#Bullying Jude
judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
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I wrote an angst about Jude today, then when I played an escort, he gifted me with 2,000 gold coins over 50 diamonds. Well, played, Jude. Well. Played. Thought about it for while, and said, "Nah, let's mess with him." So, here's a little tit-for-tat fic in which I screw with Jude for his giving me gold over diamonds. Also, this is an introduction to my OC - Isla Corbin - that I will feature in my writing from time to time. This fic was written in like 30 minutes, so keep that in mind..... WC: 1,309 Pairing: Jude Jazza x OC Isla Corbin Pronouns: She/Her CW: Cursing Tags: SWF ┃Teasing ┃Self-Aware Characters ┃Bullying Jude ┃OC Introduction
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Sitting on a bunch crates near the harbor, Jude, Ellis and Isla sat together enjoying their gelato in the summer heat. The sky was bluer than it had ever been after weeks of rain, the people were working hard, but in a cheerful mood and Jude had a good morning of debt collections. There was no reason for any of them to be questioning the ordinary day, but Ellis finally spoke up after a while.
“Hey, Jude. Have you ever wondered if we’ve ever lived different lives?”
“Hah, I knew ya were off you rocker, but this an another level of creepy. ‘Course not…..why?”
Ellis pulled up from the crates he leaned against, and confessed this odd feeling he hadn’t been able to shake for a while now.
“I feel like, I’ve seen other versions of our lives…..as if they were stories written about us.”
Jude raised a quizzical brow at his assistant’s ramblings and then looked at Isla as she was munching on her cone. She didn’t seem to be bothered by Ellis’ prattling nonsense at all.
“I mean, what if we were works of fiction and controlled by some kind creator?”
“Jude, what would you say if you lived in another world and rode around in some kind super fast black carriage that was powered like the steam engine and went on what was called a “road trip”, or if Isla were almost taken advantage of by a bad guy while she was alone in the Scala?
“Say that last part again?!”
Isla kept to herself as Jude became more and more worked up over Ellis’ hypothetical ramblings, but far from being over Ellis continued….
“Yea, what if I you went through months of suffering and pining over her because you were written to be stuffy about your feelings instead of honest about them? Hmm, I feel like I’ve seen some good things to…like you and Isla having a gelato date near the bridge, and reuniting after you saved her……playing with her hair, licking her fingers. But the most recent thing I feel like we’ve lived through was her leaving you soaking wet at the dock over there. Oh! And the creator of that story had a seagull crap on you. Hmmm, I guess you could say they’re like an author. If that’s true, then how’d you feel about it, Jude?”
Furrowing his brows at Ellis and feeling immense anger pipe up like steam, “How would I feel ‘bout it? Ha! What poppycock! Even IF that were true, I don’t remember any of it, and that’s some shitty ass author for writin’ about people like that. I’d roast their ass ‘n sink their ashes in the river Thames.”
“Hmmm, maybe you’re right. But, what if this very conversation were being written as we speak?”
Ellis points up to the vast sky to make his point, “What if they are watching us right now and every word I say, and every reaction you make is being simultaneously written.”
Jude scoffs at Ellis, lights a cigarette and decides to test his little theory.
“Fine, then let’s test it out. Go ahead, call out to this author,” he laughed menacingly.
Standing up Ellis walks a few feet away from Jude and Isla who was finally finishing up her cone, not concerned in the slightest as to what was about to happen. Clearing his throat Ellis calls out to the sky, “Excuse, sir or madam author, um…..if what I say is true……can you make another seagull crap on Jude’s shoulder?”
“Oi!!! What the hell?”
Jude stood up to walk towards Ellis, but within seconds there was a large splatter of white all over his coat.
“Ugh, what the-”
“Wow! See Jude it’s true. Thank you, author!”
A gentle wind ruffled past Ellis like it was patting his fluffy hair in approval. “That’s just a coincidence!” Jude fought back as he took off his jacket and threw it to the ground.
“Then, why don’t you try Jude? Just politely ask them do something as a sign.”
“Outta my way, ya loon.” Jude looked up to the sky too and challenged the unknown being on the other side.
