#But I wanted to have a title bc I hate clicking on the wrong project
sastielsfandom · 2 years
One thing I will never enjoy as a writer is having to come up with a title. It's awful. I hate it. Worse part.
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shanzodragoness · 3 years
On the back of my previous post, I couldn't resist to help fill a gap in fics. Here I am.
Title: An Old Flame
Tags: a bit sad, fluff, but don't worry it gets better
Notes: you work for Stark, after taking the wrong turn you find yourself in the hands of the TVA and promptly pruned. Not saying much else as it'll spoil the fun
My sincerest apologies if this is substandard, this is my first reader fic and the first written in second person. This took me a while bc the feels were intense. Enjoy
Y/F/F - your favourite flower
Words: 1622
Your nexus event was confusing. The TVA claimed that you were fated to turn the other way when the Avengers returned to Stark Tower with their newest intergalactic villain. But for some reason you noticed the stare of those blue eyes from across the hall. You noted the muzzle; probably for a good reason. Curiosity carried your feet across the tiled floor and you heard footsteps behind you. 
Fast forward an undisclosed amount of time and you were in a court, one that seemed very biased without a juror in sight. You had cocked your head when the judge sentenced you to be reset, what could that possibly mean, could you amend your mistake and simply go back to retrace your steps but as they were meant to be?
It seemed that you weren't getting away with your so-called crime so easily as one of the minutemen approached you with a stick. It wasn't until it was twisted and whirred to life that you realised the gravity of the situation. Did it hurt? The sensation was akin to a quick shock as you saw your body begin to disappear from your stomach outward, the yellow energy dissolving your being.
Your head hurt, your body ached, the light stung your eyes as you attempted to flutter your eyes open. Your eyes fixated on a shadow that eventually gave way to a brightly clothed old man, looking like a costume for a child's birthday party. The two golden horns on his headdress bowed forward and curled back, a feature shared by three of the four beings before you. The old man extended a hand to you as your ears began to tune into the world.
"Y/N?" He asked. Your streetwise nature told you to run, that you didn’t know this man regardless if he knew your name or not. Instinct however, that told you that you could trust this man, that in the grand scheme of things that you knew him, that he'd protect you. 
You took his glove clad hand in yours, him pulling you to your feet. "We need to keep moving," he said, his gaze betraying a sadness as he locked his sight with yours.
The four began walking off, counting the pet alligator, and you followed them. In this strange world you doubted that you'd make it on your own anyway, "are you running from someone?" You asked the group. The older one turned his head to regard your query.
"Alioth hungers for the pruned variants that are dumped here by the TVA," he replied. There it was again, this time you could see regret spark his eyes. You'd have to ask later.
After a trek through the wasteland filled with junk from many different ages, you were presented with an open hatch in the ground, "after you," the kid said. You nodded and climbed down the ladder, taking in the large bunker you had entered. A few chairs dotted to one side facing a makeshift throne, many trinkets adorned the living area, souvenirs from the surface. As soon as the click of the hatch reached your ears your heart sank, that rational part of your brain considered that you could've been trapped here. Again, part of you calmed upon seeing the older man. 
The kid sat on the throne and seemed to be the leader of this strange place. The dark skinned man sat down first, the others following his lead, and so you sat on a free chair next to the old man. You felt safe. You focused on the chatter of the men
"So, after I vanquished Captain America and Iron Man, I claimed my prize, all six Infinity Stones," the dark skinned man said. The alligator growled from it's paddling pool.
"That's alligator for growling and saying "liar" at the same time," the old man translated.
"At least my nexus event wasn't eating the wrong neighbor's cat." And as soon as he'd offended the animal, the old man pried the alligator off the dark skinned man. They laughed and you cleared your throat.
"What are your names?" You asked, omitting introducing yourself as it had been established that they somehow knew your name. You saw the pain rise to the surface again in the old man's eyes, but it was quickly suppressed.
