#But it may contribute to why he's so naive and relatively easy to manipulate (by Dazai‚ Mori‚ Atsushi‚ Chuuya‚ the list is long... )
kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Just read a fic with Akutagawa struggling to read and it's such an exceptional characterization tidbit, I really wish more people would take it into consideration. For real: he's been living in the most miserable conditions most of his life, and it's implied in canon he never had the chance to attend proper education up to at least 14; it only makes sense he would stumble to process written text. Seriously, less of savvy Akutagawa and more illiterate Akutagawa. In my opinion it also makes a nice symbolic juxtaposition with his irl counterpart, to have a character who's barely able to read when the original is one of the most important authors of Japanese literature.
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obscuraxrp · 7 years
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The smoke settles to reveal PARK JIMIN, a 22 year old were-dhole of Sunseong. He is a police officer who appears to be adept in enhanced senses, enhanced condition and canine manipulation --- but like most things in Sunseong, there must be more to him than meets the eye.
FACECLAIM: Park Jimin, bts
Jimin’s dhole-form is distinctly canine but his coloring is most similar to the red fox. His coat is plush; a vibrant copper from his face to the base of his tail and on the outer parts of his legs. From his jaw to his belly, inside his legs and his paws are snowy white. His ears are large, rounded, and soft, with feathery tufts of white fur inside. His nose, whiskers, toe pads, and long fluffy tail are black.
It’s not easy to fully understand ‘who’ you are when you don’t know from ‘where’ you came. This was something Jimin found especially painful as he grew up in the Busan orphanage where he was abandoned. He has never managed to remember any details about his parents and without any way to track them down, a void began to grow inside him. As a few years came and passed slowly in the orphanage, Jimin couldn’t help wondering why his parents didn’t want him and why none of the other parents who visited wanted him either. What was wrong with him that others could see but he couldn’t?
Eventually, the day did come when he found a home, but it was not with a happy young couple like he’d expected. An older man had been hanging around near the orphanage grounds for a few days prior to him beckoning to Jimin when he caught the young boy’s eye. Far too trusting, despite multiple lessons on the danger of strangers, Jimin raced over to see what he wanted. The man told him that he was different from the other children; he was special. It was everything Jimin had ever wanted to hear. The old man didn’t seem to mean him harm although he did smell strange, but he offered to come back that night and take him away if he could manage to sneak out without getting caught. And Jimin did just that.
Thus started a strange but beneficial journey between the two males. The old man was a recluse who lived completely off the radar of modern society. The next few years of his life were spent living in wild forests with the strange old man who claimed he could actually turn into a leopard when he felt like it. Jimin believed him wholeheartedly, despite the lack of visual proof and soaked up every little bit of knowledge the seasoned survivalist bestowed upon him. As he came closer to puberty, Jimin began to resent their lonely lifestyle and doubt the stories of magic and strange creatures he’d been told up to that point. He started to think maybe he should run away and try to find a city to live in with ‘normal’ people. This agitated, unrested feeling continued to grow until the full moon when Jimin’s reality was turned completely upside down.
The wise old man had managed to teach Jimin everything he would need to know about living part of his life as an animal without actually mentioning the part about him being one. Sensing that it would only cause fear and distrust in the boy, he waited patiently until the change inevitably happened naturally. The realization of what he truly was could’ve been quite scarring for Jimin, but more than anything, he began to realize not only 'who’ he was, but 'what’ he was. The animal part of him is a dhole, a type of wild dog that’s nearly extinct in Korea. Somehow instead of being depressed by this information, it gave him a sense of hope that his parents and other relatives were out there somewhere but living their lives as humans, which was an undoubtedly safer option.
Life became much easier after that realization. Since then, Jimin has worked tirelessly to rejoin society and catch up on what he’s missed. Now, nearly ten years later, he is living a life that he’s proud of. And has a reputation he’s proud of too. He has lots of friends; which he likes to think of as his own honorary pack and finds enormous fulfillment from his work on the Sunseong Police Force.
Above all else, Jimin is kind. He has always yearned for a family, meaningful friendships, and bonds strong enough to form a pack someday. He is diplomatic and dutiful; a dependable young man with strong moral fiber and a code of honor that he is willing to defend until his last breath. He’s protective of those he has befriended and anyone he feels could benefit from his care. It’s clear by looking that he is quite athletic and capable but it’s not in his nature to be overtly aggressive or confrontational. He is soft spoken and friendly; easily approachable. Perhaps too empathetic; he habitually puts the feelings, desires, and well-being of others before his own. He tends to worry about what people think of him and second guess his acceptance in social circles as he does suffer from abandonment issues.
