#Buck better smack some sense into that boy before it escalates
supercalime · 1 month
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As promised, my meme contribution
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haravath0t · 3 years
A Christmas Heist Pt. III - Digging Deeper
Pairing: Bucky x Reader  
Warnings: another immense word count, some fluff, tension, implied smut (if you wince), and Brock being an ass again
A/N: Hello, everyone! Sorry for the massive delay on this mini-series! School and family just has been making updating so much harder, but I am happy to be getting the mojo back even if it is little! I am trying to get myself to post on the weekends so that way I can keep up my motivation to remain active on tumblr. Since I am slowly getting used to school, I would like to play around with my schedule to see if anything will work! This part is starting to have some more tensions and the mission is slowly starting to escalate! I hope you all enjoy! Happy reading!
Main Masterlist
A Christmas Heist Masterlist
Request: “Bucky X reader where a Hydra agent dressed up as Santa and Bucky has to fight him, but the only way he can get close enough to “Santa” is dressing up as an elf. Thanks!”
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You weren’t going to lie, this mission was a fun one to take part of. It’s been a couple of days, and it was quite funny to admit it was pretty fun and exhilarating. The places within the Apple Store that you three have rummaged through during these past few days are only making the options for where the hidden USB is more narrow. Besides the fact that you were after a hard drive that could possibly bring harm to many people if you didn’t retrieve it before the set date, you were happy that you were helping kids. However, this one would be a different one from the past few days. Your fellow co-worker, Daphne, brought in the next excited child to sit on Santa’s lap. It would be safe to say that from the viewpoint of the parent’s Mrs. Claus was doing most of the heavy lifting, for her husband was… focused on other things than Christmas.
“Alright. It’s break time for me. I’m going to the back. If we can’t find anything, I’ll see if I can get access to the lockers. Keep watch in case suspicious characters follow suit.” You hear Steve say into the comms. “You got it, punk. Be careful.” James responds back, eyeing Steve from his spot of the Toy Store. You and Steve make quick and subtle eye contact before he excuses himself.
“What’s your name?” You hear Brock say, unenthusiastically, forcing himself to rub the child’s back for comfort. “Brandon,” he replies, shyly biting down on his thumb. You tried hard to not let out a huff of frustration, for Brock clearly underestimated children and their ability to sense the energy of their surroundings. Like everyday you’ve worked here, you stepped in.
“Brandon! What do you want for Christmas?” You smile, reaching out your hand kindly as he shyly lets his small fingers wrap around your pointer finger. “Ummm… I want… I want a stuffed Mickey Mouse. Ummm… a puppy… and I… want… a big car! He finishes with growing excitement. “I want to drive in a car!” He giggles squeezing your finger as he starts to twist his upper body side to side. You couldn’t help the smile that grows on your face. “Oooh, just you wait, Brandon. You’ve been a good boy, I can tell.” An excited nod comes from the child. “Yes I am, Mrs. Claus! I’ve been nice this year!” You couldn’t help but laugh alongside the parents at the adorable nature of the kid. “He really has been. He’s been looking forward to seeing Santa and Mrs. Claus all year,” the mother remarks with a smile as she watches Brandon excitedly swing his arm with the hand that’s holding yours. “Ooh, then just you wait till you see the presents under the tree on Christmas, Brandon. I will make sure Santa puts a Mickey Mouse, puppy, and big car on his sleigh.” Brandon smiled from ear to ear, going up on his knees to reach over Santa’s seat to hug you. You gasped and giggled as you returned the hug, causing the parents to smile and take pictures of the lovely interaction. “Thank you, Mrs. Claus.” He replies with a cute smile before hugging Santa to thank him as well, only to receive a grunt from Santa’s end. “Time for pictures!” Daphne calls before she returns to the camera, counting down before the flash goes off, then another. The boy hops off excitedly, waving at you both as the parents whisk him away. Then you hear, “Rumlow, are you almost out yet? We have to discuss more of the Barracuda Project.” That wasn’t coming to your comm. “Yeah, yeah, in a bit, Agent Woodman. I’m still working.” You hear Rumlow grunt quietly into his comm. You had to do something. Steve was still in there.
