#Brianna Dym
mpchev · 4 months
You like reading fanfics? How about reading about fanfics? 😏
Here’s what I've read so far (or am currently getting through) for my dissertation on fanfiction bookbinding! I'll be updating it as I go until the end of July. If you have any recs to add to the towering pile or any questions/opinions about something on there, I’m all ears!
on fan studies & ficbinding ✔
Alexander, Julia, ‘Making fanfiction beautiful enough for a bookshelf’, The Verge, 9 March 2021 <https://www.theverge.com/22311788/fanfiction-bookbinding-tiktok-diy-star-wars-harry-potter-twitter-fandom> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Buchsbaum, Shira Belén, ‘Binding fan fiction and reexamining book production models’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Dym, Brianna, and Casey Fiesler, ‘Ethical and privacy considerations for research using online fandom data’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 33 (2020)
Jenkins, Henry, Textual Pochers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (New York: Routeledge, 1992)
Jenkins, Henry, ‘Transmedia Storytelling 101’, Pop Junctions, 21 March 2007 <http://henryjenkins.org/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html#sthash.gSETwxQX.dpuf> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Hellekson, Karen, ‘Making Use Of: The Gift, Commerce, and Fans’, Cinema Journal, 54, no. 3 (2015), 125–131
Kennedy, Kimberly, ‘Fan binding as a method of fan work preservation’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 37 (2022)
Minkel, Elizabeth, ‘Before “Fans,” There Were “Kranks,” “Longhairs,” and “Lions”: How Do Fandom Gain Their Names?’, Atlas Obscura, 30 May 2024 <https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/fandom-names> [accessed 12 June 2024]
Penley, Constance, Nasa / Trek: Popular Science and Sex in America (London: Verso, 1997)
Price, Ludi, ‘Fanfiction, Self-Publishing, and the Materiality of the Book: A Fan Writer’s Autoethnography’, Humanities, 11, no. 100 (2022), 1–20
Schiller, Melanie, ‘Transmedia Storytelling: New Practices and Audiences’, in Stories: Screen Narrative in the Digital Era, ed. by Ian Christie and Annie van den Oever (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 99–107
on folklore, the internet, other background reading ✔
Barthes, Roland, ‘La mort de l’auteur’ in Le Bruissement de la langue: Essais critiques IV (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1984)
Blank, Trevor J., Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World (Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 2009)
Mauss, Marcel, ‘Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques.’, L’année sociologique, 1923–1924; digital edition by Jean-Marie Tremblay, Les classiques des sciences sociales, 17 February 2002, <http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/mauss_marcel/socio_et_anthropo/2_essai_sur_le_don/essai_sur_le_don.html> [accessed 10 June 2024]
McCulloch, Gretchen, Because Internet: Understanding How Language is Changing (Random House, 2019)
Niles, John D., Homo Narrans: The Poetics and Anthropology of Oral Literature (University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 1999)
hopefully coming up next (haven't started yet)
A Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies, ed. by Paul Booth (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018)
A Fan Studies Primer: Method, Research, Ethics, ed. by Paul Booth and Rebecca Williams (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2021)
Dietz, Laura, ‘Showing the scars: A short case study of de-enhancement of hypertext works for circulation via fan binding or Kindle Direct Publishing’, 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ‘23), September 4–8, 2023, Rome Italy (ACM: New York, 2023)
Fathallah, Judith May, Fanfiction and the Author: How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017)
Finn, Kavita Mudan, and Jessica McCall, ‘Exit, pursued by a fan: Shakespeare, Fandom, and the Lure of the Alternate Universe’, Critical Survey, 28, no. 2 (2016), 27–38
Hjorth, Larissa et al., eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography (New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Jacobs, Naomi, and JSA Lowe, ‘The Design of Printed Fanfiction: A Case Study of Down to Agincourt Fanbinding’, Proceedings from the Document Academy, 9, issue 1, article 5
Jenkins, Henry, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (New York: New York University Press, 2006)
Jenkins, Henry, Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning In A Networked Culture (New York: New York University Press, 2013)
Kennedy, Kimberly, and Shira Buchsbaum, ‘Reframing Monetization: Compensatory Practices and Generating a Hybrid Economy in Fanbinding Commissions’, Humanities, 11, no. 67 (2022), 1–18
Kirby, Abby, ‘Examining Collaborative Fanfiction: New Practices in Hyperdiegesis and Poaching’, Humanities, 11, no. 87 (2002), 1–9
Kustritz, Anne, Identity, Community, and Sexuality in Slash Fan Fiction (New Work: Routeledge, 2024)
Lamerichs, Nicolle, Productive Fandom: Intermediality and Affecive Reception in Fan Cultures, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam Universtiy Press, 2018)
Popova, Milena, ‘Follow the trope: A digital (auto)ethnography for fan studies’, Transformative Works and Cultures, 33 (2020)
Rosenblatt, Betsy, and Rebecca Tushnet, ‘Transformative Works: Young Women’s Voices on Fandom and Fair Use’, in eGirls, eCitizens: Putting Technology, Theory and Policy into Dialogue with Girls’ and Young Women’s Voices, ed. by Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves
Soller, Bettina, ‘Filing off the Serial Numbers: Fanfiction and its Adaptation to the Book Market’, in Adaptation in the Age of Media Convergence, ed. by Johannes Fehrle, Werner Schäfke-Zell (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019), 58–85
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sbooksbowm · 4 years
Weekly Wrap-Up - 2 October
Look who is procrastinating editing the bookbinders chapter! This kid. The main body is written, but I’m trying to work in some theoretical background in the introduction to do the academicky-thing of nodding to the other writers who have laid the groundwork for this kind of research. I’m speed-reading Leah Price’s What We Talk About When We Talk About Books and trying to scrounge together some information on Jessica Pressman’s forthcoming Bookishness: Loving Books in a Digital Age, both of which foreground a lot of the points I make about the tensions between digital and print forms of texts. 
