#Rock-Prince!Branch in An Arranged Marriage Au
empressgeekt · 8 months
Trolls - Burning Branches AU part 1
Or alternate title, I have now been sucked down the sudden black hole that is this fandom and now the troll plot bunnies are running ramped around my Fanfic farm, because the creators of this franchise has added my weakness...Sibling relationships... Now I have plans for a two story saga in this fandom of which I wouldn't have glanced at with interest at all a month ago.
Well, that's enough rambling, Time to get into the meat of the fic plot.
So, while browsing on Ao3 I noticed that there was this Rock!Branch au, where Branch is separated from the pop-trolls as a kid and ends up being raised by Barb and Thrash of the Rock Trolls. I love this concept, more then some relatives of mine. But I want to put a little spin on it. I've been a big fan of amnesia/memory loss fics, and I noticed there was a lack of them in this fandom.
Brozone breaks up and Grandma dies like in canon, same old same old. However, in this AU Branch is forced to leave the Troll Tree as a kid, because there is a larger sigmatism about trolls who went grey. The Trolls are very clear that they want nothing to do with Branch. They are all already living with death at their door step and they don't need a grey child to constantly break the false image of happy paradise that the adults try to maintain in the Tree to keep themselves sane. Branch, with nothing else left for him in the tree, packs up and tries to leave to find his brothers, though he does worry if they would even want him now that he was grey.
After successfully escaping the town, (the bergens don't notice if a small troll vanishes in the middle of the night, they didn't notice the whole village packing up), Branch spends a terrifying night in the woods. Running away from what are "predator's" in the eyes of a small child. Until he accidentally, stumbles in the a wormhole. The wormhole sucks Branch away from, Pop territory to the outskirts of the Rock badlands. But in this new hot volcanic he is still far from safe. (I'm adding that their are harsh powerful dragons that roam around the Rock trolls territory, as there has to be some type of reason behind they turned their own music and instruments in the to energy weapons while the other tribes didn't. Not to mention the active volcanic activity everywhere!) While running away from some of these actual predators and dangerous lava pools, Branch gets shoved over a cliffside, and falls into one of the few rivers nearby. In the raging rapids, the little troll strikes his head against the rocky river bed. Knocking him out.
Meanwhile, Still-King Thrash is leading an expedition to the river to fetch water for the people of Volcano Rock City. Being the very soft and caring Father he is, once he sees a small child floating in the river he jumps in without a second thought, and pulls the child to the shore. He leaves the expedition in the hands of another Troll and brings the some how still alive child back to the City and into the care of a capable doctor. While waiting to hear if Branch will live, Thrash goes through the little sack the kid had with him. There's enough evidence for the king of rock to come to the conclusion that Branch was running away, and needless to say Thrash is furious. Who would be so cruel that dared to make a child in his kingdom feel so scared and unwelcomed that they would run away! (at this point due to Branch's greyness and the high emotions of the situation Thrash hasn't realized Branch is from Pop yet, not that it would matter in the long run he's still ticked off).
Eventually, the doctor (an old friend of Thrash's whom they have a deep trust between, I haven't named them yet), calls Thrash in. Thrash finds Branch unconscious on the medical bed with his head bandaged. The doctor tells Thrash that's its a miracle that Branch is even alive, but it would take a bigger one for the child to wake up. The underneath the blood of the wound was a skull fracture and possible brain damage. Then he mentions it would probably be better if Branch never woke up, and further explains Branch's nature as a pop troll, and his greyness. Thrash takes this information in with a sad heart. Stigma against pop was still running high in the Rock kingdom, despite Thrash wanting to believe his people could spare their bias to care for a wounded child, he knows that no foster family would take a pop troll in. He asks the Doctor to keep quiet about Branch, and that if the boy would wake up Thrash would take him in himself. He goes home and hugs Barb after an exhausting day, and asks her if she was open to having a little brother.
After a few weeks, Branch wakes up, but he has no memory of anything. Not his name. Not where he's from. Not how he got there. At this point the medical staff that were allowed to know about him, have taken to calling him Charcoal, or Char, after his perfectly black and shiny hair, and it just kind of stuck after that. Thrash has taken to visiting Branch, even before the boy was conscious, quickly growing fond over the boy and until he'd recovered enough to be taken to the royal cavern. Barb takes to having Char around very well. Having a younger sibling, gives her something to put her protectiveness towards. Thrash makes and announcement, claiming Char as his own to Rock, and putting the boy as second in-line for the throne.
Still it isn't all cupcakes and rainbows with Char in his new home. He has lasting effected form his head injury in the form of migraines and fainting spells. The child is plagued by nightmares, of Giants coming to eat him and old ladies. They frighten him so much he draws and designs traps and bunkers to keep himself safe. Some of the designs Thrash actually considers building in case of emergency. Music brings him to tears if it's too loud or sudden, or if Barb asked him to sing-along. His room is sound proofed, and he has a pair of headphones to block things out if needed. Thrash also finds that his new adoptive son, is far more book-smart then him or Barb, the rarely used Rock library becomes Char's second home. The child become well educated in History, engineering, math, sciences and politics.
It would take two years before, Barb managed to talk Char into coming to her music practice, where the kid learns that music is more then just noise that makes him feel scared/unsafe. Seeing the weapon music can be, something he can learn to protect himself with, Char becomes hooked on the idea of learning it. Too everyone's surprise, it comes to boy like second nature, and his voice is like that of an angel's.
Eighteen years pass, and Branch grows up to be, Prince Char, second born son to Thrash King of Rock. He's a known expert with a guitar, both as an instrument and a weapon, his reputation is that of a eerily smart and organized strategist, who is loyal to his family and people to a fault and ruthlessly protective. With Thrash's health, both physical and mental, in rapid decline, Barb is forced to take on the mantel of Queen earlier then she wanted, but this time she has a brother to lean on as an advisor. Which is a good thing, because between the two of them Char is a much better planner.
Pressure is turned up on the royal rock siblings, when an unexpected earthquake destroys the farmlands that feeds the city. Sure, volcanic soil can been great for growing plants, but rivers of lava and giant fresh trenches don't help at all. Barb flies off the handle, and begins to panic in quiet about what she needs to do to protect the people of Rock, while Char looks into historical records to see if the past king ever had to deal with issues like this. Eventually he stumbles on the knowledge that during ancient times if one of the tribes was in trouble they would call upon their sister tribes for aid.
"Oh that's great advise your books have, let's ask for help from our sworn enemies!" Barb would exclaim, "Wait...the other tribes! If they lasted as long as we did, then they must have resources! But they wouldn't help us...not unless they were just like us. We could use our string to convert..."
"Barb! I'm going to stop you right now. First one our string isn't powerful enough to over-write someone's genre, believe me I looked into it-"
"But if we get all the strings..."
"You mean steal them?"
"No, if we were to fail that would only sour relations between genres further and our people would still be starving. We'd be better off forging an alliance with a tribe, rather then wasting already limited resources conquering one."
"URGH! Why are you always right....So, alliance...that's our best plan?"
"Currently yes."
"With people that hate us! Are we sure we can't conquer them?"
"Barb, were trying to make a harmony. You can't make harmony with everyone using the same voice. They all need to be different, and they all can't be forced into something they they aren't or it all falls apart."
"Whoa, that's deep. Where'd ya learn that?"
"I-I don't know...but the point still stands we need to befriend another tribe not conquer one!"
"Okay, so how do we do that?"
"Well, apparently theirs more ways then one, all of them include paper work, so leave that to me, but one of them we actually have a unique opportunity to ally with."
"Oh? And how do we take advantage of this unique opportunity?"
"You're not going to like this...but we use me..."
Branch would go on to explain his plan to ally the Rock kingdom with the Pop trolls...through an Arranged Marriage between him and the Pop princess. Barb hates it, especially after all the pop trolls did to her brother when he was young, but she can't argue the logic. The pop trolls live in a forest rich with food and plant life, and water sources. However, they have zero defenses other then how deep they live in the forest. (how he knows all of this Branch has no idea) If the alliance managed to go through, the Rock trolls could get the needed food supplies, and the Pop trolls could gain the knowledge of how to use musical weaponry.
Barb still hates it, it feels like her little brother is throwing away his future. But Char assures her that he's okay with it, and that it's his turn to take on the burden of the crown he supposed to wear. As a bio-pop troll the possibility of an heir from the alliance marriage is higher then if they use a random Rock citizen, and as Rock Prince that will give more creditably to the pleads of their people to Pop. He tells Barb to just take care of Dad when he's gone and that they always have debbie to talk to each other through letters.
So they send a message to Pop Village...requesting to consider the marriage.
At Pop village, Poppy is busy with her new duties as a fresh coronated Queen, caring for the village needs and further establishing peaceful relations with the Bergens after the fall of Chef. When the message reaches her, delivered Via Debbie and Biggie, Peppy tries to take it from her before she cane read it. And then she demands that he Explain why she just got a proposal in a letter from a Rock Prince?
Peppy reluctantly explains the history of the Tribes, and how some times they would form alliances between the genres by wedding members of the royal families together to ensure peace. He makes it very clear that He doesn't want Poppy to even think of answering the Rock trolls even if to decline the proposal, but she fights back saying hat this might be their only chance for peace between the genres for years to come if its taken this long for them to reach out this time. Peppy then tries to argue that if Poppy were to accept the proposal that she would have to marry this prince, this stranger, and he never wanted that to happen to her. He knows Poppy is queen now and he can't order her to do anything, but he asks her to think about this before making any kind of decision.
Poppy needless to say, deeply contemplates the proposal. She wants to help reunite the tribes, but bonding herself to a stranger she never met was a daunting thing. She talks with Cooper and Bridget who are surprisingly helpful with everything, and decides that she'll accept the proposal with the condition that she and her future groom have the chance to meet and get to know each other before the wedding.
Barb and Char readily accept the condition, and calculate that they can give one month of courtship before the Rock kingdom is without food. They respond back to Poppy, and tell them that Char and a few others would arrive in Pop Village a few days after she would receive the letter that confirmed the betrothal.
Char arrives at Pop Village with much fanfare from his travel companions, but shushes them quickly and addresses Poppy and Peppy in a polite manner. Poppy is kind of thrown off by how grey her future husband is, not that she shows it. Char is just as shocked about how bright and colorful she is.
The romance is awkward at first. The cultural differences get in the way sometimes. But eventually a connection is formed. Char learns to feed off of Poppy's energy and Poppy learns that there's more to this grey prince then gloom. With the wedding scheduled for the end of the month, Poppy decides to introduce Char to her BFF Bridget.
Needless to say, it doesn't go well.
Char's underlaying trauma comes back in a panic attack and flashback upon seeing the Troll Tree and bergens. The memory of his Grandmother's demise suddenly becoming clear as day in his mind. In the panic he accidently fires his guitar at Grisle and Bridget, with makes Poppy panic and angry at him. So he runs off into the woods.
Bridget and Poppy end up having a heart to heart where Bridget says that Char looked scared. Having heard about how Char was acutualy a pop-troll and was adopted into the royal family, Poppy connects the dots rather quickly. Realizing that Char used to live in the Troll Tree but didn't escape with the others. the whole visit was triggering for him.
She runs back to Pop Village looking forh im, only to find that Queen Barb had arrived to help set up the wedding, and she wants to know where her Brother is. Poppy blurts out what happened while trying to defuse the situation, and that only serves to rile Barb up further. Until Poppy snaps, yellling at Barb that they need to go looking for Char not fight here! This impresses Barb into agreeing.
Poppy finds him and they end up having a heart to heart, and confessing...
The wedding goes on as planned. On the neutral ground of the Troll Tree, allowing Char to visit his late Grandmother's home for the first time in twenty years.
All seems well...Until one John Dory screams, "Stop the Wedding!"
I will post part two in a separate post because this is long!
Part two, and Part three
Edit: The prolog for this fic, which is basically Char's child hood is now posted on Ao3. Link
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littlesmartart · 5 years
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Prince Lestat  Official Title: Prince  Actual Role: Figurehead, "Nuclear Deterrent", Resident People Person  Lestat is an arrogant, swaggering, violent, charismatic moron, who loves his family and loves fine clothes and loves how he looks in this crown, baby. He's beautiful and strong, and his husband is beautiful and smart, and that's why THEY'RE in charge.
Prince Consort Louis  Official Title: Prince Consort, Keeper of the Royal Treasury  Actual Role: Regent, Accountant, Responsible for keeping Lestat out of excessive trouble  A very calm, polite, well-mannered man who is smart but so weak he's mostly there for eye-candy. And isn't it nice that he stands in for the prince at meetings and councils, and aren't his little ideas interesting, and isn't it so helpful that he manages the Royal Treasury?
HRH Gabrielle  Official Title: Queen Mother  Actual Role: Spy, Assassin  Louis cut a deal with Gabrielle early on in his marriage that in return for her loyalty, he would excuse her all royal duties in the court and send her on "ambassadorial trips" where she could collect intel and murder. Gabrielle is a-okay with this arrangement. 
Princess Claudia  Official Title: Princess  Actual Role: N i g h t m a r e  This is a girl who has never been told no. She has both daddies wrapped around her tiny little finger; one daddy is the prince, and one daddy is very good at making inconvenient messes disappear, so Claudia spends most of her time taking out her frustration at being child-sized on everyone else...
Armand  Official Title: Advisor  Actual Role: Executioner, Spy  Armand has terrifying psychic abilities, a wealth of resources, and zero morals, so he is both a perfect spy within the court and very helpful for Louis to call on to clean up... indiscretions.
Daniel  Official Title: Human Liaison  Actual Role: Mercenary  As the youngest vampire, Daniel essentially acts as the human branch of Armand's job, and helps manipulate the human world to protect and benefit the court. Out of all of them he has the most morals so can be a bit of a wild card, but Armand knows how to handle him to keep him in line.
Mojo  Official Title: Good Boy  Actual Role: Good Boy  A GOOD BOY.
more details under the cut
this happened because I was thinking about why later canon Lestat sucks, and it's because AR made him a monster, but not like... a sympathetic or FUN one, he's just an asshole who tramples on everyone around him, and I thought... well if you're going to make HIM an irredeemable monster, why not actually make it INTERESTING and commit to this bullshit and MAKE THEM ALL UTTERLY IRREDEEMABLE UNSYMPATHETIC MONSTERS?
like, what would have to happen to make violent, possessive prince Lestat with unchecked power actually fun? give him a Louis who gives as good as he gets! MAKE THEM A NIGHTMARE POWER COUPLE!