“Thank you, Brandon!” you call out, nudging Brock slightly feigning innocence. Brock grunted from your nudge and followed suit. “Alright good job, guys. This was the last kid for the day. We’re free!” Daphne exclaims as she puts away the camera equipment. “Thank goodness, we’re done,” you smile, looking over at Rumlow, who was clearly in some hurry. You had to keep thinking fast. You watched Rumlow start to make his way towards the back of the bookstore. “State your status, Cap,” you say hurriedly into your comm.
“Still trying to look through the back room”
“How far back?”
“Quite far back.”
“Steve, you gotta get out of there ASAP. They’re planning to meet over there.”
“Stall Rumlow. I have to clean all this mess up.”
A groan leaves your lips as you swiftly walk towards the back, taking off your wig and glasses. You hated to do this. You plastered a smile to your face. “B-Brock?” You called innocently outside the employee’s men’s bathroom, causing Rumlow to open the door. Your eyes widened when you found him shirtless, still in his Santa slacks and boots. “O-oh, sorry. I-I’ll leave you-” You stutter, embarrassed, a bit of blush evident on your cheeks. A smug smirk starts to come on Brock’s face, cutting you off. “Oh, it’s not a problem, don’t worry, Mary or should I say…”
Oh no. Has he found out?
“Mrs. Claus?”
You let out a bubbly giggle and a coy smile, waving your hand. “Oh, stop. It’s my job. Ummm. I don’t really know my locker in the back. I was wondering if you can… help me find it?” You ask in a coy manner, eyes purposely staring at Brock’s figure so he can catch you staring.
“Y/N, what-” Bucky whispers in the comm.
A smirk goes on Brock’s face once again, biting his lip. “Oh, yeah, no problem, Mary. Maybe I can show you a few more things, since you’re new. I can change into the rest of my clothing in the back anyways.” It worked. You let out another annoying bubbly giggle and nod. “I’d like that, Brock,” You respond back, innocently batting your eyelashes up at the burly man. 
“Rumlow. Rumlow we are waiting-”
“Hold on, Mary, someone’s calling me.” 
In no time, Rumlow closed the door and locked it. Allowing a breath that was held in to be held out. 
“Status, Steve?” you whisper quietly, looking around to make sure no one was hearing you. 
“Still cleaning. Keep stalling.” Fuck.
“You kiddin’ me, punk? Hurry up. Y/N, sweetheart, what’s happening?” 
“Buck, honey I got this, gotta go. Steve, I’ll try to give you 10 more minutes allowance max. You’re gonna pay for this.”
You yanked your comm and turned it off, placing it in one of the deeper pockets of your Mrs. Claus skirt, right on time when Rumlow walks out, still topless with a smug smile on his face. “Sorry about that, sweetheart (yuck). Here lemme show you what the back looks like.” He says, walking ahead as you follow behind in. You eye his pants, you heard a little jiggling from his pants. Keys. You peeped to the side to see that indeed, you were right. You had to keep this cover up to be able to get those keys without suspicion. You kept biting your lip for Brock to see your “interest”, taking your set of your fake set of keys from your duffle bag and swooshing them around. You passed a few shelves before landing on the lockers. “Here, Mary, is your locker. You can feel free to leave your costumes here and your stuff-” Yeah, that’s it keep talking. Just keep batting your eyelashes at him, Y/N. Steve better get out of there quickly.  “And yeah. That’s it. You understood that?” Rumlow questions, taking you out of your thoughts. “O-Oh, thank you. I’m just going to put my bag up here, then.” You say, nodding. His eyes were still on you as you made your way in front of him. 
“Scanning the back area to approve clearance of the meeting place.” Oh no, Steve. 
If only you didn’t get to have such good hearing, the comm interactions between the Hydra agents wouldn’t worry you so much. You had to keep going. You dropped your duffle bag (rather loudly) on the floor. “Oops! Sorry, about that,” You say, bending down to retrieve your duffle, making it a point to put your hand on his thigh for stability. You knew this ought to have worked.
Brock couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to your hands and your bent figure. Oh, that comm was way past him now. You were so beautiful and attractive. It would be very nice to show off a girl like you next to a man like himself, right? Maybe, just maybe, he can get that asshole George to stay away from being the “defender of women”. No need to because you’re clearly attracted to him right? He might as well. 