New Approach to the Weekly Wrap-Ups!
I’m only 2.5 weeks out from turning in this dissertation, so as I move away from giving regular updates about my research, I’m going to change the form of the weekly format to compile all of the things I posted about, recommend, and am thinking about in one place. That way, if you’re ever wondering ‘what is sbooks up to?’, you can go to my research masterpost and click on my weekly wrap-ups to get quick access to fun links and lukewarm takes.
Things I posted about
Casey Fiesler’s (@cfiesler) awesome video about fan migration, the oral explanation of her most recent article with Brianna Dym. This is totally worth the 30-minute watch, and Fiesler does an amazing job of tracking the history of fannish media alongside the impetuses of fan migration
a reflection on why fans are the most likely to think critically and expansively about the media they consume, in response to the criticism that fans are content with just consuming the same story over and over again (which is true, but not without reason)
Things I recommend 
Riley J. Dennis’s Case for the Legend of Korra, which is an excellent elaboration on some popular pro-Korra arguments against the naysayers of the sequel series. I love that Riley talks about Korra’s journey towards humanization via healing from trauma, which is something I think many viewers feel affirmed by.  
Penguin Cafe Orchestra’s 'The Sound of Someone You Love Who’s Going Away and It Doesn’t Matter’. What a title! And it really does sound like it.
Things I’ve been thinking about
Takeaways on writing: This has been a week of revisions, with some serious cutting and clarifying. My advisor pointed out that as I am a newbie academic writer, I still rely a lot on quotations instead of paraphrasing my sources for support, rather than evidence. Rephrasing a lot of quotations opened up a lot of room for my own argument. This process made me think a lot about writing guidance in middle school and high school, wherein I was trained to use quotations as evidence rather than as support. Anyone else learn this? That the more people who agree with you, the more right your argument is, instead of drawing from original or revisiting primary evidence and using previous writing as a framework for analysis? It’s a pretty bad habit! And it makes us reliant on regurgitating other work rather than working through our own arguments and examining how they align or disalign with others. Graduate school has been one long re-learning process on writing...and I studied writing in uni. 
Different kinds of fan spaces: I hang out, actively participate, and lurk in a variety of fan spaces, mostly in the form of Discord servers (my love) and Facebook groups (bane of my existence). And I’m in a lot of fan spaces for different media: TV shows, books, comics, podcasts, even fan platforms. Though this has been said elsewhere, the difference in attitude and behavior of fans depending on the type of space (and whether fans are masked by a pseudonym or not) is fascinating to me! I’m in one enormous Facebook group dedicated to television show, and without fail, every single post ends up with the comments off because the discourse gets too heated. This behavior is almost definitely a function of:
the impersonal size of the group. In my favorite Discord servers, the smaller size makes the conversation more personable and friendlier (I know these people! I’m not going to harangue them!), and,  
affirmational versus transformational fandom: affirmational fans tend to work within the confines of canon, and so when they disagree over the interpretation of canonical elements, the conversation turns to facts (’no, this is how it happened in season 12, episode 472’) over feelings (’this happened once in the spin-off comic and I’m cool w extrapolating this bc I wanna feel warm and fuzzy inside’). Transformational fans are less canon-restricted and perhaps more lenient, and are probably more likely to silo themselves in fan spaces with agreed-upon interpretations (e.g. I’m in a few dedicated shipping servers, and I know other shipping servers exist, but I won’t bother myself with them, because that’s not my cup of tea, so I’ll just save myself the trouble). 
This isn’t to say that affirmational fans won’t break off from the main group and form their own interpretive communities, but I think affirmational fans are more likely to want to be a part of the “official” fan spaces, because they are interested in the “official” story. 
This is anecdotal conjecture, but I wonder, have you seen differences in fan behavior depending on the fannish space you’re in? I’d love to hear about other fan-space-specific experiences!
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briannadym · 3 years
[UPDATE: SURVEY CLOSED] I need you to take this survey!
Update: Thanks to everyone’s hard work, we collected 1,030 responses. The survey is now closed!
My name is Brianna Dym, and I’m an aca-fan at the University of Colorado Boulder researching everyday practices in transformative fandom. To do this, I have a survey linked here that asks about some day-to-day things you may or may not do as part of your involvement in fandom. If you are at least 18 years old and hang out in fan communities where people read and write fanfic and create and share fanworks, then this survey is for you! Please, take this survey and share it with your fandom friends! It takes roughly 15 minutes to complete. I want to reach a wide range of different kinds of folks in fandom, so your answers are important!