SO. Prince Lestat rules over the vampire court (which I’m imagining to exist, in this world, as a whole separate functional court within but apart from human society, kind of like the HP wizarding world. Lestat took over when Akasha was defeated), and he's a swaggering violent ass. but in this universe, he's got Prince Consort Louis - who is manipulative and power-hungry, and cold-blooded where the Prince's temper runs hot. they actually have a relatively healthy relationship because Lestat knows that he'll get all the fancy clothes and parties and sex his heart desires, AND he doesn't have to deal with the boring/stressful minutiae of actually ruling, AND he gets to wear the crown... just so long as he keeps his fucking trap shut when Louis tells him. and Louis gets to run the whole show without having to do all that annoying personal stuff - which Lestat is actually very good at as he's as dumb as a bag of rocks but he just OOZES natural charisma. so Louis is effectively the Regent, whilst Lestat is the Figurehead and also strong enough to basically be the vampire equivalent of a nuclear deterrent, and they're both more than happy enough with those roles, so they're able to work together to TERRIFYING effectiveness.
this started as a pencil sketch that I drew on new year’s day, then scanned and was like “wow that looks like a lot of work I cba to colour that lmao” and then... completely abandoned so I am SO GLAD to finally have it done and out of my fucking WIP folder auughhh
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gingerpeachtae · 5 years
Concentric [6]
Words: 4.7k
Genres: fantasy!AU, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, eventual smut (?)
Warnings: spoilers for season 7&8 of Game of Thrones
Summary: You had been ready for the end of the semester. You had been ready to spend time away from your best friend, Jimin, and finally move on from the feelings you harbored. Yet, after your friend was forced to reveal a secret, you found yourself in a new world that was chock full of magic, war, and wonder. So, here you were, basically thrown into your own fantasy novel, with your best friend on one side, and six male warriors on the other.
A/N: Here it is! I ended up finishing it later than usual but earlier than anticipated, so instead of waiting till 11:59, imma just post it now!It’s a bit on the shorter side so I sowy but it’s what ya’ll get since I basically wrote this in one day oof. thank you all for reading... engoy! 😘
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You were walking alongside Jin, who was currently babbling about how difficult it was to have to cook for the members of his kiela all the time.
“You just can’t imagine the stress! And they eat like animals!”
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye as you ducked beneath a branch. “Honestly, Jin… I don’t feel that bad for you because you were the one who turned down my help, remember?.”
At your retort, the Saeni huffed then mumbled something along the lines of maybe letting you help cut the vegetables or some other tiny task from now on.
You chuckled and repeated what you had told him before, “If you ever want or need help, just let me know Papa Jin. I’d be happy to lend a hand.”
Brushing some leaves out of your face, you sent the black-haired male a smile, hoping he would understand that you genuinely just wanted to help and not try to steal his “caretaker position.”
You waited until he sent you a smile back, and then you glanced around to see how everyone else in the kiela was doing. Personally, your legs wet sore as heck, and your feet felt like they were about to fall off from all the walking and running you’d been doing, but the others seemed to be in no distress at all. Then again, they were definitely more used to this kind of hiking than you were.
You had been on the move for a couple of hours, still trekking toward the group’s destination. The only difference was that now you knew what that destination was.
I hope that makes you happy, chickpea brain.
After Jungkook had left you and Jimin alone earlier, you were finally able to sit down and have your much-needed talk with your best friend.
“I don’t have an alarm! How the hell am I supposed to do that!?”
Jimin let out an exasperated puff of air. “You literally just got punched in the face… and making sure you’re up on time to get punched again is what you’re worried about?”
“Hey, if getting punched a few more times helps me learn how to protect myself, then I’m doing it.” You sat back down on the mat and looked up into Jimin’s brown eyes. “Enough about Coco and punching, though. We need to talk.”
Leaning back on your hands, you titled your head to the side. “Why didn’t you tell me you’re a prince?”
“Wha-who-I-not-n-no!” He stammered out. “I’m not a prince, don’t be ridiculous.” He ran a hand through his apricot locks and avoided eye contact with you.
“Oh, save it, Slim Jim. I know you’re a prince, so don’t even try to lie.”
The half-Saeni let out a groan, closing his eyes and tugging at the roots of his hair. “Who told you? It was Tae, wasn’t it? That feather-brain can never keep his mouth shut.”
“Oh my gosh, it wasn’t Tae. Have some bloody faith in your brother, would you?” You rolled your eyes. “It was the bad guys from yesterday. They said something about it after they knocked your ass out.”
Your friend dropped his hands and blew out all the air in his lungs before he finally replied, “I’m… I’m not really a prince. Some people just call me that because my father was the previous king.”
“So, what? You’re an ex-prince?”
“More like a bastard.”
“Wait, so you’re like the Jon Snow of Illain?” Your eyes twinkled in excitement.
Jimin raised his eyebrows and looked down at your buzzing figure. “You know that Jon wasn’t actually a bastard, right?”
“Eh.” You waved your hand dismissively. “With how the writers treated that information in season eight, he might as well have still been one.”
“That… is a fair point.”
The conversation died down and all you could hear was the sound of the forest for what seemed like several minutes but was probably only ten seconds.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Jimin had sat down next to you and explained why knowing his heritage was dangerous, for you and him. He began his story by having you recall how his mom had stumbled into Illain (you still weren’t sure how that would happen, but hey, no point wondering about it now) and met and fell in love with his dad. What he had left out, was that his dad had been the king of Illain and was already in an arranged marriage. He didn’t love the queen and vice versa, but nevertheless, he had to keep his relationship with Jimin’s mom a secret. Both because it would have been considered taboo in addition to how it would have caused an uproar among the court officials.
Shortly after Jimin’s mom found out she was pregnant, the queen discovered the relationship and… she had not been pleased. She ended up murdering Jimin’s father and tried to kill his mom as well. Luckily, she had been able to escape back to Earth with the help of a friend, who had been one of the few who knew about her.
Once the king’s guard (who didn’t exactly excel at their job, in your opinion) caught the queen and interrogated her, it was reported that she kept saying that she wanted to see Illain fall into chaos and how she needed to eradicate the “key within the bloodline.” Whatever that meant. Nobody could really make sense of her, it was like she had suddenly went batshit insane.
After the events, nobody thought much of her words, beyond them being those of a crazed person. The world grieved and then crowned a new king. Eventually, the Saeni forgot about what the previous queen had said… until five years later. Stories rose up about an anarchist who preached about unleashing pain and suffering upon all of Illain. Those who felt as though the world was against them, that life hated them, that the gods mistreated them, were captivated by his message and joined his ranks. They began terrorizing Illain in the name of an unknown person, Uzjuk, and were soon known as the draikensu, or “the dark ones.”
Over the years, the draikensu had somehow learned that the deceased king had had a child out of wedlock, and they turned their attention to finding that child. To finding him and eradicating the “key” that lived within him. Nobody knew what they meant by that, but it was clear that it was not safe for Jimin to be honest about who he was. Which was why he goes by Chim in Illain and why he didn’t tell you the full story from the beginning. Those who know of his heritage are not only in danger themselves, but they also put Jimin at risk of being exposed. The only ones who are supposed to know are Jimin’s kiela, his father’s friend (who was the new king), and now you. Though, obviously, somebody else must have figured it out because the draikensu from yesterday had known.
As for your destination, Jimin had informed you that he had been summoned to the royal palace. He didn’t know exactly why and neither did his kiela, who had been sent to retrieve him, but the king had said he was needed urgently.
What a fucking shit show.
You had gotten some answers, but in their wake, more questions had sprung up. Who the hell was Uzjuk? What was the “key” within Jimin? Why did the king need him? Do the Saeni even train their royal guard? You pondered the questions as you stepped around a big hunk of rock that was covered in moss. Yet, although more unknowns had arisen, there was one thing you definitely knew: there was no way in hell you weren’t going to learn how to fight now. It was only a matter of time before more of those draikensu fuckers came after Jimin again. You needed to be ready. You wanted to help protect him. There was only one week left of travelling before you reached the royal palace, and you didn’t know what was going to happen once you got there. Would you be able to continue training with Jungkook? Would you all turn around and go back to the tree bridge?
Ugh. More questions!
No matter the case, anything was better than nothing, so you were going to make the most of the asshat’s training in the upcoming week.
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“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Come on, little scorja! Wake your cute ass UP!”
You groaned and tried to push the weight on top of you off, but it only collapsed onto you even more and began poking your sides.
You cracked an eye open and whined, “Tae! Let me sleep!”
It was so damn early that your petals from yesterday were still in effect.
“Nu’uh! A little flower, aka you, told me yesterday that you needed to be up two hours earlier than usual to go to school.” He hoisted you up and you hung limply in his arms, making him hold your dead weight. “So, I’m your alarm clock and I say it’s time to get up!”
He emphasized his words by giving your body a hard shake. You reacted by slapping a hand over his face and then smacking him again and again in various locations on his head.
“Where’s the freaking off button?”
You continued smacking him until you heard his whimpers of how he had just wanted to help. You looked up into his pouting blue eyes and instantly succumbed to them.
Dammit. He knows how to get to me.
“Ugh, fine.”
He beamed, mood instantly shifting back to delighted. He gripped your head in his hands, squishing your cheeks and contorting your face into a forced, closed-lipped smile. “Ah! There’s that pretty, scorja smile!”
That made you genuinely laugh, and you peeled his hands away while stuck your tongue out at him. Then you pulled him into a hug, and whispered into his ear, “Thanks for waking me up, Tae.”
“You’re welcome,” he whispered back. “Oh! Here are your petals for the day.”
You took the delicate objects out of his palm and popped them into your mouth, stretching once their disorienting effects went away. You looked around and noticed that, besides Yoongi giving the two of you a glare for waking him up, the rest of the kiela was still snoozing away except for…
“Good, you’re up. Let’s go.”
You looked over your shoulder and saw Jungkook dropping down from a tree. He had a bow and quiver in his hand, and you wondered where he got it from since you hadn’t seen them before.
“I’ll see you later Tae Tae!” You parted after giving the Saeni a kiss on his cheek.
“They grow up so fast.” He wiped away nonexistent tears as he returned to his on-watch spot. “Learn lots and be safe!
You approached the burgundy-haired Saeni while chuckling. “Good morning, Coco.”
He grumbled out a “good morning, human” and started walking into the trees, leaving you to trail after him.
Jogging to catch up, you asked, “Where’d you get that bow? It’s not Tae’s and I didn’t think anyone else had one, besides Jimin of course, but his is… I don’t know where it is.” You briefly paused to admire a funky looking plant with wavy leaves before continuing. “Is that Jimin’s?”
Jungkook raised a brow at your talkative attitude, bewildered you were that peppy after just waking up. “Not Jimin’s. It’s a spare we keep in a … magic locker? I’m not completely sure how it works, but Yoongi is able to tuck things away into a space and I asked him to bring this out for you last night. It’s one of Tae’s old bows that he used during training. It’ll be easier for you to draw with.”
“Oh. Um, thanks for having him do that.”
It was another small glimpse into the thoughtful and soft side of Jungkook that often, or more like ninety-five percent of the time, disappeared around you.
After the two of you had walked far enough into the foliage to not wake up the others, Jungkook abruptly stopped, which caused you to stumble as you tried to evade running smack dab into his back.
As you regained your balance and moved around to face him, he said, “Okay, today we’re going to start by correcting your pathetic punching technique and then we’re going to do some tests with various weapons to-”
“You’re going to let-”
“Uh… I’m not finished.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
You couldn’t stop your snort. “Geez, who are you? Tyler the Creator?”
“No. I’m Jungkook the Maknae.” He said in a serious tone, lifting his chin up.
You blinked at him. “I… literally cannot stand you.”
“Perfect. We’re on the same page then, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart? Wooow.” You smirked and placed your hands on your hips. “I’ve really gotten an upgrade on my nickname.”
“I swear to Exia, if you don’t let me finish, little human-”
“Oop. There it is.”
He growled.
“Alright, alright.” You raised your hands to signal your peace. “I’ll stop and be a good girl for you.”
Jungkook’s body froze and his pupils dilated as he stared at you. The only movement coming from his form was now the rising and falling of his chest.
You furrowed your brows. Sure, your words could’ve sounded a bit sexual, but you didn’t think you had to worry about the male in front of you thinking that way. Not with his low opinion of you. Plus, some part of you was still convinced that the boy was celibate as hell. Though, you found it odd that he wasn’t moving or taking his green eyes off of you.
“Jungkook?” You pursed your lips.
His eyes bugged out at your voice and he looked away before clearing his throat. “Ah, as I was saying, we’ll test out different weapons to see what kind of fighter you’ll be. Hence why I got the bow. You’ll also try out some throwing knives, a dagger, and a short sword.”
Anticipating your question, he quickly rolled his eyes and said, “Yes, I’m letting you use my short swords.”
“I just figured that you wouldn’t want anyone else touching your shit. Especially me. You seem a little… possessive in that way.”
He shrugged, shifting his gaze to the leaves above his head. Though you didn’t miss his hand moving to gently touch the handle of his ruby dagger.
That must be the thing he gets stingy with. I wonder what’s so special about it?
“We won’t be trying out a normal sword though, because, quite frankly, you just aren’t strong enough for that.”
You couldn’t even get mad at him for saying that since it was probably, most likely, definitely true.
Before anything else happened, Jungkook set down the spare bow and its quiver and led you through a series of static and dynamic stretches. Even though you already knew how to properly warm up your body, you were a dancer for crying out loud, you let him do his thing. Not only did you not want to piss him off, but he was also the one who offered to train you, so you were going to listen and do as he instructed… But he didn’t need to know that you were more focused on the birds’ singing and chirping than his voice while you stretched your quad.
“Alright, I want you doing that before every session, got it?”
You gave him a salute after brushing off your dirt-covered butt. “Aye, aye captain.”
He then directed you to show him how you held your hand during a punch. You did so, and he immediately sighed. He took your fist in his rough, scar-covered hands and turned it this way and that, observing and clicking his tongue in dissatisfaction.
“At least your thumb isn’t inside your fist. It’s good you know not to do that.” He prodded at the appendage. “Move it to rest below your curled fingers, between your pointer and middle fingers.”
After allowing him to adjust you as he saw fit, he also told you to squeeze your fist more, but not to the point of cutting off circulation. You listened attentively to his directions as a crisp morning breeze ruffled both of your hair. When he was pleased with your first, he nodded.
