#Bully Bust
104-days-of-gifs · 1 year
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Another 104 Days of Phineas and Ferb GIFs: Day 87
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Bully Bust vs. Just Desserts
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Bully Bust
Summary: Candace challenges Buford to keep Phineas and Ferb’s invention from disappearing so that she can sweep in and casually bust her brothers. Across town, Doofenshmirtz has had one too many lattes and is experiencing an extra burst of evil energy.
Personal highlights: Buford singing, Doof's mousetrap trap
Just Desserts
Summary: Candace volunteers to help Isabella record her audio book so the boys can continue building their giant, recyclable, rock climbing project as planned, and get busted by mom. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz creates a Bring-Out-Dessert-inator which gets people to interrupt what they're doing and bring out dessert.
Personal highlights: the Bring-Out-Dessert-inator and it's explanation, Perry and Doof hyped up on sugar
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bigfatbreak · 10 months
How does nooroo feel about Tom in your villian dad au?
After initial introductions, Tom basically thinks Nooroo is a figment of his imagination and a testament to his mind crumbling from the grief of losing Sabine. Nooroo gets an inside look on what really matters to tom, though
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Tom uses the butterfly miraculous not for himself, but for the benefit of his daughter. The vengeance he's trying to take on "Hawkmoth" isn't quite as simple as "you're responsible for the death of my wife," it stems from a very, very different source - which makes Nooroo more sympathetic to helping him.
He's still not thrilled, but, Marinette and Tom are so kind to him, he really can't find it in himself to complain.
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achillean-knight · 9 months
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Part 1 - Part 2 Here you go, the final part. This is for you, Anon's who requested the continuation of this JKHGDSHGS
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nikomedes · 5 months
labru this chilshi that. all i want is a post-dungeon fanfic where kabru wakes up late at night and chilchuck is in his room and gives him a shovel talk about hiring scab labor (mickbell and kuro)
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badlyblurry · 3 months
teen stan comforts teen ford after the bad day at school because of bullies?
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”One of these days, you and me are gonna sail away from this dumb town.”
“You and *I*. Grammar, Stanley.”
“Shut yer yap, Pointdexter.”
I’m actually really proud of this one <3
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 month
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The Lake Scene (Rise of KyoshixHiimdaisy!P4-ified edit)
(Note: Backgrounds were found online)
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itsjustpoopeh · 3 months
everybody like "oh no Gerrard is going to be homophobic to baby bi buck" but I'm over here like
this is an opportunity for buck to enrage the old sack of shriveled dicks without even trying through the power of Neurodivergent Missing Social Cues combined with Oh Yeah I Thought I Was Straight Until Five Minutes Ago
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Monica Johnson had been pretty fucked over when she had been at High school. A victim of bullying - even though she was now a Mom and a successful artist - she still had night terrors and flashbacks about those awful days in her past.
Her loving daughter Wren had given her Mom a book on art therapy and it had suggested that Monica work out her trauma through her art. She hadn't given the idea much thought - till one day when she was doing the gardening - she dug up a huge lump of weird grey clay and the idea came to her in a flash of inspiration.
She needed to rid herself of her bullies influence and perhaps she could channel that into her art?  She could create something with the clay that she could pour all her fears and memories of the wicked bad girl bullies who had tormented her at school into.
The clay was like nothing she had ever worked with before. It seemed to suck out all the memories from her mind and she almost felt like the clay was shaping her ideas rather than the other way round.  All the malice, evil and bitchiness of her bullies seemed to be drained out of her into the clay. 
After a frenzy of work - she stood back and shivered as she looked at the five perfect busts now standing in her studio. The gloating, perfect face of her spoiled rich bully Violet gazed back at her with that wicked twist to her lips - the bitchy look she had always feared. Violet's slutty beta-bitches surrounded her... but her bust was the central piece. What a whore.
"Wow... that bust is kinda hot," suddenly giggled Wren as she walked in and her Mom nearly jumped out of her skin. Wren gazed admiringly at her Mom's work - not understanding the meaning behind it.
"She was the bitch at school who nearly ruined my life," chided Monica gently and Wren's face fell as she realised her mistake.
"Oh shit... I had no idea Mom. Sorry. What a bitch. She is kind of striking though."