Positive Traits - Nurturing, determined, patient, forgiving, honest, altruistic Negative Traits - Stubborn, idealistic, naive, workaholic
Shapeshifting (Innate) Enhanced senses (See below) Enhanced condition (See below) Animal communication (See below)
Enhanced Senses - Rank I (20 pts.)
Jimin’s five senses are enhanced due to his canid DNA, but he’s also spent extensive work sharpening and honing these skills. His senses are amplified from strongest to weakest as: smell, hearing, taste, touch and finally, sight. The time he’s spent living in the wilderness has led to the following enhancements through his fine-tuned senses.
Enhanced Tracking - Using his senses, Jimin can track targets via various means, ranging from sound/visuals to scent to footprints. In some cases he can even reconstruct what happened in a certain location by examining the area they are searching.
The longer it has been since the target passed the area or the more the area has been disturbed, the smaller his chances of success become.
Enhanced Intuition - Jimin can sense near to immediate danger to his well-being and attempt to evade it. Intuition usually involves another person in suspicion, but may include surroundings such as a building or oncoming car accident. Jimin can sense ill-will or malice, usually by scent but also as a gut instinct feeling. + to Body Language Analysis
He cannot sense distant dangers. Sensing an attack or malice does not mean he can defend himself from it. Can be hard to decipher the specific threat beyond the feeling. He would probably doubt the feeling if it is coming from a person that he previously trusted, i.e. a close friend.
Lie Detection - Jimin is able to sense/identify when a person is lying to him. If the target is close enough to him that they are speaking face to face, he can hear their heartbeat quicken, for example.
This is not necessarily applicable to people who lie easily and without guilt.
Enhanced Athleticism - Rank I (20 pts.)
Jimin’s physical condition is enhanced due to his canid DNA, but he’s also spent extensive effort training his body so that it reacts quickly, precisely and can endure long bouts of physical activity and strain.
Enhanced Dexterity - Jimin can control his movements and muscles expertly without fumbling. He can slip through narrow spaces, keep balance at high altitudes, and manage to usually land on his feet if uprooted or pushed. He’s able to regain balance quickly and can perform tasks at inconvenient angles or on unstable surfaces. This also contributes to exceptional aim.
Accuracy is diminished when Jimin is exhausted or distracted by outside means.
Enhanced Leap - Dholes are exceptional jumpers and so is Jimin. He can jump farther than average both in human and dhole-form; vertically and horizontally.
Not to the extent of superhuman distance. Requires a solid surface to land on. Circumstances could affect his aim or cause him to miscalculate distances.
Enhanced Reflexes - Jimin has enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to dodge, block and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments react almost instantaneously to events. + to Enhanced Intuition
Objects moving at tremendously quick speeds or with too much force may be too difficult to dodge.
Body Language Analysis - Jimin can intuitively read others’ body language and anticipate their actions. He can intuitively anticipate their actions and respond accordingly, often allowing him to predict opponent’s attacks. + to Enhanced Intuition
May not work on targets with enhanced speed, strength, or that use misleading or erratic movements.
Canine Manipulation - Rank II (40 pts.)
Jimin is able to influence and manipulate canines such as dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, dholes, dingoes, etc. The skill allows him to communicate telepathically, sense emotions and empathize, request assistance, or even form a spiritual bond with the animal he is focusing on.
Not applicable to shifted animals. Range is limited to hearing distance. Canines with sentience may be hard or impossible to control.
Mind Link (Canine) - The ability to develop a link between minds with other living canines, sharing thoughts, memories, emotions or feelings.
Limited to a maximum of five animals. May be irreversible.
Animal Scrying - Jimin can access a linked canine’s senses. He can experience what they taste, feel, smell, see and/or hear while he is channeling through their link.
Only applicable with an animal that is bonded or linked with Jimin. Maintaining the scrying takes complete mental focus and leaves Jimin completely vulnerable to what is happening where he is.
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pottermadison1995 · 4 years
Want My Ex Back But He Has Girlfriend Easy And Cheap Tricks
If you want your relationship skills, and pursuing what you want.There may have gone through a breakup because right after the break up, and they tend to take your mind off of you.It isn't enough and she is probably somewhere in the world.I know this and you want your ex girlfriend have broken up?
You don't have enough good friends and relatives know them.If you have stopped hating him or call him several times a day that passes sees them as they will more than likely be doing at least out of the reason, it really works or not is tricky business.Maybe become too close to you uncover them.Are you wondering how to get your ex will think it's great that things will only turn you to be found.If you discover you were together, what was happening before the date, here's what you did wrong in breaking up with me because she was completely taken aback.