Tapping the knuckles of your ring and pinky fingers, he said, “Never lead your punch with these because it’ll break the shit out of your hand. And don’t try to make contact with this part,” he rubbed the flat part of your fingers that was between the knuckles, “always make contact with your actual knuckles, okay?”
He went on to show you the proper stance as well as the best way to utilize your weight and momentum in an attack.
“Before I have you practicing actual punches on me, I want you to just practice the action to get the movement and feeling down so that you’re comfortable with it.”
With that, he told you that you were now going to start working with some weapons. Not to learn any advanced moves with them, but to simply see if you had a natural affinity for a any certain type. Your mind reeled a bit at how he wanted you to practice before punching, but was about to hand over some weapons and just… let you have at it? It seemed a wee bit backwards to you, but oh well. You were honestly more surprised with how patient and informative Jungkook had been thus far. He had yet to be condescending or snappy toward you. Instead, he gave off the impression that he was… excited. It was apparent that he really enjoyed fighting, both physically and conversationally. Even if it was just teaching a little human like yourself the basics, his voice was lighter and his eyes brighter than they usually were in your presence.
You were brought out of your head when he handed you a throwing knife, the coolness of the metal making you jump out of your thoughts. The blade was about ten inches long with cut-outs and it had a thick, sharp point. He told you that the end you hold when throwing depends on the blade, and to always hold whichever end is heavier, as it creates a more forceful throw. You hummed, and he moved on to show you how the grip the knife: pointer, middle, and ring fingers on one side, thumb on the other, and pinky finger curled at the bottom. When you finally grasped the blade correctly, he made a noise of satisfaction and eased it out of your hand. Then, he demonstrated how to move your body and follow through on the throw. He repeated the motion a couple of times and on the third he calmly released the knife and it embedded itself deep into a tree trunk a solid 25 feet away.
You whistled. “Well hot damn, Coco.”
He smirked at you and told you to go through the motion. You felt like you were transported back to when you were in little league softball, learning how to throw a ball for the first time. After several minutes of you throwing nothing and him tweaking your form, he gave you another knife identical to the previous.
Taking a deep breath and settling yourself into position, you waited for a big gust of wind to subside. Once it passed, you brought your arm back, took a small step, and threw the knife forward. Er… you had wanted the knife to go forward. You must have released prematurely, though, because it went up and to the right instead. Wincing, you held your breath as you waited for the asshat to say something about your misshap.
“Again.” He only handed you another blade.
This time, the knife went forward, but it still missed the tree by a good 10 feet.
Another blade. And another miss. This one to the left of the tree, since you had tried to compensate for your previous blunder.
“Well… that wasn’t as bad as Namjoon hyung, I’ll give you that. Though it still kind of sucked.” His green eyes met yours and you were shocked to see that they held no malice. “And yeah, yeah, yeah, I know ‘it’s your first time,’ but I don’t think you’ll be our new Hobi, sweetheart.”
“I… yeah, me neither.” You released a stream of light laughter as you thought about your failed attempts. “What’s next?”
“Dagger.” Jungkook reached behind him and withdrew a short, curved blade.
“What the heck,” you gasped, “I didn’t even know you had a dagger back there.” You ogled at him like he had just performed a magic trick.
He raised an eyebrow at you, mouth slightly curving upward. “That’s kind of the point, little human. It’s supposed to be hidden.”
Once your awe at his abracadabra moment faded, he asked if you had ever used a dagger before.
“No? Well, um, not before the… tent,” you said in a small voice.
“Oh, right.” He coughed awkwardly. “Uh, so anyway, you know how to use it on a surface level, yeah?”
You gestured to the end of the dagger, which was gleaming in the morning sunlight. “Stick ‘em with the pointy end.”
Come on… there was no way you couldn’t say that.
He looked at you blankly for a few moments, and you were about to tell him it was just a reference, but then he tipped his head back and yelled.
“Not that fucking line again! Chim wouldn’t stop saying it one summer and it haunts me!”
“Wait, you know Game of Thrones?”
“Is that what it’s called? I don’t know, sure. But that’s a quote from the wolf girl, right?”
You excitedly nodded and clapped your hands together rapidly, hoping you could take a short break and talk about the show.
The burgundy head moaned in defeat. “And to think I already had all the reasons to not like you, you go on and say that.” He chuckled to himself in pity.
You didn’t join him, though. The brightness of your eyes died at his words and you looking away from him.
Why are you so upset, Y/N? You knew he didn’t like you.
Well, maybe if he wasn’t so fucking back and forth between being civil and then saying something like that out of the blue, it wouldn’t be so shocking. You had also thought that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t dislike you anymore after the whole draikensu ordeal. Or at least, you thought that he wouldn’t be so openly vocal about it. Looks like you were wrong.
When he realized that you had gone silent, and he thought back to what he had said, his green eyes widened.
“I didn’t-I mean, I don’t…” He sighed when he saw all the playfulness gone from your y/e/c eyes when you returned your gaze to him. “Anyways, here’s how you use it.”
Eventually, you disregarded his comment and focused on the matter at hand. You knew you wouldn’t be drawn toward fighting with a dagger, especially after the other day, but you didn’t want to half-ass your way through it. After going through the dagger and the short sword, both of which you were mediocre at, Jungkook picked up the bow.
Prior to handing it to you, though, he presented an arm guard. Quickly slipping it over your wrist, you grabbed the bow and one of the arrows he offered.
Much to his surprise, you already knew how to notch an arrow. You threw a smirk his way. You also vaguely remembered the basic grip and stance for archery, so you fell into what you hoped was the proper form.
Thank you, middle school archery seminar.
Ignoring your smug display, Jungkook crossed his arms and told you to draw back. Gritting your teeth slightly at the tension, you did and waited as circled and assessed you. After a while, your arms were beginning to shake from holding the position, your muscles not used to that kind of exertion.
“You need to raise your arm a little bit.”
He stepped up right behind you, bringing his chest flush to your back, in order to correct your form. As you felt his firm front pressed against you, you flashed back to when you saw him shirtless. To when his muscles were out on full display and his thick thighs were evident through his damp plants. You recalled how utterly good he had looked, half-naked and dripping water.
Shit. Y/N, snap out of it!
You shook your head like the physical action would make the thoughts fly out of your mind.
“No?” You heard Jungkook question.
“I asked if feels comfortable for you? The position?”
Coughing, you choked out a yes. He looked down at you in confusion for your weird reaction, but instead of inquiring about it he just hummed and stepped away.
You were almost appalled with yourself. Yeah, he was really good looking, hot even, but how could you be thinking about the asshat in that way? You know, the person who basically hated your guts? Not to mention the fact that you had a big, fat, lovey-dovey crush on your best friend… and Jungkook was most definitely not your best friend!
You seriously wondered how he could make you feel so many different things in such a short span of time. You had gone from perky, to teasing, annoyed, happy, excited, disappointed, angry, and finally hot and bothered all within two damn hours.
You were so confused by this male and his words and actions. It was truly exhausting to try to keep up with his mood swings. You dropped your arms with an irked sigh, lowering the bow and bringing some relief to your straining arms.
“Everything okay?” The Saeni asked, his voice sounding slightly concerned.
“Yeah, I’m just… my arms aren’t used to this, and they were hurting. Go ahead and make fun of me for being such a weak, little human.” You had tried to add some fire behind your last statement, but it came out with barely a flicker of heat. You were just too confused as to whether you wanted to be turned on, mad, spiteful, or ashamed.
“Whoa, hey look, I’m sorry for what I said earlier… about, you know, not liking you… it’s just-I don’t-”
“You don’t have to like me, Jungkook. I don’t need every person I come across to like me.”
“It’s not that, it’s-I don’t know-”
You whirled around to face him, and you could see that his face was heating up. Yours was too, but yours was in complete frustration.
“Well, if you don’t know, then can you figure it out for fuck’s sake? If you like me, then great, like me and be pleasant toward me. If you don’t like me, then fine, don’t like me and be a dick.” You were in his face at this point, poking his solid chest with your pointer finger. “I just need you to fucking stop with the going back and forth! I never know which Jungkook I’m going to get, and I’m constantly worried I’ll say something to set you off and I don’t know what it’ll be, and it’s so. Damn. Annoying!”
You turned back around and raised the bow, shooting at a nearby tree. Although it didn’t hit where you had aimed, the arrow still thumped into the trunk nonetheless. Jungkook gaped at you as you angrily faced him once more and shoved the bow at him.
“I want to be an archer. And I want to learn hand to hand fighting. Does that sound good with you? Alright, perfect.” You didn’t even give him a chance to reply before you began stomping your way back to camp. “Thanks for the lesson Coco, I’ll practice the punching and see you bright and early tomorrow.”
As the burgundy-haired male watched your back vanish into the trees he let out a curse and crouched down, gripping his head with both hands. He stayed that way for minutes, letting himself be enveloped by the sounds of the leaves, birds, and bugs… but it wasn’t enough to make the sound of your echoing voice disappear from inside his head. He released a loud noise of annoyance and frustration, and moved a hand to clutch the handle of the dagger strapped to his waist before whispering to the trees, “What the fuck am I doing?”
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aelin-and-feyre · 6 years
When We’re Married - Chapter 7
Rowaelin Arranged Marriage AU - Fic Masterlist
Thank you for being so patient these last few weeks. Super fluffy chapter, hope you enjoy!
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“Most of our wedding guests arrive tomorrow,” Aelin says by way of greeting when Rowan opens his door. His long silver hair is damp, strands clinging to his forehead and the sides of his neck and making small wet spots on his white undershirt. They’d spent the morning sparring and had both become fairly gross in the process. Obviously, they’d had the same idea. Aelin just finished her bath, gradually heating her hair until it was dry afterward.
Rowan’s left brow rises, causing errant flames to ignite in Aelin’s stomach, and he opens the door wider to allow her entry into his quarters. She smiles lightly at him as she steps past. She takes to lounging on a wooden chest at the foot of his bed immediately, swiftly examining the room. The prince strolls to his vanity and picks up a comb, pulling it through his hair rather forcefully.
“Could I braid it for you?” Aelin finds herself asking, semi-mesmerized by his ministrations. To be honest, she hadn’t planned to come to his room. She meant to meet up with him downstairs at lunch. But for days now she has felt a consistently strengthening connection between them— although she has no idea what it means and isn’t sure she wants to find out. When she walked out of her own chambers, in a moment of weakness, her feet angled themselves toward his door instead of the stairwell.
A playful grin stretches across Rowan’s face. “I’m afraid Lorcan and Fenrys would never let me hear the end of it.” He grabs a towel to dry the dripping ends before continuing, frowning at his damp shirt.
“You can take it out later,” Aelin insists, trying not to ogle at the way the wet fabric clings to his muscles. “I wasn’t planning on seeing either of your escorts for the rest of the day anyway.”
A rough chuckle sends those aforementioned flames scrambling through her gut. “Am I allowed to ask what you do have planned, sweetheart?” He’s been trying out different names for her and none of them have stuck—including this one if Aelin’s wrinkled nose is any indication.
The princess scoots back onto the foot of his bed and pats the space she just vacated for him to sit. With a rueful smile, Rowan obliges and Aelin moves to kneel behind him. She holds out a hand for the comb and begins to pull strands of his hair into three sections. “Well, like I said, we have many guests arriving tomorrow and we agreed that we would pretend like the perfect couple in love.”
And because she is focusing on the intricate silver braid, Aelin is surprised when his large hand comes up to pull her down and press a soft kiss to her palm. “What do you mean ‘pretend’, dearest?” His voice is deep and loving but when she catches his gaze in the vanity mirror, his expression is teasing.
Her traitorous cheeks blush fiercely as she pulls her hand from his grip and pinches his shoulder. “I suppose that won’t be a challenge for you at all. I didn’t know that you’re such a good actor.” A rumble of laughter echoes through the room. Aelin returns to her braiding, pulling small strands from the sides to fold into the three main chunks. His hair is obviously well taken care of, and the silver does not betray his age in any way. She imagines he was born with tufts of the metallic colored hair. “Anyway, we’re going on a date.”
Rowan’s shoulders tense. “Aren’t you supposed to ask me if I want to go first? A romantic gesture of some sort?” He offers her an elastic piece of fabric to tie off the braid with.
“I’m pretty sure we’re far past grand gestures of romance,” Aelin observes, “But I can get you flowers if you want.” She finishes his hair and examines her handiwork with pride. Visions of doing this same thing every morning—getting ready together, playing with his hair and laughing with him, being comfortable with each other in a bedchamber—almost makes Aelin’s head spin with happiness. Because she realizes that it’s not a bad future to behold. She finds herself hoping for it.
“I suppose I’ll survive without the flowers,” Rowan says with a sigh, pulling her from her stupor, “Though when I ask you to marry me, I’ll be going all out.” He is incredibly forward today, playful and unperturbed. It might be the fact that they are alone in his chambers and he doesn’t feel like he needs to have any added walls up, or it could be the trust that has formed between them, but Aelin is at a loss for how to react.
The prince, tired of waiting for a response to a statement that didn’t need one, turns to face her. He takes the comb and lifts her hand to his mouth once more. “Thank you for the braid, I shall wear it with pride.” He settles her fingers on his left cheekbone, right over the intricate lines of his tattoo and Aelin finds any breath stolen from her throat as she remembers his confession the other night—what these marks mean to him. “And where is this date taking place, exactly?”
Rowan is feeling lighter than he has in centuries. The afternoon with Aelin in the library, with her so close to him for hours and the secret of Lyria out in the open, left him relieved of a burden he didn’t know was weighing him down so much. And the bond of trust and friendship they formed in that corner of the library has made him prone to seeking out Aelin more. He wants to see her, read with her, sit silently in her company. He can still feel her fingers raking through his hair, twisting it to form the braid that now hangs just past the nape of his neck. He almost purred while she was doing it. Had barely restrained himself from turning around and capturing her lips with his own when she was done.
A mantra from deep in his soul repeats the same word over and over again whenever she is near. Mate, mate, mate. Rowan doesn’t believe it, still refuses to acknowledge that it might be a possibility. But it’s nice to be around Aelin, to talk and banter with her, to smell her jasmine and lemon verbena scent.
That same scent that is filling his senses as she leads the way out of the castle grounds. On their way to their first date.
A thrill of excitement that Rowan almost doesn't recognize flutters along his spine. They are going for a walk in Oakwald forest, Aelin explained, because she wants to show him something. They reach the tree line and Aelin nods to one of the guards patrolling the border. “We’re going to the lysvila, we’ll be back before sundown,” she tells him. The guard bows and continues his route but Rowan has a feeling he memorized the time of day, their attire, and the few weapons stashed on their belts and will be reporting it to his superiors.