“If this crazy bastard is telling the truth, then make it rain while it’s still sunny outside.”
It was a simple command to control the weather, it should be easy for an author or creator to make happen if it were true. After a few moments, nothing happened and Jude laughed triumphantly, although many onlookers did wonder if they should contact the asylum for a madman screaming commands at the sky.
“HA! See, you’re wrong. Now shuddup.”
Just as Jude was walking back to the crates to take a seat, a sudden downpour erupted and drenched him with bullets of rain and more than that, with small bits of hail pelting him. He covered his head unable to move because of the severity of the storm, and when it finally ended, he was shocked to find that neither neither Ellis nor Isla were wet. In fact, they there wasn’t even a drop of water on them.
Ellis was stunned at what just happened, but Isla just sat there on the crate resting her chin in a thinking position as she crossed her leg, and watched her lover lose his temper. Jude was shocked that what he asked to happen actually happened, no it was not what he asked, it was far more severe than what he asked. Then, if this were true and all of what Ellis said were true…..
When Isla erupted into a giggle over Jude’s tantrum, he turned around to find her sitting there like she was the Queen of Sheba. Her reaction was odd, she’d normally ask if Jude were alright and suggest they go for a drink or something to calm him down.
“Are you cold you, Mr. Jazza? Want me to dry you off?”
With a snap of her fingers, a strong East wind blew past Jude knocking him over, but after the wind subsided he was indeed dry again.
“H-how did you…?” He stood up from the ground and walked to his lover.
“I am she and she is I.”
The confused look on his face was quite adorable, so Isla stood up and walked over to him and pinched his cheek, “She has a message for you, Mr. Jazza.”
“What does that mean? Who is “she” and why is “she” doing this?”
Leaning into his ear - Isla Corbin - the young woman whom Jude had known since her days as a clerk at the solicitor’s office that he frequented, the daughter of the well-to-do merchant of a business called D’Lune, and his fiancee who now worked with him and Crown, now seemed to be some one completely different as she whispered in his ear….
“Because you’re fun to bully Short King.”
“Short King? I’m not s-”
Isla grabbed his head before he said another word.
“This is what you get for giving me 2,000 coins during an escort over 50 diamonds you petty, lovable bastard. Do it again, and I’ll melt your brain by stuffing it with all the fan-fiction I’ve written about you.”
“Isla, you’d better-”
The author typed for Isla to quickly give the love of her life a kiss on the cheek, and instantly the entire scene rewound to the start of the fic, leaving the author smiling happily on the other side of the sky - through her screen - as she watched the three precious darlings she loved with all her heart go about their day enjoying gelato and collecting debts - completely ignorant of the fun she just had with them.
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@ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you want to be added to my tags list.
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My favorite thing that Holly Black did with Locke was having him be obsessed with stories, convinced he was the main character and puppet master and then killing him off in a footnote
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footballandshit · 10 months
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untamedwind01 · 28 days
Nicasia is not better than Taryn bro what are ppl talking about 💀💀
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
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“Is someone sitting here?”
“I said, is someone sitting here?”
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Evan plucks out one of his earbuds and gestures broadly to the empty seat at his table, “No, take it.”
“Thanks,” I sit down and begin unpacking my school bag. I look up a moment later to meet his confused expression. 
“Are you not going to take the seat?” He says, “I mean, take it, as in, go bring it to another table?”
“Nah, I want to sit here.”
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“...With us?” He exchanges a look with Michelle, who shrugs. They let a long silence stretch on, but I won’t be intimidated. I’m here now. We will be sitting together for this class and there’s nothing they can do about it. 
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He clears his throat, “Well… usually you sit up next to Jill. She’ll probably think it’s a bit weird if you just switch seats.”
“I don’t care about that. Do you care about that?”
He hesitates, “Well, no.”
I shrug, “Okay then,” I rummage through my pencil case and yank out a fresh 4B pencil, “Do you need this? Yours is looking a bit gnawed on.”
