#Brooklyn Nets Official
allpromarlo · 2 years
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quinnlarrabee · 1 year
Palo santo 101
Before you click play on the audio recording and blithely ignore the written guide, be sure to review the important science-based charts and insight-rich visuals sprinkled throughout it.
If you’ve ever walked into a party hosted by someone under 40 in Brooklyn, Lisbon, California, Condesa or Roma Norte, or Venice Beach and not smelled palo santo, then you probably had covid. Over the past decade palo santo has become the official scent of good vibes. It is an olfactory assurance for anyone who recognizes the scent that conversation will be limited to polyamory, regional burns, and adaptogen supplements. Despite the fact that no one ever doesn’t want to smell palo santo, it’s important to know when to use it and when to relegate your surroundings to their default odor. This guide will ensure that you know exactly how to make the most of the palo santo you carry in the shoulder bag you purchased at the Sant Jordi flea market in Ibiza during the off-season.
Like most cultural appropriations, no one who burns palo santo knows what it is, where it came from, why they use it, or why it’s even called palo santo. Let’s uncover the facts. 
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Bursera Graveolens is a tree native to the dry tropical forests of South America. Its discovery by white people dates back to 1972 at a now defunct swingers resort in Quito, Ecuador, where a guest from New Jersey named Paulo Santonicola noticed a stick with a burning ember on the end of giving off a fetid, wispy trail of smoke. He pointed at the burning stick and asked the guy holding the cocaine tray, who would now be called a consent educator, “por que?”
“Plaga,” he replied, and gnashed his teeth and made a flapping-wing motion with the hand not holding the cocaine tray. Paulo brought the wood back to his central New Jersey home as a last-ditch effort to ward off the deer that were eating the tomatoes in his garden. He started burning the wood around the clock in the steamy summer of 1972, during which he and his girlfriend hosted dozens of play parties. 
“I didn’t care if people at my parties had a problem with the smell,” recounted Paulo. “Those frickin’ deer were jumping my fence and chewing through wire to eat my tomatoes. When I caught a whiff of that wood down in Quito, I thought, ‘they won’t come near my garden if I burn this shit.’” 
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Mr. Santonicola had achieved some level of notoriety in the adult film industry in the early 1970s, and his parties were well attended by neo-hippies, the disco elite and the first generation of yoga professionals. Over the course of the summer, a pavlovian association formed between the scent of the wood and casual sex, and his friends started asking him for sticks so that they could take the vibe home with them. At the sunset of his porn career, he saw an opportunity not only to rebrand his legacy, distancing himself from grainy adult films with problematic titles, but also to make oceans of cash: import the wood and sell it through his readymade network of yoga instructors under his stage name, Palo Santo. 
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Palo santo’s ubiquity today grew from its two foundational use cases: repelling pests and masking the odor of too many naked bodies in poorly ventilated New Jersey basements. Palo santo is still used today as a repellent of sorts to ward off bad vibes and people who do not use the word vibe in place of most nouns at the end of a question, such as scene, weather, temperature, culture, menu, rules, culture, law, opinion, suggested attire, relationship status, sexual proclivity, net worth and so on. It is also still used during group sex, but only when the group sex is intentional and/or ceremonial. There are many other ways, however, that you can improve the vibes of the world through the smoke of this wood, which was recently added to IUCN’s Red List of “near threatened” species, making it even more important to burn palo santo as a way of calling attention to its growing scarcity. 
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For a brief, blissful period during the pandemic, the only people who traveled were intrepid hipsters who had already contracted the virus and been instrumental in scaling it to global significance through music festivals, long-distance polycules and global nomadism. Commercial airlines from the spring of 2020 through the summer of 2021 were basically private air travel for people who know to always ask if party buffet chocolate is psycho-active. Air travel today is a much lower vibration experience, and it’s important that assertive restorative steps be taken by conscious travelers to make flying chill again. Hanging a dreamcatcher from the back of the seat in front of you and burning palo santo on the tray table is a great way of making a public flight experience feel more private. Be sure to light your palo santo only after the aircraft reaches cruising altitude, because tray tables must be stowed until then. 
