#Burt Harper
capsource · 5 months
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Fallout Season 1
Available for anyone who wants to use them, no credit needed but super appreciated. All these caps are 3840x1600. Some of the characters have sub folders to divvy up the caps into more manageable downloads, but if there are any issues, please feel free to let me know!
In this folder, you will find: Barb Howard | Barv | Benjamin | Betty Pearson | Birdie | Bud Askins | Burt Harper | Charles Whiteknife | Chet | Cooper Howard | CX404 | Dane | Davey | Hank MacLean | Janey Howard | Lee Moldaver | Lucy MacLean | Ma June | Maximus | Monty | Norman MacLean | Quintus | Reg McPhee | Rose MacLean | Sebastian Leslie | Siggi Wilzig | Snake Oil Salesman | Stephanie Harper | Thaddeus | Titus | Woody Thomas
Folder can be found [ here ] Buy me a [ ko-fi ] if you’d like!
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
Suave Siblings Scenario y'all!
Note: If you haven't seen this post then you won't understand this
The Suave Siblings were doing... Well... Suave Siblings things (JUST PRETEND THEY'RE DOING SOMETHING!!) when suddenly some random bully dude come over and when he noticed the different eye colors of my Henry and CC!Burt ( @capturecharlesau ) and he started saying things like "weirdos" or "different eyes freaks", Burt didn't care at all so he just mocked the bully dude, but, not only him but also Harper ( @lumyious-studios ) and CoR!Ellie ( @crown-of-roses-thsc ) noticed that Henry was having a offended, afraid and traumatized look, like he hasn't heard something like that for a long time. They were very shocked because they always thought Henry was a nice guy with a dad that never traumatized him, but that seeing him like that surprised him, however, Henry tried to defend himself saying that he and his brother weren't freaks, but the words couldn't get out of his mouth, which it made the bully say more hurtful things towards him, something that of course the rest of the Suave siblings didn't allow and well... Imagine a scene where Ellie was aggressively attacking the bully while Harper was comforting Henry and Burt, understanding Henry's indifference and unrespect like that, help him to be strong because there are people who disrespects you despise being intelligent or something. So Henry told them something he didn't want to share with anyone but his friends... His bullying torment during his teenage days.
I honestly had no inspiration to draw this so if you guys wanna draw this scenario then feel free to do it.
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thsc-scattered-stars · 3 months
So I just- really wanted to doodle this morning, and then decided... well, why not doodle some of the amazing oc's and au's from people in the thsc fandom, as well as some oc's from people that have been reblogging and liking my comic a lot in thanks? And here we are x3
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The Suave Kids!
CC!Burt belonging to @capturecharlesau
CoR!Ellie belonging to @crown-of-roses-thsc
Harper Suave belonging to @lumyious-studios
And @lovelygirlnicole15's Henry!
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Mittie who belongs to @wololo-01!
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Amelia Copperbottom who belongs to @androidcharles!
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@violetthunderstorm :3
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Wolf who belongs to @oreothefox715!
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Vasily who belongs to @ambasingresident
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And @the-universe-has-a-new-fighter's Charles!
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eljeebee · 4 months
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(i got lazy copy pasting it sorry 😭)
The Davis Legacy started as literally me trying to play normally (keyword: trying). Eventually, since I am a writer at heart, I decided I'll write their stories instead of playing it out. The supposed gameplay aspect (that I failed to continue 😭) was inspired by Puck's (@chaotic-plumbob) Lacey Legacy, which I read on Twitter when Dex was still a teen.
Currently, The Davis Legacy, as a whole, is a slice-of-life story about the Davises, and the stories of their dear friends and other characters that revolves around them, and stories that exists in the same universe (I call it the DLU or the Davis Legacy Universe). Originally, "side stories" would be named "Side: [name of the household or sim]" which I used in Side: Swanson & Harper (which concluded already) and Side: Roxanne Burt. Now, "side stories" are no longer sides to me, if that makes sense. I want to tell every character of mine their stories.
From side stories, I classified them as "segments" of my legacy story. Like segments of a show. Del Sol Vanderburgs is a segment, which focuses the "minor" Vanderburgs from Hidden Springs who moved to Del Sol Valley.
Another segment is Beneath, which is a segment that focuses on my occult characters. All minor and major stories of my occult characters are filed under this segment. I named it like that because it's "beneath the Davis Legacy".
