#I love Rosa and I love how they brought her back
101flavoursofweird · 2 years
Head LMJ anime writer: Ok, folks, Layton’s going to disappear on his mystery journey, but we don’t want him to look irresponsible leaving his ten-year-old daughter behind. So, who’s going to babysit Kat for the next ten years?
The one good writer: What about Flora— the other girl Layton agreed to look after? I know her age has never been confirmed but surely she’d be older than Kat! We can keep their relationship vague but she could still be like an older sister to Kat—
That writer who’s a LBMR stan: What about her olde brother, Alfendi? We referenced him in the LMJ game, right? He’s canon—
The writer who’s a Descole stan: What about Kat’s uncle, Desmond? Layton and his brother don’t need to be estranged forever! They could have reunited after Azran Legacy— you don’t even have to reference what happened in Azran Legacy—
The writer who’s an Emmy stan: SAME WITH EMMY! Layton forgave her and surely she has forgiven herself by this point. She would want to search for Layton and help look after his kids!
The logical writer: Why not just use Layton’s parents— Roland and Lucille? Kat’s grandparents! They’re hardly spoiler characters… Layton is still on good terms with them. They really are the most logical choice!
Head LMJ anime writer: …
Head LMJ anime writer: Didn’t Layton have a cleaning lady that was never referenced again after PL4…?
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annymation · 9 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 1- The Intro
Our tale opens the same way many classic Disney movies did before, with a story book.
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The book opens, and we are presented with the illustration of a king looking down from his tower, and we listen to the narration of an elderly male voice:
Long ago, there was a kind and wise king, who wished that all his people could live the happiest and most fulfilling lives in his kingdom, and have all their dreams come true. "But how can I fulfill ALL their dreams?"The king pondered.
Then, he had an idea. Using his vast knowledge, the sorcerer king developed a new kind of arcane magic, Wish Magic. With it, the king granted the wishes of all the citizens in need of his help. And so, this became the tradition, in the Kingdom of Rosas...
But this is not his story, oh no no, King Eric was just the first of this loooong line of wish granting kings.
The pages of the book flip, revealing in each page a different king, each generation, and each one with their names written on the top of the pages, these kings are all named after the 9 old men, the famous animators that worked in the creation of Snow White. This is the first of many Disney references I’ll throw around in this rewrite.
Our tale begins with the birth of the 10th king of Rosas... Prince Magnus.
We see an illustration showing a young king Magnifico learning magic with his father, king Ward.
Young prince Magnus grew in power as quickly as the evening primrose blooms in the night. However, the young prince feared he'd never be truly worthy of following such a great legacy. With that in mind, the King and Queen decided that a... second option could be required in the future. And thus, prince Florian was born.
The two brothers grew into powerful sorcerers. But once it came the day to choose the heir to the throne, Florian was chosen, for Magnus didn't feel like he could be just as great of a king as the ones that came before him, he felt like there was something... missing in his life, something that would give him the confidence and strength he required.
And sure enough, that something, or rather, that someone arrived.
The most beautiful maiden Magnus had ever laid eyes upon. She was found by fisherman, passed out and floating adrift in a boat. By King Florian's orders she was brought to the castle, once she woke up, the maiden introduced herself as Amaya.
We see an image of young Amaya being found ashore by fisherman, she's dressed in a white dress similar to how Ariel was found by Eric in The Little Mermaid.
Amaya wanted to thank the young king for his hospitality, she didn't ask him to grant her wish, all she wanted was to serve in the castle as the king's personal alchemist, and Florian gladly welcomed her in his court. And as the days went on, Magnus and the mysterious maiden became hopelessly in love, and together, they felt as if they could do... Anything.
The narrators voice sounds confused with that last statement, like he doesn't know what's referring to. But he continues.
After a year of the kingdom prospering under king Florian's rule, Magnus, inspired by his new found love, decided to go on a quest for adventure, to leave the kingdom for once in his life.
We see an illustration of Magnus and his brother hugging each other goodbye next to a boat. It's a sunny day.
But every tale must have a tragedy, and Magnus faced the most painful tragedy of all once he returned to Rosas, and found out his dear younger brother fell ill and passed away while he was away.
We see an illustration of Magnus now back to Rosas, looking devastated, but one important detail is that he's now holding a staff with a green gem we haven't seen in any of the previous pages, it's a treasure he got from his quest.
But from this tragedy, Rosas reemerged stronger, with Magnus and Amaya as our new rulers. Magnus let go of his fears and swore to make the kingdom shine brighter that ever before, It's what his brother would've wanted after all.
Magnus changed the way that wishes were granted, instead of granting just a few per month like the kings that came before him, he granted dozens per week, by sending them up from the top of his tower, and making them float down to their wish makers as they sleep.
The kingdom was so happy and so grateful for their new king and queen that they started calling them by nicknames that reflected their magnificence and their passion. From then on, they were to be known as King Magnifico and Queen Amable.
The End
The book is closed by an old man's hand.
We now see the face of the man who was reading the story, Sabino, Asha's grandfather, looking ever so slightly younger than he was in the movie, but still very old.
He's laying on the bed with a smile, admiring the golden and flowery details on the book cover, and he says:
"I admire your interest in more sophisticated books Asha but ummm don't you think this one might be a bit too advanced for your age? hehe"
the man chuckles looking down to his side, where we see a little 5 year old Asha under the bed sheets.
"Yeah... I thought it would be better cause' the cover was so pretty, I wanted more fantasy, but its just romance... yuck" she makes a face of disgust sticking her tongue out.
"One should never judge a book by it's cover, what you got here is a history book." he tells her as he get's up from bed to put away the book and blow away the candles in the room.
"Sure doesn't explain things very well though, like where did queen Amaya even come from? And what's the deal with this staff the king found? And what sickness did his brother have? The book explains none of it." The little girl says frustrated with all these questions unanswered.
Her grandpa can’t help but chuckle, he's way too familiar to these unceasing questions of her's, Asha always had the habit of questioning everything.
"Well, 1. the queen is quite reserved about her past, it's best to respect that. 2. that staff is just a souvenir that the king got from his travel. And 3. sometimes bad things just... Happen, with no explanation, and there's nothing we can really do about it but to move on." The old man explains to her wisely "Now, it's time for bed."
"Noooo!" Asha interrupts before her grandpa blows away the last candle in the room "I want another story, this one didn't count because I didn't like it"
"And since when that was a rule?" her grandfather sounds amused by that
"Since now, I just decided" the 5 year old claimed proudly
"Hehehe and what exactly didn't you enjoy in this story?"
Asha thinks for a moment, but then she has an idea "Weeeeell for starters, romance is yucky, there was nooo villains, and I like villains in fairytales, and most importantly… it didn't have MY favorite king and queen in it"
(Ya know, I laugh to myself while writing this because not only Asha will grow up to live a romance in this rewrite, but also because there are indeed villains in that fairytale, it just so happens that the villains made themselves the protagonists.)
Sabino looks confused "... Your favorite king and queen? Now what do you mean b--" Sabino realizes who she’s referring to, and his confusion melts back into a tender smile "Oooh... hehe you mean THEIR story, huh? Say, didn't I already tell you their story this week?"
"And the week before that too, yes, but I just love it! Pleeease saba, then I promise I'll go to sleep, honest"
"*sigh* alright alright, but only because it's my favorite too"
Sabino sits down on his rocking chair next to the bed, no book required for him to tell this tale.
Once upon a time, there was a king, who traveled to a far away place with his son, his prince. They were looking for a place peaceful to make it their home, and they found it, a quiet house in the middle of the forest, not so far from a kingdom called Rosas. The prince was quick to meet the people that lived in the nearby kingdom, and among the people he met there was-
"Who's telling this story again?" Sabino glanced at Asha smugly
"Sorry sorry, hihihi keep going" she says hugging her pillow tightly.
So yes, the prince met a fairy, a fairy with the most incredible of powers, she could bring drawings to life! The prince was marveled by the fairy's magic, and hurried to tell his father, at first, the king didn't believe it "Drawings that move? That's absurd, son" but sure enough, the prince invited the fairy to their home, and she proved it to the king, she showed him her sketchbook and flipped the pages quickly, and all her drawings together seemed to move as if it was magic
"Because it WAS magic" Asha corrected
"Hehehe you're right, it was"
Years went by, and the love that the prince and the fairy shared only grew more and more. The fairy became an art teacher, sharing her magic and artistry, while the prince became a philosopher, passing on his wisdom and knowledge about the stars. And one day, they were blessed with the most beautiful little princess.
"That's meeeee"
"Yes, that's you" Sabino looks at Asha with eyes full of administration for the girl’s enthusiasm for such a simple story he only came up with to teach her about who her parents were.
And they lived ha--
Sabino interrupts himself before he finishes that phrase, he knows that's not how it went.
But he has to finish the story somehow, so he just says
And now that little princess is going to sleep, the end.
Nailed it.
"Very well Asha, a deal's a deal, good night now-"
"Saba! Look!" Asha points to outside the window with a huge smile "It's starting!" She jumps out of bed and runs to the window
We see countless wish bubbles floating out of the castle, like glowing lanterns filling the sky and making their way down to the people of Rosas.
"Huh, he started earlier today... Or rather, it's even more past your bed time than I thought, come on, back to bed mi nieta" Sabino rushes her back to bed, talking more sternly now.
Asha doesn't want to go to sleep yet though so she tries to stall some more "Saba, when I'm big, what if I wished to have magic like mama's?"
Sabino's eyebrows raise in surprise by the question "Y-you mean wish to make drawings move?"
"YEAH! I wanna be a great artist like her! I bet mr. King Magnifico could grant that wish pretty easy, right?" The little girl says cheerfully, her eyes shinning as she still looks up at the glowing wish bubbles in the sky.
Asha isn't seeing it, but her grandfather has a sad and conflicted look on his face, like he's trying to find the right words to tell her something really important.
"Heeey... You never told me what was YOUR wish to the king!" Asha realizes, turning back to the older man and walking closer to him on his rocking chair "What did you wish for?" She asks him curious with a big smile.
"... I don't know" He admits, trying to hide from her how sad that makes him feel with a forced smile.
"... Huh?" The girl tilts her head confused
"I was asked to give my wish when I moved to Rosas and... To this day I can't remember what it was... But maybe that's just how it works" He shrugs like it's no big deal. But it clearly is.
"That doesn't sound fair... He hasn't granted it yet?"
"... Could be…" Sabino admits what has been thinking for a long while, his eyes light up with an idea and he turns to his granddaughter with a serious expression "Asha, can you promise me something?"
Asha looks at her grandfather attentively and nods positively.
“When you turn 18… Oh never mind, you’ll probably not even remember this talk anyway”
“Yes I will, what is it?” She asks determined.
“… When the time comes for you to make your wish to King Magnifico, DO NOT wish for him to make you an artist like your mother, Sakina spent years practicing to master her craft… and I think she’d like you to do the same”
“Okay! I’ll practice everyday! To make drawings just as pretty as mama’s!” Asha’s joy returned with full force, she actually couldn’t wait to draw more in the the morning.
She jumps back to her bed, now ready to go to sleep since she has something to look forward to.
Sabino seemed pleased “That’s good to hear, thank you”
“But what should I wish for then?”
Sabino fell silent for a moment and just said simply “You have quite a lot of time to decide, I’m sure you’ll know by then... Now all I wish is that you'd stay in bed and went to sleep hehe” He jokes with a gentle smile.
He get's up from his rocking chair and goes to blow out the last burning candle in the room, but before he does so Asha says
"Saba... Do you miss them? Mama and papa?"
Sabino looks at the candle with downcast eyes.
"Yes... But it's alright, I still get to see them everyday"
"WHERE?" Asha exclaims, thinking her grandpa just casually admitted he sees ghosts.
"In you" Sabino tells her as he caresses her head "You have your mother's talent and beauty, and my son's intelligence and curiosity... They live in you, dear"
(Is this a Lion King Broadway musical reference? Yes, yes it is)
"You think I'll be able to make magic too, like mama?" Asha asks with a big smile
"If you keep trying, and never give up, you can do anything, my dear." He says calmly, looking at her full of pride.
"Okay... *yaaaawn* good night saba, I love you" She says while getting comfortable in bed.
"Good night mi nieta. See you tomorrow."
Sabino blows away the last candle, it all goes dark.
We cut to a sequence similar to the opening from UP.
(oh yes, it'll be that level of sad)
So as happy background music plays, with no lyrics, no lines, just visual story telling, we get a series of scenes showing some snippets of Asha’s life over the years.
We cut to the same little Asha waking up in the morning with a big smile on her face.
She's waken up by her grandfather, and she gives him a hug.
Sabino prepares breakfast while Asha draws on a sketchbook.
Sabino looks proud with Asha's doodle and hangs it on the wall.
Suddenly, they hear someone knocking, Asha goes to open the door and we see a young Dahlia selling sweets.
Sabino buys some, and as Dahlia walks away Asha notices she could use some help carrying all that food, since she's walking with a crutch.
Asha looks at her grandfather as if she's asking for permission to go, and he nods reassuringly.
Off she goes to help Dahlia, and the two quickly become friends
Asha get's back home after sunset, dinner is ready
she and her grandpa read some books together.
Asha went to sleep
This cycle would keep repeating during the whole musical sequence, and I don't want this to take too long so just imagine we see events similar to this repeating 7 times, each time we see Asha meet a new friend, and we see her grandpa become more and more senile and more dependent on Asha, as she gets older.
I'll just give a few more examples to illustrate it but if you're curious about how Asha met all her friends and in what order just read it here: Reimagining the 7 teens
We’ll skip the sequences showing how she met Simon and Gabo.