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Other people’s parties
Not everyone with whom you may socialize is aware of how critical palo santo is to creating and maintaining a vibe. Some less experienced hosts try to make do with incense from India, Japan or other countries that have been annexed by Brooklyn or with candles from La Labo, and it may be up to you to rescue the vibe. Back when people consumed alcohol, bringing a nice bottle of wine was a way of showing a host your appreciation, but these days bringing palo santo, immediately lighting it and waving the stick around like Harry Potter on quaaludes is the optimal way of saying thank-you to someone who has invited you into their home.  
While palo santo has not been proven by any form of science to deliver the healing benefits touted by people who sell or use palo santo, be assured that it does all of the things people say it does. Burning palo santo creates smoke, and smoke is pretty to watch and - like cardiovascular exercise - creates a healthy challenge for your lungs. Medical facilities are places where people go to heal, and bringing palo santo to visit a recovering friend is a beautiful contribution to not only their journey back to health but also the recovery of every patient within a twenty to fifty foot radius. 
Conscious uncoupling ceremonies
Modifying your relationship trajectory in a direction that disappoints the person you are with might seem like a low vibe experience, but you can make it a high vibe experience by burning palo santo. While explaining that the rules that you set last week for your ENM pairing have become too confining, burning palo santo will deflect negative reactions and in some cases even seduce your partner into being amenable to a situationship that has absolutely no structure, rules or expectations. This can add to your sexual abundance and also serve as a pillar in your temple of confidence that helps you acquire new lovers at floor parties. If, rather than just undefining the relationship, you are certain there is no future with the person to whom you have exposed particles of burning wood, palo santo will prevent your ex-partner from making an opposing case or lingering too long after you have had uncoupling sex. 
During sex with someone you don’t want to fall in love with you
In a rare moment of cultural relevance, Science has proven that pheromones strengthen the bonds of attraction between two or many more people during sexual activity. Sometimes, though, it is undesirable to strengthen bonds with a sex partner. Sometimes, it is optimal to maintain a totally impartial, unattached, stoic distance between the person who you are inside / is inside of you, given that attraction can lead to unintended expectations. Burning palo santo is an excellent way of muting the potency of pheromones, leveling the olfactory playing field and creating a piney through-line for all the people participating in a sexual experience. 
Any kind of intentional wellness space
Because the smell of palo santo is so potent and distracting, burning it during intentional experiences (e.g. yoga, journaling, meditation, tantra classes, tantric sex, facials or any kind of PRP therapy) compels participants to step up their intention-setting efforts. It forces deep focus and concentration, kind of like how the deafening emo whines of RY X at a RY X concert force you to lean in, cock your head and make that weird squinty-eyed, mouth-agape listening face to be able to hear the unsolicited story of how literally anyone you happen to be standing next to was in an intentional polyamorous relationship with RY X.
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Ancient actually sacred genuinely authentic real cultural events that were not invented by white people to extract money from other white people
Many people who attend Burning Man have begun to explore other intentional gatherings outside of Nevada that don’t involve metallic gold body paint. Some of these gatherings are thousands of years old and are led by people who have trained their entire lives to uphold traditions that have been passed down for generations within their culture. Particularly if a gathering takes place in its country of origin (rather than being exported, diluted and branded, like an ethnic fast food franchise), you may encounter native smells that don’t smell like palo santo. In these cases, it is not only permissible but even advisable to add palo santo to everyone’s experience, which you have probably been very reluctantly allowed to attend. Burning palo santo will communicate to the religious or cultural leaders of the gathering that you are on their level and (despite having never read anything about the gathering other than first few words of the top Google result you saw while standing on the Premier Access line into your Delta flight at JFK / LAX / SFO) have a deep respect for whatever they are chanting in a language that you cannot understand while you record the most intensely sacred moments for the Instagram story that you will post at the appropriate time in your home time zone so that everyone will know that you are an internationally intentionally spiritual person who gets access to authentic cultural events. 