"I'm Loki, so are the others. We're variants of the same being, from different timelines," he explained. You nodded and took in the information. They drank wine and you even sipped a bit of the hearty red wine offered to you. Soon Alligator Loki closed his eyes and curled up in the pool, Boastful and Kid leaving to different sections of the bunker. The style of the old man's clothes looked very retro, and so the nickname in your mind materialised as Classic Loki. He was watching the last of his wine swirl in the goblet.
"What was your nexus event?" You asked. He looked up from his wine slowly and locked his eyes with yours. 
"In my timeline, everything proceeded correctly, my entire life, until Thanos attacked our ship.
"I cast a projection of myself so real, even the Mad Titan believed it. Then hid as inanimate debris. After I faked my death, I simply drifted in space. Away from Thor, away from everything. Thought about the universe and my place in it, and it occurred to me that everywhere I went, only pain followed. So I removed myself from the equation, landed on a remote planet and stayed there in isolation, in solitude for a long, long time.
"To tell you the truth, I missed my brother, and I wondered if he missed me, if anybody else did. But as soon as I took my first steps to getting off the planet, the TVA arrived."
"I'm sorry," you said, it seemed the most appropriate response.
"Don't be," he replied, his watchful gaze lingering on yours.
"Ever since I woke up, I felt scared, but something deep inside told me I was safe. Have we met before? I have a strange feeling that I know you from somewhere," the words came tumbling from your lips faster than you could stop the bumbling speech. You saw a smile grow on his face, and for the first time you saw that sadness turn into a glint of hope. 
"Y/N my dear, in my timeline I met you on Midgard, the realm you call Earth. My brother convinced me to wear some Midgardian clothes to fit in for a little sightseeing under his guard, the incident in New York made freedom that tiny bit beyond my reach. You were a beautiful maiden I met in the coffee shop Thor took us to. I found out you worked for Stark, and I spent the next few months courting you, as awkward as that was in a cell. Each time you checked on the prisoner I conjured you a gift, sometimes lavish jewellery that you joked that you'd not be able to hide from the others." He laughed as he recalled the memory. "When I was finally granted free roam of certain floors in the Tower I'd always make sure to conjure a vase of flowers on your desk every morning and find ways to see you. A year later we not so subtly decided to take the next step together. The exquisite diamond ring I placed on your finger whilst kneeling for my queen." 
You smiled at him, he spoke of you with a great fondness that it brought a tear to your eye. The man's joy was dampened once again.
"We never had the chance to become husband and wife, I brought you to Asgard, well, SHIELD sent you as a liaison officer. Ragnarok came. The ship. It was supposed to take you with the other refugees, Thanos had you killed first to demonstrate his threat to kill anyone who stood in his way to get the Tesseract. You know the rest of the story."
When you watched his reaction, he looked broken again, and you hated to see him so fragile after everything he'd told you. You stood up and looked down at the gap on the cushioned seat. He knew what you were asking, and so he shuffled to the side to allow you enough space to sit next to him. "Could you do me a favour?"
He looked down at you and a soft smile played on his lips. "Of course."
"Can you show me what the ring looked like?" You asked. His smile grew as his green seidr fluttered over your left hand and a flick of his fingers caused the seidr to swirl over your ring finger. When the magic subsided you saw the most intricately cut diamond you'd ever seen, the gold was woven at its base like flowers holding the stone in place. You didn't see the look of adoration that he gave you whilst you inspected the ring. When you turned you grinned at him. "I never thought that anyone would propose to me."
He moved his arm to hover over your shoulders, "may I?" He asked. You nodded and the adoration was back, he was unsure of himself even when you accepted him. His hold was firm yet gentle, showing how much he didn't want to let you go this time.
"Loki, I'd like to stay here with you. Maybe we can rebuild the life you remember we had."
"I will, dear Y/N. But before that," his green magic swirled between his barely clenched hand and formed a bunch of beautiful Y/F/F. "I must bestow my gifts upon you once more, every one, in the order that I gave them to you."