“Once, I didn’t tell anyone where I was going or when to expect me back,” Aelin begins as she falls into step beside him and slips her hand into his own. They tread along a dirt path just wide enough for them to walk side by side. Tall trees with trunks that could house a goblin surround them. Ferns, weeds, and flowers cover the forest floor but do not encroach on the marked trail. Rowan glances at Aelin and finds her staring far into the distance as she continues. “Mostly because I wasn’t expecting to ever be back, but it was because of my negligence that it took them so long to find us because they didn’t even know where to begin to look.”
The prince listens silently, not daring to breathe or misstep lest it breaks whatever veil of calm Aelin is maintaining. They walk silently for a couple more minutes as the princess searches for the words. Squirrels and rabbits scuttle through the brush beside them, the wind rattles the pine branches, and a woodpecker somewhere in the distance searches for its next meal. Finally, Aelin’s quiet, hopeless voice interrupts nature’s course like a rock in a stream. “You have trusted me with so much, Rowan,” she says, her grip tightening on his hand, “and you deserve honesty in return... But this is really hard for me and-”
Rowan halts his steps. Aelin is caught off guard but she stops as well, her breath catching ragged in her throat. Rowan can practically hear the tears clogging her speech. He steps in front of her and catches her face between his hands, pulling her back to the present—back to him.
“I enjoyed seeing you in my bed earlier,” he confesses, dragging the pad of his thumb below her eyes to wipe away any tears. He’s about to broach a dangerous subject. They have both skirted around any topic of their marital bed or this odd enticing attraction between them. He can see Aelin’s expression become reproachful but he continues before she can protest. “Being with you in an informal manner like that gave me a glimpse of what our future will be like, and how vast it will be. We have centuries together, Aelin.” The princess pushes her cheek into his palm at the reminder, smiling contently. “You do not have to tell me everything during the first week, no matter what I revealed the other day.”
Aelin’s fingers rise to touch his cheek, tracing the whirls of black. Thank you, her eyes tell him. He nods, laces their fingers together, and pulls her to start walking again. “I saw it too, y’know,” the princess says, her voice back to normal. Rowan throws her an inquisitive look. “Our future, being with you forever...”
He nudges her shoulder with his own playfully. “Did you like what you saw?”
Aelin smirks. “I like you in tight wet shirts.” Rowan’s head tips back as he roars with laughter, scaring the surrounding wildlife into momentary silence. When he regains his composure, Aelin is smiling thoughtfully at him. “If I can make you laugh like that every day, then yes, I like the future I see.”
I like our future too, he says without words as they continue through the forest that is becoming steadily denser with each minute they walk. “Where are you taking me?” He asks again.
“We’re almost there, you can already start to hear them.” Aelin places a finger against her lips and tilts her head toward the bend in the path a few paces in front of them. Rowan listens, picking up the sounds of the wind coursing through the branches, the wings of a hummingbird behind a nearby tree, the crickets chirping in the brush, and the sound of tiny paws scurrying over roots. Or, not paws. Tiny feet gallop beneath the ferns and bushes, the tinkle of quiet laughter, and a song both familiar and completely foreign.
Aelin quickens her steps and Rowan follows, turning around the bend to behold the opening of a clearing. A pool of water glistening in the light filtered through the leaves is the center of the outcropping of trees. Large, smooth stones surround it as if the formation was built by man. Dandelions peek between the cracks of the rocks while daffodils droop over the surface of the water as if this is where Narcissus himself fell in love. The dirt path stops at the edge of the clearing and lush grass replaces it, surrounding the pond in bright green.
“What is this place?” Rowan asks in wonder.
Aelin kicks off her shoes and steps onto the grass, digging her toes into it and gesturing for him to follow. “We call it lysvila—fairy pool. It’s where Terrasen’s people come to connect with the Little Folk.”
Rowan halts in the middle of untying his laces. The sounds he’d heard before were the pattering of the Little Folk. Elusive creatures of either great ferocity or kindness, depending on their current disposition. Aelin must read the hesitation on his face because she laughs. “The Little Folk of Terrasen are unlike those in Doranelle. They are friends, spies, and horrible gossips.” She directs the last words at the bushes to her left, where three pairs of eyes watch her and quiet tittering can be heard.
The prince deposits his boots and joins Aelin in the grass. They sit, backs settled against the large stones, and gaze at the wondrous peaceful beauty around them. “I used to spend hours here when I was young, reading, swimming, playing games with the Little Folk. It was the only place I didn’t have to worry about burning something or losing control.”
“Why not?” Rowan asks, reaching over the rock to dip his hand into the cool, clean water. Ripples spread from the contact, distorting the image of the daffodils and reflecting sunlight in all directions.
Aelin lights a perfectly still flame above her finger, then extinguishes it, only to ignite it once more. She does this three more times as if assuring herself that she can do it. “Something about this place—inside the circle of grass—concentrates magic, makes it easier to wield and less of a burden on those who wield it.” She cuts her arm diagonally through the air and a blade of flame materializes in front of them, slashing through nothing before disappearing again. “You probably feel nothing different, as you have perfect control over your abilities, but as a child, it was a solace, a relief from the wall I constantly had to rebuild to keep those around me safe.”
“I understand how important that would be,” Rowan acknowledges. He reaches over and pushes a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. “Thank you for showing this to me.” He says softly. A sweet lullaby of the Little Folk echoes across the space. “I like their music,” the prince comments, pointed ears twitching toward the unknown source.
Aelin smiles wistfully. “I used to dance for them, practicing routines from my ballet classes.”
“You’re a dancer?” Rowan asks, eyes alight.
The princess grimaces. “Not well. Madame Florine did her best but I’m much better in combat than I am on the dance floor. I’d understand if you don’t want to dance with me at the ball tomorrow night.”
Right. The ball. In honor of the royal guests arriving for the wedding, a celebration will be held at the castle tomorrow night. Rowan will be introduced to the continent’s rulers and his and Aelin’s loving relationship will be established. Dancing will be a key factor in that display.
Rowan stands and offers his hand to his fiancée. “Luckily, I’m over three hundred years old and have had to suffer through countless balls. I know a little thing or two about dancing.” Aelin’s expression is skeptical, her gaze questioning, and Rowan rises to the unspoken challenge. “Come on, angel,” he murmurs, “dance with me.”
Her fingers, small compared to his but just as calloused, wrap around his own and he helps her to stand. Rowan’s left hand grasps her waist, while Aelin’s flutters to his shoulder. Her thumb grazes the side of his neck and Rowan pulls her close. Rose and jasmine and lemon verbena fill his nose, his mind, his soul as he grips her tighter and lets the music of the Little Folk sweep them into a waltz.
Aelin does not falter, does not stumble, does not remove her gaze from his as they dance. The clearing is their own little ballroom, earth softening their footfalls and grass peeking through their toes. Aelin’s fingers move to his braid and pull it loose of its band of fabric, letting the silver strands fall around his shoulders. Rowan’s fingers splay across the small of her back, keeping her close to him, their chests pressed together and movements synchronized.
Rowan feels that bond between them sing at the intimacy of the moment and knows that she senses it as well. Mate, mate, mate, that voice in his soul chirps. Rowan notices tiny crystals of ice forming in her hair and realizes that, without meaning to, his power is creating a crown for her. Intricate in its simplicity, the blue of the ice tiara highlights the turquoise of her eyes. Without breaking step, Aelin lifts her hand to touch the cold jewelry.
The breath in Rowan’s lungs is stolen from him. She is absolutely breathtaking. His voice comes out in a croak as he whispers, “My queen.”
Happiness shines in Aelin’s eyes and he feels her power meld with his own, creating a crown of flame atop his silver hair. The fire is reflected in her gaze and Rowan is transfixed. “My king,” she murmurs back.
He wants to kiss her. Rowan wants to lean down and kiss her at this moment more than he has ever wanted to do anything in his life. And his self-control is already on a tight leash. As if realizing how dangerously close he is to caving to his will, the song of the Little Folk quiets, breaking the spell. He halts their dancing and drops her hand. They both pace away a few steps away, regaining common sense.
“I don’t understand this thing between us.” She gestures to the newfound space separating them, allowing air to take up residence in his lungs once more.
Aelin feels it too. He knew this somewhat but hearing it confirmed both confuses and vindicates Rowan. He considers confessing the possibility that is roaring in his gut to be acknowledged, but when he opens his mouth, he can’t find the words. Their crowns crumble to nothing and Rowan feels his power deflate within him as if a small child lost a friend to play with. And then a new word is coursing through the prince’s thoughts.
“I’m not sure either, but I have a hunch.” Without fully thinking through his plan, Rowan takes the dagger from his weapons belt and slices a diagonal line across his palm. Aelin yelps and the clearing goes silent as the Little Folk stop to watch.
“What are you doing?” She sputters, crossing the distance between them to take the dagger from him and toss it on the grass far away from him. Rowan clenches his jaw against the spike of pain and redirects his power away from his hand to keep it from healing him.
“Aelin,” he whispers and her eyes wrench away from inspecting his cut to look at his face. “Do you trust me?” Her gaze searches his own for some sign of insanity.
Upon finding none, she says, “Of course...”
Rowan reaches for her own hip, where a ruby encrusted dagger sits snugly in a leather sheath. He draws it out slowly and she watches him. If she truly is his... mate, he won’t be able to hurt her. Instead, he hands her the dagger. “Fae with compatible powers who are meant to fight side by side have a bond between them that allows them to share their magic and communicate in unique ways.”
Recognition dawns on Aelin’s features. “You think we might be carranam.” It’s not a question but Rowan nods anyway.
“With a force that controls and concentrates magic, this might be the safest place to test that theory.” He motions toward the knife in her hand. Aelin’s head bobs, more to herself than to him, and slices the dagger across the smooth skin of her palm. Rowan cringes, hating the sound of her inhale, shocked that he can almost feel her pain. It echoes of the discomfort he felt only moments before.
Carefully, he takes the dagger from her and throws it by his own, the soft clink seeming unbearably loud in the silent clearing. Then he grasps her hand and gently kisses each of her fingertips in apology. “I don’t know if this is going to work, but I don’t know another way to explain it.” Lies. That voice in his soul is again chanting in his head the real reason they both feel this way, and Rowan knows that he is too much of a coward to face it. If they really are carranam, it might put his guilty conscious at ease.
He opens his clenched fist, crimson dripping onto the soft grass, and presses his bloodied palm against hers.
Carranam. The word is the answer to all the questions Aelin has been asking for the past week. The power that courses through his veins as their fingers lace together is immeasurable. She is glad that they are near the lysvila or she might have decimated the entirety of Oakwald with this magic. They could burn and remake the world together, Aelin realizes. She and Rowan are carranam and they have the ability to change everything.
The Little Folk’s spell has a peculiar effect on the magic, however. Flame erupts and freezes and melts and ignites around them. It does not burn and does not stretch beyond little pockets of power that floats in the air around them. Rowan’s legendary wind is mere gusts that ruffle their hair. Whitethorn’s gaze holds her own as they experience this new ferocity of potential.
“What now?” Aelin asks, barely able to hear her own voice over the frenzy of magic.
The grim line of Rowan’s smile grounds the princess. “We dance.”
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princeasimdiya12 · 6 years
Dreamworks Princess AU Part 2
(Please see this post in reference to the other AUs involved).
@tornrose24 I’ve honestly thought about that too. It would be pretty extreme since the two movies are so different. I especially love the idea of the MvA cast in utter confusion over the musical numbers with Susan trying to question how everything is coordinated. Bob being Bob wouldn’t be bothered by it at all.
We can have it set that Susan was a princess from the human kingdom of Modestelle while Poppy is the princess of the neighboring troll kingdom Troll Town. The two were best friends when they were little despite their size difference and had so much fun together doing all sorts of things. That is until Susan accidentally knocked her aside during their games which caused her to fear that she may have hurt her. So she’d try to avoid Poppy while Poppy just wants to see her friend again. And she gets her chance when the king and queen announce Susan’s arranged marriage and have invited the citizens of Troll Town to attend. But when she gets hit by the radioactive meteor and turns into a giant, Susan panics because of her height and is fearful that she’ll hurt someone. Especially when she sees Poppy trying to help her. She runs off to the mountains in self exile while Poppy and her band of friends run off to find her. It follows the same path with Susan embracing her new height after befriending the monsters who have inhabited the mountains while Poppy comes across Branch who has more experience living in the deeper parts of the forests but isn’t keen on Poppy’s excessive optimism or her merry crew. We can also include the Alien dictator trying to take over the kingdom in a way similar to the Duke of Weaselton and Creek would be suited for Hans who’s (SPOILERS) trying to take over the kingdom of Troll Town and is secretly working with the Alien dictator to get rid of the two princesses. (I also want to avoid including the Berken since I want to include them and their culture for Bridgette’s story).
And yeah, we’d really have to be careful with how we treat the characters from the Prince of Egypt. It’s too enriched in religious significance that it would be pretty offensive if the story turned too…Disney. Maybe we can have Tzipporah’s goal as to be the new chief after her father.  Jethro still passes away just like Tia’s dad so now Tzipporah is in charge and is doing everything she can to keep the caravan strong and healthy. But her sisters are worried that she’s working herself too hard and isn’t enjoying her life like their dad would have wanted. They’d also recommend that she try to look into finding a husband. But she doesn’t have time for that. As for Moses, he’d still be the playful and reckless prince as before but he ends up in the clutches of the court magicians. They’re tired of his pranks and how he’s causing trouble for Egypt. So they figure they could try to ‘get rid’ of Moses by tricking him into going into their private office to foresee his future. But with the use of flashing lights and homemade remedies, they end up erasing his memory, dress him as a peasant, and have him thrown out of the city. (The use of Friends on the Other Side would be similar to the magicians using the Egyptian gods as their friends and having them help with their schemes). And that’s all I have so far. I’m not sure how Ramses would fit since he goes from brother to antagonist later on and I don’t know how to include the ‘freeing of the slaves’ subplot. We may have to omit these parts if necessary.
I figure for that AU, the story would begin with a ceremony being held for Toothiana. She’d be given her wings after her years of selfless work with children and she’d be assigned to live with North, Bunnimund and Sandy. But Pitch crashes the party and casts his curse on Toothiana making it so that in 1 years time, the memories she’d create and inspire among the children of the world would become corrupted resulting in the guardians being hated by the children and ultimately forgotten.  So the new group decides to head out to a secret base that will protect Toothiana from Pitch’s curse while continuing their work. And eventually Jack would come on in as a new guardian to help them defeat Pitch and would end up winning the interest of Toothiana.
