#Buh byeeee
bugdogg · 11 months
Lot of attitude today, and bickering, I was sleepy the whole time but the kids were not
It was fun and busy, I wanna go to sleep
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seu-nghan · 8 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out🖤
aww 🥹 js woke up and this was the first thing I see!! thank u mll ! (ur prettier tho)
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quietlyblooms · 17 days
the question is!! i suppose!! would anyone want something spicy from chiyo
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baconcolacan · 9 months
A muse has me in their hold. Might go into a creation coma
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iced-souls · 2 months
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So i may have thought to myself “hrmmm, I like to use my own magic system into my lil creature biology, but nobody even knows what it is”
And then decided to write up a thirty-eight or something page series on said magic system for seemingly no reason!!! Yayy!!!!!
But then again it is long, but then i again I did split it into chapters, SO THEREFORE—
Imma be posting them by section over the next couple days, and imma be using this post here as the master post YIPPIEEE!!!!!!
But for it is blank and just a “heads up post”, and after they’re all posted I will reblog this one with the links edited in
Anywho I hope you enjoy the “lectures” lmao
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isysdauser · 2 years
“Bloody hands and a bloody traitor.”
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This took me weeks to finish just because of the damn background ughhhh
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average-vibe · 8 months
dorky boys>>>>>‘hot’ boys
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zombinary · 10 months
Ngl thinking abt the demon hipster chicks and how they...Work. are they individual, but a team? Collective thinking or just mutual agreements?
wondered if theyre just 1 demon, but split up into 4 selves.
Also how and where and When did matthew meet them??? im assuming he summoned em. Not on purpose no way that was him failing gracefully for sure
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problemcore · 2 years
in general you guys should listen to Avatar Country (2018) by Avatar. incredible album. currently competing for first place in my list of favorite album of all time. so good.
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mudson · 8 months
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atlasllm · 2 years
oi fuck off this blog is pro-tumblr sexyman
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lucisfavoritedemon · 1 month
The Fateful Call
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Request: I’ve had the idea of ‘what if the call had went through when Bill called Stan as Ford and threatened to off himself’ for a awhile, THE ANGST!!!
Warnings: Extreme angst, spoilers from the Book of Bill. Mentions of suicide, mentions of hopelessness, mentions of attempts, mentions of SI, mentions of SH. Some fluff at the end. DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED TRIGGER YOU!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
A/N: This was requested by @thebestusernamepossible, I hope this is as angsty as you hoped. I also feel wrong mentioning these themes without addressing sources. If you are feeling any of the aforementioned emotions, do not hesitate to reach out to someone, or to the 988 crisis number. You matter.
Ford had been through a lot with Bill fighting him on shutting down the portal, but nothing could prepare him for what awaited him when he woke up the morning after Bill took his body for a joy ride. Polaroids strewn across the floor of some of the things Bill had used his body to do; partying, getting a tattoo, assaulting a cop, and more. All horrible things that he will spend an eternity trying to fix, but nothing could have prepared him for the tape that Bill had made of the night's events.
Ford hesitantly put the tape into the VCR, and he watched the night's events unfold as Bill used him as a human puppet. Ford now knew why his hand hurt so badly. Bill had apparently repeatedly hammered a nail into his hand. All of that being horrible and hard to watch, but nothing could have prepared him for what Bill did at the very end of the tape.
Bill had used his body to limp up to a pay phone and type in a number. At first Ford didn;t recognize it, then the reality of the situation hit him. Bill just dialed the phone number at the end of an infomercial…Stan’s infomercial! Ford felt like vomiting, and he prayed the pay phone didn’t work, until he heard the line ringing.
“This is Panley Stines, what can I sell you today?”
“Hey brother, it's Sixer. I’m going to take a swim in the frozen lake tomorrow, and I might not ever come back, so if you don’t hear from me, I just want you to know that it;s because I never loved you. BUH-BYEEEE.”
“W-what?” Ford heard Stan’s voice stutter before Bill made his body hang the phone up.
Ford was hopeless. Bill would do anything to get him to start the portal back up again. His heart was in his throat. How could Bill do this!? Now Stan believed Ford hated him, and was going to kill himself tomorrow. What more torture could Bill do? How was Ford to fix this and let Stan know he wasn’t actually, but Stan would never believe him, or think that he was doing it to get attention. He sat there, tears stinging his eyes, for the first time in his life, not knowing what to do.
Stan was in his motel room. He had somehow bargained his way into being to stay there for a while. He hoped that someone, anyone would call and buy what he was selling now. He felt like he was in the lowest part of his life possible. He felt like he was a failure and a screw up and was having a hard time believing anyone loved, or even remembered him, especially his brother. It had been ten years since he talked to him, and as the years went on, it was harder and harder to convince himself that Ford still cared.
One night, Stan got a very unexpected phone call. He answered it thinking that it was someone calling to buy one of his many Stanco fails. “This is Panley Stines, what can I sell you today?” He spoke trying to sound cheery and hopeful. The voice that came back was one he was last expecting to speak back.
“Hey brother, it's Sixer. I’m going to take a swim in the frozen lake tomorrow, and I might not ever come back, so if you don’t hear from me, I just want you to know that it;s because I never loved you. BUH-BYEEEE.”
“W-wait…” the line went dead before he could say anything else. 
Ford…he was going to do something to himself and Stan was states away. He had no idea where he was living these days, and knew, even if he did and drove all night, he wouldn’t reach him in time. Why would Ford call and tell him that for one, and two say it was because he never loved his brother. Something wasn’t right, but Stan didn’t feel like questioning it. What if that really just how Ford truly felt.
