#Jude Jazza Fanfic
judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
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WC: 1,745 Writing Prompt: Play Fighting/Playing with Hair Pronouns: She/Her Tags: SWF ┃Modern AU ┃Road Trip ┃Fluff ┃Slice of Life ┃Pinching Kisses┃Established Relationship┃Teasing Dividers: @/natimiles This may potentially have a part two! Part 2: Here. [Master List] [Invitation to Crown]
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Arid desert air swept through the hair of three beautiful Crown members riding in a black convertible as it sped down the blacktop that stretched for miles beneath them, just as the boundless blue sky did above them. The static of an FM radio played even though no one was listening to it, and a cloud of smoke that breezily escaped Jude’s lips, quickly disappeared into the air. Lying reclined in the passenger seat with his feet propped on the dashboard, he finished the cigarette he smoked right after he woke up from a rare nap that he usually wouldn’t take.
As Ellis drove them towards their destination that was still a few hours away, Jude had intended to review his prospective business partner’s profit and loss statements they’d submitted to him one more time, but the hot climate had relaxed his tense muscles into a much needed slumber. Jude lifted his black, round sunglasses and massaged his eyes in order to rid himself of his last bit of drowsiness, when he started to wonder if she had gotten any rest herself?
She hadn’t slept since departing from London for their overseas trip. It was like she was hardwired the entire flight. If she wasn’t looking out the window snapping pictures of the clouds or of the food that was served to them in the first class cabin, she was hard at work, arranging Crown’s ever-growing missions itinerary, along with his own work schedule. She was skilled and diligent, but this was concerning.
Subtly turning his his head to find her laying down in the back seat, Jude found her typing away on her tablet and check her watch for messages.
“That damned princess is going to work herself to death,” Jude grumbled under his breath.
Ellis said, “She’s been awake the entire time. What’s wrong, Jude? I thought you liked it when we work hard for you, it makes you happy doesn’t it?”
“The hell it does. I may wanna work ya both to the bone, but if ya work yourselves to death, then I just lose out when ya both die of exhaustion.”
The entire point of inviting her to tag along on this trip was to get her away from Crown for a while. Yes, while it was her choice to be a part of it’s darkness, and by extension, the darkness of his world due to the enemies he’s accumulated along the way of growing a successful business. But, Jude still felt disgusted at himself for grabbing hold of her and keeping her in his clutches when she offered herself and her love to him.
Poor lil’ bird. He’d often think this since she had no one who could save her from him now, but every once in a while, he simply wanted her to experience a somewhat normal life - one she would’ve had if she hadn’t chose him and Crown. And this business trip for his first overseas venture afford the perfect opportunity to do just that.
After a short while, Jude felt her wrap her arms around him from behind, and looking up at her as she looked down at him, he watched her hair dance wildly in the wind.
“So, how much longer before we get there?” she asked him.
Jude grabbed her face with his hand and slightly shook it, “What are ya, five? Get off me.”
“No.” she snapped back playfully while sticking her tongue out at him.
“Careful princess, I’ll clip that tongue off if ya get too sassy with me.”
She laughed at him and shifted her head around the head rest to place her face closer to his, and asked him, “Really? Ya promise? Remember, contract’s a contract, even if it’s just a verbal agreement.”
Imitating his accent and snarky attitude, she kissed his cheek and chuckled at him. The sweetness of her kiss spreads over his skin, prompting him to return her love with his own by pinching her cheek hard.
Jude snickers evilly at her pain, “There’s more where that came from princess. Keep it up.”
She pulls her face back and rubs her cheek when Ellis speaks up, “Kate, it’s not safe to be moving around without your seatbelt on. Jude would be unhappy if something happened to you, please put it on, or do I need to hand the wheel over to Jude to go back there and restrain you myself?”
A pair of twilight eyes teasingly peek at her through his sunglasses with a slightly mean smile, and before she could even be attracted to drown in their wicked sweetness, Jude shoved Ellis’ face away.
“Quit makin’ eyes at my woman, ya nutcase and keep ‘em on the damn road instead.”
“Yea, okay,” Ellis smiled and turned his attention ahead of himself.
Turning her attention back to Jude she asked again, “No, but really, why did you have to rent a mansion in the middle of the desert, hours from the city when there’s a perfectly suitable hotel 10 minutes from the business meeting?”
He let an exasperated sigh, “’Cause I can afford to, that’s why. Now, sit back ‘n get some sleep. I don’t want my woman lookin’ haggard for our meetin’.”
Jude puts another cigarette in his mouth, but she grabs it from his mouth and puts it in her own as she goes back to her seat with a triumphant grin on her face.
“I’m not tired, and I’ve rested plenty. Oh! We should pick up some items from the market after the meeting….let’s see….we’ll need a cooler for the cold items, bags of ice, meat, vegetables, fruits…..”
No sooner had she lay back down on her seat had she started making lists and researching local markets.
“Oh, Jude, can you please confirm the tasks that I sent you while you were sleeping? I need to coordinate them with your schedule when we return to London, and - Oh, Victor just sent us more missions that require intelligence gathering, and Ellis there is another scheduled assassination for yourself….”
Growing weary of his love’s constant prattle about work and irritated that she stole his cigarette, Jude climbed into the back seat.
“Hey, Jude! That’s not safe!”
“Can it, Ellis.”
Jude steps into the back seat, grabs his love’s arm to pull her off the seat, and seats her on top his lap.
“Woah, Jude!” The unlit cigarette that she chewed between her teeth fell to the floorboard.
“What? Don’t trust me? ‘Fraid I’ll toss ya out the car?”
“No! But you scared me. What did you miss me that much?”
“Ha!” Jude pinched her thigh through shorts.
“Ouch! Stop pinching me!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her forehead to his.
She looks so tired. The silvery, thin bags under her eyes were worse than he thought, and all of a sudden he felt a pang of guilt for falling asleep while she stayed awake. How was that protecting her well-being? Feeling frustrated at his self-proclaimed failure, Jude determined that he was going to kill that guilt right now.
“C’mon princess, we both know ya love a little pain. Like when I do this….”
His lips caress her earlobe sending a tingly spark through her as he slowly sucked on it for the some time before he bit down on it hard.
“That’s for stealin’ my cigarette and droppin’ it on the floor.”
Hearing her soft moan-filled apology blend into the wind, Jude gently kisses her all over her face, the tip of her nose, her eyelids, and brow bone. Saving her forehead for last he planted the most tender kiss there.
His eyes found her smiling at the shower of love he had just poured onto her, and when she opened her eyes, he said, “’Night, princess.”
Poking her on the forehead, Jude caught his beloved and laid her head to rest in his lap, rolling his eyes that he had to go to such lengths in the first place, but at least now she’s resting.
“That was mean, Jude.”
“Hah? Do ya not see the bags under her eyes? She’s been actin’ like a hyper-active lemur since we left Crown, and now she looks like she damned exhausted panda with circle under eyes!”
“That’s not what I meant….I meant the lie you told her. Aren’t you going to tell her the real reason why we’re staying in the desert? You know about toni-”
“Shuddup, or I’ll shove tumble weed down your throat, ya idiot!” Jude kicked Ellis’ seat as if she would over hear their conversation, though that wouldn’t happen due to the strength of Jude’s ability.
Jude’s nerves chaffed when he thought of the real reason why they were staying in the middle of nowhere, so he tried to distract himself from that any way he could. Jude stared down at his other half, both stroking her cheek and pinching it to his satisfaction now that she couldn’t protest. Noticing her fly away hairs whipping around, he decided to braid her hair to prevent them from hitting her face, and he did just that. In the heat of this quiet desert, he carefully separated and twisted her hair until everything was neatly in place.
She truly was like the Sleeping Beauty of his cursed fairytale, the only good thing about it, the blessing that offset his curse. Lifting her hand to lips for a kiss, he gently mumbled against her warm skin, “Love ya, helpless princess.”
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Tag List: @judejazza @ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you want to be added to my tags list.
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Mean Kiss
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Characters: Jude Jazza x reader/mc
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff (if you squint)
Rating: pg13 (?)
Length: ~400 words
Warnings: mentions of violence (not active), mentions of blood/injury, jude being jude, established relationship (and bickering), brief name-calling from both sides (re: bickering) + the usual ikevil crimes (as per queen's orders)
💜 Full credit goes to @natimiles for the images! 💜
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After returning to our side of palace, Jude rambles on about how I could've gotten killed, about how I'd carelessly been kidnapped, and all the dangers I'd put myself in this past mission. You'd think we were married, the way he's scolding me.
As he comes closer, all up in my face, cigarette dangling on his lips, I grin smugly, further irritating him.
"The hell ya makin' that face for, princess?" Jude sneers.
"You talk too much," I retort.
"Oughta have yer ass pay me back for all 'a this. Tch, so annoying," he groans, running a hand through his hair as he takes another drag, exhaling as he tries to calm himself down.
"Hey Jude?" I start.
"What?" He asks, an edge to his voice as he comes closer again, amethyst eyes inspecting my body for any further damage. "Speak up, I can't hear you," he teases, done with his ogling.
"Would you just shut the fuck up-"
"Listen here you little-"
"-and kiss me already?"
"Hah?" Jude's eyes widen, cigarette dangling from his lips. His eyes then narrow, looking at me smugly. "Always knew you were a little harlot."
"Only for you, Jude." I grin, legs dangling off the corner of the infirmary table, hands slowly letting go of their grip on it. "Now are you gonna kiss me or not?"
"Why should I?" Jude retorts, but still moves in closer anyway.
"You gonna make me actually have to pay you or something? So stingy."
"Princess," he warns.
Jude laughs, leaning in with an expression so minutely different, you'd have to squint to see the way it softens when he looks at me. But I can tell, I can always tell.
"Damn right I am. An' don't you forget it."
He pulls me close into a brusing kiss at last, tasting like the cigarette that had just been on his lips, and the dried blood still on mine. Just as bitter as our cursed love will always be, even amid the sweeter moments. But I wouldn't have it any other way, even when the time comes when we're inevitably dragged to hell together.
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myusuchaa · 29 days
Ikemen Villains: When He is Jealous: part II
What happens when they see you with someone else?
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Similar to the feeling of watching a sunset turn to dusk, his twilight eyes darken to a glowing violet when his jealousy shines through. Chasing after you, running to see you as soon as he finishes work at the trading company. To make sure you’re fine - that no one is making you as happy as he is. He reaches toward you, out of breath and slightly blushing. Cornering you against the wall, he raises his arm above you, completely towering over your small frame.
“Don’t smile at anyone other than me. Don’t laugh with anyone other than me. Forget about everything and think only of me.”
Though his curse can bound your wrists and ankles together with sharp thorns, the prickly sensation it leaves fills you with pleasure, and the kisses he plants on your sore skin never felt sweeter.
༊·˚ JUDE
One thing about Jude - he will always mark and take what’s his. He will let everyone he deals with know that you are his woman, that handling you is not to be taken lightly. Though he prefers his lady to be feisty and independent, he will not hesitate to step in and show ownership when need be. When he finds out the gangs that are after him have been plotting to take you away, he tells you there’s two lessons he needs to teach:
“The first lesson I’ll show ‘em is to keep their damn paws to themselves ‘n mind their own damn business, those pricks.”
He hisses this as he slowly circles you, checking your body for injuries. He then leans into your neck, grabs it with one hand, and whispers,
“The second lesson… I’ll have to show ya in private. You’d like that, wouldn’t ya?”
For starters, he probably wouldn’t let you get into a situation where anyone could put a move on you in the first place. He can hear advances plotted against you before you even knew where they were coming from. But perhaps he doesn't care so much what other men do toward you. Rather, he wants to continuously show you what he can do for you. To you.
“I wont apologize for what I did to you last night... and I might not be able to hold back next time."
Despite his brusque appearance, his ego bruises easily. To make up for it, he reminds you exactly who he is. Him, the hunter, and you, his prey.
You always knew he chose to not share his innermost self with just anyone. He was warm, he was vibrant. He was eccentric. But like all entertainers, the mask he wears has to come off eventually. And when it's off, he desires you fiercely.
"I want to be the only man you choose. I want you to come back, to me." You watch the beauty mark on his lip rise and fall as he sensually mutters these words to you, who lay in his embrace.
As mysterious as a crescent moon behind the clouds, the looming scent of oncoming rain, Victor's envy creeps up on you. Until you no longer recognize the man before you.
༊·˚ RING
"You taught me how good this feels..." His hand caresses your cheek and slides to the back of your head, tugging your hair softly.