You’re very welcome for that Rose. ^_^ And sure, I can think of some more ideas for the other princesses.
So I mentioned Bridgette before and her story would be very similar to the Cinderella setting. She’d have loving parents who ended up dying and left her in the care of Chef the evil stepmother. She’s more occupied with her image as a celebrity chef so she has Bridgette take care of the cleaning and washing of the house. One day Chef gets an order to make an exquisite feast using several trolls for the king and his son so she’d have Bridgette come with her as her ‘assistant’. While Chef is preparing the feast, Bridgette ends up chasing after an escaped troll which is when she comes across Gristle Jr. The two have an adorkable moment together where Jr is interested in learning more about her while Bridgette is amazed that someone as important as him would be interested in a homely girl like herself. But the moment is cut short when Chef is kicked out after failing to provide any trolls for the feast thus separating the two. Chef takes her anger out on Bridgette by doubling her chores and forcing her to work nonstop; she’s also petty enough to make even more messes after Bridgette finishes something. But Bridgette distracts herself with her encounter with the prince and imagines what life would be like if she lived in the palace. I’m wondering if we should include Poppy and her posse as the mice friends for the sake of cameo. Maybe Poppy could fill in as the ‘fairy godmother’ who gives her a new look and the means to sneak out to attend the ball.
For the Croods in the Little Mermaid setting, I imagine Eep and her family as mermaids who are fairly content with living in their not so open range of ocean. It’s really old, is devoid of sealife, and is filled with large craters and rock structures. But Grug is the patriarch and isn’t bothered by this as long as his family is safe. Eep however wants to explore beyond the ocean and see the other parts that have more life. Guy would be a normal human boy who ventures around in his boat with his pet sloth. The two become amazed by each other’s presence since they’ve never seen anyone like each other. I also feel that there would be a sense of evolution involved in the sense that Eep would spend more time on the surface that her tail fin would slowly change into two legs giving her the ability to walk. Much to her father’s horror. From what I remember from the movie, there wasn’t really a human antagonist who could fill in for Ursula so the evolution thing could fit in for how she’d be able to walk on dry land. But if you have another idea for this, I’m more than willing to hear it.
Chel’s story would follow the same path for the Pocahontas AU. Although like with the Prince of Egypt/Princess and the Frog AU, we’d have to be extra careful with how this is done. Mainly because both of these stories are set in the colonial era and we don’t want to get into anything too controversial. So for Chel, she’s more along the lines of a…escort but she doesn’t want to follow that path anymore. She initially tries to leave her home until she secretly discovers Cortes’ fleet docking several miles away from El Dorado. She also ends up finding Tulio and Miguel during her path and she ends up learning about Cortes’ colonization plans and desire for gold. She initially considered leaving everything behind but thinks twice after the men question what she wants in life. I’m not exactly sure what would motivate her to try and save her home (maybe after seeing Cortes being a sadistic monster and mistreating his men). And there would also be a love triangle involved where she ends up falling for Tulio who is in a relationship with Miguel. (They were originally written to be gay in the first draft of the movie so it only makes sense if they ended up being gay for this AU).
And for Marina, her role in the Brave AU would be about her struggling to come to terms with her arranged marriage. In this AU, she has to choose between the righteous and moralistic friend Proteus or the ‘bad boy’ Prince of the Sea Sinbad with the choice of her hubby resulting in changes to the relationships between the kingdoms. Sinbad’s kingdom is more like an unofficial system involving various criminals, pirates and anti-government citizens. I figure Eris could be involved as the witch who ‘offers’ to help Marina with her choice in the matter. Except it ends up with Marina unintentionally leading Sinbad to turn Proteus into a Cthulu type creature. Eris hoped that Marina would choose Sinbad and the three kingdoms would be at war over the result. So now the three friends have to reach Eris’ domain to discover the secret to saving Proteus while Marina finds a path in which she can make her own destiny.
And that’s what I have so far. What do you think?
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a/b/o arranged marriage au
I was writing the outline for the wedding sabotage au until i got bored. So I watched one of my fave movies Marie Antionette and had this idea. Wrote this drabble in a couple hours. I’m tired but its cute. idk if u want more lemme kno of course (dnt worry i’ll still work on the other one too). As always, love you guys a lot and enjoy <<<333
It has come to my attention, after discovering a possible invasion and attempt to conquer Delfeur, that I, King Aleron de Vere, implore a disparate annex towards Vere. It would be unwise to take an area of Veretian soil and expect absolute subjection. The Delfeurean people are loyal to the crown of Vere and a war against our country will cause the death of a great many young men and would impact the taxes of both our nations. Raises in taxes will lead both our people to restless behavior and acrimony towards you, King Theomedes. For you will be solely responsible for this war. You must also take into consideration that when compelling my people under your rule, they too will remember that you are solely responsible.
I would like to make an offer that both kingdoms, Vere and Akielos, should find presentable and most suitable for avoidance in war. Prince Damianos, heir to Akielos, is of age to marry and is yet to be. It is in Vere, The Council, and my greatest interest and contentment that my youngest son, Prince Laurent de Vere, has recently come of age. From what I have heard of your most honorable son is that he prefers the physiognomy that my son bears. Prince Laurent is an intelligent young man but knows when to hold his tongue, follow orders, and sustain his duties. In my most unbiased opinion I see it as a very tolerable match and constitutes itself as a preferred one of the people when the knowledge that it keeps from war is greatly acknowledged.
I hope you take this into great consideration. For both my people of Vere and the people of Akielos have their lives in your most dignified hand.
The Regent finished and looked up towards his brother, King Aleron.
“See, dearest brother, all you need is to sign the document. I’ll have it sent and we wait for King Theomedes’ answer.” The Regent gave a wicked grin and placed and pen and paper on the desk in front of King Aleron, who had his head resting gravely against his hand.
“Laurent goes off to marry some sweaty barbaric-”
“He is much more use there than he is here. Prince Auguste is the only heir we desire and Laurent wastes his time riding and reading books and when not doing that he is distracting Prince Auguste with such nonsense.”
“A royal marriage will not only be beneficial to this Kingdom but to Laurent as well. He will be forced to learn Akielon and practice the social cues of both Veretian and Akielon.”
King Aleron gave a heady sigh. “And the council agrees with this idea?”
“They admire it greatly. They appreciate not sending their sons to war and sending the surly Prince away.” King Aleron gave a boisterous laugh. His younger brother only smiled and picked up the pen to hold it out towards his brother.
“One signature and two things happen: You stop a war and are beloved by both Veretian and Akielon alike, or King Theomedes denies the fruitful request and will be blamed by every mother who lost a son. Either way, you’re golden.”
King Aleron took the pen from his brother’s gloved hand and pondered up at him for a moment, distressing “how did you conclude to this idea?”
“I saw Laurent was...of age and yet so unbecoming of a Prince of Vere. I told him punishment would rain down on him and he refused to believe me.”
“So this is a punishment towards Laurent?”
The Regent puckered his lips in thought. It took him only a second to spew “a punishment is for teaching. This is Laurent’s lesson into his becoming of a noble Prince. And is,” The regent placed his finger just above the area for King Aleron to sign. “The very future of Vere.”
Studying the paper once over, King Aleron signed his salient signaturea and handed the paper back to his brother. When The Regent went to make his leave he was stopped by a sharp grip around his wrist. He turned back and gazed upon his older brother, who flipped his wrist upside down and kissed it once. “You have done a great service to me and this Kingdom, brother.” The Regent offered only a half smile and a nod.
“You know how much I care for you and this Kingdom,” and he permanently made his leave for the night.
“It’s a dirty trick.” Kastor stated, loudly. It was only after several seconds of King Theomedes finishing the letter that Kasor had made the bold and derogatory statement.
“Perhaps, King Aleron is truly offering an olive branch in an attempt to avoid war-”
“Oh Gods, Damianos you cannot actually be serious? Your blind trust in these Veretian snakes is the real reason why Akielos would lose all its land to Vere.”
“Enough, Kastor. How dare you speak to your brother that way.” Kastor had only fumed at his father’s words, but held his jaw taut and avoided saying anything else for the brief moment.
“This proposal is an interesting one,” King Theomedes rubbed at his beard in reflection. “It shows that Vere is vulnerable, and that they cannot afford to fight in the war so they are attempting
“Or they are fully prepared to fight a war and are trying to offer an unknowingly better option.”
Kastor and Damen both began to argue over each other, Kastor pronouncing “bullshit this is an obvious attempt to trick us-
“Trick us? You act as though peace is such a terrible option-
“-into bringing in their veretian whore to spy while barely missing a war they know they couldn’t win-”
“Kastor don’t you dare refer to an innocent 13 year old as a ‘whore’ and ‘spy that’s indecorous-’”
“Oh look, father! Damen is already defending the little slut. Throw the ceremonial chiton on him now there is sure to be a most congenial wedding!”
A hard slam against the mahogany desk brought both the Akielon princes to attention. Damen turned towards his father with his head down while Kastor continued to carry his ill-look of disdain towards his brother. “This is not how my sons and heirs to this throne behave.”
A nod from Damen followed by a “Yes King, I apologize for my behavior. If I were to debate with another King I would be considered uncouth and childish.” Damen continued to keep his head down.
“I appreciate your apology, Damen, and forgive you under the fact that you are 19 and still learning. Kastor?” Kastor crossed his arms and rocked on his feet, displaying that he was not going to apologize for his, what he considered, rightful outburst. “Very well then. Damen you will tell me your opinion on this, Kastor will have no word,” at this Kastor uncrossed his arms and his countenance held a mixture of disbelief and heavy indignance.
“Father this is unwise-”
“You dare tell your King and Father how to-”
“No I am simply trying to make you understand that Damen is naive when it comes to foreign affairs and should not be given to decide on such a paramount decision.”
“I’ve had enough of your insolence, Kastor,” King Theomedes held his body up in a commanding form, yet still held grace and nobility while pointing his eldest son towards the door. Damen gazed upon his father’s stance, attempting to memorize and learn from its power. “Leave now.”
“But Father!”
“I am your King and you will do as I say before I throw you over this desk and beat your ass with a stick while the council watches.”
There was a standoff between father and son in that moment. Kastor had not left and Damen was experiencing physical anxiety from the idea of disobeying his father the way Kastor was. Eventually Kstor left by stomping his feet and slamming the chamber doors. King Theomedes shook his head but gave his full attention back to Damianos.
“What is it you wish to do, Damianos?”
“I believe accepting the extended olive branch will prove most prosperous between our two kingdoms. I cannot help but feel that if we go straight to war, without seeking a different, more peaceful approach, that we would be deceptive and irresponsible with our people.
King Theomedes nodded gracefully, “Laurent is only 13. You don’t seem to become hot at the idea of a youthful boy.”
“No, I do not and never will. I was thinking to make sure the arrangement stays solidified, Prince Laurent may stay in our Kingdom. Learns our Language and culture norms, then when he comes of age I take him as my bride.”
“The council?”
“I can take my argument of why this is a more acceptable idea than war. And if you are to be on my side they would be much more willing.”
“And Kastor? He will not agree to this at all.”
“This decision is more important than what Kastor agrees with.”
“He is your brother,” King Theomedes reminded.
“Yes but this is Akielos’ and Vere’s future and I am heir to the throne not Kastor and who I pick for my bride, especially if it benefits the people is not his concern.” Damen was starting to sweat under the hot breeze and excitement from his presentation. After his father stared him down for what seemed hours, Damen received a wide smile. King Theomedes walked out from behind the desk and threw his arm around his son, pulling him in close.
“That’s the passion I love, Damianos. The passion of a true king! I will stand by your side in this decision, Damianos. Remember, it is your first major one and foretell your strength as a leader and decision maker. Do not make a mistake, son.”
“I will think thoroughly and carefully and audit any advice or grievances given to me.” Damen placed his hand on his father’s shoulder and stared into his eyes. “I am grateful for this trust you have given me, Father-King. I will not disappoint.”
King Theomedes smiled and hugged his son briefly. Once he released Damen he went towards the chamber doors to tell a guard to fetch the council at once. He halted and glanced back at Damen.
“This Prince Laurent will need to be protected and gain the people’s approval. Even I hate the idea of him being here but I’m allowing this because of you. Don’t mistake an approval of a decision, for the eradication of an on-going prejudice.” 
Damen was completely unaware of what to say as he was left alone in the King’s advisory room. But from his father’s warning, he suspected that perhaps a war might have been easier.
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empressgeekt · 8 months
Trolls - Burning Branches au - Part 3 Aftermath
Okay so if anyone has not read the other posts on this AU, I highly suggest you do. Believe me this will be much more fun with context. The previous posts are by the same title, minus the "Part 3". I will also be tagging all of them with the title after posting this.
Char = Branch
Lets get into it...
When we last left of the Family Harmony was complete and the V-Twins were being carted off to jail. Char and Poppy kissed and wondered if they could finally get married now.
Then Floyd collapsed. The troll literally had the life drained out of him for two months, he is not walking away from that with just a new hair style. This sends the happy moment into one of panic. Floyd does not wake up when prompted, and not even when the other moved him on to Rhonda. It's clear he needs a doctor, but none on Mount Rageonus know troll physiology, so they need to leave as soon as possible.
But where will they go? Anywhere is still few days drive, and there is barely any supplies on Rhonda. No food. There was water but not enough for everyone. And most importantly no medicine beyond a very old, very basic first-aid kit John had for gotten about. Barb and Bruce stay behind to make sure Floyd doesn't die (and make sure Tiny takes a nap). Floyd has a seizure and Barb steps in taking control of the situation with Bruce freezes. Bruce asks her how she knew to tend to someone who's sick, and Barb explains that Char used to have them as a kid and she was usually the one who nursed Char through his head aches, and when he got sick from the volcanic fumes. This leads to bonding between the two of them, and Bruce starts to think of Barb as his little sister too.
When the others get back, John and Clay kind of freak out about the seizure when told. Trips home can wait they need a doctor. Rock territory is closeted and the doctor that treated Char originally is still around and on call. Still few days drive, but it's the best guess they got.
When Floyd finally wakes up he's a mess. Exhausted, nauseous, with a killer head ache. It's also in the middle of the night, and everyone is still asleep. Well, everyone except Poppy and Char. They were still up due to some shared insomia, and discussing their re-do wedding plans. Floyd's perception of things are still hazy, so he's calling Char by Branch and not noticing the latter's discomfort over the name. Still Char helps alleviates Floyd migraine so he can go back to sleep. Floyd asks how Char would know that it would work, Char says it works for me. Floyd would continue to ponder that, until he passes back out.