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Despite its countless unproven benefits and its universal appeal within a very small circle, there are certain times when palo santo should not be burned. Palo santo can trigger flashbacks for people who first encountered the scent of it during acid trips. If someone walks into your container, smells the palo santo you’re burning and begins behaving erratically, just ask them to immediately return to their own container, lest they harsh the vibe you’re cultivating. The only other times that do not call for burning palo santo are when you’re alone, and no one else will see you lighting the stick and waving it around the room, bringing it within inches of everyone’s face whether they’ve invited it or not, while making awkwardly long eye contact with them, nothing but the winding trail of smoke in front of your your vulnerable gaze, thus communicating to them that you are a spiritually endowed person and care deeply about them knowing that you are a spiritually endowed person. So, a helpful rule of thumb is this: as with masturbation, you should always and only be burning palo santo when someone is watching, otherwise what’s the point.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
NEW YORK (AP) — Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters marched to the Brooklyn Museum Friday afternoon, set up tents in the lobby and unfurled a “Free Palestine” banner from the building’s roof before police moved in to make arrests.
New York City police officers tackled and punched some protesters during scuffles that broke out in the crowd outside the museum while some demonstrators hurled plastic bottles at officers and shouted insults. Other protesters held banners, waved Palestinian flags and chanted boisterously on the steps of the grand, Beaux Arts museum, which is the city’s second largest.
The rally started Friday afternoon across the street from the Barclays Center, home of the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets. Marchers banging drums and chanting then made their way to the museum about a mile away.
Organizers, including the group Within Our Lifetime, called on supporters to “flood” and “de-occupy” the museum, saying they wanted to take over the building until officials “ disclose and divest ” from any investments linked to Israel’s actions in Gaza.
Videos posted on social media showed guards at the museum trying to secure its doors against the surging crowd, and demonstrators finding other ways inside.
Spokespersons for the museum didn’t respond to emails and phone messages seeking comment late Friday, but an NYPD spokesperson confirmed protesters had been taken into custody. The department didn’t immediately have an estimate for how many have been arrested or what charges they might face.
New York City has seen hundreds of street demonstrations since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began in October.
The Brooklyn Museum sits at the edge of Crown Heights, which is home to one of the city’s largest communities of Orthodox Jews.
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Social Media Platforms as Ideal Public Spheres
Three traits cornerstone Habermas' notion of an ideal public sphere; "unlimited access to information, equal and protected participation, and the absence of institutional influence” (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). There is debate on whether social media platforms align with these requirements.
Arguments For:
Social media is an interactive space which empowers communication amongst active participants. Social media has democratised media content production, enabling equal participation by providing users with the tools necessary to independently broadcast their voice. This redistribution of power has established a media space where communication is on a peer-to-peer level rather than one-to-many (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). This has empowered individuals to engage in discourse publicly.
The reliance on traditional media gatekeepers has been removed by social media platforms. The equal contribution of the public to the media landscape has decreased the influence of institutions (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). Moreover, unlike traditional media, there are no gatekeepers on social media platforms which permit or deny the posting of content. This fulfils the requirement of a space absent of institutional influence.
Users also have unlimited access to all information available on social media platforms (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018).
Whilst social media fundamentally meets the requirements of a public sphere, its ideality is inhibited by multiple factors.
Arguments Against:
Unlimited access to information
Users are segregated into niche online communities and are not exposed to the unlimited information available on social media. Algorithms analyse user data to predict and present content which aligns with an individual’s interests. Users are repeatedly exposed to media which affirms pre-existing viewpoints, forming a filter bubble (Belavadi et. al 2020). The online community is separated into smaller ideologically homophilic circles, constructing echo chambers of opinion (Belavadi et. al 2020). Automated content personalisation ultimately limits information access by sheltering users from exposure to opposing viewpoints.
Equal and protected participation 
The exclusion of individuals from social media often arises as a consequence of the digital divide, which refers to the discrepancies which prevent certain groups' equal use of online spaces. Primary factors are the lack of access to the required technology, such as a stable internet connection and personal devices, and one's degree of competence with these technologies (James 2021). As individuals have varying access and competence which limits them in different ways, social media is not a space in which all individuals can equally participate.
