#Brothers Abducted
pizzazz-party · 5 months
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Day twenty seven. Why yes, I do think I’m hilarious.
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
I know I keep posting about Solomon, but the Devilgram "Solomon Takes The Train" got even better :
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So basically....
Solomon : I get unbearably jealous whenever I see you with anyone else, especially those brothers. I selfishly want to keep you all to myself forever.
MC : So you wanna bang, or..??
Solomon : Since you're offering, I definitely won't say no~
In all seriousness, I am a HUGE sucker for any kind of content that even hints at the tiniest signs of yandere tendencies (such as jealousy, possessiveness, etc.)
Plus I have my reasons for loving Solomon. I'll always love the brothers more than anything, but my love for Solomon has grown exponentially deeper.
So moments like this are very much welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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nanomooselet · 8 months
My Brother's Keeper (II)
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As in every version of the story, Vash only plays the fool. He is not one. Oblivious, hapless and harmless are always masks he wears. From beneath them, he susses out what Wolfwood is pretty much immediately.
Not that it was hard. The man's barely trying. And really, three days into the trip to July and a guy carrying a cross from Nai's freaky book suddenly shows up, walks off the trailer slamming into him, tries to separate Vash from the reporters, lectures him about killing to survive, makes just-kidding-or-am-I remarks about being an assassin, then finally reveals he's actually carrying an absurdly overpowered laser-cross-gun before inviting himself along for their quote-unquote "protection". Nevertheless he sticks almost exclusively by Vash, who is by a very, very, very wide margin the least in need of protection among them.
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Just in this scene his lighter has the Eye of Michael sigil on it and judging by the heap of butts, after picking tunnels for everyone to search (including one for him) he stayed right where he was and chain-smoked until Vash returned. Not too long afterwards Roberto abruptly and mysteriously vanishes, and Wolfwood tries to convince Vash the reporters must be dead. …Yeah, I guess that counts as subtle for someone who named himself Millions Knives, but c'mon. Knives thinks his stupid brother won't come to his party unless he's dragged there. Vash has a chaperone now whether he wants one or not.
If I were in Vash's situation I'd be quite annoyed. For fuck's sake, he's an adult. He's been one for over a century. He doesn't need a damn babysitter. And what kind of idiot sends an assassin to do that job?
Except... Knives somehow made the perfect choice in Nick.
Wolfwood's cynical rhetoric has no effect whatsoever on Vash's ideals and he's hardly any more effective at keeping Vash safe. Simply because Wolfwood's there, Zazie and Legato between them find excuses to endanger Vash, which is par for the course when Knives tries to "protect" him. No, what makes Wolfwood the best man for the job is something that may well have happened in spite of Knives, and it's this.
Regardless of his real age, at heart Nick is a kind but wounded boy who's only trying to protect his beloved family, especially his crybaby brother. He kills because he doesn't think there's any choice - he's ultimately a victim of indifferent circumstance. In a way, an innocent.
In Wolfwood Knives gave Vash everything Vash wants to believe is true of Knives himself. With all his heart, Vash wants his brother's cruelty and manipulation to be just... just some wildly misguided but sincere attempt to save the Plants, because he doesn't believe there can be any other way - but he'd be open to an alternative. Nai really does love Vash, just like Vash truly does love Nai, and Rem loved them both. His brother can't be a monster.
If he's smart and kind and strong and brave enough, if he can just overcome his fear, Vash is sure that he can help. He'd convince Nai that humanity doesn't have to die, it's just ignorance and crashing on this barren planet that made everyone's hearts so barren while they struggled to survive. They, the twins, can take responsibility for what they did and help Plants and humans to help each other. If they could do it together...
He could love his brother without it being so fucking painful. They could love each other without every encounter they have leaving more helpless people dead, more scars on Vash. From all that he's lost, he could salvage this one thing. He'd be so content with that. He's survived on much less. He ran before, but he'd stay this time, and for good. Neither of them would be alone. They'd have time.
On top of that, Vash needs to help people - it's what keeps him alive, and it makes him happy. Wolfwood needs someone who'll treat him like he's a person rather than a weapon, to remember that he doesn't have to be the Punisher. That's what keeps him alive. There's still a place for him in the world, even for what he's become.
