corporate clash dump i like it very munch
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redactedcrowart · 10 months
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morbnets? in 2023? it's more likely than you'd think
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bettingonducks · 30 days
🔥andst331 Follow
Orange juice is the superior beverage, because it makes your tongue feel like you ate a bunch of ants. Which reminds me of my childhood when I would put ants in my mouth and eat them except this time it tastes good.
🌧calm-before-the-monsoon Follow
Hey Flint I think you're probably allergic to citrus?
♣️bettingonblack Follow
Is this not what orange juice is supposed to make your tongue feel like?
👟mileaminute Follow
Did you know that if your mouth itches when you eat kiwis its not from the hair left over on the fruit after you peel it I didnt until I was 26 or so
🔔ringalingding Follow
Confusingly, pineapple is supposed to feel like that, the damn thing is attempting to digest you right back.
🥪cathalbravecog Follow
numb lips are not the part of the intended experience of peanut butter
🚧notpayingmytaxes Follow
🧠brain-blast Follow
Are we just going to ignore the part where Flint says he ate ants???
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the-lonely-crow · 9 months
The Drum
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[Image ID: Drumbot Brian draws in the style of the Hanged Man tarot card. He is hung upside down with his left leg extended and his right leg bent. He is wearing a partially unbuttoned white shirt, brown vest, and blue jeans. His human heart can be seen through a window in his chest and he has a gold stylized halo. He is bound to the gallows behind him with gold wires. There is a sign on the top of the gallows with the Roman numeral XII. The drawing has a dark gold boarder with stylized gears in the corners and “The Hanged Man” written in all caps at the bottom. End ID]
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ballpitbee · 5 months
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Blink blonks at you
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Once again, restricting the choice to the characters I like and know. Please elaborate in the tags but avoid writing "This is... erasure" or "How could you forget...?" because it gives me anxiety.
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marivoid · 4 months
Entry 34
Day 228
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Since the Angel won't be in for a few days, I decided that I would find a "Nook in the Wall" so to speak. Small shops that are hidden to the normal eye and one has to go out of their way to find it. Something that the people back in my G.U.I.D.E. used to speak so much about.
I was hoping to find one of these mysterious hidden shops.
And find it I did. Well. Actually, my growling stomach did.
As I sit here writing this update from a very comfy seat in a small bakery, I have a few things to update. One, apparently there are people that are not mortal. Two... Brian is a surprisingly good lookout.
When I first got here, I was greeted by a cozy little bakery. I hadn't seen a bakery since... Well, not important to today. As I made my way along, just enjoying myself and the sight of the bakery, a woman shouted at me over a tiny, head sized square in the wooden wall.
"Be right out there, Love! My pin's being downright awful at the moment!"
And by pin... She meant a rolling pin with one of its handles broken clean off.
But I will not lie. When I saw this woman... Something about her threw me off. At a brief glance, this woman looks kind! Like an absolute sweetheart of a woman, working her bum off every day for her bakery. But... Goodness, it's something I can't explain. Her eyes seem to be too perfect, her face too symmetrical when staring at her head on, her ears are so long and pointy... And the massive wings on her back.
Apparently people can have REAL wings. The Crashlands get even more interesting every day. And of course, she wasn't complete without an odd mechanical crow clinging to her shoulder.
"What can I get for you? Got some scones, a few donuts if you got an itchen for something sweet! Or something salty? I got scavengers in a tarp if you want some of those!" Her voice was heavily accented with a dialect from a VERY old ago. (I think Australian? I can't remember, those text books were aged ago. And I think scavengers in a tarp are like pigs in a blanket, but... I didn't ask to find out.)
"I guess just a scone would do? Something small and... I think..." I kept getting distracted by that haunting blue eye. "Your crow seems... Friendly." (I did not think he was friendly. At all.)
"What do you mean?" Her head had whipped around to glare at the robotic Crow, shooting him a look of some kind. (I think I was still dealing with the fact that this woman's whole head could turn on a DIME!) "Ohhh! Brian! He ain't nothing but all beak, no talons." She had assured me her head flipped right back around to look at him. "Now, back to what you were ordering?"
"A scone would be nice and if you have it, coffee? I haven't had a cup in forever." (It had been nearly a year at the time of me writing this. Coffee is not easy to come by!)
"Alright, love. Go ahead and take a seat, I'll call for you when you're ready. Could I get your name for the order?"
I nearly gave it to her. It seemed so simple. Just to give a little name. But there was that odd feeling again. Something just didn't feel right. Like there was a second meaning behind those brown eyes of hers.
"Just 67 works. You know how names are in the Crashlands! Never give em if you don't ever see em again!"