Users are not protected when participating in discourse on social media. As mentioned in the Flinchum, Kruse & Norris reading; surveillance on social media can result in online activity impacting users’ life offline. This is reflected by the offline consequences faced by NBA player Kyrie Irving’s career after posting a link to an antisemetic film on Twitter in 2022 (Ganguli & Sopan 2022). Irving received an eight-game suspension by the Brooklyn Nets, and Nike terminated his contract 11 months prior to its official expiration (Doston & Vera 2022; Ganguli & Sopan 2022). Exemplified by Irving’s financial and reputational damage; users are held accountable offline for content shared on social media. Users may alter or limit their online presence to not reflect their views and reduce the risk of offline consequences.
The following video discusses the incident further and highlights the damage to Irving's reputation.
Source: Good Morning America 2022
Government surveillance is also an issue for protected participation on social media. This is exemplified by Douyin, the predecessor of TikTok launched for the Chinese market. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) monitors online activity and enforces strict internet censorship restrictions (Gamso 2021). Government surveillance prevents protected participation as Douyin users must limit their online expression, particularly on political issues, to avoid legal prosecution. 
The following video briefly explains the CCP's internet censorship practices.
Source: South China Morning Post 2020
Absence of institutional influence 
The commodification of user information breaches the requirement of a space free from institutional influence. Data is collected by platform owners and offered as targeted marketing to external organisations. Meta Inc., parent company of Facebook and Instagram, generated $116.6b USD in revenue in 2022 primarily from promotion (Meta Inc. 2022). Platforms themselves benefit economically from their existence, profiting from the data generated by users’ self expression. Thus, social media is not free from economic institutional influence.
Attainability of the Ideal Public Sphere
The reading acknowledges doubts on the attainability of the public sphere outside of theory (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). Equal participation of all individuals requires the removal of all barriers which often stem from prominent sociocultural and economic issues in society (Flinchum, Kruse & Norris 2018). Thus, the ideal public sphere theorised by Habermas may be unattainable in both the digital and physical space.
Reference List
Belavadi, P, Burbach, L, Calero Valdez, A, Nakayama, J, Plettenberg, N & Ziefle, M 2020, 'User Behavior and Awareness of Filter Bubbles in Social Media', in V G Duffy (ed), Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Human Communication, Organization and Work, Springer International Publishing, SpringerLink, pp. 81-92.
Dotson, K & Vera, A 2022, Kyrie Irving returns to the Brooklyn Nets after serving 8-game suspension, CNN, viewed 2 March 2023, <https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/20/us/kyrie-irving-return-brooklyn-nets/index.html >.
Flinchum, J R, Kruse, L M, Norris, D R 2018, 'Social Media as a Public Sphere? Politics on Social Media', The Sociological Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 62-84.
Gamso, J 2021, 'Is China exporting media censorship? China’s rise, media freedoms, and democracy', European journal of international relations, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 858-883.
Ganguli, T & Sopan, D 2022, What to Know About Irving’s Antisemitic Movie Post and the Fallout, New York Times, viewed 2 March 2023, <https://www.nytimes.com/article/kyrie-irving-antisemitic.html>.
Good Morning America, 2022, Kyrie Irving causes controversy by sharing anti-Semitic film, viewed 10 March 2023, <Kyrie Irving causes controversy by sharing anti-Semitic film>.
James, J 2021, New perspectives on current development policy : COVID-19, the digital divide, and state internet regulation, Springer International Publishing AG, p.23-35.