If Vash can convince Wolfwood, his brother's agent, to accept that place... if he can help him... maybe he could do the same for his brother. Just as Luida did for Vash himself.
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And Wolfwood does a damn good job playing the part without even knowing that's what he's doing. Well, he knows he's protecting Vash, but all it's in how he does it.
JPN: You only get one life. You have to fight for it, no matter who you hurt in the process. There's no other way to survive.
ENG: You only get one life, y'know? Self-sacrifice might satisfy the ego, but don't throw your life away. Survival's everything.
This is advice you'd get from a brother. If one must die so another can live, I'd rather you live - so make sure of it. Dumbass. (It's also the final request Rem made of the twins: I want you two to survive./Try your very best to survive for me.) Maybe phrased bluntly and a bit abrasive, but not… insane. No weird sermons about crusades and fire from the sky, no verbal abuse or put-downs, no blame, no hurt. What's more, while Wolfwood does try to convince Vash to leave the reporters for dead, when Vash goes back for them Wolfwood bitches all the way but goes with him. He slices open the Grand Worm for them (though I think also to annoy Zazie). And after that, he clinches it by, of all things, trying to get Meryl to eat bugs.
You're not going so survive like that. Come on!/Are any of you freaks interested in survival? Come on! Open wide!
(This is totally irrelevant, but their stupid bickering in the background in the English dub is hilarious. Nick straight up says "I'm helping!" and adds something about how short Meryl is. Meryl starts protesting that she's a "perfectly average-sized woman." I bet they were unbearable in the truck.)
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Nai was always dismissive of, if not outright nasty about, Vash enjoying food he doesn't need. Nick gets it. Consuming food gives physical nourishment, and Plants don't need that to survive. But it's also togetherness, shared joy. Those are things both Plants and humans need, so it's not a 'waste'. We're more than merely serving a material purpose or function, even one that's self-declared. Even as Plants.
No matter how heavy a cross you carry, you still deserve to eat. You still deserve to laugh./Heh, no matter how heavy the cross is you carry, you deserve food. And to laugh.
Vash needed to hear that, or something like it. It's the kind of thing Rem used to say, the kind of thing Luida told him. (It's about everyone getting a share.) Meryl, though she cares for him, doesn't yet know how to break through Vash's rumination.
Nick's being a jackass older brother by happenstance, because he's letting down his guard. It's who he really is: kind of a silly kid who cares deeply about people and shows it by goofing off and pushing their buttons until they want to fucking kill him. But Vash would so relieved to have a brother who's just annoying about how much he cares. Who still cares enough to listen to his opinions, and to compromise when they disagree; who doesn't loathe the person Vash is because it's not what he thinks Vash should be. So Vash eats what Wolfwood offers, despite Roberto's warnings, extending his trust. Wolfwoof takes that in the spirit it was intended, a little shocked. Despite himself (and despite Zazie), he and Vash are genuine friends from this moment onward.
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Also Nick is having a ball bugging the shit out of Meryl. She's like three feet tall and so easy to piss off! Maybe if he tries hard enough he can make her head explode. Irritating the little sister mode: activate.
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That doesn't mean everything's love and peace, though.
Wolfwood's work isn't over yet. I think he's relieved Vash extended his trust both because, despite himself, Nick likes this dude (and that must have been an interesting realisation to come to about his sadistic boss's fluffy wuffy cotton ball of a twin brother) and because it makes his job easier. But now he's emotionally invested. He shouldn't be. He can't be. Zazie reminded him why, can see it in [his] eyes. The last person who cared like this was Livio.
Again, Vash isn't stupid. He does care about Nick as a person, not a surrogate Nai, just as he cares about everyone; it's why he's so easy to love and so, so many people have come to love him. (Precious darling boy.) Nevertheless, there are gaps between what Vash needs from Nick and what Nick is capable of giving. And there's one huge glaring difference between Wolfwood and Knives.
That difference meant the hope Vash came to have about confronting Knives in July was misplaced. He just couldn't have known until it was too late.
Part I
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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lesbianbanana · 7 months
Please know that it's not anti feminist to say that a woman (*cough* Helen and Persephone*cough*) who was kidnapped WAS kidnapped and didn't go by choice ❤️
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lwlegal · 9 months
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a series of events....