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He scowls and slides his tooth marked pencil under his sketchbook where I can’t see it and I chuckle, “I was joking, I only have one 4B pencil, actually, you can’t have it.” And I swear that I can hear Jen’s voice in my head. That’s not the way to make friends with someone, she points out. Try again.
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I quickly look for something else to talk about and spot a scrawl of lyrics on the inside of his sketchbook cover. 'Smile like you mean it' next to a scratchy drawing of an upside down grin, “Hey, you like The Killers?”
“Uh, yeah I guess.”
“I love The Killers, actually, I just got Day and Age for Christmas and-”
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“Jude, shush,” Michelle hisses, “the teacher is talking.”
I glance quickly over my shoulder at Miss O’Reilly who is as usual saying something grandiose about art using broad, sweeping hand gestures. I listen for three seconds before I determine that it is not important.
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“Michelle Tengu,” I turn back to her with a smirk, “are you a teacher’s pet?”
“No, I’m just trying to listen.”
“To what? Draw a cross in the middle of an oval and put the nose there and the eyes there and bla bla bla, which, by the way isn’t even accurate. You’re going to have to unlearn it all when you go to art college.”
“Who said I’m going to art college?”
“You changed your mind?” 
“Okay shut up, she’s coming over.”
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Miss O’Reilly rests a hand on my arm, and I’m certain I’m about to get into trouble again, but she just says “...and Jude and Michelle, you can be the next pair.”
“For what?” I mouth to Michelle, and she shakes her head and mouths back, “I don’t know, you were talking over her, eejit.” 
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“And that leaves Evan, who can go up to the top and work with Jill.”
“Aw what?” He protests, “this is my seat, Miss.”
“Well today you are sitting with Jill.”
“That’s Jude’s seat,” He stabs an aggressive finger in my direction, “He moved today for no reason.”
“Miss,” I pipe up, “I’ll go with Evan, it’s fine.”
“No, I want boy-girl-boy-girl. Evan, just go and sit with Jill please.”
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I turn around and mesh gazes with Jill who is glaring at me with confusion and disgust. “Evan?” She mouths, “Why are you down there? I don’t want to draw Evan. Ew!”
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I ignore her and turn back to Michelle as Evan packs up his things and makes a big show of stalking away, “So I’m drawing you and you’re drawing me, yeah?” 
A weary sigh, “Yeah, I suppose.”
“Nice to have a challenge.”
“What do you mean?”
“As in, really ridiculously good looking people are the hardest to draw.”
“For God’s sake.”
I smirk, “C’mon, it’s funny.”
“Excuse me, I can’t draw your mouth when it’s moving, so keep it shut.”
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I snicker into my sketchbook and begin marking out the shape of her face, “You’re funny, Michelle. Did you know that?”
The corner of her mouth ticks up, “Yeah, and you’re a pain in the arse.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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chaiichait · 6 months
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Stressed out Jude for the soul
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
this y'all's man??🤨🤨
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 (𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑙𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑖𝑟 #1) 🗡☠️🍷
✍🏽: 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 month
Their conversation dies down with a small chuckle from Jude, their eyes going back to their paper, but the small smile of their face doesn't go away. Dante, however, lingers, staring at Jude with his face leaning into his hand. The conversation they just had still on his mind, he speaks up.
" For what it's worth.....I'm glad to be your rival" Just as Jude looks up from her paper, eyes wide, Dante turns away, his cheeks starting to burn. He continues anyway, " You...you push me to be someone better. Someone who I want to be. And for that, I am eternally grateful."
His face feels like it's going to burn off, and his mind screams for him to not look at Jude, not look at whatever expression he had on their face. Such a confession.....such vulnerability like this was something that both of them are not used to....what he's not used to. Not with Jude. Not with someone he once hated. And yet, despite the possibility to be faced with disgust or worse, nothing, he bashfully looks Jude in the eye - just to see their mouth slightly open on surprise. He can't help but he feel offended. He's given compliments before, has he? How is this any different? .......But he would be lying if this reaction didn't stroke his little ego. Finally, Jude's the one taken off guard.