So, I have three running segments in my simblr, the main one (the Davises), Del Sol Vanderburgs, and Beneath. For Roxanne's side story, I will be planning on moving it somewhere in those three. I haven't forgotten Roxie. She's the best rival turned friend of Sophia (the game generated her when they released mid-life crisis and work rivalries).
On my other short stories, Right Person, Wrong Circumstances is Tony and Priscilla meeting again after their divorce. The tension is high. It's clear they still love each other. It's just the circumstance.
By The Fireplace is where Priscilla admitted she still loves Tony, and decided to try their relationship again.
New Beginnings is just a series of loose short stories based on Priscilla, Tony, and Albert. It's ongoing. I have something planned for it but I have a loooot of things to do. It requires full attention. Which is why I'm still not doing it.
I could be a good mother, is another short story, featuring Priscilla, who woke up from a dream. A dream where she and Tony had a little family somewhere far from the city, far from their deadly career. Somewhere where she has a daughter. Its namesake is from the song "not a lot, just forever" by Adrianne Lenker. Its name is also the thought of Priscilla thinking that she could be a good mother, if only her life is different from what she has. It has a follow-up, Memoirs of a Dream, it's that empty disorienting feeling, waking up from a nightmare, or a dream that feels real, except, hers lasted for a week.
Thank for reading my rambling, I hope you can check out my work, because all of these are file under my computer in a folder named "proud works of mine"
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andrevasims · 2 years
1980s Horror Film Character Names
I totally forgot I’d started making this last year! I think I never posted it because I wanted to find more names, but there’s already a decent amount and I don’t feel like being that tedious about names right now lol.
It’s first & last names (separated for mix & match potential) of characters from iconic late 1970s & 1980s horror movies. I think I started looking for cheesier B-movies to pull from, but yeah it’s been a whole year so I forget.
First Names
Alice Allen Allison Ally Amy Angela Annie Arnie Artie Axel Barry Bill Billy Bobby Brady Brenda Brent Brett Brooke Buddy Burt Buzz Carol Anne Carter Casey Charley Charlie Chili Christine Chuck Cindy Courtney Craig Cynthia Dana Darcy Debbie Demi Dennis Diane Donna Doug Doyle Duane Elaine Ellie Emma Ernie Ferdy Foster Gary Gene George Gerald Ginny Glen Hal Hank Helen Jack Jackie Jake Jason Jeff Jennifer Jerry Jesse Jimmy Joanne Jodi Joe Joey John Johnny Judd Judy Kate Katherine Kathy Katie Kelly Ken Kenny Kim Kimberly Kristen Larry Laurie Lea Leigh Lenny Leroy Linda Lisa Liz Lynn Marci Marcia Marcie Mark Mary Lou Masen Max Meg Megan Mel Melissa Mike Molly Monica Nancy Ned Neil Nick Nicki Nikki Patti Patty Paul Paula Peter Phoebe Polly Rachel Ralph Reilly Rennie Richie Rick Ricky Rob Rod Roland Ronnie Roy Ruby Rudolf Rudy Russ Sally Sandy Sara Sarah Shane Sharon Sheila Shelly Sissy Steve Steven Susie Suzie Tad Taryn Teddy Terri Tina Toby Tom Jesse Tommy Tracy Trish Valerie Vic Vickie Vicky Warren Wendy Wes Will
Last Names
Andrews Angelo Badger Baker Barnes Barrington Bates Baxter Beringer Brand Brewster Bringsley Brown Burke Burns Cabot Camber Carrington Cassidy Caulfield Challis Clarke Cole Cologne Corben Corvino Costic Crusel Cunningham Daigler Dandrige Daniels Darnell Darrinco Deagle Dier Doyle Duke Dumpkin Duncan Essmont Evans Field Franklin Freeling Frye Futterman Garris Garth Geiger Graham Gray Grimbridge Guilder Halavex Hammond Hanniger Hardy Harper Hawes Holland Hopkins Jachson Jarvis Jessup Junkins Kemp Kessler Kincaid Kopecky Kupfer Lane Lantz LeBay Lynch Lynn Macauley Maloney McBride McFadden McGregor McNichol Meeker Meisel Mercer Morgan Mott Nagle Nessler Newby Palmer Parker Parks Parsley Pataki Peltzer Penmark Perry Pervier Powers Priswell Repperton Richards Shote Spool Stanton Stark Statler Stavinski Steele Stevens Strauber Strode Sykes Taylor Thomas Thompson Thorn Toomey Trenton Vanders Venable Walsh Warner Weatherall Webber White
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wutbju · 3 months
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A WutBJU reminded me this month of this article from Lester Kinsolving that was published across the country.