His hands slowly helped you back up and put the duffle in the locker, catching your eyes looking up at his. If only you knew how he loved the innocence radiating off of your face alone. “B-Brock?” You manage to choke out. “Back room is cl- wait. I think I’m seeing something,” Woodman says into Brock’s comm. Your trip on your own two feet and stumble a bit before Rumlow catches you, hands on your waist, face much closer to yours. “Rumlow. We may have an intru-”
“Mary!” This George the “woman’s defender” calls, footsteps approaching to where you are. He sees the elf at the corner of his eye. Oh this is sweet. Maybe George can leave his pursuit of you alone this time.
“There is an intruder. Checking to see-” 
SMACK. Brock pressed his lips to yours causing your eyes to widen in surprise. Think fast, Y/N. Think fast. You played with the game, letting yourself close your eyes as you kissed him back in feigned surprise. He did nothing but deepen this kiss, ignoring the messages going into his comms. You just knew your boyfriend looked like he was fuming. You allowed one of your hands to guide one of his hands from your waist, placing them on your hair, wrapping your leg around his waist. You can tell he was enjoying this. If you timed, this perfectly, you can be closer to completing this retrieval mission. You initiated a deeper kiss, satisfied when Brock follows suit. 
3, 2, 1. 
You let your set of keys drop from your hands to get a believable shock factor, letting the fall of the keys give you time allowance to quickly reach into his loose Santa pocket. 
Your set of keys dropped on the floor, echoing the same time as you swiftly yank out Brock’s keys, tightly clenching them to prevent noises. Your hips start to buck, smirking as Brock let out a low groan and clinging onto your form and hair tighter. You allowed Rumlow to let his tongue dance in your mouth. You let him touch and kiss, for unknown to his knowledge, you extended your free hand, you and Bucky having a silent exchange before he leaves with a huff. Rumlow smirks and pulls away when he hears Bucky walk away, his want and lust evident in his eyes. “Didn’t know you wanted me in that way, Mary. Should have told me sooner so I could do more.” 
“False alarm. Checked the suspect and saw it was just another Apple employee. Meeting will take place when you arrive.” 
A smirk goes on your face as you unwrap your leg, bending down to pick up your keys. “Hmm, well maybe I like this game that we have here and we can see where we land. Say, why don’t I help you change, hm? So I can look at you a bit more before you leave your shift.” You suggest, brows raised with a sultry stare to feign infatuation. Brock was a busy man, but with what you had to offer? Maybe he can make some room.
A few minutes later, Rumlow walked out with his backpack in his casual clothes, sending a smirk to Bucky’s way as he fixed the toys on his shelf. Bucky scoffed, watching this good for nothing agent leave the facility. He saw you coming in another minute later, back in your Jovie get up with a smug smile on your face. His eyebrows furrowed and he huffed, at least satisfied that your comm was back again to your ear, hidden under your hair. “I hated going through that.” You groaned, helping him organize the toys. “Did you both do more than what I saw?” He asked in a low tone. “Other than taking off his Santa pants? Nothing really. I took it off so he wouldn’t know it’s missing. Made sure no suspicions were raised too.” You noticed Bucky quietly pouting as he attended to work. You would have laughed at his tight clad figure with his pointy shoes, but you genuinely felt bad. “What’s wrong Buck?” You ask a bit nervously. “Hated watching you get kissed by that guy. But you sure do know how to fool these guys,” He pouts, jiggling Rumlow’s keys that were in his pocket. You couldn’t help but smile and shake your head.
“Trust me, it wasn’t as disgusting as you think it was.”
“Nice thing to tell me Y/N as if I-”
“He’s way worse, Buck.” “...I’m still better?”
“Of course, he is out of the question when I have you.” 
“I get that’s the usual tactic for most missions, but I still think you should owe me a bit of consolation for seeing that.” 
“Maybe we can dedicate tonight to do whatever you’d like.” 
A chuckle and smirk finally adorn Bucky’s face. 
“Well best be prepared, sugar, because I’m taking full advantage of that.” 
“Y/N, Buck, I’m in this comm too you know, geez let the old grandpa breathe.” Steve groans in disgust, causing you both to laugh as you finished your shifts.
Permanent Taglist: @world-of-aus @world-of-aus-reads @whew-oh-em-gee @tomholland-96 @lordyitsjordy @letstalkaboutsebbaby @thee-soom-soom @lookiamtrying @vesper852 @hailhydra920 @buckybarnesthehotshot @heyiamthatbitch @rodrikstark
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Part 4: A Plan Unfolds
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A Million Reasons, Part 9
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Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Matt Murdock
Warnings: angst.