"Teach me more…" breathless and raspy, he pushes you down on all fours. Novelty begs attention, and his palate is a clean slate.
Behind his steadfast demeanor is a man pining for affection. For your touch. Your scent. The way you make his heart leap is unlike anything he has felt before. To anyone who would hurt you, take you, long for you - he will cut them down. The loyal dog has one master, after all.
Cold as he is, with a scornful look in his eyes, his calculating nature is easily pit against anyone who attempts to take you from him. He's called you an "interesting being", a "common bird". Something that usually doesn't pique his interest. And yet a hungry curiosity wells up in him when he gazes upon you in his hands.
His arm wraps around your stomach as he holds you in place from behind. "Be careful, little bird.. you may just get eaten up."
A magician with more than one trick up his sleeve. What is it about you that entrances him so? To ensure no one else finds out, he intends to never let you go.
༊·˚ NIKA
As his current plaything, you are to please him at will. You tempt his urges, and if there is someone in the way, he'll manipulate the situation and the sentiments to get what he wants. And he does not hold back from doing that to you. When he holds your hands in his, an overwhelming surge of affection, yearning, as thick and warm as the mind-numbing effects of a drug, shakes you down to your core.
"Come now, my sweet. Can't you show me who you want? Who makes you feel good?"
The intensity of emotion he can sway you with is used like a weapon. At his mercy, you melt in his hands.
Read Part I here
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natimiles · 6 months
Your beloved Jude (Jude x reader)
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Summary: He knows you don’t want to celebrate your birthday. So Jude gives you something no one else can: his time and his love.
Words: 479
Tags: taking a bath together, but still sfw; swearing; soft Jude. 
Notes: @judejazza Happy Birthday, Mrs. Jazza! I hope you have a lovely day with Mr. Jazza! He might be a little OOC, but it’s your birthday and you deserve boyfriend!Jude as a gift 🤍
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He knows you don’t want to celebrate your birthday. Jude didn’t start dating you last week; you guys have been together for almost a year, and he already knows you like the palm of his hand by now. So instead of a big party at Crown, a fancy birthday cake, or an expensive gift, Jude gives you something no one else can: his time and his love.
It was a shock when he told you that morning what he planned to do, and your cookie almost fell from your mouth. However, after a few curses from him, you realized it wasn’t a dream; it was really your boyfriend in front of you, proposing to pamper you the whole afternoon.
That’s how you end up in his bathtub, with Jude sitting behind you while he silently washes your hair.
His long fingers comb your strands in such a kind way, careful not to pull any knots and hurt you, that anyone would doubt this is The Jude Jazza. His pads gently massage your scalp, his nails sometimes scratch you, but not in a hurtful way — rather, in a relaxing one.
The love with which he touches you may seem weird to anyone outside your relationship. However, you know Jude very well, and you know he can be the best and most loving boyfriend when it’s just the two of you. Not romantic, no; you probably would never hear him professing his love at the top of his lungs or saying those corny things people say in books. But he’ll take care of you and make sure you’re good and satisfied — just as you do for him.
He twirls your hair and puts it in a bun atop your head, and his touch moves down to your shoulders. His warm hands squeeze and work on the knots there. His rough palms slide down your lower back, making you melt into his hands and almost become one with the water.
You close your eyes, and your head falls forward as he applies the perfect amount of pressure, a satisfied sigh escaping your lips.
“Oi, don’t fall asleep here, princess,” he speaks low and close to your ear, but in the silence, his voice resonates throughout the bathroom. It’d be intimidating if you didn’t know that’s not what he meant.
“I won’t,” you sigh again, lifting your head and looking at him over your shoulder. “But it’s really nice.”
“Of course it’s nice. Who do you think is giving you this fucking massage?”
You chuckle at his response, your body shaking lightly. “My beloved Jude.”
“Ha, that’s right.” He kisses your shoulder blades, and you can feel the smug smirk on his lips against your skin. “Happy birthday, princess,” he murmurs against you.
“Thank you,” you smile.
And he gives you a sweet kiss — the first of many more that come right after.
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aquagirl1978 · 10 months
Cigarettes After Sex - Jude Jazza x Reader (Ikemen Villains)
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A/N: Part of my "A Series of Firsts" event.
Pairing: Jude Jazza x Reader
Prompt: first fight
Word Count: 991
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; angsty smut; piv; creampie; no pronouns used (reader is afab)
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“Jude, what are you –”
“Get the fuck outta here,” Jude scowled at Ellis, who was standing with the bathroom door wide open.
“Why are you in the bathtub? In your clothes?” Ellis asked, his voice filled with sincere concern.
Jude tilted his head, peering at Ellis with amethyst eyes. “Didn't I give ya a job to do?”
“Yeah, Jude. You did, but I just –”
“But what?” Jude took a long drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke at Ellis.
“You were with her earlier. You two had –”
Ellis tilted his head and smirked at Jude. “You’re in love.”
“Fuck off! Right now. Before I shove your face in this water and drown yer sorry arse.”
Ellis let out a long sigh and backed away, not wanting to face anymore of Jude’s wrath. Shaking his head, he muttered quietly to himself, wondering what exactly went wrong.
“What are you saying, Jude?”
Earlier that evening...
You stared at him with wide eyes, tears pricking the backs of your eyes but not ready yet to roll freely down your cheeks. He averted his gaze, unable to look you in the eye. 
“Look at me, Jude,” you demanded. 
With a heavy sigh, he did as you asked, an ugly scowl marring his face.
“Happy now?” 
You pursed your lips together as you glared at him, waiting for an answer. He let out a loud huff of air before averting his gaze once again.
“I’m not a good man,” he said softly.
Taking a seat on the bed next to him, you pressed your palm against his cheek, forcing him to look at you.
“What are you saying?”
“You're better off without me,” he replied simply, as if he was sharing something mundane with you, like the weather outside. 
Your heart didn't want to accept this response; you knew he cared for you and that this was likely some ridiculous attempt to protect you by pushing you away. 
“One last kiss?” you asked as you leaned your face towards his.
He sighed, but relented. “One last kiss,” he agreed before covering your mouth with his in a greedy kiss.
His arms soon wrapped around your shoulders, his long fingers digging in your skin, pulling you closer to him. Threading your fingers in his messy hair, you deepened the kiss, granting his tongue entrance into your sweet mouth.
He pushed you down on the bed, his kisses growing eager and hungry. 
“One last fuck,” he whispered, his fingers already working the buttons of your blouse.
“One last fuck,” you whispered back, your hips rolling against his, desperate to feel him inside you.
You both made short work of removing each other's clothing; layers of fabric were quickly discarded to the floor in a heap, your bodies now bare and exposed only for the other's eyes.
Shifting on the bed, he climbed atop you, his hips hovering over yours, teasing you with the outline of his cock pressed against your belly.
“Jude, please…” you whimpered, wrapping your hand around his shaft. Wordlessly, he rubbed the tip of his cock along your entrance, coating his cock with your arousal.
“Wet already,” he said with a smirk. He began to slide his cock inside you, slowly at first, the stretch pleasurable as he filled you.
He swallowed your desperate moans as he buried his cock in you. Eager to be inside, it only took a few hard thrusts before he bottomed out. He took a moment to allow you to adjust to his thick cock buried inside you, enjoying the sight of your bodies joined together at the hip.
When you were ready, you rocked your hips against his, a silent signal that you needed him. Jude groaned as he withdrew his cock from your folds before sliding back inside. His movements were slow and deliberate, your walls clenching his shaft on every thrust. 
A fire blazed in your belly, its flames alighting your every nerve. You relished the pleasure as Jude increased his pace, his hips now slamming against yours, his cock penetrating deeper with every stroke.
Your back arched as your hips tilted up as Jude ravished your body. Pleasure built and built, the waves cresting, ready to overwhelm your every sense. Throwing your arms around his shoulders, your body clung to his; dragging your hands down his back, your nails left light scratch marks in their wake.
Letting out a shuddering sigh, your body trembled as your pleasure peaked. Never before had you known such rapture. Glancing up at Jude, you smiled blissfully at him as you savored what you wished wouldn’t be your last climax.
His movements quickly became erratic; his thrusts unrelenting as they came rougher and faster. With a loud groan, he plunged his cock in you one final time, spilling inside as he joined you in a state of euphoria. 
Breathless and boneless, your body laid under Jude’s as your heartbeat slowly returned to normal. He stroked your hair, messy from your activities, and tucked a stray lock behind your ear. Your eyelids fluttered, your body ready to succumb to sleep.
You smiled at him one last time before you allowed your eyelids to close. This wasn’t the first time you were intimate, and you sure as hell hoped that this wouldn’t be the last. But if it was, it was one you’d never forget, it was that good.
Jude waited until you were fast asleep before he shifted in the bed. Propping on his elbow, he gazed at you wistfully. With his fingertips, he grazed the outline of your face, your skin soft under his touch. He gently ghosted a finger over each of your eyelids before sitting up and rolling out of the bed.
“It’s better this way,” he muttered, more to himself than to you. “You are too good for this world I call home.”
He took one last look at you before walking out the door and out of your life.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival   @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee     @kookie-my-little-sunshine @pathogenic       @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @judejazza @randonauticrap @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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stellari-s · 4 months
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a promise i want to keep . . .
request; it was a prompt from @judejazza hehe ✨✨ and requests are currently open!
wc; 1 958.
tags; jude jazza x gn! fairytale keeper! reader, injury fic, slight presence of blood, may be kinda ooc (this is my first time writing for jude and ikevil), pain inflicted on reader, best to assume pre-established relationship, jude is softer if you squint a bit 👀
summary; you had gotten injured after a mission because you took a hit for jude, but roger is out right now, and so who ends up treating your injuries? well, who else is there but jude?
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you had made a mistake — except that you hadn’t. that is to say: you didn’t think you made a mistake, but in the eyes of the man before you, he apparently seemed to think otherwise.
“ow ow ow, jude,” you hiss, gritting your teeth together in an attempt to distract yourself from the sharp sting on your arm inflicted by a certain ruthless fairy. “be more gentle—please.”
“gentle?” jude repeats your words, albeit with a more cold tone and wicked grin. “i betcha you’re hopin’ for that quack of a doctor to come and treat your wounds so ‘gently’ right about now, but what a shame he’s out. the goddess of luck just ain’t on your side today.”
actually, you don’t mind being with jude... not that you’d admit such a thing to his face.
that, and you could find it in your heart to, i don’t know, be a little more nice.
despite that, though, you know that jude very well could have just left you there. if he was a truly harsh, truly cruel person that others may make him out to be, that would be exactly what he would’ve done. when you think of it like that, you really can’t bring yourself to mind.
that alone was enough to give you a sense of comfort.
you start to retreat into the confines of your own thoughts, and for a while, that is enough to withdraw you from the pain of the wound, letting it fade into a throbbing ache in the background.
that is, until another sharp pain brings you (unpleasantly) back to your senses. “ack, jude, really, if i wasn’t watching you, i would’ve thought you were out to reopen my wound, not treat it, i swear.”
“aw, does it hurt? what a shame ya won’t be protectin’ me next time.” his voice drips with sarcasm, but the next moment his smirk drops into a more serious, or maybe angry, expression. “if ya got the time to complain to me, ya got the time to sit and reflect how much of an idiot ya were back there. should i maybe look at your head first? or if ya prefer to reflect, you can sit on your knees to reflect yourself.”
“i don’t need to be on my knees for you to treat my arm,” you manage to talk back, your shoulders raising and eyes narrowing in a defensive posture.
you had responded the way you did in a somewhat sore attempt to hide how hurt you had felt by the words that pierced through your heart like a blade lathered with a generous coating of poison.
to your surprise, though, you see the silver-haired man before you grin. “oh? seems at least you got some guts.” jude then narrows his purple eyes, which reminds you of a field of violets in a moonlit night and makes you feel strangely calm, as he clicks his tongue in exasperation. “but talk ‘bout a joke goin’ over the head,” he mutters, though his hands continue to clean the wound. it seems he is no longer interested in pressing on the wound purposely for his own amusement.
“...it doesn’t hurt as much.”
the comment was meant for yourself, but it seems it had reached jude’s ears as he directs a glare in your direction. “yeah? want me to do it again?”
you feel a shiver rush up your spine like a spider crawling upwards, causing you to stiffen in place.