All the things tried to fight all these months he decided to stop fighting. The one person who kept him going all these years had just called and stated he was going to off himself and it was all because he didn’t love Stan. What was Stan supposed to do with that information? He couldn’t do anything. All the years of thinking about hurting himself, or offing himself, and feeling like he could never amount to anything came flooding back, and the only thing he felt in those dark moments was seeing Ford again one day, and now he will never get that chance. His brother would be gone by this time tomorrow and he was helpless to stop him.
Stan stared off into space deep in thought. Thoughts of joining his brother, or hurting himself just a little to make the pain in his heart and soul dissipate. He wanted himself to feel the physical pain as he felt it was easier to handle than the mental pain. The mental turmoil he was going through would be enough to drive someone absolutely mad.
Ford paced his cabin for what seemed like days. He refused to sleep, or eat, or do anything but pace until he figured out a way to fix things with Stan, or at least undo what Bill did. He absolutely refused to sleep again as he was afraid Bill might actually follow through with his plan, or much worse.
Ford knew the obvious, and that was to call Stan and explain that it was a prank, or he was told to do it against his will. He wanted to say that it was all untrue and that he loved his brother dearly which wasn’t untrue. Yes, he was upset about Stan costing him his dream school, but Ford could never not love his twin brother.
He knew what he had to do. He had to call Stan. Even if he told a little lie, it was better than nothing. He couldn’t let Stan believe he was dead, he couldn’t let him think that he was going to do something to himself because he didn’t love Stan. So, he swallowed his pride and called Stan.
Stan bandaged himself up again in the motel bathroom when he heard the phone ringing. His gut fell, he hoped this wasn’t the call he was dreading all day to get. He took a deep breath and answered, “Panley Stines, what can I sell you today…?” He tried his best to sound cheerful, but it was hard as he awaited for the voice to say they found his brother.
“Stanley?” The voice sounded hopeful, and exhausted.
“Ford?” Stan didn’t know whether to be happy, or angry.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean any of it. I’m not going to do anything to myself. I was held against my will by a group of bikers in town after I…well I was being me and they forced me to call you…”
Stan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It wasn’t a surprise that his nerdy brother had gotten himself into trouble by mouthing off his science-y words to people. It was laughable, but he refrained himself as he responded, “you still aren’t good in social settings, huh Sixer?”
They chuckle on the other end made him feel like they were kids again, “guess not. I had to call though, I wanted you to know that I didn’t mean any of it…” Ford wanted to say that he loved his brother, but he couldn’t get the words to come out, “I-I have to go, but I needed to call.”
“Stanford?” Stan wanted to say he loved his brother, but the words couldn’t come out, “don’t ever call me saying that again.”
They both chuckled before they hung up. That was probably the closest to saying they loved each other that they would ever get. Both feeling relieved to know the other one was still out there in the world, even if they didn’t talk again.
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kamiraaah · 18 days
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Hello Hi hallo!
Sooo, I had a thought and, as a fellow brazilian, I'd like to share my suffering with you;
Brazilian Yuu...
Doesn't understand a single thing the guys are saying (let's say they all naturally speak Japanese but a different version, a Twisted Wonderland Version this is a bit confusing-), bc they only speak portuguese/english;
Uses a special hearing aids with magic that automatically translates what someone is saying to their language/Also uses special glasses for when writing or reading something in Japanese;
Constantly complains about the lack of brazilian food, starts to cook for the other guys (Starts making some food in the Mostro Lounge to get money, everybody loves it, brazilian food on top)
Brazilian Yuu who is constantly causing chaos in the school, like those high school memes:
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(Essa ultima, certeza q o Azul q faria)
Anyway, that's all, sorry for rambling, buh Byeeee :DD
HIIIII!!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING???? 👉👈 Hope you having a great day 💕 here, some love for you~
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YOU!!!! ARE!!!! A GENIUS!!!!!! 🤌🤌 AND NOW I HAVE TO MAKE A BRAZILAN YUU!!!! (Or a couple of them..... HEHEHEHEHE)
Não consigo não pensar no YuuBR o maior causador de problemas ou barracos na escola.... As possibilidades... elas são.... infinitas 👁👄👁
Love your ideas, you're always welcome to share anything EVEN your suffering (let's suffer together, ninguém solta a mão de ninguém 🤝)
Senhor essas imagens me trouxeram lembranças de guerra da minha época na escola AJBDJSJSJS sdds do dia do troca e das festas juninas 😭
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iced-souls · 3 months
Holy crap a mysterious link i wonder where it could possibly lead—
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ghost-format · 10 months
After the live-action Barbie movie came out, for months, the bats would use Barbie and Ken adjacent code names
“Sword Ken and I need backup”
“Got it, Bo Staff Ken. Purple Barbie is on the way.”
“I finished up my thing, room for another?”
“The more the merrier, Circus Ken”
“There’s movement on the docks, Gun Ken?”
“Shadow Barbie and I got it”
“Light bulb Ken checking in real quick. You all doing alright?”
“Bo staff Ken may have a minor concussion, but besides that we’re pretty good.”
“Don’t think I didn’t see you get thrown into a concrete wall Circus Ken”
“All-seeing Barbie strikes again”
“I think I’ve gotten so use to it that I forget when it happens”
“Or it’s all the brain damage effecting your memory”
“Well, have fun Barbies and Kens. Light Bulb Ken is going back to sleep.”
“Bye Ken!”
“Bye Ken”
“Good-bye Ken”
“Byeeee Keeen!”
“Bye Ken”
“Buh-bye Ken”
“Byee Ken.”
“… Bye Ken” <- Bruce joining in
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kirantar0 · 1 year
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Heyyyyy so uh.....I've been busy. With stuff.
New stuff. Disventureous...stuff. I'm mostly active on insta so if you want more active content check it out 😩
Thanks and buh byeeee!
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