#They would definitely let Kat stay with them
itwasrealtome · 24 hours
Olivia Benson x fem! reader
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ANGST | Olivia Benson x fem! detective reader | Masterlist
Summary : Detective Y/N Y/L/N, part of Olivia Benson’s Special Victims Unit, faces a life-threatening situation during a suspect’s arrest, chasing this one into an ultimate falls to his death. Injured but alive, Y/N finds herself in an hospital room, receiving stern words from Olivia about her reckless actions.
Content Warning : Mention of stimulants to stay awake | Mention of a breakup | Mention of police work | Mention of jumping off a building | Some police man being a jerk | Usual SVU talk : Abuse, murder, violence, weapon and kidnapping | Y/N getting into a fight | People falling from a building | Injuries | Death | Hospital | OLIVIA BEING MAD | HEARTBREAK
A/N : Hello my loves. I'm finally sharing this first Olivia X reader with you. I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think. There are a few people I can't identify in the taglist, I'm sorry.
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This afternoon, the streets seemed even more crowded than usual. The vehicles flooded the roads, coming from every corner and blocking the main way out.
Behind a queue of about ten of them, a police car came to a sudden halt. The alarm was on, and the blue and red flashing lights blinded anyone who looked in that direction.
But no one moved.
Not even the sound of a horn persuaded the citizens of New York to get out of the path.
Amanda’s grip on the wheel only tightened. She had never been able to understand the reason behind people’s insensitivity to this kind of thing. It was such an easy thing to understand. Besides, someone’s life often depended on it. Yet, there she was, turning furiously midway, her partner gasping in surprise, her shirt now stained with hot coffee.
— Dude, can’t you just warn before doing that kind of thing?
The blonde gave a brief glance to her passenger. She expected to find her glued to the door, her fingers clenched around the top handle, but she didn’t.
Y/N was desperately trying to absorb the contents of her cup on her worktop. The wipers provided with her order, finally finding their use.
While most people would have been annoyed about staining a piece of clothing, the young detective was not. She seemed much more upset about losing a few drops of her beverage. The former could still be replaced, but the latter was definitely needed.
— Sorry about your shirt.
— Yeah, well you owe me a coffee.
The driver’s smile only widened when she heard her partner muttering complaints. She knew her well enough to say that it had nothing to do with that slight accident. It was cute. Of course, it was. But Amanda could see through it. She knew it had nothing to do with the coffee. Sure, the days were long and their job involved finding stimulants to stay awake, but Y/N was never acting like that. Something was different. And who better to notice than someone who practically lived with her?
— Sure you’re okay?
— Rollins, it’s just a shirt. I think I can get over it.
Amanda gave her a knowing glance. She expected this kind of answer from the young officer. Everyone knew what kind of person she was.
Committed, she was always the first to arrive at the precinct and the last to leave. She was practically married to the job by now. And though Kat had trouble following orders, Y/N did not. She was the perfect partner. Amanda couldn’t remember a time when Y/N had lost control. But these days, everything seemed to fall apart.
It began with a couple of small comments, here and there, a bit too harsh coming from Y/N’s mouth. Next up, her silence during the team talk was a concerning factor for Amanda. If anyone always had something to add to the investigation, it was her. This ranged from a simple detail no one had noticed, to scientific or sociological facts. It was often complicated to keep the detective quiet, so her lack of involvement was bound to catch the eye. That and the fact the blonde had seen her leave the bunks two mornings in a row at the exact same time.
Sure, it was just the addition of minor details. But the older woman’s gut was not wrong, not about this. Something was wrong with her partner. And it had nothing to do with a simple lack of caffeine.
— Oh, don’t give me that kind of look.
— But you’re not telling me the truth, Y/N/N!
Y/N huffed quietly. At times in her life, she hated being around people whose job was to investigate. She cursed them all equally. She just couldn’t help herself the last few days. Her anger was aimed at a specific and unique person, but that person being in law enforcement themselves, it was almost overwhelming to go to work every day. Time seemed to run too slowly there. The only moments she enjoyed were those outside the building. The cold New York weather allowed her to clear her mind and take a deep breath. And she always had something to do, after all the city never slept.
—Like you don’t keep anything to yourself, huh?
Amanda faintly spluttered. Everyone knew she had had difficult times, but she wasn't the only one. And now that she was honest with herself, she knew she had made mistakes. One thing’s for sure, she did not want her partner to replicate these.
— I made some mistakes, most of them I don’t want you to repeat.
— I seriously doubt you did this one.
That was all she could get out of the young detective. Amanda knew it as she watched her turn toward the window. The mere reflection of her face gave her a glimpse of what she was really feeling inside, a sweet mixture of anger and bitterness. Whatever the problem was, it wasn't something they could fix with a drink. And this worried the blonde even more.
— Just promise me you won't do anything stupid.
These words captured the passenger's interest again. She arched an eyebrow at her partner, a smile forming at the corner of her lips. Knowing their duo’s dynamics, she had dozens of retorts on the tip of her tongue, all of them a little more mischievous than the last. Instead, she just shook her head gently. Amanda didn't have to know how upset she was about the whole thing. She didn’t deserve to worry so much. And Y/N certainly had no right to be such a burden to her partner.
— Like what? Jumping off a building? y/n chuckled at the blonde’s glare. Relax. I won’t do anything of that kind, I promise.
At that very moment, the young detective genuinely meant it. She had not gotten up with such an idea in mind. If jumping off a building was regarded as a very stupid gesture, she considered her routine more so.
It was in the way the precinct’s bunks were beginning to feel like home. And how she spent every second of her days with the badge on her waist. She had no idea when she had last stepped into her apartment for more than a shower. Her desk was overflowing with paperwork and books in which she always found a way to bury herself. It was much more than a way to distract herself. At all costs, she avoided raising her head, out of fear of meeting the gaze that froze her every time. The path she was on was, for that matter, significantly more dangerous than whatever stupid thing Amanda was thinking about.
But she could not say that to her.
To anyone, actually.
— Weren't we just called to make sure that this jerk wasn't prowling around the residence?
In any other context, Y/N would have felt like a fool. Her back nearly arched as she tried to make out what was going on in a street they weren't even close to yet. She may have lacked sleep and insight into her personal life, but her cop intuition never failed her.
— You'd be sure of that if you'd listened to a single word the captain said.
— Something’s wrong.
Amanda brought them to the next intersection before momentarily stopping the car. The sight over her partner’s shoulder sent a chill down her spine. Despite years of experience, she couldn’t help but feel a rush of adrenaline every time. The crowd of cops down the street certainly wasn’t helping. They were everywhere. Mostly hidden behind their vehicles. But their vests did not go unnoticed and neither did their weapons pointed at a specific target.
— Crap, I hate when you’re right about this stuff.
— Hum…what was that you were saying about our captain again? y/n faced her friend with a teasing smile on her face. She couldn’t help herself. Always listen to what sh–
The sudden acceleration of the vehicle silenced Y/N. She felt grateful once again that her belt was keeping her safe. No day went by without her being in some kind of danger, but she never thought she’d have to worry about dying while Amanda was behind the wheel.
— Would you please stop doing that? cried the younger detective, her hands still clutching the top handle. And since when do you drive so badly? Damn it.
— Guess now you’ll stop driving like a maniac if I let you get behind the wheel.
The door swung shut before she could react. She stepped out of the car herself and walked over to Amanda. A vest was tossed in her face before she could even think about opening her mouth. But anyone who thought she would have given up so easily was wrong.
— I do not drive like a maniac.
Her friend gave her a knowing look as she closed the trunk. Now was definitely not the time to have this kind of conversation, but Amanda was glad her partner hadn’t lost everything that made her the person she was.
She was relentless, both in her work and in her personal life. To be defeated by a suspect in an interrogation room was a rare occurrence. Within the profession, many officers wondered about her career choice. They could imagine her leaving the field to terrify judges in a courtroom. Perhaps because they were themselves scared to death to face her. Seeking victory in a debate with a woman like Y/N was a waste of time. She knew when she was wrong, and would always acknowledge it. Nevertheless, she also knew when she was right. And in those moments, Amanda was the first to grab a bag of popcorn.
— That you do.
The detective’s hands found the velcro on the vest from memory as she was too busy glowering at her friend. The protection weighed on her shoulders. It was almost enough to give her a reason to fall apart. That, and the weight of life that was beginning to take its toll on her.
Slightly defeated, she stomped over to Amanda to catch up with her. She knew the other detective was right. Her anger was evident in the way she drove. Since then, she was assigned the role of co-pilot. It was okay. But she loathed being deprived of her usual distraction. It was starting to loop in her mind. She needed a way out.
— Detective Rollins and Y/L/N, Special Victims Unit.
Amanda shoved her badge in the man’s direction, half-expecting him to tell her to piss off. He dominated the scene with his large stature and a rank evident to all. The rookies were following his orders and keeping their mouths shut. Something that obviously wouldn't work with Olivia Benson-trained agents. He didn't seem to mind, guiding the two detectives as close as possible to the scene. But then, the mere idea of having to send men into the building made him raise his chin in an authoritative, disapproving manner.
— Our only witness is trapped in this building, Rollins began the fight, finger pointing accusingly. I don't care how, I want that man in custody.
If one of them had looked up for even half a second, instead of fighting over who had the biggest –which was obviously Y/N in this situation– they might have been able to stop the young detective in her tracks. Amanda had had enough of listening to the man's whining as he waved his rank in her face. And her colleague, the one she was supposed to look after, was tired of simply waiting.
As discreet as a mouse in the middle of the city, Y/N circled the building and quickly found a fire escape. It wasn't exactly what she'd had in mind when the impulse to walk into the building first came to her, but she couldn't really say she'd given it much thought. With a bit of imagination, and a little help from a trash container, she managed to pull herself up to the top. Now, maybe that was the beginning of a crazy idea. She could already imagine her partner and captain scolding her - if, and only if, she managed to get out of there alive and intact.
At the top of the stairs leading to the third floor, the detective stopped dead in her tracks at the sound of their suspect's agitated voice.
Thomas Patterson, 45, suspected of having violently abused his wife before killing her, and of abusing his stepdaughter - Johanne Morales. The man's profile was clear: a respectful-looking husband and father-in-law, loved by all, carefree, but once the door was closed he turned into a control freak with urges he simply couldn't escape. He clearly hadn't planned to kill his wife. The autopsy had revealed signs of haste and mistakes that a man like Patterson would never have made if he had prepared properly. But he had made mistakes. His blows had been too violent, Johanne had interrupted him, and he'd had to finish the job quickly - too quickly, in order to hide his crime.
Y/N had studied his profile carefully. That's what she did best, that and avoiding her captain. She knew he was restless, nervous, ready to do anything to cover up his actions. The final piece of the puzzle was to eliminate the only witness, the one who would go all the way to court to see him take the fall. She had an advantage over him. She was there, so close to the goal, and he was unaware of her presence. At least, that was until Amanda's voice came through the radio.
— Y/L/N, you've got two seconds to get your butt over here.
The young detective could have banged her own head against the wall. Boy, had she been stupid on that one. She clenched her jaw, the urge to bite her fist growing cumbersome as she prayed Thomas hadn't heard. But he definitely did.
A front door opened slowly, the creaking hinges betraying the building’s condition. The man was probably armed, the sound of the guard echoing in the empty corridor. Each of his steps shook the wooden floor and sent a current of adrenalin through Y/N's veins. He was getting closer. She could smell him and his perfume. Him and her fear.
As soon as he was close enough to round the corner of the stairwell, the young detective took this as her cue. She charged at the man, her hands reaching for the 9mm held firmly in his rough, bleeding hands. In a split second, the magazine slid out and collapsed on the floor. She sent it tumbling down a few steps with her boot, before landing a knee into the suspect’s parts. This only confused him for the briefest moment. He was on her again before she could even flinch. Her body hit the wall with a heavy thud, the vest shielding her body from the heavy impact. However, the man’s hands found her neck and tightened their grip, pulling her head violently forward and then pushing it back, slamming it against the concrete wall.
He repeated the motion twice more, the detective’s pleas of pain provoking a feeling he himself could not begin to describe. Y/N wasn’t done with him yet. He clearly wanted to lash out at a woman and had a nasty habit of underestimating them all. Only, today wasn’t his lucky day. He was forced into the apartment where he had deliberately tied up the young Johanne. It was his turn to bang into something. The dresser barely tilted behind him, but the vase crashed hard against the top of his skull. He felt the water run down his face, the smell of freshly bought flowers wafting through the air.
Back in a corner, Johanne tried desperately to struggle out of her bonds, her words puffed out by the duct tape over her mouth. She could only witness the struggle between her back-up and her assailant. Watching as Y/N unloaded all her pent-up anger on the man who had dared to cause so much harm. In one smooth motion, Thomas grabbed the detective’s gun, a triumphant glint in his eyes. Hope was soon lost, his chances of getting out of there alive and free close to zero. His opponent was relentless and had no intention of letting him slip away. His only option, he realized, a flash of light reflecting off the window, was to drag the detective with him in his fall.
Outside, Amanda was still arguing with the man in charge of operations. He hadn’t given up and neither had she. Only when, as the argument continued to escalate, gunshots were heard, followed by the shattering of a window pane, did they come to an agreement. The plan didn’t even have time to take shape before two bodies flew out of the building.
First, the blonde saw the man she recognized as their suspect crash hard to the ground, the collision knocking him down instantly. Then came a tremendous thump and the shrill sound of a car alarm. Straight ahead of her, on one of the patrol cars, had landed Y/N. The height of the fall meant that the roof of the vehicle had been crushed and some of the windows smashed. That wasn't what Amanda was most worried about. Her partner, the one who'd promised her she wouldn't do anything stupid – like jumping off the third floor of a building, was sprawled motionless on the broken glass, blood on the back of her skull.
— Oh my God, Y/N, in one stride, she was as close as she could get to her friend. Call an ambulance. Now!
For once, the man made himself useful, radio in hand, as he asked for help. He now stood with one, maybe two, even three victims to deal with if the detective didn't make it. He could already imagine the damage it would do to his career. Besides, he knew Captain Benson very well and had no desire to mess with her.
Needless was his worry. The more Amanda studied her friend, the more she realized how lucky she’s been. Y/N was simply stunned, staring at the New York sky with an uncharacteristic intensity. She began to laugh, full-throated, heartily. It was probably the adrenaline pumping again. Tears joined the party, leaving funny marks on her bloody cheeks. Suddenly, she remembered.
— Johanne. She's alive. Up there. Y/N looked up at Amanda expectantly. She needs help.
Captain Olivia Benson had seen enough in her career not to let anxiety get the better of her. She had been beaten, kidnapped, almost died and dragged through the mud in front of an entire courtroom. She had reached a point where facing certain types of suspects no longer made her lose her footing.
But someone was bound to make her lose it.
Briskly, almost to the point of knocking herself off her feet, she made her way through the corridors of a hospital she knew all too well. The distinctive clatter of her heels against the floor blended perfectly with the incessant beeping and distant hubbub of such a place. She wasn't there to see a victim, as she often was. Her hasty and agitated demeanor only aroused the suspicions of the medical staff who had crossed paths with her so many times. It wasn't just a professional matter.