“n-no thank you.”
you two fall into a silence after this, letting jude focus on your wound. occasionally you hear him mutter how he was going to make roger pay tenfold for increasing his workload, but it doesn’t escape you how he still pays close attention to your wound.
as he does, the weight of your actions from the mission finally settle in your mind.
at first, when jude had called you an “idiot,” it really did hurt your feelings. you know his words are intentionally harsh, and if he wanted to be nice, he would find a way to twist those words to make them sound mean. but thinking back on the incident that had landed you two in the basement of crown castle as “doctor” and patient, you know the words he had spoken are the truth, even though he had casually waved it off as a “joke.”
— some time ago.
“jude, are you sure we should just walk back? we can always hail a carriage.”
“nah, the mission from queenie’s officially over, but there’s something i gotta check first. goin’ by foot’s faster in this case. if ya going to stick with me though then don’t get in my way.”
as a fairytale keeper, you don’t have an obligation to stick with jude any longer. if you wanted, you could simply go back to the castle, write the report, and submit it to victor. but there is a miniscule feeling tugging in your chest.
perhaps it was an innocent curiosity. a sudden, maybe “idiotic” feeling bubbling inside you urges you to nod your head, say “yes, let me come with” regardless of any rationale. it threatened to overflow.
outside of missions, what was jude like? you knew he ran another business, and that he has made a sea of enemies by now, but what else?
“…please take me with you, jude.”
a smirk graces jude’s lips. “just remember ya asked for it, so don’t come runnin’ to me if ya end up cryin’.”
the meaning of those words would sink in soon after, when apparently someone who is within this vast “sea of enemies” charges head-on toward jude from a blind spot.
jude starts to turn around, but when you see the silver gleam of a knife, your body moves on your own.
he could have protected himself all right. you know that well in your head.
so why did you take a blow for him? for jude, of all people? was it some attempt to cling onto any sense of justice in this dark world that muddled your sense of morality, maybe?
by now, jude had started wrapping gauze around your arm. you simply watch the bright red of your own blood spread like a flower blooming on the white of the fabric.
you had thought you were ready to confess your thoughts to him, but much to your chagrin, once you actually open your mouth to speak, the words come out with a slightly trembling, hesitant quality.
“about what you said before. i think… you were right.” you suck in a breath to try and recompose yourself (to little avail). “what i did back there was… idiotic, as you say. i’ll admit that.”
jude doesn’t respond, but you can tell he is listening, even without making eye contact with him.
you take his silence as a cue to continue — or rather, to finish your thought. “but, i don’t think that makes me, as a person, an idiot.”
jude scoffs. “a person is defined by their actions, whether they like it or not. if ya got good intentions but the way ya go ‘bout it is shitty, there ain’t no one who’ll give a damn.”
“that’s quite funny coming from you,” you blurt out before thinking, earning yourself a sharp look from those stormy violet eyes of his.
“ya know that’s besides the point, smartie. if ya really want me to think otherwise, i hope you’re prepared to pay back the debt ya owe. if not… well, at least ya ain’t idiotic enough to not know.”
he finishes wrapping the gauze around your arm then, though he doesn’t let go without giving your arm another squeeze, a threatening motion in its essence.
“ouch! okay, alright, i get it! i will pay you back, so stop squeezing my arm and pressing on the wound!!”
“next time don’t go dawdlin’ around tryin’ to protect me if all ya gonna do is get hurt and give me more work on my plate.”
you see jude’s eyes glare at you, maybe even gleaming slightly due to the lighting. his expression doesn’t bother to conceal his annoyance either. but once again you had come to the realization that — twisted as it was — this was his way of warning you, as one may arguably remember best through pain.
it was his way of protecting you.
his words were mean, but he never once abandoned you; he never left you behind. hell, here he was, probably having better things to do right about now, treating your arm (though that was only because roger was out).
the thought tickles your mind and makes a smile break out on your lips as you try to stifle laughter. jude, on the other hand, doesn’t seem so amused.
“ah? the hell’s so funny?”
“nothing.” more stifled laughter.
“aw, ya can’t be that much of a freak.” jude once again has that wicked smirk playing on his lips, glowing in his eyes. “how ‘bout i sew your mouth shut first for lyin’ through your teeth?”
“say what you want, but i know you won’t actually go through the pain of doing that.”
when you see jude’s eyes widen slightly, you can’t help but let out a small victory cheer in the depth of your heart for catching him off guard, even a little bit.
it was a small victory indeed, though, for jude managed to recover quickly.
“well if ya can go ‘n talk back to me like that, guess ya feel better.”
now it is your turn to feel surprised as jude suddenly lets go, turning his back on you and walking back upstairs in long strides. you lift your arms to reach out for him, unable to move more than that due to surprise for a brief moment. when you can move, you jump off the table on which you sat while jude was treating you to follow after him.
“ah… hey, jude! wait for me! would it kill you to walk a little slower?!”
though you can’t see his expression from where you are (and so you could be completely wrong), you have an inkling at least he isn’t wearing as harsh an expression as he had when he was facing you.
[jude seemed a little mad today.
i do get where he is coming from, too, i really do. that said, a part of me felt that if i hadn’t taken the hit for him, then he would have taken it for me. i’m not sure if he respects me at this point (maybe he just finds me annoying) but still, i’m convinced it’s in his nature to protect others.
like a guardian fairy, he can’t… not protect others. even if it’s in his own, jude way.
that’s why i couldn’t help thinking if jude is the one protecting others, then who is there to protect him?
maybe that person isn’t me, and i think i ended up in jude’s debt rather than earning any semblance of thanks. but even so, i can’t help but feel i want to become that person someday.
perhaps it’s simply naïveté, but that’s why until that day may come, i hope i can at least stay by his side.
“what a shame you won’t be protecting me next time…”
i know you probably won’t see this note, jude, but i just want to say that unfortunately, i don’t think this will stop me from trying in the future, nor do i really regret it.
——after all, just like you have your own promise you want to keep, i, too, have one of my own i do not want to break.]
(found on a crumpled notebook page, ripped neatly out from the book)
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mrssylvatica · 5 months
"The Other Fairy Tale" - Different Fairy Tales (AU?)
~560 words || The members of Crown, represented by different fairy tales than the originals used in the game.
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This fanfiction is rated for all audiences, but keep in mind that the game, Ikemen Villains, is intended for a more mature audience.
◇ CW: None...?  Nothing too serious. Let me know if I should add any warnings. ◇ Let me know if you'd ever like to be tagged in my posts!
William: Rapunzel (original version)
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sorry for the jumpscare
You’ve always been a dreamer.  You’ve always wanted to see the world, but the walls built around you prevented you.  Ah, mother (Victor) warned you not to fall in love with anyone (prologue), but look at you now.  You could never see the world, no matter how much you wanted to.  It took a prince to whisk you off your feet and guide you to free will.  Even if William was blinded by thorns, he’d still be able to find you in the dark.
Harrison: Cinderella
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Black hearts may mistreat you, Only a miracle could save you, But he’s able to see through the lies, as well as your disguise, because his love is one that is true.
Liam: The Little Mermaid (original version)
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It was an impossible relationship.  You are of land, while he is of sea.  You’re worth more to him than you’ll ever know.  He loves you so much, oh, he’d die for you.  He saved you so many times.  Liam sacrificed everything just for a chance, a small chance to love you.  Learn from the Prince’s mistake.  You better love him back and not leave him for another.
Elbert: The Little Mermaid
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All the beautiful things he heard about on the surface brought him jealousy.  For years, he would collect every little scrap that fell to him from the sky.  When Elbert looked up at you from the sea’s surface, he fell for you in an instant.  The siren, entranced by you, the most beautiful of them all.  But perhaps he would do something different.  Instead of dragging you to the surface, he would drag you beneath the depths.  A place where he could love you forever.  And now you belong to him.
Alfons: Red Riding Hood
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The wolf will lead you astray with the beautiful flowers on the way. He’ll devour you whole, And take hold of your soul. You’ll never see another day.
Roger: Pinocchio
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Roger will always fix you up when you’re chased, injured, and on the verge of death. It doesn't matter if you're flesh or wood.  He’ll hold you close and shield you from the world.  In a world surrounded by death, in which life is increasingly bizarre, you’re real to him.  You may be a fool, but you’re the only thing keeping him sane.
Jude: Aladdin (Disney's version)
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He’s a rich, feisty prince.  You’re a robber on the streets, on the run.  Strange how you two fell in love.  Quit trying to impress him, he isn’t interested.  Oh-  oh dear.  Jude crosses his arms and sighs.  You should have just been yourself in the first place.
Well then, what are your three wishes?
Ellis: ??? ("Happy Ending")
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The world is full of unhappiness.  Ellis would rather kill you to preserve your happiness than to have the possibility of it being tainted.  He’ll stop time when you’re at your happiest, letting you stay in that happiness - forever.  That’s his happy ending.
Victor: The Little Match Girl
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Victor already knew your fate, but he must let life take its course.  He’s tortured by the visions of the deaths of those he loves.  Ah, but despite their sins, he loves them all so much.  Death watches over the girl, letting the flames remind her of love and kindness.  May you die with a smile on your face, and let the loving Death carry you to Heaven.
SHITPOST MAIN: @rou-luxe
Author's Notes
I remember seeing something similar for Ikemen Prince, and I decided it must be done for Villains.
I had to choose a fairytale that's different from the one they originated from. No similar characters either, which means Roger wasn't allowed to be the Huntsman from Red Riding Hood.
Harrison and Alfons' seemed too short... so I just made them into limericks...
Just something I was tempted to include in Roger's. But this fox and cat are rather antagonistic, so I decided against it.
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The line from Ellis' is a reference to petite-otome's translation of his trailer~
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My favorite is definitely Elbert's. It has such fanfiction potential. Maybe later. But my least favorite is probably Ellis'... I couldn't think up anything better than "happy ending".
Elbert mermay art might come out on my main anytime. @rou-luxe Elbert merman and lighthouse keeper Alfons... my Elbert merman AU... it never stops...
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razzmatome · 4 months
Beauty (Part I)
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There was no way he didn’t know something was up. Hiding things from him on a good day was almost impossible but how would she do it when she was already on edge? There was no way she could have known he’d wrap up early but why on the one night she’d worked up the courage to try wearing it?
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Pairing: Jude/OC Words: 2455 CW: body insecurities, fat shaming (not done by oc or suitor) A/N: This was inspired by one of @/judejazza's prompts for the Invitation to Crown event but I couldn't get it to work with me in time to finish for that. But I fought it and then realised the problem was it needs to be in three parts. Header and borders by @/natimiles
Part I (sfw) // Part II (nsfw) // Part III (sfw)
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            Twisting in front of the mirror, Bea felt her cheeks heat. Why had she made this? Yes, the girls at the shop hadn’t stopped talking about a new trend in underthings but she shouldn’t have given in. This garment was more lace than cloth and left very little to the imagination. While she could see why someone might want to wear this for a lover, the confidence to do so was beyond her.
            She huffed softly as she dropped down on her heels and started at the outfit. She didn’t know what had possessed her to make it out of these dark colours but when the shipment had arrived last week she’d given in. They’d been a bit of an impulse purchase anyways and hadn’t been attached to a client’s order. She hadn’t wanted them to just gather dust in the shop so she had done this…and perhaps she shouldn’t have.
            Sighing, she wrapped herself in a dressing gown. Well, she had tried it so she knew she could make them. Hopefully that would be enough for the girls to stop asking for it. Now to just-
            The bedroom door opened behind her.
            Heart leaping into her throat, she glanced over her shoulder even thought she knew it was him. No one else would come into his room without knocking. “You’re back early,” she said, hoping her voice sounded even.
            Jude gave her an odd look that told her she had most likely failed. “Ya gotta problem with that?”
            “Of course not.” If he’d wrapped up early, things had likely gone smoothly which seemed to be a rare occurrence these days. But she’d expected him later which was why she’d tried this damn thing on. She wasn’t ready for him to see her in it nor hear his opinion on it. She wasn’t sure she ever wanted either of those things to happen. “I’m going to take a bath,” Bea said.
            He grunted quietly, shrugging off his overcoat. But she could feel his eyes on her as she moved to the bathroom.
            It was hard to breathe until she closed the door behind her. Sagging against it, she quietly cursed herself. There was no way he didn’t know something was up. Hiding things from him on a good day was almost impossible but how would she do it when she was already on edge? There was no way she could have known he’d wrap up early but why on the one night she’d worked up the courage to try wearing it?
            Crossing to the tub, she let the dressing gown drop to the floor and turned on the taps. She just needed to get into the bath and forget all about it. Her nose wrinkled as she realised she hadn’t grabbed a nightgown before coming in. Well, she’d have to deal with that later. She wasn’t going back out there while she was still in this.
