#Bulldog Frances
cerebrodigital · 4 months
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Estos son dos Bulldogs franceses. El de la izquierda ha sido galardonado múltiples veces, mientras que el de la derecha fue cuidado por criadores que buscan "rediseñar" la raza para que sea mucho más saludable.
Te explicamos sus diferencia y porque debemos abogar por este cambio aquí:
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vcbarrera · 1 year
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cpahlow · 7 months
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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National Hug Your Hound Day
Give your own hound a big hug on Hug a Hound Day, consider adoption, or volunteer at a dog shelter to make sure these dogs get the love they deserve.
Dogs have been standing alongside man since the dawn of history, being one of the first, if not the first, animal that we ever domesticated. Since then they’ve been warm and loving companions, loyal workers, and stalwart defenders of our homes and families. Hug Your Hound Day reminds you that your four legged companion deserves recognition, and the importance of building the bond between you by understanding how life is when you see it from four legs.
History of Hug Your Hound Day Hug Your Hound Day was originally created by Ami Moore, the “Dog Whisperer of Chicago” to remind people of the importance of having a long and lasting bond between you and your pet. She has a long history and amazing qualifications that have led to her being one of the world’s most famous dog experts. Trained as a Native American Medicine Woman, and carrying a list of qualifications so long you’d need three cans of alphabet soup to spell them out, Ami sought to increase the health and happiness of canines through the creation of Hug Your Hound Day.
Ami has specialized in working with canine behavior and problem solving, and even worked to pioneer the concept of positive reinforcement using electronic dog training equipment to motivate a dog’s natural drive to follow a strong leader. Through the development and use of her techniques, she’s helped to curb unwanted behaviors in dogs all over the world. From destroying furniture, jumping on guests, even dealing with curing separation anxiety and socializing them so they’re no longer aggressive to people and other dogs. Hug Your Hound Day is about learning how to make your relationship with your pet that much better, and Ami Moore is the world’s leading expert on safe and humane techniques.
How to celebrate Hug Your Hound Day First, give that lovable ball of fur and teeth a hug and tell them how much you love them. Then take some time thinking about how their world looks from down low, surrounded by us lumbering two-leggers with everything built too high for them. From that point you can start figuring out what kind of problems they have, anything from potty issues to chewing through the dry wall, and seek out ways to help curb them. Most negative behaviors are signs of an unhappy pet, and Hug Your Hound Day is all about making sure your canines are happy and healthy!
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tikashanny · 2 years
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With my baby Jofi 💙
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Puppy logo design for a pet shop ♡ 🐶 🐕
This week we have a special 50% discount for logo & branding packages!! 💫
Get your Free consultation before you choose your design package!
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seniouesbabes · 9 months
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Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 Lulu
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annyssap · 1 year
It's just my cute little dog 🐶🐾🖤
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bleueciel · 8 months
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arktico · 10 months
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Bulldog gracioso papas fritas
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blondehare · 1 year
French roll
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thepeoplesmovies · 2 years
Marc Fouchard's Out Of This World Getting A UK Release
Marc Fouchard's Out Of This World Getting A UK Release #OutOfThisWorld @Bulldog_Film #horror #frightfest @AltCurrentPR
After making it’s premiere at Shanghai and FrightFest Glasgow, Bulldog Film Distribution are set to release Marc Fouchard‘s Out Of This World. The French serial killer thriller tells the story of obsession and violence. A man who has a dream to be a composer now a Uber driver all thanks to past trauma. When he connects with a Deaf dancer he picks up, the connection opens the door to his dark…
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Love Your Pet Day
Pets can offer unconditional love and help to make a home feel more welcoming and inviting. It’s only appropriate that owners take the time to show appreciation for them by celebrating on National Love Your Pet Day.
Pets can instantly put a smile on anyone’s face and bring joy to a household. Pet owners are busy people with jobs and families and may not always give a pet their full concentration. National Love Your Pet Day is a chance to give love and attention to any pet in the house, such as a dog, cat, and guinea pig. One trait that makes us all human is the ability and desire to love our pets, so it makes sense that we should all come together to celebrate their existence.
Learn about National Love Your Pet Day
It’s interesting to learn that most households in the United States have at least one pet present. It goes to show just how meaningful pets are to humans and that they share a unique and significant bond. Think along the lines of cats, dogs, birds, fish, and reptiles, for example. National Love Your Pet Day gives us all a reason to celebrate our pets and make them feel special.
Our furry and non-furry friends and pets have a very extraordinary place in all our hearts. Most would agree that it’s fun to celebrate this shared and matchless connection. Pet owners take pride in their pets and love to show them off and admire them. Humans and pets have meshed well together previously, and there’s no denying the fact that they continue to be a large part of your lives today.
The day is a time to embrace the idea that these pets are unique and special to us and have a place in our hearts. Love Your Pet day is a chance to show your pets extra love and your undivided attention. It’s about acknowledging the special relationship, and place pets hold in our lives and to pamper and admire them even more than we already do. It’s a chance to give back to pets everywhere since they’re known for helping to reduce stress and blood pressure in humans.