Meta Inc., 2022, Meta Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Results, Meta Investor Relations, viewed 10 March 2023, &lt;https://s21.q4cdn.com/399680738/files/doc_financials/2022/q4/Meta-12.31.2022-Exhibit-99.1-FINAL.pdf>.South China Morning Post 2020, How China censors the internet, viewed 11 March 2023, <How China censors the internet>
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wordlifers · 2 years
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Some New Additions Just Pulled Out The Archives... This Ill Ass Notorious B.I.G. Figure From ReAction & Super7. Another Flawless Execution From The Figure Design, To The Carding & The Artwork Is Crazy! ReAction Has Been Straight Killin' Shit With Their New Line Of Hip Hop Figures Lately & It's Dope To Finally See More Official Hip Hop Collectibles Coming Out. Grab 'Em While You Can Cuz I've Seen A Few Of These Sellin' Out Quick! This Is The JUICY Brooklyn Nets Variant But Make Sure To Grab That Ready To Version While They're Still Around. ✌🏽 Check Em Out @super7 Rest In Power - Notorious B.I.G. - Christopher Wallace. #notoriousbig #biggie #readytodie #super7 #reactiontoys #hiphopfigures #hiphoptoys #hiphopcollectibles #hiphop #hiphopheads #hiphophistory #hiphopmusic #hiphopfashion #hiphopculture #sneakerheads #sneakerculture #80shiphop #90shiphop #eastcoasthiphop #westcoasthiphop #oldschoolhiphop #undergroundhiphop #classichiphop #boombaphiphop #vintagehiphop #rapmusic #wordlifers #thewordlifeclothing #thecratediggersunion https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm95xhxS8Uj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drogba-prospect · 2 months
Headie One - Karma (official video)
The Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia clan (Italian pronunciation: [kunˌtrɛrakaruˈaːna]) was a Mafia clan of the Cosa Nostra and held a key position in the illicit drug trade and money laundering for Cosa Nostra in the 1980s and 1990s. The Italian press baptized the clan as "The Rothschilds of the Mafia" or "The Bankers of Cosa Nostra".[1]
W 💫💫
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strawberryclothing · 2 months
Foo Fighters Tour In Hershey PA On July 23 2024 Unisex T Shirt
Emma Curtis Kentucky Is Worth Fighting For Shirt
Voting For The Prosecutor Not The Criminal Shirt
Limp Bizkit At Ruoff Music Center Noblesville IN On July 2024 Unisex T Shirt
Official July 23 2024 Fenway Park Boston MA Blink 182 Shirt
Forever a Brooklyn Nets fan win or lose yesterday today tomorrow forever shirt
Cincinnati In Color Shirt
We Share One Heart One Home Trump Quote Shirt
Keep Kamala And Carry On Shirt
Kash’d Out Key West Weekend August 17 2024 Key West Theater In Key West FL Unisex T Shirt
Texas Hippie Coalition Shirt
Foo Fighters Tour In Hershey PA On July 23 2024 Unisex T Shirt
You can find lists of holidays everywhere in the Foo Fighters Tour In Hershey PA On July 23 2024 Unisex T Shirt so I will tell a bit more about the days. Christmas is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on 7 January. It is a public holiday but it is not commercialized like in the west. In the Muslim calendar only Kurban Ait is celebrated. In the former Soviet Union countries New Year is celebrated with lights, trees, presents and big parties. Nauruz or the Asian New Year is celebrated in March. This is the start of spring and is a big celebration with lots of traditional foods, dances, sports etc. and a time when families get together. There are the usual political holidays, Independance Day, Constitution Day, Day if the First President etc. and some patriotic celebrations such as Defenders Fay and Victory Day commemorating the end of the Great Patriotic War (WWII).
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ronda1466 · 4 months
Top 10 Most Emotional NBA Moments That Touched Millions!
In this video, we are taking a look at the top 10 most emotional NBA moments that have touched the hearts of millions around the world. From historic achievements to tear-jerking farewells, these moments have left an indelible mark on basketball fans everywhere. So, let's watch the unforgettable events that showcase the true spirit and emotional depth of the NBA. Top 10 Most Emotional NBA Moments That Touched Millions!
Kevin Garnett's Iconic Legacy: Kevin Garnett's 21-year NBA career is nothing short of legendary. Drafted straight out of high school by the Minnesota Timberwolves in 1995, Garnett played for the Timberwolves, Brooklyn Nets, and Boston Celtics.
His memorable "Anything is possible!" declaration after winning the NBA Finals with the Celtics remains a defining moment of his career.
Allen Iverson Returns to Philadelphia: Allen Iverson's triumphant return to the Philadelphia 76ers in 2009 was a heartfelt reunion.
Despite his years away, Iverson's connection with Philadelphia fans remained unbreakable, culminating in an emotional reception upon his return.
The Evolution of Rebounding in the NBA: Imagine a time when rebounds weren't officially tracked! In 1950, the NBA began recording this crucial stat, leading to legendary performances like Wilt Chamberlain's 55-rebound game.