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soooliviane · 7 months
My theory about Bella Goth's disappearance
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Oh hell no, I can't see my wife while my eyes are closed…
Recently, I thought about numerous theories about why Bella Goth disappeared of Strangetown, and I actually have my own, let me tell ya.
First, i found 2 pretty famous theories:
- Bella Goth was abducted by aliens, under the order of the Caliente sisters and Don Lothario, was released in Strangetown, ran away to Lunar Lakes (Sims 3), had a girl there and died of old age.
- @alexplayssimsnstuff's post, here's the link
According to me, there are truths and wrongs in both theories. Let me start to explain.
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About Morty and Bella
APS said that things were not going well between Mortimer and Bella because she was unfaithful (romance asp), because they can't belong together if we try to get Bella back, and because he quickly started to date Dina Caliente. Another thing, in the PSP game, Bella tells us that she married Morty only for his money and she stayed for free television (i don't know how to traduce that, in french we say "câble gratuit", she can watch premium channels on TV, for free).
I don't think so.
First, if she was unfaithful, Morty would have memories about it. If they were separated, Cassandra would remember this. I think Bella's romance aspiration should be interpreted as she is not interested in seduction but she loves her husband (look, she refused Don Lothario !)
About the whole "fighting" thing between them, I could have an explanation. I was inspired by the Deathly Hallows in HP, and particularly by the resurrection stone. The story says that when the sorcerer used the stone to bring back his loved one, she was there but distant, cold, because even if she was materially there, she wasn't belonging to the living ones' world. I think this could be the same for Bella. She is there, but her relationship with Morty is not anymore, and she can't rebound because she is not totally alive. The tombstone of L&D isn't a conventional way to resurrect sims. As you could read, I mean that Bella is dead.
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Rare picture of Bella enjoying her "câble gratuit".
What about the "I married Morty for money and TV" thing ? Well, I can't believe that it's true. Remember that they were really friends since they were kiddos, they had so much in common like being paranormal lovers or their Hot Topic vibes. Let's look at the context of the revelation, she is horrified, she wants desperately to leave the city. She is even ready to give you a whole house for a few bucks ! Guys, she's not in her right mind, and I think we all would be like this if we were abducted by aliens, released in an unknown place where there are ghosts, monsters, zombies, a neighbour who kills her husband without being bothered and this freaking cop who eats trashy donuts.
So what about Nina, Dina and Don ?
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Ding dong, here come the taxes !
The story of Dina and Nina calling their alien mates to get rid of Bella so Dina can seduce Morty and take all his money is extremely known by Sims 2 players. Buuut, there's something wrong in this theory. Yes, Dina and Nina are 25% aliens since their dad is born from an alien abduction. But the dad is actually more human than alien, and since he never met aliens again, how the girls are supposed to contact aliens ? Moreover, why would aliens keep contact with like ALL OF THEIR HYBRID BABIES ? Of course Dina is a fortune asp girlie but I don't think she could plot a way to get rid of Bella. Nah, I think it's just a matter of life in which Dina saw a good opportunity to earn more money (I don't think also that she killed Michael Bachelor, even if she cheated on him with Don, she was in love with him). My theory about that is that she was stucked with a lot of debts, and right after she heard about Bella's disappearance (according to me, this would not take long, even if Bella's brother is dead, she still is the only relative alive for the Goth family), she moved in Pleasantview, like a nasty parasite attracted by the smell of fresh flesh… 😈
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POV : You're Don Lothario and you kinda miss your maid's work
What about Donnie, uh ? Well, let's take a look at his situation. Don work in medecine career as an intern (pray for every poor girl this gross man was "treating"…), so he makes almost 600§ a day. He is NOT poor at all. And since he doesn't aspire to money but romance, why would he marry a rich girl just for the money and make more difficult for himself to hook up around ? Being engaged to Cassie is literally a bad memory !! So why did he proposed ? Well, you can see that dear Donnie and Cassie haven't ever "played doctors", surely because Cassie wants to wait for after marriage, and Don is bitchy enough to marry Sandra, or just engage, just to put her in his hunting table.
Soo, what i'm tryna say is that Dina and Don (yep, because Nina has nothing to gain from this so i don't think she's involved), at the beginning, didn't have any intention of hurting Bella. But, now that they are into their own plans, Bella reappearing would be catastrophic for them. Not only because she would return to her place in her household and in Morty's heart, but also because she could ruin Don's relationship with Cassie with these few words : "He tried to F me first". In conclusion, if Bella returned to Pleasantview, Donnie and Dina would seriously have to get rid of her immediately.