Take the survey now! [link removed]
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TWC 33: Fan Studies Methodologies
Transformative Works and Cultures, No. 33, Fan Studies Methodologies, edited by Julia E. Largent, Milena Popova, and Elise Vist (June 15, 2020)
Julia E. Largent, Milena Popova, and Elise Vist, Toward some fanons of fan studies
Briony Hannell, Fan studies and/as feminist methodology
Sophie Hansal & Marianne Gunderson, Toward a fannish methodology: Affect as an asset
Milena Popova, Follow the trope: A digital (auto)ethnography for fan studies
Dennis Jansen, Thoughts on an ethical approach to archives in fan studies
Brianna Dym & Casey Fiesler, Ethical and privacy considerations for research using online fandom data
Naomi Jacobs, Interdisciplinary methodologies for the fan studies bricoleur
Christopher Luke Moore, An approach to online fan persona
Suzanne R. Black, Adding a digital dimension to fan studies methodologies
Rukmini Pande, Critique of methodological practices in fan studies
Adrienne E. Raw, Rhetorical moves in disclosing fan identity in fandom scholarship
Abby Waysdorf, Placing fandom, studying fans: Modified acafandom in practice
Daisy Pignetti, "She's a fan, but this was supposed to be scientific": Fan misunderstandings and acafan mistakes
CarrieLynn D. Reinhard, Applying Brenda Dervin's sensemaking methodology to fan studies
Ruth Flaherty, Benefits of quantitative and doctrinal methodological approaches to fan studies research
Lies Lanckman, Fans, community, and conflict in the pages of "Picture Play," 1920–38
Erika Ningxin Wang, Brittany Kelley, Ludi Price, & Kristen Schuster, Beyond the multidisciplinary in fan studies: Learning how to talk among disciplines
Mandy Rhae Olejnik & Danielle Hart, Exploring a threshold concept framework to fan studies research methodology
Sarah Elizabeth Ader, Negotiating acafandom as a first-time researcher
Maria Alberto, Fan users and platform studies
Shayla Olsen, Methodological model for fictocritical fan fiction as research
Martine Mussies, Autiethnography
Dawn Walls-Thumma, Diving into the lacuna: Fan studies, methodologies, and mending the gaps
Regina Yung Lee, The affective labor of fan studies: A pedagogical problem in two parts
Milena Popova, Fan studies, citation practices, and fannish knowledge production
Julia E. Largent, Milena Popova, Elise Vist, Interview with Louisa Ellen Stein: Whole self and felt scholarship in fan studies
Lesley Autumn Willard, "Fans and fan cultures: Tourism, consumerism, and social media," by Henrik Linden and Sara Linden
Balaka Basu, "Fanfiction and the author: How fanfic changes popular cultural texts," by Judith Fathallah  
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transformativeworks · 5 years
OTW Guest Post: Brianna Dym
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This month's OTW Guest Post is with University of Colorado, Boulder student Brianna Dym, who discusses privacy in fandom, her article in Transformative Works and Cultures, and the fandom communities that were important to her when growing up. Read more at http://otw.news/guest-post-2cf1b
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fanhackers · 6 years
Tumblrpocalypse Special, Part 6
Today's scholarly reaction to the Tumblrpocalypse comes from Emily Roach. "One of my big concerns is where fan communities will actually migrate to if Tumblr does end up driving huge parts of fandom away and/or deleting blogs. Dr Casey Fiesler and Brianna Dym's research on migration from the journals to Tumblr identifies that the alternative platform needs to be sufficiently well established in order to encourage migration in the first place (see also a Slate article on this). At present the alternative platforms have their own glitches which drove people away from them and/or have left new users underwhelmed. Pillowfort is very new and is still ironing out issues. LJ still has the issue with its Terms of Service. Dreamwidth could work well for fandoms like Harry Potter that have a history of thriving on the journals and are quite meta/fest/fic heavy, but I struggle to see a very media-oriented fandom with a significant number of people who use their mobile phones for fan activity getting on with that space. Twitter is an established option for some fandoms, most notably celebrity fandoms, but it doesn't work at all well for other fandoms. Unlike the LJ to Tumblr move - where Tumblr seemed like the obvious choice to people looking to migrate after deleting LJs in 2017 - my sense is that people don't have that natural space to move to. This will lead, in my view, to people continuing to use Tumblr until the bitter end - see LJ, the biggest migration seemed to come in 2017, some ten years after Strikethrough/Boldthrough - and a new urgency around trialing alternative platforms, seeking out Discord chat spaces (and equivalent) and so on. While people find their feet on other platforms I think fandoms are likely to fragment as I don't think people see any one space as the obvious alternative at present."
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rhinocerosproject · 5 years
Sewing Circle Participants
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Sewing Circle Participants
Thank you to everyone who participated in sewing the rhinoceros! We could never have finished it without you. You are forever in our hearts.
Deanna Cruise                   back
Juliana Pennington            shoulder
Yue Yang Caigla Zou          back
Yuen (Jessica) Chen           back
Kelly White                         shoulder
Athena Johns                     leg
Antoinette Barton               head
Erica Lipshultz                   rump
Marc Fletcher                    back left foot
Siobhan Cassidy               front right leg
Elisa Li                               head
Harry Yu                             head
Beth Thomas                     snout
Erica Barajas                     forehead
Vivian Romney                  shoulder
Zoe Walker                       head
Amy Khalmann                 rear flank
Alina Hayes                      feet
Janice Wood                    rear flank
Barb Bakun                      head
Andi Wong                       rear flank
Sarah Stein                      back, thigh
Chloe Marrinstein            head, foot, outline, da booty
Sadie Marrinstein            thigh
Amanda H. Johnson       head, foot, outline 
Kaila Wood                     head, foot, outline
Leah Johnson                 head, foot, outline
Ani Mukerji                      back leg
Inka Mukerji                    back leg
Winnie Ding                    rear flank
Jennifer White                back feet
August White                 back feet
Neve Schmitt                 head
Michelle Schmitt            head
Sigrid                             foot
Leah Anderson              foot
Mary Kenny                   rump
Isle Oritt                         rump
Olga                              back leg
Dustin                           rhinobum!