Monica looked at Wren. Her daughter seemed fascinated by the bust and couldn't tear her eyes from it. She was flushed and her breathing seemed heavy. There was almost a magnetic charge in the air and without even realising it Wren was being drawn towards Violet.
"Wren... it needs firing, don't touch it yet please," warned Monica and Wren shook herself out of whatever trance she had nearly been in.
"Oh... sorry - I didn't even realise, sorry. Ummm dinner is ready. You okay to come now?"
Wren's heart was pounding as she unlocked the door to her mother's studio and flicked on the lights. She didn't know why she was here... but something had made her desperate to see the busts of her Mom's bullies once again. 
Wren approached Violet's bust. She knew she should hate the face of her Mother's main bully but it was so beautiful and hot. The face of a fucking Alpha bitch and a slutty Princess. 
To her shame she was wet and looking at the now fired bust, it was even finer and more beautiful than before. Whatever weird clay her Mom had found and used had really made it come to life.
Wren drew closer and slowly brought her hands to the face. She had... she just had to touch it. She wanted to know how it felt... she wanted to experience her Mother's bully close up.
Her fingers made contact slowly... almost longingly and Wren groaned in sexual pleasure as she felt the smooth perfect surface charged beneath her fingertips and an erotic tingle swiftly ran up her arms through her hands as the clay seemed to come alive.
"Oh fuck yes," she moaned wetly, not resisting as the clay began to flow and spread over her skin. It magically sank into her flesh and where it passed, her body was transformed and enhanced.
Wren groaned and arched her back as the clay spread like wildfire corrupting and changing her. Her small breasts swelled up with the evil clay and then took on the texture of soft flawless skin and her hips swelled out and her buttocks became round and perfectly toned. Her body was now that of a Goddess and it began to tan as every inch of body hair burned away.
Rapidly the clay spread up her neck and ran through her hair... her short red locks becoming lustrous strands of brunette perfection as the clay reached her face and she moaned as it spread and overwhelmed her freckled face... giving her the superior features of the busts original inspiration. 
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Violet's perfect lips and beautiful eyes came alive as the clay merged with Wren's skin and even her clothing transformed - her demure dress replaced by a tight crop top and tiny pair of shorts. It felt so good and her body was on fire as her voice and even her posture changed. 
Wren's tight new pussy felt amazing and her body thrummed with power. She felt so alive.
Oh yes... you're a fucking hot bully now and it feels so good.
The clay had completed it's work and with a gasp she pulled her new sexier hands free and stated down at a familiar face. Wren's own face... now perfectly rendered in the clay... gazed back at her. She felt a wrench of disgust at how ugly it was. 
Eugh, what a disgusting face. Your new one is so much better. 
Wren smiled as she walked over to the mirror at the back of her Mom's studio and she began to play with herself. "Ohhhh fuck my big tits feel great," she grasped as she groped herself and began to finger fuck her tight wet cunt. 
Yesssss so much tighter than your old pussy. Your ass is so tight too. Imagine how it will feel to get both pounded by all those hot boys you fantasise about at school?
"Oh fuck, that's so nasty. Yes I want it so bad!"
Her fingers went deeper and she rubbed her clit and bit her full, plump lip as she imagined being spread eagled and fucked hard by a bad boy.
"Yessss give it to me!"
Soon it will be real... Violet. Soon you will be the biggest bully and popular girl at school. Now cum and enjoy how it feels.
Suddenly Wren was cumming harder than she had ever cum before and her head was thrown back in ecstasy as she enjoyed her superior new form and squirted into her panties. She was so fucking wet and horny... she loved how it felt.
Standing up she giggled and licked her sticky fingers, then with a slutty hum returned to investigate the bust of herself, idly admiring her massive new tits in the mirror as she did so.
"Such a disgusting face, but I assume I need to touch it to turn back." Wren's hands almost felt repelled as she reached down to touch her old face.
With great effort she forced them down and she groaned in pain as the freshly bonded clay on her body began to flow away and unbind- returning to the bust. Her big tits and perfect body melted away and in moments Violet's face had returned to the clay and a restored Wren lay at the base of the pedestal panting.
"Oh shit... what did I do? I felt so wicked and I liked it."
Conflicted Wren rose, then with a sob she turned away from the gloating bust of Violet and ran...