            She twisted her hair up as the tub filled and reached for the ribbon between her breasts.
            “Whatcha wearin’?”
            Bea gasped and spun around. She hadn’t even heard the door open! How long had he been standing there?! “What are you doing?” she squeaked.
            “Me? You’re the one bein’ suspicious,” he said, lazily blowing out smoke. “Ya ain’t even said hello.”
            She hadn’t? Of course she hadn’t because she had been worried about him seeing her in- Her eyes widened. “Get out!” she cried, spinning away from him.
            Another exhale before she heard the clicking of shoes on tile. Coming closer, not leaving.
            “Jude, please, go-” Her voice gave out as a cold finger touched the back of her neck and trailed down her spine until it hit lace.
            “Don’t like repeatin’ myself, princess,” he said lowly, his voice making her shiver. “So answer my question.”
            Bea bit her lip, trembling as he traced along the edges of the lace. “The girls asked me to make it,” she whispered.
            Smoke and sandalwood filled her senses as he moved closer. “And you hid it?”
            “I didn’t want you to see,” she said in a small voice.
            He seemed to pause before he reached past her to turn off the faucets. “Who else ya gonna wear it for?” he growled.
            “No one! I didn’t want to wear it at all!” She made a noise when he spun her around, immediately crossing her arms over her chest. The bodice had too much lace and her breasts were straining against the lacing. Why wouldn’t he just leave?!
            “Why ya fuckin’ hidin' from me? Ain’t like I haven’t seen ya before.”
            Heat flooded her face as she kept her gaze focused on one of his buttons. Before was different. She was usually so awash in pleasure from whatever he was doing to even care what he saw. But this was putting herself on display and she didn’t want that.
            Long fingers gripped her chin and jerked her up to look at him. “What’s goin’ on here, princess?”
            She didn’t want to look at him. And she didn’t want him to look at her. Making this damned thing had been a mistake and she was never doing it again.
            Jude watched her with narrowed eyes that made her quail. He would see right through her, see what she didn’t want him to know. Couldn’t he just let her have this and go away?
            “It doesn’t suit me!” she blurted, nerves getting the better of her.
            “Says who? Someone see ya in it before me?”
            Why did he sound angry? “No! Of course not! No one’s seen me in it. No one was supposed to see me in it!”
            He was giving her a look she recognised but it had never been directed at her. It was the one he got when he was going over a contract, making sure he analysed every single inch of it from every angle. “Why make it if ya ain’t gonna wear it?”
            “The girls want to sell it.” If he hadn’t caught her in it, she would have never admitted to anyone that she had made the prototype for herself. No one at the shop would question her about it; if anything they would assume she’d made it for one of her sisters.
            A low hum of consideration. “Show me.”
            Bea gaped at him as he let go of her chin to grab her wrist. “W-What?” she stammered as he pulled her back into the room.
            “If you’re gonna sell it, ya gotta test it on the intended market,” he said over his shoulder.
            She continued to sputter even after he let her go. She stood in the middle of the room as he moved to settle in his chair and lit another cigarette. He could not be serious. He couldn’t be! Shaking her head, she took a step backwards.
            “Ya’ll regret it if ya run.”
            She already regretted all of this! Bea stared at him, feeling sick. “Jude, I can’t,” she whispered.
            “Why not? You’re already wearin’ it so show me.”
            But all of her flaws were on display in this outfit! It was cut low over her breasts, the legs barely reached midthigh, and the lace was transparent enough that it may as well not be there.
            Her gut clenched. No. No, no, no. He knew exactly what he was doing saying her name like that. He knew that it always made her melt! How could he use it now?! She stared at him, feeling helpless when he made a twirling motion with one finger. He wasn’t going to let her leave, not unless she did what he wanted. But…could she actually do this?
            He didn’t move as she struggled, slowly working on his cigarette. His eyes never left her for a moment and kept her pinned to the spot.
            What was she even supposed to do? She didn’t handle the front of house; she simply made the clothes. How was she supposed to show him?
            “Ya gonna show me or just stand there?”
            “What do you want from me?”
            “What do I want?” Jude repeated. “I wanna know what the hell is goin’ on with my girl that she hides from me.”
            She blinked at him. What?
            He exhaled hard and gave her a scathing look. “Ya ain’t been actin’ right since I got here. I don’t get why that-“ He waved at her outfit. “-is makin’ ya act like this.”
            “It doesn’t look good on me.”
            “Says. Who.” He said the words shortly, nearly spitting them out. “I’m the only one who’s seen ya in it and I ain’t said that shit.”
            There was that anger again. It didn’t seem like it was directed at her but what was he mad about?
            Jude stubbed out his smoke and leaned back in his chair. “Show me, princess. Show me what you made.”
            Why was he mad? Because she said it didn’t look good on her? It didn’t! But she took a small step toward him. “They’re modified combinations,” she said softly.
            “I’ve seen yer combinations. They don’t look like that.”
            “They’re not for everyday wear. They….” They were meant to be exciting, playful, sexual. They weren’t meant to be worn for very long and were designed to come off easily.
            “That much lace ain’t gonna be comfortable for long.”
            “You’re supposed to take it off,” she whispered, blushing.
            He hummed low in his throat. “An invitation to play with ya? Pretty wrappin’ for a pretty present?”
            Bea shrugged. It wasn’t how she would describe it but he wasn’t wrong. It was meant to entice a partner into wanting the wearer, into wanting to get it off of them.
            He sucked on his cheek, considering her with narrowed eyes. “But ya think it doesn’t look good on ya.”
            “It doesn’t.”
            Did he really want her to admit it? Did he want her to say it out loud? Her eyes dropped from his, staring at his shoes as misery washed over her. “Because I’m fat,” she said in a small voice.
            Her throat grew tight. She’d already said it once. Was he really going to be so cruel as to make her say it again? No. She couldn’t do this. She didn’t care what he did to her for running, she needed to get away from him and out of this thing.
            She spun on her heel, moving toward the bathroom. She barely took a step before hands clamped onto her hips, digging in, and holding her in place. “Jude!”
            “Shut it,” he growled, hauling her to the chair. He spun her to face him before pulling her down to straddle his lap. He held her in place when she tried to squirm away, snapping, “What did ya just say?”
            Bea stared at him before shaking her head.
            He gripped her chin and gave her a small shake. “What did ya fuckin’ say about my girl?” he demanded.
            She blinked at him. What? “I’m…fat.”
            Frowning at him, she wasn’t sure he understood what she was trying to say.
            He gave her another shake. “Tch, is that what all that shit is ‘bout?” he muttered.
            What was he talking about?
            He gave her a look that would have had her moving away from him if he’d let her. “Ya think I don’t notice how ya barely let me see ya naked? Or how fast ya get dressed in the mornin’s? Or that ya prefer the lights bein’ off when I fuck ya?”
            Her eyes slide away from him, a flush settling on her cheeks. She’d never thought about it before because he’d never commented on it but she should have known better. Reading people was what kept him alive. Of course he had noticed her behaviour.
            “Thought I was the damn problem,” he muttered.
            She turned back to him. “There’s nothing wrong with you.”
            He snorted. “There’s plenty wrong with me, princess,” he said dryly.
            “No. Whatever you’re gonna say, no.”
            “You don’t-” She huffed when his grip on her chin changed to force her mouth shut.
            “I don’t wanna hear that bullshit,” Jude said lowly, holding her gaze. “I told ya no one ever gets to hurt ya. That includes if you’re gonna fuckin’ cut yerself down.”
            He hadn’t let go so there was nothing she could say to that. A shiver ran through her as his other hand trailed down her side.
            “Fat,” he muttered. “Ya say it like it’s a bad fuckin’ thing. You’re fuckin’ healthy.”
            She frowned at him. What was he on about? She jerked upward when he pinched her belly, whining softly. What was he doing?!
            Jude stroked his fingers lower, trailing them along the edge of lace around her thigh. “Fat,” he repeated, sounding even more annoyed than before. “Fat. Ya hid from me for somethin’ that stupid?”
            A gasp left her when he gripped her leg, fingers digging into her. She made a protesting noise as he didn’t let go, pain zinging through her.
            “Who made ya think that dumb shit, princess? Who put that in yer little head?”
            His hand finally moved, sliding down to loosely grip her throat. She swallowed reflexively as his thumb slowly rubbed along her neck. “No one,” she said softly.
            “Bullshit. Ya don’t just think that on yer own.” He paused, pale eyes considering her. “Yer sisters love ya so it ain’t them. Who was it?”
            “Just…people,” she admitted. “They think they’re being kind but their words are poison. They compare me to my sisters, my mother, like it’s supposed to make me happy. I’m the only one that looks like this and they want me to look like them. They think I’d look better if I was blonde, thinner, smiled more, gave more.”
            No comment from him, just those slow strokes of his thumb.
            “Are you sure you should eat that? Haven’t you had enough? That isn’t very ladylike. Oh that would look better on Maggie. You could look like her if you tried.” The words wouldn’t stop coming and she felt bile clog in her throat. But she pushed them out. “Good for a fuck and not much else.”
            His hand tightened around her throat briefly even as his expression froze. She saw the shift in his eyes, saw the anger bordering on rage, before they narrowed. “Who?” he demanded.
            I don’t remember. The lie hovered on her tongue but she couldn’t say it. She couldn’t lie to him right now even though she had a damn good idea what would happen to whomever she named.
            Jude made a low noise as she whispered the names, his thumb rubbing over her throat again. “Good girl,” he said quietly. “Now sit still for me.”
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 months
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"are you plannin' to fuckin' scram anytime soon, or am i gonna have to run you off myself?"
your fingers still over the spine of a thick tome, stiffening at the sudden snarky comment from the other side of the library. the air is thick with his irritation as you turn to face him.
jude jazza sits opposite the bookshelf you're browsing. his ankles are crossed and propped up on the coffee table in front of him, just narrowly avoiding a mug you suspect is his (and also notice he's neglected to use a coaster underneath). the large, luxurious coat usually draped across his shoulders is instead neatly tossed over the back of the velvet loveseat. a small light illuminates the corner of the library he's in. in his hands is novel with the title obscured.
all in all, it appears the wicked businessman had come to the library to read in peace, something you unknowingly ruined by daring to enter the common area.
"uhh... sorry." the words feel heavy and dumb in your mouth. his glower from across the room pinned you in place. "i didn't... realize you were... in here."
"well, now ya do. so get the hell out of here. i'm trying to enjoy my afternoon."
as if to assert his point, jude slumps back a little further into the cushions, readjusting his feet until the heels of his polished shoes thump loudly against the wood underneath them. his eyes don't leave your stilled figure. if looks could kill, you'd be gasping for air-- all for the crime of intruding upon his afternoon.
you quickly turn back and begin to fumble with the bookshelf. you were grabbing... what, again? what was the name of it? all of the spines, with their foiled titles and fancy script, seemed to blend together with the pressure mounting in the room.
"what are ya even lookin' for, anyways?"
crass and nosey, it seems. still, though, it's in your best interest to stay on his good side.
"... i'm doing some research on the fairytale curses. i figured i'd start with william, since he's open to discussing his curse with me. so i'm looking for any information here about the queen of hearts curse."
jude snorts, loudly, and shakes his head. before you have time to ask him what could possibly be so funny about the mundane and arguably studious task you've been trying to do since entering the library, daggers fly from his mouth.
"look at ya, workin' so hard on that dumb ass job victor gave ya. fairy tale keeper, was it? fuckin' ridiculous." another amused snort. "looks like he found the most gullible broad for the job."
anger starts to build in your chest, and that smug grin on his sallow face makes you want to pluck a book off the shelf and spill that mug on his new shoes with one well-timed throw. you swallow hard and turn back to the shelves wordlessly. through your hazy gaze, you spot a title you'd been searching for. god, he makes you so mad. crown is an organization founded and ruled by bastards. yet most of them had been surprisingly pleasant and even kind to you in your temporary stay-- jude jazza was clearly the exception. he had fun pissing you off. unfortunately for him, he wouldn't get the satisfaction of getting under your skin today.
you snatch the book from its dusty hiding spot and tuck it into your arm, before turning on your heel and stomping off without acknowledging his taunts.
but you spot something interesting on your way out: the title of the book in jude's hands. a nonsense word upon first glance, but as you're wandering the halls in an attempt to clear your head, the word starts to make sense. rumpelstiltskin. that old, creepy fable about the man and the spinning wheel? it was not at all the book you'd expected such a grimy man as him to be reading, yet you couldn't think of anything else it could be. a small chuckle escapes your lips despite yourself.