This change revolutionized the way we understand and appreciate players' contributions on the court. Dirk Nowitzki's Emotional Farewell: Dirk Nowitzki's farewell to the Dallas Mavericks and the NBA in 2019 was a touching tribute to a player who dedicated his entire career to one team.
From leading the Mavericks to their first NBA Championship in 2011 to his final game in Dallas, Nowitzki's journey is one for the ages. The Pioneers of Integration in the NBA: In 1950, Chuck Cooper, Nat Clifton, and Earl Lloyd broke racial barriers in the NBA.
These trailblazers paved the way for future generations, with Lloyd being the first black player to step onto an NBA court. Their contributions were monumental in shaping the league's inclusive future. Vince Carter's Return to Toronto: Vince Carter's initial return to Toronto as an opponent was met with boos.
However, over time, Raptors fans' sentiments shifted. During the team's 20th anniversary celebration, Carter was finally greeted with cheers, showcasing the power of time and reconciliation.
Michael Jordan's Emotional Championship Victory Without His Father: Michael Jordan's 1996 Championship victory was especially poignant, coming three years after his father's tragic murder. Winning on Father's Day, Jordan's tears and raw emotion highlighted the deep bond he shared with his father.
The NBA World Mourns Kobe Bryant's Tragic Passing: The sudden loss of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and seven others in a helicopter crash in 2020 shocked the world.
The global outpouring of grief and tributes at the Staples Center underscored Kobe's profound impact on the basketball community and beyond. A Symbol Beyond Sports: The NBA Logo: The NBA logo, featuring the silhouette of Jerry West, has been an iconic symbol since its creation in 1971.
It represents the essence of basketball and remains a timeless emblem of the league. Steals and Blocks Finally Recognized: The defensive prowess of players like Nate Thurmond was evident even before steals and blocks were officially recorded as stats in 1974.
This change highlighted the importance of defense and allowed for a more comprehensive appreciation of players' skills.
If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell button for more exciting NBA content!
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nbalovers · 9 months
Pistons Break Single-Season Record With 27th Consecutive Loss, and NBA Fans Had Jokes The 2023-24 Detroit Pistons are offici... #usa #uk
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buzz-radar-com · 1 year
Ben Simmons Nears Full Recovery for the Brooklyn Nets Season
Ben Simmons Nears Full Recovery for the Brooklyn Nets Season
Ben Simmons’ return to the Brooklyn Nets is looking promising as reports indicate he is in the final stage of preparation for the upcoming season. The 27-year-old has received support from Nets officials, teammates, and close sources, expressing optimism about his progress. Simmons’ back surgery was challenging to recover from, but he is now healthier than ever and expected to resume his career…
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777wave · 1 year
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Team USA FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023
Official Roster
Paolo Banchero (Orlando Magic)
Powerful post presence
Mikal Bridges (Brooklyn Nets)
Masterful defender
Jalen Brunson (New York Knicks)
Anthony Edwards (Minnesota Timberwolves)
Athletic attacker
Tyrese Haliburton (Indiana Pacers)
Terrific playmaker
Josh Hart (New York Knicks)
Brandon Ingram (New Orleans Pelicans)
Jaren Jackson Jr. (Memphis Grizzlies)
Cam Johnson (Brooklyn Nets)
Clutch shooter
Walker Kessler (Utah Jazz)
Wrecking-ball shot-blocker
Bobby Portis (Milwaukee Bucks)
Board-crashing bruiser
Austin Reaves (LA Lakers)
Assured facilitator
The New Empire, consisting of four NBA players, appears to dominate Team USA, with two representatives each from the New York Knicks and the Brooklyn Nets (formerly New Jersey Nets).