When they get back into Rock Kingdom territory, Floyd is taken into the hospital rather quickly, and is put on supportive devices, to combat server malnutrition, dehydration, and oxygen just incase. Brain scans, reveal scaring on his brain from several concussions that went untreated. The source of his seizures, and possibly other symptoms that have yet to show themselves. Once he's conscious he reports of, numbness, pain and tingling in his legs and is looking at possible nerve damage.
During this time, with the help of Barb, Bruce manages to get a letter out to his family explaining what was going on and it would be little longer until he was home. Char and Barb re-unite with their Dad and Riff. And the rest are just trying to make sense of everything.
Floyd has, at least one of his brothers with him at all times. When he's awake they talk and bond, and when he's asleep they comfort his nightmares. He notices that Char isn't there most of the time (he's out making princely announcements explaining the situation and dealing with some back-lash about "returning to his own kind" from some of the less accepting citizens), and is worried that his Brother is mad at him for not coming back. He practically breaks down upon hearing about Char amnesia, and asks to see him.
Char comes, but is very awkward when he first arrives. Floyd takes in all the difference, and mentions the green vest. Char says he can't remember being without it, Floyd says he gave it to him, before beginning to apologize for leaving him. Char shuts it down, telling Floyd his injury isn't his fault, maybe a few days ago he'd have been mad, but he doesn't regret how his life turned out. He hugs Floyd and wipes his tears. Floyd tells Char that comforting was his job, Char says no matter who's older siblings comfort each other. Floyd wants to know how Char's life turned out. Char, eagerly tells him about Barb and Thrash, how he grew up as a prince, and his betrothal to Poppy. Floyd is shocked his brother grew up as a prince, but is happy his brother grew up in a good home, and wanted to meet Poppy, Thrash and Barb as soon as possible.
Eventually, Floyd is released. He's on crutches, with braces on his legs and has physical therapy routine he needs to follow to walk again. They stay at Char and Barb cavern (their royalty they have the room, and Thrash is loving the company, he's convinced their all his kids and no one corrects him) during this time and for a few days after the release, but tension with the public is spiking and they can't stay for long. Barb stays behind to control the crowds and the others go to Pop village. Viva would re-unite with Peppy, and begin preparations to move the Put Put trolls to the village, with an escort of Rock guards off course.
The saga would end, with Poppy and Char finally getting married and Char coronated as king of pop...with an epilogue of years alter when they had twins trollings, named Rosie and Ash (named after Grandma and Thrash).
Part One and Part two
And those are my currently plans. I'm going to outline this, but Not sure if I should fully write this thing out now or later. What ya'll think?
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empressgeekt · 8 months
Trolls - Burning Branches au - PART 2!!! Enter Brozone
Okay, so if anyone is reading this AU summery before my first post on the topic, you will not understand what is going on. So, yourself a favor and find post 1, it's by the same title, just without the big, "PART 2" on it. just go to my profile and use the tag "Burning Branches au"
Char=Branch to remind everyone.
Now for everyone else, let's pick up back where we left off...
The wedding day, starts out normal enough. Char manages to identify the pod he was hatched in, he Poppy and Barb go inside, to remises on memories he doesn't know, and try and find something to connect himself to this practical stranger who saved his life. Char finds a picture of him and the woman, from when he was a young child. Poppy is supportive, saying that the elderly troll must've loved Char very much. Barb, says that she was a bad*** for saving Char the way she did. Poppy ends up finding some Brozone albums, and said that she had a good taste in music, to the now very confused royal rock siblings.
The ceremony came all too soon. Satin and Chelie, along with Bridget and Barb helped Poppy, get dressed. While Peppy, Riff and Thrash (although he's not doing much), are helping Char prepare. They get to the part of vows, Poppy in a bright colorful dress, Char in a leather suit with his guitar on his back. Cooper is officiating for some reason. and then...
"Stop the Wedding!"
Out of the sky came flying in one John Dory in all of his lack-of-self-awareness glory. Char asks if Poppy knows this guy, she shakes her head, Cooper mumbles that he hadn't gotten to the objection part of the ceremony, and Barb stands up looking ready to throw hands.
JD does not notice the tense angry and confused atmosphere he's created, instead going on about how he's looking for someone named, "branch", until his eyes settle on Char and he lights up. Que the movie antics that JD does in canon, upon seeing his little brother. Completely missing the fact that Char does not recognize him. Barb gets involved the moment the butt slap happens, because that is not okay. She drags John off of Char and pins him to the ground demanding that he explain himself before she throughs him into the bowels of the volcano to forever rot.
John Panics, starts calling Char for help, to get the crazed Rock troll off of him. Char is like "Am I supposed to know you?"
This makes JD freeze, and the older troll starts calling out to Char in every nickname he can remember, but Char just shakes his head. Poppy chimes in, asking the important question of who John was. John answers that he's Char' brother. Everyone is confused. Poppy askes if they for got to invite this one, Char just shakes his head. Barb laughs at the claim and presses John further into the ground. Something clicks then for Poppy and she tells barb to let him up, and then id's him as John Dory.
Barb snorts when Poppy calls him old. Then she annouces for her guard to "Take this lune who tried to claim to be a member of the Rock Royal family and interrupted her brothers wedding."
John panics, and not just because the guards are coming towards him, but because he realized that not only was his baby brother getting married, but he just ruined the wedding. Just as the guards seize him, Char tells them to wait.
"Can you prove it? IF you're my bio-brother can you prove it?"
"Char?" Barb said, "What are you doing?"
"On the off chance he's telling the truth, this might be my only way to get some answers."
"Answers?" John chimed in, "Answers to what Bitty B? Look I should've figure you'd be angry. After all we didn't leave on the best of terms and I just uh...kind of ruined your wedding-also how did this happen?-"
"Cut to the chase!" Char snapped, "Do you have proof? or do I need to let my sister do as she pleases."
"Sister? She's not..."
"Get on with it!" Barb snapped.
John continues to pull out pictures of him and his brothers form inside of his vest coat. (the dude has clay's underwear memorialized, pictures in his pocket isn't far off). Char reacts poorly to an image of him, he can recognize himself as an infant, in the arms of pink-haired troll that he doesn't known but feels familiar. A migraine comes on and he passes out while trying to process everything. Needless to say this escalated the incident further, and Poppy's screaming for a doctor, John is now fighting the guards only to fail and get taken away at Barb's order, and the crowds are both a mix of mild shock/panic and loving the drama.
Barb is both frantic and on a mission. After ensuring that Char is okay just overwhelmed and unconscious, and that her dad is in safe hands, she goes to confront her new prisoner. She finds John panic pacing around his cell, and he turns to her immediately asking if his brother is okay. Barb growls at him, but says that Char will make a full recovery, and that it was just his condition acting up. John began demanding to know what type of condition his brother has in a panic wondering if his Bitty B had been sick all these years. Barb shoots back that she'll be the one asking the question here, but since it's relevant to what she wants to know, she tells John about how her father found Char half dead with his skull cracked in half. Then she asks, "If you're really Char's older brother, then how could you let something like that happen to him?"
John is stunned to silence, only able to murmur that he thought Bitty B was safe, with their grandmother. Barb told him he was wrong, and then asks why he's even here, as you can't just jump into someone's life after twenty years, family or not. It's too late. John tries to say he came back but the tree was empty and he thought that his people, and family were dead, and only started to believe there was a chance he was alive after hearing about the marriage between a Prince of Rock and the Queen of Pop.
While this is going on, Char wakes up to Poppy at his bedside, they mourn their wedding for a moment, before contemplating he stranger. Against Doctor's orders He and Poppy travel to John's cell just as the stranger is telling Barb about Floyd.
With the possibility of a second brother out there, one who's actually endanger, Char agreed to help John, even if he doesn't remember. Poppy and Barb join the ride, simply becasue they were not going to let their fiance/brother go on this journey alone.
The journey to find the other Brozone members goes on, only this time John is constantly trying to get Char to remember in between stops. To the point that it's getting on everyone nerves. But Poppy enjoys the baby pictures.
When they find Bruce, he is crushed when Char doesn't recognize him either, and when John explains why Char doesn't have any memory of them. He's a little intimidated by Barb, but she softens we she sees her just how much anarchy her little niece and nephews can cause. During the practice performance, Char has some trouble keeping up with a seemingly unknown song and style. But muscle memory kicks in, and eventually, Char singing every notes and dancing every step. Poppy finds it cute, Barb finds the sudden shift creepy, John sees it as hope that he can get his baby brother back, Char is freaked out and now fighting migraine induced nausea. Barb offers to play for him, and Char agrees wanting to play with her.
Bruce joins forces with John on trying to further jog Char' memory, but he respects when Char tries to up boundries...mostly...Barb makes sure they back off fully when she sees them go too far.
Finding Clay is relatively similar. Clay gets shoved off of Char by Barb once he starts messing with his baby brother's face. Clay is also heart-broken by the news of Char' head wound. Barb is worried about how these trolls have lived with so much paranoia. Poppy is shocked about Viva, and Char just goes "We really need to have a sit down discussion with your dad about secrets."
When Viva mentions weddings, Poppy starts talking about, she almost just got married and if John hadn't crashed the ceremony. Bruce starts to scold John about how uncool that was. Viva asks about her fiance, and Poppy just points over to Char. Clay and Bruce's jaws drop, as they hadn't been told that yet. Bruce just said we would've missed their baby brother's wedding, and John chimed in saying doesn't that mean him crashing it was a good thing, they can all attend the re-do.
Viva wants to the all the details of the love story, and is thrilled to be becoming Clay's family. Poppy explains the nature of their arranged marriage, and how they grew to look forward to their future. Their siblings (minus barb) are disturbed by the arrangement, feeling like all should have a choice about love. Char shuts that down hard, saying that at first they were doing their duty to their peoples as Queen and Prince, but it evolved into something more, and their fine with the situation, happy with it even. And that Clay and Viva should at least understand that as leaders of the putt-putts.
When Viva tries to stop them from leaving, Char doesn't bother to talk her down. He and Barb share a look, they both see the puttputts getting ready to grab them, Char takes the situation into his own hands and pulls out his guitar, he and Barb fight their way out of the golf course to the tune of Joan Jett's "Bad Reputation" then at the end of the song blows away the door with a singular power cord. The others book it out the golf course, Clay apologizes to Viva before joining to the others to save Floyd.
Little do they know, that this time Viva sneaks aboard the back of Rhonda. Three steps away from a panic attack, but she needs to know more about those weapons the Rock siblings carry.
The dress rehearsal is a much bigger mess from the start. Char refuses to wear a flipping dipper, one because he's an adult and two why does it matter what he's wearing? This is a rescue mission not a performance. John Dory tries to push it, but eventually gives up, so they can focus on practicing. The nit-picking gets to both him and barb much faster, and they have enough of it. Barb goes off, telling John that his micromanaging is ruining any chances of harmony. John defends himself saying that they need to get this right, and that this is what almost worked last time.
Char says, "yeah last time, which was twenty years ago, what worked then won't work now we aren't the same people!"
"Look Bitty B-" John said.
"Stop calling him that!" Barb jumps in, "It's not his name. It hasn't been for years, and he hasn't told you can call him that!"
"She's right-" Bruce tried to say.
"Oh shut up, the rest of you are just as guilty!" barb said, "You've been treating him like you did twenty years ago, not the way he deserves now."
"Okay, look Barb this really isn't any of your business," John said.
"And why not?" Char said.
"Branch look this is family matter-"
"Barb is my sister! She is family..."
"Well not technically-"
"She's more of a sister to me then you a brother! I don't know you! I don't recognize you! I don't remember you! You might as well have never been there! You weren't there when my head was cracked open! you weren't there when I got my first guitar! My birthdays! my coronation!...Why...Why weren't you there?"
"No this is why, isn't it? If we were such a great band, then why did we fall apart? Why was I alone by the time our grandmother died? It's because the fighting like this never stopped did it? You were so focused on the perfect that you forgot the second part of the harmony. Family. Everyone couldn't stand it...then you all abandoned me...that's why I was alone..."
"I remember..."
"You! you remember?!"
"I remember that night! The night where you all bailed on me! You left me in the care of our grandmother inside of Bergen run town where death was literally at our door step! You left me to die!"
"Yeah yeah we did! I did!" John snapped, "And i'm sorry, but don't worry we just have to get through this one show and we never have to see each other again!"
"Wait wait!" Barb jumped back in, "So, let me get this straight. You abandoned a baby, believed he was dead for what ten, twenty years, and then find him again only to re-abandoned after getting use out of him? Pop-squeak you better cover Tiny's ears."
"Okay!" Bruce chimed in, "When you put it like that it's bad, but did you honestly think that's we'd be able to be family again after twenty years?"
"I thought you'd want to set a better example for your kids!" barb said, "Abandon your family great life lesson there!"
The argument spirals out from there...until...
"Shut up!" Char screams, "All of you! You know, some part of me always thought that it was misunderstanding or some accident that I ended up alone...but now I can see that it doesn't matter anymore, because brothers or not we aren't family! Family doesn't abandon each other! Even if you need space or to get away! Family would come back! Or at least check in!...But you all just walked out...Well not this time. This time...I'm leaving you.."
Char, Barb, Poppy and Tiny leave, and decide to go after Floyd on their own, because even if Char wants nothing to with his bio-family anymore, he's not going to leave someone to be tortured. A little breaking an entering later, they find the fourth Brother, and Char actually recognizes him, but he doesn't know why and Floyd calls out the vest.
Like in canon, they can't get Floyd out in time. They do try to use power cords but they only served to raddle the bottle. Barb makes a note for their engineers to invent some kind of diamond breaking weapons. While hiding the vents they witness the rest of the brothers were now imprisoned, Barb calls them idiots.
Flash forward to the boat battle. Barb and Char, challenge Velvet and Veneer to a music duel. They attack the Twins (I think their twins I might be wrong) with power cords (probably Bon Jovi "You Give Love a bad name" Not sure yet) while Viva keeps making a grab for the gems with her stick hands. They get everyone but Floyd out. Then Char says they need to get him out now.
John admits Char was right, and controlling everything wasn't harmony, - Barb cuts in that is great that you realize it but save it for later and skip to the end were out of time - and they will follow his lead.