... maybe you're not the only one interested in fairy tales after all.
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a/n: inaugurating my blog's ikevil content with this horrible, horrible man. my type of mean men should be studied
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✦✧✦✧ 𝗔 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗿𝘆
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ɪ ᴋ ᴇ ᴍ ᴇ ɴ ᴠ ɪ ʟ ʟ ᴀ ɪ ɴ ꜱ JUDE × READER 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞-𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬
✦✧✦✧ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 Jude, Ellis 𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗘 fluff, crack, slice-of-life 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗧 2300+ 𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗢 Dominika Roseclay 𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗢 Enrique Silva
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ONE OF THE BIGGEST CLICHES IN THE BOOK is falling asleep out in the open—you know, a hallway, a dining room, or in this case, a drafty library inside a secluded castle—and then waking up all nice and wrapped-up in the hero's coat. Swaddled like a baby.
But Jude probably hasn't acquainted himself with those types of books, or he doesn't care for what is or isn't cliché. Or, chiefly, he knows that neither of you would consider him to be a hero, not in a million years, or in a million-million.
Truth be told, he probably doesn't care. About you, that is. After all, there's an inverse relationship between caring and carrying coin. Something that London teaches you right off the tit, even if one does pride themselves on being an optimist. So while Jude may have seen it within some realm of personal etiquette to toss his coat on you (it looks like he placed it gingerly…), as well as half-heartedly attempt to pin it around your shoulders (most likely to keep those godforsaken sleeves from dragging on the ground; why else would he drape one of them over your eyes?), you would be a fool to fish for any other meaning.
In fact, you'd do well to remember that you've known Jude and his dodgy colleagues for less than forty-eight hours. Forty of which you've spent embroiled in equally-dodgy encounters. Being alive is truly something you've been taking for granted.
But of course, you fish for that other meaning anyway, and you smile like the proper fool that you are. A pleasant warmth dawning over your mouth and cheeks until your upper teeth sit flush against your bottom lip. A delightful spot of sun that eases the stiffness from your jaw, and eases the pressure boiling to temperature in your temples (half the reason you dozed off in the first place). All very welcome side-effects after the horrendous nightmare of the past couple of days. Whether you're wrong about Jude and this one, tiny, insignificant-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things gesture, you needed this win.
Without fully understanding the implications of your decision to believe in him, you sit up in your armchair and watch Jude, who is at present perched on one of the library ladders on the landing across the atrium.
A faint glint focuses your attention on something you only vaguely registered in your waking state. It appears Jude donned a pair of reading glasses sometime during your nap. Peculiar, small, round lenses locked into a frame most noteworthy for how ordinary it is. But the overall effect of the glasses is even more striking. They sit on Jude's canted cheekbones with little fanfare and fuss, all the while annihilating the gangster from him and sanding his rough edges down into something almost innocent.
Except for that nasty glower he's hurling back your way. So pointed and menacing that you can feel it shoot up through your sinuses and all the way to the back of your skull.
Jude shifts his weight on the ladder. "That's one hell of a stare," he grumbles to himself, just on the edge of audible from where you're seated. "Right creepy, innit."
"Not really, Mister Jazza," answers Ellis, on standby two meters to his right.
"Rhetori—" Jude turns his back to you, flounders for something, grabs a sheet of paper off a shelf, and flings it at Ellis. "It was a rhetorical question!" The paper barely gets within a meter of Ellis before beginning a lilting descent to the floor, with all three of you watching on in awkward silence, until finally Ellis crouches and delicately pinches it just before contact with the wood.
The young man uprights himself, then gently blows on the paper as if to clean off any dust it accumulated during its brief flight. After, with just one of his gangling strides, he covers the distance to his employer. But before handing the paper back, he jerks to a stop, hesitating, his mouth giving a curious spasm. The picture is clear from your vantage point. Ellis is no doubt amusing over how even whilst mounted on a ladder, Jude fails to reach his height. How one day Ellis might even discover a bald spot on Jude's head long before the man himself does. But the moment passes and Ellis fixes his mouth before dutifully presenting the paper. "You dropped this, Mister Jazza."
"I bloody well see that!" Jude snatches the paper as Ellis withdraws his hand the way one might flinch from fire. The library railing blocks most of your view of the next bit, but you can assume from the crinkling sound that Jude is smoothing over the wrinkles on the sheet (for which he is to blame) against his thigh. His hand and paper come back into view before he slaps the paper back onto the shelf. Whether he realizes or not, the adventurous little sheet slips off the edge anyway.
Watching this entire exchange you can't help the bubble of mirth building in your throat. After a second or two of trying to seal the laughter away behind silent, chest-thumping hiccups, the entire library fills with your bright cackle, during which Jude's overcoat slides from your quivering shoulders, hitting the floor in a whump of weighty fabric. Well, at least that weight is no longer turning you into a human furnace. The library draft actually feels refreshing.
But even a cheated-on wife would lose against the utter carnage of Jude's expression toward you. If his stare breaches bone, his glare outright disintegrates it. You think he might hawk a spit when he goes to say "I ought to yank your pretty little teeth out for that."
You sit forward in your seat, hands latching onto the armrests as your laughter tapers off. "An upstanding gentleman like you has only one coat now, has he?"
"He has two," answers Ellis, helpfully.
"Rhetorical. Question." Jude sighs, a line of shadow falling over his eyes as he descends the ladder. The glasses come off. Get tucked into a breast pocket. Without them, Jude's glare is truly biblical, and like casting judgement he points a finger you could swear he's been dying to point at you ever since he first laid eyes on you. "Pick that up before I get me pliers. And need I remind you that this library here's for reading? Reading, researching, studying"—he withdraws his hand and holds up a finger for each item—"or pretending to read, research or study. Now. Did you at any point hear me list 'taking a fucking nap' amongst these noble activities?"
You stare.
Jude stares.
Ellis stares.
Jude snaps his head to Ellis. "Well then, did you?"
Ellis shimmies, startled. "Uhm, did you want me to answer that one, Mister Jazza?"
"Please and thank you, Mister Twilight."
"You're welcome, but I haven't done anything yet."
Jude flares his nostrils and huffs past Ellis without another word.
You assume the conversation to be over until Jude takes the corner and suddenly begins bounding toward you. For a second the thundering clack of his shoes overtakes all other sensory input. Mid-stride, he grabs a book off a shelf to his side without looking. In fact, his eyes refuse to leave you, holding your sight with such electric intensity that you start to worry the whole coat thing might be a greater faux pas than you initially thought.
Another part of you worries about the part of you fixating on Jude's eyes. That shock of purple, like anemones, but also not unlike the glaze off a bruise. Every step he advances encroaches onto your world the hues of violence and vitality, the hues of…
Jude clicks to a stop before your chair, hair disheveled, lips drawn into a line. He stands backlit, chest out, muscled legs astride, holding himself larger-than-life in a way no ordinary man would even think to. Maybe it's borderline parody, even, but you're the one still looking at him, the one taking fervent inventory of his motley collection of scents; London in the springtime, London in the dark, London drowned in smoke, and like an eye-catching garnish, the citrusy tang of bergamot.
Look upward and you're trapped in the pistil of his gaze, where running away feels like it'd invite certain death, and where running is somehow not exactly the thing you want to do.
What changed in the last five seconds? Him? Or you?
Jude extends his hand, the open cuff on his sleeve framing his slender wrist like dove wings.
Without thinking, and with your heartbeat suddenly flooding the entire room, you lower your hand onto his surprisingly soft palm.
What is happening? You—
Jude's shapely brows suddenly look like they're about to strangle themselves. He flicks your hand away as if swatting a fly. "Me coat, damn you! Hand over me coat!"
"I got it, Mister Jazza!" Ellis darts around the atrium, slides onto the floor, skids under Jude's arm, snatches up the coat and uprights himself in the smoothest sequence of movement a set of human limbs has ever executed. But when he holds the coat out for Jude, all he's met with is a scowl that makes vengeance look like affection. Ellis tilts his head. "...?"
Jude's response isn't immediate. A troubled sheen glosses his gaze. He works his jaw, casting his eyes to you for enough of a fleeting second for you to understand that you and his hesitation are inextricably (and damnably) tied. And that's how you know his next words to Ellis are a lie. "Aren't you going to blow the dust off it like you did with the paper?"
Ellis smiles suddenly, throwing you a sidelong glance as well, one of joyful knowing. "I was going to, but I remembered the look you gave me last time, so I didn't."
That very look gets directed at Ellis anyway. Jude rips the coat from the young man's grasp. "Get the carriage ready. Let Victor know not to wait up."
"He's going to wait anyway."
"Tell him anyway." Jude surprises you by placing the book he's holding in your care. Before you can react, he turns partially away to don his coat. The motion is grand and showy, and again you're struck by that captivating impression, of this little man being much larger-than-life than he seems. The library seems too small for him, for his ambitions. The castle is a pit-stop, an outhouse, on his map to greatness. You can't take your eyes away, but you do roam them, examining the whole of Jude, just a little closer, with a little more care, and a little more curiosity. Far more than you would have before. And again, you ignore the implications.
Only now that Jude has his coat back on do you realize how diminutive and almost frail he looked without it. Not weak. Grand. But frail. And only then do the needles of guilt arrive, writhing up from your stomach and stopping up your throat. All for letting that damned coat sit on the floor for so long.
Just because Jude is a villain doesn't mean you have to be an ass.
Jude settles the errant creases over his chest. Whatever sour mood had seized him only moments earlier is nowhere to be found, and this is after you take into account that is default expression is a mild scowl.
Does Jude know how to smile sweetly? Just as you think it, his gaze intersects with yours. Again that anemone, that bruise-like hollowness. For an instant, you two stare at each other, nakedly, across a space you just happen to occupy with the trappings of reality. Something in your heart changes shape, for the second, maybe third time, in the last few minutes.
Then just as quick, his sour look descends on his brow twofold. "God, how many creepy expressions can one person have?"
You kick his shin. You don't even realize it until you've done it. You kick it again.
"Bloody—what is your problem?!"
Ellis bends down to your level. "Is your foot okay?"
"Foot?! What about my leg!?"
"I'll stop by the good doctor on my way to Victor."
Jude rubs his face and heaves a sigh worth a thousand words. "Oh, don't bother." Then a smile cracks over his features. "I'll just be adding this," he gestures to his shin while heckling with you a smug grin, "to the running tab."
You hang your head. Was it too late to stomp the hell out of that stupid coat?
Ellis pats the top of your hand. "Don't worry." He stands up and holds his hand out for you to take.
Jude swats it away. "I ain't done talking here. I gave you a job, go fucking do it."
Ellis shrugs and imparts a rueful smile to you before making his exit. Once you're alone with Jude, he nudges his chin to indicate the book he gave you.
It's a well-worn volume, leather cracked and binding frayed. The title seems familiar to you but you can't pinpoint why. When you look up at Jude for some sort of hint, he rolls his eyes and turns around with a swish of his coat. "I ain't got any use for a fucking narcoleptic. Even someone as daft as you should be able to read this." Saying nothing further, he walks out the way Ellis went.
Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude. Ru—
The answer comes to you. The book in your hand is on the same subject as the book you'd fallen asleep while reading. The book that's oddly nowhere to be found now.
You flip through the pages on a hunch. Jude was right. The words are simpler. And there's notes, tons of them, crowding the margins.
"You stupid ass," you hiss into the empty library as you throw your head back against the chair with a thunk. But your anger dissipates with your next breath, replaced by something almost serene. Something you don't want to assess the implications of. "I didn't fall asleep because the words were too hard."
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Thank you for reading! I own literally 0% of the jokes in this, and my characterization is based on what I've seen others in the fandom produce.
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witheredgardenparty · 3 months
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Read on AO3 (AO3 Account)
(This might look familiar. Author moved blogs.)
Jude Jazza x g/n Reader
It starts with a peach. (or, the one where you try to pay back a debt.)
Warnings: the game is canonically dark romance, canon typical violence, no one gets (seriously) injured this time, liberties taken with Jude's accent, liberties taken in general since the game isn't actually localized yet, Reader is in MC's position but we're ignoring the presets, other characters are briefly mentioned/present, mild allusions to canon events, overly descriptive food as an analogy for falling in love but no one is happy about it
Work Count: 2.0k
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It starts with a peach. Or, well, it starts with a snide remark about staring and manners. The embarrassment is almost enough to make a mess of things. Whatever had compelled you to invite this man, of all possible men, to lunch? Yet, no matter how cruel he tries to be, Jude still shares his dessert with you.
