#But I’d rather it be a group effort with all of Layton’s friends/relatives raising Kat
101flavoursofweird · 2 years
Head LMJ anime writer: Ok, folks, Layton’s going to disappear on his mystery journey, but we don’t want him to look irresponsible leaving his ten-year-old daughter behind. So, who’s going to babysit Kat for the next ten years?
The one good writer: What about Flora— the other girl Layton agreed to look after? I know her age has never been confirmed but surely she’d be older than Kat! We can keep their relationship vague but she could still be like an older sister to Kat—
That writer who’s a LBMR stan: What about her olde brother, Alfendi? We referenced him in the LMJ game, right? He’s canon—
The writer who’s a Descole stan: What about Kat’s uncle, Desmond? Layton and his brother don’t need to be estranged forever! They could have reunited after Azran Legacy— you don’t even have to reference what happened in Azran Legacy—
The writer who’s an Emmy stan: SAME WITH EMMY! Layton forgave her and surely she has forgiven herself by this point. She would want to search for Layton and help look after his kids!
The logical writer: Why not just use Layton’s parents— Roland and Lucille? Kat’s grandparents! They’re hardly spoiler characters… Layton is still on good terms with them. They really are the most logical choice!
Head LMJ anime writer: …
Head LMJ anime writer: Didn’t Layton have a cleaning lady that was never referenced again after PL4…?
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