" I-" Jude breathes- they breath as if they've been holding a breath. Have they? Did his words mean that much to her? " Of course, Dante," he speaks softly, so softly that Dante has to remind himself not to melt under it.
" I....I am grateful for you too," Jude continues quietly, as they weren't already alone and they were sharing their deepest secrets with each other, " I'm glad to have you as my rival too,"
It was getting unbearably hot, dear Xerneas.
" Y-yes, well- ahem," He gets up, every inch of his body itching for him to get out- " I'm glad we're on the same page, uh-" he looks at the clock. It was getting late. How convenient.
" I should- I should head out, it's getting late. Emma needs to do her night watch..."
" Huh?" Jude looks up at the clock, " Oh I guess it is....Mmm. I'll leave when I'm done with this," she decides, and Dante thanks Xerneas for his luck. He would not have survived if they went off together - Arceus, it's getting hot.
"Alright then," Dante says, quickly grabbing his coat, putting it on and making his way out the door. But he stops right at the doorway, feeling some shame in leaving just so abruptly. He looks over his shoulder to give Jude a smile.
" Goodnight Jude. Please don't stay up so late, or I will be telling Shauna,"
He leaves before Jude can reply. He assumed they flipped him off.
He rushes down the stairs and out into the cool streets of Lumiose City, the heat from his face flashing with the air had finally made Dante's nerves calm down. Kinda.
" What was I thinking ?!" He groaning into his hands, dragging them down his face, " 'I am eternally grateful' ?? What?!"
He was going to die. He was! Sure, it was the progress he hoped for between him and Jude's relationship but it was still embarrassing and -
" Little Fawn, it's late, please keep your pinning to yourself" Xerneas' voice echoes into his mind. Suddenly the cool air of Lumiose wasn't as effective.
" You were listening this whole time?!" Dante hissed.
" When you kept thanking me in your head, yes. It's cute that you connect to me when you're panicking, but honestly dear, I think you ought to learn when to not accidentally talk to your legendary, hm?,"
Dante wanted to slam his head into a wall.
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365partygrl · 2 months
౨ৎ @spoiliage.
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honestly, he thought he'd never see them again. had only caught a glimpse of them in passing, shift just beginning as they were leaving the museum. he remembers it clear as day. how he stopped in his tracks the moment his eyes landed on them. how he slowly halted his ongoing rambles about whatever bullshit he did the weekend prior. how his boss had to snap two fingers in front of his face to gain his attention again and how when he came to, his only questions were regarding them. and he won't forget how he never even got the chance to awkwardly introduce himself. that was weeks ago and today he was walking through an oddities expo, books on human bones and taxidermy tucked under his arm, squinting through brown fringe. was looking at a particular vendor that had ethically sourced bat bones laid across the table when a voice pulled him from his concentration. to jude's surprise ( and slight excitement ) the voice belonged to the very mystery that's been occupying his thoughts recently. first thought was, they're even prettier than before. second thought was, he should stop staring before they get weirded out. but he doesn't, even as he catches eventual eye contact with them. lips parted slightly, arm squeezing the books a bit harder than before, all he can do is a little stupid smile. ‟ hi. you like... bats? ”
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lilitblaukatz · 1 year
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Thank God I'm more confident now because even though I know his new girlfriend is not better than me I was freaking out over it a few weeks ago
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footballandshit · 10 months
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septembersurf · 1 year
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new book, new looks ✨
det. jude dias // det. rosemary gardiner
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hannahssimblr · 3 months
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It’s been a long time since we were three - Jen, Michelle and I, and nobody else. Really it was two first, them, from the first day of junior infants, when children were seated alphabetically. Smythe sat with Tengu, that was the natural order of things, and for them, that was that. 
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Plenty of people stay friends with that first kid from that first day, it’s just how it works out. You end up spending eight years or more joined at the hip with that snot nosed kid who borrowed your pencil and chewed off the eraser on the end, or snipped chunks out of your hair with safety scissors. But maybe, even to small children, a special, unbreakable bond is born from the experience of witnessing one another cry softly into your copy books as your parents reverse out of the car park and abandon you in a new, strange place with twenty-nine five year old strangers. 