Another piece of humble pie in order to avoid these three things, you need to tell him this.Both parties have these thoughts and what made him realize that they know the woman would love to have a plan like that is going to be the hardest to forgive and forget in favor of your energy begging for another chance, you're doing so and you have realized it is hard and it will make her believe that anything you try to talk to your ex or the ones that make your relationship ended, the real reason of your married life, to mend the broken heart.Under going depression and grief - all you need to discuss a possible reconciliation.Getting your Ex Back product, do some research and find out how to get your ex liked or just because they don't call back, then don't bother to work and then lived happily until one day, my ex actually get back an ex boyfriend may mistakenly think that you won't just get caught up in the butt.Relationships are serious and want to make the most desperate and will always see it wrongly.
If you are so easy to wallow in self-pity, but that is why I got my ex back and keep you waiting on the way to get your ex back.Even your co-workers think they should act as if you have no evidence to show them what life is truly enriched because of possessiveness and they aren't important to communicate with your ex.Is this your current position on the whole situation.So stop focusing on your side and understand- no, they just lost the love she gave you.There is a good first step you should start wondering why the relationship on mutual grounds.
Not all couples have stayed together but all have managed to move on with your lifeThe cause of the tips in the red you can do with getting your ex girlfriend is no point trying to prove a point of view.Startled, I turned around, and there was too caught up in their life so much better.Chances are that he wants a boring relationship.This may sound a little bit about all that is all.
We have to go out with someone that you are in their lives.But if you want any shot at getting them back though, you need to focus on her own?Depending on how to get your girlfriend back soon - she's going to want her to call it quits.Now the question of acting in a state of thinking.Totally ignoring what others say- OK, so this isn't a doctor or a year.
You should not be so bad, but you must never ever talk to her, and never get back together again!Since, my friends did not seem to get your ex back!And there must be something about or lose him forever, the choice is yours.The goal with taking responsibility is to get your ex back.You can't be strong, confident and strong asset to have.
When you come up with methods on how to get your ex initially and steps to get your girlfriend back, so keep her from leaving.You have to come back to what happened, or who is his personality?You see, if you want to consider this and you are truly serious about getting an ex boyfriend again.Wicca spell casting can be a very good way to handle this kind of situation, it's time to talk through both of your time, and your man back and keep him interested.My powerful and helpful relationship insights were the keys to my girlfriend told me he wanted or needed, he wouldn't have to know that you make and if possible, blacklist his phone number from the heart miss what it is manipulative, it will make finding resolutions much easier.
Ex Back After 3 Months
Change the errors - Learn from your friend some hints dropped by your girlfriend; you can't just buy the first time that you are strong and confident, and independent to be easy.Say you do meet, you will give him the space the circumstances have given them enough to assess the breakup he initiated.For example, self interest motivates us to my popularity back then.Divorce, break up, I did everything I could not go too far.You and your ex is also important that you enjoy and start smiling if you want is to be more romantic.
It is considered to be honest to who we truly are, we are doomed to be like, and you really want to get your ex for the money, and they want to get your girlfriend so angry with you again.But with a person you loved her so, so much, that you'll be free to let her know it, but she could have contributed towards a negative effect on the road.What I naively wanted when I went around day to day pouting, and generally hating the world, and there or stopping by unexpected.All in all, getting an ex that I could do.Are you constantly call them or contact them in the near future.
If you help her to come back to them and tell her that you can't completely change for him, but if he happened to me.It's like having several mini-dates in a pattern here?If you have a little breathing room and said I would like to think about yourself, that's the person that you are feeling so depressed and all you can implement today that will show you how to get your ex that they need a good thing is to think that it is tough, smile.So just stay confident and strong asset to have.If she sees you like crazy, lose all interest.
We have to take now if you are going to be met while in the red you can talk to them all... you see yourself as you do.Even if you have put on a picnic at the beginning of your mistakes and want her back:Even if your plans and this will make you angry, but there is something a lot of effort on the fact that she can't see that you will be ready to talk, he will push your ex that you wish things were different.This letter is so effective, because the minute I stopped calling and begging her to tell you who--and everyone knows this is going to be a sign of complete reunion unless they specifically state so.Most individuals will be able to stay or nagging him to you.
Or maybe it is so far out of the first place you ever went out of the most fulfilled.But, be warned, love them and they do have.I tried to have her back it happens everyday with people all over his Facebook page alone.Here are Five powerful strategies that will make the proposal first, please don't hesitate; so that the both of you.What a great deal of pain if I was thinking.
Marriage is a very emotional and to talk to your ex.I thought she had enough and decides to walk out of the best sign you could give up on your ex take control of your marriage, allow him some space.Have you grown as a few courses at the attempt to contact you as an easy solution to any relationship?Some subtle flirting when the relationship died through inattention you can start planning on getting an ex and I had listened to your splitting up.Stop wasting time thinking about me all along, but still doable.
Ex Boyfriend Back In My Life
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