Linnea Furlog                head
Pam Deluco                  rear leg, haunch, elbow, letters
Jeff Thomas                  back
Bryan Barkley               rear
Mary Wheeler               back top flank
Teri Gardiner                tail hair, rump, belly, ridge of back
Robin Hill                     rump
Darcy Padilla                stomach
Emily Clark-Krasner     rear
Yuen Chen                   leg
Jodi Connelly                back
Noah Greene                belly
Ryan Meyer                  belly and back
Arielle Rebek                belly
Muzi LaRowe                eyes
T. Blackmon                  bottom
Bettina Pauley               tail
Allyson Feeney              rump
Mark Baugh-Sasaki      back foot
Dox Lorax                     haunch
Kelli Rae                        rump
Cesar Rubio                  unknown
Ho Yan Nip                   unknown
Frank Merritt                all over, circles, edges, hindquarters, shoulder, rump, dark purple bottom edge of shoulder armor, behind the ear
Kim Miskowicz            rump, right foot, rear/rump
Julia Langer                buttocks
Jonathan Coignard     buttocks
Suzanne Gore             haunch
Kelly Wang                  from hip to buttock
Steve Rasmussen       rear leg
Bob Rocco                  rump
Odysseus Wolken       upper rump
Juliette Langley           lower rump
Fehim Haelzic              crown/forehead
Leyla Haelzic               crown/forehead
Tanja Gels                   head
Lisa Ekstrom               from right leg, forehead
Eva Walker                  front leg
Sara Wright                 eye
Karrie Hovey               shoulder
M. Dym                       a wrinkle on the head
Amy M. Ho                  front foot, forehead
Dave Lyons                 just below eye
Mel Day                       forehead
Heather Peters            ear
Helen Hiebert              butt
Alyssa Casey              neck, horn
Vanessa Gingold         rump
Mary V. Marsh             front right toe, ear
Antonio Guerra            letra C
Jenny Phillips               hands
Ingrid Rojas Contreras hoof
Maia Wachtel                 lines on the back
Roli Douglas                  the top line
Noga Wizansky              rump
Suzanne Forester          border line
Cindy Steiler                 face
Alexa Boromo               behind
Amber Hoy                   back
Melody Dalton              back
Cheyenne Dalton          rear feet
Elizabeth Boyne            ear
Teddy Midler                front foot
Drew Cameron            face
Cathy DeForest            front left hoof
Leah Korican                face
Mayumi Hamanaka       r - text   
Dana Zed                      shoulder
Erin Sheanin                  knee
Alisha Funkhouser        front foot
Debbie Walker              unknown
Nancy Marriner            tail
Summer Om                face
Eraden Wordal Chesh  face
Isle Oritt                       knee
Mary Grace Tate          toe
Sophia Auen                face
April Marriner               tail
Charlotte Semmes       snout
Andre Chevonier          foot
Jane Cassidy               foot
Kellen Rhoda               foot
Meiasha Gray              border
Samantha Bankston    back foot
Winship Varnes            hindquarters
Miranda McFarland      belly
Susan Paigen               nose
Kevin Holmes               ear
Jackie Wallowheng       plants
Beta Heist Morello        edge
Elaine Todd                   nose and edge near nose
Lori Chambers              back foot
Mickie McCormic          foot scales
Jeremy Logan                ear hair
Brook Craddock            mythical horn!
Morning Hullinger          toe jam back foot, shoulder flank, final inner
C.C. Chaya                    scales
Lolli Jacobsen                back
Sarah Crews                  rump
Connie Burket                ears
Debbie Divine                rear leg
Martha Rhea                  hindquarters
Donna Sandberg            along the top of the back shoulder and letter H
Pam Morgan                  back
Ruth Cathcard Rake      front leg and letter R
Gretchen Boyum           front leg, front foot
Rachel Butler                 front leg
Lucy Butler                    front leg
Bill North                       butt, ground, back right foot
Caroline Stoll                 head
April Engstrom              back right leg/hip
Connie Wilson              close to face
Gloria Gonzalez            hind foot
Judy Nease                  chin
Alleigh Weems             horn
Lyndsi Weems             back foot
Karla Prickett               rump
Jennifer Baker             back
Kent Manske               spots
Susan Tuoley              back foot and butt
Susan Paigen             nose
Christina Steinbrecher       pfrandt (lower leg)
Yeqi Song                    legs
Yuan Luo                     legs
Jenny Chin (Kuan-Jen)    legs
Jingying Liang             back leg
Jianguyin Reng           back leg
Beth Abdallah             back flank
Rebecca Redman       back leg
Michael Seidel            kidney lining
Rita Hsing                   head
Sandy Lee                  back
Chelsea Herman        back
Marie Kidd               �� right front foot
David Kidd                 right front foot
Amy Whitcomb          rump
Bob Carpenter           nose
Barbara Carpenter     nose
Cynthia Beecher        ear
Leteb Beecher           ear
Susan Sweet             ear
CK Itamura                hamhock
Dionne Thornton       front left foot, butt edge
Robert Wuilfe            da booty
Gina Ching                front foot
Jordan Juel               front foot
Anne Ingraham         front foot
Michelle Waters        butt
Elizabeth Addison     foot
Lydia Nakashima Dagarod        shoulder
Linda Joy Kettwinkel                 snout
Peggy George          butt
Maryly Snow            scales
Zelisa                       back end
Scott Partch            back end
Chin Cox                 head
Hada Marshall Booth            head
Eduardo Arenas       leg
Luna Gomez            head
Sauita Patel             gog (back)
Brian Lease             back leg
Islonia Hasbrim       frente
Guadalupe Portillo             espalda
Queen Krubally       back
Bridget McCraken             back
Margaret Coston     back
Kathleen Murphy     belly
Julie Grigoryan        ear
Joyce Subel            border
Yatit Maidorh          head
Omer                      head
Alon                        head
Rooek                     head
Eli                           head
Posja Mahushwai            neckline
Talia                        nose
Ella                          ear
Jonathan                nose
Nancy Brunn          back
Sabina Brunn         ears
Judith Fast            back
Lindsey Stoll          hoof
Emily Marks           head
Victor Vargas          chin
Britt-Marie Alon      horn
Al Bloch                  horn
Alyssa Flores          horn
