#Brigit Esselmont
spiral-nature · 5 years
Everyday Tarot, by Brigit Esselmont
Everyday Tarot, by Brigit Esselmont
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Everyday Tarot: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Manifest Your Future, by Brigit Esselmont Running Press, 9780762492800, 216 pp., 2018
Everyday Tarot: Unlock your Inner Wisdom and Manifest your Future by Brigit Esselmont is a tarot workbook that goes beyond simply breaking down the meaning of each tarotcard. I have followed Esselmont’s blog that posts articles, spreads, advice and even a…
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my top ten favorite tarot decks (right now)
my top ten favorite tarot decks (right now)
There are as many tarot decks as there are tarot readers out there…..
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and while these are my  favorite decks, I can honestly tell you like so many tarot readers I know…..  I have a wish list that only keeps growing! I’m not going to include the Original Rider Waite here although it is far and away my go to deck. It is the first I purchased, so it’s the one I learned with. I have filled in the…
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the-tempest-divine · 6 years
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Loving my new Everyday Tarot deck!
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themysticgeek · 6 years
As a student of the Biddy Tarot Certification Program (looking forward to completing this in a few months), I am familiar with how Brigit’s teaching style moves away from pure rote memorization of the cards and towards tapping one’s intuition and reading from the heart. The BTCP coursework (along with Brigit’s other books: The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings and the accompanying workbook) focus on how to master the Tarot card meanings and to read Tarot with confidence. Meanwhile, Everyday Tarot focuses some on the “how’s” and a LOT on the “why’s”. The exercises in the book guide the reader on how to read the Tarot intuitively to gain greater connection with who they are and to create the future that they desire. The Tarot is treated as a tool with which to channel one’s inner wisdom rather than a toy for fortune-telling.
Check out the rest of the review on my blog!
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sancheo-blog1 · 8 years
Two-card reading using a Shadow Card
Two-card reading using a Shadow Card
Two-card reading using a Shadow Card
Today we explore a Two-card reading using a Shadow Card  as an outcome and for this you will be exploring the cards of the  Thoth Tarot Deck.
This reading is most often used when time is of essence and as one can ascertain, things are normally transpiring at a serious rate in order for time to be the deciding factor in a reading. This too also suggests that…
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pureblessedtarot · 10 years
ISHmail... Episodes 11-15
Still scribbling…
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the-tempest-divine · 6 years
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sancheo-blog1 · 8 years
5 easy steps to intuitively reading Tarot
5 easy steps to intuitively reading Tarot
5 easy steps to intuitively reading Tarot
I have studied the Tarot for about two decades, if not longer, and I believe that there is still much to learn. However, you can use these 5 easy steps to intuitively reading Tarot to do your own intuitivereadings in under 7 minutes. After all, the Tarot is an art form based on intuition, not so? So here we go, get your tarot deck out and let’s get those…
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sancheo-blog1 · 8 years
Interview with Tarot Reader, Tess Sutton
Interview with Tarot Reader, Tess Sutton
Tess Sutton is not your average Tarotist. She is a Tarot mentor, a student, a single parent, and has now finally launched her own website. This diverse tarotist really expresses depth and understanding in all her writings. Today I am extremely honoured to have an interview with Tarot Reader, Tess Sutton. I trust you will find her as illuminating as I do :)
Interview with Tarot Reader, Tess Sutton
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sancheo-blog1 · 8 years
Top 5 insightful Tarot Experiences To Help You Get Ahead.
Top 5 insightful Tarot Experiences To Help You Get Ahead.
Today Brigit Esselmont from Biddy Tarot shares her top 5 insightful Tarot Experiences to help you get ahead. Perhaps you live in a small village with not too many “tarot-minded” folk? Or perhaps you wish to leave your corporate job to begin your full-time “not so airy fairy” Tarot Business? Brigit has been through these experiences and more, today she sheds some light with The Winning Wish.
Top 5…
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