It hadn't been for a long time.
When Olivia reached room 212, she didn't spare a moment's hesitation. One of her youngest detectives and latest recruit was sitting wisely on the edge of the bed, her legs wriggling in the air like a child's. A nurse was visibly busy behind her, dropping more and more glass flakes into her tray as she went. She leaned against the doorframe, arms folded tightly against her chest, eyes focused on the sight that made her stomach hurt in spite of herself.
She watched as Y/N's chest, covered in dried blood, continued to pulsate with every breath, as hematomas were already starting to spread across her face and torso, and as her plain face twisted in pain as soon as the nurse reached for another piece of glass. Just a few days ago, her first instinct would have been to rush to her protégé’s side and calm the agony she knew to be growing in her heart. But she'd vowed to keep her distance and stay in her current position: Captain Benson, unit chief.
All too quickly for the young detective's liking, the nurse finished her treatment and left the two law enforcement agents behind. Olivia had had the decency to wait until the door was closed before lashing out at her, which didn't stop Y/N from rolling her eyes. She'd already imagined this conversation - or rather, monologue - and knew she wouldn't come out of it unscathed. She'd probably lose her badge. No matter, she'd already lost her heart.
— Have you completely lost your mind? You could’ve been killed.
This was the cue for a lengthy sermon that she couldn't escape. The words left Olivia's mouth at a speed that seemed unbearable. She paced back and forth, her arms stretching out in waves of frustration and indignation, her cheeks rosy with emotion. She'd done some stupid things herself when she was just a rookie, but throwing herself off the third floor of a building had never been on the list.
— Are you done? y/n arched an eyebrow as Olivia finally paused. I saved a life today. While Amanda and that jerk were fighting over who had the biggest, which apparently I did.
— No, you refused to follow orders. Not only did you put yourself in danger, you put everyone's lives in danger. Heaven help us again that you were wearing your vest, otherwise it could have been a lot worse.
— I don't know why you care so much, you're just my boss!
Although these words were intended to hurt Olivia, it was Y/N who took the brunt of the blow. It was one thing to know that their relationship had been reduced to this, but it was quite another to admit it in person. The brunette was no longer entitled to worry so much, to ask her to watch out and send her a text as soon as she got home. Whatever had been was no more.
— Right, Olivia broke into an almost scoffing snort. Let me tell you, as your captain, that you won't be leaving the precinct for a long time.
— You’re benching me? Liv, you can’t do this!
— What you did was completely irresponsible. You don't want to follow orders, fine. But you're not leaving this desk without my permission.
The young detective had been holding her breath for a long time– far too long. She'd spent days avoiding conflict, lamenting in her corner, mourning the end of a story she'd thought would last forever. It wasn't just about what had just happened, it was something else, something more personal. She felt as if Olivia had no idea how to express her concern, as if her only option was to play the role of the big bad boss. But she was tired of hiding, of running away, of avoiding confrontation.
— Breaking my heart wasn't enough for you, uh? She rose from the bed, hastily putting on her jacket. If you want me to leave the squad, just say so.
For the first time, she faced her head-on. Head held high, eyebrows furrowed in frustration, ready to stand on tiptoe if that would help reach the brunette's height. She faced those brown pearls with all the courage she had left, her own eyes misty with tears she'd never let flow. This was it, so close yet so far, two souls who knew each other becoming strangers once again.
Olivia reached out with a last ounce of regret, brushing away a tear that had escaped down the young detective's cheek with the tip of her thumb. Her heart urged her to do more, to embrace this bruised woman, to bring her all the comfort she needed. She wanted to take Y/N home, wrap her in one of her shirts, tell her how much she loved her. In another life, where they were just two soul mates, where Olivia didn't have to worry about repercussions, whatever they might be. This was where she could find comfort.
— Go home. Take a few days. Get some rest. We'll talk about it when you get back.
The New Yorker had rarely seen a face shattered in a matter of seconds. Her words had urged Y/N to free herself from her hold, her head heavy and spinning from all the hassle and concussion she'd picked up from the blows. Her shoulder nudged her superior's as she walked by, a gesture of no little importance. She did not look back once to meet her former lover's gaze again.
Maybe she should have.
Maybe she would have seen the same love, the same tears, that Olivia saw in her eyes.
Maybe the ice wasn't so thin after all.
Taglist: @electricboost @womenlovingwomen-imagines @hi-1-1-blog @emskisworld @enjoytheentireworld @arie109 @marvelandotheruniverseslover-adhd @philocalistwrites @wittygutsy @observeowl @ravennewlyn @tina-2005 @makkaroni221 @ssaaggwwaa @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mmmmokdok @hbkpop @micaluvssoccer @idk-whats-wrong-with-me-blog @nciscmjunkie @moonlightjxuregui @thefatobsession @12fluffybunny12 @scarletwitcher97 @thesamesweetie @idonothingallday @clozeliz @realgirlbossqueenslay @l4yne @rain-mikaelson @fanfiction-24824 @sammi1642 @inquisitive-nix @namelesscheshire
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101flavoursofweird · 2 years
Head LMJ anime writer: Ok, folks, Layton’s going to disappear on his mystery journey, but we don’t want him to look irresponsible leaving his ten-year-old daughter behind. So, who’s going to babysit Kat for the next ten years?
The one good writer: What about Flora— the other girl Layton agreed to look after? I know her age has never been confirmed but surely she’d be older than Kat! We can keep their relationship vague but she could still be like an older sister to Kat—
That writer who’s a LBMR stan: What about her olde brother, Alfendi? We referenced him in the LMJ game, right? He’s canon—
The writer who’s a Descole stan: What about Kat’s uncle, Desmond? Layton and his brother don’t need to be estranged forever! They could have reunited after Azran Legacy— you don’t even have to reference what happened in Azran Legacy—
The writer who’s an Emmy stan: SAME WITH EMMY! Layton forgave her and surely she has forgiven herself by this point. She would want to search for Layton and help look after his kids!
The logical writer: Why not just use Layton’s parents— Roland and Lucille? Kat’s grandparents! They’re hardly spoiler characters… Layton is still on good terms with them. They really are the most logical choice!
Head LMJ anime writer: …
Head LMJ anime writer: Didn’t Layton have a cleaning lady that was never referenced again after PL4…?
112 notes · View notes
starlightazriel · 17 days
bee 10
series desc: modern best friends >lovers au(fem reader, tattoo artist coke boi az haha) part 10 psa: not everyone will like this part lol don't kill me borderline domestic violence/abuse
warnings: 18+, rough sex where reader is drunk(blurry consent lines, i know i have issues im sorry), unprotected sex, spanking, praise, bj, possessive az, dark az, more groveling, drug/alcohol addiction, az having lots of inner monologue, self loathing, depression
a/n: canon az would never do this omg hes an angel with women bee series az however is a hot mess PROCEED W CAUTION!!!! kisses xoxo
wc: 4.7k
other parts can be found on my az masterlist<3
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Azriel was watching the front door for hours. He knew she was back in town, he saw Kat's story. Y/n standing next to her, drink in hand. A grin, bloodshot drunken eyes, swollen from crying too, a tiny jean mini skirt, a crop top that was definitely Kats as it stretched too tightly over her generous breasts, nipples rings showing through the taut fabric. It had taken everything in him not to throw his phone through the flat screen. She was out looking like that, and he was here, miserable, sober besides all the weed he had smoked, which didn't do much for him anymore.
12:23 am.
He did clean up the house a bit for her... He couldn't let her walk into the mess he had created. He started with all of the trash, moved to the dishes, put any paraphernalia away back in his room, picked up all of his clothing strewn about the house.
1:37 am.
Fuck. The drawings. Azriel hesitated in front of her door, though he had been spending a lot of time in there recently, knowing she was back in the city, it somehow felt like a violation. That was ironic, considering how all of this had even started between them. It took effort not to physically cringe when entering her room, and his stomach twisted, cheeks burning at the realization that she had been in here. She had stopped here earlier before going to Kats. There was her bag. Right there, in the corner. His eyes settled on her bed, three of his drawings laid there carefully. He swallowed thickly as he looked at the drawings, each one made in the peak of his mental breakdown he had been going through since she left. One was of their hands, his own scarred flesh against her delicate smooth skin. One of her by herself, laughing, happy, his gut twisted. The last, of them kissing, him holding her face in his hands, tear stains dotted the page and that feeling of guilt that he was all too familiar with lately settled, dragging him down with it.
2:01 am.
Fuck. What the hell was she even doing? Where was she? He let out a heavy sigh before he picked up each and every one of the messy drawings he had done and brought them into his own room, shoving them deep into the filing cabinet by his desk. That was when the pacing about the entire house began— he couldn't possibly sit still now.
2:22 am.
Twenty minutes of pacing wasn't him doing any good, so on went the TV, he thought some cartoons should make him feel better and he settled on CatDog. Another spliff, some chips, cartoons humming in the background. It was better than going out of his fucking mind wondering what she was doing. Which he was still doing— but at least the mindless cartoons helped to drown out the voices screaming in his head, and the insatiable desire to do a line. He had forced himself to stay sober today... He wanted a clear head when he spoke to her.
2:46 am.
Azriel froze when he heard the doorknob turn, his heart beginning to pound wildly. He hadn't seen her since that night on her parents porch. What was she going to say? He had been preparing himself for the worst.
"You cleaned," a small hiccup, flushed cheeks, nervous, sad eyes avoided his as she entered the apartment. She was looking around, anything to avoid eye contact.
"I did," he rose to his feet, dropping the end of the spliff into a the ash tray he had been using. He took a few strides closer, freezing in the hallway when he finally got a good look at her. Lipstick smudged across her lips, hair disheveled, stray pieces falling around her face and eyes.
"Az," she whispered, her eyes widening slightly as they met stare that was growing angrier with each passing second, the emotion emanated from him, filled the apartment like a heavy shadow that pressed into her chest, that made her want to cower away from him.
He didnt know what it was, what over came him but he was in front of her in an instant, long scarred fingers grabbling her face, jaw clenched, grip tight around her own jaw, her cheeks squished, smudged lips smushed together. She's afraid of you, stop. She yelped quietly, eyes wild, wide with fear as she stared up at him, a pleading look in her eyes.
Stop now.
"What the fuck did I say?" it was a low growl, deep from his throat, she was drunk, he could tell, she could barely keep herself up, her knees wobbled, both hands curling around his arm, trying to pull him off of her. He knew this wasnt okay— no this was wrong, so very wrong.
Let her go.
"Az," she whimpered softly, her eyes glazed with tears.
Fucking stop— irreversible damage Azriel, stop now, before you can't.
"I told you not to fucking play with me. You fucking reek like booze and you look like a cheap fucking whore," a lie, his eyes flashed as it passed his lips, she thrashed slightly trying to free her face from his grip. "Stop fucking moving," he grunted, releasing his grip on her face to grab her neck, his fingers squeezing against her soft flesh, he felt her swallow beneath his grip, his blood thrummed.
"Az stop," she begged, her fingers still wrapped tightly around his arm, eyes wild and nervous as her nails dug into his skin.
"This is mine, its all mine," he rasped, his other hand roaming roughly over her body, "I swear to fuck— y/n if you gave my pussy up," he nearly choked on the words, his blood boiling and stomach churning at the thought.
This is wrong Azriel— stop, stop now. You should be on your knees begging forgiveness, stop.
This wasnt him, this wasnt supposed to be happening... This was his father— this is how his father treated women, not him.
"Az, I didnt," her voice broke as she rasped, her eyes were afraid but also— tender, because she knew him, she knew he didnt mean to treat her this way, she understood him on a level that no one else could.
"I should slap the fuck outta you for coming home like that," his fingers loosened on her neck, a sigh of relief escaping her lips with the motion. He didnt mean it, he would never hit her, his chest tightened, her eyes flashing as his words sunk in.
What the fuck is wrong with you? She's never going to talk to you again.
"Im sorry," she slurs softly, her glazed gaze dropping as if she couldn't look him in the eyes, guilt settled on her face. No, this is my fault, don't do that, don't look like that because of me.
"Don't be sorry," His voice was still firm but his eyes softened, swallowing the lump in his throat. I don't deserve you, run. Fucking run. "Just be a good girl and take off your whoring outfit," he finally loosed his fingers from her neck with a gentle push and she stumbled back, wobbly on her feet, she's drunk as fuck, don't fucking do this Az, this is fucked. Youre fucked, youre fucked in the head.
"You missed me didnt you?" she relaxed again allowing a small drunken giggle to escape her lips, she steadied herself on the near by side table before beginning to undress. His eyes followed her movements as her fingers slid over her silky skin and she slowly unclasped the dainty clips on her high heels revealing the fresh looking French tipped toes, his mouth watered at the sight of her.
Tell her how much you miss her. Tell her the truth, tell her youre sorry. Put her to bed Azriel, change her clothes, put her to fucking bed you sick fuck.
Anger outweighed his desire to do the right thing, he couldn't stop himself, what if this was his last chance to fuck her? To feel her?
"Keep going," he encouraged, his hard cock aching in his pants, pressing against the fabric of his sweats, he could feel the precum leaking from the tip, painfully so, he hadn't gotten his nut off since last time they'd fucked weeks ago. He watched as she slid the little mini skirt down her long smooth tattooed legs, many of them he had done himself. She looked so fucking good, shit he'd missed her. "Mhmm," he hummed to himself, his eyes burning into her skin, not looking away for even a second. She shimmied off the crop top next, her braless breasts bouncing deliciously as she freed them from the tight top. A soft involuntary groan escaped his lips at her now near bare body before him. He took a step toward her, placing his hand under her chin and tilting her head up so he could inspect her, she shivered slightly at the touch and he pressed his thumb lightly into her chin, his eyes raking over her bare skin.
"Azriel," she whispered, squirming slightly under his gaze, he froze at the small purply spot behind her ear, a little hickey.
"Oh youre so fucked," he let out a soft breath, poking the small bruise, she let out a small yelp, flinching away from him.
"Az! What is wrong with you?!"
So many things.
"What is wrong with you?" a soft growl escaped his lips, his eyes growing darker with each second that passed, he reached behind her, his body pressing against hers as he did, her breath caught, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. In a swift motion he cleared everything off of the side table in the hallway, the ceramic bowl that held their keys cracking on the floor, she winced, opening her mouth to say something but he grabbed her chin tightly again, forcing her to meet his gaze. "You come into my house, at almost three am, dressed like a fucking thot with a hickey on your neck, face all fucked up," he released her jaw aggressively, her head thrown to the side slightly, she let out a soft whimper, rubbing her chin. "Who gave it to you?" he demanded, placing his hand on her shoulder and whirling her around, pressing her against the table so her hips were flush with it, another small whine escaped her lips.
"It doesn't matter Az-"
"Tell me," he growled softly, his hand connecting with her ass in a sharp smack, she flinched, her hand finding the edge of the table and she held tightly. "Tell me," a warning edge in his tone
"E-Eris!" she yelped out softly, bracing herself for the next impact.