If the guilty isn't Morty, Don or Dina, who abducted Bella ??
Easy question, I'll give an answer very quickly : Aliens
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Aah, the sweet taste of deception, but wait, the tea is boiling.
But let's take things as they are. Bella was fascinated by paranormal since her childhood. And fun fact, with Sims 3 Generation, if we try to ask her to go to prom with her, she can refuse, saying that aliens may abduct her.
Bella is a very gorgeous, smart and charismatic woman, it's totally understandable that aliens would want to abduct her and mix their genes with her perfect ones. If I was an alien I would totally want to abduct her (yep, she was one of my first lesbian character crush, who else ??). So, that night Bella disappeared, she was just looking at the stars with Don's telescope and *BAMF* alien abduction, babe ✨
If she was simply abducted by aliens, why she can't go back? Why she is in Strangetown? Why the hell did you say that she's dead ?
Well, you know that there are actually two Bella Goth. One from Pleasantview that is missing. AND one in Strangetown, as a townie, and quite different than the first one.
Indeed, this one has no memories, a different face AND a mess around her name.
If in the original version and a lot of traductions, Pleasantview Bella and Strangetown Bella both share the same name, there are 3 versions where her identity is changed.
- In French, where Pleasantview Bella Goth is "Sonia Gothik", Strangetown Bella Goth is named "Kathy Lalouche" (French version of Kitty Curious, the mother of Pascal, Vidcund and Lazlo). Same thing in Thaï.
- In simplified Chinese, they kept Pleasantview Bella's first name for Strangetown Bella's but changed her last name for the Curious equivalent. Lot of simmers say that it's a mistake made by traducers. But with the same Curious family? And when we are checking ST Bella's datas, we can see that she recognises Vidcund as her sibling, and Jill and John Smith (Jenny Curious/Smith's kids) as her nephews. Vidcund and Jenny also consider her as a sibling. So now you can understand that this name thing is not a random fact. And this plus physical differences, we can conclude that these women are not the same.
What happened to Bella?
Since we can meet real Bella in Strangetown on PSP, we can assume that she ACTUALLY WAS in Strangetown. But what we forgot is that she is alone, no Curious family around her, and more important : she wants to leave the town.
I think that's the last time we have news about her.
Yep, in Sims 3 Ambitions' time travel machine, we can learn that Bella Goth became an alien queen in the future. But sorry not sorry, that's not our Bella. Why would she become a queen of people that traumatized her?
We also learn in Sims 3 world Lunar Lakes that she died there of old age. But it doesn't make sense for two reasons:
- I think that Lunar Lakes is like a very far future. Yep, she could have drank youth serum AGAIN, but where would she find this in freaking Strangetown desert, far from her scientist husband ?
- Why THE HELL would she travel to the FREAKING MOON, when she could just go back to her family and live a kind of normal life far from paranormal and alien things. Little reminder, Strangetown is on Earth, since as a player, we can go into and out of this city, Bella could totally take a bus, or ask tourists to transport her back to "civilization".
Two Bella were released in Strangetown. One is our Bella. She immediately left the Curious' spaceship area, found an abandoned house where to live and lived on the money she had in her pockets (I refuse to assume that a rich lady like her doesn't go out of her house without cash or credit card, idk) and maybe work. But quickly, she found out about Strangetown's weird things and ran away. She met our character at Mambo Loa's Market, sold us her house for all of our money and left, using the money to buy a ticket bus or just ask gently to kind tourists. After a loooong journey, she finally came back to Pleasantview, all happy with the idea of seeing her husband and her children back aaand met Dina and Don, who got rid of her immediately. That's how she died. And since she died in secret, Grim Reaper can't resurrect her, and when we try to invoke her by Tombstone of L&D, she acts so weirdly. Here is the tragic end of Bella Goth.
And what about "Bella Curious" ? Well, she is a clone of Bella Goth, made by aliens and released in Curious' house/spaceship area. Because they are kinda friends with aliens. They "raised" her and treated her like family, in a alien lover's environment.
But why would aliens do that ?