Image credit:
One Sports
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sportyconnect · 1 year
As the sun sets and the city lights start to twinkle, a question buzzes in the minds of basketball fans across New York City: "Who do the Knicks play tonight?" This question is not just about the game itself, but about the anticipation, the strategy, the players, and the entire experience of being a Knicks fan. The Knicks' Schedule and How to Stay Updated The Knicks' schedule is typically packed with games throughout the NBA season, which usually runs from October to April, followed by the playoffs. The exact dates and times of the Knicks' games can vary, so it's essential to stay updated. One way to do this is by checking the Knicks' official website or their page on the NBA's official website. These sources provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about the Knicks' schedule. You can also use sports news websites and apps, which often provide schedules, live scores, and other useful information. Another way to stay updated is by following the Knicks on social media. The Knicks have official accounts on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, where they post updates about games, players, and other team news. You can also follow sports news accounts, which provide updates about all NBA teams, including the Knicks. If you want to watch the Knicks' games, you can do so on TV or online. Many Knicks' games are broadcast on national and local TV channels. You can also stream games online through services like NBA League Pass. If you're in New York, you might even be able to watch the Knicks play in person at Madison Square Garden. You can find more information about watching the Knicks' games here. The Knicks and the Broader World of Sports While the Knicks are a basketball team, they're also part of the broader world of sports. This includes not only other basketball teams and leagues but also other sports like football, baseball, and soccer. Being a Knicks fan can be a gateway to this broader world of sports. For example, you might start following the NFL or MLB in addition to the NBA. You might also start playing sports yourself, whether it's basketball, football, or something else. You can learn more about the broader world of sports here. The Knicks' Opponents: A Closer Look Understanding who the Knicks are playing against is just as important as knowing when the game is. The Knicks' opponents can range from long-standing rivals to new challengers, each bringing their unique style and strategy to the court. The Knicks' Rivals The Knicks have several rivals, with the most notable being the Boston Celtics, the Brooklyn Nets, and the Miami Heat. These rivalries have been shaped by numerous factors, including geographic proximity, historical playoff matchups, and memorable games. For example, the rivalry with the Celtics, one of the oldest in the NBA, has been marked by intense playoff battles and iconic moments. The rivalry with the Nets, on the other hand, is fueled by the proximity of the two teams, both of which are based in New York. The rivalry with the Heat, meanwhile, was particularly heated in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when the two teams had several contentious playoff series. You can learn more about the Knicks' rivalries here. The Knicks' Players The Knicks' roster is another crucial factor in their games. The team's performance depends not only on the skills and abilities of individual players but also on how well they work together as a team. The Knicks' roster includes a mix of veterans and young players, each bringing their unique strengths to the team. The team's performance can also be influenced by factors like injuries, trades, and other roster changes. You can learn more about the Knicks' players here. The Knicks' Strategy The Knicks' strategy for each game depends on a variety of factors, including the opponent, the players available, and the stakes of the game. The team's strategy can involve aspects like offensive and defensive tactics, player rotations, and game management.
The Knicks' coaching staff, led by the head coach, plays a crucial role in developing and implementing the team's strategy. The coaching staff analyzes the team's performance, studies the opponent, and makes decisions about the game plan and player rotations. You can learn more about basketball strategy here. The Knicks' Game Tonight: A Deeper Dive The excitement of a Knicks game is not just about the final score. It's about the journey to that score, the strategies employed, the players' performances, and the thrill of competition. So, let's delve deeper into what to expect in tonight's game. The Knicks' Performance The Knicks' performance in recent games can give us a hint about what to expect tonight. Have they been on a winning streak? Or have they been struggling to find their rhythm? The team's recent performance can influence their confidence and momentum going into the game. You can check out the Knicks' recent games and their outcomes here. The Players to Watch Every Knicks game features players who can make a significant impact. These are the players who can change the course of the game with their skills, effort, and determination. Whether it's a star player who consistently delivers high-scoring performances or a role player who contributes in crucial moments, these players are always worth watching. For more information on key players in the basketball world, click here. The Game's Stakes The stakes of the game can also add to its excitement. Is it a regular-season game, or is it a playoff game with higher stakes? Is it a game against a rival team, adding an extra layer of intensity? Or is it a game that could determine the team's playoff position? The higher the stakes, the more thrilling the game can be. You can learn more about the structure of the basketball season here. Conclusion So, "Who do the Knicks play tonight?" is a question with many layers. It's about the opponents, the players, the strategy, the performance, and the stakes. It's about the thrill of competition and the love of the game. So, let's get ready to cheer on the Knicks and enjoy every moment of the game! #SportyConnect