A/N: If you want a happy ending sort of story, please refrain from reading any further. If you want a more realistic take on a relationship and how easily things can fall apart  - then here you go.
Summary:  It’s simple really. Girl joins S.H.I.E.L.D. Boy gets unfrozen after 70 years. Girl meets boy. They fall in love. They get engage. They have a baby. Then shit hits the fan. Add some drama, flashbacks, a cute kid, meddling Natasha/Bucky duo and maybe another love interest in the mix - one in the form of a hot lawyer from Hell’s Kitchen.
The hospital corridor was nearly empty, beside a few nurses and a janitor. The atmosphere was tense and quiet, except for the sound of footsteps approaching the end of the hall. Steve held Coulson in his arms, the little boy was wide awake despite it being past his bedtime. Bucky and Natasha walked behind the pair, trying their best to match Steve’s pace, but he was in a panic from the moment he got the call from a woman named Claire.
Just as Steve was about to reach the correct room, Matt came walking out - not donning his Daredevil suit, but dark blue sweats and a gray tee with the hospital’s name on it. Matt gripped his cane and stopped as he heard Steve approach.
“She’s going to be fine,” Matt assured him.
Coulson waved at the familiar face and the lawyer gave the child a warm smile. “Hey buddy.”
“What the hell happened?”
Steve tried his best to hold back the anger, but he was doing a lousy job.
Sensing the tension, Natasha stepped up and took Coulson from Steve’s arms.
“Hey kiddo, why don’t we go get a snack from the cafeteria?”
“A cookie?”
“Sure” she smirked, glancing over to Bucky to give him a ‘make sure things don’t escalate’ look. He nodded and gave both Nat and Coulson quick kisses before stepping up beside Steve.
“How is she?”
Matt glanced over in Bucky’s direction and sighed. “She was wounded on the abdomen. It was a lot of blood, but I were able to get her to the hospital just in time. A good friend of mine works here, she was the one that called you and got Y/N out of her suit. She’s all stitched up now, she’s going to need to take it easy for the next few weeks.”
Steve listened quietly, arms crossed against his chest until Matt finished speaking. Bucky watched him closely, as if he was anticipating a fight.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“Steve,” Bucky warned, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“No, it’s fine,” Matt held a hand out to Bucky and stepped up to Steve. “Listen, Steve, I’m not doing this with you. I care about Y/N, I love her actually and out of respect for her and that little boy, I’m not going to stand here and fight with you. We are both consenting adults, we both chose this life and we both decided to go out tonight fully aware of what could happen. So don’t stand here with your perfective righteousness and try to make us feel bad about that. And when you go in there, don’t tear her a new one, she already feels bad. Just go in there as the father of her son, as the man she loved. As her friend.”
Steve and Bucky stood speechless with Matt’s painstaking truthful words, but it was the confession of love that had shocked Steve. He watched Matt take a deep breath and he did the same, telling himself to calm down.
“Is she awake?”
“Yeah, she’s been asking for Coulson,” Matt replied coolly, stepping away from the door.
“Buck, when Nat gets back, have her bring in Coulson.”
Bucky murmured an okay and only relaxed once Steve walked into the room, leaving Matt and him alone. The man glanced over to the lawyer by day, Daredevil by night and smirked widely, reaching over to give him a hard smack on the back.
“I like you, man.”
Your body ached, but pain was minimum. Whatever Claire had given you, it was doing it’s job and a goddamn good one at that. Eyes groggily, you heard someone walking into the room and assumed it was Matt. Turning your head, the small smile on your face dropped and tears instantly pooled in your eyes at the sight of Steve Rogers.
Steve rushed to your side, taking a seat facing you on the edge of the bed. He leaned down and placed a hand on your cheek, rubbing a thumb against your bruised cheek. Your lips quivered and for a mere second, it was like nothing had ever changed. There were no ultimatums or break up or heartache. The moment his hand touched your hot skin, it was like before. Before Matthew, before Sharon, even before Coulson.
His blue eyes softened and he moved down to press a kiss onto your forehead. Closing your eyes, you caught yourself wondering what it would be like to kiss him again. Would the dead love blossom once more or would it be stale and unflavored?