Monica could see something was bothering her daughter but she couldn't tell what. Wren looked tired, like she hadn't slept properly. Her daughter was dark eyed and seemed agitated.
Deciding it was probably just a phase, Monica wished Wren a good day at school and left - just as Wren's best friend Laura arrived.
"Hi Laura... have a nice day girls."
Wren watched her Mom leave and then turned to her friend. "Thanks for coming. I have to show you something."
Laura shivered as Wren confidently led her into her Mom's studio and she saw the five sexy busts on display.
"Laura. You'll think I'm crazy... but last night I touched this bust and I think I got transformed into a copy of my Mom's bully at school. It really freaked me out, but I've been thinking about it all night and I realise this is a chance too good to miss."
Laura shook her head. "Wren, what the hell are you talking about?"
"I think the other busts will do the same. Mom doesn't need to know that we're using them, but we can become hot and beautiful and more confident. We can have so much fun with these busts. I had such a good orgasm as Violet and I want more. Just  watch."
With a grin Wren grabbed Violet's bust and moaned orgasmically as the clay began to spread. It took over her body much quicker this time and Laura watched in awe as her friend transformed into a hot busty bully.
Wren was clearly enjoying the transformation and as it completed itself she smirked and stretched her slutty body - flaunting it to her friend and showing off.
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"Ahhhhh that's better. I'm Violet now. Now pick a bust you dumb bitch and let's see what you end up looking like..."
"I... I don't want to," sobbed Laura.
"Awww that's too bad bitch," laughed Violet as she grabbed Laura's arms and forced them down onto a bust.
"Did I say you had a fucking choice?"
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Wren smirked as Laura returned from the counter bringing her coffee. How fun to have a lackey. Corrupting Laura into an obedient Beta had been so easy and so much fun.
"Thanks Nikki."
"No problem Violet."
Wren felt a delicious surge of power at her friends subservience. Laura now looked like a beautiful bitch too - but not as beautiful as Wren. Clearly she also felt a desire to serve and please her Alpha. The new names were hot too.
As it should be.
Wren wasn't sure where the voice was coming from - but she really liked it. It made her feel hot and powerful everytime she heard it. It had infected her dreams last night after her experience with Violet. It had made her ache for more. It had awoken new hungers in her once innocent heart. 
You should think of yourself as Violet. Wren is back in the studio in the clay. You're better than her now. 
Violet nodded slowly. The voice was right. She was Violet now. Wren was a nobody. Being Violet felt so much better. She gave a fake smile as two hot boys checked her out. Yes... everyone wanted her now. It felt good.
We have lots to do Violet. Having one lackey is hot... but we need four more to really have some fun. Once you have a gang, no one will be able to stop you. We can take over the school. 
Violet nodded. The voice was right. The voice was always right. She needed more bitches to serve her. She needed more power and she would do anything to get it.
"A sleep-over?" 
Monica was surprised. Her daughter had never asked for a sleep-over before. 
"Yeah... just four friends from school. Laura and three others. You don't mind do you?"
"I guess not," smiled Monica and her daughter grinned a strange smile. "Thanks Mom."
Then Wren turned and went. Her walk seemed different. More sexy... more predatory. It reminded Monica of someone, but she couldn't think whom.
"Stupid bitch," hissed Wren under her breath. "I can't wait for tonight - then you'll see..."
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"Welcome to my sleepover sluts..." giggled Violet as she locked the doors of the studio and spread her arms wide to show them all the four remaining busts. She had not been able to resist transforming and had been enjoying herself in her bedroom with a vibrator whilst her guests arrived. 
"As you can see. I've already changed - now you all need to pick a bust and transform. I have so much to teach you all before school tomorrow."
The other girls looked nervous- but Laura goaded them towards the busts  - taking station behind her own. "Don't be afraid girls - it feels really good. Let it take over you." She moaned as she grabbed her bust and began to change into Nikki.
The girls followed suit as they moaned and gasped in erotic pleasure as each was drawn to a bust - the evil power of the clay corrupting each as they touched their new faces and began to transform.
"Ohhbh it feels good..." they moaned and Violet grinned fiercely as each was transformed into an evil minion to serve her needs. 
"Yes that's right bitches... let it corrupt you. Give up your old lives and embrace the power of being a bully. It's going to feel so good," she gloated.
Suddenly the studio door burst open and Monica walked in with a horrified expression on her face. 