The music sounds slightly less upbeat
Asha wakes up, now looking more like a 10 year old
She’s ever so slightly less excited when waking up but still smiling
She goes to wake up her grandpa, who seems a bit lost at first but smiles once he sees her
She makes them breakfast
The walls of the house are covered top to bottom with Asha’s drawings
She helps her grandfather walk as they go watch a children’s play at the plaza, her friends Dahlia, Simon and Gabo are with them
Asha notices a young girl looking very uncomfortable on stage
Once it’s her scene, the bashful girl runs off stage
Asha goes back stage and we see her sit next to Bazeema and give her some words of encouragement
Bazeema goes back stage and plays the role of the queen perfectly with her eyes closed
Asha gets a new friend in her friend group
Sabino looks pleased
Asha prepares soup for dinner (remember she’s 10 here)
Asha takes her grandfather to bed, because he’s struggling to walk
Asha reads him some books
Asha went to sleep
We gonna skip to the last friend Asha made
Asha wakes up, now looking 13
She has a hopeful expression, it’s another day
She helps her grandfather get out of bed, he’s not smiling anymore, his expression seems distant
She makes them breakfast, and help her saba with eating it
There’s even more drawings on the walls, and they look way more detailed, showing Asha’s art skills improved
She and her 6 friends all go hang out for what was supposed to be a short walk
They spot a girl trying to practice juggling and failing miserably
Asha asks if they can help, but the girl just smiles awkwardly as if she says they can only help if they could make her a proper entertainer in the snap of their fingers
Asha indeed can’t grant that wish BUT she knows how to help her
Cuts to them all in Asha’s house, the 8 preteens all sit together on a round table and Asha brings in some papers, pencils and a book titled “Jokes and tales for jesters”
We see the whole gang now formed, as they talk and laugh together, helping Hal come up with jokes for her act as a royal entertainer
All is well until, Asha noticed her grandfather coughing on a chair right behind them
She rushes to give him some water and stays with him, while her friends watch from the table, with expressions of sadness and pity
Asha is hugging her grandfather when she feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns around and it’s Dahlia, with the other 6 behind, they all give her a reassuring smile as if to tell her it’s gonna be alright
Simon brings a blanket to cover her grandfather, Bazeema makes some tea, Dahlia prepares dinner, Hal plays some songs with her flute, Safi and Dario are dancing to it with Asha (as a reference to the “Silly Song” scene from Snow White where she dances with Dopey and Sneezy) and Gabo is just sitting there tapping his feet to the music.
Asha finally got a break, a moment to just enjoy herself
They all have dinner together, Gabo offers himself to help Sabino eat.
Asha waves her friends goodbye as they all return to their homes
Asha helps her grandfather go to bed, we don’t see his face much
Asha went to sleep
Asha wakes up, now 15 years old, she has an excited smile on her face just like how she had 10 years before
She shakes her grandfather to wake him up
He doesn’t move
She tries again…
No answer.
The music turns silent.
Her smile fades away.
We cut to her in Sabino’s funeral.
Asha is crying all alone, until she once again feels a hand on her shoulder.
She turns around to see all her 7 friends, all of them grieving with her.
They hug.
Asha wakes up, now in present day.
It’s her 18th birthday.
“… It’s another day” she says with a hopeful, but somewhat worried smile.
End of intro.
Chapter 2
Final Thoughts
And so it begins. This is just the first of a LOT of chapters.
This is my first time actually writing a story, in English no less (I’m Brazilian btw) so this has been a pretty big deal for me, please give me suggestions on how to improve if you have any, it’s really appreciated.
Asha and Sabino’s relationship hits really close to home for me, I think whenever we write something it’s inevitable that we bring a little bit of our own experiences into it, and here’s it’s not different, in my case I also had a really close relationship with my grandpa, and I grew up watching him develop Alzheimer’s, just like Asha I used to draw a looooot and my grandpa had a whole wall in his room dedicated only for my drawings, so yeah I got pretty emotional writing about that.
Rip Vovô Dudu
Anyway, what I wanted to accomplish with this intro was establish:
- King Magnifico and Queen Amable’s backstory… Or at least what the people of Rosas think it’s their backstory.
- Who were Asha’s parents and how they’re important to her and shape who she is.
- How Asha met all her friends, as well as who they are.
- How Asha is always going out of her way to help others.
- How her life went from being taken care of by Sabino to being his care taker, which in turn made her become more mature and hard working from an young age.
- But nevertheless, even with all the loss and pain she felt, she always remained kind and optimistic.
With all of that established, we can actually start this story, see you all on chapter 2!
Thank you for reading!
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lenacosse · 8 months
Pretty girls
pairing: amy santiago x female reader
cw: alcohol, mentions of vomiting, angst, cheating?
word count: 1,632
summary: it’s your birthday and the squad surprise you, but what happens when amy gets too drunk and takes it too far? you were practically in love with her but you knew where you stood with her. (based on pretty girl by renee rap. also tempted to turn this into a mini story..)
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“Okay just let me put this blindfold on you.” Jake says putting a blindfold on you and leading you through a door.
You trip over his foot and can’t contain your laugh. “Jake this is a disaster just tell me where we’re going.”
“No can do (Y/N), anyways we’re here.”
Jake takes off your blindfold, and suddenly everyone jumps out yelling happy birthday. You can’t stop the jaw aching grin that plasters over your face, you scan the room, all your friends and colleagues are there. You had said you didn’t want to do anything for your birthday, it was your first one without your dad and naturally that pained you beyond explanation. But standing here you can only appreciate the love you feel.
“Thank you Jake.” You smile and hug him, you knew he was at least partially responsible for this.
“Alright shots!” Jake shouts, making the entire bar of your friends erupt to enthusiastic cheer.
You walk to the bar and you, Jake, Amy and Rosa throw back a few too many shots, but that was for tomorrow to regret.
“Happy birthday (Y/N).” Holt nods, you smile and return the nod. Holt may be way too professional but you appreciated him these last few months more than you could explain, and he knew that.
A few hours into the night most people were beyond drunk, especially Amy who really let herself go tonight. Currently she stands on the bar top pouting tequila into peoples mouths.
“(Y/N)! Your turn.” Amy winks, you roll your eyes and put your mouth in level with the tequila. It burns its way down your throat and into your stomach, lighting up your system with immediate warmth. You felt a buzz of pure energy around you tonight, you couldn’t explain how grateful you really were.
Even Terry is enjoying himself tonight, and of course Gina has started a chant to get him to take his shirt off. You didn’t exactly expect him to do it, but the screaming of Gina and a few other women told you that he in fact did.
“Hey,” you hear from behind you, you turn to see Rosa. You smile.
“Hey Rosa.” Amy had gotten down from the bar, or in other words the bartender forced her down. So you sat on the barstools, Rosa doing the same.
“Happy birthday or whatever.”
You put your hand to your heart. “Rosa Diaz are you turning soft?”
You both laugh and order a drink together.
“Jake did a good job it seems.” Rosa says, finishing off her drink.
“Yeah he really did, I know you helped him. So thank you, I needed this.”
Rosa nods, “well we couldn’t leave you in your apartment. Personally that’s my ideally birthday plans but clearly not yours.”
You both engage in a conversation, Rosa must’ve really been in high spirits to actually have a conversation. Usually it’s complete silence, but you wouldn’t complain Rosa was surprisingly fun to talk to. That was until Charles came over and started talking about him and Genevieve’s colourful sex life which had you suppressing a gag and swiftly moving tables.
You took a minute to take in the night, Holt smiling caught your attention. You couldn’t help but feel uplifted by this. You loved your squad more than anything, and to see that they do in fact love you just as much almost brought tears to your eyes. A permanent smile was set on your face as you watched the conversations and interactions between others, you got so lost in it you didn’t notice when everyone gathered around your table and Terry walked out with a lit birthday cake. The awful singing filled your ears, but you could tolerate it for now. You blew out your many many candles that were on the cake, you could tell it was home baked, it was slightly wonky and questionably iced. It was probably Gina that made it, but you loved it even with its imperfections.
“Don’t tell us your wish! It’ll jinx you.” Amy slurred.
“I won’t don’t worry.” You response, she just giggles at you.
“Who wants cake?!” Gina yells, just taking a chunk with her hand. Jake then of course goes and does the same, you just shrug and let them have at it, after you’ve taken your own handful that is. Terry and Jake sit beside you, chowing down on the cake.
“I think Gina burnt this.” Terry says, you laugh as you hear the crunch of his cake.
“No it’s just egg shells.” Jake chimes in.
“Isn’t that worse?” Your face screws up.
“Probably.” Shrugs Jake, as he takes his next handful of cake.
“Keep my spot I’m going to the bathroom,” you say to Jake and Terry before making your way to the bathroom.
You hear throwing up and knock on the stall door from where it’s coming from. “Everything okay?”
“No.” Groans Amy.
“Open the door.” You reply and she does, Amy is on her knees with her head in the toilet bowl. You kneels down behind her and hold her hair as she finishes.
“Thank you.” She sighs and sits back against the side of the cubicle, you sit opposite her.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” You reach into your bag and grab a half drank water bottle that’s been in there for god knows how long, you hand it to her and she happily drinks it.
“Having a good night?” Amy asks.
“Yeah it’s been nice,”
“Sorry for getting so drunk. I guess I was nervous for tonight.”
“Nervous? For what?”
Amy looks at you, her eyes lingering on yours. “I wanted everything to be perfect, for you.”
“I thought Jake planned this.”
“It was his idea but I done most of the planning.”
“Oh. Well it was perfect, thank you.”
“Of course. Anything for you.”
Your heart sinks a little as she says that, you felt like you had been punched in the gut. Anytime Amy gets drunk she’s all over you, every-time and you don’t blame her but it wasn’t the easiest thing to deal with considering you were practically in love with her.
“Are you okay if I leave?” You ask.
“No. Please stay.” Amy reaches to grab your hand.
“Okay. I’ll stay.”
She smiles and moves to sit beside you. She leans her head on your shoulder and you both sit on the sticky bathroom floor, you look at your hands. You try not to overthink the situation you’re in, but this was typical, the pretty girls want to kiss the pretty girls when drunk. But when sober they dodge the situation, and this is what Amy is best at doing. Maybe she was confused.
“You know you’re my favourite right?”
“Your favourite?” You furrow your brows. “In what way.”
“Well I don’t know, you’re fun and you’re brave and you’re… hot.”
“Yeah for a girl, you’re my girl crush.” She slurs. “If I was going to, you’d be the one I’d try.”
You hitch a breath as she says that, Amy may have flirted with you or been questionably close but never had she ever said anything like this. You can’t help but feel extremely conscious of her gaze on your face, you couldn’t face her so you stared ahead.
“What about Teddy?”
“He wouldn’t mind.”
You wanted to roll your eyes, you wanted to tell her that she was out of order. But you couldn’t help the smirk that appears on your face, you knew if you kissed her it would shatter you. But for the moment being you couldn’t think rationally.
“Why are you saying this?”
“Because I’ve thought of kissing you.” Amy says, she grabs your jaw and makes you look at her.
“Why? Do you think I’m just an experiment?”
“I never said that.” Amy moves closer, your faces barely an inch apart. Your stomach drops as you try to control yourself. You wanted to grab her face and kiss her, but that wasn’t a good idea.
You close your eyes as she moves even closer. She presses her lips to yours and you momentarily freeze, that is until you kiss her back. You put your hand on her thigh, her hand goes to your cheek. You both get caught up in a moment, your lipstick smearing across her now swollen lips. She pulls back and smiles.
“That was nice.”
“Why did you kiss me?”
“I wanted to.”
“But why?”
“Im not sure.”
Your heart breaks a little as she says that, you stupidly thought she was going to confess feelings. But that was a preposterous assumption. You look down as you fight off the tears you feel forming in your eyes.
“Im going to go.”
Before Amy could reply you leave the bathroom the tears were streaming down your face as you pushed through the crowd and exited the bar. You sat at the curb side with your head in your hands, you felt foolish and idiotic. Of course Amy would never like you back. But you couldn’t help feeling so damn used, being the token lesbian enabled this idea that you were simply a trial run. You had let yourself get hurt too many times because of this, Amy didn’t understand the damage of her actions and you definitely weren’t going to be the one to tell her. But you swore to yourself never again would this happen. You sit outside for close to an hour trying to rationalise your thoughts before going back inside, no one noticed your running mascara or puffy eyes. So you acted as if everything was great for the rest of the night. Then of course in the a.m the pretty girls act like it never happened and you go back to being Amy’s friend.
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jess-ence · 4 months
Cloud & Aerith are Orpheus & Eurydice
An Analysis:
Hello! I wanted to share my analysis on how Cloud & Aerith represent the Ancient Greek legend of Orpheus & Eurydice, one of the most well known tragic love stories. I love this game and I love this legend and after seeing connections I wanted to share it with others. This is my opinion. if you disagree, you can keep scrolling, and have a nice day <3
There have been many different variations of this story from Hadestown to Moulin Rouge. I will reference the broadway show Hadestown a lot, because I’m a huge fan of the show and it represents Orpheus & Eurydice’s story very well. With this analysis, I’m going in with the belief that Hollow and No Promises to Keep are Cloud and Aerith’s songs that are about each other, who those songs are about is a whole different argument, but to ME, it’s obvious who they’re about and I’m using them to push this analysis further.
In the Greek legend, Orpheus & Eurydice fell in love, and one day Eurydice died from the bite of a viper. Orpheus was so ruined by grief that he traveled to the underworld itself to find Eurydice and bring her back. Orpheus sang about his love for Eurydice to Hades and Persephone, who were so moved by it that Hades gave him the opportunity to bring Eurydice out of the underworld, he just has to take the long walk out of the underworld with Eurydice behind him, and he cannot look back at her the entire walk until they are out of the underworld, or else she will be sent back down. Towards the end of their walk, Orpheus is worried that Hades had tricked him because he could not hear Eurydice behind him. He loves her so much that he is driven mad by the fear and doubt that enter his mind. So much so that he ends up looking back at her, and she is sent back to the underworld.
Now for the comparison to Cloud and Aerith.
Obviously, much like Orpheus and Eurydice, we see their relationship become a precious and cherished thing, until Aerith is suddenly killed. If you really wanna get into details, guess who has eyes like a viper, Sephiroth. The one who kills Aerith.
Now Cloud is not a singer or a poet, but he does have a theme song called Hollow in the Remake. This song is heavily theorized to be about Aerith, and makes the most sense to be about her. It describes how lost and hollow he feels without her, which is so unbelievably Orpheus of him. In the lines;
“Bloody and bruised, Brought to my knees
When beaten down, When broken up
You would appear, Reach out to me,
Heal every wound, And make me whole”
It makes me think of a scene in Hadestown, where Orpheus gets beaten up while in the underworld trying to get Eurydice back. Persephone is inspired by Orpheus’ determination to get Eurydice back, his love for her and determination to get her back keeps him going even when he’s beaten down.
Throughout Hollow, he says a lot of words like “Guide me to you” “I’ll never let you go”. He still wants to find her somehow after feeling so empty from her death. Again, very Orpheus.
