#But his facial expression was hilarious
chuchujellybean · 5 months
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Has this been done before?
Art belongs to @linkeduniverse
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savvylittlecoxswain · 6 months
Fun fact, the number of stripes on the sweater sleeves correspond to the number of years a player spent on varsity.
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icyfox17 · 4 months
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Your honour I've seen two (2) episodes and im in love with him
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epicqtefail · 1 year
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Pop stik
WGHJWKLWJWHW Nothing could have prepared me for the absolute glee this evoked. I saw the first image and thought nothing in the world could be better than this but i spoke too soon. i scrolled down and screamed. I'm obsessed, i wish i could adequately express to you how this is just,, everything. it's perfect
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sexyvixen7 · 11 months
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(Source: 3saPhotography on Twitter)
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starleska · 9 months
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nothing more fun than calling yourself out for your type in fictional characters by filling out a bingo card 🙈💖 of course the Toymaker ticks off almost every trait, and to such a strong degree!!! 'unique voice' is an understatement 😂
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lamphous · 4 months
true boys are out tonight vibe at work today for the first time at this job (at lush it was near constantly good vibes only, until the transfer...) and I have been coasting all day. even the last half hour I was like I am having a ball on this bitch, I made a $700 sale and then had a 20 minute conversation with a funny guy named Guy who worked here in the 80s, both of them very drunk white dads, and it was a BLAST. I am riding this high forever.
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dellovestorant · 2 months
Someone check if they're using crowdstrike to operate the gates
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
I’m just gonna go ahead and say it - ranking Cuddles designs
#1 - V3 design. The black sclera and sharp teeth really cement the feeling of ‘evil’. Interesting and cohesive
#2 - Squeaky toy cuddles. Volume 1 introduced us to all of these characters, gave us the rundown of what we needed to know. Cuddles’s unassuming appearance here parallels the hospitals squeaky clean innocent reputation hiding something sinister beneath. Also he’s just funny to look at
Last place - eye blood. Don’t like it
I like early reboot Cuddles because of how drastically different his appearance was from his personality. Again I'm a bit biased because I like cutesy cuddly characters who are actually really Messed Up, but his design felt solid.
Though I will admit I also really like the v3 design. I mainly thought that the black eyes were a nice way of adding different colors to his design so he isn't just all pink, plus I liked the way that it didn't necessarily SCREAM "evil". I also liked the sharp teeth because it was a nice little feature of what his actual species is. The little stitches on his ears and his claws + the angel wings were small but important details. Also his facial expressions were hilarious in that volume.
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Hey general, what do you think of children? Could be about the nice ones or the demonic ones, I just need an opinion on them because I myself live with a hellspawn of a younger cousin that enjoys yanking my hair out.
((Also may the rng gods bless your blog and the 6 other geshu lin likers, i have been digging for scraps about this man because I'm struggling to figure out his character and I wanna write a fic about him becoming an (unwilling?) father for shits and giggles))
Geshu Lin had a rather deadpan expression on his face, not having to think overly hard about this particular inquiry.
“I think that they are all equally exhausting. Children, naturally, have potential, but that potential can only come from proper discipline and care.” He answered with a blunt tone. He had never been overly fond of children, but he understood that they couldn’t control how they were— it was simply human nature.
“As for your cousin, try offering an alternative… find a way to turn that habit into a skill such as… gardening or something… perhaps he’ll like ripping up weeds more.”
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
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He can bitch without even using words. I love that hater energy. Rin can only dream of being this lethal
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loustyles · 1 year
louie gifmakers are so damn boring. you only gif to sexualize him or objectify him and never gif any unique or cute moments from the shows. 🙄 nobody wants to see the same gif 40 times
"louie gifmakers" lmao anyways this is so funny and just completely incorrect. Louis having fun on stage is the MOST frequent type of show gif I see of him. My 1st post back after a while was a pride post and appreciation of the cool stage lights. Here's louis kicking the ball , being giggly with fans , admiring the crowd , forgetting the lyrics from other """louie gifmakers""" Sorry you can't handle people being excited over louis wearing a tanktop. He looks cool. He looks confident. I feel proud for reasons i don't care to explain. but most importantly: you are allowed to show attraction without it being sexualization or objectification???
As always, you're welcome to make your own gifs :) OR even request things! But I'd suggest being much nicer about it if you do.
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show-tunes · 1 year
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I love that Leshy never changes his facial expression at all throughout the entire game until he thinks about his ex husband
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checoswrld · 2 years
My man thought he was finally free 😭😭
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anangelwhodidntfall · 5 months
Like Mother, Like Daughter: Simon Riley
Call Of Duty Masterlist
word count: 400
description: in which you and ghost have a baby girl who loves to copy your facial expressions
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You always wore how you were feeling on your face, everyone could tell what mood you were in based on your facial expressions. It was one of the many things Simon loved about you, considering he was so stoic and neutral faced something that he learns from his years in the military. 
When you and Simon had your baby girl Liliana, you two always fought about her favorite was and who she favored more which was clearly you. But the one thing she loved to do was copy anything  and everything you were doing including your facial expressions. 
Simon found it hilarious when you would be glaring at someone graves for example and babygirl would try and copy or whenever you were mad him, he would not only have one set of eyes glaring at him but his own babygirl glaring at him because her mom was. But the moments you were happy and in a good mood, he would find that smile he fell in love with duplicated on y'all's mini which made his heart grow.
You rolled your eyes at the sight of Graves, making a displeased sound at seeing the man as you adjusted Lilly on your hip. Liliana saw this and immediately tried rolling her eyes at Graves and making a noise of disapproval before giving him her best side eye that she learned from her mama. 
Now the guys had heard stories about Lily copying you're facial expressions but never truly got to see it until today and their reactions didn't disappoint. Kyle was barely keeping together upon witnessing this. Now Soap couldn't hold it together at the sight of Liliana try to copy you at the sight of Graves and ended up laughing at the sight. 
"Ghost...does she always do this?" Price asked looking at you and Lily who were still side eyeing Graves. 
"Always. Anything mama does, she copies." He said with a smile.
"Like mother, like daughter." Price said with a smile as he looked over at you and Lily. Simon smiled at his comment before making his way over to where you guys were standing gently pulling your attention away from Graves and towards him. 
"That's my mama and babygirl." Simon said pressing a kiss to Lilly's forehead and then one on your lips. 
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cerealbishh · 2 years
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amit being a mood in ep. 5 of animal control
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