There is this theory that I love very much from Gonz, I'm sharing his Tik Tok down this paragraph. But it basically says that Sims games take place at different periods of time, on a same timeline (Sims 4 doesn't count, EA ruined everything 🤢), and this timeline lands on a tragic end : a doomed future, where aliens have invaded Earth.
But with this theory on mind, don't you wonder how they took power on Earth?
And don't you wonder how "Bella Goth" became Queen of Aliens ?
What if "Bella Curious" had a task on earth, being a kind of a spy for aliens. And since she is beautiful, charismatic and very intelligent, people would just bend the knee in front of her (Actually I, would bend the knee for her…) She filled her mission successfully, and since alien people owe this extraordinary human clone everything, they made her their queen. And, why not, took her to the Moon where she could live her old days peacefully and die of old age.
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maybe every Good New Cartoon has a requirement of Some Guy showing a Child Main Character a horrific vision of their loved ones being lost bc in a moment of really bad stress they voiced regret for doing something that gave them Otherworldly Burdens No Child Should Have or smth idk
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anrisimps · 4 months
Yuder nya had never seen a prettier cat before
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freedomforthewin · 1 year
Desperate Measures
(Scamander brothers & muggle reader)
Content Warnings: Themes of suicidal temptation, narcissistic abuse, C-PTSD, attempted abduction, PTSD, and betrayal. There’s also emotional distress, and a knife is present. Ableism and biphobia are mentioned.
Note 1: Some numbers and resources are noted at the bottom of this story post.
Note 2: If you like this story, please like, reblog, and/or comment on this story. Doing that really helps writers out. Plus, this was a really difficult story to write, and I worked extra hard on it, haha.
You slowly walked over to the knife holder on the kitchen counter, as if you were in a trance, and grabbed a knife. You stared at the knife in your hand.
Everything was too much. Your entire being was consumed with so much stress and pain. And it had been that way for too long. You couldn’t do this anymore.
There was no other way out.
But—you just remembered—your friends—Newt and Theseus—they would not be okay with this. Doing this would devastate them. They had always genuinely cared about you.
And you had worked too hard to die now. It was taking a while for you to get better and work towards building the life you wanted, but you were farther along than you were before.
But, you needed a way out. You needed this pain and stress to stop. You didn’t want to be stuck with the trauma anymore. And, you wanted to finally be safe. What could you do???
You felt trapped.
Tears started to fill your eyes. Your grip on the knife tightened and shook; then it relaxed. You moved the knife to the side. You stared at it for a few seconds. Then, you put your elbows on the counter, lowered your head into your hands, curled into yourself, and started to cry.
Soon after, footsteps came towards the kitchen, but your overwhelm prevented you from hearing them. The footsteps paused upon the scene, and there was a brief silence.
“(Y/N)?” you heard a voice call softly from behind you. Newt’s voice.
Your breath hitched, but you didn’t raise your head.
No. He had caught you.
You didn’t know what to do, what to say. You didn’t have the energy for this, so you just stayed as you were.
“(Y/N)? Are you alright?”
You still didn’t answer. Newt walked till he was standing to your right. He placed his hand on your shoulder, gazing at you with concern.
Then, he noticed the knife to the right side. When he realized what you were trying to do, he let out a small gasp. His green eyes turned to the knife holder in front of you.
He kept his hand on your shoulder and used his other hand to move the knife and then the knife holder farther to the right, away from you. He stared at them. Then, he looked back at you, scared.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
You tried to hold back sobs.
He was worried. He knew you had been going through a hard time, but he had never seen you like this. He thought about the knife he had just pushed away from you.
“Please show me your wrists.”
You didn’t move. You didn’t want him to see you cry, even if he was one of your closest friends. You didn’t feel comfortable crying in front of anyone. It was too late, in a way, though. You couldn’t hide the fact that you were crying, but that didn’t mean you had to show your face.
“I need to make sure you’re not injured,” Newt clarified.
You still didn’t speak. You didn’t trust your voice to sound normal.
“Okay,” he said cautiously, “I’m just going to pull your sleeves down and check.” You kept your head in your hands. Newt carefully pulled your sleeves down and tried to look for injuries, walking around you to continue checking your arms from other angles without pulling your arms away from your head. He didn’t find anything concerning.
“Alright. Your arms seem fine. Did you cut yourself somewhere else?”
You shook your head, no.