Kinsolving at the time was an Episcopalian priest, and you can read his obit in the Washington Post here.
But he popped into BJU in 1970. Here's what he said. I'll interrupt with documentation along the way:
Bob Jones University here recently applied to the South Carolina state government for permission to equip its campus guards with submachine guns. Take that with BJU's claim of having "an intensely Christian atmosphere" and suddenly the Rev. Kinsolving message on the university's letterhead becomes credible. It reads: "The World's Most Unusual University."
This is documented.
This writer had special cause to be grateful to South Carolina for refusing BJU's request for guns. A bare two hours after my arrival on this resplendent $30 million campus, I found myself suddenly confronted by the campus police, who had arrived in two squad cars. (And history abounds with accounts of what certain "intense Christians" have done to the opposition by way of fire and sword and guns.) I was immediately placed in one of the squad cars, driven to the front guard gate and told to be gone. My offense, I was told, was attempting to interview students (3600 college, 400 high school). My "interviewing" consisted of: (1) Asking directions to the administration building -- and why the students were playing soccer instead of football, in what was obviously a football stadium. ("Years ago," explained the student, "a visiting football team left beer cans and cigarette butts in the dressing room! So now we play among ourselves - intramural club teams.") (2) Asking if I might look at a student handbook to see the campus rules. ("Certainly," replied another of the invariably smiling, polite and well-dressed students. "I'll arrange it immediately. Won't you have a seat?" Three minutes later the two squad cars arrived.)
We all knew they wouldn't give him the student handbook.
Now who remembers Robert Harrison and his video store on the West End of Greenville?
Earlier that day I had telephoned the university's public relations director Robert Harrison. either he "nor anyone else on the campus" could answer any questions "because both Dr. Joneses are out of town." (The founder of Bob Jones University -- "BJU" -- was fundamentalist preacher Bob Jones. Current president is Bob Jones Jr. and vice president is Bob Jones III).
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Yet a visit to the administration building and an interview with Burt Squires, Assistant to Dean of Men William Liverman, evoked at least one comment: A Harper's Magazine article about BJU ("Buckle On The Bible Belt" [from 1966]) was "distorted." Novelist Larry King had written that BJU forbids all of its students to see any Hollywood movies, smoke, drink, dance, wear any "immodest dress, such as tight pants," attend Billy Graham rallies (even though Billy is an alumnus who accepted a doctorate from BJU), talk to any strangers - especially newsmen, make any use of jazz (whether singing of, or listening to), play cards, or leave the campus after 10:30 p.m. He also reported that students are forbidden to use the gym, tennis courts, or swimming pool in sexually mixed groups, date off campus without special permission and chaperones, date on campus for more than two hours, and, whether sitting or standing, couples must always keep a six-inch space between their bodies. When asked just which of these reported commandments was a distortion, the BJU assistant to the dean of men replied that he was unable to comment further -- other than to advise me that any interviewing of students would result in my being taken off the campus by the police. Having tried in vain to obtain some information from a BJU administration which repeatedly charges that it is treated unfairly by "the liberal press," I wandered about the campus, noting among hundreds of students a total absence of hand-holding (or anything more intimate), cosmetics, jazz-singing, card playing, tight pants or tobacco. Squires did verify the fact that Vice President Bob Jones III managed to earn his doctorate from Bob Jones University. His father, President Bob Jones Jr., obtained his doctorate from something called Northwestern Schools in Minneapolis.
Absolutely false. He had no earned doctorate.
The university catalogue reveals that all but 29 of the 185 faculty members were educated at BJU. And even with this pedagogical incest, all faculty members are required by the Joneses to take an annual doctrinal loyalty oath called "Our Orthodox Creed." (Any faculty member can be fired with 10 day's notice.)
That long? Really?
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thekeyofreason · 1 year
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Found in "Some Tales From Uncle Remus" by Joel Chandler Harris. Published by Valley Offset, 1971.
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Found in "Twenty Minutes Late" by Pansy. Published by Lothrop, 1893.
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Found in "Emma" by Jane Austen. Published by GuildAmerica, 1996.