Her eyes lingered on me a bit too long but she did eventually nod and get to work gathering the items. I ducked away to a table after a few customers stumbled on through and waited for a bit. It was just nice to sit down for once and enjoy the smell of baked goods and not need to worry about acid rain or Stranglers trying to get me.
However... That peace did not last long.
That mechanical crow came straight over to me. Piercing blue eyes constantly staring at me.
"... Hello, Brian. Um... Pretty bird wants a cookie? No, crows can't eat cookies can they? Uhm... Don't know about scones. Maybe? You are a robot."
A robotic caw. Small, scratchy, definitely not right. Like a broken voice box.
"Well... That is no good. Voice box going a little haywire? Hold on a minute." I'm still ever so grateful I'm a collector of most things that are considered "junk." Because what did I happen to find in my bag?
Three different voice boxes, ranging in sizes. And one just so happened to be very small.
"Aha. I knew I had something." I am not lying when I write this, I swear I'm not. But he just hopped over to the voice box and SWALLOWED IT. No undoing the metal plates, no double checking to make sure it fits. Just gulped it down like a tasty summer treat.
"Brian, you can choke on that I will have you know-"
Another caw. Much louder. Much clearer. And Brian himself seemed to be a lot happier if those happy jumps were anything to judge by.
"Glad you're happy, Brian." By that time my order of scones had been called out by the odd women. Just as I was about to make a move for my order, Brian jumped up and (I swear) perched on my shoulder. Just made himself right at home.
"I do hope you know I'm not sharing my scones. Or coffee. If they have some dirty oil we'll get it for you."
Another caw and a tiny peck to the temple.
"Alright, alright! Clean oil. Hot?"
Another peck.
"Cold it is." And from there I managed to get my food and my first cup of coffee in a LONG time. I actually was able to enjoy my little moment for about an hour (Yes, I did give in and let Brian steal a couple of crumbs of scones) before that odd woman came to sit in front of me.
"You know Brian doesn't like anyone, yeah? Doesn't even like me, love! Never perched on anyone but that old stick behind the counter. All he does is go up to people, caw, and fly straight back."
"And nobody helped him before? All the little fella needed was a voice box change." And that got a whole coo from Brian. A happy one.
"Is that really it? A voice box?" Her eyes met Brian's. "Oh you little turd, here I was thinking you were sick! Been taking care of you for a while now! You've been living in birdy retirement this whole time!"
"Birdy retirement? He's been retired?" Who would possibly retire a mechanical crow?
The woman rested her chin on hand. "A couple years ago, a man walked in with Brian. Said that he didn't want the poor bird to hurt anyone. Haven't seen him since. He's had that scratchy voice this entire time, so I thought it was untreatable! It didn't help that Brian is a sassy little thing that hates mechanics!"
An angry caw this time. "I... Don't think you were supposed to take him to a mechanic. Isn't there maybe a vet around? Or maybe somebody who specializes in bots?"
"Unfortunately not, no. None that I know of." The woman and I spoke for a few more minutes, asking one another questions. But the bell eventually went off and more customers poured in.
"Welp, love, I best take care of them. How about you take Brian around, yeah? Old bird has been cooped up in here for a while and should get to see more of the Crashlands!"
I had choked on my coffee at that point. "I-I'm sorry?"
"Bring him around." She waved her hand easily. "Show him the Crashlands. I can't, I got a store to run! And my ring only goes so far! But you can go in and out as you wish. I think that's only fair, hmm?"
"Your... Ring? What exactly is a ring?"
"Nothin' you should worry yourself over. Take all the time you need, Hun. But bring Brian along. He's a good companion to have. And you won't be lonely once you leave the city!" And with that, she had turned right around and walked off to tend to her customers.
As of writing in this now, it's about two in the afternoon. Brian is still on my shoulder and has refused to leave this entire time. He's coming with me whether I like it or not!
I guess he's not all that bad. And he's good for getting a higher look at the sky!
When I left the bakery, I only then noticed the sign.
"Stress' Sweets and Salties."
Guess that woman did have a name.
I still have time to kill. Still two more days. IF that poster is accurate.
I just really need to find the Angel.
I need to find the Doctor.
-MLW and Brian
-The Crashlands.
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counterspelling · 2 years
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Endless Neverafter
I would love if Pinocchi-Crow just looked really appetizing, covered in spider goo
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hoagster · 6 months
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elkyralt · 7 months
Do we think Brian (q!Phil's crow on the QSMP) as he sits on Phil's shoulder suddenly pauses, turns his head 180 degrees skyward opens his beak completely and starts spewing random words (chatter donos) in a robotic and gargled way.
Now imagine this during an Order meeting.
"So recently there's been kidnappings and we really have to be careful-"
"UU RR UU RR 7777777777"
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randomnessoffiction · 19 days
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