“Did you—stab yourself?”
You shook your head again. Then, you gave up on not speaking.
“Al—almost,” you said in a thick voice.
He was quiet for a few moments.
“Why—why would you do that?”
You didn’t answer at first. He waited for you.
“It’s all too much,” you finally said hoarsely.
“Alright. Can you—can you tell me more?” he asked, trying to stay calm.
Your head turned towards him, a desperate look in your eyes. He saw the tear streaks and pained expression on your face. Newt’s heart broke.
“I believe you,” he said. “I know you’ve been going through a hard time. I do. Just, just talk to me. Take your time, it’s alright. Just tell me whatever you can. In case there are things going on that I’m not aware of. I’ll—I’ll do my best to help you.”
Just then, Theseus, who had come over earlier that day to spend time with you and Newt, walked into the room while adjusting his gray suit. He stopped when he noticed the sight in front of him. “What—what’s going on?” Theseus asked, concerned. You and Newt looked at each other, unsure of what to say. You snapped your eyes shut and lowered your head while pursing your lips together. Newt worriedly placed his hand on your shoulder. He then glanced downwards before turning his head towards his brother.
“She—she almost killed herself,” Newt answered.
Theseus just stood there as the realization of what Newt said hit him.
“What?” Theseus asked, shocked.
Newt let out a breath before speaking.
“She tried to—she was going to—she almost—she almost stabbed herself.”
Theseus stood still for a few moments before making his way over to you both. His ocean blue eyes gazed at the knife that was away from you and Newt. Then, he turned back towards you and caressed your arm.
“Please talk to us,” Theseus said quietly.
“We’re here for you,” Newt added tenderly.
You were overwhelmed, making it hard for you to speak, but they waited patiently for you.
“These memories,” you started, your voice hoarse. “These thoughts. These feelings. They don’t go away for good. And they can get so…intense.”
“What are you remembering?” Theseus asked gently but worriedly.
“The abuse.”
Your friends looked at you, sadly.
“It was really bad,” you whispered.
“I believe you,” Newt reassured you.
“So do I,” Theseus agreed.
Your mouth curled into a hint of a smile, a pained but grateful look in your eyes. You tilted your head towards them in a slight nod, which they returned.
You were silent for a few moments. Then you continued, “They were ableist, too. And biphobic. Even though I was their daughter and a part of those minority groups. Didn’t matter. I was their daughter, and they didn’t care…they didn’t care.”
Both of the Scamander brothers’ faces fell at your words.
“They treated me so…” you trailed off and sighed hopelessly.
Your friends gazed downwards morosely. The three of you went silent.
Then, you asked, “Do you remember what they and the others did to me after I escaped?”
“Yes. I remember,” Theseus said solemnly as Newt nodded. You looked at Theseus, a tortured expression on your face.
“They terrorized me,” you nearly whispered. “But they did it subtly and manipulatively, under the guise of caring. If anyone read or listened to the messages, or listened to those monsters try to justify their actions, without being very familiar with how manipulation works and the different ways it can be done, they’d fall for the manipulation and not believe me.”
“I’m sorry,” Theseus said sadly. He was quiet for a few moments. “But it’s good that you don’t have contact with them now. You’re safe now.”
“For how long?” you asked hopelessly. “They haven’t stayed away for good.
“They kept trying to contact me. And they and the others who decided to get involved kept trying to get me to reveal my location, as well as trick me into letting them abduct me. And…” you trailed off as the tears fell down your face.
Theseus went up to you and engulfed you in his arms. Your arms wrapped around him tightly. He held you and rocked you side to side as you cried in his arms.
You, like Newt, weren’t typically a hugger. But, Theseus’s hugs were different: They actually felt comfortable to you. Newt watched the two of you sadly. Then, he took his wand, turned towards the knife and knife holder, and vanished them. He stared at the space the weapons had been in, breathing heavily.
He had almost lost you.
“You’re safe now,” Theseus said to you soothingly. “You’re safe now.”
Newt turned back towards his friend and older brother. Newt placed his hand on your shaking shoulder. After a few seconds, he began to rub your shoulder.
“They can’t do this to you anymore,” Newt murmured. “They’re not here. You’re away from them, and you don’t have contact with them. You’re safe now.”
They went quiet and comforted you as you cried.