“Hey, you’re okay,” he said softly, moving back up to a sitting position. He reached down for your hand and held it in his. “I thought we lost you.”
“I’m so sorry,” you confessed shamefully, but Steve just squeezed your hand.
“Come on, it’s in the job description.”
“I shouldn’t have gone out tonight, I was being selfish. That’s all I’ve ever been.”
Steve pulled his hand from yours and stood up, running a hand over his face. “You - you are the least selfish person I know. You wanna talk selfish, Y/N? Do you? It’’s my middle name.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Steve shook his head. “I did this to you, I pushed you away, because I was scared to lose you. I gave up my family, our family, because I couldn’t deal with you going out there. I was afraid I’d have to bring you back in a body bag to our son.”
The mention of Coulson had you bursting into a curdling sob and Steve again, rushed to your side. He scooted your body over gently to get room next to you then pulled you into his side, resting a hand on your back. You cried deeply into his shirt and he held you until you were done, until the mixture of exhaustion and pain meds had you passing out.
A few minutes later, as you whimpered softly in sleep, Natasha and Bucky walked in alone, neither of them sure of the scene laid out in front of them. Natasha left Bucky at the foot of the bed so she could move to your side, a pained look graced her stern face and a single tear fell down your cheek. Quickly, she looked out the window and said Coulson was outside the room with Matt.
“Good, she’s all drugged up and tired. It’s better if he waits to see her when she’s more herself.”
“Steve,” Bucky cleared his throat and gripped the bed railing. “What the hell are you are doing?”
The tension in Buck’s voice had Natasha turning to him and she eyed Steve. “Whats’ going on with you and Y/N, Steve?”
“Nothing,” he answered quickly, shifting you slowly off his body. “She’s the mother of my child, and before that she was my friend.”
“And lover,” Nat pointed out, raising an eyebrow at her teammate. “Listen, I have to tell you this can’t be good for either of you.”
Steve’s jaw tightened and he questioned why. “We were going to be a family, we were a family and maybe there’s another chance for that.”
“Sure,” Natasha spatted back. “So you can leave her again?”
“Romanoff,” Steve warned, looking down to make sure the conversation wasn’t disturbing you from sleep. He got up from the hospital bed and pulled the white sheet up to your shoulders, before moving away from the bed and taking a place next to Buck.. “We have things to work out, things that we left unsaid when we broke up. We can fix it, it’s possible.”
“You broke her heart,” Nat rebutted, a little fury edged her words. “You left her and started seeing Sharon. Rogers, you didn’t see what happened to her. You weren’t there picking up the damn pieces, you weren’t there on the drunken nights and long cries. I was, Bucky was. You were busy moving on and-”
“Guys,” Bucky begged as you started to stir in the bed. “This isn’t the time or place.”
The two fell silent, both sending Bucky apologetic glances, who sighed deeply and looked over to you.
“Listens guys,” he said sternly. “I get there’s a lot of shit we all need to deal with eventually, but our friend, our teammate is down. She’s badly hurt and yeah, she’s gonna make it, thank God. We need to be good when she wakes up and uplift her. She doesn’t need any of this shit drama, none of it. You got it?”
Natasha’s eyes moved to Steve and the two apologized to each other, both bursting into small smiles.
“Good grief, babe,” Nat whispered not so quietly to Buck. “I do love when you take charge.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Steve groaned and the three chuckled, releasing any tension out of the room.
“We should let her rest,” Bucky nodded to the bed.
“You’re right,” Steve sighed, looking over his shoulder to you. “I’m going to go call Tony, have him send over transportation to take her to the Tower. I’m sure this is a nice hospital..”
“Our’s is better,” Natasha said point blank and the men agreed. “I’ll call Tony, you two go get us some coffee.”
The trio shuffled out of the room and when the door closed quietly, you opened your eyes.
AMR tags:   @latenightbooknerd @samantha-maria02 @andillwriteyouatragedy@wellfuckbuck@cutekittybast@bitchasaurus@superwholockgeekgirl4life@buckywiththegoodheart@angelicaxmichelle@cutekittybast@maxinemauricio@dryerpet@ashann7@mizzzpink@mixedfandxms @chin-up-love@redroomproperty @lust-for-pan @missmeganrachel​ @girlygirlbishop@yourxaveragexslythergit @bands-and-shietz @addictionmarvel @lilacs-lavender @koizorahana
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