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Small black velvet jewelry pouch. Inside were five very clean and shiny 1957 nickels. Found in "The Nestorian Monument in China" by P.Y. Saeki. Published by The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1916.
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Dear Richie,
Sorry to have kept this for 25 years! I just found it on my shelf. Best, Pat M.
Found in "Countdown" by Frank G. Slaughter. Published by Doubleday, 1970.
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Found in "54-40 or Fight" by Emerson Hough. Published by A.L. Burt, 1909.
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Found in "Mouse Tales" by Arnold Lobel. Published by Harper and Row, 1972. One of my favorites.
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Found in "The Treasure Hunt of the S-18" by Graham M. Dean. Published by Goldsmith, 1934.
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Found in "From An old Fogy's Inglenook" by Justin McEachren. Published by The Lakeside Press, 1930.
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Found in "Land Without Justice" by Milovan Djilas. Published by Harcourt and Brace, 1958.
Forgotten Bookmarks found in books (x)
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pussyhoundspock · 2 years
people i think could kill: portia (accidentally), albie (intentionally), cameron (intentionally), ethan (”accidentally”), harper (intentionally), quetin (intentionally) hooker#3/”nephew” (accidentally)
people i think could be killed: portia (accident), burt/horny grandfather (accidental fall), cameron, ethan, harper, hooker#3/“nephew”, quetin, lucci’s stalker
people i think will probably survive: tanya, lucci, mia, dominic/horny dad, harper, albie,
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novumtimes · 2 months
Hill Harper Warns About The Dangers Of AI In Politics
by Sharelle Burt August 7, 2024 Beware of the dangers of AI…. Actor Hill Harper opened up about how using artificial intelligence (AI) technology is both helping and hurting his campaign efforts for the U.S. Senate, AfroTech reports.  Harper’s campaign has pushed advocacy on heavy issues affecting the state of Michigan, including ensuring affordable and universal healthcare, protecting…
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
Hey you could draw this if you’d like, but how would your Terrence treat the Suave siblings after figuring out all the trauma that their respective fathers put them through?
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I didn't include their hats due to lack of space, but I surely hope that you, @crown-of-roses-thsc and @capturecharlesau love this, because I worked very hard to do this! Plus, my Terrence despise knowing that Harper, Burt and Ellie aren't his "biological" children, he will give them the love are care their "dads" never gave them.
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mirandamckenni1 · 4 months
What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color How jumping spiders reveal an entire secret world of colors. Let BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home. Visit https://ift.tt/6rXvN3T and enjoy a special discount on your first month. A massive thank you to everyone at Day’s Edge Productions for making this documentary happen. Check them out at https://daysedge.com/. You can watch the full-length documentary “The World According to Jumping Spiders” on Curiosity Stream - coming soon. ▀▀▀ Special thanks to our Patreon supporters! Join the community to help us keep our videos free, forever: https://ift.tt/DUItgGq Adam Foreman, Anton Ragin, Balkrishna Heroor, Bertrand Serlet, Bill Linder, Blake Byers, Bruce, Burt Humburg, Chris Harper, Dave Kircher, David Johnston, Evgeny Skvortsov, Garrett Mueller, Gnare, gpoly, I. H., John H. Austin, Jr., john kiehl, Josh Hibschman, Juan Benet, KeyWestr, Kyi, Lee Redden, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Martin, Matthias Wrobel, Max Paladino, Meekay, meg noah, Michael Krugman, Orlando Bassotto, Paul Peijzel, Richard Sundvall, Sam Lutfi, Stephen Wilcox, Tj Steyn, Toni, TTST, Ubiquity Ventures, wolfee If you’re looking for a molecular modeling kit, try Snatoms, a kit I invented where the atoms snap together magnetically - https://ift.tt/JluRkKp ▀▀▀ Directed by Neil Losin Written by Neil Losin Edited by Neil Losin, Andy Laub, and Alan Saunders Animated by Root House Studio and David Hutchinson Filmed by Neil Losin, Nate Dappen, Alex Wiles, Andy Laub, and Barend van der Watt Produced by Day’s Edge Productions Repurposed for YouTube by Derek Muller, Casper Mebius, Petr Lebedev, Peter Nelson, Trenton Oliver, Emily Zhang, Giovanna Utichi, Rob Beasley Spence, Emily Taylor, and Gregor Čavlović Thumbnail contributions by Ren Hurley and Peter Sheppard Video/photos supplied by Day’s Edge Productions and Storyblocks Music by Adrian Younge, PBS, Epidemic Sound, and Jonny Hyman via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfAqTSjMBJk
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thsc-scattered-stars · 3 months
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I really hope you all don't mind- but this mental image was in my head for a few days as I was thinking about my Terrence, and this morning I just gave in to drawing it x3
CC!Burt belongs to @capturecharlesau
CoR!Ellie belongs to @crown-of-roses-thsc
Harper Suave belongs to @lumyious-studios
And this henry belongs to @lovelygirlnicole15
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eljeebee · 5 months
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Lana, 21. She/Her. TS4 and TS3. A corner for my pixel families and vampires.