History of National Love Your Pet Day
Pets have been a part of human life for thousands of years, and it’s only becoming more popular and common to own one. Animals have been right by our side ever since the first moment of civilization. Consider the fact that wolves lived among humans for centuries, and there’s proof of humans and dogs and cats being together as long as 12,000 years ago.
In the 1600s, European royalty began keeping toy dog breeds. Pet birds were the pet of choice in Spain among all classes well into the 1960s. It may not be common knowledge regarding the person that started National Love Your Pet Day, but the masses began celebrating it and bringing it to light on a wide scale in the early 2000s.
National Love Your Pet Day Timeline
10,000 BC Wolves become domesticated
The first animal believed to transform from the wild state to the domesticated state is the wolf, the predecessor to the modern-day dog. It is believed that humans would find baby wolves and take them home to take care of them and train them.
7500 BC Cats may be domesticated
While it has been long believed that cats were domesticated in Ancient Egypt, recent information shows that it is much earlier and in the Near East.
3000 BC Parrots are domesticated
Colorful parrots are domesticated by Ancient Romans and also kept as pets in tropical places such as Brazil. They won’t be present in Europe until several hundred years later.
3100 BC Dogs are kept by people in Ancient Egypt
While their relationship is probably not as much like pets to humans but more like working dogs to owners, the Ancient Egyptians keep dogs nearby to help with tasks such as hunting and guarding. They may have even named them and put collars on them.
1850s Oldest-known photograph of a dog is taken
Ever since the invention of the camera, humans have enjoyed their pets by taking photos of them and with them. The first known photo of pet is titled Poodle with Bow, on Table and will later sell at a Sotheby’s auction for more than $8000 in 2009.
How to Celebrate National Love Your Pet Day
The best part about National Love Your Pet Day is that pet owners can pay extra attention to the animals they love so much. There are a variety of ways and options to choose from when it comes to celebrating National Love Your Pet Day. Pet owners should be encouraged to think outside the box and take actions that you know your pet will particularly adore.
A few ideas for what you can do include going for a walk or hike, playing with them and their toys, and snuggling and cuddling with them. As a dog owner, they may love going to the dog park, so be willing to take a trip there to have them play with the other dogs.
Many people find joy in taking pictures with their pets and sharing them on social media to let their networks know how much they love their furry friends. What’s most important and critical is that one purposely sets aside time to be with their pet on this special day. Pamper him or her with treats and show your pet that they mean the world to you.
Furthermore, take care of your pet’s health by making sure their vaccines are up to date and calling the vet to schedule their next appointment. Turn on the television and enjoy a feature film or video that includes a variety of pets to help cheer them up. Groom and pet your animal so that they look presentable and feel loved. Do them a favor by continuing to train them and practice commands with them on National Love Your Pet Day.
They’ll be better behaved, and it’ll keep them safe when you’re out and about walking them or in public. A pet owner might also want to celebrate by buying them a new toy that they know will excite them. Not only give it to them but then get on the floor and play with your pet. Also, wash their current bedding or give them a new bed that’s more comfortable for them.
Any non-pet owners don’t have to feel left out because there are plenty of options for this group to participate as well. For example, someone may want to donate money to a local shelter or adopt a pet themselves. One can also pitch in and help by offering to watch a friend or family member’s pet during the day while they are at work or need to travel.
Pet owners can rejoice knowing there’s a day designated for them and their pet of choice. Have fun celebrating and showing the household pet how much you adore them. One might even want to consider adding to the family on National Love Your Pet Day and getting another pet to enjoy.
Anyone participating in the day should take the time to admire how amazing their pet is and notice how happy he or she is that they’re receiving extra and special attention from their owner. There is a large community of pet owners out there so connect and share pictures with these individuals and ideas for how one can celebrate National Love Your Pet Day.
National Love Your Pet Day FAQs
How do you show love for your pets?
Everyone wants their pets to know they are loved! How to show this depends on the breed and kind of pet. Dogs like to be scratched behind the ears or on the belly. Cats enjoy hearing their voices mimicked. And rabbits like to spend quality time with their humans.
How are pets beneficial to humans?
National Love Your Pet Day is a perfect time to be reminded of the symbiotic relationship between pets and owners. All pets, but particularly cats and dogs, can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression, provide companionship and teach children responsibility.
How to celebrate National Love Your Pet Day?
This is a great day to simply show pets they are loved by buying them treats, giving them an extra hug or scratch behind the ears, or just giving them extra attention.
When is National Love Your Pet Day?
Always occurring in late winter, National Love Your Pet Day falls on February 20 of each year.
Which pets live the longest?
Those who are looking to develop a relationship with a pet might wonder how long they can expect them to live. Pet tortoises are, by far, the longest living pet and can often outlive their owners as they can live approximately 50-100 years.
