#BurningBranch Au
empressgeekt · 7 months
Trolls - Burning Branches - Role Reversal Au (part 1)
SO, so earlier I read a fic where Poppy didn't go to branch for help in the first movie and the village was left abandoned with Branch as the only survivor after the revival of Trollstice. Meaning he was alone when Barb invaded...And it has inspired a different route on to how Char and Poppy would meet.
Links to OG AU posts, 1, 2, 3
Char = Branch as it would.
We start with the events of the first movie. Poppy would run off to save her friends and she would succeed, however, when they arrived back to the village there wasn't anyone there. Or at least that's what the snackpack thinks. They find little Keith crawling out of some of the fresh rubble, he has a small frown but it was Shocking to Poppy as the boy was usually expressionless. From Keith they learn that the bergens came back while they were trying to leave, and his dad hid him in a bush. The attack was days ago...
Some members of the SnackPack want to go back to get the rest of the village, but Poppy knows that she barely got her friends out of there, an entire village was a completely different challenge, and Trollistice had already passed...They would need help. There had to be people out there who would help them.
Staying in the village is out of the question, so they gather what they can from the destruction, and move on. They walk for days, and living in the woods is harder then expected. It really opens Poppy's eyes to the true nature of the wilderness, especially since she's taking care of Keith (the Blank child clings to her since she found him). They try singing to keep their spirits up, but singing attracts predators. Large spiders and snakes, come at them from all directions. Creek (no he didn't betray them...yet) can't talk them down. Food is scarce, they don't know which berries are safe. And eventually they all get caught in a storm, getting washed away.
By some miracle they all wake up the next morning by the edge of the forest. Before them stretches vast plains, some patches of the ground darkened in ways they are un-familiar. Here they are faced with a choice go back into the forest with all it's dangers or face the unknown ones just beyond the threshold. Creek tries to argue that they should stay with what they know, convincing Biggie, Guy Diamond (who has been feeling sick), and the twins that they shouldn't take a chance. However, Poppy, Cooper, DJ, smidge and Fuzzbert think that the unknown is worth the risk. Cooper saying he was technically from the unknown, and maybe they could find where he was born. In the end Creek is out-voted.
The plains are different. There aren't as many spiders or birds, but snakes are still an issue as well as a lack of natural shelter for the sun. its hot, and it only grows hotter. the land slowly becomes more and more burnt, more and more black. The ground is turning their feet red as they walked. Then they heard a screech, and were swarmed with Leather Vipers (leather Vipers are the main predators in my version of Rock Troll territory, basically picture a mix of snake/ Dragon made of polished leather and glowing warped metal teeth, claws and horns). It looks like the end, until they hear a second screm from above.
And Anglerbus is over head, and jumping from it, are...other trolls. Coming to the SnackPack's rescue. A few power cords and the vipers are scared off. Poppy feels great relief at seening them. They weren't the last trolls, these guys were here, and even better they had ways to defend themselves. In her eyes they were saved. Creek while thankful to not be dead, isn't as welcoming of these strangers. These dully color strangers covering in scares and scowling at them. At least on the surface, he's still "polite" to get the aid their group desperately needed.
Val Thundershock is part of the group that was on the Anglerbus, she's a little surprised to find a group of Pop trolls (and one funk) out in the Rock Wastes. No one knew where the Pop trolls had gone since the split and frankly no one cared, however she did want to know why they would suddenly invade the territory.
Val: Well, Well, Well, we got us some little pop trolls, now what exactly are you doing in Rock territory?
Poppy: Hi, first off thank you so much, we would've been if it wasn't for you.
Val: yeah I know, now what are you doing here? I hope you realize that Pop trolls aren't exactly welcome here.
Creek (rudely cuts in): Pop trolls?
Val: That's what you are right? Peppy, over excited, happy music lovers?
Poppy: Well kinda...
Val: Then you might as well turn around. Your kind isn't welcome here.
Poppy: Wait please!