"Yeah, youre so fucked," he chuckled dryly, without an ounce of humor in his tone. Rage was coursing through his blood, red, red was all he could see. Fucking Eris, why? Why him? He didnt know why it infuriated him so much, maybe because he was so different from Azriel, practically opposites. How could she even be attracted to both of them? His pale perfectly smooth skin and red hair like the fucking devil, immaculate cleanness, infinite pockets and endless confidence and suave. He hated all of it.
"Az please," she begged, and he was too angry to even acknowledge the damage he knew he was doing.
"Youre soaking wet," he yanked her thong down, exposing her bare ass to him, his mouth watered again at the sight. "Is it because you like when I rough you up like this?" another smack to that same reddened spot on her bum followed by another soft whimper, her fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly. "Or is it because you like redheaded pricks?"
"Both," she bit back, her words slurred, he laughed again, that same humorless cold chuckle before his hand connected with her skin again, the sound echoing through the quiet hallway. A shaky breath released from her lips as she braced herself for more, her eyes squeezing shut.
"Makes me sick you let him put his hands all over you. Act like a whore get fucked like one," his gravelly voice laced with intent as he released his hard cock from his sweats, they pooled on the floor at his feet as he wrapped his fingers around his thick length. She gasped softly, wincing at the sting as he slapped his cock on the round of her ass in that same spot he had spanked numerous times. His teeth sunk into his lower lip, cheeks flushed with anticipation, he had missed this.
"Youre mine, you understand me?" he asked, his tone sharp as he slid his leaking tip over her entrance, he hissed softly under his breath at the feeling of her wet cunt on his most sensitive skin.
"Yes Az, yes I understand," she rasped softly, another soft yelp leaving her lips as he shoved his cock into her, a low guttural groan leaving his lips. He had missed this so much.
"Good girl," he ground his hips against her ass, pinning her against the table, another small cry left her lips as he pulled his throbbing cock nearly all the way out and back in, the table shook beneath them. His thrusts were greedy, quick and unforgiving as she fell apart beneath him. Her pussy clenched around him, the tip of him dragging across her g-spot with every forceful stroke.
"Az," she let out a broken whimper, her mouth falling open, face twisting in blissful pleasure as she came all over his cock. He rasped a breath, surprised he hadn't been the one to cum first. Maybe she had been wound just as tightly as he was.
"Oh?" he breathed out, panting softly from the pace, small beads of sweat forming at his temples. "You came already?" he asked, a prideful smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he ground his hips his cock filling her up so perfectly, her creamy release leaking around the base of his cock. She only whined softly in response which was only broken up by a soft yelp when he abruptly yanked his cock from her. Azriel grabbed her shoulder, pulling her up on wobbly legs before pushing her down on her knees.
"Go on," he grunted, his eyes glazed as he stared down at her, she was drunk as hell. He swallowed, wrapping his fingers into her hair and tapping his cock on her face, she loosed a breath, her jaw dropping open for him. She gagged as his cock hit her throat, not nearly fitting, he moaned, holding her head in place and fucking her face. "Fuck baby, good girl," he panted softly, his cheeks flushed, eyes glued to her, she moaned around him, her eyes squeezed shut, tears forming at the corners of her eyes as he brushed the back of her throat over and over. He hummed in approval as she swirled her tongue around his tip, dragging it along the underside of his cock, over his balls and then back up, her lips wrapping around him again.
Azriel cursed under his breath, his fist tightening in her hair as he released his thick ropes of milky cum into her mouth, she nearly choked as it shot to the back of her throat, one of her hands gripped the back of his knee tightly as she swallowed every last drop and sucked his cock clean. She panted, shrinking down onto the floor a bit her knees nearly buckling beneath her. He released her hair as she sunk down, a shaky breath escaping her lips as he did, his gut wrenched at the sight of her. On the floor beneath him, body dusted with red marks that he knew would turn to purple by the morning, he left them there. Azriel swallowed thickly as he tucked his cock back away into his pants before leaning down, putting his hands under her arms to lift her.
"Come on, get up," his tone is soft as he helped her up, once she was on her feet he easily he picked her up, and she rest her head on his chest as he brought her to the bathroom. "You feel lighter... You eating?" he asks, the guilt beginning to gnaw at his gut.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Fucking sick piece of shit.
"Mhm," was her only response, he let out another small sigh before setting her down on her feet. "Where's all my pictures?" she slurred softly, her eyes raking her her room.
"Put em away," he muttered, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he rifled through her clothing retrieving a soft cotton pair of panties and a long t shirt.
"I liked them Az," she mumbled lazily, her eyes closed as he dressed her in her more comfortable clothing. He winced a little at her words
"Bed time," he breathed, steadying her on her feet before scooping her up in his arms again, and placing her into her bed. He tucked her in, pulling the blankets up to her chin and tucking them around her body.
"Why didnt you tell me you were moving to Vegas Azriel?" she asked, her words still slurred, he swallowed hard, tugging at his hair as he sat on the edge of her bed.
"We should talk tomorrow," he muttered, knowing she probably wouldn't remember the conversation if they had it now. She only nodded, her eyes still closed. Azriel reached out hesitantly and gently rubbed her back as she fell asleep.
He stayed there, watched her sleep, the soft glow from the string lights she had put up along one of her walls the only thing iGuilt gnawed at his gut, at his insides, he wanted to jump out of his own skin.
She deserved so much more than him... The little girl that he had shared his favorite candy with in front of her house, the girl that had saved him, so many times— she deserved the world, and he couldn't give it to her. He couldn't even keep her happy, the dark circles and the drop in weight proved that. It was his fault. All of it.
All day, he had gone all day without a single line.
And now— after he had taken advantage of her, put bruises on her, fucked her while she was too drunk to say no, said horrible fucking things he didnt mean...
Now he needed a fucking line.
A soft groan escaped my lips as I rolled over, pain, I was in pain everywhere— felt like I had been hit by a damn bus. My head pounded from the amount of alcohol I had consumed, my pussy was still lightly throbbing, completely beat up from last nights activities.
The house was quiet, but still my head throbbed.
My mind was fuzzy but I remembered pieces, remembered that I had made out with Eris, come home late, Azriel had put his hands on me- we had fucked. I groaned again, pressing my palms into my aching eyes.
Obviously, Azriel was out of fucking line— out of control. I hadn't thought our situation could get any worse, and now, impossibly worse.
Could I blame him for his actions when nobody taught him how to love someone? When I knew that his need for control had rooted from the childhood horrors he had once faced? Could I blame him for his actions when I knew his brain had developed around abuse and violence? No, I couldn't blame him.
Maybe I was in denial, but underneath it all? Still my Az.
Waiting on the counter for me was a latte and a breakfast sandwich from my favorite cafe, next to it a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, my chest swelling at the bouquet he had drawn along with a few bees flying around it, the drawing was messy a few ink splatters where he had pressed the pen down too hard, but still beautifully done like anything he touched with his artistic ability. A small message scribbled at the bottom.
hope its still warm when you get up im sorry if you don't completely fucking hate me stop at the shop before your shift, i love you, azriel
Still my Az.
I sighed, frustration beginning to bubble within me. Always lax, always acting like everything was just fine. I was tired of it, I was tired of always just pretending like everything was okay when that dark cloud of depression had reared its ugly head weeks ago.
It was an effort to shower, to get dressed, I didnt have the will to put any makeup on besides a little mascara afterwards. Every movement felt heavy and painful and full of more effort than it should, but it wasnt only my physical condition from drinking an ungodly amount and Azriels- outburst. It was also my emotional state- my brain so utterly exhausted from all of the trauma I had been enduring in the past weeks. I couldn't even bare to look in the mirror for more than a few moments either, the fingerprint shaped bruises dusted along my jawline highlighted by the brightly lit bathroom.
It was even more of an effort to get myself out of the car when I reached the shop. Anxiety gnawed at my gut, would they ask? Would they even notice? It didnt matter, I needed answers. I needed answers to questions I hadn't even formed yet. The bells chimed as they usually did and the stares I received upon my entrance didnt do anything to sooth my anxious gut. The lack of clientele in the waiting room definitely helped, a little.
"Hey," I said wearily to Kat and Cass, I avoided eye contact at all cost, and found my usual place leaning against the counter. Kat was in her chair behind it, Cassian perched on a stool nearby.
"Hey boo," Kat says quietly, I could feel Cass' boring into me. Don't bring it up. I could tell by his lack of greeting he was about to.
"Y/n, please don't tell me Az did that," Cassians voice is soft but I could hear the concern laced in his tone.
"Is he here?" I ignored his question completely, I didnt want to get into it. Not now.
"Hes doing a tattoo, Cassians room is empty tho— if you wanted to wait for him, its been a couple hours, hes almost done," Kat didnt pry, she knew better, and Cass didnt protest when she offered his room up without asking first.
"Thanks," its slightly breathless, with an effort not to burst out in tears in front of them. I couldn't handle the worried stares— the pity. The door clicked shut behind me and I dropped my bag on Cassians piercing bed and slid into his chair. Alone, now, I let the tears of frustration flow freely. They were silent, but hot and streaming, I wiped my eyes with my sleeves, letting out an exasperated sigh.
I didnt know how long it had been when I heard his voice outside, I held my breath to listen. "She's here?" surprise, hopeful surprise.
"Az— Im not past putting you on the floor if you put your hands—"
"Im not," Azriel cut him off with annoyance. I straightened, realizing he was about to be in here.
I sniffled, wiping my eyes again quickly to try and hide the evidence of my tears before Az stepped in, in all his brooding glory. His face was grave, eyes impossibly more tortured than usual, hair messy and disheveled, chains stacked, poking out from under his shirt, he was in the same clothes that he had been in last night and it didnt look like he'd gotten an ounce of sleep.
"Leave it open," I commanded softly, I saw Cassian quickly look away and back toward Kat as Az began to shut the door. Hurt flashed in Azriels eyes, but he stopped, leaving the door where it was. It wasnt wide open, but open enough.
"You don't trust me," it wasnt a question, but a statement, and he was right, to an extent at least. I didnt think Az would hurt me— after last night... I wouldn't feel bad for asking him to leave the door open.
"Youre fucked up," I muttered when our eyes met, his pupils always a tell tale, he swallowed, his throat bobbing with the motion. "Probably should have this conversation another time."
"I was always fucked up Bee, every fucking moment I was fucked up— it doesn't matter," he took a step toward me, I held my breath again, my eyes tracing every movement he made. "Im sorry." Another step, I bit my lip, my cheeks flushing as I watched him drop to his knees in front of me.
"Sorry doesn't fix everything," my voice broke, he winced, his eyes boring into mine, showing me a vulnerable side Id never seen before.
"I know that," he breathed, and I almost broke all over again seeing the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. "Im so fucked in the head Bee nothing I did last night was okay- fuck- it was- Im sick Im sorry," he rambled, he slid his hands into his hair, his fists curling into it, his elbows on either side of his head.
"Its not okay none of it— the fucking bottle girls, the lying, last night especially... I- you asked me last night why I kept Vegas from you and I have nothing- I have no good fucking answer or excuse that makes it okay but I swear I was gonna ask you to come with me, like fuck y/n I wish you could see I wish you could understand—" rambling again, I let him, my tears flowing again, words failing me. "I would let Rhys fucking sue me for breaking contract before I would leave this fucking city without you," his cheeks were flushed, tears running down them, I hadn't seen this before... As well as I knew him he never showed this much raw emotion, besides anger. "I know Im a fucking addict and a fucking alchy, but Im trying to be better, I went to AA, Im trying to quit drinking, but Im fucked Bee- Im so fucked up from all the shit Ive never faced and Im so fucking sorry I put that on you lastnight."
AA, he had done that for me, my heart ached for him. To hear him say those things about himself, in front of his friends, my heart ached knowing how hard all of this must be, but for me, he was doing it for me.
"If you never forgive me I deserve that, I honestly do Im a piece of shit— a fucking stain on your very existence you deserve so much fucking more than someone like me," I wanted him to stop, I wanted him to stop saying all of those horrible things, as angry as I was at him.
"Im so fucking sorry," he breathed again, his voice breaking, with a sob. Az, my Az, the one who hid behind that cold stare and never let anyone in, the one who never let that hard exterior crack... Was on his knees for me... Every word, Kat and Cass could hear every single word, they could hear him cry, hear his confessions his countless apologies and he didnt care. He didnt care that they knew, he only needed me. He needed me like air to breathe.
And I felt it, I felt it with every ounce of me because I needed him just as much.
So I didnt hesitate when I reached for him, when I pulled his hands from his hair, and pulled him to me. His body went limp, his knelt form hunching over as he let his head fall into my stomach.
"It's okay Az, breathe," my voice was soft as I stroked his hair, holding him close to me while he cried.
I knew it wasnt okay, none of it was, but he needed me and I needed him, and the rest I would figure out later.
a/n: wow they are toxic and codependent hahaahahaha NOT FULLY PROOF READ EXCUSE MISTAKES
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@smalljasper289 @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @scorpioriesling @userxs-blog @lilah-asteria @abadfantasybook @judeduartewannbe @lindsayscottagebythesea @velarisdusk @serxndipity-ipity-blog @julesvanslutta @honk4emoboyz @bookishbishhh @dakotali @blessthepizzaman @scooobies @durgenyx
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katsus-world · 1 year
Things bakugou would “hate” as your boyfriend!
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This man would most definitely hate it when u slap his ass
• "the actual fuck, y/n?!" His pupils are dilated as he stares as you.
• You freeze up and let out a nervous laugh.
• "What? You do it to me all the time! It's only fair if I get a little slap every once in a while!" You look at him in defense.
• "That's different! Don't ever touch my ass again, or ima explode your face off!" His threats are meaningless as he turns back to doing whatever he was doing.
• He'd never hurt you and that was obvious. But he would most definitely pick you up and toss you onto the couch while mumbling shit under his breath, leaving you and going back to what’s the was doing.
•letting this first time slide, if you do it again, he’s doing it back with a little more force.
“Ah katsuki! What the fuck?!” You’re laughing as you jog out the room holding your pulsing cheek.
“Oh, now you don’t like it?! You weren’t saying that when I had you bent over last night woman.” He proudly says as he goes back to chopping up some onions.
“Katsuki!” You’re red, walking back into the kitchen and wrapping your arms around his toned waist.
He grunts in response and y’all stay like that for a little while. Living the way you place small kisses on his back.
This dude would absolutely hate it if you don’t answer his tik toks 😭
I’m sorry but I already KNOW if you answered him and didn’t reply to all 4 tik toks he’s finna say something.
“Go Look at my tik toks dumbass, they’re funny.” A small hue of pink scatters his face as he says it with embarrassment.
“Sorry Kat I’ll do it Right now! I didnt Check them before because I was finishing some homework. I didn’t want to leave you on delivered though so I only answered the other text you sent me.” You give out a quick explanation as you open the first link.