Tag list:
@sonhadoraativa @octopus5555 @stayfabulous @hubert-the-pterabug @russianbutchcrushing
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Give Me Love (TJ Perkins x Reader)
When you know nothing about the Cruiserweight division. I mean, I love all those guys but never really paid that kind of attention towards them. But I braved this one for the lovely @caramara3 who requested TJ to the song Give ME Love by Ed Sheeran (by now just know if I mention Ed Sheeran it’s probably best to go look him up bc he is perfect) I hope you enjoy, dear!
Give me love like never before, 'Cause lately I've been craving more, And it's been a while but I still feel the same, Maybe I should let you go
“I’ll punch him in his stupid face, digitally and in real life. See how he likes it then.” TJ mumbled, furiously peeling off his hand tape. He was so occupied with his pacing and his tape and murderous thoughts of revenge that he didn’t notice the person slowly coming up behind him.
“Are you alright?” He was interrupted and cut off by Y/N, who seemingly came out of nowhere, though knowing her she had probably been watching the whole thing in catering.
“This is what I need right now.” TJ mumble, quietly so she couldn’t hear that and his slightly exasperated chuckle and turned to look at her. “Saw that out there, huh?”
Y/N sighed. “Look, TJ, I just wanted to check on you after what happened out there with Noam. I know losing is rough, especially with a low blow like that. You didn’t deserve to lose like that.”
He didn’t care about how the match ended; maybe he did, a bit. But that’s not what this was about. He could handle losing, if it was fair. It was what had happened after the match and the words that were said that made him pissed and had him where he was.
He had never hated Noam. Sure, they weren’t best friends, but he had never personally felt any animosity towards him either. So it had struck him as a complete surprise when, on top of the Neville stuff he was dealing with, Noam seemed to somehow believe he had the right to say what he did. It made his blood boil and whistle like a tea kettle; how even with Alicia cackling and cheering, and the crowd booing as he was held for the three count, that Noam whispering about Y/N and TJ’s relationship. Or, on their past relationship, if he wanted to be accurate about it.
TJ wasn’t sure how it had all happened, but one day he and Y/N had just stopped clicking, like their enthusiasm had gone down the drain. Maybe he could look back and pinpoint times where it had simmered a bit, but at the time it struck him out of the blue. They had been pretty happy through the relationship, all four months of it. It had been playful, understanding, and fun; playing video games together, staying up late, the joy he felt holding her that sometimes outweighed the joy he had when thought about having that belt. So how it had fallen apart like it did baffled him.
“Thanks for all the sympathy, but I don’t need it and I don’t want it.” It came out a bit harsher than TJ intended, initially wanting to project and attitude of flippant behavior as he usually did. Her face only fell for a second before hardening up a bit again.
“See, this is why. You could never just tell me, could you? Never wanted to face reality, huh? I see how it is!”
“I can face reality just fine, thank you! You just never needed to get involved like you did!”
I got involved because you were going through a difficult time with the championship. I’m sorry if it’s so wrong to want to be there for you. The belt changed you, when you had it and when you lost it. All I ever heard was how you were the first Cruiserweight title holder. Then you lost it and-“
Any remark TJ might have had was caught in his throat as he watched her. She looked like she was really trying to tell him everything; how she felt about him. It was more than he ever did, he realized.
“I get it, I do.” He said softly, breaking the silence that had fallen over the two of them after she had quieted down. “You did your best. I just…wasn’t ready. I didn’t know how to handle it, y’know?” I never had a serious thing with anyone before.”
“I didn’t mind you being a funny guy, I just wanted you to be pen with me. I tried and you never seemed to get it.” Y/N stepped forward again and this time TJ didn’t step back.
“I’ve missed you, Y/N. Isn’t the same without my Player Two.”
A small smile flickered on her face and TJ mirrored it. “Ditto, Player One.”
Maybe they weren’t broken, maybe just a bit rocky. If, scratch that, when he got his act together, he could try again. It wasn’t game over, not if he could help it.
If you get the Steven U reference I’ll love you forever and give you a cookie. Thank you for reading and for the requests! Love you guys!
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