About Me | Asks | Character Directory | Video Edits
Current Generation:
The Davis, Generation 2 | chrono
Del Sol Vanderburgs, Generation 2 | chrono
Beneath | chrono
Warning: This is an 18+ account. Minors be warned. If you still continue to follow me, that is not my responsibility anymore.
Last updated: September 20, 2024
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The Special Agent, The Rogue Mage, and The Handler
Right Person, Wrong Circumstances | chrono
By the Fireplace | chrono
New Beginnings | chrono
I could be a good mother.
Memoirs of a Dream
Internal Dialogue
Tony Day: 2024
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The Davis Legacy Universe (TS4)
Generation 1
The Davis, Generation 1 | chrono | Family Tree
Del Sol Vanderburgs | chrono | Family Tree
Side: Roxanne Burt | chrono
Side: Swanson & Harper | chrono [finished]
Davis Outtakes
Random photos
CC Finds | Poses Repository
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The Sims 3
The Life of a Hatcher, Gen 1 | chrono
TS3 CC Finds | TS3 Poses Finds
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Will-Woods Farm [Stardew Valley blog]
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Bluesky: eljeebee.bsky.social
Pillowfort: eljeebee
Discord: eljeebee
Warframe: eljeebee#777 (PC)
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e4ejaz · 5 months
Organic Beauty Digital - Ebooks
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Organic beauty is a growing trend in the cosmetic industry that focuses on using natural and organic ingredients in personal care products. These ingredients are derived from plants, animals, or minerals that have been grown or processed without the use of synthetic chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers.
There are many benefits to using organic beauty products. Some of the most common benefits include:
Reduced exposure to harmful chemicals: Organic products are free of synthetic chemicals that can be irritating to the skin and may have other health risks.
Improved skin health: Organic ingredients can nourish the skin and promote a healthy glow.
Environmentally friendly: Organic farming practices are better for the environment than conventional farming practices.
If you're considering switching to organic beauty products, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, organic products can be more expensive than conventional products. Second, it's important to read the labels carefully to make sure that the products are truly organic. Finally, it may take some time to adjust to using organic products, as they may not work as quickly or effectively as conventional products.
Here are some popular organic beauty brands:
Burt's Bees
Dr. Hauschka
Juice Beauty
Tata Harper
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beautyneha · 5 months
Organic Skincare
Best Organic Skincare
Best Organic Skincare using natural products like plants and oils to keep your skin healthy. It’s good because it doesn’t have any harmful chemicals. When you use the best organic skincare, your skin stays beautiful and you’re helping the environment too.
The best organic skincare is all about using natural stuff like plants and oils to take care of your skin. These products don’t have any bad chemicals, so they’re gentle and safe. When you use organic skincare, you’re giving your skin the good stuff it needs without any harmful things.
Another great thing about organic skincare is that it keeps your skin healthy and looking great. Whether your skin is dry, has pimples, or shows signs of getting older, organic skincare can help fix those problems and keep your skin at its best.
And what’s even cooler is that choosing organic skincare is good for the Earth too. When you pick products made with natural ingredients and eco-friendly practices, you’re helping to take care of our planet. So, when you use the best organic skincare, you’re not just looking after yourself, you’re also doing something good for the world.https://www.beautyworld.mydt.in/organic-skincare/
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Organic Skincare Brands
Organic skincare brands are like companies that make skin stuff using good things like plants and oils. They don’t use yucky stuff like chemicals or fake things, so their stuff is nice and safe for your skin. Some famous organic skincare brands are Burt’s Bees, Dr. Hauschka, and others. They make your skin happy without hurting it, which is super cool.