It was a video of a kid falling
He grunts in response and moves closer to you.
You both are in his dorm and he just watches the vids w you and CACKLES as he sees them kids falling 😭😭
( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Unrevised but I just HAD to get these out of my head! I’m sorry for any misspellings 😭💔
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muwapsturniolo · 7 months
✯Sturniolos as Half-bloods✯
God version
warnings: mentions of drugs, and sexual escapades
goddess version
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Matt would be the son of Dionysus
Dionysus used to be the god of fertility, now being known as the god of wine, theatre, and ecstasy. Matt would eat this shit up let me tell you!! His style would deff consist of lots of red, leather, leopard print, and rings. Some of his fashion inspirations would be Freddy Mercury, Elton John, and the band Motley Crue. His father is the god of theatre, he's bound to be dramatic with his actions and style.
His cabin, number 12, would most definitely be known as the party cabin. He would throw big grand parties, each one having a theme ranging from the 70's to medieval. He would also host plays, all of them being dramatic, with dark plots. With the parties and plays, come drugs and alcohol. He has drugs of all types, weed, acid, shrooms, etc. His personal favorite is molly, the drug making him and anyone exceptionally horny. He finds that sex feels way better when he and his partner for the night are on it.
Speaking of sexual endeavors, this man is a freaky frog. The way he acts in the bedroom should be a crime! I'm talking rope, vibrators, blindfolds, ball gags, handcuffs, etc. Let's not forget, his dad is the god of fertility, BREEDING KINKKKKKK!!!!! He hates condoms due to his breeding kink, but god forbid he gets one of the girls at the camp pregnant. The only time he would let his breeding kink roam free is when he finally has sex with the girl he's had his eyes on since she arrived at the camp, the daughter of Aphrodite. He has a thing for ruining innocence.
He is known as the manwhore of the camp, most of the males hating him, but still hoping they get an invitation to his parties. The girls try to stay clear of him, knowing how he is but somehow still ending up in his bedroom. Let's get into the bedroom. It's giving Bruno Mars along with Shake & Go wig Anderson Paak. It's straight out of the 70's. It's clean and often smells like weed, wine, and cherries.
His bestfriend is Chris, the son of Hades. The two go hand in hand, partners in crime. When they first met, Matt asked Chris if he had any of his father's pomegranates so he could make wine. Chris couldn't help but laugh at the question, but Matt was being deadass. If Matt is throwing a party, Chris is right there cigarette in hand.
Dionysus's animal was a leopard and or a tiger. Matt would honor that by wearing leopard print and having tiger rugs.
I don't think Dionysus actually had children, but if he did I would imagine they had the ability to cause/cure both sexual and non-sexual madness with their words. like, imagine Matt just saying what he would do to you, and the more descriptive he got, you could basically feel him fucking you? yeah, sign me up!!
Dionysus's weapon of choice was a staff with a pinecone at the top, called a Thyrsus. I think Matt would have the same thing, but more like a cane an old-school pimp would have (thinking of Kat Williams) and it would have the head of a tiger.
His songs:
''I had a cane and a party hat, I was the king of this hologram where there's no such thing as getting out of hand" Don't threaten me with a good time- p!atd
"Hard candy dripping on me 'till my feet are wet" kiwi- harry styles
"And i crave your taste under my tongue everyday, keep the forbidden fruit coming my way." dopamine- borns
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Chris would be the son of hades
Hades is the god of the underworld, defending the rights of the dead and protecting the world as well as his wife Persephone. His style would be somewhat similar to Matt's as far as color goes. Lots of black, a few white pieces, and red as well. You will always see him in a leather jacket, his feet adorned by a pair of white air forces. With his father being the god of the underworld, Chris unfortunately got his reputation. A lot of the other half-bloods steering clear of him, whispering when he walks past, not even daring to say his name. it hurt Chris at first, having his peers view him as evil, but he grew accustomed to it. Eventually saying 'fuck it' and playing into the role they made for him.
His cabin being number 13 is perfect because I would like to think he would be born on October 13th, a Friday specifically. It would be deep in the woods, the path scary-looking and eerie. The only source of light being the skull torches against the front door. The only people coming to the house were himself and his best friend Matt, the son of Dionysus. Because no one came to his cabin, Matt would use it as the storage for the copious amounts of wine and paraphernalia he keeps handy. His room is dark (duh). Silk black bedding, books strewn randomly in the room. His skateboard was always propped against the door as well as his multiple pairs of beat-up shoes. He loves music, multiple vinyls, and CDs stacked up in crates around the cabin. He had his signature black guitar right next to his bed, always ready to grab and play. He's a man of few words in this universe. He often found himself writing love songs for the girl in cabin 20, the daughter of Hecate.
Being the son of Hades, anger is unfortunately something he can't avoid. Even though he is usually quiet, all it takes is one person to set him off. One of the Zeus boys was pushing him around and he snapped, damn near killing the boy before Matt pulled him away.
As stated before, his best friend is Matt. He was the only one in the camp to speak to him. Granted he was asking for pomegranates to make wine, but he stuck with him. Matt brought him out of his shell, making sure he was the first to get an invitation to his parties and plays, encouraging his love for music, and also being there for him when his anger got out of control.
Most of Hades, children do have powers. Those powers are necromancy, shadow manipulation, the ability to manipulate the earth, and shadow fusion. Chris would have all of these, especially necromancy and shadow manipulation/fusion. He would use necromancy to fuck with the others in the camp, loving the way his peers screamed in fright. He would only use shadow fusion to spy on his crush, but he gets caught and shyly reveals himself (help I wanna write a fic on the way they meet).
Hades animal representation is a black ram, a screeching owl, and a serpent. let's not forget the three-headed dog Cerberus. Chris would have a big-ass Doberman named Orcus. That dog would hate everyone but Chris, Matt, and the daughter of Hecate.
His songs:
"It's no big surprise you turned out this way" twin-sized mattress- the front bottoms
"There's a light in the crack, that's separating your thighs, and if you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight" Young god- halsey
"My church offers no absolute, she tells me worship in the bedroom" take me to church- hoizer
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Nick would be the son of Hermes
Hermes was the god of trade, wealth, luck, sleep, language, thieves, and travel. His style would always consist of light blue jeans and some form of a white shirt/tank top. If he was delivering mail and or messages, he would also wear a blue jean jacket. Him being the son of Hermes is giving blonde Nick IDC idc idc!!!! He would always wear a pair of off-white Converse with wings on the side. Delivering mail can be boring, so he often wears headphones hooked up to a cassette player his best friend Chris gave him as a form of payment.
His cabin is number 11, a lucky number to most. I would imagine it to be a bit more elevated than the others. Perched on some type of high ground where the sun shines in the morning. His cabin would definitely be organized, with all the mail in a specific room in alphabetical order. All of the payments that weren't in cash were placed perfectly in the home, not a thing out of place. His bedding would be white with gold silk pillows. He loved to sleep so his bed was always unmade, blankets thrown all over the bed, even dipping onto the floor.
He often liked to cause a bit of chaos in the camp, it was his homage to his father. He would steal from the other campers, shrugging and rolling his eyes when they asked him about it. He would break into the counselor's office, picking the lock with ease to receive something of Matt's. He would do this often for the campers, but not without payment. If they weren't giving him cash, they had to pay by giving him something of theirs. The amount of jewelry he has is insane.
His best friends, despite not liking their attitudes, would be Matt and Chris. Matt had asked him to deliver invitations for a party, and Nick initially told him no after seeing the amount of invitations. He quickly changed his mind seeing the stack of cash and a gold chalice Matt offered. He and Chris became friends the day he guided Chris into the camp, much like his father guides souls to the underworld.
Most of Hermes' children have powers, those being enhanced speed, audiokensis, and Clauditiskinesis. Nick has all of these, his favorite being clauditiskinesis and audiokensis. He would use audio to listen in on everyone's conversations, it helped that he could be above them in the clouds, never being seen. That's how he figured out that one of the sons of Zeus has a crush on him.
He wouldn't have an animal in my opinion. I would imagine him to have a messenger bag that's like, never-ending lmao.
His songs:
"And i know it's no fun, when your first son gets up to no good" freaking out the neighborhood- mac demarco
"Like Peter Pan up in the sky" tongue-tied - group love
"If you could fly then you'd feel south. Up north getting cold soon." pink + white- frank ocean
I don't think y'all get it. I'm actually foaming at the mouth writing this. plz send in requests or anything you want to read for half-blood stuniolos!!!
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @mattslolita
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Friends in unexpected places
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Warning: angst, cuss words
Word count : 2704
Summary: getting cast aside by everyone due to Colby’s new girlfriend but Sam being the only one to have your back.
Pairing : Colby Brock x female reader
Everyone knew that you and Sam never saw eye to eye, the only reason you guys tolerated each other was Colby. Sam had a longer friendship with Colby but you had his back through everything, always siding with him even if he was wrong. Everyone also knew you had fallen in love with Colby over time, and Sam took any opportunity to hold it over your head as blackmail whenever you were winning in arguments.
The only time Sam felt some kind of softness towards you was when Colby brought home his new girlfriend, he saw through the fake enthusiasm you had. His eyes softened knowing you truly did love Colby and like the good friend you were you backed all his decisions even if it hurt you. He watched as you forced yourself to hug her and welcome her into your lives knowing she had what you most wanted, Colby's love.
After a while of them dating Sam thought something was off about Colby’s girlfriend and his suspicions were confirmed when he overheard her talking about how she would break up with him if his views continued to fall. It made Sam so angry when he found out causing him to go up to your room and break the news making you equally as upset if not more. What infuriated him even more when she started pulling him away from you after you told Colby of your discoveries. He was so sure Colby would listen to you of all people knowing the feelings he harbored for you before he got in a relationship.
Unfortunately everyone else was also blind to her true intentions taking her as a sweet girl and taking you as the jealous girl with a crush. Embarrassed by the accusations you stopped hanging out as much opting to stay in your room or going out with friends outside of the trap house group. Sam was annoyed that everyone had shut you out so quick and welcomed her with open arms.
It worried him when you started looking into moving out knowing it would definitely alter your relationship with Colby even worse it would end it and he worried colby would lose someone so true for someone that was using him. Pretty soon Colby's girlfriend started showing her true colors, she wouldn't let him hang out as much anymore and only let him collab as long as she was included, she made comments that were out of hand. Everyone started feeling guilty about pushing you away for her knowing you only ever had Colby's best interest at heart.
Sam took it upon himself to host a get together and making sure you'd coming being the only one along with kat that still spoke to you. It was insufferable at first with the amount of tension that lingered in the air but pretty soon everyone was acting like nothing had changed. You hung around your old friends laughing and cracking jokes not wanting any bad blood between yourself and the people you considered family.
That was until Colby and his girlfriend showed up making the atmosphere change and everyone tense up, Colby's girlfriend was making things uncomfortable by making passive aggressive comments towards you. You couldn't help but furrow your eyebrows in confusion, she was being aggressive towards you but you hadn't even done anything. No body said anything knowing she had colby wrapped around her finger so they watched as you took it.
For the first time that night she left Colby's side to go use the bathroom so you took it as a chance to go say hello. Walking up to him you tried to suppress the butterflies that fluttered in your stomach, patting him on the shoulder as he turned to look at you. Everyone watched trying to see how the interaction would go between the estranged friends, it brought a smile to everyone's face especially Sam when you guys fell into a conversation so easily, almost like nothing had changed. They watched the familiar smiles that you guys sported when you were together, they watched Colby's eyes get their sparkle back for just a moment.
Colby's girlfriend had come back and she was furious that he was talking to you, he wasn't supposed to be around you especially since you tried to feed him negative things about her. She was walked over angrily giving you a fake smile before pulling him away to the corner of the room.
You walked over to Sam and kat who were giving you sympathetic looks but you just smiled weakly at them accepting a drink from Sam. Everyone tried to ignore the arguing couple but it was hard to when their argument just got louder and louder. Corey and Jake slowly made their way over to you guys watching as your body tensed up with every insult she threw at Colby, they were hoping you wouldn't snap because they how bad you got when it came to backing Colby up. They watched as you took deep breathes each time your left eye twitched in anger. Jakes eyes glancing down to your clenched jaw knowing that tell meant you were about to become unhinged. Finally you snapped turning around as she degraded him. Corey went to grab you only to be pulled back by sam. "Let her, she's got it." Sam reassure their friends having faith in you . " You trust her ?" Corey asked, shocked that Sam of all people was backing you up . " no, but I trust her anger." Sam told them watching as you stomped over there knowing you'd be the one to bring Colby back.
" you're fucking useless ! I told you to stop hanging around these people that's why your views are going down !" She scowled him. You stomped over giving her a fake smile and standing in front of colby. " hi, sweetheart idk what you're doing, but I know you're not insulting colby especially not in front of his friends." You told her taking a step forward trying to give Colby space from her. " why do you care ? You're a shitty friend for trying to get him to break up with me just because you like him" she snapped trying to walk around you only for you to side step and block her . " you're a shitty girlfriend who's only using him so how about you do better and actually treat my friend right." You tilted your head narrowing your eyes and trying to ignore the burning feeling feeling that wrapped around your chest.
" are you jealous ?" She laughed at you " is that why you're over here butting into something that doesn't concern you ? You think you can play hero and he'll come back to you? He needs me, without me he's nothing." She smirked pushing you and stepping towards Colby who was watching the interaction stunned that even after everything you were still sticking up for him. He snapped out of it as you lunged for her from behind, he rushed forward knocking her aside and grabbing onto you so you wouldn't pounce onto her. " what the hell Colby?" Ignoring her shriek he focused on keeping a tight grip around your waist as you struggle against him so you wouldn't knock her on her ass.
" he doesn't need you, he was great before you , he doesn't need anyone because he's Colby fucking Brock." You spat at her holding onto Colby's arms as he handed you over to Corey who was now in charge of restraining you. Colby couldn't help the warmth that wrapped around his heart at your praise , making up his mind as he walked over to her and dragged her out of the house.
You slumped down in Corey's hold lip quivering, feeling defeated as you watched Colby walk out of the house with her in toll.
Colby pulled his fuming girlfriend out of the house and walked her to the end of the street. He caught off her ranting " I'm breaking up with you." He watched as she froze up feeling a bit guilty. She glared up at him angry tears in her eyes. " I knew you'd chose her. I knew you loved her." She spat shoving him. " we're just friends but honestly she treats me better than you do." He shoved her off. " we're done I'll swing by to grab my stuff later." Colby told the crying girl making his way back inside. " She wouldn’t be defending you if she didn’t have feelings for you !" She screamed at him making him holt. Did his best friend actually love him ? He was scared he might've missed everything up by being so blind. He shrugged at her going inside the house knowing he had to go look for his friend.
He walked into the living room but you weren't there making him furrow his eyebrows and look at his friends who were all staring at him. " she's upstairs with Kat and Tara." Sam nodded at him knowing he'd be looking for you. He couldn't help but smile as Colby ran up the stairs knowing you'd be ok .