He offers the single slice on the tip of his own fork, presents it to your mouth. You blush, but accept it with cautious, trembling lips. The meat is balanced and floral, the skin’s fuzz only just enough to tickle. It smells of marzipan, of roses. It feels like warm feet on damp earth just after the storm. It tastes like summer.
He brings it up again. And again. And again. Something about debt and repayments. Reciprocity is the tenet he lives by. The rest are just suggestion.
...please read the rest on AO3. (Requires an Account)
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
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I wrote an angst about Jude today, then when I played an escort, he gifted me with 2,000 gold coins over 50 diamonds. Well, played, Jude. Well. Played. Thought about it for while, and said, "Nah, let's mess with him." So, here's a little tit-for-tat fic in which I screw with Jude for his giving me gold over diamonds. Also, this is an introduction to my OC - Isla Corbin - that I will feature in my writing from time to time. This fic was written in like 30 minutes, so keep that in mind..... WC: 1,309 Pairing: Jude Jazza x OC Isla Corbin Pronouns: She/Her CW: Cursing Tags: SWF ┃Teasing ┃Self-Aware Characters ┃Bullying Jude ┃OC Introduction
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Sitting on a bunch crates near the harbor, Jude, Ellis and Isla sat together enjoying their gelato in the summer heat. The sky was bluer than it had ever been after weeks of rain, the people were working hard, but in a cheerful mood and Jude had a good morning of debt collections. There was no reason for any of them to be questioning the ordinary day, but Ellis finally spoke up after a while.
“Hey, Jude. Have you ever wondered if we’ve ever lived different lives?”
“Hah, I knew ya were off you rocker, but this an another level of creepy. ‘Course not…..why?”
Ellis pulled up from the crates he leaned against, and confessed this odd feeling he hadn’t been able to shake for a while now.
“I feel like, I’ve seen other versions of our lives…..as if they were stories written about us.”
Jude raised a quizzical brow at his assistant’s ramblings and then looked at Isla as she was munching on her cone. She didn’t seem to be bothered by Ellis’ prattling nonsense at all.
“I mean, what if we were works of fiction and controlled by some kind creator?”
“Jude, what would you say if you lived in another world and rode around in some kind super fast black carriage that was powered like the steam engine and went on what was called a “road trip”, or if Isla were almost taken advantage of by a bad guy while she was alone in the Scala?
“Say that last part again?!”
Isla kept to herself as Jude became more and more worked up over Ellis’ hypothetical ramblings, but far from being over Ellis continued….
“Yea, what if I you went through months of suffering and pining over her because you were written to be stuffy about your feelings instead of honest about them? Hmm, I feel like I’ve seen some good things to…like you and Isla having a gelato date near the bridge, and reuniting after you saved her……playing with her hair, licking her fingers. But the most recent thing I feel like we’ve lived through was her leaving you soaking wet at the dock over there. Oh! And the creator of that story had a seagull crap on you. Hmmm, I guess you could say they’re like an author. If that’s true, then how’d you feel about it, Jude?”
Furrowing his brows at Ellis and feeling immense anger pipe up like steam, “How would I feel ‘bout it? Ha! What poppycock! Even IF that were true, I don’t remember any of it, and that’s some shitty ass author for writin’ about people like that. I’d roast their ass ‘n sink their ashes in the river Thames.”
“Hmmm, maybe you’re right. But, what if this very conversation were being written as we speak?”
Ellis points up to the vast sky to make his point, “What if they are watching us right now and every word I say, and every reaction you make is being simultaneously written.”
Jude scoffs at Ellis, lights a cigarette and decides to test his little theory.
“Fine, then let’s test it out. Go ahead, call out to this author,” he laughed menacingly.
Standing up Ellis walks a few feet away from Jude and Isla who was finally finishing up her cone, not concerned in the slightest as to what was about to happen. Clearing his throat Ellis calls out to the sky, “Excuse, sir or madam author, um…..if what I say is true……can you make another seagull crap on Jude’s shoulder?”
“Oi!!! What the hell?”
Jude stood up to walk towards Ellis, but within seconds there was a large splatter of white all over his coat.
“Ugh, what the-”
“Wow! See Jude it’s true. Thank you, author!”
A gentle wind ruffled past Ellis like it was patting his fluffy hair in approval. “That’s just a coincidence!” Jude fought back as he took off his jacket and threw it to the ground.
“Then, why don’t you try Jude? Just politely ask them do something as a sign.”
“Outta my way, ya loon.” Jude looked up to the sky too and challenged the unknown being on the other side.
“If this crazy bastard is telling the truth, then make it rain while it’s still sunny outside.”
It was a simple command to control the weather, it should be easy for an author or creator to make happen if it were true. After a few moments, nothing happened and Jude laughed triumphantly, although many onlookers did wonder if they should contact the asylum for a madman screaming commands at the sky.
“HA! See, you’re wrong. Now shuddup.”
Just as Jude was walking back to the crates to take a seat, a sudden downpour erupted and drenched him with bullets of rain and more than that, with small bits of hail pelting him. He covered his head unable to move because of the severity of the storm, and when it finally ended, he was shocked to find that neither neither Ellis nor Isla were wet. In fact, they there wasn’t even a drop of water on them.
Ellis was stunned at what just happened, but Isla just sat there on the crate resting her chin in a thinking position as she crossed her leg, and watched her lover lose his temper. Jude was shocked that what he asked to happen actually happened, no it was not what he asked, it was far more severe than what he asked. Then, if this were true and all of what Ellis said were true…..
When Isla erupted into a giggle over Jude’s tantrum, he turned around to find her sitting there like she was the Queen of Sheba. Her reaction was odd, she’d normally ask if Jude were alright and suggest they go for a drink or something to calm him down.
“Are you cold you, Mr. Jazza? Want me to dry you off?”
With a snap of her fingers, a strong East wind blew past Jude knocking him over, but after the wind subsided he was indeed dry again.
“H-how did you…?” He stood up from the ground and walked to his lover.
“I am she and she is I.”
The confused look on his face was quite adorable, so Isla stood up and walked over to him and pinched his cheek, “She has a message for you, Mr. Jazza.”
“What does that mean? Who is “she” and why is “she” doing this?”
Leaning into his ear - Isla Corbin - the young woman whom Jude had known since her days as a clerk at the solicitor’s office that he frequented, the daughter of the well-to-do merchant of a business called D’Lune, and his fiancee who now worked with him and Crown, now seemed to be some one completely different as she whispered in his ear….
“Because you’re fun to bully Short King.”
“Short King? I’m not s-”
Isla grabbed his head before he said another word.
“This is what you get for giving me 2,000 coins during an escort over 50 diamonds you petty, lovable bastard. Do it again, and I’ll melt your brain by stuffing it with all the fan-fiction I’ve written about you.”
“Isla, you’d better-”
The author typed for Isla to quickly give the love of her life a kiss on the cheek, and instantly the entire scene rewound to the start of the fic, leaving the author smiling happily on the other side of the sky - through her screen - as she watched the three precious darlings she loved with all her heart go about their day enjoying gelato and collecting debts - completely ignorant of the fun she just had with them.
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@ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you want to be added to my tags list.
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adreaminthesea · 1 month
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I’m a little late with posting this, but better late than never. This is for one of my best friends, @atelierquinn. She was the one who introduced and inspired me to the OC world (pre-tumblr days). If it weren’t for her and her girls, Violetta & Mallory, then neither Isla nor Estella (& a couple more TBA), would have ever come into existence.
It’s her OC’s (Mallory’s) birthday, and this is a little gift to celebrate Mallory & Jude’s relationship. Happy Birthday, Mallory 🪡 Jude loves you so incredibly much!
Pairing: OC Mallory x Jude Jazza WC: 1,327 SFW, Fluff, Surprises Summary: Jude’s birthday gifts for Mallory.
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From a private box in a darkened theater, Mallory sat in quiet anticipation as the whispers of the audience rose up from below. Smoky sandalwood wafted into her nostrils from the man sitting next to her, the one who orchestrated the very unexpected surprise.
The lights of a grand chandelier slowly illuminated the stage below, and the fashion show that she’d been dying to attend finally started. Her eyes lit up as she watched the models strut elegantly down the walkway, and filled with gratitude she turned to her fiancé and said, “Thank you, Jude!”
Twinkling amethyst eyes darted over to his beloved as she smiled at him radiantly, it was a rare sight for her to show so much emotion, but that was repayment enough…for now.
“Tch, ya wouldn’t quit yappin’ ‘bout it. Figured I wouldn’t get any peace ‘til ya attended.”
Crossing her arms she snipped back playfully, “Liar. I only mentioned it to you once, unless you heard it from Ellis, and you didn’t have to come did you? You could’ve just handed me the entry ticket and went back to work, but you tagged along because you wanted to be with me. Isn’t that right?”
“If that’s what ya wanna think, princess,” Jude dodged the question with a sip of his cognac.
”Yeah, yeah,” she chirped back before she returning her focus on the stage, knowing Jude of all people would never own up to it, but that’s one of the things she loved about him.
He watched her as she observed the models astutely, jotting down notes and quick little sketches into her small notebook that she always carried around.
A thin lock of hair fell in front of her face accentuating her loveliness, this moment was no different from when he watched her working so diligently in her tiny shack she called a studio. She’d often get lost in her own world, bringing her fashion designs to life into the early hours of the morning, as if nothing else mattered.
“Such a mess,” Jude sighed as he twirled the loose lock of hair around his finger before kissing it and pinning it back in place.
When her concentration finally broke, she lifted her head up only for the tips of their noses to touch, her breath hitched at their closeness, and soon the craving to taste his lips bubbled up inside her. The feeling of Jude’s long fingers creeping along her jawline beckoned her to lean into him, but she suddenly found her gaze facing the stage again.
“Pay attention. I don’t wanna hear ya whinin’ later on that ya missed somethin’ important,” he ordered.
“Ugh, asshole,” she affectionately mumbled as she obeyed him.
After the show ended, they left the theater, but they weren’t heading back to Crown.
“Where are we going?”
“Anyone ever toldja ya talk too much?”
Mallory rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand holding it tightly, “Yep. You. At least once a day.”
He looked at their clasped hands and recalled the time when he once chaffed at the idea of being in a relationship, being loved or loving in return, and now there was no turning back. He was in too deep to go back living without her, he’d never let go of her, even if the world had to burn he’d make sure she’d never get away. Even so, he knew that she’d never run from him, that she’d never be one that he’d have to take revenge upon; if he smoked cigarettes to fuel his rage, then she was the source of his peace, and for that….
I’ll give you anything to see you smile.
Once they reached their destination, Jude and Mallory stood in front of a large ornate building in the heart of London, her heterochromatic eyes stared with curiosity in the dead of night.
“Hurry up,” he commanded has he unlocked the door of the darkened building.
After they entered, Jude turned on the lights that revealed a large empty storefront with several rooms, and as they reached the back of the building a staircase guided them up to higher floors.
They ascended the spiral staircase until they reached the third floor, halting in front of the door, Jude turned to Mallory and handed her a gold key with a brilliant ruby set in it’s head.
Jude rolled his eyes, took her hand and placed the key in it, “Open it.”
She stepped forward, unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open, “Where’s the light switch?”
Her fingers fumbled around until she found it, and after flipping the switch on she gasped at the sight of the room, her mind went blank as she covered her mouth in disbelief.
Jude lit a cigarette and leaned against the doorframe as her purple and pink eyes brimmed with excitement at the walls lined with numerous bolts of high quality fabrics, mannequins, shelves lined with a plethora of laces, threads and buttons; catalogs of the latest textiles available to order, books about fashion from around the world, design tables, and the latest sewing machines.
Mallory spun slowly towards Jude with tears in her eyes, she didn’t need to ask because she knew that he was giving it to her, but she couldn’t understand…..
“Why?” she asked with a cracked voice.
“Ain’t it your birthday?”
“What,” Mallory asked with a perplexed expression. She looked down at the key again, and recalled that ruby was her birthstone.
She had completely forgotten it was her birthday, because her parents…..well, her past wasn’t exactly an affectionate one, so she never received much other than ridicule.
She’d celebrated Jude’s birthday last year, but never thought much about hers. Clenching the key tightly she held it to her chest completely speechless.
Jude isn’t the type to say, “I love you,” but he never fails to express it in his actions.