"Oh my God... what is happening?"
"Hello Mommy," laughed Violet. "You're just in time for my sleepover. The girls are just finishing changing."
Monica gasped as the faces of the five slutty bullies she remembered from school took on life and her daughters once innocent friends surrounded her- laughing as they grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back.
"No NO!" screamed Monica as memories of Highschool returned. The girls were too strong and she was helpless as Violet approached. It was just like the old days.
"Mmmmh, sorry Mommy but it feels so fucking good to be Violet. Her evil has totally corrupted me. I AM her now. Thanks for creating her bust and giving me and my friends there opportunity to take the power of your old bullies. Tomorrow we will begin to rule the school and from now on you'll be my little bitch."
Giggling Violet picked up a baseball bat. 
"Now what would a sleepover be like without some games. How about we play some pinata?"
Monica watched as Violet walked up to the five busts... now showing the face of each girl. They were the only way they could ever turn back.
Violet paused  Then with a wicked smirk and a moan of pleasure she began to smash each bust - taking particular glee at the screams of anguish from Monica as she smashed  Wren's head into a thousand pieces.
"Bye bye Wren... now you're trapped as me forever..." she gloated. "Sorry Monica. Looks like I'm your daughter forever now..."
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Violet moaned as her boyfriend climbed onto the bed and obediently put his head between her legs to start eating her out. She loved it when he ate her tight pussy... once she was wet enough she'd let him fuck her too. She felt like having a cream-pie today.
"Make sure you paint my pussy perfectly this time," she moaned as Monica began to paint in the corner and she laughed as her Mom - now a broken woman obeyed without question. 
Destroyed by the loss of her daughter, Monica was now just a plaything for the five bitches.
"Ohhh yes, I love fucking with her head," gasped Violet as she began to cum and she squeezed her thighs together tightly.
Meanwhile Monica painted with gritted teeth and thought of the bust standing on her work table in the studio. A little more glue and a few more hundred pieces and she'd have her daughter back.
She could still fuck with Violet's head yet... and she was at least going to try.
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rileyquinblog23 · 2 months
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Hey everyone,
I need to address something troubling that's been happening recently. There's been a rise in disgusting, mean-spirited comments online targeting Hinata and her fans, specifically coming from a girl named Gabby Erdman. This kind of behavior isn’t just rude—it’s outright cyberbullying. Using public platforms to spread hate and disrespect is unacceptable and harmful.
Hinata and her fans deserve to engage with the community positively, just like everyone else. No one should have to face this kind of abuse. We need to call out these harmful actions and support each other against such negativity. Let's work together to create a kinder, more respectful online space. 🌟
#StopCyberbullying #SupportHinata #KindnessMatters
I want to address a concerning issue that’s been popping up more frequently: the misuse of character hatred as a form of cyberbullying. It’s crucial to recognize that disliking a fictional character should never justify attacking, threatening, or bullying others.
When people let their negative feelings towards a character turn into harassment against fans, creators, or anyone associated, it crosses the line from healthy critique to harmful cyberbullying. This behavior is not only hurtful but can also escalate into serious threats, which is unacceptable.
We need to remember that it’s perfectly fine to dislike a character or disagree with a storyline. However, using that disdain as an excuse to harass or threaten others is not justifiable and should not be tolerated. Let’s focus on fostering respectful discussions and addressing differences without resorting to personal attacks or intimidation.
Together, we can create a safer, more supportive community where everyone can express their opinions without fear of being bullied. Let’s work towards constructive conversations and kindness in all our interactions. 🌟
Cyberbullying is more than just hurtful comments and online harassment—it can lead to significant issues like inequality and bad behavior. When people are targeted online, it not only affects their mental health but can also perpetuate a culture of fear and division.
The impact of cyberbullying extends beyond the individual. It reinforces harmful stereotypes, creates hostile environments, and can lead to systemic inequality by discouraging diverse voices and perspectives. Additionally, when people see or experience cyberbullying, it can normalize bad behavior and contribute to a cycle of negativity and intolerance.
We must address cyberbullying not just as a personal issue, but as a societal problem that affects how we interact and respect each other. Promoting empathy, support, and respectful dialogue online is crucial in combating these issues and fostering a more inclusive and positive digital space.