Knocking on your closed door he heard shuffling before Kat opened the door squinting her eyes in anger at his presence. “ I just want to talk” he raised his hands showing he meant no harm. Stepping out of the dim room and closing the door the blue haired girl glared up at him. “ what is it you’re trying to do Colby? You can’t keep hurting her, she cares about you so much and you keep messing up.” She scowled him quietly hoping you wouldn’t hear them through the door.
His blue eyes looked down at the floor in shame. He was trying to comprehend how everything went down the drain, had he of realized you requite his love he would’ve never of gone out with his terrible ex. He tried so hard to find someone to love him because he convinced himself your love was anything but romantic.
“ I just want to apologize, make things better. I know I fucked up and I need to make sure I don’t lose her.” He pleaded hoping shed move out of the way because one way or another he was going to apologize to you, he just didn’t want to have to apologize to her too. They stood in silence while Kat made up her mind, letting out a sigh she went back into the room to retrieve Tara.
You were confused why your friends had left the room until Colby walked in awkwardly shutting the door behind him. You rolled your eyes masking your sadness and hurt with annoyance and anger. You waited for him to say something because you weren’t going to be the one to initiate conversation after he had chosen her once again.
Walking towards you slowly and sitting on the edge of the bed next you he cleared his throat. “Thank you for standing up for me.” He whispered nervously hoping he still had a chance to fix things. “ i always do” you scoffed looking up at the texture of your ceiling. Gulping down the nerves he reached for your hand that rested next to your side intertwining your fingers watching as your body tensed up then relaxed. He was relieved that you didn’t pull away, he swallowed down the bile in his throat at a realization.He knew his missed your touch and your presence but he didn’t realize that was what was missing in his relationship.
Colby didn’t realize how good it would feel to be around you again. Taking a deep breathe to calm his nerves made it worse, he could smell your scent making him lightheaded.
“ I’m sorry, I don’t mean to put you in those situations.” He said watching as you sat up getting off the bed missing the feeling of your hand in his. You looked at him with glossy eyes holding back tears. “ Thats the thing Colby, I never minded, I put myself in those situations because i loved you ! But you never noticed that because you were to busy loving someone else to notice it!” You snapped closing your eyes in frustration at your voice cracking betraying the wall you built up.
He watched with his heart breaking at the damage he caused, he stood up grabbing you by your arm and wrapping his arms around you. He just wanted you close and he hoped he could provide some comfort. “ Thats not true.” He said causing you to look up at him in confusion. “I never loved her, whole time I was comparing her to you. How could I love someone that wasn’t you?”
Your heart was pounding at the confession. You scanned his face for any trace of a lie but you could read him like a book, he was nervous but he wasn’t lying. Letting out a nervous giggle you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to your body. You were a bunch of idiots, the whole situation could have been avoided had you guys of told each other how you felt.
Colby was stunned at your change in demeanor, he wasn’t expecting you to have a good reaction yet here you were hugging him like your life depended on it. “ do you really mean that ?” You asked wanting to make sure and just to hear him say it again. He nodded putting his forehead against yours and rubbing the smooth skin of your waist under your shirt.
“ I love you” Colby whispered wanting to sooth any doubts you might still have. A big smile took over your face hearing him say that, the one thing you always wanted to hear sounded better than you could’ve imagined. “ I love you too” you said before reaching up to connect your lips for a split second before pulling away.
Letting out a airy laugh you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear bashfully at the way Colby was looking at you. “ we should probably go down before they think you took me out.” He joked his smile never leaving his face. You rolled your eyes pushing him away from you. “Way to kill the mood.” He let out a laugh as you walked out the bedroom with him in toll.
He grabbed a hold of you hand and intertwining your fingers making you blush as you walked down that stairs. Your friends noticed you guys instantly but Sam was the one to notice your in laced fingers, a smug smile on his face. You guys joined them , everyone instantly in a better mood now that things were back to normal.
Sam made his way over to Colby who had an arm wrapped around you as you talked to Jake and Tara. Patting him on the back he caught Colby’s attention to him. “I knew she would fix things.” Sam told his best friend causing Colby to raise his eyebrows in amusement. “you knew? since when do you guys get along. “ Colby asked looking down at you as you switched your attention over to them. “Since i knew she didn’t really want my spot as your best friend.” Sam joked looking at you smugly causing you to roll your eyes at the blonde boy .
Colby looked between you two now confused. “You knew she liked me ?” He asked surprised Sam never said anything about it. Colby wasn’t upset but he was surprised that Sam of all people knew considering you two were the least expected to be friends. “He use to blackmail me with it. But its fine he was just mad he knew he’d never be your number 1.” You shrugged wrapping your arms around his abdomen.
Sam rolled his at you knowing your relationship was back to normal but with more of a friendly twist. He muttered a “yeah ok” before walking away causing you and Colby to laugh.
Making eye contact with Sam you smiled at him in a way of saying thank you. He was the only one who stuck by you and believed in you and Colby. It was unexpected but you were grateful to have him in your corner and you were excited for you newly establish friendship along with your new relationship.
Hope you guys enjoyed !
Im so sorry I haven’t been active my power was out all week due to some storms we had in Oklahoma.
I will be posting every other day this week to make up for the lost days.
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d3m0nicdream · 10 months
Safety Net: Sam and Colby
Fem!Reader x Sam and Colby
Tags: Fluff, Semi-Abusive bf
"Hey, babe. Sam and Colby are having a party tonight." You yell from the bathroom.
"Cool, you're not going." He yells back as he screams at his game a second later.
"What do you mean I'm not going? I'm getting ready as we speak." You scoff as you stand in the doorway with your eyeliner in hand.
"Cuz I said so, now come sit and watch me play." He stares contently at the screen as the images of war flash on and off.
"No, I'm going to the party." You spat before turning around and finishing your liner. You double check one more time before walking out of the bathroom.
"Okay, well you're dressed like a slut so you're not going." He takes off one side of his headphone and looks you up and down. You were super confused. You were wearing jeans and a cute crop top. You wore this kind of thing everyday. Today was no different.
"You're crazy. I'm leaving." You grab your jacket and keys while heading out the door. You hear yelling behind you but you don't care. You were going to the party.
You knock on the door after Colby nor Sam were answering their texts. You knew they were going to tell you to just walk in but you didn't do that sort of thing. The door opens and Sam smiles.
"Y/N! Glad you could make it. You know you could have just walked in, right?" You laugh and he smiles. He leads you through a crowd of people. Most of them you didn't know, but you saw a few familiar faces. Jake and Corey. Kat and Stas. Nate and Seth. They were all living it up. You see Colby in the kitchen. You and him make quick eye contact and he smiles at you.
"Look who decided to show up! I thought you weren't going to come." He hands you a shot and you down it in one swig.
"Damn, Boyfriend got you worked up?" Colby looks at you concerned. You never drank like this on a normal day, nor so eager to take a shot like that.
"I don't wanna talk about it. I'll be lucky if I have a boyfriend by the end of the night." You say as Colby hands you one more shot and you take it.
"More like he will be lucky if he has a girlfriend. I know you don't want to hear it but he treats you like shit." Colby is blunt with his words but you don't expect anything less from one of your best friends. They have been through every boyfriend you have ever had and they tell you the same thing everytime.
"Yeah, your taste in men is awful." Stas walks in at the butt of the conversation grabbing a drink from the fridge behind Colby. He then points at her and looks at you knowingly.
"See, she gets it. We just want to see you happy and he definitely doesn't make you happy, Bun." Colby casually pulls out the nickname him and Sam gave you so long ago. That's how you know he was serious. You sigh and turn to walk away before you face drops. Your eyes meet your pissed off boyfriends from across the room and you quickly try to maneuver away. You were almost in the clear but then you feel his hand grip your arm roughly.
"Didn't I tell you to stay home?" He yells.
"Let go, you're hurting me." You wince and try to break his grip but he was much stronger than you.
"Lets go, we are going home. Unless you would like to stay and fuck these guys. Your clothes scream how desperate you are." He pulls you toward the door and the crowd of people start to stare. The music stops and you are now center of attention. You guys come to a halt as you feel another hand on your other arm, pulling you in the opposite direction.
"You can let her go now. She's not going with you." Sam smiles at your boyfriend and now they are looking at each other. Colby comes up from behind your boyfriend and grabs the wrist of the hand on your arm. He doesn't say a word as your boyfriend lets go.
"You can have the slut. We are done here." He tsks and leaves the house with a slamming of the door. You rub the spot where his fingers dug in. There were definitely going to be marks left behind. You sit on the couch and breath out a sigh. Colby sits next to you while Sam makes sure the guy leaves.
"Sorry about that. So embarrassing." You speak up to Colby. You hated bringing unnecessary attention to yourself, especially in front of your friends. Colby places a hand on your shoulder.
"It's okay. You can stay here as long as you want. We can go your stuff when you're ready." Sam walks back over to you two and states that he has indeed left the property. You just wanted to be alone right now.
"Hey, I'm gonna go sit in your room. I'll be back out a little later." You look at Colby and he nods. You take your leave and head upstairs. Once behind the door, the tears you had been holding back pierce through. They are warm and rush quickly down your cheeks. You had no idea why you were even crying. Stas was right, he didn't treat you well at all. The constant belittling and insults were a clear sign of that. So why were you so sad about it?
Some time passes and you sit on the couch in Colby's room watching something on the t.v. Your eyes are getting heavy and eventually you welcome sleep. You are awoken by someone behind you trying to be quiet and failing. You look behind you to see Colby looking at you as he rummages through his drawer.
"I was trying to grab you some sleeping clothes but I dropped something. I'm sorry if I woke you up." You giggle at his explanation. You get up and walk over to him, looking at the clothes he had laid out for you. You thank him, grab the pile and head to the bathroom to change. You come back out and Colby had also changed his clothes.
"You can sleep in the bed, I'll sleep on the couch here." You nod and lay in the bed. You nestle into the blankets and Colby turns the lights off. The only ambient light is his LED strips set to red. After about ten minutes, you just lay there. You couldn't sleep.
"Colby?" You whisper, not sure if he was still awake or not.
"Yeah?" He whispers back. He was still awake.
"Would you come lay with me?" You don't look in his direction but you can hear him shuffle over to the bed, crawling next to you.
"You okay? We haven't done this in awhile." Colby looks over at you. You guys used to do this alot way before you got with your boyfriend. Sam and Colby both. They were your best friends. The best support system you had was with them. You know they would look out for you, no matter what.
"Yeah, just sad." You say softly and you feel Colby shift, moving his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in to him. He smelt good all the time and right now was no different. You lay your head on his shoulder and sigh. He presses a small kiss on the top of your head. You hum in content.
"He didn't deserve you, Bun. It's better this way. You can stay as long as you need." You were thankful for Sam and Colby, They were the perfect safety net. Colby's body warmth was beginning to lull you to sleep when you both hear a small knock on the door. Sam peeks his head into the room.
"We are having a cuddle session without me." Sam closes the door and acts offended. He was already in his sleeping clothes. He runs and jumps into the bed with you and Colby.
"Come oooon, share Colby. She's my friend too." Sam laughs as Colby tries to push Sam off the bed, laughing as the two basically fight over space in the bed. Once everything calms down, you are sandwiched between the two guys. Sam places a kiss on your cheek and wraps his arms around you from the other side, snuggling you close.
"Goodnight, Bun." Their combined warmth puts you to sleep almost immediately.
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jadeyarts · 2 months
two years ago i drew art to ... "celebrate" (if you can call it that) the release of fairly odder, and i was asked this question:
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truth was i hadn't actually watched it so i couldn't actually answer the question fairly. but now that i've actually watched it: apparently, yeah.
i wouldn't call it a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination - it's a relatively mundane nickcom that just happens to feature cosmo and wanda. its not as funny as drake and josh or icarly, but not as terrible as sam and kat or... the... superhero nickcom? i definitely like it much better than i liked victorious. and i do think it's a lot more creative than it was initially given credit for when it first released. it doesn't come across as trying to devalue animation as a medium but rather an experiment in blending the two mediums. though the 2d animation in the series is a little wonk when it's more than just cosmo and wanda.
some jokes are really, really miss for me - but a lot do make me laugh. the acting is decent - they're certainly no emmy or oscar winners with these performances. but i really do think they're fine. campy and hammy and perfect for a nickcom. if this had come out around in the early 2000s, 2010s maybe, i could see it doing well - doing better than it did in 2022, at least. it's absurd in all the ways i personally find entertaining in a series. despite everything i see wrong with it and the ways i think it's not good, i'm liking it.
i love the way the plot is introduced adds to timmy's character - emphasizing that empathy and kindness he's always shown in the original series that i loved so much. that he wanted cosmo and wanda to look after his younger cousin he knew would struggle to adjust to a new environment, with her entire life being flipped upside down - wanting them to comfort her and be there for her during this period of her life... it reminds me why i've always loved timmy so much as a character. i love that they establish he's still a good-hearted person.
yes, timmy suddenly having a cousin is a little jarring but i always found it unrealistic that he didn't have any in the original series when he's meant to be an average kid - the average kid has a ton of cousins! - so i think her existence is a good call! sure, i wouldnt call viv or roy (viv maybe, roy definitely not) miserable enough to really need fairies the way timmy ever did, or the way chloe did, but honestly at that point i genuinely believe jorgen would be willing to let the family do what they want as long as they otherwise followed da rules and stayed out of his way. and i like the idea that cosmo and wanda can be godparents in ways that aren't the norm for other godparents anyway.
i'm also liking most of the new characters introduced in fairly odder and i could easily see them fitting into the original series! rachel and zina in particular make me laugh out loud. when they're not making weird jokes about zina's obsession with roy's scent, she cracks me up. i like the way she is confident and charismatic but also a huge obsessive weirdo, but mostly not in a way that made me uncomfortable like tootie. her back and forth with roy is actually entertaining and if she ever actually got together with him i don't think i'd mind at all. in fact maybe i'd even be a fan?
and i like how absolutely inconsiderate and uncaring and truly sick in the head rachel is - she is a bitch in the most literal sense. she barks at people. ty seems a little more considerate considering he realizes he was impulsive and should have told viv about what was going on then apologizes. but rachel is dramatic, describes herself as nuts, and selfish. she's mostly not making much of an effort to bond with viv - it's not like shes a horrible stepmother or anything, she clearly doesn't dislike viv and treats her decently. she's not antagonizing her or going out of her way to be horrible to her - but she is also nuts and rude. and she barks at people constantly. she's fucking weird and self-absorbed and i love her so much.
and roy - i love the way he mirrors timmy's character as someone who is self absorbed and tactless, irresponsible and impulsive... but ultimately extremely caring and loving. he's easy going, and easily accepts the unexpected and strange. the difference is he's exactly as popular as i think timmy realistically would have been, being a charismatic and natural leader. he's not as quick thinking and cunning as i think timmy is, but viv kind of makes up for it, i think.
viv is... a little more... normal than i was hoping for. she's fine, and i think she makes a decent foil for roy in that respect. much like i think chloe made the perfect foil for timmy. but i kind of hoped that viv's neurotic social-awkwardness and people-pleasing would be more exaggerated like chloe's was. not in the same ways, of course, it'd be boring to have an exact duplicate of chloe when roy isn't even an exact duplicate of timmy per say. but i just feel like viv was far more normal than timmy and wanda's conversation about viv being a mess lead me to believe she would be. and while i like the idea that it's cosmo and wanda's influence that helped bring her out of her shell and helped her adjust to dimmsdale, i do wish it could have been shown more.
with their parents' love of dancing and highly dramatic demeanors, combined with the characterization for their children, the whole family kind of has the vibes of a remix of early series timmy's parents, chloe, and timmy - even being in a family set-up similar to what i personally wanted to happen with timmy and chloe - but despite their similarities theyre also different enough to stand apart! i can see them being family because they're similar without being carbon copies. it's fun for me, personally, because exploring extended and blended families and the ways they can be similar and different is something that i like.
i also liked nate buxaplenty! i never liked remy, but nate was funny.
the only real objection i have is the subplot where vicky has a thing for crocker. though i guess honestly thats just because i personally always headcanoned crocker as her uncle but that's not canon so thats not really substantial grounds. the fact theres an age gap would really only be terrible if crocker actually reciprocated but he doesn't so it's weird, but honestly fine. my second instinct is to say it devalues her as a character but she had weird taste in men in the original series and she was repeatedly shown to be exactly like that when infatuated so it fits her character. i still don't like it... but its fine. could do without, though.