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jhapalitimes · 1 year
Damian Lillard Expresses Trade Preference for the Miami Heat, Other Teams Also Show Interest
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In a recent twist of events, multiple sources have reported that Damian Lillard, the esteemed basketball player, has communicated his desire to be traded from the Portland Trail Blazers. The team is expected to honor Lillard's request, with reputable sports journalist Adrian Wojnarowski from ESPN confirming that the organization is prepared to facilitate the trade. According to NBA insider Shams Charania, Lillard has specifically expressed his wish to join the Miami Heat. However, it is worth noting that the Brooklyn Nets have also emerged as one of Lillard's preferred destinations, as revealed by Chris Haynes of Bleacher Report. Additionally, both the Los Angeles Clippers and the Philadelphia 76ers have displayed interest in acquiring Lillard, as reported by Wojnarowski. Lillard's trade request comes in the aftermath of the Trail Blazers selecting point guard Scoot Henderson with the third overall pick in the 2023 NBA Draft. During exit interviews at the conclusion of the season, Lillard openly expressed his hesitation to play alongside inexperienced teenagers. Despite his plea for the Blazers to trade the draft pick for an established star, the team purportedly rejected all offers. Currently, Lillard, who is set to turn 33 before the upcoming season, still has four years and $216 million remaining on his contract. He is coming off a remarkable season, averaging 32.2 points and 7.3 assists per game, while shooting an impressive 37.1 percent from beyond the arc on a high volume of attempts. Lillard's exceptional skills as a guard, combined with his ability to make clutch shots, have solidified his position as one of the league's top players. Since being drafted as the sixth overall pick by the Blazers in the 2012 NBA Draft, Lillard has played a pivotal role in leading the team to the playoffs for eight consecutive years. However, the Blazers have encountered difficulties in the past two seasons, opting to select young prospects like Henderson and Shaedon Sharpe with their lottery picks. The pinnacle of the Lillard era in Portland was reached during the 2018-19 season when the Blazers advanced to the Western Conference Finals, only to be swept by the Warriors. Considering the considerable interest in Lillard from multiple teams, a robust trade market is anticipated to emerge. In a potential deal involving the Miami Heat, it is expected that Tyler Herro, rookie Jaime Jaquez, and several first-round draft picks would be included. The Blazers' front office faces a crucial decision regarding whether to prioritize Lillard's desired destination in Miami or focus on securing the best overall trade package elsewhere. Lillard has expressed his desire to play alongside Bam Adebayo in Miami, particularly following the Heat's recent run to the NBA Finals. Interestingly, Lillard's trade request comes just a day after the Blazers reached an agreement with Jerami Grant for a five-year, $160 million contract. However, this deal cannot be officially signed until July 6 at midnight. It remains uncertain whether Portland will attempt to renege on the agreement, potentially signaling a comprehensive rebuilding phase following Lillard's departure. As for potential trade packages involving Lillard, the Blazers might be inclined to include veteran center Jusuf Nurkic, who still has three years and $52.5 million remaining on his contract. In the case of the Miami Heat, their trade offer for Lillard could conceivably involve their 2028 and 2030 first-round draft picks, considering their obligation to the Thunder. Additionally, they could include Kyle Lowry's expiring contract in a package deal for both players. Nonetheless, it seems highly unlikely that the Heat's offer would outshine other potential offers, especially if other teams engage in a bidding war. The Brooklyn Nets loom as a significant question mark in the ongoing Lillard trade talks. After recently dismantling their superteam by trading away Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, and James Harden in the past year and a half, the Nets now possess an assortment of picks acquired from the Suns, Mavericks, and Sixers. Although they lack their own picks, which were sent to Houston in the James Harden trade, the Nets could potentially make a strong push for Lillard. In a hypothetical trade package, the Nets could offer the Phoenix Suns' 2024 pick, the Philadelphia 76ers' top-8 protected 2027 pick, and the Mavericks' unprotected 2029 pick. As the situation continues to unfold, we will diligently provide updates on this developing story. Read the full article
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