John Hoffmeyer     border
Madison Cockrum             head
Anthony Murillo      border
Sheri Simons          front legs
Emily Matherson     face
Hana Jones             hoof (back foot)
Angela Kirchebel     bottom left corner border,
                                 small area of right foot, scales
Adele Etcheverry Sheets        upper border rear and rear of Rhino
Leslie Jurado            back leg, hoof scales
Jaime Muñoz            shoulder
Aiden Ginn                back leg
Sheecid Lopez          border and back leg
Sophy Hock              shoulder
Nancy Scott Patton            rump
Hana Beaty                  shoulder, back leg
Eric D’Alessandro        lower jaw
Betsy Copeland          leg and hoof
Kylie McCloskey         horn
Dellanira Carrillo          butt
Jose Llamos                hoof (back foot)
Timothy Clancy           forehead
Kobley Benjamin Mona        shoulder
Alicia Ramirez              foot
Kim Green                    upper thigh/butt
Francesca Figone        left back
Josette Stokes             shoulder
Mercedes Yatta            foot
Luis Medina                 booty
Shane Geoge               face (under eye)
Ellen Baird                    foot
Daria Booth                  shoulder
Adria Davis                   backside
Johnny Bruno               back foot
Brianna Warren             leg
Adrienne Glatz              forehead
Mallory Frucha              bum
Kelly Weber                  front and back legs
Carissa Duggan            booty
Jasmin Gonzalez          foot
Francis Newsom           rear end
Shari Maxson Hopper        shoulder
Veronica Brenck            butt
Marie Fox                     rump, front foot, back foot
Chloe Taylor                 root
Marissa Winslow         rump/tail
Shai Porath                 head
Linda Bea Miller          tummy
Tom Seoul                  rump
Kathleen Ritchie         unknown
Sue Bottom                front leg
Lisa Chu                     forehead
Anne Ingraham           hind foot
Chris Voisard              rump
Jane McLaughlin        front foot
Malinda Thompson    rear leg
Mallory Nomura Saul        tusk and back
Judy Shintani             tummy and rump
Kevin Austin               top of nose, bottom of horn
Claudia Molley           top of head, behind ear
Kate Oltmann             butt
Amanda Bosma         wrinkle on face
Xittaly Vasquez           back leg
Emily Murray               torso wrinkle
Julia Albo                    border
Miriam Hassman         neck/face
Ryan Patton                back left leg
Alexa Weber                chin and left front leg
Jiovanny Soto             forehead
Jenny Harp                 lower back
Steven Garen              nose/head
Tallulah Terryl              leg
Johanna Arnold          back
Sean Olson                 muzzle
Emma Spertus            back
Chris Challans            loin, belly
Susan Kanowith-Klein        rump
Christina Aumann       eyelashes and forehead
Ruth Souza                 misc dorsal area
Phuong Pham             booty
Laurie Crogan             shoulder-scales
Lorna Turner               armpit
Eva Hausam               chin wavy lines
David Reiman             shoulder
Lanqin Wang              forehead
Camryn Travis            belly
Jennifer Munnings     eye/cheek
Brooke Sommers       belly
Katie Gallagher          ribs
Sariah Gonzalez        forehead
Anthony Isenhour      shoulder
Berenika Boberska    the bottom!
Taylor Hoogsteden    hip
Carmina Ellison         sideburns
Nicole McHale           shoulder blade
Preeva Tramiel           back leg
Jessica Bernhardt     front leg
Milldrid Thompson    ear
Sharon Robinson       front leg
Timiza Wagner           back leg
Bobbie Jeffery            rear of body
Joanne Landers          ear
Sylvia Stanger            front leg
Paula Landers            back leg
Charlotte Jacobs        front leg
Mavis Brown               front shoulder
Cheryl Batrato            haunch
Kathy Goldmaker        shoulder
Liz Matthews              back leg above the foot
Sailee Pawar               back leg
Andrea Fleiner            belly
Marina Taniform         leg
Andres Taniform         leg
Rose Nguyen             ribs
Marco Chavez           ribs
Lily May Larson         cheek
Rachel Williamson    back leg
Cheryl Zuur               above the eye
Kathy Willis               hindquarters
Martha White            hindquarter
Artemis Koren          head
Anika Sykora            tummy
Irene Floyd                hindquarter
Ming Zhou                head
Max Koren                front leg
Dinah Irino                 ear
Maya                          leg
Morgan Carter            head
Ava Kasim                   the hinney
Isabella Anderson       back
Ian Kussi-Gillu            shoulder
Viyada Satyapan         upper front back
Mahvash Salehpour    back hip
Christina Bayley          back foot
Pam Schwartz             left leg
Lynn Koolish                back leg
Sandra Duncan            front hoof
Emily Rosenberg           right leg
Gina Dixon                    back leg
Tamara Sommerfield     neck
Diana R. Reton              rear leg
Candace Kling               shoulder
Cindy Jacomette            head
Nicki Hitz Edison            front leg
Toru Sueto                     front left leg
Jeanne Sueto                under eye, along lower jaw
Linda Goss                    rear hip
Kim Meuli Brown           back ribs
Michael Chin                 chin
Kasla Melton                 right back leg (pierna derecha)
Vanessa Herrera            right back thing
Wendy Brown                back leg
Jack Fleig                      front leg
Amanda Fleig                front leg
Shobitha                       belly
Sasha                           back
Marilyn                         rear haunch
Caden Jo Hartdegen            head/neck
Yolanda Araujo            unknown
Meredith Payn            unknown
Tiffany Hartdeger        unknown
Richard                       cheek
Hanna Peacock          shoulder
Juan Manuel Gutierrez        rear hip
Paola Valencia             head
Jesus Castillo              head
Diego Barregan            shoulder
Hernandez Irvin            belly
Cindy Simmons            cheek
Ginna Sierra                  upper leg 
Carole Walters-Cook     face
Angela Etsey                 back leg and thigh
Victor Navarro IV           V neck
Elizabeth Finkler           ear
Jennifer Lu                   lower tummy
Kylee Dougherty          neck
Jada Wong                  stomach
Kerwin Azores             back knee
Hugo Jimenez             head
Becca Wong                neck
Breanna Estrada          unknown
Candaces Perrault       shoulder
Kevin Liu                  ��   belly and front of leg plates
Michael Huang Mil      back leg
Natalie Diazza             chin hairs
Eliza Villa                     dorsal neck
Steve Dellicalpini        in that neck tho!