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ventruevitae · 2 months
tagged by @ineed-to-sleep ily <3<3<3
go ahead and consider this a tag if you see it! i can't think of anyone rn + i'll probably be doing these for other ocs anyway so sdgfhhj
rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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these images are all over the place don't @ me
Full name: Katerina Irakleidis (That last name gets swapped out every few decades. Most people just call her Kat.)
Age: Looks like she's in her mid-twenties, was actually born in the 20s
Height: 5"3-ish (almost always wearing some sort of heel tbh, it's hard to clock her actual height between that & the hair)
Eyes: green
Gender: cis woman
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual (major preference for masc/butch types gender notwithstanding btw lmao)
bit of a hard outer shell but if you break through it ohh man, truly one of the most passionate & devoted people you will meet
surprisingly selfless also?
knows how to dress well, you'll always have something pretty on your arm & she'll be so happy if you let her coordinate outfits
you want to see the world burn? cool, so does she. just point her in a direction & tell her who you want dead.
really goddamn good in bed. she knows it too.
money isn't a problem. how did she come by it? don't worry about it darling.
loves physical touch. top contender of the cuddliest vampire in LA currently.
she can teach you how to do some fun swing dance stuff from her fledgling years c: (she knows a ton of partner dance styles & is pretty good at making up steps/choreo on the fly--so yes, you will get those midnight kitchen dances if you so desire)
basically a happy/content kat is someone who likes to get pretty domestic with her partners. she seems like she'd be looking for something flashy, but nope. her biggest desire is really just settling into something peaceful & being called someone's baby.
vampire but also a Ventrue. ymmv on how much of a con this is.
see above: ventrue possessiveness. not necessarily your fault, but can & will become your problem.
"hard outer shell" = she can be genuinely prickly & argumentative at times and can leave a fairly negative impression on people. doesn't care if this happens 99% of the time either.
will not be staying with you if her sire is still alive.
actually that probably puts a pretty massive target on your back, sorry.
is probably definitely still hung up on her sort-of-not-really-an-ex. you will never be him, i am sorry. can you blame her though, who's out here getting over nines rodriguez?
she has a sister, which would be a pro except this sister is a lasombra who will regularly fuck up any emotional regulation kat has scraped together after they cross paths (assuming it doesn't get more physical)
chain smokes. dead god she smokes So Much. doesn't matter for health reasons, being dead and all, but still.
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sentience-if · 7 months
ohhhh how would the crushing on Io! ROs act towards Io when destiny intervened and made them fake date for a mission or something?? hehehe
Val: just rip out their heart, why don't you? 😶 takes it in stride and treats it like it's going to be a fun game between friends. oh, we'll be so good at this. the only thing about their behavior that changes is that they're even more touchy than usual. but also, cries themself to sleep every night for a week
Ira: flustered for like two seconds before taking charge of the situation and planning everything out to a tee. they're going to be the best fake partner the world's ever seen. they WILL hold your hand 24/7 and they WILL be playing with your hair and you WILL forget it's fake by the end
Kat: I hope Io's good at improv, because just like in the last ask, Kat WILL be inventing stories left and right that Io will have to scramble to play along with so as to not blow their cover. And yes, this is how Kat flirts. Her behavior otherwise stays mostly the same as usual, since invading personal space and whispering in ears is pretty much par for the course for Kat
Klaus: 😏 what a perfect opportunity to be so, so mean to Io, especially an Io who's too shy or too in denial to admit they have a crush. gotta prove you're dating? better kiss about it. behind closed doors becomes an infuriating mix of purely professional and 'we can't let the facade slip, Io'
Connie: god they better be getting paid double for this. they'll mostly remain stoic; it's hard to believe they'd be into PDA, after all, but it'll definitely unlock a new side of Connie that Io's never seen before: tender. turns out there's a very fine but firm line between mean Connie and soft Connie, and it's possible to breach it if necessary
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ghostradiodylan · 7 months
So, it's one year after the night at Hacketts Quarry. And everyone's kind of freaking out because, that's what trauma does to you. So basically what would everyone do that night?
Also, thank you for keeping this fandom alive
Ooh this is a fun ask!
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Sorry this took so long! I had to chew on it for a bit and then I forgot it in my drafts!
Okay, so it's August 22nd 2022. The moon is cooperating by not being full (it's a waning crescent, to be precise). It's also a Monday and it could be the first day of college/university for anyone going, but let's imagine they all go back a little later since that seems to be the case in the game itself.
We'll imagine everyone survived because otherwise there are fewer of them to talk about and everyone is way sadder. I think one thing they're definitely not doing is going back to Hackett's Quarry in some kind of misguided Until Dawn style return to the scene of the trauma trip. Even if the werewolves are gone, there's still a ghost out there and that's how horror movie sequels get made!
They might do a quick zoom or hit up the group text just to check in, but I don't think they'd necessarily all get together. It would be a little intense for an anniversary, I think.
Max & Laura are endgame, so obviously they're still together, and I'd like to imagine they'd plan a little getaway for themselves (preferably one where Max doesn't have to drive). They'd want it to be something completely unlike the woodsy setting they spent the night in last year. Maybe they'd book a nice hotel for a long weekend not too far from home, just to have a break. Or maybe they'd do something big like take an Alaskan cruise. (Can they afford that as two grad school aged students whose lives just got turned upside down a year ago? Probably not, but it's a nice idea! Maybe if there was a victim's compensation fund or they sold their story to Netflix...) Water all around means zero werewolves! Max will keep comparing their accommodations with those of the North Kill jail, as he will do on every vacation now. ("Look honey, the toilet's in its own room and not an open concept bathroom like the last place we stayed!")
Emma talks about how she wanted to go to the spa after camp in one variation of her scene in the lodge basement, so maybe she'd have a nice pampering session for herself. Mani/pedi, facial treatment, massage, then chilling at home in a fluffy robe and slippers. Kat @itscomingupaces headcanoned Emma acquiring a tiny dog postcanon, which I love, so she probably has a tiny dog in her lap too. Maybe she'd do a brief vlog to reflect on her progress over the course of the year, assuming her viewers have a general idea that something traumatic happened to her and it wasn't all covered up. She'd throw on a comfort movie like Tangled or Singin' in the Rain and get her beauty sleep.
Nick would probably like to forget this anniversary, but I doubt he'd be so lucky in just a year. He has a lot of guilt about the way he treated Abi, though he wasn't really in control at the time. He'd probably try to do something that made him feel good about himself, like volunteer work. I could see him working on a Habitat for Humanity house or walking dogs at an animal shelter. He's almost certainly apologized profusely already, but if he's living anywhere close to Abi, he might offer to take her to dinner. If not, maybe it would be a good time to send her a card. Or an email.
Abi has definitely channeled some of her trauma into her art, so she might take the day to work on a new piece, maybe something a little less based in realism and a little more based in emotion. Maybe she'd incorporate some mixed media or sculpture into it. I go back and forth about shipping her with Emma or with Nick (or neither, or both) but maybe she'd get a manicure with Emma if she's not getting dinner with Nick (she wouldn't be up for the full spa day, though, that's just too much of strangers touching her and talking to her). Or maybe she'd do both, though that would be a lot of doing for our little introvert!
Jacob & Kaitlyn have hopefully patched up any bad feelings stemming from Jacob sabotaging the van because as childhood friends, I think they'd want to help each other when difficult anniversaries like this one come up. I forget who originally suggested it but I now strongly believe the headcanon that they are longtime karaoke buddies and they probably go get a private karaoke room and scream-sing away their angst while getting really embarrassingly drunk. It's fine, they'll get an Uber back to Kaitlyn's and eat an entire pizza later.
Ryan would want to go pay his respects to Chris, Kaylee, and Caleb Hackett. He has very complicated feelings about the family and their role in everyone's nightmare a year ago, but he still has affection for them and feels a duty to remember them as they were when they weren't transforming into flesh-eating monsters. I think he'd want to go visit their gravesites back in North Kill, take them some flowers, and clean off the headstones if the other Hacketts aren't around to do it. I'd like to imagine that he and Dylan would have figured their shit out by then, but whether they're a couple or not I think they'd definitely be in touch and Dylan would probably offer to drive Ryan out there and keep him company if Ryan would let him (if they still haven't gotten together, they probably have some things to talk about).
Dylan picks up some food on his way home, takes an edible, curls up with his cat, and watches the original 80's version of Cosmos with Carl Sagan. It's got a retro futuristic vibe that's very comforting. Some people get anxiety thinking about the vastness of space, but Dylan finds it oddly soothing to think that his problems are actually very small in the grand scheme of things in an ever-expending universe. Ryan can come too, if he wants (he probably does).
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randoimago · 2 years
Okay okay okay time to make a res quest bc it has been A While(tm).l (and I’m hoping I read all your rules right). So for Dragon Age: Fenris, Krem, the Iron Bull, and Zevran with a mainly healer s/o? Like S/O knows how to fight, but prefers being on the back lines, and is a generally very nurturing person 💛 thanks Kat
Mainly Healer S/O
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Fenris, Krem, Iron Bull, Zevran
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: You did great babes!!
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Definitely prefers your healing to any mage that he knows. Does have a bias towards you so that helps.
Fenris does try to get out of you healing him though. He knows that’s your job and you care about his safety, but he prefers you to wait should something happen to you. He’s had his fair share of wounds, he will be fine.
It is a bit unnerving how gentle you are when you take care of him. He’s just not used to being cared for, but he does enjoy it very much.
Just stares at you in silence as you heal him. It’s an intimate feeling and he is trying to process how he feels. He likes it, but it’s just so new and raw that he might pull away. Give him some time and then he’ll gladly let you take care of him.
The Iron Bull
I mean, he’ll let you tend to his wounds any time. Well, maybe not any time as there are definitely bad times, but you get the picture.
Is glad that you do know how to fight just in case an enemy sneaks over to you. He’ll gladly spar with you just to make sure you’re not getting rusty.
Anything can happen on a battlefield and he wants to make sure you’re okay if he can’t make it to you.
Can’t help sending you cheesy lines when you do heal him. How you have a magic touch or something like that. He is thankful that you take care of him.
He doesn’t go on the battlefield as often, mostly sticking to what Bull needs of him. So you always get words of encouragement before you’re needed since you two are going to be away for a bit.
Can’t help but worry about you. He knows you can take care of yourself, but he still makes you promise that you’ll be safe. And he’ll do try to do the same for you.
Does get slightly flustered when you’re healing him. He knows he shouldn’t considering your relationship, but it just feels intimate to him to let you so close and give him life back.
Would never voice this out loud since he doesn’t need to get teased by the rest of the Chargers for being a romantic.
Thinks it’s perfect that you like to stay in the back considering he likes getting up close and personal.
Does his best to take care of enemies so they don’t have a chance to focus on you with attacks. Is glad that you’re able to fight because he’s not always able to keep you safe unfortunately.
Has taught you some dirty fighting techniques he knows. Sure you can fight, but sometimes it’s better to throw dirt in an enemies face or trip them up. Who cares about honor when your life is on the line.
Another one to deliver cheeky lines when you do heal him. Has absolutely pretended to have injuries in hopes you’d just kiss his “wounded” cheek.
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thefreakandthehair · 2 years
I am once again thinking about an AU
Specifically a selkie Steve
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good werewolf Steve (get it, hairy beast, the hair, harrington) because protective mom Steve is just (insert emperors new groove meme here)
But! Selkie Steve, who’s mom is a Selkie and his dad has her pelt so she can’t leave him even when she hates him for constantly being unfaithful. And his pelt is locked up in his father’s safe, a way to control him because obviously he needs to uphold their family’s image while they’re gone and he needs a threat to do a good job
But when he gets kicked out, his father throwing his pelt at him and telling him to get lost, he never wants to see him again, and he doesn’t know where to go but it’s imperative he NEVER lets anyone near his pelt because he can’t be held captive like that again (oh hello trauma response)
No one knows, of course, because he can’t be a freak, even if he knows none of them would ever think that because their friend is a literal experiment with super powers, but like he can’t logic his way out of fear, not when he’s been raised to know he’s a monster because of what he is
Except he falls in love and he’s terrified because he wants to trust Eddie, who’s sweet and a freak but proud and who would protect him because he stands up for all the freaks. But he can’t because his brain doesn’t care about logic, doesn’t care that Eddie wouldn’t hurt him
But one night he’s so tired, he’s exhausted, training to be an emt is hard and he misses Robin because she’s at school and yeah, they talk every day but it’s not the same as when he could spend all day side by side with her (she misses him too and never misses their scheduled phone call time (at least an hour long) because I love their codependency and they’re definitely like those bonded kittens that you have to adopt both together)
But he’s so tired that he forgets his coat on the arm of the couch
He sleeps in late and Eddie, up early because he was so excited planning a new campaign that he never actually went to sleep, sees this beautiful, soft, furry looking coat. And part of him wants to just bury his face in it, because he knows it’ll smell like Steve and also he has lots of impulses about touching things that are soft, but something tells him not to. So he smooths it out where it’s a little wrinkled, but leaves it right where Steve left it
When Steve wakes up to a note from eddie saying he went to the store and will be back soon, and finds his pelt still there, right where he left it but neater now, he panics a little. Except. Eddie could have taken it, he’s taken other clothing (borrowed - technically, sort of, he doesn’t really give it back so much as Steve takes it back knowing full well he’ll borrow other stuff soon enough) but he left it there.