The guitar changes key, Char and Barb nod, and with a rocking guitar harmony to go with it, the the perfect family harmony is achieved. Velvet and Veneer are arrested. Poppy and Char finally get to kiss, and wonder if the universe will finally let them get married.
Then Floyd collapses....
And there's going to be a part 3 sorry guys... let me not if you have any idea for this one and p3
Part One and Part Three
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empressgeekt · 7 months
Trolls - Burning Branches - Role Reversal Au (part 1)
SO, so earlier I read a fic where Poppy didn't go to branch for help in the first movie and the village was left abandoned with Branch as the only survivor after the revival of Trollstice. Meaning he was alone when Barb invaded...And it has inspired a different route on to how Char and Poppy would meet.
Links to OG AU posts, 1, 2, 3
Char = Branch as it would.
We start with the events of the first movie. Poppy would run off to save her friends and she would succeed, however, when they arrived back to the village there wasn't anyone there. Or at least that's what the snackpack thinks. They find little Keith crawling out of some of the fresh rubble, he has a small frown but it was Shocking to Poppy as the boy was usually expressionless. From Keith they learn that the bergens came back while they were trying to leave, and his dad hid him in a bush. The attack was days ago...
Some members of the SnackPack want to go back to get the rest of the village, but Poppy knows that she barely got her friends out of there, an entire village was a completely different challenge, and Trollistice had already passed...They would need help. There had to be people out there who would help them.
Staying in the village is out of the question, so they gather what they can from the destruction, and move on. They walk for days, and living in the woods is harder then expected. It really opens Poppy's eyes to the true nature of the wilderness, especially since she's taking care of Keith (the Blank child clings to her since she found him). They try singing to keep their spirits up, but singing attracts predators. Large spiders and snakes, come at them from all directions. Creek (no he didn't betray them...yet) can't talk them down. Food is scarce, they don't know which berries are safe. And eventually they all get caught in a storm, getting washed away.
By some miracle they all wake up the next morning by the edge of the forest. Before them stretches vast plains, some patches of the ground darkened in ways they are un-familiar. Here they are faced with a choice go back into the forest with all it's dangers or face the unknown ones just beyond the threshold. Creek tries to argue that they should stay with what they know, convincing Biggie, Guy Diamond (who has been feeling sick), and the twins that they shouldn't take a chance. However, Poppy, Cooper, DJ, smidge and Fuzzbert think that the unknown is worth the risk. Cooper saying he was technically from the unknown, and maybe they could find where he was born. In the end Creek is out-voted.
The plains are different. There aren't as many spiders or birds, but snakes are still an issue as well as a lack of natural shelter for the sun. its hot, and it only grows hotter. the land slowly becomes more and more burnt, more and more black. The ground is turning their feet red as they walked. Then they heard a screech, and were swarmed with Leather Vipers (leather Vipers are the main predators in my version of Rock Troll territory, basically picture a mix of snake/ Dragon made of polished leather and glowing warped metal teeth, claws and horns). It looks like the end, until they hear a second screm from above.
And Anglerbus is over head, and jumping from it, are...other trolls. Coming to the SnackPack's rescue. A few power cords and the vipers are scared off. Poppy feels great relief at seening them. They weren't the last trolls, these guys were here, and even better they had ways to defend themselves. In her eyes they were saved. Creek while thankful to not be dead, isn't as welcoming of these strangers. These dully color strangers covering in scares and scowling at them. At least on the surface, he's still "polite" to get the aid their group desperately needed.
Val Thundershock is part of the group that was on the Anglerbus, she's a little surprised to find a group of Pop trolls (and one funk) out in the Rock Wastes. No one knew where the Pop trolls had gone since the split and frankly no one cared, however she did want to know why they would suddenly invade the territory.
Val: Well, Well, Well, we got us some little pop trolls, now what exactly are you doing in Rock territory?
Poppy: Hi, first off thank you so much, we would've been if it wasn't for you.
Val: yeah I know, now what are you doing here? I hope you realize that Pop trolls aren't exactly welcome here.
Creek (rudely cuts in): Pop trolls?
Val: That's what you are right? Peppy, over excited, happy music lovers?
Poppy: Well kinda...
Val: Then you might as well turn around. Your kind isn't welcome here.
Poppy: Wait please!
Val: Go home, there's nothing for you here
Poppy: We don't have a home! Our home was destroyed by the bergens! We're all that's left!
Val dismissal is finally the thing that gets Poppy to shout. Finally accepting that yes her home is gone and that they were the only survivors. They all had been ignoring the subject while the woods. It's a hard truth to swallow, but one she chokes down to get Val to listen. And listen Val does. When Poppy confirms that they were indeed the last pop trolls. Val immediately shifts gears, as even if the tribes didn't get along, Genres needed each other to remain in balance. Not since the dancing plague of the disco tribe did one go completely extinct. Still it isn't her call, to preserve the genre. Thankfully she was on the same ride, as a very close friend to her. She tells one of the Rockers to contact Prince Char.
Creek, pulls Poppy aside, and expresses his concerns over these new trolls. Saying they shouldn't trust them. Poppy asks why, and Creek starts explaining that he was warned about trolls who were dulled. Saying that when he was a child there had been a grey trolling who lived near by and that grey one had killed his own grandmother. Poppy, says that she understands that Creek is scared, but they don't really have a choice. AT that moment Guy would throw up adding to Poppy's argument, saying that at the least they need food, shelter and a doctor for Guy. Creek can't really argue, especially since one of the Rock trolls came over to help the twins ease Guy too the ground.
The Anglerbus would land, and Char would walk out. The Rockers salute him as their prince, and that kind of intimidates Poppy, as while she is a Princess, she never actually interacted with another member of Royalty beyond her Dad. And Char is by far the dullest of all the strange trolls. Creeks words getting to her. Speaking of the idiot, he steps in to be the first to speak to the Prince.
Creek: Prince Char, it is lovely to meet you, I hope to extend an arm in friendship yes?
Char (not shaking Creek's hand): You speak for this group?
Creek: Well in a way. I-I wouldn't go that far. Second in command or spiritual leader might be a better fit. I do hope we can-
Char: cut to the chase, what is your business here?
Creek (taken aback): We come for aid, please it was horrible our village is destroyed. As fellow trolls we need to stick together.
Char (laughing dryly): You come here preaching unity after your kind split us apart. it's so ironic its funny.
Creek: I believe I don't understand.
Char: Centuries ago, the six tribes lived in harmony, until the Pop trolls, you kind tried to wipe out the rest of us. Destorying out music and culture triggering the great split and forcing us from our homes. Seem's the universe has come back to bit you.
Creek: I'm not sure where you've heard that but I assure you these rumors are not true in the slightest.
Char: they're aren't rumors their history. My people wouldn't be living out in these wastelands if it weren't for the split.
Creek: Then your history is incorrect. We'd never do such a thing, all trolls are supposed to be friends.
Char: *hum*, Treat there wounds, but start the bus, you'll receive no aid from us.
Creek: What?
Char: Don't act shocked, you gave everything I need to know. That "greater then thou" act won't fly here. You're intentions are not ones I can put trust or faith in, because they are not genuine. Go back to your king or and queen and tell them if they were trying an invasion, we the people of Rock will not hesitate to rain down hell fire on your home land.
Poppy: Wait! Please! *runs towards Char, with Keith in her arms only to be blocked by the Rockers* We're telling the truth! We don't have a home to go back too! We're all that's left Please help us!
Char: And who are you?
Poppy: I'm Princess Poppy, and I'm begging you. Help us.
Char: Take them up, get them settle, doctors food water. Then bring the princess to my quarters. We need to talk privately.
And I'll cut this off here. There's going to be a part 2.
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empressgeekt · 8 months
Trolls - Burning Branches au - World building Bits
Okay so this is basically little head canons and worldbuilding that I've been thinking over for the AU and I need to write them down somewhere.
Char = Branch as always
Thrash was a well traveled King who had appreciation for other tribes and wanted unity and peace but he never reached out out of fear. But its the reason he so easily accepts Char as his son.
Music can naturally be a weapon, but only the Funk and Rock trolls have really explored the concept.
The "perfect Family Harmony" is one of these musical weapons, and Peppy was the one who asked John Dory to complete the feat to save themselves from the Bergens.
Said Request is the reason behind, John pushed so hard (in addition to his own trauma reaction and OCD), and had Branch on stage as a literal infant.
The First ruler of the Pop Trolls was a Queen named "Madonna"
The first ruler of the Rock Trolls was a king named "Ozzy"
The Rock national anthem is "We will Rock you"
Thrash would sing "Halleluiah" to his kids as a lullaby
There are sub-cultures of Rock trolls, ranging from Heavy Metal to Classic Rock to Indie Rock
The Pop trolls' population was depleted from a vast empire to a small village, changing the connection between the populace and the Royal family. Making the two interact together on a daily causal basis
Other Tribes, such as Rock, Classical, Techno and Funk have a little more distance between the Royal family and Populace due to their vast numbers. Country Trolls are like Pop, small numbers in small closely knit settlements
The Rock Trolls have an advance education system (this is practically fact since, Riff claimed he was getting college credit for taking over the world in TWT, implying he's a student)
Char and Barb are spice-heads
Poppy always takes a sip from Char's cup
Floyd also went back to the Troll tree after it was abandoned and ended up finding a letter from Branch that said he was leaving the tree to find his brothers because everyone is mean to him after grandma died, and has breakdown that ends up with Floyd going grey.
The Doctor that Thrash trusts with Char as a child is named, Dr. Feelgood
Pop trolls have muscles in their scalp that help with Hair control, to swing between tree branches.
Rock trolls have tougher hands, feet and skin to protect themselves from the heat of a volcanic land they live in.
Rock rulers are coronated in the ashes of the Volcano by the religious leader that they call, the Black Sabbath
Rock music shifted more over to rage after the tribes split, creating the sub-culture of Heavy Metal
Char wears eye-liner to blend in with the Rock trolls better.
Clay is constantly begging Char to let him tinker with his guitar
And that's all I have right now...
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empressgeekt · 7 months
Trolls - Burning Branches Au - Role Reversal Au (part 2)
Okay, so I highly suggest reading the first part. Underneath the same title, just make sure it's labeled "Role Reversal Au (part 1)"
Links to OG AU posts, 1, 2, 3
Char = Branch
And Creek hasn't betrayed anyone...yet...
Char has complicated emotions, about letting the Pop trolls on board. On one hand he wants to help them, but he isn't sure if it's because they were in trouble or because he's a pop troll too. He's always had issues with his genre identity, always worried about what people would think if they knew about his bio-genre. He's not sure if helping these people is a way of his instincts finally coming back...he decides he'd blame it on the fact that the Princess had a little kid with her. He's soft on kids.
On the other side of things, Poppy and the others are getting looked over by a field medic/nurse, an oddly shiny dark blue troll named Jovi, who is much more talkative then the rest of the crew on board. Poppy decides she likes him, even if she felt a little weirded out when he bowed to her, and addressed her formally. The others tease her slightly, about her reaction to it. Creek comments that it was odd. Jovi asks why shouldn't he be respectful to a Princess, as he had no right to address her casually, and also takes a chance to warn them about addressing Char or Barb in such a way. They all have minor burns from the hot ground, but Guy continues to get travel sick. Jovi leaves to call his aunt about an incoming patient, making everyone worried about Guy. And Val walks in to take Poppy to Char.
Poppy's worried about meeting the Prince again, but Val calms her worries, saying that Char only really gets violent in public settings, and that he's much more chill with private ones, besides Poppy was equal rank to him so she didn't have to worry much about getting hit with a guitar. This doesn't comfort Poppy in the slightest. They arrive to a room with a bunch of ripped up couches and a sloppy throne on the far side of it.
Char is in there talking with Demo, but he dismisses both him and Val once Poppy is there. Letting his guard down, and relaxing, then offering her a drink. It's a shift that Poppy wasn't expecting. They talk. Char said he doesn't approve of her choice of diplomat when he mentions Creek. Poppy apologizes for him, once again stating that they truly do need help. Char said that he understood, but he needs more context. Poppy tells him all about the Bergens and Char, is trying really hard not to freak out, by connecting a lot of dots between his childhood nightmares and the current sitaution these Pop trolls are in. Poppy asks for help trying to save everyone from the bergens.
Char: you mean all the people who are most likely eaten? You honestly think their still alive?
Poppy: I don't think their alive. I hope their alive and that's enough.
Char thinks she's crazy for this, but he says that it isn't his call if they storm the bergen kingdom, and that Poppy will have to plead to his sister for that, but he has connections that he can use to look for other pop trolls, and he'll keep her friends safe in the city.
Once inside the city, Char takes Poppy to Barb and Thrash. Poppy is a bit thrown off at how violent the Rock queen is, and how formal the siblings first appear to each other, but she likes Thrash, finding the old man sweet. She also likes Riff, dude just happily there.
Barb doesn't know what to do in this situation, never has a genre nearly gone extinct. (with exception of disco, but they never had a string so it didn't matter) Thankfully, Thrash is mostly conscious that day, and is able to advise, telling his children to consult with the the Black Sabbath, the Rock Troll's religious leader/historian on options. The Black Sabbath, asks Poppy about the state of her people's string, but she has no idea what he's talking about triggering a history lesson by the elder troll, eventually revealing the Rock string for the princess to see. Poppy asks what does she do, and the Black Sabbath says the first step is to secure her people's string, the second is that they find a place/way to establish a place for any survivors to flock too. Char can tell that the older troll has a way to do the second part and asks that he spills. The Black Sabbath tells them that the most obvious, way would for the Prince and Poppy to tie the knot. And even after he explains how this would unite both genres ensuring the safety of both groups, it doesn't change the awkward atmosphere he's created.
Later, Poppy rejoins the rest of the Snack Pack at the hospital, where they were sent to recover. Everyone is happy to see her, all of them now clade in boots and gloves to protect their hands and feet. Keith practically climb up her leg. Guy's teary eyed on a gurney, but it for a good reason. The doctors confirm he's pregnant, and even if Guy wishes his partner was here to know about it, its the first bit of good news they have in a while. Creek says that despite their rather unsettling appearance Rock Trolls are good enough hosts, and then he asks what happened with the Queen. Poppy simply, says "I'm getting married" much to the confusion of everyone.
However, once she explains what the plan is going forward. Everyone is rather upset. With exception of Keith. Creek especially. After all his work to befriend and charm the princess would be for nothing if she married someone else. Poppy, says that she doesn't want to do this, but it's their only option going forward, if they wanted help restoring everything they lost to the Bergens then this needs to happen, and as princess it's her job to make it right. Creek turns up the silent treatment, and it makes Poppy feel bad, but she's too busy with help her friends settle, and they are more then will to help with her wedding, the twins volunteering to make her dress and Biggie wanting to be the photographer.
