#But I've written 1k words a day since Wednesday- I love love the feeling of actually not being able to stop myself from writing
quiet-admirer ยท 5 months
My new job has so much less downtime than my last one and I'm being slowly tortured right now as I'm brimming over with horny thoughts and ideas for scenes for the hardcore punk story but I don't have time to write bits down on my phone to email them to myself for later, or or making little doodles on post-its, or even really spend much time daydreaming about them and my brain might explode
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trickster-shi ยท 9 months
Wednesday 01/03/24
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I am so not ready to go back to work tomorrow, but I am pretty pleased about the work I've done on my writing projects this week.
Project Zander
Chapter Two, 1840 words
I finished the first scene of the chapter, which is from Darius' POV and I uncovered his core character strength and weakness while writing and then brainstorming separately. Darius is the tol sunshine puppy of the group, with seemingly endless sass and optimism, but that's actually covering up a lot of insecurities, fear, and mother henning tendencies. His internal thoughts are fun to write because he feels everything, worries about everything, and ties himself up in knots while trying to be brave and funny for the people around him.
They're in quite a pickle at the moment, so he's been incredibly introspective while the other two sleep, trying to figure out why they ended up somewhere they shouldn't have and how they're gonna get out of it.
He's also worrying about Zander and what he had to do to save Darius and Elivia in chapter one, and wishing the sisters were there to take over because Darius is very much not ready to Adult at that level just yet.
I'm still trying to work out some world building issues to marry this story into the ending of Fred and Taz's series that is not completely written yet, so that's also fun. I'm throwing in an alternate Texas circa 1940's or so, steampunk elements, magic, and gods into the mix with surprise time travel, so there's a lot of moving parts but I'm excited to tackle them.
Since I work Thurs-Friday, I don't know how much writing I'll get done those days, so it may be down to the weekend to make more significant progress. We'll see.
Home Across the Universe, Story #10
Untitled, 2987 words
I wrote the entire 2987 words today, so I feel really good about that. I've written a couple previous drafts of this story since October but they just didn't quite come together how I wanted, so I put it on the back burner until now so I could concentrate on NaNo and then Project Zander.
So far, this story is about Stiles taking advantage of a new opportunity and seeing where it leads. It will be pretty Stiles and Peter-centric, with some Derek POV scenes thrown in. I am still developing the Kate plot thread introduced in Boyfriend Achievements: Unlocked, so I don't know if she will be appearing in this story or the next one. It depends on how long this piece decides to be.
So far, this first part was Stiles and John talking over the new opportunity with lots of Stiles' inner thoughts and references to things that have been happening since Christmas. I would say that Stiles is currently the most hopeful he has been in quite a while, so that's really nice to write.
Still, you guys know me. I do love my angst, so I'm sure I'll get to weave some in there somewhere, but so far Stiles's only angsty struggle is that two someone's currently occupying the Stilinski home *cough, Mini-Stiles and Austin, cough* broke the coffee pot and there's been a creative punishment enforced to work off that debt to buy a new one. And Stiles hasn't had coffee first thing in the morning in a week.
He's quite testy about that. But the new opportunity has the added incentive of free, good quality coffee, so he's all for it, even if it does come from Peter.
Other Projects:
I haven't physically worked on the other projects currently occupying other back burners this week, but the following stories are still in active progress:
Into The Black Episode Two
I did restructure what exists of Episode Two during December and wrote around 1k-2k on it. It is currently sitting at 5,876 words. Mainly it was tightening up the narrative, so I cut out a lot of stuff that was dragging the chapter down and fixing stuff to move the plot forward. I'm excited about what I have planned for that episode.
Rabbit Come Home, Part Three
I haven't touched what I have written for the third and final story in a while. It's currently sitting at 16,636 words. I know what I want to have happen in my head but I've had a hard time actually getting it written down, so that one may just need to marinate for a while before I can finish it. I want to do my vision justice and nail the ending.
That's all for now. I'm going to finish up some things and head to bed. 5 am is gonna come way too quick, I can already tell *cries*
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kellyurban18 ยท 2 years
I love you guys. I really do, but some of yall are taking my writing and updating once a week for granted so this is just a PSA.
This is a hobby. Writing fanfic is a hobby. It is a funy hobby and one of the two hobbies I have the other is sewing/quilting.
I am also a freelancer, a stay at home mom, and a single mom to twins on top of that. I've been a single mom since the day they left the NICU. I had preterm twin babies who still to this day have some behavioral problems that needs my attention.
I am a freelance Editor, Beta Reader, Ghostwriter, and Proofreader. I have clients and a job that doesn't officially have a clock out period. I am doing something 24/7.
Writing fanfic is fun, an escape, and something I don't completely need to focus on. Yes I edit it and I give it the courtesy skimming before publishing. But I do not write and edit and proofread my fanfics the way I write and edit for my job.
This is to escape that.
So while I am so glad and happy you guys love my stories that you want more of it, just remember when you comment or private message me two days after publishing a new chapter asking me to update...no just don't do it.
Don't do it to anyone. Everyone has a life outside of this world of fanfiction.
"Just post the chapters you've already written it's not a big deal"
Yes it fucking is Jessica. If I posted every chapter I have written for this story you would be confused. I dumpster write which means for the very first writing of a chapter I just slap down whatever I want to happen which ends up to be about 500-1k words then I edit that like 2-5 times before you have the chapters you all know and love with 3-4k words. Also I just wrote what? An 11k chapter for you little fuckers so relax a bit.
I am renovating a home and helping my narcissistic mom with her hoarding lifestyle while also listening to her telling me my freelancing isn't a real job despite the fact I support my self and my family just fine while also giving my sister money on the regular because she won't ask our parents anymore because they make her feel guilty for needing to pay her heating.
(Sorry. I love her I do. She's my best friend when she's on a good day but that switch can be turned in 0.3 seconds I swear.)
There are only so many hours in a day. So many hours in a week. I need more than most of those for my job(s).
This isn't to say I'm not open to comments reminding me,
"hey it's been a while are you going to update".
This is for the person who has religiously private messged me every week since the first chapter asking me to update two days after publishing and then messaging me every day until Tuesday night and messaging me every hour or two on Wednesdays until I update.
Last week when I didn't publish until Thursday she told me I had responsibilities to my readers.
I have never wanted to throw my computer out my window before.
I love you all and this was just a rant.
I will be publishing a little late this week again and probably all month since February is a busy month for me
I have my kids' 5th birthday on the 19th and we are going to Orlando on a family trip from the 23rd through to the 7th. Disney and Universal of course. So please keep that in mind near the end/beginning of the month if I don't publish around there.
Most of you are amazing and the "Can't wait for more!" Comments are great! I love reading your comments!
This was just a rant and a little reminder that fanfic writers have lives outside of this world even if we wish we didn't. Unfortunately the economy isn't very supportive of hobby writers lol
Okay I'm done I think.
Love you all.
It's like 5am over here so I'm going back to sleep.
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