So he tests him again. And again. I read a story I forget where (probably here) about a Selkie leaving her pelt on a chair over and over before demanding in tears why the other woman won’t take it and keep her and that’s exactly the angst I want for them. He demands to know why Eddie won’t keep him, what isn’t good enough
And like that other story (folktale?) Eddie says he doesn’t want to keep Steve, he wants him to stay on his own accord, his own choice
And then the pelt goes into the closet, not a safe, because it’s Steve’s choice and he can go (but why would he want to?)
(Eddie does end up burying his face in the pelt at one point, it smells like Steve and the ocean (ignore that there’s no oceans nearby there’s a lake it’s fine) and it’s soft, but he still prefers to bury his face in Steve’s chest)
KAT I AM SO SORRY I MISSED THIS LAST WEEK! your brain is cooking up the most incredible, well-thought out, creative AU's and I'm sorry but you're gonna have to write at LEAST one of them?! like how does your brain DO THIS?!
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st4r-dustx · 3 months
Corruption | i.midoriya
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"What do you do when you no longer recognize yourself?"
TW: DARK CONTENT, mention of sexual assault/rape
Synopsis: Izuku Midoriya has been trying to overthrow the hero system for years. It's been his mission since the previous number one hero All Might crushed his dreams and UA eliminated his chances of ever becoming a hero, all because he was quirkless. It may seem foolish, but he's determined to fix their unjust and morally incorrect system. However, in the midst of things his vison begins to blur. Black looks like white, hate looks like love, and evil looks like good.
WC: 3.4K
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the thick snow beneath Izuku Midoriya's feet buffered his steps, he walked at a slow paste due to the snow almost encasing his ankles. He had just gotten off a shift at the pre sync, extremely tired as per usual. He had been working extra hours lately in order to keep his lights on, being a cop doesn't exactly pay well when you have those obnoxious heroes to do all the work. These extra hours weren't exactly doing much to help with his planning for next month though.
His plan to confront and expose his ex best friend, his previous bully, and the current number one hero, Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku had found little ways to keep tabs on Katsuki despite the fact that they no longer talked. The latest news was that the beloved number one, had been taking advantage of multiple girls and paying them to keep their mouths shut. Perfectly timed, next month was The Heroes Gala, a big party to celebrate and appreciate the heroes of today. Izuku was going to take this opportunity to expose him for the awful person he was and is, and at least try to take down the hero system with him. But before he could, he needed evidence. And he could only get evidence from the inside.
So, how a was a stupid cop with a foolish-- at best-- wish, supposed to get in the inside with the number one pro hero of Japan, you may ask? Well, acting isn't that hard. He’d figured he'd at least try to charm one of Katsuki’s current girls into letting him around them and then making them rat out their lover. it was the only way, it had to work.
Izuku quickly approached his small apartment, unlocking the door and shoving his way inside. As he furthered into the space he flung his keys on the foyer table, snow flaking off of his coat with every step he took.
He then sat himself on the center of his couch, resting his chin on his crossed hands. He was staring at a cork board that lie in front of him, the kind you’d see in crime movies where the detective makes a board of possible suspects. Except this one had an array of pictures of pro heroes, with tidbits of taboo allegations written near them. Izuku kept this board to keep track of every possible rumor that could potentially ruin someone’s career so he could look into it and see if it held any truth so he could attempt to take them down with it. And right at the very center of the board was of course, Katsuki Bakugo.
He definitely had the most notes and allegation surrounding him, but that was because he was the one Izuku cared about the most. Back in elementary school, they were the best of friends. wherever one went the other followed, hell they were practically brothers! Their families went on joint vacations and everything, but then Katsuki got his quirk and all of a sudden he was too cool to hang out with a quirkless loser like Izuku.
Its kinda funny, actually. The person he once thought would be buried next to him, he was now about to dig a grave for. To think Katsuki ended up being some big shot hero while Izuku stayed at the bottom of the food chain. He suffered with a mediocre job and a mediocre life while his goddamn bully held the position he’d always dreamed of, all because Izuku had some misfortune at birth. It was so ironic yet so predictable it was sickening, this is exactly what everyone say would happen to Izuku, and fuck they were all right. That’s why he’s determined to take the system down especially Katsuki Fucking Bakugo. No matter though, Izuku had better get to work with developing his plan. The gala was NEXT month after all!
Soft white powder continued to line the sidewalks as Izuku walked through the cityscape streets of Tokyo, he dusted snow off the coat he was wearing over the finest suit he was able to afford, it was simple since it was just black with a regular black bow tie, but it did compliment him quite well, making it look better than it truly was. The crowd was all directed towards this large venue that hosted one of the most prestigious events of the year, The Heroes Gala.
Izuku gulped as he viewed the large building, could he really pull off infiltrating this party? Sure civilians were allowed to go, but they had to buy a ticket which was a hefty price for someone with such a low paying job as him, or for any normal non-rich person for that matter. So he couldn’t get in that route, but he originally figured he’d show the man reading tickets his badge, and tell him he was additional security. Hopefully that would work.
Izuku proceeded to the side entrance that housed a long line of attendees waiting to be situated. He decided to just skip ahead though, security had to be priority, right? The man reading tickets was a skinny man with short hair, and based on the way he was fumbling with the tickets, Izuku could easily tell it was his first day on the job and all the demanding guests were getting him flustered.
He waltzed up to the man who was trying to help everyone as quickly as possible and tapped his shoulder. The man gazed at him with a confused expression. “huh? Sir I’m sorry but I believe you’re supposed to be in the back of the line.” He spoke kindly and softly, Izuku could tell he hadn’t yet gotten jaded like he did, still basking in his youth and joy. Too bad he was about to cost this man his job. He pulled his badge from his suit pocket and introduced himself. “Hello sir, I’m requested security, so I need to be inside before anyone else here.” He explained to the man. “Oh? well let me look on the list of security guards attending to make sure, what’s your name?” Shit. Now Izuku was gonna have to do something drastic.
He reached underneath his coat and pressed a cold piece of metal against the man’s leg, a gun. The man gasped at the sensation as Izuku leaned towards the man’s ear. “You’re gonna let me into this event, and you’re gonna do it quietly or so help me I will let this off on everybody on this line. If that idea alone isn’t enough, think about the investigation. Who are they gonna suspect? The cop or the lowly ticket handler who’s been tired and disrespected all day?” He whispers into the trembling man’s ear, which garners no response. “Exactly, so let me in please?” Izuku said backing away, changing his tone to a cheery one. The man reluctantly unlocked the door for him and let Izuku inside.
Damn that felt good. Abusing his power the same way everyone had done to him, god that shit felt so damn good. Since he’s just a simple cop there aren’t many times he’s able to assert his authority in situations (considering he doesn’t have much) , so when he does it’s like a breath of fresh air.
Enough of that though, Izuku Midoriya, was at the Heroes Gala! To think that if maybe things were different, if somebody had given him a chance back then, if he had been born with one pinkie toe joint instead of two, maybe just maybe he could’ve been attending for real. Izuku walked around, he was snooping around to find Katuski’s most recent entanglement, Camie Utsushimi. He was hoping she’d know something about the other girls he’d assaulted, maybe she’d even be a victim of him herself. Whichever it was he just needed enough evidence and reason to launch an investigation into him, which would for sure prove him guilty if all the victims share their stories. Or even if it didn’t it would at least taint his reputation.
As Izuku stayed in the shadows of the multi-floored venue he noticed he could hear faint sobbing from the left of him. That was surely unusual, who would be crying at such an acclaimed event? Izuku decided to follow the sound and figure out what happened, he was a cop after all, might as well help someone who might be in need out.
He discovered that it was coming from a dark hallway from a young woman. She wore a beautiful backless dress with what was most likely a real fur shawl with elegant white gloves that covered her face. If Izuku had been there that night for any other reason he would’ve absolutely tried to pursue her, but he couldn’t get lost on this mission. He was just gonna check on her then be on his way. Izuku cleared his throat and approached the stunning woman. “Um, ma’am are you alright?” He asked gently, hoping not to startle her. The woman raised her head from her hands and brushed her blonde hair back. Izuku gasped as she revealed her face, it was Camie! The situation was so perfect he almost suspected it was a set up. But Izuku knew for sure he couldn’t fumble now.
“Oh! Yes, I just um… haha..” Camie trailed off, nervously chuckling to cover how strained her voice was from crying. “You don’t look okay.” Izuku further inquired. Camie bowed her head, becoming unresponsive while Izuku leaned his back against the wall. “You know, its ok to tell me. You’re a hero right? I’m sure it must be hard and stressful always having to be some beacon of hope and everything else positive, meanwhile your real life might be shit.” He admitted, though he only assumed that’s how she must feel, he felt pretty certain that was it, he knew loads about heroes considering he once wanted to be one. “I actually couldn’t have said it better myself, are you a hero too or something? I don’t think i’ve ever seen you before.” Camie laughed. “Oh, no! I did want to be one though when I was younger, so I did tons of research and stuff. So I kinda know a lot.” Izuku revealed in his younger self’s nerdy fashion. To think that after all this time he still gets all riled up whenever someone tests his hero knowledge. “But it doesn’t take a hero or someone who studies them to see that you’re not ok. So what do you say we get drinks and talk about?” He proposed cunningly, stunting a smile he’d hoped would convince the lady. “Oh what the hell? Why not?”
Izuku and Camie sat in satin seats in one of the luxurious lounges the venue had, pouring champagne, talking and laughing, but Izuku didn’t really care about any of the small talk or the jokes, he knew why he was there and was not about to lose sight of that. “You never did tell me what was wrong earlier, and the award ceremony must be starting soon so you better get to talking.” Izuku said, leaning in closer and resting his cheek in the palm of his hand to express interest. Camie was busy downing yet another glass of champagne, this was her fifth? No her seventh? She didn’t even remember. She waved her hand to dismiss Izuku’s statement. “I’m not going to that stupid ceremony with that stupid prick they call the number one hero, he was the reason I was upset earlier anyway.” Camie whined, God Izuku hated this kind of childish drunk, but her sentence piqued his interest so he ignored his annoyance. “Really? What happened?”
He was almost certain there must’ve been a glimmer in his eyes the way his interest shot up, could she really be about to expose him? “He’s just such an ass to me. Because he’s number one and I’m barely top 20, he always acts like he’s too good for me and won’t act like my boyfriend in public. The press only found out ‘cause they followed us home one night.” Camie began tearing up again, but Izuku didn’t give a damn if there was trouble in paradise for them, Katsuki had always been cocky that kind of behavior was expected. All he wanted to know was something incriminating.
But he still put on a fake concerned face and pretended to be upset for her, but then an idea hit him. “That’s terrible, Utsushimi. You know, my friend who’s a cop is actually looking into him for sexual assault allegations, would you happen to know anything about that? ‘Cause your story is already giving me reason to believe he’s not such a great person after all.” Izuku was manipulating the fact that Camie was drunk and already mad at Katsuki hoping that his questions would trigger her into saying something she shouldn’t given her state. “Well, when me and him are in bed he does love to make me act like I don’t want him.” Camie admits bluntly and Izuku’s face turns crimson. ‘That’s so not what I meant!’ He thought, but he guesses its kinda helpful to know Katsuki’s some sick freak who gets off on stuff like that. “That’s not exactly what I meant, but do you know of any other girls he might’ve actually assaulted? Or were you ever a victim of the real thing?” Izuku questioned, keeping up the concerned façade. “Well now that I think about it, one day I was recording this video of us in this new car he bought, and he said something about not liking the dealer because she was brunette or something? And then he said something about brunettes only being rape toys because sometimes they have good bodies… But at the time I didn’t think he actually meant anything by it.” Camie confessed while slurring her words, and Izuku could tell she felt guilty, knowing she’d basically heard Katsuki blatantly admit to rape and didn’t do anything about it. But he couldn’t have cared less about her feelings, he was just happy that she told him something valuable, and with video evidence too!
“That’s great!” Izuku exclaimed, to which Camie replied with a confused expression. “Oh no I didn’t mean- I just meant that’s great for my friend’s investigation not for you or the victim.” He stammered out, he came on way too strong with that reaction. “But do you think you’d be able to send that video to me? So I could share it with my friend.” Izuku asked, but just as Camie was about to open her mouth a door to the lounge opened and in came the explosive blonde Katsuki Bakugo.
“Jesus Camie there you are, we’ve been looking all over for yo- Deku??” Katsuki started but was quickly startled by Izuku’s presence. He hadn’t seen him since what? Middle School? And all of a sudden he just shows up at some party that he’s not even meant to attend. “I didn’t know you had such a bigshot job that you could afford a ticket into here, but whatever I don’t really care. All I need is Camie because she missed her award acceptance speech.” Katsuki explained annoyed with Camie. But she grabbed onto Izuku’s hand attempting to pull him in front of her. “No! I want to stay here with him.” She whined, but the unexpected force of her pull caused Izuku to topple over on the ground, and have his not-so-secure gun slip out and onto the floor.
“What the hell!” Katsuki exclaimed backing away from the gun, and Camie gasped at the sight. “Don’t cause a scene Kacchan.” Izuku grunted as he picked back up his weapon. “Or what? You’re gonna shoot me? I can easily just blast your bullets to bits, but hey you can try.” Even in a life or death situation Katsuki still had to be the cockiest bastard in the room. Even though he was just using this as a way to express how highly he thought of himself, he wasn’t bluffing. Fuck, Izuku was gonna have to do something crazy again. Izuku looked behind him to see Camie standing a few feet away looking horrified. ‘Sorry pretty girl, but you’re my only way out of this.’ He thought as he snatched her up and pointed the gun to Camie’s head. “What about your girlfriend? I’m pretty sure she’s still very susceptible to bullets to the head.” Izuku said matter-of-factly and he could see Katsuki’s previously confident expression drop as sweat dripped down his forehead. To be honest, Katsuki didn’t really care if Camie lived or died, but he wanted to save himself the trauma from seeing someone’s brains blown out, plus letting her die could ruin his rep as a hero! "#1 Hero Let’s Down His Late Girlfriend Who Was Only Feet Away from Him!” Yeah he was not about to let those tabloid magazines get their hands on that headliner.
“God, just put the gun down! there’s no reason for this you’re acting crazy!” Katsuki said trying to convince Izuku to calm down, he was trying to play his cards right. He knew if he made a move Izuku might shoot Camie, and although he had pressed a security signal installed to his suit, it would be some time before they arrived so he at least needed to stall the other man. “No reason? I’m doing this for you Kacchan! I’m doing this to tear down everything you’ve ever built over those poor girls you hurt.” Izuku explained trembling with anger, how could he not get it? He was an awful person, how could he sit here and act like he didn’t deserve this? Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed, then his eyes darted to Camie who was sobbing uncontrollably. ‘Did that bitch really rat me out to him?’ He thought, he was pissed at the idea but he didn’t have time to be mad, her life was at stake and he was obligated to save it. “So in order to avenge some girls, you want to kill an innocent one who had nothing to do with it? How does that make you any better? In fact how aren’t you worse?” Katsuki said still trying to reason with Izuku, but all Izuku had was a blank expression on his face. Holy shit, Katsuki was right. Izuku had gone through all this trouble to get rid of this unjust system full of disgusting pigs that called themselves heroes but what made him any better?