Let’s look at the lyrics for Wait for me that Orpheus sings in Hadestown;
“Wait for me, I’m coming
Wait, I’m coming with you
Wait for me, I’m coming too
I’m coming too”
Before Aerith even dies, she is kidnapped by Shinra, and Cloud makes it his personal mission to go get her back. After she is kidnapped in Remake, he has a vision of her, where he tells her,
“I’m coming for you”
In Rebirth, after she “dies” he tells her “I’ve got this” in English, but in the Japanese version, guess what he really says?
Wait for me.
There’s also a play called Loveless in FF7 Rebirth, where Cloud and Aerith play Alphreid and Rosa, whose story is very reminiscent of their real story. (I’m aware of how Rosa’s part can also be played by Tifa and Yuffie, but the story of this play fits Cloud and Aerith’s real story the most, as well as Rosa’s character fits Aerith the most. So I wanted to include it)
There is a line that Alphreid tells Rosa;
“You needn’t promise that you’ll wait. For I know that I will find you here”
Key words: Wait and Find
In Hadestown, Eurydice sings a song called Flowers. And guess who in FF7 is a flower girl? Aerith.
The song talks about how Eurydice regrets becoming a worker for Hades (in this version she is very poor and hungry, and Hades convinced her to sell her soul for the safety of it all) but she misses the world above and remembers Orpheus and her happiness with him in the fields of flowers.
Aside from the obvious flower connection, this almost makes me think of how while Aerith had a responsibility in dying and saving the world, she may have regrets since all she wants is to be happy with Cloud (we see her wishes on her dream date with him, spending time with him is how she wishes her life would be without the burden) and in the Advent Children script, when Cloud rides his motorcycle by a field of flowers where her ghost is standing and watching over him, it describes her feeling lonely.
Another thing to note, in Hadestown, a flower is used as a symbol for the whole show. Most notably for this analysis, Orpheus uses it as a reminder of her as he travels to the underworld and tries to give it back when they reunite. And guess what happens when Cloud and Aerith meet? She gives him a flower that represents the reunion of lovers.
In Aerith’s song, No Promises to Keep, Aerith describes this burden she has of being the last Cetra while also saying lines like,
“Till the day that we meet again
Where or when?
I wish I could say
But believe know that you'll find me“
“Still I hope someday you'll come and find me“
This just screams Eurydice waiting for Orpheus in the underworld, knowing he’ll come find her. Shes saying, come and find me, while he’s saying, guide me to you. Pair that with how Cloud keeps saying Orpheus lines like “Wait for me” and “I’m coming for you” Hollow and No Promises to Keep are such Orpheus and Eurydice anthems, even without the context of FF7 or Cloud and Aerith, those songs fit Orpheus and Eurydice so well. A man feeling hollow without his love, a woman trusting the man to come find her. *chefs kiss*
In the original FF7, Cloud gets a glimpse of Aerith after the final battle, and that’s when he says:
“the Promised Land...
I think I can meet her...there.”
Now we don’t have a clear answer as to what exactly the Promised Land is. Since Aerith is dead at this point when Cloud says this, it makes you wonder if it’s related to where you go when you die, or maybe just where Aerith goes since she is a Cetra. Regardless, she is still dead and Cloud still wants to find her, much like Orpheus when Eurydice dies.
In the Advent Children film that takes place two years after Aerith dies, Cloud himself is dying from geostigma, and sadly enough, is pushing away his friends, accepting death rather than fighting it, seemingly searching for Aerith amongst it all with how he sleeps in her church. Orpheus was known to have never been the same after Eurydice died, completely swallowed up with grief until he had the idea to see her again in the underworld.
Another interesting detail in AC, when he has visions of her, Cloud cannot look at Aerith because of his guilt until the very end where he decides to keep living on.
In the FF7 Remake, it takes a little different approach than the original FF7 did. There are multiversal aspects that have made people question if Aerith’s fate is final this time. Since we don’t know how Part 3 of the trilogy will play out, some of this is theorizing. But what I believe is that there was a new timeline where Cloud saved Aerith, it’s not the current timeline that Cloud and the rest of the party are in, but Cloud knows of this other timeline where Aerith is alive because he is the only one that can see into that timeline.
No Promises to Keep plays when they part at the very end of the game, the same song that talks about how she wants him to come and find her, just like he did when she was kidnapped by Shinra. This makes me wonder if maybe he will try to cross between different worlds (much like Orpheus with the underworld) to try and get her back. If this will be successful or not, we will see, he is Orpheus after all.
There’s another song in Hadestown called Road to Hell, about how even though Orpheus and Eurydice’s story ends in tragedy, the people in the musical keep singing it over and over hoping that one day the story will change and that one day they’ll be reunited.
“It's a sad song
But we sing it anyway
'Cause here’s the thing
To know how it ends
And still begin to sing it again
As if it might turn out this time”
A common theme with the Remake project is defying fate, repeatedly saying it’s not set in stone, that maybe it can be changed, so we’ll have to see if it’ll turn out this time.
I am one that does not mind either way if Aerith lives or dies by the end of this new trilogy. Simply because the tragedy of their romance was already great, it would be emphasized even more with this hope that maybe we can get her back. Both we and Cloud actually see a possibility of her being alive with these parallel worlds. There’s a chance he can get her back. And if he in fact still does not get her back, it would hammer in their original idea of this tragedy even more, making it more tragic. And if he does get her back, I feel like It the original idea would still be there (since we DID still see her die) but it would transcend both OG and remake that after all this time he finally found her, and maybe he’d finally be happy for it, I know people would be mad and say that it cheapens the purpose of her death or whatever but personally it would be beautiful to me. Getting that hope then getting the same result is very reminiscent of Orpheus and Eurydice. But I will say I am hopeful that Cloud can defy fate and get his Eurydice back, I would love to see them happy together by the end.
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I updated the part I wrote yesterday
I'd like to see @cloudfilledpillow take a picture of this one
“Hey Cepheus-,” she called, over the sounds of the nearing musicians. 
“If you had to rate Rosas on a scale of 1 to 10 stars, with one being the worst and 10 being the best, where would you place it?”
He quirked a brow. “Rate Rosas? On what exactly? Because if we’re talking about the interior design of your castle, I’m going to need a number much lower than 1-,”
“No, no, no silly, I’m talking about in terms of the people, the architecture, the culture and community, you know things like that. How would you rate it?”
“Hmm,” he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I’ve only been here for a few days, but all things considered, I do enjoy your food, and your people are rather pleasant-,” he paused, waving to a small crowd of admiring girls. “So all in all, I think I’d give it seven me’s.”
“Seven you’s-,” she’d paused, scowling at the star’s wordplay. “only seven?!”
“I think seven is a very good number-,”
“But why not ten?! Isn’t Rosas perfect? I mean look at it!” she motioned to the island in the distance. “A lot of people live here, we don’t pay taxes, which is honestly amazing. We’re progressive, How in the world isn’t that perfect?:
“I should be the one asking you that,” he started as he’d leaned against the ship’s nearby hull. “After all, I wouldn’t be here to grant a ‘wish for more’ if this place was that perfect.”
“...Fine so maybe it’s not perfect! But that doesn’t mean that it’s not great for what it is and shouldn’t be around for centuries to come, right?!”
The star halted in his tracks, briefly staring at her thoughtfully before speaking, “You know Asha, if I didn’t know any better, I’d nearly be tempted to think that you’re trying to convince me to stay here” he teased as she quickly shook her head. “Maybe we could even live together! How does that sound?
“There is no way I’m going to let any man who isn’t my husband live with and annoy me, so no Cepheus. That is not happening.”
“You’d let your husband annoy you?” Cepheus asked, looking stunned. “What has the prince done to earn that honor?”
“The prince? You think I’d ever have a chance with the prince?” she asked before her expression soured. How was the prince supposed to love her, when he couldn’t even trust her? He couldn’t even use her lack of powers as an excuse, as he’d had no problem getting Dahlia involved. He’d even brought her and the others back a gift during his time in exile, something he’d failed to give her, unless she’d counted the manuscripts. Sorry, his manuscripts.
“Whatever,” she snapped, forcefully pushing away both the star and her unhappiness as she continued to make her way through the crowd. Who the prince decided to gift was none of her business. 
“Asha?” Cepheus called, following after her as she heard Valentino pleat. “Asha wait up, where are you going?”
“Here,” she answered,  pointing to two spare crates that had served as seats. 
“Are you cold?” Cepheus had asked, taking a seat next to her as she pulled her father’s journal out of her satchel, fully intent on putting herself to work as soon as possible.
“Not yet,” she sighed, shivering at a passing sea breeze. 
“Here,” He hummed, simply waving his hand as she felt all the dampness of her clothes disappear as a few large water droplets formed near her feet. “Is that better?”
“Yes, thank you,” She nodded, a little shocked at how quickly he’d done it as he quietly shrugged off his cape, placing it within his lap before he pulled out a pair of sewing needles.
“What are you doing?”
“Fixing the cape,” he replied as he quickly threaded the needle. “Pity it couldn’t burn more so I could remake it from scratch, but I suppose I’ll have to make do with the damage that has been done.”
“You’d really remake it from scratch if it had been burnt?”
“Of course! Any alteration to this would be an upgrade! It’s so short! Where is the elegance?!” he cried, dramatically holding it up for her to see. “The prestige?! The flair?!”
Her eye twitched. “Cepheus this is a cape for a peasant-,”
“And another thing I’ll have to add to the list of sins for Rosas,” he shook his head disapprovingly before he resumed sewing. 
Asha sighed, but she knew better than to argue with the star on the matter of capes as a voice called, “Cepheus!” 
Abigail and her friends quickly came into view, pushing through the crowd.
“Are you two alright?!” Abigail started.
“We heard someone was trying to assassinate you!” Mizuki cried.
“It’s not the same girl who you were telling us couldn’t make happy right?” Maria demanded. “Because if it is this just makes her tasteless and stupid!”
“Ha ha,” Cepheus shook his head. “No no, it wasn’t her.”
“Then who was it?” Mizuki asked as the crowd of girls held their breath.
“I’m not sure,” he confessed. “They were wearing hoods, so it was hard to see their faces.”
Moireach pushed forward, a fiery look of determination in her eyes as she spoke, “Well…I come from a long line of warriors! I swear if you want or need someone to avenge you, I’m your girl!”
“Really?” Cepheus asked, looking visibly impressed. “You would do that for me?”
Moireach fervently nodded as the other girls shook their heads. “All you would need to do is ask!”
“You honor me, my lady,” Cepheus grinned as he gently took her hand. “I am forever in your debt.”
Ugh, Asha was starting to get dizzy now as rolling your eyes while on a ship had admittedly not been one of her brighter moments.
But unfortunately for her, the amount of Cepheus’s admirers surrounding them would only increase bringing with them their families and any curious onlooker. 
To her it was nearly bizarre, watching as they’d all willingly congregated towards the creature that they’d soon learned their future monarch willingly slaughtered. perhaps it was A subtle awakening of their powers that often lay beneath the surface, as she’d once recalled hearing the king say. 
But whatever it was had seemingly left the crowd fixated on the star as she’d soon found herself at the foot of a respectably sized crowd. One that Asha would blame for the difficulty she’d faced while trying to read her father’s journal.
“You have such a beautiful accent,” a beautiful young woman commented, who from the looks of things was probably one of the new arrivals. “And you speak so well, where are you from?”
Oh please, his accent hadn’t been that pleasing to the ears! She rolled her eyes before she struggled to translate the star’s following response as he’d spoken in the girl’s language. “You flatter me-” Had he said flatter or flatten? “I come from a galaxy”-a land-far far away- what?! What was that supposed to mean?!- “I’d had…to study your language…I couldn’t pass on, not when it had given me the opportunity to-....with…enchanting…yourself.”
She was certain there’d been more that she’d failed to translate as he’d continue too fast for her to comprehend, but whatever it had been was enough to please the woman as she and the star had stared at each other like they’d been the only ones on the boat.
Relief had filled her as the young woman had eventually introduced her friends who’d more or less exchange a few pleasant words with him, but the results were still the same. 
“For someone who’s never been here before, you certainly know how to speak all of those languages fluently” she noted as the crowd had turned its attention elsewhere.
“Thank you, Asha,” he smiled, completely oblivious to the suspicion that had laced her tone. “Would you like to know the secret?”
Her curiosity got the better of her as she replied,  “Let me guess…magic?”
“Nope,” He laughed, pointing towards his head, “science.”
Her eye twitched again as she crossed her arms, “...You just like to amuse yourself, don’t you?”
“Amuse myself?” the star frowned as he’d adjusted the cape that lay within his lap. “Why would I need to amuse myself when I have you?”
She should’ve known that the star was just joking. He probably hadn’t meant anything by it, but the words had slipped from her lips without thinking, “Is that all I am to you?” she asked, feeling her fingers claw at the wooden crate beneath her. “Just amusing?” 
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erijuice · 6 months
And now, here are some of my money shots and concept art for Wish Upon A Star (my version/AU of Wish), complete with the Sleeping Beauty-esque aspect ratio and everything!
Starting with our lovely duo, Princess Asha and Orion the Starboy!
One of them is a little recreation of a shot from the canon movie that I found adorable. LOOK AT HIM!!
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Here's TWO for my version of the "At All Costs" sequence. I wish this was still a romantic duet between Asha and Orion. Imagine this being our generation's A Whole New World or Once Upon A Dream, and even the demo version is STILL on my mind to this day! Gosh darn we were robbed!!
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And now, here's something I haven't shown before, my versions of King Magnifico and Queen Amaya. Here, Queen Amaya is a dark-skinned Afro-Latina and a evil fusion of Canon!Amaya and Asha's canon mom Sakina, and Magnifico remains the same for the most part.
The wish orbs are more rainbow-colored, drawing inspiration from Disney's long-forgotten Star Darlings web series. (RIP 🙏🏾)
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and here's the Wishing Tree, where Asha makes her wish to the stars. I brought back the wish ribbons because I love the idea of the people of Rosas writing their wishes to the stars when Magnifico refuses to grant their wish. This would encourage Asha to fight her parents for everyone's wish to be granted. Notice how there is no North Star because it doesn't exist yet, because this is supposed to be about how the Wishing Star was born. (or Orion, wink-wink)
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And a few more money-shots that were inspired by the concept art that was shown at D23 Expo when the concept was first announced. (I suggest you look up the performance of This Wish / More For Us online to find out to know what I'm referencing.)
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In case you're wondering about the dragon, that is actually a silhouette of Magnifico's dragon form, because I CANNOT draw a real dragon, I just can't. BUT.. I will say that Magnifico will do so much MORE with his power in the climax of my AU. I would imagine a massive shapeshifting battle between Orion and Magnifico. HOLY MOLY THAT WOULD BE EPIC!!