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It worked out well for them, though, Michelle, who was bullied for looking foreign, and Jen, the tiny, confident child who had mastered the art of the creative insult by the time she could speak. Boldly, she stood up to anyone who said a word to her new friend, and no, Tengu isn’t hard to pronounce, you just can’t read. And, by the way, you have chocolate smeared around your mouth. 
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I crashed their party in the autumn of 2002, uncomfortable in my first ever uniform, and made to sit down at the back of the room like an inconvenience with maths worksheets while everyone else participated in their Irish lesson. I didn’t even know that Irish was a language before then and thanked my lucky stars that ten years old was considered too late to learn and rendered me exempt, because the thought alone of attempting to make those foreign, hacking sounds at the back of my throat was enough to make me shudder. 
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It was Jen, to my left, who nudged me, “are you dyslexic?”
“No, I'm American.”
“What are you doing here then?” 
“I moved.”
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I was grateful when the teacher told us to pipe down, because I wasn’t really sure how I was going to answer anyway, but it was only a minute before a piece of folded paper landed on my desk. 
A note.
Did you ever go to Disneyland? Yes No
I circled yes and tossed it back at her. Of course I’ve been to Disneyland, like, five times. My great aunt took me on every single birthday, and I went on all of the rides I was tall enough for. 
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The notes didn’t stop, one after another, question after question, and I shrunk a little under her curious gaze at the desk next to me, not really ready to be observed with such intensity, but it didn’t matter what I wanted. Jen wanted answers. 
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“Do you have Coronation Street in America?” She said, trailing me into the yard as I tried to find a secluded spot to eat my sandwich.
“Hm? Where’s that?”
She giggled, “What about Quality Street?”
“Are they, like, kinda the same thing?”
“Do you know any WWF wrestlers?”
“I know them on the TV, I guess.”
“But not in real life? Have you met any celebrities?”
“Um, I saw the guy who played Screech on Saved by the Bell one time.”
“I dunno who that is. Anyone else?”
She could be pretty annoying, but disarming and easy to warm to nonetheless, but it was never Jen that was the problem.
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It was her best friend Michelle. 
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Michelle Tengu didn’t really talk. Kids in the class would try their best to make her say something, they’d ask her if she was mute, which she wasn’t, she was too shy to speak sometimes, and when she did her voice was whisper quiet, which didn’t help.
“What?” Our classmates would bellow, “I can’t hear you, you have to speak up!” and underneath the table her hands would ball into fists and her face would burn furious red. 
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Usually kids like Michelle were too much effort for me, I dare say boring, even, I tended to gravitate towards loud, borderline obnoxious types but I quickly learned that wherever my new friend Jen went, Michelle went too, so her presence, I would have to learn to accept.
Once I got over my impatience with Michelle’s quiet nature we tended to get along pretty well, she was the perfect antidote for Jen and I, who would often launch into spirited arguments about stupid things that hardly mattered, but she was so good at being diplomatic, logical, making sense of things that seemed so complicated to us but simple to her. Michelle was very good at being right. All of the time. It was one of the interesting things about her. 
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There were other interesting things, of course, which I began to discover during the long, humid summer of 2004. Like the way her hair, long, sleek and black, reflected the sunshine, and her pouty mouth and chestnut brown eyes. Girls weren’t gross to me in that way anymore, especially Michelle.  
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It was her house where we hung out, mostly, because my house had a fussy toddler in it and Jen’s parents were weird and always made us participate in chores, but Michelle’s house wasn’t perfect either. Her parents were always hovering within earshot of the living room as we three friends hung out, and they made sure that Michelle’s bedroom was always off limits to me. Jen could go up there all she liked, to fetch a CD or a teen magazine for us to fill out the stupid quizzes, but not me. I had to park myself on that pale blue couch and listen to my friends giggling through the ceiling while Rahim grilled me about my education.
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“I don’t get why they’re like that,” Jen would say in consolation when we walked home together after another summer afternoon in the Tengu’s semi detached. “They’re the same with the sleepovers, even though they’d be so much more fun if you were there too. I honestly just don’t get it."