He gazed down at the gun he was still holding, and it was like for the first time he could see it, see his wrong doing. He could finally hear the gorgeous, innocent girl in front of him sobbing her heart out because she thought she was gonna die, he could see Katsuki, although he was a piece of shit, trying to stop him from making a deplorable mistake. “Put the weapon on the ground and get on your knees with your hands up!” A group of armed security guards busted in through the door behind Izuku, with some heroes as extra enforcement. Izuku had no choice but to surrender, and even if he did he still would’ve done it. He tossed his gun to the side of him, and lowered himself to his knees as Camie bolted to Katsuki for comfort once out of Izuku’s grasp. He thought about how earlier he wasn’t even caring enough to give a shit about her genuine problems, that she trusted him to know, how he threated that poor guy outside earlier, how he’s spent almost every waking day since middle school plotting and not giving a damn about anyone or anything else.
He could argue that it was all because no one ever gave him a chance, when he told people he wanted to be a hero they all laughed and brushed him off, even his own personal hero All Might. It was all because everyone treated him like shit because of a dumb amount of joints in his pinkie toe, the stupid fucking joint that caused him a life of suffering. It was all because vile people like Katsuki Bakugo didn’t deserve the position they were in, not a fucking one of those heroes did. It was all because they deserved it. But in reality, it was all because he was no better. He was just as vile as the heroes, just as pain inflicting as everyone was to him, just as judgmental. He was no better than that stupid corrupted hero system, in fact, he was just like it.
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fun fact: i started writing this almost exactly a year ago and only finished it today!!
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Hi hi! I was wondering if I could could please request a Little! Bakugou with a Caregiver! Kirishima?
I hope you have an amazing rest of your day! <3 :D
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ofc! sorry i didn't get to these sooner ^^; hope this makes up for it!!
tw; none that i can think of, let me know if there's something i can add!
Sometime, when Bakugou was stressed, he would age regress. Pretty much no one knew about it, except for Kirishima.
Kirishima found out on accident, even though Bakugou had been intending on telling him. The red head started coming over and hanging around whenever Bakugou was regressed, and if he regressed during their regular hang out sessions, Kirishima wouldn't bat an eye and ask if he wanted to switch activities. Sometimes Bakugou would say yes, sometimes he'd say no. Kirishima also helped him with some of the things he struggled with doing while in his small headspace.
Kirishima becoming Bakugou's caregiver kinda just... happened. But he was a very good caregiver. He made sure to communicate as much as possible with Bakugou. He made sure the little didn't stay up past his bed time, picked up all his toys, and gave him extra treats when he deserved them or after a bad nightmare.
Kirishima was always there for Bakugou, and Bakugou wouldn't want anyone else as a caregiver.
So he wanted to do something extra special for him. Maybe it was sappy, trying to make the spiky red-headed rock a gift, but Bakugou didn't care. He needed to show Kiri that he was the bestest caregiver ever. And Bakugou didn't award that title lightly! You really had to be amazing in order to earn such high praise from him!
And Bakugou needed his gift to be just as spectacular as his caregiver.
That's how he found himself sitting at his desk, half in his headspace, glaring at the card in front of him. Yeah, it was good. It was handmade and the drawings were amazing. But a card? No, his caregiver deserved something even cooler! Though he was pretty proud of the card, so he would still give it to Kirishima. So, the partially regressed teen walked over to his bed and flopped onto it, pulling out his phone.
Kiri deserved something amazing, so he was gonna get him something amazing!
Bakugou scrolled through various Etsy stores and Ebay listings, trying to find something that was perfect. Eventually, the little found just the thing.
Gasping, he sat up excitedly. "Eiji'll love it!" he declared, not noticing how much he'd regressed already. "It's perfect! I gotta get it for him!" Bakugou quickly bought the gift, and now all he had to do was wait. And not tell Eiji! Eiji couldn't know, it had to be a surprise!
When the day came that the gift arrived, Bakugou could barely keep still. He was practically vibrating in excitement as he wrapped the gift up and place the card on top of the box. He texted Kirishima, struggling a little with typing it as he slipped into his headspace. Eiji would love his gift, he knew it!
Kirishima arrived, and Bakugou pulled him over to his desk. "Eiji! Eiji! Got you somethin'!" Bakugou said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Woah, you didn't have to Kats."
"I know! But you the bestest caregiver, gotta show that! An' the gift is perfect!" Bakugou stated matter-of-factly.
"Alright. Well, before I open this, no doubt, awesome gift, Kats, are you little right now?"
Bakugou was about to answer no, when he realized that, yes, he had slipped. "Uh-huh! But still! Your gift!" Bakugou picked the box up and pushed it into the red-head's hands.
"Thank you, Katsuki," Kirishima said, ruffling the blondes hair. Bakugou beamed.
Kirishima teared up as he read the card. The handwriting was slightly shaky, but Bakugou's handwriting was still very neat. It read, 'For the bestest caregiver in the universe! You're the manliest!' and it had a bunch of silly, slightly childish drawings of him and Bakugou, as well as some doodles of Crimson Riot. "This card is lovely, Kats! I'm going to hang it up and keep it forever and ever," Kirishima said definitively, and Bakugou nodded.
"Yeah, cause it's the coolest! But it's gots nothin' on your real gift!"
Kirishima nodded, and delicately unwrapped the wrapping paper, doing his best to avoid tearing it. When he saw the box, he almost started balling.
It was a limited edition Crimson Riot action figurine. One that only had some ninety-seven in existence. Kirishima had tried to get one, but they were expensive and sold out extremely quickly.
"Kats..." Kirishima said, voice wavering. "Kats I love it, thank you so much...! How did you even get this?"
"Ebay!" Bakugou responded proudly. "I wan'ed to show you that you're the bestest and the coolest!"
Kirishima hugged Bakugou. "Well, thank you Katsuki! I'm gonna treasure this figurine forever!"
Bakugou hugged his caregiver back. "Your welcome, Eiji!"
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cuteniarose · 2 months
also this anon came here from ur art blog!
can you tell us more abt ur ocs?? infodump plz
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Hey, it’s fine, don’t sweat it! That was all on me, tbh, I have a habit of not putting too much info about my OCs into posts because they have a target audience of two, me and my partner in crime, and obviously we both already know pretty much everything there is to know about these guys. It’s very rare that anyone stumbles upon my art blog, let alone likes it enough to come here and send multiple asks about my characters, so thank you for that!! Maybe I should start putting small bios in the descriptions of my art posts, at least ages and sexualities and who they are in relation to whom 😅
Anyway, I did make a long infodump post about my main OCs, Suiren and Midori, here, and 99% of that information is still accurate, so I’m not going to repeat myself. And the rest depends on who you wanna know more about, Kat and I have over 20 between us, if I were to talk about everyone we’d be here until next year. But for now.. how about a rundown of the ones I currently speak of most often?
(Under the cut because this got LONG)
Haya – Born in 120 AG, she/her, cis, thinks she’s straight but definitely some flavour of queer, will most likely never figure it out :/. She’s Ghazan’s older sister who raised him after their parents fell victim to a plague when she and Ghazan were 14 and 5 respectively. Obviously, life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for the two of the after that. Haya had to quit school so she could work to provide for her brother, and she worked herself to the bone at any job that would take her because what else could she do? Let her brother starve? Not pay the bills so they’ll eventually end up homeless? And with how tired she was, of course she had little capacity remaining for kindness. She became hardened, mean and immensely overprotective, always yelling at Ghazan whenever he didn’t do as she told him, particularly he ran off to play in the Swamp despite it being where the sickness that took away their parents had come from, even more so when he made friends with Ming-Hua, and eventually she started hounding him endlessly about how much money he’s costing her. And it all boiled down to Ghazan running away as a teenager and joining the Red Lotus, later reuniting and falling in love with Ming-Hua, and having Suiren and Midori. When the time came for the plan to kidnap Korra, the girls were left with Haya, and that’s where things take a sharp turn for the worse. Haya saw her brother in Midori and the swamp rat who stole him away from her in Suiren, they were living proof that her brother abandoned her and she couldn’t stand it. And so she became physically, verbally and emotionally abusive, and the effect that childhood had on the girls will stay with them long after they’re out from under her roof. Haya is easily the most emotionally conflicting character that I have. You want to hate her, you SHOULD hate her, she’s an absolutely awful person with 0 redeeming qualities, but then you remember that once upon a time she was very much like Suiren, a young girl who loved her mother very much and just wanted the best for her little sibling, and now she’s older and alone and miserable. It’s.. a sad fate, and a part of me can’t help but sympathise with her. Not that it excuses her actions, but it adds a layer to her for sure.
Summiya – Born in 124 AG, she/her, cis, aromantic allosexual, no exact sexuality label beyond that since for her, sleeping with people isn’t about the partner, but rather what they can give her. Zaheer’s older sister, the stereotypically perfect eldest child who sets impossible standards for her siblings. What sets her apart from the rest is that her face is perfectly symmetrical, as if someone put a mirror to one half of it, and while she’s undeniably beautiful, the symmetry tends to freak people out a little. She doesn’t look human, more like a perfect porcelain doll, and that’s exactly what she was raised to be. She was born into a noble family and given the patriarchal structure in place her only role in life is to uphold her father’s reputation and political status by being married off to the highest bidder and becoming the perfect wife and mother. When she was 16, Zaheer ran away from home and she denounced him as a brother with no hesitation. When her sister Aiza did the same thing three years later, Summiya struggled a lot more to do the same, but she was already married and pregnant at that point so pushed the event deep, deep down and focused on her own family. Following her siblings’ betrayal, she was placed under a lot more pressure to not end up like them and not let her kids do the same, which resulted in her becoming an overbearing control freak who hates that both her children (a girl and a boy, just like her own siblings were) were born with birthmarks on their faces, making them imperfect, and her carefully concealed but still obvious hatred of those marks drove her daughter to attempting to bleach her skin. And all her efforts were for nothing, because they still end up rebelling against her as teenagers, not too long before she discovers her husband is cheating on her and only a few months before Zaheer is imprisoned. Tough year, what can I say? And she just.. cracks, completely loses it, and Kat said she’d write a proper fic about it so I’ll leave the details to her, especially considering tumblr won’t like me talking about them, but she begins cheating on her husband too and is a complete masochist, to the point she deeply scares her partners and they end up breaking it off. Essentially, Haya on steroids 😅
Aiza/Emran – Born in 126 AG, she/he/they, genderfluid, pansexual, polyamorous. Zaheer’s other sister, the middle child in the family. The three siblings were never close with each other, they were never allowed to be, but Aiza and Zaheer still managed to share a few moments where he told her about Air Nomad culture and philosophy, thus causing her to gain an interest in it too. After he ran away she started reading a lot more and aching for the freedom described in the texts. At age 17, a few days before her arranged marriage, she gets into an argument with Summiya about duty, sacrifice and wanting more from life, much more than being married to a guy she never even had a proper conversation with and birthing his children, and upon finding no support in her sister she decides to run away too. She cuts her hair, disguises herself as a boy under the name Emran and becomes an air acolyte at one of the temples. She struggles at first since she never had to work for anything before, but eventually begins to love this way of life and gains a lot more confidence in herself. She makes friends and grows so close with them she sees them as family, and at some point reveals her deceit, but no one is too mad at her because ultimately, she’s still her. But after that revelation, she realises that she didn’t dislike being a boy, and she doesn’t hate being a girl as long as she’s not under the intense pressure her parents placed on her, and becomes genderfluid, using different pronouns and both Aiza and Emran as names depending on what they feel more like that day. They also start experimenting with their sexuality and fall in love with a bunch of people of all genders, forming a polycule though never settling down officially. After Harmonic Convergence they will gain airbending, and eventually, several years later, they’ll reunite with Zaheer and the two will get to need out about Air Nomads together like they were always meant to 🥹🥹
Ehuang – No exact birthdate yet, but most likely >180 AG. She’s still a bit too young for us to really decide on gender and sexuality and whatever else, but for now, cis, she/her. She’s the daughter of Midori and Opal Beifong, conceived with the help of Bataar Jr (Midori was the one pregnant). Midori and Opal adopt several kids together, but at some point Midori decides that she wants to know what it’d feel like to carry a child herself, to be there when they’re born, to see traits of her family reflected in them. So she and Opal talk, ask Bataar for help, one thing leads to another and nine months later, precious baby Ehuang is born. She’s the love of my life and light of my world, genuinely the most good and pure thing to ever exist, the representation of everything finally being okay with the world, and I adore her beyond what words can convey. She’s named after a character from the same legend her great grandmother’s (Ming-Hua’s mom, Nuying) name comes from, and will eventually reveal herself an earthbender, though not a metalbender like Opal’s family, but a lavabender like her grandfather. Truly the perfect mix of her entire family <3 This section is a bit shorter than the rest, but that’s simply because she doesn’t have too much going on with her yet. Hopefully one day we’ll find the time to add to it (and finally design her siblings, maybe???)
Ila and Alasie – Grouping these two together because they tend to go hand in hand with each other. Going off how old I imagine them to be compared to Suiren, Alasie was born in 152/153 AG and Ila in 150 AG. Cis and she/her for both, but Ila is a lesbian and Alasie is aroace (and a waterbender, though she’s rather bad at it). They’re not related to each other or, surprisingly, anyone else either on my OC list or out of canon characters. They both work as handmaidens in the Northern Water Tribe palace under Malina, Unalaq’s wife. Now, there’s quite a bit of lore surrounding Malina, but the basics are that her and Unalaq’s marriage was arranged, he has no interest in her because he’s a spiritfucker and only into Vaatu, she hates him, dislikes her kids, and was generally unsatisfied with life right up until one of her handmaidens showed interest in her, and in the nearly two decades since then she’s formed a proper harem out of both maids and guards who are all utterly enamoured with her. It’s not a permanent arrangement, a lot of them end up leaving their positions to get married or whatever else, and Malina chooses not to mourn and simply move on. Ila is a girl very much like the rest, in love with Malina and becoming absolutely obsessed after the one night she had with her. The difference is that her affection is completely unidirectional, she looks at no one else but her lady, completely and utterly devoted to her alone. Alasie, however, is aroace, and after being propositioned by Malina one evening tearfully confesses that she never wants to be touched by anyone, and Malina smiles and calms her and allows her to sleep in her bed, no obligations or anything, just so she can feel the warmth because she comes from a poor family and her clothes aren’t nearly as good at keeping her warm. What she ends up having with Malina is most similar to a queerplatonic relationship, and through that she becomes friends with Ila too, as they’re the two that Malina is most fond of at the moment. I will admit that Alasie is basically just a projection of myself that was created when I first figured out I was aroace and having a whole crisis over it, and Ila shares quite a few traits with Kat, so… yay for self inserts? They’re just fun characters to play around with when we need a break from the general doom and gloom of our main universes, that’s all :)
Oof, this took a looong time to write, and again, these are only about a sixth of all the OCs we have, so if you have any more questions about them, or wanna know about anyone else specifically, feel free to ask!!
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