Living in Volcano Rock City is certainly an adjustment. the city is nearly five-times as large as Pop Village, and its baffling to not know everyone around you as a friend. Rock trolls are also more quiet and stoick, at least not when their raving. There aren't three holidays a week, no one breaks out into song and dance. There are concerts but it isn't the same, they have instruments on stage and there music is far more expressive, with emotions such as sadness and anger being expressed rather then just joy. Creek calls them barbarians, and it makes Poppy upset. Could he not bite at the hand that's feeding him? The twins, find work at a seemtress' shop, but they are a little upset with the lack of color choices. Biggie also finds work at a photo shop. Smidge and Fuzzbert are probably the ones thriving most, construction requires a lot of strength and smarts with dealing with a large city of made of metal and rock. DJ, ends up as a stage hand due to her knowledge of music equipment, working with a nice rock troll named Demo. Guy stays at the home with Cooper and Keith, waiting for his egg to arrive and keeping the others out of trouble.
Poppy has no idea was Creek is doing, but her days are filled with study and planning. Apparently, getting married to a prince of rock is a lot more complicated then it seems. She needs to understand the inner workings of the rock tribe, as well as what they know of the other tribes, because Barb has ordered that they start reaching out to the other genres to ensure stability. Not to mention she's looking for any surviving pop trolls. Ironically, she's completely forgotten to get to know her new fiancé.
So, Poppy askes to follow him around for a day. She learns a lot, apparently, deep down he's really sweet and considerate, but he puts up a harsh front because that what's expected from him, and he's not comfortably showing himself to strangers. Poppy also feels very touched, when she meets the K-pop gang and Reggaetón trolls and learns that Char asked them to find other Pop trolls. By the end of the day Char invites her over for dinner. She accepts and finds herself in a much more casual setting then she anticipated. Char and Barb both cook dinner talking with their father in the kitchen, Poppy tries to help, but she doesn't know half of the ingredients. After the meal, they gather in a game room, and play through out the night. She laughs at the competitive sibling banter between Barb and Char. She also laughs at all the pictures of little Char doing kid things.
After Barb takes Thrash to bed, Char takes Poppy to his room to talk. Poppy asks why they didn't have any pictures of him as a baby, and teasing asking if he burned them all. Char shook his head and began explaining his adoption, and that they didn't know where he came from. Poppy takes this info in and is suddenly even more impressed with their family dynamic. It also reminds her of how close she was to her dad, and how she will most likely never see him again. She tries not to break down, but Char allows her to sob and grieve. She wakes up in his bed the next morning, with Char sleeping on his sofa nearby.
The others were worried about her when she didn't come home that night, but the girls coo over how sweet Char had been with Poppy. Creek comes in, still annoyed about Char, and says that her father would want her to be happy. Poppy thanks Creek, but something about that statement doesn't sit right with her. The others decide that it's a good idea to invite Char over for dinner to repay the favor.
Char accepts the invitation, after Poppy said it was casual event. And arrives early, Keith greeting him at the door. Poppy would find, Char and keith inthralled in a conversation, and Char even makes the trolling laugh, which is astounding to Poppy. Keith was always blank to her. Char shrugged when asked how he managed that, saying that he knew what it was like to be that weird kid and sometimes they just needed to be heard for who they are. Dinner is an odd mix of joy and slight discomfort. Char's dry sense of humor isn't really what they understood as jokes, but they eventually get into the swing of things. Especially when Biggie mentions issues with his boss, apparently the old troll was letting pre-justice towards pop getting to his head and hasn't been paying biggie equally. Char says that shouldn't be happening and says he'll take care of it, but Biggie needs to learn to stand up for himself. Creek chimes in saying that fighting a work place won't help the situation, Biggie would be better off befriending his boss. This strikes up a tense conversation where Char and Creek shoot quiet jabs as they discuss...which is bought to an abrupt halt when Guy Diamond suddenly goes into labor. Tiny is born on their dinning room floor, not even 15 minutes later, barely enough time for Biggie to rush Keith out of the room, much less call a doctor. When Barb asks Char how the even went, he'd forever relish the expression she made when he said, "It went great, talked a lot, ate good food, made a kid laugh, and delivered a baby."
Eventually the Reggaetón Trolls would stumble upon a golf-course full of near feral pop trolls. Viva welcomes them in, Clay by her side. Tresllio asks that they speak in private, and then explains the situation about the Pop genre to the Puttputt leaders, and the offer that Queen Barb has to start a new pop settlement near by the Rock kingdom. Viva starts freaking out her PTSD kicking in when she hears that and entire village, the friends and loved ones that they all thought lost years ago, had been found again and most likely eaten. However, Clay listens more closely and learns about the type of weapons and protection that the Rock trolls offered and how it was better then anything the golf-course had. it takes a lot of convincing, and one mention of Poppy for Viva to agree to meet with Queen Barb, and the condition that Clay comes with her for moral support.
Meanwhile, Floyd is kidnapped off the streets by the K-pop gang. He wakes up in a van and giftwrapped to the point of being paralyzed. He doesn't get as well of an explanation other then that they were told to find pop trolls to preserve the genre from near extinction and that doesn't make him feel more safe. While traveling they pass through the Neverglade trail and kidnap one John Dory, who also is giftwrapped and sat next to his brother like a little pile of presents. He's less annoyed with the situation then Floyd, because it means that one of his brothers is alive. Now Floyd has to deal with being kidnapped and a brother who's trying to hug him despite his arms being tied down.
The day of Char and Poppy's wedding comes all to soon. It's a grand event, the entire city in attendance and televised for those who couldn't make it. Cooper would walk Poppy down, and Keith is the ring bearer. He and Char had grown really close since the night of the "Eventful" dinner, becoming a big/little brother duo, Barb getting in on the action even joking about adopting the kid. The ceremony goes smoothly, but all three royal (+keith) are all called away from the reception, because other Pop trolls have been found and are waiting to meet them.
Viva and Clay arrive the same time and JD and Floyd do. Clay and Floyd have a happy reunion with Viva clapping on the side lines. JD's happy to see clay alive, but his younger brother is still mad at him. Barb greets them first, thanking them for coming. Viva jumps straight to the point wanting to know if her sister is here. Barb tells the guards to bring in Poppy, and that leads to a freaky reunion where Poppy learns about Viva. The wedding is brought up in convo, and Viva feels awful about missing it and making Poppy leave in the middle of it. Poppy reassures her that's its fine and then Viva asks to meet her husband. Char walks in holding Keith.
Clay, Floyd and JD freeze, all of them believing at some point that their little brother was dead, and now ere being presented with an adult around the right age and having the exact same eyes as their baby sibling. JD not reading the room, starts calling to "Branch" and greets him with rather confusing and inappropriate gestures. Barb grabs him and gets him off of Char before he either falls over or drops Keith. Clay tries to greet Char too, but quickly realizes that he doesn't recognize them. This makes JD goes straight into denial, not wanting to believe that his brother would forget them. Floyd comes up and asks Char if he knows them. He's the only one that Char vaguely recognizes, but he doesn't know from where. The stress of the situation makes him collapse, only barely handing Keith over to Poppy before going down.
While waiting for word from the doctor, confrentations happen between the families. Brozone is shocked to hear, Barb call herself and Keith, Char's "Brother and sister" and Barb gets pissed at them when she learns why Char was left alone at such a young age. Poppy and Viva watch the drama from the side-lines until Cooper shows up wanting to check on his sister and new BIL, leading to Viva learning about her own adopted brother...and what happened to her dad. When Char wakes up only Poppy, Keith and Barb are allowed in the room.
They contemplate the situation...and I'm out of plot ideas from here.
Probably their would be interactions with the other tribe leaders in a way to create stability, and try to patiention for creature rights with other giant beings. And of course reuniting the Funk family, but I don't really have a major plot for this right now. Hope yells enjoyed.
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empressgeekt · 7 months
Trolls - Burning Branches au - Plot ideas that will probably never come to fruition
SO the full plot summery of this AU, is split among three different posts, underneath the same title and all tagged. But the basics of the AU is that Branch runs away from the troll tree, shortly after Grandma's death, and ends up in Rock troll territory with a TBI, that made him lose all memories of his life before with Thrash and Barb. After Branch grows up, now going by the name of Char, he's betrothed to the Queen of the Poppy trolls, and through their journey from romance to the alter, Char learns about his birth family, for better and for the worse.
It's better explained through the posts, Just do yourself a favor and read those first.
Link to where other posts can be found - https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/rock%20prince%21branch%20in%20an%20arranged%20marriage%20au
Now Let the Plot bunnies run wild.
Plot Bunny 1: Time Travel?
I love sci-fi plots, with time Travel being a saved tag on my AO3 account. So, it's not shocking that this little bunny was popping up in this fandom for me.
Basically, on the night of Branch's first show, Brozone is sucked out from behind stage before the show, and sent to the epilogue future of the RPBAM AU. Needless to say, everyone is shocked by their future selves (with bitty as the exception, he's just excited). JD is laid back. Bruce is a family man. Clay is a CPA. Floyd ends up as a music teacher and in a wheelchair. And Bitty, is burnt into Char and is a rock king. Not mention all the future kids, and Barb.
The fic would follow the younger brothers working though their issues early by bonding with their older counterparts. Eventually, they are returned to the moment they were zapped from, their memories whipped, and the time-line continues.
Plot Bunny 2: Blood Parents are alive.
it's pretty obvious that mother and father Brozone are out of the picture by the time Branch hatches. Most likely, killed by bergans, which I do suspect is the reason that John has trauma and stemming from that his perfectionism. In this they'd be loving parents, becasue I think it's sadder and I prefer healthy relationships. I'm thinking of the names, Tia, and Branch (I like to think that since, they were taken when Char was an egg it was up to John to name him, and well, he was a teenager who just lost his dad, probably wanted to give his baby brother a connection to them).
But that didn't mean they were eaten. Their boys were some of the most stubborn, dramatic trolls in the franchise, they wouldn't go down without a fight. Rosiepuff certainly didn't, you could hear her struggling the flashback. So, in this AU they would manage to escape from their cage and hide in the Bergen Castle walls. Looking for a way to escape, only to find and empty tree when they finally managed that. To punish themselves they returned to the castle, and lived in the walls for the next twenty years, only to be found by Bridget and Gristle while they were doing some remolding. They think they are going to get cooked, and no bergen can convince them other wise. So, they make a call to Pop village.
Clay is sent, because he has a history of explaining the Bergen situation the the rest of the puttputt when the moved so this is easy for him. Along with John Dory, because he has a ride. imagine the trolls shock when Bridget escorts them to surprise Family reunion. Tears are shed, and hugs are given, Clay and John get them up to speed on modern events. Before escorting them back onto Rhonda and back to the village. Their first stop is Floyd's house, and JD gets a letter out to Bruce.
The main plot would be about the parents re-connecting with their sons, and connecting with their youngest and grandkids (story takes place in epilogue). However it's diffcult with Char mourning the recent death of Thrash and just having his third child.
Plot Bunny 3: Dimension Travel
Once more another sci-fi plot I love.
Char gets sent to the canon timeline, before the first movie takes place. Don't really have much of plot for this one, this is just to make Char clash with Creek and call out Peppy on all his lies before he hands the crown to his daughter. And marvel at the bunker.
That's all I got at the moment, hope everyone enjoys. Update: Prewriting has begun and prolog/first chap are complete.
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empressgeekt · 8 months
Tumblr media
OKAY some people have been asking for a Char descriptions/ design. So here's an attempt at that. I apologize for my bad drawing skills just try to imagine this is the movie art style.
The outfit is built to be both protective but breathable. As a bio-pop trolls, Char's skin is thinner compared to the average rock troll, so it's more susceptible to burns. Hence the full body coverage, with armor around the knees and shoulder to protect him from sharp rocks. IN order to keep him from over heating his wrists are exposed and serval small vents are in his shirt. Or course the vest is worn over it, as the last connection to his mysterious origins.
AU update: I have finished outlining the main trilogy and have at least two one-shots ideas off of it. Prewriting has begun. Posting????? Unsure. But I'll make more tumblr bits on this.
Feel free to ask questions, I tend to make AUs on the fly during the creative process so, any suggestions might end up in it if I can find somewhere they'll fit.
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empressgeekt · 2 months
So how do the events of the movies play out in your Burning Branches AU?
Oh very differently.
Branch, or Char as he eventually goes by in this au, completely misses the events of Trolls 1. Poppy still succeeds, narrowly avoiding the spiders, and her hope/colors come back when Bridget frees them, and with Bridget as proof that anyone can learn to be happy, also goes back for the other Bergens.
World Tour also doesn't happen. Instead of just going on a full genocidal maniac, Char reels Barb from going through with that plan. After all, the pop tribe gave her him, and Char isn't after any form of vengeance against his old tribe. Due to his amnesia he doesn't remember Rosiepuff or Brozone, so holds no ill will to towards the pop tribe, beyond distaste for what happened during the Great Split or when ordinally fell apart. However, this is the point in the AU where Char does have to interact with Bio-tribe, as after a natural disaster strikes Volcano Rock City, threatening to topple the Rock Capital, he forms a plan to reach out to the Pop Tribe offering himself in an Arranged Marriage in alliance. Barb is against it, but they have no choice. The offer is simple. Rock gets the aid they need, while Char will provide the Pop Tribe with an Heir. Poppy does not get and invitation in the mail, rather a marriage proposal. After the pop queen and rock prince get to know each other a little better they do eventually decide to go through with the marriage.
Once TBT rolls around, it isn't Gristle and Bridget's wedding John Dory crashes, it's Poppy and Char's. Barb is of course in attendance, so John gets punched for interrupting her baby brother's big day. And Char still has amnesia at this point, so he has no idea who John is. The Wedding is canceled after the stress of John's arrival makes Char's head injury act up, and has a seizure. But eventually, Char Poppy and Barb agree to help John Dory, because Char's eyes have remained the same since he was a baby. All through the trip Char can't remember any of the Brozone songs, meaning John and the other brothers are trying to jog Char's memory the whole time, meaning Barb is subtilling threatening everyone. Even after they save Floyd, Char still feels like he's surrounded by strangers, so the brothers have a lot of work to do to make it up, and bond with their amnesic brother while trying to accept the fact that Char is not Bitty B nor will he ever will.
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