Michelle van Eyken     right flank
Leslie McLaughlin       shoulder circles
Angela Acosta            front leg
Allison Acosta            front shoulder circle
Rebecca Bui              upper back leg
Barbara Post              back foot
Irene Caravajal           back leg
Gabrielle Koizumi       neck
Clayton Bavor            front leg
Ava Eui                      front leg
Judy Diamond           upper shoulder
Mhanna Kutras           front leg
Liam                           neck
Leona                         neck
Leana Olliffe                stomach
Patti Samuelson          right leg
A. Manley                     neck plates
Donna King                  right shoulder
Becky Leech                right hindquarters
Raymond Mueller         front left leg
Timmy                           shoulder
Asher Fleig                    front leg
Julia                               back leg
Nicole B                        chest
L. Hum                          hind leg
Alice Schwegman        shoulder
Gail Blackmarr             unknown
Christina Truong          neck
June Dao                     scale
Ellie Reese                   a rear leg
Susan L. Goranson     left rear leg
Marci Ariagno             breast shield
Maya                           unknown
Diane Mestu               head
Claudia Havah            back leg
Mickey Guffin              right upper hind leg
Annalise Sailen            unknown
Jennifer Schaeffer       front right leg
Mia                              rear leg
Joe Ranish                  right shoulder
Ann Ranish                 rear leg
Anthony                      left leg
Leslie Nobler               neck
Anne Trickey                back leg
Maris Kaplan               neck fold and front shoulder
Paula Bohan                neck fold
James Brooks              neck
Amanda Briggs            back right foot
Andrew Briggs             back right foot
Miriam Briggs              back right foot
Willow Yamaden          cheek
Sarah Bartman            neck
Bridget McMahon       flank
Amy Brown                jowl
Vanessa Dion Fletcher        jowl
Denera Gains             unknown
Justin Gains               unknown
Kurt Salinas                stomach/inner thigh
Randall Harrison         upper mid bicep
Ivy Moya                      back foot
Pam Lonero                 breast plate
Molly Olsen Roush      shoulder/neck area
Brook Olsen Roush     shoulder/neck area
Susie Miller Roush      shoulder/neck area
Reyhon Ertekin            unknown
Torres Leck                  shoulder
Anna Banancks           shoulder
Emily van Engel           front leg
Silvia Eckert                cheek
Davis Watson              breastplate
Debachree Ghosh       breastplate
Jessica Jane Jennings       cheek
Kimberly Ann Piper      shoulder
Alisa Murray                cheek
Jennifer Hill                 breastplate
Susan Ady                   cheek
Chris Washburn          neck
Janet Ady                    flank
Louise Horkey             border
Nupur Kamat              front shoulder
Tamela Holmes            ear
Tameyah Holmes         cheek
Ruth Tabancay            upper leg
Teddy Midler                shoulder
Jerry Majors Patterson        cheek area
Susan Afell                  eye area
Elaine Todd                 neck
Senator Jordan           cheek
Meadow                     unknown
Lori Chambers            neck
Josephine Tumova      neck
Fynn Tuma                   chest
Diana Dominguez        chest
Jason Godeke             neck
Cristina Mathews        belly and front right leg
Jody Alexander           neck, chest
Elaine Todd                 belly circles
Raquel Marquez          belly
Josslyn Robles            chest
Rhea Rynearson          shoulder
Valerie Frey                  shoulder
Aidan Parker                shoulder, right shoulder
A. Parker                      right shoulder
Seraphine Ries            belly
Lid. C.                          belly
Jamelie                        whiskers
Carolyn Schneider       upper shoulder
Josh Morsell                lower front shoulder
Lia V. Wilson                middle breast
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clexacon · 6 years
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#ClexaCon2019 PANEL SPOTLIGHT . Researchers Brianna Dym and Elaine Venter team up with author Rae D. Magdon and moderator Wendy Armitage to explore the ways in which femslash fandom has been a space of safety and support for LGBTQ people. In this panel, we explore how this community has helped those in need while coming out, different careers people have jumpstarted from femslash fandom, and ways in which we can continue to improve the femslash community. Speakers & Panelists: https://clexa-con.com/programming/2019-speakers-and-panelists/ Panels & Workshops: https://clexa-con.com/programming/2019-panels-workshops/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BtlxcP5A922/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q3auk3rbtqnn
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daily-snitch · 6 years
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The Daily Snitch – Weekend Edition, December 8, 2018
Joanne K. Rowling – Life and Books: • Joanne Gray wrote Fasten Your Seat Belts—Strike Book 5 Could Be A Bumpy Ride. (The Hogwarts Professor) Harry Potter – Actors and Movies: • Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) set to appear on television screens this Christmas in BBC's The ABC Murders. • First look at Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) in new limited series 'Miracle Workers' where he plays an angel. Fantastic Beasts – Actors and Movies: • The @daily-snitch's Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' Poll is still open. Do come over and take the poll. • Nicolas Flamel and Eulalie Hicks: Forerunners of the 'Order of the Phoenix'. • Videos: 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' cast on fan theories, Obscurus, more. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: • 'Cursed Child' extends its London run to September 2019. Prompt Challenges: • hogwarts365 posted Prompt # 272 (due on or before December 15): "Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word." ― George R.R. Martin, Portrait and Cookbooks. Advent Challenges: • slythindor100 is hosting the 25 Days of Draco and Harry Advent Challenge. • dracoharry100: The Christmas Challenge 2018 is ongoing. • adventdrabbles: The 2018 edition of Advent Drabbles is ongoing. Communities: • The following fests are currently posting: hd_erised, hd_owlpost Fest, mini_fest, snape_potter' Secret Snarry Swap, rs_small_gifts, dhr-advent, sshg_giftfest, smutty_claus, newyearcntdown, hpjoggersfest's Festive DrarryMini Fest, daily_deviant's Kinky Kristmas Coment Kink Edition • snapecase posted URGENT: Snapecase's current pinch-hitters needs. • wolfstarbigbang posted It's Time for the WSBB Artists' Sign-Up. • yuletide_admin posted a reminder that 3 days to default deadline; 10 days to deadline; misc. (all rare fandoms) Masterlists and Weekly Round-ups: • snape_potter posted the Wrap-up for Week One of the Secret Snarry Swap. • hd_owlpost posted the Week 1 List of Owl Gift Deliveries. • hd_erised posted the Weekly Roundup # 1. • hogwarts365 posted the Prompt # 271 Masterlist. Editor's Choice Rec: • [podfic] Cake written by @astolat, podficced by @lazulus (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy | R | 24:24 minutes) Summary: Harry tried not to care when after the war, everyone he knew seemed to have made an agreement to stop paying attention to birthdays. Fandom Recs: • themightyflynn recced a Harry Potter/Severus Snape fic (PG-13). • toblass recced a Hogwarts nativity scene. (art, G). • melodyssister recced a Hermione Granger/Severus Snape fic (NC-17). Resources: • hd_prophet posted Editions December 6, December 7 (with a huge list of all Drarry Advent Series being written atm) and December 8. Archive and Platform News: • OTW Spotlight on Legal Issues: Tumblr’s TOS Changes, AO3, and You. • Aja Romano (@bookshop​) wrote Tumblr is banning adult content. It’s about so much more than porn. • @yayroos wrote On the 17th, dead silence. (tumblr protest) • Casey Fiesler and Brianna Dym wrote Fandom’s Fate Is Not Tied to Tumblr’s. Discussions: • McKay wrote Why I Will Never Read 'Cursed Child'. • Megan wrote Yes, I'd Join Grindelwald. (MuggleNet) Essay/Meta: • Taylor K. Nugent wrote Snake Women: A History of Women as Snakes and the Future of Nagini in “Fantastic Beasts”. (MuggleNet) • The Hogwarts Professor wrote Is Vladimir Nabokov['s short story 'The Aurelian'] Credence's father? General Fandom News: • Deck the Halls with 'Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery' video game. • Review and Giveaway: Geek Gear’s November World of Wizardry Unboxing. • 'Crimes of Grindelwald' merchandise released at Universal Orlando Resort. • (Fannish) Events Roundup: Brew Some Potions or Attend a Magical Banquet. (MuggleNet) Searches: • accio_hd_fics posted a search for Gryffindor Draco fics. (Drarry only) Please send your fandom news to the Daily Snitch. Our tumblr hashtag is # dailysnitch. We check the hashtag for each edition; please tag tumblr posts you want us to see and/or include in the Daily Snitch.
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thelesbiantalkshow · 6 years
Brianna Dym: Tumblr's Death and Fandom's Future
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briannadym · 3 years
[Update - RECRUITMENT CLOSED] Calling All Activists in Fandom!
We are no longer recruiting for this study. We’ll circulate research once it’s published!
Hello everyone! My name is Brianna Dym, and I’m a researcher with the Internet Rules Lab at CU Boulder. This summer, I want to talk to people about participating in activism as part of a fandom!
I would love to interview you if...
1. You are involved in fandom in some way, even if it’s just lurking. By fandom, we mean online communities where people are creating and sharing fanworks like fanart, fanfiction, cosplays, things like that.
2. You have participated in some kind of activism as part of your involvement in fandom! This might look like getting involved in a hashtag campaign, raising awareness for specific issues, getting involved with a non-profit that grew from fandom, giving to or organizing donation drives or charity campaigns. There’s a lot of examples, so if you’re not sure your experience qualifies please reach out through the google form linked below!
We can conduct the interview on any platform you want – either text-based chat or voice. Interviews typically last one hour. You will be compensated with a $20 gift card for your participation. Whether you participate or not, please consider sharing this call for participants with your social networks! And if you’d like to find out more about previous research I’ve conducted with fan communities, check out these published articles: https://briannadym.com/research-publications/
To volunteer to participate (or if you have any questions), please fill out this google form [link removed]. I would absolutely love to speak with you.
Brianna Dym
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briannadym · 4 years
[Recruitment Completed, Call for Participants Closed]
tl;dr - I’m interviewing people about computational projects they get involved with in fandom, including activism, data science, modding, or website building. I want to talk with more BIPOC and other minority fans in the US to represent a broad range of experiences and uplift your voices as best I can. Fill out this google form if you want to talk! https://forms.gle/CGYSXiiwFQNf1Ca2A
The Full Explanation: My name is Brianna Dym, and I am a PhD student at CU Boulder researching ways to broaden participation in computing (I’m also a longterm member of fandom and still contribute under my pseud). Fandom is a really cool community where people rely on complex technical skills to participate! Sometimes people learn to code, do data science, or other fun things in order to work on a project in fandom. If you are able to, I’d love to hear from you about your experiences working on computational projects in fandom. What is a computational project? It could be building a webpage, customizing templates, running a data advocacy project, helping out with activism efforts using social media campaigns, modding a video game, designing your own video game, or any other nerdy kind of technical thing!