Anyways, that's all I have to show for now! It was exhausting but I loved these little money shots. Goodnight, Kingdom of Rosas!
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lazytitans-world · 6 months
Wish re watch thoughts
Having not watched Wish since it came out in theaters in November of 2023 and going down the rabbit hole of abandoned concepts and re-writes in the months leading up to Wish dropping on Disney+ I can now give Wish a re watch and share my thoughts on it. Now keep in mind I am coming at this movie from many angles. On one hand, I want to watch this with a new frame of mind to give it a chance to see if any of my thoughts on the movie have changed. On the other side is my inner "WE COULD HAVE HAD A STARBOY!" fandom side of me looking to see if any of the scrapped concepts could have worked in the movie we got and to see if any traces of those concepts were left behind. But no more waitng, no more writing fanfics, its time to re-watch Wish
• Starting off with the classic story book opening I felt was a great touch as it harkens back to classic Disney animated movies like Snow White, Pinnochio and Sword in the Stone.
• So why was Asha being so secretive to her family about her interview for Magnifico's apprenticeship? That feels like something major to tell your family. Even Asha's friends know about it. It could be Asha wanted to surprise them, I guess.
• Hot take: Welcome to Rosas is not that bad of a song, it's got a catchy beat and introduces us to the kingdom, Magnifico, and the wishes.
• The scene where Asha and her friends discuss her interview does have Asha doing typical "quirky Disney girl" behavior but at the same time she is a teen about to have an interview for what may be one of the most sought-after jobs in the kingdom, I'd be acting weird to if I was her age and in her position.
• We get some hints of Magnifico's jerk personality as he somewhat dismisses Asha's drawings when she shows it to him. The line is "Do we call that a talent?"
• Magnifico mentioning how he knew of Asha's father and how her dad talked about the stars is an interesting given how everything turns out but for one, this is NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN and two, this feels like a leftover of one of the deleted scenes from Wish where Magnifico wanted to harness a stars power but was never powerful enough to do so.
• Oh "At All Costs", how you sparked a fandom when you had no intention of doing so.
• In context of the movie, At All Costs does work as it shows that Magnifico's and Asha's feelings on the wishes. Magnifico holding on too his past trauma and feeling that HE and only HE can protect these sacred things while Asha is more drawn to the person AND their wishes, notably her Saba's wish.
• Opinion time: If we were to have Starboy and a romance, the demo version of At All Costs should have been a reprise, just with the word love instead of promise, showing how Star and Asha's relationship has grown and deepened. It would be a lot like "I See the Light" from Tangled, taking place before the climax.
• It makes a little sense why Magnifico rejected Asha's application since after singing "At All Costs" he sees her drawn to the Wishes and some even being drawn to her as the wish orbs now have a purple hew instead of blue hew like the color of Magnifico's cape to them to match Asha's dress. Magnifico has worries that someone will use the power for personal, and in his mind "selfish" reasons, plus his trauma from his village being destroyed makes him warry of who to trust.
• So what happens to a person's wish if they die? Does it just disappear?
• So that whole opinion of "Asha wants Magnifico to grant everyone's wish" WRONG! Asha wants Magnifico to give wishes back to those who have given theirs away long ago and let the people pursue their own wishes.
• Magnifico's tease that he might grant Sabino's wish is petty and I like it as he starts by saying a name starting with Sa before saying another person's name. That is petty stuff right there.
•If you are aware of the original concept art and the many changes Wish went through during production, it is obvious that Amaya, Star and Sabino got their characters changed, and in the case of some, completely neutered.
• I like Ariana Deboise and Chris Pine as Asha and Magnifico respectively.
• "This Wish" is ok and is mostly carried by Araina's strong vocal range.
• Star's arrival has where my inner fandom is screaming "honey get ready, you've got a big storm coming"
• "Can light be loving?" according to the many re-writes I've read, yes Asha, yes it can.
• Opinion time, again: I am in favor of the Starboy design seen in the concept art. Letting you know now since from this point on is about Star.
• I can totally see the human design of Star working in the introduction they have with Asha.
• I get why the creative team wanted Star to look that way, they wanted to do something different and that design screams "marketable plush"
• Once Valentino started talking and we go into "You're a Star", it all came back to me, that bad feeling. THIS IS WHAT I DID NOT LIKE ABOUT WISH. This part feels specifically aimed at children or at most feels too "cutesy". This, in my opinion, where people turned on Wish.
• Getting back to the Star Boy design, "You're a Star" could have worked as a way of Star showing off their powers, as well as them crushing on Asha. "You know you're a work of art" - Imagine Star Boy blushing as that is being said while looking at Asha, this writes itself.
• Look, I like Alan Tudyk, he can be funny if given witty and sarcastic dialogue and I know he has been a fixture in Disney movies for a while, but they gave him nothing to work with for this. This is not an obligation, more like a reward gone wrong. I am glad that Alan got a more prominent role, but I just thought it should have been something better.
• Another major criticism I've seen is that Magnifico's down fall is just him being controlled by a book when really it is more complicated than that. I akin it to Anakin Skywalker falling to the dark side as in it's not just the teachings that cause someone to go down the path of darkness, it's the feelings and desires of the one learning. Magnifico, at the point of the movie is paranoid and afraid that someone or something is here to take away his powers, threaten his power status, and destroy his kingdom that he works hard to protect in his own way. So it is not just the book doing it but the powers of the book mixed with his own fear, anger, trauma and other negative emotions that cause him to fall to darkness. Hate leads to anger, anger leads to
fear, fear leads to suffering.
•I totally forgot the Simon actually sees and interacts with Star before his betrayal. Star hands him a heart after he says he has forgotten what we wished for and when I first saw this I thought it meant that he had a crush on someone, maybe Asha but after seeing the movie it was just Star trying to be nice to Simon. Which in turn makes Simon's turn even more strange.
•I understand why people would think Asha was selfish in going for her family's wishes first when freeing them but my head cannon is that freeing all of them at once would be too big of scene and she wants to prove to Sabino that his wish is worth granting. However, Magnifico would notice that some wishes are missing and would put two and two together so this plan was not thought out to much but hey she is only 18 and she just met a magic star that can help her so I think her thinking clearly is not to much of an issue.
• "This is Thanks I Get" starts off odd as no one brought up the mirror thing in the scene where the citizens question Magnifico. But the song itself is to show that though Magnifico shows that he cares about the citizens of Rosas and their safety, he would rather have someone else help them then get involved himself and still wanting praise even though he does not really do much for the kingdom outside of granting wishes. The song also is to show that Magnifico is now going down the path of darkness due to his own insecurities and ego. Chris Pine does a great job with the song as he becomes more unhinged in every chorus.
• THERE IS NO SCENE WHERE SAKINA AND SABINO MEET STAR AND TALKING VALENTINO WTH!!! It jumps right to Asha giving Sabino his wish back, no lead in or setup.
•Then we go right to Magnifico breaking into Asha's house after being told she brought down the star. Again, there was no setup or lead in, it just happened.
•We don't even get to see Asha's mom's wish before Magnifico crushes it. It would have added more to the emotion of the scene to see what her wish was just as Magnifico destroyed it. This also shown to be the first time Magnifico has ever destroyed a wish. I chalk this up to his new powers influencing him to destroy it.
• Sabino mentions as they escape that Asha's father would be disheartened to see what Magnifico has done, implying that the father was a believer of Magnifico.
• Star holding Asha's chin as she blames herself for everything again makes me yearn for the Star Boy design.
• Magnifico having a hidden evil lair beneath his royal study is symbolism 101 but nice to see.
• Fun detail: When Magnifico grants Simon's wish, he uses the spear he made from forbidden magic and that in turns corrupts Simon's wish and thus Simon himself. We see instead of the usual blue, pink or other colors used to represent Magnifico's magic its is now the green evil magic, symbolizing that Simon's wish, though granted, is now corrupted as well.
• Simon turning on his friends is shown more as an effect of the forbidden magic Magnifico used.
• How do you have a wanted poster of Asha and not make a "they got my nose wrong" joke from Tangled.
• "My butt found it" - see this is why a lot of people thought this movie was written by AI.
•"Introverts need sanctuary too" - Hell yeah Bazeema
•"What I Know Now" is another decent song as I am a sucker for drum breaks and enjoy the revolutionary feel behind it.
• Apparently, to avoid corruption by the book of forbidden magic you have to wash your hands with obsidian oil before using the book. So to avoiding evil basically comes down to washing your hands, gee you think this movie was made during a pandemic or something. Overall, pretty lame way to defeat evil.
•The rule is "embrace forbidden magic once and you commit to it for eternity". I find it hard to believe that no one has tried to save someone corrupted by this forbidden magic before this.
• I notice that the more obvious Disney call backs happen at the last third of the movie. Before it was subtle but now it is super obvious.
• If we were not going to get a reprise of "At All Costs" then "This Wish" would make sense as it shows the kingdom getting behind Asha and standing up to Magnifico themselves. It is a decent song for what it needs to be.
•Again, I can't help thinking about Star's human design as they are sucked into Magnifico's staff. Imagine them taking one last glance at Asha before being sucked in to the staff, some good romantic build there.
• Simon's betrayal came down to him wanting to feel whole again after giving up his wish and essentially making a deal with the devil to make that happen. I get that people saw him differently and he would want to change that but how he acted with Asha and the others before Magnifico told the kingdom about the light and its apparent danger still made his turn feel off, we needed to see Simon struggle with how he feels and how others see him for it to make sense.
•So Star did not go back to the sky at the end, which does leave the door open for other adventures with Asha and others. Maybe star could turn human at the end (LOOK LET ME DREAM!)
Overall my thoughts on Wish have not really changed since I first viewed it. The movie is passable, a 6 or seven out of 10, a C+ to B grade. The animation is good, the story is fine and the characters do not bother me too much.
But for a movie that is supposed to represent 100 years of Disney animation, one of the most influential studios of all time, it is not wrong to say that we should have gotten more. This movie is missing one thing, that special sauce to put it over the top. It could've been a romance with a human looking Star, it could have been Amaya and Magnifico being a villainous couple, it could have been anything. Wish just needed that extra something to push past some of the pacing and story beats that drag it down such as the bad jokes and odd pacing. Maybe a better relationship between Asha and Star would be glue that held the movie together as most previous Disney film always had that main duo that kept you interested but Asha and this version of Star just don't click like a Moana and Maui or Anna and Elsa did.
I would give it a recommendation now that it is on streaming for an affordable price plus it does come with the deleted scenes and bonus materials. It's also clear to see that the team behind it was passionate about making this the best it could be and I applaud the team for that idea. I know others are going after them for not going through with certain concepts, but I think they did an okay job with what they had.
So yes I like Wish, it's not my favorite Disney movie but it's one I would not mind watching again and understand if it's someone's favorite. Hopefully the initial negativity towards the movie dies down and people actually give it a chance.
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via-rant · 10 months
He locked his door. Hazel knocked.
"Go away." He said, crying. Hazel immediately understood.
"Hazel? What's wrong?" Percy asked walking by to check how it was going.
"He's 8 now..."
"Yeah?" Percy looked confused.
"His mom." And he understood. He went to go tell everyone the situation and she thanked him.
"Okay, I'll leave. But I'll come back at lunch okay? You're going to need to eat. If you need anything come to us." She said and reluctantly walked away. Hazel kept her promise and brought him lunch. She opened the door and was relieved to find him asleep. She touched his shoulder and he flinched awake.
"Sorry! Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. I brought your lunch." She said and he sighed, sitting up.
"You want me to leave?" He shrugged. Hazel wanted to cry. He's so young. Is this how young all of them were? She took a breath and sat across from him. He just stared at his food with a blank expression.
"Okay. Then I'm not leaving until you eat something." It was quiet for a good minute. Then he picked up his spoon, picking up some soup and... stopped when it got to his mouth. He seemed to realize something before putting it back down. It was quiet for another few minutes.
"I'm a monster Hazel." He said suddenly and wiped his tears.
"I killed her." He sobbed. "I killed her, I'm a monster."
"No. No you're not. It's not your fault."
"Tenía razón la tía Rosa. Debería haberme abandonado cuando tuvo la oportunidad." She doesn't know what he said but she had a feeling it wasn't good. She put the bowl on Buford the Table, who was sitting next to them the whole
"Hey. Come here." She said and he latched onto her. He cried into her shoulder as she sung the song his mom would sing to him and stroked his hair, reassuring him he was loved here. That it wasn't his fault. She saw the bruise on his back but didn't ask. She didn't want to upset him more.
She fell asleep with him.
Please feel free to write the next one. Literally anyone.
Tags: @kekaki-cupcakes @moa-broke-me @randapear
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canadachildvol2 · 2 months
Wish rewrite ✨ Extra details
As I mentioned in the final part of my "Wish" rewrite, I was toying with the idea of creating a separate post that covers additional details and character descriptions that I couldn't organically include in the summaries. After spending some time away (my brain was pretty fried after all the planning and plotting of that rewrite lol), I eventually decided to go forward with that idea. So here it is :)
Below the cut are details concerning the key characters and the plot itself, including a few worldbuilding tidbits. I have also added some of my concept art (one of which I already showed in the rewrite, but I wanted to share again). <3
And because they asked me to, I'm tagging @signed-sapphire
Asha: The main protagonist of the story. Levelheaded, composed, a touch cynical; a realist. She is prone to being very blunt and not considering how this harsh honesty can hurt others before speaking. Despite this, at her core, she's a trustworthy and compassionate individual who cares a lot about her family, friends, and Rosas as a whole.
After being let down again and again throughout her life (her father's death when she was 12, no one in her family having their wishes granted, seeing the kingdom figuratively crumble bit by bit because of how exhausted and troublingly passive many citizens are, etc.), she eventually stopped being hopeful and always focuses on realistic outcomes and worst-case scenarios.
"[Papa] always said that hope gives you strength, but for me it brought so much pain. So by expecting and accepting the worst, it hurts less when the inevitable happens."
When it comes to Star, she is at first exasperated by his energetic and overly curious personality. However, during their time helping people with their wishes, she softens up to him and sees his good heart. Moreover, his ambitiousness and optimism rubs off on her and she gradually starts to feel bright and - more importantly - hopeful for the first time in years.
She works as a tour guide for visitors and potential new residents. While not a fan of the job, it "pays well" as she says to Dahlia at one point. In her spare time, she likes to read and draw. She is also a talented dancer, but she often keeps this skill under wraps (courtesy of her reserved nature).