Val: Go home, there's nothing for you here
Poppy: We don't have a home! Our home was destroyed by the bergens! We're all that's left!
Val dismissal is finally the thing that gets Poppy to shout. Finally accepting that yes her home is gone and that they were the only survivors. They all had been ignoring the subject while the woods. It's a hard truth to swallow, but one she chokes down to get Val to listen. And listen Val does. When Poppy confirms that they were indeed the last pop trolls. Val immediately shifts gears, as even if the tribes didn't get along, Genres needed each other to remain in balance. Not since the dancing plague of the disco tribe did one go completely extinct. Still it isn't her call, to preserve the genre. Thankfully she was on the same ride, as a very close friend to her. She tells one of the Rockers to contact Prince Char.
Creek, pulls Poppy aside, and expresses his concerns over these new trolls. Saying they shouldn't trust them. Poppy asks why, and Creek starts explaining that he was warned about trolls who were dulled. Saying that when he was a child there had been a grey trolling who lived near by and that grey one had killed his own grandmother. Poppy, says that she understands that Creek is scared, but they don't really have a choice. AT that moment Guy would throw up adding to Poppy's argument, saying that at the least they need food, shelter and a doctor for Guy. Creek can't really argue, especially since one of the Rock trolls came over to help the twins ease Guy too the ground.
The Anglerbus would land, and Char would walk out. The Rockers salute him as their prince, and that kind of intimidates Poppy, as while she is a Princess, she never actually interacted with another member of Royalty beyond her Dad. And Char is by far the dullest of all the strange trolls. Creeks words getting to her. Speaking of the idiot, he steps in to be the first to speak to the Prince.
Creek: Prince Char, it is lovely to meet you, I hope to extend an arm in friendship yes?
Char (not shaking Creek's hand): You speak for this group?
Creek: Well in a way. I-I wouldn't go that far. Second in command or spiritual leader might be a better fit. I do hope we can-
Char: cut to the chase, what is your business here?
Creek (taken aback): We come for aid, please it was horrible our village is destroyed. As fellow trolls we need to stick together.
Char (laughing dryly): You come here preaching unity after your kind split us apart. it's so ironic its funny.
Creek: I believe I don't understand.
Char: Centuries ago, the six tribes lived in harmony, until the Pop trolls, you kind tried to wipe out the rest of us. Destorying out music and culture triggering the great split and forcing us from our homes. Seem's the universe has come back to bit you.
Creek: I'm not sure where you've heard that but I assure you these rumors are not true in the slightest.
Char: they're aren't rumors their history. My people wouldn't be living out in these wastelands if it weren't for the split.
Creek: Then your history is incorrect. We'd never do such a thing, all trolls are supposed to be friends.
Char: *hum*, Treat there wounds, but start the bus, you'll receive no aid from us.
Creek: What?
Char: Don't act shocked, you gave everything I need to know. That "greater then thou" act won't fly here. You're intentions are not ones I can put trust or faith in, because they are not genuine. Go back to your king or and queen and tell them if they were trying an invasion, we the people of Rock will not hesitate to rain down hell fire on your home land.
Poppy: Wait! Please! *runs towards Char, with Keith in her arms only to be blocked by the Rockers* We're telling the truth! We don't have a home to go back too! We're all that's left Please help us!
Char: And who are you?
Poppy: I'm Princess Poppy, and I'm begging you. Help us.
Char: Take them up, get them settle, doctors food water. Then bring the princess to my quarters. We need to talk privately.
And I'll cut this off here. There's going to be a part 2.
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empressgeekt · 3 months
In fof au do Poppy and Branch still have a daughter named Rose? If yes what does Keith think about her? What kind of relationship do they have?
yes they do. Thought Rose is born later in FoF then in my other aus (soulmate and burningbranches), due to Poppy and Branch wanting keith to be a little more independent when they inevitably have a baby. As for their relationship, keith has adored Rose since she was hatched and overall their a little more like siblings then uncle and niece. Still Rose does call keith "uncle" when she's older.
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