“Three floors,” Jude finished his cigarette and started walking towards her.
“This’ll be your atelier,” he grabbed her by the arm and walked her to the design table.
“The second’ll be your business office. I’ll send someone with brains from Raven to help ya keep the books,” he picked her up and sat her on the table, trapping her between her his arms.
“The bottom floor’ll be your boutique or whatever ya call it. I’ve got suppliers on standby, so make your decoration choices by the end of the week, or I’ll choose ‘em for ya.”
“My….own business? But what about the danger you say I’m constantly in for being with you? A-are you sure about this?”
“Lookin’ down on my ability to protect ya know matter what, huh? Think I ain’t competent enough to keep ya safe ‘n make your dreams come true?” His face scowled defensively, but all Mallory could do was smile as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Of course not,” she sniffled as Jude’s face softened, wiping away her tears gently.
“Then let me keep cursing ya like I promised,” he said with a low voice, his lips eagerly locking with hers like he wanted to do earlier in the theater. His hand snaked down her waistline before pinching it in his favorite place, causing her to let out a soft moan, “Jude.”
“Now, how’re ya gonna repay me, princess?” he snickered as he bit onto her earlobe. The sweet sting moved Mallory to grab a fabric tape measure near herself, which she wrapped around Jude, pulling him closer to her. There was no way she was letting him escape from her. Ever.
He chuckled and whispered hotly into her ear, “Happy Birthday, Mal.”
In the middle of night, they threaded their bodies together, creating the most beautiful design of cursed love.
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natimiles · 5 months
CONGWATUWATIONS NATI ON DA FOLLOWER MILESTONE U DA BEST (I can't believe i can't add clown cat here smh not having media attatched to asks AHAHA) GIMME JUDE AND FINGERTIPS PLEASEY PLEASE
THAAAANK YOOOUUUU! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 The cat was here and he’s in my heart 🤍🤍🤍
Now have your man being soft. I hope it breaks you (affectionate)
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Jude + Fingertips
Words: 394
Tags: swearing; established relationship; no pronouns for reader.
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It was an uncharacteristically quiet night. Jude didn’t have any missions or work, and you didn’t have any overdue reports to finish. You two hopped under the covers and he pulled you close. His hand automatically went to your head, caressing you while his blunt nails gently scratched your scalp. You sighed contentedly, and he closed his eyes, enjoying the peaceful moment.
Until he noticed you stirring and heard a thoughtful low hum leaving you. He learned not to ask; you’d say what you wanted as soon as you were ready. And he only had to wait a few seconds.
“Jude…” you called, uncertain.
“Yes, princess?”
“Do you... love me?”
“The fuck kinda question is that?” He pulled back to look into your eyes, a frown on his face. “‘Course I love ya”
“I... was just thinking…” You averted your eyes, looking down at your fingers absentmindedly fiddling with his shirt.
“I know,” he sighed, his hand going back to play with your hair.
He really did. Jude knew what it was like to have your mind plagued with doubtful thoughts. He’d be lying if he said he never had them, that he never thought you’d be better off with someone else; someone less dangerous who wouldn’t put you in harm’s way just because they loved you. But he was also a little selfish, and he knew he’d never give you up for anything in this world.
“Gimme yer left hand,” he asked in a whisper, holding out his hand between you.
You frowned in confusion and placed your hand over his. Jude smirked, and you didn’t even have time to ask what he was going to do; the next second he brought it close to his lips and bit your ring finger.
“Jude…!” You yelped but didn’t move.
Jude looked proudly at the mark around your finger and then right into your eyes, watching your reactions, amused by how speechless you seemed to be. His lips curved into a smile dedicated only to you, and he began to place soft kisses on your fingertips, starting with your ring finger and slowly making his way to every other one. You could only watch, mesmerized by the gentleness of his touch, the warmth of his love filling your heart.
“For now, I can make ya this promise. One for us, if that’s enough.”
“It’s perfect.”
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Beneath The Milky Twilight ♥ Event Masterlist
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aquagirl1978 · 5 months
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A/N: My third entry for An Invitation to Crown hosted by @judejazza - this is Part Two to my earlier fic, Cigarettes After Sex. Pairing: Jude Jazza x f!Reader Prompt: body worship Word Count: 1748 Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; reader is female; reader is called 'princess'; oral sex (suitor receiving); come swallowing; piv; explicit language used.
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“I’ll do it.”
Everyone turned and looked at you - well, everyone that is but Jude. And Ellis. They weren’t there in the castle when Victor called everyone for this meeting.
“Are you sure about that?” Victor asked, his eyes searching yours for even a hint of hesitation.
“I’m sure,” you replied. You needed something – anything – to get your mind off of Jude and this mission presented the perfect opportunity to do so.
“Well, that’s settled then,” Victor announced with a wide smile and a clap of his hands. “Will, Liam and Alfons will go with you to –”
“She’s not goin’ anywhere. Too dangerous.”
The sound of silence rang loudly through the room as all eyes focused on Jude standing in the doorway. You looked at Jude, whose eyes were focused elsewhere, wondering why he was there. Not daring to hope he was there because maybe, just maybe, he still cared for you.
“She asked to go,” Will stated, his head tilted as he stared back at Jude. 
“She’s not goin’,” he repeated slowly, glaring at Will. “I won’t let her see what you're capable of,” he added under his breath, his gaze shifting briefly to you. 
Your breath hitched as you locked eyes with Jude. You missed him, far more than you cared to admit. Even momentarily, you could see the storm clouding his amethyst eyes, a storm you wished so desperately to be swept up into.
“To fulfill her job as Fairytale Writer, she needs to see with her own eyes what we do.” Will turned his gaze to you, his smile both mischievous and alluring.
Stop looking at me like that; your smile has no effect on me.
“It’s your choice. You don’t have to listen to him,” Will continued, resting his chin in his hand, blood red nails gently tapping the table.
“You’re not Ellis, you can do what you want.” 
A flicker of frustration flashed across Jude’s face as his body visibly tensed. “Go to yer room.” He didn’t speak your name or look your way, but all in the room knew his words were for you.
“What you choose to do next is up to you,” William said.
Your eyes flicked between the two men; really, it was an easy choice for you to make.
“What’s going on, Jude?” you asked, spinning in your spot to face him. Safe in your room and away from watchful eyes, you were finally able to give him a piece of your mind. “You broke it off. You left me. You ignored me for days on end.” You spit each word out, hurling the truth at him, hoping one would strike him and hurt him as much as he hurt you. “Why now do you care what I do?”
“It's dangerous,” was all he said.
“Yeah, you said that already.”
Jude looked away, his gaze unable to meet yours and huffed a small breath. “Didn't want ya to get hurt,” he said softly.
Your heart ached as you spoke his name; you were right, he still cared. 
“”Don’t go gettin’ yer hopes up. I’m still a bad man.”
“You're not a bad man, Jude. You’re a good man, who happens to do some bad things.”
Jude just stared at you, curious to hear what words would next come from your mouth.
“And I accept that. I want to –”
“No more yappin’,” he said, cutting you off. Before you could get another word out, he stepped in front of you. With his face mere inches away from yours, you braced yourself, expecting a barrage of reasons why this wouldn’t work, while staring straight into his eyes. 
And then you saw a flicker; it was subtle, but it was there. A softening in his expression as he stared back at you.
You weren’t expecting him to bring his hands to your face and cup your cheeks gently; he surprised you when he pressed his lips to yours in a kiss. 
“Jude…” you said softly, pulling away from the kiss in a moment of shock.
“Shuddup,” he whispered, pulling you back in for another kiss. Wrapping his long arms around your shoulders, his fingers reached for the laces of your blouse, your body tingling from his touch. 
For the first time in days, you felt alive, his kiss breathing life back into you.  Jude was back. And you were in his arms where you belonged. 
He pressed his body against yours, his heat radiating as you felt a familiar firmness that stoked a fire in your belly. You pulled away from his kiss, his disappointment expressed in a strangled moan; overcome with desire, you flashed him a grin before you began to unbutton his shirt. 
Taking your time undoing his buttons, you let out a small laugh as you swatted his hands away from helping you. There was only one way to make up for lost time together and show him how much you loved him, and that was to drag this out as long as possible. 
Fingertips danced across his chest, tracing the lines of even the faintest scars, lingering when you noticed how his breath hitched and his body tensed the further you explored.
With a few quick tugs, you pulled the hem of his shirt free from his waistband to get to the last few buttons. Your grin grew wicked as you sank to your knees to finish your job. 
His gaze still upon you, he took your hand in his, and gently, so very gently, placed your hand on the bulge between his legs. Slowly, you traced the outline in his pants, enjoying the sweet, pleasurable sounds he made. 
Your gaze lingered on the prominent bulge in his pants. Sighing softly, you brought your hands to his waistband and unbuckled his belt. As your fingers wandered by his waistband, you tilted your chin up and looked into his eyes, waiting for his nod before continuing your exploration. His eyes were half-lidded, darkened with desire, as he gazed back at you seductively. 
To hear him finally call you that, his special name for you, was enough to send warm tingles all throughout your body. Wrapping your fingers around his shaft, your eyes shifted to the cock in your hand.
Words could never describe how much you loved his cock. How much you loved holding his cock in your hand. How much you loved sliding his cock inside your mouth. 
Unable to tear your eyes away from your hand on his cock, you began to stroke his shaft, so softly at first it was almost torture. Your thumb teased his tip – it was soft as velvet, a drop of pre-cum appeared; you could not wait to slide your tongue over it and lick that drop. You stroked your lover, enjoying the weight of his balls cupped in your hand. 
He brought his hand to your face, tangling his fingers in your hair. You glanced up at him adoringly, one last time before he guided your head towards his hips. With a smile on your lips, you teased his tip once more, another drop appearing; your tongue darted out, licking it, enjoying its sweetness on your lips. Pumping his cock a few more times, you opened your mouth wide while sliding his length inside. 
Dragging your lips up and down his hard shaft, he groaned as he pulled your head closer to his body. Flicking your eyes up to meet his, you loved seeing his face filled with such pleasure. Popping his cock out of your mouth, you wrapped your fingers around him as you placed a trail of kisses along his shaft. You then placed gentle kisses on his balls, taking each one into your mouth. 
Wrapping your hair in his hands, he guided your mouth back to his throbbing cock. Sliding it into your mouth, you sucked on him until his length hit the back of your throat. He held your head there firmly as he began to thrust into your mouth roughly. Heat flooded your body as your mouth was filled with his cock. 
“Ah, fuck…”
Once he began to tremble, you kept your eyes on his, never wavering, as he shot his load down your throat. Lapping up all his juices, you licked his cock clean as he moaned blissfully, his hand finally letting go of your hair. 
He offered his hand to you, helping you stand. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, eager to see where the night led you.
With the moon shining bright through the windows in your room, Jude guided you towards the bed, shedding the last of your layers on the way there. When the back of your knees hit the mattress, you gently fell onto the plush covers. Jude climbed onto the bed, his body straddling yours, a hunger in his eyes that you missed so much. 
His mouth fastened to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin in a trail of biting kisses, his long fingers traveling up your thigh searching for your sweet spot. You let out a lewd sound when he slid a finger inside you, his thumb teasing your clit. 
His touch filled you with so much pleasure that when he finally slid his cock inside you, you felt like you might come instantaneously. 
Later you could take your time with him, but right now, you just wanted to feel every inch of him inside you as you squeezed his length on each thrust. Dragging your nails down his back, you left light scratches, marking him, claiming him as yours. Enraptured, he claimed you, his mouth sucking sweet marks across your chest.
When your pleasure peaked, it exploded. A warmth filled your body like you never felt before as Jude joined you in a state of rapturous bliss. He collapsed on you, your bodies still joined, your euphoria ephemeral.
He lifted his head and stared at you; the room was silent, so silent you could hear your heart pounding in your chest. He brought his hand to your face, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips.
Jude finally smiled at you, a smile so warm it made you melt.
“I really can’t get rid of ya, now can I?”
“Even though I’m a bad man who does bad things?”
“Whatever,” you said with a huff of laughter.
He couldn't hide his smile as he pressed a kiss on your lips before resting his head on your chest.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee @kookie-my-little-sunshine
@pathogenic @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer @nightghoul381 @judejazza
@xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777
@silver-dahlia @lunaaka @ikesenwritings @starlitmanor-network @sh0jun
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judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
Moon Garden
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Summary: She must’ve sensed how agitated he was because he felt her hand slowly grasp his. Interlocking their fingers she brought his hand to her lips for a kiss and then held it against her chest, not letting go of him.