~ I took some inspiration from Jane's character and arc in "Return to Neverland," but there are shades of Tiana and Raya present as well. Regardless, I really wanted this version of Asha to stand out from past Disney heroines. ~
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Star: The deuteragonist of the story. Energetic, inquisitive, peppy, and (at first) doesn’t have much sense of personal space. He can be very easily distracted, but when things get serious, he knows to focus on what's important. He is an overall affable person who is eager to experience new things and make friends.
He is a young star who has reached the point where he is ready to advance into a proper wishing star. By helping Asha make her wish come true, he will accomplish that, so he is very much determined to make it happen. However, he finds himself conflicted when he grows fond of humans and their way of life, as well as falling in love with Asha. He wants more than anything to help her save Rosas and become a wishing star, but that will mean he'll have to leave her when the job is done.
He is mute and only communicates through body language and images created with his star dust. The sole exception to this is in the "At All Costs" scene when he used his magic to allow Asha to essentially hear his thoughts via human speech. This is temporary and only lasts a few minutes. Afterwards, he goes back to being mute.
"His fingers touch her lips, then his, then he runs them along her ears leaving a trail of star dust. Before she can question what he did, she hears a deep, soft voice: “Asha.” It’s him! It’s Star! “You can…?” “Not for long."
His powers include levitation, shape-shifting, making things grow, and changing the colours of flowers and other objects he sees. While he cannot actually grant wishes with his magic, he can inspire others and spread hope with it. In this sense, he is indirectly granting them by providing the tools others need to make them come true on their own. Animals are also drawn to him.
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Magnifico: The current king of Rosas and the main villain of the story. A cunning and charismatic sorcerer whose knowledge of wish granting magic was passed down from the royals before him. When 18-year-olds and new residents approach him to give their wishes, he presents himself as a kind man. In reality, he is apathetic to his subjects' well-being and only cares about maintaining absolute control.
While this need to preserve his authority stems from having a bit of a God complex, it is also because he does not want to be the king responsible for a great empire's destruction.
The only person he genuinely cares about is Amaya, with whom he is madly in love. He is the more emotional of the two, in that he is quick to succumb to frustration in moments of stress and/or anger. However, he can just as easily be calmed down by his wife, be it through words of encouragement or simply a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Amaya: The current queen of Rosas and the other villain of the story. Even-tempered, regal, and equally as cunning as Magnifico. While not a magic-user like him, she is just as powerful due to her intelligence and tactful nature. She is just as in love with her husband as he is with her.
She is the calm to his storm. The left brain to his right brain. She can pull him back from his stressful outbursts and stop him from potentially ruining his "benevolent king" facade by keeping him grounded and focused on the present. Truth be told, Magnifico wouldn't be nearly as mighty or as beloved without her there to help him and provide new ideas to carry out his plans.
Dahlia: Asha's best friend and a young baker. Cheerful, idealistic, and tends to stumble over her words when excited or stressed (a nod to Doc from “Snow White” along with her character design). She works in her family's bakery, but dreams of one day becoming the castle baker. As such, she thinks her work needs to be perfect to get that position, so she has a tendency to slip into a perfectionist mindset when it comes to her baking. Despite others' insistence that her work is already amazing, she is determined to be even better.
Like the rest of Rosas, she thinks highly of the king and queen. While this adoration makes her initially distrustful of Asha's innocence when she was accused of destroying the wishes, she ultimately sides with her.
~ Design note: in this version, her ruby dress leans more towards a reddish-violet shade; basically something that contains a bit of purple. This ensures that the warm colour palette of Asha's outfit - mainly the orange part - makes her stand out from the rest of Rosas, as well as foreshadows Dahlia's future internal conflict of not knowing whether to side with Asha (red/warm) or the king and queen she adores (the purple colour that dominates Rosas, along with blue and grey). ~
Sakina: Asha's mother. She is a farmer who mainly grows fruit and also does a bit of weaving on the side. She is a kind and hardworking woman, but can also be stern when necessary. She and her husband used to work together as farmers, but since his death, she's been doing most of it herself (Asha often helps whenever she can). As such, she has become visibly exhausted, but refuses to admit it and doesn't let it get in the way of raising her daughter.
Her wish was to be fearless. She made this come true on her own in a roundabout way by being the first to stand up for Asha to the king when she was accused of destroying the wishes. While more "brave" than "fearless," such an act still took serious guts.
Sabino: Asha's grandfather and the father of Asha's late dad. He is a devoted family man with a creative mind and optimistic attitude. Like the rest of Rosas, he thinks highly of the king and queen and continues to hold out hope that his wish will be granted one day despite being repeatedly let down. In spite of this adoration of the royals, he loves his family first and foremost.
He worked for many years as a blacksmith, but eventually retired once it was clear that he was too old for the job. While skillful in this occupation, his lifelong passion has been painting, which he spent a lot of time doing following his retirement. He also assists Sakina in her farming any way he can, though his old age has taken a toll on how often he does this.
His wish was to be able to bring his paintings to life.
~ Design note: like Dahlia, the colour scheme of his outfit needs to be tweaked a little to match the purple/blue/grey palette of Rosas, showing his loyalty to the royals and to once again ensure that Asha's palette stands out. ~
Simon: An acquaintance of Asha's. Three years older than her. He works multiple jobs in the hope that his hard work will be noticed by the king and queen and they will grant his wish. As such, he is usually very tired; more than most older adults in Rosas even. While a decent man at his core, he is also prone to skepticism and his devotion to the royals often clouds his judgement.
It's not uncommon for his insecurities to take control and drive him to do some questionable things. This is what caused him to rat out Asha to Magnifico and Amaya. However, he feels genuine remorse afterwards and does what he can to make up for his mistakes.
His wish was to be a brave and honourable knight. Also, like in the movie, his tiredness and general design is a nod to Sleepy from "Snow White."
Asha’s father: I just found out his name is Tomás, so... Tomás was Asha's father and Sakina's husband. He died from an illness when Asha was 12 years old. He used to work as a blacksmith with Sabino, but after marrying Sakina, he decided to become a farmer like her.
He was a good man; very funny and an extrovert. He was also a doting father and used to tell Asha to look to the stars whenever she feels lost. His last birthday gift to her before his death was a silver bracelet with star designs engraved on it. Asha cherishes it very much and wears it every day.
Dario: A good friend of Asha's. He is five years older than her. Friendly, a little absentminded, and a bit of a goofball (a nod to Dopey from “Snow White” along with his character design). He and Asha have a sibling-like relationship, with her being a down-to-Earth force that keeps his head out of the clouds. In fact, you can sum-up their rapport with this bit of dialogue from 'The Wizard of Oz': "But someday they're going to erect a statue to me in this town, and-" "Well, don't start posing for it now."
His wish was to be super intelligent. The main reason why he wants this is so that he can become a great inventor. Through Star’s influence shortly after his arrival at Rosas, and with additional encouragement from Asha, Dario realizes that he just needs to apply himself and his preexisting strengths; those being his creativity and perseverance.
Bazeema: Another good friend of Asha's. She is one year older than her and gave her wish to Magnifico very recently. A sweet-natured young lady who doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Very shy and is rarely seen without blushing cheeks (a nod to Bashful from “Snow White” along with her character design). She works as a seamstress and shows a lot of promise as a dressmaker.
Her wish was to have a brilliant and boundless imagination. She already had great talent in sewing and could create beautiful outfits, but only in accordance with what other people want. She finds it hard to come up with her own ideas. However, with Asha and Star's help, she learns that she can find inspiration for new designs from those around her. She gradually comes out of her shell and this leads to her conceiving more original ideas.
~ Design note: the yellow portions of her outfit will need to either be made less warm or be changed altogether so that Asha's outfit (i.e. the orange part of her dress) can stand out. ~
- Hal, Gabo, and Safi are present in this version, but they have smaller roles. That said, they each have a part in the “Montage” song and they are among the townsfolk that side with Asha after she was accused of destroying the wishes. Like their movie counterparts, they are based on Happy, Grumpy, and Sneezy respectively. Additionally, they are all either 18 or over 18, like Simon, Dario, and Bazeema.
- Asha has a total of three outfits throughout the story; technically five if you count two other variations of her main outfit. 1) Her main dress. 2) Main dress with a blanket wrapped around her, which she wears at one point during the “Montage” song sequence where she and Star are bonding while sitting outside at night. 3) Main dress decorated with star dust during “At All Costs.” 4) The dress she wears after the time-skip near the end. 5) The dress she wears when she and Star reunite (the one Bazeema made for her).
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- Celestial star beings age similarly to humans, but they live much longer. Furthermore, there are three stages in their life cycle: baby star (akin to Star in the movie), young star (where this version of Star is at most of the story), then full wishing star (where Star ends up).
- There are some references to Disney's past movies sprinkled throughout this version, but they would be much more subtle than how they are in the movie. Some would be blink-and-you'll-miss-it, others are more visual, whether it be a character's design or a shot composition (ex. when an awestruck Asha is wandering through the palace for the first time, I envision a moment where she looks at her reflection in the mirrors adorning the walls in such a way that's akin to Belle looking at her reflection in the cracked mirror in the West Wing).
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- Much like how Star's personality and actions have an influence on Asha, her personality and actions have an influence on him. Not only does he learn to slow down and think things through, but as the story goes on, his movements become less erratic. He's still a ball of energy and demonstrates this when he's happy or excited, but he's a lot more composed by the end than he was when he first entered the story.
- Not sure if it would be mentioned at all during the story, but Tomás' wish was for his future child (he made this wish at age 18 before he and Sakina had Asha) to shine bright. He may not have lived to see it, but it did end up coming true.
- The wish granting era has been ongoing for over 200 years. Evidently there is no one left alive who truly remembers what Rosas was like before the wish system was established.
- Star's subsequent once-a-month visits are seven days long.
- Asha experiences two types of guilt: 1) the fact that despite her dad repeatedly reminding her of how important hope is, she wound up becoming someone who doesn't have any hope, and 2) her job as a tour guide means that she was responsible for luring several people into living in Rosas, thus trapping them in this exhaustive and cult-like lifestyle.
- Star's magic comes naturally. The magic Magnifico and the royals before him used basically comes from alchemy (potions, various tools and apparatuses, etc.). And for the record, this does not imply that alchemy-based magic is bad (except for the destroying wishes part). Magnifico and the royals before him simply used it for malicious purposes.
- The rules of Star's magic are more in-line with those of the three fairies from "Sleeping Beauty." Specifically, how his magic is mainly used to bring joy to people rather than cause pain. That said, when he's pissed off (like when Magnifico hurts Asha or even tries to hurt her), he can use his magic to attack, but it's not as strong in that department as Magnifico's magic is.
- After the time-skip, Rosas' colour palette is much more vibrant. It is no longer confined to primarily blues, purples, and greys.
Rewrite / "At All Costs" sequence / Asha & Star Character Tropes
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cursedcola · 1 year
Ok but will you do headcanons for the lovely protag of tears of themis, because if so I would love some cute Hcs of her having a cheerful and loving female s/o who runs a bakery and packs her cute little lunches everyday so she can have the energy she needs to work hard (•̀ᴗ•́)و
and sometimes Rosa (which is the code name we get in the game for our protagonist) gets special sticky pad notes in her lunchbox cheering her on when she’s had a bad day, and I just want some fluffy domestic hcssss
*cradles gently* I just love lesbian girlfriend hcs so much ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
A/N: Omg I'm gonna throw up I love this. It's too cute for my heart...ngl I simp for Rosa more than I do any of the boys. Can we romance ourselves? lol I'd pay Mihoyo to make it happen. TBH I ship Rosa x Kiki a bit since they just seem so much more on the same page with each other than our lovely gentlemen ( love Marius still tho frfr)
Our queen of justice would cherish her girlfriend so much let me tell you
Rosa has a habit of going above and beyond for the people she cares about. She’s normally the giver, and being on the other side of the coin is a whole new life
I can see it now. Every morning on her way to the Themis Law Firm she stops by her girlfriend's bakery. Rosa gets up extra early and brings her a cup of coffee/tea/etc. before the bakery opens.
She just loves to hear the jingle of the doorbell and see you arranging the display case behind the counter. Sometimes she'll pick up an apron and join you if she has extra time. Bonus points if your shop has a theme (like say you have a book café/bakery! And you dress to match the theme. You have a little knee length dress, mary-janes, and a bookish themed apron as the uniform. Maybe one of those cute little neck scarf/choker that you tie into a bow. Rosa would eat that up omg)
The first time she brought you a morning drink Rosa felt like an idiot because - well, duhh. You run a bakery! You sell this stuff! yet it became a bit of a trading deal. Rosa brings you your morning fix before the shop opens, and in exchange you pack her a few goodies.
It's such a ritual that Rosa now has a little thermos collection for you, and you have a lunch pail collection for her. It also gives you both a chance to see each other after work. On her way home (either after a shift or on her way to NYXX) she swings by your shop to drop off the pail and pick up her thermos. A quick goodbye smooch and she is on her way.
Lmao no. If she isn't going to NYXX then normally she stays back to help close the shop. If not then she begrudging leaves. Unfortunately you are not allowed to know about NYXX. It's too dangerous. You're aware that she works alongside Marius, Vyn, Luke, and Artem on the side - but are under the impression that it is for a special government case through Themis. They know about you as well. We love our ally kings. Sometimes you send Rosa off with enough goodies for all five of them when she swings by and can't stay.
Now. You know they all have/had a crush on her at some point. Especially Luke. The boy is a living golden retriever. Not to mention Artem who is just awful at masking. Thankfully your Rose is oblivious as hell, not that you're worried.
All it takes is the scent of one of your new recipes to have Rosa swooning in the palm of your hand. Before you started dating, you both were friends. You saw how she was always on a diet and depriving herself. Those little comments about her appearance making you the loving type of mad. Y'know, the type to passive aggressively eye her and be like "honey you are so beautiful that I have four men trying to steal my gf right now. Do not test me,". Which, of course, you'd only say the first part because that confrontation is not one needed considering the ally kings know their place.
Point being that we don't support that unhealthy diet culture. Big nono. She is going to eat good and she is going to like it.
Anywho. Back on topic. You know they like her and one way you casually tease is with loving treats. Yes, my dear Rose, please take this basket full of freshly baked bread to your meeting. The one with the ribbon on top. Why is it taped down? Oh, no worries my love. Just let one of the boys open it, okay? I have yours specially wrapped in a separate bag.
Meanwhile whichever poor soul opens that bag is going to get hit in the face with one of the sappiest and most suggestive love notes in all of Stellis.