“Why don’t we take her to the couch,” Newt quietly suggested after a little bit, motioning towards the yellow couch in the living room with his head.
Theseus nodded.
The three of you made your way over to the couch, Theseus keeping his arm around you the entire way there. You sat in the middle of the couch, Newt sat to your right, and Theseus sat to your left. They rubbed your arms, trying to console you. Neither of you said a word. After a bit, you finally spoke.
“Sometimes I have to remind myself where I am. That I’m not there anymore. That I’m away.”
“Yes, that’s right. You’re not there anymore,” Newt said. “They don’t know where you are. They and the others who got involved can’t try to take you back again.”
“They already tried multiple times,” you said despondently.
“I know. I know, and I’m so sorry.” Newt was silent for a few moments.
“They did that and they did so much to try to get me to reveal where I am.”
“We’re not going to let them take you or do anything to you,” Theseus stated. “And you’ll do a good job of protecting yourself, too. You already have.”
“Yeah,” Newt reassured you. “You made very smart decisions to keep yourself hidden, and you have been continuing to make smart decisions.”
“Exactly,” Theseus agreed.
You took a deep breath and nodded.
They were quiet for some time.
“I knew that me escaping and cutting them off would lead to me getting betrayed and losing people, but it’s still hard,” you muttered. “Why do I mean so little to all of them?”
Theseus placed his hand on your arm.
“Because they’re not meant to be in your life,” he replied.
“He’s right,” Newt agreed. “But—we believe you. We care.”
“Yes,” Theseus affirmed. “We do. We know you’ve suffered. We know you deserved better.”
“And we know they’re very manipulative,” Newt said. “We read and listened to the messages you showed us they sent you. Something is seriously wrong with them.”
You shook your head up and down, so thankful your friends saw your abusers for what your abusers were.
“They’re narcissistic abusers,” you said. “They won’t change no matter what they say. If they wanted to change, they would have tried a long time ago. My suffering because of them would have been enough to get them to change. But it wasn’t. They only tried to ‘change’ after I left, when they got affected. When they lost control of me, and when me escaping put their reputation at risk. None of their words and actions are genuine. They don’t care about me.”
“I’m sorry,” Newt whispered.
“We do though,” Theseus replied. “Care, I mean. We care.”
“We’re your friends,” Newt said gingerly. “We love you.”
“You’re not alone.”
You smiled at them.
“And you have a…therapist, as you muggles call them,” Theseus added. “She can help you. Is it working out with her?”
“Yes. I like her. There’s just…so much.”
Theseus nodded sympathetically.
“(Y/N),” Newt suddenly said. You looked at him.
“You were going to kill yourself, but you stopped. What got you to stop?”
You were quiet at first.
“I’ve worked too hard to give up now,” you finally said.
Newt and Theseus gave you small smiles and nodded. You gave them a small smile back.
“But, I also remembered both of you,” you replied awkwardly, motioning to Theseus and him. “This would hurt you, both. I couldn’t do that to you. Both of you genuinely care about me. You always have.”
Your friends looked at you morosely. Then, they both leaned in and laid their heads against yours. You closed your eyes. The three of you sat like that for some time in silence.
“Why don’t we take you to get some help,” Theseus suggested quietly, his head still against yours. Then, he sat up and looked at you; Newt did the same.
You looked away, a slightly anxious expression on your face.
You had never checked yourself in for a mental health emergency before. The idea of it made you feel nervous, but, you supposed, not as nervous as you thought you’d be if you had to do this without your friends’ support.
And, this really was an emergency though, wasn’t it? You had almost killed yourself.
You felt someone take your hand. You looked to see who it was.
“You’re worth it,” he said. At those words, your eyes held their gaze towards him. “You’re worth it.”
You smiled gratefully at him. Then, you took a few deep breaths before you looked at Theseus and nodded.
“Okay,” you said, accepting the offer of help.
*****************End of Story*****************
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sakitenyoyo · 5 months
*drops one of my ride kamens agent ocs at u*
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Here is one of my Ride Kamens OCs, Asahi Nakagawa! She has a super nice older brother who was the original heir of Cosmos Conglomerate (before he went missing 4 years before the events of the game. I wonder where he went..). Now Asahi has to juggle both company and Kamen Rider Agent duties as the company's new heir. (having a presumably dead dad & missing older brother probably doesn’t help with that)
She looks up to her older brother a lot and being more like him is the main reason she wanted to be an agent in the first place. But she often gets compared to him at work. So she has *A LOT OF INSECURITIES*  (she often overworks herself just to help others, looks down on herself and all that jazz)
She's not based off of anyone in particular but I did give her a trenchcoat like shin kamen rider ruriko and named her after TV Asahi because thats fun!