But I did. 
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And as time went on the girls would understand too, because by twelve almost everything felt different to the way it felt at ten. There wasn’t only Michelle and her pretty glossy hair anymore, there was Jessie and Alice and Amy, and eventually, my very first girlfriend Holly whose friends used to shove digital cameras into our faces when we tried to kiss at the teenage discos, and who would start dramatic, weekly arguments with me over text message if I dared to so much as ask the girl next to me to borrow a pencil sharpener. 
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Things became extra complicated when somebody left a handmade card and a packet of gel pens on my desk for my birthday, which I assumed were from Holly, and thanked her, much to her chagrin, because it hasn’t actually been her, no, she’d bought me tickets to see Dodgeball at the cinema.
It was Michelle. 
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Holly insisted that I give them back to her, so I did, with all the sensitivity and tact a newly turned thirteen year old is capable of, which is almost none, and left Michelle standing forlornly in the yard holding the card I had barely read dangling limply from her fingers.
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It was her, eventually, who launched a campaign against me after many weeks of being an obliging boyfriend, claiming that I was spending far too much time with Holly and her friends and had forgotten all about those who had welcomed me with their friendship when I was displaced and alone at the beginning, but I didn’t think of it like that. I still wanted to be friends with her and Jen, they were my main friends, but I needed to make time for my new friends too. There was only so much of me to go around, surely, if she were so reasonable, she would understand.
“You don’t care about us at all anymore,” she hissed at me in the school yard with tears in her eyes, “It’s all about Holly and her gang now. Well, she can have you, you don’t have time for anybody else these days.”
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She ignored all my attempts to make it up to her, and we only drifted further apart after that, losing ourselves to the new landscape, the new rules of secondary school, finding different interests, different people, different music, ways to dress and express ourselves to spend our time until eventually the only thing we had in common was Jenny Smythe, the girl who had stood in place while we swirled around her, a rock in a churning ocean of teenage angst. If it wasn’t for her, I know I would hardly see Michelle at all. I’d never have to think about her. 
But I do, and now instead of her giggling I hear her sobs through the ceiling of the living room.
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Big thank you to @nexility-sims for helping me make sense of this montage scene! It was driving my crazy for weeks <3 <3 <3
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lucy-ghoul · 10 months
someone writing a negative review of the folk of the air books on goodreads: it's just so mediocre and underwhelming
me: yeah i get that
same person writing a negative review of the folk of the air books on goodreads: it's awful because it romanticizes ToXiC and aBuSiVe relat--
me: N O not like that!!
#1#2#3#4#5#it's an etl story!! the characters are supposed to hate each other!! that's the point#every reader with a single functioning braincell would understand that glorified Fae Bully/Bullying Victim who stands up to them#is usually not the start of a ~normal healthy relationship#that doesn't mean they wouldn't like to read about it in a fictional and therefore safe zone#like please. please for the love of god..... have some little imagination!!#where's the Romance? where's the pathos the high stakes the drama??#you can like your vanilla coffeeshop au/cute heartstopper printed love stories with 0 conflict just fine#leave the juicy stuff to the rest of us#like. there's a way to write dysfunctional dynamics in a way that doesn't do a disservice to the characters (especially if female)#and lets them keep their dignity and self-respect and agency#it's a fine balance but it exists#this genre of romance is usually a sort of power fantasy: toying between hate/love and forbidden feelings in a hyperidealized setting#and anyway while this is definitely an etl/Badass Girl+Bad Boy story it's also far from being#hardcore toxic problematic villain/heroine. like some of my fav ships could eat jude and cardan for breakfast lmao#there *are* problematic elements mind you. i won't deny it. but it's basically#(at least so far; maybe this whole thing gets to grow more unhealthy in the next two books)#d.ramione but what if h. were an ambitious warrior strategist and d. a literal prince somehow less awfully bigoted lol#like c h i l l. twilight was much worse#at least here the heroine gets a life and personality outside of her LI; which is more than i can say for-GUNSHOTTED#val speaks#the discourse#val rambles in the tags#txt
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