"My lovely flower. Have a great day and be careful on the way home from your meeting! I have missed you so much and cannot wait to have you all to myself tonight. Enjoy the sweets with your friends" *insert a plethora of heart drawings*
Rosa will see them holding the note and simply think that you put it in the wrong bag. It's not abnormal for you to put those heartwarming notes in her lunches, so she apologizes. Vyn knows. They all know.
Dominance asserted, and your cute girlfriend is pleased by your loving note (and a bit embarrassed but it had to be done. Rosa deserves the abundance of affection. Her confidence needs to be boosted and she needs to recognize what a queen she is)
Did I mention that your shop is one of Rosa's favorite places? It's cozy, inviting, and she loves to study for her exams there. Sometimes if she's working on a case she'll claim a table for hours on end. Occasionally she sneaks glances of you working with customers and watches as a break. She'll blush if she gets caught, but it is so worth it.
Sometimes she takes her work breaks there as well. Occasionally you'll see her pop in with Artem, Celeste, Kiki, or perhaps another one of her acquaintances from work like that one Police Capitan. Darius, was it? That one always needs a triple shot of espresso. usually when you see him it means something serious is going down. It warms your heart when she boasts about your shop to them. She'll pick a table and like clockwork you'll come over to have a little chat before they get to work. It's so nice to feel included and to see her in the zone.
Whenever she is on a business trip she'll look for a little something to bring home for your shop too. Typically a decoration piece. Thanks to Rosa you have a little statue-esque tip jar from her trip to the desert, fairy lights above the main counter from a whimsical mountain, flower pots from an island trip, and more. You never question her many excursions because she always brings you home a surprise.
On one final note, your shop is her safe space. Sometimes she comes to your frustrated or nervous. It could be about exams, a particularly bad case...and sometimes she can't tell you. "Government case," she says and you know something really stressful happened. Those ones are the most worrisome. It's hard, being there when she disappears on a case that she can't tell you about. One of the gents are always there with her, but when she comes home in a near-shocked state you can't help but get anxious.
Yet Rosa knows you won't press it. She strolls in, most commonly near closing time, and you just know. You have a sixth sense for it, and without asking flip the shop sign to say 'closed' before preparing her a warm drink. Then you sit with her and let her talk. You don't question when she leaves things out, and let her vent.
You and your shop become like a second home to Rosa. Peace in a city like Stellis that never seems to rest.
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estinininininen · 6 months
FFIV: Arm in Arm, Hand in Hand, ao3 link, ~2400 words
Rydia has a simple request for Cecil.
He'd do anything for her. She doesn't want to make it weird.
(He makes it weird.)
warning: unbearable cuteness
Cecil and Rosa agreed at once when Rydia asked for a private moment.
"Thanks for seeing me," Rydia said. "I know you're busy all the time."
"It's no problem," Cecil said. "I'd make time for you. Are you hungry? Did you have a good trip?" Taciturn King Cecil only babbled around people he liked. "Surely you must know I'd make time. Surely you know that."
"I know. I believe you. And I'm fine," Rydia said, even as Rosa brought a tray of tea to their table and Cecil jumped up to help her. Rydia stood up on court etiquette but Rosa shooed her back into the chair. "Really, I won't need more than a moment with you, but I wanted to ask you something."
"To ask something in private," Cecil said. "Are you safe? Are you in danger? What do you need?"
"I'm sure she's fine," Rosa said. She had an idea what Rydia might say, but it was important and Rydia should be the one to ask.
"I'm fine," Rydia said. "I'm more than fine."
"Right, right," Cecil said. "You wouldn't let anyone get the drop on you."
Rydia wrinkled her nose like she always did when teasing. "You should know that by now. No one gets past me if I don't want them to."
"Dear, have a little faith in her otherwordly magical abilities," Rosa said.
Cecil held up his hands. "Don't need faith. Seen it myself." He laughed. The stress of being King melted from his face. "I just worry about you, when I'm not looking." His expression blanked, and history for a moment weighed over their little table. Rydia and Rosa understood this was a truth that popped out before Cecil meant it to.
"That's alright," Rydia said. "I worry about you two, too." Then she stopped. Whatever Rydia had to say, she might need a little prompting.
Rosa covered the pause in conversation with pouring the tea. "How is Edge?" she asked.
"Speaking of people I worry about," Cecil said.
Rydia smiled and tucked her head down a little, to hide her glee. It was such a typical movement for a young woman in love that Cecil had to hold his surprise.
"Well. Edge and I. Um. We just got back from visiting the Feymarch," she said.
The Feymarch was a home to Rydia, and to everyone else it was the long-forgotten alien world of sentient monsters of legend. Even though Cecil and Rosa had been, twice, they still felt a thrill of awe when it was mentioned.
"And?" Rosa said. "It . . . went well? Asura and Leviathan are well?" she asked, stumbling and falling back on neutral politeness.
"Oh yes. I wanted to introduce them to Edge again, and for him to spend enough time for them to get to know each other. He managed to spend two whole weeks out of Eblan, got everything prepared and signed off. He gets so much more done when he's motivated. It turned into six months in the Feymarch. I think he really appreciated a long time away from the throne."
"Between us? Can't say I blame him," Cecil said. "And this . . . went alright? Edge in the Feymarch?"
"For half a year?" Rosa said.
"Yeah," Rydia said. When Rydia had started looking dreamy-eyed when talking about Edge, Cecil couldn't say, but it made his heart clench a little at his responsibilities drawing him away from friends. "Yeah, he and I had a wonderful time. I miss them all already," she sighed. "But, it also really is like Asura tried to tell me. I miss the surface, too. I'm glad now she told me to get out of the Feymarch more." She took a sip of her tea. "I don't think I'll be going back for such long periods anymore."
"Oh?" Cecil said. "Not that I'm not afraid when the next time I see you you'll have grown old, but are you sure that's what you want?"
"Mist is also my home," Rydia said. "And Eblan is too, now-"
"Oh," Cecil said, and Rosa thought, Ah.
"-and I've done what I set out to do with the new order of Summoners," Rydia continued. "There's not many, but there are some. My distant cousins, or random chance. They're doing so great, they study everything I tell them, and practice all the time," she said.
"Wait, but do you not still intend to keep them hidden? You don't need to tell us about them," Cecil said. "I still think you shouldn't. For their sake."
"I won't," Rydia said. "And I'm not. But I get to be proud of them, right? Let me brag a little! They're doing all the hard work but I like to think it's because I'm a good teacher, too!"
They all laughed.
She continued. "My point is, Mist is my home but it's not going to be the home of Summoners any longer. We're going to move around, stay separated for a time."
"That's a hard life," Cecil said.
"Not like wanderers," Rydia said. "Just a hidden group, our people in different places around the world. Living ordinary lives, as black mages or white mages. I might even have a Sage on my hand, if they can hold on to the balance. But I will be the only one who knows where all of them are," she said.
Cecil assumed this was what she needed help with. "What do you need? Anything I can give, I will," he said.
"Oh, no," Rydia said. "It's already done. The ninja skills have been of great help. Edge taught them the basics."
Cecil and Rosa glanced at each other. "He did?" Rosa said.
"He knows them?" Cecil said.
"He's the one who suggested all the subterfuge," Rydia said.
"But, he is . . . " A king, Cecil wanted to say.
"Ah," Rydia said. She sighed. "It really is unavoidable, politics."
"No. No," he said. "Not for this. It's too important. Does he understand that no one else can know? If, all the gods forbid, one day Eblan does as Baron did, then a record Edge leaves behind, even accidentally-"
"I don't think that will be a problem," Rydia said. "He doesn't know their names, or where they are. Give us some credit, please."
"Of course, of course," Cecil said. "But-"
"I don't think Eblan and the Summoners are going to be in conflict for a long time, unless Edge is taken off the throne," Rydia said, and shifted in her seat.
Rosa shifted. "Rydia, I know you've spent a lot of time with him, but he will always be the leader of his people before a friend," she said.
"I know. I know that!" She threw up her hands. "Next thing you're going to tell me is he has to marry some day," Rydia said, and avoided looking them in the eye.
"I'm sure that's hard to think about, Rydia," Cecil said, reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Whatever happens, Rosa and I will be here for you." He looked to Rosa for assistance, who was now being quiet for some reason Cecil couldn't fathom. "It - it might not even change much between you and Edge," he said.
"Well I hope not," Rydia said, "because he's married to me."
Cecil stopped rubbing his thumb over Rydia's scapula.
"What?" he said.
"I married him," she said. Her eyes twinkled and her nose was, very slowly, wrinkling again. "Edge. We got married. We decided in the Feymarch."
Rosa broke into a huge smile.
"Arm Lady and Daddymonster were really patient with him," Rydia said, using her private family nicknames for Asura and Leviathan from when she was a girl. "Daddymonster especially, while Edge figured it out. He was right, he needed time away from court."
Cecil said, "What?"
"Time away from court. To figure out that I am much scarier than Eblan court politics," Rydia said.
"Much scarier," Rosa said.
"No," Cecil said. "I mean, you . . . got married? You married Edge?"
Rosa giggled and stood up to cover his ears, laughing at him. "He needs a moment," she said.
Rydia was giggling now, too. "Why - why is he like this whenever anyone surprises him?"
"It's good news, Cecil," Rosa said, drumming his skull. "Don't think too hard."
"Hey, hey now," he said, grabbing Rosa and pulling her into his lap. "Of course it's good news! Con - Congratulations!" he said.
"Why are you wheezing," Rydia said, now laughing in full.
"I just needed a moment," Cecil said. "Oh, oh. Oh. You're married." He stood up. Rosa squealed in indignation as she was forced to stand up too.
"Cecil, what-"
"You're the Queen of Eblan, now," Cecil said.
Rosa dashed around and grabbed Rydia in a huge hug.
"I feel like - like this is very good but maybe a little bit rushed," Cecil said.
Rosa glared at him from over Rydia's head.
"Are you sure about this?" he said.
Rosa huffed. Rydia said, "Well, I sure hope so, because it's done! Yes, Sir Cecil, I'm sure."
Cecil blushed. Rydia had only ever called him Sir Cecil when first reacquainted as adults and unsure of mortal habits.
"She spent six months with him in the Feymarch," Rosa said. "That's plenty long enough."
"The Eidolons all like him," Rydia said.
"I . . . " Cecil said. "I don't mean about the Eidolons. Eblan has assassins, Rydia. Eblan is assassins."
"That's a negative stereotype, but yes. It is. But I'm not worried about them," Rydia says. "Or the old judgy Judys at court."
"Who knows?" Rosa said. This was what Cecil really wanted to know but couldn't assemble the words for.
"The Lord and Lady of the Feymarch, Edge's personal guard, and his seneschal. And now you two. For now."
"Oh, so we are still important to you," Cecil said.
Rydia and Rosa stared at him.
Cecil clapped his hand over his mouth.
"I didn't mean that," he said. "I didn't mean that. Rydia, I'm sorry, I don't know why I think I have the right-"
"Cecil," Rosa said, and having known Rosa for most of his life and been married to her for five years now, he heard the danger. "Are you jealous?"
Damn women and their damn intuition understanding him before he understood himself.
"No!" he said. "I'm not jealous."
Rydia muttered something under her breath. Unless Cecil's ears were also as muddled as his thoughts were, it very much sounded like, "And there he goes again with the guilt spiral."
"Cecil." The Queen of Baron crossed her arms. "You're upset she didn't tell you they were getting married when they were in the Feymarch," Rosa said.
"No, that's ridiculous! I wouldn't be so petty," he said, and hoped, oh how he hoped, that the political skills he gained as King were going to one day give him the ability to lie.
But not to Rosa. Never Rosa. Just because he wanted to avoid the consequences of his own stupidity right now didn't mean he thought it was a good idea to lie to his wife. She looked in his eyes. "You are," she said.
"That's absurd," Cecil said. I thought I stopped digging my own holes a long time ago. "I - I really don't know where I get the idea I can keep doing this to you, Rydia, but I am so sorry-"
"Keep doing what?" Rydia said.
Rosa stared him down too and Cecil felt almost nauseous.
"Keep doing what, exactly?" Rydia said.
"I - I -"
Rosa saw what he meant, saw him floundering, and finally gave blessed, stinging mercy. She uncrossed her arms and spoke quietly. "We're not your family."
"No," Cecil said. "We're not. I'm sorry."
Rydia looked between both of them, and no matter how hard Cecil told himself she was an adult - she was more than an adult, she had often walked the road between the sands of time and come out closer to Edge's age than Cecil's own -
- he still just saw a little girl peeking out from beneath the covers in Kaipo while he wiped his blade clean of his countrymen's blood.
"You're not?" Rydia said.
Cecil grew even more confused.
"So do you not want to be?" Rydia said.
Cecil and Rosa shared glances. "Huh?" Rosa said.
Rydia said, "I don't know a lot of people personally on the surface still. People that can come to a royal wedding. The Eidolons and my summoner students can't. Isn't it important for someone to give the bride away?"
"I'm confused," Cecil said.
"I am too," Rosa said.
"Oh. We're going to have another wedding," Rydia said. "I got scared and skipped ahead. Sorry. Do you . . . Do you not want to walk me down the aisle?" She tilted her head at Cecil. "It's more of a surface thing, Lord Leviathan already gave his blessing anyway. I thought it wouldn't matter to me but in the Eblan weddings I've been to - oh, oh no, oh Cecil don't cry," Rydia said.
Cecil reared back and touched his face. He was crying? Why had he started crying?
He blinked and was hugging Rydia. He blinked again and was sitting down in the chair sagging like a bag of potatoes. The weird noises coming from his mouth and nose were indecorous for a king of a sovereign nation to make, but wasn't he already among company that didn't care?
"Oh," he heard Rosa saying. "Another wedding. Oh, that makes sense."
"For the benefit of Eblan and everyone else," Rydia said. "Because it really is always about politics, isn't it? He's marrying the Summoners and I'm marrying Eblan."
"Politics," Rosa said. "Sometimes I think Kain had the right idea . . . "
"Is - is he alright?" Rydia said, eyeing Cecil.
"I think he will be, yes," Rosa said, and she squeezed her hand. Cecil realized it was wrapped in his. He squeezed back. "I've . . . never seen him like this, though," Rosa said.
"Cecil, sometimes I can't tell what's going on in your head," Rydia said.
"Oh that's alright," he said, sounding like he had a head cold. "Makes two of us."