This is Part 2. Please read Part 1 here. WC: 2,807 ┃Pronouns: She/Her ┃ SWF ┃Modern AU ┃Suggestive┃Fluff┃ Relationship Progression┃Suggestive Dividers: @/natimiles
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She felt the sandy earth shift beneath her feet as Jude roughly guided her by hand from the car, the fabric of the blindfold started feeling itchy because she wanted to know where they were, but she was obedient and left it on. Using her other senses she tried to discern clues from the surrounding environment, but there were no other scents or sounds to provide the details she sought besides the fresh desert air at dusk time. Thinking back to their road trip into the city a few days ago and what led up to this moment, she was perplexed as to what Jude was up to……
After arriving to the hotel Jude had booked in order to freshen up for the business meeting, he had left her behind to sleep in the large suite since her body was still clearly exhausted from relentlessly pushing herself to stay awake. When she woke up she found that Jude had confiscated all of her electronic devices…..
“Don’t bother lookin’ for your shit ‘cuz it’s with me. Call concierge if ya need somethin ‘n drink up. Be back by two. Be ready.”
Sitting down on the bed she felt dejected because she made him worry about her again instead of helping him, and now she couldn’t even be of use to him at the meeting. Letting out a sigh she takes a sip of the water he left her, and almost spewed it out of her mouth the moment she realized it was already 1:30 pm. Jumping to her feet she ran to take a quick shower, and after a few moments she returned to the main room to dress, unaware that he had already returned. Looking at the large clock on the wall she sighed in relief that she still had about 10 minutes before he returned.
“Thought I told ya to be ready by two?”
“Ahh!” she screamed. Whipping around she found him in the recliner that was situated in the corner of the room with a black glossy bag sitting next to his feet.
“Jude?! Don’t do that! And I still have a few minutes…”
He walked over to her leaving the bag behind, staring at the water droplets gliding down her skin like glistening jewels on her body. She was so beautiful that he wanted to devour her then and there, but due to time constraints he refrained. Still, he wasn’t satisfied with just leaving her alone, so he decided to tease her a little. Backing her up against the wall with no where to turn, he propped one arm above her head and slowly dragged a single fingertip with his free hand against her exposed leg, provocatively slipping it just beneath the edge of her towel.
Staring into his eyes her body quivered as his finger slowly made it’s way up her outer thigh, and as he closed the distance between them, she caught a glimpse of his slightly exposed collar bone which tempted her to kiss it.
His nose touched hers as he taunted her with the expectation of ravished by a kiss.
“My, my what a naughty princess. Look at ya, ready to be eaten. But I told ya to be ready by -”
Ding. “Not tonight.”
Jude was cut off by an alert from his watch and after he read the notification banner from the unknown number his face skewed into a scowl.
“Tch. Dammit…..waste of time.”
Jude withdrew from her now in a soured mood, and gathering the black glossy bag from the floor he left the suite.
“Hey, Jude! What the hell? What’s wrong?” She called after him. but he didn’t respond, so she quickly changed and ran downstairs to meet him at check out. What did he mean by that? Did the meeting go wrong because I wasn’t there to assist? Did the deal fall through?
However, those questions were soon replaced with another one as Jude hopped into the driver’s seat of the polished, black convertible they’d been driving around while overseas.
“Where’s Ellis?”
“Had him take a rental to run some errands. Get in.”
Jude wasn’t in the mood to answer questions and she didn’t want to add to his burden more than she already had, so she slid into the passenger’s seat and they sped out of the valet area to return to the desert house he was adamant they stayed at. Smoking cigarette after cigarette in disappointed silence, he clicked his tongue every now and then when he felt like he was reaching his wits end. She must’ve sensed how agitated he was because he felt her hand slowly grasp his. Interlocking their fingers she brought his hand to her lips for a kiss and then held it against her chest, not letting go of him.
Knowing it’s difficult for him to express himself or that he can find it troublesome to explain things, this was her way of telling him not to forget that she was there for him no matter what. Watching her look at the rocky landscape zooming past them, he rubbed her hand with his thumb to let her know that he got her message. Seeing her smile in response settled his nerves a bit, and they enjoyed the rest of the drive talking about the success of the business deal, and playing a ridiculous word game that he now hated with a passion.
However, even after they returned to the rental house, Jude refused to return her phone, watch and tablet as an extension of her punishment for overworking herself. In addition, she was not allowed to go for a drive or leave the immediate property, which only frustrated her when she noticed Ellis come and go several times a day at Jude’s orders.
“Ellis, do you need any help? I can go with-”
“No, thanks. Best stay here like Jude said.”
“What’s going on with him anyway?” Ellis’ face became dejected and she discerned that Jude had most likely forbade him to say anything. Knowing this was a bit below the belt, she told Ellis that it’d make her very happy if he told her what was going on. Ellis hesitated deeply before the desire of making her happy won out.
“Well, it wasn’t the right-”
“ELLIS!” Jude walked into the room and interrupted him before he could spill the truth.
“Shuddup ‘n send out the memo about our trade deal.”
“Right.” Ellis quickly left the two of them alone. Jude turned his attention to her and it was clear that he was still mood was on edge again. He tossed the black glossy bag he had with himself the other day in the hotel over to her.
“We’re leavin’. Ya got five minutes, princess.”
Turning his back on her he left to start the car. When she peered into the bag her pupils widened when she saw it contained an identical outfit to the one he was currently wearing - a black, loose-fitting, boyfriend-style shirt, and stone-colored shorts. She didn’t understand why he was so on edge or why she was to wear a matching outfit, but she quickly dressed and ran out to meet him in the car.
Once inside the car he tossed out a cigarette butt and pulled a long black sash out from his shirt pocket, “Turn ‘round.”
Getting annoyed he spun her around tied the sash around her eyes without explanation.
“Wh- hey! I can’t see Jude.” He snickered at her as he started pulling out of the garage, “That’s the point, idiot.”
“I’m not an idiot! Where are we going?”
“Find out soon ‘nuff, won’t ya? What, ‘fraid I’m takin’ ya out to the desert to hack ya up and leave ya to the birds?”
“That’s- No, of course not!”
He could tell that he took his joke too far, so he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and chuckled at her indignant cute face, “Then shuddup ‘n behave for me princess.”
His gentle touch put her at ease and a short time later they had reached their destination. She felt the sandy earth shift beneath her feet as Jude roughly guided her by hand from the car, the fabric of the blindfold started feeling itchy because she wanted to know where they were, but she was obedient and left it on. Using her other senses she tried to discern clues from the surrounding environment, but there were no other scents or sounds to provide the details she sought besides the fresh desert air at dusk time.
After a few minutes they stopped walking and Jude hesitated before he walked behind her and removed the blindfold revealing the most unexpected scene - it was a large open-aired glamping site. There was a huge bell tent that was fully furnished, a wooden outside shower, a hot tub and many other amenities. It was incredibly chic, and to find a place like this out in the middle of no where, she was stunned to silence. Jude watched her reaction closely for a moment before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her after him as they started walking towards the tent.
“That nutcase almost ruined months of plannin’. ”
“Ellis? But, why did you have to -”
Jude whipped around the back of the tent and quickly released her with a swing. She stumbled forward and was met with the most beautiful sight. There was a large bed in the middle of a patio that was surrounded by all manner of night-time botanical blooms, but the most unique of these were these plants she saw with elongated leaves and bulbous pods on them. There were dozens of them, some potted, some growing naturally from the surrounding ground, others towering high upon trellises.
“Queen of the Night.”
“What?” she turned to him and waited for further explanation. Jude took a breath while shoving his hands in his pocket to grab his cigarettes, his nerves were finally coming to the fore.
“They’re called ‘Queen of the Night’.”
“Oh, these?” She walked up to them and upon looking closer she noticed that some of them were starting to bloom.
“They only bloom once at night in the summer usually for only a few hours. All the flowers here are night blooms…..it’s a….moon garden.”
He watched her gentle touch the leaves of each plant like she was thanking it for it’s beauty, but she was the beautiful one. She was the heart the filled the rotted cavity in his chest.
“The business deal just so happened to coincide with the season they bloom, ‘n while I took brought ya on the trip for business…I wanted to show ya how I….”
He ruffled his hair as he took a few steps closer to her, he knew that she was listening, but didn’t face him because it would be easier for him to expel his feelings. Still, it was difficult.
“That’s why you wanted to stay out here? Because it’s closer to the moon garden?” she asked to help him explain more easily. As usual, she was quick to pick up on things.
“Owner of the house we’ve been crashin’ at owns this place ‘n they can only give us a window of a few hours when they bloom. If we stayed in the city, it’d be too big of a drive to make it out here in time, wouldn’t it?”
“So, that’s why you wanted me to be ready to leave at the hotel the other day….then that message you got on your phone was to let you know that they weren’t blooming that night?”
“That’s right, ‘n I kept ya on the property so ya didn’t drive around ‘n find this place.”
Little by little, the pieces fell into place, and she guessed he probably kept her phone and things so she would look up local tourist attractions. The pods slowly opened more and more gradually revealing white petals, the scent from the other flowering plants filled the air as she continued to look around.
“Why did you want me to see these so badly, Jude?”
Why? How can I even begin to answer that?
“Ya weren’t meant to live in the festerin’ shadows of Crown or in the darkness of my life….but ya willingly chose to live in ‘em. You’re not wicked, cruel or merciless, and yet under the claws of night, ya bloom like this flower….and still remain clean ‘n unblemished….I wanted to show ya what ya reminded me of….that’s the real reason…”
A full glowing moon shed it’s silvery blessing over the two of them and the rare blossoms of these flowers called Queen of the Night, finally graced them with their beauty. The light of the moon pranced among them and the ethereal garden seemed to glow just for him and her. Jude had gone silent, and so she turned around to find him in the middle of an awkward position that sort of looked like squatting. She stifled a chuckle and, “What are you doing?”
Scowling at her he straightened himself up, walked over to her and then smirked.
“Gotta good laugh, yeah?”
Falling onto the ground her jerked her down with him onto his lap like a demon dragging the angel he fell in love with into hell with him.
“Hey, there’s a perfectly good bed right th-”
“Shuddup.” He shifted her on his lap to face him and he pulled her head to his and rested against it. She walked into his life and messed him up, leaving behind pieces of her light in the dank mire that he was sinking into, something he’d been envious of other people having for a long while now. Many times she extended her hand to him and he rejected it, but finally he threw in the towel and grabbed hold of the tip of her angelic wings, welcoming her into his madness.
“Till your bone ‘n dust, you’re mine. So -”
He stared into her eyes an gently gripped her neck, running his thumb down the mid-line of her throat.
She pecked his lips and smiled, “I love you, too.”
“That’s not what I’m tryna say.”
Not one to be defeated he yanked her even closer to him and glared, “I’m askin’ ya to marry me, dammit!”
The entire world was silent. She made no reply and just stared at him dumbfounded. He knew it was crazy, binding himself to her in a promise he’d never be able to keep, but he’s never going to give her up, not unless he’s dead. Still, her pause was making his anxiety spike. There’s no reason to refuse. She can’t. He wouldn’t allow it, but he still wanted her to accept him willingly. She was his relief and peace, and the only who could keep up with him. He didn’t want to live in a world that existed with out her now.
A single tear fell down her cheek and he immediately wiped it away, the same hands that shed so much blood was able to caress and comfort her gently.
“Hey, princess…-”
“What?” Not sure he heard her correctly he stared in search for those words again. She licked her lips and swallowed before she replied again, this time more clearly than the first time.
“Jude….yes, I’ll marry you.”
Her tears didn’t stop, but they didn’t need to. These tears were exactly the kind he wanted to see pour from her. Relief and satisfaction cascaded over him. He'd been so tense while planning this, wasn't sure he'd get to show her this rare sight, nor even properly say what he wanted, but regardless he was going to ask her to marry him anyway. He pulled her into a tight hug, and after a few moments he placed a gorgeous ring on her finger.
A large, pear-shaped amethyst nestled between briar thorns and roses decorated her finger, it was the same shade as his eyes, and out of sheer joy, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Now she understood everything and just how much he loved her. Their tongues teased and tickled each other as their hunger for each other could no longer be abated. Crawling atop the bed with out detaching from each other, they stripped themselves bare of their matching outfits and poured into each other underneath clusters of stars that witnessed their love bloom in the darkness like the Queen of the Night.
Don’t worry lil’ bird. I’ll show you heaven before I plunge to hell.
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