Let’s work together to create an environment where everyone feels safe and valued, and where we stand up against inequality and harmful behavior. 🌟
CyberbullyingAwareness #RespectInFandom #HealthyDebate
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inspectorcosmo · 3 months
A Nightmare Before Christmas Recast I made
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Vinyl (My Sona) as Jack Skellington
Cosmo (IF) as Sally
Cal (IF) as Dr. Finkelstein
Knurv (MSM) as Zero the Ghost Dog
Caine (TADC) as The Mayor of Halloween Town
Barnaby (Billie Bust Up) as Santa Claus
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) as Oogie Boogie
Lewis (IF) as Igor
Oliver, Zip and Edward (FPE) as Lock, Shock and Barrel
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A-G-L-E-T vs. Van Stomm's Rule One
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year
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I just watched this man bully Hugo fucking Kupka, I’m in love 😍
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termagax · 1 month
re: "good girl" i think they say it once randomly as a joke and its just one of those things that gets him wayyy more than they expected it would. so now its their secret weapon and they use it very sparingly and every single time he gets super embarrassed about it but it works ill tell you what.
#HES MY PRINCESS IDEK.#i dont think it happens naturally all that much because theyre usually in the business of calling each other names and being mean#so i think this would just be a random night where theyre on top and just think it would be really funny. to yank on his leash and call him#a good girl after bullying him into doing something. and well i just think it would get him is all i dont knowwwwwwwwwwwwww#i havr a lot of thoughts on the matter but i will stop for now#but the tldr is that with each other they tend to switch frequently and are always fighting#so i think itd take someone else being in the picture for hog to even realize how much he likes being a good boy :3#and i also dont think fish would be good at straightforward domming in the way he would want and they both know that#so its something he keeps between him and rat mostly. please dont ask me questions abt jrs sex life i have too many opinions on it#anyways. i think even tho fish knows theyd be bad at that they still feel left out so sometimes they go watch. they dont get anything out of#doing that theyre just sort of taking mental notes#all of this circles back to i think fish has always been the more sexually experienced of the two. and romantically.#i dont rlly think hog is a guy who dates i dont think hes ever been that and i dont think he made much time for hookups#(i think its cute if hes a virgin when they meet but 🤷 im not solid on it)#but i think for him hes just only ever fucked this one person and they do a LOT of stuff and it gets the job done so hes just never really#tried anything else. but. and again i have too many opinions on this but i think rat wouldnt be into their usual shteeze#i think hes a bit of a freak in his own way but the blood and weird anger issues is just not doing it for him most of the time#but i do think if given the opportunity he would LOVE to be The Boss for a little bit so i think he and hog can explore that together and it#will work out beautifully for them. this is great because i am not into strict d/s dynamics like that but i know in my heart that hoggy#would be. and i cant do that for him#again i think fish would be butthurt about this. mostly in a 'why didnt u tell me so we could try this :(' and he would go#'because you would suck at it and wouldnt like it' and they go oh. right. well im still mad#ANYWAYS. circling back. i think the good girl thing would be something fish knows that rat doesnt. and idk if theyd tell him or not#because i do think if they tell him he is using that for evil hog is going to be a good girl forever and ever. rat doesnt have the patience#to space it out the way fish does. which idk maybe thatd be good for hog he could work through some stuff...#but on the other hand i think its fun if they DONT tell him and just bust it out sometime when all 3 of them are doing the deed. or whatever#because again they mostly like how embarrassed he gets about it and i think he would be reallyyyy flustered by it#^ this is essentially part of my fantasy about spitroasting my beautiful wife until he cries just so everyone knows#idk i just think when he lets go of himself hed be a very cute and kind of needy subby bottom and i think hed be really easy to fluster#about it and i want it so bad
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clownboybebop · 3 months
“do you actually believe youre a man” it’s not really a belief thing it’s more i can’t think of that much stuff a teenage girl could have going on that would cause her to develop persistent masculinity issues
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syrips · 10 months
'oh, you're autistic? you didnt act autistic as a child'
biological egg donor. i literally built a banned school items black market and pyramid scheme in elementary school; and when it was discovered by school staff, the evidence instead framed a school bully who got in trouble for it. the bully literally knew it was me, but the staff didnt believe him. and the staff's reasoning for 'it must not be me?' i had a 'blank face and seemed (socially) uninvolved.'
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