"So . . . can you do it?" Rydia said. "Walk me down the aisle?"
Cecil burst into tears again.
"That's happy crying," Rosa said. "Yes. Yes, he will, or I will throw him in the dungeon myself."
"I'm glad I have you to translate," Rydia said.
"Well I - I really don't know what's happening. Cecil, honey, breathe-"
Rydia started giggling. "Oh, no, I've broken him again."
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m0nnypie · 4 days
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Warnings: sex, oral sex, handcuffs, unprotected sex, rough sex. This story is in third person.
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It would be a week since (Name) and Nath had last seen each other. This had already started to irritate her, okay, it wasn't his fault, but that didn't change the fact that she had the right to be upset. And it's not like she wasn't happy for him, he was following his own dream, who could blame him?
Of course, after a long conversation with Rosa, she thought that maybe it was time to end the cycle. At the moment (Name) was talking to Chani, since she was going to help him with the move, she thought it was pointless to end the relationship, because in her view they could talk and resolve everything. But (Name) had already made up her mind, and no one would change that.
She was watching a movie, since sleeping was impossible at this point. It was already past two in the morning, she didn't mind being only wearing a tank top and shorts that were too small. Especially since no one was going to visit her now, and according to the time, Nathaniel wouldn't be back until the next morning.
Before the end of the movie, she heard someone come into the house, she didn't need to guess who it was. So she thought it best to talk to him right then, or else she would put off the conversation until it was too late.
- Nath... I think we need to... - she stopped at the exact moment she saw Nath dressed in his uniform. She almost let herself go, but she came back to reality in seconds -... hm... yeah, we need to talk.
— Do we need to?.. - He got closer and closer to her, making it almost impossible to resist him. His hand grabbed her waist, and on that damn face, a smirk appeared. The charming smile that made him so fucking hot - So? What do you want to talk about?..
He started kissing her neck, down her collarbone, and back up with kisses on her face. And all over again, it made her dizzy, it was practically impossible to resist like that.
- Nath… - She sighed heavily, sighs filled with lust suppressed by the days away from him. Breakup? She didn't even remember that anymore, she preferred to focus on the affection he gave her.
Nath started kissing her passionately, while his hands roamed all over her body, squeezing every little piece he loved and that made her sigh. He knew exactly how to mess with her, and he would definitely take advantage of it.
- You look great dressed like that, you know? - she said breathlessly, but she couldn't complain. She had always dreamed of seeing him like this, kissing him and doing everything she dreamed of with him. A huge smile appeared on his lips.
- Do you think so? I came like this especially for you - he kissed her again, for him her mouth was addictive. If it were possible he would never pull away - I even brought something special for us to try...
He took a handcuff out of his pocket. It wasn't something he was a fan of, but he would give in to see his wife crying with pleasure while begging him to go faster.
Then a smile lit up on (Name)'s face. He was finally giving in, damn that made her really horny. She didn't even give him time to say anything else, because she simply attacked his mouth and shut him up. If it weren't for the damn lack of air, they wouldn't have separated.
- Nath...- she was lifted by him, and they kissed again. He took her to the bedroom, even though even the middle of the house would have been fine for him, he wanted to give her all the comfort he could.
They wouldn't separate for anything, they were as desperate as before. And before (Name) realized it, she was tied with her arms behind her back. And in shock she separated from him, her eyes widening.
- You tied me up without telling me?! - He laughed, enjoying her reaction. He might not like a lot of things. But he found it really sexy when his wife was angry. He started to caress her cheek, and going to her lips, he passed slowly, it drove her crazy.
He climbed on top of her and kissed her again. No matter how many times he did it, he would never stop loving her kiss. She was so irresistible like that. He started to lift her shirt, exposing her breasts. He started to kiss them, going down her belly and reaching the waistband of her shorts. (Name) was already sighing once more, trying to contain any moan that tried to come out. - Why are you quiet? If you don't tell me what you want, I won't know how to please you (Name). - He knew what she wanted, but why not enjoy it a little. And before she could answer, he pulled away from her. - Nathaniel...please..- he simply ignored her. She knew very well what he wanted, and hated him for it, but she would do anything to feel him once more. - Nath...please, I want you to fuck me! Anything, just please…
And before (Name) had to beg again, she was already without her shorts, and with a blond guy between her legs. She could feel his hot breath. And he savored every bit of her. It would be possible to hear her moans from anywhere, it was so loud, not that he cared, she loved seeing how good he was doing her.
He satisfied her with all the desire in the world, as if it was the last thing he would ever eat in his life. She tried to close her legs with so much pleasure, but he wouldn't let her, he held her tight while he savored his beloved.
She was going crazy, she wanted to scratch him, pull his hair, take out her pleasure on something. And then she finally came, she could swear she had never felt so much pleasure as she did today. It seemed that every day Nath became more experienced, and incredible at what he did.
(Name) took a deep breath trying to catch her breath. But he didn't let her rest for long, since the next minute he was already getting ready to continue. And without letting (Name) protest, he turned her so that her back was to him.
He caressed every part of her body, his affection starting on her back, going up her and going to her shoulders and neck, causing a shiver and a moan in the woman. And finally he undressed, which disappointed her a little, since he looked wonderful in that outfit.
He bent down, resting his chest against her back. He distributed kisses on her shoulders and neck, and whispered in her ear how much he loved her. She sighed, enjoying every word he said, until she felt him enter her.
He went fast and hard, making it impossible for (Name) not to moan. She moaned loudly, rolled her eyes, did everything she could to let him know that she was loving every minute of sex with him. It wasn't much different for him, since he rolled his eyes, and even moaned along with her, not as loud as she was, but enough for any neighbor to know what they were doing there.
It didn't take long for her to feel like she was going to cum again, and it wasn't much different for him either, since every second he increased the speed according to his pleasure. And then the two finally reached their peak together.
He lay down next to her, quickly catching his breath. (Name) was already completely destroyed, her breathing irregular and her body aching, only returning to normal after a long 10 minutes.
Before she could open her mouth again, she felt Nath taking off her handcuffs and picking her up, taking her to the bathroom. She certainly didn't complain, she loved being taken care of by him. But of course, before a completely relaxing bath, they decided to use the spacious bathroom for another purpose.
After changing, and he made the bed for them. They lay down together, with her stuck to him. She was extremely quiet, which was strange coming from her, since she was chatty like a parrot.
- My love... are you okay? - he stroked her hair worriedly. He heard a loud sigh coming from her, which worried him even more. - is that what you wanted to talk about earlier?..
She sighed, a lump forming in her throat, wondering if she should tell him or just forget about it all. What if she told him and he got mad? She couldn't handle that.
- Well, about earlier, you know how hectic our lives have been lately, right? We've rarely seen each other recently, we don't talk, and then I talked to Rosa, and I had decided to break up - there was a short silence, while she thought of what else to say, but was interrupted by him.
- It's okay, I mean, I can't blame you, we really haven't seen each other for a whole week, I understand why you thought that way... I'm really sorry that I wasn't there as much as you wanted - he took a deep breath before continuing - but I really love you very much, and I don't want us to break up because of a silly mistake of ours.
He caressed her cheeks while looking directly into her eyes, she knew he was being sincere. And suddenly, she started to cry, she couldn't say anything, she felt guilty for having thought of that stupidity, she should have listened to Chani and simply talked to him.
He didn't say anything, he simply hugged her. And they stayed like that for the rest of the night, hugging each other, talking about how to resolve this situation and making promises that they weren't sure they would keep, but everything would be fine since they would always have each other.
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annymation · 6 months
How much have Magnifico and Amaya changed in Swap Au and what are the changes in their backstory (you mentioned that they also switched roles)? Does this mean that in Swap Au, the parallels between the villain and the hero are Amaya-Aster and Magnifico-Asha?
Alright, so in this swap au, it was pretty easy to imagine Star!Asha and Human!Aster, like, it's just them but Asha is more bubbly and optimistic while Aster is a bit more mature and realistic, nothing crazy... BUT THE ROYALS SWAPPING IS SO CURSED THE MORE I THINK ABOUT IT!
So let's talk about them one at a time:
Queen Amable the Sorceress
Okay so for this to work, we'll change some things slightly. Amaya's backstory in this AU remains pretty much the same as Kow!Magnifico. Bla bla bla she wanted to be queen but didn't want to grant wishes and learning magic was too hard for her cause' her heart wasn't in it, badabim-badaboom her parents make a new heir.
However, this new sibling is not Florian, but oh don't worry, Florian will show up later. Swap Amaya had a sister, a sister named Harmona. You might remember her from the villains backstory I wrote way back. Originally Harmona was a mean girl that stole Amaya's boyfriend, but in this AU, Harmona is a good person, in fact, she's pretty much your typical Disney princess that wanted to study magic and one day become a good queen for Rosas
And a good queen she becomes indeed, leaving Amaya quite displeased for being casted out into the shadow of her little sister.
One day, a young man was found, passed out and floating adrift on a boat near the kingdom's shore.
Harmona ordered that he'd be brought to the castle at once, so she could help him with whatever he could need. Obviously the dude is our good ol' Swap Magnus
So Magnus explains he rather not talk about his past just yet, because it's oooh so traumatic, and all he wishes is to repay the queen's kindness by serving as her royal potion maker
Harmona agrees, seeing how her older sister seemed infatuated with the stranger
(Ya know, when you swap the genders it feels weird that Harmona is hooting for her sister to date this guy they just found at sea with no backstory, maybe I'm just looking too much into it but like, suddenly it's no longer a little sibling being a cool wingman and now it's more like "Wtf are you doing? He might be a sociopath" and indeed, he is)
Amaya fell head-over-heels for Magnus, but the guy just wouldn't reciprocate to her advances no matter what. But she knew the feelings were mutual.
Magnus admitted that indeed, he did love her, but to love means to hurt when that person is eventually gone, and that was a pain he didn't want to go through... Not again. (More on that in a bit)
But Amaya convinces him, saying they'll find a way to live happily EVER after. Saying he'll never lose her (lol and then years later she chases after Star!Asha into a storm and dies for a few minutes and he desperately brings her back to life, sacrificing his own youth lmao)
The two of them start dating, doing all that lovey dovey stuff like kissing, giving each other presents, plotting to kill her sister, baking cookies, all that good stuff.
1 year later and Harmona is dead.
Amaya rises to the throne, now with a magic staff she obtained in a quest. And after some practice with Magnus, she knows how to appear a lot more kind hearted and charismatic in the eyes of the public. Soon the two are nicknamed Queen Amable and King Magnifico (I considered renaming them different things so it's not so confusing but I can't think of anything, sorry)
The queen is a very passionate about giving her people everything they need, she's dramatic and has a larger than life personality. I know I've always said Kow!Amaya was inspired by Mother Gothel, but swap!Amaya here has that Gothel mannerisms to the MAX, like she's full on breaking into song here and there and cracking jokes that may be a lil bit passive aggressive if you pay close attention to what she's saying.
She has a bit of a temper that she does her best to keep under control when in public, but she's also very calculating, not letting her emotions take too much control over her.
She becomes more and more vicious as the story progresses, being absolutely ruthless in her pursue for Asha's magic and finding great joy in making Aster suffer along the way
I'll just let this image speak for itself
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Ooooh boy that's the best part! Pinterest here I come!
Alright, so first thing's first, in this Au Amaya is older than her husband, and unlike him, she doesn't like drinking youth potions, they taste horrible and cause a lot of pain before taking effect, so she let's herself age a lil bit, after all she is aging like a fine wine.
In conclusion, her hair is white.
And like Kow! Magnifico, she wears no crown, her hair IS her crown
How is her hair you may ask?... It's shaped like a rose
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I can't quite decide if she'd have a rose on top and loose hair that give more of a elf vibe or if she'd have a rose shaped bun that give more of a bride vibe, ya'll decide in the comments
Her dress would be tones of white and gold.
King Magnifico the Warlock
If you play D&D like me you might have gotten all giddy seeing that tittle, thinking Mag made a pact with an evil entity or something, but nah, sorry, I'm just calling him "Warlock" cause' that's the male equivalent of a witch
On Kow!Amaya's backstory, I was inspired by the greek myth of Persephone and Aphrodite fighting to win the affection of Adonis, but ultimately Adonis preferred Aphrodite.
But with Swap!Magnifico, I'll be taking inspiration from a certain other myth. The myth of Apollo and his lover Hyacinthus.
In the myth, Hyacinthus was a beautiful spartan prince, so beautiful, that he attracted the attention of not just one but TWO gods: Apollo god of the sun, music and prophecy, and Zephyr, the west-wind. However, Hyacinthus fell in love with Apollo first, which made Zephyr quite jealous. So jealous, that he went the "If I can't have you, no one can" route and straight up murdered Hyacinthus.
So yeah, you might already imagine where I'm going with this. So enough with the greek mythology class and let's go to Magnus version
Magnus was a young man that lived in a simple village in Greece, but he desired more in this life, to make a difference and help others
So, he started studying potion crafting, to heal the ill and rejuvenate the old, offering to help all of those in need. However, Magnus felt like the people didn't actually love him for who he was, they only wanted favors from him. He wondered if he'd ever meet someone that loved him for who he was
That's when our boy Hyacinthus shows up, but I'mma just call him Ryan for short.
So Magnus and Ryan fell deeply in love. But oh no, someone else is also in love with Ryan, can you guess who it is?.......... Yeah it's Florian, told ya we'd see him later
Florian was overtaken by jealousy, and decided that if he couldn't have Ryan no one else would.
One day, Manus and Ryan are partaking in a game of throwing a metal discus the highest they can. Florian takes this opportunity and once the discus falls in a place that they can't see, he steals it, hides behind some bushes while the couple is looking for their discus, and BONCS the metal discus right on Ryan's head, killing him.
Magnus did not see who the heck threw the discus. Consumed by grief, he locked himself away from the world for days, to mourn the death of his lover, but it didn't take long for people to come asking for more potions, more favors.
Magnus knew that whoever killed Ryan was in that village, he had no way of knowing who, but he knew one thing, they were all rotten, ungrateful pests that deserved a fate worse than death. Consumed by his wrath, he began to architect a plan.
So the gay go do crimes.
Magnus poisons their crops, thus cursing all the villagers, including Florian.
He sails off, running away from the few people that didn't get cursed, and later ends up lost at sea, until he's found by some sailors of Rosas. And the rest you already know.
So Magnifico in this AU functions as a calming and supportive husband for Queen Amable, though, although he's very gentle with her, his way of calming her is very... Unhinged.