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more sketches of her because i like her a lot :)
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cervidaecorpse · 3 months
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Dreams are weird
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squeakadeeks · 1 year
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I love my little blue bitches
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mollywog · 5 months
🐑 send me a fake set of fic tags, and I’ll try to come up with a summary for it! mafia/ballet dancer!AU baking angst with a happy ending
Thank you for playing @oenothera5!!
I’d like to preface this with - I know nothing about mafia AUs- so here’s a trouped up abomination
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Pairing: Gale Hawthorne/Madge Undersee
The mafia is the only life Gale’s ever known. Bearing the weight of supporting his ma and three siblings, he doesn’t have time to waste on frills or distractions; That is until Panem’s prima ballerina Madeline Undersee pirouettes into his life.
When Madge is abducted, he’ll have to decide where his loyalties lie and who he can trust in his mission to rescue the woman he loves amidst growing tensions between the Snow and Coin families.
Fake fic ask game
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redlenai · 8 months
Surprised no one did this ship yet
So I had my Uberhood for the very first time and honestly is so much fun thanks to all the new stuff that happens between Sims. So, for some reason my game has decided that Brandi and Vidcund had chimestry (Turn ons and off are random).
Bro, I can't describe how Vidcund just became the father that stepped up, in the Curious Household he rolled a want to go on a date with Brandi, ok they had their date, rolled to flirt, granted every wish I could and in one evening they were in love. Then when I went to Brandi's house she already rolled the want to get married to Vidcund, I was like "Girl, too fast" and it was like, Beau was still a toddler, Dustin literally got the already expected poor grades, tantrums, throwing up, surviving and selling stuff while doing the best they could.
Of course, as I play she eventually gives birth to her third child, and yes she rolled wants to invite Vidcund home thus they managed to build their relationship even more (And it was hella cute, Vid on his own tried to read to the boys or even if he and Dustin have no interest in sports they watched tv together lol), and after she settled down a bit, they got married.
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She is still unemployed yet she makes some money by doing gardening and sewing, she also gets a few prizes now and then when she participates in cooking competitions, Dustin makes money not only by his part-time job in the criminal career but also by painting and sewing stuff, he managed to get an A+ and reached the Top of his Criminal career, has two Scholarships and seems he'll be ready to move to College eventually.
Beau and Theseus get some money by discovering stars or just stuff they do at school besides they have a lemonade stand. Vid had already a promotion back in Strangetown, then another one after moving with the Brokes, he does gardening as well and after rolling a want to go to the Mountains, they all are currently on Three Lakes enjoying their first family vacation
I'm stil trying to get him abducted for even more chaos in their household but it just didn't happen yet.
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S02E14: Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind
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ep2nd · 1 year
Flower and Sea Family AU
Part 2
In the last part, I explained how this AU works, so go check out part one if you haven't. It's under the Flower and Sea Family AU tag.
Now for question.
How does Illumina play into this?
It's very simple, but also not.
Scott would eventually get tired and just done with putting up with his awful father and eventually leave.
But this is the mafia it ain't easy.
Yes, his father doesn't really care for Scott, but he's also the type of person who wants his son close because reasons.
Plot reasons am I right.
But Scott is sassy and a girl boss, and with the help of Jimmy, a bit of good brother farewell from Xornoth, Scott escapes.
Pass three years
Scott and Jimmy make their own mafia base/reputation, and still hiding from the father.
In a desperate time, they hire the best assassin around for a job.
Problem though.
It's a kid.
A traumatized, trust issues, emo, orphan fourteen year old, who is really good at killing.
Explanation is too long so-
Illumina gets attached and Jimmy and Scott go "poor child, we will take care of child, our child"
And bada bing bada boom, they pull an SBI and now Illumina is surprised forced adopted and not sure how he got here but he's honestly okay with it even if he'll never admit it out loud.
There are still some plot and questions to be asked, but for the next part!
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