I’ve been running interviews since February and have talked to a lot of fabulous people already. However, a lot has happened since February and we’ve all been focusing on causes far more important than research for the time being. If you’re able to spare some time, consider lending your voice to this study.
To participate, fill out this google form and I’ll contact you with follow-up if you’re a good fit for the study. This study features one interview that typically runs from 30 minutes to an hour. You will be compensated with a $20 gift card for your time. All interviews are fully anonymized, and you will have access to any research write-ups during the publication process.
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briannadym · 5 years
[Recruitment Complete, Call for Participants Closed]
Hi! We’re Brianna Dym and Casey Fiesler, researchers and aca-fans at the University of Colorado Boulder. We want to talk to folks in fandom about modding video games! In particular, we’re excited to talk to people who are modding video games to be more inclusive. For example, you might be modding a game to have more accessibility features, or to do away with those pesky “heterosexual only” romances. We want to hear from you about what you are working on and the details of how your project relates back to fandom and your fan community.
To participate in this research study, please fill out this Google Form.
We’ll follow up with you and let you know if you’re a good fit for the study! If you agree to participate, you will interview with a researcher, which should last between 30 and 90 minutes and will be conducted remotely via voice, video chat, or instant messaging according to your preferences.
Whether you participate or not, please consider sharing this study with people who might be interested! Also, if you would like to learn more about this research study and our research in general, please check out our research page online: https://caseyfiesler.com/fandom/. You can email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.
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briannadym · 4 years
[Recruitment Complete, Call for Participants Closed]
Hi! I’m Brianna Dym, a researcher and aca-fan at the University of Colorado Boulder. I am inviting folks in fandom to participate in a research study on computational projects in fandom. In particular, I’m excited to talk to people of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ community who might be working on projects that impact their community in some way. Whether you started your own project or are working on something with a friend, I would love to schedule a time to talk with you about your experiences. What is a computational project? Why, it could be modding a video game, making web plug-ins, working on a social media site, building indie video games and visual novels. If it involves making or coding, we want to talk to you. Ultimately, we hope to understand the different ways people use projects like these to make their communities a better place.
If you agree to be in the study, you will participate in an interview with a researcher which should last between 30 and 90 minutes and will be conducted remotely via voice, video chat, or instant messaging according to your preferences.
To participate in this research study, please fill out this Google Form.
Whether you participate or not, please consider sharing this study with people who might be interested! Also, if you would like to learn more about this research study and our research in general, please check out our research page online: https://caseyfiesler.com/research/ You can email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.
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TWC No.28: The Future of Fandom
Editorial TWC Editor, TWC, past and future
Theory Paul Booth, Framing alterity: Reclaiming fandom’s marginality David Peyron, Fandom names and collective identities in contemporary popular culture Bonnie Ruberg, Straight-washing "Undertale": Video games and the limits of LGBTQ representation Eric Andrew James, Using rhetorical criticism to track Twitch Plays Pokémon fans' attachment to sacrifice Sarah Elizabeth Lerner, Fan film on the final frontier: Axanar Productions and the limits of fair use in the digital age
Naomi Jacobs, Live streaming as participation: A case study of conflict in the digital and physical spaces of "Supernatural" conventionsSky LaRell Anderson, Extraludic narratives: Online communities and video games Melissa A. Hofmann, Johnlock meta and authorial intent in Sherlock fandom: Affirmational or transformational? Dorothy Lau, Donnie Yen's star persona in amateur-produced videos on YouTube
Symposium Casey Fiesler, Owning the servers: A design fiction exploring the transformation of fandom into "our own" Nicolle Lamerichs, The next wave in participatory culture: Mixing human and nonhuman entities in creative practices and fandom Bridget Kies, The ex-fan's place in fan studies Brianna Dym, Casey Fiesler, Generations, migrations, and the future of fandom's private spaces Shannon K. Farley, Further future fandom: A conversation with middle school-age fans Robin S. Rosenberg, Andrea M. Letamendi, Personality, behavioral, and social heterogeneity within the cosplay community Bri Mattia, Rainbow Direction and fan-based citizenship performance Megan Vaughan, Theater criticism, "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," and online community Deborah Krieger, Jewish identity, fan representation, and Yehuda Goldstein in the Potterverse Cody T. Havard, The impact of the phenomenon of sport rivalry on fans
Review Melanie E.S. Kohnen, "Old futures: Speculative fiction and queer possibility," by Alexis Lothian Lorraine M. Dubuisson, "The fanfiction reader: Folk tales for the digital age," by Francesca Coppa J. Caroline Toy, "Participatory memory: Fandom experiences across time and space," by Liza Potts et al. Louisa Ellen Stein, Roundtable with Paul Booth, Melissa A. Click, and Suzanne Scott
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briannadym · 7 years
Call for Participants: Exploring Fandom Privacy and Ethics
Do you ever think about the issues of privacy in fandom? Have you or a friend ever been “outed” as a fan? How do you feel about academic research on fandom? Do you just have a lot of feelings about ethics in fandom? Most importantly, do you want to talk about these critical topics?
My name is Brianna Dym, longtime fan community member, and also researcher in the Department of Information Science at University of Colorado Boulder. I’m looking for people interested in talking about privacy and ethics in fandom! If you’ve been involved in fandom for a while, I would love to have you participate!
We can conduct the interview in the medium of your choice – either text-based chat or voice. You also don’t have to answer questions you don’t want to, and can stop at any time. We will ask for some basic demographics (any of which you can decline to answer), but won’t require any identifying information.
Whether you participate or not, please consider sharing this call for participants with your social networks!  And if you’d like to find out more about previous research our lab has conducted about fandom, see this Tumblr post: http://cfiesler.tumblr.com/post/171831912875/survey-results-fan-platform-use-over-time
To volunteer to participate (or if you have any questions), please email [email protected]!
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