Burt’s Bees
Avalon Organics
Acure Organics
Juice Beauty
Alba Botanica
Andalou Naturals
Tata Harper
Herbivore Botanicals
Picking organic skincare brands means you’re choosing stuff that’s nice for your skin and the planet. It helps make your skin happy and keeps the Earth healthy too. So, using these brands makes your beauty routine better for you and nature.
Organic Skincare Products
Organic skincare products include a variety of items made from natural ingredients. Some popular ones are:
Moisturizers: Creams or lotions made with natural oils like coconut or shea butter to keep your skin hydrated and soft.
Face masks: Masks made with ingredients like clay, honey, or fruit extracts to purify, nourish, and rejuvenate your skin.
Body scrubs: Exfoliating scrubs made with natural sugars or salts to slough away dead skin cells and reveal smoother, softer skin.
Lip balms: Balms made with natural oils and butters to moisturize and protect your lips from dryness and chapping.
Cleansers: Gentle soap for washing your face. They’re made from plant stuff to clean away dirt and stuff without making your skin dry. So, they keep your face clean and happy!
Serums: Light potions for your skin. They have special stuff like vitamins and good things that help with things like wrinkles or skin that’s not all the same color. So, they make your skin look better and healthier.
Sunscreens: Protective shields for your skin. They’re made from natural minerals like zinc or titanium to keep away the sun’s harmful rays. So, they keep your skin safe and happy when you’re outside.
These organic skincare products are made without bad stuff like harsh chemicals or fake things. They help you have healthier and more natural beauty routines. So, they’re good for you and your skin.
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Botanical Skincare
Botanical skincare is all about using plant-based ingredients to take care of your skin. It means using stuff like herbs, flowers, and oils from plants to make skincare products. These natural ingredients can help keep your skin healthy and glowing without any harsh chemicals. Botanical skincare is like giving your skin a gentle, nature-powered hug.
Botanical skincare means using plants to make your skin healthy and happy. Plants like aloe vera, green tea, chamomile, and lavender can make your skin soft, calm irritation, and even out oily skin. They also have stuff called antioxidants that are good for your skin.
The cool thing about botanical skincare is that it doesn’t use bad chemicals or fake stuff, so it’s great for people with sensitive skin or who like natural things. You can find plant stuff in all kinds of skincare things like soap, lotion, and masks.
People like botanical skincare because it’s pure, good for the Earth, and feels like being close to nature. Just remember, not every plant works for everyone, so be smart when picking, and if you’re not sure, ask someone who knows about skin stuff for help.
Holistic Skincare Routine
A holistic skincare routine means taking care of your skin in a natural and healthy way. It’s like giving your skin a big hug! You use things like gentle soaps, oils, and creams made from plants to keep your skin clean and happy.
First, you wash your face with a gentle cleanser to get rid of dirt and make your skin fresh. Then, you might use some natural oils or creams to make your skin soft and smooth. These can also protect your skin from things that might hurt it, like the sun or dry air.
Holistic skincare is great because it doesn’t use yucky chemicals that can be bad for your skin. Instead, it uses natural stuff that’s good for you and the environment. So, your skin stays healthy and you feel good too. click here
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tvguidancecounselor · 6 months
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 626: Irene Bremis
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February 12-18, 1977
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This week Ken welcomes comedian, co-host of the Woo Woo Podcast, and woman behind the new stand up comedy special, "Sweetie", Irene Bremis.
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Ken and Irene discuss growing up in Boston, racism, being Greek, living in New York, having a braided perm, getting picked on at school, trying to pass a Puerto Rican, Kojak, strong family ties, not smoking, good parking spaces, lollipops, how handsome Ken is, when everyone smoked, Kraft Singles, kissing grits, ventriloquism, meeting Carol Burnett, Ken big upping Irene, being a Trekkie, Leather Tuscadero, Happy Days, strong women leads in television shows in the 1970s, Valerie Harper, being fired from your own show, cruel producers, loving horror movies, Don't Go to Sleep, Carrie, The Exorcist, growing up religious (culturally or otherwise), Wonder Woman, Golden Girls, loving Bea Arthur, pros and cons of boob jobs, Bruce Campbell, Burt Offerings, One Day at a Time, Van Halen, Wrestling, girl crushes, celebrity murderers, Bionic People, Barney Miller, Fish, how the 70s could be more progressive than today, Soap, gay characters on television, Tony Randall, when Johnny Carson screwed over Joan Rivers, Red Fox, Cher, and the ballad of the Guidette.
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