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saintsenara · 2 months
One thing that confuses me about the Dursleys is how they're supposed to be a parody of the British middle class, but isn't Vernon like director/chief of a company? Like, he owns a business and it doesn't seem to be a failing one so wouldn't they be more accurately described as upper class? Maybe it's just me who's dumb but it's something that really confuses me lol
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
the dursleys would never be thought of as upper-class, because that implies a certain aristocratic or gentry connection which they evidently don't have.
the most they could be is upper-middle-class - which is one of those fun british class-brackets which has a very specific "look" in the wider cultural imagination, and which defines itself as something vastly different from being middle-middle-class or lower-middle-class in terms of its vibe.
which is to say, this intra-class division isn't really financial [although that is a factor - just not the only one] so much as it's based in performance. how one changes social class [which is possible, these class divisions aren't immutable] isn't by becoming rich, it's by learning how to perform. mundungus fletcher, for example, could be a billionaire, but the way he presents himself to the world would still read as working-class. the teenage voldemort has nothing in his bank account, but he behaves in a way which is indistinguishable from his posh pureblood friends.
the dursleys' class performance - the way they dress and speak, the way they behave, their attitude towards their possessions [such as vernon's pride in his car], the places they want to go on holiday - indicates a bang-in-the-middle vibe, simultaneously aspirational to someone like petunia [who grew up below it] and hilariously unimpressive to someone like james potter [who grew up above it].
the best illustration of this is to compare them to the grangers, who are clearly upper-middle-class. the financial difference is negligible - vernon, as a company director, could feasibly be on a salary which was in the same ballpark [or which potentially even exceeded] what a dentist who only or mainly took private clients [which is the case for many dentists in the uk] could expect to earn - but their performance of class is totally different.
the grangers go skiing and spend their summers in the south of france; the dursleys' ideal holiday destination is majorca - which, while this is very unfair to a lovely bit of spain and the lovely people who live there, is used by jkr because it has that sort of middle-tier association in the british cultural imagination [posher than going to the costa del sol, rougher than staying in a converted farmhouse in cantabria]. the grangers name their daughter "hermione" - which, whether they get it from greek or from shakespeare, is a statement of their class performance - while the dursleys name their son "dudley" - which is the same.
and - of course - the grangers are dentists, which means they went to university. vernon makes drills - but is not an actual builder; which, while a blue collar job which would be understood as working-class, is also understood as something authentic - and clearly did not.
the interesting thing about the dursleys' class-status, though, is that vernon seems to have gone down from a childhood which was upper-middle-class. not in the same way as the grangers - apparently city-based, europhile, undoubtedly voted for tony blair in 1997 - are upper-middle-class, but in a way specifically associated with posh people who live in the country - whose poshness is considered to be more parochial and more politically conservative.
marge dursley - with her tweed and her bulldogs and her brusque manners - is a perfect stereotypical example of this. so too is smeltings, the fee-paying boarding school which both vernon and dudley attend - it wouldn't be unusual within the dursleys' class-bracket for dudley to be privately educated, but it is unusual for this to be at a school with the vibe that smeltings [whose uniform, for example, is so obviously based on that of schools like eton and harrow] has.
it's really interesting to think about why vernon might have ended up shuffling down to the middle of the middle, especially because there are plenty of careers for a man from that country-posh bracket which would retain his class-status without requiring a university education - above all, going into the army. that he doesn't do this - that he becomes a managing director, a job which has financial but not cultural cachet as an upper-middle-class signifier [if you care about these things - which i do not] - has a certain degree of deliberate choice behind it.
and this provides a fascinating comparison with petunia - who was clearly raised working-class and has ascended into the middle through performance, and who then becomes desperate to retain her status by continuing to perform "correctly". vernon also lives behind a mask, which also depends on the correct performance of a class-bracket which he wasn't born into, even if his class journey is one of descent.
vernon and petunia's fear of magic relates to this - they're both terrified that the neighbours will learn, if they discover the existence of magic, that they're not as bang-in-the-middle normal as they claim to be.
and this is fundamentally because magic is something eccentric and strange. and eccentricity [especially in dress and manners - the thing that vernon hates about wizards] is read as either a sign that someone is very posh or a sign that they are very much not.
but not as something in between.
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transgenbur · 11 days
i can only describe the past three days of political life here as having the same general mass insanity as a dsmpblr Event in the olden days. this is a don't stop the party kinda thing. a famous tv presentator said he would leave france if LFI (left wing party) got to power, so one of its deputies quote retweeted a video of him licking the arsehole of a bulldog from several years ago. its been two hours he got nearly 100k likes. the twitter account of the right wing party of which one member locked himself in his office and refused to come out as he would be fired has been suspended by twitter. someone made anime-like fanart of one of the leftist deputies to encourage votes and he retweeted it. it has been three days. im telling you this is some dsmp don't stop the party level shit
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jendeyfer70 · 4 days
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Joey B with his BEST FRIENDS from Highschool in France
Joey B with Zacciah Saltzman, Tre Williams and Ibi Watson!!
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