Like, let's say Amaya is stressed because they can't find those dang kids, Magnus reaction to this is being like "Aww my darling, don't fret, I promise you as soon as they fall in our grasp I shall use my potions to turn their bones into mush, make their blood boil like hot oil, and we shall rejoice as we listen them pathetically shriek in pure, delicious agony" and he says all that in the sweetest voice you've ever heard.
He's like, an evil henchman, but that is actually competent, even though sometimes he can get a bit silly, which is very dangerous, don't get near him when he's getting the sillies
Honestly I might be more afraid of this version of Magnifico than the normal one, because the normal one at least has a fun showsman personality, this one just stays quiet most of the time in the background smiling menancingly, that is when he's not pretending to be nice to Aster, acting almost like a father figure, or showing his totally unhinged true nature. Terrifying.
Eh here's a meme for him too, it's basically their couple dynamic:
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Magnifico with a crown is cursed, but oh well, let's see what I can find on Pinterest
Alright, so straight up, he has Chris Pine's hair from the D&D movie. And he wears a relatively simple crown
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His clothes are tones of white and blue with hints of yellow, taking some inspiration from greek clothing styles.
He wears the hood of his cloak often.
OKAY this took a while to write, but it was really fun imagining these alternate versions of the characters! Hope you liked them.
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disneyanddisneyships · 9 months
The next morning Alistar walked into the dining hall, everyone turning to stare at him. He stood awkwardly before sitting down at the seat near the corner of the room. "You should eat, dear," Carol stated as she pushed her plate toward him gently. "I'm not hungry, mom. I promise. I'm fine," He smiled. "You need to eat too," "Alistar I eat all the time. You have problems with eating I want you to eat," Carol muttered. "Mom, i-" Alistar was interrupted when Elias placed a big plate of food in front of Alistar. "You're skinnier than a sword. You won't be able to wield one if you don't eat. You might need more energy to stab me again," Eli stated. "I.. I'm not gonna stab you again.. i-" "Just eat it," Eli stated, looking away uncomfortably and sitting down by his kids. Alistar glanced at Ella's family. And then the food. Carol Gave an encouraging smile before Alistar took a bite of the food, almost crying at how good it was. There was a knock on the dining hall door. "Hello. I'm here for the king and queen's family portrait?" A woman stated, standing awkwardly in the door. "Ah yes! Im.. afraid were in a bit of a luckle as of late. We're about to uh.. defend our kingdom... can you come back another day?" Ella asked as she stood up. "Oh.. uh... actually im... here for a month and the boat doesn't arrive until then... so i...." the girl stated with an awkward smile. "Oh no worries! How about you stay in the castle? You may have breakfast with us if you'd like," Ella stated. "I.. really?" The woman asked. "Dios mio..... I'd love to!" She stated. "Wonderful! And your name is?" Ella asked. "Rosalyn. But you can call me Rosa," the woman, now known as Rosa, stated. "Well, I'm Ella, that's my family. My sister, my kids, my husband, my father and mother and a few of my old friends," Ella stated, introducing everyone. Rosa waved. "And this is alistar," Ella stated awkwardly. Alistar looked up, his plate of food completely finished before glancing at Rosalyn, his eyes widening. Rosa looked at him the same way. Alistar swallowed the last of his food before giving a small smile. Rosalyn blushed. Carol looked between them excitedly. "I... uh... I'm Rosa," she stated, holding out her hand for alistar to shake. Alistar stood up immediately, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. "Im.. Alistar.. its.. nice to meet you," He stated with a blush plastered on his face. Eli rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, causing the two to step away from each other, Alistar sitting back down. Only to stand up again to pull out a chair for Rosalyn.
...... After breakfast, Alistar gave the rundown of his father's castle. Hiding places, crawl areas, and even secret rooms. "Oh so that's how you snuck extra cookies when you were six," Carol smirked. "That was eons ago, mother of mine! I haven't had a cookie in 30 years!" Alistar stated confidently. Ella chuckled. "I remember you brought me some one visit. I thought you said your dad knew," Ella stated. "He did not. When he found out, I was in a world of trouble. He burned off one of my fingerprints," Alistar stated with a clueless smile. Ella's smile fell. "Anyways, so if we go in through the dungeons, we can get through and go to this secret room over here which leads us right into his study. He usually spends most of his time in there anyways," Alistar explained. "But he probably knows you've escaped by now. And he grew up in that castle.. won't he expect us?" Clarissa asked. "That's why I'm gonna go in alone first. He expects me to stay away. Not to join in on battle," Alistar replied. "I don't know if I trust that," Eli muttered with a glare. Alistar shrugged. "Trust me or don't. It's the only chance we get," Alistar muttered. "Everyone gets a second chance. I mean. You and Rosalyn seemed pretty cozy at breakfast," Mia stated with a smirk. Alistar blushed. "What? No we werent!" He argued, his voice going up an octave. The entire group stared at him with raised eyebrows. "Oh cmon guys. Im.... I'm dead. Shes...... I'm gonna be gone after tomorrow when you figure this out, I have no shot. Besides... i...." Alistar trailed off, glancing at ella. "I don't deserve love after what I did," "Exactly," Elias stated. "Doesn't matter. Right now, we need to work on getting into that castle. We've already wasted half the day," Alruna muttered. "Shes right. If we don't leave now, John could strike. We need to get into the castle. The plan has to happen now," Clarissa stated. "Then we leave in 20," Ella replied.
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ejzah · 3 months
A/N: A late happy fourth to those celebrating!
Fireworks and Steaks
“Hey Dad, Mom needs another bag of ice,” Rosa called into the house, where Deeks was filling plates with raw steaks and hot dogs.
The Deeks-Blye second annual Fourth of July cookout was well underway. Sam, Callen, and Anna, among others, had gathered in the back.
“Ok. Can you bring this out to Sam?”
“Sure. ¿Necesitas alguna ayuda?”
“No soy bueno. I’ll be right out.”
When he came out a few minutes later with a bag full of ice, he found everyone gathered on the patio, chatting and eating snacks. Kensi and Callen were grouped around Sam at the grill, while Kilbride was once again in conversation with an animated Roberta, sans Arkady. A blanket spread out next to the patio served as a temporary playpen for Caleb and Sophia, though they kept making attempts to crawl to the freedom of the grass, their progress impeded by Kensi and Rosa in turn.
“So, how soon can we break out the sparklers?” Callen asked after the third attempt, leaning against the railing they’d installed around the patio shortly after the twins started crawling. He held a beer in one hand, a cookie in the other.
“Let me get this straight, you want to put glorified sticks of fire, which happen to be one of the most dangerous fireworks available I might add, into the hands of my eight month olds?” Deeks clarified incredulously.
“I mean I’d give it a year or two. They probably should be able to walk or run.”
“You’re a menace,” Sam commented without any heat.
“Didn’t you let Aiden shoot bottle rockets out of an empty coke bottle?”
“He was ten and I supervised the whole time,” Sam defended himself, waving his tongs at Callen.
“We thought we’d start out with snakes and smoke bombs and ease our way into the explosives,” Kensi joked. She grabbed a cookie, and came to stand beside Deeks, wrapping her free arm around his middle.
“You can’t tell me both of you never played with fireworks when you were a kid,” Callen persisted.
“Ray always had a bag of stuff he got from some guy selling on the corner or out of a car trunk,” Deeks admitted. Kensi tilted her up as he spoke, her eyebrows furrowing. “Most of it was stupid little trinkets that didn’t work, but a couple times he got his hands on an actual fountain or firecracker with some power behind it. This one year, we were maybe twelve-thirteen, and Ray runs over to my house all excited and secretive.
He smiled at the memory; they’d been simultaneously too mature and hopelessly naive.
“Somehow he’d found like an M-80 or 100, completely illegally of course. So we waited until after dark, walked to a park, and for reasons I can not explain, decided to light it on the playground.”
“Oh no,” Rosa muttered from the blanket. Caleb looked up curiously at her tone of voice.
“Yeah. We exploded a slide. Maybe a couple of swings. Fortunately, we were just smart enough to move away before it went off.”
“What did you do after that?” Callen asked, sounding more curious than anything.
“We ran like hell. Promised to never breathe a word to anyone and snuck back into our rooms, praying that no one would figure out we did it,” Deeks finished.
“And did they?” Sam asked in between flipping a few of the thinner steaks.
“Miraculously, no.” Deeks chuckled, still amazed by the fact to this day. “There were a couple articles about it in the paper that week, but no one ever even brought it up to us.”
“Wow, you never told me that story before,” Kensi commented, tilting her head as she quilted up at him.
“Well, it’s hardly my finest moment,” Deeks said with a shrug. “After that, I never set off another firework with Ray again.”
“Oh, that’s so much worse than what I did!” Kensi said gleefully.
“Wait, what did you do?” Deeks asked.
“I don’t think there’s any reason to get into that now. Besides, it’s almost time to eat.”
“Nah, I got another two steaks to grill. You got plenty of time,” Sam said, leaning back. “Spill.”
“I’d love to hear it,” Rosa piped up.
“I hate you all,” Kensi sighed.
“Please, Kensi, not on Independence Day,” Callen said with faux indignation.
“This might be better than fireworks,” Rosa commented.
A happy Fourth of July indeed,” Callen commented, raising his beer in a toast.
A/N: I decided that Rosa might be comfortable calling Kensi and Deeks mom and dad at times by now.
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canonically47 · 4 months
I'd love to hear you rank all the All Stars from fave to least fave (and why)
i'll do least fave to fave since theres more to hate in this season, but here we go:
18. yul. idc how bad tom and jake get, riya can annoy me all she wants, alec could commit a crime and drastically drop down in my rankings, AND YUL WOULD STILL BE AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY DC LIST!!!!!!
i just... despise him. he has brought nothing of substance in any of his seasons and hes just homophobic, fatphobic and racist constantly. the only thing that annoys me more than yul are his fans defending him because hes FiCtIoNaL and because its fUnNy. bunch of idiots
17. jake. i dont like jake. fuck jake. he and tom used to be so high up in my list but oh how the mighty have fallen, i can barely remember a time when i was genuinely excited for their arc, now whenever i see them on screen i just beg for their scene to end as quickly as possible
16. tom. only higher than jake because he has a fun character arc in s1 and i love his design so much it redeems him a smidge in my head
15. hunter. so forgettable. idgaf about that emo white boy
14. ally. same as hunter but more annoying. ill give her a pass and place her higher because she was actually fun in s1. now shes just a whiny bitch whose gone from wah wah hunter doesnt listen to me to wah wah jake sucks
13. ashley. even more forgettable but at least shes bearable
12. tess. wait who? oh the prettier and more chill ally?? WAIT SHES IN THE SEASON???? oh wait shes gone? oh no!! anyways
11. lake. s2 is altogether very forgettable and i remember not giving a fuck about anything that had to do with her character arc. i wish we either got rosa maria back, or she got an actual arc in DCAS, but hey tomjake need to make up sooo... yeah.
10. riya. higher than lake because shes not forgettable but i still dislike her. her voice annoys me, her strategies are jus petty drama. her character design is awesome tho and i like her friendship with alec.
9. miriam. oh how the mighty have fallen. they had her here for four episodes yet they still managed to massacre her character in that time, incredible. ranked so high because her s1 self was awesome and my fav alongside alec and... tom <//3
8. connor. the fact that he is so high up should tell you a lot about the attrocity that is this season. not that i ever hated him, i just dgaf about him. this season did absolutrly nothing to make me root for him and he was useless as always, but when you have riya and yul in the same team as him, suddenly i want him to make finale. connor confuses me because jhst like fiore, he was clearly brought back to reconcile with someone (riya and alec respectively) yet he was barely given relevance or screen time and then they just eliminated him. because TOM AND JAKE GUYS!!! THEYRE STILL HERE!!! anyways yeah connor. wow
7. aiden. i used to have such deep and fun feelings about aiden and now hes just there to be toms friend. you would think getting james out gained him some independence, he would get a fun character arc outside of anyone else, but nope, hes not independent just decided to pull the lamest bitch ever. someone take him out already
6. fiore. so sad to see her so low but she was absolutely useless this season. if she doesnt come back then this show is fucked. her whole character arc built up to a reconciliation with alec yet it... never happened. radio silence. the season is still ongoing but my hopes ended with season 2
5. james. it is laughable that someone from season 2 (the second worst season) who i initially despised both for awful acting and bad morals is in the top 5 of a season he was eliminated first in but hey DCAS is really annoying me. so yeah. james!!! i miss james. do you guys think james could come back and just fucking kill jake. thatd be cool. love you james miss you sm
4. gabby. her villain arc could prove so fun but the fact that tess went all flower power at her elimination and forgave gabby for her actions might make gabby back out of her villainy which I DO NOT CARE FOR!!! I WANT MY EVIL GABBY FUCK YOU!!! anyways fun fact i also dislike gabbys voice actress because she thinks YELLING REALLY FUCKING LOUDLY = excitement so that made me dislike gabby for a long time. so now there are two characters in the top 5 whom i originally disliked. something about two nickels
3. grett. my love, she has done nothing wrong ever, my sweet little creature, my adorable cutsie patootsie, FUCKING DUMP YUL ALREADY OH MY GODDD her. i love her, ive loved her since the very beginning, i always rooted for her, if she doesnt make finale then this is rigged
2. ellie. my wife,,,, the way they treated you is abysmal come heal im my arms take as much time as you need,,, "oh but she bad-mouthed everyone on the show" IDC SO HAVE I GOOD FOR HER!!! GIRL FUCK EVERYONE THATS NOT IN MY TOP 7 IDC I EVEN AGREE WITH WHAT SHE SAID ABOUT MY FAVS!!! yall want more complex female characters but cannot handle ellie,,,, so weird to me that this trainwreck of a show has her in it someone free her
1. alec. is anyone surprised? ive loved alec since the first moment i saw him. he was the first decent, not over the top actor i heard, the best personality, the best arc, the best relationships. if he doesnt make finale then i WILL be upset because he deserves it and always has. that finale was bullshit and they pulled that thing with fiore and alec strictly for shock value. i miss them,, anyways ALEC!!! HE IS THE DISVENTURE CAMPER EVER!!!!!!! NEVER RUINED NEVER MISCHARACTERIZED PLEASE GODS ABOVE STOP GIVING ONC CRACK AND STEER THEM AWAY FROM COMMITING WRONGS AGAINST ALEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
side note: top three can sometimes mix depending on mood but they remain the same three characters just different positions sometimes :3
thanks for the ask this was fun and as you see i am so normal
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